After a lifetime of swallowing the societal pills of so-called security, 2017 was the year Sushma Sagar officially “un-brainwashed” herself and began living straight from her radical core …

sushma sagar ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world un-brainwashed the calmery
Sushma starts to see the light

It was pretty much drilled into my generation that the path to success and happiness was getting a secure job, getting married, and having kids. For a long time, it didn’t even occur to me that there was an alternative way to live. But when I found myself coming out of the spiritual closet in my corporate career, it started a chain reaction that led to me starting a full-time healing business last year.

And beyond my working life, reassessing my professional priorities also found me re-thinking my personal goals. Did I need to be married with a family to be happy? Did the people “in charge” know what was best for me? Do I want to be motivated by fear, as at seems some of our leaders would prefer? What do I actually think, need, dream of, once familial, societal and social conditioning is removed?

Seeking to learn the answers made 2017 the year I officially un-brainwashed myself … 


I began to think about the karmic consequences of our decisions … 

I attended a private girl’s school in the 80s, whose mission was to prepare their students to be strong independent females who would make it in a man’s world. We were educated to be career motivated, and highly successful, be it in law, finance, medicine etc. As I was a daughter in a high achieving Indian family, it was an ethos that was also echoed at home.

It was a challenge for somebody creative like me, as I didn’t see where I “fit” into this model. And anyone who didn’t fit was very much on their own. 

I found a way to smooth the edges of my artistic leanings, studying textiles instead of dance and fine art, for example. Then working in marketing instead of designing. My need for approval and acceptance was so strong, that I gradually convinced myself to become someone else entirely. Eventually, I forgot who I was underneath.

For years, I remained blissfully ignorant. But in 2016, with the country divide on Brexit, I was galvanised to think about politics and how it affected our everyday lives. I began to think about the karmic consequences of our decisions. I began questioning what I was being told in the media. I became aware of a world order at play, and found myself dismayed by the lies and corruption being unveiled.

This “awakening” spilled into my own life, as I began questioning if I was living my truth. Was I living with integrity for myself? 

sushma sagar ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world un-brainwashed the calmery


I felt the very fabric of my existence unravelling … 

Our education system drills us to follow those in charge, and not question authority. But when it becomes clear that those who lead us often don’t have the answers themselves, it’s like realizing that your parents are only humans after all. A sign of maturity, that brings with it the freedom and the duty of taking responsibility for your own choices.

At times this transition felt good, my creative juices started flowing after so many years of being frozen. But at other times it was disorientating and extremely uncomfortable. The eggs had been broken, but the omelette wasn’t quite coming together yet—as I felt the very fabric of my existence unravelling.  

The biggest belief to crumble, was do with identity and purpose, and my definition of “success.”

If I’m not a superwoman in a highflying career, married with four adorable children, then who am I? What am I? Why am I here? What will my legacy be? My self-worth was tied up with a traditional viewpoint, but I felt alienated from the values I’d grown up with. It was on me to rewrite a definition of success that felt congruent with my inner knowing. 


There were two milestones along the way … 

In 2012 I fell head over heels for someone who was everything I ever dreamed of. Handsome, intelligent, devastatingly charming. Finally marriage, children, and the life I hoped for seemed to be rolling out just like in the story books. Then after a close death in the family, the relationship deteriorated, and I fell into a grief spiral. The dream plan went awry. 

A few years later, I found myself working as a resident healer at the Obonjan festival, doing intensive healing sessions in a pine forest. During one session, I had an incredible spiritual experience where, among other things, the trees began communicating with me. It broke me down and I found myself weeping tears of joy. Life suddenly felt very different, and I was aware of my soul evolving. I had tasted something profound that my current existence had not been giving me. I suddenly understood that success to me involved service and connection.

I have continued with this very deep, personal healing work. Shamanism, sound healing, meditations, acupuncture, family constellations, womb work, goddess work, inner child … you name it, I’ve done it! The need to connect with Spirit became all consuming, leading me to live a higher vibrational lifestyle. 

I became very sensitive to the things that affected my connection, such as meat and alcohol, and naturally reduced them. Of course, my own reiki practice has supported me from the beginning, and I’ve used this to navigate life and heal.

I’m lucky in that my family and friends have always been supportive of my healing work, in spite of them never fully understanding what I do. However, the more work I do on myself, the more I am able to understand what makes us all tick, and the more my relationships with others have improved.

sushma sagar ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world un-brainwashed the calmery


How to undertake your own “un-brainwashing” … 

In order to unlearn deeply ingrained patters, I believe you have to:

1// Examine your beliefs. 
Identify and becomes aware of your beliefs about key areas of life. For example: self, love, sex, family, religion, faith, society, culture, right and wrong, how life and the universe actually work etc.

Then go back and consider how you learned that belief, where it originated from. Was it from a teacher at school, or a family member for example?

Now ask yourself: if that origin were removed, and there was no judgement from anywhere, would you still feel the same way? Consider whether the belief makes you feel happy or obligated. 

Physical sensations will often occur when an idea resonates with you: goosebumps, chills or even a prickly feeling. Your body knows what is true for you and what is not, so look for the signs. How do different concepts, and beliefs about how to live your life, make you feel?

For example, after the breakdown of my relationship, I realized that part of my grief was to do with the loss of a life path I thought I wanted. I had blindly trusted that I needed to be married with children to be happy. However, under deep scrutiny, I realized this idea originated from my culture and society in general, and I hadn’t really thought about my needs as an individual and a healer.

I concluded that being a parent might bring satisfaction, but may not actually make me “happier.” Besides, wallowing in mother-fomo was bringing me down. So I determined that it wasn’t going to be a deal-breaker and have felt a lot better since.


2// Find new teachers.  
Trying to unlearn everything, pick it all apart and work out who I was under all the conditioning, has been incredibly challenging. Listening to teachers, in particular Shaman Durek, has helped and continues to help me navigate this process.

However, my biggest teachers have actually been my personal spirit guides, accessed through deep Shamanic work. I learn and continue to learn more from them more than anyone else, and they have helped me to discern what “I” think and want.

Finding your teachers is about using your intuition. Ask around for recommendations, Google subjects of interest, and see what authors you’re attracted to. Be guided by synchronicity. Whose face, voice and attitude resonates with you, or charges you up? Find people who challenge your status quo and make you think twice. 


3// Honor your natural talents.
You were given your talents for a reason, and it’s your duty to nurture them—and, when you have mastered them, to share them with others. In the sentiment of Oprah Winfrey, speaking and living your truth is the most important thing you can do!

I launched my own healing brand, The Calmery, so that I could create something in my own vision, and not be answerable to anyone, but I’m still sometimes plagued with a “be nice, be liked, head down” corporate hangover.

There is certainly more work for me to do, to be living in my full wattage power. But my un-brainwashing is well underway, and I’ll get there soon enough.


Sushma Sagar is a former global fashion brand director turned Reiki Master Teacher, and is the founder of London based healing practice The Calmery. She offers private reiki sessions, tuition, and workshops by appointment. Join her for Reiki Level One Training on Sunday, February 18th in London. 


As the New Year arrives, the 2018 Cancer Full Moon wants you to soften into your support system, celebrate how far you’ve come, and treat yourself even better, says Sandra Sitron

2018 Cancer Full Moon
Photo: Mickael Gresset

Full Moon :: January 1, 2018 :: 9:24pm ET :: 11 degrees Cancer

A sigh and a hug. A gentle embrace and Mother Moon nudges you off the edge of the cliff … 

You land gently in sea of buttery white rose petals. Sink into softness. The petals morph into her craggy face of the Moon. A waterfall of emotion tumbles you gently into her mouth, and suddenly—you are inside her.

This Full Moon can help you feel contained. You are held in such a way that you can feel every feeling, while being reassured that you are completely supported. You are never alone. You are always seen, your needs always heard, and a gentle softness surrounds you.

In the sign of Cancer, the Moon is at home, and is opposite the Sun in structured Capricorn. This moment could help you blossom in your ability to be both Father and Mother to yourself. To nurture yourself gently, while also providing boundaries and practical support for yourself. You can learn how to both stand up for yourself and be more gentle with yourself.

Might it be emotional? Yes. But with support, there is never trauma. When you feel cared for, healing is easy. This Moon will take you into the depths of emotion. But it will feel oh-so-right.

This Full Moon wants you to treat yourself better, and the emphasis on cardinal signs can help you initiate a new pathway. Let the support of the Moon catapult you into a new wave of understanding.

Celebrate your personal development, and then step through the doorway towards your future self … 


Grand trine between the Moon, Neptune, Mars, and Jupiter.
A yellow fish swims in a school. 
This watery trine supports you in moving through the feelings in just the right way. You can nurture your own inner child. Take her on a walk. Show her what it’s really like to be an adult. Help her feel safe and seen.

The school of fish symbolizes swimming through your emotions and connecting with your intuition. This trine will stir up everything that needs to move, but the process is collective.

Meditate to activate your internal guidance system. Your emotional soul-searching will help you feel streamlined and connected, just like the school of fish.


Moon opposite Pluto, Venus, and Saturn
An acrobat maneuvers on the tightrope. 
Jumping and diving gracefully, the acrobat lingers momentarily in midair before grasping a support. You are pushing yourself to go higher, faster, better. You are moving through into a new way of being. It requires skill and strength. But you make it look easy. There is a type of gracefulness in your every move.

As you move into the New Year, get very clear about the transformation that you’ve gone through. What have you learned? What has made you stronger? And now, what will be the structure that supports you moving forward? What is your plan? And finally, notice the inherent beauty that exists in your life. Enjoy this graceful dance in the sky.


These two aspects (above) form a larger kite pattern
The kite shape of these two aspects wants to fly. It yearns for motivating action. You can take action by listening to your emotions and allowing yourself to be transformed. This takes courage and willingness to change. In this endeavor, your own emotional security will help you set better boundaries that teach people how to treat you.

And through the whole process, you can refresh yourself with the light of Venus. She reminds you to take pleasure in the moment and enjoy the beauty and diversity of this life on Earth. Something that could otherwise annoy you might seem quite beautiful if you look at it with fresh eyes and an appreciative heart.


The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2018 Cancer Full Moon means for you. Use them as journal prompts. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 11 degrees Cancer in your chart and use the question for that house.

New to your birth chart? Calculate your chart for free HERE.

Aries or Full Moon in the 4th house 
What helps you feel at home with yourself?

Taurus or Full Moon in the 3rd house 
What could you be thinking about in a new way?

Gemini or Full Moon in the 2nd house 
When will you let yourself feel safe?

Cancer or Full Moon in the 1st house 
What do you need to be honest with yourself about?

Leo or Full Moon in the 12th house 
How would some solid alone time benefit you?

Virgo or Full Moon in the 11th house 
What visions for the future are dancing through your mind? Gather these ideas.

Libra or Full Moon in the 10th house 
Hold yourself to a higher standard. What will this help you achieve?

Scorpio or Full Moon in the 9th house 
Shimmer new light on your beliefs. What do you most value now?

Sagittarius or Full Moon in the 8th house 
Paint a picture that shows you finding true forgiveness in every area of your life. In the ideal world, what doors would open?

Capricorn or Full Moon in the 7th house 
Solidify your partnership desires. What do you need in a partnership?

Aquarius or Full Moon in the 6th house 
What is the most simple way to structure your day?

Pisces or Full Moon in the 5th house 
Are you having enough fun to keep your inner child happy?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.


It’s been one hell of a ride. From crystal dildos and wombifestation, to becoming a spiritual activist, our Best of The Numinous 2017 charts a truly transformative year …

best of the Numinous 2017 pink fireworks
Photo: Chansereypich Seng


1// Andre J on Self-Expression as a Self-Love Practice: Gender trendsetter and spiritual mentor Andre J shared how a lifetime of fearless self-expression has been the ultimate self-love practice …

best of the Numinous 2017 Andre J


2// Use Your Birth Chart to Meet Your Shadow Self: In a year where we faced our collective shadow on oh so many levels, we learned how to come face-to-face with the skeletons in our cosmic closets …

best of the Numinous 2017 Birth Chart Behind the Veil Shadow Self Skeleton The Numinous Ruby Warrington Bess Matassa


3// How to Master the Art of Wombifestation: With the focus on ways to shift to a more feminine paradigm, Latham Thomas revealed the real secret to the law of attraction …

own your glow Latham Thomas wombifestation The Numinous Ruby Warrington


4// Date Night as Spiritual Practice: As part of her popular Holy F*ck column, Alexandra Roxo shared how to make date date a mirror for where you’re at on your spiritual path …

alexandra roxo date night the numinous ruby warrington material girl mystical world holy fuck moon club


5// Healthcare Vs. The Wellness Industry: As the wellness industry came in for yet more criticism, we asked: what’s worse, a broken healthcare system or the elitist wellness industry?

best of the Numinous 2017 wellness industry


6// What’s Your Asteroid Goddess Sign? As the Divine Feminine demanded to speak up and be heard, Rebecca Farrar showed us how to harness the full feminine force of the stars …

asteroid goddess sign rebecca farrar wild witch of the west ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world juno pallas athene ceres vesta


7// 7 Things I Learned Starting a Crystal Sex Toy Company: Adding to the conversation about self-pleasure as a healing practice, Chakrubs founder Vanessa Cuccia shared the deep spiritual lessons of her entrepreneurial path …

Vanessa Cuccia Chakruns crystal sex toy company the Numinous


8// Shaman Durek Says Spirituality Is Just Common Sense: On a mission to put shamanism in the hands of the masses, Shaman Durek explained how loving integration of our darkest places unleashes the power to heal ourselves …

best of the Numinous 2017 shaman durek


9// Mooners & Shakers Anniversary Edition: As we celebrated our one-year mooniversary, we celebrated the loving, empowering, and fearless community that is Moon Club

Moon Club The Numinous Alexandra Roxo Ruby Warrington best of the Numinous 2017


10// Did You Know You Have a Tarot Type? With Tarot becoming more popular than ever, Hayley Ed Houseman shared how to discover your tarot type, and start casting spreads that speak straight to your spirit …

tarot type The Numinous best of the Numinous 2017


11// How the Patriarchy Made You Fear Goddess Day: A.k.a. Friday the 13th. Lucy North shared the real meainng behind this “spooky” day, along with simple ways to reclaim its feminine power …


12// 9 Tips for Running a Spiritual Business: Teeing up her new “Ask a Spiritual CEO” column (launching Jan 2018), Maha Rose founder Lisa Levine shared how to mix some magic with your business mojo …

best of the Numinous 2017 Lisa Levine


13// Why We Have to Get Real About Diversity in the Wellness Industry: Fundraising for her new Harlem, NY, location, SHAKTIBARRE co-founder Corinne Wainer confronted the issue at the heart of her biz head on …

Corinne warner Shaktibarre diversity in the wellness industry best of the Numinous 2017


14// Dreaming About Sex With Straight Dudes … When You’re Queer AF: With gender and sexuality politics front and center, what were her dreams about having sex with straight men trying to tell Wolf Medicine Magic?

Wolf Medicine Magic queer af The Numinous Sandra Hong best of the Numinous 2017


15// Why You Need to Discover Your “Ikigai”: With more people than ever questioning our contribution, Sushma Sagar shared the ancient Japanese art of Ikigai, or how to discover your life purpose …


16// 8 Ways to Be a Spiritual Activist in 2017: In a year of protests and political resistance, Numi founder Ruby Warrington shared timeless insight into how peace begins with each and every one of us and the daily choices that we make …

best of the Numinous 2017 spiritual activist ruby warrington


Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous weekly horoscopes by Sandra Sitron …

sandra sitron sandy sitron ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world numinous weekly horoscopes 2017


Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Observing the path ahead. And reflecting on the path behind. Take a moment to pause and be present. What have you learned? And where would you like to go from here? This is a moment to celebrate and to be intentional about your future.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Blowing bubbles underwater. Dive deep down into the sea of your emotions. What feelings have you been denying? If you slow down long enough, you’ll be able to access those deeper currents that may be driving you unconsciously. Give yourself some time alone.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Holding a single daisy up in the air. You have advanced in some way. Celebrate where you are now. Allow yourself a sense of jubilance. Now look beyond your own worries and concerns. Can you share what you’ve learned with others?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
Tying a bandana around your neck. Where will you go from here? Get on your horse and ride. Ride with a sense of adventure. Take to the trail with an air of wonder. If you begin to explore, you’ll discover new ways to move forward in your career.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Washing off a whiteboard. Moving on and letting go of blame. Blame doesn’t do anything for you. Criticizing yourself doesn’t work either. Begin to clean. Clean, sort and organize everything you can, so that you’ll create an internal peacefulness. Make the act of cleansing into a ritual.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Playing miniature golf. There will be times when you get tired of what you’re doing and your attention wanders. Discover your path forward on these occasions. Look for an opportunity to drive the ball through the moving blades of the windmill. It take skill and finesse to move through life’s obstacles. Take it step by step and don’t get overwhelmed by trying too hard to see the big picture.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising 
Making a figure out of clay. You can try to shape and change your partner or you can accept people for who they are. Avoid getting into the habit of trying to change someone. There is so much more joy in being delighted by someone’s true spirit. Allow others to be exactly as they are.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
A sponge soaking up water. Soak up the moment that you’re in. Savor the present. Be exactly where you are. Take good care of your body so that you feel grounded. Look for beauty in every tiny detail. There is so much comfort available to you right now. All you have to do is appreciate where you are.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
The markings on a horse’s face. Find your wild spirit. Break free. Play. Have fun. Gallop through fields. Take time out to enjoy yourself. Do it like it’s your job. Things can be more simple than they seem. You can feel free and playful.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
A tiny pea. Shower yourself with terms of endearment. You are cherished and loved. Take good care of your inner child. Make sure they feel safe and cared for. Talk to them every day. Give them lots of encouragement.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising 
Rowing down a river. What will you discover on your journey? Become very curious. Let what you encounter on your adventure expand your mind. You can leave behind outdated beliefs and become curious about new ways of thinking.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
A green lawn, stretching as far as the eye can see. Stop holding your breath. Your fortune is amassing. Your good luck is expanding. Let yourself feel grounded  and whole. You have everything you need right in front of you. Trust. Things don’t need to be predictable as long as you yourself have confidence.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


With a pack of Capricorn planets by her side, the Aries Waxing Quarter Moon wants you to get fierce, take charge, and turn your crystal visions into smokin’ hot reality, says Jennifer Racioppi

jennifer racioppi aries waxing quarter moon 2017 ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world moon club oliver shou
Photo: Oliver Shou

Waxing Quarter Moon :: December 26 2017 :: 4:20am EST :: 4 degrees Aries

As the Aries Moon squares the Capricorn Sun, now’s the time to take charge of your life and move in the direction of your dreams … 

Cosmically speaking, we’ve been through so much over the last few weeks! Since the 18th’s Sagittarius New Moon, Saturn entered Capricorn, Mercury stationed direct, AND we experienced the Solstice.

We find ourselves amidst profound transformation, and with so much emphasis now in Capricorn, determination becomes a predominant theme. 

With Mercury still in his retrograde shadow until January 10th, it’s essential to decompress from the recent retrograde journey. And with Aries’ ruling planet, Mars, making a sweet trine to Neptune in Pisces, we are supported in accessing our dreams and channeling our intuition, which makes this even decompression even more possible. Yes!

As we reach the halfway point between the last New Moon and January 1st’s Full Moon in Cancer, this is a crucial time to check in with our intentions and see how we are processing the changes upon us. 


:: THE SUN ::
With the Capricorn Sun snuggled up next to taskmaster Saturn, Venus, and Pluto, we have a stellium (4 planets in the same sign) that emphasizes pragmatism and structure.

Earthy Capricorn asks us to get down to business. Since we are in the last week of the year, a time when we’re meant to dial back and not ramp up, direct your work ethic towards developing your goals for 2018. After all, it’s not just a new year; it’s a new Saturn cycle too.

:: THE MOON ::
With the Moon in cardinal fire sign Aries, you may feel like you have energy fit to burst– so channel it wisely. Take yourself to an exercise class or the gym. Put music on in your home and dance it out.

If anger rises to the surface give yourself space to express it–pound a pillow and rage behind a closed door if you need to. With Aries’ ruling planet, Mars, making a beautiful connection to Neptune in Pisces, there’s a significant amount of healing in the ethers. Tap into this. Then take the reins and step into leadership.

The Moon in Aries encourages you to assert your truth boldly, lay down boundaries, and initiate new beginnings. 

A cardinal square between an Aries Moon and Capricorn Sun accentuates a battle between passion (Aries) and pragmatism (Capricorn). This creative and ambitious square offers you a lot of energy and potential to take charge of your life (and your future) –so lean into it.

Both Aries and Capricorn embody massive leadership potential, so lead from within, and assert where you wish to take your life. We’re moving through a potent portal rich with the potential to claim our 2018 visions. So let this cardinal-get-it-done-energy motivate you to nail your vision for the next year!

Allow this Waxing Quarter Moon to support you to process where you’ve been and where you are going. Let the Aries influence encourage you to move your body and release that which you no longer need. Decompress the lessons, and integrate the wisdom gained. Shake off the stress of 2017.

Then take charge. This Waxing Quarter Moon grants you full permission to become the leader of your own life. 

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers! 


Capricorn Season 2017 is an invitation to hike to your highest peaks, says Bess Matassa. PLUS how to treat your Saturn sign right … Homepage image: Coach Fall ’17

Capricorn Season 2017 Bess Matassa The Numinous
Image: Marie Claire August 2012


Dip your alpine booties in liquid diamonds and prepare for the uphill climb, stellar survivalists. Capricorn Season 2017 dawns icy delicious, and the zodiac’s crystalline Queen reminds us that the things worth wanting are also worth waiting and working for.

‘Tis the season for sumptuously slow unfolding and activating your majestic muscularature. So brave your body against the bedrock, and know that you’ve got exactly what it takes to make it to the ski lodge, clad in faux fur-trimmed dressing gowns and dripping solid gold.

In Capricorn season 2017, with a pack of planets now direct and Saturn entering her native sign, this year the cosmos has truly saved the best for last …


The keyword: Decadence (check out a luxury treat for your Saturn sign at the end of this post!)

The song lyrics: “If you’re lost you can look and you will find me/Time after time/If you fall I will catch you, I will be waiting/Time after time”—Cyndi Lauper, Time After Time.

Check out Bess’ Capricorn Season playlist, complete with self-sufficient songstresses, calls to action, and slow simmering sounds.


The color palette: wintry classic and shimmery steel. Champagne, black velvet, deep chocolate, carmine, jade, and sparkling white.

The style: Basic Instinct’s Sharon Stone meets Marlene Dietrich on the Orient Express. Corporate chic, perfectly coiffed locks, statement jewelry, silk scarves, men’s suit jackets, sleek minis, designer handbags, and your sharpest stilettos.

Capricorn Season 2017 Bess Matassa The Numinous
Fall ’17 looks from (l-r): Alexander McQueen, Max Mara, Loewe.

The scents and flavors: hard-earned, haute, and hedonistic. Think truffle butter, Chanel No. 5, caviar, cigars, pine, butterscotch, and osso bucco.

The healing: sumptuous yet structured. Body-rocking boot camps, spa weekends, ski lodge getaways, and creating your own capsule collection.

Capricorn Season 2017 Bess Matassa The Numinous


Sensuous Invitation of the Month: Luxury for your Saturn Sign

While Capricorn’s austere planetary ruler, Saturn, often conjures images of lack and labor, our Saturn sign reveals where we perceive we won’t get what we really really, rather than an endless emptiness that’s unsolvable.

So this season, give yourself exactly what you deserve, and know that the life you’ve built with your own two hands is worth venerating and celebrating.

New to astrology? Discover your Saturn sign HERE.

Saturn in Aries
Capricorn Season invites you to celebrate your singular identity and fight for your right to a healthy ego. // Your Luxury: Gambling. Throw caution to the wind and your cards on the table.

Saturn in Taurus
Capricorn Season invites you to open the doors wide to sensuous pleasure and trust in your irrefutable worth. // Your Luxury: Jewels. Let yourself drip with gemstones mined from deep in the earth.

Saturn in Gemini
Capricorn season invites you to treasure your voice and contribute your distinctive perspective without trepidation. // Your Luxury: Night at the Opera. Sing it loud and proud with decadent dramatics.

Saturn in Cancer
Capricorn season invites you to come home to a deep sense of emotional security and give yourself all the tenderness you deserve. // Your Luxury: 5-star Hotel Room. Release into silk sheets, room service, and having it all handled for you.

Saturn in Leo
Capricorn season invites you to fully fête your creative contribution and release into the sweet sensation of pure play. // Your Luxury: A Gala. Break out your most glorious threads for a see-and-be-seen night on the town.

Saturn in Virgo
Capricorn season invites you to soothe your sense of endless refinement and give yourself credit for your contribution. // Your Luxury: Tasting Menu. Let yourself be truly served as you savor perfect pairings and the full-range of flavors.

Saturn in Libra
Capricorn season invites you to believe in the power of partnership, and your ability to garner true romance. // Your Luxury: A Dozen Roses. Gift yourself an ultra lovable bouquet of pink and red blooms.

Saturn in Scorpio
Capricorn season invites you to tap into your personal underground and stop apologizing for your deepest desires. // Your Luxury: Lingerie. Strip it down and dress it up with unabashed garments that harness your carnal urges.

Saturn in Sagittarius
Capricorn season invites you to celebrate your sense of adventurous faith in the good life and to inspire others to embrace their wildness. // Your Luxury: First Class travel. Give yourself over to the open skies with style and grace.

Saturn in Capricorn
Capricorn season invites you to honor your commitment to the “hard” work while knowing when to relax in the palace you’ve created. // Your Luxury: Mani-pedi and massage. Treat your pavement pounders and endless laborers to a little R&R.

Saturn in Aquarius
Capricorn season invites you to slough off the status quo, embrace your eccentricity, and trust that you’ll find your tribe. // Your Luxury: Island hopping. Sail towards the sun-baked sensation of glorious exile, and party with like-minded expats.

Saturn in Pisces
Capricorn season invites you to surrender to your full range of feelings without judgment or analysis. // Your Luxury: High-end healing. Book a special spiritual session with a majestic mystic of your choice.

Bess is available for private readings and astro-themed events. Connect with her at


With taskmaster planet Saturn in Capricorn for the next 3 years, it’s time to align with your mission, commit to the climb, and get ready to werk, say Numi astro babes Danielle Paige, Rebecca Farrar, Jennifer Racioppi, and Bess Matassa

konstantin kopachinksy rebecca farrar danielle paige ruby warrington jennifer racioppi bess matassa saturn in capricorn 2017 the numinous material girl mystical world
Photo: Konstantin Kopachinsky

Saturn enters Capricorn :: December 19 2017 :: 11:49pm ET
Saturn enters Aquarius :: March 21 2020 :: 11:58pm ET

Danielle Paige 
“Feel it in your bones …” 

This energy means business—and as Saturn moves into Capricorn for the first time in 30 YEARS, you could literally be feeling it in your bones!

With the planet of responsibility, discipline, and structure shifting into its home sign, we’re doubling down on themes of sorting through, taking serious stock, restructuring, and rebuilding when it comes to the areas of our lives that could use a little grounding.

Both Saturn and Capricorn are connected to chronos, a.k.a time here on earth, so this is no time for quick fixes. As you slowly create new structures from the ground up, you’ll learn and mature. This energy is connected to karma and your deep lineage, so there can be some ancestral restructuring going on as well, even if it’s not obvious at first.

Look to see where Capricorn is in your chart to see which area of your life will be “under construction” and truly commit to building a solid foundation there. And look to where your natal Saturn is placed in your birth chart for the keys to your karmic responsibility in this lifetime (pro tip: this is one of my favorite planets to help clients understand their purpose!) **New to your birth chart? Create one HERE.

Saturn also rules your bones, teeth, and skin. It represents the shell of who we are. Saturn in Capricorn is a time to look at your body in a different way and learn to appreciate it for the ancient wisdom it carries, rather than comparing it to everyone else. This is how it goes with every Saturn transit—we learn to value the aging process and to understand that we only get better with time!

To find out more about how Saturn through Capricorn is directly influencing your personal cycles you can get a reading with Danielle here, follow her on Instagram, or join her women’s Facebook group!


Jennifer Racioppi 
“Prepare for the Fempire …” 

Since late December 2014, Saturn in Sagittarius has been asking us to clarify our vision, our values, and our mission. Now it’s time to build upon what we’ve learned, as the hard work, ambition, and drive of Capricorn seem sexier than ever—especially for any women busy build a Fempire.

Saturn can be tough medicine, but always brings massive gifts if we humble ourselves enough to take it. It’s less about brute force, and more about that aligned, prudent action that comes from the genuine, grounded guidance that we hopefully learned during Saturn’s transit through Sag (a.k.a. soul goals).

Ask yourself the hard questions first. Am I aligned with my truth? Am I doing this for the right reasons? Am I abusing privilege and power to accomplish my goals? Am I truly taking a stand for others or am I simply self-serving? Newsflash: self-serving ambition won’t fly over the next three years.

With Saturn joining Pluto (lord of the underworld) in Capricorn, we can expect the distorted underpinnings of power to be further exposed. No doubt we’ll experience a reinvention of the way we view hierarchy. May the patriarchy fall! May we find our truth from within! May we learn to honor and respect all of our cohabitants on this planet.

Here’s to soul-driven ambition, discipline, grit, tenacity, and resilience, and the goodness and grace to release our egos as we walk through this next chapter of history together on planet Earth.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit

Saturn in Capricorn 2017 The Numinous
Photo: Timothy Paul Smith

Rebecca Farrar 
“What legacy do you want to leave?” 

Saturn’s move into Capricorn signifies a reality check for the collective around what legacy we will leave for the next generation. And as we build towards Saturn’s meet-up with Pluto in 2020, we may be faced with the realities of what we have destroyed … mainly our planet.

While Saturn does have a reputation of being a bit of a killjoy, this is more about the willingness to collapse the structures that no longer work (both the Berlin Wall’s construction and destruction occurred when Saturn was in Capricorn).

Though it may involve some uncomfortable dismantling of outmoded power structures, Saturn’s movement into Capricorn reminds us to elevate the elders who have earned their seats. To take responsibility. To build new structures. And to make commitments for the future that will serve Earth and all her inhabitants.

For more cosmic musings, check out the “Wild Witch of the West” on Instagram and Facebook. 


Bess Matassa
“Luxurious labor & hard-won haute couture …” 

Pour the after-dinner liqueurs and settle into the supple, leathery sensation of hard-earned fireside chats, après-skiers. This year, the cosmos has truly saved the best for last …

In its home-base sign of Capricorn, Saturn unveils the laborious luxe of rough-hewn diamonds, fine wine grapes, and truffle butter, that are all the more decadent and delicious because of their sensuous struggle. Ruled by the Tarot’s Devil card, she connects us not only to the limits and boundaries of having a body, but also to the luscious sensations that we can feel deep down in our bones.

So lay out your silk dressing gown and lace up your steel-toed boots. The things worth having are worth fighting tooth and gel-tipped nail for. 

Saturn in Capricorn Mantra: If it’s worth it, you better work it.

Theme Song: “And now we’re standing face to face/Isn’t the world a crazy place?/Just when I thought our chance had passed/You go and save the best for last—Vanessa Williams, Save the Best for Last.

Style: Basic Instinct’s Sharon Stone meets Old Hollywood Marlene Dietrich on an alpine train. Impeccable tailoring, sharp stilettos, high-waisted mini skirts, silk scarves, slicked-back hair, snow white turtlenecks, and statement jewelry.

Flavors: Haute gastronomy and icy sweetness. Think high-end tasting menus, hard-earned honey, Kobe beef, crème brûlée, snow cones, saffron, and truffles.

Want more juicy cosmic insights and sensory explorations? Arrange an astrology reading or private event with Bess here and follow her on Instagram


Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous weekly horoscopes by Sandra Sitron …

sandra sitron numinous weekly horoscopes december 18-24 2017 ruby warrington material girl mystical world


Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Tending to the garden. Scratching in the soil. Moving away debris. Pruning and watering. Assessing what needs to be done to prepare for a healthy crop. This is a time to go inward and reflect on what you need in order to grow. Spend quiet time alone in an attitude of non-judgement. Help yourself break through the soil and find the sun.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A raccoon washes its food before it eats. A ritual of some kind will help you feel grounded, yet still connected to your intuition. This symbol is helping you become more comfortable in the realm of not-knowing. Stay connected to the facts and don’t fantasize about the outcome. But at the same time, allow yourself to dream. The seed of the dream is where your power lies. Not in the planning.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
A cow in a pasture. Your maternal nature is pinging you. We all have a maternal archetype within. Yours currently wants your attention. Funnel your maternal nature through your actions in your community. Bring love to your groups. Bring love to your big wide world. Channel it through the airwaves. You don’t have to let love sit small within you. Get a megaphone and announce it to everyone.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
A butterfly drifts by. You can be yourself. You are yourself. The transformations that you have gone through have dusted you with a new attitude. Let it shine out in your vocation. Trust that the work that you’re doing is memorable. Plant fresh intentions for your career.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
Hold your heart in your hands. When we talk about “heart” what does that mean? Your heart center is your core of love. It is also your spirit. Holding your heart in your hands is an action of cherishing your core self. Cradling self-love. Take this idea and turn it into your personal philosophy. Make it your mission to cherish your own heart. Not your ego, your heart.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Blowing bubbles in water. Bring your attention inward. Get quiet for a moment. The symbol describes movement in the water. Water represents emotions. What old feeling is ready to transform? Move your emotions. Reassess. What are you ready to let go of? Invite in forgiveness, release and transformation.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Jump up and down. It’s a new beginning in your area of relationships. What are your goals and dreams for your relationships? What would help you feel like you are ready to jump up and down for joy? How do you want to feel in a relationship? Feel the feeling you want to have and the experience that you desire will follow.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
A unicorn eats grass. Your unique and special nature is supported by your self-care. Don’t avoid the mundane requirements of existence. Don’t deny yourself the things that you need. It can be hard to discover what these things are. Stay focused on taking care of yourself and crafting healthy habits. The rest will follow.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
Playing the bagpipes. Find an unusual way to express yourself. Express your true feelings, your unique nature and your personal power. When you are having fun you become magnetic. That is the moment when your audience will appear. So play and be playful.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
A bread box. You need to nourish yourself. You need to create a container. The bread box is a safe space that holds nourishment. Do you have this in your own life? It could be a place where you journal about your feelings. It could be a trusted relationship or community. It could be your healing practices or self-care rituals. Define the people, places and things that help you feel supported and nurtured.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Chamomile flowers. Soothe your mind with beauty. Beauty is a priority. Soaking in enough of it can help you feel centered and safe. Have you drunk in enough loveliness lately? This will help you clear your mind and relax.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
An arrow flies to the target. You have momentum. Trust in the process. Trust that what you desire, you already have. Even if you are in midair and don’t yet feel the safety of the target, your trajectory is already aligned. Allow yourself to feel secure. Feel the abundance of trusting.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


The 2017 Sagittarius New Moon wants you to clear the decks, assess what’s truly worth shooting for, and forge ahead with renewed purpose, says Sandra Sitron.

sagittarius new moon 2017 sandra sitron ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world moon club
Photo: Tiko Giorgadze

New Moon :: December 18, 2017 :: 1:31 am ET :: 26 degrees Sagittarius

Wipe the sweat from your brow. Look around. The fight is long and hard. Take a momentary break and reassess. What are you fighting for? What do you believe in?

As you take a step back, get grounded and quiet for a moment. It’s okay to push. But have you been fighting with yourself without quite knowing why? Pushing yourself without knowing what you even want to achieve?

Sagittarius is the archer, pointedly asking— “What are you shooting for?” With this Sagittarius New Moon, the message is clear: you must align with your purpose.

So what IS your mission? Start by thinking about your values. What do you believe is missing, or under-represented in the world? What gets you fired up inside? And what do you need to learn to bring those values into action? Who do you need on an emotional level to become to be the highest version of yourself?

Clarity around these issues won’t come unless you ask for it. And so the first step now is to get clear about your goal. You can’t make the plan until you know the goal.

Typically, Sagittarius is an easy-breezy sign. Bouncy like a beach ball. With Sagittarius, anything is possible. But this particular New Moon is conjunct Schoolteacher Saturn, just before he marches into Capricorn. Saturn has been in Sagittarius for about three years, and it’s been a wild ride that has pushed many people to redetermine their values. What have you learned about yourself and your world over the last three years? Let this inform you now.

A shift is about to happen and we are heading into a new cycle of growth. Decide where you want to shoot your arrow. Fan the spark of your passion and help it grow into the expanding flame of a whole new direction … 


Moon conjunct Saturn
A goat sits in a meadow. 
The goat is quiet and a little bit dreamy. But soon he will start to climb. And when he begins, nothing will stop him. Can you harness that desire to ascend? The goat always yearns to go higher. He does it without self-flagellation or self-pity. He just gets to work.

But for now, be still. Sit and ponder. Don’t be hard on yourself or get trapped in a mindset of perceived isolation or self-doubt. Find alignment with yourself. Notice an urge to plan and brush it off if you can. When the moment is right, you will know exactly what you need to do to climb the mountain.


Moon conjunct Venus
Holding a feather.
The feather is associated with ascension and spiritual evolution to a higher plane. Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Moon, and Saturn are currently all clustered in Sagittarius, the sign of higher awareness. Let your mind gently expand. Like a feather floating, you can sync into a higher state of being. Venus nudges you to receive. Receive a state of enlightenment through meditation and allowing yourself to feel all your feelings. Nurture yourself and let yourself drift toward greater clarity of mind, body and spirit.


Moon trine Uranus
Creating a new equation. 
This is unexpected. An innovative equation that is surprising for its simplicity and accuracy. You need to be in just the right state of mind to allow it to crystalize.

Tend to your emotions so that you can feel mentally clear. A welcome surprise could manifest in a way that helps you feel emotionally supported. The more open you are to possibility, the more you will be in the flow. Let a bright and shiny idea drift your way.


The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2017 Sagittarius New Moon means for you. Use them as journal prompts. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 26 degrees Sagittarius in your chart and use the question for that house. Do your chart for free HERE.

Aries or New Moon in the 9th house
What are you really shooting for? What is the wider impact you want to have on the world?

Taurus or New Moon in the 8th house
What do you need to release? How can you get the emotional support you need to let go?

Gemini or New Moon in the 7th house
What do you need to learn to be a better partner? What would your ideal partnership look like?

Cancer or New Moon in the 6th house
What do you need to refine in your daily life? What unhealthy habits are you willing to reform?

Leo or New Moon in the 5th house
How can you let yourself have more fun? What activities inspire your inner child?

Virgo or New Moon in the 4th house
What age is the inner child within you who needs your love the most right now?

Libra or New Moon in the 3rd house
How can you verbalize your goals? Who in your immediate community are you ready to share them with?

Scorpio or New Moon in the 2nd house
What affirmation would help you know that you are inherently worthy? What do you value most about yourself?

Sagittarius or New Moon in the 1st house
What lights you up? What cause or mission do you feel most aligned with personally?

Capricorn or New Moon in the 12th house
What is your most cherished childhood memory? How can this memory help you feel compassion for yourself?

Aquarius or New Moon in the 11th house
What do you need to do to begin fresh? Who are your fellow freedom fighters?

Pisces or New Moon in the 10th house
It’s okay for you to shine in your career. What can you do to help yourself remember that?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.


The Eight of Cups is asking us to leave outdated beliefs, and situations, in the past, says Lindsay Mack


For our first ever Numinous Beauty Awards, Eunice Lucero reports on the most magical product picks to bewitch and beautify, from your third eye down to your toes …

eunice lucero ruby warrington the numinous beauty awards 2017 material girl mystical world Numinous beauty awards 2017

Marie Kondo must have been a mystic; there’s pure, Venusian magic in beautiful, useful objects that spark joy—or glamour, or confidence, or whatever it is we want to feel at any given moment.

Whether you’re looking for the witchiest fragrance ever, in search of some serious love potions, or simply to live more mindfully in the new year, here are the products that have earned a much-coveted spot on our vanities and our altars …


:: GO-TO GOOD’UNS :: Gentle, cozy and nurturing, these are our fluffy safety blankets for when life just doesn’t make sense (a.k.a. Mercury is retro).

numinous beauty awards eunice lucero ruby warrington material girl mystical world
Rodin Luxury Face Oil


:: THE UN-STRESSORS :: If a weekend getaway isn’t in the cards anytime soon, having charming little enablers that help you de-stress in the comfort of your own home is probably the next best thing to actual nirvana.

  • REN & Now to Sleep Pillow Spray, $25Lavender and frankincense come together for a deeply relaxing scent that promises to ease anxiety and worries at bedtime—which is, in the Now Age, so damn clutch.
  • doTERRA Peace Reassuring Blend, $37.33 ($28 wholesale), 5ml. One second you’re rubbing this minty blend of vetiver, lavender, ylang ylang and frankincense between your palms and on the soles of your feet; the next, you’re calmer, more collected, and actually, peacefully, sleepy.
  • The Pines Apothecary Luna Mist, $20, 2oz. Say hello to sweet, relaxed dreams with this pine, lavender and bergamot pillow spray, which encourages a few mistings on both the body and your beddings at nighttime.
  • Herbivore Calm Bath Salts, $18Not only does this look way too chic on our bathtub rims, but the vanilla and ylang ylang elevate the now-ubiquitous calming and detoxing properties of Himalayan pink salt crystals, for the last word in total body relaxation.
numinous beauty awards eunice lucero ruby warrington material girl mystical world
doTERRA Peace Blend


:: THE DE-TOXERS :: Never underestimate the power of a good detox. Products infused with energy cleansing Palo Santo or sage help clear out icky low/bad vibes and purge you of all that no longer serves you. Clean slates for 2018, amirite?

  • Urb Apothecary Copal Palo Santo Body Oil, $30Our fave way to wear this mildly smoky (but super anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory) oil is right after a hot shower—cleansing on cleansing.
  • Skin Owl Clary Sage Beauty Drops, $30Simplify your regular serum + moisturizer combo with an oil that does both, while plumping up skin that’s been through its paces. It helps refresh and brighten skin with only two ingredients: organic Argan oil and organic sage.
  • Yoshimomo Black Charcoal Cleanser, $34, 120ml. This takes our charcoal obsession even further, and its cocktail of willow bark (natural salicylic acid), thyme, lavender and lemon also brightens and calms inflammation, making it a hard-hitting detoxifier. Act fast, though: this famous Etsy cult fave sells out in a flash.
  • Plantfolk Sacred Space (Palo Santo + White Sage) $18.50, 2oz. Chock-full of revered ingredients renowned for their purification properties and ties with the spirit realm, this tiny powerhouse is an über-practical solution for sageing and clearing your space, whether it be at home or on the go, like your car, locker, or even at work.
  • Peet Rivko The Rituals Box, $84Give the gift of fresh, new energy to your loved ones (or yourself!) with this charming, rustic set that includes all you need to detoxify both body and spirit.
numinous beauty awards eunice lucero ruby warrington material girl mystical world
Peet Rivko Rituals Box


:: TIME-SAVERS :: For when you gotta get a move on, get some help from these multitaskers and 2-in-1 heroes that know the meaning of hustle and flow.

  • Egyptian Magic Cream, $39The 21 Century answer to medieval snake oil, that acts as a moisturizer, soother, burn healer, makeup primer, and even a lube (!) As the website says, it’s made with olive oil, beeswax, honey and, yes, divine love. Because what’s a stronger healer than that?
  • Purequosa Shower On the Go Organic Cleaning Body Spray, $17.95, 8oz. Essential oils like sage and lemon tea tree refresh and are reinforced with colloidal silver to neutralize odor and, fingers crossed, ward off any werewolves that may come a-sniffing.
  • Glossier Birthday Balm Dot Com, $12This cult fave all-purpose salve is the last word in low-key glam, a.k.a. MLBB (“my lips but better”). Note: The subtly sparkly Milk Bar collab is the perfect stocking stuffer for the holidays!
  • Pursoma x After the Class by Taryn Toomey Post-Workout Bath, $34. Fitness guru Taryn Toomey extends her wellness ethos with this post-workout tension-relieving muscle soak, which comes with a fun, intention-aligned crystal surprise inside each pack.
  • Piper Wei Activated Charcoal Deodorant, $11.99. 100% natural, odor-fighting, non-staining and wonderfully refreshing—finally a natural pit refresher that works as hard as we do
Glossier birthday balm numinous beauty awards eunice lucero ruby warrington material girl mystical world
Glossier Birthday Balm


:: HIGH-VIBE SERUMS :: Top of our holiday lists this season? All that’s calm and all that’s bright—especially our skin, because we’d rather spend our energies on big-picture stressors (like, you know, attaining basic healthcare and equality for all).

  • KORA Organics Noni Glow Face Oil, $68, 30ml. Miranda Kerr’s rich, nourishing face and neck oil has enough equity (and antioxidant power) to give good face to our most impossible missions.
  • The Vintner’s Daugter Active Botanical Serum, $185, 30ml. 100% organic from conscious growers, but with the price tag to match, we so wanted to be skeptical about the hype. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), we can’t, and can only wish this super-serum finds its way to us somehow this year!
  • W3LL People Bio Booster Facial Serum, $28.99The seven-in-one active botanical serum helps rejuvenate and resuscitate skin, while evening out our complexions and skin tones. Calms rosacea too!
  • The Ordinary Resveratrol 3% + Ferulic Acid 3%, $7.90. From the baby brand that took Instagram by storm in 2017, and with good reason: its insanely affordable yet high-potency skincare rivals even the most premium of labels. We love layering this slightly heavier serum under our moisturizer for a dewy, winter-proof plumpness.
numinous beauty awards eunice lucero ruby warrington material girl mystical world
Kora Organics Noni Glow Face Oil


:: MULTI-PURPOSE MAGIC :: There are days when it seems like the Universe literally has your back. Now take that synchronicity and bottle it, and you get these super streamlined, multi-purpose products, where everything just flows … 

numinous beauty awards eunice lucero ruby warrington material girl mystical world
Philosophy Pure Grace Nude Rose Shampoo


:: SKIN-SAVERS :: For when you can’t get over your past skincare sins, like sleeping with your makeup on or skimping on the SPF, these effective—and deeply nourishing—peels and moisturizers can help you along the way to self-forgiveness.

  • Josie Maran Argan Exfoliating Cleansing Powder, $40, 60g. A logical extension to her much-lauded oil, this gentle powder exfoliant can be emulsified with either water, or her signature Argan Oil for skin that’s buffed to perfection.
  • Tata Harper Resurfacing Mask, $58. City-weary complexions and clogged pores get a revitalizing fix with this award-winning BHA, 1oo% natural mask, which can be used several times a week to get the refinement you seek.
  • S.W. Basics Exfoliant, $19.99, 3oz. Those who love a good Pinterest D.I.Y. recipe will embrace the tactile experience from this kitchen-quirky USDA-certified organic exfoliant, which uses oat and organic almond flour to renew skin.
  • Grown Alchemist Hydra Repair Day Cream: Camellia & Geranium, $49Jam-packed with plant actives, yet refreshingly non-greasy (and very French-toilette chic), this is one of our go-to hydrators for both day and night.
eunice lucero ruby warrington the numinous beauty awards 2017 material girl mystical world
Tata Harper Resurfacing Mask


:: LOVE POTIONS :: These glamour spells in a bottle all include rose, the ingredient most rhapsodized in both romantic and occult literature for its seductive, love-enhancing properties.

  • Euphoria Aphrodisiac Love Tonic, $24When you ain’t got time to mess around! A few drops of this 1oo% organic love potion (which has hibiscus, rose petals and goji berries, among other ingredients) is meant to stimulate blood circulation, and is best shared with a partner, an hour in advance.
  • Shiva Rose Celestial Body Butter, $65Celestial rose opens the heart and crown chakras, while the formula envelops you in pure, luxurious softness. What better pre-game is there?
  • Witch Baby Soap Love Body Scrub, $8One whiff was all it took for us to obsess over this spreadable body exfoliator, but it’s the ingredient list that blew us away: it’s formulated with roses, apples and poppy seeds, a.k.a. all potent love spell ingredients.
  • Fresh Rose Floral Toner, $40, 250ml. Clarifies without stripping our skin, and leaves it calm and hydrated for nearly one full day.
  • French Girl Rose Lip Polish – Rose du Maroc, $15, 1oz. This organic rose and mint scrub makes sure those puckers are always ready for the kissing, with a gentle exfoliating and plumping effect.
eunice lucero ruby warrington the numinous beauty awards 2017 material girl mystical world
Witch Baby Soap Love Body Scrub


:: MOON BEAUTY :: The age-old archetype of the Divine Feminine, the nurturing Mother Goddess and the mysterious, untapped parts of our psyche, these products help you navigate life’s tides by harnessing the magically intuitive energy of the Moon.

  • De Lune Menstruation Tonic, $9Not one for Advil? This mineral-rich tonic helps ease uterine contractions and minimizes blood clots.
  • Moon Juice Dust Sachet Sampler Set, $35Not sure which mojo you want rising? Try ’em all with a handy sampler of liquid-soluble sachets.
  • Kypris Moonlight Catalyst Serum, $77Specifically used at night, this gentler retinoid option is the herbal way to go for those with more sensitive skin that can’t take traditional retinols, but crave similar smooth, refined, luminous results.
  • Fig & Yarrow Moon Mist, $24This sleep-inducing mist has lavender and yarrow (a root associated with Cancer, the sign ruled by the Moon) to help relax and nurture before bedtime. Bonus: It has a sweet shimmer reminiscent of moonlight.
  • Aquarian Soul Lunar Bathing Stones, $12It’s easy to get lost in Aquarian Soul’s wide mystical offerings, but it’s these clever, practical/magical crystals that earned it those precious three words: “add to cart.”
eunice lucero ruby warrington the numinous beauty awards 2017 material girl mystical world
Aquarian Soul Lunar Bathing Stones


:: THE PROTECTORS :: Whether from the ravaging effects of UV exposure or against psychic, karmic vampires you meet on the street, protection, as they say, is everything. Underrated but utterly necessary, the name of the game is establishing the right boundaries—via SPF or otherwise.

  • The Ordinary Serum Foundation, $6.70Any foundation worth less than our weekday lunch earns a second look; that, plus a high-pigmented formula and lightweight feel, plus SPF 15? Now they’re just showing off.
  • Sister Spinster Ghosts Essence, $20. Lift the veils of illusion with this magical elixir that helps us see the truth, while smoky quartz and obsidian align and ground in the process. We like using three drops on our pillows at bedtime for an “a-ha!” moment in the morning.
  • True Botanicals Everyday Sheer Coverage, $40, 30ml. A lightweight feel with a breathable coverage, and full spectrum SPF 20 to keep away any nasty rays.
eunice lucero ruby warrington the numinous beauty awards 2017 material girl mystical world
Sinister Spinster Ghosts Essence


:: OUR FINAL FIVE :: And finally, a list of faves we can only hope and pray to find in our stockings this year …

Herbivore Rose Quartz Facial Roller, $45

Rahua Omega 9 Hair Mask, $58

Among the Flowers Essential Oil + Soy Wax Candles, $18 each

Captain Blankenship Mermaid Sea Salt Hair Spray, $24

Storybook Cosmetics Gun Metal Wizard Wands Brushes, $55 for set of 5

numinous beauty awards eunice lucero ruby warrington material girl mystical world
Herbivore Rose Quartz Facial Roller

Eunice Lucero is the Editor in Chief and Chief Content Officer for All Things Hair US. A writer, editor, and beauty and style obsessive for over 15 years, she is also a certified astrologer under My Path Astrology, and an empath and intuitive—a combo she attributes to her Cancer + Libra stelliums.  


As we get ready to leap into 2018, the Virgo Waning Quarter Moon asks us to check what’s no longer working, and prepare for an upgrade, says Jennifer Racioppi

joshua fuller jennifer racioppi ruby warrington virgo waning quarter moon 2017 the numinous material girl mystical world
Photo: Joshua Fuller

Waning Quarter Moon :: December 10 2017 :: 2:51am EST :: 18 degrees Virgo 

With Mercury Retrograde in full swing and Saturn, the planet of discipline, structure, and life purpose, getting ready to switch signs, we find ourselves between worlds.

Time is ticking as we count down the final days of 2017, and coming off the intensity of the Gemini Supermoon and straight into Mercury Retro, it can feel like a collective hangover. Yet while we may feel like we’re trapped inside of what Stranger Things’ fans refer to as “the upside down,” I assure you this is just how real life feels right now.

As we rest between what was and what will be, this Waning Quarter Moon provides a crucial checkpoint on the journey to becoming our future selves … 


:: THE SUN::
At 18 degrees of Sagittarius, the Sun makes an exact trine to the North Node of Fate in Leo, as Saturn also wraps up his nearly 3-year journey in Sag. Now’s the time to tune into the higher vision of your life. The message is to distill the lessons you’ve digested and learned over the past 3 years, and apply them to your overarching vision for your life and your journey going forward.

:: THE MOON ::
Girl … you got this! With the Moon traveling in Virgo and making an exact trine to Pluto, the planet of power, tap into your determination to go the distance with your goals. Get organized and in tune with yourself and your needs. Doing so will prepare you for the power and magic of the year-end New Moon in Sagittarius on December 18.

With the Moon in Virgo and the Sun in Sagittarius, our inner needs battle with demands from the external world. And in the final days of 2017 and Saturn in Sag, it’s time to reconcile the past.

Very soon we’ll shoot like a Tesla into the future, with no ability to turn back. Graciously, the Cosmos has provided us with a beautiful Mercury Retrograde before launching us forward. Lean into it and let yourself reconcile your recent history. Where are you at in your life? Where have you been? What’s worked? What hasn’t?

With five planets poised to enter the sign of the Archer for the December 18 New Moon in Sagittarius, we’re prepping for a crucial opportunity to claim our vision for 2018 and beyond.

On this Virgo Waning Quarter Moon, our job is to get crystal clear about what’s no longer working and surrender it to the divine. What are you ready to leave in the past as you look boldly to your future?

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers! 


Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous weekly horoscopes by Sandra Sitron …

sandra sitron ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world numinous weekly horoscopes


Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Handfuls of doughnuts. You can find yourself surrounded by sweetness. Or you can imagine that you’re trapped in a surreal ring of doughy binding. It’s your choice. If you want freedom look for the sweetness. Embrace kindness in yourself and others. If you want to feel trapped, you’ll find evidence to support that idea. Don’t let the monkey-mind take over. Slow down your thoughts. Seek out inspiring wisdom that feels supportive and true.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A thermos filled with hot tea. You have strong reserves. You have the strength that you need. You know how to heal yourself. Your power is showing up in a currency that is less tangible and more emotional. Will you let yourself receive it? Will you let yourself believe in your strength and security, even if you can’t touch it, see it or taste it?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Riding a skateboard. Steady yourself and stay focused on the concept of balance. You are in motion. There is progress. The trick is to skillfully stay balanced and upright as you move over all kinds of terrain. You can’t control the terrain. Don’t get caught up in politics, bureaucracy, or the status quo. Stay one step ahead by steadily and meditatively moving forward. Whatever situation you find yourself in— focus on possibility and progress.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
The teacher at the head of the class. It’s time to take a stand and put forward your opinions. This is not always the easiest position for you to take, but you must be vehement about what you believe in. Especially when it comes to your career. Evaluate and consider the path that you’ve taken. As you review, you may find information that helps you align yourself with your true potential. Stand up for yourself! Take up more space.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
The wings of an owl. You are wild and wise. Find the gust of wind that will take you higher. But don’t flail about. Be clear and determined. Use your wisdom as you make decisions. Don’t react. Choose wisely. You may take this time to get clear about what you are hunting for. Use all of your senses and get some perspective on the situation. Get the bird’s eye view.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
A trail through a field loops back around. You’ve been here before. Many of us have a tendency to repeat old patterns. But what’s different now? Something has changed. Challenge yourself to find the things that are different. You can change the patterns. You can react differently. You can heal the past. You can find forgiveness. If you change your expectations, a new pathway will reveal itself.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Blowing bubbles. You want to make love expand. But if you fill the bubble up with too much air, it will burst. So tread carefully when it comes to relationships. Speak your clear truth in full integrity. Find someplace to safely release any extra “air,” without burdening your partners and collaborators. What do I mean by extra air? In this case it could be half-formed complaints, ungrounded gossip, or overly verbose explanations— you’ll know it when you see it because it’s the kind of thinking and speaking that actually saps your energy. At this time you are creating structure and alignment around mindset and communication. Meditation could be very helpful.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
A salamander. Stay grounded. Make adjustments. This is an important opportunity to tend to your routines, health, workflows and organization. Let yourself be adaptable. Any positive changes that you make in your routine will help you feel strengthened. The salamander shares ancient wisdom— live purely and stay connected to the earth. Clear your spaces, organize and manage your time so that you find grounded expansion.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
Beach ball. Show off with your most bouncy, effervescent self. What feels like work? Can you make it more fun? What feels like resistance? Can you open it up? Find spaciousness, find lightness, find expansion in the very moment that you are in. If it’s not fun, then what’s the point?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Looking into a hole in the ground. Go inward and connect with your interior. Shine the light on yourself. What do you feel? What do you desire? What brings you pleasure? Nurture yourself with attention. Rebuild the structure of self-care that is the foundation of your life. Go inward to ask yourself— how do I know that I am nurtured?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
A pear and a daisy. Fruits and flowers prove that there is bounty. Your focus this week is on your mental bounty, aka your mindset of abundance. Train your brain to magnetically attract what you desire. Make a plan for how you will approach your mindset shift. Make a commitment to yourself and stay in integrity.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A waterslide at an amusement park. It can be so fun! Just stay in motion. Don’t let yourself get stuck. This symbol is simple. If you are brave you will enjoy yourself. If you are fluid, you will enjoy yourself. If you have trust, you will enjoy yourself. Life can be pleasurable and you deserve to experience good things. Let yourself be in the flow.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


This month’s cosmic shifts give us the opportunity to pause, prepare for expansion, and rediscover a sweet sense of hope, says Melinda Lee Holm. Set your sights on new horizons with this tarot journey through December 2017 …

melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world tarot cards for december 2017

The theme for December is HOPE. After the inner work and expansion of November, we open ourselves back up to the world around us. And with a major slow down courtesy of Mercury Retro to kick off the month, we’ll have plenty of psychic space to stop and appreciate beauty, realign with what truly matters, and set our sights on the new hope of longer days to come.

Prepare for expansion with this tarot journey through December 2017 … 


//12/3 Mercury Retrograde: 4 of Pentacles  
While it may sound crazy, the forced slow down of Mercury Retrograde (until 12/22) is exactly what many of us need this time of year. This cosmic downshift begs us to get crystal clear in our communications, methodical in our actions, and to give ourselves plenty of extra time to get things done.

Get grounded and prepared with the 4 of Pentacles. In the 4 we get our first taste of true, earthy stability and we’re not giving it up easily. Generally, I advise people to be mindful of hanging on too tight to finances when this card comes up, but with Mercury in Retrograde, I say clamp down! Keep your spending in check and stay slow and steady to avoid upsetting the delicate balance of the material world that is earned in the 4 of Pentacles.

Calling in the 4 of Pentacles: 

  • Wear or carry Garnet to help stay grounded in your body, the Earth, and reality
  • Eat mandarin oranges, symbols of abundance and good fortune
  • Be like Santa Claus – make a list of daily tasks and check it twice
  • Budget in cash – bring only as much money with you for the day as you can responsibly spend

melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world tarot cards for december 2017 4 of pentacles


//12/10 Human Rights Day: Knight of Swords 
Human Rights Day honors the anniversary of the United Nations’ adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. This document’s anniversary invites us all to get familiar with the rights our fellow humans are entitled to, and to be empowered to speak out and act when those rights are violated.

The Knight of Swords has the energy and the will to speak up and speak out. Wielding the power of intellectual and communicative Air, the Knight rides boldly into battle to defend his convictions. The red feather of passion streams from his helmet as he charges forward, no longer content to stand on the sidelines, ready to take action for what he believes in.

Calling in the Knight of Swords: 

  • Carry or wear Ruby to inspire passion to speak up for others
  • Donate to the Global Human Rights fund or any other charitible organization working to defend the rights of those in need of advocacy 
  • Drink peppermint tea to suport internalizing positive change
  • Go for a run to feel the wind through your hair and the power of your own speed

melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world tarot cards for december 2017 knight of swords


//12/13 Geminid Meteor Shower: Page of Cups 
Our annual show of racing lights, the Geminid Meteor Shower arrives on the 7th and peaks on the 13th. If you grew up wishing on “shooting stars,” this peak night is a beautiful time to reconnect to that childish sense of wonder and open your heart to the beauty, majesty, and magic of the Universe.

The Page of Cups provides just the right brand of unguarded emotional exuberance to help us fully enjoy and embrace the magic all around us. Not burdened by past woundings, regrets, or by any set of rules about how to handle the emotional element of Water, the Page is free to give and receive freely, unabashedly appreciating and loving the world around him.

Calling in the Page of Cups: 

  • Gaze up in wonder at the beauty and magic of the Geminids in the night sky!
  • Wear lace or fanciful patterns – clothing that expresses the romantic within
  • Express your love openly – let your friends know how you feel
  • Add a little brown sugar to your coffee or hot cereal to sweeten your outlook on the world

melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world tarot cards for december 2017 page of cups


//12/21 Winter Solstice: The Star 
As we reach the longest night of the year, it’s time to celebrate the coming light, to look forward with bright hope to the new year ahead, and to begin to set intentions for what we will grow come planting time.

A card traditionally associated with hope, the 8-pointed star seen on most versions of The Star was originally known as the star of The Goddess. As an ancient symbol of Divine Feminine Power, this calming and peaceful card is a reminder that The Goddess is always with us and within us, lighting the way.

Calling in The Star: 

  • Ingest or wear lavender for a calm, peaceful feeling, and to shield hope from negativity
  • Read Wonder Woman or Captain Marvel comics for inspiration – both superheros wear the 8-pointed star as their emblem
  • Treat yourself like the manifestation of the Divine Feminine you are with a trip to the spa or a home treatment
  • Make a list of all your hopes for the next 6 months so you can stay focused on actualizing them as the days grow longer

melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world tarot cards for december 2017 the star

Want more tarot magic? Book a session with Melinda here, and make sure to follow her on Instagram and Facebook.