The 2017 Pisces Full Moon wants you to tap into the creative power of your dreams, and wake up to the magic that already surrounds you, says Sandra Sitron.
Full Moon :: September 6 2017 :: 3:04am ET :: 13 degrees Pisces
You are picking flowers. Juicy petals flutter to the ground. More and more petals. They come in all colors like a fan of paint chips arranged by category, number, and increasingly contrived moniker. The flower petals are so delicious they could offer you nutrition for days. You chew and chew and still can’t get enough of their gummy colors.
It’s a dream and you wake up. The flowers are no longer edible and the colors fade away. What is a dream? A trip to another dimension or a subconscious construction?
With the dreamboat 2017 Pisces Full Moon opposite the meticulous Sun in Virgo, we’re asked to explore the intersection between effervescent vision and corporeal reality.
This Moon’s message is that if you remain aware of the power of the Now, you can transcend your mundane problems and make contact with an otherworldly dimension. Once you get there, it’s easy to remember your soul’s true state of love and connection.
You just have to let yourself live in the dream. Look for the magic in every moment …
Wash the dishes and feel every drip of water that runs through your fingers. Ride the subway and become acutely aware of the sounds the train makes as it pulls into the station. Transcend to an ultra-reality of higher sensory perception. Once you do, another version of this earthly reality will present itself.
The normal will morph into the magical. What you thought was an everyday occurrence, like picking a flower in a field, will easily become an enchanted encounter. This energy has the power to make your river of reality evaporate into a misty spiritual awakening.
It’s hard to stay grounded with a Moon like this one. But that is what you must do. Because this Moon opens a portal between reality and fantasy. Pump up your awareness of your everyday experiences so they become technicolor moments. These meditative moments will allow you to channel endless streams of creativity. Get yourself so neatly positioned in the moment that you bust right out of it and into infinity.
You are magic and every mundane breath you take can lead you to a fantastical awakening …
Full Moon Conjunct Neptune Children in costumes. Playing make-believe. Activate your imagination. This aspect brings a big opportunity for magic, synchronicity, and intuitive connection. Slow way down to benefit from this transit. Allow yourself to be sleeping and dreamy. This is a great moment to strengthen your connection with your higher self.
With this aspect, it may be challenging to come up with concrete and logical ideas. But creativity is enhanced. Take advantage of this opportunity for more right-brained thinking, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you’re feeling foggy or confused.
Full Moon Inconjunct Venus The runt of the litter. The runt needs just as much love and nurturance as any other puppy, but luck is working against it. This Full Moon brings some frustrated energy when it comes to love and relationships. Keep focused on the lesson and the learning that can come from any challenge. Remember that maintaining a loving relationship with yourself is of utmost importance.
Full Moon Sextile Pluto A clearly defined ritual. Transformation is certain. The path to growth is clearly supported. The secret is to look at your shadow. Honor your full experience and don’t try to sugarcoat anything. Let yourself feel all of your feelings, while at the same time taking full responsibility for them.
The 2017 Pisces Full Moon is in a harmonious aspect with transformational Pluto, and this can help you release and let go in just the right way. Create a ritual that allows you to mark your passage into a new phase.
The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2017 Pisces Full Moon means for you. Use them as journal prompts. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 13 degrees Pisces in you chart and use the question for that house.
***New to your birth chart? Calculate yours for free HERE …
Aries or Full Moon in the 12th house What does your higher self have to say about an important issue in your life? Start a conversation; ask: “What do you want me to know?”
Taurus or Full Moon in the 11th house Are your beliefs and values reflected in your community? Why or why not?
Gemini or Full Moon in the 10th house What are your career goals? In what area are you ready to step up and take more responsibility?
Cancer or Full Moon in the 9th house When will you explore something new this week? This could be a spiritual, mental, or physical exploration.
Leo or Full Moon in the 8th house What are you willing to let go of? What kind of ritual can you create to allow this to happen?
Virgo or Full Moon in the 7th house What needs to be communicated in an important relationship?
Libra or Full Moon in the 6th house What new habits for health and wellness are you ready to create? What will help your being to thrive?
Scorpio or Full Moon in the 5th house How can you surprise yourself with your own creativity? How can you open this portal with laughter?
Sagittarius or Full Moon in the 4th house What message does your Inner Child need to hear to feel more safe and nurtured in the world?
Capricorn or Full Moon in the 3rd house What outdated belief are you ready to reframe? What internal stories are ready to be re-written?
Aquarius or Full Moon in the 2nd house What are your resources? Make a list.
Pisces or Full Moon in the 1st house In what area of your life are you ready to take action and put your full self forward?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.
Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous Weekly Horoscopes from Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology …
Virgo :: Virgo Rising A wave reaches full height. Move with the waves of energy. Make adjustments like a surfer. It’s time to improve your communication techniques. Notice what isn’t working and make it better. Your relationships are especially important right now. The wave symbolizes a crescendo. The Full Moon occurs in your relationship area of your chart. Allow your relationships to crescendo in a state of love. Steer away from excess drama.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising A bunny chews green grasses. Nestle down into your routine and take good care of your body. Get some healthy habits set up for yourself. Be deliberate. Use your intuition to help you define what will be best for your body and your health. Stay grounded in the present moment like the bunny patiently chewing her dinner.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising A ball of fire. Like a ball of fire blazing across the sky, this is a moment for you to be bright, bold, and receive a lot of attention. Blaze bright with creativity. Express yourself fully. Light up your world. Make decisions by contemplating what would bring you the most joy. Have fun. Keep your mind focused on playfulness and lightness.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising Playing patty cake. Childish games. This a chance for you to be a little bit nostalgic. Meditate on the child that you once were and ask that little one what she needs. Play games with her and help her feel emotionally secure. Hang out with her a couple times a day, even if it doesn’t feel necessary. This effort will open many doors for you, in many areas of your life.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising Building blocks. Each belief we hold is a building block. As we learn, we build one block on top of the other until we have created constructions that inform our emotions, thoughts and behaviors. Sometimes this happens consciously and sometimes unconsciously. Sometimes the building block beliefs bring us joy and sometimes they hold us back. This is a chance for you to go through and systematically adjust the core beliefs that are no longer working for you.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising Dipping your hand just below the surface of the water. Exploring below the surface. Going deeper. This Full Moon occurs in your area of security and personal resources. If you look a little bit below the surface, you may discover resources you weren’t aware that you have. If you look for it, you may find a greater level of security within yourself.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising Playing volleyball. Preparing for the spike. Let yourself take action. Make a clearcut decision. As you take action, you will get to know yourself better. You will build your confidence. This is a time for you to learn about who you are and who you want to be in the world. How will you lead?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising The third eye. Connecting with your intuition. This is a quiet time for you. Make lots of space for meditation so that you can open yourself up to new dimensions of experience. Stillness and quiet will help you know with certainty what is important to you. Settle down and wait for the answers to rise up from within.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising A herd of zebra resting together. Finding your community. It’s important for you to know that you are connected. Make sure that your beliefs and values are reflected in your community. If not, maybe it’s time to regroup. Become clear about your values and find a support system that helps you stay aligned to your vision.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising A superhero with beams of light emanating from her hands. Take on any challenge with your magical super powers. What do you want to create in the world? In your career? This Full Moon lights up your career zone and has you asking yourself questions about work and vocation. Follow your intuition and trust that you have the ability to meet your career goals– as long as you buckle down and do the work.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising A flag is planted in a remote location. Exploration. Look further for the answers. If something isn’t working in your life, notice what it is and seek out the solution. Don’t wait for it to solve itself. Explore. Be willing to upgrade to a new philosophy. Be willing to adjust your values if you find a way of thinking about the world that is a better fit for where you are now.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising A frog on a lily pad. You are ready to transform. Look for wisdom and guidance as you move into a new phase of life. Let go of anything that you no longer need so that you can find fresh expansion. Forgive and release. Clear out your closets. Find the wisdom that helps you move on.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
As we slip into the subtle fall energies of Virgo Season, it’s time to assess our relationship to the earth element and to our core beliefs, says Melinda Lee Holm. Let a tarot practice steer your ship as you navigate September 2017.
A shift in seasons brings profound change this month, as we celebrate personal and community connections, mirror the balance of the cosmos in our earthbound lives, and call in a strong challenge to our beliefs about what is true and eternal.
Let your deck lead the way into fall …
:: 9/4 Labor Day- 10 of Pentacles ::
While many of us associate this day with one last beach weekend, it was created to honor the courageous men and women who organized labor. We owe our weekends, 8-hour work days, overtime laws, and restrictions on work done by children all to the Labor movement and its belief that a healthy and happy workforce is the cornerstone of a properous community.
The Tarot teaches us that the greatest form of earthly abundance is found not in a single wealthy figure, but in a wealthy society. The 10 of Pentacles represents the highest material aspirations of the minor arcana. We see a thriving community represented in three generations of citizens and two white dogs in a well-groomed city.
Only through valuing every member’s role and contribution can the health and wellbeing of all be maintained.
Calling in the 10 of Pentacles:
Eat maple syrup on pancakes, yogurt, or oatmeal – energetically it promotes wealth and longevity
Throw a block party or BBQ to connect with your neighbors and community
Shop local
Give Malachite as a gift – it’s a powerful stone of prosperity
:: 9/10 World Suicide Prevention Day- The Ace of Cups ::
The world can be a very tough place for many people, unbearably so for some. Today we actively send our love and compassion to those who are struggling and those who have been affected by suicide.
The Ace of Cups is the primal power of Water, the element of emotion. Love is the root of our human experience of emotion, and the centerpiece of the Divine gift of an emotional body. The Aces all represent the pure unadulterated state of their element, the most exalted sense of what they represent.
What could possibly be more exalted in the emotional realm than pure unconditional love for our fellow humans?
Calling in the Ace of Cups:
Wear or carry a Rhodonite, the stone of outward-directed love and compassion
Drink Rose tea to open and expand the heart
Donate gently used clothing to a shelter – or better yet, sign up to volunteer!
Check in with those you love and let them know you care
:: 9/22 Autumnal Equinox, Sun Enters Libra- Justice ::
As the days and nights equalize in length before the night begins to take over, this cosmic event triggers a shift from the productivity of summer to the harvest of fall, in preparation for the winter.
Justice teaches us that just as truth, fairness, and order, in society and law, require careful weighing of information, achieving fairness and order in the Universe requires a constant careful balancing of energies. To enjoy the long days of summer, we must survive the long nights of winter. To have stamina to be active, we must set aside time for rest.
Calling in Justice:
Carry Tiger Eye to promote energetic balance
Eat salty/sweet food combinations like prosciutto wrapped melon or potato chips and ice cream
Wear mixed metals – Wearing both the silver of the moon and gold of the sun connects us to the balance of the celestial bodies that influence us most
Jupiter opposition Uranus happens only once every 12 years and comes in pairs or trios due to apparent retrograde planetary motion. This is the second opposition in our series of two for 2016/17.
Expansive Jupiter in this aspect to rebellious Uranus brings periods of great change on an individual level, sometimes in sudden and uncomfortable ways. But this does not have to be a traumatic time. If we open ourselves up to radical change, we can make the most of this transit.
The Tower is generally seen as one of the most frightening cards in the deck – visually and energetically. It represents major change and teaches us to let go of ALL preconceived notions of the true nature and identity of ourselves and the world around us.
While it may be hard to see in the moment, these changes will always be in service of our highest good. We don’t usually think of The Tower as something we seek to call in intentionally, but with this transit, it is best to get ahead of the game and go with the flow of this potentially challenging aspect.
Calling in The Tower:
Drink coffee – coffee beans are used in spellwork to clear negative thinking and assist in breaking through internal barriers
Carry or wear Herkimer Diamond to connect to Divine wisdom and strength
Clean your space with pine-scented cleanser, or bring pine branches into your home to promote a clean break from past beliefs and a strong fresh start
Burn a black candle – black candles are very effective for clearing energetic blockages and can be a huge help in loosening your attachment to any of your own personal Towers that are ready to come down
Melinda Lee Holm’s Initiate Necklace in Herkimer Diamond Quartz on gold
Want more tarot magic? Book a session with Melinda here, and make sure to follow her on Instagram and Facebook.
Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous Weekly Horoscopes from Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology …
Virgo :: Virgo Rising Bottles moving along a conveyer belt. Repetition. Through continuous practice, you have the ability to refine and improve your technique. Finding ways to improve is fun for you. If you can let yourself be very present in the moment, you will find that you are totally in sync with whatever it is you need to do right now. The repetition of your efforts becomes almost like a finely tuned dance. You can become so present that it may feel as if time stops. Stay focused, grounded, and clearly dedicated to the tasks ahead.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising Elephants running in a herd. An unseen force is operating deep within you. Become very observant. Let yourself have the time and space you need to feel the depths of emotion pull at your heart. Allowing the unnoticed emotion to come up will temper it, so that you are supported by a rush of energy instead of being trampled in a stampede of emotions.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising Clouds that look like flowers. You are searching for new ideas. Look for inspiration everywhere. Let one idea morph into another, just as the wind pulls a cloud into an entirely different shape. Don’t become too attached to any one idea right now. Let them flow. Watch as they change and develop right before your eyes. Feel the power of your mind as you allow the fresh stream of inspiration to drift in.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising Dipping water out of a well. Understand what your resources are so that you can activate them in your career. Staying aware of your resources (whether those are social, intellectual, technological, financial, emotional, or spiritual) can help you feel optimistic as you make decisions. Take time to research and organize so that you have a solid foundation as you move forward in this moment of career expansion.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising A pig roots around, looking for truffles. It’s time to do some searching and exploring. Truffles are an expensive delicacy. What high-value reward are you searching for? Before you begin to explore, decide on your desired outcome. What is your vision? Think about what you want to achieve and how you want to feel in the process. Once you have that goal decided upon, enjoy the process of learning and expanding as you look for different ways to achieve this outcome. Be playful.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising Reaching for another person. You have an opportunity to create deep intimacy. Intimacy can feel vulnerable because we must really learn how to trust. But once established, intimacy can be an incredible relief. When you are truly intimate, you don’t have to worry about being judged. It’s a huge energy saver. It may be time to consider how you create intimacy and if you’re ready for more.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising The horizon line. A boundary. Depending on the weather, sometimes a horizon line is clearly defined, sometimes it’s hard to see. This is a moment for you to define your priorities and boundaries when it comes to relationships. Get clear. Depending on your emotional weather, this is not always the easiest thing to do. But healthy boundaries in relationships is what allows them to flourish without the hindrance of anxiety or resentment. Begin with the idea that it’s not up to you to carry emotional responsibility for anyone. Go from there.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising A pumpkin grows in the field. Because of its large size and many seeds, the pumpkin is a symbol of plenty. Abundance. But to help along the development of this massive vegetable, the farmer must take gentle care— monitoring the soil quality, pests, and weather. Likewise, your abundance currently comes from your ability to tend to the details. Pay attention to your sleep, nutrition, exercise, organization, time management, etc. Get all of the mundane systems of your life in order so that you can enjoy a delightful harvest later on.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising An alien language. You must translate something that’s far outside your field of experience. It’s time to get creative. Reach as far as you can. Expand your brain. The universal language that you can use as your Rosetta stone is Love. Begin by learning about love and you will be able to effectively translate anything that comes your way.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising Lying on a raft, floating down a river. Surrendering to the flow of emotions. Surrendering to dreams and imagination. Who is your inner child who needs nurturance now? How old is that little one? Take them on an adventure in the river. Play games and tell stories. Listen. This is how you move the raft forward along the river of emotions.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising Playing a game of jacks. An ancient game. Versions of it are played all around the world. Do you remember what it’s like to play just for the sheer joy of playing? In Ancient Greece, children’s games like this one used to be invented as offerings to the Gods. Elevate the act of play to a spiritual level. Make everything into a game. This practice will help you make new mental connections and lighten your mindset.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising The very top of the mountain. Set your sights on your earthly goals. Look for the path that will lead you up to the top of the mountain. There is hard work ahead. But the work you do will help you feel more stable. Look for ways to improve your finances and resources. It’s time to climb.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous Weekly Horoscopes from Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology …
Leo :: Leo Rising Giraffes moving across the plains. This is an active time for you. It may be time to stick your neck out for a cause. You may need to increase your movement and fluidity. Giraffe as a spirit animal brings medicine of far-reaching vision and psychic ability. Keep searching for a higher purpose or cause that can keep you moving forward. You currently have an opportunity to learn about who you are and where you are going. Look to your intuition to help you navigate as you move across the plains.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising A pot of rich, hearty stew. In a stew, everything is mixed together. Have you been shouldering too much responsibility? Have you been taking it all on? It may be time to separate out what is your responsibility and what is someone else’s. Meanwhile, find ways to nourish yourself— physically, intellectually, socially and spiritually. This is your chance to connect with your higher self, strengthen your intuition, and let go of limiting unconscious beliefs. Take good care of yourself so that you can do this important work. You’ll need to feel rested and energized as you move into the more active season that lies ahead.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising Handfuls of crystals. As you gather fragments of crystals you are symbolically gathering your sense of self. What is “self?” It may be time to ponder your image of your self, your concept of your higher self, and your vision for your future self. Another interpretation of crystals is that they can represent crystallized emotions or beliefs. As the New Moon occurs in your house of fixed beliefs, this may be an opportunity to reevaluate some of the concepts that you hold- maybe it’s time for new ideas or perspectives?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising A spiky hat. What are the spikes on this hat? Protection, maybe. Possibly a way to make yourself seem bigger, taller, fiercer. This New Moon occurs in your area of career and vocation. Do you need to set new boundaries in your work? Do you need to see yourself as a bigger force in your career? There is a lot of action on deck for you when it comes to work and career. Get ready to move into it with activated warrior energy.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising A game of “Hungry Hungry Hippos.” Remember that old board game “Hungry, Hungry Hippos?” The hippos pop forward to eat as many marbles as possible. They are ravenous. Where is your ravenous energy coming through right now? This is a time to reinvigorate how you search, hunt, and discover. Most of this devouring energy comes through in your search for a new philosophy and meaning. You may need to travel physically or explore mentally to create a new mission statement for your next season.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising The drawbridge is pulled up. A definitive end is arriving in some area of your life. This may be an end to an inefficient system or a chance to let go of an outdated belief. It may be time to let go of a relationship, habit, or behavior. Whatever it is that must be let go of, consciously step toward this opportunity for release. You are moving through a cycle and you must let go so that you can begin again. Allow yourself to fully feel all of the feelings that arise when letting go.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising Folding clothes. This New Moon occurs in your area of relationships. How can you pay more attention to caring for your relationships? Folding clothes is a routine thing, we all have a certain way we do it and it can be pretty much automatic. In your relationships, what do you do automatically? What are your unconscious actions and reactions? Are those working for you? Or is it time to reset some of these automations so that you can enjoy healthier relationships? Pay attention to every potential crease in your relationships and take some time to freshen any outdated behaviors.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising Trying to catch tadpoles. Scrambling. Chasing. Lots of activity. Tadpoles are a symbol of transformation. As you stretch yourself to try to get a grasp on things, remember to be patient. You’ve got a lot on your plate right now and the new development will come at the exact right moment. In the meantime, take good care of body, mind, and spirit, so that you are prepared for the next phase.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising Deep bowls of food in a buffet. Indulge. This New Moon offers you an opportunity to reassess how you experience joy. There is a banquet of experience available to you. You can sample different varieties of mirth, fun, creativity, and expression. Remain aware of pure, true, joy. Dip in to experience it. Why is this important? Because it feeds your soul.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising Tobogganing down a hill. Building momentum thanks to a reduction in friction. What are the forces that are propelling you forward? And do you feel like it’s possible to steer in the right direction? We all build momentum in one direction or another. How is your current direction feeling for you? This New Moon occurs in your area of home and family. These are important forces in our lives. Sense of family can either stabilize or confuse. Sense of home can be grounding or constricting. As an adult, you get to decide how you attend to the direction and momentum that these foundational forces are creating.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising The wingspan of a hawk. You are ready for a new span of conscious awareness. It’s time to learn. Seek meaning. Seek enlightenment. Look for meaning in the micro and the macro. Soar high above your everyday difficulties to get a glimpse of the bigger picture. Devote yourself to learning more about what the truth of your world is. It’s time to expand your mindset.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising Pulling cards out of a file. It may be time to sort and organize things in your life. Are you clear about how you are getting your basic needs met— food, water, shelter? If you have gone through an agitated or traumatic period in your life, this symbol can show that it is extra important to feel settled and stabilized. Take stock of what resources are available. Get the basics sorted and taken care of.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Supercharge your Eclipse Season transformation with a powerful virtual Astrology + Breathwork practice led by Sandra Sitron and Erin Telford. August 21 2017. Details + sign-up HERE.
Ready for a radical reset? The 2017 Leo Solar Eclipse wants you to drop the ego, fire up your heart space, and turn your true love into empowered action, says Sandra Sitron … Main Image: Spectra Art Space
New Moon Solar Eclipse :: August 21 2017 :: 2:30pm ET :: 28 degrees Leo
An eclipse is like a huge inhale. A complete exhale. And then stop. Hold your breath. At the next inhale it seems as if even your cells spin in a different direction.
At the next inhale everything will be different …
Eclipses are about reset. Something must be let go of. Something new must begin. The way that you recalibrate yourself now— both in your private inner world and outside in the public world, matters. The effects of this reset may not be fully felt for six more months. But the calibration is happening now.
During this Leo New Moon, the Sun and the Moon line up, as they do at every New Moon. But now they are also in direct line with the Earth. The Moon’s shadow falls over the Sun. The Sun appears darkened. The light of the core energy source is “extinguished.” In the void of light, new seeds can be planted. A new code can be written.
The Leo New Moon Solar Eclipse wants you to drop your ego and let true love shine out of your heart center.
Leo is the sign of fiery love. All fire signs take action- fire only exists in the activity of the dancing flame. Leo shows that it’s not enough to just love. It’s necessary to bring your love into action.
It’s time to put love in the driver’s seat. Go somewhere. Do something. Use ALL of the four elements to manifest change in the world. Use your words (Air element), use your action (Fire element), use your resources (Earth element), use love and prayer (Water element).
The path forward is not simple. A paradigm shift is never easy. The energy of this New Moon is high. There’s a shortage of patience and a high potential of being triggered.
You need a plan, so you can move in alignment with your intention. How do you want to act? How do you want to be? Decide how you will take care of yourself, how you will confront your beliefs, how you will take action in the coming months, and how you will follow through on this plan.
Let the calibration and reset that is available for you now be fully intentional.
New Moon conjunct Mars A bunny dives into a hole. Fight or flight. The bunny flees instinctually. What do you do instinctually to keep yourself safe? Do you hide out and keep silent? Are you a fighter?
Mars brings the energy of action and aggression to this Moon. At this time of heightened fire energy make sure to keep yourself safe, but don’t let that stop you from taking action. Meanwhile, make sure to monitor your aggression.
New Moon conjunct Mercury A tidal wave. We are thinking and communicating A LOT during this New Moon, and our thoughts have their own momentum, like a tidal wave. Break up the momentum by noticing the unconscious beliefs that fuel your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. It’s important to know which beliefs are running the show.
Ask yourself what belief is underneath an uncomfortable feeling. At what age did that belief get formed? Can you have compassion for the part of you that formed that belief? Can you replace the belief with a new one?
New Moon inconjunct Chiron Missing puzzle pieces. This New Moon will bring opportunities to confront old wounds. Notice where you get triggered. Notice where you need to heal. It may all seem futile.
How can you solve the puzzle if pieces are missing? With enough attention, effort, and creativity nothing is impossible. Keep coming at it from different directions and you may find the healing you are looking for.
New Moon in a Grand Trine with Uranus and Saturn The pillars of the temple. This aspect is the New Moon’s saving grace. We are staunchly supported by the Great Awakener Uranus who may introduce a new paradigm, and Saturn who may provide the structure to implement it.
The only danger is that too much harmony can result in complacency. Stay mindful of a tendency to think that someone else will “take care of it.” Say a prayer to invite forward positive change and deliberate integrity within yourself and within the world.
These potentials are activated. The only thing left to do is take action on them.
The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2017 Leo Solar Eclipse means for you. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 28 degrees of Leo in you chart and use the question for that house.
***New to your birth chart? Calculate yours for free HERE …
Aries or New Moon in the 5th house What new creative practices will you put into action now?
Taurus or New Moon in the 4th house Do you feel safe enough to be yourself? Why not? What do you need in order to experience more safety, comfort, and nurturing?
Gemini or New Moon in the 3rd house What do you need to be thinking about in a new way?
Cancer or New Moon in the 2nd house What will remind you of your self-worth?
Leo or New Moon in the 1st house What new changes are you inviting forward?
Virgo or New Moon in the 12th house How can you tune into your intuition this week?
Libra or New Moon in the 11th house What can you do to build your network? Challenge yourself to take some action steps.
Scorpio or New Moon in the 10th house What are new risks you can take in your career? What kind of expansion might taking these risks bring you?
Sagittarius or New Moon in the 9th house What is your mission statement?
Capricorn or New Moon in the 8th house What are you willing to release? Write it down. Burn the paper.
Aquarius or New Moon in the 7th house How can you be more diplomatic?
Pisces or New Moon in the 6th house What new healthy habits are you ready for?
Supercharge your eclipse season transformation with a powerful virtual Astrology + Breathwork practice led by Sandra Sitron and Erin Telford. August 21 2017. Details + sign-up HERE.
Step into your fullest sparkle and share your wide open heart, no matter the risk. The 2017 Leo New Moon wants you to drop your defenses and shine the hell on, says Sandra Sitron …
New Moon :: July 23 2017 :: 5:45am ET :: 0 degrees Leo
Step into a shimmer vortex that offers you a chance to open your heart. For real. Heart opening is an art and a science. This moment demands that you do it for you. No one else.
Every New Moon offers us a chance to recreate ourselves. And right now, this refresh has to do with how you share your heart, and offer the world your unique spark of life. But how do you truly share your heart? What if it hurts? What if you lose something?
I asked for a message about this moon. I closed my eyes and ran my fingertips over my bookshelf. My hand grasped a worn copy of Pride and Prejudice. It seemed like a strange pick—at first. I had assumed that I would end up with one of the many witchy self-actualization books that fill my shelves.
But on further reflection, the message is so clear: Drop your pride and drop your prejudice. Yes, you need boundaries around your heart. You need to protect it. But when a scared inner child is no longer running the show, it’s possible to feel safe and to share open-hearted love at the same time.
“Opening” means allowing your heart to be soft and vulnerable. Not proud. Not prejudiced. No barbed-wire every time you get triggered. And you don’t have to be happy to have an open heart. You can open your heart when you are mad, or sad, or frustrated. Try it.
This Moon demands that you open your heart, because Leo teaches us about love. Leo begs us to let our unique spark of life force energy, of spirit, move out into the world. To beam out through our heart chakra and connect with others.
The connection can happen through an exchange of love, through creative expression, or through playfulness. Meditate on each of these modalities, and choose one that seems right for you to explore during this Moon phase.
As you move through the day notice when pride or prejudice take over, and give your tender ego a big dose of empathy. Visualize your heart opening even through challenging emotions.
The 2017 Leo New Moon is asking you to shine. Do this at the highest possible vibration by shining beams of gossamer honesty straight out of your heart. Think of this as a gift to yourself.
New Moon conjunct Mars Eating a cheese sandwich.
The Moon is made of cheese. Mars wants to eat. Mars wants to take it on. Get it done. What are you ready to do, create, build, penetrate? What are you ready to engulf—mind, body, spirit, heart,all working together to shoot direct like an arrow out into the world? Yes, late summer is “vacation time.” But this aspect is not vacation. This is about putting your whole self into it. The push. All you have to do is focus your energy and then fly.
New Moon square Uranus Reaching out to touch the sparkler.
You can’t always grasp and contain the things that are the most beautiful—you’ll get burned. With other things, if you try to own them, label them, contain them, they just dissolve. Because they were never meant to be owned. What made them so unique and alluring was the suddenness, the unexpectedness, the rush of freedom. You can’t plan your own surprise party. And if you try to trap the firefly in your hands for too long, the light goes out.
Instead, invite wildness, invention and genius in. Be a good host. Create space for Inspiration, make her feel comfortable. And let her leave when she’s ready. Build a solid relationship with change, innovation, and the wild unknown.
Use the questions below to dive deeper into the lessons of the 2017 Leo New Moon. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see which house holds 0 degrees Leo …
Aries or New Moon in the 5th house What situation in your life could use a dose of joy? What activities make you feel like a little kid?
Taurus or New Moon in the 4th house What needs to be reset when it comes to home and family? Who in your tribe needs some extra love?
Gemini or New Moon in the 3rd house How can you gently and easily request more recognition from your friends and community?
Cancer or New Moon in the 2nd house What intention can you create that would highlight abundance and security?
Leo or New Moon in the 1st house How can you express yourself more authentically this week? Where could excess pride be getting in the way?
Virgo or New Moon in the 12th house What is your plan for a heightened spiritual practice? Can creativity be a part of this?
Libra or New Moon in the 11th house How can you connect with a larger community? How can you have more fun with you tribe?
Scorpio or New Moon in the 10th house What are your intentions for your career over the coming cycle? What work feels more like fun?
Sagittarius or New Moon in the 9th house What is your mission statement? Where in the world could this take you?
Capricorn or New Moon in the 8th house What are you willing to let go of? What abundance would this make space for you to receive?
Aquarius or New Moon in the 7th house What intentions can you create for more balanced partnerships?
Pisces or New Moon in the 6th house What healthy habits are you ready to implement? How could this bring more joy to your life?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.
Get the astro symbol for your sign with our Numinous Weekly Horoscopes, by Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology …
Cancer :: Cancer Rising Ladybugs. It’s time to herald in good luck. Feel abundant, well taken care of, and secure. Nestle into a comfy cove, and ease into a feeling of relaxation. You’re fine. All is well. Slow down a little bit. Attune to the rhythms of nature as much as you can and take deep breaths. It’s time to feel grounded and remind yourself that scarcity is a myth. You have the same abundance within you that is echoed in the abundance of leaves on the nearest tree.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising Rubik’s cubes stretching as far as the eye can see. Puzzling something together. This month ahead brings you on a journey of defining yourself in a new way. Validate yourself. What does that mean to you? A question— how many times in a day do you take credit away from yourself? Give that credit back. Do you allow other people to take away your power with a word or a glance? Change your perception. This all might seem like a puzzle, but keep working at the solution. Build yourself up so that your pure light shines from within. There is a way to do that while still remaining gracious and kind.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising Marshlands. Still waters. Below the surface there is an active ecosystem of fish, frogs, roots, weeds and microscopic life forms. It’s a busy world down there. Your dream world may be busy too. Your subconscious mind is ripe for change. Pay extra attention to dreams, symbols and feelings. Look for opportunities to think of the past, consider forgotten emotions and allow deep healing in the furthest reaches of your psyche. Make space for quiet intention-setting.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising A unicorn high-stepping at the edges of a frothy sea. Change your perspective. Do it now! The world is much more magical than you think. Much more is possible than you think. What has been “proven” can absolutely change. Shake yourself out of a boring, mundane reality and LOOK for the magic. This is not a time to be staring in the mud. You’ll miss the vision of the unicorn emerging from the sea.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising A spiderweb of gossamer threads catches the light. The spider builds a web carefully, strand by strand. The next day she nonchalantly moves on to the next project— a new web. She doesn’t worry about all of the work she did before. She keeps looking for an improved location, technique and result. You are entering an ambitious new phase. Keep working. Keep looking for a higher building site, just a little bit closer to the light source. Every spider knows that’s where the moths are.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising Hang gliding. Seeing new sights. You are on a massive quest for exploration and freedom. Adventure is your food and water. A new way of thinking is your shelter and warmth. Get outside of yourself, get beyond your everyday. Look for higher meaning. Seek a greater philosophy. Let that drive you.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising A brilliant bouquet flowers. Appreciation of the sensual experience of life. Look closer for beauty. Look deeper. Don’t just see the flowers — smell the flowers, dream of the flowers, eat the flowers. Get really present and merge into the experience that life is offering you. Don’t distract yourself with overwhelming goals or “future thinking” right now. Being fully present will allow you to truly make an impact.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising Swans going fishing. A pair of monogamous swans taking on their daily task of finding food. They float along and have fun together as they meet their needs for sustenance. They make it look easy. You are learning to balance work, relationships and play. You are learning to go with the flow. You are creating space to be your true authentic self, while allowing yourself to be seen in relationship. Let it be known to the world that you are magnanimous, gracious and strong, just like a swan.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising A telephone made of tin cans. Gathering new information, clearing up confusion, trying to make improvements. There’s a lot of work and a multitude of details to take care of. Is it possible that you’re working with out-dated technology? Focus on your systems and organization. If you can get the details in good order, you’ll have more space for fun, creativity and playfulness.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising Kickboxing. A flurry of activity. Let yourself be wild. Be on fire with creativity and action. You’ll feel burned out if you’re denying yourself of fun. Make time for fun, joy and lightness. The more that you explore your playful, creative side, the more you’ll learn about yourself. The “kick-boxing” symbol means that you are taking something on. Find your motivation to take on your next project by asking yourself what would be fun to do. What would feel joyous? That’s how you kick it into high gear.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising Pulling a rope in a game of tug-of-war. Hold on. Bear down. Staunchly protect your boundaries. Instead of rushing forward or starting new projects, take some time to be sure your basic emotional needs are met. Do you know deep within that you are worthy? Do you love yourself truly? Prove to yourself that you love yourself by allowing space for your feelings. Even if they are not comfortable! You need to hold on for a little bit here so that you recognize on deep levels how strong and supported you are.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising Using a megaphone. You are ready to send a message. What are you consciously deciding to bring into your life? Call it out. Tell the universe. Say what you want. Say how you want your relationships to feel, how you want your work to feel, how you want your money to feel, how you want your health to feel. Shout it out from the rooftops so that you are very clear on your intentions.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
The 2017 Aries Waning Quarter Moon asks us to step up our game, and prepare for some serious cosmic upleveling. Get invigorated. Get motivated. And be ready to get your world rocked, says Jennifer Racioppi … Artwork: Bethany Harper-Walsh
:: Waning Quarter Moon :: July 16 2017 :: 3:25pm EST :: 24 degrees Aries
While the Waning Quarter Moon usually signals a time to take an inward glance, in the fiery sign of Aries, we’re asked to kick into high gear. This energy bestows vitality and motivation. Holler!
The first sign of the zodiac, Aries is ruled by Mars (the planet of action), and is famously known for its ability to initiate. Add Mars squaring Uranus to the mix, and we need to ready ourselves for change- perhaps even shocking and sudden change …
As we wrap up this current lunar cycle, and prep ourselves for a month with TWO Leo new moons ahead—including the August 21 legendary Great American Total Eclipse—we have a moment to unravel all that unfolds before our eyes, and simultaneously get ready for what’s to come.
Harkening back to the New Moon in Aries on April 18, 2015, we may see intentions set then coming to a full culmination now. Beautiful! Results that culminate now have been a long time coming. Stay grateful and on-point and you won’t be disappointed.
:: The Sun :: With the Sun traveling through the third decant of security driven Cancer, connecting us to our home life, our family, and our deep emotions, it’s time to dig deep into our inner wellbeing and ultimate security.
Given that the Sun recently opposed Pluto, we just survived massive intensity. The Sun represents all that is light, our identity, and our vital force energy; Pluto is the dwarf King of darkness, holding close to him all things related to death and rebirth, transformation, and destruction. This transit likely brought about a crisis of self-esteem or self-identity, and may have felt entirely out of your control. But this energy also contained the essence of resilience, and the potential for positive growth and change, initiating you into a new way of being.
With this aspect no longer at play, we’re a bit more free. Yet the Sun and Mars now squares Uranus, the planet of revolution and change. Hold onto your hats, Numi babes—this abrupt roller coaster ride is a cosmic upleveling that may land you exactly where you need to be. But, not without a bit of wind in your hair …
:: The Moon :: The Moon in Aries feels inspiring—especially given the hit from Uranus. And who doesn’t crave action and locomotion in their lives? With Saturn in a super supportive angle, we can move in the direction of reconciliation, despite the challenges at hand.
:: The Square :: With the Sun at the tail end of Cancer having just opposed Pluto and on its way to square Uranus, the word “ouch” comes to mind. Cancer, a sign that represents family orientation and sensitivity, doesn’t particularly like this challenge much.
However, like it or not, the cosmic menu has served up a plate of emotions with a side dish of surprise. With the Moon in a cardinal sign squaring both the Sun and Mars, we’ll find ourselves needing to reconcile precisely where we are at as we prepare for the first of two new moons in Leo!
:: The Message :: With the recent hits from Pluto, and next week’s Uranus square, life’s #noteasy. Yet with the Sun in Cancer, these transits help us understand and unearth our confidence and security. We can handle this!
With the moon in action-oriented Aries, I highly suggest making moves during this phase. Move things to completion. Effort appropriately on behalf of your goals. Get your ducks in a row. When the Moon squares Uranus the following day, you’ll want to be on your A game.
Get ready to handle anything, and you’ll be grateful you did (cause “anything” might just be coming!)
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of cosmic creatives and lunar lovers!
Join us on Obonjan island in Croatia for a mind-expanding week of music, magic and healing—PLUS take part in a special celebration of the Leo New Moon Eclipse …
When the people at Obonjan island in Croatia asked if I’d guest curate a week of cosmic workshops for their summer-long music and wellness festival, it was a HELL YES from me. Having heard amazing things about last year’s event, the whole Obonjan ethos is seriously … numinous. Yoga, meditation, and mind-expanding workshops by day … dance parties, ritual, and beachside Moon bathing by night. Thank you.
Even better, I got to pick my date—and knowing that summer 2017 was the backdrop for a super potent pair of eclipses, I chose the week of the August 21 Leo New Moon Eclipse (a rare second Leo New Moon in 2017) to bring the Numi magic. You may have heard even non-astro geeks talking about this eclipse, since it’s set to be the first total eclipse of the Sun visible in America since 1979.
This is crazy powerful energy for breaking free from limiting old beliefs, and planting the seeds of our future intentions. For us as individuals, sure, but with this New Moon Eclipse in a very tight conjunction with the North Node (or karmic destiny point of the zodiac), and with the Sun in a direct trine to game changing Uranus, the stage—or rather, the Universe—is set for nothing short of a REVOLUTION.
We’ll be celebrating with a special New Moon Ceremony featuring the all-star team of mystics and healers coming together for our Obonjan takeover—which we’ve dubbed Moonrise Kingdom. Read on for everything else you need to know …
DATES: Aug 19—23 2017
ACCOMMODATION: Is in luxury bell tents or air-conditioned forest lodges, and is booked per night (so you can stay as long or as little as you like). Rates start at €32.50 per person per night. Click HERE to check availability.
TRANSPORT: Fly into Split and take a transfer to the port of Sibenik. There is a regular ferry service to Obonjan island.
NUMINOUS WORKSHOPS: As well as our Leo New Moon Ceremony on Aug 21, I’ll be hosting two further workshops –
Dharma School (Aug 20) “Dharma” is the ancient yogic concept of tapping into our life purpose as an act of service. Or rather, discovering the work that we were born to do, and our unique contribution to society. In this talk, we’ll discuss why in 2017 it’s more vital than ever for us to stay true to our authentic life path, how to channel our unique gifts, tools to help us stay the course, and how our yoga and meditation practice can be the gateway to truly doing our dharma. There’ll also be a Q&A with fun interactive exercises to help you discover your dharma.
Story Medicine (Aug 23) When we come together we create community; and when communities share our stories with each other we weave unity. In every experience we share, there is a valuable lesson for someone—and listening in itself is a gift. It’s when our stories are heard that we become healed. In this simple yet profound exchange we find ourselves uplifted, connected and more inspired by our own lives than ever before. Expect to leave this ritualized open sharing circle feeling seen, valued and inspired to continue on your journey.
Full line-up below …
THE LINE-UP: Check out the incredible roster of Numinous collaborators bringing their magic to Moonrise Kingdom!
Jasmine Hemsley—Sound healing sessions with Sound Sebastian.
Shaman Durek—How to Harness the Power of the Quantumsphere, Traversing the Dark Period on Earth and Nature as Technology.
Lisa Luxx—The Fourth Brain Show, The Internet is Spiritual, Writing Wrongs, and Be Queer Now.
Shanua Cummins—Dream Life Hypnosis Salon, Wishcraft: Hypnosis for Manifestation, and Past Life and Ancestral Clearing.
D.A.X.—Ibiza DJ / producer will also collaborate on shamanic dance sessions (with Shaman Durek).
PLUS!!! Win one of 5 signed copies of Material Girl, Mystical World when you visit Obonjan for Moonrise Kingdom with The Numinous! To enter, simply repost the lead image from this post on Instagram and tag @Obonjan and @The_Numinous, along with the hashtag #moonriseonobonjan. Entries accepted through midnight Friday July 21. *Winners will be asked to provide booking reference to claim prize, and books will be awarded on arrival at Obonjan. Applies to all bookings for accommodation on Obonjan Aug 19—23 2017. Click HERE to reserve your spot.
The 2017 Capricorn Full Moon is an opportunity to set loving boundaries, trust in our security, and celebrate just how far we have come, says Sandra Sitron.
Full Moon :: July 9th 2017 :: 12:08 am ET :: 17 degrees Capricorn
As the earthy 2017 Capricorn Full Moon faces off against the watery, sensitive Cancer Sun, this lunation is a rare opportunity to harness emotional compassion and logical detachment simultaneously. Move back and forth between these two opposites. Each one supports the other …
Systematic Capricorn wants you to know who you are, and set boundaries with integrity. The more that you know yourself, what you need, and what you will allow—the more you can feel safe to open your heart and be vulnerable.
Open-hearted Cancer wants you to soften and glow with love. The more you can trust that love flows to you from family, friends, and lovers, the more you can believe in your own inner strength.
Look up at the Sun and the Moon and see the archetypical Father and Mother. In the ancient understanding of these archetypes, Capricorn is Father—supporting and protecting. Cancer, the Mother, nurtures and loves. Imagine the Moon and the Sun surrounding you with motherly love and fatherly protection.
It will be helpful to feel supported by your luminary parents, because at this Full Moon the planets are arranged in a tense configuration …
Pluto urges the Moon to step into the fire of transformation and let the past die away. Warrior Mars goads the Sun to get defensive. At the hub of all of this frenetic activity, happy-go-lucky Jupiter acts as coach and referee. He is optimistically convincing all the players to work together to find creative expansion and a new way forward.
Those defense systems have been created for different reasons. Your job now is to be very practical about how they are set up. Clean your weapons. Disassemble them. Put them in storage. Lay down your arms. Notice where your systems of defense are firing. Press the deactivation button.
There may be conflict at the 2017 Capricorn Full Moon. Knowing this, can you set up a post as an observer in your own mind? Can you watch yourself as you reach for a defensive word or attitude? Drop it. Find a different way to react.
Time is your friend in this endeavor. If a strong emotion comes up, take a time out and wait for emotion to subside so that logic can come forward. By giving yourself time to think, you are more likely to react in a way that feels productive.
And remember, despite the challenges, it’s still a time for jubilant celebration! The themes during this Cancer moon cycle have been about opening your heart, learning how to nurture yourself, and taking good care of your inner child.
Take this opportunity to celebrate any progress you’ve made around letting yourself be vulnerable, either in this moon cycle, or in the last year.
Full Moon conjunct Pluto Bees swarm the tallest daisy, overtaking it. Birth. Sex. Death. Rebirth. The cycle continues. Every transition is a chance to let go of what you knew and make space for something new.
Pluto is urging you to let go of control but this is a tricky subject. Sometimes it’s obvious when someone is being controlling. But sometimes controlling behavior is cloaked as “advice.” Often, it can be hard for sensitive people to let other people have their own emotions. The hidden inner dialogue can sound like, “If I can make you feel better, I’ll feel better too.” So without knowing it, a sensitive, loving person can actually be trying to control the people around them by “helping” them feel better. And that takes up a ton of energy!
Every time you consciously let go of control this weekend, you create more space to grow. Even though giving up control may feel uncomfortable, in the long-run it will help you see yourself as an authority. It will help you flourish in integrity. It will help you stand up a little bit straighter, just like the tallest daisy.
Full Moon opposite Mars Lava flows from the opening of the volcano. Eruption. Find a way to expand beyond your boundaries. Move forward with action. Feel the fire of creativity and self-expression. Flow freely, fueled by the force of your own motivation. Take on the challenges that you’ve been circling. Wherever there was hesitancy, there can be forward movement. But don’t forget about care, compassion and open-hearted love. Choose a path of heart-centered action, not a fire-river of destruction.
Moon and Sun T-square Jupiter Primary colors. With the basic building blocks of color you can create any hue imaginable. By sticking with simple basic tools, a limitless myriad of expansion is possible. So if your goal is growth, find good tools and trust them. Gratitude is a tool that works. Asking for help works. Loving yourself works. These are your primary colors. Let them help you expand.
Use the questions below to dive deeper into the lessons of the 2017 Capricorn Full Moon. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see which house holds 17 degrees Capricorn …
Aries or Full Moon in the 10th house What new systems would support your productivity in your career, or your life in general?
Taurus or Full Moon in the 9th house What is your mission statement? Why is this important to you—and to the world?
Gemini or Full Moon in the 8th house What are you ready to let go of? What could be birthed in its place?
Cancer or Full Moon in the 7th house Is there room to open your heart up more? How will letting others in help you?
Leo or Full Moon in the 6th house Are you ready to create a healthy new habit? What impact would this have on your productivity?
Virgo or Full Moon in the 5th house What area of your life would benefit from more joyfulness? Can you feel it already?
Libra or Full Moon in the 4th house What does your inner child need today? What can you do to nurture yourself?
Scorpio or Full Moon in the 3rd house If you let curiosity run wild, where would it lead you?
Sagittarius or Full Moon in the 2nd house What can you do today that would help you feel more grounded and secure?
Capricorn or Full Moon in the 1st house Confidence comes from within. Is anything blocking you from feeling fully confident?
Aquarius or Full Moon in the 12th house Listen for the part of you that is the most hopeful. If this part could talk, what would Hope say to you?
Pisces or Full Moon in the 11th house How can the input of your community help you solve a problem?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.
The emotional waves run deep for you this month, Cancer. Between this card, and the already powerful frequencies of the upcoming eclipses in August, you are going to be diving into some very potent places during this particular cycle of your life. Trust every moment of it. It’s here to help you release what no longer serves your highest expansion. It’s also here to help you trust yourself more intimately, and to know that there’s nothing to fear from the dark, the power of our inner waves. There are some beautiful treasures under these waves for you, Cancer.
The key will be to bravely explore them without fearing that you will drown or lose yourself. In fact, the more you surrender to the waves, the more you’ll heal, expand and discover. The Moon card, even without the reversal, is one of the most advanced and profoundly immersive cards in the whole Tarot. Ruled by Pisces, it is the card that beckons us to travel out to the deep sea of our being, far past the shores of our comfort zones. It calls for us to swim below the waves of our ego, into the shadow of our subconscious. This card is aiming to teach you how to traverse the darkness with ease and grace, Cancer, floating with whatever arises.
The reversal of The Moon card contains an even more powerful medicine, because you may very well be moving through some big brain chemistry on top of the already intense frequencies. If that’s the case, it’s all good. There is no thing to fear; you were literally born for these experiences. Embrace the void this month and hang out with whatever arises for you. Move from the mind to the third eye, focus on dreaming, floating, surfing, rather than resisting. Jump right in and explore.
Imagine for a moment, Leo, a child waking up from a nightmare, or seeing a shadowy figure in their bedroom at night, believing it to be a monster. What is the only way to definitively prove that it’s a pile of laundry, instead of a monster? Light. We have to see to know. We can flick on a lamp, shine a flashlight over it, any source will do.
This is the empowering invitation of Nine of Swords for you, Leo—if you find yourself deep in any kind of fear fantasy, anxiety or waking nightmare this month, flick the proverbial light on. Don’t ignore it, or push it away. Don’t stay frozen in terror, your hands over your eyes. Practice inquiry, take deep breaths, and look deeply at the root of the fear. The only way to absolutely know the truth when the brain is inviting us into anxiety is to look directly at whatever the core fear is. If it’s a monster, we can deal with it. If it’s not a monster, we are relieved of the panic. Same goes for how we shake ourselves out of the webs of a nightmare.
A glass of water, a cup of tea and some deep breaths can be genuinely transformative to our nervous systems in moments like that, helping us to relax into truth again. We need to turn the light on to do this. Looking at facts, moving our bodies, asking questions, and emphasizing self care are all deeply potent ways to shift our inner landscape, making fear our ally, rather than something that paralyzes us. This is going to be a deeply important practice for you this month, Leo, because you get to clear away any big fears that have been holding you back from expanding. Be brave, turn on the light and look at the truth.
This is a juicy month for you, Virgo! Things are flowing and grooving in a really lovely way, and I recommend embracing the energy wholeheartedly. You are starting to receive what you’ve wished for in a very tangible way, all because you’ve done such deep work on receiving over the last several months. The Lovers card has everything to do with this idea of receptivity and gifts. It’s invitation to you will be to trust the beauty and loveliness that surrounds you—it is, after all, a mirror for you.
What this means, Virgo, is that anything in your external world is a match for your internal world. Anything magnificent that you see, from the face of your lover to a beautiful sunset, is an aspect of yourself, one that you’ve forgotten belongs to you. The work for you this month will be to remember and reclaim the power of that truth. The Lovers is ruled by Gemini, and when it arises in a reading, it’s an invitation to love ourselves, and to see everything that surrounds us externally as a mirror for our internal life.
This card can be quite powerful, especially when something magnificent comes into our field, and we are forced to consider that the kind of light and beauty we are gazing upon exists somewhere in us. The Lovers is a great teacher, helping us to receive a level of love and truth that might even feel a bit uncomfortable in moments. If you are willing to embrace this idea, Virgo, it will be wildly transformative to your ideas of who you are, how beautiful you are, and how much you deserve love. If you are believing something that’s not a true reflection of your being, this card will come in and change that. Open your heart, open your eyes, and see what you can learn about yourself this month.
The skies are parting, sweet Libra. Once stormy and gray, they are making room for the sun to shine through. Whatever cycle of victimhood, heartbreak, or pain you’ve been moving through as of late is coming to a gentle close this month, liberating you to live your life from a place of trust, joy and abundance. In other words, things are going to start moving—finally! July is going to be a deeply powerful month for your inner life, and may very well shower you with tangible blessings. In other words, life is starting to unfold in the best possible ways, so prepare yourself for some really lovely expansions this month.
Five of Pentacles is a deep contraction card, one that can arise around money, abundance, forward momentum and victimhood. It can really bring us into a dark place of lack, believing that what we desire and have wished for will never happen or find it’s way to us. The reversal, which you have this month, Libra, is the exact opposite. It is the shift from dark to dawn, the loosening of the intensity of mental discomfort, and the softening of the brain chemistry that can keep us so locked in fear.
The door that was keeping you from leaping forward is now unlocked, so what will you do with it? This is a month to get real with yourself on your dreams. Do you still want what you wished for? Has the dream changed? If your heart now wants something different, or if something unexpected comes into your world, think deeply about it and really get clear on what you want. There’s lots of room for play and movement now, so you might as well refresh yourself on your desires. The path ahead is clear, Libra, just make sure you still want what’s at the end of it.
July is your month, Scorpio. There is so much power and forward momentum possible for you during this cycle of time, especially in the areas of career, public image, and creativity. King of Wands is a trailblazer, a powerful leader and a passionate being, one who shares his gifts with the world his way—not the expected, typical way. This card is a dharma card in many interesting aspects. King of Wands is an invitation to finally give up the proclivity to do things the way we think they “should” be done, or the way it’s always been done, and do them in the way only we can.
It’s time to take leaps and risks, to show the world what you do—if you are willing to be courageous, it’ll pay off a hundred fold. Ask yourself where this idea resonates for you most. Is it time to quit your job and work for yourself? Is it time to own and honor a truth you’ve been swimming around, afraid to look too deeply at it? Perhaps it’s time to share your art and work with the world in a more public way. Whatever it is, you are ready. All you need is to believe in yourself, which is the deep teaching of this month’s medicine for you.
You have everything you need, Scorpio, your heart guiding the way. Trust that that’s enough. No one is going to tell you when and where; no one will give you permission. You must reach for what you want and know you are worthy, knowing there will be no tangible guarantees. It doesn’t matter. You must take the risks anyway. You have a deep offering for this world, something only you can bring. We need your gifts, so cultivate your courage and start sharing them boldly.
You are going to be invited to get better acquainted with your inner witch this month, Sagittarius. You are going to be invited to step more boldly into the fire, passion and sexuality of the Wands, and simultaneously, to swim deeper into the intuitive knowing and sensitivity of the Queens, which are ruled by water. Indeed, the Queen of Wands is considered to be the alchemist of the Court Cards, and the witch of the Tarot. She is ruled by your sign (Sagittarius), and by the elements of Fire and Water.
This is significant, because unless you are making steam, there is no practical or organic way to hold water and flames in your hand at the same time. Queen of Wands can do it, though, because she is a living embodiment of both the passion and the depths, the carnal and the gentle. These two things exist in you, too, Sagittarius, and July will offer you the beautiful opportunity to rebalance those two things within yourself. If you’ve been a bit too hard and hot lately, it would be wise to reach for what cools and softens you. If you’ve felt way too wavy and in the depths, it’ll be wonderful to come back to the flames a bit more.
The Queens in the Tarot are all about the inner landscape, and embodiment, so this month is less about what you are saying and doing and more about how you are living, what you believe yourself to be. It’s time to know you are a Queen, Sagittarius. It’s time to dance in the fire and swim in the waves, as witches do. It is important to reiterate that the thing within you that blends and binds these two elements together is alchemy. If you allow your inner magic to be expanded this month, it will be deeply transformative for you.
It is time to take a sacred leap into the unknown, Capricorn. You are ready and there is no better time to take a chance. The old ways you have been living and moving through the world are no longer serving you—you have outgrown them. Expansion is your next frontier now, so know that this month is a perfect time to come fully into your light and fully into the next phase of your life.
In truth, I don’t think this card and it’s medicine will come as much of a shock to most of you. You have been ready, waiting, and preparing for this moment for months—doing your work and moving through big cycles of evolution and growth to prepare for this moment. Now it’s here. Everything in the Universe is fully supporting you, so what will you do with this golden moment? The choice is fully yours: ease and grace, or resistance and fear? Being at the edge of the cliff doesn’t mean the work is done for you — you will have to commit and take the leap.
Starseed is The Fool card, and The Fool is where it all begins. It is a leap of faith, one that births us onto a new path, one that is in deeper alignment for us than ever before. This card is both a beginning and an end—a new cycle beginning just as another ends. For this month, it’s all about showing your true self now, Capricorn, not hiding under the shadow of anyone else. It’s been deeply hard won over the last year or so, so let your colors and gifts shine. Show up as only you can. Take the leap and share your gifts with the world.
This month will contain a powerful mix of emotional experiences for you, Aquarius, which is to be expected from a card like Six of Cups. This card has many colors to it, but mainly speaks of opening the heart to more intimate expression and greater receiving. There is often something to give away in this card, usually of an emotional nature. If you have something to say to someone in your life, it’s incredibly important to share it—even if it feels intense or vulnerable to do so.
If you love someone or feel passionately about someone, let them know it. Drop into the tender openness of a little child, and offer them what’s in your heart. If they receive it, great. If not, it has nothing to do with you. You will have acted from a place of deep vulnerability and courage, and that’s more important than any kind of validation could be. Another way this card is going to be showing up in your world this month is through a sense of nostalgia, partially because there are some big changes on the horizon coming up for you.
Whenever we leave something behind, or undergo a huge shift—internally or externally—the mind scrambles for feelings of safety and familiarity. If you find yourself dreaming of a particular person, of your childhood home, or of a place you’ve walked away from, trust that it’s absolutely appropriate to feel those feelings, letting them move through your whole body. Important to feel them, but to not take it as a sign to go back to whatever you’re longing for. It is only forward from here, sweet Aquarius. The biggest invitation for you this month is to stay close to your heart, to feel the big feelings and say anything that needs to be said, awake and alive in your body.
You are coming out of some deep waters this month, Pisces—expect some true joy and lightness during the course of July. Any four in the Tarot is kind of a mini break in whatever suit it arises in—in the Swords, it represents a mental sabbatical. It’s a time when we might be called to step back into ourselves a bit, honoring solitude over socializing. The point of such a break is to clear the mind, releasing mental attachments, and coming back to ourselves whole and rested.
The reversal of the Four of Swords indicates that our time in this seclusion is over. The door is open, the mind is clear, and we are ready to go out into the world again, refreshed and renewed. This may show up for you in a few different ways, Pisces, all relating to wherever you’ve been called to keep an energetic distance as of late. If you’ve had a knowing to get off social media, or to drop back from a more public image, you might truly feel ready to be seen again, and to engage more deeply with others.
Four of Swords Rx may show up in your dating life, or in deep friendships, bringing in new people after a long period of being solitary. However it shows up for you will be beautiful. The only invitation being presented to you is to trust that it’s safe to come out of the little cave. It’s very much akin to taking the cast off of a broken bone that’s just healed. It is wise to move gently and slowly with a freshly healed bone. This is the same as when we come out of any four, especially the Four of Swords. Go gently and slowly, trusting that you are ready for the next step.
You are being invited to up-level this month, Aries, specifically around the areas of emotional wellness, sacred leadership, and holding space for others. You will be called upon to step forward in these areas this month and beyond, expanding the way in which you show up in the world and how you care for others around you. King of Cups is a wise man with an all-knowing soul. He represents a leader and master, as all Kings in the Tarot do, but specifically in the psychic and emotional realms. He is the holder of space, and the teacher of healers everywhere.
The King of Cups is able to do this because he has learned to hold two experiences at once: his own, and another’s. It is the space we are in when we are truly in alignment with our guides, receiving what is in highest and best for ourselves or another without our own human perceptions bleeding through. King of Cups is a zen master, and has arrived in your cards to invite you to embody his way of moving through life this month, Aries. To be available to learn deeply from this card’s medicine will help you expand through those energetic teachings. Bringing them fully into the world into your own way is what July is all about for you.
Everyone holds space for another person in this life. Some do it for hundreds of thousands, some do it for one. Whether you’re deeply caring for a parent, a child, a patient, or you’re speaking at a conference of 900 people, King of Cups will be by your side, assisting in your channel opening more deeply, and up-leveling you in the way you care for and offer wisdom to others. Trust it, and go on the journey.
The pages in the book of your life are turning, sweet Taurus. Change is on the horizon, and a new chapter is beginning. It is time for a whole new phase of your life to begin, birthed out of your courage, willingness, and worthiness. Page of Wands carries a dual elementation of Earth and Fire, a perfect match for you this month. When we receive this card, it represents an omen of change, but in a way we’ve never experienced before. The grounding of the fire in Page of Wands creates a beautiful blend, enabling us to be rocketed forward by our passion and desire for something new while being simultaneously rooted by the Earth element.
In other words, Taurus, you are fully completing the karmic lessons of the past and moving forward, renewed and ready for the next steps. Page of Wands is the medicine that will take you there. The kind of change that this card brings is deeply personal, as it represents the readiness to move forward energetically without being tied to the past any longer. It will be important to look deeply at any areas where you need to close a circle or a gap in your life. It could be with a relationship, or another person.
In that case, it will be important to express yourself, write a letter, do a cord cutting, anything that helps you release that person with love. If it’s a way in which you’ve been living your life that no longer resonates for you—poor communication or boundaries, playing small, charging less than what you deserve—do a deep dive on the beliefs underneath those choices, and gently start to rewire them. You are finished with these old patterns, Taurus. As soon as you’ve released them, you’ll be off like a shot.
You are in your flow this month, Gemini! Three of Cups is the perfect card for your sign, and brings a simple but sweet invitation for the month ahead: enjoy the company of the people around you. Step out of your comfort zone. Collaborate, share, commune and dance with the people you love. It is not the time to be in Hermit mode. Even if you’re feeling solitary or broken-hearted, I promise you will feel nourished by group energy whenever you allow yourself to be a part of it. If you’re short on friends, this is the month to take actionable steps to change that. Join a Moon group, a book club or an improv group—whatever feels good to you.
Also, you are in your zone of genius when you are connecting people together, so instead of joining someone else’s club, why not start your own? These are all things to consider this month as you flow through this beautiful energy. The ideal situation for you would be to create something special with the people around you, something aligned, fun, lovely and nourishing to all. Three of Cups has this kind of collaborative spirit behind it—if you can let yourself have fun and enjoy, it will be an incredibly healing month for you.
The fun of this is what it’s all about, Gemini. Although you have the reputation of being social butterflies, it’s not always the easiest thing for you to loosen up and enjoy your own party. Practice letting go, being a little too vulnerable, laughing a little too loudly, leaping out of your comfort zone a bit. Those who get the honor and privilege of your company will only love you more for it, will only encourage you to laugh even louder and loosen up even more. Play this month, Gemini—it’ll bring lots of love your way.
With a pack of planets traveling through the super feely sign of Cancer, emotions are running high right now. The Libra Waxing Quarter Moon asks us to find our center and witness our needs from a place of higher vision, says Jennifer Racioppi … Artwork: Seana Gavin
:: Waxing Quarter Moon :: June 30 2017 :: 8:51 pm EST :: 9 degrees Libra
With the Sun, Mars, and Mercury traveling through the cardinal water sign of Cancer, emotions may get stirred up and complicated during this Libra Waxing Quarter Moon. Cancer, ruled by the Moon, desires safety and security. With a trio of planets passing through this complex sign, emotional needs trump logic right now.
Your job: take note of where insecurity is running the show, and swap immediate needs for a longer-term, higher vision of yourself and your life!
Since both Mars and Mercury will oppose Pluto—the planet of power and shadows—I encourage you to stay in the place of observation and witness your needs (and insecurities) without diving head first into defending them.
Despite the profound emotional challenges emerging, take the lead from the Libra moon and strive to find equanimity within …
:: The Sun :: The Sun at 9 degrees of Cancer asks you to nurture your emotional world without surrendering your power to it.
Things might feel extremely touchy, emotional, and triggered. On a spiritual level, it’s so essential to tune into your intuition right now, particularly since the Sun forms an applying trine to the planet of spirituality—Neptune. In doing so, you open the potential for deep insight to pour through.
Feel the feelings without becoming the emotion, while simultaneously practicing great self-care.
:: The Moon :: With Moon-ruled Cancer governing three of the planets right now, it’s important to be with your emotions, and to get to know where, when, and how your insecurities get triggered.
The Sun, Mars, and Mercury are asking you to understand where giving into insecurity undoes you. On a positive note, with the Moon at 9 degrees of Libra on her way to meet up with Jupiter—the planet of good luck and good fortune—the lunar influence suggests abundance.
:: The Square :: With the Moon in cardinal Libra, an air sign, squaring the Sun in cardinal Cancer, a water sign, chances are you feel a polarization between what you think and feel. Subconscious needs butt up against the needs of the ego, asking you to reconcile any sense of inner conflict by acknowledging it. With Mercury AND Mars opposing Pluto, we’re asked to look at our shadow and face up to power struggles.
But this is not the time to succumb to drama …
We must work hard to dwell in equanimity. Nourish and nurture yourself and your needs without deviating from your higher self and sense of truth. Stay committed to seeing things for what they are and stay centered without overly indulging the dark.
:: The Message :: Don’t let insecurity win. Utilize this Libra Waxing Quarter Moon to help you understand where insecurity throws you off rather than lifts you.
Things are intense. Mars opposite Pluto can get nasty. With so much water in the sky, this is a very delicate week and you need to let your emotions out. Yet with the moon in Libra, there’s a deep need (and desire) to keep the peace. Let the feeling flows, but then practice coming back to center.
This isn’t the time to give up, deviate from your intended course, or surrender into drama. Instead, it’s time to become even more devoted to your intended outcome …
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of cosmic creatives and lunar lovers!
This month we’re entering a period of independence, expansion, and major growth, says Melinda Lee Holm. Find out how these tarot cards explain July 2017 …
We’ve come to the long, hot days of Summer! After the fine-tuning inner work of June, which helped us gain clarity and perspective, July is set to help us move into the public realm.
We’re set for a month-long journey of independence, expansion, action, and collaboration.This can be a great period of growth, both personally and professionally, if we tune in to the energy and amplify the signal in our daily lives.
:: 7/4 Independence Day- Ace of Swords ::
On July 4th, we celebrate the signing of the country’s Declaration of Independence, and it’s a great opportunity to declare our own personal independence. Let’s honor our chosen allegiances with all the bravado of a fireworks show – loud, beautiful, and unapologetically ostentatious.
The Ace of Swords has just the energy we need to pull off this grandiose project. As the symbol of the pure, primal power of the element of Air, the Ace of Swords promotes decisiveness, mental clarity and acuity, and effective communication – all incredibly powerful tools for gaining and lovingly asserting our independence.
Calling in the Ace of Swords:
Carry Aquamarine to promote clear communication of your needs and boundaries
Wear a Joan of Arc medal – the saint is not only a great representative of independent spirit, her coat of arms bears a single sword and crown
Eat garlic to strengthen the body’s physical and energetic immunity to sickness and negative energies
Listen to your favorite music while working or doing household tasks – create your own personal soundtrack!
:: 7/10 Nikola Tesla Day- Hanged Man ::
Nikola Tesla was an incredibly gifted scientist who did not live to see his achievements recognized in profit or prestige. In many ways, he helped to expand our world, announcing proof of the possibility of wireless communication in 1893 and working for decades on a plan to supply power wirelessly – and free of charge – to the entire world.
His ideas were far ahead of his time. Some we have not caught up to even now. The world needed to wait and to slowly change its view of what is possible before it could understand Tesla’s gifts.
The Hanged Man carries the wisdom the world needs to catch up to those ahead of their time. Counterintuively, we don’t need to race to catch up, rather we need to slow down and shift our thinking so we can expand our realm of possibilities.
Like The World (that we looked to last month), this figure has its legs held in the shape of the symbol for Jupiter, planet of expansion. But the expansion here comes from a conscious shift in perspective and a major dose of patience.
Calling in The Hanged Man:
Rearrange the furniture in your home
Take a new – and longer – route to a familiar place
Sleep with selenite by your bedside to open up expanded consciousness in your dream state
Try a food you’ve never tasted
:: 7/20 Mars in Leo- Knight of Wands ::
The entry of impulsive Mars into the fiery, confident sign of Leo can be extremely useful for pushing forward on big goals, especially those that have been delayed by overthinking or self-doubt.
Mars is the planetary keeper of elemental Fire energy – action based purely on intuition – and when coupled with Leo’s fearlessness, he can be an incredible ally in getting projects completed and promoted.
We have just over 6 weeks to harness this energy. To take full advantage of all it has to offer, we look to Fire of Fire, the Knight of Wands. Knights are the activators of the Tarot court. They seek to bring the energy of their element out into the world. The Kinght of Wands gallops boldly through life fueled by the pure conviction of his intuitive knowing and his unrelenting need for action.
Calling in the Knight of Wands:
Carry carnelian to promote the firey warrior spirit within
Eat spicy food
Go for a run or a brisk walk – get your blood pumping with forward motion
Wear warm colors to activate the lower chakras
:: 7/30 International Day of Friendship- 3 of Cups ::
The International Day of Friendship was started in 2011 by the United Nations to promote peace and understanding between nations. This unifying intention can be honored in our personal lives as well by drawing our friends and collaborators near and expressing thanks for their presence in our lives.
The 3 of Cups is the perfect guide for this celebration of togetherness. We see 3 women dancing in a circle, holding their cups high, surrounded by the fruits of a bountiful harvest. It is a lesson in the abundance that comes from joyful collaboration.
Settle into your cozy zone and wrap yourself in a cosmic hug. The 2017 Cancer New Moon wants you to harness the power of your feelings and know that you are worthy of some super sweet loving, says Sandra Sitron.
New Moon :: June 23rd 2017 :: 10:32 pm ET :: 2 degrees Cancer
This New Moon wants you to learn that you have emotional stability—you can feel your feelings, express your feelings, process your feelings, and move on.
Just as the waves of the ocean keep on coming, you can let yourself ebb and flow. The ocean tumbles and moves but it is vast and powerful. Allowing yourself to process your feelings can give you power and security too.
Carry a basket. Fill it with nostalgia. A glass jar filled with a dream. A fragment of a memory. The outline of a kiss. A love note and sticky lollipops and glitter that won’t go away. Devoted puppies, a collection of ribbons, and a foggy window. Put your love for others and your love for yourself into the basket. Put the basket on your alter as an offering to the Moon.
The Cancer New Moon has got you gathering up the memories of things that help you feel close, nurtured and taken care of. Cancer collects nostalgia because it feels like home. It feels like nurturance. The metaphorical basket holds proof for your subconscious mind that you are loved.
Let this energy help you set intentions for loving yourself, nurturing your family relationships, and settling into your cozy home zone. Learn to nurture your inner child. By taking care of that little one, you build up real emotional security within yourself. Bring your inner child to work with you. Bring her to yoga. Take him grocery shopping. Remember a time when you needed nurturance and visit that baby version of yourself with a kind word and a hug.
Let this moon phase inspire you to wrap yourself in a bear hug and hold yourself tight. You are dear. You are darling. Find a way to believe that you are worthy of nurturance and love just because you are alive.
Affirm this truth for yourself and let the gossamer moonlight of it shine out of the cracks in your armor …
New Moon conjunct Mercury A spider writes words in a web. The nurturing New Moon is drifting close to quick-witted Mercury. This aspect inspires us to communicate the message of our heart. Speak what you feel.
Charlotte the spider from Charlotte’s Web is a maternal friend who nurtures Wilber the pig and saves his life through quick wit and well-placed words. What part of yourself do you need to rescue with your words or thoughts? What matter of the heart do you need to speak aloud? What emotion could use a little logical reframing?
New Moon conjunct Mars Riding a zip-line. Momentum is building. At this Moon phase you get an opportunity to set intentions in motion. The conjunction of the Moon with Mars is going to put some serious fire behind these intentions. Craft them well.
Stay focused on your goal, just as if you are riding that zip-line. There is one route to take, so fly! Don’t get distracted by unnecessary aggression or self-flagellation. There is too much energy that can be used to plant new seeds and help them grow.
New Moon square Chiron Handfuls of cotton swabs. The cotton is clean and you are ready to tend to those old wounds. The New Moon is giving side-eye to the wounded-healer Chiron. Chiron reminds us of our old wounds, so that we’ll remember to heal them. The sensitive Moon may not appreciate Chiron’s relentless assertion that the past must be healed. But she’ll agree that this Moon-phase of fluid emotion is a good time to get those feelings moving.
Seek out cathartic release. Find the energetic, spiritual, mental, physical and emotional support that you need. Remember that most kinds of healing — whether it’s a bruised knee, a broken heart, or an ancestral wound — are like peeling the quintessential onion. Take steps and allow it to happen in its own time. Let the New Moon energy help you nurture yourself in the process.
Use the questions below to dive deeper into the lessons of the 2017 Cancer New Moon. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see which house holds 2 degrees Cancer …
Aries or New Moon in the 4th house What thought needs to change for you to feel more at home in your body or in your space?
Taurus or New Moon in the 3rd house How can you activate your curiosity? Write down three questions you would like to investigate the answers to.
Gemini or New Moon in the 2nd house Is anything blocking you from developing your self-worth?
Cancer or New Moon in the 1st house What are your goals for leadership this year?
Leo or New Moon in the 12th house When do you need to get out of your own way? What blocks are you allowing to confuse things?
Virgo or New Moon in the 11th house What are you ready to contribute? How are you feeling called to be of service?
Libra or New Moon in the 10th house What structure do you need to create for yourself this week?
Scorpio or New Moon in the 9th house Make a list of the books, quotes, authors, philosophers, teachers and resources that inspire you. Keep it as a reference.
Sagittarius or New Moon in the 8th house What are you ready to release? Find a kundalini yoga kriya online to help you divine the answer.
Capricorn or New Moon in the 7th house Is there a relationship in your life that could benefit from more balance? Would it be helpful to set a healthy boundary in this relationship?
Aquarius or New Moon in the 6th house What healthy habits are you ready to begin with a view to committing to?
Pisces or New Moon in the 5th house What can you pour the heart and soul of your creativity into today?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.