BY: Melinda Lee Holm · Astro + Tarot, Tarotscopes
Dive into this month’s medicine for your sign with our Numinous Tarotscopes September 2018, cast by Melinda Lee Holm. Artwork: Devany Amber Wolfe.

Knight of Swords
Happy Solar Return, Virgo! You’ve got a lot to say this month, both internally and to the world! The Fire of conviction is burning within, bubbling your emotions to a fever pitch and compelling you to let it all out. The Knights are passionate, at times to the point of being impulsive. And with your ruling planet of Mercury, planet of communication, entering your sign on the 19th, you should be positively effervescent in your expression. Allow your thoughts and words to flow freely and openly, just make sure you maintain your connection to the heavier elements of Earth and Water to mitigate any sharp edges that may come as an unintended outcome of such fast-paced intellectual outpouring. The last thing you want is a lesson in the potential of wounding inherent in the suit of Swords.
And while we’re talking about the power of Air, I’d be horribly negligent if I didn’t take this opportunity to remind you that all words are magic words, so choose them wisely even as you race to keep up with the speed of your thoughts. This is an excellent time for you to focus on making some adjustments to patterns of speech and mental frameworks to make them support your goals more strongly. Talk a lot about how much you hate your boss? Replace that with a statement about how much you look forward to the day when you have a boss you admire or when you are your own boss. Lather, rinse, repeat. Make your birthday gift to yourself a whole new set of spells that call in the experience of life you desire.
Virgo stone for September: Blue Lace Agate gently opens perception to allow access to both see and communicate truth, both inwardly and outwardly, deepening compassion for self and others.
Eight of Cups
After all the building and planning and making and growing of your life these past few months, you’ve got a little time to settle into how all of this impacts your emotional life, Libra. Change, even the most exciting and hoped for change, is stressful to our bodies – spiritual, emotional, and physical. Once we settle into the new structure of routines and habits, we need to take time to focus on how to best structure our emotional lives to ensure we can maintain a good relationship with our new circumstances. Water is one of the heavy elements. It can take some time to catch up once Fire and Air settle down and things start to feel routine again. Listen to your heart and give it time to express what it needs to stay full and bright.
I’m sure you have a LOT to do this month, Libra. There’s no way you came out of an Emperor month feeling like you’ve got loads of spare time on your hands. You can still carve out a little bit every week – bonus points for every day – to experiement with adding little things to your routine to help maintain a lasting emotional stability. Maybe daily affirmations are your thing, maybe a cup of chamomile tea before bed calms you like nothing else, maybe you need to schedule in time to read or paint or write or sing – whatever it is, take the time now to figure it out and start building the habits. Your long-term happiness depends on it.
Libra stone for September: Emerald cleanses and energizes the heart physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It is an excellent stone for all aspects of heart health and emotional development.

Knight of Wands
Well, Scorpio, I hope you spent last month digging DEEP into that Seven of Cups energy! If you did, and you got very clear about what your heart truly desires, you have an incredible opportunity to throw yourself into getting it this month with everything you’ve got. Knight of Wands is the Fire of Fire of the Tarot family, gifting us with an almost superhuman level of energy, drive, and animal instinct that is essential for going after something big, something we maybe didn’t even think we were allowed to wish for. What is it that is gnawing at your gut instinct as you read these words, urging you to pull the thread? What deeply held desire has gone neglected for too long?
I cannot overstate the importance of seizing this moment, Scorpio. Fire of Fire burns powerfully bright, but it cannot sustain itself for long. These moments are gifts and it is our choice to be gracious receivers or to deny the gift out of fear, humility, or even laziness. Resist the urge to linger too long in the depths, questioning your emotional response. This is the time to embrace that Scorpionic connection to the wisdom of Death and release any lingering doubts that are holding you back. Your soul’s passion is begging to be let loose to lead you to a time of renewed conviction that you alone have the power to make your dreams come true. Heed the call and stoke the flames. This month is a sprint. Make it count.
Scorpio stone for September: Ruby is the stone of passion. It infuses the energetic body with the courage and strength needed to follow your true path and pursue your highest aspirations with optimism.
The High Priestess
This month will be spent getting your temple in order in preparation for the coming harvest season, Sagittarius, and I have a hunch you’ll be looking at quite a bounty. The High Priestess does not show up for the small stuff. When she comes knocking – or, better put, when you receive her invitation to knock on her temple door – it is an indication that something big is underway. You’re now being gifted the ability to carve out a little world of your own, a temple, to make it sacred, apart from space and time, and to travel effortlessly between your personal sanctum and the outside world. It’s perfect work for this time of year, a sort of spiritual nesting as we approach the Autumnal Equinox.
This month, I want you to point that gorgeous idealistic gaze directly at your home enviroment. What household cleanups, repairs, or projects have gone undone for too long? Is there any way you can make your physical surroundings more comfortable, more suited to you? It is difficult to sink into the deeper spiritual work when nagging material world concerns populate your temple space. If you can’t get everything done, designate a specific area and get it cleared out and leveled up. Populate it with trinkets, and magickal items to elevate your devotional practice. Allow your temple to be the mirror that see your true image reflected in. When you do, the distorted image you see relected in our imperfect society will fall to the background, allowing you to fully embody your innate Divine form.
Sagittarius stone for September: Moonstone heightens intuition, introspection, and protection of individuality. It helps us to maintain control of our personal temples of home, body, and spirit.
Five of Swords
Dear Capricorn, I would like to invite you to enjoy a quiet month filled with nourishing food, plenty of rest, and loving, supportive friends. Generally speaking, you are transitioning from achievement to chaos in the realm of Air. This is not a time for big ideas or attempts to talk or think through really anything of great importance. When this anarchic breeze blows in, it’s best to keep your head down, put one foot in front of the other, and stay on the path you know best – and enjoy it! It’s rare that we are called on to do less, to take a break in any area of life and just rest and be. Let this month act as cosmic pause button on all the things you believe you have to “figure out” in order to move forward.
So, what can you do when you can’t use that seductive power of Air to run your life? You get down with the other elements, especially Earth and Water. This should be music to your ears, my cardinal Earth sign darling. Dig your heels in, don’t do anything you don’t feel like doing (within reason, of course), and feel absolutely no pressure to explain yourself. The message probably wouldn’t come across as intended anyway. Channel your inner luxurious recluse. Spend a day alone at the spa, see a matinee, take a long hike in the woods. Whatever makes you feel like your heart is taking the lead and reinforces your connection to the Earth under your feet.
Capricorn stone for September: Smoky Quartz carries the gravity of our planet in energetic form. It connects us to ourselves and the Earth, helping us to feel grounded as it gently pulls psychic static from our field.

Seven of Crystals
I suspect you may be feeling a little impatient about seeing actual results from the work you did last month, Aquarius, and I’m here to talk you down with my dear friend the Seven of Crystals. Sevens ask us to find where we are doubting ourselves, the Universe, or both in their elemental realm, and here we are looking to weed those pesky doubts out of the Earth. Anxieties about whether our work is paying off in tangible ways is common and understandable. Earth is the slowest moving element. We spend most of our time in the lighter elements, dreaming up ideas, taking action to bring them to life, and then we have to wait for their manifestation in the material plane to take form.
Rest assured, Aquarius, your work has not been for nothing. The seeds you planted are quietly and resolutely outgrowing their outer husks and making their way to the surface where they will begin their journey toward the Sun. I know this is a jarring and potentially frustrating change of pace. When you find yourself antsy for something to do, some action to take, water the seeds. Love them, care for them, pour your heart out and offer it up to their growth and development. And when you come up against that nagging anxiety in the back of your mind, the voice that tells you that you are wasting your time, that you can’t make it work, that it was a dumb idea anyway – love that voice too. Soothe it and put it to bed.
Aquarius stone for September: Howlite relieves stress and opens connection to the eternal Divine. It brings an atmosphere of acceptance and contentment with one’s circumstances and surroundings.
Four of Swords
Now that your heart has been thoroughly rinsed and renewed, Pisces, it’s time for a little check in on how your views and thoughts meld with how you live and communicate day to day. Periodic assesments of whether our head is in alignment with our heart are essential for finding stability in the realm of Air, that lightest and most difficult to contain of elements. Lightness is a great place to focus – this can be a gentle and enjoyable experience. No need to get into judgment or mourning of things, ideas, or patterns that no longer serve your highest goals. This is simply an opportunity to gently sift through the contents of your mind and to let anything heavy fall away.
I strongly suggest you not make any big life changes this month. There can be a strong urge to make bold moves when we first realize that something is not in alignment with the life we seek to live. It is intoxicating to step into your own power of clear sight. However, this energy is with you all month long. Things can shift around quite a bit in that time. Plus, this whole operation is more about your internal intellectual framework and how you present that framework to the world than it is about the container of your life. If you already had a change in job, living situation, or relationship in the works, that is another story. But resist taking action on an internal shift that comes up this month. Stay the course and let it all unfold.
Pisces stone for September: Fluorite is a stone of insight through clarity. It helps to clear the mind, allowing for greater focus and decision making, and opening the door to the wisdom of the higher self.
Page of Wands
Ok, Aries, what did you learn last month about the power of your own instinctual knowing and ability to create? What conclusions did you come to about how to best use this power, its potential, or your relationship to it? Any hard and fast rules you came across? Any nuggets of eternal wisdom to frame your personal gift with Fire? Throw them out. All of them. Or rather set them aside, locked away for safe keeping. You won’t be needing them for now. The Page is here to disrupt anything you thought you knew about Elemental Fire and to open new doors of exploration and experimentation in this realm of action, magic, and creation. Cleanse that magic wand, clear yourself of all expectations, and get ready to play.
Welcome this energy with open arms and this can be a wonderful month of expansion. Dig in your heels and you’re likely to have a frustrating four weeks ahead of you! Think of it this way – you don’t have to be married to any of these new ways of handling your native element that come up. You’re not signing any contracts or setting anything in stone. This is simply a time to be open, to say yes. Pages represent the Earth of the Tarot court, they bring us back down to basics, slow us down, give us time and space to explore in an energetically safe environment. It is a beautiful gift to step into the shoes of the novice. Accept it graciously and use it wisely.
Aries stone for September: Honey Calcite inspires action and dedication while maintaining a light-hearted atmosphere. It provides the perseverance needed to make a creative spark become a full blazing fire
Eight of Crystals
My dearest Earth child, here we are again. This time focusing on building a beautiful, lasting stability in your material world. After the refining moment of the Ace last month, you’re in a great position to work with this energy. Thinking about everything that came up regarding your home life, your physical surroundings, your feeling grounded (or ungrounded), your method of interacting with our society’s version of the currency of Earth – money, find what feels like home to you. Dig deep into the ground beneath your feet and find exactly what it is that keeps you stable. We live in a time when many of us have more options than we ever have before. It can be overwhelming. Now is the time to whittle your life down to the essentials that will serve you best in the long term.
Finding this type of stability requires us to seek and confront our true nature, our deepest core of Self, that eternal piece that holds us steady while our bodies and circumstances shift around us. This is soul work, Taurus, pure and simple. Your inherent desire for security and predictability in your surroundings is essential to your nature. You are being called to step into alignment with this aspect of your Self, to ensure that you are nuturing this need for many years to come. This doesn’t have to be difficult. It could be as simple as finally acknowledging that you like to always have fresh flowers in the house and committing to make that happen. Find your Earthly bliss!
Taurus stone for September: Danburite connects the heart to spirit realm, bringing the calming and loving energy of the Divine down into our daily lives, calming and reassuring us in our Earthly pursuits.
Queen of Cups
Get ready for a month of nurturing and emotional excavation, Gemini, all courtesy of your inner mother. The Queen of Cups is here to lead you by the hand to a safe place where you can step outside of yourself to be the loving caretaker you have been waiting for. I have a strong suspicion that taking inventory of your internal communications last month dredged up more than a few emotional rough spots. As we pass from Summer into Fall, you have the opportunity to mend your bruised heart in ways you have never been able to before – or more likely, ways you didn’t even know you needed. This is excellent timing. When the seasons tip and we begin to head toward the nesting of winter, you will be in great shape to move from damage repair into some more forward moving modes of development.
Spend time alone this month, but try to keep it purposeful, rejuvenating even. No wallowing. The Queen of Cups encourages deep and long dives into our innermost depths, but she does not tolerate indulgent self-pity. Imagine her as a kindly grandmother, always there to clean up a skinned knee with tender care, but just as quick to send you back out finish your chores once you’re taped up. Coming back up for air is the most important part of any dive into our emotional waters. Take a long bath, get serious about journaling, pour your heart out to yourself as you never have before. And then take a deep breath, lift your head up, and get back to it.
Your stone for September: Rhodochrosite teaches us the art of self-love. It opens a channel within that allows us to love ourselves as we desire to be loved, to be our own best friends and caretakers.

Perspective (Hanged Man)
It’s time for a change of scenery, Cancer, and I don’t just mean sitting in a different spot in your living room. The scenery I am talking about is more energetic, spiritual even, the stuff we can’t see but that alters our perception of our surroundings immensely. This month you are being asked to see things in a new way and the more you can push up against the edges of that, the better. You had a month of digging in the Earth in August and now you can spend a little time up in the clouds, surveying the new lay of the land, getting a broader picture of what is possible and within that, what is desirable. And since we are in the Major Arcana, we are looking at all realms of life – emotional, spiritual, creative, intellectual, and material.
How many different ways can you find to force a shift in your perspective? What would it look like to try on a new emotional perspective? A new instinctual perspective? Can you borrow another person’s experience for a time? Use your enviable powers of empathy to walk in another’s shoes without ever moving a muscle? This may sound like an invitation to get into astral travelling (which I wholeheartedly encourage if you can accomplish it), but it can be as deceivingly mundane as watching a movie about a person completely unlike yourself or reading a book by someone you normally wouldn’t. The important thing is to keep your heart, mind, and eyes open to new experiences.
Cancer stone for September: Blue Apatite is a stone of profound psychic opening. It can act as a key to opening levels of knowledge and wisdom and as a catalyst for exploring past lives and energetic influences.
The Magician
Is it your birthday AGAIN, Leo?? A swell of personal power to manifest your dreams and desires is headed your way to carry you into the Fall. You have the magic of the elements tingling at your fingertips, waiting to help you connect the kernel of intention in your heart to the blueprint of the Universe. The Magician ignites personal power – power that originates from within and that is used to control, alter, or expand the personal sphere. True magic(k) is a tool of self-mastery. It has no place or interest in manipulating the free will of others. If this is sounding a bit heavy, it’s because it is! There is a great deal of responsibility that comes with the gift of The Magician.
The trick with this energy is that if you’re not very specific with your words, thoughts, and actions, you could send an unintentional signal to the Universe, one that manifests something you don’t want or need. So be extra mindful this month with the messages you are transmitting. Take a few minutes each day to set your intentions – for the day, week, month, year, and even longer. Write them down, say them out loud, carry stones in your pocket that emanate an energetic quality that supports them, light candles and give offereings for them, and for the love of the Divine, mark the New Moon on the 9th and the Full Moon on the 24th with a manifesting and releasing ritual, respectively. Harness this energy in alignment with your true path and you could be feeling the benefits for a long time to come.
Leo stone for September: Labradorite is the Magician’s stone, activating powers of personal magic, self-mastery, and manifestation. It elevates one’s personal vibration to ensure purity in conjuring.