The 2018 Capricorn Full Moon wants us to examine the containers we’re creating, and question which boundaries liberate us and which merely lock us down, says Sandy Sitron …

Full Moon :: June 28 2018 :: 12:54 am ET :: 6 degrees Capricorn
Turning a key in a well-oiled padlock. You push the metal bars of the gate open. You’ve got the key. You’re in control.
But what is this gate?
Are you keeping yourself locked away in your own cell? Or is this gate a boundary that makes life more manageable?
On this Full Moon, be very aware of the structures and boundaries in your life. A boundary can be a friend that helps keep you safe and get you what you need. There is also the potential that you could lock yourself into a lonely cell of isolation. Don’t wall yourself off. Instead, choose gates and boundaries that support you.
A well-placed boundary can help you conserve your energy. Makes it easy to be clear about each “yes” or “no.” A healthy boundary teaches other people how to treat you, so that you nurture your important relationships and help them become more functional.
An unconscious boundary can form a block that results in isolation or loneliness.
The trick at this Full Moon is to build supportive structures that serve you, while being careful not to fall into despair. Honor yourself and your emotions. There is a strained energy to this Moon. Anything that comes up now is an opportunity to build a new plan. Create a better boundary or structure for the future.
The Moon is full and it lights up everything that needs to be seen. Choose to see yourself. Gaze objectively at the systems and patterns of your life.
Capricorn energy lets you access a more objective viewpoint. At the same time, the Sun in Cancer opens your heart to nurturance and empathy. Don’t let your objectivity override empathy (or vice versa). Use the Capricorn gift of objectivity and the Cancer gift of empathy together. This will allow you to nurture yourself, your relationships, and your dreams.
In challenging moments, what practices and boundaries do you hope to remember? Maybe you’ve already found tools to work with your emotions. That could be as simple as taking a few deep breaths or stepping away for a moment.
Remind yourself that you have structure, a plan, and resources. Consider how you want to respond when your emotions run high. This is when you can be logical, but you needn’t be cold. Edge yourself toward objectivity.
Find the right balance between cool detachment and warm nurturance. Both are helpful in their own way.
Moon conjunct Saturn
Holding up a trophy.
Goals. Achievements. Get in touch with them. Where do you want to go? There’s some challenging energy to this Moon. It’s easy to look at the glass as half full. Turn it upside down and use this energy to plan out your win. Begin by giving yourself the structure you need to succeed.
What is your relationship with structure? Did you have too much structure in your life when you were a kid? Not enough? Just the right amount? Are you able to give yourself the structure that you need now to meet your goals and achieve? Envision and plan the life that you want to live.
Moon trine Uranus
Dancing in the rainstorm.
This aspect offers a glimmer of surprise. Maybe you’ll totally let loose and dance in the rain. Maybe you’ll discover a new way that you want to respond. Innovate. Shock yourself into a fresh pattern. There is so much creativity available to you now. Harness it. Innovation can set you free.
The below journal prompts are designed to help you dive deeper into the energy of the Capricorn Full Moon. For the most accurate insight, find the reading for the House that holds 6 degrees Capricorn in your birth chart. Don’t have that info? Do you chart for free HERE.
Aries // 10th house
List your priorities when it come to your work or vocation. Be honest. What REALLY matters to you?
Taurus // 9th house
Pick a book at random from your shelf and journal on the title.
Gemini // 8th house
Write out 5 ways you have been leaking your power and how you can claim it back.
Cancer // 7th house
Write a letter to your dream partner thanking them for the ways they support you.
Leo // 6th house
List out all the things you need in place to be able to do your best work in the world.
Virgo // 5th house
In the voice of your inner child, write a list of the things that make you feel seen.
Libra // 4th house
Write an imaginary brief for the decorator creating your dream home.
Scorpio // 3rd house
List three things you are curious about and how you can learn more about them.
Sagittarius // 2nd house
Write down 10 things you value about yourself and your body.
Capricorn // 1st house
Write an imaginary news story about your biggest achievement.
Aquarius // 12th house
Journal about the last thing that made you cry, and all the reasons why.
Pisces // 11th house
List the people you would have working on your dream team—dead or alive!