BY: Sandy Sitron · Astro + Tarot, Magazine
The 2017 Scorpio Full Moon is an invitation to let go of control and upgrade your relationship to your personal power, says Sandra Sitron …

Full Moon :: May 10 2017 :: 5:43 pm EST :: 20 degrees Scorpio
The 2017 Scorpio Full Moon is a mama cat pushing kittens forward with her nose. You, little kitten, are getting nudged. Gently guided toward the game, the snack, the nap. O, abundant world! You have everything you need. That’s the first thing this moon wants you to know.
And now you are growing into a tiger … and the moon keeps nudging you forward. As a tiger you aren’t afraid to go all-in. You know how to fight, to feast, to make love. You can go to powerful extremes. But the moon keeps nudging you along and now you reach the height of bravery. You become brave enough to let go of control … and in doing so find that you are stronger than before. And the moon keeps pushing you forward to a wild and spiritual surrender so that you can continue to evolve. Transcending even your own ego.
The 2017 Scorpio Full Moon is opposite the Sun in Taurus. The invitation is to find your footing. You are learning that you are stable. The Taurus Sun has got you covered when it comes to stability, resourcefulness, and a strong sense of your personal value. But the Scorpio Moon is asking you to take a leap.
Scorpio is the sign of emotional union. Scorpio rules merging, bonding, two becoming One. Two understanding each other’s deepest motivations and feelings. Because this is all very intense, by default Scorpio can be expressed through power and control. It’s initially scary to merge with another person! So the lower vibration of Scorpio tries to do so without surrendering any power.
The evolution of Scorpio describes learning how to let control die away. Releasing. Purging. Letting the urge for power fade. This is the journey to the higher expression of Scorpio. A continuous practice of letting go. A continuous practice of reaching toward another person with understanding, while refusing to attach to the outcome.
The Scorpio Full Moon may test your relationships. You may find yourself thinking: “I need to do something about this! I need this to go a certain way! I need you to act a certain way!” And then breathing out: “I don’t need to control anything. I release any desire to pressure you to do/say/be anything. I make myself right sized. This leaves me with the energy to live my own life in the most fulfilling, happy and bold way.”
Continue to release during this moon phase. Open yourself up. You can’t control it all. Sometimes you need to let go and walk into the fire of change. There’s nothing you need to hold on to; you have everything you need for the journey. It may feel as if you’re being stripped bare at moments. But that’s exactly how you will know your strength. Just let go.
Moon sextile Pluto
A white dove flies overhead on an autumn day.
Peacefully letting go of a season. Harmoniously closing a chapter. The Scorpio Full Moon is making a pleasing aspect to Scorpio’s ruling planet Pluto. Scorpio and Pluto are in charge of the cycle of life. Birth, sex, death. Getting comfortable with the cycle of life requires getting comfortable with change. This easy aspect allows emotional ease and fluidity around transitions. Use this energy to help yourself release in any way you are ready to.
Sun trine Pluto
The elephant looks in a mirror.
Another pleasant aspect between a luminary and the planet of evolution. Look closely at yourself. It may be that you feel called to take an inventory of your life. What is ready to die away? What no longer serves you? What relationship, responsibility or belief no longer matches your image of who you are?
The trick with this symbol is that the elephant is BIG. It can seem immovable. But as it looks in the mirror, it’s doing an assessment. Even the most stubborn habit, pattern or belief may be ready to move now. No matter how massive or rooted it is. Allow the Sun trine Pluto aspect to assist in your release process. Ritual is a way to clue your subconscious mind in on the changes you are ready to make. The subconscious reacts splendidly to the symbolism of ritual. Create a personal releasing ritual that will allow you to let go completely.
Moon trine Neptune
Fairy dust.
Trust your intuition as you move along your path. If you listen, you will know exactly what to let go of during this powerful moon phase. You will know exactly how to let go of what’s no longer serving you. Neptune can carry you through the veil that separates logic from the intuitive realms. Let yourself be carried on a stream of fairy dust. To prepare yourself, begin with deep relaxation and quiet time. Ask for your mind to open up in new ways. Ask for guidance. Allow creativity and intuition to come forward
Use the following invitations by sign to journal more deeply on the message this Scorpio Full Moon has for you. For the most accurate reading, look at your birth chart to see which house holds 20 degrees Scorpio and also read for that house. ***Don’t have yours? Do your chart for free here.
Aries or 8th House
The Scorpio Full Moon is in your area of evolution and union. What does control mean to you? Where are you ready to practice letting go of control?
Taurus or 7th House
The Scorpio Full Moon is in your area of relationships. How can you let go of a specific outcome in a relationship? How would that bring you more energy?
Gemini or 6th House
The Scorpio Full Moon is in your area of health and habits. What habit needs to be transformed? What emotion is keeping you tied to the old way?
Cancer or 5th House
The Scorpio Full Moon is in your area of joy and self-expression. What part of you is blocked from self-expression? Is it time to let go of that block?
Leo of 4th House
The Scorpio Full Moon is in your area of home and family. How can you let go of control when it comes to your family? How would that bring you more energy?
Virgo or 3rd House
The Scorpio Full Moon is in your area of communication and learning. Where do you feel stuck right now? What new way of thinking would help you move forward? What old idea needs to be let go of?
Libra or 2nd House
The Scorpio Full Moon is in your area of abundance and self-worth. What block to your self-worth are you ready to let go of?
Scorpio of 1st House
The Scorpio Full Moon is in your area of identity. How can you let go of control when it comes to how other people perceive you?
Sagittarius or 12th House
The Scorpio Full Moon is in your area of intuition, compassion and spirituality. How can you get the support that you need to deepen your intuition?
Capricorn or 11th House
The Scorpio Full Moon is in your area of friends, community and the future. What new vision are you ready to welcome in? What old vision needs to be released?
Aquarius or 10th House
The Scorpio Full Moon is in your area of career and the public sphere. What do you need to let go of when it comes to your career?
Pisces or 9th House
The Scorpio Full Moon is in your area of philosophy, beliefs travel and higher learning. Are you aware of a belief that is ready for an upgrade?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here and follow her on Instagram.