BY: Sandy Sitron · Astro + Tarot
The fired-up 2018 Aries Full Moon wants you to balance honesty with grace, banish victim consciousness, and take a clear, conscious stand for what’s real, says Sandy Sitron …

Full Moon :: September 24 2018 :: 10:54 pm ET :: 2 degrees Aries
A chariot is pulled by a team of horses. The horses are driving forward at breakneck speed. The momentum builds. The pounding of hooves could start an avalanche.
The horses signify your spirit. You are here to make your mark. Drive forward. Do something. Make decisions. Take action. The question is, are you driving or are you getting carried away?
When emotions kick in, who’s in the driver’s seat? Will your feelings prod you to react with the power and speed of ten horses? Fast reactions often end with saying the wrong thing or burning a bridge.
If instead you can combine speed and drive with gracefulness and balance, you’ll be able to reach higher heights in you relationships, work, and your understanding of yourself.
On every Full Moon we are given the challenge of working with two opposites. Our goal is to create awareness of the whole. Aries teaches self-fulfillment, drive, and action. Libra teaches of the relationship between self and others, deliberation, and balance.
There are challenging aspects at this Full Moon. It’s time to stand up for yourself and, if it’s appropriate, others. Say the things that need to be said and set those healthy boundaries. Take an inventory. What has been left unsaid? What needs resolution?
Be honest, loving and kind. And be firm. The Moon represents the emotional reaction. Since the Moon is in Aries you might find your reactions are fired up, quick, and hot. The goal is to strike the balance and find diplomacy. Don’t let those horses run away with you. Be wary of getting carried away.
The horses halt in a field of blossoming flowers. This is a moment to celebrate the things that are blossoming in your life. Celebration is a ritual for honoring the emotion happiness. Happiness doesn’t always get noticed, so its important to take time out for it. Celebrate yourself and give gratitude.
And take action today! (That’s an Aries thing). Do something glorious that helps you feel alive. The horses eat only the blossoms and leave the rest.
Ingest beauty. Find your inner harmony and pay attention to the things that you consume. Center yourself from within. This will take time and attention and luckily, you have all of Libra season to steady the scales. This Full Moon in Aries may push you to emotional extremes, so it’s especially important to take the time to center yourself.
Sun and Moon in a T-square with Saturn
A rosebush with thorns.
With serious Saturn having a tough conversation with the Sun and the Moon, you’re reminded to take responsibility. Only you are responsible for your choices. The things that are challenging can make you stronger, if you show up for the challenge. Keep picking yourself up and looking for a better way. You are not a victim. If you don’t learn how to deal with the thorns, you’ll never get to smell the sweetness of the rose.
Full Moon conjunct Chiron
A wilting violet.
There is a note of sadness. The wounds are your best teacher. Give yourself the best hug you’ve ever had. You deserve to know that you are beloved. There is a lot of tenderness at this Full Moon. Slow down long enough to feel it.
Full Moon sextile Mars
A beach ball bounces down the beach.
An easy place to find resolution is through movement. With the Moon in the sign of Aries gleaming a luminous beam to Aries’ ruling planet Mars, we know that we get in motion, and that it will help. Find the most natural place to put your energy and move. Not as a reaction, but as an action. An intuitive action that helps you know yourself better. Just bounce along quickly like the beach ball.
Full Moon opposite Mercury
Naming every grain of sand.
The name of the game at this Full Moon is relationships. How do you communicate in your important partnerships? How do you talk to yourself? What are your boundaries?
Define yourself and define what you want from another person. Say the things. Name what needs to be named. Communicate fully. With all of the aspects of this Full Moon. It might be hard and it might hurt a little, but you’ll find that you truly learn what needs to be learned. You have an opportunity to stretch your mind into a whole new dimension. It’s a rewarding place to be.
Full Moons are a time to gather. Use the conversation starters below to journey deeper into how the 2018 Aries Full Moon is impacting your world. Look for the house containing 2 degrees Aries in your chart for the most accurate insights. Don’t know your chart? You can enter your birth details HERE to calculate it for free.
Aries // Aries Rising // Full Moon in the 1st house
“I am fulfilling my ambition of …”
Taurus // Taurus Rising // Full Moon in the 12th house
“I am ready to forgive …”
Gemini // Gemini Rising // Full Moon in the 11th house
“I am being super inspired by …”
Cancer // Cancer Rising // Full Moon in the 10th house
“I am taking more responsibility by …”
Leo // Leo Rising // Full Moon in the 9th house
“The adventure I am on is …”
Virgo // Virgo Rising // Full Moon in the 8th house
“I am no longer obsessing over …”
Libra // Libra Rising // Full Moon in the 7th house
“I am falling in love with …”
Scorpio // Scorpio Rising // Full Moon in the 6th house
“My healthiest new habit is …”
Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising // Full Moon in the 5th house
“I am excited to be creating …”
Capricorn // Capricorn Rising // Full Moon in the 4th house
“I feel most nurtured when I …”
Aquarius // Aquarius Rising // Full Moon in the 3rd house
“The coolest thing I learned lately was …”
Pisces // Pisces Rising // Full Moon in the 2nd house
“I am investing more of myself in …”