BY: Sandy Sitron · Astro + Tarot
Allow opposition to bring awareness this Aries Full Moon, says Sandra Sitron… Artwork: Sara Shakeel

Full Moon at 23 degrees Aries :: October 16 2016 :: 12:23 am EDT
The Aries Full Moon is a time to break out into a fresh field of experience. To leave fear behind. To explore a higher octave of expansion. But to do so we will need to be open to new perspectives. We are being asked to boldly consider our relationships, our identity, and our openness to change.
Any Full Moon is a flowering. It’s a time to reap what you sowed at the New Moon two weeks ago. It’s also a time of all-out energy, and emotionally driven actions. The flower opens. The bees buzz. The allure is high. Action is high. Reaction is also high.
The Full Moon occurs when the Moon and Sun face-off. In Astrology, this aspect is called an Opposition. The Moon is in Aries and opposite the Sun in Libra.
Any Opposition bring our awareness to two sides of the same story. The Libra-Aries axis is the story of Relationship. Aries is relationship to oneself (identity). And Libra is relationship to another (partnership). Aries is “me” and Libra is “me and you.” Aries speaks to identity and individuality. The drive to push the ego identity forward into the world. The desire to be alive. Libra is balance and partnerships. Libra wants to objectively understand the self AND the perspective of the other person.
This Aries Full Moon offers a chance to step into a new relationship pattern. It is a time to upgrade your perspective through greater understanding of yourself and the people around you.
What is the lesson of the Aries-Libra axis? It teaches us to know ourselves well, but try to objectively understand the other person too. It teaches us to hold our boundaries. It reminds us that when we concede to another person habitually, we experience a build-up of resentment and self-victimization. It shows that when we lash out in anger, without awareness of how we influence those around us, we create pain and discord.
This axis can help us learn that anger (a trait ruled by Aries) is a powerful emotion for self-protection, and that it is productive as long as it is expressed responsibly. Ask, can you communicate your anger while still staying open to love? Or does your anger cause you to shut down? Alternatively, have you become so distanced from your anger, that it has been bottled up and transformed into resentment? (A good way to discover if you are denying your own anger is if you find yourself habitually surrounded by “angry” people).
Aries-Libra teaches how to say “Yes” to your own identity, while simultaneously acknowledging the other person’s “Yes.” To acknowledge what you need and what someone else needs. In conflict, know what you need and how you feel. Then ask the other person what they need and how they feel. Find solutions that enliven both of you. This is Aries-Libra at it’s best.
Join our FREE Aries Full Moon Ritual, Sunday Oct 16 at 5pm PST / 8pm EST. Sign up here!
Stepping onto a field of fresh, new daisies.
Sunday’s Aries Full Moon will open up the path to new understanding of self and other. Yet there is another dimension to this lunation that we haven’t discussed yet—the dimension of change. There is a major opportunity to change at play, because “The Great Awakener” Uranus is conjunct the Aries Full Moon.
Depending on how you orient yourself, this Moon can be shocking, or it can be fun. Where you are open, you will learn and grow. Where you are closed, you will find yourself in the same old shadow of your fears. The fresh field of daisies is there. It’s waiting for you to explore. It’s dewy. It’s alive. You planted the seeds at the last New Moon and they grew. They are beautiful. The field invites you to come out and play. As long as you are open, lively and flexible you will work well with this awakening energy. And wherever you are attached to a certain outcome, or operating from a fearful habit, you may encounter volatility.
Put yourself in a mindset that opens you up to be refreshed. Let yourself step into a new perspective. Certainly, there may be arguments and disagreements. Refine your approach to conflict so that it broadens your perspective instead of leaving you shut down. There is usually something to be learned from a disagreement. A shift in perspective can feel easy—if you are flexible and open to change. Or it can feel hard—if you remain attachment to a certain outcome.
You can use the energy of this lunation as an opportunity for some self-study in this area. During the 24 hours before or after the Full Moon, carve out some space and time for reflection. Journal freely or ask yourself the following questions. Remember that whatever arises is exactly what you are ready for:
– Have I been making time for the projects and activities that are truly important to me?
– What would I do today if I wasn’t worried about what anyone else thought?
– In what relationship(s) in my life do I feel stuck?
– How would I like it to feel instead?
– What do I need to do, feel, or think to make this shift happen?
A ray of light cutting through clouds.
The Full Moon is conjunct Uranus. Uranus awakens us, shocks us, changes us. Uranus is the Magician, Inventor, and Rebel. He helps us break free from tradition and defy the establishment. He shows us a completely new idea. He opens us up to a new dimension.
However you experience this lunation will give you big clues about how you experience change in general. Notice this weekend when you tighten up with resistance. Keep pushing yourself to innovate. The sunlight cutting through the clouds symbolizes your true identity cutting through fear. Fear is just a story. Tell yourself a new story in which you are strong.
Your recipe for strength during this lunation is one part flexibility, one part self-understanding, and one part diplomatic grace.
This lunation challenges you to adapt. Whatever area of your chart the Moon falls in is where your adaptation will be most apparent. If you know what house of your chart 23 degrees Aries is in, read for that house. Otherwise, read for your sign.
Aries or 1st House
Am I open to change with my identity? What happens emotionally when my identity is challenged?
Taurus or 12th House
Am I open to change with my spirituality? What happens emotionally when my spirituality is challenged?
Gemini or 11th House
Am I open to change with my hopes and dreams? What happens emotionally when my dreams are challenged?
Cancer or 10th House
Am I open to change with my career? What happens emotionally when my career is challenged?
Leo or 9th House
Am I open to change with my philosophical views? What happens emotionally when my core philosophies are challenged?
Virgo or 8th House
Am I open to change with my sexuality? What happens emotionally when my sexuality is challenged?
Libra or 7th House
Am I open to change with my relationships? What happens emotionally when my relationships are challenged?
Scorpio or 6th House
Am I open to change with my health and habits? What happens emotionally when my health and habits are challenged?
Sagittarius or 5th House
Am I open to change with my self-expression? What happens emotionally when my self-expression is challenged?
Capricorn or 4th House
Am I open to change with my home or family? What happens emotionally when my home or family relationships are challenged?
Aquarius or 3rd House
Am I open to change with my ideas? What happens emotionally when my ideas are challenged?
Pisces or 2nd House
Am I open to change with my money? What happens emotionally when my finances are challenged?
Join our FREE Aries Full Moon Ritual, Sunday Oct 16 at 5pm PST / 8pm EST. Sign up here!