In astrology, our Lilith sign connects us deeply to our primal instincts and natural impulses. As she travels through revolutionary Aquarius until 2019, Rebecca Farrar reveals how to use your Lilith sign to awaken your inner wildness …

Dark Moon Lilith Sign The Numinous Rebecca Farrar
Photo: Maxine Caron

Both revered and feared, the goddess Lilith has long been associated with the more shadowy aspects of spirituality. Stemming from the Hebrew word laylah, meaning “night,” her symbols include creepy crawlers such as serpents and the screeching owl, as well as the dark/crescent moon.

The first wife of Adam, Lilith refused to submit to his sexual domination and fled Eden to mate with the Angel of Death, giving birth to hundreds of demon babies per day. After realizing his mistake (how could he not miss a woman like that!), Adam asked God to bring Lilith back—but she refused. And God created docile Eve as his new mate.

While Eve represents the patriarchal, acceptable version of womanhood, closely associated with Venus, Lilith represents the primal, instinctual feminine that puts her needs first and seeks approval from no-one. A feminine that is rising in 2018, and which we each embody—irrespective of biology, gender expression, or sexual preferences. In astrology, it’s little surprise that Lilith in Capricorn from November 2017 through August 2018 (the sign ruling the patriarchy), has been the backdrop to the #metoo movement.

There are four astrological points representing different aspects of Lilith’s dual role as both devouring mother and enlightened goddess. But the most talked about is Dark Moon Lilith—an alignment position rather than a physical planet, indicating the point in the Moon’s orbit farthest from Earth.

Last month Lilith moved into Aquarius, where it will remain until May 2019, awakening consciousness around Lilith’s unpredictable and earthly instincts, and pioneering a new vision of empowered femininity. Currently, Lilith squares Uranus in Taurus and is in exact conjunction with the South Node, calling on us to birth something radically new as a collective.

On a personal level, our Lilith sign and house placement shows us how we can uncover a deeper connection with our own primal instincts. To find Lilith in your chart click HERE, enter your birth information, choose “Extended Chart Selection,” scroll down to “Additional Objects,” and select “Lilith.” *Make sure to read for both your Lilith sign AND the house that holds Lilith in your chart.


With this placement, Lilith craves expression that matches a strong identity, and is asked to explore how personal passion fuels instinct.
Journal Prompt: How does my sexuality inform an aspect of how I or others see me? In what situations do I use my intuitive gut-instincts and where am I afraid to?

Related to self-worth and values, with this placement Lilith wants to own her power without relying on others. Cultivating magnetism beyond seduction and in service of love itself may be a part of your Lilith mission.
Journal Prompt: What skills of sustainability or survival do I practice? How can I cultivate more of my own self-acceptance (who cares what God or Adam thinks)?

Here, Lilith wants to create a healthy dynamic with receiving and giving information, and its important to learn to own wisdom for yourself.
Journal Prompt: Where can I open up my sense of wonder about myself and the world around me? Am I afraid that learning new things from people means they are dominating me in some way?

Emotions or home life may be where Lilith in Cancer reveals her raw side the most (though 100 babies a day may be out of the question). The relationship to the family may also be a catalyst for expressing and harnessing the goddess’ power.
Journal Prompt: Am I willing to express my feelings to the fullest extent or do I keep them quieted down? How can my emotions offer a gateway into my connection with the natural world?

With this placement, Lilith may manifest through more private sexual and creative acts of self-expression. Take pride in the many ways artistic potential moves through you.
Journal Prompt: Do I hide my creativity or art for fear of rejection or isolation? Can I integrate Lilith through story, visual art, another form of expression?

With this placement there can be a sense of duty or responsibility that takes over Lilith’s needs. Pay attention to when you may be afraid to leave “Eden” because of an agreement.
Journal Prompt: How can I become less rigid of my day-to-day routines and allow more creative chaos? Do I feel tied to what I should do rather than doing what is best for me?

There can be a tendency to project Lilith qualities onto others with this placement, and it’s important to reclaim her within so that she doesn’t show up through external domination.
Journal Prompt: How can I own more qualities of Lilith for myself? If I’m befriending or connecting with people who hold this energy, how can I reclaim it for myself?

Here, Lilith becomes a powerhouse for personal transformation and awakens depth through intimacy (though it may be necessary to have sex with the Angel of Death to do so!)
Journal Prompt: Do I hide my desire for power and domination? How can I honor Lilith’s wildness and primal power as a part of my internal process?

Aspects of Lilith may consciously or unconsciously be a guiding force for ideals or religion. Here, Lilith leads with the heart and seeks truth. Above all else, utilize this placement to be guided by instinctive wisdom.
Journal Prompt: What is my relationship to religion and to the feminine in my spiritual seeking? Is my instinctive self expressed in my spiritual practices?

With this placement, Lilith may be reflected in how you’re seen publicly but not how you feel internally. Claim your natural self-authority and allow it to inform your own version of feminine legacy (who knows, maybe you too can have four astrological points named after you?)
Journal Prompt: Can I use Lilith’s power in my career or work? Do I take responsibility for themes of authority, or fear them?

As Lilith nears your natal placement, you may feel called to bring more of Lilith into modern consciousness. Your ability to tap into the collective means you are able to help create a future vision of how this goddess serves the whole.
Journal Prompt: Is my community full of Liliths or wild feminine figures? Or do I play that role of going against the grain in groups?

In the placement of spirituality and unity, Lilith craves connection to the whole. Gifts of this Lilith position include opening up to visionary abilities and intuition.
Journal Prompt: Do I fear Lilith and my own unpredictable nature? Can I integrate more of Lilith through connecting with the spiritual dimension of nature?


Your Saturn sign and house placement shows where you have the biggest growth opportunities—and the rewards that await when you commit to doing your work. Read our total guide to your Saturn sign by Ruby Warrington and Bess Matassa … 

The Numinous guide to your Saturn Sign house placement birth chart Ruby Warrington Bess Matassa Astrology
Photo: Alora Griffiths

Through ice and wind and rain and worse, Saturn keeps on climbing. With structure and discipline, the zodiac’s high-achiever keeps focussed on the hard candy rewards that exist inside of difficulty, and the 24-karat diamonds that are ours to mine when we commit to doing the work that only we can do.

In our charts, our Saturn sign and / or house placement is a tender spot. Our Saturn sign reveals what we think we can’t, or won’t ever, get, and so we often turn away from it. We construct elaborate defenses, approaching a karmic journey of reckoning that asks for both our softness and our strength, with fear. But when we face—and embrace—our Saturn sign, we see that putting in the work to overcome this fear is ultimately in service of what we’re here to bring forward.

Our infamous Saturn Return, which happens once just before the age of 30 and a second time around 60 marks a concentrated moment for this labor of love. But our work with our Saturn sign truly lasts a lifetime. Our Saturn sign asks us to grow up, step up, and take responsibility for the work we have to do in this life; it invites us into the noble act of self-sacrifice; and it holds the key to our most lasting, and impactful achievements in both the personal and the public realms.

Think of Saturn as your personal trainer, pushing you to the limits of what you think you can take because it can envision the muscle that already exists beneath your skin. And also because you “paid” it to in a past life! Saturn also rules karmic justice, and the grueling routine it’s got you sweating through now is in service of putting right past wrongs.

With Saturn traveling through its native turf, Capricorn, from Dec 2017 through March 2020, the groundwork is being laid for us all to commit to a new course of astro action. Use the guide to each Saturn Sign below to help you navigate your lessons with both grit and grace.

Click HERE to do your chart for free and discover your Saturn sign—and read for both your Saturn sign AND the House that holds Saturn in your chart. ***Pro-tip: Scroll to the bottom for how Saturn’s 2018—2020 transit through Capricorn is impacting your Sun and Rising sign.

Want to learn how to read your own chart? One of Ruby’s astro mentors, Rebecca Gordon, is currently enrolling students for her 10-week Beginners Astrology Course. Sign-up is open through September 25 2018—click HERE for details and use the code “STAR” to get 20% off tuition!


Saturn Sign assignment: Leadership
This Saturn sign and / or placement is born to lead, but can burn out hard and fast when it doesn’t work to a structured plan. Aries impulsiveness often prefers to forego planning and teamwork, placing the emphasis on reaching the finish line fastest and, most importantly, FIRST, when the real rewards are in the experience gained along the way. Leaning into leadership means less competition and more collaboration; less “me first” and more “we win!”

Saturn Sign assignment: Receiving
This Saturn sign and / or placement asks you to summon the courage to truly taste, touch, and enjoy it all. What feels uncomfortable about laying back in a bed of roses to receive the treats you deserve? Where do you short circuit opportunities to truly claim your sense of self-worth? Start by feeling into your body’s beauty and impulses, and reach for what you crave without judgement. This placement is all about banishing scarcity mentality, and believing in the endless feast, and your rightful place at the table.

Saturn Sign assignment: Expression
This Saturn sign and / or placement has the potential to move worlds with its words, if it can only learn to trust that they won’t be manipulated and used against you. Speaking up can feel frightening, especially when it comes to expressing your most personal opinions and views—perhaps because a mean sibling or childhood frenemy used to tease or make fun of you. This Saturn sign asks you to push past irrational “monkey-mind” fears and open up. Practice with trusted companions who make you feel understood, then bring your words to the wider world.

Saturn Sign assignment: Feelings
With this Saturn sign and / or placement, issues of emotional security, shelter, and a sense of belonging come to the fore. How can you create a safe container to feel every last feel, without turning away from your tenderness? And how can you validate your own emotional experiences regardless of outside feedback? This placement asks you to become a hermit crab, carrying your home on your back and learning to hunker down with your own intuitive hits, no matter the storms.

Saturn Sign assignment: Ego
This Saturn sign and / or placement desires nothing more than to bask in the full beam of the spotlight, if it could only get over its fear of being seen. Do they really love me? Is the constant question circling, as a backdrop to the eternal creative drive of this Saturn. Your capacity for creative self-expression is second-to-none, as you strive to make your mark on the world in ways that are as entertaining and playful as they are meaningful. Learning to create for yourself first and foremost, the critics be damned, is your key to mastery.

Saturn Sign assignment: Critique
Beyond this Saturn sign and / or placement’s bouts of endless tweaking, analyzing, and refining, lies the potential to learn how to match the moment with the resources on hand, and relax into trusting your cycles. Whenever you feel yourself getting stuck in a staticky buzz of not-good-enoughs, step outside into the natural world. The plants and animals don’t editorialize on their own processes. They simply bloom and shed when the moment is right. Releasing into your own internal sense of right timing is your greatest lesson.

Saturn Sign assignment: Relationship
This Saturn sign and / or placement has some hardcore #relationshipgoals and yearns for partnerships that reflect its highest ideals. And then there is life in the real world, where people are not always the people we’d like them to be, and there are as many “let-downs” as there are love-ins. The work here is to learn to accept others as they are, and in doing so learn to love the parts of yourself that for whatever reason you may not be so willing to accept. Practice seeing others as a mirror, and when partnerships prove problematic, make it less about them and more about a lesson in give and take.

Saturn Sign assignment: Intimacy
This Saturn sign and / or placement beckons you into your own personal jungle, asking where you turn away from the darker shades of experience, and from your own desire nature. There’s a soul deep need here for radical acts of rawness, realness, and intimacy, coupled with feelings of fear that if you risk these kinds of carnal collisions, you’ll be stripped of your power and left with nothing. But Saturn in Scorpio asks you to brave sharing more of your vulnerability at all costs, and to let these gambles remind you that your unshakable core can never be stolen.

Saturn Sign assignment: Freedom
This Saturn sign and / or placement cannot stand to feel contained, and is called to cultivate a feeling of freedom in even the most staid scenarios. Sagittarius rules higher learning, and embarking on epic journeys of the mind can be one way to feed your wanderlust when your day-to-day feels uninspiringly small. A fear of being trapped can lead to irresponsible risk-taking, and a restlessness that leaves little room for leaving a lasting impact. Feed your wild ponies with nuggets of knowledge while you recommit, again and again, to hiking the mountain trail less travelled.

Saturn Sign assignment: Structure
In its native sign, Saturn sets out with a steely reserve, ready to flex its muscles and climb towards the skyscraper heights. And if you’ve got Saturn in Cap, by all means, embrace the ice rain challenges and boardroom dreams. But beneath it all, this placement is also about understanding the difference between status-quo ambition and soul goals. Settle into the structures that help you craft your most passionate visions, while making sure you embrace enough flow to truly celebrate the treats at the top of the mountain.

Saturn Sign assignment: Connection
This Saturn sign and / or placement understands on a cosmic level that we are all connected, yet can find it hard to translate this when it comes to flesh, blood, and feelings. You crave community, and yet issues with trust and always feeling like an “outsider” can prevent you from finding that village-like vibe. Seeking out groups who are connected by a common cause can be a way to meet like-minded individuals, all working to patchwork together a vision for society that makes space for everybody. Honoring your individual quirks as part of what makes you lovable is the inner work to focus on.

Saturn Sign assignment: Boundaries
Saturn in Pisces is like a well-worn seawall, attempting to create a container for its infinite swirls of emotion. And there are deep wells of feeling with this placement that can trigger fears about “losing” it in an Alice-In-Wonderland flood of tears. Yet your greatest gifts is your ability to sit with the fullest range of collective feeling, embracing every shade of sadness and joy with equal empathy. Feel into your intuitive “yes” and “nos,” and be ready to both build and tear down boundaries to meet each moment.



Saturn is currently moving through your 10th house of career and achievement. You’re being asked to think more like a boss and create a structure for your biggest ambitions.

As it moves through your 9th house of adventure and learning, Saturn is guiding you to deepen your understanding of the world so you can contribute something more meaningful.

Saturn in your 8th house of trust and intimacy is urging you to get okay with getting vulnerable, as you connect to your true desires and ask for them to be met.

This transit sees Saturn moving through your 7th house of relationships, as you’re asked to get serious about who you choose to nurture and share your world with. No more “takers” allowed.

Saturn is making its way through your 6th house of work and service, demanding that you put the absolute most into your day-to-day and cultivate healthy habits to keep you on track.

With Saturn transiting your 5th house of creative self-expression, now is the time to turn your passion project into a bona-fide business that can also pay your bills.

As Saturn moves through your 4th house of feelings, home, and security, your work is around creating a sense of personal safety—no matter how “scary” things seem in the outside world.

Saturn transiting your 3rd house of communication and ideas wants you to consider the impact of your words on the wider world, and adjust your message to match your impact.

This Saturn transit accents your materially-minded 2nd house. It’s time to get paid for the gifts you embody so effortlessly, it’s hard to believe you can charge for them.

With Saturn moving through your 1st house of self, this transit could feel like an extra Saturn return! Your work is to accept your lessons, and step gracefully into your next evolution.

Saturn in your 12th house of healing brings closure to a painful cycle. Commit to feeling it all and trust that confronting it fully is how you can finally move on.

Now is the time to work on building your community, as Saturn transits your 11th house of groups and team endeavors. Hold a high vision for what you can build together.


Want to learn how to read your own chart? One of Ruby’s astro mentors, Rebecca Gordon, is currently enrolling students for her 10-week Beginners Astrology Course. Sign-up is open through September 26 2018—click HERE for details and use the code “STAR” to get 20% off tuition!


The 2018 Sagittarius Full Moon is a powerful invitation to stand in truth, while remaining open to challenge our patterns. Define your mission statement and celebrate a brand new point of view, says Sandy Sitron

ruby warrington sandy sitron sandra sitron the numinous material girl mystical world 2018 sagittarius full moon
Photo: Samantha Sophia

Full Moon :: May 29 2018 :: 10:20 am EDT :: 8 degrees Sagittarius

The archer locks in on the target. The alignment of her body determines the trajectory of the arrow. Note—there must be alignment and there must be a target.

A Full Moon pulls back the bowstring into a state of tension just before the release of the arrow. There is a heightened build-up of energy.

This 2018 Sagittarius Full Moon is opposite the Gemini Sun. With Gemini we weave together our thoughts and perceptions. And with Sagittarius, we form the beliefs that are the result of these repeated thoughts and perceptions. One cannot exist without the other.

Remember the archer bringing her body into alignment? This is the Gemini side of things. This is where you examine the mental patterns that make up the foundation of your beliefs.

The target is where Sagittarius comes in. The goal. The philosophical mark you are shooting for. Your higher thought process. Your mission statement. Your truth. And the freedom to aim for that truth.

The purpose of the 2018 Sagittarius Full Moon is to help you understand not only how to drive your energy forward, but where to direct it. What is your truth? What do you believe? What makes you feel passion and purpose?

If these questions feel overwhelming for you, now is your time to find a new approach. The key to your new approach is to examine your form and bow, aka your self-worth. How’s your posture? Is there a flaw in the bow? Do you believe that you are enough? Do you know that you are already whole?

The message is to find a way to become more grounded and less self-critical. To become active and not get stalled in self-flagellating

If you feel overwhelmed, define a small and simple task you can dedicate yourself to. If you feel angry, assert a boundary. If you are frustrated, talk about it. Talk with someone who can hear you and reflect back how you are feeling without trying to fix anything. If you feel stuck, find something to celebrate.

Change the pattern. 

At this 2018 Sagittarius Full Moon, there might be something that you need to fight for. With contacts between this Moon, Mars, and Saturn, asserting yourself and firming your foundation are key. Yet a serene grand trine between Venus, Neptune, and Jupiter, is also a soothing balm if you find yourself needing to be right at all costs.

Imagine the Sag Full Moon as a dial. On one side of the dial are the words “I Need to Be Right.” On the other side is “My Truth, Our Truth.” Tune the dial. Notice when you are more on the belligerent side of things—“I need to be right.” Dial yourself over to the side of things where your truth exists alongside the truths of other people—unique, necessary, powerful, but not zealous.

As you lock into the higher vibration of the dial, this receptive and expansive frequency will help you transcend fear …


Full Moon semi-sextile Saturn
First you throw the stones, then you build a tiny castle.

You could use this energy to throw stones at yourself or others. You could look for all of the things that are “wrong.” Or you could get super honest with yourself and determine where you need to show up. We can all take more responsibility without compromising our integrity. This aspect reminds you to do the work.


Full Moon sextile Mars
A bugle plays in a marching band.

Action will remind you that there is hope. Take action first. It will help you sift through the thoughts. You can be your own bugle player, encouraging yourself to wake up and get in the game. Give yourself a call to action. We can’t deny that there is fight in this Full Moon.


The below conversation starters for each sign are designed to help you dive deeper into the energy of the Sagittarius Full Moon. Gather with a trusted friend or friends, and each take turns using the sentences below to begin to share an experience that is currently front and center for you. Allow each person to speak without interruption, questioning the speaker further after each share to get deeper into the heart of the matter.

For the most accurate insight, find the sentence for the House that holds 8 degrees Sagittarius in each of your birth charts. Don’t have that info? Do you chart for free HERE.

Aries // 9th house
“The teaching that’s had the most impact on my worldview lately is …”

Taurus // 8th house
“I close myself off to intimacy by …”

Gemini // 7th house
“The relationship that currently feels the most supportive to me is …”

Cancer // 6th house
“I feel healthiest in my mind and body when I …”

Leo // 5th house
“The creative project I am ready to begin birthing is …”

Virgo // 4th house
“I am learning to take better care of myself by …”

Libra // 3th house
“The most interesting thing I read about this week was …”

Scorpio // 2nd house 
“Beyond financial rewards, I feel most valued in the world when I …”

Sagittarius // 1st house 
“I feel most confident expressing myself when I …”

Capricorn // 12th house 
“The part of my life I am most ready to focus on healing is …”

Aquarius // 11th house 
“My vision for myself five years from now is …”

Pisces // 10th house 
“The career goal I am setting for myself is …”

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here. And check out our Numiversity digital course MERCURY: YOUR COSMIC VOICE COACH with a special Mercury guided hypnosis from Sandy, plus symbols and activations for each Mercury sign. 


Taurus Season 2018 sees us looking to the past to mine hard won gems to re-imagine our future, says Bess Matassa. PLUS listen to our all new Taurus Season Astrocast podcast with Bess and Sandy Sitron.

Taurus Season 2018 The Numinous Bess Matassa black woman flowers
Photo: Clarke Sanders

Are you ready for more, more, more, Numiverse? The Sun’s sensuous saunter into earth empress Taurus brings us back to the basics of love, and asks us to sink our teeth into the touches and tastes of what truly turns us on, without an ounce of shame.

Taurus Season 2018 is electrified by Saturn and Pluto retrograde, Venus in Gemini, and electric slider Uranus in Taurus. The coming month will feel like a faux-fur trimmed welcome mat to our own jungles, asking us to lovingly look into our wells of self-worth and deservedness, feast on our all our bits, both shadowy and light, and treat our personal demons like tropical flavored gummy worms that are meant to be celebrated.

What simply feels good to want? Where have you not allowed yourself to fully feel it? And what no longer fills you up? You are more than worthy of your weight in snackable stardust, astro babes.

So tell yourself what you want, what you really, really want, and open your channel wide to receive it …

Listen to the full Taurus Season 2018 Astrocast from Numi resident astrologers Bess + Sandy HERE and use Bess’ cosmic crib sheet (below) to get the quick and dirty on the season’s 4 key astro events.

**And make sure you check out our latest Numiversity Astrology Course, Venus: Your Total Guide to the Planet of Love, available only during Taurus Season 2018 (April 19—May 19). Complete with custom astro info for your Venus sign, hypnosis, tarot, and more!


Taurus Season 2018 The Numinous Bess Matassa still life flowers vase shadow
Photo: Kristina M M

Sun in Taurus (4/19-5/20) // Still Life

In its highest octave of expression, Taurus energy teaches us that there’s always more than enough to go around, and that we don’t have to scramble one bit to sit down and fills our plates with seconds and thirds. Revel in the sense of endless supply with the glossy goodness of still life oil painting and photography, where you can access the immediacy of the rich and ready material world that springs eternal.


Taurus Season 2018 The Numinous Bess Matassa blue pink crystal
Photo: Krystal Ng

Saturn Retrograde & Pluto Retrograde (Saturn- 4/17-9/6; Pluto 4/22-9/30) // Crystal Growing Kits

The sober duo of boundary heavy Saturn, and primal transformer Pluto, sees us putting in the hard-edged work of personal reckoning with our pasts. But rather than fearing the reaper, revel in all the shapes you’ve inhabited, and the time it takes to grow it real and right, as you delight in mining the gemstones from trips to your own shadow lands that are gorgeously badass.


Taurus Season 2018 The Numinous Bess Matassa spice girls Toronto

Venus in Gemini (4/24-5/19) // The Spice Girls’ “Wannabe”

Pleasure seeker Venus’ shift into Gemini’s prismatic perspectives reminds us that our love lives can be slumber party style sampler platters, and that partnerships come in all sizes and flavors. When we look upon what we love with curiosity, we reaffirm our right to the wide-range of pleasure that’s always available. Get with your friends and take to the streets, as you figure out what you really, really want, and debut your desires to the whole wide world.


Taurus Season 2018 The Numinous Bess Matassa leopard print coat
Photo: Philipp Arlt

Uranus Enters Taurus (5/15) // Animal Prints

Uranus’ radical electricity challenges Taurus’ sensuously secure nature, asking us what’s really filling our cups, and what’s no longer a serviceable source of supply. This powerhouse primal energy invites us to renovate our relationship to our most basic needs, and to question where we’ve been gripping onto feeds out of compulsion and fear, rather than a settled sense of satisfaction. Release what you think you should want, and step into what you need, as you slip in and out of carnal costumes that fit you right here, right now.


Our Numiversity Astrology Course Venus: Your Total Guide to the Planet of Love is only available through Taurus Season 2018 (April 19—May 19). Get your copy HERE and learn all about your personal relationship to the planet of love, money, and pleasure, as well as a complete understanding of Venus through the signs. 10% of all sales will be donated to Project HEAL, the leading non-profit in the US delivering prevention, treatment financing, and recovery support for people suffering from eating disorders.


With Merc going retro and Venus in Taurus, Aries season 2018 is a time to plot your course for the long haul, says Bess Matassa. PLUS listen to our all new Astrocast Aries season podcast from Bess and Sandy Sitron!

Aries tee, $76, Sugarhigh Lovestoned

Sidle up to the starting block, astro babes. Aries Season 2018 finds us ready to begin again and again, as we recommit to saying HELL YES to our very existence on Earth, and summon all of our courage to recapture the innocent sensation of full-throttle living.

But this isn’t any old backyard BBQ. With MERCURY stationing retrograde (March 22—April 15), SATURN making a stand (April 2), and country crooner VENUS in Taurus (March 31—April 24) asking us to roll in the hay, the theme this month is SLOW MOTION.

While it may feel like every last second demands sweat-drenched participation and lightening speed action, this is actually an astro season to crack yourself open for the long haul, and to find small pauses of rest inside all of the rapid firing.

Can you rise to meet the red-hot NOW, moment by moment, as it asks you to cuddle up for a steady unfolding? Can you trust so deeply in your internal competence that your mantra becomes “no more proving?”

We’ve got an overview of the key aspects for Aries Season 2018 below, including ways to activate them in your life. PLUS you can listen to the full Aries Season 2018 ASTROCAST PODCAST from Numi resident astrologers Bess + Sandy HERE!

**And be sure to check out our first ever Numiversity Astrology Course: A TOTAL GUIDE TO YOUR MARS SIGN. Complete with custom astro info for your sign, hypnosis, tarot, and more!


SUN ENTERS ARIES (March 20-April 19) // Jumpsuits

Originally designed for parachuters and race-car drivers, and popularized by WWII women factory workers nicknamed “riveting Rosies,” this minimalist fashion piece is an aesthetic embodiment of Aries Season 2018. Strip it down, keep it simple, and streamline how you use your life force in the world. Aries is the premiere “masculine,” penetrating force in the zodiac, but when it reaches its highest octave of expression, this is aligned, responsive action that broadens the notion of libido to encompass all of our creative powers. Jump for your own love!

Aries season power pose The Numinous Amy Kuddy
Photo: Joanna Nix

MERCRY RETROGRADE (March 22-April 15) // Power Poses

Retrogrades ask us to invite the planet’s energy inside our own private lair, and this Mercury Rx in Aries is all about letting our internal cheerleader take the lead as we revise our inner pep talks, and become our own preciously pom-pommed fan club. Work those rallying cries with some Power Poses in the bathroom before you head out into the world. Want the scoop on why this really works? Check out body language expert Amy Cuddy’s cult TED talk.

Lady in Red Aries Season 2018 The Numinous Bess Matassa
Photo: Kyle Johnson

VENUS IN TAURUS (March 31- April 24) // Chris De Burgh’s “Lady in Red”  

Dancing cheek-to-cheek to this prom anthem reveals everything you need to know about this season’s partnership between the Aries Sun and Venus in Taurus. While Aries energy is usually rapid fire pyrotechnics, mixed with the liquid chocolate stylings of pleasure seeking Venus in Taurus, the rhythm is both exuberantly innocent teen romance and the hard-earned experience of wedding dances through the years. Turn the lights down low, slip into a cherry sundae colored ensemble, and channel both fresh cut beginnings and timeless embraces.

Cheryl Strayed Wild Aries Season 2018 The Numinous

MARS CONJUNCT SATURN (April 2) // Cheryl Strayed’s “Wild

Amidst ice and rain and wind, we’re braving our bodies against the bedrock with this aspect. How do you manage your life force? How can you open up to the sensation of sometimes excruciatingly slow movement, step by precious step? Can you even find delicious softness inside of enormous difficulty, as you summon your deepest wells of self-sufficiency? Tap into the wilderness survival school of Strayed’s epic PCT hike, and if you’re not ready for the long-haul, start with a meditative walk around your own neighborhood.


Aries is ruled by red planet MARS—the celestial body that governs our passion, energy and drive. Check out our new digital course, A TOTAL GUIDE TO YOUR MARS SIGN, to discover everything you need to know about your Mars placement, and how to channel this fire power in your life!