BY: The Numinous · Astro + Tarot
As children of the Age of Aquarius, we have an important role to play in the evolution of humanity. Aurora Tower explains what this means for your sign…Artwork: Kathya Tornero
Besides maybe Mercury retrograde and the Saturn Return, there are few astrological phenomena that have imprinted in the collective consciousness as much as “The Age of Aquarius.”
But what really is the Age of Aquarius? Are we already in it? And what role do each of us have in it’s unfolding?
The tribe of light workers and rainbow children now populating the earth, and sharing messages of consciousness and sacred wisdom, is one of the harbingers that we are indeed at the cusp of the Age of Aquarius—the “new age” that began to dawn with the Uranus Pluto conjunction of the late 1960s (just as the famous song was released in 1969). And by most accounts, the cusp period is roughly 150 to 200 hundred years. So by the early 2100s we will be fully enmeshed in the Age of Aquarius.
Why a new “age,” or era, for the whole world? Since the earth wobbles on its orbit, it is actually rotating v-e-r-y slowly around it’s own core. A full circle of the earth around it’s core axis takes approximately 26,000 years—the length of each World Age, as described in ancient astrological text, The Procession of Equinoxes.
During each 26,000-year age, each of the twelve constellations will be visible in the sky behind the spring Equinox (usually March 21st) for about 2,160 years. When Babylonian astrologers codified the Zodiac around 1,000 BC, the sign of Aries was present behind the sun during the spring Equinox. And so this was the Age of Aries—a time of warrior clans, representative of the the Aries fighter spirit.
Near the time of the birth of Christ, as the Earth moved around it’s own axis, Pisces became visible behind the sun during the spring Equinox—marking the dawning of The Age of Pisces. This astrological era, which we are now transitioning out of, has been marked by religious crusades and spiritual dogma, reflecting Pisces connection to the divine.
And now we are transitioning from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius—a sign of Aquarius related to technology, innovation, humanitarianism and collective ideals.
During the Age of Aquarius, we can expect to see a radically group-oriented culture that values humanitarianism and individual rights extremely highly. The recent emergence of the “sharing economy” (AirBnB, Uber) is reflective of the movement towards collectivism that will impact every realm of life. And the exponential rate of technological advancement will make all of our science fiction dreams come true.
And having been born during this cusp phase, each of us has an important role to play in the unfolding of the Age of Aquarius. Read on to see how embodying the traits of your sign will help lead us into the next phase of human evolution…
:: ARIES ::
You have an important role to play in the collection and dissemination of information. Your bright and curious mind is always three steps ahead and the ideas and brainstorms that move through you are very valuable in spreading messages that are having a positive and awakening affect on humanity. Explore and learn as much as you can, so that you can build bridges and connections between different ideas. Meeting people and having a vast network of acquaintances will also help you on this task, as will keeping everyone up-to-date via whatever methods of communication become available through technology.
:: TAURUS ::
Your role now is as a protector of sacred Earth energy. You have an important role to play in nurturing our planet and humanity through an ecological and humanitarian crisis. By staying grounded and focused in our bodies, conscious of the food we eat, and our own level of kindness and self-care, we can heal together. And since your wisdom is deeply rooted in the Earth and connection to our bodies, you have a vital role to play as the strong backbone of this transition away from blind consumption and consumerism, and toward engagement with our resources in a way that truly nurtures us—and the planet.
:: GEMINI ::
Your creativity and leadership play a central role in this coming age. As another mental Air sign (like Aquarius) you resonate strongly with the incoming energy of the Aquarian Age. So your task is to step out of the shadows and embrace a leadership role in inspiring others to be their best selves during this time, and to follow their own unique paths as well. You are especially adept at working with children and younger generations, and infusing a spirit of fun and playfulness into your work. The more you come from the heart and lift those around you, the higher you can rise.
:: CANCER ::
Your consistency, thoughtfulness and attention to detail are some of the most important qualities you can present to the world during this transition. As old systems break down and new systems replace them, you will have an important role to play in making sure the details of these transitions are handled smoothly and effectively. Your tremendous patience and dedication will help you play this vital role, as will your genuine care for the well-being of others. Learning to artfully navigate change and make the most of complicated situations will also greatly benefit you in your personal life.
:: LEO ::
You have a very important role during this time. As the opposite sign of Aquarius, your energy is also being strongly activated now. What is most crucial is that you use your tremendous gifts of magnetism, charisma and creativity in service of the greater collective good, rather than falling pray to temptation for self-aggrandizing. The more you focus on how your actions impact your partnerships, the groups you are a part of, and the world at large, the more opportunities you will see to be of assistance. Then you can claim your place as a central force for positive change through your inspiring leadership and strong network of connections.
:: VIRGO ::
Your role in the Age of Aquarius is subtle but powerful. As a careful, observant and hard-working soul you can accrue much power and influence during this time, as others appear to blindly stumble through the chaos. By watching and seizing opportunities that present themselves, you could find yourself with access to political and financial elites. Influencing important people and situations with your prudent and rational perspective, can help steer the course of history in very meaningful ways. Take care to only invest, personally and financially, in situations that are a true match for your priorities.
:: LIBRA ::
As the peacemakers and negotiators of the zodiac, you have a central role to play in uniting people across different countries, cultures and boundaries. By engaging with others to come up with solutions together, you play a pivotal role in calming the deep fragmentation and negative cultural projections that have done so much damage during the Age of Pisces. Using your articulate language skills and natural sense of justice, you can build bridges where there has previously only been mistrust. This work is crucial since mutual trust and strong alliances are necessary underpinnings of a functional collaborative era.
Your presence and your power is seen and felt strongly during this time, and others are looking up to you. You are a natural leader and now is the time for you to step into your destiny and make meaningful changes and transformations within the world’s largest corporate and governmental agencies. Your ability to cut through bureaucratic deadlock and find better solutions to the world’s problems, and implement them in a practical way, is essential to transforming our major institutions. Using your innate confidence and networking skills to help you achieve your aims, your work provides a real and lasting impact on the world.
You are a visionary who is not tied to old-fashioned concepts about how things should be done. Because of this, you have an important role to play in envisioning future technologies and social institutions. Being open-minded to different people, perspectives and opinions helps you to find the most innovative and promising solutions to the many problems at hand—and working with lots of different types of people allows you to learn and grow in exciting personal ways as well. If you can dream it, you can make it happening in the Age of Aquarius, and you are at the forefront of these bold and courageous ideals.
Naturally a very business-minded person, your role now is to truly align with your spiritual purpose so that you can use all of your pragmatic skills and talents for their highest service. This may require moving farther away from the familial or social culture in which you are enmeshed and spend more time nurturing your own unique bond with your higher wisdom and guides. This is challenging work, and it may take a long time for you to feel truly connected at the heart level to what you feel you must do, but this is a far greater service to the world than maintaining the status quo.
It’s your party, Aquarius. You are completely in synch with the coming Age and your natural sense of self-motivation, unique personal vision and strong humanitarian values means that you will be one of the beacons of light who truly inspires others. Simply by staying on your course, and encouraging others to do their part and follow their course, they will see how many wonderful things are possible when you commit wholeheartedly to living your value system and delivering what you promise. Creating groups and organizations may nourish you, but leave yourself flexible to keep exploring your own path.
:: PISCES ::
You are very sensitive and receptive, and the chaotic changes that happen during this shift may affect your energy in complex ways. So a crucial part of your role, is to focus on self-love and self-care as a path to health and healing. Your compassion and selflessness are extraordinary, but you cannot be of service to others if you are not first whole and healthy within yourself. Your role is to cultivate this for yourself, and to be an example to others of living in your own truth in ways that support your priorities but are also respectful of others. These healthy boundaries keep a collective culture strong.
Aurora Tower has been studying astrology since she was 10 years old, and has been at the helm of the iconic Cosmopolitan Bedside Astrologer brand since 2012—which reaches more than 30 million people per month in the magazine, online and on Snapchat. Her first book, Cosmopolitan Bedside Astrologer: The Ultimate Guide to Your Star Power
, is out now.