Connect to your passion in the last week of Aries Season 2019, with Sandy Sitron‘s Numinous weekly horoscopes …

Numinous Weekly Horoscopes Sandy Sitron The Numinous pink clouds
Photo: Stanislav Kondratiev

Aries or Aries Rising
Hazy clouds.
It feels wonderful to know which action to take and then go for it. But right now you are working with low visibility. Look within. Listen hard to your heartbeat. Your current joy comes from being present. The outer circumstances may be foggy, but your inner guidance is clear. Practice being patient and waiting for the right path to reveal itself.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus or Taurus Rising
Power washing.
You are using power tools to get clean. Cleanliness can symbolically represent release, simplification, brightness and clarity. What do you have in toolbox to create this state of mind? Maybe you need to literally clean your environment. Or maybe you need to simplify. Whichever it is, go after it with focus and power. You will feel totally refreshed.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini or Gemini Rising
A ballet.
A delicate dance transcends the limits of gravity and mundane earthly concerns. It carries both the dancer and the viewer to another plane of existence— a realm of creativity and inspiration. Is it time to recharge your joy, interest and vibrancy? What will help you remember to add variety to your every day life? You need to learn new dance moves.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer or Cancer Rising
Flock of seagulls.
There is freedom at your fingertips. There are far distances to be traveled. But wherever you go, you are never lost. You are always home. Have you ever seen a seagull way out in the middle of the ocean? How does it feel at home? Does it miss solid land? Ask yourself if it’s time to disrupt your outdated vision of comfort and reimagine what stability means to you.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo or Leo Rising
Frog on a lily pad.
A frog is so versatile. It’s incredibly adapted to move between habitats and survive in water and on land. You can be that versatile too. You’re being asked to find dexterity, You have the ability to change. It’s not easy to groove new mental patterns, but adapting this way is necessary for survival. As you adjust the way you think, you will find new possibility.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo or Virgo Rising
A bear by the river.
A slow moving bear lumbers along the shoreline. It is grounded and powerful. And yet, at any moment it can spring into action and speedily catch a fish. It’s important that you slow down. As you learn how to simplify and get grounded, you’ll understand how to use your energy most effectively. You are learning how to prioritize so that you become much more efficient.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra or Libra Rising
Rows of storybooks.
Again and again you battle. You’ll win the battle when you realize that it’s not about anyone  else. It’s about the stories that you are telling yourself. Every time you pick a relationship, you pick a story. And then you act it out. Take full responsibility in every way. You are always choosing the story and you can change it by changing yourself.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio or Scorpio Rising
A blade of grass.
The simple things in life can teach you significant truths. You have to pay close attention to be a student of nature. Nature is the quiet that you seek. Nature holds a megaphone to the thing you most need to hear. Step as close as you can and observe. Wait for a sign. You might find that everything you need to learn is summarized in a pebble or a blade of grass.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising
Blank notepaper.
There are times when you need to read and learn. And there are times when you need to write and dream. It’s time for output. Create your philosophies, your current mission statement, your visions for your future. Push yourself there. Use the tool of enthusiasm to get out of ordinary reality and into the next phase. Get all of your ideas down on paper.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn or Capricorn Rising
The mountain.
What’s your plan? How will you ascend the rock face? There is no time to lose. Use your energy and the momentum you’ve already created to go for it. Climb. The goal is to find a new level. It’s nice to look down and see how far you’ve come. Reflect on your progress so that you feel encouraged. And at the same time, make the most of the current energy and achieve. You’ve got this.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius or Aquarius Rising
A cough.
When you cough you are trying to get something out of your system. It’s a violent movement. An expulsion. You have been taking action to get rid of something that you no longer need. But don’t stop there. It’s important to also define what it is that you do want. Move yourself past the reflexive action (the cough) and into aligned action that helps you feel vibrant, healthy and alive.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces or Pisces Rising
A nursery rhyme.
This is about simplicity and self love. You can be a tender parent to your inner child. You need to slow it down and take lots of time to soothe yourself. Don’t skip any steps. Don’t tell yourself to get over it. Instead, ask yourself what kind of gentleness you need. Ask your inner child how you can best support them right now. It’s time for healing.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.


Why we’re partnering with Moody Month—the period app by women for women that believes the future is emotionally intelligent …

Moody App period The Numinous

Period apps are big business—but did you know that many of them are mining your data for profit? Hormonal fluctuations mean there are times during the month when you’re more likely to spend money … priceless information for advertisers. But Moody Month is different. Created by women for women, the mission at Moody Month HQ is to help users cultivate emotional intelligence, and to start using our feeling states to empower ourselves instead.

For this reason, we are super-stoked to announce that from next month we’ll be creating exclusive in-app content for Moody Month all about the lunar cycles, and how the motions of the cosmos impact our moods throughout the month. It’s a match, literally, made in the heavens! Check out our Q&A with co-founder Amy Thomson on how she uses her moods to her advantage, in business and in life, and why she thinks emotional intelligence is the future …


Moody Month period app The Numinous Lola Ross Amy Thomson, Karla Vitrone,
Moody Month co-founders Lola Ross, Amy Thomson, and Karla Vitrone

The Numinous: When did you realize that our moods are our hidden superpowers?
Amy Thomson: As with many women, it was only when something went wrong. This is often connected to adverse effects from the contraceptive pill or illness, but my personal experience was that my periods stopped totally due to stress. The fact that something I had taken for granted was suddenly gone, was a massive sign that I hadn’t been listening to my body. The shock of this meant I experienced a new found love and respect for my moods and cycle.

TN: Which of our moods do you think is most misunderstood?
AT: Fear—which is an important barometer of people and environments to avoid. And fear can also be a huge asset in our decision-making about life, love and work. If nothing you’re doing makes you feel a little afraid, you’re not taking any risks in life, and therefore not pushing yourself to grow. Often, we are most fearful of the decisions that will be the most transformative.

TN: As a female founder, how has harnessing your hormones helped you?
AT: Knowing my highs and lows makes me a much better leader and decision maker. It allows me to know when I’m going to be able to make hard choices, or even when to raise money. Self doubt is a huge challenge for any person leading a business, and imposter syndrome is even more prominent in female founders and leaders. Knowing when in the month my body is going to be most vulnerable, and my moods most reflective, allows me to prepare for this flaring up, so I plan my month to manage the momentum of the business. Knowing my hormones makes me feel less guilty for moods and emotions that are all equally valid parts of who I am.

Outtake from the U.S. launch last month

TN: Other period apps harvest women’s data for profit. What’s that all about?!
AT: Women’s health, and reproductive health in particular, has been either stigmatized or monetized for centuries, and other period apps using data to target users with advertising at certain times of the month (when hormonal fluctuations make them more likely to spend money, for example), is simply more of the same. We started Moody, which is created by women for women, to change the system and write new rules for women’s health. Our technology is emotionally intelligent in its output and its ethics.

TN: We’re all about “manifesting the matriarchy”—how will more feminine models of leadership do you think will most impact the world going forward?
AT: Patriarchy is obsessed with ego and logic, and since AI and robots do logic better than humans now, the time has come for us to tap back into our human superpowers—our emotions. I see this happening in real time, and women’s—and men’s—emotional language and biological cycles are poised to give us prominent leverage in this pivoting world. The era of EQ over IQ is NOW, and it’s time for women to claim back our moods and emotions as the currency of the future!


Check out Moody Month on Instagram and download the app to start boosting your emotional superpowers today.


The 2019 Aries New Moon is turning the ignition on our most inspired intentions. Use it to spark up a whole new phase, says Sandy Sitron

2019 Aries New Moon Sandy Sitron The Numinous
Photo: Anderson Rian

New Moon // April 05 2019 // 4:52 am EDT // 15 degrees Aries

You can’t see this New Moon, but it will be your vehicle. It is as if you are turning the key in the ignition for the first time.

Now you get to hear the engine turn over.

You get a spark.

What do you want to spark in your life?

What are you ready to turn over?

What part of you is coming to life?

On Friday April 5th at 4:52 am EDT, we have a New Moon in Aries. At any New Moon, the Moon has retreated into the shadows. It doesn’t reflect light outwardly. This is a quiet time to retreat within and reflect on your internal process.

The Sun and Moon are lined up in the first sign of the zodiac. Aries is the sign of action and being. Aries energy is not aligned with thinking, reflecting, and analyzing. Aries wants to drive, to spark, to act, to express. Creativity and spontaneity are what feel good and work best during Aries season. 

So, at this is a quiet and inwardly reflective New Moon, how can you take all this promise of inspired action, and plant it like a seed within yourself?

This is the time to set intentions for how you want to be, act, and do. It is truly a fresh start. Begin this process in your imagination. Write down your new goals, commitments, and dreams and then give them to the Moon. How do you want to live? 

With the 2019 Aries New Moon making a square to Saturn, notice how you might tend to limit these dreams. Limiting your goals to what is “practical” is not going to help you ignite! A fire doesn’t analyze and plan as it burns. It simply consumes the material it has access to and dances as wildly as it can.

The energy of this New Moon feels a little irresponsible. But the square to Saturn says tells us that restraint is necessary. Integrate this contradiction is a way that works for you.

One way could be to set intentions that are based in the concepts of Love and Action. Let these tenets guide you, and you will be doing the best you can for yourself and others.

Because this is a fiery and action-oriented New Moon, it’s important to remember that the seeds of our intentions cannot only be planted in the mind. The mind is too dry to germinate to new life. Your intentions must take root in your heart. You have to feel your intentions, and hold them, and imagine yourself living them.

Warm them up and incubate them in the fires of this 2019 Aries New Moon.

Set intentions for how you want to live. 

Over the past weeks, you’ve had so much time to drift and dream. At times, with the Sun, Mercury, and Neptune in Pisces, you may even have felt as if you were trapped in a murky, muddy puddle, unable to truly move forward.

It could still feel like you are suspended in an extended sleep, but look more closely. Something is stirring. Like a baby waking up, this awakening may happen slowly. A shift of body weight. A stretch and a sneeze. Finally, once consciousness has fully arrived, a scream!

There you are, stretching, slowly awakening to this new beginning. Allow your own wild yell be a way to you remind yourself you are alive.

And now that you are awake, out all the energy you’ve cultivated during your slumber into getting this new phase going. Power up your being with intentions rooted in Love and Action. Turn the key in the ignition, then put your foot on the gas.


New Moon square Saturn

Dry crunchy cereal. The kind that cuts the roof of your mouth, just enough to be uncomfortable. But you keep eating anyway. You need to do something healthy for yourself. You need to figure out what is really going to work for your body, for your community and for your world.

You may be a little uncomfortable in the process. But that doesn’t mean you should avoid the task at hand. Find sweetness where you can, and keep chewing. Keep doing the work you need to do. Eventually you’ll see the positive changes take shape. And it will all be worth it.


How to turn your Inner Critic into your inner motivational coach? Learn to work with your Saturn placement, says Sandy Sitron

planet Saturn inner critic Sandy Sitron The Numinous
Photo: David Menidrey

Each of us has an Inner Critic. A little voice in our head who tells us what we need to do different or better. Some of us have a REALLY LOUD Inner Critic. Some of us learn to turn the volume down over time, using tools like yoga, meditation, and self-compassion practice.

And we can also use astrology, where the the Inner Critic archetype is ruled by the planet Saturn.

This means that the placement of Saturn in our birth charts, shows the nature of our Inner Critic, the tone of its voice, and the area of life where we’re most likely to feel most harassed by it. Depending on how we’re feeling, this same Saturn energy can also shows up the Teacher, the Life Coach, or the Mentor. Can you see how, actually, the Inner Critic shares an energetic “tone” with these more “positive” archetypes?

The Inner Critic is one of the more difficult Saturn archetypes to welcome in (an in astrology, the invitation is to accept and forgive ALL parts of our Self!). But considering how shitty a negative inner dialogue can make us feel, let alone prevent us from taking risks on following our dreams, and asking for what we’re worth, it’s also one of the most important Saturn archetypes to learn to work with effectively. (Check out my FREE webinar on April 5 2019 for a live lesson on this!)

But first, consider: Do you know what I mean when I talk about this Inner Critic voice? Can you imagine what yours sounds like? 

As I’ve been writing this post, my Inner Critic has been talking to me. Before I left the house today, my Inner Critic was chattering about my hair and quantifying the amount of dust piling up on the lampshades in my home.

Even if you’re reading this first thing in the morning, chances are your Inner Critic has already been pointing a few of your “shortcomings” out to you, too. You forgot to send that email. You sent it, but wish you’d worded it better. You don’t call your mom often enough. You ate all the fries last night. UGH!

Is our Inner Critic helping us? Believe it or not, this is their original intent. You see, our Inner Critic only wants to make sure that we belong. That we’re socially acceptable. That we don’t say anything confusing, incorrect, stupid, or hurtful. It wants us not to miss out on any of the love! But I’m not psyched about this particular brand of help, because it can easily contribute to anxiety and depression.

So, where did this Inner Critic come from?

Like most subconscious programming, this archetype develops during early childhood. When we are kids our parents/teachers/family/community members/religious leaders try to train us so that we fit in, look good, are kind, have discipline, and will experience success in life. In doing this, even the most gentle caretakers may (often unconsciously) encourage us to edit who we are in one way or another. It’s pretty much unavoidable.

For a kid, this training can be internalized (again, unconsciously) as “I am not acceptable as I am.” We internalize this voice so that we can fit in, be loved, and succeed. We begin to police ourselves.

So what does this have to do with Saturn?!

When I’m looking at a client’s chart to help them with the topic of self-criticism, I always look to the Saturn sign and placement for clues. Saturn is archetype that wants us to succeed in the real world. As mentioned, in the highest evolution of this energy, Saturn can be the Coach, Teacher or Mentor. The more challenging form of this energy is the Inner Critic. It is normal and healthy to experience all these expressions of Saturnian energy.

And, by simply learning to raise your awareness of when the tone has flipped, you can turn the volume down on your Inner Critic, and raise the volume up on your Inner Teacher. One way to do this is to simply talk to Saturn. Here’s how:

  • Close your eyes and Imagine that you’re sitting in a room with your Saturn or your Inner Critic (use whichever term you prefer).
  • Start to ask some questions. Ask Saturn what they are trying to help you with right now.
  • Listen for the answer.
  • Thank them for her help.
  • Ask if there’s another way they can try to communicate this information.
  • Now explain to them how you would like your relationship to change.
  • Thank them and say goodbye for now.

You can book a meeting (Saturn loves structure!) with your Saturn/Inner Critic whenever you want to tone down anxious thinking or get out of a funk. The more you have these conversations with your Saturn/Inner Critic, the more you can turn the volume down on self-flagellation and UP on self-motivation!


Want to learn how to work with your personal Saturn placement? Join Sandy for a FREE astro-coaching webinar all about Saturn on April 5 2019 (register HERE)


Spring is getting springier, and Sandy Sitron has this week’s Numinous horoscopes for your sign …

Pink blossom Numinous horoscopes The Numinous Sandy Sitron April 1 2019
Photo: Nikhil Kumar

Aries or Aries Rising
Fire arrow.
It’s time to cut through. You might have to push yourself out of the emotional waters and dry out. Get yourself back on land. It’s been a soggy and emotional run and now you are here to light your own fire. So that you can get things done. Don’t worry about what you’ll do or how you’ll do it. Confidence is learned through action. So go. Illuminate your path as you fly.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus or Taurus Rising
A parade.
You’re learning to enjoy the fruits of imagination. A parade offers imagination and surprises. You have to wait for each new act to arrive in front of you. You can’t skip ahead. You must be patient. There are more imaginative unveilings. More truths to be unveiled. Sit and wait. You don’t need to move. Let the awareness come to you.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini or Gemini Rising
Wreath of wallflowers.
It’s easy to feel uncertain and hang back like a wallflower. But that won’t do. You are meant to learn from others and maybe even be a thought leader. It’s easier to weave your wallflower into a wreath if you come from a place of curiosity instead of judgement. There’s always something new to learn — let that idea lead you into exciting new social connections.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer or Cancer Rising
Tallest sunflower.
You are already enough. Even if you don’t always feel it. You’re doing enough. You are sturdy and your foundation is strong. Deny self-doubt and remind yourself of the truth — you are excelling and achieving. At this time you can gain momentum at work. Believe in yourself and your ability to rise up above the rest of the garden.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo or Leo Rising
Pizza Pie.
You’re having a pizza party and this can be an uplifting time. Let yourself feel jubilant. The pie shape is a wheel and circumstances are always turning. Events happen. Things change. It’s who you are on the inside that counts. Identify some goals so that you feel centered and then enjoy the party. Lean forward into whatever helps you have fun, learn and expand.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo or Virgo Rising
A sprouting seed.
When you release the past, it’s easier to open up to the future. You are not a carbon copy of yesterday. You are so much more. You have the power to make your life what you want it it be. See today as a new beginning. See yourself as a seed, sprouting for the first time. If you’ve never sprouted before, there’s nothing there to judge. What kind of plant will you become?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra or Libra Rising
The rose has thorns.
Make sure you’re ignoring what you need to ignore. Are you putting your attention on something superfluous? You only have so much time and attention. Make it count. There are relationships that really matter and there are ones that don’t. Instead of trying to make everyone happy, use your energy carefully. You’ll end up feeling aligned and carefree.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio or Scorpio Rising
You can give yourself a massage, you just need to set aside the time. Focus on healing and attending to your physical body. Creating self-care practices will make you a role model for others. Take good care of yourself and you’ll be better able to be of service. You may think you’ve heard this message before, but this week it’s especially important.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising
A racecar drives in a circle. It’s not complicated, but the other cars on the track make the sport difficult. You need to follow your own path, but there are many disruptions. Does this stoke your fires of creativity or make you want to shut down? Remember your goal. Put blinders on and drive right toward it. That will help you feel creative, free and directed.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn or Capricorn Rising
You are feeling many emotions and some of these emotions are ancient. Who in your family originated this feeling? If you can’t tap into the feelings directly, you’ll feel antsy. Just let yourself imagine the source of the emotions. The emotional release can power up your jet engines and help you feel inspired to achieve.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius or Aquarius Rising
A ladder.
The direction you need to go is up. Up for more mental perspective. If you find yourself grinding on some thoughts or ideas that are stressing you out, climb. Get on the ladder and get your head out of the mundane and into something more inspiring. There is always something to learn that can help you reframe. Reach for a new way of thinking.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces or Pisces Rising
Imaginary palace.
You can live in a palace at any time. It exists in your imagination. There are always many stories that you can tell yourself. Some stories are worries and some are dreams. Which ones are safer? Your answer might tell you a lot about the state of mind that you feel most comfortable inhabiting. Remember that security is a human need. And it is always imagined.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.


Here comes spring! And it’s a time to practice the art of receiving, says Bess Matassa, who also has a personal audio Tarot reading for April 2019 for each sign …

Spring Tarotscopes The Numinous Prince Lauder

April 2019 card for the collective: The Empress

As we transition from Aries to Taurus energy in April 2019, The Empress asks us to move beyond our scarcity mentality. Ruled by Venus, The Empress presides over the holy heaven-on-earth trinity of sex, beauty, and money. She is the QUEEN OF RECEIVING, and this month she is asking us to smoke out any old stories about our lack of worth, so we can reap all the juicy fruits that are ripe for the plucking.

In the weeks to come, let The Empress remind you that pursuing what you love is the fastest way to magnetize more of this into your life. What if it didn’t have to be any harder than that? Once there, try not to get caught up in the self-sabotaging cycle of immediately wondering how long it will last. Imagine if, by simply saying “yes” to only what feels good, this opulence continued to propagate organically in your world.

Read on for the card, mantra, and cosmic audio reading for your sign …


“My feelings are a force that create my foundations.”


TAURUS or TAURUS RISING: The Wheel of Fortune
“Letting myself grow wider is the way towards wisdom.”


“Getting back to basics makes me feel bedazzled.”


CANCER or CANCER RISING: 2 of Pentacles
“Liberation comes from not carrying it all.”


LEO or LEO RISING: 10 of Pentacles
“I pledge allegiance to the light that never goes out.”


“I am loosening my hold on what’s already leaving.”


“Returning to my whole self is the homecoming I’ve awaited.”


“Paying attention to the tiniest glimmers makes my life glow.”



“Stillness is the superpower that soothes my soul.”


“I am willing to wait for what’s worthy of my presence.”


“My flesh and blood is more than good enough.”


“Raising the stakes brings me closer to the creative flame.”


Learn more about Bess and her work and check out all her personalized Astro + Tarot offerings HERE.


It’s the last week of Mercury’s current retrograde cycle, and Sandy Sitron has a new astro symbol for your sign in her Numinous weekly horoscopes …

Numinous weekly horoscopes The Numinous Sandy Sitron March 25 2019
Photo: Ernest Karchmit

Aries or Aries Rising
Drifting leaf.
You may feel like this is the time to power forward and take action. But your energy is better spent going with the flow. Discover if it’s possible to coast like a leaf on the wind or a twig in a river. Connect with the elements that surround you. Notice where you are supported. You can get a lot done alone, but you don’t need to.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus or Taurus Rising
Cosmic teachers.
Continue to go about your daily life. But notice that every situation, relationship and emotion is a teacher. What might normally irritate you becomes meaningful when you reframe events and interactions as moments of learning. Interrupt your normal mental chatter and ask yourself what you need to learn. This is moment in which you can gain spiritual perspective.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini or Gemini Rising
A piece of a cloud.
Eat clouds for breakfast. Fill yourself up with air and water — aka ideas and feelings. The fear might be that you drift away. But you will always come back down to earth like rain. You don’t have to worry. Your desire to share and teach will be supported. Disrupt your earthly security fears and just stay inspired by the knowledge and wisdom that you’re taking in.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer or Cancer Rising
Hands and heart.
You are under pressure and it’s coming from all directions. But your emotional intelligence is growing. Tend to yourself as carefully as you would tend to a newborn. If you feel safe and emotionally secure in your cozy nest of self-care, you’ll find that you can easily reach out your hands to share your heart with the world.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo or Leo Rising
Ray of light.
You’re getting a direct transmission. It’s coming at you like a ray of brilliant inspiration. If you become cloudy (and we all get cloudy sometimes) you’ll ignore the sparks. Stay awake by confronting your underlying subconscious fears and stripping them of their power. Then you’ll notice things that will inspire you for a very long time.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo or Virgo Rising
Spices and herbs.
Reinvigorate yourself with vitalizing smells. You need a restart. You need to learn to let go and begin again. A transformation process becomes bleak if you feel disconnected from nature and your body. Let aroma bring you home to yourself. You are changing on deep levels and you need physical support in this process. Keep it simple.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra or Libra Rising
A submarine.
This ship can explore great depths, but it must stay self-contained. The internal pressure must be regulated. The control panels must be monitored. The technicians must work together. Get all of the parts of yourself working together. Monitor your own internal pressure. Then you can bring your ship into relationship, exploring and connecting with others in a healthy way.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio or Scorpio Rising
Cow eats grass.
Honor your digestive process. How many stomachs do you need to digest everything that’s been coming your way? You can’t just keep taking it all on without a symbolic cleanse. Draw a diagram of what your metaphorical digestive process should be right now. What will help you process, cleanse, and release? This will make you much more creative.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising
You are creating a maze, when the path is actually a straight line. Get out of your own way. This can be much more simple than it is. Rearrange the shrubbery of your mind. When you begin your trip again with fun, playfulness and sharing as your driving values, you’ll find that the path is much easier to navigate.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn or Capricorn Rising
Baby food.
There is a strange role reversal happening. You have loads of life experience. You know how to take charge. But for a moment you are like an adult trapped in a baby body. You have to let go of control and let yourself be coddled. This will bring you more perspective. Don’t fight the process, just let go and receive. You’ll go back to making boss moves soon enough.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius or Aquarius Rising
Covered in clay.
The current energy might make you feel like you’re floating away. Getting very grounded will help you feel brilliant and aligned. If you want a good idea, breathe and center yourself in your body. If you want a new philosophical outlook, go outside. Ground your physical container and you’ll find that your creative ideas and social connections flourish.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces or Pisces Rising
A target.
There’s a focal point to aim for. But you need to practice. The best way to waste time is to flail around trying to do something you’re not prepared for. Go step by step. Follow your routine and build up your skills. Focus on strength and you’ll find that everything becomes exponentially easier. Learning and practicing can feel very productive.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.


Aries Season 2019 is about stripping back down to our essence, and moving towards our target with an unstoppable grace, says Bess Matassa

Aries Season 2019 Bess Matassa The Numinous astrology red dress
Photo: Melody Jacob

Aries Season 2019 urges us to commit to our essence and lay claim to our incomparable competence, completely drama free. A cosmic moment for clean cut confidence, this season beckons us back into what comes most naturally to us, as we rev our engines with focus, fluidity, and the feel-good freedom of our unrestrained life force.

With Aries’ ruling planet, Mars, in mix and match Gemini, there’s a playful sense of possibility in the air. Which superhero suit will you don today? Dig into the arsenal of resources in your repertoire, and reach for exactly what’s needed to hit your target. With sweetheart Venus traveling through Pisces, any hot-blooded need to prove or to possess anything is softened by a desire to simply show up as our most lovable selves.

As Pluto in Capricorn opposes the North Node in Cancer, it’s also a season for connecting to the raw exhilaration of responsibility. What tasks feel most tasty? What acts of self-sufficiency are also kindling for the fire in your Soul? Take this time to tap into the actual thrill of being a self-directed grown-up, making choices that nourish and fortify you for the long-haul as you set off with a sense of tingling anticipation.

This season’s double Libra Full Moons (on 3.20 and 4.19) will also help us say a final farewell to the patterns and partnerships that are dragging us down. So come exactly as you are. Bold and bare and ready to rock yourself all the way back home.

Read on for more on the 4 key astro events of the coming weeks …


Sun in Aries (3.20-4.20) + Mars in Gemini (3.31-5.15) 
In its uncut form, Aries energy is the rugged sprout through the pavement cracks, and the lick of the crackling match. But the vibe of Aries season 2019, with Mars rolling through Gemini, is more fluid and windswept. Imagine you are a muscle car hood ornament, leading the way with an unstoppable grace. Get secure in your destination, and shoot towards it with your shiny chest bared and your head tossed back.


Mercury direct in Pisces (3.28) + Venus in Pisces (3.26-4.20) 
As Mercury moves direct again in Pisces it’s joined by Venus, signaling a season of self-assured sensitivity. This energy wants you to love exactly what loves you back, fully and fiercely, and to swim away from temptations which ultimately leave you feeling less than buoyant. Chase only what you truly cherish, leave casual encounters behind, and choose where to go deep with care and compassion.


Pluto in Capricorn opposite the North Node in Cancer (3.31-4.2019) 
The Capricorn-Cancer axis asks us to shelter ourselves with equal parts structure and sensitivity, and Pluto in Capricorn facing off against the Cancer North Node brings an invitation to become your own protector. When did you last relish taking responsibility for your own existence? Your inner child remembers how it felt to imagine life as a grown-up, making your own choices about what to eat and where to live. Channel this energy and give yourself exactly what you need.


Double Full Moons in Libra (3.20; 4.19) 
This potent pair of Full Moons asks us to repair any feelings of “less than.” Bringing a chance to examine sticky places of shame, unworthiness, and unlovability, and where these are mirrored through partners, projects, and projections that threaten to tear us down, it’s a time to get back to backing ourselves completely. This Aries season, step outside of any outworn constructs that have left you trapped in cycles that don’t reflect your own precious worth.


Learn more about Bess and her work and check out all her personalized Astro + Tarot offerings HERE.


The first 2019 Libra Full Moon brings a moment of forward motion on your mission to align more closely with your Self, says Sandy Sitron

March 2019 Libra Full Moon The Numinous Sandy Sitron
Photo: JR Korpa

Full Moon // March 20 2019 // 9:45 pm EDT // 0 degrees Libra

Climbing and climbing. You are paving your own way up the mountain. The sun beats down and reminds you that you have skin. Your exhalations are heavy as you ascend.

On March 20, we have the first 2019 Libra Full Moon (there are two this year). It occurs as the gate opens to Aries season and we step into an astrological New Year with the Vernal Equinox. This 2019 Libra Full Moon is taking you on a solo hike. You are blazing your trail, healing your wounds, and working with your inner rebel, all the while seeking mental clarity and balance.

This hike is a metaphor for any place you are taking action in your life. On some level, the sheer effort you are taking on reminds you of your life force. Your life force is how you “do,” “act,” and “be,” without impacting anyone else. During Aries season, this translates to: “I climbed a mountain, I am alive!”

Where are you taking action in your life right now? This is the path of your ascension. Can you let yourself just “do” without judging your own actions? A part of you needs the freedom to simply make it happen. So take a chance. It’s right there. Get moving.

It seems peaceful enough on this journey, but there are secretive shadows along the edges of the trail. You may find yourself wondering: who is hiding out there in the nooks and crannies? What is going to leap out and attack me?But the real question is: what has been hiding out on the inside? During this Full Moon in Libra, past wounds and insecurities may rise to the surface.

You can’t control what’s triggered, but you can soothe the source. Use your memory to travel back in time to the small child who felt unsure and afraid. We all harbor ancient fears that rise up here and there. Comfort yourself with words of love and encouragement as you climb.

Now, you reach the top of the mountain. Notice the clean, cool air. You’ve always known this is what you were aiming for—and now that you’re here, it’s time to cultivate an equanimous state of mind. Meditate. Give gratitude for the efforts and actions that brought you here. Focus on your breath. Create your own inner peace.

Meditation is so key at this time, as your goal now is to stabilize. To do this, simply stand on the balance beam and forget to ask yourself if you’re balancing.

So, now you’re settled into meditation at the top of your own mountain. The climb has been challenging. The dangers along the path have been faced. But it was all an act of self-expression that has led you back to yourself. Back to your own crystalline clarity. Your moment of oneness and balance with all that you are.

A Libra Full Moon is technically supposed to be about relationship. And it will be. But make this moment, now, about honing your relationship with yourself. You are dealing with your old scary monsters. You are taking the actions that make you feel the most alive. This is how you will find inner balance and show up authentically in relationship to others.


Moon opposite Chiron
The secretive shadows alongside the trail. Will something jump out?
The old triggers get activated. Notice that they are the same ones, always. And that if you run toward them instead of away, they become much less scary. This 2019 Libra Full Moon brings a chance to tend to your old wounds. To go deep, down, and under. To the past. To the source. To show up for who you were then and to forgive yourself.

This is deep inner work and no one should explore these caverns without a buddy or at least a harness. You’ve got options, so find the support you need. And if you tangle toes with someone who’s avoiding the deep work, but who is getting triggered and acting out, you’ll at least have a frame of reference for what’s going on.


Moon inconjunct Uranus
Driving a flying saucer.
Do you know how to work this thing? The controls are foreign and the starship has unearthly functions. Your emotions might be like the flying saucer at this 2019 Libra Full Moon. Normally you have a pretty good sense of how your feelings work. But now you’re traveling in another dimension.

You’re being asked to get used to a new way of navigating emotional territory. It might feel out of control at first, but just keep trying. Even if you get frustrated. Eventually you’ll push enough buttons that you figure out how to drive your ship forward at warp speed, and from there, everything will become possible.


As we close out the cosmic year, the 2 of Cups and the 9 of Swords ask us to come into deeper union with our disowned parts, and to love up on our whole selves without reservation, says Brandon Alter… Cast using The Wild Unknown and the Prisma Visions Tarot 


Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with Sandy Sitron’s Numinous Weekly Horoscopes …

ken cheung ruby warrington sandra sitron sandy sitron the numinous weekly horoscopes numinous astrology school learn astrology
Photo: Ken Cheung


Pisces or Pisces Rising
A cat in the sun. It’s time to deeply relax. Can you do that while also taking up some space in the spotlight? Cats are mini kings and queens. They know how to garner attention, while at the same time embodying meditative stillness. Receive all of the gifts that are coming your way. Relax and purr while you effortlessly shine your magnetic appeal out into the world.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries or Aries Rising
Paper plane. Receive an important message written on a paper plane. There is insight headed your way. Your curiosity is being quenched. When you want something you often try to take action immediately. Right now you simply need to wait and watch. Keep an eye on the horizon and wait for a message to drift your way. It won’t be obvious, so be open to any form it may take.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus or Taurus Rising
Electronic ticker tape. What if LED lights were to flash messages at you all day, everyday? And the messages were your most important values and visions for the future? This would make it easy to infuse every mundane task and action with inspiration and purpose. Choose a few important values and find a way to put them “on repeat” so that you can feel deep inner alignment.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini or Gemini Rising
Trampoline. You’re jumping higher and higher. You’re getting better and better. One of the hardest things to remember about progress is that there is an ebb and a flow. We can’t just keep moving forward all the time. We will always have setbacks and plateaus. Don’t be discouraged by this variety. Chart your overall progress and set up a sturdy system so that you can continue to leap higher.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer or Cancer Rising
Watching goldfish. You could stare into a beautifully designed aquarium and easily be transported to another realm. That’s one reason why aquariums exist— to help you move gracefully into other dimensions. How do you need to break out and visit another realm? Is it through travel? Is it through symbolism? Is it through reading? You need encouragement. Find it by expanding your own mind.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo or Leo Rising
Dragonfly and bass. The dragonfly skims the surface of the pond, but could it be lunch for a fish living deep below? As much as you might like to, you can’t stay on the surface right now. You need to go deep. You need to push yourself to confront your emotional depths. Ask yourself what you need to see that you are not seeing. When you are friends with all your feelings, your surface life gets easier.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo or Virgo Rising
Unexpected music. A few beautiful notes sound through the air. If you are staying present and paying attention, you can be charmed by lovely music or a beautiful vision. Beauty can add joy to your life, but not if you are so busy working that you fail to notice it. Balance, beauty, or collaboration could offer you serenity. Let a balanced conversation or inspiring art help you open up and be present.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra or Libra Rising
Homework. Your work can yield results— if you can finally figure out how to balance it. This is not about working harder or giving up your joy. This is about getting things organized. Can you focus on efficiency without getting overwhelmed? Can you get help designing the small steps that will take you all the way? What is the most practical way to make this happen?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio or Scorpio Rising
Telescope. Set your sights on another planet and imagine yourself living there. Play “pretend” just like when you were a kid. Then take the next step and redesign your life on this planet. As we get older we forget the fun of imagining. It’s a powerful practice that can actually create a different reality. Get excited about your imagined potential and build the life of your dreams.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising
All the ways you breathe. Experiment with your breathing. Try a shallow breath, a heavy breath. a cleansing breath. Pretend you are an actor displaying an emotional breath. Now take all of this range and use it to connect with different parts of yourself. Does you deep breath help you connect with your empowered self? Your breath can remind you of what needs to be healed. Let it show you how.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn or Capricorn Rising
Soda bubbles. Bubbles keep rising. When they achieve momentum they are incredibly refreshing. Be ready for the inspiration that’s headed your way. Logic can overwhelm you right now, so loosen up your grip. Look for moments of exciting inspiration and let the carbonation free your mind of old limitations. It’s a moment for bursts of insight.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius or Aquarius Rising
Flamingo. You don’t need to struggle to feel secure. A flamingo is just as steady on one leg as on two. You can examine your relationship with security vs. freedom. What if you can have both and have them right now? Look for examples in nature. Your steadiness can be fluid and technicolor. You can be wild and stable at the same time. You deserve to have all of your needs met.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.


With electric shocker planet Uranus now rolling through Taurus until 2026, we’re ripe for revolutionizing our resources, and radically grounding into our beautiful bodies. Numi astro crew Lord Chiron, Danielle Paige, Kiranjot, Bess Matassa, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst, and Rebecca Farrar have the full report on this historic meeting of heaven and Earth …

your total guide to uranus in taurus the numinous material girl mystical world ruby warrington kimberly peta dewhirst rebecca farrar star sign style wild witch of the west danielle paige kiranjot fred steinmann astrology bess matassa

URANUS IN TAURUS :: 5.6.19 – 2026

3-D chocolate printing and breaking free of the B.S.

In Greek, the language of the New Testament, Ouranos /Uranus, means “heaven.” Uranus symbolizes the realm of archetypes, effortless creativity, and synchronicity. Where we are out of line with “life” is where Uranus comes in and shocks the bullshit out of us, and with Uranus in Taurus, we can expect many shifts as to what we value here on Earth.

The Mayans equated Earth with the underworld.  They knew what the Buddhists know: that Earthly existence is a never ending loop, and that, until we evolve our consciousness, we’ll be reincarnated into the same mess over and over again. To get into Uranus / heaven, we are going to have let go of something we are holding onto that has outlived its purpose on Earth.

On a lighter note, there is also this totally Uranus in Taurus development: the 3D printing of chocolate.


Lean into the cosmic rhythm

The combination of revolutionary awakener Uranus with slow and steady Taurus is interesting for a couple of reasons. Taurus is a fixed sign and doesn’t like change before it’s really, really ready for it, and Uranus hasn’t been in Taurus since the early 1930s (the era of the Great Depression).

While this transit doesn’t have to herald another major financial crisis, it does highlight how we handle our resources, and care for Mother Earth. On a personal level, we’ll be moving more into our bodies, and awakening even more to what we put inside of them and how it was produced.

If you’re a fixed sign (Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, or Leo), or have any planets in those signs, then this Uranus transit will be making contact with your birth chart specifically. When that happens (meaning when Uranus in Taurus makes an exact angle to any of the planets in these signs) it will mean a personal awakening for you in the area of life that’s being highlighted (as denoted by the House containing the planet in question).

A final note: there is nothing to fear with this transit. This energy is happening because, as a collective, we’re really, really ready. Uranus’ transit through Taurus is set to break us out of old patterns, so that we can liberate who we actually want to be.

To find out more about Danielle’s work and how she can help you embody you soul’s cosmic rhythm follow her on Instagram 


Summoning Kundalini courage in the face of change

Crowned “God of the Sky,” Uranus’ energy is electric. He is the revolutionary. He demands innovation and progression at lightening speeds. His symbol even looks like a radio receiver.

We began to slide into the “Age of Aquarius” (the sign co-ruled by Uranus) in 1991, at the same time as the birth of the world wide web, and these Aquarian times have been highlighting the way we as a collective need to evolve if we are going to survive. If channeled well, the energy of Uranus will liberate us, as we’ve seen from the #metoo and #whatif campaigns.

With Uranus in passionate warrior Aries for the past seven years, we’ve been called to step up, claim our individual authority, and be unashamedly real. Social media platforms and the rise of the personal brand have been the frontier of this brave new world. And while we all know social media can be a phenomenal force for good, we’ve also been dealt a heavy side of anxiety as we expose ourselves for public consumption. And if, in Aries, we go out prospecting, in Taurus we bring the treasures home. Super sensual Taurus delights in the body and acquires things that please the senses.

To help us stay strong and able to cope with massive change and intense pressure during these transitional times, use the simple, anxiety soothing meditation below from the Kundalini yoga tradition. It is one of five particular mediations given by Yogi Bhajan for what he called the “gray period,” after the transition into the Aquarian Age, post 2012. Use it to calm the mind, restore mental balance, and protect against irrationality.

Meditation For Strong Nerves: 

-Sit comfortably, spine straight.
-Left hand, touch ring finger and thumb together, hold it at the level of your ear. Right hand, touch little finger and thumb together, keep it relaxed in your lap.
-Close your eyes softly and focus them at the point between your eye brows, which we call the third eye, and take long deep equal breaths. Hold the position for 11 minutes to feel the full effects.
-To finish, take a deep breath in, stretch and shake your hands for a couple of minutes.

Moon Club member Kiranjot is a Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Doula in London and Ibiza. Connect with her at and

your total guide to uranus in taurus the numinous material girl mystical world ruby warrington kimberly peta dewhirst rebecca farrar star sign style wild witch of the west danielle paige kiranjot fred steinmann astrology bess matassa
Kiranjot summons her Uranian courage


Striving to make heaven a place on Earth.

Uranus’ entry into Taurus wants us to loosen our grip, as we offer ourselves up to beauty, and take on a permanent mood ring shade that’s contingent on nothing and no-one to fill our cup.

As Uranus’s neon lightning electrifies the bovine boudoir of Taurus, we are offered the chance to start where we stand, and with exactly the resources we already have on hand. With whatever creams and serums are clustered in our medicine cabinets. With whatever savory spices we are ready to pestle and mortar to perfection. With whatever flesh and bones currently house our spirits. We’re being reminded that our bodies are a vestal vessel for magic and majesty.

That we’ve got enough, and we are more than enough.

Uranus in Taurus Mantra: “When I settle in to what can’t be stolen, I can serve up my delicious mission.”
Theme Song: Heaven is a Place on Earth
Style: The earthbound “housewife” chic of Pedro Almodóvar’s women, in outer space. Chunky lucite hoops, plastic floral hair pieces, and body con neon prints.
Flavors: Think the languid luxe lickables and spontaneous bounty of an impromptu picnic—fresh baguettes, mascarpone, nutty gouda, full-bodied butters, succulent stone fruit, salted charcuterie, and concord grape juice.

Want more juicy cosmic insights and sensory explorations? Arrange a reading or private event with Bess here and follow her on Instagram


Ground shaking pragmatism and sensory revolutions.

From the heady daredevil realms of Aries to the bull’s more stable pastures, the flavor of our collective innovations has shifted; a pioneering, fighting spirit transitions into a more practical approach to necessary change.

However, rebellious Uranus faces some challenges in this earthy territory, and we’ve felt the birthing pains to prove it. With earthquakes across the US, and volcanoes in both Hawaii and Japan, we’re viscerally connected to Uranus’ shocking vibrations.

Outside of this Gaia-based realm, whatever Taurus governs can now experience revolutionary leaps—from banking, agriculture and food production, to ways of working, our income, and even sensory experiences. Think the widespread normalization of digital finance, and technological advancement in farming that helps us face sustainability issues with tangible solutions.

And as Taurus governs our sensuality and how we experience the material world, the style forecast for this transit is more Ecological practices in the fashion industry!

Connect with Kimberly at Star Sign Style, and on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

your total guide to uranus in taurus the numinous material girl mystical world ruby warrington kimberly peta dewhirst rebecca farrar star sign style wild witch of the west danielle paige kiranjot fred steinmann astrology bess matassa
Photo: Patrick Tomasso


Awakening Earth activism and connection consciousness.

With the celestial shift of Uranus into Taurus, a.k.a. “Tauranus,” the energy in the air is palpable.

At first, this cosmic combination may seem jolting, as opposing earthly and etheric forces come into contact. Yet Taurus can ground Uranian forces into more practical means, and Uranus has the opportunity to utilize the Taurean powers of connection to move things forward.

As a transpersonal planet closely linked to collective experiences and generations, Uranus’ sign shift is an important indicator of group evolution and the potential for shifts in the collective consciousness. We’ve already seen the effects through new financial structures, such as the sharing economy and cryptocurrency, and Earth technologies that include ocean clean-up efforts and major strides in renewable energy.

Beyond creativity in the fields of environmentalism, food sources, and finance, these next 8 years also offer up revolutions in the way we relate. My hope is for a revolution around connection, and a new consciousness that includes greater intimacy with ourselves, others, mothership Earth, and the cosmic community. I’m eager to watch it unfold.

For more cosmic musings, check out the “Wild Witch of the West” on Instagram and Facebook. 


The 4 of Swords Rx and the Chariot invite us to mine the gifts of the past so we can fully honor ourselves and ambitiously move forward, says Brandon Alter… Cast using The Wild Unknown and the Prisma Visions Tarot