With Pluto stationing direct on September 30th, it’s time to meet your shadow self—and you can use your birth chart to come face-to-face with the skeletons in your own closet, say Ruby Warrington and Bess Matassa …
Ruler of Scorpio, the planet Pluto urges us to dive deep into the more Numinous realms of being—which can feel downright scary, depending on how comfortable we are with our more primal urges and shadowy desires.
Pluto governs the parts of ourselves we tend to keep buried under layers of social conditioning, but which are aching to be witnessed in all their gory glory.
But there’s no need to be afraid of these less fragrant parts of ourselves. And in fact, the more time we can spend acknowledging, loving, and socializing them, the less likely they are to leap out of the shadows and bite somebody’s head off. And our birth charts are a great place to begin.
There are several key placements in each and every chart that give clues to the more shadowy parts of our beings, giving us the opportunity to unlock our own secret basement rooms and hidden passages. Read on for 7 ways to use your birth chart to go behind the veil …
*If you don’t have your birth chart, you can do yours for free HERE.
The 7th House: Hello, shadow self Known as the house of relationships and sitting opposite the 1st House of self and personal expression, the 7th House can also represent the parts of our nature where we’re in denial. Planets here can show aspects of ourselves that we’d rather not “see,” and which we project onto our life partners (in marriage, friendship, and business) instead. We may also seek relationships with people who embody these traits in order to “complete” us. For example, Mars in the 7th House could represent suppressed or unacknowledged anger, meaning we seek partners who either express their anger easily—or know how to push the right buttons to help us to express ours!
The 8th House: How we dance with our demons Ruled by Scorpio herself, the wicked witch of the zodiac, the 8th House is where we walk the tightrope between the two worlds. In our earthly lives, planets in the 8th House can show how we access our psychic powers (for example, the Moon here suggests strong gut feelings, while an 8th House Mercury may mean we actually “hear” voices from the other side). The sign ruling the 8th House meanwhile (look for the sign it intersects at the bottom), shows our relationship to our shadow self. For example, Leo ruling the 8th House has no problem expressing its demons—while Cancer here may need to find a safe place to let it all hang out.
The 12th House: Let go and let God Representing the most profound depths of the chart, this house is often described in vague terms such as “the house of self-undoing,” or “secret enemies,” and you can think of this zone as the underground cellar of your chart. Any planets living down there are sometimes kept under lock and key—while they may rise up and “possess” you from time to time. For example, Pluto or Mars here can lead to repressed anger and control impulses that suddenly break out of the cellar and threaten to smash all the china. Meanwhile, Venus here marks an invitation to notice where you deny yourself pleasure. If you’re a 12 house astro babe, your work is to embrace whatever planets hang in this basement, and invite them into the main house for a midnight snack.
Neptune: Your inner spiritual guru Neptune is the planet ruling mystical Pisces, representing our spirituality and our connection to the higher realms of existence. The sign and house containing Neptune in our birth charts shows how and in what areas of life we experience this connection most strongly, and also where we may seek to “merge” with the Universal oneness—or lose our sense of “self.” The biggest emo of the zodiac, Neptune also shows our sensitivity, and where we may try to escape from the “real” world in search of something altogether softer and more forgiving. Any kind of mystical or dreamlike experience, from being guided into a Shamanic trance, to losing ourselves in music at a concert, will have Neptune at its helm.
South Node: Your soul’s old clothing Have you ever slipped into some threads that feel oh so comfortable but just a little bit stretched out? Think of your South Node placement as your house clothes. Whatever sign and house its in represents an old way of being from another lifetime. This time around, channel your North Node placement for a soul upgrade. The North Node may feel itchy and challenging and take some breaking in. At first, you may not even recognize yourself when you embrace this behavioral pattern. But you’ve got to risk slipping into this new party frock and and heading out on the town to really fulfill your mission.
Chiron: Your secret superpower Often called the “wounded healer,” you can think about this placement in your chart as a deeply painful spot that needs you to apply the energy of allowing. Dress that wound, love up on it, and let it break you open towards the human experience of tenderized acceptance. Along with Saturn, Chiron is all about something we think we never received and/or don’t deserve. By element it shows us what we perceive as our weakness (ex/Chiron in Earth, connection to the pragmatic, material realm; Chiron in water, fears around surrendering to our emotional tides). But unlike Saturn’s hard work energy, which compels us to apply effort to overcome this placement, Chiron doesn’t respond to “work.” Instead, we must move alongside and with this energy, and use it as a gateway to connecting with others. Sweetly attending to this touchy-feely place lets us tap into our empathetic superpowers.
Pluto: Where you glow in the dark This planet of hardcore soul collisions and amped-up intensity, which rules the badass energy of Scorpio, shows us where we can practice grip and release. It gives the house it inhabits a glow-in-the-dark kind of light, where we illuminate our life and death battles, and what we’re willing to protect at all costs. Its gift is to reveal to us where we’re most carnal, and to help us mine this intensity for juicy gemstones. Can we learn to live with what lives inside of us, even the inkiest dark matter we’d rather discard? Harness this energy to fight for exactly what you desire, while noticing when your primal beasties can be slightly softened.
Libra Season 2018 brings an opportunity to embody our contradictions and make peace with the parts of ourselves we may prefer to disavow. Bess Matassa shares the key astro happenings for the month to come.
Photo: Matheus Ferrero
Unleash your lightsabers and clarify your castles in the sky. Libra Season 2018 marks a potent moment for reconciling our contradictions, so we can learn to dance a new and delicious tango with our wildest dreams.
Represented by the zodiac’s only inanimate object, the scales, Libra gifts us with a mirrorball perspective that can see for miles. This sign is sometimes positioned as a romantic dreamer, but the energy we move through collectively during Libra Season is about letting the air move freely around us, testing the temperature and humidity before we attempt to alter a single thing.
With Pluto stationing direct in Capricorn on September 30, and Venus starting her retrograde roll through Scorpio October 8, the temptation might be to quickly “tidy-up” any messiness. But this is actually a season for deeply integrating whatever you see as your contradictions, and for remembering, that even when we feel most estranged we’re all in this human experience together.
So sidle up to what’s true for you, right here, right now, as if it were your most adored lover. And then ask what seems farthest from you to cuddle up closer, too. In the words of Friday Night Lights’ Coach Taylor, “clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.” We can dream this dream together when we first dare to stand completely, and unashamedly, face-to-face …
Listen to the full Libra Season 2018 report from Numi resident astrologers Bess + Sandy HERE and use the below dates from Bess to get the quick and dirty on the season’s 4 key astro events …
Libra Season teaches us to embrace what we think of as our polar opposite, and to delve into the dynamism of blending shades of grey to meet our very own middle. Celebrate complimentary combos with everything from peanut butter and jelly, to jeans and white tees, to the catch and release of Olympics pairs figure skating. The latter matches brute force with high-artistry, and sends us reeling for the winners podium based on our ability to both follow and lead.
Chiron is the zodiac’s neverending wellspring of emotional tenderness, reminding us that our secret shames are actually our superpowers. With Chiron in Pisces, the feels are all too real, and we may find ourselves perpetually poised to dissolve into saltwater tears. But the cosmic siren ultimately reveals that when we commit to diving deep with both our pain and pleasure, we can hold more than we ever imagined. Loosen your grip on a buttoned-up self-concept with ombré locks and iridescence, as you fluidly navigating every last deep-sea feeling.
Photo: Joe Gardner
Pluto direct in Capricorn (9.30) // Plate Tectonics
Pluto is the zodiac’s most potent transformer, while Capricorn represents the glacially-paced mountains of competence and self-sufficiency. Together, these forces are asking us to consider the macro-level shifts we’re ready to affect in our emotional patterning. This is way bigger than our individual lives, and connecting to this karmic consciousness can actually come as a source of major relief. What patterns are you ready to rupture that can help to liberate your entire soul lineage? What have you inherited that you know in your blood and bones is not yours to carry? Connect to these megawatt rock movements with a little dip into middle school geology class.
Whenever a planet travels retro, we’re asked to invite it to an overnight slumber party that brings us into more intimate communion with it. As Venus governs pleasure, beauty, and all forms of relationship, use this time to explore any tender spots around issues of self-worth. And while Scorpio is usually thought of as go deep or go home, full-throttle lava flow, Venus’s slow roll through this sign in October re-acquaints us with the sweet refuge of our inner dark places. Tread softly through what scares you, and support yourself the same way you would a beloved.
Your Saturn sign and house placement shows where you have the biggest growth opportunities—and the rewards that await when you commit to doing your work. Read our total guide to your Saturn sign by Ruby Warrington and Bess Matassa …
Photo: Alora Griffiths
Through ice and wind and rain and worse, Saturn keeps on climbing. With structure and discipline, the zodiac’s high-achiever keeps focussed on the hard candy rewards that exist inside of difficulty, and the 24-karat diamonds that are ours to mine when we commit to doing the work that only we can do.
In our charts, our Saturn sign and / or house placement is a tender spot. Our Saturn sign reveals what we think we can’t, or won’t ever, get, and so we often turn away from it. We construct elaborate defenses, approaching a karmic journey of reckoning that asks for both our softness and our strength, with fear. But when we face—and embrace—our Saturn sign, we see that putting in the work to overcome this fear is ultimately in service of what we’re here to bring forward.
Our infamous Saturn Return, which happens once just before the age of 30 and a second time around 60 marks a concentrated moment for this labor of love. But our work with our Saturn sign truly lasts a lifetime. Our Saturn sign asks us to grow up, step up, and take responsibility for the work we have to do in this life; it invites us into the noble act of self-sacrifice; and it holds the key to our most lasting, and impactful achievements in both the personal and the public realms.
Think of Saturn as your personal trainer, pushing you to the limits of what you think you can take because it can envision the muscle that already exists beneath your skin. And also because you “paid” it to in a past life! Saturn also rules karmic justice, and the grueling routine it’s got you sweating through now is in service of putting right past wrongs.
With Saturn traveling through its native turf, Capricorn, from Dec 2017 through March 2020, the groundwork is being laid for us all to commit to a new course of astro action. Use the guide to each Saturn Sign below to help you navigate your lessons with both grit and grace.
Click HERE to do your chart for free and discover your Saturn sign—and read for both your Saturn sign AND the House that holds Saturn in your chart. ***Pro-tip: Scroll to the bottom for how Saturn’s 2018—2020 transit through Capricorn is impacting your Sun and Rising sign.
Want to learn how to read your own chart? One of Ruby’s astro mentors, Rebecca Gordon, is currently enrolling students for her 10-week Beginners Astrology Course. Sign-up is open through September 25 2018—click HERE for details and use the code “STAR” to get 20% off tuition!
SATURN IN ARIES // SATURN IN THE 1st HOUSE Saturn Sign assignment: Leadership This Saturn sign and / or placement is born to lead, but can burn out hard and fast when it doesn’t work to a structured plan. Aries impulsiveness often prefers to forego planning and teamwork, placing the emphasis on reaching the finish line fastest and, most importantly, FIRST, when the real rewards are in the experience gained along the way. Leaning into leadership means less competition and more collaboration; less “me first” and more “we win!”
SATURN IN TAURUS // SATURN IN THE 2nd HOUSE Saturn Sign assignment: Receiving This Saturn sign and / or placement asks you to summon the courage to truly taste, touch, and enjoy it all. What feels uncomfortable about laying back in a bed of roses to receive the treats you deserve? Where do you short circuit opportunities to truly claim your sense of self-worth? Start by feeling into your body’s beauty and impulses, and reach for what you crave without judgement. This placement is all about banishing scarcity mentality, and believing in the endless feast, and your rightful place at the table.
SATURN IN GEMINI // SATURN IN THE 3rd HOUSE Saturn Sign assignment: Expression This Saturn sign and / or placement has the potential to move worlds with its words, if it can only learn to trust that they won’t be manipulated and used against you. Speaking up can feel frightening, especially when it comes to expressing your most personal opinions and views—perhaps because a mean sibling or childhood frenemy used to tease or make fun of you. This Saturn sign asks you to push past irrational “monkey-mind” fears and open up. Practice with trusted companions who make you feel understood, then bring your words to the wider world.
SATURN IN CANCER // SATURN IN THE 4th HOUSE Saturn Sign assignment: Feelings With this Saturn sign and / or placement, issues of emotional security, shelter, and a sense of belonging come to the fore. How can you create a safe container to feel every last feel, without turning away from your tenderness? And how can you validate your own emotional experiences regardless of outside feedback? This placement asks you to become a hermit crab, carrying your home on your back and learning to hunker down with your own intuitive hits, no matter the storms.
SATURN IN LEO // SATURN IN THE 5th HOUSE Saturn Sign assignment: Ego This Saturn sign and / or placement desires nothing more than to bask in the full beam of the spotlight, if it could only get over its fear of being seen. Do they really love me? Is the constant question circling, as a backdrop to the eternal creative drive of this Saturn. Your capacity for creative self-expression is second-to-none, as you strive to make your mark on the world in ways that are as entertaining and playful as they are meaningful. Learning to create for yourself first and foremost, the critics be damned, is your key to mastery.
SATURN IN VIRGO // SATURN IN THE 6th HOUSE Saturn Sign assignment: Critique Beyond this Saturn sign and / or placement’s bouts of endless tweaking, analyzing, and refining, lies the potential to learn how to match the moment with the resources on hand, and relax into trusting your cycles. Whenever you feel yourself getting stuck in a staticky buzz of not-good-enoughs, step outside into the natural world. The plants and animals don’t editorialize on their own processes. They simply bloom and shed when the moment is right. Releasing into your own internal sense of right timing is your greatest lesson.
SATURN IN LIBRA // SATURN IN THE 7th HOUSE Saturn Sign assignment: Relationship This Saturn sign and / or placement has some hardcore #relationshipgoals and yearns for partnerships that reflect its highest ideals. And then there is life in the real world, where people are not always the people we’d like them to be, and there are as many “let-downs” as there are love-ins. The work here is to learn to accept others as they are, and in doing so learn to love the parts of yourself that for whatever reason you may not be so willing to accept. Practice seeing others as a mirror, and when partnerships prove problematic, make it less about them and more about a lesson in give and take.
SCORPIO // SATURN IN THE 8th HOUSE Saturn Sign assignment: Intimacy This Saturn sign and / or placement beckons you into your own personal jungle, asking where you turn away from the darker shades of experience, and from your own desire nature. There’s a soul deep need here for radical acts of rawness, realness, and intimacy, coupled with feelings of fear that if you risk these kinds of carnal collisions, you’ll be stripped of your power and left with nothing. But Saturn in Scorpio asks you to brave sharing more of your vulnerability at all costs, and to let these gambles remind you that your unshakable core can never be stolen.
SATURN IN SAGITTARIUS // SATURN IN THE 9th HOUSE Saturn Sign assignment: Freedom This Saturn sign and / or placement cannot stand to feel contained, and is called to cultivate a feeling of freedom in even the most staid scenarios. Sagittarius rules higher learning, and embarking on epic journeys of the mind can be one way to feed your wanderlust when your day-to-day feels uninspiringly small. A fear of being trapped can lead to irresponsible risk-taking, and a restlessness that leaves little room for leaving a lasting impact. Feed your wild ponies with nuggets of knowledge while you recommit, again and again, to hiking the mountain trail less travelled.
SATURN IN CAPRICORN // SATURN IN THE 10th HOUSE Saturn Sign assignment: Structure In its native sign, Saturn sets out with a steely reserve, ready to flex its muscles and climb towards the skyscraper heights. And if you’ve got Saturn in Cap, by all means, embrace the ice rain challenges and boardroom dreams. But beneath it all, this placement is also about understanding the difference between status-quo ambition and soul goals. Settle into the structures that help you craft your most passionate visions, while making sure you embrace enough flow to truly celebrate the treats at the top of the mountain.
SATURN IN AQUARIUS // SATURN IN THE 11th HOUSE Saturn Sign assignment: Connection This Saturn sign and / or placement understands on a cosmic level that we are all connected, yet can find it hard to translate this when it comes to flesh, blood, and feelings. You crave community, and yet issues with trust and always feeling like an “outsider” can prevent you from finding that village-like vibe. Seeking out groups who are connected by a common cause can be a way to meet like-minded individuals, all working to patchwork together a vision for society that makes space for everybody. Honoring your individual quirks as part of what makes you lovable is the inner work to focus on.
PISCES // SATURN IN THE 12th HOUSE Saturn Sign assignment: Boundaries Saturn in Pisces is like a well-worn seawall, attempting to create a container for its infinite swirls of emotion. And there are deep wells of feeling with this placement that can trigger fears about “losing” it in an Alice-In-Wonderland flood of tears. Yet your greatest gifts is your ability to sit with the fullest range of collective feeling, embracing every shade of sadness and joy with equal empathy. Feel into your intuitive “yes” and “nos,” and be ready to both build and tear down boundaries to meet each moment.
ARIES // ARIES RISING Saturn is currently moving through your 10th house of career and achievement. You’re being asked to think more like a boss and create a structure for your biggest ambitions.
TAURUS // TAURUS RISING As it moves through your 9th house of adventure and learning, Saturn is guiding you to deepen your understanding of the world so you can contribute something more meaningful.
GEMINI // GEMINI RISING Saturn in your 8th house of trust and intimacy is urging you to get okay with getting vulnerable, as you connect to your true desires and ask for them to be met.
CANCER // CANCER RISING This transit sees Saturn moving through your 7th house of relationships, as you’re asked to get serious about who you choose to nurture and share your world with. No more “takers” allowed.
LEO // LEO RISING Saturn is making its way through your 6th house of work and service, demanding that you put the absolute most into your day-to-day and cultivate healthy habits to keep you on track.
VIRGO // VIRGO RISING With Saturn transiting your 5th house of creative self-expression, now is the time to turn your passion project into a bona-fide business that can also pay your bills.
LIBRA // LIBRA RISING As Saturn moves through your 4th house of feelings, home, and security, your work is around creating a sense of personal safety—no matter how “scary” things seem in the outside world.
SCORPIO // SCORPIO RISING Saturn transiting your 3rd house of communication and ideas wants you to consider the impact of your words on the wider world, and adjust your message to match your impact.
SAGITTARIUS // SAGITTARIUS RISING This Saturn transit accents your materially-minded 2nd house. It’s time to get paid for the gifts you embody so effortlessly, it’s hard to believe you can charge for them.
CAPRICORN // CAPRICORN RISING With Saturn moving through your 1st house of self, this transit could feel like an extra Saturn return! Your work is to accept your lessons, and step gracefully into your next evolution.
AQUARIUS // AQUARIUS RISING Saturn in your 12th house of healing brings closure to a painful cycle. Commit to feeling it all and trust that confronting it fully is how you can finally move on.
PISCES // PISCES RISING Now is the time to work on building your community, as Saturn transits your 11th house of groups and team endeavors. Hold a high vision for what you can build together.
Want to learn how to read your own chart? One of Ruby’s astro mentors, Rebecca Gordon, is currently enrolling students for her 10-week Beginners Astrology Course. Sign-up is open through September 26 2018—click HERE for details and use the code “STAR” to get 20% off tuition!
Virgo Season 2018 will teach us the meaning of hard-earned, earthy worth. Bess Matassa introduces the key aspects of the season … PLUS Numinous resident astrologers Bess and Sandy go deeper on the themes in our all new Astrocast podcast
Step into the witchy sanctuary of your inner knowing. Virgo Season 2018 invites you to move to the rhythm of a more private dance, and wed yourself to an unshakable code that gives nothing away for free. It’s a subtle, soft-lit season for exploring your most elemental self, for divining your personal emotional weather patterns, and for rising to meet the moment with whatever resources you have on hand.
With Saturn and Mars stationing direct in Capricorn, and a tasty Grand Trine happening between the zodiac’s earth Goddess power trinity (Sun in Virgo, Saturn in Capricorn, and Uranus in Taurus), it’s a moment for embracing magical realism. How can you reframe the constraints and contours of the right here, right now, as the solid gold containers that support your creative liberation?
Venus also begins a slow roll through the leather and latex of intimately intense Scorpio this month, bringing a reminder that pleasure and pain don’t have to be polarized. That when we release judgement about our carnal cravings, a dose of friction can feel really good.
So plunge your hands into the rich chocolate earth, and bow at the altar of your own flesh and bones. Remember that your beautiful body is made of exactly the same stardust and precious stones that built the whole Universe, and that when the conditions are precisely right, there is magic to be mined in every moment…
Listen to the full Virgo Season 2018 report from Numinous resident astrologers Bess + Sandy HERE and get more on the season’s 4 key astro events from Bess below …
Sun and Mercury in Virgo (Sun in Virgo 8.23-9.22; Mercury in Virgo 9.5-9.21) // Signature Scents
After the over-the-top glamorama of Leo Season, Virgo Season 2018 reminds us that divinity is in the details. While Virgo’s ability to parse out and assess can sometimes come across like crystal-cut critique, in its highest octave of expression this season urges us to embrace the full range of the tastes and particularities that make us human. Explore your own distinctive essence and sport it close to the skin with a signature scent. What is it that only you can contribute to this scratch and sniff world?
Mars and Saturn station direct (Mars direct in Capricorn 8.27, enters Aquarius 9.10; Saturn direct in Capricorn 9.6) // Shoulder Pads
Mars and Saturn’s forward movements mark a moment of cosmic mojo, as we power up to face what frightens us and get schooled in the sweaty sweetness of the long haul. With Mars also entering Aquarius mid-month, braving your body against the bedrock of limitation will liberate future visions that are built on solid ground. Let constraint feel creatively juicy, as you play with shapes fit for ruling your personal corporate kingdom.
Grand Earth trine between the Sun in Virgo, Saturn in Capricorn, and Uranus in Taurus (8.23-8.26) // Classic Hollywood Sirens
Virgo Season 2018 hosts a majestic meet-up between the zodiac’s luscious earth babes, and the invitation is to lotion up your life, and feed your senses with second and third helpings of everything delicious. In this energy, you have nothing to prove, so allow yourself to move more languidly through the world. Pamper yourself silly, be perpetually ready for your close-up, and channel the fine art of receiving with a nod to Classic Hollywood Sirens.
Venus enters Scorpio (9.9) // Björk’s Human Behaviour
As Venus begins its long sojourn through the Scorpionic underworld (where it will remain until October 31st, after stationing retrograde on October 5th), we’re asked to get ripe and real about our carnal cravings and our desire for intimacy. This transit plunges beneath the surface of superficial love affairs to rock us to the red-hot magma core. Think soul-shaking, transformative partnerships, to a soundtrack of triple Scorpio Björk’s classic crash course through the human experience. Welcome to the romantic jungle.
Read more from Bess on the styles, scents, flavors, and sounds of Virgo Season HERE.
As a powerful pair of eclipses sets the disco ball of radical release in motion during Leo Season 2018, Mercury retrograde is beckoning us back-to-the-future as we reckon with past patterns might have thought were long gone. And with Mars also retro, and Venus poised to enter the pastel sunsets of an aspirational love affair with Libra, we’re being asked to negotiate time and forgiveness in an entirely new way.
Navigating these energies means opening ourselves more and more fully to the belief that what is truly ours will always come back for more of us. That the more tender we become, the more the world softens to catch our hopeful leaps of faith. Leo season 2018 reminds us that on the strobelit spiral of life, all endings are new beginnings …
Listen to the full LeoSeason2018 report from Numi resident astrologers Bess + Sandy HERE and use Bess’ cosmic crib sheet to get the quick and dirty on the season’s 4 key astro events …
The Sun’s journey through Leo reminds us to harness the sheer thrill of being alive, right here, right now. Let HBO’s Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling reignite your faith in the juicy exuberance of fighting for your right to attend the party, even in moments of seemingly perilous battle. Get inspo from the full range of bodies bouncing and flying through the ring, clad in over-the-top looks fit for a Leonine queen.
Tell it to your heart, tell it you’re the only one … book a private karaoke booth and sing it straight from your soul to your solo self, or a small group of friends. Mercury Retrograde in Leo wants us to talk as tenderly as possible to the most hopeful and romantic parts of our inner selves. Personal love letters set to a bubblegum pop beat are the perfect way to start the internal conversation.
Eclipse Season Summer 2018 (Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius 7.27; New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Leo 8.11) // Eclipse Season Playlist
This pair of eclipses offers up the potential for sloughing off old snake skins that have kept us from shining our fullest, megawatt luminescence. But rather than burning it down to the ground to break with the past, LeoSeason 2018 reminds us that our greatest gifts lie in our present passions. Trust fall into the sense that what’s yours will boomerang straight into your arms with a playlist built for dancing back to the future.
Venus in Libra (8.6-9.9) // First Kisses
Pure pleasure seeker Venus is right at home alongside Libra’s aspirational idealism, and her transit through this cardinal air sign reminds us that we’re made to dream this dream together. Revisit your fairytale visions of romance, at the same time as you open yourself to the reality of the beautiful humans standing right here in front of you.
Listen to Numinous resident astrologers Bess Matassa and Sandy Sitron discuss the cosmic landscape of Leo Season 2018 in our latest Astrocast podcast …
This July 4, Colin Bedell and Bess Matassa take a look at at the U.S. birth chart, as well as the message of the country’s 2018 solar return and its forecast in the tarot …
Human beings aren’t the only subjects gifted with astrological birth charts. The moment the ink dried on the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia on July 4th, 1776, the astrology of The United States of America was sealed …
:: THE U.S. BIRTHCHART :: Rising: Sagittarius // Sun: Cancer // Moon: Aquarius // Mercury: Cancer // Venus: Cancer // Mars: Gemini
At her best, the U.S. embodies the highest expressions of Cancer energy: deep love and protection for the home, and reverence for the family. With a lucky, Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius Rising, American spirit can be kind, contagiously optimistic, and generously available.
Pair these with an independent Aquarius moon, and you’ve got streaks of intellectual liberation and equality-seeking. After all, it’s important to remember that in 1776, a government for the people and by the people was nothing short of a radical political experiment that repudiated the aristocratic and monarchic political paradigms! Her Mars in Gemini helps enshrine this self-government experiment in words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident …”
Of course, the highest expressions of these energies don’t always manifest. From the defensive, hypersensitive Cancerian nature, to her “admit no wrong, thou-must-not-disagree with me” Aquarius gone dogmatic Moon, it’s on us to recognize these blinds spots and work to elevate her potential.
Looking at the current political climate, it’s clear this shadow work is far from done. But the U.S. has always been a nation of dualities. When the Founding Fathers wrote, “All men are created equal” in the Constitution, they themselves were slave owners.
But this country has been working to actualize her enlightened principles since the very beginning. As she completes another turn around the Sun, may we remember and commit to follow in the example of those who fought for abolition, who fought for suffrage, who fought for civil rights, who fought for peace.
With Sagittarius Rising and an Aquarius Moon, idealism and humanitarianism pumps through the veins of the U.S. The work is to recognize that seeking higher ground necessitates moving forward with utmost integrity, humility, and grace.
U.S. Tarot Birth Cards: Temperance & The Hierophant
The divinatory blend of energies that makes up the U.S. foundation in the tarot conjures images of road-tripping, public libraries, and the wide-open capacity to truly free our minds and let the rest follow. These two cards show the country’s cosmic mission is to tow the line between ideological leadership and overblown zealotry, and to learn exactly when to turn hardened beliefs loose to let them mix and mingle with a higher law.
:: THE 2018 SOLAR RETURN CHART :: Rising: Cancer // Sun: Cancer // Moon: Aries // Mercury & Venus: Leo // Mars: Aquarius
It’s a glowing cosmic BBQ for the U.S. this year, with the country’s Solar Return Chart emphasizing sparky Aries and glittering Leo energies. The message? To come at the unknown with a generously unguarded heart, and to check any unconscious impulses to use muscle to get the solutions we want at the door.
These fire signs demand creative integration of the masculine principle, and with Mars currently retrograde in electrically innovative Aquarius, the medicine is to radically renovate our concept of the “yang” in all its flavors. When can a push become the first move towards a hug? What would shift if every action came from a place of giving rather than merely doing for doing’s sake?
As Cancer hits the collective Ascendent, we’re also being challenged to dissolve borders like never before, and invite in nurturing of the self and others in service of creating the sanctuary spaces we’ve long imagined.
U.S. Tarot Cards for 2018: The Fool & The Emperor
This year’s U.S. tarot forecast poses questions about proportionality, and how the country takes up space in the world at large. The Emperor wants us to remember that acting as majestic protectors is most glorious when there’s nothing to prove and no trace of self-righteousness. And The Fool enters the collective consciousness to spark 180s and diving board leaps into new ways of being. The country is called to recapture an innocent sensation of free-wheeling exploration, where curiously releasing the need to know it all can reignite our sense of adventure about what the world at large can teach us.
Colin is a literal Gemini Twin Astrologer from Long Island, New York, a passionate student of A Course in Miracles, and a graduate of Parsons School of Design. Discover more about his work at QueerCosmos and follow him on Instagram.
Bess is available for private readings and astro-themed events. Follow her on Instagram and connect with her at bessmatassa.com
Cancer Season 2018 brings a deep dive into our healing process, along with opportunities for true and lasting intimacy, says Bess Matassa … PLUS check out the latest installment of our Astrocast podcast with Bess and Sandy Sitron
Photo: Maria Badasian
Slip into your swimmies and prepare to be fully submerged. The night-blooming flowers of Cancer Season 2018 are ripe and redolent, ushering in a month to tuck into our vulnerability, bear witness to our own softness, and validate every feeling tone that emerges.
With Mars, Chiron, and Neptune all traveling retro, it’s time to stage a farewell party to outmoded illusions, drifting slowly and steadily towards new shorelines. For tapping into underground power sources that don’t need to be proven to be potent. Beneath any surface desires for action and achievement, subtler tidal shifts in soul expansion are sounding their siren song.
So skinny-dip into your shimmering sensitivities, water birth new notions of personal triumph, and let your longings lead you back home to your own private island. You belong to all the selves your secret cavern can hold …
Get the quick and dirty on the four key astro events of Cancer Season 2018 below—and listen to the full Cancer Season 2018 report from Numi resident astrologers Bess + Sandy HERE in the latest edition of our Astrocast podcast …
Photo: Mong Bui
Sun in Cancer (6.21-7.21) // Think … Terrarium Building
Cancer’s cardinal water energy washes us back onto our own shorelines, and activates themes of privacy, belonging, and soul-centered security. Think of the luminous lunacy of your inner lifeworld as your own tiny biodome, a carefully tended shelter for your wildest dreams. Use this image to play with the edge between guarding your treasured visions, and slowly exposing them to the sunlit world.
As the planet of frictional force and engine-revving libido slows its roll, it’s a glorious moment for considering your relationship to “being” rather than doing. For celebrating the “actions” that happen on a soul level, even when you can’t see them directly manifest in the material world. Make this a month to allow for all flavors of growth and movement. Think of all that you can build without having to go hard or prove your right to exist (and check out the YouTube clip at the link above for some magically wacky inspo!)
“Hey baby, you’ve got to remember …” As the planets of pleasure and vocalization travel through the glitter kitten terrain of Leo, pin your bedazzled-heart to a ruffled-sleeve with this classic roller rink anthem of unabashed passion. Venus in Leo teaches us that allowing our affections to spill over generously and vulnerably is the gateway to loyal loving that lasts, while Mercury in Leo seals each messages with a magenta-lipped kiss. Come clean about your right to your fluffiest feelings and adorn your most cherished romantic hopes in their truest colors.
Photo: Simone Perrone
Jupiter Direct in Scorpio (7.10) // Film Noir Chic
As the planet of wild expansion stations direct in deep sea diver Scorpio, there are gems to be mined in our most intimate partnerships. How can fully embracing your own shadow lead to the veneration and celebration of your only-human partners? How can you integrate and assimilate your own darkness as simply another quality of the light? Play with the complete range of feeling in deliciously dramatic, film noir inspired fashions and remind yourself that taking this seriously is a tasty affirmation of your right to feel it all.
Gemini season 2018 invites us to choose our own adventure—and with Venus in Cancer and Mars in Aquarius summer begins with a nurturing, humanitarian vibe, says Bess Matassa …
Photo: Keenan Constance
Prepare your lightning rods, Numiverse. GeminiSeason 2018 asks us to slip, slide, and shimmy to catch every available angle of prismatic light. ‘Tis the cosmic season for loosening our grasp and rising softly to meet the magic moment, exactly as it is with exactly what we’ve got.
Sensitized by Venus moving through seashelled Cancer, the eccentric electrical empowerment of Mars in Aquarius, and a sweet aspect between dreamboat Neptune and wild pony Jupiter, GeminiSeason 2018 offers us the chance for an entirely different relationship to change. Rather than a burn-it-to-the-ground, all-or nothing tornado, can you simply shift yourself into a new feeling tone, a more saturated shade of sensation? You’re ripe and ready to taste the rainbow. Step outside to greet the shifting weather, and let it wash you clean …
Listen to the full GeminiSeason 2018 report from Numi astrologers Bess + Sandy HERE in our new Astrocast podcast—and use the below cosmic crib sheet to get the quick and dirty on the season’s 4 key astro events.
**And make sure to check out our latest Numiversity Astrology Course—MERCURY: YOUR COSMIC VOICE COACH, available only during GeminiSeason 2018. Complete with custom astro info for your Mercury sign, hypnosis, tarot, and more!
Photo: Jesse Bowser
Sun in Gemini (5/20-6/20) // Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Books
Remember those endless, sunbaked afternoons, hidden inside your proverbial treehouse, with dogeared paperbacks in sky-high stacks? Conjure the energy of middle school field trips and library walkabouts with a voyage through multiple endings. Gemini energy reveals the tender threshold, the in-between, the “what ifs?” of every situation—and also shows us that no matter what we choose, there is a rightness and alignment to the precise place on the path we’re walking. Where are you ready to open yourself wide to a surprise ending?
These two mystically-minded outer planets conjure images of ice cream swirls and psychedelic desert caravans. The zodiac’s dreamboat seekers, their energy asks us to come completely undone and let ourselves skinny dip into the unseeable, the unprovable, the “numinous” itself! Channel the shapeshifty spiritual call towards infinite expansive possibilities by sporting an old-school mood ring. Feel into your sensitive, responsive layers and shades, and then release into pure fascination without needing to understand exactly what all these colors “mean.”
Conjure the tucked-in protection and sugared shelter of pleasure-seeker Venus tripping through salty Cancerian waters, with this classic R&B jam. Venus in Cancer reminds us that we have the right to feel 100% safe in partnership, and that our pleasure center should be a deep wellspring of endlessly tasty nurturing. Mixed with Gemini’s penchant for sampling every shade of experience, it’s a recipe for a romantic rollercoaster that’s curiously joyful rather than painfully manic. Let yourself wish for the happiest of endings, all while keeping it loose and riding the wonder wheel.
Get ready to believe in edible wallpaper … and your own power to remake the everyday into a utopian landscape that will feed the masses. Powerhouse Mars traveling direct through outer space Aquarius takes us to the edge of what we know, so we can radically rupture with the outmoded, fly in the face of the naysayers, and give birth to a deliciously strange hatchling that will change the course of history. In the wise words of Wonka: “If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it. Anything you want to, do it; want to change the world … there’s nothing to it.”
Our NEW Numiversity Astrology Course—MERCURY: YOUR COSMIC VOICE COACH, is available only during GeminiSeason 2018. Complete with custom astro info for your Mercury sign, hypnosis, tarot, and more! PLUS 10% of sales go to the ACLU, the largest organization protecting freedom of speech in America.
Taurus Season 2018 sees us looking to the past to mine hard won gems to re-imagine our future, says Bess Matassa. PLUS listen to our all new Taurus Season Astrocast podcast with Bess and Sandy Sitron.
Are you ready for more, more, more, Numiverse? The Sun’s sensuous saunter into earth empress Taurus brings us back to the basics of love, and asks us to sink our teeth into the touches and tastes of what truly turns us on, without an ounce of shame.
Taurus Season 2018 is electrified by Saturn and Pluto retrograde, Venus in Gemini, and electric slider Uranus in Taurus. The coming month will feel like a faux-fur trimmed welcome mat to our own jungles, asking us to lovingly look into our wells of self-worth and deservedness, feast on our all our bits, both shadowy and light, and treat our personal demons like tropical flavored gummy worms that are meant to be celebrated.
What simply feels good to want? Where have you not allowed yourself to fully feel it? And what no longer fills you up? You are more than worthy of your weight in snackable stardust, astro babes.
So tell yourself what you want, what you really, really want, and open your channel wide to receive it …
Listen to the full Taurus Season 2018 Astrocast from Numi resident astrologers Bess + Sandy HERE and use Bess’ cosmic crib sheet (below) to get the quick and dirty on the season’s 4 key astro events.
**And make sure you check out our latest Numiversity Astrology Course, Venus: Your Total Guide to the Planet of Love, available only during Taurus Season 2018 (April 19—May 19). Complete with custom astro info for your Venus sign, hypnosis, tarot, and more!
In its highest octave of expression, Taurus energy teaches us that there’s always more than enough to go around, and that we don’t have to scramble one bit to sit down and fills our plates with seconds and thirds. Revel in the sense of endless supply with the glossy goodness of still life oil painting and photography, where you can access the immediacy of the rich and ready material world that springs eternal.
The sober duo of boundary heavy Saturn, and primal transformer Pluto, sees us putting in the hard-edged work of personal reckoning with our pasts. But rather than fearing the reaper, revel in all the shapes you’ve inhabited, and the time it takes to grow it real and right, as you delight in mining the gemstones from trips to your own shadow lands that are gorgeously badass.
Pleasure seeker Venus’ shift into Gemini’s prismatic perspectives reminds us that our love lives can be slumber party style sampler platters, and that partnerships come in all sizes and flavors. When we look upon what we love with curiosity, we reaffirm our right to the wide-range of pleasure that’s always available. Get with your friends and take to the streets, as you figure out what you really, really want, and debut your desires to the whole wide world.
Uranus’ radical electricity challenges Taurus’ sensuously secure nature, asking us what’s really filling our cups, and what’s no longer a serviceable source of supply. This powerhouse primal energy invites us to renovate our relationship to our most basic needs, and to question where we’ve been gripping onto feeds out of compulsion and fear, rather than a settled sense of satisfaction. Release what you think you should want, and step into what you need, as you slip in and out of carnal costumes that fit you right here, right now.
Our Numiversity Astrology Course Venus: Your Total Guide to the Planet of Love is only available through Taurus Season 2018 (April 19—May 19). Get your copy HERE and learn all about your personal relationship to the planet of love, money, and pleasure, as well as a complete understanding of Venus through the signs. 10% of all sales will be donated to Project HEAL, the leading non-profit in the US delivering prevention, treatment financing, and recovery support for people suffering from eating disorders.
With Merc going retro and Venus in Taurus, Aries season 2018 is a time to plot your course for the long haul, says Bess Matassa. PLUS listen to our all new Astrocast Aries season podcast from Bess and Sandy Sitron!
Sidle up to the starting block, astro babes. AriesSeason 2018 finds us ready to begin again and again, as we recommit to saying HELL YES to our very existence on Earth, and summon all of our courage to recapture the innocent sensation of full-throttle living.
But this isn’t any old backyard BBQ. With MERCURY stationing retrograde (March 22—April 15), SATURN making a stand (April 2), and country crooner VENUS in Taurus (March 31—April 24) asking us to roll in the hay, the theme this month is SLOW MOTION.
While it may feel like every last second demands sweat-drenched participation and lightening speed action, this is actually an astro season to crack yourself open for the long haul, and to find small pauses of rest inside all of the rapid firing.
Can you rise to meet the red-hot NOW, moment by moment, as it asks you to cuddle up for a steady unfolding? Can you trust so deeply in your internal competence that your mantra becomes “no more proving?”
We’ve got an overview of the key aspects for Aries Season 2018 below, including ways to activate them in your life. PLUS you can listen to the full AriesSeason 2018 ASTROCAST PODCAST from Numi resident astrologers Bess + Sandy HERE!
**And be sure to check out our first ever Numiversity Astrology Course: A TOTAL GUIDE TO YOUR MARS SIGN. Complete with custom astro info for your sign, hypnosis, tarot, and more!
SUN ENTERS ARIES (March 20-April 19) // Jumpsuits
Originally designed for parachuters and race-car drivers, and popularized by WWII women factory workers nicknamed “riveting Rosies,” this minimalist fashion piece is an aesthetic embodiment of AriesSeason 2018. Strip it down, keep it simple, and streamline how you use your life force in the world. Aries is the premiere “masculine,” penetrating force in the zodiac, but when it reaches its highest octave of expression, this is aligned, responsive action that broadens the notion of libido to encompass all of our creative powers. Jump for your own love!
MERCRY RETROGRADE (March 22-April 15) // Power Poses
Retrogrades ask us to invite the planet’s energy inside our own private lair, and this Mercury Rx in Aries is all about letting our internal cheerleader take the lead as we revise our inner pep talks, and become our own preciously pom-pommed fan club. Work those rallying cries with some Power Poses in the bathroom before you head out into the world. Want the scoop on why this really works? Check out body language expert Amy Cuddy’s cult TED talk.
VENUS IN TAURUS (March 31- April 24) // Chris De Burgh’s “Lady in Red”
Dancing cheek-to-cheek to this prom anthem reveals everything you need to know about this season’s partnership between the Aries Sun and Venus in Taurus. While Aries energy is usually rapid fire pyrotechnics, mixed with the liquid chocolate stylings of pleasure seeking Venus in Taurus, the rhythm is both exuberantly innocent teen romance and the hard-earned experience of wedding dances through the years. Turn the lights down low, slip into a cherry sundae colored ensemble, and channel both fresh cut beginnings and timeless embraces.
Amidst ice and rain and wind, we’re braving our bodies against the bedrock with this aspect. How do you manage your life force? How can you open up to the sensation of sometimes excruciatingly slow movement, step by precious step? Can you even find delicious softness inside of enormous difficulty, as you summon your deepest wells of self-sufficiency? Tap into the wilderness survival school of Strayed’s epic PCT hike, and if you’re not ready for the long-haul, start with a meditative walk around your own neighborhood.
Aries is ruled by red planet MARS—the celestial body that governs our passion, energy and drive. Check out our new digital course, A TOTAL GUIDE TO YOUR MARS SIGN, to discover everything you need to know about your Mars placement, and how to channel this fire power in your life!
Cue the tropical house, turn on the fog machine, and get ready for a shellabration, mystic mermies. Pisces Season slip and slides us towards the end of the astrological year with a shimmering sense of sweet surrender.
Rather than effort and force this process of “letting go,” can you simply sink into a wider ocean, as you offer up your pain, your pleasure, and everything in between and set it out to drift? Prepare to take the plunge and become a dazzling speck in the big old blue.
So melt it down and let it come undone. Give it up and turn it loose. And know that in the letting, nothing is truly gone. Every loss is a find, astro babes. And you’ve already got the entire night sky’s stardust in every one of your precious cells.
The keyword: Melting.
The song lyrics: I saw the world crashing all around your face/Never really knowing it was always mesh and lace/I’ll stop the world and melt with you/The future’s open wide- Modern English, “I Melt With You”
Check out Bess’ Pisces Season Playlist, complete with yacht rock, spiritualized songstresses, and ethereal ambiance.
The scents and flavors: evanescent aromas and subtle spirit lifters. Think kombucha, amethyst lattes, seaweed, cucumber salads, water lily, and CBD oil.
The healing: deliciously abstract and tenderly borderless. Think sensory deprivation tanks, stargazing, wilderness walkabouts, transcendental meditation, and cuddle parties.
// Sensuous Invitation of the Month: Surrender for Your Chiron Sign //
Pisces Season asks us to soften, as we allow the world to reach out and touch every part of our souls. Your Chiron sign reveals a tender spot of longing and mystical sensitivity, where you can empathetically dive in and embrace the full flower of your humanness. Bless it all and release it all with an invitation towards subtle surrender …
Chiron in Aries Pisces Season invites you to awaken to your sensitivities around self-assertion. // Your Surrender: Ghost-writing. Celebrate your selfhood without even having to sign your name.
Chiron in Taurus Pisces Season invites you to face your material fears about not having enough. // Your Surrender: Zero-waste living. Experiment with a month-long exploration of of self-contained sensuality.
Chiron in Gemini Pisces Season invites you to clear your throat chakra and release anxieties about being misunderstood. // Your Surrender: Singing in the shower. Let your private message intermingle with the waters.
Chiron in Cancer Pisces Season invites you to reach out for the sweet caress of letting yourself be truly cared for. // Your Surrender: Breakfast in bed. Learn when to luxuriate in loved ones attending to your needs.
Chiron in Leo Pisces Season invites you to explore any blocks around trusting the power of play. // Your Surrender: Trampoline gym. Fly through the air with a simplistically joyous focus.
Chiron in Virgo Pisces Season invites you to treat your beautiful bod like a treasure trove. // Your Surrender: Full-body massage. Feel into every part of your precious physical form.
Chiron in Libra Pisces Season invites you to release your fears of relationship rejection. // Your Surrender: Slow-dancing. Slip into the arms of another and let your pain go to the prom.
Chiron in Scorpio Pisces Season invites you to ungrip your palms and feel into your perception of “powerlessness.” // Your Surrender: Blindfolded play. Let a lover take the luscious lead.
Chiron in Sagittarius Pisces Season invites you to let spiritual “crisis” create the basis for brand new beliefs. // Your Surrender: Silent meditation retreat. Trust in your philosophical perspective and become your own guru.
Chiron in Capricorn Pisces Season invites you to claim the keys to your castle without having to do battle. // Your Surrender: Hiring a driver. Turn the engine over and trust that you’re heading towards your place on the throne.
Chiron in Aquarius Pisces Season invites you to slough off the status-quo and forge your own future. // Your Surrender: Bungee jumping. Lift-off and leap into the uncontrollable unknown.
Chiron in Pisces Pisces Season invites you to honor your escapist urges with healthy retreat. // Your Surrender: Going off grid. Take a technology vacay and connect to your higher power.
Bess is available for private readings and astro-themed events. Connect with her at bessmatassa.com
Aquarius season 2018 means it’s time to charge up your space-suit and pave the way for radical change, says Bess Matassa …
Shake it up. Wake it up. Get your freak on and break on through to the other side, astro babes. Aquarius Season 2018 shatters the fabric of the known and paints it stranger, wilder, and more wondrously weird than you could ever imagine.
‘Tis the season to tear down these brown paper walls, ignite your neon light-bright consciousness, and streak the sky with 50 shades of panoramic vision and then some.
You’re flesh and blood, babes. But you’re utopian megawatts and scintillating stardust, too. And out beyond the edge of the known, it’s time to electric slide …
The keyword: Voltage.
The song lyrics: You gotta know it/It’s electric/Now you can’t hold it/It’s electric/Come let me take you on a party ride/And I’ll teach you the electric slide
Check out Bess’ Aquarius Season Playlist, complete with renegade rhythms, extraterrestrial beats, and voyages in sound.
The color palette: futuristically metallic and newborn neon. Lightning bolt lemon, aluminum sparkle, plastic white, and greenlit chartreuse.
The style: astral voyager meets 60s utopianism. Mile high platforms, coke bottle glasses, aerodynamic mohawks, puffer jackets, and political pins and patches.
The scents and flavors: innovatively invigorating wake-up calls and outer space treats. Pure matcha, wasabi peas, starfruit, peppermint, astronaut ice cream, and aldehyde-based perfumes.
The healing: collectively cool and renegade radical. Love-ins, ecstatic dance, breathwork, plant medicine, and intrepid voyages without the map.
Sensuous Invitation of the Month: A Change For Your Uranus Placement
Aquarius’ ruler is a mercilessly maverick change-maker who urges us to smoke out the soft wood and renovate our structures with both foresight and freshness. Since the planet moves erratically through the signs, you can look to your Uranus house rather than sign to discover your secret code for banging on the system …
New to astrology? Discover your Uranus placement HERE.
Uranus in the 1st house Aquarius Season invites you to strip away old identities and skinny dip into a brand new you. // Your Change: Makeover. Radicalize the face you put forward in the world.
Uranus in the 2nd house Aquarius Season invites you to release the parking break on your self-worth and seize your true value with all your senses. // Your Change: Cutting-edge cuisine. Shock your palette and treat yourself to everything from an Impossible Burger to a Cheetos Macaron.
Uranus in the 3rd house Aquarius season invites you to sing your strangest song to the whole wide world. // Your Change: Foreign language. Lose the subtitles and get comfy with being lost and found in translation.
Uranus in the 4th house Aquarius season invites you to build your own house on your back and reinvent what roots mean to you. // Your Change: Home renovation. Tear down some physical walls to celebrate emotional expansion.
Uranus in the 5th house Aquarius Season invites you to express yourself don’t repress yourself with creative visions fit for a crazy queen. // Your Change: Costuming. Don anything from wigs to wings and tap into the “you” that transcends it all.
Uranus in the 6th house Aquarius Season invites you to refresh your body from the inside out and vigorously reinvent your routine. // Your Change: Cleanse. Clear out your internal system with a good juicing.
Uranus in the 7th house Aquarius season invites you to widen your partnership horizons and break free from your humdrum modes of relating. // Your Change: Blind date. Sidle up to someone completely unknown and be ready to receive whomever arises.
Uranus in the 8th house Aquarius season invites you to take a leap towards intimacy with complete faith and wild abandon. // Your Change: Sexploration. Mix up your usual bedroom antics with new partners, toys, or simply an untapped inner fantasy.
Uranus in the 9th house Aquarius season invites you to rediscover the magic in every single possible road and then set off with a wide open heart. // Your Change: Route home. Get lost in your own city and discover innovative pathways and belief systems in the streetscape.
Uranus in the 10th house Aquarius season invites you to stand up for your right to be your own authority, right the hell now. // Your Change: Side hustle. Either quit your day job or add a radical passion project to your night shift.
Uranus in the 11th house Aquarius season invites you to become a lightning rod for social change and trust in your own futurity. // Your Change: Public speaking. Tap into a much larger sense of sea shifts by awakening the collective consciousness either politically or personally.
Uranus in the 12th house Aquarius season invites you to melt the walls and surrender your static sense of selfhood to be birthed anew. // Your Change: A nickname. Experiment with blurring the edges of your container by switching up your moniker.
Bess is available for private readings and astro-themed events. Connect with her at bessmatassa.com
Capricorn Season 2017 is an invitation to hike to your highest peaks, says Bess Matassa. PLUS how to treat your Saturn sign right … Homepage image: Coach Fall ’17
Image: Marie Claire August 2012
Dip your alpine booties in liquid diamonds and prepare for the uphill climb, stellar survivalists. Capricorn Season 2017 dawns icy delicious, and the zodiac’s crystalline Queen reminds us that the things worth wanting are also worth waiting and working for.
‘Tis the season for sumptuously slow unfolding and activating your majestic muscularature. So brave your body against the bedrock, and know that you’ve got exactly what it takes to make it to the ski lodge, clad in faux fur-trimmed dressing gowns and dripping solid gold.
In Capricorn season 2017, with a pack of planets now direct and Saturn entering her native sign, this year the cosmos has truly saved the best for last …
The keyword: Decadence (check out a luxury treat for your Saturn sign at the end of this post!)
The song lyrics: “If you’re lost you can look and you will find me/Time after time/If you fall I will catch you, I will be waiting/Time after time”—Cyndi Lauper, Time After Time.
Check out Bess’ Capricorn Season playlist, complete with self-sufficient songstresses, calls to action, and slow simmering sounds.
The color palette: wintry classic and shimmery steel. Champagne, black velvet, deep chocolate, carmine, jade, and sparkling white.
The style: Basic Instinct’s Sharon Stone meets Marlene Dietrich on the Orient Express. Corporate chic, perfectly coiffed locks, statement jewelry, silk scarves, men’s suit jackets, sleek minis, designer handbags, and your sharpest stilettos.
Fall ’17 looks from (l-r): Alexander McQueen, Max Mara, Loewe.
The scents and flavors: hard-earned, haute, and hedonistic. Think truffle butter, Chanel No. 5, caviar, cigars, pine, butterscotch, and osso bucco.
The healing: sumptuous yet structured. Body-rocking boot camps, spa weekends, ski lodge getaways, and creating your own capsule collection.
Sensuous Invitation of the Month: Luxury for your Saturn Sign
While Capricorn’s austere planetary ruler, Saturn, often conjures images of lack and labor, our Saturn sign reveals where we perceive we won’t get what we really really, rather than an endless emptiness that’s unsolvable.
So this season, give yourself exactly what you deserve, and know that the life you’ve built with your own two hands is worth venerating and celebrating.
Saturn in Aries Capricorn Season invites you to celebrate your singular identity and fight for your right to a healthy ego. // Your Luxury: Gambling. Throw caution to the wind and your cards on the table.
Saturn in Taurus Capricorn Season invites you to open the doors wide to sensuous pleasure and trust in your irrefutable worth. // Your Luxury: Jewels. Let yourself drip with gemstones mined from deep in the earth.
Saturn in Gemini Capricorn season invites you to treasure your voice and contribute your distinctive perspective without trepidation. // Your Luxury: Night at the Opera. Sing it loud and proud with decadent dramatics.
Saturn in Cancer Capricorn season invites you to come home to a deep sense of emotional security and give yourself all the tenderness you deserve. // Your Luxury: 5-star Hotel Room. Release into silk sheets, room service, and having it all handled for you.
Saturn in Leo Capricorn season invites you to fully fête your creative contribution and release into the sweet sensation of pure play. // Your Luxury: A Gala. Break out your most glorious threads for a see-and-be-seen night on the town.
Saturn in Virgo Capricorn season invites you to soothe your sense of endless refinement and give yourself credit for your contribution. // Your Luxury: Tasting Menu. Let yourself be truly served as you savor perfect pairings and the full-range of flavors.
Saturn in Libra Capricorn season invites you to believe in the power of partnership, and your ability to garner true romance. // Your Luxury: A Dozen Roses. Gift yourself an ultra lovable bouquet of pink and red blooms.
Saturn in Scorpio Capricorn season invites you to tap into your personal underground and stop apologizing for your deepest desires. // Your Luxury: Lingerie. Strip it down and dress it up with unabashed garments that harness your carnal urges.
Saturn in Sagittarius Capricorn season invites you to celebrate your sense of adventurous faith in the good life and to inspire others to embrace their wildness. // Your Luxury: First Class travel. Give yourself over to the open skies with style and grace.
Saturn in Capricorn Capricorn season invites you to honor your commitment to the “hard” work while knowing when to relax in the palace you’ve created. // Your Luxury: Mani-pedi and massage. Treat your pavement pounders and endless laborers to a little R&R.
Saturn in Aquarius Capricorn season invites you to slough off the status quo, embrace your eccentricity, and trust that you’ll find your tribe. // Your Luxury: Island hopping. Sail towards the sun-baked sensation of glorious exile, and party with like-minded expats.
Saturn in Pisces Capricorn season invites you to surrender to your full range of feelings without judgment or analysis. // Your Luxury: High-end healing. Book a special spiritual session with a majestic mystic of your choice.
Bess is available for private readings and astro-themed events. Connect with her at bessmatassa.com
With taskmaster planet Saturn in Capricorn for the next 3 years, it’s time to align with your mission, commit to the climb, and get ready to werk, say Numi astro babes Danielle Paige,Rebecca Farrar, Jennifer Racioppi, and Bess Matassa …
This energy means business—and as Saturn moves into Capricorn for the first time in 30 YEARS, you could literally be feeling it in your bones!
With the planet of responsibility, discipline, and structure shifting into its home sign, we’re doubling down on themes of sorting through, taking serious stock, restructuring, and rebuilding when it comes to the areas of our lives that could use a little grounding.
Both Saturn and Capricorn are connected to chronos, a.k.a time here on earth, so this is no time for quick fixes. As you slowly create new structures from the ground up, you’ll learn and mature. This energy is connected to karma and your deep lineage, so there can be some ancestral restructuring going on as well, even if it’s not obvious at first.
Look to see where Capricorn is in your chart to see which area of your life will be “under construction” and truly commit to building a solid foundation there. And look to where your natal Saturn is placed in your birth chart for the keys to your karmic responsibility in this lifetime (pro tip: this is one of my favorite planets to help clients understand their purpose!) **New to your birth chart? Create one HERE.
Saturn also rules your bones, teeth, and skin. It represents the shell of who we are. Saturn in Capricorn is a time to look at your body in a different way and learn to appreciate it for the ancient wisdom it carries, rather than comparing it to everyone else. This is how it goes with every Saturn transit—we learn to value the aging process and to understand that we only get better with time!
To find out more about how Saturn through Capricorn is directly influencing your personal cycles you can get a reading with Danielle here, follow her on Instagram, or join her women’s Facebook group!
Since late December 2014, Saturn in Sagittarius has been asking us to clarify our vision, our values, and our mission. Now it’s time to build upon what we’ve learned, as the hard work, ambition, and drive of Capricorn seem sexier than ever—especially for any women busy build a Fempire.
Saturn can be tough medicine, but always brings massive gifts if we humble ourselves enough to take it. It’s less about brute force, and more about that aligned, prudent action that comes from the genuine, grounded guidance that we hopefully learned during Saturn’s transit through Sag (a.k.a. soul goals).
Ask yourself the hard questions first. Am I aligned with my truth? Am I doing this for the right reasons? Am I abusing privilege and power to accomplish my goals? Am I truly taking a stand for others or am I simply self-serving? Newsflash: self-serving ambition won’t fly over the next three years.
With Saturn joining Pluto (lord of the underworld) in Capricorn, we can expect the distorted underpinnings of power to be further exposed. No doubt we’ll experience a reinvention of the way we view hierarchy. May the patriarchy fall! May we find our truth from within! May we learn to honor and respect all of our cohabitants on this planet.
Here’s to soul-driven ambition, discipline, grit, tenacity, and resilience, and the goodness and grace to release our egos as we walk through this next chapter of history together on planet Earth.
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit Jenniferracioppi.com
Saturn’s move into Capricorn signifies a reality check for the collective around what legacy we will leave for the next generation. And as we build towards Saturn’s meet-up with Pluto in 2020, we may be faced with the realities of what we have destroyed … mainly our planet.
While Saturn does have a reputation of being a bit of a killjoy, this is more about the willingness to collapse the structures that no longer work (both the Berlin Wall’s construction and destruction occurred when Saturn was in Capricorn).
Though it may involve some uncomfortable dismantling of outmoded power structures, Saturn’s movement into Capricorn reminds us to elevate the elders who have earned their seats. To take responsibility. To build new structures. And to make commitments for the future that will serve Earth and all her inhabitants.
Pour the after-dinner liqueurs and settle into the supple, leathery sensation of hard-earned fireside chats, après-skiers. This year, the cosmos has truly saved the best for last …
In its home-base sign of Capricorn, Saturn unveils the laborious luxe of rough-hewn diamonds, fine wine grapes, and truffle butter, that are all the more decadent and delicious because of their sensuous struggle. Ruled by the Tarot’s Devil card, she connects us not only to the limits and boundaries of having a body, but also to the luscious sensations that we can feel deep down in our bones.
So lay out your silk dressing gown and lace up your steel-toed boots. The things worth having are worth fighting tooth and gel-tipped nail for.
Saturn in Capricorn Mantra: If it’s worth it, you better work it.
Theme Song: “And now we’re standing face to face/Isn’t the world a crazy place?/Just when I thought our chance had passed/You go and save the best for last—Vanessa Williams, Save the Best for Last.
Style: Basic Instinct’s Sharon Stone meets Old Hollywood Marlene Dietrich on an alpine train. Impeccable tailoring, sharp stilettos, high-waisted mini skirts, silk scarves, slicked-back hair, snow white turtlenecks, and statement jewelry.
After the intensity of Scorpio, Sagittarius Season 2017 brings an exhilarating dose of freedom seeking, says Bess Matassa. PLUS the perfect tricked out ride for your Jupiter sign … Main photos: Drew Cox
Pack up your rollerboards and break out the cocktail peanuts, star-studded jet setters. Sagittarius season arrives just in time to smoke us out of the Scorpionic trenches and take us bareback riding across the blazing plains.
The zodiac’s oversized My-Little-Pony tricks out her mane with glitter and glow, and races towards the future without one shred of hesitation, trusting that the road will always rise to meet her sun-kissed hooves. This exuberantly expansive equine blows our old color palettes out of the woods as she sends us racing through the kaleidoscopic deserts, tropics, and tundras of our own nomadic hearts.
So roam if you want to, rough riders and philosophical pilots. When you give it up and turn it loose, you’ll see just how boundlessly beautiful you really are. Because the world is wild. The road is wide open. And these two lanes will take you anywhere. Wheels up …
The keyword: Boundlessness.
The song lyrics: “Just wrap your legs ’round these velvet rims/And strap your hands ‘cross my engines//Oh honey, tramps like us/Baby we were born to run”—Bruce Springsteen, “Born to Run”
Check out Bess’ Sagittarius Season Playlist, complete with road-trip anthems, global beats, and sonic explorations.
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The color palette: sprawling, swirling shades, and party-ready prints: confetti patterns, saturated taste-the-rainbow hues, and deep jewel tones fit for a nomadic caravan queen.
The style: global elite meets a traveling circus on a South American cruise ship. Feathers, boas, excessive bangles, oversized rocks, and hair extensions mixed with bodycon leotards, harem pants, glam squad sweats, and handheld luggage.
The scents and flavors: richly spiced, smoky sweet, and spiritually inclined: ancho, curries, open-flame BBQ, animalic musks, and sandalwood incense.
The healing: bigger, bolder, faster, wilder. Weekend getaways, round-the-world tickets, circus classes, trampoline workouts, bodypaint parties, and dancing til the break of dawn.
Sensuous Invitation of the Month:A Tricked Out Ride for Your Jupiter Sign
Ruled by the bacchanalian bombshell of excess Jupiter, Sagittarius Season shows us exactly where we’re ready to expand way beyond “proper” proportions, and roll the dice once again with the infinite faith that life is always on our side.
So step into your sequined mechanic’s jumpsuit and fuel your vehicle for the long, luscious ride ahead. Cause baby, you were born to run.
New to astrology? Discover your Jupiter sign HERE.
Jupiter in Aries Sagittarius Season invites you to take your innocent spark out onto the highway, and explore all of the identities awaiting you. // Your Ride: Harley. Rev your engine and hit the pavement, trusting that you’ll be able to step into any truck-stop role that awaits you.
Jupiter in Taurus Sagittarius Season invites you to carry your security on your back as you celebrate adventurous trust in your own beautiful body. // Your Ride: Pickup truck with a covered cab. Rustic rambling and sensuous sleeps in the back seat.
Jupiter in Gemini. Sagittarius season invites you celebrate communicative expansion and all of the possible pathways. // Your Ride: Taxi Cab. Labyrinthine street smarts across multiple languages and neighborhoods.
Jupiter in Cancer Sagittarius season invites you expand from your emotional core, and let your inner world lead the way towards outer adventures. // Your Ride: Inner Tube. Tucked-in forms of floating downstream that both provide retreat and open water flow.
Jupiter in Leo Sagittarius season invites you to let your pumping heart light the way as you share your heat with the wild world. // Your Ride: Quad roller skates. Strap on your specialness and spread the street-level love.
Jupiter in Virgo Sagittarius season invites to you re-up your faith in integrity and revel in explorations that feed your sense of contribution. // Your Ride: Banana-seat bicycle with a basket. Pack a picnic and hit the pathways at a pace that’s fully your own.
Jupiter in Libra Sagittarius season invites you to believe in the power of pure romance again and again, despite past traumas. // Your Ride: Horse-drawn carriage. Take a slow spin through the park, prom queen style, as you trust in all things that travel two-by-two.
Jupiter in Scorpio Sagittarius season invites you to mine your own depths for the most worthy treasures. // Your Ride: The subway system. Travel beneath the surface of the superficial as you probe the hidden spaces of your own psyche.
Jupiter in Sagittarius Sagittarius season invites you to unsaddle your ride and take to the skies for a panned-out perspective on your personal mission. // Your Ride: Jet Plane. Fly high above the clouds as you stake out your next far-flung adventure.
Jupiter in Capricorn Sagittarius season invites you to expand your commitment to self-sufficiency and let your work in the world feel both necessary and natural. // Your Ride: Limousine. Let your labors be rewarded with pure luxury as you slip through city blocks in badass style.
Jupiter in Aquarius Sagittarius season invites you to challenge the status quo and trail blaze far beyond the known roads. // Your Ride: Delorean. Fuel futuristic forays and eccentric expeditions with this outer-space off-roader.
Jupiter in Pisces Sagittarius season invites you to hold it all, bless it all, and then toss it to the four corners as you celebrate your essence that exists everywhere. // Your Ride: Moon boots. Beam yourself into the stratosphere with sparkling shoes built for bouncing beyond the visible world.
Bess is available for private readings and astro-themed events. Connect with her at Mojaverising.com