The Virgo waning quarter moon brings a time for honest and compassionate self-reflection, says Jennifer Racioppi

Bethany Harper Walsh collage Virgo waning quarter moon Jennifer Racioppi The Numinous

Virgo Waning Quarter Moon :: Tuesday December 20th :: 8:56 pm ET

As the moon wanes, losing light each day between the last Full Moon and the upcoming New Moon, we find ourselves in a space of letting go. The Virgo waning quarter moon invites us to release what we can identify that we no longer need, so we can fully step into what is meant to be ours.

With the upcoming new year, and the next New Moon in Capricorn happening on the 28th/29th (depending on where you are in the world!) as well the current Mercury retrograde cycle, we find ourselves at a crucial moment to pivot. And all of this occurs just one day before the sun shifts from hopeful Sag into business-oriented Capricorn—also the Winter Solstice.

It’s time to discard what’s not working and let go of all we want to leave behind from 2016.


:: THE SUN::
As the sun moves through the final degree of Sag, and we live the last days of 2016, the encouraging influence of big picture Sagittarius abounds. However, in the northern hemisphere, the dwindling sunlight and the focus on the end of the year may feel more chaotic than calm, with tones of sadness. This is particularly the case as the upbeat light of Sagittarius shifts into the firm focus of Capricorn. The Winter Solstice, happening concurrently to the sun moving from 29 degrees Sag into 0 degrees Capricorn, invites us to reflect. On top of this, as the sun shifts signs, she makes a hard angle to the Moon, further emphasizing a transition, not only in seasons but in our emotional focus as well.

:: THE MOON ::
The moon in the last degree of Virgo has perfectionistic overtones, as well as an emphasis on making a substantial contribution of service to the world. The moon in Virgo pushes us to examine the details and find the flaw, so that we can improve our circumstances and contributions to the world beyond our self. Yet, under a Virgo moon we may fall victim of thinking we aren’t enough, we haven’t done enough, or that we aren’t deserving. Since this is the Virgo waning quarter Moon, rather than scrutinize yourself for what you haven’t done right, or well, take a step back and look at what you have accomplished, and let the disappointment go. Focus on where you feel guided to serve others and release the need to be perfect.

The Sun in bold Sag squares the moon in purist Virgo, possibly blurring sight of the big picture. With Mercury, the ruler of the Virgo moon, retrograde, it’s so important to embrace the vantage of reflection, yet, refrain from self-condemnation. Stay focused on your high-level accomplishments. Tune into the qualities of Virgo that represent being of service. Allow yourself to feel divinely guided rather than held back by your inner saboteur. Ask for clear direction on how to serve the world with more focus and less ego!

With Mercury retrograde and the Winter Solstice upon us at the time of the Virgo waning quarter moon, our need for reflection heightens. As we look back over 2016 and process the year, be careful not to be too hard on yourself. Try not to get too hung up on the details of what did or didn’t happen this year, and instead, assess your growth. How did you change this year? What did you learn? How are you better? Then take some time to connect with the truth of who you are: a spiritual, mystical, being. Forget about the details, stay true to you.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with from Jennifer visit


The Full Moon in Cancer is inviting us to feel our way home…as we simultaneously step into brave new world, says Hannah Ariel.

Reading for the Full Moon in Cancer by Hannah Ariel on The Numinous Christmas Day 2015

“Like great works, deep feelings always mean more than they are conscious of saying. Great feelings take with them their own Universe, splendid or abject, they light up with their passion an exclusive world.” – Albert Camus

If you feel like you’re having an existential crisis – hang on a minute. If you feel like you’re feeling too much to put into words, that’s okay, be still inside and keep quiet for a while. If you feel like you are bursting at the seams to say something – maybe it’s time to say it!

And if you feel like you are opening up to feelings you’ve never felt before – say hello to a Full Moon in Cancer that began as a New Moon in Sagittarius. (And if you feel nothing, make sure you aren’t somewhere hiding in a corner, in total denial of what’s happening in your life right now!)

Astrologically, December has been a month of shifting our long-standing perceptions as a result of more expansive experiences in our lives; experiences that have re-defined our purpose here on Earth; experiences that shook us right off the branch we were clinging to for dear life; experiences that have left us here, now, with an opportunity to become more emotionally rooted in what is TRUE for us personally.

Just think for a moment – the constellation of Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which rules over how we experience our greatest, biggest FEELINGS, our deepest subconscious habituations. It is where we find our sense of belonging, our ability to be receptive, and our ability to establish a connection with our sensitivity.

Essentially the Moon is HOME, and in its full creative potential in Cancer – so even if it feels like you can’t recognize the territory this Sagittarius New Moon carved out for you, call on this energy now. It is time to let go of whatever is keeping you from feeling at home within your own life.

For a Full Moon in Cancer is pure maternal energy. This Full Moon is here to nurture our future development, by feeding us just what we need. Like the tide, she guides us with a subtle body of heavenly energy, helping us know how to act, when to re-act, and when to go with the flow with life.

Allow this to be a sweet and deep and personal experience, that may begin with a welling up of sentiments. Sentiments, perhaps, that you need to let go of. This may involve tears. It may involve laughter. It may involve silence. Whatever this Full Moon in Cancer brings forth in you as she rises to her full expression, feel the protective flow of energy the Universe is offering, and just a few days after Winter Solstice.

The Solstice is the exact moment where the Northern Hemisphere is tilted farthest from the Sun. It is the longest night of the year, and without awareness, it can potentially be a time where we feel as if we’ve lost our “truth north,” or guiding light. As the Earth turns now, we’re being pulled to a place where only karmic memory can remind us of our next move.

The Full Moon in Cancer IS karma. Its light is a reflection of the Sun in Capricorn, on its way to its annual death/rebirth date with Pluto in the same sign. We are being asked to let go of the old and birth something new. It is within this alchemy that destiny will do its best work. Feel this. Find whatever it is that brings a strong sense of being peacefully in the right place, at the right time, within yourself, ready to nurture your future.

No matter what kind of Sagittarian adventure you’ve been on the past two weeks, it’s time to come home to yourself and your inner journey, and experience true emotional re-calibration. Sure, we’ve had our eyes opened to fresh new visions. But how can we move into these realities without connecting to the reality of our… FEELINGS?

How can you be upfront with yourself when asked the question: “How does what I am currently experiencing make me feel?” Does the answer to this question serve your future? And how can you answer without grasping for the same old familial patterns you’re accustomed to leaning on for emotional stability?

It could be all too easy for this Full Moon in Cancer to trigger old habits, old instincts, and old patterns that used to make us feel safe and “at home,” especially at a time of year steeped in family traditions.

Perhaps Christmas always sees you revisit certain family members, and the accompanying emotional patterns – but whatever tradition you find yourself carrying on, know that astrologically it’s a brilliant time to experience yourself ANEW.

Tap into the energy of the Winter Solstice for this, and know that you are supported as you go further into exploring a new spiritual identity, shining like a beacon in the dark. Know that this is about feeling your way into a new reality. The Sun has just passed through the “galactic center” of the Universe – literally – a time in space that offers the opportunity to go way further into your cosmic self. So allow yourself to be re-wired. What if the Universe promised you that on this day, this year, you have the power to create a new tradition? A new space to experience yourself. Then what would you feel?

On December 25th, 2015, how about cozying up to a new enlightened idea of what makes you feel alive. The light you have longed to kindle all year is ready to be ignited now, ESPECIALLY as Uranus, retrograde since July 26, goes direct in Aries. When Uranus is retrograde we may doubt sudden new potentials as they present themselves. When Uranus goes direct, we are booted out of the status quo in order to re-boot something important about ourselves.

So acknowledge where you’re experiencing twists and turns in your destiny, FEEL how it makes you feel, upgrade to the new reality, and acclimate. Although you may feel like you’ve been supercharged with something otherworldly, unrecognizable, unacceptable, and out of bounds, this Full Moon in Cancer is not meant to shock so much as it is here to bring you to where you belong.

SURPRISE; this is how you now feel “at home.” SURPRISE; this is where you’re supposed to be in your life. Whatever you uncover, maybe you’re most surprised to find you’ve had it in you all along – what you need to move forward, and this ability to feel your way into the future. So be receptive to what has suddenly become true for you, and feel its existence with your whole heart.

For a personal reading with Hannah Ariel contact [email protected]


December 21 is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. Ruby Warrington has a simple ritual to mark what some see as our Astrological New Year…Video: Christel Chaudet feat. The Unseen

I first came across this simple winter solstice ritual several years ago, when I was working at the Sunday Times Style magazine. Our editor had arranged for our office Christmas dinner to take place on December 21, the winter solstice, or shortest day – and longest night – of the year.

Excited, I told my boss I thought we should mark the occasion. “Great idea! You can lead a ritual,” she told me – as my stomach dropped through the floor, and I broke out in a cold sweat. My passion for astrology had already got me the office nickname “Mystic Ruby” – but this was taking things to another level…

Determined to do things properly, I reached out to a designer I’d recently met – who also happened to be a practicing Druid. He gave me the following simple winter solstice ritual (which can also be used to mark the summer solstice, as well as the spring and autumn equinoxes), and for the event itself I also invested in a vintage black fur cape, as I figured it would also help if I dressed the part (it does).


  • Begin with a short meditation to connect to the energy of the Earth element. With eyes closed, visualize roots growing from the soles of your feet and your tailbone, down to the molten crystal rock at the core of the Earth, winding around this three times, and pulling snug. Breathing deeply into your core, allow your body to relax and experience the sensation of being completely supported by the Earth.
  • Meditate on the year that has just passed, allowing memories to surface effortlessly. Now take a pen and paper, and write down all the things that come up that you would like to bid farewell or move on from this year.
  • Take a lighter or match and burn the paper, to symbolize these energies being transmuted into creative passion for your adventures to come.
  • Now meditate on the year ahead, allowing yourself to visualize everything you would like to come to pass. Take your pen and paper and write down all your hopes and dreams for the coming year.
  • Fold this paper and bury it, to symbolize the seeds of these intentions being planted in your future path. (This can be done up to a week after the ritual).

The Book of Shadows notebook by The Unseen is bound in calf leather, and hand-dyed with environmentally reactive ink to respond to your touch as if by magick…

The Unseen Book of Shadows on The Numinous
The Unseen Book of Shadows, from £35