Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with Sandy Sitron’s Numinous Weekly Horoscopes …
Photo: Quino Al
Capricorn // Capricorn Rising Churning butter. As you put in the effort you will discover that you are creating something good. There’s a process to this work. There must be faith. You must churn and turn for a while without seeing any result. But then it will begin to take shape. Be patient, trust the process. Take things step by step. You will be successful, if you continue to apply yourself.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius // Aquarius Rising A fragrant perfume catches your attention. Train all of your senses. Make your senses more sensitive! You can do this by being present and staying attentive to the moment. Careful not to multitask too much. One thing at a time and truly pay attention to it. You will feel more balanced and more aware. In the end that balance will lead to clarity and mental rest.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces // Pisces Rising Candy land. A place where trees are lollipops and rivers are chocolate. Dreams and visions may be dancing through your head. Spend time imagining. Let your mind wander. You may have some ideas come through that are almost like “downloads.” These ideas will help you understand your next step or something important that you can contribute to the world.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries // Aries Rising Carrying a flame. Keep the fire going. The fire is your inspiration. It’s your motivation. If you let it die out, you’ll have a harder time gearing up again. So stay inspired by keeping your goals and your dreams written down in front of you. This will help you illuminate your purpose and help you continue to take steps forward. Feed your inspiration and stay in motion.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus // Taurus Rising Building stepping stones in a garden. The stones represent your path forward. The garden represents creativity. This is a time to be creative, fertile, spontaneous, and abundant. Make and create, make and create. Yet, at the same time, understand why you are motivated. What is your philosophical path? What deep philosophy inspires you and keeps you interested in planting flowers?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini // Gemini Rising A fish in deep waters. Eyesight is less important in the dark depths of the ocean. And when you make it so far down into the depths, the pressure increases. Close your eyes and look within. What emotions need to be noticed and released? Once you gain awareness of the feelings, it’s so much easier to feel them fully, and with gratitude, let them go. Take your time, but be diligent.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer // Cancer Rising Adding more feathers to a pillow. Plump up the comfort. Offer the cozy pillow to a darling partner. This is a moment to understand your patterns in relationships. You love to care for others and be nurturing. Now is the time to gain mental clarity around this pattern and any other patterns. Do you need to set up some new healthy boundaries? Make yourself truly comfortable.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo // Leo Rising Jumping on a trampoline. You can jump on a trampoline for fun or for exercise. Understand your motivations when it comes to your healthy practices. Sometimes we need to motivate ourself to do things that are good for us. What’s your motivation? And how will you follow through on your health goals? If possible, try to make these healthy practices fun. Having fun is deeply important for you.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo // Virgo Rising A penguin sliding across the ice. Even if things feel chaotic and out of control, there is actually order. This moment is prime for finding the balance between structure and surprises. Let yourself slide around a little bit, and try to have fun while you work with the situation at hand. Remember that you are “on time” and that you do have a plan. See if you can let the plan happen without controlling the process.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra // Libra Rising A kite dancing in the air. Without someone guiding the kite from the ground, it would just fall down. The more grounded you are, the better you’ll become at flying your kite. You can be grounded emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. From a solid foundation comes beautiful expansion. Don’t skip any steps. Find a sense of graceful security and then fly high to reach your goals.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio // Scorpio Rising Looking down from a cloud. It’s time for perspective. What a great thing! To get above the daily grind and see the big picture. When have you had perspective in the past? What helped you take that mental leap? Can you recreate that experience of seeing the big picture? Understand that you aren’t just these thoughts and this moment. Perspective will help you feel peaceful and serene.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising Choreographed fight moves. A whirling mass of beautifully timed kicks and punches. You make it look so easy. You are moving with great coordination. Keep crossing off the items on your to-do list. Keep moving toward your goals in a strong and graceful way. You can succeed right now if you understand your physicality. Take breaks. Find alignment. Be consistent. Get it done.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Building on the recent Capricorn New Moon’s soulful sweat, the 2019 Aries Waxing Moon invites us to get friendly with friction and persevere for our passions, says Jennifer Racioppi …
Photo: Tyler Nix
Waxing Quarter Moon // January 14 2019 // 1:45am ET // 23 degrees Aries
2019 wasted no time before it dropped us off in the deep end of the cosmic transformation pool. Kicking off with a Saturn/Sun conjunction, an immediate entrance into Eclipse season, and Uranus stationing direct with a square to the nodes of fate, January has been a robust initiation into the most profound sense of grit and resilience.
With the 2019 Aries Waxing Moon punctuating the halfway mark between the most recent Solar Eclipse, and the upcoming Total Lunar Blood Super Moon Eclipse, the last in its series in Leo, this Waxing Moon is a check-in point that provides a vital moment to put your feet on the earth and ground down. In Mars-ruled Aries, conjoined with Uranus, it might feel a wee-bit volatile, possibly even angry. Because of this, nurturing your passion remains a non-negotiable.
No matter how hard things might feel, trust that this too shall pass. You have everything you need to go the distance …
// The Cycle // This Waxing Quarter Moon harkens back to the 2018 Aries New Moon. Think back to April 15, 2018—what intentions did you set then? This opening square to the Sun should bring growth and stimulation to goals set then. What did you set in motion then that relates to what’s beginning to sprout in your life now? Tend to the crops that are starting to fruit. They need to be your most important focus.
// The Transits // At the time of this Waxing Moon, Saturn, Mercury, Pluto, and the Sun form a dense stellium in Capricorn. Thankfully, Neptune in Pisces sends a soft beam of support to this otherwise, rigid, and robust configuration that’s commanding you to drop the façade, get real, and work hard (possibly harder than you ever have in your whole life).
On the more easeful side of good luck, Venus, the planet of love, meets up with Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion. Yet despite these aspects that take the edge off, this Waxing Moon’s connection to Uranus and to the nodes of fate, is reminiscent of one of the most difficult astrological energies we’ve experienced over the past decade: the Uranus-Pluto Square. This aspect took place from 2013-2015 and triggered massive political change. With Uranus remaining in Aries for only six more weeks, this Waxing Moon is one of the last throwbacks to this challenging configuration. Lean into the challenge.
// The Square // The Sun in Capricorn, only 7 degrees away from Aquarius, commands respect. With the Sun creeping closer and closer to the South Node, which brings past actions and their subsequent karmas front and center in your life, now’s not the time to take your eye off of your goals. Instead, keep a steady focus on what you most want, need, must do, this lifetime. This Aries Waxing Moon might feel super angsty, especially as it conjoins Uranus, but don’t let the angst push you in the wrong direction. Yes, you might need to surrender what you no longer need, or what isn’t working. However, don’t turn against yourself. Or your goals.
// The Opportunity // With the Leo Total Lunar Eclipse just one week away, it’s not the time to hope for easy, but rather to trust that you have what it takes to rise to the occasion. Even with the Moon waxing, which generally connotes a time of gains, the cosmic broom also wants to sweep away that which you no longer need.
While this Waxing Moon will shine a light on the positive seeds you planted with the 2018 Aries New Moon, overall this is a tough, hard-edged astrological moment. So if it feels challenging, let it. Don’t take it personally. Instead, dig in and commit to your truth. Grit, a combination of passion and perseverance, means staying ferociously committed to your goals. Lead with tenacity.
Discover more about astrologer and success coach Jennifer Racioppi and her work HERE and follow her on Instagram.
The King of Wands asks us to master our raw power and become a channel for wise creative force, says Brandon Alter … Cast using the Prisma Visions Tarot
Some of the cosmos’ most emotionally intense astro babes, Moon Pluto people dive deep and love hard, says Aliza Einhorn. Find out if you’re one of them and how to navigate the depths …
Photo: ActionVance
WHAT IS A MOON PLUTO PERSON? In my early 30s, I got an astrology reading. It was my second one ever, I think. The astrologer took one look at my birth chart and said to me these words: emotionally intense! He was eyeballing that Moon Pluto conjunction in Virgo in my First House.
Please don’t fret if my astro-jargon is confusing. Here’s the gist:
If the Moon and Pluto intermingle in your chart, you’re a Moon Pluto person. This means your emotions are powerful, forceful, intense. And those emotions, at times, may get you into trouble.
Moon = feelings and Pluto = powerful. Pluto always intensifies what it touches.
YOUR CHART IS A MAP OF YOU Your birth chart is a map of your soul’s adventure in this lifetime, but also your day to day personality. Throughout their lives, Moon Pluto people are told: you’re too sensitive, too emotional, too obsessive, too serious!
The feelings can be so intense, all consuming, that we often feel we must DO SOMETHING with them, and we should, although there are good and less good options.
What I describe below may seem intense, but being a Moon Pluto person really is a gift, and I’ll tell you why: we are deep, sensitive, creative, intuitive. This is good! The depth comes from the feelings, especially the ones we don’t want to feel, the ones that may scare us and others too. This world is rarely equipped to handle such intensity and passion pouring out of a single individual.
It’s up to you to save yourself, my darlings, but I can help …
ARE YOU A MOON PLUTO PERSON? The following is a general and not exhaustive list for how to identify a Moon Pluto person in the wild.
*Note: if you respond to what I’m saying here, but can’t claim any of these chart placements, your Moon-Pluto-ness is likely showing up in some other way in your birth chart. Also, additional chart factors can tame or exacerbate one’s Moon Pluto intensity.
Does your birth chart have any of the following?
1// The Moon in aspect to Pluto somehow, someway In astrology, the most talked about aspects (aspects = how the planets in your chart relate to each other) are the conjunction, square, opposition, sextile, and trine.
The first three are noteworthy for the challenges they bring, and the last two for their helpful or lucky qualities. Although the conjunction may be the most disruptive and the sextile or trine the easiest to integrate, ALL Moon Pluto mash-ups make you a Moon Pluto person.
The conjunction Truth: You feel everything intensely and need constructive outlets for your passions. Or else!
Risk: You blow up at people. You blow up at yourself. “Alone forever!” you cry.
The square Truth: Emotions are as strong as with the conjunction, but held in. They get buried like bones in the yard until they rise from their graves like the figures on the Judgment Tarot card!
Risk: Trouble identifying exactly how you feel, but feeling the churning and burning within. It’s not heartburn and yet it is.
The opposition Truth: Most Moon Pluto people get bullied at some point in their lives, but the opposition aspect brings particularly formidable (i.e. scary) foes.
Risk: Staying too long in bad, bad relationships. Many Moon Pluto people are at risk for getting stalked, in guess you were wondering why this has happened to you over and over.
The sextile + trine Truth: Congratulations! You’ve won the Moon Pluto lottery. The sextile and trine are less angsty overall. You have the positive traits of the other placements and fewer of the extremes.
Risk: No known risks except that depth and sensitivity are rarely in style for long 😉
2// Moon in the Eighth House Because we associate the Eighth House with Pluto, Moon in the Eighth is a Moon Pluto combo. You feel. You feel deeply. You obsess. You keep secrets about those obsessions. You’re a natural medium. You know stuff. Spooky stuff. Lots of it.
Life Advice: Use your magical powers for good.
3// Pluto in the Fourth House Because we associate the Fourth House with the Moon, Pluto in the Fourth is a Moon Pluto combo. This is the tumultuous-home placement. If you were born with Pluto in the Fourth, there was trauma in childhood. You experienced it or witnessed it or both.
Life Advice: Find that safe and secure home to call your own.
4// Moon in Scorpio Another Moon Pluto mash-up because Scorpio is associated with Pluto. Does anyone really know how you feel? Enigmatic on the outside. Fiery cauldron on the inside!
Life Advice: Learn to let go. As much as I LOVE telling Geminis to meditate (usually the last thing they want to do), I love teaching Scorpio Moons about letting go, whether of unrequited love or vengeance.
MOON PLUTO MAGIC So now what? What to do with all the tzuris? Here are five ways to soothe your aching Moon Pluto soul:
Art. It doesn’t matter what it is, whether you paint or write or fire dance, make crystal grids. Even housework can be artful. You must EXPRESS YOURSELF. I call it “getting the poison out.” When you create something, you get the Moon Pluto whirlwind out of your body.
Talk. It doesn’t have to be a therapist. It doesn’t have to be an astrologer, tarot reader, healer or anyone you pay. You can talk to a friend, to a stranger at a cafe, as long as your person listens, doesn’t judge. Moon Pluto people feel shame for feeling so much and not always able to master it. They need good people around them.
Heal. I know this may sound like a stretch if you’ve never considered it, but Moon Pluto people are healers. Maybe it’s crossed your mind and you’ve never explored it. Explore it. The healing you give the world could be with your words, your voice, your touch, but I guarantee that you heal yourself by healing others.
Study. Most Moon Pluto people I know are interested in mysticism or magic. You have natural psychic ability and psychic development will not only interest you, but soothe you too. When you study the occult, it’s like a mirror. You see yourself. Find a class on-line or in person or a few good books.
Sweat. Move your body. This is one more way to express those powerful emotions and one of the best ways to release what’s inside of you. It’s an exorcism that you do for yourself. Best if the movement leads to sweat and even tears (blood not required).
Dear Moon Pluto people, I promise you’re not doomed! You can create your life — not in spite of your intense emotions but because of them. With them! Include them in your world and you’ll be the happy happy Moon Pluto person you were always meant to be.
Aliza Einhorn is the author of The Little Book of Saturn, published by Weiser Books, and is a practical mystical astrologer and tarot reader with clients all over the world. She assists spiritual travelers with their dark nights of the soul, help witches refine their spells, and answer questions about love, loss, and life purpose. Find her at Moon Pluto Astrology, and on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with Sandy Sitron’s Numinous Weekly Horoscopes …
Photo: Johny Goerend
Capricorn // Capricorn Rising Brick and mortar. Brick by brick. Step by step. You only need to do one thing at a time. Be present in the moment. And trust that you can do the work you need to do. Pay attention to the pressure that you put on yourself. The work gets done step by step. You can’t go faster than you can go. Set an intention for how you want to feel and then take it one step at a time.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius // Aquarius Rising Eating grass. You must nourish yourself. A cow eats grass— it seems nourishing, but not exciting. Find your joy in the simple and nourishing things that you can do for yourself. What kind of nourishment does your soul need? It’s probably not junk food or binge watching TV. Feed your soul the things that lift your heart and help you feel connected.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces // Pisces Rising A ping pong table. You need to go back and forth on some ideas. Brainstorm. Talk it out. Collaborate. Connect. When you go back and forth on some ideas, you’ll find that you suddenly have a whole new vision. Let yourself sit in uncertainty, but keep the ball moving forward. That way you’ll cover all of the possibilities and feel out the right next step.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries // Aries Rising A duck bobs its head, looking for fish. When the duck turns itself upside down, its tail feathers stick straight up in the air. Even when you feel backwards and like you don’t know what you’re doing, you’re still reaching great heights. You just might not be able to see it yet. Keep working. Be diligent. Eventually you’ll see how far you’ve come. You are making definite progress.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus // Taurus Rising Laughing and clapping. Sometimes joy needs to be punctuated by a strong physical movement. This could be a moment for celebration, if you’ll let yourself feel it. Punctuate the moment! Skip, dance, run, slap your thigh, clap, jump in the air. Be very expressive and remind yourself to celebrate, even if it doesn’t seem appropriate. Use your body to uplift your mood.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini // Gemini Rising A bunny hops down a hole. The bunny spends a lot of time hidden away. Follow the rabbit. What mysteries does your own heart hold? If you follow your feelings, they’ll lead you to the source. Sit with your feelings in the dark, quiet burrow of your heart and heal. This process will help you trust yourself and others. It will improve your self worth. It’s time for self-reflection.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer // Cancer Rising Peanut butter sandwich. Two pieces of bread stuck together like glue. It’s time to examine how you “stick” to other people. That just means, how do you partner? What kinds of patterns do you find yourself in? This is a conscious examination, so conversation, journaling, or talk therapy may help you discover a new level of harmony in partnership.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo // Leo Rising A row of dominoes. When you push one domino, they all fall down. This is like life. When you get out of whack with nutrition, energy levels may come crashing down. When you are strapped for time, you may spend more money. Everything is connected. Now is the time to put some order in the basic mundane habits. Just make small improvements.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo // Virgo Rising Puffy clouds. A vision of a cartoon sky. This is the symbol to play and have fun. Watch cartoons in the afternoon. Skip rope. What would just be fun to do? The fun thing should be totally extracurricular. When you practice following your heart, you learn to de-stress. And anxiety fades away. Find excuses to laugh and have fun. Make joy your medicine.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra // Libra Rising A pontoon boat. A boat like this is flat, and often it features an observation window to survey the bottom of the lake. Stand on the boat in the still waters of your emotions, and peer deep into your heart. What can you do to slow down? How can you be more tender with yourself? Rock yourself gently, just like a baby, and watch every emotion swell up.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio // Scorpio Rising A constellation. A series of stars, connected by imaginary lines. Those lines hold mythic importance in the cultures that treasure them. But they don’t really exist. Or do they? Examine your deep beliefs. We all think that our beliefs are real. Until we question them. There may be a few of yours that are ready to be questioned. It’s time to redraw the lines.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising Heavy footsteps. This is a symbol of power and strength. You have an opportunity to re-evaluate your worth. Get really clear about your values. Step strong and stand tall. Look yourself in the mirror and talk yourself up. You’ve got this. You’ve got resources. You’ve got value. You can make it happen. Keep the momentum going. Build up your self-worth.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
The 2019 Capricorn New Moon is an invitation to build structures that support our soul work, and let leaning into the limits lead to liberation, says Sandy Sitron …
Photo: Jordan Whitfield
New Moon :: January 5 2019 :: 8:29 pm EST :: 15 degrees Capricorn
Careful creases etched in a fine linen paper. Unfold a paper airplane to discover its construction …
On January 5th, 2019 we are graced with a Capricorn New Moon. The Sun and Moon are joined by a line-up of Capricorn soldiers, Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto. All of these planets are activating the sign of hard work, responsibility, structure, utilization, and success.
That means that now is the time to take things apart and look at the underlying structure. Do it so that you can achieve higher heights and better craftsmanship. Your perfect structure will put wind beneath your wings and help you become successful.
An important factor of this symbol is that it describes copying the structure of an existing paper airplane. The process is less creative than just imagining a paper airplane from scratch. That’s important, because at this New Moon there might be a feeling of being limited. There might be a sense that you can’t create freely.
That feeling of restriction may trigger feelings of pessimism and limitation. Just maintain awareness of these emotional tendencies. If you notice them, remember that they are temporary. It is a practical and serious time that is perfect for making solid plans. These plans will help you upgrade, so that you can achieve your highest purpose.
With the Moon making a harmonious glance to Neptune, the planet of dreams, intuition and spirituality, look to your faith for emotional support. Sometimes an overflow of Capricorn energy can make you feel like you need to be scrappy and resourceful. It can make you feel that the weight of the world is on your shoulders. The little voice in your head may say, “You’re not doing enough! Work harder!” Instead of giving that voice full attention, use this Neptunian wave of magic and inter-dimensional insight to help you dream your way out of the effort. Ask your spirit guides for support. Interpret your dreams for guidance. Meditate.
The paper airplane symbol shows that with practicality, the right materials, engineering skills, a plan, and a little hard work— you can take flight. You can cruise up above eye level and gain a little perspective.
Put in the effort to understand the proper steps. Evaluate the materials and resources you have. Operate with caution and practicality at the forefront. With hard work and expert planning, you can create something that is greater than the sum of its parts.
Remember not to let the heightened responsibility of this time drag you down emotionally. Your ultimate goal is to utilize your resources and take your life experience to the next level …
Moon conjunct Pluto A healthy weed. Strength, power and vivacity. Deep within your imagination there exists a version of yourself who is a resilient fighter. A strong and prolific beast who will keep on going, no matter how tough it gets. Connect with that part of yourself. You are strong. You can keep going and keep growing and find your way to the sun. A weed can be tenacious and beautiful. Power through and flourish
Moon conjunct Saturn The appendix of a book. Go into the back of the book and read all the notes. There is more information that you need to know. You can’t skip any parts and you can’t skip any steps.
Hidden away in the back of the book is an author’s note. It’s not meant to be read or found, but it must be included, either because of law or custom. It’s a note about fear.
Fear is often hidden in the fine print, on the pages that nobody reads. But it’s an important driving force that leaves its emotional imprint everywhere. If you are thorough and you pay attention, you’ll find that you notice when fear is raising its ugly head. When you notice how fear is having an impact, you can face your fears and they will dissolve. Then it will be easier to be successful. Look for hidden fear everywhere, in every emotion or every resistance that you have.
Moon Sextile Neptune A child is caught up in a day-dream. Give yourself space to moon about and dream. There is a build-up of pressure at this New Moon and there is work to be done. But you won’t get there through logic alone. You can harness your intuition, your dreams, and your emotions for extra oomph. Feel into it. Feel into what you need to do and how you need to do it. Get yourself emotionally ready. Through this right-brained process, you’ll find that your work is more effective.
With Eclipse Season firing up once again, the Page of Swords Rx invites us to trust in who we really are so we can get down to the work we came here to do, says Brandon Alter … Cast using the Prisma Visions Tarot
Dive into this month’s medicine for your sign with our Numinous Tarotscopes January 2019, cast by Melinda Lee Holm. Artwork: Prince Láuder
Art: Prince Láuder
Happy Solar Return, Capricorn! You’re starting your year with a major clearing. How major? The depth and breadth and even the volume (spatially and aurally) are all up to you. The beautiful thing about the Judgment card is that it is self-directed. You are the one called to do the digging, to clear the clutter, organize, and finally make some informed and clear decisions about what stays and what goes. This means that if there are some areas that are too sensitive or too fresh to go digging around in right now, you simply focus on another area. One where the soil is loose and easy to move, free of heavy boulders and buried wires. You can choose some light weeding over a major excavation.
However, I do want to challenge you to look for the places that are juuuuuuuust barely ready, that you can push along a little further to get there. This is a major opportunity to make some space for things you want to actively invite into your life this year, while letting go of some long overdue extra baggage. We all have our security blankets – physically, emotionally, and spiritually – and they all have a life cycle. Look around for the tattered remnants of fabric that have started to drag you down more than they lift you up. Launch an expedition to the back of your closet and the bottom of the pit of your stomach to dredge up any rusted treasure you’ve held onto for too long. Then release it back into the wild and step lightly into your future.
Capricorn stone for January: Fuchsite creates a nurturing atmosphere for the heart to open and release any baggage or past woundings. It helps us to accept the past and move forward with compassion.
My dear Aquarius, you are being called to bring a gentle start to the new year. Temperance is one of those cards that makes me instantly release stress. My Cancer Sun and Taurus Moon are attracted to the message of moderation, to not push too hard, to enjoy some quiet even in the midst of pressing deadlines and social calendars. I welcome the reminder to take a step back, pull my foot off the gas, and get a little better view of the horizon before deciding which way to steer the wheel. Are you with me? I am betting on it that you are. Your desire to stoke the flames of freedom in yourself and others makes you well primed to enjoy a chance to gain new perspective that can help feed that fire.
Throughout this month, keep an eye out for ways you can pull back to center. In work, home, love, and all the spaces in between, even out the energy through schedule modifications, dietary shifts, and a full accounting of habits, conscious and unconscious. I can feel you becoming skeptical of what could look like a month of restriction, but remember – this is all in the service of making sure that you have the best possible view on your current standing and situation so you can make informed decisions about how to move forward toward greater independence. Freedom from the constraints of tradition can only truly come when we take the time to examine where we are unthinkingly following a path out of habit, whether that habit comes from our culture, our family, or ourselves. Examine, reflect, and balance it out.
Aquarius stone for January: Amber bathes all that comes into its orbit with warm solar energy. It grounds us in the collective history of life on Earth so we may share in its strength and balance.
Oh, Pisces, you luscious, compassionate dreamer. Your year begins with the promise of eternal hope, the ancient Divine feminine splendor of The Star. The 8-pointed star is an ancient symbol of the Great Mother, passed down through the ages to represent such notable goddesses as Lakshmi, Ishtar, and Venus. In the Tarot we receive the wisdom of all iterations of this yin energy through their shared glyph. What greater gift than the hope of creation, restoration, nourishment, reconciliation? It’s a gorgeous outlook to have, particularly at this moment in time, and for your particular personality type. Your great big heart wants to see and to share the best in everyone and everything. You are being invited to indulge in that optimism and hope.
How can you put this into action? For starters, allow yourself to see the good all around you with a pure heart and without fear of being disappointed. Am I guaranteeing you wont be disappointed? Absolutely not. I’m a Tarot reader, not a psychic. I can’t tell you what will or will not happen. What I can tell you is that hope and outcome detachment are not mutually exclusive. Re-read that sentence for me. Now go forth and hope for the very best in and for yourself, your loved ones, and the world! And when you do, every time you do, tack on this little sentiment to the end: “… I will do all I can to help this come to pass while accepting any outcome with a gracious heart.” Practice makes perfect!
Pisces stone for January: Purpurite elevates consciousness into the ethereal realms, bringing heightened spiritual connection, and the freedom that comes with it, into daily life.
You’re kicking off the year with a dose of intellectual wisdom, dear Aries. The classic Smith illustration is of a blindfolded woman, conveying what some see as a binding or restriction of her senses. I see her as more of a Jr. High Priestess, able to make a temple anywhere she goes using only the power of her own boundaries and mind. I have a trick I use for coping with traffic. When I see someone driving like a maniac, I say out loud “oh, I hope everythng is ok!”, framing their behavior as a response to an emergency, in which case it would be appropriate. I know the chances of them having an actual emergency are slim to none. I also know that I will never know for sure and that this framework keeps me calm and I prefer to feel calm. Instant mobile temple.
How can you reinforce the boundaries of your mind this month, Aries? Do you need to revise any policies about what goes in and what comes out and when? Your drive to express yourself is an enviable asset. This month gives you a moment to pause and consider whether your current mode of expression is accurately transmitting your message or if there are ways you could be refining the medium and method of delivery. This shouldn’t be a heavy thing. If it feels that way, then take a step back and ask for any areas of improvement to be gently revealed to you. We want this to feel more like a fun puzzle than a final exam.
Aries stone for January: Azurite brings a clarity of mind so sharp and profound that it can crack open insights into the Self and the world that blur the line between observation and psychic knowing.
First, Taurus, let me say congratulations. This year it seems we are moving on from the lessons of Earth that fed you all through last year. And no sweeter way to make this transition than with the gift of pure true love. You know very well that true love exists in all areas of life, not just the romantic realm. True love can exist with and between between friends, family members, animals, and, particularly for you, the perfect meal and throw blanket. Love is the ultimate extension of comfort, the feeling that you are completely in the right place at the right time in the right company and that somehow you have been all along. It makes us feel that we are not alone in the world.
This month, spend as much time as you can with people you either know you love or suspect you could. Accept invitations to dinner parties and small gatherings, places where you can actually have a conversation with someone. Be the first to say hello. The more you offer the more you can receive. Think about how big a wave you can make with the force of your Watery push and see how it returns to you after bouncing off the shore of another heart. You could make real, deep connections now that benefit your life in untold ways. I’d even suggest taking the romance question out of it altogether and simply looking for that true heart connection in terms of general human relationship. After all, that’s where anything worth pursuing romantically is going to come from anyway.
Taurus stone for January: Blue Tourmaline opens connection with the Divine realm in the service of bringing peace and heightened emotional awareness, and can help resolve emotional trauma.
GEMINI // GEMINI RISING King of Pentacles
Plant those seeds and watch them grow, Gemini! You’ve got a serious green thumb this month. Exactly what type of seeds is completely up to you, though I highly suggest you keep it in the realm of Earth. This means thinking in terms of practicality, projects, and goals grounded in the material world that you can see and touch. Work is a great area to focus on, but so is anything related to your home. You have access to a certain kind of manifesting magick. The King of Pentacles won’t bestow special powers upon you. It’s more like it allows you to recognize the special powers inherent in other people and things, so you can organize your goals around the bounty of skills and supplies in your immediate sphere.
The really great news about this energy is that once you’ve channelled it to sort out your seeds and plant them, it kind of carries the progress forward for you from there. If you take advantage of it this month, you could be feasting on the fruits of your labor for the rest of the year. So, while you’re dreaming and scheming big and long-term, keep your January to-do list focused on the preparation and launch of your pursuits rather than getting into the actual execution. Exercise trust and patience and emphasize quality over quickness. Sometimes it feels like we’ve been waiting forever to mold our dreams into reality (and sometimes that is accurate!) Instead of letting that wait get you down, try to focus that energy into a devotion to nurturing your goals like you never have before.
Gemini stone for January: Amazonite connects the heart and the throat, allowing communication of deeply held desires within and with the world, paving the way to true abundance.
CANCER // CANCER RISING Seven of Pentacles
Time to throw those shoulders back and hold that head high, Cancer! You are spending January overcoming doubt in your own creative abilites. A great way to begin is by applying the old advice to “fake it til you make it” to your physical body, taking on the posture of confidence on the outside and allowing the receptors in your brain to pick up the cue and carry that feeling to the inside. The fear of failure or even worse, harsh criticism, can keep you safe in your shell, mitigating risk and stifling opportunity. This month is your chance to set a new normal for the year, to break through the glass ceiling you’ve built for yourself and climb on up to the next level.
First things first – eliminate the words “can’t” and “should” from your internal dialogue this month. You don’t need them. They color throughts with unnecessary limitations. Get creative and more specific with your self-communication. Something seem impossible? Get into exactly why (finances, times, etc) instead of blanket statements that send messages about inherent ability and worthiness. Get in the habit of talking about your goals in the present tense (“I am writing a book” instead of “I want to write a book”) and see how quickly you start forming habits that make these statements true. You are an emotionally fueled being. If you follow your heart, Cancer, the productivity will follow and your self-doubt will melt away. This life is yours. Go out and build it!
Cancer stone for January: Cavansite illuminates inner truth, allowing greater understanding of oneself and one’s abilities and true potential, and can help with gaining access to ancient wisdom.
LEO // LEO RISING Five of Cups
Be kind to yourself this month, Leo, and allow plenty of time to sink into some watery realms that may be unpleasant or uncomfortable. You are now ready to mourn some old emotional wounds you’ve likely been avoiding for quite some time. Sometimes when we’ve been hurt deeply, it is necessary to pack away the emotions in order to get through our daily lives. It is simply a fact of life that we are not always in a position to process our emotions in real time. But at some point, in order to stay healthy and continue to grow as people, we need to go back and recover what we felt and do the work to integrate the lessons and wisdom offered by the experience. That point in time is now.
You can do this work at your own pace, take small bites and chew them thoroughly before digesting, but make sure you begin right at the top of the month so you have as much time and space as possible to do this work. If you don’t know where to start, pay special attention to what comes up over new year’s. There’s something about the one-two punch of the holidays followed by the pressure of glitz and resolutions that tends to illuminate some areas ripe for emotional growth and renewal. How you process is up to you – therapy, journaling, magick, nature, spa therapy, talks with friends, etc. – you just have to do it! Put that Fiery nature to work to motivate and look forward to a fresh emotional start.
Leo stone for January: Jetpurifies energetic environments, lightening a heavy emotional load and clearing the way for the development of and will to harness personal magickal talents.
Ooooo, I like this start to 2019 for you a LOT, Virgo! As a native Virgo Ascendant, I speak here from personal experience and love. Stepping off a cliff with perfect trust is not your strong point. You prefer planning. You’re good at it. You can spot a potential wrench in the works from a mile away and almost instantly conjure a solution to avoid or soften it. This month, I want to invite you to set that skill aside and embrace the art of wandering. Opt for curiosity over cunning and allow the world to take you on an adventure. Avoid making advance plans where possible, and instead see what comes up last minute. Trust that the Universe will place you where and with the company you need to expand into the new year.
Keep this as light-hearted as you can. Make it easy. Instead of bringing your lunch to work, wander down the street and see what you find. Take the train instead of driving. Got to the movie theater and buy a ticket for whatever film plays next. Order the special. While these may seem like silly or inconsequential ways to embrace The Fool, they work to set new patterns in your thinking and physiology that will let this energy seep into more serious area of your life, leaving you more open to exploration in matters of career, home, and love. This is where the magic is. Sometimes all of us need a little nudge from the Universe. Too rigid a stance can prevent us from feeling it.
Virgo stone for January: Serpentine loosens attachment to markers of identity and patterns of behavior, allowing movement into a new realm of action and existence free from past boundaries.
Libra, my beauty, to assist you in integrating your lesson for January, I’d like to impart on you some wisdom from one of my very favorite humans, RuPaul. At the end of each episode of his show, we are asked the rhetorical question “If you can’t love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else?” It’s catchy, it’s wise, and it’s poignant, reminding us of all the times we thought we had loved and lost when really we were the ones we were searching for all along. I want you to keep this in mind as you head into a month of conquering doubts in your own heart. I find that of all the Sevens, the Cups can be the most challenging, mainly because emotion is so personal and intangible. It’s impossible to measure, difficult to assess progress.
All through this month, be looking for ways to love yourself more completely, more truly. Find out what makes you feel adored, cherished, appreciated. Be a great lover to yourself. As you do, keep track of what makes you tick, what words make up the vocabulary of your heart. Then, armed with this information, you can begin to hold others to these standards, to notice immediately when someone isn’t speaking your same language, and not spend too much time getting lost in translations. Know that any doubts you have around what your heart desires or is capable of can be easily overcome when you simply devote your pure, unconditional love to your own heart first.
Libra stone for January: Pistachio Opal promotes regeneration of mind, body, and spirit, particularly around the heart and emotions. It eases feelings of guilt and fear, bringing deep calm and inner peace.
You catch more flies with honey, Scorpio! January has you opening up that gorgeous heart and letting it shine down on everything you want to grow in the coming year. The Empress teaches us that true abundance comes when we feed the object of our desire – a creative project, new business, home improvements, wider circle of friends, anything – with love. It can be frightening and even stressful to open your heart this radically, especially for someone whose heart runs as deep and dark as yours, but with some practice and patience with yourself, this can be an extremely fruitful exercise. The main thing is figuring out exactly what is represented by those proverbial flies so you can beam that love with laser focus and not get burned or burned out.
Spend the first few days of the month figuring out what you want to grow this year. The custom of new year’s resolutions usually has us thinking of things we can cut out (resolving not to eat sweets, drink alcohol, waste time, etc), but your focus will be only on what you want more of. Did that grab your attention? I am inviting you to be an absolute glutton for what makes you feel content, accomplished, loved. The trick is, you have to show and tell your appreciation for these things and people out loud, in the open, for all the world to hear. The Empress asks us to be as bold as we are discerning in our declarations of love.
Scorpio stone for January: Black Moonstone carries the energy and wisdom of the New Moon, asking us to open our hearts and our intuition to find what it is we are ready, willing, and able to manifest.
You’ve got the gift of gab this month, Sagittarius, and the clarity of mind to back it up. Air of Air, the King of Swords is blowing into your sphere to sort out any tangled thoughts, clouds of confusion, or mixed messages that have been floating around. I spend a lot of time trying to get clients to stop trying to “figure things out,” to bring that figuring down out of their head and into their heart and their gut. We humans like to solve puzzles with our big brains and it can be difficult to break the habit. Fortunately for you, you are being invited to lean HARD into that innate human desire and scheme and ruminate and solve as much as you can stand it – and to share your findings with anyone within ear shot.
The communication piece of the element of Air is key. All of those internal musings are really just communications with yourself, transmitting ideas back and forth between different intellectual frameworks and points of view. Communicating internally and externally with clarity and purpose is extremely satisfying both for the person sending and receiving the message. This month is an excellent opportunity for you to polish up and send out any messages that you’ve been wanting to get across. Be sure to take time to dig up any past misfires to get them cleared up and to make sure your words are not only clear and concise, but crafted to communicate with love. The last thing you want is to have an errant word cut into someone, causing them to hear only the pain and not the truth of your message.
Sagittarius stone for January: Muscovite stimulates mental activities and connects them to intuition and the spiritual realm, ensuring all problem solving and new ideas are grounded in Divine wisdom.
Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with Sandy Sitron’s Numinous Weekly Horoscopes …
Photo: Ferenc Horvath
Capricorn // Capricorn Rising A flock of white doves are released into the air. Make peace with yourself. Calm the nagging voice in your head. Give it a vacation. And instead say, “I am enough.” “I work hard enough.” “My work has meaning.” Perform a ritual release of anything that doesn’t bring you peace. Then fill the skies of your mind’s eye with visions of serenity. If you don’t give yourself peace, who will?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius // Aquarius Rising The swelling waves. Your emotions rise up. Now is a chance to listen to the yearning of your heart. Often your mind space is the most activated, but currently your heart space takes center stage. Ride the waves of emotions and be present. Retreat into your feelings. In the long run, staying with your emotions instead of running will bring you much-desired clarity.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces // Pisces Rising Carrot sticks. The carrot sticks represent good decisions. Set your goals and visions for the future, then go after these goals step-by-step. Make sure your actions are simple, well-defined, and highly beneficial. Start exactly where you are and move along from there. All you need to succeed are a vision and plan. Follow through with the simple good decisions.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries // Aries Rising A beacon of light. Some inspiration will help. You are meant to follow your dreams to the highest apex of success. But it’s hard to motivate if your inspiration isn’t clear. Focus your mind on your true motivating factor. Inspiration is fire. Connecting with it will help you achieve. This is the time for achievement, so get fired up and take action.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus // Taurus Rising A pilot lands the helicopter on a bed of flowers. Journey through beauty and make a soft landing. You need to go somewhere, yes. But if you try to push without paying attention to serenity and balance, you’ll have a hard time. Stay focused on what pleases your senses. Explore new horizons and feel good in your body at the same time. Honoring beauty, pleasure, and serenity will help you expand.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini // Gemini Rising Two birds pull at a twig. Notice where there is a power play. You can put down the twig and just go find another one. When we are caught up in trying to maintain control, we lose our center. Control is a sneaky thing, so look very, very closely to see where it’s coming up. Then surrender. You have everything you need. Trusting yourself is the answer.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer // Cancer Rising Finding gemstones in a mine. There is reward if you’re willing to do some digging. The beautiful gemstones glimmer in the distance. You are almost there! This reward is specific to your personal relationships. New patterns of healthy communication and harmony are available if you keep chipping away. Keep working. Keep digging for the truth and find a better way of communicating.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo // Leo Rising A slide on a playground. Climb up many steps and then enjoy a pleasant ride down to the bottom. You create your own friction when your ego gets in the way. Try to take it easy. Try to let yourself off the hook. Many things can be less complicated. Take the steps you need to take, then let yourself coast without the friction of self-criticism.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo // Virgo Rising A sunflower. This is a symbol of brightness and celebration. So, go ahead— get yourself in the mood! Peel back every petal of self doubt and you’ll find optimism at the center. You’ll find your way through challenges by celebrating first. Focus on the celebration and the work will get easier. Focus on the fun and the responsibilities become a game.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra // Libra Rising A hand print. Look for fossils of the past. It’s good to stay present in the moment. but sometimes you also need to conduct an emotional review. Slow down and feel feelings from the past. Take your inner child by the hand and offer them emotional support. It may seem like an unnecessary detour into the past, but it’s the only way forward.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio // Scorpio Rising Elementary school students. Make yourself into a good listener. This week, turn your senses into antennae. When you open your mind, you’ll find that there are many things that you need to know. There are other possibilities. There are new methods and approaches available. You have a lot to learn, so ask questions and invigorate your curiosity.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising A busy highway. This is a wonderful moment to move ahead, but the road is already full. That’s not an issue, as long as you can share the road. Don’t worry about who or what is in the way, just focus on your pace, your cadence, and your motivation. You are so close to finding your own niche. Trust your resources and the path will become more defined as you go.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
This year rocked us to our personal and collective cosmic cores. From sex tarot 101 to the future of masculinity, our Best of the Numinous 2018 charts the course …
Photo: NordWood Themes
1// Spread ‘Em: Sex Tarot 101: Alessandra Calderin gave us a crash course in casting cards between the sheets …
3// How To Work With Your Lilith Sign: Rebecca Farrar’s astrological guide led us back to our unbreakable inner wildness, during a year when we needed it most …
7// Coming Home To My Hoodoo Roots: Growing up British but with her family history in Mauritius, Stephanie Victoire’s journey to reconnect with her Hoodoo roots finally led her home …
11// What Is The Future of Masculinity?: As we grappled with how to dismantle patriarchal oppression, trans man and diversity and inclusion activist, Aaron Rose, shared his vision for the future of masculinity …
Waning Quarter Moon // December 29 2018 // 4:34 am ET // 7 degrees Libra
The last Waning Quarter Moon of 2018 highlights the dichotomy between drive, determination, and the quest for power (Capricorn), and the desire for balance, harmony, and justice (Libra).
As the Moon travels through Libra, the Venus-ruled sign of the scales, forming a 90-degree square with the Sun and Saturn, both in Capricorn, she’ll provoke you to stand up for yourself: your values, your desire for pleasure, and your truth. The 2018 Waning Libra Moon leaves little room for nonsense.
Embrace this lunar opportunity as a chance to get real, and right, with your soul …
// The Cycle // As we close out 2018, we end more than just another year; we also wrap up an over 2-year-long lunar gestation cycle. This Libra Waning Moon highlights the consequences of actions taken on the September 30, 2016, Libra New Moon.
On October 7, 2016, the Washington Post published an article about Donald Trump and Billy Bush having “an extremely lewd conversation about women.” Now here we are, in the midst of Trump’s presidency, as the USA undergoes a governmental shutdown, General Mattis’ resignation/expedited termination, and, all of this happens as the country awaits the results of Bob Mueller’s investigation into President Trump’s potential collusion in the 2016 election.
It’s clear that we may be arriving at a critical turning point in the Trump presidency. You are likely at a critical turning point in your life too. Claim your truth and move forward accordingly.
// The Transits // 2019 begins with a whopping solar eclipse Jan 5 at 15 degrees of Capricorn, happening right between Saturn, the lord of karma, and Pluto, the planet of transformation. This planetary formation commands that truth be revealed, and abuses of power healed. The current, pre-eclipse, Libra Waning Moon squares a Saturn-Sun combination. As hard truths reveal themselves, embrace them.
More provocatively, Venus, the planet of love (and ruler of the Moon in Libra), makes a harmonious angle to Pluto, the planet of power. This angle between Venus in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn amplifies lusty desires and the urge to experience sexual pleasure. Cosmic sexual healing, anyone? Sacred sex can bring deep healing, and the release of oxytocin through orgasm can detoxify the body of what it no longer needs.
At the same time, Mars, the ruler of personal will, conjoining Chiron, aka the “wounded healer,” might stimulate feelings of shame. Thoughts like, “Is it ok to want what I want?” or “Am I too pushy, too needy, or too much?” could potentially stand in the way of you enjoying yourself.
Allow yourself to hear and understand what your voice of shame sounds like. Get to know her. But don’t let the voice of shame win. Bow down to the voice of truth instead.
// The Square // The Sun and Saturn sit very close to one another in the sky, amplifying the impact of the great planetary task-master. The Libra Moon, which has a fierce need for justice, squares Saturn, commanding both literal and figurative sobriety.
Get quiet and listen to the voice of truth emerging within. Purify yourself, mind, body, and spirit, so you can hear where your inner voice most concretely wishes to lead you.
// The Opportunity // Remember that you have two options when it comes to reconciling difficult feelings and emotions, especially shame: you can talk out your feelings and thoughts, or you can act them out. Choosing to talk things out now, helps you make better decisions later. It also opens you up to acknowledging what you no longer need, want, or desire, and makes room for you to enjoy Venus’ luscious connection with Pluto, and its potential for healing through pleasure.
Libra, a justice-oriented sign that craves beauty, love, and relationship, isn’t shy when it comes to standing up for what it believes. Consider what’s coming full circle in your life right now. Perhaps it’s year-end related. Maybe it correlates with actions taken years ago, around the time of the 2016 Libra New Moon.
Shed the lies and limiting beliefs that have kept you playing it small. Whether it’s the old pair of socks or the relationship that pulls you into toxic dynamics, again and again, let this Libra Waning Moon act as a cosmic vacuum cleaner sucking up the dirt. With the new year just a few days away, choose to embrace the openness and sobriety of truth. With the world at a critical political moment, staying in a healthy place, mentally and emotionally, supports you on your individual path.
The upcoming Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse in Jan 5 invites you to conjure and create a life that reflects the most real sense of who you are. Start preparing for it now.
Discover more about astrologer and success coach Jennifer Racioppi and her work HERE and follow her on Instagram.
As we cross the threshold into the new year, Judgment Rx asks us to embrace the irrevocable changes inside of us and awaken to a brand new way of being, says Brandon Alter … Cast using the Prisma Visions Tarot
As we close out the year, the 2018 Cancer Full Moon is a rich opportunity to give ourselves the nurturance we deeply deserve so our fortified root systems can support new growth, says Sandy Sitron …
Photo: Sasha Freemind
Full Moon :: December 22 2018 :: 12:50 pm EST :: 0 degrees Cancer
Dig a deep hole near the root system of a tree. As you dig, you disturb the old growth. You disrupt the system. You will plant a seed in this hole.
It’s not easy to plant new life among old growth. The established roots create barriers for the little seedling. This old root system may not seem like fertile ground. But life will find a way. Plant your seed and gemination will occur. A new way becomes incubated. New life develops next to old growth.
At the Full Moon, the Capricorn Sun opposes the Cancer Moon. Cancer is the sign of nurturing new life. Capricorn is the sign of old established growth. These are the two parents of the zodiac. Cancer gives tenderness and love, and Capricorn gives discipline. This is your opportunity to balance nurturance and structure.
A Full Moon creates pressure as two opposite signs create a push-pull. A tug of war. In this case the question of opposites is, how will you be kind and firm with yourself at the same time? Kind and firm, just like a good parent. This weekend, you may find opportunities to re-parent yourself.
The image of the seed planted among the roots of the tree describes the new emotional pattern that you can nurture within yourself. You’re not starting fresh. You’ve got old habits, patterns, and conditioning to contend with. But you can re-parent yourself and nurture a new habit reaction.
At this Full Moon, there’s pressure. It’s coming in from all directions. Instead of avoiding it, sit with it. Sit with the emotional aspect of the pressure you’re under.
For example, if you are feeling the pressure of “not enough time,” what’s the emotional story that goes with that? If you’re feeling pressure of “doing a good job,” how does that actually feel? Like shame? Fear? The pressure of “I’m not good enough” has a feeling quality. What is it? Even celebration has its own kind of pressure. Sometimes we have a feeling that the event or party has to be really good, and the stakes are high. What’s the emotion around that?
The first step to re-parenting is to sit with any feelings instead of avoiding them. Befriend those feelings. Notice where they reside in your body. Take a few deep breaths. Relax into the feelings. Don’t run away.
Allow yourself to visualize these emotions as a form of energy that floats just outside of yourself. Now see this energy form as yourself as a child. What age are they? What do they need? Talk to this version of your inner-child with a compassionate and firm voice. Give them the support that they need. Give them the love that they need. Explore how you can begin to take care of the child-like part of yourself better on a daily basis. How can you nurture yourself more?
This is your big work at the Cancer Full Moon. Steady yourself by loving yourself more. Find new pathways to connect with and nurture your inner child. This process will help you find the alignment that you crave in the New Year. It will help you strengthen your root system and develop new growth within yourself.
Moon square Uranus Shoulder no burdens. It’s time to shake it off. Transmute the disturbances to your energetic field. Release and heal. This is a moment to start fresh, like a newborn.
You have been growing and developing. Time continues and we age. But we can continuously go back to the beginning and start fresh. Through deep love and compassion for self we upgrade and innovate the old patterns. This is a time for an electrical re-start.
Use the below “I feel” statements to get deeper into how the 2018 Cancer Full Moon is speaking to you. For the most accurate reading, look to the House that holds 0 degrees Cancer in your chart. Don’t have you chart? Calculate it for free HERE.
Aries / Aries Rising / Full Moon in the 4th House “I feel nurtured and safe when I …”
Taurus / Taurus Rising / Full Moon in the 3rd House “I feel exceptionally curious about …”
Gemini / Gemini Rising / Full Moon in the 2nd House “I feel completely worthy of …”
Cancer / Cancer Rising / Full Moon in the 1st House “I feel more confident when I …”
Leo / Leo Rising / Full Moon in the 12th House “I feel myself moving on from …”
Virgo / Virgo Rising / Full Moon in the 11th House “I feel inspired by people who …”
Libra / Libra Rising / Full Moon in the 10th House “I feel ready to take responsibility for …”
Scorpio / Scorpio Rising / Full Moon in the 9th House “I feel excited about exploring …”
Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising / Full Moon in the 8th House “I feel sexiest when I …”
Capricorn / Capricorn Rising / Full Moon in the 7th House “I feel fully seen and understood when I …”
Aquarius / Aquarius Rising / Full Moon in the 6th House “I feel healthiest when I …”
Pisces / Pisces Rising / Full Moon in the 5th House “I feel the most love when I …”
As we move ever closer to the Solstice and New Year, the 2018 Virgo Waning Moon tempers Sagittarius Season with a precious pause. It’s prime time to purify, refine, and clear the decks for personal freedom, says Jennifer Racioppi …
Photo: Graham Hunt
Waning Quarter Moon // November 29 2018 // 7:18pm ET // 7 degrees Virgo
As the Sun blazes through the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius and 2018 passes through its denouement, the Virgo Waning Moon invites you to embrace a life purification process.
While this Virgo Moon’s sense of organization, discipline, and attention to detail might feel contradictory to the larger-than-life influence of the current Sag stellium (the Sun, Jupiter, and Mercury are all traveling close to one another in this live-and-let-live sign of fun), leaning intoVirgo’s austerity will accelerate your path towards the freedom you most crave.
With just a few weeks remaining before the Sun enters Capricorn, use this time to organize your life. You might consider purging your closet, refraining from making big year-end purchases, limiting your intake of alcohol and sugar, and letting go of toxic relationships.
Take a stand for your truth, and let the rest go. Staying disciplined now sets you up for success at the start of the new year.
// The Cycle // In personal development circles, the idea of “becoming our best self” often equates with a journey of acquisition. Gaining the job/relationship/status/fill-in-the-blank becomes the objective. However, this journey towards achievement requires sacrifice too. Sacrifice means to release something of value to create or receive something of equal or more significant benefit.
While the Waning Moon often goes unnoticed, this is a critical time between the last Gemini Full Moon, and the upcoming Sagittarius New Moon. When used intelligently, this Moon is the missing ingredient in manifesting your New Moon wish. It asks you to make a sacrifice in order to achieve the freedom you ultimately desire.
In purity driven Virgo, this Moon commands discipline. As we inch closer and closer to the upcoming Solstice, consider any indulgences that are holding you back from the growth you crave most, and eliminate them. Yes. Choose to change. Now. (Not after the clock strikes midnight on January 1st).
// The Transits // This Waning Quarter Moon happens at an exciting astrological moment. In the days leading up to this turning point in the lunar cycle, the Sun and Mercury (who’s retrograde) aligned in a perfect conjunction with Jupiter, the planet of growth, elevating the potential for expansion!
However, Mars the planet of action, squares this trifecta of awesome, and opposes the Virgo Moon, creating a t-square. This is a fancy way of saying that the freedom-seeking Sag Sun needs to slow his roll! Traveling through mutable Pisces, Mars ushers in a deeper understanding of the values driving the desires for gains.
While this might require a sacrifice in the short term, in the long term it will deliver on Jupiter’s promise of freedom during his yearlong transit through Sag. While sacrifice can sometimes feel punitive, here it offers liberation.
Mutable signs indicate change, and require you to engage with your transformation process (not just wish for it from the sidelines of your life). To support this, the Virgo Moon makes a perfect trine to Saturn in Capricorn and, simultaneously, Mars in Pisces sextiles Saturn. These harmonious angles with growth-through-sacrifice Saturn indicate that discipline trumps freedom now.
// The Square // Virgo vs. Sagittarius is a classic battle between austerity (Virgo) and abundance (Sag). Both signs are mutable, meaning they prepare us for change, yet beyond that, they share few similarities.
The Virgo Moon aims to purify, reminding us that our emotional needs can be met through release. This is amplified by the fact that it’s the last Waning Quarter Moon before the Solstice, and this idea of surrender syncs perfectly with the metaphor of dwindling light.
Sagittarius, on the other hand, resists discipline in all forms. With a go-big-or-go-home motto, the Sag Sun drives merriment, not surrender. Yet, given Saturn’s essential participation during this Waning Moon, take this time to tune into the Virgo opportunity for purification. 2019 begins with the Sun and Saturn conjoined, meaning Saturn’s influence isn’t going anywhere. So we might as well honor him now and get a head start on the journey ahead.
// The Opportunity // Like the Moon, which wanes back to new, surrendering the light of the Sun in the process, we have to learn how to yield to our rebirth, again and again, month after month. And often our resurrection depends upon our ability to let go of something we cling to, to make room for something we want.
With this Waning Quarter Moon in fastidious Virgo, forming a mutable T-Square with the Sun and Mars, our egos might feel a wee-bit under the gun—which makes total sense. However, honoring Virgo’s mission to call out old habits, patterns, people, and behaviors that once served you but now block you is critical to your growth trajectory—even if your ego despises this.
This Virgo Waning Moon presents the perfect cosmic moment to surrender into faith: to let go of something, or make a sacrifice, on behalf of what you most desire.
Your freedom hangs in the balance …
Discover more about astrologer and success coach Jennifer Racioppi and her work HERE and follow her on Instagram.