BY: Jennifer Racioppi · Astro + Tarot

Waning Quarter Moon / September 2 2018 / 10:37pm EST / 10 degrees Gemini
As La Luna wanes back to new, she travels through Gemini and makes a 90-degree angle to the Virgo Sun. This point in the monthly lunar cycle asks us to check in and consider what’s served its purpose and is ready to be laid aside as we begin to train our sights on our next lunar manifestation.
With Mars now direct, and Saturn also about to station direct on September 6th, we currently find ourselves with exceptionally productive potential. And with the Gemini Waning Moon’s ruler, Mercury, now direct and finally clearing his shadow at the time of the Quarter Moon, we have the green light for communications of all kinds.
Following the cosmic challenges of the past eight weeks, this could feel like a welcome relief! The Gemini Waning Moon not only marks the halfway point between the Pisces Full Moon and the September 9 Virgo New Moon, but on a deeper level, it asks us to make sense of all the places we’ve been before we begin to move forward …
//The Cycle//
While this Moon marks the halfway point between the recent Full and upcoming New Moons, it also marks a culminating moment going back over two years. Think back (or actually look in your cal or email inbox) to June 4, 2016, when we experienced a New Moon at 14 degrees Gemini. This New Moon seeded what we are seeing come to fruition in our lives now.
Choices made then have profoundly informed where we now find ourselves. Who was in your world? Where were you situated? What were you working on? And what intentions from June 2016 are coming to fruition now? What do you still want and need?Spend some time considering the connection between your present-day reality, and events of June of 2016. Acknowledge the chapter that’s closing, and the fresh beginning you are about to step into with September 9th’s Virgo New Moon.
//The Transits//
With Mars and Mercury now direct, and Saturn about to station direct too, forward movement is upon us. However, Venus, the planet ruling love and beauty, stations retrograde on October 5th.So pay close attention to what’s emerging now, as the Gemini Waning Moon foreshadows the Venus Retrograde curriculum.
With Mercury currently in a sextile (supportive aspect) to Venus, and Neptune opposing the Sun and squaring the Gemini Waning Moon (more challenging energies), moments of discomfort could birth intuitive hits about the lessons in love and abundance that you’ll be gifted during the upcoming Venus Retrograde.
//The Square//
Mercury rules both Virgo and Gemini, and these mutable signs tend to live in their heads so you could feel a wee bit mental during this Moon. But rather than living in your head, capitalize on the Gemini influence and journal. Think back to 2016, and consider what choices you made then that influence where you are now. If needed, make lists. Be mindful of rumination. Then get out of your head and into your heart.
//The Opportunity//
The Gemini Waning Moon is closing an old chapter. So give yourself time and space to appreciate where past challenges have brought you to today, and let your head lead you back to your heart. Getting honest with yourself about your exact wants and desires now will also support you as we move toward next week’s Virgo New Moon. It’s a special one, so you want to be READY!
For more Moon wisdom, or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit