Tarotscopes December 2015 cast by Louise Androlia using The Cosmic Tarot.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising :: Princess of Wands

I think it’s only right that we should feel a little more super powered around our birthday, and for you there’s no exception. After all, this is your official new year, your solar-powered leap into a new and inviting space. So it may not be strange for you to feel more active than usual over the coming weeks, and I don’t just mean physically. That mind of yours has a lot to think about, which could be adventure enough.

The word adventure does feel fitting though, as it seems as you have your eyes on a prize, something ahead that you’ve been planning for or maybe are waiting for. For some of you this may involve a little future tripping that sees you just trying to wish yourself somewhere else, while for others this could manifest as a physical and very irritating wait. Either way, your power lies in your ability to trust the process and take action only in the present moment. Having goals and making plans is brilliant, but only if it comes without self-imposed restrictions.

So, at the start of this new solar year I want to ask you, what is it that you’re striving for? And how can you make your journey towards it more empowered and less anxiety ridden? Although we often decide not to believe this, we get to choose exactly how high our stress levels are. After all, you have the ability to decided how you react and respond to your every day encounters and thought processes. As you move through the month I want you to bear in mind that any situation that’s fuelled by drama really isn’t worth putting your mind, body and spirit on high alert for. Save your stress reserve for when you really need it, and instead work out how you can better channel your Fire element.

You are ruled by Fire after all, and it’s one of the best elements to learn to master. On a lower level setting it could see you getting angry, frustrated, judgmental and self sabotaging; but at a higher vibration, the same situation could find you creating, dreaming, imagining and in your ultimate manifesting space. Monitoring your mood over the coming weeks if you feel yourself spiraling downwards, consider how you could channel that Fire in a way that will work much more constructively for you. Just imagine what you might encounter in this higher energy.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse


Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising :: Judgement

And what comes after retreat? Rebirth. This is a big month for you, with your own solar year set to take off in line with the new year itself, I feel you’re going to be big on making PLANS and for once, instead of telling you to slow down I’m going to encourage you to stand up, pay attention and get involved. With your attention fully on your own life, it deserves to be grabbed fully, embraced and absorbed. You have the energy of transformation on your side so it’s certainly the right time to be preparing to make any big changes you’ve been inching towards.

So, what does this mean for you? Change is an interesting energy, whether the changes are subtle or life altering, great or not so, the feelings that come along with any sort of change are always the same – overwhelm, anxiety and feeling ungrounded. The power at your fingertips is to be able to empower the shifts you are going through as they arrive, as you create them. The Tarot teaches us that transformation is a natural part of life, and a constantly occurring process. The cycles of life spin frequently and we always, always have the opportunity to get actively involved.

So this month’s card is very much a WAKE UP CALL. What are you hiding from? What fears are you afraid to address? What do you want to quit? What do you want to call in? Your journey is sooooo on your side right now, and you are truly encouraged to scrape the sleep from the corners of your eyes and get up and get on it! It’s exciting to commit to a new day; it’s thrilling to commit to a new part of your life. We all know that the unknown can be a terrifying concept but, oh, isn’t it just beautiful too?

The sun is in the distance, rainbows surround you, your pains are waning, and your opportunities are arising. An important part of emerging from the shadows will be a sense of standing your ground, learning to really say NO to what doesn’t feel good, and getting rid of any people pleasing tendencies once and for all. Your priority is on valuing your time and being precious about spending it in ways that lift you into your higher powers. The next stage of your life is knocking at the door, go and introduce yourself

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse


Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising :: Prince of Swords

Reclaiming your power is the grand theme for this month, and some idea of what your power is in the first place will go hand-in-hand with this. Empowerment arises out of self-knowledge and self-awareness, hence the reason a strong self-care practice really is the key to everything. I mention “re-claiming” because there is a sense of rising up and connecting to your internal confidence in a new and more embodied way.

Our personal power is always shifting, due to our experiences and the emotions they give rise to. It’s likely that in the recent months you have experienced events or even just a shift in mindset that have caused you to rethink your place in the world and your place within yourself. The first step to embodying this new sense of self is to check back in and see where you’re at in your story, and how authentic you’re feeling. Okay so we get told to be authentic alllllll the time, but what does that really mean? To behave truly authentically we have to meet ourselves where we ARE. If you’re ignoring or rejecting any part of yourself or your story then it’s very difficult to really stand in your highest self, and your present moment shoes.

Part of being an empowered individual is saying, right this is what’s happened, this is how I felt, this is how I feel right now and it’s all okay. You are here, you are alive, and you are powerful, no matter how weird you feel inside! It’s about standing up and recognizing: “this is me, this is where I am today, I am not broken, I am an evolving human being.” Notice the sense of relief that washes over you when you just allow yourself to be where you’re at?

I want you to be considering all this because I feel you may need it during your interactions with others. There are lots of new ideas in the air, and it can be scary to share them with the world, and throw your opinions into the mix but know that when you speak from a place of compassion and self-knowledge, they are usually well received. Your fears are normal, but it really IS time to get yourself “out there.” Gift yourself a renewed sense of confidence by simply reminding yourself ‘I’m here’ – and you will always be exactly where you are supposed to be.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse


Pisces :: Pisces Rising :: The Hierophant

If you’re feeling stuck, ask for help. If you’re feeling sad, ask for help. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, ask for help. If you’re feeling heartbroken, ask for help. If you’re feeling unwell, ask for help. This month, guidance is abundant; it’s within every encounter, it’s in the body of your books, it’s in that internet black hole, it’s on the walk you take in the park, and it’s available via every wish and prayer you make. Although it’s normal to feel the opposite, the sense that you’re all alone is not true.

Whatever you’re feeling has been felt before, there are people all around you who feel alone too – especially the ones that you think couldn’t possibly! There is always a ‘me too’ whether you’re hearing it right now or not. This is a teaching month, one where you can receive help but also one where you can give aid, because you see, you have wisdom to share too. If you have a story, and we all do, then at some point it will help you to share it. There is, however, no need to feel you have to share it right NOW. You have to do your own healing first, and then you can be of service. Then you can be that ‘me too’ for the person who needs it.

So, what do you need to receive right now? Where are you feeling disconnected – what kind help would be appreciated? The Universe is throwing winks at you big time, so attempt to get yourself into a space where you can receive them. Synchronicities and numinous moments are for everyone, there’s no complicated magic trick to perform, but you do need to be able to see them. You can keep your eyes wide open by practicing a constant state of surrender, which instantly throws you into an expansive space.

Start each day by shouting, or whispering I SURRENDER into the open space around you. Make your intention that you want to see the full 360 degrees of life, the unturned stones and the dark corners. If you aren’t receiving it’s only because you aren’t seeing, and this is a fun exercise to wake yourself up to this simple truth, because we all fall asleep sometimes. Finally, write, write and write some more. You gain great inner voice direction when you put pen to paper and just let it all out.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse


Aries :: Aries Rising – The Lovers

The past few months have required you to scatter your time and your attention in all directions, but now it’s time for a little more one-on-one. This is a month of reassessing what the idea of true connection means to you within your most personal interactions, and that includes the relationship with yourself. What if a full-blown gigantic love affair was the only option in every area of your life? Imagine if you had to have a big crush on every single thing you do, every place you go, and every person you choose to spend your time with.

With this visual in your mind, what needs to be cleared out? What things in your life don’t seem to have stuck in a good way? What seems frivolous? I want you to be aiming high for your mind, body and spirit and accepting no impostors – including how you handle your own sense of authenticity. For those of you who are in a partnership, don’t feel guilty about closing the door and committing to your relationship with each other. Retreat with each other, because it feels like there’s a deeper level of connection just around the corner – you just have to allow the space for it to occur.

Those of you who are single, think about what you might be wasting your energy on. You don’t have to be seeking a relationship to appreciate the people in your sphere. Who do you find most fascinating? Which individuals can teach you new things and hold your attention? You are a person of high energy and ideas and if your mind isn’t led to discover new things then you will get bored. In all senses though Aries, this is a month for intimacy and depth, rather than throwing yourself into group after group activity. Cherish late night phone calls, and cozy dinner dates.

Meanwhile, the same applies on the work front. Buckle down and focus your attention on the project that makes you swoon, the one that keeps you up at night. While on one hand it may freak you out to explore one thing so deeply, you have got this. There may be a big decision coming your way, and if you commit to following the signs that feel good, then even on the smallest level you’re all set to learn something that contributes massively to your overall transformation. So dive in, don’t play small.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse


Taurus :: Taurus Rising – Queen of Wands

Is this month going to rise up and match the intensity that you’re infusing it with? Unlikely, but that doesn’t mean you can’t rise up and march on if that is what’s calling you. As the year winds down, instead of feeling like all you want is to camp out on your sofa for days on end, you may find yourself at your most creatively active and abundant. The only annoyance might come trying and get others to meet you in that space, so don’t panic if you’re trying to push to get something off the ground and you’re met with out-of-office after out-of-office response; you can still be as alive as you like!

You see, I feel that a renewed sense of confidence is about to hit you head on, and after a year of ups and downs, as well as some bouts of major uncertainty, you are frankly thrilled to be feeling back in your power. I urge you to reflect on the story you are living; the patches that seem less active are only ever in place to teach you something, even if it was simply to rest before being radically awoken. Everything is in place to gift you something, whether you work it out now or you see it in ten years’ time – the Universe is ever abundant with her messages.

So, with your energy activated, feel free to use it how you please – with only one rule: it has to be for your highest good and from your highest energy. You can be prone to self-sabotage or restricted thinking on the occasions where you aren’t getting what you want and it’s essential to avoid this now, after all, your life purpose is not to hold yourself down, right? So get into adventure mode and into your most creative mindset – make things, brainstorm, invent, and enthuse.

This doesn’t have to be based in one area either; you can be passionate about everything that’s in your life’s container, love harder, be bolder, and think deeper. I love that you have this opportunity to end the calendar year with your fire energy high and abundant, it’s certainly the time where you don’t need to worry about being grounded, be your weirdest, shout your loudest. Have fun, celebrate everything, and don’t withhold your love from anyone. Be wild.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse


Gemini :: Gemini Rising – Five of Swords

Time to step into a major time of recalibration, especially if you really did end up in massive Gemini communication mode over the last weeks. You may feel overwhelmed and exhausted, downtrodden and energy sapped – and it’s okay! These moments are always a call for us to get back into our body and shift the focus to self-care. When we feel scattered, it’s usually because we’ve been pouring out more energy than we’ve been accepting in. The balance is off and – ta da – we feel sapped and irritated.

This can happen because of the people we spend our time with, the work we do, and the environments and situations we enter or observe – and especially if we don’t have the energetic tools to manage. So, I want you to begin a daily energy protection practice. Yes daily, non negotiable! Every morning, leave your home with a visual of yourself surrounded by an unbreakable bubble. Every evening, take long deep breaths whilst visualizing yourself underneath a powerful waterfall. With every outbreath, imagine dust and dirt draining out of your feet and into the earth.

Meanwhile, when you feel scattered rub the palms of your hands together and say to yourself: “I am exactly where I am supposed to be.” Visualize roots growing out of your feet and securing in the ground beneath you. Modern life is designed to throw you out of your body, and that it’s your responsibility to get back in. I also want you to consider anywhere that you are feeling restricted or penned in right now, and how much energy you are contributing to this situation. Where are you retreating when you could be rising up?

You are the only one responsible for your feelings, even when it seems to be the opposite, so show yourself some compassionate and give yourself the nurture you need. The end of the year is the perfect time to practice taking pressure off yourself, and off other people. Give yourself a break, you deserve it, you always deserve it. These times of retreat are always aligned to shift us back into an empowered space, and so the more connected you are to your mind, body and spirit, the more prepared you are the embrace your future adventures at their fullest.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse


Cancer :: Cancer Rising – Queen of Pentacles

I feel like the energy you’ve been just dying to receive is finally coming in – you know, something a little more solid and grounded, a little slower and less frantic. This month feels like a nice, long, deep breath, and with this a huge release of mind-based tension. This is the Earth element, and I also feel a theme of deep and nurturing mothering energy present for you. It’s not to say that you need looking after but you have needed support, and whilst you’ve been managing to pool it together from around and about, this time it’s coming from within. It’s like your legs are the roots of the tree now, and you feel way more confident in saying “I can do this” and “I’ve got this.”

In order to really ride the bliss of this idea of course, you also have to accept it by stepping away from any of your current self-sabotaging brainwaves. It’s very easy to down play yourself and it’s even easier to compare yourself to others. But why? What’s the point? You have to accept your unique brilliance to be able to live within its power, and now is a rather nice time to do so.

So, yes, you have talents and you can create stability. Whether you feel it right now or not, there is potential for that sense of feeling rooted within the world. Remember that empowerment and connection don’t come from external sources or from ticking goals off your life to-do list. You can be rich and successful and still feel disembodied and alone. You know it, so remember it.

As the year draws to a close I feel as though you are also going to be more needed, in every capacity of the word, and after feeling like the needy one for quite a while it will be thrilling to really be a guide to others for a while. Ask those who you think might need you if they require help and donate your time to causes and people that you believe in. This theme covers all your skills and abilities, and even though you might be hiding some of yourself in the shadows it feels like someone around you is going to be not so gently nudging you in the ribs saying, “it’s time, do that thing, it’s okay, you can do it.” Accept the proposal and be the ruler of your world.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse


Leo :: Leo Rising – Four of Swords

There’s not such a huge shift in energy for you as the year draws to a close, I still feel a huge sense of stillness. With a double dose of this message however, it’s likely that next year is going to be quite active, so I encourage you to really marinate in this down time and keep practicing what it feels like to just be.
The other thing that’s really important when life has served up a pit stop is really check in with where you’re at.

Seek out any area of life that looks like it needs your attention, and then give it. For many of you I feel it will be close to home, especially in the self-care realm. This is also very important if you feel you’ve recently been recently tripped up. If something halts you in your tracks, it’s not for no reason; we are very often called to question the ground we’re walking on. This is a gift from the Universe in itself, as when we’re zooming along at 100mph we often forget to check in with where we’re even going, veering away from or true needs and our intuition.

So, grab a cup of tea and get out your life map – where are you headed and where are you on your journey? Scan all areas of your life, including your inner soul system, and check if the signposts are pointing in the right way. Are there any places where you’re trying to scrabble backwards? Any spots where the weather feels a little misty? Have you got enough fuel, water, and supplies? What needs your attention and how are you going to give it?

This energy also supports planning of course, especially in line with the new calendar year approaching, and I want you to try and keep yourself in a passionate heart space rather than a “what if” head space. It’s normal to get anxieties around the unknown, but nothing is more powerful than the dreams you want to realize. Allow your will to be stronger than your won’t and plan for success and adventure rather than fear and failure. All experiences are lining up waiting for you, and your job is to partake and receive, opposed to predict and dismiss. Timing is stretchy and if something doesn’t appear to be manifesting right now, then “now” isn’t on it’s to do list. Surrender forever.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse


Virgo :: Virgo Rising – Three of Cups

I always love being able to tell you to let loose and shake it out, and this month is no exception. In fact, over the coming weeks you are the sign most able to live in their surrendered energy. You’ve paid your dues for this year, you’ve worked hard, maybe even too hard, but most of all, you’ve survived. You did it! You are here, you made it, and if you look back I feel you’ll see quite the story unfolding. Isn’t it exciting?

Even if it’s also a little terrifying. But now is the time to allow yourself to celebrate, “allow” being the operative word because it’s not always easy to step 100 per cent into relaxation mode, is it? There’s always a little bit of guilt or a “but I should”, but seriously – that’s bullshit. You need down time and here is it, so go and embrace it. Trying to please anyone else will give you a zero on the fulfillment scale. So what do you really need? And how can you gift that to yourself?

I feel like your emotions are overflowing and so you must allow yourself to step fully into “feeling feelings” mode, even if it makes you uncomfortable. Especially if it makes you uncomfortable. To some of you, the idea of vulnerability really makes you cringe, the idea of someone really seeing you, ugh shudder. But it’s not that terrible really, is it? To receive love and to act from love does not make you weak, it makes you super powered and…a human being!

Celebration is your theme for the month, which may show up obviously or may be more subtle. You may have to invite it in or be the lighthouse itself, but whatever you do, don’t hide from any chance to be uplifted, even if your nerves take a hit. I love this energy because it’s silly and creative, just like natural child energy, reflecting that time in our lives when we hadn’t learned so much about fear and we played abundantly. What would it feel like to wake up and commit to a day (or a week, or a month) of NO rules – except what feels good? No self-pressure, no people pleasing. Game on.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse


Libra :: Libra Rising – Nine of Cups

Do you have a pair of rose tinted spectacles? If so, I want you to put them on. This month is littered with synchronicities, unexpected opportunities and hidden lessons. What are you currently wishing for and how are you approaching the process? Begging for things from the Universe never seems to work does it? Or making threats – you know, those moments where you feel in crisis and you bring out the bargaining bag.

To manifest successfully we have to believe that we will receive everything we NEED, even if it’s not everything we WANT. A tough pill to swallow, but it does come with a bonus, because often what we get is much more suited to us than expected. Our opportunities to be humbled by our journey come thick, fast and never-ending, which is why showing up and joining the ride is always the most exciting option. So, back to your manifesting. Over the next few weeks I encourage you to pull back from throwing yourself into the future, to retreat from the goals you’ve set, and to allow yourself to see what’s right in front of your nose.

I guarantee that even in your deepest challenge, there’s something within the situation to love and be grateful for. The smallest things can always affect you in the deepest way, and often they are also the most familiar. What do you see or experience every day that has a positive impact on you? It may be a person or a feeling, something that shifts you up a level. It’s there, but can you see it? You are also given a free pass to start the holidays early, to slide into relaxation mode sooner than you’d normally allow yourself. Tone down the doing everything for everyone vibe you’ve been throwing down recently – it is not your job to fix them all.

But it is possible to be there without wearing yourself out. Step back and see how the world still spins but you feel more grounded. With the holidays approaching, I also want you to be generous with your love. Don’t hold back from appreciating those who are important to you, this is an instant energy lifter for you and it’s important, especially because there are people around you eager to return the favor. You deserve your cup to be full.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse


Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising – Four of Cups

You are not unaware of feelings of apathy, or, as I like to say, coming down with a case of ennui, but you’re more than equipped now to know what to do within these moments. This month, you may find yourself erring on the foot-stomping child version of yourself more than once, mainly in that kind of “I want this thing RIGHT NOW” type of vibe. Yeah, sure you want it right now, but can you accept it at a later date, or in a different format?

You know more than anyone that the whole point of transformation is not knowing what things will look like around the corner, and that you aren’t supposed to. The future is none of your business and you’re just going to have to deal with it, a.k.a get up and outta that bad mood! Okay lecture over, but really, if you’ve placed a pile of restrictions on yourself then reality will never match up to your dreams, because fear and ego don’t reserve any space feeling good – they just keep on telling you that you need more. And the thing is, you have everything you need. In fact, you have more than you need. It’s a classic case of WAKE UP and look around you – oh yeah look at that wonderful thing!

Look at all the talents you have literally bursting out of you. You have to be your own cheerleader now, especially since you’re enough of a spirit leader for everyone else already. It’s time for that energy to be reflected back to you, so lift yourself up and meet yourself in your true energy space, which is luminous, magical, and oh so bright. See it?

Okay, so now we have that covered, it’s just a case of patience and embracing all that the present is bringing you. Your journey isn’t stalled, it’s just taking some downtime. All your plans and the things you’ve been manifesting are unfolding at their own perfect pace, nothing has been averted (unless it really wasn’t for your highest good – trust that) and there are so many sunrises ahead. You clearly need to be where you are right now to receive the bounty of the present moment, so try and not think yourself elsewhere. Unfold your arms and repeat to yourself “I’m ready” – invite in transformation and movement and you’ll see it arise in the most perfect sequence of events. Prepare to be wowed.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse


The Hermit card gives us permission to retreat to a place of personal safety this week, so we can respond opposed to react to areas of difficulty in our life. By Louise Androlia.

You can watch last week’s weekly tarotscope at the link – did Louise’s message resonate with you? Share in the comments below, and connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


Getting the most from an intuitive reading is all about learning good psychic hygiene, says Elyssa Jakim.

Good Psychic Hygiene post with neon sign on The Numinous


As a medium, a channel, and an intuitive (yes, some like to use the word “psychic”), I have received my fair share of readings. I went through a period of being obsessed with getting readings, in fact: psychic, tarot, astrology, you name it. Looking back on it, this phase helped me innumerably as a reader, but more than that, it helped me to be okay with the process of life itself. So, I talking about good “psychic hygiene,” I do not mean clearing your energy field or removing stuck spirits (we could talk about this another time) – I actually mean being a good receiver. Having good reading receiving mind will enable you to feel like the true mistress of your destiny – which of course you absolutely are.

Here are my tips for how to receive intuitive readings in a healthy and productive way:

1. Keep what works
A reading should not feel punishing. A reading should not make you feel bad about yourself. I don’t know about you, but I’ve often gone into readings, heard a lot of great stuff about where I’m at, and then heard about a few challenges. I hold on to the challenges like they’re sad, sticky glue, and forget 95% of the mostly positive stuff! So write down the 95%. Use it to create positive affirmations. Go back to it to keep you going and keep you glowing. It’s my personal belief that the messages that feel like balm to your body and soul are the ones to really listen to.

I talked to a wonderful astrologer friend after getting a reading with some thorns, some challenges. She said that a reading should be up-lifting. If there are things that dishearten you about the information received, just throw them away. There’s no need to be punish yourself with what you hear. When the hard stuff comes up, this is a message to keep doing the best you can, so go gentle. Simply creating awareness around the challenges helps to move them. When in doubt, throw it out, and hold yourself with love. It’s a brave step to even get a reading, so be proud of yourself for showing up for your growth.

2. Don’t be too literal
I once had a reading with an incredibly skilled medium that was very specific. My grandmother came through and her message was: “you need to continue your career as an actress…this healing stuff is keeping you an in igloo of isolation, it’s good for you, but it’s not your path.” I also got the name of a lover (someone I already knew) who was apparently my soul mate, and would become my partner in the next few months. So I threw myself into acting again with gusto – for the next three weeks or so. And it felt really good. But you know what, I ran out of steam. And the man didn’t come in. I tried to connect with him but it didn’t work out. This was also very hard because she had told me “he will contact you.” So my love life was on a weird hold for a few months.

Looking back, I believe that this reading was extremely important and got me to where I am now, even though the details did not come to pass. When it came to acting, I made amends with people I’d had deep wounds with. I made myself open to a passion that I’d blocked off. I also had to claim my desire to be a healer for myself, regardless of what spirit was telling me (it was the advice of a concerned grandmother after all). After this, the pursuit of acting felt less important.

And as for the man? What I learned eventually was that it wasn’t him specifically who was going to come in, but it would be him who woke something up in me and allowed me to feel my worthiness. He made me believe that I could be with an incredible man. The dream of him gave me a sense of how incredible I was, and that’s what I really needed. Vibrationally, that reading catapulted me forward into a different phase. Spirit gave me the information I needed to hear, in a format that was right for me then. I had to let go of the exact details in order to be free enough to enter this next phase. So, don’t take a reading too literally—take it as an event to catapult you into the vibration you’re ready to stand in.

3. Stay in the present
Remember when we called intuitives and tarot readers “fortune tellers?” A reader is reading your current fate – your current vibration. Thus, it’s a reading of your present, not your future. But if you make changes to your present situation, your “fortune” can and will change. That’s why it’s so hard for psychics to read timing. Plus, there really is such a thing as divine timing.

I was getting a tarot reading from a dear friend and intuitive that clarifies this principle. The first cards in the spread opened up a conversation between the two of us about my healing work. The next 30 minutes of the reading became a brainstorming session about what I offer and what I do, and places where I could feel more vibrant, and places where I could shift. This discussion was not “in the cards,” but the cards inspired this. By the time we finished this portion of the conversation, my lovely reader said “well, the other cards are not your cards any more. This reading would have ended with you being stuck. But you adjusted your vibration and now you’re on a different path.”

We literally changed my fate over the course of the reading! This is why it’s important to think of this as a reading of your present. It’s not about fortune or future telling, it’s about reading between the lines on the current page of the book of life, and then encouraging you to choose your own adventure.

4. Find the right reader
Keep in mind that whomever is reading for you is going to have a slant. No one is going to be a perfectly clear channel. So this means it’s up to you to find someone who feels as objective, open-minded and balanced to you as possible. Find someone who does the soul work him or herself. Someone who is truly “OTP” (on the path). The more worldly and open-minded a reader is, the more likely that the times their channel is a tad fuzzy around the edges (we all have our off days!), they are still going to deliver a reading choc full of wisdom and love. Spirit is always loving, always rooting for you, and always wants to scoop all of you up in compassion. Ideally, a reading and a reader should let you feel the well of love and peace that’s always available to you.

5. Be your own psychic
At the end of the day, you must be your own psychic. Everyone is born with four psychic senses (hearing, feeling, seeing, knowing), and everyone can learn to develop them. But beyond this, when you think about it, we’re all practicing our psychic skills all the time. We’re all doing our best to make choices that serve our highest and best, and hopefully the good of others too. At the end of the day, we’ve got to ask, “how much do I need to know all the answers?” and “how much room do I give myself to make mistakes?” Allowing yourself to make mistakes in your life is perhaps the best psychic hygiene you can practice. Know that you are trying your best, and that is always one hundred percent good enough. When given a tough decision: ask your body, trust yourself, and give yourself leeway to not know.

To summarize, the best way to manifest a beautiful future is to enjoy the present and all that it has to offer. So if a reading’s got you feeling down on yourself and your life, throw it away and find a way to dance or laugh or sing and enjoy the richness of life, as it is constantly unfolding around you.


In your weekly tarotscope for October 19 2015, the Page of Swords grants you permission to flip the story, says Louise Androlia

You can watch last week’s weekly tarotscope at the link – did Louise’s message resonate with you? Share in the comments below, and connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


How to fully embody the lessons of the Tarot? Play tarot fashion dress up of course, says Gabriela Herstik…Photography: Mary Decrescenzio 

tarot fashion series by gabriela herstik the magician featured on The Numinous


There’s a certain power that arises when you tap your own intuition, your spirit, and declare to the Universe that YOU are the one in charge of your own manifestations and actions. The Magician sings of this. She is inner strength, manifestation and power. And she uses all the elements at her disposal to create.

I wanted to feel alive, regal, and (my version of) colorful in this outfit. I wanted to feel cloaked, and protected and magickal. I wore the dress I wore for my 20th birthday layered under a big, knit sweater, and I added layered necklaces and a scarf I cinched around my waist. I wore two different mala beads around my wrist, wrapped my pentacle necklace into a bracelet.

I grabbed my skeleton hand chalice and figured I would find a wand in the forest and use my eyes as daggers to round up all the suites of the Tarot. I wanted to feel strong and powerful. I wanted to feel like I was magick manifested.

tarot fashion series by gabriela herstik temperance featured on The Numinous


Temperance speaks of working with opposing elements and using them to find balance. Battle water with fire, earth with air. Temperance is a card of healing, of renewal, a flowing stream promising something better, something easier.

I wanted to interpret this card surrounded by water, with pieces in sweet blue and just a touch of red (lipstick always counts). I picked up this wonderful vintage teddy from the place I work, Hip Wa Zee, and paired it with this sweet little robe I got from my friend Ivory who runs an incredibly curated vintage shop called Forgotten Feather Vintage.

I was feeling very “Secret Garden,” and I believe Temperance reminds us to find our own secret garden, our own place of peace. A safe haven to remind us that once we find balance, everything else will fall into place.

tarot fashion series by gabriela herstik the hermit featured on The Numinous


The Hermit speaks of vulnerability, of shedding your layers and moving inward. In the Wild Unknown Deck, the Hermit is represented by the turtle, and the symbolism is both obvious and profound – that underneath your shell, you are your own home.

My spiked leather jacket is like this shell, a barrier between me and the world. It gives me the confidence and strength to own my s***. Pieces like this are  my protection as I move through this life, especially as someone who can be passed over as vulnerable or weak because of my small frame.

I wore a vintage nightgown from Forgotten Feather, something really delicate, to represent the journey inward. Embracing The Hermit means dealing with your own issues face on – finding them, learning from them and hopefully growing from them. It also means picking up your shell, and continuing along your own path as you explore what it means to tune into yourself.

tarot fashion series by gabriela herstik the hanged man featured on The Numinous


The Hanged Man. This card reminds us to change our perspective, let go of ego, and embrace the sense of rebirth that’s available when we choose to see things in a new light. The Hanged Man is represented by a bat in the Wild Unknown deck, and just like the bat uses echolocation to see, we are reminded to use our intuition when our own sense of perspective is off.

I chose a floral shirt to represent growth and rebirth and a slick leather style skirt to represent how we must let judgments pass over us without resistance. The darker color pallet and oversize knit shawl were inspired by the aesthetic of the card, and the image of the bat itself. I was inspired by pieces that make me feel powerful, intuitive and strong.

You can check out Gariela’s full fashion tarot series at the link.

What card do you channel most often in your fashion choices? Comment below or tag us in your tarot fashion images on Instagram or Facebook!


The Prince of Pentacles brings some much needed Earth energy, says Louise Androlia. Time to knuckle down and make some hay!

You can watch last week’s weekly tarotscope at the link – did Louise’s message resonate with you? Share in the comments below, and connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


Be vulnerable, be real, own your pain and help somebody feel less alone. A big message from the Queen of Swords in Louise Androlia‘s weekly tarotscope…

You can watch last week’s weekly tarotscope at the link – did Louise’s message resonate with you? Share in the comments below, and connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


“It’s a tool to help us wake up” – and with her Sacred Tarot School, Lindsay Mack teaches how to read the Tarot for personal empowerment, says Elyssa Jakim. Images: Chase Voorhees

Lindsay mack on how to read the tarot for personal empowerment interviewed by Elyssa Jakim on The Numinous

As someone who identifies as spiritual, I had a secret. I spent a long time afraid of the Tarot. Reading cards on my own I often found their wisdom super harsh, and getting readings I was fascinated but uneasy. “Are the cards going to be mean?” I thought. And then it all changed because I met Lindsay Mack.

At our first reading, I felt completely held. I re-learned how to speak to my higher self, and was reminded to feel my big Scorpio-moon feelings every day. I got messages from my guides, and I forgot the cards were even there (plus she used a beautiful, gentle deck, the Motherpeace – and who could be scared of Motherpeace?)

I’ve since gotten about fifteen readings with Lindsay, and the fabric of my life has completely changed, so let’s just say I’m not so scared anymore. I offered to do an interview just to get to know her, her story, and what the devil she was doing with those cards (the Devil card included, sorry for the dad joke)

How did you start with Tarot?
I bought my first deck and its accompanying Tarot book at 13 years old, which was eighteen years ago. I loved it immediately and gave readings all the time: on the schoolyard, at the movies. I did them for free and for fun. I was a little afraid of the cards too, but I wanted a tool to help me understand things in the world. I found Wicca in the same way. On a whim, at age 13.

How do you describe the way you work with the cards now?
I read Tarot for people’s soul expansion – meaning I read in a way that helps them to wake up to the truth of their being. It’s a synthesis of energy healing, counseling and clear channel intuition, delivered with great warmth and gentleness. The Tarot being what glues everything together.

For me, the Tarot is definitely not a fortune-telling tool, and I feel very grateful to be part of an excellent generation of readers who are redefining that false notion. It’s a tool to help us wake up; it’s a perfect mirror for our lives, helping us to be present and empowered in this moment – and all in service of helping people to know that there’s nothing in their lives that’s not assisting their evolution on a soul level. I help people to understand things that feel too scary or too unfair to work out on their own, and to see these things as happening for them, not to them.

Lindsay Mack on how to read the tarot for empowerment interview by Elyssa Jakim for The Numinous

What makes you a gifted intuitive reader do you think?
I have survived huge waves of darkness, depression, fear, trauma and abuse in my own life, all of which has become the sacred fertilizer for the healing work that I do with people. It has informed everything about my work, and it’s how I’m able to help people who feel that they too are navigating their way through Hell. I’ve been there, and I know that the only way out is to come home to the truth.

Most of the time, when people come to a Tarot reader they are coming with some kind of trauma they have no choice but to face, and they are definitely coming with at least some degree of nervousness. For this reason, I believe that Tarot readers and energy healers have an absolute obligation to be kind to people’s nervous systems. On the first day of my Sacred Tarot School, I always tell my students this.

Can you give an example of what you mean by this?
Nothing in the Tarot is meant to be scary. When you learn how to read the Tarot and really understand this in your bones, every card, even the famously intense ones like Death, The Devil or the 10 of Swords, deliver an empowering message. It’s all in the understanding and the wording.

Also, when the parasympathetic nervous system (rest/digest) is relaxed and engaged, people can retain and hear information more clearly. If the nervous system is in fight/flight, the reading won’t really be useful or helpful to the client, no matter how amazing the advice might be!

My Sacred Tarot School definitely covers how to read the Tarot theory, but it’s a lot of this, too. In order to give really deep, healing readings, we have to be warm and watch how we phrase stuff. And my readings are RAW. They go there! But you can be deep and impactful while also helping people to relax.

Lindsay Mack on how to read the tarot for empowerment interview by Elyssa Jakim for The Numinous


For somebody learning how to read the Tarot, how does one choose the most empowering deck?
There’s a lot of lore on this, and some people say very strictly that you have to be given or gifted a deck. I don’t think that’s true, but it is true that your true deck will always find you.

The first thing I advise is to focus on the style and imagery. The colors, the shape of the cards, whether the art is abstract or very clear, traditional or modern. It all makes a difference. Having said that, I don’t think I ever would have chosen the Motherpeace for myself, so allow Spirit and instinct to guide you too. Be influenced beyond visual preferences.

So how do you know when you’ve found “the one”?
When you hold it, your deck should feel like an extra appendage, or a beloved pet. Mine feels like a golden retriever to me! We have such a beautiful relationship;when I give readings, it’s me, her and the Divine. There is no other one like her to me. That relationship does take time to ripen, but that’s what you’re going for.

It seems like the public consciousness about the Tarot has changed radically in the last few years. Can you speak to this?
The big answer is that the world as we know it is totally changing. Everyone is being invited to wake up. Everyone is being invited to serve, and to step onto their soul’s path, because the Earth needs it. It’s “go” time, cosmically, and as such, everyone is longing for a reconnection with magic, wildness, and with the Divine. Learning how to read the Tarot is a perfect conduit and a road home to that.

And as I mentioned before, perception of the Tarot reader is also shifting away from the notion of a fortune teller trying to fleece you out of money. Every reader I know is so beautifully and austerely committed to helping their clients wake up, to become empowered. We don’t predict the future. The future doesn’t even exist! As my beautiful teacher and mentor, Michelle Sinnette says, we are birthing our future in every moment. It is in the present moment that the greatest treasure and opportunity for transformation lives.

Lindsay Mack is the founder of Sacred Tarot School, a six, 12 or 24-week advanced Tarot training in NYC. The next six-week group intensive (limited to five places) begins Tuesday Sept 29th, priced $650, and the next 12-week group intensive (also just five spaces) begins Wednesday Sept 30th, priced $1200. PLUS email Lindsay directly to book, quoting the code “Empress”, and get a $100 Numi discount! [email protected]

How do you use the Tarot as a tool for personal growth? Share in the comments below, and connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.


This week’s card chimes perfectly with the cosmic energy of the Virgo New Moon eclipse. The Eight of Cups is an invitation to let go, and move forward in your journey, says Louise Androlia

You can watch last week’s weekly tarotscope at the link – did Louise’s message resonate with you? Share in the comments below, and connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


This week, 5 empowering tarot lessons that helped me past my fear of the cards…

I got over my fear of the Tarot. Confession. As much as I’ve always been attracted to the tarot, it’s also a tool I’ve shied away from as a lot of the time the cards I pull for myself tend towards the negative – if not downright scary! Anybody else with me on this?? It’s one reason I love Louise Androlia’s Tarotscopes, as no matter how “heavy” the message, she finds a way to put an empowering spin on it.

When my friend Elyssa told me she’d got over HER fear of the cards with a tarot lessons from her favorite reader Lindsay Mack (a.k.a. Wild Soul Healing), I decided it was time to move beyond my own pussy-ass position on the tarot, too. So I booked a session with Lindsay – and it was so, so awesome!! Here are 5 key fear-busting take-aways from our 90-minute tarot lesson:

  • Tarot is not a predictor of anything. Tarot is just a mirror, a bridge to an awareness of the answer that is for your absolute highest good – the Truth with a capital “T”.
  • The only thing all living beings have in common is that we all experience evolution. Which means there’s nothing that can come up for you, or happen to you, that isn’t for you. See the tarot this way, and you’ll see that every message in every card is an invitation home.
  • The Major Arcana in particular (The Fool through The World), contain an invitational energy from divine intelligence to ask us to evolve and to wake up. But since our nervous system and brain chemistry prefers the comfort of staying still, evolution and growth will always be accompanied by resistance and fear.
  • Evolution is a process of expansion (excitement about change) and contraction (resistance to / fear of change). “Negative” cards (like the Devil, the Tower) simply represent BIG contractions, to show us where we’re slipping back into old patters, and ask us to examine why this is.
  • Finally, when reading into a card, interpret the message as if you were reading for your five-year old self – with loving kindness, and a protective attitude.

Which is already making me feel way better about my future tarot lessons. If this is where you’re at too, Lindsay suggests a daily card pull to begin to get to know your deck better, with the enquiry: “Highest power, please can I have some more information on the truth with a capital “T” about (insert pressing concern of the day here).”

Oh, and read this book! Rachel Pollack’s Tarot Wisdom

Book a reading or tarot lessons with Lindsay at the link, and follow her on Instagram to find out about her Sacred Tarot School.

I reconnected to Lakshmi. My fave – the Hindu Goddess of wealth, prosperity and fortune. And no, not through meditation, prayer, a badass new Goddess deck, or any other sort of spiritual practice – I simply restocked my supply of Lakshmi fragrance oil from The Goddess Line! Which happens to smell a whole lot like an old favorite of mine, the now discontinued Rumeur by Lanvin…only it’s totally vegan (as in the “musky” element of the scent comes from a blend of oils, opposed to the glandular secretions of actual animals) and chemical free.

V important to me these days, since I had a facial with celebrity aesthetician Christine Chin. Known as “Mean Christine” for her take-no-prisoners approach to pimples, she told me: “perfume is poison to the neck!” As in, the alcohol in most mass market fragrance is what dries out the skin on your neck, causing a crepe-paper effect, enlarged pore and wrinkles. And Christine is Gisele’s go-to. I rest my case.

lakshmi fragrance oil the goddess line tarot lesson my mystical life column by ruby warrington on the numinous
The Goddess Line Lakshmi Roll-on Fragrance Oil, $30



If you’re looking for a super potent time to work with the Tarot, the Full Moon could be the cosmic invitation you’re after. Gabriela Herstik has five ways to work some Full Moon Tarot magick…Image: The Starchild Tarot


Read For The Month Ahead
Perhaps the most obvious and direct way to incorporate the Tarot into your Full Moon ritual is to do a reading. The cosmic energy now is ripe for making decisions on whatever’s been brewing since the previous New Moon, so spending some time reflecting on what you now want to manifest can only serve you. Set up a sacred space, get centered, find a layout that sings to you and draw a card, any card. Reflect on the cycles of your life, and be open to what comes up in the card you’ve chosen.

Make A Tarot Temple
The Tarot is all about imagery and symbolism after all, so why not play with this? You can create a Tarot altar or temple by picking a card that resonates with you (or simply picking one randomly with your intention for the Full Moon in mind) and choosing objects and offerings that help you personify the card. Flowers, photos, statues of deities or animals, and anything else that taps the energy of your card can bring its message to life. You can even create a piece of art that relates to your card, and display it in your chosen sacred space. Focus on the feeling the card brings up for you – especially relating to what you want to manifest in the coming weeks – and channel it into your space.

Meditate on It
The day of the Full Moon is the perfect time to manifest the results of any intentions you’ve set in recent weeks. Once the moon starts to wane, aka lose light, it’s the perfect time to let go and surrender all outcomes to the Universe. Meditating with your card can intensify whatever intention is set. So whether you’re meditating on Death and choosing transformation as the result of any process you’ve been going through, or if you’re simply sitting with The Moon card and focusing on the divine feminine, you’re golden. Taking time to breathe, absorb the energy of the Full Moon and really channel it into your intention is simple, doesn’t take a lot of time, and is a sweet reminder to just be.

Spell It Out
The Full Moon is a strong time for spell or magick work and um, hello, why not incorporate your cards into your work! Whether you’re doing some sigil magick, candle magick or something in between, using the imagery from a card can help set the tone. There’s a whole realm of tarot magick out there, so do your research and get creative.

Dress Like Your Favorite Card
If you really wanna channel your favorite card, take some sartorial cues. Dressing for your Full Moon ritual in something that chimes with the imagery of card you’re working with is a super direct way of aligning yourself with its energy. Feeling the High Priestess this month? Why not wear some jewels or a dress that reminds you of your own connection to Goddess energy? Feeling kinda Two of Cups? How about you dress in something your lover gave you, or something red and sexy. Get creative and manifest, it really is that easy!

What card are you working with this Full Moon? Connect with us and share your Full Moon rituals on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


Ready to meet your soulmate? Then leave your inhibitions at the door, and arm yourself with some of these spiritual ice-breakers, says Gabriela Herstik. Image: Kazel Lim via Behance.net


We’re totally for that cosmic connection you feel between other members of the Numinati. You know, that sweet vibration you get in your heart chakra when you meet someone else who just gets it. Yet the way in which we meet our soul sisters (or brothers) can be pretty funny. Read on and let us know – do any of these soulmate chat up lines sound familiar to you?

“Oh my god, your dogs a Scorpio? Mines a Cancer. Let’s plan a play date.”
It all takes a turn for the better when you astrologically analyze your pets.

“You have a really strong heart chakra. I can feel it.”
That moment two girls in the Trader Joe’s checkout become besties.

“That’s selenite, right? Aww, and you’re wearing it near your heart to raise your consciousness to a higher level.”
How did she know?

“I don’t mean to interrupt, but I’m getting a vibe like I knew you in a past life.”
And you thought it was just another lunchtime wait in line at Sweetgreen.

“Has anyone ever told you what a beautiful energy you have about you?”
No, but I’ve heard that about my aura.

“Did I just hear you say your spirit animal is a raven? Mine’s a crow!”
Welcome to the tribe.

“Girl, is your lucky number 13? Because you’ve killed me and shown me a new way to live…”
Death card pick-up lines are too cute.

“My third eye feels especially open when I look at you.”
I know, I’ve been working on clearing my psychic energy field

“Let me guess – you take your coffee black, iced, and bitter. Like your soul before your last past life regression.”
When your barista just gets you.

“Is the energy of this coffee shop just off to you too?”
Well, now that you mention it…

“You totally look like the kind of chick I need in my coven.”
It’s a summer goth thing, isn’t it.

How did the convo go when you met your last Numi soulmate? Give us some lolz when you share on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and tag it #shitnuminousgirlssay…


In her latest weekly tarotscope video, Louise Androlia says if change is our natural state…we’d better learn to embrace it

You can also check out last week’s video here – did Louise’s reading resonate for you? Share with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


Don’t know what to wear? Make your own fashion energy oracle deck for some divine style guidance, says says collage artist Monica Ruiz…Images featured are a selection of cards from Monica’s handmade deck


We were sitting on our friends lanai one evening last summer, listening to a single gal pal say what she was looking for in a partner, including good “fashion-energy…”. To which I replied, “omg yes! I am such a believer in fashion energy!”…to which she replied; “Oh, I said passion-and-energy…”

But what is “fashion energy?” I believe fashion goes beyond how an outfit or accessory can make you look, and taps into how we want to feel. Why do we gravitate towards a certain color (black), material (modal, denim) or print (snow leopard, moon-phase)? I believe it’s because we emit different energetic vibrations with what we choose to dress up in.

Our choice of outfit can cause us to feel nostalgic, sexy, modern, rebellious…We might wake up in the same body every day, but we become a different being through the way we spend our time, the moods we encounter – and the clothing choices we make.

On my “lazy” days I’ll put on a cropped tank, some high-waisted denim cut-off shorts and my converse, with my hair in a top bun and my Numinous Chakra sweatshirt tied around my waist.

Other times, I’ll wear my Urban Outfitters Kurt Cobain t-shirt as a dress, with black shorts underneath and my old Costume National moto boots. Last week I wore an old
flannel from the ‘90s with my Isabel Marant sneakers. I had to be at work at 5am and was too tired to think – but I knew my Marant’s would make me feel like less of a slob.


The key is to get familiar with how different aspects of fashion make you and your spirit tick. Stay inspired by trying new things of course, but staying true to your personal fashion energy means always looking and feeling your best.

There are definitely certain brands out there that I legit salivate over. Rodarte, Balmain, Liberated Heart. The sleeveless tops by the Wild Unknown, and the quartz crystal jewelry from aletheia & phos. But in the last year I have become entranced with Free People, to the point that I even started re-purposing my older FP catalogs to fashion my own “fashion-oracle” deck!

Inspired by a friend’s yoga workshop, these soul-cards help me tap back into my unique fashion energy whenever I’m having a nothing-to-wear moment – when this happens, I simply pick a card to help guide me through my closet or dresser drawers.

Feeling blah? When I look at my NATURAL or FREE card, this may simply translate as a no makeup or jewelry day, and instead I’ll my two favorite crystals in my pocket and wear cherry-flavored Chapstick along with my high-top leopard print wedge Vans sneakers.


My WILD AT HEART card reminds me to keep having fun in the concrete jungle, while my WILD ONES card reminds me of my sacred sisterhood, and the magic of long summer days feeling some tie-dyed bandeau vibes!

Over a Skype session, I recently pulled the I AM A TRAVELER card for a friend traveling through Europe for the summer. She’s also a believer in fashion energy, and this
card reminded her that she is able to re-create herself through different fashion cultures and tap into another side of herself.


Now it’s time to make your own fashion energy deck – here’s what you’ll need:

A selection of fashion and travel magazines, and catalogs
Exacto knife (key item)
Glue stick or rubber cement

1) Search the magazine and catalogues for images (clothes, background images and words / phrases) that resonate with your personal “fashion energy.”
2) Use your exacto knife to cut out your image as perfectly as possible. Breathe and stay zen for best results, cutting along the edges of the image as closely as possible. When you put your figure against your backdrop, it will/should look surreal!
3) Measure out the cardstock to the size and shape you desire for your deck, and cut into equal-sized pieces.
4) After cutting your cards, choose a background image for each and glue them onto one side of each card.
5) Now glue your main model / fashion image onto the background.
5) Finally, find a space on each card to glue an inspiring phrase or word. The only rule when combining background / image / words is to not over-think this process. This is about YOUR energy and celebrating all the elements of fashion YOU love.

You are now ready to start using and sharing your cards as your very own fashion oracle – have fun with it!

What defines your fashion energy? Connect with us and share on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!



“Take a lover who looks at you like maybe you are magic” – Ellie Burrows is inspired by the classic line behind our most popular Instagram post to date…. Portrait: Mikal Marie Photography

Ellie Burrows shot by Mikal Marie for her Turned On column on The Numinous

“Take a lover who looks at you like maybe you are magic…”

This quote is often incorrectly attributed to Frida Khalo, but it’s actually a line from a poem called Frida Khalo to Marty McConnell by Marty McConnell. I guess I can sort of see how that would be confusing. You can watch McConnell perform it beautifully here, and if you’re really listening it becomes clear this poem is a reflection on a break up, rather than an ode to mystical love.

But no matter who said it, taken out of context this line never ceases to inspire those who read it. It pushes our internal heart button and causes us to double-tap the external one too – there are thousands of likes associated with it across Instagramland, the Tumblrverse and the Twittersphere.


One meaning of the word is “inexplicable things” and that’s the definition I want to focus on. But first, I need to clear a bit of smoke from the air, and throw out some mirrors.

Let’s pause for a throwback: When I was growing up and would get into trouble for hanging out with the fast crowd, my mother would say to me “you’re judged by the company you keep.” And although 15-year-old Ellie would call me a sellout for saying this, my mother was totally right.

So hey Magic, I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you have to stop hanging out with the word “trick.”

I can’t tell you how many people I know who are seeking meaningful relationships via suspect means. All around me I see people trying to conjure love, undoubtedly what feels like a rather tricky business of late. In the contemporary dating world, some of the newest tricks in the book are actually very old tricks called “illusions.”

She gives him the impression that she’s fine with an open relationship in order to make him stay.

He creates a mirage of interest and strings her along because it makes him feel less lonely while he gets all those oats out of his system.

And my favorite – she doesn’t respond to a text message right away because then it appears like she’s busy and indifferent. (The latter we call playing hard to get. Since playing is the operative word, it would indicate that she is just pretending and is in fact, easy to get. Just saying.)

The Magician card from the Star Child Tarot featured on The Numinous
The Magician card from the Star Child Tarot

While these tricks can deliver results, they actually involve zero magic. And they don’t usually add up to anything meaningful.

Friends, your act isn’t working. It is time to drop the top hat and the rabbit. If you are an adult and seriously looking for love, then why are you choosing to forget that tricks are for kids?

I’d like you to consider that the illusions listed above have nothing to do with magic. Instead, they involve another M word: manipulation. Definition: “control or falsification.” And when you think about it, a stage magician is really more of a master manipulator. He is highly skilled at fooling you, but no – that woman didn’t actually get sawed in half.

But a true magician? Well, that’s something else entirely…

According to the Tarot, the Magician, #1 in the Major Arcana, is considered the bridge between the spiritual and the material. With his right hand pointing a staff toward the sky and his left bringing our attention the ground, he can channel the power of the Universe and bring it into the physical plane.

You can see it on the table next to him, which holds all four suits of the Tarot (Pentacles, Wands, Cups, Swords), each of which corresponds to one of the four elements of the ancient alchemists (Earth, Fire, Water and Air). These symbolize the proper use of mind, heart, body and soul in the process of manifestation.

A real magician is not an illusionist, but a creator. This card is all about the best use of our highest self, turning ideas into actions with the power to make a difference in our own lives. This card begs questions like “Am I using my powers for good or evil?” and “Am I tapping into my fullest potential?”

The Magician from the Spirit Speak Tarot featured on The Numinous in Ellie Burrow's Turned On column on Magic
The Magician from the Spirit Speak Tarot

We are the magicians responsible for taking our abstract, sometimes inexplicable, feelings and bringing them through to the material plane. This is unbelievably challenging, since it requires the full engagement of physical form to lay our souls’ desires on the proverbial table.

When I’m building a relationship, I can feel my entire system using its “powers” to do so. My mind must ground the fears of judgment, rejection, and loneliness. My heart must glow with unconditional self-love, trust, and honesty. My body must swim against the current of its biological predisposition to fight or fly in the face of vulnerability in order to genuinely communicate my wants and needs.

We are all magicians who must work daily to create clear unobstructed pathways within ourselves in order to travel more freely in the confusing world around us. We are the magicians who must understand that our internal worlds are so complicated that we must endeavor to create external simplicity wherever we can.

But if instead we focus on crafting trap doors and smoke screens that are just there for effect, then authentic relationships and clear outcomes will be center stage when it comes time for the disappearing act.

So if what you’re looking for is, in fact, a real relationship, leave your bags of tricks at home. Instead, put something like the following on the table next to your drinks:

“I am going to be super natural with you.”
“I am looking for something serious.”
“I am looking for love.”

Because then you would be the fucking unicorn of the dating world, and then I guarantee your lover will look at you like maybe you are magic.