Fashion designer Henry Holland makes success look effortless. But not only does he work like a demon behind the scenes, the Universe is on his side thanks to regular cosmic ordering and the power of positive thinking.
Henry Holland: “As a Gemini I definitely feel I have two distinct sides.”
DO YOU HAVE ANY RECURRING DREAMS AND WHAT DO YOU THINK THEY MEAN? “I have a LOT of work related dreams usually about things not getting done in time or properly – like stress dreams but not really any recurring themes. I think the ones I have are just my subconscious stressing out.” Continue reading “MY MYSTICAL LIFE: HENRY HOLLAND”
I’ve done a lot of change-your-life-type workshops from bootcamps to spas and goddess weekends, but something called a ‘Vision Quest’ has had the most massive and long-term effect on me. A Vision Quest is like camping-meets-Carlos Castaneda, and is the only thing that’s ever really ‘re-booted’ my life. Continue reading “NEED-TO-KNOW: A VISION QUEST IN THE PYRENEES”
A hug from Amma, “the hugging saint,” is a surreal experience. You go, you wait on line for hours, you finally find yourself enveloped in the same warm, nurturing embrace that over 32 million people globally have now experienced, and you come away feeling…like you’re on some kind of love drug, with an apple and a Hershey’s Kiss pressed into your hand in case you find yourself feeling light-headed. Continue reading “AMMA SPEAKS! IN CONVERSATION WITH THE HUGGING SAINT”
Enlightening chats with the oracle of all things mystically glam, Gala Darling: apparently, the colour of your wallet can make a big difference when it comes to the kudos of your credit rating. Time to splash some of that precious cash on an upgrade? Continue reading “MAKE YOUR WALLET A MONEY MAGNET”
New York-based jeweller Jules Kim is a true original, a spiritual adventurer whose travels always lead to inspiration and personal insight. On a recent trip to Reykjavik, she decided to partake in an ancient sweat lodge ritual. THIS was her experience.
Jules Kim: “Such an intense physical and spiritual awakening”
I recently had the blessed opportunity to be part of a ritual Icelandic sweat lodge in Reykjavik. My close friend and elfin sidekick, Imba, has been dropping stories about this unique experience for years. I always doubted whether I’d survive a session, due Imba’s stories about the intense heat. Then she suggested we book up, and I was excited and a little nervous.
The mystical and magical Loulou Androlia casts her deck to see what’s in the cards for your sign this month…
Cancer – King of Swords Happy birthday Cancer! Did you listen to anything I said last month? I hope so, new beginnings are now here waiting for you. I have a feeling that if you didn’t make those leaps in June then you may have noticed a little push (or a big shove more like) from the Universe? Sometimes our moments of change have to be presented to us if we’re quite not ready to go there ourselves. So if you have felt a bit ‘rock bottom’ these last few weeks, it’s just part of your life cycle. The end is never the end. So the King of Swords is a pretty powerful guy, and I feel he is present for you this month to teach you about personal power and remind you to step into your self a little more. The Swords are AIR cards meaning they address our mental thoughts. If you can be prone to self sabotage, diving into this air energy can help us realise that the key is always in our perception. How are you going to choose to look upon your struggles? There are two ways of seeing life, one is to believe that things are happening TO us, the other that we have a hand in shaping our destiny. To choose the former suggests to yourself that you have no option to change the circumstances in your life, that you have no personal power. It’s is a very passive, negative way of thinking about your life, and this card suggests it’s time to step up to the wheel. This July, get back into the driving seat and realise that changing patterns of thinking doesn’t have to be scary; the unknown is only something else that’s open to our perception of it. Personal evolution is awesome, so let’s go! Continue reading “TAROTSCOPES: JULY 2013”