The 2018 Libra Full Moon asks us to reframe our storylines, look for creative solutions, and lovingly partner with others so we can really start fresh, says Sandy Sitron …
Full Moon :: March 31 2018 :: 8:37 am ET :: 10 degrees Libra
A bowling ball crushes down the lane and makes contact. The pins teeter back and forth before falling.
Although Libra is the sign of balance, this Full Moon may be the bowling ball hitting the pins. Sometimes, you have to shake things up in order to find a better equilibrium.
We think of balance as quiet steadiness. But in fact, balance is in constant motion. It requires activated muscles to hold steady in a tree pose. You must constantly adjust the steering wheel to keep a car on the road.
This Full Moon forms a T-square to the Sun and Mercury retrograde in Aries, and Mars and Saturn in Capricorn. This is a force of tension that requires creative solutions. It’s highly motivating energy and, in the cardinal signs, this is the modality of new beginnings.
We are starting fresh, but we have to work with tension so that we can make it happen.
The Aries—Libra axis is about relationships. Who am I in relation to you? How do I take care of myself? How do I honor you in the process? The puzzle is to take others into account without becoming overly concerned about what other people think.
Get clear about what you need. But become curious about another person’s feelings and needs. Find a way to compromise. Air it out. Talk it through. Challenge yourself to be objective and fair.
The only cardinal sign that’s not activated in this T-square is Cancer. Nurturance is the antidote. Look at what you are criticizing about yourself and others. Can you infuse more gentleness? Can you love up on yourself?
With Mercury in retrograde, review the past and come up with better solutions. Seek out reconciliation. Find ways to reframe what’s going on …
Love Sandy’s readings? Register for one of her FREE upcoming Saturn Return webinars and learn how to navigate your cosmic rite of passage with grace and ease. Get the dates and sign up HERE.
Full Moon opposite Mercury The butterfly balances in the wind. While this moon may feel like a problem that needs to be solved, approach it like a butterfly. The butterfly doesn’t grip too tightly. The butterfly has already gone through the painful shock of transformation and has made it to the other side. She understands the full spectrum of possibility. She has walked with many legs on land, and now she can fly. You can cultivate this level of objectivity and awareness and it will help you understand yourself and others.
Full Moon square Saturn and Mars Surveying a wall. The T-square to Mars and Saturn in Capricorn is the most challenging part of this picture. Mars conjunct Saturn is currently asking us to find a better way. Do it fast and do it now. There’s not a lot of wiggle room here as we try to build a better structure that really works, without coming up against a wall.
This Moon is clueing you into patterns that have been tense for some time and urging you to find creative resolution. Think about an area of your life where you have felt stuck. Can you get support in this area? Is there more space, more time, or attention that you can apply here? You have to initiate a new pattern.
Collectively, this moon asks us to find a way through that works for everyone. We can take leadership roles while also being gracious and diplomatic. These cardinal energies are asking us to start something new, but we are still working with the structures of the past. Create change within the system.
The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2018 Libra Full Moon means for you. Use them as journal prompts. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 10 degrees Libra in your chart and use the question for that house.
New to your birth chart? Calculate your chart for free HERE
Aries or Full Moon in the 7th house What would help a relationship you’re in to feel balanced?
Taurus or Full Moon in the 6th house What is something simple that would feel like self-care?
Gemini or Full Moon in the 5th house How would playfulness help you?
Cancer or Full Moon in the 4th house What feeling needs to be expressed?
Leo or Full Moon in the 3rd house What do you need to communicate?
Virgo or Full Moon in the 2nd house How can you feel more secure?
Libra or Full Moon in the 1st house How will balance change the way you think about yourself?
Scorpio or Full Moon in the 12th house What do you need to see that you’re not seeing?
Sagittarius or Full Moon in the 11th house What can your friendships offer you now?
Capricorn or Full Moon in the 10th house What can you tell yourself to help you trust in your own success?
Aquarius or Full Moon in the 9th house What’s the most optimistic way to describe what’s happening now?
Pisces or Full Moon in the 8th house What is ready to be released?
Love Sandy’s readings? Register for one of her FREE upcoming Saturn Return webinars and learn how to navigate your cosmic rite of passage with grace and ease. Get the dates and sign up HERE.
How can embracing your deepest sexy unleash your creative force? In her latest column, Alexandra Roxo shows us that diving into our full sexual power is the key to world domination …
Owning my sexual and creative power, and letting it inform my life and creativity and work, has been revolutionary and radical … despite how much society had told me I’m too loud or too sexual or too freaky or kinky or messy or whatever.
Here are a few of my tried and true techniques for owning your sexual power, your guts, your voice, and your gifts to the world …
FIRST: A little visualization for your viewing pleasure …
Imagine you are a house. Perhaps 5 stories high. Castlelike. Grand. Tall. Well crafted. And each floor and each room is decorated beautifully. Lamps and lights and candles. Beautiful art. Cultivated space. But the first floor, the foundation, is dark, full of cobwebs. Closets locked. Perhaps a corner here and there with a little light that is only turned on “sometimes”—on a special occasion …
Now imagine this floor is your sexual energy. Your life force. Your creative power that is waiting to be stirred deep inside you.
Does it only get stirred in a bed in the dark? Between sheets? With your partner? Or a vibrator? What if you ran through that first floor, saged it out, turned on all the lights, decorated it—made it come to life?
We live in a world of compartmentalization. We shit in another room with a locked door. We carry our money in locked safes and little wallets held close to our bodies. We have sex in a bed in the dark.
When I was younger, my menstrual cycle was WAY off. After some soul searching, I realized that it was most off during the times that I was suppressing my power. Now, if my cycle is late, I look at how I’ve been holding back and “keeping it together?” How can I EMBODY my power, my vision, and my voice more boldly?
Sexual power IS creative power! And it does not work when controlled or locked away. In fact, this is hurting many of us. Disrupting our menstrual flows. Our skin. Causing diseases. Depression … the list goes on.
How might your life change if your sexual energy was present in every moment, every business deal, every Pilates class? Here’s how to awaken your deep sexy and use it to power your mission …
STEP 1// DEFINE YOUR “DEEP SEXY” Sexual energy does NOT have to be defined or encapsulated in the “sexy” of black lingerie. Or being coy, Or performing “sexy.” Or having skinny thighs. Or whispering fantasies at dinner. I LOVE all that but that is JUST one layer.
Deep Sexy to ME is sexual energy as POWER. Holding the key to all creation between your legs. The womb being an infinite pool of ideas and visions of growth. Orgasms healing the world.
A portal to the Divine that you are I are both gifted with.
We begin breaking the compartmentalization of sex as penetration, locked doors, and quiet moments in the dark, by practicing turning it on. No need to stroke a clit. No need to stick it in. Just breathe into that flow. give it space, connect to its depths.
This can be literally visualizing sexual energy as a certain color running through your body. Or connecting it to a scent. Or a song. Find a VISCERAL and SENSORIAL “IN,” and go with it.
That is what lights up the house. Increases financial flow. Health. Radiance. Love. Business growth. The whole house is illuminated.
OKAY NOW YOU GO! Write your own list. What is sexy to YOU?
STEP 2// BELLY BREATH VS. CHEST BREATH This is how you start to see and FEEL your sexuality. Meditate into your pelvis, your guts. Give your whole lower body as much importance as you do your mind, remembering every day about the portal to source energy that lives in there.
This can be practiced through dancing in your undies. Doing deep belly breathing at home in the mirror or with a book on your stomach while watching TV. Or picking points in your day by putting an alert in your cal that says “Am I breathing into my GUTS? My deep BELLY?”
And notice if you’re sucking it in. Let your belly hang out as much as possible, even though it may feel kinda weird! Breathe it open with deep belly breaths instead of shallow chest ones.
STEP 3// WHAT IF YOUR BRILLIANT IDEAS CAME ALL THE WAY FROM DOWN BELOW? Ask yourself “Did I just make this business decision from my mind? My heart? My womb? My balls?”
Regardless of your genitalia or gender identification, let your ideas brew from your depths, the roots, the intimate parts of you. Not the surface layers of your mind.
One way to check if you are truly dropping into your sexual power and living from THERE instead of the mind is to see how much you can FEEL in the moment you are making that decision. Can you feel your clit? Your cervix? Your kundalini vibes? Your balls? Your anus? (Not by literal touching, just the vibes and energy!)
And if you’re not feeling it, THAT’S OK! Try using a Chakrub, doing some PC muscle clenching, or literally start talking to your body and trying to put into words what that part of you is feeling today.
It may sound LOL, but unless you can really identify what your root is feeling, you definitely can’t find your gut intuition or make decisions from there.
STEP 4// GET MESSY AND WILD Look to the most genius creator for wisdom—MOTHER NATURE! She is wild! Messy! Disgusting! Ravenous! Beautiful! Sensual! Vicious!
Messy for me can mean taking a day to hike, laying in a field, walking barefoot, wearing no makeup, peeing outside.
But what does it mean to you? This may mean vision boarding on the floor of bedroom and making a mad genius mess of old magazines. It may mean a week you play with letting your hair be wild and free. Or only wearing long flowy dresses.
Write down 5 things that feel “messy,” aka “outside the box,” to you. One day a week take a “IMA B MESSY AND NOT GIVE A FUCK” practice. So. Fun.
STEP 5// MAKE CONTAINERS FOR YOUR FLOW TO FLOW IN! As you unlock your flow, don’t be afraid to have structures. A set time to meditate. Time to stare into space. Time to journal. To masturbate. Time to roll around on the floor sobbing.
Because when you start to open that flow of energy stored in your pelvis you will feel A LOT. The power can be overwhelming. Don’t be afraid. Stay close to friends. Nurture yourself. And most of all … HAVE FUN!
We are deep in the collective process of healing through hundreds of years of collective trauma towards women, towards sexuality, towards, well, A LOT. We will not stay quiet, hating ourselves, being ashamed of being sexual, powerful beings. Let’s do this. TOGETHER.
In Moon Club, our online mentoring program and growth accelerator for your Spirit and Business, you can get help finding your power and voice, and sharing it with the world. Join our “New Moon Ritual Intentions Setting Journey” on April 15th with something to let go of! Last month people were loving it so much that we heard it was “orgasmic” and “completely life changing.” Attend your first New Moon Ritual for FREE by emailing [email protected]. We would love to have you!
What’s this week’s cosmic symbol for your sign? Check out our weekly ‘scopes from Sandy Sitron …
Aries // Aries Rising A herd of horses. There’s a wild side of you that is ready to come out. Surprise yourself in a multitude of ways. Let your energy ride high. Take time for breaks, playfulness and fun. As you embrace wildness and adventure, begin to see yourself in a new way. Your identity is transforming.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus // Taurus Rising A waterslide. A trip into the depths could be fun and fascinating. Don’t be afraid to encounter some emotions along the way. Through mediation and time alone, put yourself on a trajectory that ends in a deep dive. Carve out space for yourself to just BE and notice what surprising insight comes through.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini // Gemini Rising Standing on a mountain, looking at the valley far below. Let perspective seep in until your entire outlook is surprisingly different. Keep nudging yourself to see the big picture. Ask your friends for an objective viewpoint. Look outside of yourself for more information. As a result, you’ll fall deeper in love with your journey.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer // Cancer Rising Holding a bullfrog. This is a potent time for career development. Creativity and receptivity are heightened as you appraise your career path. Seek out new information so that you can change your ways.The frog symbolizes cleansing and renewal. Do you need to reinvigorate or renew the way way you think about your work in the world?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo // Leo Rising Looking at the cards you’ve been dealt. You’re ready to break free of what fate has handed you, and determine your own destiny. The path that you take now is completely reliant on three things—your creativity, your spontaneity and your ability to receive. Know your mission and then start your own journey.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo // Virgo Rising Pulling the weeds. Tending to the crops is a metaphor for staying busy and taking care of business. Pulling the weeds is about getting rid of anything that might stand in the way of vibrantly living the life of your dreams. Don’t be afraid to rid yourself of old patterns, even if they are deeply rooted. Put your attention on clearing and new growth will follow.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra // Libra Rising A pair of scissors. Snip snip snip. Are you using these scissors to create or destroy? Be careful of what you cut away. Go more slowly than you think you should, especially when it comes to relationships. Choose your words tenderly.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio // Scorpio Rising Drinking clear water from a spring. Replenish mind body and spirit. Begin with your body. The energy will flow through less erratically if you take care of your vessel. Let yourself receive more intuitive information by spending time in silence. Then you will certain of your next steps. The keyword is “listen.”
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising Walking over cragged mountain tops. One of the most joyful things for you is adventure. Can you break your day into mini-adventures? Can you imagine a new horizon around every corner? It may feel true right now that without fun there is nothing. Be careful of denying yourself exciting experiences. If you enliven your daily life, everything gets easier.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn // Capricorn Rising A baby goat drinking milk. Bring yourself into a hug. Take care of your inner child and nurture yourself. It may seem like this is the least important thing to do right now, but it is actually critical. Be exceedingly tender with yourself and you will be much more capable of expansion.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius // Aquarius Rising Put your ear to the the trunk of a tree and listen. You can find hidden messages and truths in the world around you. Heighten your senses so that you can learn more. Be flexible and curious. Let yourself receive new ideas. These may amount to a surprising new way of thinking.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces // Pisces Rising Holding onto a pillar of stone. This week is about finding new ways to feel grounded. You may discover that you’ve got access to a new way of thinking about finances and abundance. Dance with innovative ideas that come through around receptivity and self-worth. If you are open to changing the way you think, you could relax more, work less, but feel even more stable.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
With some big fire energies lighting up the cosmos right now, the watery Cancer Waxing Moon asks us to temper the urge to act out by embracing humility and coming home to our own divinity, says Jennifer Racioppi …
Waxing Quarter Moon // March 24 2018 // 11:35am EST // 3 degrees Cancer
With the Spring Equinox’s arrival, and a pack of Aries planets reigning in the cosmos right, the impulse towards new beginnings and fiery initiations is strong.
But before you burnout, tap into the waters of this Cancer Waxing Moon.
In sensitive, security-driven Cancer, it’s time to trust the invisible hand guiding your life without having to force a fresh start. With Mercury retrograde in the mix, patience goes a long way.
Embrace humility and trust that surrender and loving kindness are the absolute best medicine for this Waxing Moon …
// The Cycle // This particular Waxing Moon harkens back to the last New Moon in Cancer, which happened on June 23, 2017.
So look back to see what you committed to at the time of the 2017 summer solstice: what’s blooming now based on intentions set then? Pause. Evaluate. Appreciate. As we step into this new season, remember seasons of the past. Everything is connected.
// Transits // With four planets forming a stellium in Mars-ruled Aries, accentuating the need for change, momentum builds. Yet, with Mercury retrograde occurring in Aries until April 15th, temper this “me first” attitude.
With Venus squaring Pluto, and the Moon forming a cardinal T-square with Mars and the Sun, and soon to oppose Saturn, the universe serves up a whopping dose of tough love. Stay centered.
// The Square // This Waxing Quarter Moon’s cardinal T-square presents a challenging crossroads; like gridlock traffic, the desire to do “something” meets a cosmic roadblock preventing from forwarding momentum.
With the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Cancer, the need for action battles the need for security. Trust in the Divine, and your higher self, rather than catering to the needs of your ego. The release point of this T-Square is in Libra, the sign of equanimity, justice, and balance. Tuning into these values supports your inner strength now, as does paying attention to what feels beautiful.
// The Opportunity // How can you cultivate presence and look for the beauty despite the ensuing challenges at hand?
With the Moon traveling through nurturing Cancer, accept the invitation to come home to yourself. Feel into your body and your presence, and feel your emotions.
Trust in humility, surrender your issue to a higher power, and let go of the addiction to knowing your answer to the problem at hand.
This too shall pass. And it’s not always up to you. Stay humble and allow the invisible hand that guides your life reveal to you what you most need to know.
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And make sure to join her this Saturday, March 24th at Maha Rose for a Waxing Quarter Moon Ritual to celebrate rebirth & rejuvenation!
The placement of Aries ruling planet Mars in our birth chart, can show how to express our anger in a healthy and progressive way …
Photo: Caitlin Mitchell
So here we are in Aries season, my birthday month. But I’ve never felt like a bone fide Aries. Bossy, sometimes. Sure I like to get my own way. But I’m not super confident. Far from confrontational. And definitely not aggressive.
When a life coach once asked about my big message for the world (the one I would shout from the top of a mountain if I had a megaphone that could be heard from Australia to the Arctic circle), I replied: Please, will everybody just stop fighting!
This was late 2016, my plea inspired by a summer of terrorist attacks and an backdrop of political warmongering. I guess I’m just a massive pacifist, I told her. Whereas Aries, ruled by passion planet Mars, is the warrior of the Zodiac. A hot-headed temper tantrum waiting to happen. The one leading the protest, shouting the slogans, and fighting for justice.
Rather, as I wrote in this piece, I see myself as a spiritual activist. On a mission to shift consciousness one open-hearted sharing circle at a time. Partly because, as Martin Luther King famously put it, I believe that “Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
But also, because I am terrified of conflict. To the point that for a long time I thought I didn’t feel any anger at all. FOR REAL. From my parents’ “amicable” divorce, to my grandmother’s silent acceptance of her husband’s affairs, somewhere along the line I internalized that anger is bad. Causes more trouble than it’s worth.
This is not uncommon, among women in particular. But it’s something I’ve been beating myself up about lately. Aren’t activist activists what the world needs? People getting right up in the face of injustice. Shouting and screaming and demanding change. It’s fine for me, comfortable in my straight, white, British privilege, to sit back and preach about healing the world with hugs.
But the truth is, we each have our own flavor of fight in us—as denoted by the position of Mars in our birth chart. And my Mars (ruler of my Aries Sun, and therefore flavoring my soul essence) is in Cancer, the softest, most sensitive sign. Meaning my anger often leaks out of me as tears. Since tears are a sign of weakness, crying is “ugly,” and makes other people extremely uncomfortable, it’s not surprising I learned to suppress this part of myself.
Understanding my Mars placement has helped me to accept that part of my activism is to enable an emotional and vulnerable expression of anger—particularly teaching that it’s okay to cry. As I often do now, freely and openly, whenever I speak publicly about anything that angers or otherwise moves me. After all, the purpose of anger is to inspire action for change.
A recent example of the power of our tears? The tear-streaked speech by 17-year-old Emma Gonzalez following the Parkland shooting in Florida. Her angry tears, anything but a sign of weakness, have helped motivate thousands to join the March For Our Lives in Washington this weekend (under a Waxing Quarter Moon in Cancer, no less).
Mars shows how we can express our anger—also how we can channel our passion, our actions, and our drive—in ways that feel healthy to us. All the time I wasn’t comfortable feeling my anger, I channeled my pent-up tears into my addictions. To alcohol, shopping, work, social media. The energy of anger has to go somewhere.
Don’t know your Mars sign? You can do your chart for free HERE.
We can also see how Mars expresses itself in our most powerful activists. Martin Luther King had his Mars in Gemini—the sign that rules communication and words. Nelson Mandela, Mars in Libra—sign of the diplomat. As for Rosa Parks? Mars in Capricorn. The patient, stoic, unflinching anger that can move mountains—also the sign Mars is currently visiting through May 16.
Regardless of your date of birth, your Mars sign shows where your inner Aries lives. Because no matter how our anger is expressed, that there is a warrior in each and every one of us.
March For Our Lives takes place in Washington DC on March 24, with over 800 local events happening worldwide. On April 4, Black Lives Matter, The Peace Accelerators and a host of others, will march through Harlem, NY in remembrance of Martin Luther King Jnr. Join them HERE.
On behalf of all those who support The Numinous and allow us to do our work, we will also be donating 10% of sales all from our Total Guide To Your Mars Sign course to gun safety movement Everytown.
With Mercury retro offering fresh insights on old issues, the Five of Pentacles (Crystals in the Starchild Tarot) brings an opportunity to take action on our money and safety issues, says Melinda Lee Holm …
With Merc going retro and Venus in Taurus, Aries season 2018 is a time to plot your course for the long haul, says Bess Matassa. PLUS listen to our all new Astrocast Aries season podcast from Bess and Sandy Sitron!
Sidle up to the starting block, astro babes. AriesSeason 2018 finds us ready to begin again and again, as we recommit to saying HELL YES to our very existence on Earth, and summon all of our courage to recapture the innocent sensation of full-throttle living.
But this isn’t any old backyard BBQ. With MERCURY stationing retrograde (March 22—April 15), SATURN making a stand (April 2), and country crooner VENUS in Taurus (March 31—April 24) asking us to roll in the hay, the theme this month is SLOW MOTION.
While it may feel like every last second demands sweat-drenched participation and lightening speed action, this is actually an astro season to crack yourself open for the long haul, and to find small pauses of rest inside all of the rapid firing.
Can you rise to meet the red-hot NOW, moment by moment, as it asks you to cuddle up for a steady unfolding? Can you trust so deeply in your internal competence that your mantra becomes “no more proving?”
We’ve got an overview of the key aspects for Aries Season 2018 below, including ways to activate them in your life. PLUS you can listen to the full AriesSeason 2018 ASTROCAST PODCAST from Numi resident astrologers Bess + Sandy HERE!
**And be sure to check out our first ever Numiversity Astrology Course: A TOTAL GUIDE TO YOUR MARS SIGN. Complete with custom astro info for your sign, hypnosis, tarot, and more!
SUN ENTERS ARIES (March 20-April 19) // Jumpsuits
Originally designed for parachuters and race-car drivers, and popularized by WWII women factory workers nicknamed “riveting Rosies,” this minimalist fashion piece is an aesthetic embodiment of AriesSeason 2018. Strip it down, keep it simple, and streamline how you use your life force in the world. Aries is the premiere “masculine,” penetrating force in the zodiac, but when it reaches its highest octave of expression, this is aligned, responsive action that broadens the notion of libido to encompass all of our creative powers. Jump for your own love!
MERCRY RETROGRADE (March 22-April 15) // Power Poses
Retrogrades ask us to invite the planet’s energy inside our own private lair, and this Mercury Rx in Aries is all about letting our internal cheerleader take the lead as we revise our inner pep talks, and become our own preciously pom-pommed fan club. Work those rallying cries with some Power Poses in the bathroom before you head out into the world. Want the scoop on why this really works? Check out body language expert Amy Cuddy’s cult TED talk.
VENUS IN TAURUS (March 31- April 24) // Chris De Burgh’s “Lady in Red”
Dancing cheek-to-cheek to this prom anthem reveals everything you need to know about this season’s partnership between the Aries Sun and Venus in Taurus. While Aries energy is usually rapid fire pyrotechnics, mixed with the liquid chocolate stylings of pleasure seeking Venus in Taurus, the rhythm is both exuberantly innocent teen romance and the hard-earned experience of wedding dances through the years. Turn the lights down low, slip into a cherry sundae colored ensemble, and channel both fresh cut beginnings and timeless embraces.
Amidst ice and rain and wind, we’re braving our bodies against the bedrock with this aspect. How do you manage your life force? How can you open up to the sensation of sometimes excruciatingly slow movement, step by precious step? Can you even find delicious softness inside of enormous difficulty, as you summon your deepest wells of self-sufficiency? Tap into the wilderness survival school of Strayed’s epic PCT hike, and if you’re not ready for the long-haul, start with a meditative walk around your own neighborhood.
Aries is ruled by red planet MARS—the celestial body that governs our passion, energy and drive. Check out our new digital course, A TOTAL GUIDE TO YOUR MARS SIGN, to discover everything you need to know about your Mars placement, and how to channel this fire power in your life!
Longing to work your mystical magic on more than just nights and weekends? Maha Rose founder Lisa Levine shows us how to turn a spiritual hobby into a main hustle, and start sharing our super powers every day …
Lisa Levine at Maha Rose South in Mexico
QUESTION: “I recently started opening up about my empath side on social media and have been warming up to the idea of pursuing my reiki healing as more than just a hobby. Ultimately, it would be ideal to get paid for my services. But how do I even get started?”
LISA LEVINE: You’re in the process of waking up. You’re discovering your spiritual powers. Others are discovering your spiritual powers and gifts. You feel called to share them. Other people are asking for them! taking the leap and working out the best way to go about monetizing this process and transitioning into a full time mystical business can be daunting and confusing.
Read on for my tried-and-trusted 9 steps in turning your spiritual hobby into your main hustle ..
#1 Make your own path. Your route is unique. Follow your intuition. The answers and the guidance live within you. Don’t worry or model your route after others’—your path is unique and yours only.
#2 Give a lot! And be open to receiving. The best way to gain confidence in your work is by doing a lot of sessions. I’m talking hundreds. Exchange is important but don’t get stuck on it: give, give, give. When we are starting out, the experience gained is a big part of the exchange. That said, let there be an exchange. Be open to receive! Your clients/friends can make you dinner, take you out for tea, give you feedback—not just “that was amazing,” but ideas about how could it be even better. Allow constructive criticism to be your friend so you can constantly improve the services you are providing.
#3 Take cues from the Universe. When people start wanting to pay you for your services this is a tip from the Universe that you’re ready to start charging for your work. Accept the money graciously and begin to price out your services. Many practitioners I know have a hard time receiving money in exchange for spiritual work, so find a price that may make you slightly uncomfortable but that you know is right. This is how we up-level. Get comfortable with this discomfort.
#4 Become your own marketing department. First off, let people know what you are doing. I recommend emailing your friends and family for starters: “I just finished this course in Reiki, crystals, etc. and am ready to begin offering sessions. The first X number of sessions will be offered at a special rate of X.” Get people in the door and onto your table.
Secondly, gather feedback and testimonials. When someone tells you something amazing about their experience with you, ask them if you can share what they’ve said as a testimonial. This is better than gathering testimonials way after the session happened. Even if the client was to say the exact same thing it won’t have the same vibration as when they share with you fresh after the experience.
#5 Be organized: you are your own manager. Call out your inner Virgo! Gather emails, keep client lists, get on top of session dates and times, and other important information. If you are looking to turn this hobby into a full time hustle, then act like it’s a business even before it IS your business by being organized. Then you won’t have to add the foundation after you’ve already been in business for some time.
Lisa balances her hustle with flow
#6 Stay in touch, a.k.a. don’t be a stranger to social media. Totally necessary. But keep it fun and keep your unique expression. We are all artists—see social media as a way to create a 4-D picture of your business. Have fun and share from the heart. Don’t let it own you, and don’t obsess over numbers. If it isn’t feeling like a healthy relationship, take a break!
#7 Get out there LIVE. This is still the best way to meet people and perspective clients. You live is better than you on social media. Call me old fashioned, but I still believe real, live interactions are the best way to form lasting and meaningful relationships—including client relationships.
#8 Be patient and let it grow organically. Quitting your day job can put too much pressure on your new found hobby/hustle. Like a garden, allow it to grow organically and be patient. It takes time to build our strength and ability to hold space for many people. Feel into how many sessions a week that might look like for you now, and imagine how many people that would be in a year and in five years.
#9 Have FUN! We have spiritual businesses because we are connected to the Universe and we want to be of service and do good in the world. Let’s imagine a new paradigm of doing business: without stress, powered by the Divine as the motor , and with the Universe as CEO. What if we were just along for the magical ride?Business can be beautiful!
Got a question for Lisa’s monthly “Ask a Spiritual CEO” column? Email [email protected] with the subject line: “Spiritpreneur Questions.” And make sure to check our her Intro to the Art of Running a Spiritual Business on March 22nd at Maha Rose for some in-person wisdom!
Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous weekly horoscopes by Sandy Sitron …
Aries :: Aries Rising Acrobats flying through the air. You are free. The ropes are meant to support you, not bind you. Don’t look at everything as if it’s a rope that needs to be cut. Some of these supports are keeping you in the air. So, be cautious about what you cut away. This is a time for fresh action, spontaneity and play. Be like a dash of light across the sky.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising The tide rolls in. The water’s edge grows gradually nearer to your toes. The waves are shy and tender. Allow yourself to be immersed. Emotions don’t have to be jarring. They can wash over you and be processed on levels of mind that you are not even aware of. This is a time for deep healing. Act like the waves and try to make emotional contact with yourself and others. Reach out.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising A guide holds a staff. Go on a pilgrimage and seek better knowledge. Don’t take what’s happening in your life personally. Try to get above it all. You are here to be of service. In order to do that in an innovative way you need to ignore your perceived issues. If you seek the right kind of knowledge it will sustain and inspire you.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising A ballroom dancer twirls in her gown. Take a deep breath in. On the exhale, spin. Take over the floor. This is your time in the spotlight. You need to take action while maintaining your balance and pirouetting gracefully. This is what you’ve been practicing for. Don’t look at the audience. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. Just get in the flow.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising A segment of the Earth’s crust. Are you ready to move mountains? Don’t stop yourself from the challenge. Even if it seems impossible. You can be your best coach. There’s a big push coming. Begin training for it and getting excited. If you build up enthusiasm now, it will be your best medicine later.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising A pearl forms in an oyster. Slowly and incrementally, changes have occurred. Now it’s up to you to break free of the shell so that you can see these changes in the light of day. Don’t be afraid of emotion. It’s in heightened emotion that you will become closer to knowing yourself and creating intimacy. Just don’t shut down. Remain open.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising Knocking on a concrete floor. You won’t get very far by knocking something that is solid. Instead of trying to find the problems in your relationships, look for the solidity that already exists. Let other people teach you something new. They can’t teach you if you’re not listening.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising Chewing grass with your teeth, just like a cow. Feign docility. Practice obedience. Take the steps that you know you are supposed to take in your daily routines. Be grounded and overly simplistic when it comes to how you take care of your body. Stop fighting against yourself. Go through the practices that will keep you in optimal health.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising A childhood game. It’s not the type of game that matters. but the process of playing to win. This is a time for you to kindle a true love for competition. Fantasize about victory. But make sure you also understand why you want it. Your relationship with competition is important now. It’s time for you to find something to go after and to become enthusiastic about the process.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising The leaves at the very top of the tree. Even these topmost leaves have a connection with the roots at the base. Neither could exist without the other. You have to get grounded and connected to your base if you want to succeed. Take time to go within and feel the feelings that flow in the depths of your being. It will replenish you.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising Turning the pages of an ancient book. The mysteries can’t be revealed if you don’t understand the language. It’s time to get even more gradual in your decision making process. Skip the interpreter. Instead of going outside yourself for wisdom, learn to read in a new way. Hone a new language. Challenge yourself to understand things differently.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising Pulling feathers out of a hat. There’s energy building now that you can use to build up resources, make money and achieve even more. Noice how far you’ve come. You aren’t starting from zero. You have some history with achievement. Trust yourself and then you can take action. That’s how you’ll feel truly secure.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
The 2018 Pisces New Moon asks us to drift way beyond the rational, surrender to the mystery, and savor the last bit of sleep before the Spring Equinox awakening, says Sandy Sitron …
New Moon :: March 17 2018 :: 9:14 am ET :: 26 degrees Pisces
It’s hard to put everything this New Moon has to say into words, because this moon has gone beyond verbal.
There are images that float by to describe what this New Moon is offering you…
Focus on your lungs. Focus on the beating of your heart. Imagine the blood moving through your veins. These movements of body are the basics. The basics of your life force are important to remember now.
Submerge your head underwater and watch the sea fronds wave gently.There’s another way of living than the way you are living now. Get yourself into a different headspace to feel it.
Constellations light up the night sky. You are connected and you are never alone. Sometimes it’s easiest to remember that through quiet mediation.
A baited hook tempts the hungry fish. Release old patterns of entrapment … what does it feel like to be ensnared in a pattern of passive aggressive behavior? How do you make yourself into a victim? What needs to be said out loud? Now is the time to let go of outdated patterns. The Pisces New Moon urges you to be more loving with yourself.
Pisces is the glittering fish that darts just out of sight. The fish is hard to grasp above the surface of the conscious mind. It’s easier to commune with Pisces energy just below consciousness— through emotions, intuition, creative expression and spiritual connection.
Set intentions that help you connect with your soul. This is the part of you that isn’t necessarily expressed through doing, striving or building. Rather, it’s the part of you that just is. Connect with who you are. Learn more about yourself by honoring the flow of your feelings and asking yourself deeper questions.
Over the past month we swam in a lot of Pisces energy. What is your take-away from the last month of emotional, intuitive, magical Pisces energy? What seed are you ready to plant?
This New Moon is the last dream before waking up. Soon, we are moving into more activated spring energy. Take some time this weekend to have a subtle experience. Listen. Grow quiet. Trust that you know more than you realize. Slow down. Open up space for yourself to just be. Be with yourself the way that you are now. Let yourself daydream and do nothing.
During this last moment of sleep, take note of what you learned from the dream.
New Moon conjunct Chiron Curled up in a ball with a lover. Let yourself be quite vulnerable. Naked and exposed. And through this vulnerability there may be greater connection. That doesn’t mean that it’s always easy. The Pisces New Moon is dancing close to the wounded-healer asteroid Chiron, so we may be learning how to heal on deeper levels than we are used to. We have to make ourselves vulnerable in order to truly heal. We have walk toward the pain instead of away from it. This aspect is heightened by a nudge from change-agent Uranus and gently supported by expansive Jupiter.
New Moon semi-sextile Uranus The dog pulls on the leash. We can’t try to control everything. There is surprising energy in the mix and it has the potential to help you connect with yourself in new ways. Look for the action that you can take to access deeper levels of emotional awareness. Look for a new place or experience that will shock you into becoming more comfortable with yourself. Don’t be afraid to follow the dog as it pulls on the leash. Let it show you something new.
New Moon trine Jupiter A new color is discovered. Help yourself expand in some way that you didn’t know was possible. Once you encounter this new way of thinking about your world, it will seem crazy to imagine life without it. Follow the guidance of the Pisces New Moon: be quiet and inward. Listen to your heartbeat. Connect with your emotions, dream and recover. Through these quiet actions, something may heal. A new door may open. Supportive Jupiter can help you integrate it all in a way that may be familiar and exotic at the same time.
The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2018 Pisces New Moon means for you. Use them as journal prompts. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 26 degrees Pisces in your chart and use the question for that house.
New to your birth chart? Calculate your chart for free HERE
Aries or New Moon in the 12th house What will you do to honor your emotions even more?
Taurus or New Moon in the 11th house How can you feel supported by your friends?
Gemini or New Moon in the 10th house What makes you feel successful?
Cancer or New Moon in the 9th house How will you surprise yourself this week?
Leo or New Moon in the 8th house What is your favorite method for letting go?
Virgo or New Moon in the 7th house When do you feel most supported by another person?
Libra or New Moon in the 6th house What will you do to take care of your body?
Scorpio or New Moon in the 5th house When do you feel most creative?
Sagittarius or New Moon in the 4th house What age is the inner child who wants your attention now?
Capricorn or New Moon in the 3rd house What mindset shift are you ready for?
Aquarius or New Moon in the 2nd house How do you trust that you are secure?
Pisces or New Moon in the 1st house What helps you feel like yourself?
With her new book Craft: How To Be A Modern Witch, Gabriela Herstik—one of our first ever Numinous contributors!—says it’s witches who really run the world …
Four year ago I got an email from a student at the University of South Carolina. “Let’s just say Columbia isn’t necessarily forgiving of those who chose to dress how they want and stand out,” she wrote. “My all black attire, bright red lipstick and half shaved head make me the recipient of many side eyes, but my own personal style has never faltered or strayed.” Her name was Gabriela Herstik, and she pitched a story for the Numinous on dressing to honor the Death Card in the tarot. And in doing so, became one of my first ever contributors to the site!
Gaby continued to write for me over the years, going on to become an official intern and one of our Moon Club Founding members. It’s been AMAZING to watch her career grow and blossom, as she graduated college, went to intern at Vivienne Westwood, and got her writing published everywhere from i-D to Broadly. She landed a column at Nylon called “Ask A Witch.” And when she told me this time last year that she’s been asked to write a book about modern witchcraft, it was as if the cosmos had fully aligned!
Gaby’s book, Craft: How to Be A Modern Witch, is out today. And her take on what makes a witch—”The witch is anyone who does things differently, by her own rules, attuned to her own self and magick”—reminds me of a line from her first email to me. “I’ve had to grow a tough skin to stay true to myself in parts of the south that don’t understand what it means to be different,” she wrote.
How to have a tough skin (boundaries, people) while keeping your heart wide open is one of the messages in her book. Here’s what else she told me about the witches who really rule the world, and how she’s honoring the lineage of witches who came before us …
RUBY WARRINGTON: In the intro, you say it’s witches who really run the world. Who are some of your favorite inspirational witches, and why? GABRIELA HERSTIK: We do run the world! An empowered woman who knows her own magick has always been a threat to the patriarchy and I stand by that! There are so many amazing witches out there. I think the first time I was truly introduced to powerful witches were in Harry Potter. Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Professor Trelawney, Professor Mcgonagall—they all inspired my magick.
So did Oprah. I’ve been following her and her “super soul Sunday” show for years with my mom, and her insight, wisdom and power have been inspiring me for over a decade. Sybil Leek And Doreen Valiente are both historic witches who have inspired my own practice as well, reminding me that my strength and power and witchiness are forces to be reckoned with and that using my writing is a valid way of spreading my magick. Yoko Ono, one of my favorite fellow Aquarians, has also inspired me to be revolutionary without shame, showing that love and peace should always be fought for with an open heart and compassionate mind.
Starhawk is a JeWitch who has helped me embrace my own inner priestess, and has helped me deepen my craft and practice—she’s amazing! Goddesses and figures like Hecate and Lilith have reminded me of my own darkness as a gift, and that my non-conforming nature is something to be celebrate, curated and cultivated more than it needs to be shamed!
RW: In your book, you identify “the one without children” as one possible marker of a witch. This is me Gaby! Does the fact I never wanted to have kids show I’ve always been a witch? GH: YES! A witch has always been someone who doesn’t abide by society’s (or in many cases the church’s) rules! You taking control over your own body and future by not having kids, (even though society tells us that we must follow the path of having a job, a spouse and children to be valid) means that you are claiming sovereignty over your future and self. You’re going against the grain and honoring your own needs, feelings and emotions, which in my opinion is the basis of magick!
A witch is empowered, not by an outside force, but by herself. And in a society that tells us we must conform to be worthy, doing what you want for yourself and your own sake isn’t only the witch’s calling, but it’s also revolutionary.
RW: Why is cultivating a Moon practice—like we do in Moon Club—the first step towards activating your inner witch? GH: Many of us naturally are enamored with the moon. She been there for as long as the earth (4.53 BILLION YEARS) which means that we are looking at the same moon that generations and generations of ancient (and modern) people have. The moon represents and rules over our emotional bodies, our intuition, our connection to the feminine; the subtle, all knowing, feeling part of ourselves that’s in everyone, regardless of gender. No matter where we live, we can look up and see the moon.
It doesn’t cost anything and it doesn’t matter what religion or spiritual path you follow—the moon is there, and she cycles through her 28 days all the same. Cultivating a moon based practice is an easy way to get in touch with the subtle aspects of our soul, and an even easier way to chart our own growth alongside that of the moon. Starting at the new moon, the beginning of the moon’s cycles, we focus on what we want to grow as the moon’s light grows or waxes, up until the full moon.
The Full Moon is a time of completion and manifestation, and after that when she starts to lose light or wane, we focus on what we want to release. This is such an easy way to start learning about your own cycles and energies, and for those of us who bleed, the moon also imitates our own cycles. The moon is just the most inspiring, beautiful, magical being. I love her and I don’t think I know a witch who doesn’t!
RW: What was the most important step in you “coming out”and standing proud in your witchiness? GH: Believing in my witchiness and my power! As far as physical moments, shaving off half my hair seven years ago is what I credit as my initiation as a fashion witch. It’s the first time I used the power of glamour and rebellion to transform my style and it’s what really launched my exploration of personal style.
In a broader sense, writing this book has been the biggest step in coming into my power as a witch. At the end of 2016 I decided I was going to write about witchcraft less, but the universe had other plans for me! I’ve had many incarnations as a witch (the old saying “once a witch, always a witch” rings true) and a lot of them have not ended well. Not only am I breaking this karma by embracing the title of “witch” and helping other people find their magick, but I’m also transforming the karma of my ancestry in this life.
I grew up Jewish and am ethnically Jewish as well. I had over 70 members of my family in concentration camps, including my paternal grandparents. The fact I can openly talk about being a witch, the fact that I have made a career out of sharing this practice and belief system, when my family members were killed and abused for their religious beliefs, is not lost on me. Coming out as a witch in the public eye, has been a lot of things but the most important thing is that that I’ve learned is that this is who I am. This is where my power lies. This is my path and my magick and embracing it, sharing it with others and spreading wisdom is why I’m here!
RW: What’s the last spell you cast and what was the result? GH: The last spell I cast was at the New Moon for presence, gratitude, sex, abundance, magick and love—it’s still going (I’ve burned the candle every day since the last New Moon) but I’ve definitely been more in tune with all of those things. I did a spell last night using my rose quartz chakrub and sex magick to remove some blocks I have around my heart as “protection” and the result was some really intense, scary dreams that brought to surface some of my fears and areally intense feeling of centered peace this morning.
RW: What’s your favorite way to honor the lineage of the witches that came before us? GH: I love this question! My favorite way to honor them is to honor my own ancestry through working with fashion magick, since both sides of my family are weavers, seamstresses and in the garment industry. As far as the witches who came before me, being vocal about how lucky we are to live in a place and time where we can openly call ourselves witches and practice witchcraft is a huge part of my practice.
My work and passion is sharing information about connecting with witchcraft and magick and goddess. This work, including my blogs and columns and articles and my book, are all dedicated to the witches who have come before me. The legacy of the witch lives on in many ways, and she absolutely lives on in me. By shedding light on witchcraft, by making it accessible, by holding space in my heart for those whose shoulders I stand on, I honor this lineage of witches.
As we emerge from our wintry cocoon and head toward the Spring Equinox, how do we keep worldly ambitions aligned with our intuition? Greta Solomon shows us exactly how to support our soul goals by balancing hustle and flow …
Greta gets her hustle on
There’s never been a better time to be a self-driven woman with big dreams, and a big heart. In the past, we were taught to err on the side of caution when it came to career. When I left my full-time gig to go freelance in 2002, I was warned not to leave gaps in my resumé.
Now, taking a year out is seen as decidedly grown-up. It’s all about the side hustles, taking big leaps, and embracing the highs and lows of being your own boss.
But to truly succeed on your own path, is about more than simply “making it happen.” It also means being in the creative flow. Without mastering this, it’s easy to feel stifled and frustrated, as you try to muscle through inevitable blocks.
In the corporate world, we’re taught to operate in fight or flight mode. Success often means “putting out fires” and dealing with crises. Many of us have absorbed this mentality. That work is all about pushing, striving and achieving linear goals. That it requires stress and strain.
But to get your own business off the ground—and see it thrive—we need to exist in an Alpha brain state. The state of being alert yet relaxed, this is where you can access your intuition, and write, think and speak most freely.
Read on for my tips for dipping into your Alpha, and using your flow to fuel a successful business …
1// Schedule flow time in your diary Meaning blocks of time where you deliberately do activities that create flow—ESPECIALLY when you have deadlines and tons on your “to-do” list. You could have a head-clearing walk, do a workout, or chop some veggies to make a big salad. Cooking, driving, running and showering help you get out of your mind and into your body. Listening to music at 60 beats per minute can also get you in an Alpha state, priming you to do your best work. Find what works for you.
2// Make important decisions when you’re in your flow Five years ago, most of my writing skills training clients were sales teams in the corporate world. So, a coach advised me to call myself a “sales expert” and totally ignore the fact that I taught writing. This was VERY, VERY wrong advice, that led me away from my true path. At the time, I was juggling a new baby and a newly-published book. I was frazzled and couldn’t think straight. I recommend using your flow time to carefully consider your big career choices.
Greta in full flow
3// Know your personality type, so you can do things YOUR way Do you know your Myers-Briggs personality type (you can take a free version HERE)? Having this info means you’re less likely to second guess yourself when it comes to the BIG decisions. For example, I’m an “INFP” type, which means I’m introverted, sensitive and rely on intuition to make choices. I’m unconventional and enjoy working alone, but my empathic nature means I also connect very well with people. Knowing my type has helped me to feel confident about building a business based on writing, speaking and coaching.
4// Plan and plan some more—because creativity also needs a container But don’t just sit at a computer and make spreadsheets. Go on quarterly or yearly planning retreats, where you switch off from everything and map out your vision in both pictures and words. Creativity is truly your secret weapon when it comes to business success. After all, there are no new ideas, products or services—it’s all about your unique spin on things.
5// Sometimes you just need to hustle hard It’s fine to hustle when you need to—when the deadlines are stacked up, opportunities are popping, and there are bills to pay. But do it consciously and mindfully. Keep your time in the Beta energy zone to a minimum. Then schedule plenty of time to rest and recover afterwards—as well as some space to just go with the flow!
Ultimately, there is no short cut to building your own business. But knowing exactly where you’re putting your energy and why, will help to prevent burnout. It’s about learning to protect your sacred creative time, so you can hustle with heart, and create a business that lasts.
Greta Solomon is an author, creative writing coach, business writing trainer and former journalist for British newspapers and magazines. She is the author of “Just Write It! How to Develop Top-Class University Writing Skills” (McGraw-Hill, 2013) and the forthcoming book “Heart, Soul & Sass: Write Your Way to a Fully-Expressed Life” (pre-order it HERE from April 15th for fab bonuses). She lives in South West London with her husband and daughter, runs creative writing workshops for bloggers and the business world, and coaches people to bring their own books to life. Connect with her on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
In the first official installment of his monthly column, Queer Hero, Danny Brave shares his journey to discover the name that reflected his true identity. PLUS how you can cast your own name spell …
Over the course of my journey as not only a transgender man, but also as a shamanic healer, I’ve discovered the power of our own names (both given and chosen).
I lived most of my life being called Katie Greene, moving through several different iterations and identity crises, only to discover, or rather re-member, that I am Danny Brave. Now when I say “re-member,” what I actually mean is the opposite of dis-member: to put myself back together, to become more whole.
Read on to discover my name changing story, and discover how you can cast a name spell on your own life …
Releasing my ancestral line In the Fall of 2015, “Katie,” first started to feel like it was not really me any more. After remembering the sexual assault I experienced as a child (read more about my sexual reclamation after incest HERE), the name was feeling more and more like a fake smile—something that I did often when I was living that identity. If you say “Katie” out loud, you’ll notice your mouth even takes the shape of a smile at the “ie” part.
After remembering what had actually happened to me as a kid, there was, not surprisingly, no more fake smiles left in me, and my full birth name “Kaitlin” began to feel more appropriate. This name felt darker, more serious, and more powerful—a reflection of my energy at the time. This was the name I was called when the abuse happened to me, and it facilitated me in re-membering and reclaiming some of the darkest moments of my life.
With “Kaitlin” in place, I started to search for a replacement for “Greene,” a name that belonged to my father and his father—a name that to me denoted false Irish family pride, toxic Catholicism, and all of the lies and abuse that had been passed down my ancestral line. This line would decidedly end with me, and it would end via the ritual of literally releasing this last name and claiming a new one for myself. This change-of-name spell happened gradually over a long period of time …
Was I “Brave” enough? “Brave,” first came to me in December 2015 at the Barnes and Noble in the town where I grew up, where one fateful night I noticed a little green book with the gold shiny words titled “Brave Enough” by Cheryl Strayed winking at me from the shelves.
Strayed’s memoir “Wild” had come to me a few months prior, shortly after the volcanic repressed memory eruption and was like a little twinkling ray of hope from God, a love letter to my soul. It was a story that had a lot of trauma, death, and addiction—that was totally true, and often brutally honest. In her memoir, Cheryl literally gives herself the last name “Strayed” and changes it legally to reflect more honestly whom she knew she really was. Someone who had, in more ways than one, strayed.
I opened “Brave Enough” and read: “Hello, fear. Thank you for being here. You’re my indication that I’m doing what I need to do.” I wasn’t leaving without the store without it.
Dancing in my own words … “Brave Enough” came with me in my bag to India a month later, where I was attending a women’s dance-healing retreat, and a self-imposed writer’s retreat.
Every morning I would dance for 2-3 hours with a beautiful group of women, and every afternoon I would write alone, mostly poetry, and sometimes for hours and hours. It seemed like the energy of “Brave” had already started working on me, giving me the courage to re-claim my authentic voice, and I wrote and wrote about everything as honestly as I could handle at that time. I transmuted abuse memories that spontaneously arrived in the morning dance class, channeling those feelings and vibrations into words, vomiting the poison out of my system.
During my time in India, without thinking much about it, I switched my email address to reflect the last name “Brave.” My old last name just kind of slipped off—like the wind blowing a piece of fabric off of a rock. It was just so ridiculously obvious that “Brave” was my name, and that it now belonged to me.
As I prepared for the journey back to the States, I realized I could never go back to my parents’ home. No longer sharing a last name with any family member, “Brave” carried me onward, forcing me to individuate myself from my family and preparing me to stand on my own two feet.
Becoming Danny Brave When I started to realize that I was a guy (which is really a whole other story), I was initially so uncomfortable with myself and scared that I wanted to die. At the same time, there was an immediate ease with which my first name arrived—it was Danny. I just kind of knew, it was a lightning bolt that zapped the crown of my head in meditation.
But the name and my body and life at that time felt too at odds, and I was living too far away from where I knew I could feel supported enough to transition. Desperate for some sort of change, but not yet able to feel safe enough to fully step into Danny, I switched my first name again, this time to “Kate.”
I took a part-time gig as an assistant to a jewelry designer. “Ooo, I love your last name … I think that ‘brave’ means a female warrior” the woman I worked for told me. I Googled it and discovered that it in fact meant MALE warrior. “Oh dear god,” I thought with terror. I was being called out, pushed out of the closet, by my own last name! As I started to prepare myself to face the fact that I was not, and never have been, a woman, I knew that “Kate,” a female name and the one my dad would use whenever he yelled at me, would have to go.
When I showed up to my first trans-masculine support group, late and shaking, I simply said “I’m Brave.” As I would to the random barista, just to practice having a different name with no clear gender. Just to have to say it out loud to remember I was courageous, to cling to the one true part of me over which I had ownership.
The affirmation of my last name would eventually lead me to admitting to the real first one, Danny, a month or so later in my support group.
The vibration of Danny has lead me home to my ultimate truth: that of a flamboyant little gay boy who loved to play dress up, loved watching figure skating, loved to paint, draw, and dance. The real me, only now a man. Sometimes the most loveable parts of ourselves are the most hard-won.
I was recently joking with a new friend, saying to her that I gave myself the last name of “Brave” so that I would constantly have to strive to live up to it. “I don’t think that’s true,” she said. “Names are spells. You don’t even have to try, it’s just you now, and it’s how your life will unfold.” Looking back on this story, I can see that she was right.
How to cast your own name spell Your name(s) (past and present) carry a meaning and vibration that is worth exploring! Being curious about what is underneath your name may lead you to a deeper understanding of your family dynamic, about what remains to be healed within you, and about your life path and purpose.
The following exercises are for you to explore your true feelings about your name(s) so that you can either reclaim it with your own meaning, intention, or vibration, or maybe even choose a new one for yourself!
1// Call your own name Start with either your first or last name—whichever one you want to explore and play with first. Then, if you wish, you can follow up with your second name:
Close your eyes. Put your hand on your heart. Take a few deep breaths. Say your first name three times. What do you feel? Does this name feel like you? What do you feel in your body when you say it? What comes up for you? Honor whatever it is and trust your feelings. Know that if your name doesn’t feel like a match for the real you, there is one that is.
2// Free associate You can do this with your current name, or play with a different one that you have in mind.
Take out a piece of paper and a pen. At the top, make two columns if you don’t have a middle name, and three if you do. Under each column, without thinking, write stream-of-consciousness based off of each of your names (if you are trans-identified, I recommend you do this with both your birth name and your chosen one). Then, take a moment to read your associations. Our names carry so much energy, don’t they?!
3// Take an inner child name inventory You may want to use a pen and piece of paper for this one as well:
Consider or write down answers to the following: Was there a name that you really loved as a kid? Is there a name that you really love now? What did you name your pets, your dogs, your dolls when you were little? Is there a celebrity or friend whose name you admire? Is there a name you have always loved and wish that you had? What would happen if you tried it on for a minute, like trying on a new dress or shirt?
4// Play with your gender identity Don’t take this one too seriously or freak yourself out—try to have fun and maintain an attitude of light playfulness! Now, let’s do some name-drag:
If you identify as a woman, imagine for a moment that you are a man. What would your name be? If you are a man, imagine for a moment that you are a woman. What would your name be? What does it feel like to call yourself by this pretend name? What spell would this name cast on your life?
5// Know that you are worthy of your real name In the USA (in the larger cities in particular), we are so privileged to live at a time where we can exercise our free will to become more of the person that we really are. Know that if you are unhappy with your current name, or if you don’t feel like it is truly yours, you can, in fact, change it. The same goes for your life! If you don’t like it, you do, in fact, have the power to change it.
Beyond gender identity, I hope that you feel you are worthy of the real you. You deserve to love your name, which is to say, you deserve to love yourself. I know that if you follow your heart and trust your gut, you will find (or re-member) your real name.
**If you are a transgender individual living in the U.S., please visit my list of resources for trans individuals HERE
Danny Brave is a shamanic healer, writer, public speaker, and artist. In his private practice, he specializes in helping women and individuals assigned female at birth overcome the affects of sexual trauma. He conducts monthly LGBTQIA Shamanic Healing Circles at Brooklyn’s Maha Rose (sign up for the next one HERE) with the intention of creating safe, sober spaces for queer people to heal, and to amplify marginalized voices. He loves to paint, dance, and spend time in nature.