The first 2019 Libra Full Moon brings a moment of forward motion on your mission to align more closely with your Self, says Sandy Sitron

March 2019 Libra Full Moon The Numinous Sandy Sitron
Photo: JR Korpa

Full Moon // March 20 2019 // 9:45 pm EDT // 0 degrees Libra

Climbing and climbing. You are paving your own way up the mountain. The sun beats down and reminds you that you have skin. Your exhalations are heavy as you ascend.

On March 20, we have the first 2019 Libra Full Moon (there are two this year). It occurs as the gate opens to Aries season and we step into an astrological New Year with the Vernal Equinox. This 2019 Libra Full Moon is taking you on a solo hike. You are blazing your trail, healing your wounds, and working with your inner rebel, all the while seeking mental clarity and balance.

This hike is a metaphor for any place you are taking action in your life. On some level, the sheer effort you are taking on reminds you of your life force. Your life force is how you “do,” “act,” and “be,” without impacting anyone else. During Aries season, this translates to: “I climbed a mountain, I am alive!”

Where are you taking action in your life right now? This is the path of your ascension. Can you let yourself just “do” without judging your own actions? A part of you needs the freedom to simply make it happen. So take a chance. It’s right there. Get moving.

It seems peaceful enough on this journey, but there are secretive shadows along the edges of the trail. You may find yourself wondering: who is hiding out there in the nooks and crannies? What is going to leap out and attack me?But the real question is: what has been hiding out on the inside? During this Full Moon in Libra, past wounds and insecurities may rise to the surface.

You can’t control what’s triggered, but you can soothe the source. Use your memory to travel back in time to the small child who felt unsure and afraid. We all harbor ancient fears that rise up here and there. Comfort yourself with words of love and encouragement as you climb.

Now, you reach the top of the mountain. Notice the clean, cool air. You’ve always known this is what you were aiming for—and now that you’re here, it’s time to cultivate an equanimous state of mind. Meditate. Give gratitude for the efforts and actions that brought you here. Focus on your breath. Create your own inner peace.

Meditation is so key at this time, as your goal now is to stabilize. To do this, simply stand on the balance beam and forget to ask yourself if you’re balancing.

So, now you’re settled into meditation at the top of your own mountain. The climb has been challenging. The dangers along the path have been faced. But it was all an act of self-expression that has led you back to yourself. Back to your own crystalline clarity. Your moment of oneness and balance with all that you are.

A Libra Full Moon is technically supposed to be about relationship. And it will be. But make this moment, now, about honing your relationship with yourself. You are dealing with your old scary monsters. You are taking the actions that make you feel the most alive. This is how you will find inner balance and show up authentically in relationship to others.


Moon opposite Chiron
The secretive shadows alongside the trail. Will something jump out?
The old triggers get activated. Notice that they are the same ones, always. And that if you run toward them instead of away, they become much less scary. This 2019 Libra Full Moon brings a chance to tend to your old wounds. To go deep, down, and under. To the past. To the source. To show up for who you were then and to forgive yourself.

This is deep inner work and no one should explore these caverns without a buddy or at least a harness. You’ve got options, so find the support you need. And if you tangle toes with someone who’s avoiding the deep work, but who is getting triggered and acting out, you’ll at least have a frame of reference for what’s going on.


Moon inconjunct Uranus
Driving a flying saucer.
Do you know how to work this thing? The controls are foreign and the starship has unearthly functions. Your emotions might be like the flying saucer at this 2019 Libra Full Moon. Normally you have a pretty good sense of how your feelings work. But now you’re traveling in another dimension.

You’re being asked to get used to a new way of navigating emotional territory. It might feel out of control at first, but just keep trying. Even if you get frustrated. Eventually you’ll push enough buttons that you figure out how to drive your ship forward at warp speed, and from there, everything will become possible.


At the Capricorn Waxing Quarter Moon, step away from toxic dynamics and focus on what you need to fulfill your 2018 mission, says Jennier Racioppi

Capricorn Waxing Quarter Moon 2018 Jennifer Racioppi The Numinous astrology
Photo: Tiffany Combs

Waxing Quarter Moon // October 16 2018 // 2.01pm ET // 23 degrees Capricorn

The Capricorn Waxing Quarter Moon brings with it fierce medicine. With the Sun traveling through the last days of Libra, squaring the moon in the Cardinal earth sign of Capricorn, the cosmos is asking us to name our obstacles and make intelligent decisions.

With harvest season coming to an end and winter soon to set in, now is the time to surrender the dead weight, holding onto only that which remains vital to your mission.


The cycle
This Capricorn Waxing Quarter Moon sees us reach the halfway mark between the last New Moon in Libra, and the upcoming Full Moon in Taurus. Simultaneously, it reaches back to the first New Moon of 2018, which occurred on January 16th at 26 degrees of Capricorn, asking us to reevaluate goals we set right at the beginning of the year. With Samhain (Halloween) fast approaching, marking our descent into the darkness of winter, this waxing quarter moon commands us to take stock of how far we have come bringing these hopeful New Year’s intentions to fruition—and make any necessary adjustments.


The transits
With the sun at 23 degrees of Libra, the final degrees of this cardinal air sign, we reach the end of the Sun’s transit through the sign of balance, harmony, and justice. Simultaneously, Libra’s ruling planet Venus, currently in her retrograde cycle, conjoins Mercury in Scorpio, while squaring Mars in Aquarius.

This mashup of planetary energy encourages brave naming of truth. This is not the time to avoid or deny, but rather, boldly claim what YOU know as the truth. Fortunately, with these aspects, circumstances speak for themselves; especially with shadowy Pluto being needled into a big reveal by its square to sun, while conjoining the intuitive moon.


The square
With the Sun in Libra squaring the Moon and Pluto in Capricorn, this Waxing Quarter Moon asks you to take charge and move forward fearlessly. Any dysfunctional or toxic dynamics will be revealed for what they are, allowing you to disentangle yourself from the web of deception. The good news is that little guesswork will be needed as you walk towards the light. Trust that it’s safe to take things at face value and go with your instincts.


The opportunity 
In the words of Maya Angelou, “When someone tells you who they are, believe them.” With Venus Retrograde, the Sun and Moon squaring in Cardinal signs, while Pluto (the mistress of the underworld) is conjoining the Moon, now’s the time to break free from deception. Rather than letting things slide as you remain committed to someone’s “potential,” choose to fearlessly name and digest the truth instead, making decisions from a sober mindset.

Healthy new choices will stem from profound realizations during this Waxing Quarter Moon. With the mid-way point of the fall season so close we can taste it (hello pumpkin spice almond milk latte), seek to  ready yourself for the restorative tucking in of the coming winter months. Surrender anything (people, beliefs, situations) that feel toxic to you. Let go of the clutter in your home. Ready your mind, body, and spirit for the fullness of the winter months promise.

Meanwhile, as you look to the months ahead, ask yourself these questions:

-How has 2018 gone so far?
-What goals or intentions did I set with the first New Moon of the new year?
-What obstacles do I currently face in bringing my dream to fruition?
-How can I make the most of the time remaining this year to bring my dreams to reality?


Discover more about astrologer and success coach Jennifer Racioppi and her work HERE and follow her on Instagram.


Libra Season 2018 brings an opportunity to embody our contradictions and make peace with the parts of ourselves we may prefer to disavow. Bess Matassa shares the key astro happenings for the month to come.

Rainbow face The Numinous Libra Season 2018 Bess Matassa
Photo: Matheus Ferrero

Unleash your lightsabers and clarify your castles in the sky. Libra Season 2018 marks a potent moment for reconciling our contradictions, so we can learn to dance a new and delicious tango with our wildest dreams.

Represented by the zodiac’s only inanimate object, the scales, Libra gifts us with a mirrorball perspective that can see for miles. This sign is sometimes positioned as a romantic dreamer, but the energy we move through collectively during Libra Season is about letting the air move freely around us, testing the temperature and humidity before we attempt to alter a single thing.

With Pluto stationing direct in Capricorn on September 30, and Venus starting her retrograde roll through Scorpio October 8, the temptation might be to quickly “tidy-up” any messiness. But this is actually a season for deeply integrating whatever you see as your contradictions, and for remembering, that even when we feel most estranged we’re all in this human experience together.

So sidle up to what’s true for you, right here, right now, as if it were your most adored lover. And then ask what seems farthest from you to cuddle up closer, too. In the words of Friday Night Lights’ Coach Taylor, “clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.” We can dream this dream together when we first dare to stand completely, and unashamedly, face-to-face …

Listen to the full Libra Season 2018 report from Numi resident astrologers Bess + Sandy HERE and use the below dates from Bess to get the quick and dirty on the season’s 4 key astro events …


Pairs figure skating The Numinous Libra Season 2018 Bess Matassa

Sun in Libra (9.22-10.22) // Pairs Figure Skating  

Libra Season teaches us to embrace what we think of as our polar opposite, and to delve into the dynamism of blending shades of grey to meet our very own middle. Celebrate complimentary combos with everything from peanut butter and jelly, to jeans and white tees, to the catch and release of Olympics pairs figure skating. The latter matches brute force with high-artistry, and sends us reeling for the winners podium based on our ability to both follow and lead.


Mermaid underwater The Numinous Libra Season 2018 Bess Matassa
Photo: Vincent Anderson

Chiron Retrograde Enters Pisces (9.25) // Mermaid Chic

Chiron is the zodiac’s neverending wellspring of emotional tenderness, reminding us that our secret shames are actually our superpowers. With Chiron in Pisces, the feels are all too real, and we may find ourselves perpetually poised to dissolve into saltwater tears. But the cosmic siren ultimately reveals that when we commit to diving deep with both our pain and pleasure, we can hold more than we ever imagined. Loosen your grip on a buttoned-up self-concept with ombré locks and iridescence, as you fluidly navigating every last deep-sea feeling.


The Numinous Libra Geology Grand Canyon Season 2018 Bess Matassa
Photo: Joe Gardner

Pluto direct in Capricorn (9.30) // Plate Tectonics  

Pluto is the zodiac’s most potent transformer, while Capricorn represents the glacially-paced mountains of competence and self-sufficiency. Together, these forces are asking us to consider the macro-level shifts we’re ready to affect in our emotional patterning. This is way bigger than our individual lives, and connecting to this karmic consciousness can actually come as a source of major relief. What patterns are you ready to rupture that can help to liberate your entire soul lineage? What have you inherited that you know in your blood and bones is not yours to carry? Connect to these megawatt rock movements with a little dip into middle school geology class.


Night shadows The Numinous Libra Season 2018 Bess Matassa
Photo: Larm Rmah

Venus retrograde in Scorpio (10.5-10.31) // Pat Benatar’s Shadows of the Night

Whenever a planet travels retro, we’re asked to invite it to an overnight slumber party that brings us into more intimate communion with it. As Venus governs pleasure, beauty, and all forms of relationship, use this time to explore any tender spots around issues of self-worth. And while Scorpio is usually thought of as go deep or go home, full-throttle lava flow, Venus’s slow roll through this sign in October re-acquaints us with the sweet refuge of our inner dark places. Tread softly through what scares you, and support yourself the same way you would a beloved.


Gemini season 2018 invites us to choose our own adventure—and with Venus in Cancer and Mars in Aquarius summer begins with a nurturing, humanitarian vibe, says Bess Matassa

Rainbow hair in the wind Gemini Season 2018 Bess Matassa The Numinous
Photo: Keenan Constance

Prepare your lightning rods, Numiverse. Gemini Season 2018 asks us to slip, slide, and shimmy to catch every available angle of prismatic light. ‘Tis the cosmic season for loosening our grasp and rising softly to meet the magic moment, exactly as it is with exactly what we’ve got.

Sensitized by Venus moving through seashelled Cancer, the eccentric electrical empowerment of Mars in Aquarius, and a sweet aspect between dreamboat Neptune and wild pony Jupiter, Gemini Season 2018 offers us the chance for an entirely different relationship to change. Rather than a burn-it-to-the-ground, all-or nothing tornado, can you simply shift yourself into a new feeling tone, a more saturated shade of sensation? You’re ripe and ready to taste the rainbow. Step outside to greet the shifting weather, and let it wash you clean …

Listen to the full Gemini Season 2018 report from Numi astrologers Bess + Sandy HERE in our new Astrocast podcast—and use the below cosmic crib sheet to get the quick and dirty on the season’s 4 key astro events.

**And make sure to check out our latest Numiversity Astrology Course—MERCURY: YOUR COSMIC VOICE COACH, available only during Gemini Season 2018. Complete with custom astro info for your Mercury sign, hypnosis, tarot, and more!


Rainbow puddle Gemini Season 2018 Bess Matassa The Numinous
Photo: Jesse Bowser

Sun in Gemini (5/20-6/20) // Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Books

Remember those endless, sunbaked afternoons, hidden inside your proverbial treehouse, with dogeared paperbacks in sky-high stacks? Conjure the energy of middle school field trips and library walkabouts with a voyage through multiple endings. Gemini energy reveals the tender threshold, the in-between, the “what ifs?” of every situation—and also shows us that no matter what we choose, there is a rightness and alignment to the precise place on the path we’re walking. Where are you ready to open yourself wide to a surprise ending?


Mood Ring Gemini Season 2018 Bess Matassa The Numinous
Mood Ring, $40, Etsy

Jupiter trine Neptune (5/25) // Mood Rings

These two mystically-minded outer planets conjure images of ice cream swirls and psychedelic desert caravans. The zodiac’s dreamboat seekers, their energy asks us to come completely undone and let ourselves skinny dip into the unseeable, the unprovable, the “numinous” itself! Channel the shapeshifty spiritual call towards infinite expansive possibilities by sporting an old-school mood ring. Feel into your sensitive, responsive layers and shades, and then release into pure fascination without needing to understand exactly what all these colors “mean.”


Mariah Carey Gemini Season 2018 Bess Matassa The Numinous

Venus in Cancer (5/19-6/13) // Mariah Carey’s “Fantasy”

Conjure the tucked-in protection and sugared shelter of pleasure-seeker Venus tripping through salty Cancerian waters, with this classic R&B jam. Venus in Cancer reminds us that we have the right to feel 100% safe in partnership, and that our pleasure center should be a deep wellspring of endlessly tasty nurturing. Mixed with Gemini’s penchant for sampling every shade of experience, it’s a recipe for a romantic rollercoaster that’s curiously joyful rather than painfully manic. Let yourself wish for the happiest of endings, all while keeping it loose and riding the wonder wheel.


Willy Wonka Gemini Season 2018 Bess Matassa The Numinous
Photo: Naomi Tamar

Mars Direct in Aquarius (5/16-6/26) // Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory

Get ready to believe in edible wallpaper … and your own power to remake the everyday into a utopian landscape that will feed the masses. Powerhouse Mars traveling direct through outer space Aquarius takes us to the edge of what we know, so we can radically rupture with the outmoded, fly in the face of the naysayers, and give birth to a deliciously strange hatchling that will change the course of history. In the wise words of Wonka: “If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it. Anything you want to, do it; want to change the world … there’s nothing to it.”


Our NEW Numiversity Astrology Course—MERCURY: YOUR COSMIC VOICE COACH, is available only during Gemini Season 2018. Complete with custom astro info for your Mercury sign, hypnosis, tarot, and more! PLUS 10% of sales go to the ACLU, the largest organization protecting freedom of speech in America.


Happy New Year, Numi crew! Get the first astro symbol for 2018 with Sandra Sitron’s Numinous weekly horoscopes …

Red cardinal numinous horoscopes Jan 1 2018

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A cardinal dips and dives to the next tree branch. The red cardinal is powerful animal medicine, symbolizing renewal and happy relationships. The word “cardinal” comes from the Latin root word “cardos” which means hinge— the hinge that opens a door. The cardinal bird is thought to open the door to the world of spirit, bringing back messages. Capricorn is a cardinal sign, one of the four signs that initiates new beginnings, opening the door to new experiences. As you initiate a new year, open your mind to intuitive messages that can help you feel fulfilled in your relationships. The cardinal brings you inspiration on how to communicate with a partner. Let the bright bird renew your faith in love.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
A tiny frog. Take good care of your skin, you are more porous than usual and this is a sensitive time. Work on healthy habits that will help you lower inflammation and improve your psychic abilities. Drink very clean water. Paying extra attention to your physical needs will set you up well for the journey ahead. You are learning to leap higher, and so it will be soothing to know that you are starting from the solid ground of healthy habits.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
A tuning fork. You can clear the air. Clear your frequency. Use your creativity to help yourself start fresh. Every creative thing that you do now helps you align with what is truly important. Prioritize fun and playfulness and you will feel immensely refreshed. Having fun might seem “extra” or like something to do if you “have time.” But the truth is that right now it will give you a crucial energetic boost that has far-reaching beneficial consequences.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
Freshly baked bread. Nurture yourself with homespun delights. It’s not the act of eating fresh bread that’s important now, it’s the memory of it. You know on a deep level within yourself that you have been nourished at some point in your life. The cellular knowledge of nurturance is what must be appreciated now. We don’t have much time on this Earthly plane. Memory serves to help us orient ourselves between past, present, and future. Use your memory to your advantage. Sit with a memory that’s meaningful to you so that it can help you truly appreciate the present moment. It’s time for reflection.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
A canopy of fireworks. With each flare of light in the night sky, a new idea crystallizes. You are alight with new possibilities and fresh mental connections. Don’t lose momentum. Gather these ideas dutifully. Study the knowledge that’s coming through. You have an opportunity to set yourself a different mental trajectory. Watch your mind light up with possibility.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
A sparrow eats seeds, abundant on frozen ground. There are resources available to you. In this phase, stay grounded. Do activities that keep you centered in your body. With body awareness, you will tap into the abundant truth of your nature. You are safe. Clear blocks to the root chakra and discover that you have what you need. More than that, you have abundance.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Tiny flowers open up at dawn, in perfect time to the rhythm of the rising Sun. You can’t help but be on time. Here you are and here is where you are meant to be. Find peace in the knowledge that you are aligned with your internal clock. There are no missteps and every move has brought you to this perfect moment. The message is to let yourself flourish exactly where you are. Appreciation is the key. Dissolve resistance.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
Lion heart. Find your lion heart. It’s right where you left it, somewhere around the age of 5. You are still just as brave as you were then. If you learned along the way that it was foolish to feel larger than life, it’s time let go of that limiting belief. You are larger than life and so that sensation is accurate. It’s your birthright to take up space and know that you are worthy. Whisper these truths to yourself before sleep. Find your brave heart in your dreams and put it back in it’s proper place.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Cotton balls in a jar morph into cottony clouds in the sky. A deep inhale will help. If you are having anxiety it’s because the details are overwhelming. Shift your focus to the big picture. Drift to the tune of your future visions. Just let go your grip. There’s no way that you can keep all of the thoughts in order and you can’t keep up with them. So you must find a new path through. Don’t look at the trees, look at the forest. What would your most hopeful dreams have you believe? Work backwards from there.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Fireflies in a jar. You are luminescent. Light up your arena. Be vibrant in your work. But then notice, have you put yourself into a jar, a box or a trap of some kind? If so, just open the lid. If there is a trap, it’s of your own making and all you have to do is release yourself. Then you’ll be free to illuminate the world with your gifts.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A frozen pond. Wait for it. Your new beginning is so close. You just have to wait a little bit longer. The ice will melt and then spring will arrive. In the meantime, explore the new terrain. How has the landscape of your beliefs about the world changed? Search your soul for a new way of thinking about yourself. Find inspiration deep within. Then the ice will melt and your new phase will begin.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Playing hopscotch. A rhythmic dance. A game. Hop, hop, hop. The more you play the more you gain. Keep participating. Keep momentum. You may not understand why right now, but if you do it for fun, you will see a huge benefit. Follow the things that delight you. Let go of the things that don’t.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


The 2017 Pisces Full Moon wants you to tap into the creative power of your dreams, and wake up to the magic that already surrounds you, says Sandra Sitron.

Photo: Ryan Loughlin

Full Moon :: September 6 2017 :: 3:04am ET :: 13 degrees Pisces 

You are picking flowers. Juicy petals flutter to the ground. More and more petals. They come in all colors like a fan of paint chips arranged by category, number, and increasingly contrived moniker. The flower petals are so delicious they could offer you nutrition for days. You chew and chew and still can’t get enough of their gummy colors.

It’s a dream and you wake up. The flowers are no longer edible and the colors fade away. What is a dream? A trip to another dimension or a subconscious construction?

With the dreamboat 2017 Pisces Full Moon opposite the meticulous Sun in Virgo, we’re asked to explore the intersection between effervescent vision and corporeal reality.

This Moon’s message is that if you remain aware of the power of the Now, you can transcend your mundane problems and make contact with an otherworldly dimension. Once you get there, it’s easy to remember your soul’s true state of love and connection.

You just have to let yourself live in the dream. Look for the magic in every moment … 

Wash the dishes and feel every drip of water that runs through your fingers. Ride the subway and become acutely aware of the sounds the train makes as it pulls into the station. Transcend to an ultra-reality of higher sensory perception. Once you do, another version of this earthly reality will present itself.

The normal will morph into the magical. What you thought was an everyday occurrence, like picking a flower in a field, will easily become an enchanted encounter. This energy has the power to make your river of reality evaporate into a misty spiritual awakening.

It’s hard to stay grounded with a Moon like this one. But that is what you must do. Because this Moon opens a portal between reality and fantasy. Pump up your awareness of your everyday experiences so they become technicolor moments. These meditative moments will allow you to channel endless streams of creativity. Get yourself so neatly positioned in the moment that you bust right out of it and into infinity.

You are magic and every mundane breath you take can lead you to a fantastical awakening … 


Full Moon Conjunct Neptune
Children in costumes.
Playing make-believe. Activate your imagination. This aspect brings a big opportunity for magic, synchronicity, and intuitive connection. Slow way down to benefit from this transit. Allow yourself to be sleeping and dreamy. This is a great moment to strengthen your connection with your higher self.

With this aspect, it may be challenging to come up with concrete and logical ideas. But creativity is enhanced. Take advantage of this opportunity for more right-brained thinking, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you’re feeling foggy or confused.

Full Moon Inconjunct Venus
The runt of the litter.
The runt needs just as much love and nurturance as any other puppy, but luck is working against it. This Full Moon brings some frustrated energy when it comes to love and relationships. Keep focused on the lesson and the learning that can come from any challenge. Remember that maintaining a loving relationship with yourself is of utmost importance.

Full Moon Sextile Pluto
A clearly defined ritual.
Transformation is certain. The path to growth is clearly supported. The secret is to look at your shadow. Honor your full experience and don’t try to sugarcoat anything. Let yourself feel all of your feelings, while at the same time taking full responsibility for them.

The 2017 Pisces Full Moon is in a harmonious aspect with transformational Pluto, and this can help you release and let go in just the right way. Create a ritual that allows you to mark your passage into a new phase.


The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2017 Pisces Full Moon means for you. Use them as journal prompts. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 13 degrees Pisces in you chart and use the question for that house. 

***New to your birth chart? Calculate yours for free HERE

Aries or Full Moon in the 12th house 
What does your higher self have to say about an important issue in your life? Start a conversation; ask: “What do you want me to know?”

Taurus or Full Moon in the 11th house 
Are your beliefs and values reflected in your community? Why or why not?

Gemini or Full Moon in the 10th house 
What are your career goals? In what area are you ready to step up and take more responsibility?

Cancer or Full Moon in the 9th house 
When will you explore something new this week? This could be a spiritual, mental, or physical exploration.

Leo or Full Moon in the 8th house 
What are you willing to let go of? What kind of ritual can you create to allow this to happen?

Virgo or Full Moon in the 7th house 
What needs to be communicated in an important relationship?

Libra or Full Moon in the 6th house 
What new habits for health and wellness are you ready to create? What will help your being to thrive?

Scorpio or Full Moon in the 5th house 
How can you surprise yourself with your own creativity? How can you open this portal with laughter?

Sagittarius or Full Moon in the 4th house 
What message does your Inner Child need to hear to feel more safe and nurtured in the world?

Capricorn or Full Moon in the 3rd house 
What outdated belief are you ready to reframe? What internal stories are ready to be re-written?

Aquarius or Full Moon in the 2nd house 
What are your resources? Make a list.

Pisces or Full Moon in the 1st house 
In what area of your life are you ready to take action and put your full self forward?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.


In preparation for the 25th’s New Moon, the Aquarius Waning Quarter Moon asks us to look back before we charge into the future. Revisit and restructure so you can get ready to radicalize, says Jennifer RacioppiArtwork: Seana Gavin 

seana gavin collage jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous aquarius waning quarter moon

Waning Quarter Moon :: May 18 2017 :: 10:46 pm EST :: 28 Degrees Aquarius

Marking the halfway point between the 10th’s Full Moon in Scorpio and the 25th’s New Moon in Gemini, the Aquarius Waning Quarter Moon reveals that it’s essential to look backward before charging forward.

Think back to February 2015’s Aquarius New Moon. This current Quarter Moon brings those past intentions and actions into greater focus. Try to decipher what’s culminating in your life now that relates to seeds planted then. 

Simultaneously, on the day after the Aquarius Waning Quarter Moon, we will experience the second of three trines (a positive golden aspect) between Uranus, who represents revolution and freedom, and Saturn, who offers a heavy dose of structure and discipline. The first of these three trines happened on December 24, 2016, and the final will occur on November 11, 2017. This positive aspect suggests an innovative breakthrough in the structures of life. Use it to your advantage! 

:: The Sun ::
With the Sun at the tail end of steady, stable, sensual Taurus, and primed to enter quick witted and communicative Gemini on the 20th, we sit on the heels of change. As we take in the last moments of Taurus and prepare to switch zodiac signs, the Sun forms a T-square with the nodes of fate. This evolutionary configuration asks us to take stock of where we are in relation to our desires, goals, and dharma.

When the Sun moves into Gemini, it’ll be time to get into the flow of socializing, communicating, and networking. Right now, however, we have the opportunity to assess, systematize, and steadily focus our attention on where we are in relationship to our desired outcomes, and to make changes accordingly.

:: The Moon::
The future-oriented, humanitarian driven Aquarius Moon conjoins the South Node before moving into Pisces hours after this square. With the Moon in this delicate position, squaring the Sun and opposing the North Node of Destiny, forgiveness becomes paramount. As you assess your progress, have a forgiving heart. Tenderly release expectations that have not come to fruition. You need to make room for the bigger and better things just around the corner.

:: The Square ::
The Sun in Taurus squaring the Moon in Aquarius asks us to look at any friction between our desires for practicality, and our needs for innovation and humanitarian drives. The Sun in Taurus favors the tried and true path of tradition. However, the Aquarius moon wants progress, change, and forward momentum.

Since this waning square also involves the North and South Nodes, it’s essential to lean more into Aquarius than Taurus. Remember, one day after this Quarter Moon, Uranus and Saturn trine, which promotes progress and innovation. Shortly afterward, the Sun moves into social Gemini. So let progress lead the way!

:: The Message :: 

Revaluate. Plan. Innovate. Release. Surrender. Trust. With the Sun squaring the nodes of fate, and the Aquarius Moon directly conjoined to the South Node, this Quarter Moon drives us to evaluate how are doing so we can lean more fully into our progressive ideals.

This turning point of 2017 asks us to let go of what no longer serves us. Is there anything you need to release that stands in the way of receiving your intended goals? Are you ready to cultivate the prosperity and joy from all of your hard work? Under Taurus Sun’s influence, letting go is hard. But don’t let that stop you. Use this Waning Quarter Moon to make progressive adjustments.

Allow friction to propel you forward … 

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of lunar lovers at Moon Club!


Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous weekly horoscopes from Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology


Taurus :: Taurus Rising
The sun setting over rolling hills and fields. Be soothed by the idea of persistent cycles. You are always evolving to a new level of development. You are continuously changing although the pace may seem slow and the development hard to see. Know that you are growing and it’s safe to let go of the old ways. Know that you are steady at your core. Steady like the moon and stars in the sky. Steady like the sunset and ocean tides. Ever changing and ever strong.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Hands in the air, palms open, hiding nothing. It’s time to be perfectly frank. Open. Forthright. There can be a quickness and a lightness to your honesty. This is not a surrender and you don’t have to defend yourself. You are just learning to be you. Be your true self. This will help you in your relationships and your community. Find a philosophy of truth.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Brushing a horse. Maintenance. You are taking care of your biz. You are getting things in order in every area of your life; health, work, home, relationships. Get your systems in place. Self-care. Drink your green smoothie, clean out your closet, systematize your finances. Focus on the practical details now so that you can expand later.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
The stem of a flower. Delicate and beautiful, the stem of a flower normally goes unnoticed. It’s the bloom that gets all the attention. This symbol is about integral grace. Start from a philosophy of inner harmony and peace. Let that central peacefulness give you resilience and strength to blossom in full creative glory. Inner harmony leads to beautiful outer expansion.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Zig zag down the mountain. Find a new approach. The mountain is familiar, but the route is new. The astrology says that you’re finding a new approach to old conditioning from your childhood, home, or family. Let the old habit or patter die away and embrace a new path. Surprise yourself with a zig zag pattern that is totally new. It may be more efficient than the previous approach.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
A tornado takes you to Oz. It’s time to visit new horizons in your mind. A force in your life (the tornado) needs to be approached with structure and discipline. Be mentally strong as you encounter the surprises in Oz so that you can move forward on your journey. You’ll end up in a new place with more confidence than before.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Diving with sharks. Maybe you can be a shark too. Sleek, powerful, self-sufficient. What are you taking a bite out of? What are you digging into? Where are you applying force? Get out of your comfort zone. Let your bite, grip, and strength surprise you. Convince yourself of your value. Steady yourself by knowing your own worth. Let your strength come from your internal sense of worth.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
In between rows of wheat, a path is visible. Surrender to the path. Move along, move forward, move ahead. Let the path take you. In this surrender there is an acknowledgement that you are committed. You have decided. So now go. Don’t waste time wondering about your direction. It’s clear. You don’t have to stay on it forever. But just for now, let the journey be your teacher.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A stained glass window. Innocence. Naïveté. Push anything out of your mind that weighs you down. Train your thoughts to be light. Gaze at the beautiful colored light and clear your mind. Take a wildly different approach by being gentle with your sweet, innocent self. You are just one person. You can’t do it all. Lighten your load of responsibility and give yourself some time to be carefree.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Craggy cliffs on the side of the mountain. Unexpected adventure. Allow the journey to reveal itself to you. Know that the goal is more important than the obstacles. Feel dedicated to the adventure of it all. Cultivate the mindset of the explorer. Activate your desire for surprise.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Leaves floating on currents of wind. Notice the quality of the air around you. Notice the invisible. One of those invisible things is your energetic field. You make currents as you move through the world. Connect with the idea that you are bigger than your body. There are fields of energy surrounding you. You may desire energy healing or clearing. Or you may decide to meditate. Feeling connected and tuned in to your energetic systems will help ground you in your personal power. Surprisingly (or not) this will also have a positive impact on your career.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
Strawberries and diamonds. Name the thing that brings you delight. You must know what makes you delighted and you must put it on your vision board. It’s got to be in the viewfinder. You are ready to build a philosophy that can make your life more joyful and enlivening. It just comes down to whether you decide to call in the vision or not. Free will baby. Will you choose to walk toward the things that bring you joy? Will you write “I am deserving of delight and joy” into your personal mission statement?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


On May 9th, the Moon’s nodal axis moved from Virgo/Pisces into Leo/Aquarius, where it will hang out for the next 1.5 years. What’s the cosmic message? The 2017 Nodal Axis Shift signals serious heart work and a major soul upgrade, say Numi astro babes Jennifer Racioppi, Danielle Paige, The AstroTwins, and Bess Matassa …  Main Image: Hotel Saint Cecilia 

jennifer racioppi the astro twins the astrotwins tali edut ophira edut danielle paige mojave rising bess matassa ruby warrington the numinous 2017 nodal axis shift

May 9th, 2017 :: North Node Enters Leo/South Node Enters Aquarius 

Danielle Paige 
It’s time to rise up … you have big work to do in your heart! 

Every year and a half the North and South Nodes of the Moon change signs, ushering in new collective growth that’s connected to our deeper purpose and energy evolution. The Nodes in our personal birth charts are significant to our soul’s purpose. However, we are also influenced by the collective energy of the current nodal axis shift.

In the days surrounding this shift, it’s not uncommon to feel the changing of the tides so to speak. You may feel like you’re sifting through deep emotions that are rising to the surface again. This is a final cleanse for the old behaviors to make their way out. Ride the waves of the Virgo/Pisces energy and you will soon find yourself in brighter light with Leo/Aquarius territory.

With the North Node moving into Leo, you are being asked to move away from sitting on the sidelines. You are being asked to shift away from continuously searching in your mind because you have big work to do in your heart! It’s time to rise up in your creativity, rise up in your leadership, and rise up in doing what you love because in doing so you inspire others to live fully, boldly, and enthusiastically from their heart as well. It’s time to be fully present in your heart. It’s time for you to shine!

To find out more about Danielle Paige and how she can help you find your soul’s purpose, click here.


Jennifer Racioppi 
Wake up your inner strength. 

With the nodes of fate moving off the Virgo-Pisces axis, and into the Leo-Aquarius axis, we are shifting our focus from service (Virgo) and spirituality (Pisces), into leadership (Leo) and innovation (Aquarius). The north node represents our highest destiny, and now that it moves into Leo, bold, self-assured courage leads us forward (hopefully) in progressive directions. With the upcoming Pan-America total solar eclipse happening in Leo on August 21st, we will also see how this plays out on a global scale. In our individual lives though, it’s essential to wake up our inner strength and align with the highest version of Leo/Aquarius– heart centered, joyous and community-driven ideals. Here’s to the Now Age!

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with from Jennifer visit


Bess Matassa
The delicious challenge of simplicity.

Oh, little glitter kittens and sparkly disco biscuits … Leo’s energy often conjures images of endless summer and all-night tropical dance parties fueled only by our own bronzed legs and infinite capacity to shake a tail feather and raise our cups to the stars …

And yet inside of Leo’s luxurious leisure suit lies the deceptively simple call to become more of what we already are, while letting the world respond on its own terms. How do we trust so deeply in our own glowbug status that we can give it away and turn it loose without losing one ounce of our own firepower? How can we let every single other being’s own temperature and rhythm shine on and on without it threatening our own heat source one bit?

This nodal shift asks us to stand so directly and fully inside our own light that we can let the ego slip and slide and shift and explore. It’s a ghostwriting kind of cosmic event, where we give ourselves so fully to the expression of our creative, singular message that we don’t even need to sign our name.

Nodal axis mantra: I warm myself by a bonfire that never goes out.
Theme song: Eternal Flame
Style: 80s high school dance- tender pink lip gloss, fluffy touchable locks, shoulder ruffles, ankle length skirts, and kitten heels.
Flavors: Classic snack sets and sun-kissed palette cleansers with nothing to prove: vanilla/chocolate swirl, peanut butter & jelly, chips and dips, mango lassis, and Caprese salad.

Want more juicy cosmic insights and sensory explorations? Arrange an astrology reading or private event with Bess here or follow her on Instagram


The AstroTwins 
The United States has North Node in Leo in the country’s chart, so this will be a nodal return for the nation! And the last time the North Node was in Leo, Bill Clinton was on trial for impeachment (1998). We’re interested to see if this is a trend that repeats …

Get more wisdom from The AstroTwins at and follow them on Instagram and Twitter


Finally! After the relentless work of retrograde season, the Leo Waxing Quarter Moon brings some positive mojo. Step up and step out dressed in pure joy and abundance, says Jennifer RacioppiArtwork: Seana Gavin 

jennifer racioppi leo waxing quarter moon the numinous ruby warrington waxing quarter moon collage seana gavin

Waxing Quarter Moon :: May 2 2017 :: 10:46pm EST :: 12 Degrees Leo 

On the heels of Beltane, a pagan holiday celebrating the earth’s fertility, the Leo Waxing Quarter Moon arrives to bring some serious positive mojo back to our game …

Finally … it’s time to conjure abundance! 

Loaded with retrograde activity, 2017 has brought massive reconfigurations of life. The year opened on Mercury retrograde. February ushered us into eclipse season– an intense time of change. And then just as we digested the eclipses, Venus stationed retrograde on March 4th (only recently turning direct on April 15th). On April 9th, Mercury stationed retrograde too (it will station direct on May 3rd, just following the Quarter Moon).

After all the hard work we’ve done this year, the Leo Waxing Quarter Moon signals a time when we can start to consider what’s next. We are spiritually ready to make good on what we’ve unearthed from within. And, fortunately, the time has come to execute!

Hell YES! 


:: The Sun ::  
Midway through steady, stable Taurus, the Sun sextiles Neptune in Pisces. A sextile suggests resources that are available to us, and this particular combo combines earth and water elements to deliver soothing healing qualities. Think of a luscious detoxifying mud bath that leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth. Allow yourself to sink deep into your skin and relish in feelings of spiritually aligned embodiment.

(Hint: Cosmically supported, feel-good vibes abound!)

:: The Moon :: 
The Moon in playful Leo signals a time to step up and step out in joy and abundance. Immediately after the Sun and Moon square, the Moon begins to move into an applying trine with Saturn and Uranus, creating a legendary grand trine in fire. And all of this is happening between a fertile New Moon (which happened on April 26th in Taurus), and May 10th’s Full Moon in Scorpio. This bewitching combo signals power, strength, and favorable blessings!

:: The Square :: 
Waxing Quarter Moons urge us to course correct, handle curve balls, and eloquently redirect our focus as needed. The Sun in Taurus squaring the Moon in Leo asks us to look at any friction between our desires for practicality and our needs for fun. This Waxing Quarter Moon also refers us back to intentions set on August 2, 2016, when the New Moon occurred at 10 degrees of Leo. We should see things sprouting now that are related to plans made and desires stated then. Keep on the lookout, and don’t be afraid to pivot if necessary!

:: The Message :: 
Keep going! So far, we’ve worked hard in 2017 to come to a genuine place of truth within ourselves. Our egos have had to shed misaligned notions so we can step forward into a deeper resonance with our truth. Given that this Waxing Quarter Moon occurs one day before Mercury stations direct, this potent lunar moment offers a compelling opportunity.

Get ready to embrace the upcoming influx of abundance ahead of us.  With the Sun waxing towards the summer solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s time to actively create, pursue our dreams, and conjure our desires.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of likeminded spiritual activists at Moon Club!


Clear any debris from the past to make way for new beginnings this Capricorn Waning Quarter Moon, says Jennifer RacioppiArtwork: Seana Gavin

Capricorn Waning Quarter Moon collage Seana Gavin The Numinous Jennifer Racioppi

Waning Quarter Moon :: April 19 2017 :: 5.56am EST :: 29 Degrees Capricorn

Like an elegant wine with unpredictable hints of licorice, cacao, leather, black tea and sour cherry, the complexity of this Aries Waning Quarter Moon challenges us to interpret complex aromas and flavors.

However, with the moon shifting from stalwart Capricorn into courageous and progressive Aquarius an hour later, and the Sun moving into stable and steady Taurus at 5:26pm the same day, the Capricorn Waning Quarter Moon lingers with complex, multifaceted nuances. Like a theatrical dinner, with a banquet of flavors to take in and digest, this is a vibrant and intricate transit.

Not only does the exact square between the Capricorn Moon and the Aries Sun, at 2 degrees of each sign, occur right before their ingress (entrance into new signs), this Capricorn Waning Quarter Moon occurs one day before powerhouse Pluto stations retrograde. Pluto rules our shadow, and when he commences his retrograde journey, he extends an invitation to look at how we relate to power and control.

Further, on April 20th, Mercury in retrograde will also form her conjunction with the Sun, signifying an intense moment in the Mercury retrograde journey—when the Sun and Mercury swap positions, the Sun is moving into Taurus, while Mercury slips back into Aries.


:: The Sun ::
With the Sun at the tail end of pioneering, bold and courageous Aries, preparing to move into salt of the earth (with a twist of divine luxury) Taurus, she wraps up her Aries story. Having traveled side by side with both Uranus, the planet of revolution, and Eris, the planet of feminine discord, in recent weeks, our egos and identities have certainly endured a few shake-ups. The full moon in Libra, which happened one week prior to this Capricorn Waning Quarter Moon, opposed the Sun and Uranus—infusing the lunation with a few unexpected results. Now it’s up to us to decipher what we need to release. Something needs to go.

:: The Moon ::
This practical and efficient Capricorn Waning Quarter Moon trines Mars in Taurus—a fortunate connection to the planet of action. This common-sense, down-to-earth influence brings stoic expediency when it comes to executing on the daily chores of life. Thank Goddess! With the recent emphasis in Aries, a focus on getting things started didn’t leave a ton of room for completion. Fortunately, the day leading up to this Waning Quarter Moon emphasizes the finishing point. That said, with the Moon renewing itself next week, a time that’s ripe for new beginnings, it’s essential to clear the debris of our past—and now! Cultivate the wisdom gained over the last few weeks to decide what needs releasing in order to to bring things to completion consciously.

:: The Square ::
With the Sun and the Moon in a waning square as they ingress into new signs (Taurus and Aquarius, also square) this Capricorn Waning Quarter Moon asks us to trust our feelings and to be assertive. Both Capricorn and Aries represent the Cardinal signs (or signs that initiate new seasons) asking us to take action. Now that we are a month deep in spring, it’s essential to evaluate how we are doing at both being true to ourselves, our hearts, and our power, while simultaneously staying mindful of others. This isn’t about being right; it’s about making space. Releasing what needs to go.

:: The message ::
We’ve gained so much knowledge and wisdom through our experiences over the last couple of weeks, especially while Venus took her retrograde spin. Now that she’s direct, and with Pluto getting ready to go retrograde (along with Saturn, Mercury, and Jupiter) it’s essential to look at how we are using our power, as we likely need to make some changes. What better time than now?! This waning quarter moon asks us to decipher what needs to shift and encourages us to think for ourselves and be decisive. Only you know you best! So let go of that which doesn’t serve you.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with from Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of likeminded spiritual activists at Moon Club!


The Cancer waxing quarter Moon forms part of a Cardinal Grand Cross. The message? Time to act with integrity and compassion, says Jennifer RacioppiCollage: Seana Gavin

Collage Seana Gavin Cancer waxing quarter moon 2017 Jennifer Racioppi The Numinous

Waxing Quarter Moon :: April 3 2017 :: 2/39pm EST :: 14 degrees Cancer

This Cancer waxing quarter Moon, in the sign that represents the feminine, family, and home, brings more than just a regular Sun/Moon square—it forms part of a Cardinal Grand Cross in the sky. Before I go down the rabbit hole of explaining this fancy terminology, let me express this: this moon offers all of us an initiation, should we choose to see it as such. An opportunity to rise to the next level of our creative power, claim the truth of who we are, and cut away that which does not align with our most vivid and desired outcomes for our soul. Are you up for the challenge? Cause the Universe is sending us a massive dare!

So what’s a Cardinal Grand Cross?!

An astrology chart with this configuration looks like a box with a cross in the center of it. It occurs when four planets “square,” or form a conflicting 90-degree angle, in the “cardinal” signs of the Zodiac, creating two sets of oppositions.

In this particular case, the Sun at 14 degrees of Aries, squares the Moon at 14 degrees of Cancer, while simultaneously squaring Pluto in Capricorn at 19 degrees. The Sun opposes Jupiter in Libra also at 19 degrees while the Moon also opposes Pluto and squares Jupiter.

And this cosmic showdown happens in the fierce, assertive, and get shit done cardinal signs.


:: The Sun ::
The Sun, now halfway through the 30 degrees of Aries, holds the match to the fire that’s smoldering. Over the last few weeks the cosmos endured an enormous emphasis on the element of fire, and on the opening quarter of this lunation, the Sun in get-it-started Aries pushes us to think about what seeds we want to sow, and what crops we wish to cultivate right now! Opposite Jupiter in Libra, the emphasis is on standing our ground in our collaborations with others. 

:: The Moon ::
The Moon travels through her own domain in the sign of Cancer, the sign she rules. Here, she asks us to reach down into the depths of emotion, and our feminine force from within. She asks us to feel our needs, connect with our capacity to nurture ourselves, and others, and grant ourselves the dignity of our Queendom. Her opposition to Pluto may bring forth an awareness of the places in which we’ve subconsciously given away our power to please others.

:: The Square ::
This Cancer waxing quarter Moon brings a focus on emotionally driven action. Given this quarter Moon’s status within the Cardinal Grand Cross, compassion and wisdom are a non-negotiable! At the same time, the Sun hovers around the same degree of Aries where Venus initiated her retrograde cycle on March 4: meaning this waxing quarter moon and Cardinal Grand Cross will likely highlights lessons of the current Venus retrograde period. Simultaneously, Mercury in his shadow prepares to go retrograde, too, on the 9th. While this cardinal, action oriented Moon asks us to lunge forward, it also presents us with a fierce point of reflection. Embrace the duality and lean in to both.

:: The Message ::
If we embrace the tension and mystery of this Cancer waxing quarter Moon, we may just find our voice and rise. Yet, it’s essential to witness and digest what emerges before acting. Staying in the place of the observer allows us to understand how we want to proceed. Allows us to genuinely hear and listen to the call from within, so we can set clear and compassionate boundaries with others. Will it feel smooth? Probably not. However, if we can pause and choose our words and actions with intent, this potent waxing quarter Moon offers an opportunity to awaken and integrate. Worthy of the work, see any tension as a pathway to a higher consciousness. Rise, baby rise.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with from Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of likeminded spiritual activists at Moon Club!


The Cancer Full Moon opens a portal of transformation, if we can process our feelings, get inspired, and stay present in the now, says Sandra Sitron.

Cancer Full Moon 2017 Moon Club The Numinous
Sign up for Moon Club and get access to our virtual Full Moon ritual 1/14

Wolf Moon :: January 12 2017 :: 6.36am EST :: 22 degrees Cancer

This Moon is like a lullaby. She sings, “Find the softest part of your psyche. Open there just a little bit more. Somewhere there is a vulnerable part of you that is ready for a change. It’s time to heal. Shed a protective layer. Turn a wall into a ladder.”

You are in a moment of incredible growth. The Cancer Full Moon is offering you an opening. It’s transformational. The Cancer Full Moon is opposite the Sun in Capricorn. Capricorn is ambition and Cancer is nurturance. The Moon is the ruler of Cancer and she is nice and comfy in her sign right now. Yet this energy can feel so loud. Emotions come to their full blossom or their full boil. And the Cancer Full Moon chart is packed with heightened astrological energy. Let’s delve in…


The Moon and It’s Message
Pine trees in the moonlight.

Trees standing straight and tall, like you. The trees house an internal drama. There is a veil of peace and serenity, yet within each tree is a Universe. Cells multiply. Moss grows and birds sing. Sap flows and insects die. For the tree, time is different. Maybe it’s more like a series of rings and less like a straight line. Your message is to root yourself down and hold yourself up. Remind yourself that nothing is as it seems. The Cancer Full Moon wants you to remember that everything is more complex and more simple than you think. Capricorn Sun is Father and Cancer Moon is Mother. Hold yourself like a baby and let yourself truly experience the mysteries of the world. On this first Full Moon of the year, you are an infant. Let yourself be in awe of the enigma.


Moon Inconjunct Saturn.

The Moon is in her own sign and inconjunct Capricorn’s ruler, Saturn. Your feelings may get hurt. The squishy, vulnerable parts of you may feel like they are spotted by everyone. You can’t hide. Your old stuff is ready to be drawn out and healed. But the process may be downright frustrating. Find a structure for your emotions. Here’s one:

Step 1: Forgive yourself. If your emotions are causing behaviors you aren’t too proud of, accept it.
Step 2. Define your feelings. What is this feeling called?
Step 3: Identify the pattern. When was the first time you felt this way (high school or before)? If you can’t answer that, try this one. Name three character traits of the person(s) involved. Who else in your formative years also had these traits? A parent? Yourself?
Step 4: Go back and hug the child/teenager part of yourself that needs the hug. You are an adult now. You can nurture that inner child and tell them it’s going to be okay. Sit the little imaginary version of you on your lap and rock them.
Step 5: Process. This could mean different things… journaling, apologizing, writing an affirmation about how you would like to feel, or talking about it.

This 5-step process can be used whenever high emotions feel frustrating. Keep at it. It brings together the nurturing nature of the Moon and the structural energy of Saturn and the Capricorn Sun.


The Grand Cross Pattern
Stuck in a doorway.

The Grand Cross pattern is made up of Sun and Pluto opposite the Cancer Full Moon and squaring the opposition of Jupiter Uranus. Two oppositions. 4 squares. It looks like a giant square in the sky with a cross in the center. It’s a cardinal grand cross. The cardinal energy is initiative. Cardinal means “hinge,” which describes walking through a doorway into a new beginning. A new door opens. But the grand cross itself can feel like stuck energy. It’s like you being pulled in four different directions. Whatever portal you need to walk through on your healing journey, this is you standing in the doorway.

You’ve got your arms and legs outstretched and clutching to the door-jam. It may feel scary. It may feel like there is something on the other side that you shouldn’t see. Something will either push you through or you will retreat. Who’s to say which is better for you at this moment? The important thing for now is that you honor your experience in this moment. Your arms and legs are the grand cross. There is a sense of being pulled in many directions. How do you stand in the middle of this storm? How do you hold your center? How do you breathe through it? You need an anchor. It needs to be spiritual. It needs to be inspiring.

Which brings us to our next clue…


Venus Conjunct Neptune
A magic wand.

Venus is exactly conjunct Neptune. These two are buddying up and creating a Thor’s Hammer aspect pattern with the Moon and Jupiter. Don’t underestimate the powerful energy that you are emitting at this very moment. You’re sending out vibrational beams that are attracting more of the same to you right now. Find a way to funnel your energy. Make yourself into a magic wand.

Enchanting, lovely Venus and Neptune together can help you to transcend. If the balance is out of whack for you right now, you may find yourself locking into the lower vibes of Neptune—drugs, alcohol, bewilderment. Keep yourself inspired. The verb “to inspire” means both to fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence, and to draw in air.

Do both. Focus on your breathing. And then find something that inspires you by engaging your sense of purpose. Use this inspiration to funnel your thoughts and emotions. This is how you activate the power of the magic wand that the Cancer Full Moon chart is presenting you with. How to connect with your higher-self. Probably you do this through meditation. Maybe you listen to inspiring music. Maybe you create something. You will have to get out of your typical thinking-cycle for a handful of moments. Keep leading yourself away from the swirling thoughts. You will keep returning, but you can keep leading yourself away. Focus on the moment. Like when you’re making your coffee in the morning. Or washing your hands. There is so much magic in the moment. The “now” will help you move through the doorway to the next stage of your healing journey.


Summary: This is a powerfully energetic time. Allow your feelings. Get ready to change and heal. If you feel stuck, pulled in four different directions, vulnerable, or confused—that’s okay. You will move through the doorway by processing your feelings, inspiring yourself and staying present in the now.

The below suggestions are for self-inquiry by sign to help you work more deeply with the energies of the Cancer Full Moon. For a more accurate reading, check where 22 degrees Cancer falls in your birth chart, and also read for that house…

Aries or 4th house.
In what area of your life do you wish for more security? How old is the part of you that wants security? Can you give more empathy to that part of you?

Taurus or 3rd house.
What would you like to be able to believe in? What is stopping you?

Gemini or 2nd house.
What are you building in your life? What is your most valuable asset when it comes to this task?

Cancer or 1st house.
What would you like to say “Yes” to? What would you like to say “No” to? What is blocking you from asserting your desires?

Leo or 12th house.
Ask yourself, “what feeling am I not allowing myself to acknowledge?” What comes up?

Virgo or 11th house.
What are your hopes for the future? Who in your community will support you?

Libra or 10th house.
What are the structure or systems in your life that you are ready to simplify?

Scorpio or 9th house.
Can you make a commitment to explore a new place or philosophical idea this week?

Sagittarius or 8th house.
Where in your life can you let go of control? What does the idea of spiritual surrender mean to you?

Capricorn or 7th house.
Who do you think you could be more open with? How might that change the relationship?

Aquarius or 6th house.
Is something stopping you from feeling grounded? If so, what?

Pisces or 5th house.
What can you do to bring more playfulness and lightness into your life?


Passion and drive are running high as we begin the new year, says Jennifer Racioppi in her reading for the Aries waxing quarter moon…Collage: Bethany Harper-Walsh

Aries Waxing Quarter Moon Jennifer Racioppi The Numinous

The Waxing Quarter Moon :: January 5, 2017 :: 12.47pm EST :: 14 Degrees Aries

2017 kicks off with a waxing moon. Between now and the upcoming Full Moon on January 12th, the moon gains light, amplifying her power, while adding energy to the intentions we set with the last new moon late December. As the Sun and Moon form a square, smack in between the last New Moon and the upcoming Full Moon, we have the opportunity to consciously integrate our growth.

Pay close attention to the details of your life and prepare for a cosmic shift in focus. The upcoming Full Moon occurs at 22 degrees of Cancer, forms a Grand Cardinal Cross between the sun, the moon, Jupiter, and Eris. A Grand Cardinal Cross reinforces evolutionary adjustments, realignments, and initiations, asking us to surrender our ego (as needed) on behalf of our (and the planet’s) highest good.


:: THE SUN :: The sun in productive Capricorn pushes us to do our best, and stay hard-working. Currently, the sun lags behind powerhouse Pluto by two degrees. With the sun in industrious, stalwart, Capricorn on her way to meet Pluto (they conjoin on the 7th) we can expect to feel focused as this position amplifies vigilance and intensity. Even with Mercury retrograde, the possibility of great gains keeps us highly motivated. Stay driven to do your best but be willing to surrender too. Pluto teaches us how to turn things over to God, and often has a humbling impact! So don’t hesitate to surrender as needed, and ask for Divine support!

:: THE MOON :: With the moon traveling through the cardinal sign of fiery Aries, an energizing influence imbues the cosmos. The moon represents our subconscious world, our emotions, and our feminine nature. Aries, on the other hand (much less concerned with feelings), wants results—and fast. While the moon is in Aries, we feel driven, maybe even impatient (particularly since she’s meeting up with erratic Uranus—a planet famously known for surprise changes). So be careful not to override your emotional sensibility. Stay connected to your inner voice and intuition. Give yourself ample time for self-care so that you can stay in-tune with you—your truth.

:: THE SQUARE :: With the sun in go getter Capricorn squaring the moon in impatient Aries, kindness remains paramount. Determination, innovation, intense focus and the need for change dominate this particular lunar influence. That said, don’t let it override your connection to yourself and others. Because the cosmic influence remains extremely action oriented and bold, yet simultaneously unpredictable and humbling, stay pure of heart. Hold a high vision. Connect to your deepest wisdom and stay generous with others.

:: THE MESSAGE :: Don’t become overly fixated on what you want. Lead with patience and kindness. Let your highest self triumph over your ego. Leave room for surprises, and ask for help. Prepare to overcome all obstacles as they arise through wisdom and collaboration. Watch out for self-absorption, or even arrogance, and stay willing to co-create with the Divine. Life happens for you, not too you. We are all in this together.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with from Jennifer visit


Capricorn season brings the sweet satisfaction of a sumptuous, slow, climb to the top, say Cara George & Bess Matassa of Mojave Rising

Capricorn Season Mojave Rising The Numinous woman fencing fashion editorial

Capricorn season sends us straight into the blizzard as we snowshoe towards an unshakeable trust in our sumptuous self-sufficiency. The zodiac’s alpine survival school reveals that the striving and the staying with can be just as succulent as the arriving, and that there is incredible sweetness encased inside enormous difficulty.

So lay out your finest faux fur-lined vests and diamond-encrusted ice picks as you get ready for the slow, delicious uphill climb. And know that you can bear the weight of this world and brave your body against the bedrock like the majestic mountaineer you already are.

While you can’t always get what you want, the things worth wanting are worth waiting and working for. Your ability to hold on and hold out brings with it the invaluable gift of sticking around just a little bit longer to put another notch in your lipstick case. Just when you thought your chance had passed.


The keyword: Majesty.

The song lyrics: “Oh your road is dark/And there’s a thin, thin line/But I want you to know/I’d walk it for you anytime/So if you’re lookin’ for love/Honey, I’m tougher than the rest”—Bruce Springsteen, “Tougher than the Rest.”

Check out our Capricorn season playlist, complete with stately songstresses, rugged rhythms, and structured vogue-ing.

Capricorn season color palette Prada Mojave Rising The Numinous

The color palette: Old Hollywood hues fit for a self-sufficient starlet. Carmine red, jade green, aubergine, and ivory.

The style: Marlene Dietrich meets après ski. Smoking jackets, high-waisted trousers, shearling, silk dressing gowns, fine tailoring, and floor-length faux-fur coats.

Capricorn season style Mojave Rising The Numinous women's tuxedo suit

The scents and flavors: Mature, expensive, and lavishly timeless. Chanel No. 5, cave-aged cheese, dark chocolate, cigars, and Frankincense oil.

The healing: Luxe treatments and regally rugged empire building. Entrepreneurial courses, wilderness survival schools, fencing lessons, ice baths, elaborate manicures, the slow precision of acupuncture, and high-end spa days fit for a queen.

Chanel no 5 Capricorn Season Mojave Rising The Numinous

Want more juicy cosmic insights and sensory explorations? Arrange an astrology reading or private event with Mojave Rising here or follow them on Instagram


Sensuous Invitation of the Month: Boss Ladies In the Boudoir (by sign, below). With Mercury retrograde passing between Capricorn and Sagittarius, Uranus stationing direct in Aries, and Venus entering Pisces, Capricorn season 2016 brings a month for balancing between ski-lodge preparations and full-on mountain moving.

This Capricorn season presents us with a 24-karat opportunity to discover the potency of solitude as we retire to our dressing rooms and revel in the richness of our own resources. In an opulent boudoir selected from the iconic Madonna Inn’s palatial suites, each sign can channel its own brand of boss lady who’s equal parts badass survivor and high-end hedonist.

Capricorn season invites you to savor slowness and trust that your actions can unfold in their own sweet time. Boss Lady in the Boudoir: Bette Davis chooses the Lucky Rock room’s Vegas meets Graceland bachelor stylings, and savors a slow and steady sink into a scrumptious bubble bath.

Capricorn season invites you to engage in a little mountaineering as you leave the shelter of your cabin without having to lose any feeling of security. Boss Lady in the Boudoir: Penélope Cruz gathers kindling on the grounds and then settles into the wall-to-weather leather couch in front of the Pick & Shovel room’s rustic fireplace.

Capricorn season invites you to sample a flavor of maturity that feels potent rather than patriarchal. Boss Lady in the Boudoir: Laverne Cox sips after-dinner liquor amidst the patchwork collage of the What’s Left room.

Capricorn season invites you to structure your flow as you infuse your rich emotional life with a cooler perspective. Boss Lady in the Boudoir: Frida Kahlo precisely applies eyeliner in front of the privately shell-like Vous room’s vanity.

Capricorn season invites you to sweep your regal, pink mane into a delicious updo as you sample the sexiness that comes from a little restraint. Boss Lady in the Boudoir: Betsey Johnson relishes the lavish bubblegum and pink rose explosions of The Madonna Suite as she straps herself into a lace corset.

Capricorn season invites you to experiment with some risky muscle building as you step into the gifts of badass solitude with both curiosity and self-containment. Boss Lady in the Boudoir: Amy Poehler carefully selects the Desert Sands room for its subtly shifting, gold-tinted earth tones, and textured floor, and then dances it out alone and proud.

Capricorn season invites you to seize control and speak from your fierceness, even when you risk challenging your established image. Boss Lady in the Boudoir: Annie Leibovitz shares a lusty glance in the Inn’s lobby and then precedes immediately to the idyllic, lavender romance of the Paris Violets room to consummate the affair.

Capricorn season invites you to harness your penchant for power moves in a publically facing way as you bring hidden impulses to the surface. Boss Lady in the Boudoir: Hillary Rodham Clinton goes straight for the black lacquer and red carpet of the Crystal Room and strips down with an Indian clay face mask that brings her back to her essence.

Capricorn season invites you to corral your ponies as you delight in the process of preparation while awaiting your next adventure. Boss Lady in the Boudoir: Nicki Minaj carefully applies a new coat of nail polish, lays out her party outfit, and channels future journeys by mounting the Pony Room’s carousel horse

Capricorn season invites you to settle in and look upon your kingdom from a secure position of creative competence. Boss Lady in the Boudoir: Dolly Parton slips into satin loungewear and orders decadent room service in the Starlite room’s sophisticated seclusion, and then retires to her private outdoor balcony and surveys her estate.

Capricorn season invites you to land your experimental visions on solid ground as you step out of the space shuttle and into the boardroom. Boss Lady in the Boudoir: Amal Clooney celebrates the electricity of her innovations in the lofted, high-flying Sky Room and then steadies herself with an ensuite massage.

Capricorn season invites you to experiment with the liberatory elements of limitation as you choose to check in rather than check out from challenge. Boss Lady in the Boudoir: Anais Nin discovers the golden cherubs and fairytale staircase of the Just Heaven room, and takes on the challenge of an early morning wake-up call with bold espresso and an invigoratingly cool shower.

Want more juicy cosmic insights and sensory explorations? Arrange an astrology reading or private event with Mojave Rising here or follow them on Instagram