All Hallows Eve is about more than slutty costumes and tequila shots. Here, our favorite modern mystics share their ideas for a super spiritual Halloween…
All Hallows Eve is about more than slutty costumes and tequila shots. Here, our favorite modern mystics share their ideas for a super spiritual Halloween…
Scorpio season is here to make us face our inner demons – all in the name of transformation. Use Ash Baker’s simple yoga sequence for Scorpio to take you there…
Happy Friday! Here’s what went down in Ruby’s Mystical Week, and an intro to the magical Margaret Nichols, founder of NYC’s Urban Oneness Blessing and truly cosmic coach…
Want to understand your deepest emotional needs on a totally cosmic level? You need to know your Moon sign, says Ruby Warrington…
New regular post alert! Every Friday we’ll be featuring a different material girl, and the stuff that rocks her mystical world. This week, Numi founder Ruby Warrington…
Lucy Sheridan explains what happens when we consume too much social media, and how we can all fight back…
Who says there’s no comedown from a spiritual high? Erin Telford has some advice for rolling out the high vibes even after reality bites.
When Alexandra Roxo signed up for a peyote medicine ceremony, she forgot to tell her girlfriend this would mean a week of celibate dating. Uh-oh…Homepage image: Fab Ciracolo /// The night before my last peyote medicine ceremony, I was almost asleep when my girlfriend climbed on top of me and started a slow dry hump. I was […]
Do we want basically everything from Numi contributor Louise Androlia’s new astrology jewelry collection? Well, what do you think…
It’s crazy town in the Cosmos this month! Ash Baker shares a grounding and balancing yoga sequence for Libra, to foster harmony and equanimity in the chaos.
Cast by Louise Androlia using the Gypsy Palace Tarot Deck. I love to chat with you about your scopes and how your month is going so find me on Twitter and Instagram @louniverse and facebook/louiseandrolia Libra / Libra Rising – The Two of Cups Happy Birthday! While you’re celebrating the start of your solar […]
Ellie Burrows has a confession. The mood of the Autumnal Equinox has got her turned on to the idea of…commitment?
Lessons in Kabbalah with Madonna and a “little spiritual trip to Hawaii.” Brooke Candy tells Ruby Warrington how following a more “soulful” path has been a lesson in self-love…All images (including home page): Brooke Candy’s Instagram account So I’m in LA to interview Brooke Candy for the UK Sunday Times Style magazine. The controversial stripper-turned-rapper who’s been hailed […]
Hipster angel whisperer Kyle Gray is on a mission to shift the perception around our celestial messengers. Will skeptic Lisa Luxx be convinced?
Wanna get high? Breathwork is creating a buzz on the holistic wellness scene as a way of rapidly releasing stagnant “shadow material” from the Second Chakra. Practitioner Erin Telford reports…