As we dive into Pisces Season’s profound depths, the 4 and 8 of Pentacles ask us to soften any scarcity mentality and place our energy where we want to see growth, says Brandon Alter … Cast using The Wild Unknown and the Prisma Visions Tarot
MY MANTRA: I release all that is unlike love. // MY MISSION:
To build an empire of Earth based empowerment. // MY STYLE:
Calling in the spirits and dancing around the room. // MY SIGN:
Aquarius Sun. Capricorn Moon. Aries Rising (with a Stellium). Taurus North Node. // MY HEALING: Having the courage to face myself day after day and notice where I am still in pain. Also, lots of breath work, baths, crystals, singing at the top of my lungs, moon worship, and a healthy addiction to vintage inlay jewelry.