BY: Sandy Sitron · Astro + Tarot, Magazine
The Leo Full Moon Eclipse brings a re-set on how we show up as an individual in the name of the collective, says Sandra Sitron…

Full Moon, Lunar Penumbral Eclipse :: February 10 2017 :: 7:33 pm EST :: 22 degrees Leo
The Leo Full Moon says: “Fill yourself up with vibrant color. Be creative without worrying about protecting yourself. Sharing doesn’t have to feel vulnerable. Use your body, mind and spirit to produce an explosion of creativity. Let yourself play and have fun. See where it leads.”
The Full Moon occurs when the Moon in Leo lines up exactly opposite the Sun in Aquarius. Every month, the Sun and the Moon face-off in opposite signs to help us build awareness of the big picture. This is always intense energy, and this time, it’s also a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. What is the full story forming between these two opposite energies? On the Aquarius side of things, we must gather with like minded souls, connect with community, and dream up the future. On the Leo side of things, we are ready to shine as individuals.
We need to share our sacred unique spark with others, and be recognized for it. There is a back and forth happening between giving and receiving, the individual and the collective, personal power and a collective vision for the future.
Let’s connect the dots to how important this Leo Full Moon is now, at this exact moment in history. A couple of important themes come to mind…Hide your individual light and you deprive the world of meaning. Lose connection with the group and you float off untethered. Shine and connect. Honor your uniqueness and work together to build a vision for the future.
This Leo Full Moon is part of the kick-off to eclipse season. The 2017 and 2018 lunar eclipse pairs are in the signs of Leo and Aquarius. Think of an eclipse as unplugging your router to reset the internet. That moment of turning off and on lets you approach the situation in a whole new way. It’s a massive reset. Each eclipse will bring us new opportunities to reset how we share our individual creativity and how we commune with the collective. Leo and Aquarius are fixed signs. The fixed modality helps us slowly and persistently move forward. Constant small actions are required. Keep on pushing.
The Moon and It’s Message
Batting baseballs out of the park.
It’s time to step up to the plate. This is full on, happening NOW, game time. There’s some burn-out energy to this Full Moon—she’s dancing in a Fire grand trine. Action is easy, but it’s also easy to take on too much. But aside from that, the energy is high, and the pitcher is ready to face-off.
The Full Moon is in a Fire grand trine aspect pattern with Uranus and Saturn.
Fire canons.
Action. Self-sufficiency. It’s go time. The energy is high and the instinct is to find something to “do.” That’s pretty much fine. It’s time to get some things done. Work within the existing structure to change it.
Can you see a limitation as an opportunity for innovation?
Can you choose your actions wisely to achieve massive results?
Can you actively connect with your intuition to avoid burn-out?
The Full Moon is in a yod aspect pattern with Jupiter, pointing to Chiron.
Feeding the fish.
The Leo Full Moon is actively directing us toward healing. Keep turning toward your emotions (Moon). Ask yourself how you feel, and then slow down enough to listen. This process helps with healing (Chiron), which in turn leads to growth and expansion (Jupiter).
The yod formation brings with it a heavy sense of expectancy. Maybe even some frustration. You’re being asked to stay present in the moment, even if it would seem easier to tune out. Swim deep into your emotion ocean. With love and attention, it might be time for some old feelings to emerge at the surface.
Make, do, play. Connect with others. Get active! Find a way to push. Consistent action is good. Get curious about your feelings. Feeling equals healing equals expansion. It’s time to blossom in the full light of your creativity while connecting to your vision for the future.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
The below study questions by sign are designed to help you journal on what’s coming up with this Leo Full Moon Eclipse. To get more specific, look at where 22 degrees Leo falls in your birth chart and also read for that house.
Aries or 5th house
What can I do today that’s creative? What does creativity mean to me?
Taurus or 4th house
How does creativity help my inner child feel more secure?
Gemini or 3rd house
What do I need to learn about now? Who is in my support system?
Cancer or 2nd house
What does self-worth mean to me?
Leo or 1st house
How you can I assert my individuality a little bit more? When do I need to “get out of my own way?”
Virgo or 12th house
What subconscious pattern needs to shift to give me more ease in my life right now?
Libra or 11th house
How do I want to connect with my greater community this year?
Scorpio or 10th house
What associations do I have with the term, “showing-off?” What would it be like for me to show-off more?
Sagittarius or 9th house
Who inspires me right now? How can I bring new philosophies into my everyday life?
Capricorn or 8th house
Why do I feel the need for recognition? Why does this make me feel powerful?
Aquarius or 7th house
What questions can I ask to better understand another person’s perspective?
Pisces or 6th house
What small thing can I do each day to take care of my health?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.