Cast by Lindsay Mack, using The Starchild Tarot.

:: TAURUS – Ten of Cups ::

Sweet Taurus, are you appreciating all that you’ve worked so hard for? Are you allowing yourself to be present for the goodness in your life? Are you savoring the loveliness of the moment? Sacred, sacred gratitude: this is the best birthday gift you could give yourself, Taurus. Bowing to yourself in profound love and appreciation. Looking at your life and seeing how far you’ve come. Drop the story about all that you don’t have and just be here for this moment.

As cliché as it sounds, this life is like a beautiful sunset; it flashes by so quickly. If you’re unconsciously living out the story that you don’t have all you need, you can miss the beauty that’s right in front of you. This is a month to appreciate all that you’ve worked for, grown through, earned and learned. Celebrate all that is here, all that is shifting and changing. Celebrate yourself, Taurus. You deserve it immensely.

The power and the lesson in this monthly journey for you, Taurus, is that the brain/ego can be VERY devoted to this idea that we need more than we already have in order to be happy. The ego also loves the idea that we are not enough, that we are not deserving. A newfound commitment to gratitude, joy and presence in genuine moments shatters these chains, setting you free into a new paradigm of self-love.

Its been a VERY intense few months for you, Taurus; this month feels like its weaving together all that’s been released, and all that’s been gained in the recent evolutionary shifts, welcoming you back to the awe inspiring beauty of the moment. To begin to practice gratitude, start with some simple mindfulness exercises or a walking meditation. Doing so will start to rewire those powerful and untrue beliefs that the ego holds so dear, leaving you much more present and spontaneous.

Ten of Cups is a flash of perfect joy and gratitude – one of those moments where it feels so beautiful to be alive. Those perfect, shining flashes of Ten of Cups gratitude are little gateways home to the present moment. So lean into these sweet and precious moments, Taurus. Be awake for them. Put your phone down, drop your story and just BE. Quietly celebrate all that you are, how far you’ve come and all that is here now. It is your birthright.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

:: GEMINI – Ace of Crystals ::

Geminis are walking a funny, funky paradigm this month. You’re being asked to be open, yet do nothing. It sounds a little crazy, but there really is a method to the madness. Firstly, this is a month where it would be wise for you to FULLY retreat into your cocoon, Gemini. Show up for work, travel when you need to, do whatever you have to do, but don’t overextend. Don’t over offer. Lean into the medicine of the retrogrades fully and completely.

Let this be a time of gentle self examination and self evaluation. Say yes to what’s here, but don’t add any more logs to the fire. Instead, commit to going inward. This is the “do nothing” piece from the paragraph above. There is plenty to focus on, honor, resolve, expand through and work on right now. Doing “nothing” will enable you to be present for all that is already here. It will also help you to actually be available for the invitation of the retrograde, to surrender to it instead of fighting it. As the saying goes, “do nothing and nothing will be left undone.”

YET – you’re moving through Ace of Crystals. Ace of Crystals is a fresh and beautiful gift. Aces are like a marriage of the light and ephemera of The Fool and the incredible manifestation energy of The Magician. There’s an alchemy to them that really presents a transformative opportunity. The Ace of Crystals is going to be beautiful for Geminis this month. This particular card can show up as a physical, literal gift or a totally invisible, energetic one. In order to receive it, Gemini must be open, which rounds out the fullness of the invitation for you this month. Be open, yet do nothing.

Ace of Crystals, regardless of the form it takes, is a seed at heart. And as one seed can create an entire garden; one child can create an entire legacy. Seeds are important, precious, and require our attention. This is why Gemini must walk the line of being open and doing no thing in May. If you overextend yourself, there won’t be room in your garden for the gifts that are dropping in for you. The retrograde is actually making it possible for you to be in this place of newness. Embrace it, be present, be flexible, and weed your garden in preparation for all that is to come.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

:: CANCER – Two of Crystals ::

It is all about personal boundaries for Cancer this month. Say no when you need to, carve out space, give back whatever you’ve been holding for people in your life. Sweep the slate clean, and be gently unapologetic about it. Honor your truth. Two of Crystals is a powerful time when we are juggling something precious – a new career, a new life change, our children, our job, etc. It represents a time of very hard work, important work: our work in the world.

This work requires the fullness of your attention. It represents a time when you just don’t have as much space, time or attention to offer to other things or people in your life outside those big commitments. This is absolutely appropriate for you right now, Cancer. You DON’T have space for lesser things right now. So speak your truth and kindly communicate this. Then, and this is the most important piece, be gracious enough to let those people or things tantrum about your “no.” Its their stuff, not yours. You don’t own anyone an explanation. Just send compassion their way, and keep doing your thing.

But the key for you this month isn’t just to focus on the work at hand, Cancer. It isn’t just to master your boundaries, although that’s a big part of it. It’s the willingness to release your perceptions of being a hero or a savior to those in your life who are struggling and identified in their own victimhood. I know this can be difficult to hear, but any time we are holding someone up because we believe they cannot hold themselves on their own, we are enabling them. When we DO NOT have the personal space (and you don’t this month, Cancer), it doesn’t help these other people or situations: it drains you as it enables them.

Love the people in your life enough to give them back whatever weight you’re carrying for them on their behalf. It’s the truest gift you could give them as a friend, a child, a parent, or a colleague. And so, if you feel dread, fear, anger or resistance towards a project, person or situation, it’s time to gently pause your involvement with it, or let them know your plate is full and they’ll hear from you when you have more personal space. Trust that if it’s in your highest and best, it’ll be in theirs too.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

:: LEO – Five of Swords ::

Be so, so gentle with yourself this month, Leo. Like Gemini, this is a time to do far less than you’ve been doing, and go inward. Your focus this month is to re-center yourself. Your health, energy and wellbeing depend upon it. Five of Swords energy is a sting and a bummer. Often, the card can arise when we are fully faced with a rough consequence to an impulsive decision. It can result in a situation or a realization where we are contracted and full of regrets and self-defeat. But it doesn’t always have to feel this way.

This energy is related to April’s Tarotscope for you, too. Last month, you received some wisdom to be sure in your decisions; to not let looks or the surface of a situation fool you. Now there’s an opportunity to deeply and beautifully evolve from that place. Firstly, if you DO NOT feel this sense of defeat or contraction, then rest easy. It is not a prediction that you are going to feel terrible. The wisdom of the month will serve you regardless. Secondly, if you DO feel like you’re fully enmeshed in Five of Swords energy, then this will help you to really make peace with that experience.

May’s invitation for you, dear Leo, and the true medicine of the Five of Swords, is to master how to re-center in your life without judgment. Plain and simple. If you cheat on your partner, admit it and start to rebuild. If you relapse, call your AA sponsor and get to a meeting. If you binge, forget to take your medicine, spend all of your money, just come back to YOU. There is no final nail in the coffin in this life; you don’t have to repent or self-flagellate, you don’t have to beg for forgiveness. You’re a human and humans are supposed to get messy.

Frankly, we’re supposed to screw up – so forget the stories of how we just can’t get it right. We’re supposed to walk the edges of cliffs and evolve through our falls, our foibles and misanthropic choices. Its okay to make a bad call, or to experience regret. Just don’t add the energy of self-judgment to the pain and discomfort you may be in already, Leo. Re-center and take responsibility for yourself. No story, no judgment. Make amends – either to another or to yourself. Be sweet and gentle. All things heal in time.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

:: VIRGO – Eight of Swords ::

You are no longer trapped in the prison of your mind, Virgo. A transformation has taken place, and a new way is available for you. In many alchemical and powerful ways, you are free. This is a mental shift that will have a massive and beautiful impact on all aspects of your life this month. It might be largely invisible and subtle to those around you – but for you, Virgo, its like a veil has been lifted. For the last few months, Virgos have been “waking up” more profoundly than any other sign.

A total paradigm shift has been occurring, and the landscape has been changing hugely. This wakeup is exactly what Eight of Swords is all about. In this card, we go through a totally transformative process: we stop believing the story of our mind. The blinders come off completely in this card – or at least, this is possible if we go all the way with this invitation. Virgos really experienced this in April, and began to see the possibility and flexibility of their power through this new lens. In May, Virgo begins to embody this shift.

You were never trapped, Virgo: you only believed you were. Now you know you aren’t, so what will you do with your “one wild and precious life?”, as Mary Oliver says. That full and beautiful question is the centerpiece of this month for you, Virgo. It is powerful to consider. You are no longer imprisoned by your mind. So what will you do with all this freshness, space and energy? It is possible that this month could hold huge changes for you, all based in joy and empowerment. Because you can now see clearly, it will be simple to see when this is available some capacity. There’s no more trepidation, just celebration.

A good word of wisdom for Virgo is to lean into the retrogrades and surrender to their energies. The Mercury retrograde – your ruling planet – is particularly important for you guys. Go within and do quiet work on yourself. Clear and clean up old patterning, beliefs and situations that result any time you have believed yourself to be in a prison of your mind. It is going to be a very loving, potent and joyful process for you this month, Virgo. Embrace it with all you are.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

:: LIBRA – Queen of Swords ::

Sweet Libra, pause before you speak, share, commit, assume, or accuse this month. Pausing is both your prayer and the answer to it. Pause, inquire, self reflect, THEN speak. You’ll be going on a lot of inner journeys with your communication this month. Trust this deeply and let it unfold. Let your process be more silent than it’s ever been, and hang out in the Void of that space. The reason for this is simple: Libras tend to leak verbally and mentally when they feel lost and scared. Right now, you guys are in the death portion of a massive birth-death-birth cycle.

The death part is totally a time of unknowns, which is when the ego can try to grasp onto anything that feels familiar or comfortable to abate this fear. What I gently invite you to consider this month, is that the grasping is actually preventing you from cycling all of the way into your rebirth stage. The grasping is just the ego, the part of the brain that wants to feel ground under its feet. And part of how you guys enable this grasping and sense of safety is through your mental and verbal brilliance. Right now, though, this gift is going through its own upgrade, and it’s a time for far less speaking, and much more inquiry so that the cycle can complete itself.

So resist speaking or communicating about the STORY of what you’re going through, and instead allow the fullness of your vulnerability to shine through. Let yourself say that you don’t know. That you are scared. Lost. Shine a light with your words so that they may be clarified, set free by the truth. Queen of Swords is a master communicator. She’s able to slice through any doubt, confusion or fear, and speak from the depths of the heart. She is, after all, water and air. Queen of Swords is your sacred guide for this work. But to access her, you must pause and stop the “leak”.

If you’re scared, pause. If you feel victimized, pause. If you feel slighted, angry or frustrated, pause. Pausing will give you the space to move through the experience of your feelings and emotions (water), and the frenzy of your thoughts (air), until you come to a middle place. So much healing, clarity, illumination, and evolution will be borne from that place. Let your mantra be, “pause”.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

:: SCORPIO – Justice ::

Scorpio has living up to its reputation the last few months, standing at the doorway of one sacred death/rebirth after another. So much evolution is happening for you, Scorpio, and this month holds one of the most profound energies for you thus far. Justice is a powerful Major Arcana card, and could also be understood as the embodiment of the concept of “karma.” Karma is the simple understanding that whatever is here is supposed to be here. Whatever is here is bringing a gift. This is Justice, and the invitation that it brings.

So whatever happens for you this month, Scorpio, is exactly what is supposed to be happening. There are no accidents or mistakes, especially not when we are in Justice energy. Your work this month will be moving through your own process of accepting, understanding, and even embracing this. It is only when we can accept what the present moment brings that we are free to change it. It’s time to take a step back and evaluate your life through the blind eyes of Justice. Can you find the medicine, the gift, the purpose and the function of whatever is here for you?

There’s a reason why there’s a sword on most Justice cards, and it feels important for you this month, Scorpio. We can think of this as the presence of the suit of Swords in the Tarot, which is all about mastering brain chemistry. Justice can be very difficult for the ego and brain. Sometimes Justice revolves around something hard or difficult to “understand.” Other times, it can come up around stuff that is so amazing, so beautiful, that we have a hard time believe that its true or will last.

The feelings around Justice are the wounds to tend to – so d some psychic surgery and remove any untrue beliefs. The work for you this month goes right to the bone, right to the heart. Trust that this is bringing a gift and a treasure, even if you cannot see it. The way we can start to swim in the current of Justice is to go outside. Every tree, bee, flower, weed, every animal whispers the truth of this life to us, if we can lay down and listen. Nothing is permanent, everything brings a gift, everything has its place in the Great Web. You must touch this wild place, Scorpio, in order to see the parallels in your life, too.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

:: SAGITTARIUS – The Sun ::

Dear Sagittarius, this month is filled with so much sweetness for you! So much light, gratitude and joy. It is going to feel like a massive weight has left your shoulders. So much is sloughing off of you; lots of karmic stuff is cycling out, and it can’t come a moment too soon. You’ve been asked to be in the dark about some things for a long while, Sagittarius, and this month is truly a burst of understanding and clarity around areas that might have had you confused for years. It’s a big, big time. Think new relationships, new career, new expansions. The sky is the limit.

There will be answers, illumination and breakthroughs that will rock your world this month. There’s just one teeny, tiny, little invitation in order to swim in all of this beauty: Vulnerability. This is the key that unlocks the door. This is your final frontier, Sagittarius. Understanding and truly embodying the fact that vulnerability isn’t a weakness – its one of the sexiest things about you. It’s the truth that moves mountains, changes hearts, softens minds and shifts your karma. Now, you guys can be as sweet and as vulnerable as they come, except in certain situations. And it’s in these areas where you can allow your knees to bend a bit, and your heart to crack.

You will know what I’m talking about, because it is probably the area you’re already getting defensive about upon reading this! Your bravado and confidence is amazing when its authentic, but distances you from the light and warmth of The Sun when it’s a mask. Shake the ground from underneath you with your vulnerability; it’ll change your life, especially this month.

You’re getting massive gifts in May, regardless of this invitation into softness and vulnerability. But to take it all the way, let yourself crack when you need to. By doing so, its almost like you’re opening yourself enough to receive what you’ve been asking and praying for. It feels very sacred, and very internal. Allow yourself to go on this holy journey toward the light. Expect relief this month, too. Any of the stuff that’s been in the works, unspoken, unfinished will come to a blissful conclusion now. You guys are making so much room for the new, the light, and the beautiful. Just tie up these last pieces and you’ll be home free.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

:: CAPRICORN – Ten of Crystals, reversed ::

You’re going back to the drawing board in many ways this May, Capricorn, but this is totally appropriate for you. This is what the retrograde is for. You’ve been doing some massive, massive work on yourself, releasing and shoring up old beliefs that no longer serve. Like Sagittarius, you have also been asked to do a lot of this in the dark. It has been no easy feat, and you’ve shown up for it spectacularly. Now it’s time to truly rewire all of the foundational stuff that is not serving you, and that has outstayed its welcome. Its time to get back to basics, Capricorn, and do some work on the foundation of your life, beliefs and body.

A lot of this old foundation just doesn’t fit anymore. And so until you do this, nothing will be able to come in to your life that is a true harvest of what you deserve. This is the best news you could get right now. The retrogrades are specifically primed for this kind of work, a supportive rewiring. Be willing to be very present with this more internally focussed time. It won’t last, and it is crucial to your growth and ability to receive.

Ten of Crystals is a beautiful card, a gorgeous and powerful reaping of all our hard work. You received the Ten of Pentacles reversed. This isn’t bad, but it is an important distinction from the right side up interpretation of the card. The reversal indicates that you’re almost to that glorious, gorgeous harvest, but not quite. The image I am getting is like a highway running parallel to another highway, separated by a concrete divider. If you attempted to merge over, you would crash. But if you drive until the next turnoff, exit your highway and merge onto the parallel one, you’ll be home free. It’s the process of the merging, the turning and the reentry that is the key.

Go through the full healing and rewiring process, Capricorn. Resist the temptation to just crash “through” the divider. There is a much gentler, easier, more fruitful way to wake up. Look right into the heart of your untrue and outdated beliefs. Stop just intellectualizing them; make concrete changes. Release bullshit distractions; really honor the work and process of the moment. Merge onto the aligned highway of your life.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

:: AQUARIUS – Three of Swords, reversed ::

This is a month of deep healing for you, Aquarius. The wounding you’ve been moving through, any pain that arose in April, will finally have space and time to be cleansed. This month is a sacred time to tend to deep cuts, to apply balm to slashes in the heart. To no longer break your own heart; but to make amends to yourself, and to resist exposing yourself to anything or anyone who is cruel, unkind or unsupportive of you. So spend lots of nourishing time in nature, put your phone in a drawer, and focus on healing. Heal whatever is left unresolved in your sweet heart, and keep moving toward the salvation of renewed growth.

You guys have been shifting, changing and moving so fast that you haven’t had enough time to process any grief or hurt from the last few months. That’s been totally aligned, but it is now the perfect time to do this internal healing work. This month, you’ll finally have space to not only heal, but to find joy and lightness again. This is the invitation of this retrograde for you; space, clearing and renewal. Healing in order to create space is the key to this month for you, Aquarius.

Three of Swords can be a very painful energy to move through. It can portend heartache, heartbreak, wounding, and drama. It’s a huge mental energy, too; lots of beliefs and thoughts that don’t serve. But because you got this card reversed, Aquarius, the pain of this card is behind you. It is already over. The storm has passed; now you must rebuild. There is a reemergence that is so beautiful with this card reversed. You are truly going through a rebirth, Aquarius.

Be in and around fresh water as much as you can. Bathe, cleanse, and wash yourself in the water of lakes, rivers and streams if possible. Treat yourself kindly during this time. Take naps, go slowly, let things be as soft, as gentle and as deep as they can get. Really up your time in nature, too. Make this a very nourishing experience. This wound clearing for Aquarius might go back years. Whatever has been left unexamined is now ready to be looked at and squeezed out. Trust this time, trust all that its bringing to you, and keep allowing it to releasing layer upon layer of shrapnel from your soul, leaving you whole and new again.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

:: PISCES – Nine of Wands ::

There are some powerful journeys in store for you this month, Pisces. Journeys of the heart, the mind and the soul. These journeys are all beautiful, but intense, and will absolutely take up a great deal of your energy this month. It is the last big expansion of energy for you before a period of well deserved rest this summer. The key with Nine of Wands is to take breaks when you need them. It’s a lot of work, movement and effort to travel through this card’s energy. So go slowly, and ask for help when you desire it.

You do not have to be an island, sweet Pisces. Open your heart, speak your truth, and believe you’re worthy of help and a kind ear. This has really been, frankly, what the last few months have been about for you guys. Getting you to ask for help; to open your heart to community, and to be seen in a way that is really powerful. Those of you who have allowed yourself to be more vulnerable and available to assistance have been receiving it in incredible ways. There have been big, big time shifts and gifts for Pisceans who have asked for help and guidance along the way.

For those of you who are still locked in your victimhood, your mental stories about what is fair or unfair, I gently invite you back to your truth. To the shining, beautiful truth of your special, unforgettable and wonderful nature, Pisces. Nine of Wands, no matter where you are, will be a road home. A road back to your truth, to your path, and to your goals. In order to reach them, you must, must, must, must go gently and slowly. Pace yourself; that’s the key with this card.

Take breaks when you need them, allow yourself to be held up and seen by people who you trust. Ask for whatever assistance you should need along the way and you will absolutely receive it. It is very important for you to speak your truth this month, too. If you have something to say, say it. If you have something to express, express it. Do not hide or suffer in silence. Share your experience and let yourself be seen. It’s the last big, effortful journey before some amount of regeneration and rest for you. Be willing to go the distance and leave the heaviness behind.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

:: ARIES – The Lovers ::

Seeing and being seen is the medicine of the moment for Aries this month. Expect some BIG personal shifts and upgrades around how you view and think about yourself, all for the better. But let’s start with what The Lovers is NOT: it is not necessarily a harbinger of new love, a rekindling of an old love, or a new relationship. It can be, but this isn’t the bottom line of the card. It’s not about another person or situation; when we are in The Lovers’ energy, the people around us become our mirrors. For you, Aries, the people around you will be deep and powerful reflectors of your truth, beauty, goodness and gifts this month.

This energy is being offered to you so that you can start seeing yourself as others see you. This isn’t an energy that just puffs the ego; the colors run really true, and very deep. There is a power to The Lovers that can radically and permanently shift our opinions and beliefs about ourselves. It all happens in alignment with the truth – and so in any area you have a false view of yourself, someone or something is going to reflect the truth to you. Now comes your opportunity to accept this invitation and embody it.

This whole year for Aries is going to be about upgrading old beliefs and evolving your view of yourself. It has been, up until this point, about healing and offering love and care to the nervous system. May offers some more blossoming and sweetness. April was a CRUNCHER of a month for Aries – so much ego eradication, stress and insecurity. This month, dive back into the truth. Do you know who you are? In April, I don’t know how many of you would have answered that you knew with confidence. This month is a different ballgame. The Lovers will help profoundly with this.

If you are not in a position where someone in your life is reflecting to you YOUR specialness, pay attention to those who YOU feel are beautiful. What you think is amazing in them is what is amazing about you too. If you’re falling in love with someone, you’re really falling in love with yourself. What you feel is special and wonderful about someone else, is in you, too. It’ll be a heart centered homecoming to the truth of your amazing nature, Aries. So dive in courageously, and let yourself see and be seen.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

MY MANTRA: Everything, everything, everything in this life brings medicine — even if it’s bitter and unpleasant. // MY MISSION: To be a soul doula and unconditional space holder for people on their healing journeys // MY STYLE: Brooklyn Witch (aka, black on black on black) // MY SIGN: 8th House Aries Sun // MY HEALING: Tarot for the Wild Soul