BY: Sandy Sitron · Astro + Tarot
The Gemini Full Moon brings an opportunity to upgrade your belief system to mirror your truths, says Sandra Sitron…PLUS in-depth Full Moon study questions for each sign.

Gemini Full Moon :: Tuesday December 13 2016 :: 7:06pm ET :: 22 degrees Gemini
Tend to your words. Make them your garden. Your words will nourish you and help you connect to your truth. If you don’t fail them, they won’t fail you. They will be the sacred fertilizer of your wisest moves.
The Gemini Full Moon will raise questions of integrity. Who do you say that you are? How do you use your words? Do you speak carefully, judiciously selecting which thoughts you will bring to life with language? Or are you unfiltered? This Moon will help us orient ourselves to the truth within, and give a microphone to the voice of wisdom. Because of the nature of any Full Moon, this time can also show us how our use of words can go disastrously wrong.
So mean what you say, and say what you mean.
Have you ever had a conversation take you down a wrong track, so that you end up saying things that left you worse off than if you had never said anything? These moments create opportunities to notice patterns. Pay close attention to you emotions as you speak or write. See how your words can change how you feel? Notice the patterns in your own thinking or patterns that come up in conversations.
Gemini rules thinking and communicating on an elementary school level. Gemini gave us our first friends and our first sentences. It rules primary connections, mental and social. And the stuff you learn when you’re a kid gets so ingrained. If your mom said “I’m sorry” instead of “Excuse me” when navigating through a crowded grocery store, you’ll probably speak that way too. The language we learn as children literally forms how our brain works. It’s foundational.
Sagittarius, where the sun sits opposite this Gemini Full Moon, illuminating its lessons, rules thinking and communicating on an elevated level. You’ve made it to college. Words become philosophical and wisdom-seeking. Sag is your study abroad trip to see how other cultures think.
With the Gemini Full Moon opposite the Sun in Sagittarius, we are being called to monitor the basic thinking behind our emotions (Moon), and step it up a notch so that we can live more fully in our essence (Sun). We are being called to think, speak, and live in the full integrity of who we are. We are getting a chance to re-write old thought patterns and operate from a philosophical foundation instead of a habitual one.
The Moon And It’s Message
Tying the boat up to the dock.
Bring your ship ashore. Find solace in what you know to be true. Your spirit. Your heart. Your essence. The waves keep coming, but they are part of the sea, they are part of life. You are ready for more structure. More of an understanding of who you are. It is time to plan a new trip. You can come back to the map and delineate a new destination. Let the light of understanding flood your mind so that the waves of the emotional sea feel like an adventure rather than an obstacle.
Moon Opposite Saturn
Wood stacked in preparation of a fire.
It’s time to build a structure. Structure must begin with a solid foundation. If you want to build a good fire, you always have to stack the wood in the right way. If you don’t, the fire won’t catch. Push yourself closer to a plan. It will help with your thinking and your progress.
Moon Trine Jupiter
Unwrapping the gifts.
Support beams down from on high. This is the stamp of approval. Trust that your intuition will lead you in the direction of expansion. All you’ve got to do is trust, and the assistance will flow in. The gifts are already there.
Go deeper with your Gemini Full Moon self-inquiry, with these study questions by sign. For a more accurate reading, see where 22 degrees Gemini falls in your chart and also read for that house.
Aries :: 3rd house
In what area of my life would a dose of curiosity and lightness be helpful? Do I feel safe to be filled with wonder in my career? In my relationships? Why or why not?
Taurus :: 2nd house
Finish the sentence “Money is…” fifteen times. Write it down in list form.
Money is _______________
Money is _______________
Money is _______________ (etc.)
Notice what different words and ideas come to mind when you contemplate what money means to you.
Gemini :: 1st house
What beliefs need to be released for me to re-gain the confidence to express myself with joy and conviction? How is this manifesting in my self-talk?
Cancer :: 12th house
Write a letter addressed to your Higher Self. Write down your questions about your life. Using your non-dominant hand write the answers.
Leo :: 11th house
How can I make more space for my hopes, dreams and aspirations? What is my brightest future vision for the collective? How can I spread this idea?
Virgo :: 10th house
What conversations need to be had to make adjustments in my career? How could I be thinking differently about my career?
Libra :: 9th house
What new philosophical or spiritual horizon am I feeling called to explore? Is change hard or easy for me? What has been my past experience of big change?
Scorpio :: 8th house
What am I ready to move on from in my life? What kind of journalling ritual would support that “letting-go” process?
Sagittarius :: 7th house
What relationship in my life feels a little “sticky.” What past experience does this feeling remind me of? What conversation needs to be had?
Capricorn :: 6th house
Wh are two simple adjustments I can make in my daily schedule or workflow that will create more efficiency in my life? How can I hold myself accountable for sticking to this?
Aquarius :: 5th house
What are easy ways that I can add more creativity and self-expression to my life? Why is self-expression important to me?
Pisces :: 4th house
What are my true feelings about: work, money, relationships, sexuality, health and spirituality? In which areas am I inspired and empowered to shift my feelings?