BY: Sandy Sitron · Astro + Tarot
Sandra Sitron explores all the elements of this month’s Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, with suggestions for celebrations by sign…

Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, September 16 2016. Exact at 3:05pm EDT
A whisper. A quiet murmur. Full Moons are usually loud and all fired up with the light of the Sun. Yet this Full Moon is a quiet and gentle offering that echoes through the mist. The whisper comes from your intuition. It says: look more closely, listen more closely, slow down, grow quiet. Let yourself dissolve.
This Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will offer many moments where you may want to instinctually push forward. Choose instead to step back. See what happens if you step away instead of push. If you meet a force, avoid the collision by bowing down and creating a blessing in your heart. If you are in right mind, you don’t have to be right. You can just be. Be connected to all things.
The Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse brings us a heightened sense of spiritual connection, along with a heightened desire to improve our physical experience through purification and service. It is here to let us know we are making progress in this, and to provide us with an opportunity to start fresh in these pursuits. We reset our intentions once more.
Every eclipse marks a time to reset. This one is in the sign of Pisces, the last sign of the Zodiac. Pisces is the container that holds the wisdom and lessons of all the other signs. It is the summary. As is the number 9 in numerology—and this Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse happens right in the middle of the 2016 999 portal (9/9—9/27). And so, at this time, we come to the end of a long story about human struggle and growth. We pause here. We listen. We wait. And as we begin again, something is very different.
Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
The crow looks you in the eye and says “Don’t forget.”
Don’t forget what? Your humanity. Your desire to improve the physical world. (Virgo Sun) And your spiritual oneness with all that is. Your perfection in simply being. (Pisces Moon)
A Full Moon happens when the Moon is opposite the Sun. The Moon is in Pisces and the Sun is in Virgo. All Full Moons help us create greater awareness in our lives. The awareness we are learning now is about the balance between the physical world and the spiritual world. These are two sides of one ideal. Virgo teaches us how to improve our physical realm. Pisces teaches us how to improve our spiritual understanding—the understanding that we are already perfect.
The Virgo Sun asks you to get really tuned into your body. Do good things for your health. Eat right. Exercise. Meditate. And then do good things for your world. Offer small and big acts of service. Keep your body and mind active by helping others. The Pisces Moon encourages you to empathize and feel. Listen to and process your feelings. Remind yourself that you are loved. Remind yourself that you are connected.
Points of tension can arise when two luminaries oppose each other. The Virgo Sun is concerned with the details and can get caught up in analysis. The Pisces Moon has such deep emotions that empathy can overwhelm. If this happens it can become easy to slip away, like a fish. During this Full Moon, we have energy to define, yet a need to dissolve.
To create balance, we can slow down and make space. Lengthen the amount of time between action and emotional reaction with a mindfulness practice. Listen to your breathing. Slow down and grow quiet to allow the voice of the crow to come through. He may prompt you again. “Don’t forget.”
Don’t forget your humanity.
Don’t forget your spirit.
Who is the crow?
The crow is associated with life’s mysteries, with magic and transformation. He is also the embodiment of the trickster. This is very apropos for Pisces. With the current aspects, it is hard to know what is real and what is not. True clarity comes from deep within. Follow your intuition. Watch the crow for clues, as all the animals do. The crow will nudge you in the right direction if you slow down and grow quiet enough to interpret his voice.
The takeaway
Virgo Sun: Act in ways that are good for your body and your world. Think about purification and service.
Pisces Moon: Connect with your spirituality. Listen to your intuition. Feel all your feelings. Empathize.
Sun and Moon in T-square with Mars
The deer runs from the hunter.
This is a dance, and an inevitable point of tension. Are you the deer? Tuned-in, agile, instinctual, pure, innocent. Or are you the hunter? Focused. Confrontational. Taking conscious action. Hungry.
You will be both in this T-square configuration. You will be asked to form opinions that are like arrows. You will be asked to dissolve those same opinions if necessary, and rush to the cover of another tree. You will find the same benefit from putting your opinions forward and from being open-minded.
This mutable square reminds that adaptation is the goal. There are always new levels of understanding to be reached and improvements to be made. Be wary of over-exertion, yet harness your drive to explore and take risks. Keep navigating toward the result that you desire. Stay out of conflicts. (This may be hard.) But remain confrontational with yourself. Ask yourself questions. Form opinions. Hunt out your truth. Push yourself out of your comfort zone.
And at the same time acknowledge your true perfection. Be gentle with yourself. Remember your innocent and singular childhood purpose—to be alive.
The takeaway
Use Mars in Sagittarius energy to help you define your opinions, but don’t get caught up in unnecessary conflict.
Full Moon Conjunct Chiron
The clock chimes.
Time passes and feelings that were once too difficult to process bubble back up to the surface. This moment offers us another chance to heal. This is a chance for many of us to reprocess the past. Sometimes we must experience challenging emotions in order to process them. Encourage yourself to feel all of your feelings.
You may feel very tender. If you feel especially tender, think about why. Are you being reminded of a much older wound? Monitor your reactions. If you have an emotional reaction that you can safely say is out of proportion to what is going on, note that you are being triggered. Think back to the first time that you had the feeling you are having. Maybe there is a clue as to what is triggering you. Or ask yourself where the feeling is located in your body. That information may provide a different clue.
With Pisces, the tendency is to get overwhelmed by feeling and to try to distract away from it. This Full Moon would be the right time to watch what you reach for when you want to distract yourself. Just watch. Common things that we reach for are: drugs, alcohol, sex, disordered eating, work, TV, video games, social media, the internet, or talking too much. The list goes on, to include anything that is habitual for you and distracts you from your feelings.
All you have to do here is notice. If you are reaching around for different distractions, take it as a chance to interview yourself about your current emotional state. Ask, “What am I feeling?” “Where is the feeling located in my body?” “When was the first time I had this feeling.” Or, “Am I lonely?” “Am I sad?” “Am I angry?” “Am I afraid?” Dig in to these feelings as far as you can. The clock is chiming and it is time to process the feelings of the past.
The takeaway
Feelings may come up that are lingering from past wounds. Process them fully.
In summary, at this Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, it is time to end one chapter and begin the next. It is time to reset. Honor your humanity and your spirituality. Work to improve, but remind yourself that everything is already perfect. Take care of your body and listen to your intuition. Form and defend your opinions, but don’t get caught up in conflict that doesn’t serve your highest purpose. Seek cathartic healing of old wounds, so that you can move fully into the next phase.
These suggestions can help you balance your emotions during the Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. If you know what house in your birth chart 24 degrees Pisces is in, also read for that house.
Aries :: 12th house
Write down a dream or sit quietly in meditation.
Taurus :: 11th house
Get together with friends and brainstorm ways to make the world a better place.
Gemini :: 10th house
Create a plan to get super healthy, so you can be a more confident leader.
Cancer :: 9th house
Explore a new place and allow your intuition to be your guide book.
Leo :: 8th house
Tell someone you want to connect more closely to how you really feel.
Virgo :: 7th house
Invite somebody close to share in your latest project.
Libra :: 6th house
Tweak your schedule to make it more moderate, nurturing and balanced.
Scorpio :: 5th house
Do something creative that really ignites your imagination.
Sagittarius :: 4th house
Nest in your home space and hang out with loved ones.
Capricorn :: 3rd house
Enliven your mind. Learn something new and then share it.
Aquarius :: 2nd house
Put your bare feet on the ground. Literally—it’s called earthing!
Pisces :: 1st house
Step out of your comfort zone to make your mark. Do something that feels like a risk.
To book a private reading with Sandra email [email protected] or visit Strongeyeastrology.com