Born under a bad sign? Frederick Steinmann says so-called difficult placements are actually opportunities for greater awareness, acceptance, and transformation.Images: Veda Wildfire
Venus entered Aries on April 28,and the planet of love’s journey through this bold, assertive (and sometimes brash and selfish) warrior archetype is not always … smooth. In the sign of Aries, Venus is in its “detriment”- indicating one of the 4 states possible for each planet when placed in different zodiac signs (“detriment” and “fall” being more challenging, while “exaltation” and “rulership” the easier placements).
Rulership: Planets here are “at home” in their environment and easy to express. Exaltation: A step beyond rulership, planets here have a chance to achieve their highest expression. Detriment: The opposite of rulership- planets are in slightly uncomfortable territory, and the energy may need to become unblocked or unstuck. Fall: The opposite of exaltation—energy is lessened and may need some invigoration in order to achieve expression.
For example, in Aries, Venus wants what she wants, now, and on her terms. Fiery Aries is quick with passion but not with compromise. Venus in its detriment could learn a thing or too about love from Venus’ ruling sign, Libra (the opposite sign to Aries). Venus in Libra naturally knows how to pause and apply strategy instead of just a quick reaction.
When in their detriment or fall, planets are challenged to adjust, to learn, and to further refine the energies symbolized by that planet. Below, a guide to these cosmic challenges …
**Discover your challenging placements by calculating your birth chart. No challenging aspects? You can still use the dates below to work with these energies throughout the year as the planet indicated spends time in that sign!
:: THE SUN :: Rulership: Leo // Exaltation: Aries // Detriment: Aquarius // Fall: Libra The Sun is the single most important point in a horoscope. He vitalizes Earth and the rest of our solar system, and relates to our “individuality”- who we are beyond our thoughts and emotions.
Detriment in Aquarius (2017 Dates: January 19-February 18) Aquarius energy is connected to the concept of humanity as a whole, but can sometimes struggle with the messiness of the individual. Aquarians circulate the solar force within the group by “fixing their will” in the service of group ideals. The Sun in Aquarius placement is all about learning how to balance group ideals with individual creativity, and sometimes learning to say “Yes, I really matter!”
Fall in Libra(2017 Dates: September 22- October 23) Because of their penchant for pursuing the perfect relationship, Libra Sun signs’ individual vitality can become diffused. Librans can learn how to vitalize themselves by developing some Aries energy in relationships. A good way to start is by noticing: “where am I holding back from asserting my individuality and just strategically reflecting what the other person wants to hear.” Assertion of individuality will rebalance vitality and allow space for creative expression.
:: THE MOON :: Rulership: Cancer // Exaltation: Taurus // Detriment: Capricorn // Fall: Scorpio The Moon is the second most important point in the horoscope, and represents emotions, imagination, memories, and how we are nurtured.
**2017 Dates: Because the Moon changes signs every few days, check Planet Watcher for the current placement. We’ll have a Full Moon in Scorpio on May 10th, a New Moon in Scorpio on November 18th, and a Full Moon in Capricorn on July 9th.
Detriment in Capricorn The Moon and achievement-conscious Capricorn are both related to security but they have opposing views. The ambition and drive to achieve success in society are energetically opposed with the Moon’s nurturing function (just think of those countless burnt out corporate ladder climbers!) Capricorn moons will benefit from reevaluating safety and security needs, scheduling time for self-care rituals like massage, and just feeling their feelings.
Fall in Scorpio In fixed signs, the Moon wants to hold on to inherited patterns of nurturing, and in fixed Scorpio the art is in learning to let go. Scorpio Moons are nurtured through in-depth sharing that leads to transformation. Learn to honor your watery depths by getting in touch with more difficult emotions. You might try Jungian therapy, group counseling, or another form of therapy where you can share, transform, and release old habits.
:: MERCURY :: Rulership: Gemini & Virgo // Exaltation: Aquarius // Detriment: Sagittarius // Fall: Pisces & Leo As the ruler of thought, reason, and communication, Mercury is an androgynous planet that picks up masculine or feminine energy depending on the sign or relationship to other planets.
Detriment in Sagittarius (2017 Dates: November 5-January 11 2018, retrograde December 3-22) With Sag’s philosophically expanded worldview, Mercury placed here can tend towards exaggeration, embellishment, boastfulness, or the zealous view that one’s personal opinion equals a universal outlook. To work with this energy, it’s important to notice when you’re blowing things out of proportion and to practice more discretion in speech.
Fall in Pisces(2017 Dates: February 25-March 13) With the overemphasis on words and rational thought in Western education, Mercury in Pisces may feel that their imagination or creativity is “silly.” The key here is learning to believe that compassion doesn’t always need to be verbalized- a loving presence or hug can work. Emotional communication is a valid form of communication. Dream interpretation or a study of symbols like the Tarot could help bring out the best in this Mercury.
Fall in Leo(2017 Dates: July 5-July 25) Leo represents creative expression and Mercury placed here sometimes thinks they are an instant prodigy! In order to achieve the highest form of expression, this Mercury could use a dose of Aquarian objectivity to integrate their vision into society. Developing a meditation practice with a mantra like “thoughts are things, I am not my thoughts” will help with this process.
:: VENUS :: Rulership: Taurus & Libra // Exaltation: Pisces // Detriment: Scorpio & Aries // Fall: Virgo Venus is the goddess of love, beauty, and harmony. She also rules the Law of Attraction- how you value and feel about yourself ultimately manifests in both your relationships and your bank account.
Detriment in Scorpio(2017 Dates: November 7-December 1) In Scorpio, the challenging call is to transform the Venusian areas of love, relationships, and money. Learning to value your own and others’ resources appropriately is a lesson for this Venus. Another challenge comes from dealing with intensity and learning when to say no to excitement and emotional thrills that may lead to financial or emotional problems. Find your own value and trust in the process of regeneration.
Fall in Virgo(2017 Dates: September 19- October 14) Virgo is a mutable sign associated with the process of improvement, and when attached to Venus this can manifest as sharp criticism and endless “fixing” in relationships. Learning to dissolve some of your hyper-awareness through loving self-acceptance (the Piscean end of the polarity), and editing internal and external critique is key.
:: MARS :: Rulership: Aries & Scorpio // Exaltation: Capricorn, // Detriment: Taurus & Libra // Fall: Cancer Mars rules the primitive side of our natures through the “4 Fs”: Feeding, fighting, fleeing, and … reproduction. The god of war is eager to penetrate the environment. A person’s humanness has a lot to do with Mars management- whether they are impulsive and brash or able to direct their will consciously and compassionately.
Detriment in Taurus(2017 Dates: March 9-21) When Mars is in Taurus, the desire for sensual experience is strong, and the challenge lies in overcoming and disciplining the heightened five senses. The drive and primal motive will be towards more concrete expressions of Taurus like money and sex. This placement will have to learn more about the unseen value of experience and presence. Try exercises like conscious, meditative eating where you pause gratefully for 5 minutes with a meal in front of you before diving in. Notice and observe what comes up without judgment.
Detriment in Libra(2017 Dates: October 22-December 9) While Mars is all about fighting and assertion, Libra is about initiating relationships and this combination can lead to passive aggressive behavior. In Aries, it’s easy to fight our enemy but Mars in Libra has to sit at the table with them and negotiate. This Mars placement is learning how to evolve from an impulsive to a refined human being. Learn to balance instinctive reactions towards your partners’ moves with healthy self-assertion of your own desires.
Fall in Cancer(2017 Dates: June 4-July 20) Mars will always act out to assert himself as separate, and in Cancer the tendency towards cohesion and bonding leads to a conflict. Mars in Cancers act when they feel safe with their tribe and outside of this familiar context, the impulse to assert the self is repressed. This is a sign where Mars is learning courage. Courage comes through assertion of individuality in the world beyond the tribe (the Capricorn end of the polarity). Practicing action-oriented activities like martial arts will help build the confidence to express your desires!
Fred Steinmann is a New York-based consulting astrologer who advises entrepreneurs, creative professionals, leaders of thought and industry, and all those searching for clarity, guidance, direction, and inspiration during uncertain times. He bases his practice on training and study in Ageless Wisdom, and astrological techniques grounded in 10+ years of professional experience advising clients and colleagues on Wall Street.
The message of the 2017 Taurus New Moon is to connect to your inner stillness, be present for beauty, and trust in your true value, says Sandra Sitron …
Binta Dibba for Nakid Magazine by Bethany Vargas
New Moon :: April 26th 2017:: 8:18 am EST :: 6 degrees 27 minutes Taurus
Slow. Peaceful. Still. Serene.
The moment of thisTaurus New Moon opens a portal for you to connect with your inner stillness (aka inner serenity, the quiet mind, your essential nature, your higher self). When you access your “inner stillness,” you may notice a sense of true security. In this headspace of harmony and peace you have no insecurity. You trust in your value. You trust in abundance.
This portal is open for you. Move into it through meditation. Create space and stillness. Be patient. Be present to the beauty around you. Focus your attention on being grounded, registering the sensations in your body, and connecting to your inner worth.
Taurus is a powerhouse sign. On the Taurus New Moon, the Sun and the Moon meet here, to represent a new beginning. We can take this time to send our wishes to the moon. What new beginning are you ready for in your life? Craft your intentions now.
It’s especially powerful to center your intentions on Taurus themes, which focus on the physical body. The stimuli that makes the physical body feel good. The food, shelter, and water the physical body needs to exist. Money. Anything that is sustainable or of value that will keep the body going for a long time. Anything beautiful that the physical body will appreciate.
This Taurus New Moon entices you to find inner stillness. What does Taurus have to do with inner stillness? Taurus rules the body. When you can become completely grounded in your body and aware of the information that is coming in through your senses, you have acquired one way to arrive in a meditative state. You are present.
Inner stillness helps you discover other Taurus themes. It makes you aware of your inner worth and your inner value. Your security. Your sense of abundance. Your inner harmony. It brings your values into perspective. Inner stillness is grounding and secure.
There is a vibration of Taurus that can be completely concrete and stubborn. At this Taurus New Moon, it’s time melt any stubbornness and transmute it into stability. True stability creates space for security and openness.
As you create stillness within yourself, you are tilling fertile soil in which to plant your seeds. Your Taurus New Moon seed intentions should bring forth lovely blooms of abundance, harmony in relationships, security, physical health, and beauty. These themes can be very powerful for you now.
Moon semi-sextile Mars The next move in a game of chess. This aspect urges you to take action. Mars is in the zippy sign of Gemini, cajoling along the slow-poke Taurus New Moon. They may not agree on the correct speed. But they can decide to take concentrated, deliberate action. And that action can be potent. Center yourself and then move your chess pieces deliberately. Take your time. Make it happen. This is not time to push forward hastily. You can take slow and powerful, grounded actions that are based on your values.
Moon trine Saturn Retrograde Drinking your green smoothie. The Taurus New Moon is in a wide trine to Saturn. Saturn’s energy here can help you find the structures that work best for you. What are your systems for optimal health and wellness? What are your best systems for quieting your mind? For exercise? For learning? For communication? For managing your finances? This is positive energy that will help you get everything into alignment. Think about what kind of support and structure you need and call it in.
Use the questions below to dive deeper into the lessons of the 2017 Taurus New Moon. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see what house holds 6 degrees Taurus…
Aries or New Moon in the 2nd House This New Moon takes place in your house of security, money, values and worth. What support can you ask to receive?
Taurus or New Moon in the 1st House This New Moon takes place in your house of identity. How are the circumstances in your life teaching you about who you really are?
Gemini or New Moon in the 12th House This New Moon takes place in your house of the subconscious mind. What advice would your higher self give you about an issue in your life? Write down your issue, then write your higher self’s advice.
Cancer or New Moon in the 11th House This New Moon takes place in your house of friends and future. What vision will you craft? What do you desire?
Leo or New Moon in the 10th House This New Moon takes place in your house of career. Where can you push yourself a little further out into the limelight?
Virgo or New Moon in the 9th House This New Moon takes place in your house of exploration. What do you need to see that you aren’t seeing?
Libra or New Moon in the 8th House This New Moon takes place in your house of emotional union. What feeling is ready to change form? Write yourself a letter from that feeling. Let it tell you everything it needs to say.
Scorpio or New Moon in the 7th House This New Moon takes place in your house of primary relationships. How will you let yourself get closer to another person? What will you say to encourage closeness?
Sagittarius or New Moon in the 6th House This New Moon takes place in your house of health and habits. What is one small thing you can do every day to connect to your body? Can you thank your body for that connection?
Capricorn or New Moon in the 5th House This New Moon takes place in your house of creativity and fun. How are you yearning to express yourself?
Aquarius or New Moon in the 4th House This New Moon takes place in your house of home and family. What will you do to welcome in a new feeling at home?
Pisces or New Moon in the 3rd House This New Moon takes place in your house of learning and communication. Do you believe that a breakthrough comes to you or that you have to invite it in? What would you do to invite it in?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.
Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with our Numinous weekly horoscopes, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—aka Strong Eye Astrology…
Taurus :: Taurus Rising Gentle clouds at the peak of a mountain. There is a sense of dreamy focus to this symbol. In the same way, find focus within yourself— focus on your goals, identity, career. But let your attention be light. Let it be easy. Let it be spacious. Don’t stress or strain. Just ask for gentle alignment right now. Use your imagination to visualize yourself at the peak of the mountain— at the moment of completing your goal. Feel the joyous feelings that accompany your success.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising Walking through strawberry fields. “Strawberry Fields Forever.” That song includes symbolism about escaping reality. This is where your astrology this week leads you as well. It’s a dreamy kind of escape. The kind that takes you on a journey into the depths of your own subconscious mind. Trading out the conscious for the subconscious. You may be working with your deep beliefs, dreams and feelings in new ways. Or you may simply be drifting and floating a little more than usual. Let yourself be a little gauzy, but take opportunities to work on deeper levels if you can. Gain access to your subconscious through hypnosis, shamanic practice, dream journalling, meditation, etc. Take a walk through strawberry fields.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising Guppies swimming in shallow waters. Community is something you need to feel that you can count on right now. Gain a deep feeling of connection. Belonging. This is something that will support you in creating a new level of abundance in your life. You need to find your people. Your friends, your neighborhood, your online community. Find and feel that sense of support. Let it be your bedrock. It will help you feel enveloped by love. And that will enhance your growth.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising Three scoops of ice cream balanced carefully on a cone. You need sweetness and lots of it. You need to be able to feel that it’s piled high. What is sweetness to you? It it support? Connection? Success? Creativity? Recognition? It might change all the time, but the important thing is to define what it is to you now. What would hit the spot? Now, in the symbol, the ice cream is carefully balanced. This means that you need to create the structure necessary to receive this sweetness. You need to be able to feel aligned in your life, so that the sweetness just flows in. So that it’s expected. Take simple actions that would help you have space for this sweetest that you want to appear in your life.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising Hunting in the forest with a bow and arrow. It’s time to go after a new opinion. You have to learn some new truth and have a moment of epiphany. This symbol is about a hunter. What does that mean to you? Do you see yourself as hunting anything in your life? Is it a deserving purpose? Is it a conscious hunt? Is it what you really want? Does that pursuit help you feel directed or does it make you feel frustrated? There is no right or wrong answer here, I ask because it’s a good time to have a clear philosophy for how you want to use your energy. How are you directing, motivating, chasing, hunting, or going after your goals?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising Making hand-prints in wet sand. Allow for the transitional nature of things. Allow that the waves will come and wash everything away. You are working with pliable materials and it may be time to let go. Something is ready to be let go of. What is it? When you’ve identified it, begin to allow the process. Use a mirror to tell yourself that you are ready— tell yourself while looking into your own eyes. Use ritual to add symbolism to the process by writing down the thing you are ready to let go of and burning the paper. Release is necessary and it can be emotional. Welcome the emotion with the knowing that you are strong enough for the process. You are ready.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising Crossing a glass bridge. It’s time for more transparency in your life. Especially in your relationships. In this symbol you are crossing (from your experience to someone else’s experience). And the bridge is transparency. The bridge you are building in a relationship is transparent— hiding nothing. You are open. What surprises will be revealed when you are brave enough to cross that clear bridge? When you are brave enough to make yourself vulnerable and say what is truly in your heart? The neat thing about this symbol is that you are completely supported on your journey. You are safe to be transparent.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising A bear sleeping in a cave. It’s time for some self-care. The bear has a pretty efficient structure for self-care. It’s highly advanced. The system is perfectly adapted to the bear’s environment. In preparation for the winter, the bear eats. When the weather is too cold, the bear sleeps. For a really long time. The bear has adapted pretty well. What are your structures and systems? Are they connected to the external cycles that affect you? Are you ready to fine tune them so that they are working for you? Now is the time.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising Small boats with colorful sails. Movement and joy. Call it in. If not now, when? So much depends on the approach that you choose. Choose to sail. Choose to ease joyfully through. No friction. Where have you been throwing road blocks on your own path? Well, the good news is, you are on the water now and those road blocks sank. You are ready for speed. All you need to fuel yourself is a big burst of creativity and a little recognition. Express yourself joyfully. Don’t stop yourself because you have a habit of overworking. Fill your sails with fun.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising Licking peanut butter off a spoon. Food symbols are often about nurturance. Where do you need to be a little bit softer? How can you receive a little bit more? Cradle yourself. Be kind. Really— speak kind words to yourself. Surprise yourself with how much love you can show. Your self-love will give you deep emotional security. It will strengthen you. It’s a foundation that you can build upon.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising A hamster chews his food. These tiny mammals save their extra food in their cheeks. Have you been preparing for the future as well? The symbol of the hamster and this week’s astrology show that your preparation needs to come from your ability to learn. You need to supply yourself with beliefs, knowledge and ideas that will bring you strength. So that you can grow in the exact way that you desire. Focus on your mindset this week and discover what you need to learn.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising Playing ping-pong. If you have been feeling any defensiveness, it’s safe to let that feeling dissolve now. It’s possible that there is a part of you reacting to something from the past. Your true security won’t come from habitual defensiveness. Your security will come from a sense of inner peace. An inner serenity that is like a still lake. Now the question is, how to connect with that inner peace and love? Look at the symbol of ping pong. It can either represent a competitive game (defense!), or it can be a symbol of a conversation. Direct the conversation inward. Tell yourself how loved you are. How you are enough. Keep that conversation going.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
The planet of power, transformation, and absolute intensity can make us want to run and hide. Fear not, says Patricia Clark Hippolyte! Pluto Retrograde 2017 is a super potent moment to embrace our shadow side and let it out into the light…
Thursday, April 20th :: Pluto Stations Retrograde :: 19 Degrees of Capricorn
Thursday, September 28th :: Pluto Goes Direct :: 16 Degrees of Capricorn
All retrograde cycles allow us to return to the scene of the crime, so to speak. “Why am I dealing with this again?!” you may wonder. That’s the point of a retrograde—any issue that comes up for you will have to be dealt with three times over before you can learn the lesson.
Picture it this way. You’re driving along and go over a speed bump. Then, you put the car in reverse and go over it a second time. And then, you put the car in drive and go over the bump a third time. Simple enough! Except when it’s a Pluto retrograde. This presents a considerably more challenging situation…
Pluto can have bad reputation in the cosmos. But this relates merely to the “lower octave” of the planet’s energy. For example, we’d all like to think we take the higher ground, but we also all have stress, jobs, family, and partners that wear on us. And sometimes we make decisions from a place of insecurity, and end up living a life of deceit rather than face the shit storm. Life is not as pretty as we’d like it to be. We don’t want to admit that it’s complicated and messy so we lie: to ourselves, and to others. This is unrefined Pluto energy.
But Pluto doesn’t lie, people do. You’ve heard the saying “the house always wins”? Well it’s the same with Pluto. This planet’s influence can lead us into shadiness OR it can invite us towards transformation by asking us to step into the darker version of ourselves, the shadow self.
With Pluto transits, it can feel as if the elephant in the room can no longer be avoided. And if you’re willing to surrender to Pluto’s challenges, you can harness his transformational edge. Pluto protects us, keeps us on our toes, and magnetizes us to objects of desire. And after Pluto has taken you down, down, down, there is an immense potential for personal growth.
Cause without the darkness…there is no light, right?!
To discover what lessons Pluto retrograde has for you, check out where Pluto retrograde is backing up in your birth chart right now. This means look to the house with 16—19 degrees of Capricorn.
When Pluto transits a house, it makes for some interesting transformations relating to that particular area of life. Think change, regeneration, and perhaps a little bit of secrecy and subversion. Pluto digs up what we’ve buried. But don’t worry—these changes are inevitable and necessary. Embrace whatever is surfacing!
:: Capricorn Rising—1st House :: Changing how you see yourself and reshaping your personality. Getting a grip on unconscious drives and urges to control people, situations and, well, … EVERYTHING!
:: Sagittarius Rising—2nd House :: A value system overhaul—both psychologically and materially. Don’t buy the McMansion just yet. You may yet discover it’s not what “luxury” truly means to you.
:: Scorpio Rising—3rd House :: Intensified thought processes and conversations. Be wary of black and white attitudes that bypass the gray, and rule out the opportunity for productive discourse.
:: Libra Rising—4th House :: Grappling internally with problems from childhood and family … it’s always Mom, isn’t it! On the outside, changes in your relationship to home—repairing your living space or moving entirely.
:: Virgo Rising—5th House :: Intensified relationship patterns—either the beginnings of a magnetic new relationship or the break down of old patterns in a current relationship. If you have children, there may be some power struggles!
:: Leo Rising—6th House :: Transformation of your health and daily routine—physical regeneration through good dietary choices or a possible breakdown of poor dietary habits.
:: Cancer Rising—7th House :: Embarking on an “amazing ’til it isn’t” relationship or being challenged to change your present relationship. Seeing power plays in partnerships for what they really are.
:: Gemini Rising—8th House :: Be careful with any joint possessions or other people’s resources—think your spouse’s or employer’s. Also a time to get familiar with any unmet desires.
:: Taurus Rising—9th House :: A great moment for absorbing and learning from experience, and gaining new knowledge. What beliefs have you been blindly holding onto, and where are you getting woke?
:: Aries Rising—10th House :: If you know where you’re at with your career, there’s a good chance of success at this time. If you’re uncertain, there’s a high chance of a total change of path.
:: Pisces Rising—11th House :: A perfect time to seek out more like-minded friends who will aid you in your transformations. It’s also a good moment for prioritizing actions that truly give back.
:: Aquarius Rising—12th House :: A game of psychological chess with yourself! It’s time to deal with old patterns and behaviors that worked in childhood but don’t translate now (read: no more tantrums on the floor!)
Patricia Clark Hippolyte has been seeing stars for well over two decades. With international private readings and intensive three-day courses, she reveals astrological ciphers that help people work with their current and future planetary involvements. Though the stars often shine a painfully bright light on the realities of daily life, remember: starlight is better than no light at all.
In keeping with their Sensory Guide to Taurus Season 2017, Cara George & Bess Matassa of Mojave Rising channel a slumber party for each sign…Main images: Satellite Paris SS17
Let it all burst into brilliant bloom! Taurus season invites us to fully feast at the lush, tropical table of our own unshakeable value. The zodiac’s buxom bovine bombshell asks no less of us than the sexy, stalwart trust that this Earth is on our side. So sit down, settle in, and savor the flavor of a dinner party with no end. You’re absolutely, ALWAYS, worth it and there’s always more than enough to go around.
The keyword: Flourish
The song lyrics: “The only two things in life that make it worth livin’/Is guitars that tune good and firm feelin’ women/I don’t need my name in the marquee lights/I got my song and I got you with me tonight/Maybe it’s time we got back to the basics of love”- Waylon Jennings, Luckenback Texas (Back to the Basics of Love)
Check out our Taurus Season Playlist, complete with earthy anthems, sensuous songstresses, and savory slow jams.
Valentino SS17
The color palette: luxe, buttery, candy box shades of cream, caramel, deep pink, and pure gold.
The style: Caesar’s Palace meets West Texas roadhouse—bombastic medallions, button-down denim, voluminous Dallas dos, worn-in leather, malachite accents, and studded belts.
The scents and flavors: overripe and headily hedonistic—tuberose, truffles, Mexican chocolate, dark cherries, sweet blonde tobacco, and musk.
The healing: directly embodied and sensorily complete—tasting menus, buffet brunches, love making, and horseback riding.
Want more juicy cosmic insights and sensory explorations? Arrange an astrology reading or private event with Mojave Rising here or follow them on Instagram.
Sensuous Invitation of the Month: Slumber Party!
Ruled by Venus, Taurus season invites us back into the boudoir to harness the pure power of private pleasure. Our Venus sign reveals both what we seek in relationship and what we must learn to value in ourselves. This month, just say yes to exactly what turns you on and let it lead you straight to the heart of your truest desire. Below, your sign-by-sign guide to snuggling between the sheets…
***New to your birthchart? Discover your Venus sign here!
Venus in Aries Taurus season invites you to celebrate a fresh, minimalist approach to feeling good in your body. Slumber Party: Strip it down completely with naked solo sleeping on a Japanese tatami mat.
Venus in Taurus Taurus season invites you to let luxury be totally necessary and lead you all the way back home. Slumber Party: Wrap yourself in a bearskin rug by a roaring hearth and lie down on a bed of rose petals.
Venus in Gemini Taurus season invites you to delight in your desire for playful communication and curious encounters. Slumber Party: Deck out bunk beds with cartoon sheets and invite a bestie to join in a nocturnal gab fest.
Venus in Cancer Taurus season invites you to savor the lineage of all your past loves while staying open to the present. Slumber Party: Sink into memory foam and let your emotional history feel buoyant and supportive.
Venus in Leo Taurus season invites you to settle into luscious loyalty and commit to embracing and exposing exactly what you are. Slumber Party: Experience straightforwardly sprawling slumber with classic cotton sheets.
Venus in Virgo Taurus season invites you to celebrate your desire for discernment and your romantic integrity that doesn’t give it away for free. Slumber Party: Rest on the interwoven intricacy of a well-fashioned hammock.
Venus in Libra Taurus season invites you to fuse your clear-minded thinking with some more impulsively collisional romps. Slumber Party: Discover an unexpected Murphy Bed or pull-out couch with a new lover or friend.
Venus in Scorpio Taurus season invites you to let your desire for intensely intimate encounters become your most potent gift to the world. Slumber Party: Enjoy a torrid roll in satin and silk, whether solo or partnered.
Venus in Sagittarius Taurus season invites you to discover a sense of security even in your adventurous desire for transience. Slumber Party: Hit the road with the campfire containment of a weather-ready sleeping bag.
Venus in Capricorn Taurus season invites you to completely trust in your 24-karat value with absolutely no proving. Slumber Party: Dominate a California King with sheets of the highest thread count.
Venus in Aquarius Taurus season invites you to revel in your penchant for eccentric experiences while also pausing to process. Slumber Party: Take a nap on-the-go with a zebra print neck pillow as you prepare for the unknown journey ahead.
Venus in Pisces Taurus season invites you to explore the limits of your physical body and lovingly embrace every last sensation. Slumber Party: Pull an all-nighter and take in the shifting light, sounds, and smells of the world as it rests.
Want more juicy cosmic insights and sensory explorations? Arrange an astrology reading or private event with Mojave Rising here or follow them on Instagram.
Get this week’s symbol for your sign with our Numinous weekly horoscopes by Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology…
Aries :: Aries Rising Kayaking down a river. Coast downriver, but continue to steer the kayak. Remember that you’re supported by a greater current. You don’t have to do the work all on your own. But you do need to stay on course. And you’re responsible for keeping yourself on track. This means that you have to keep a clear mental direction. Choose your thoughts carefully. Each thought attracts the next thought. Try to summon up the image of coasting down the river. You’re supported. You’re in the flow. You are safe.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising Eating flowers. In this image, you are nourishing your body and mind with delicate beauty. What is beautiful around you? To notice beauty, you must stay very present in the moment. Stay alive to the details. Look carefully. Quiet your mind so that you can be where you are. And make an effort to create beauty in your life. Create harmony, value and balance. You can do this in small ways or big ways. Make beauty- first in your heart, and then in the world.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising Bats in flight. It’s time to use all of your senses. You are ready to have new information come in through unexpected channels. Turn up your ability to listen. Not just with your ears, but with your intuitive abilities as well. Ask to be given a sign, and then wait for it. Ask to know your innermost truth and then listen with your heart. Write yourself a letter with all of your questions. And then write the answers. Notice your dreams— there is special information there. Trust in a way that’s not purely logical. Open your mind.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising Static electricity. Are you ready to be shocked? A little surprised? The surprising jolt of energy will help you see things in new ways. It will help you break out of your comfort zone. Examine your relationship with change. What feelings come up when you think about change? Maybe fear? Maybe excitement? Just notice and question it. If it’s fear, what do you believe about to be true about life that results in the feeling of fear? Is that belief something that you want to guide your future, or is it ready to be updated? Try to create a feeling of excitement within yourself. Imagine a very electrical future. What would that look like?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising Bowling balls rolling down the alley. In this image you are the bowling ball. Moving fast. Making an impact. Make yourself a little larger than life now. Take up space, especially in your career. Get yourself ready to shine. Maybe even polish yourself up a bit. And let your work feel like a game. You need to let things be fun. Be bold, move in a straight course to your goal, make an impact and have fun. Simple.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising Attempting a high ropes course. Are you ready for adventure? Taking new leaps and bounds. The important thing to remember with this symbol is that you’re totally safe, but you’ll be doing things that seem quite risky. You brain is wily, and not ready to completely trust that you are supported. So you have to keep reminding yourself and take the leap. Walk the tightrope, way up high in the treetops. Nothing can go wrong. You’re completely held. This is all supposed to be fun. So explore. Reach out of your comfort zone. Go. Now’s the time to stretch.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising Pulling water up from a well. You are being invited to look deeper. Notice patterns this week. Look for the underlying motivation. Look for the deeper story that informs your feelings and actions. Don’ be afraid to look. You’ll keep pulling up the rope, and eventually you’ll be rewarded with clean fresh delicious water. You’ll find that the nourishment you needed was within you along.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising Dancing figures, colorful robes twirling in the air. Let a feeling of celebratory exuberance well up within you. Turn up the stream of energy that is your sexuality. Let your creative sexuality become a communication. A dance between yourself and a partner. Or between your body and your mind. Feeling connected to your sexuality can become a source of integrated power. This sense of connection can center you.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising Handfuls of leaves and branches. Get grounded. Connect with the Earth’s energy. Make every effort to get the details of your life sorted out this week. The details would be things like organizing your finances, home space and work flows. Checking in with your health. Setting up appointments and taking care of those persistent tasks on your to-do list. Getting all of your systems in place. Begin by meditating on the feeling of being grounded and support by the Earth’s abundance. All is well.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising Dealing a hand of cards. It may be time to take charge. But not in your typical way. Right now, you need to be the boss of fun. You need to manage your ability to have a good time and be creative. Put “enjoyment” high up on your priority list. Make time to express yourself. Make space for your friends. Let yourself play. This will do more for your advancement than hard work right now. Give yourself some freedom to enjoy.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising Patty cake, patty cake, baker’s man…Look back through your childhood memories and see if there is something that applies to a pattern in the present moment. Remember your childhood home. Think about your family. And now think about yourself as a child. Give your inner child a little extra nurturance. Maybe he or she wants to be mothered. Can you be the best parent to yourself? Additionally, this is a great time to clean and nest at home. Feel cozy.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising A folded fan. Fan yourself with inspiration. Let the fresh air rush in. You need a breath of fresh air. You are ready to learn new things. Remember that this is all self motivated. No one else can bring you the knowledge you need. You need to seek it out.You need to make an effort. Get active, with a zippy kind of energy. Socialize and find out what there is to learn in your community. Make new connections.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with our Numinous weekly horoscopes by Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology…
Aries :: Aries Rising Fields of flowers opening to the sun. Looking up. Acknowledging. Affirming that you are going somewhere. The bloom is happening. This is no time to make yourself smaller. Understand where you came from and how you got here, but simultaneously know that now it’s time to move on. It’s time to heal and grow. You have to let yourself do this in your own way. You have to allow the process. It’s natural. It requires bravery to change. Step forward towards the light.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising An animal continuously eating delicate blades of grass. Nourish your development. Nourish yourself. Do it for your personal freedom. Do it so that you have the strength to trust in your own opinion. Take regular breaks so that you have the energy and stability to fight for your truth. Just keep taking care of yourself. Give yourself lots of quiet time. Reflect. Be present. Soothe yourself. Then you will know what your truth is, what you really think, and how to express it.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising Carrying your oxygen to the top of the mountain. Maybe it’s time to take yourself out of your comfort zone and increase your visibility. See more of the world. Garner more attention. Expand your sphere of influence. Interact with your community in a new way. Maybe even as a leader. To do this, you may have to lighten your load emotionally. You have to leave that stuff you’ve outgrown down at base camp. Let go. You can’t carry everything on this journey. It’s just not going to work. Get really honest with yourself about what you are responsible for and then start your ascent.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising A clown twisting balloons into shapes. This symbol could be endearing for some people and terrifying for others. That seems appropriate since you are working with themes of career and relationship this week. Two topics that also evoke strong reactions in people. So how are you looking at these areas of your life?The time is ripe to let go of outdated relationship patterns. And simultaneously let go of outdated beliefs about how you get to operate in the career spotlight. Get really close to whatever is scaring you and realize that maybe it’s not so spooky after all. Work to evoke playfulness, lightness and glee.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising The fire clears the field for new growth. It’s possible that to reach your full potential, you may decide to start from scratch. Take a fresh look at the way you’ve scheduled your life and the way you are taking care of yourself. Some reevaluation is in order. It’s time to let go of some old habits. Add new nutrients to the soil. The symbol is rather dramatic, and maybe that’s how this restructuring needs to be for you. The goal is for you to find greater freedom. The goal is to expand. But in order to expand you need to make sure that your foundation is strong.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising A child playing with colorful toys. Joy. Play. Fun. These feelings and actions can be your focus right now. But. And. To really live in the full expression of your joy, you may have to let go of some worries. How will you do that? It’s easier said than done. The key is in your creativity. Acknowledge that you are ready now for a new way of thinking to begin. You are ready to let an outdated part of yourself die away. Turn this process into a creative ceremony that celebrates your life force. Make something! Say something! Express yourself. Let the world see your light.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising Working on a piece of embroidery. Get quiet and centered in your home life. Make things cozy. Feel the emotional security that comes with being rooted at your base. Use your hands to make something and let that slow, meditative, domestic action soothe your tender spirit. Making room for this type of quiet will allow you a chance to feel feelings that may be a little buried. Feeling your feelings will help you expand consciously in your relationships.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising Leaves falling from the sky. In this symbol we are connecting Earth energy with Air energy. That means that you can build something in your life, but you need to align your thoughts to help you reach your full capacity. Get clear about how you want to think about things. This is crucial! There is no time to mess around with limiting thought patterns. Annihilate them. Examine your words and thoughts with a friend, therapist or trusted advisor. Get really honest about the thoughts that are holding you back. Do this work so that you can live a better life, take responsibility for your health and make adjustments to your environment.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising Eating an ice cream cone. Having fun on the earth plane! You have a body. You get to enjoy things sensually. For optimal health, we need to balance out our “enjoyments.” As Jay-Z told my friend once, “We can’t all be eating cupcakes.” But. That being said, it’s possible that now is a good time for you to revel a little bit. Live it up. Enjoy yourself. Let your enjoyment remind you that you get to have your needs met. You deserve. You are worthy. You are enough.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising A dog running joyfully after a ball. Dog medicine is loyal, playful and supportive. How can you support yourself a little bit more?How can you show more love to yourself? How would that self-acceptance let you step into yourself a little bit more? Have fun with this. Be your own best friend. Give yourself the emotional security that you need, just the way a dog offers unrelenting positive emotional support.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising Building blocks. Putting the pieces together. You have got to feel connected, in alignment, in community. You’ve go to feel like you are building an interconnected web. You’re doing this so that you can make big things happen later on. And you’re doing this so that you can work with ideas and intuitions in a new way. Get really curious right now. Learn about every aspect of the subject you are interested in, so that you can put some new pieces in place.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising A dance for warriors. Know your strength. If you believe in your strength that will help you change the world. If you demean yourself, you will not be able to model a new way of being. You have enough energy to do the things you want to do. You have the support you need to do the things you want to do. You can believe in yourself. Dance this truth. Rev yourself up so that you can follow your dreams and model expansion for others.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
The Cancer waxing quarter Moon forms part of a Cardinal Grand Cross. The message? Time to act with integrity and compassion, says Jennifer Racioppi…Collage: Seana Gavin
Waxing Quarter Moon :: April 3 2017 :: 2/39pm EST :: 14 degrees Cancer
This Cancer waxing quarter Moon, in the sign that represents the feminine, family, and home, brings more than just a regular Sun/Moon square—it forms part of a Cardinal Grand Cross in the sky. Before I go down the rabbit hole of explaining this fancy terminology, let me express this: this moon offers all of us an initiation, should we choose to see it as such. An opportunity to rise to the next level of our creative power, claim the truth of who we are, and cut away that which does not align with our most vivid and desired outcomes for our soul. Are you up for the challenge? Cause the Universe is sending us a massive dare!
So what’s a Cardinal Grand Cross?!
An astrology chart with this configuration looks like a box with a cross in the center of it. It occurs when four planets “square,” or form a conflicting 90-degree angle, in the “cardinal” signs of the Zodiac, creating two sets of oppositions.
In this particular case, the Sun at 14 degrees of Aries, squares the Moon at 14 degrees of Cancer, while simultaneously squaring Pluto in Capricorn at 19 degrees. The Sun opposes Jupiter in Libra also at 19 degrees while the Moon also opposes Pluto and squares Jupiter.
And this cosmic showdown happens in the fierce, assertive, and get shit done cardinal signs.
:: The Sun :: The Sun, now halfway through the 30 degrees of Aries, holds the match to the fire that’s smoldering. Over the last few weeks the cosmos endured an enormous emphasis on the element of fire, and on the opening quarter of this lunation, the Sun in get-it-started Aries pushes us to think about what seeds we want to sow, and what crops we wish to cultivate right now! Opposite Jupiter in Libra, the emphasis is on standing our ground in our collaborations with others.
:: The Moon :: The Moon travels through her own domain in the sign of Cancer, the sign she rules. Here, she asks us to reach down into the depths of emotion, and our feminine force from within. She asks us to feel our needs, connect with our capacity to nurture ourselves, and others, and grant ourselves the dignity of our Queendom. Her opposition to Pluto may bring forth an awareness of the places in which we’ve subconsciously given away our power to please others.
:: The Square :: This Cancer waxing quarter Moon brings a focus on emotionally driven action. Given this quarter Moon’s status within the Cardinal Grand Cross, compassion and wisdom are a non-negotiable! At the same time, the Sun hovers around the same degree of Aries where Venus initiated her retrograde cycle on March 4: meaning this waxing quarter moon and Cardinal Grand Cross will likely highlights lessons of the current Venus retrograde period. Simultaneously, Mercury in his shadow prepares to go retrograde, too, on the 9th. While this cardinal, action oriented Moon asks us to lunge forward, it also presents us with a fierce point of reflection. Embrace the duality and lean in to both.
:: The Message :: If we embrace the tension and mystery of this Cancer waxing quarter Moon, we may just find our voice and rise. Yet, it’s essential to witness and digest what emerges before acting. Staying in the place of the observer allows us to understand how we want to proceed. Allows us to genuinely hear and listen to the call from within, so we can set clear and compassionate boundaries with others. Will it feel smooth? Probably not. However, if we can pause and choose our words and actions with intent, this potent waxing quarter Moon offers an opportunity to awaken and integrate. Worthy of the work, see any tension as a pathway to a higher consciousness. Rise, baby rise.
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with from Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of likeminded spiritual activists at Moon Club!
What’s in the cards for your sign this month? Check out our Numinous tarotscopes by Lindsay Mack, cast using The Starchild Tarot…
Many happy returns, sweet Aries! The Sun is a transformational card, a golden dawn after a dark night. April is a big time of potential for your whole sign, offering you the chance to clear the past and set intentions for a renewed future. Your job will be to look to the light in all ways this month. The light of this card will be illuminating the gifts of your shadow, enabling you to walk forward in your life without duality. It is time to forgive yourself, to release old cycles of ego, pain, trauma, separation, and fear.
You are liberated, truly rebirthing into this new year from the ground up. Your deepest invitation this month will be to work on trusting that light and embracing all the clarity it will be bringing you — it is truly making room for some beautiful new shifts in your life. To experience the fullness of all it has to offer, be willing to go wherever the light touches this month. Something really important to understand about The Sun card, Aries: it does not necessarily equal joy and happiness. What it does offer is the potential for answers.
Life changing, soul renewing answers; answers with a capital A. All of a sudden, things make sense and we are never the same again. A lot can be released in The Sun to make room for what is truly aligned, but we can’t let go of the old until we see and understand what we didn’t before. This is why we let the light in: so we can make shifts with the deepest possible clarity. This is the beginning of a whole year of this kind of liberation through wise understanding, Aries, and it starts with you. Bless yourself, honor yourself, clear the past and step forward anew. You’re ready, and this is your year.
You are in King of Cups for the second month in a row, Taurus babes! It still has some sweet medicine to offer you. Last month, the invitation in this card was to level up, to embrace your gifts of service and step out into the light with them shining. That is still flowing through the energy of your April cycle, and you are still highly encouraged to focus on those aspects of your life. However, the expanded invitation of the month is to not only allow your gifts to come more deeply forward, but for you to fold in more sacred self care time while you do it. To be of service to others requires that we ourselves match that in our own life to have a consistently full inner well.
Without it, there is an imbalance one way or another. With this in mind, consider that the King of Cups has requested an extended masters residency with you, all focused around the delicate balance of service to others and ourselves. If you got a little too burned out or overrun in March, King of Cups will be here to help you do it differently this month. This card’s energy will gently guide you to take more breaks, enact better boundaries, and sink into more hot, epsom salt baths.
If you’re on the opposite end of things and wish there was a lot more happening in your schedule, trust that it is coming. You may have to look at the bare bones: are you charging enough for your services? Do you have an updated website? Are you prioritizing your own expansion with regular body work, coaching, or soul work? If not, add it in. Welcome any assistance to help you rebalance the energies in your life. You’re on a path of deep mastery, Taurus—keep evolving into it.
You have a magnificently powerful month ahead of you, Gemini, one rich in opportunities to grow and expand as a person. Your sacred word for the month is “choice.” Everything is a choice. How we react, how we speak, how we breathe, what we put in our bodies and how we choose to respond to the internal and external situations that life sometimes hands us—all deeply rooted in our choices. Even this moment as you read this Tarotscope, you have a choice: to freak out at the sight of Nine of Swords, or to get curious about both it, and whatever inner experience might be arising within you.
If resistance and fear arise upon seeing this card as your monthly medicine, you know the great work of this card has begun. Nine of Swords is a deeply important energy, albeit one that’s not always a particularly welcome sight in a reading. Nine of Swords can invite us into fear fantasies. Sometimes there are nightmares associated with this card; sometimes anxiety, racing thoughts, or potential paranoia can play a role. The question, Gemini, isn’t whether you’re going to have a totally dark and anxious month—you’re not. That much is certain.
The question is, are you ready and willing to transform your relationship to fear, or that fear could have something to teach you? Are you willing to consider that an anxious moment can provide the perfect opportunity for a moment of deeper intimacy with yourself? Nine of Swords is enabling you to receive the gift that can come when we, if even for a brief moment, choose to honor our fears, rather than let them swallow us up. Remember: feelings aren’t always facts, sweet Gemini. Practice empowered choice around your brain chemistry this month. You stand to gain everything and more from doing so.
It’s a whole new world out there for you, Cancer—if you’re willing to upgrade the way in which you walk around in it. Ten of Wands is typically a “point of no return” card, representing a time in which we must make foundational changes to the way we are currently moving through our lives. This card indicates that something has become unsustainable, and we must transform from the ground up in order to allow for an easier way. This card is all about energy, and very often it has to do with our adrenals and nervous system—it can show up as burnout, overwhelm, exhaustion, anger, or pushing rather than flowing.
It’s not a bad card, but it does flash some powerful signs in front of our eyes that are difficult to ignore. Because you have this card reversed, Cancer, it is unfolding through your month in a much lighter way than it would be right side up. Overwhelm and burnout are less likely this month, although if that’s the case, take care to restore as best as you can. What DOES need to come into play on the wings of Ten of Wands Rx is a little more creativity and transparency around asking for help and assistance when you need it.
It’s not so much that you need to drop any of the wands you’re holding, it’s that you cannot hold them alone anymore. It’s about leveling up, which is excellent news. April might be the month to get a personal assistant if you’re drowning in emails. It might be the time to outsource, to get a babysitter, to say yes to any form of help. Ten of Wands bodes big changes, all for the better. No more pushing, and no playing small, Cancer—you’ve come too far for that. Ask for the help and it will appear.
The Lovers is bringing some powerful medicine your way this month, Leo. April will truly be a journey of deep inner work for you, inviting you to deepen your relationship to your self love and intimacy. You might do some work with a partner in this energy—you might even meet someone this month, but that will only come if you are saying yes to your soul work, diving deeply into yourself. Don’t necessarily expect to find love in an other this month, but if it floats in, that’s great. Either way, it’s your show in this particular cycle, external love or not.
The Lovers, like Two of Cups, unifies dualities within the self, thereby aligning our life and relationships to the highest frequency. When we are aligned, love can flow in. You are being asked to look openly and honestly at any areas of your life that are not in alignment with your heart. As I mentioned above, this doesn’t need to be limited to your romantic relationships, or perhaps lack thereof. This is about you, about all aspects of your life. Where in your life might you be trying to fit a square peg into a round hole? Are there any aspects of your day to day that are draining the life out of you?
Inquire about this honestly, and endeavor to change it. Look very closely at the underlying beliefs that might be fueling this pattern of misalignment, then set an intention to invite alignment into your life, to drop into a sense of peace and acceptance with what is—no matter how it might look to other people. Trust yourself and your heart. It will unlock many, many doors for you this coming month if you do so.
Five of Pentacles can be a tough card to move through, Sweet Virgo, but it is bringing a profoundly important medicine to you this month. Let’s get one thing out of the way, first thing: you are not going to have a month full of pain and lack, but that doesn’t mean that there won’t be bumpy moments within the upcoming weeks. Your job will be to welcome the bumps, honor the contractions, bow over to any experience of grief and fear—you’re in a mastery of contraction this month. Remember: anytime we contract, we are being prepared to expand. It’s something that, as Michelle Sinnette says, we can even get excited about.
We’re being prepared for birth, in some capacity. It is only when we fight the contractions that we stall out in our lives, inadvertently perpetuating the cycle of pain. You have the chance to liberate yourself from a pattern of beliefs around lack, fear, and trust in the Universe this month, all in the energetic invitation of Five of Crystals, or Pentacles. It will require you to choose presence around whatever arises, knowing nothing that can come can be bigger than you.
There might be some anxiety this month around money, family or love. It doesn’t mean that it’s true, but it may come up. There might be moments of fear, of doubt, and of feeling squeezed by grief or pain. Whatever arises, choose to stay mindfully occupied, and know that you can trust that just as the contraction flowed in, it will flow out when it’s time. You’re in a spiritual labor this month, Virgo. Something big and beautiful is on its way to you; you just need to clear out some old beliefs before there can be space to receive it. Trust the medicine of Five of Pentacles; embrace it like the deep warriors you are.
Are you ready to level up, sweet Libra? Are you ready to drop victimhood and old patterning that kept you safe and small? Are you ready to claim your truth, your gifts and your passions unapologetically? I know in my heart of hearts that the answer is yes, because you are moving through the transformative medicine of The Universe this month. The Universe, or The World, is the last card of the Major Arcana. To get this card indicates that we are ready to evolve into the next chapter of our soul’s journey, that we have moved through a karmic cycle of our lives in its entirety.
We have learned all we can from this cycle—we will never go backward in the same way again. We are free. It is only forward from here, birthed into a brand new level of commitment, of lessons, of service, and of self care, beginning anew in the light of The Fool. What does this mean for you, Libra? It means that you are ready to step into your light. It means that you are liberated from years of deep clearing and hard work. It means that you have much to share, and you have no business playing small anymore. You are moving up and it’s going to be incredible.
The final piece of work this month in The Universe will be to honor any fears that may arise around this amazing expansion. Remember: the good stuff is truly where we can feel the most afraid. If any sabotaging behaviors arise during the month, know that you have the chance to gently rewire them, to get clear on your patterning in those areas—it is the last piece of this puzzle. You are ready, and it is time. Trust yourself, and step into your truth.
You’re in the potent frequency of The Hanged Man this month, sweet Scorpio. There is a tremendous amount of medicine to be gained from this energy, all centering around the idea of surrender. There is a reason that this card was so brilliantly renamed Perspective in The Starchild Tarot: in it, we are literally flipped upside down, getting birthed into a new world view.The Hanged Man helps us to look at ourselves and our lives in a different way. Expect to let go of a lot of old patterns, habits and beliefs this month. In this card, we are literally “hanging out” in something uncomfortable, allowing the ego to die back in order for a more soul centered way of living to emerge from within us.
This perspective shift will require you to really deepen into your self care practices, staying in truth the whole way. It might be an uncomfortable month in moments, Scorpio, but it’s bringing you nothing but goodness. The benefit of this process is that it is sweeping you into a new way of seeing things so that you can change them. And it is only when we can see things in the light of awareness that we become free to change them.
This requires us to move through the life/death/life cycle, which runs hand in hand with discomfort and contraction. Trust the more uncomfortable, intense moments of life — it is from there that we stand to truly birth something new. Gently inquire: what’s ready to be released from your life? What’s ready to blossom in its wake? Are you willing to allow the shift to take place? If you are willing to completely let go in this suspended state, Scorpio, major breakthroughs and expansions will begin to unfold in your life. Just hang out and let it flow.
How long has it been since you did absolutely nothing, Sagittarius? Doing nothing is deeply active, and requires us to drop into extreme presence in order to really be there for it. When was the last time you got lost staring out a window, or at the sight of beauty in nature? When did you last drink in the face of your lover, your child, your parent or yourself? This moment is all we have, and life moves by so quickly. To really be here for it, we must practice doing nothing but being with what is.
Ten of Cups is truly the moment when life becomes ceremony. Our wishes are granted and life is beautiful; it’s a golden energy. It is only when we live ceremonially, in absolute service to presence, that the secret of this card can be broken open to us right here and now. You’re learning a new way to live, Sagittarius, one that will show you that you already have everything you want. Do nothing, and you will see it. You don’t have to wish for anything, you don’t have to strive, and you don’t have to manifest.
Your life can become a living meditation, a breathing manifestation practice, and a true co-creation with Divine. While we are busy living in gratitude and presence, we make room for so many more gifts. This is your rather zen invitation this month, Sagittarius—to be fully immersed in the beauty, magic and abundance of this moment, rather than swimming into the past or the future. Let joy and gratitude at the mundane flood your very being. If fear, anger or grief arise, they are meant to be part of the rich fabric of the present, too. Allow it all. The more you can come home to the simplicity and wonder of this moment, the more you will receive.
What are you afraid of, Capricorn? Take a gentle pause in this moment and consider the question. Drop into your heart for the truth. Had you been barreling through your day up until this second? Has fear been a recent motivator for your choices, as of late? If so, you have the opportunity to change that completely; as of this moment, life begins again. Lately, life has been nudging you in certain directions, dropping golden clues and sacred seeds into your lap.
Had you noticed? Ace of Crystals, or Pentacles reversed is a powerful heads up: something is trying to drop in to you, and you’re not receiving it. Your job this month will be to land on why that might be, how you can change it, and how you can shift to a more present moment focus, aiding you in delineating more clearly those gentle taps on the shoulder from Spirit, so you can act on them. There is a universe of potential in every Ace card, but the Ace of Pentacles in particular rules our physical body, our financial situation, and our soul centered abundance. This card is here to bring a big upgrade into your life, but fear may be subconsciously stemming the flow.
The whole point of any reversed card is that we must do the work to find out why it is reversed in order to undo it; the work itself is the reward, in this case. Something is trying to get your attention, Capricorn, and it’s up to you to unravel the knots of fear, contraction and brain chemistry that may be gently humming in the background, subtly taking you out of the present moment, so that you can plant the seeds that are dropping into your open heart and hands. No judgement, no story—just be present and pay close attention.
April is a juicy month for you, Aquarius! This next cycle is going to get you feeling yourself, and that’s a great thing. After several months of really tough cards, your sign has landed in the potent energy of the Knight of Wands. This month (and this card) doesn’t necessarily let up too much in intensity for you, but it will be more enjoyable. The big theme for you this month is sexuality—exploring it, enjoying it, having more of it, connecting to it in yourself. Of course, sexuality is so much more than the act of having sex.
It’s a profoundly potent energetic frequency, one that pools and centers in our sacral chakras. When we feel safe in the world, when we are connected to our creativity, our sensuality, our play and our freedom, we have a balanced Sacral Chakra. This will be a month to heal any tender places in that energy center, Aquarius, as you will be invited into situations and opportunities that replace trauma with trust, and rigidity with flow and play. Be willing to be brave, to be open, to let someone in—even if it’s yourself. Especially if it’s yourself.
Knight of Wands is a powerful fire energy. This archetype loves to perform (in a good way!). He likes to delight, likes to be looked at, and moves through the world desiring to bring joy and warmth with his every step. He wants to be seen, and wants others to feel things by seeing him. He is an organic gateway into sexual flow and creative expression. You can tap into those places within yourself through dance, art, sexuality, or any area of self expression that you want to share with the world, Aquarius. Whatever you do and however you get there, let it be delicious and enjoyable.
You’re in a beautiful mastery of give and take this month, Pisces, a theme that will be extraordinarily important for you to return to again and again this April. Six of Crystals, or Pentacles, will be helping you to balance the sacred exchange between giving and receiving in your life. The work around this area will be deeply transformative for you, if you’re willing to dive deeply into it. Either way, you are being asked to uplevel, to honor a practice of moving through your life with an overflowing well of energy, rather than a deficit.
If you are willing to say yes to this upgrade, it will help to clear the space for more opportunities, more abundance, more receiving, and more joy. Why? Because a full well equals balance and wholeness in a holistic sense—spiritually, physically, psychically and mentally. Releasing any old burnout patterns clears the space for new and welcome energy to flow in. When we give from a personal overflow (rather than a deficit, when we are burned out, exhausted, etc.), both we and the person we are serving will be receiving. The same thing happens when we receive from someone who is giving from an overflow.
It really is a beautiful loop of energetic exchange, one that is hinged on truthful communication, sacred boundaries, and respect, both for ourselves and for another. If this pattern of giving from less than an overflow is a regular one for you, sweet Pisces, it might be a good time to look at your beliefs around receiving, or your self care practices. If one or more things have been in excess, April will be the perfect time to gently shift them. Monitor and honor your personal energetic well this month, and you will make some amazing changes to your life.
Get this week’s symbol for your sign, in our weekly Numinous horoscopes by Strong Eye Astrology…
Aries :: Aries Rising Skiing down the slope. This is your time to take action on your dreams. Can you build up some momentum here? The conditions are good. Don’t be afraid of the speed. Sometimes, taking action helps you define yourself. Now is one of those times. Being able to take action can bring you freedom and exhilaration. What have you been wanting to begin? What have you been wanting to express? How have you been needing inspiration? Let yourself fly now, down the slopes, and let the mountain surprise you.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising Shading the sun from your eyes while peering into the distance. The horizon you seek to see is a metaphor for the furthest reaches of your psyche. You are looking beyond the world you know and searching for the memory of a dream. The mystery of your subconscious. The root of an emotion. Look deeper. Look for the patterns of your subconscious that are hard to see. Go slow and make space for your emotions. They are the best guides you have in this dusky terrain.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising Playing hopscotch. Have you ever had a friend see your potential in a way that you couldn’t? Have you ever had a friendship carry you? This is a time to put energy into your friendships. And from there, begin to invigorate your community. Show up. Plant seeds of intention. How do you want to belong? How do you want to play? How do you want to co-create? Your kindred spirits can help you fulfill your dreams and you can help fulfill theirs. It’s time to appreciate your people.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising Cooking a stew in a restaurant kitchen. This week’s planetary action is revving up your career zone. It’s time to step out into the spotlight. Bring everything you’ve got. Your symbol is about food (nurturance) that is being made in a public place. Can you bring self-nurturance into your work? This is the area in which you need to show yourself so much love. And your self-love will result in success. Because when you love yourself, the Universe will bring you more of the same.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising Walking over a hilltop. Can you let your leadership abilities shine through right now? Your urge for exploration is high. Follow it. Don’t be afraid to blaze a trail. Maybe it’s in your work, your relationships, or your health. Wherever you feel inspired to begin something new, let that feeling propel you forward. It’s time for action. It’s time for a new approach. But most of all you need new inspiration. That inspiration will teach you how to push forward to make your mark on the world.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising Piecing together a quilt made of sentimental fabrics. It’s time to let go, but to that you need to review. Take an careful inventory of your memories. Learn where you are ready to let go and where you are ready to begin anew. Notice what you need to hold onto. By bringing all of this to the forefront of your consciousness, you can consciously release. Create order out of your experiences and move on. It’s time for a new chapter.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising An EKG reading, the symbolic image of a heartbeat. Your relationship zone is getting activated. It’s time for some new patterns here. Maybe an electrical shock to the system? Are the old relationship patterns getting tired? Can you just change them, now? It really can be that simple. Look for your path to the new. You can begin by simply stating, “I am willing to change,” or “I am willing to release the pattern in my consciousness that is responsible for this condition.” Every heartbeat is new. Every moment is new. Just choose something new.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising The ecosystem of a forest. It’s time to take practical action that will bring you more balance in your daily life. Just as there is a delicate balance in the ecosystem of the forest, there is a delicate balance to your day. You can’t just overwork or undernourish without paying the price somewhere. Focus new attention on your schedule and your health. Begin some healthy daily habits. Find better systems. Take action here.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising Watching a beaver build a dam. The river teems with creative life-force and the beaver creates a structure to contain it. Where will you put forward your creative energy now? Be very focused in your approach. This is your time to start a creative project that brings you joy and maybe even some recognition. Imbue this action with both love and effort. Don’t back down an any level. Do it as if the action is coded in your DNA. There is a purpose you are meant to fulfill and now is the time to begin.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising Blessing the bread. It’s time to do things you might not normally. Bless your food. Bless your life. Give gratitude for every aspect. And then use the high vibration of gratitude as a vehicle to love yourself more. Your self love is your emotional security. And this is the foundation from which you will succeed. So it’s important to push your Inner Critic out of the way, (or say politely, “Thank you, not today,”) and nestle into a comfortable cove with yourself. Make an effort to remind yourself over and over again how completely wonderful you are.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising A cluster of stars growing together like grapes on a vine. The stars are symbolic of aspirations. Grapes are symbolic of dreams coming true. Are you ready to harvest your dreams? Set your sights on a star, or an aspiration, and then expect it to come true. Change your thinking to make room for this to happen. Think about it as if it’s already done. The secret to the fruition of your goals is in your thought process.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising A red bird taking a bath in a puddle. You are supported by your environment- everything you need is in abundance. Your effort should be on making yourself more free. Make choices from love, not fear. When you are acting out of love, you know that you are safe, all is well, you are enough. When you are acting out of fear, all outcomes look dim. Act from a place of security, abundance, and love.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
A symbolic week ahead reading for your sign in our Numinous weekly horoscopes, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology…
Aries :: Aries Rising Surfing the waves. Find the exhilaration of freedom. This is your time to step out. This week you solidify your independence. Your anger will rise if you feel that anyone is undervaluing you or holding you back. If this happens, notice the anger and work with it productively. Give it your full attention, but don’t let it own you. Stay balanced on the building wave and enjoy the ride. Slice through the water in a clear and powerful direction. Make yourself free on every level. Free from comparison, free from scarcity mindset, free from self-doubt. There will be currents of energy coming through this week that help you do this. Stay open to the journey and ride the waves.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising Blowing dandelion seeds. Make wishes this week. The action in your chart is happening on the subconscious level. This means that you can determine what you would like to change on the conscious level, but the real work is going to be happening below the surface. Your subconscious mind loves symbols and rituals. If there is something you are ready to let go of, you can use your imagination to put it into a leaf and then throw the leaf into a rushing river. If there are wishes you would like to make, make a wish on a dandelion seed pod and blow the seeds out into the open air.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising Drinking from a water fountain. You are tapping into an endless source. Examine your thirst in life. Are you thirsty for financial stability? Justice? Knowledge? Can you break into a new mindset around this? Can you free yourself from lack? Know that you have access to abundance of whatever it is you desire. Even if it doesn’t seem that way on the surface. The fountain is there. You just have to turn it on.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising Cotton candy. This symbol represents awards and personal satisfaction. There is action happening in your career area of your chart this week. Are you ready for expansion here? Are you ready for lightening bolts of inspiration? This mindset shift may be paired with some high emotion like anger. If that happens, let it help break you into seeing things in a new way. Just don’t let it overtake you. As you open up to higher understanding, you will be primed to achieve new levels of sweet and fluffy satisfaction.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising Making a clean cut through butter. Slicing through. A clean, straight line. It’s time to go after what you want. You are ready for forward motion. Progress. Do a mental inventory of which parts of your psyche are on board to move forward. The Adventurous part of you is, certainly. The Sage archetype within you is saying, “Sign me up!” But what about the 6-year old who is afraid of being different? What about the Anxious one within who is not sure if she belongs? Can you convince these parts of you to get on board? Listen to each and every part of your psyche who has something to say. Listen, empathize and help them learn a new story so that you can proceed on your path.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising Whitewater rafting. Adventure in the depths of emotion. This journey requires focus and courage. It’s time to free yourself by letting go and moving on. Begin a study on forgiveness. You can let go and forgive in exactly the way that you need to now. It doesn’t have to happen all at once. It can be something that you put into motion now, and then let it happen slowly. Flowing through the rapids can be fun if you let go of control. Steer your ship just enough by staying in tune with your emotions. Trust the river of emotions.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising A clear view of pristine landscape. You are looking for simplicity and balance. As well as aesthetic harmony. Find that in your relationships now. Keep your side of the street clean as you communicate very clearly about how you feel and what you need. Look for balance by reaching out to find out what the other person needs and feels. There may be a high desire to rebel a little bit right now. Watch it. Remember that your overall need is for harmony and peace. Stay centered.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising Making a trail of breadcrumbs. You’re able to remember your way home. Home to yourself. Home to your body. You don’t need to worry about what’s just beyond the bend right now. Focus on organizing your immediate environment. Be present in the moment and take good care of your body. It’s time to stabilize your schedule. Remember how to slow down. Remember to give yourself nourishment. Use the energy that you have to help yourself feel grounded.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising Sliding fast through the tunnel of a slide. It’s time for play. Let yourself go. Let yourself enjoy the freedom of self-expression. Lightness, play and creativity are so important right now. If you hold back from them, there will be a part of your psyche that will feel ignored and a little rebellious. So shower yourself with love and appreciation. Prove it to yourself by having some fun.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising Raccoon prints in the snow. Resourcefulness. It’s time for you to get clear about the depths of your resources and abilities. if you have felt like you’ve been scrambling to keep up, maybe it’s time to just let go of that. Maybe what you are doing is enough. Maybe you have enough skills, enough resources, enough support. Maybe there is another way of looking at this. Try to put yourself in a real or imagined nest of safety and protection. Keep reminding yourself that you have enough, you are enough. You are safe.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising Leaves rustling at the top of a tree. You are being beckoned to higher height of understanding. It’s time to jump into a new stream of thought. There’s information that you haven’t yet discovered, and it can really help you. If there is a situation that feels stuck or painful, choose to get curious. How can you think about it differently? It’s time to break free of a mindset that’s been holding you back.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising A pyramid. There is an idea that the pyramid shape is filled with powerful energy. It is stabilizing. It’s time for you to fill yourself with stabilizing and powerful energy. This energy is self-love. Think of a situation or task that is on your mind. What would happen if you brought more love to this idea? Love for yourself. Trust in the universe. Stabilize yourself by holding onto the gentle awareness that love is the base of your pyramid. From the feeling of love you can build the exact life you desire.
The Capricorn waning quarter moon helps tie up loose ends so we can begin anew, says Jennifer Racioppi…Collage: Seana Gavin
Waning Quarter Moon :: March 20th 2017 :: 11.58am EST :: 0 degrees Capricorn
As a new season arrives, the verve of pristine beginnings abounds. With the Sun in Aries and the waning moon in Capricorn squaring at the precise time of the spring Equinox, the cosmic clock turns forward.
Halfway between the recent full moon in Virgo and upcoming new moon in Aries, this Capricorn waning quarter moon supports you to release that which you do not wish to take with you into the astrological new year.
Warning: this is NOT a mild energy. Things may feel like a shaken bottle of champagne about to explode. Lean into the intensity and let go of what does not serve you.
:: The Sun :: The Sun, in the first sign of the zodiac, joins Mercury, Venus, Uranus, and Eris, also all in Aries. Aries, a fire sign, kicks off the entire zodiac and initiates new beginnings. Yes. Expect things to feel on fire. Collectively we crave this bold, brazen and enthusiastic focus of initiation; especially those of us in the northern hemisphere experiencing the last dregs of winter. However, this Capricorn waning quarter moon offers the opportunity to productively to bring things to completion before initiating new beginnings.
:: The Moon :: This industrious moon asks you to focus on what you most need to complete, so that come the March 28 new moon in Aries you feel ready to begin again. Since the Moon at 0 degrees of Capricorn just met up with Saturn at 27 degrees of Sagittarius, this sobering waning quarter moon fosters the perfect conditions to finish any old projects and wrap up lose ends.
The Moon represents our emotional needs, and Capricorn signifies ambition, drive, and determination. Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, epitomizes discipline, hard work, and structure. This isn’t a soft and gentle moon. Therefore, staying kind and compassionate with yourself goes a long way, specifically as you complete meaningful projects, end relationships and clear the decks of your life.
:: The Square :: This cardinal Capricorn waning quarter moon brings a concentrated focus on productivity—especially as it serves your goals, dreams, and desires. With the Moon and Sun squaring, your emotional needs might not align with your conscious desires. If so give yourself space to sort things through. With so much fire in the sky, impatience is a theme this waning quarter moon. It’s essential to take a step back and reconcile this internal conflict. Doing so sets you up for success come the new moon in Aries next week.
:: The Message :: Aries and Capricorn, both cardinal signs, suggest action. This quarter moon sees where your soul’s purpose is guiding you and how you can apply prudence and focus on behalf of your dreams and desires. Let Saturn guide you. Take the high road and channel your focus on discernment so you can shed that which doesn’t serve you. Stay in a place of self-compassion and empathy, and guide the intensity of the fire in the sky towards your deepest desires. As the moon moves through disciplined and structured Capricorn, it’s a time to get things done.
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with from Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of likeminded spiritual activists at Moon Club!
On March 20th, it’s time to rev our engines for the Astrological New Year! Spring Equinox 2017 is a super potent moment for taking courageous action, say Numi Astro babes Sandra Sitron, Danielle Paige, Jennifer Racioppi, and Bess Matassa.
What do you think the first cry you made as a baby sounded like? Imagine the howl you made. That cry stated simply, “I am alive. I am here. I am ready.” You were a fine elocutionist. Can you make that same sound now?
At 0 degrees of Aries, Spring Equinox 2017 is like that baby’s first cry. This is your time to reaffirm your spark of life and take action. Look back at your New Year’s Resolutions from just after the Winter Solstice—now is the time to implement these resolutions in a new way. Do it!
:: Equinox Aspects :: *Chiron, Venus, and Mercury stellium: 2017-2020 will be massive collective healing years as Chiron loops past the zero degree Aries point. Notice how you protect your ego and where old wounds are triggered. You came here to be free, so don’t keep yourself trapped in an outdated pattern of self-protection.
*Moon conjunct Saturn and square the Sun: The creative challenge with this aspect is to confront self-doubt and criticism. Make friends with your Inner Critic this year and create a new relationship. Talk back to that voice in your head. Love up on it. Show it a new way.
*Jupiter opposite Uranus and Square Pluto: While Uranus and Pluto are revisiting their angry conversation from 2012-2015 about breaking down the patriarchy, Jupiter enters the mix to work some diplomatic magic. How can you work this magic in your life? Reach creative compromises by first understanding and empathizing with your own needs, and then seeking to understand and empathize with someone else’s needs.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
It’s been a long winter of soul searching, deep transformation, and healing, especially with February’s Eclipses AND the current Venus Retrograde. However, as with all seasons and cycles, we ebb and we flow. Nothing stays the same, and you are now entering a new wave of energy and a time of rebirth.
Spring Equinox 2017 marks a time of equal day and night, and with this energy you are brought back into alignment and balance. Take some time to honor where you’ve been, where you currently are, and where you’re going. You’re emerging from the darkness of your shadows into the lightness of your being.
Aries is the leader, the first one out of the gate. This sign’s direct, raw, warrior energy is concerned with the needs of the “self” and thrives on anything new. Aries is here to show the rest of us how to be courageous and go after what we want. This theme of the NEW will be especially potent after Venus goes direct on April 15th.
**Danielle’s Equinox Energy Tip: Create a ritual for yourself to honor your light. Acknowledge how far you’ve come and how your consciousness is expanding at a rapid rate. Remember, you may not be exactly where you want to be but you’re a lot closer than you think. Life is a journey and you are well on your way, babe. Happy Equinox blessings to you!
Find out more about Danielle’s soul healing services and sign up for her free Moon newsletters here.
Occurring at the time of the waning quarter moon (when the moon in Capricorn squares the sun in Aries), Spring Equinox 2017 asks us to access our feminine warrior, own our shadow, and surrender what’s not working.
As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries incites action, and encourages new beginnings and fresh starts. Yet this Equinox’s Sun makes aspects to Venus, and to electrifying revolutionaries Uranus and Eris, signaling that this seasonal transition also asks us to integrate endings.
If things feel heated, take a step back and become the observer. We are learning how to witness the crazy without becoming the crazy. Remember that this too shall pass. Yet, it’s essential to dig deep to understand (and integrate) the lessons coming through at this cosmic moment of change. Commit to your long term vision and plan!
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with from Jennifer visit
Ready to start your engines & strike a match? By all means, stoke those flames, speed racers. But instead of the usual Aries MMA battles and boxing matches, let this Equinox be a chance to refine your relationship to heat, and to rediscover the innocence inside of action-oriented instincts.
Think of Spring Equinox 2017 as a dark chocolate fondue pot, complete with succulent strawberries. Can your ego aggression become a clean, tender willingness to sink your teeth into life? Heat up your pot, say yes, start now … but let your efforts in the world be oh so sweet, as you taste it all as if for the very first time.
Equinox mantra: I fiercely sink my teeth into sweetness. Theme song:Return to Innocence Style: Victorian botanist meets 90s minimalism. Bare skin, plant-based prints, clean lines, combat boots, and a little bit of lace. Flavors: The simple, farm-fed nourishment of spreadable goat’s milk cheese and vanilla ice cream, herbaceous salads, and warming ratatouille. Single-note flower essences that are equal parts freshly vigorous and delicately blooming like violet and lilac.
Want more juicy cosmic insights and sensory explorations? Arrange an astrology reading or private event with Mojave Rising here or follow them on Instagram.
A symbolic reading for your sign with our Numinous weekly horoscopes, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology…
Pisces :: Pisces Rising A koala bear. Koala bear medicine is telling you that this is a time to dream and rest. Step out of the daily grind and connect with yourself. The koala sleeps 20 hours a day. You need to recharge too. You are very empathetic and it’s very important for you to sequester yourself periodically. Now is one of those times. This week brings moments of processing old hurts. Let your feelings flow so that you can heal. Your challenge is to structure your work so that you have time to connect with yourself. It may feel as if work demands are especially high. Prioritize alone time so that you have enough energy to do what you need to do. Remember that time is not your enemy, although it may seem as if there are a lot of responsibilities to juggle. Go with the flow and listen to wisdom of the koala.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising An old portrait in a museum. You can use your imagination to step back in time. Your subconscious dream-world is kicked up into high gear right now. Pay special attention to signs and symbols. You can create meaning in ways that are more intuitive than logical. Here’s your plan of action: Create an invitation. Invite in the healing, understanding or motivation that you’re seeking. Then lean back and watch for a sign, a dream, or a ping of intuition. Gentle receptivity will take your further right now than direct action. If you find that you really need something to do, turn your mind to structure. Find a simple way to structure your freedom and your inspiration.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising The soft texture of sheepskin. You are yearning for coziness. Normally when you want to get cozy it’s fairly simple for you to curl up in your nest. The coziness you need right now is more like the comfort of truly belonging. Being able to be exactly yourself with friends who completely understand you. Feeling like there’s nothing to prove. Only the relaxation of knowing that who you are is reflected back to you. It may be time to heal old wounds around belonging. Let yourself rest. Admire and honor your friendships. It’s time to affirm for yourself that you have the structure to merge and belong. You are safe.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising A swirling circle of color like a pinwheel or a giant lollipop. Follow the swirling colors in your minds-eye. The swirling colors symbolize an outpouring of love and experience. Play, lightness and fun. This is how you can step out into the world. This is the attitude in which you can be seen. You are a unique array of colored light. There is no one else like you. You are important and your skills are exactly what the world needs. Now is a time of confidence building. Step forward as yourself. Step away from the concerns of ego and let yourself shine bright. There may be old wounds around being seen or heard that can get cleared out right now. Blast through them.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising Blades of grass blowing in the wind. The blades of grass describe the movement of the invisible wind. Think about wind. You are like the wind right now. You are a force. You are moving in an unpredictable direction. You are gentle or strong. You are able to contact the highest precipice or the lowest valley. Take this metaphor further by considering your current moment. Here are your questions for self-study: How are you directing the momentum of your thoughts? How are you validating your strength? How are you validating your gentleness? How are you finding inspiration? You may want to form strong opinions right now. Form them. Believe them. And be open to adjustment if the wind changes direction.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising Braking quickly in a go-cart. What’s in your control? You may be stuck on the idea of being in the driver’s seat right now. Remember that this is all a game. All of life is designed for the purpose of expansion. You can’t lose yourself. Which means that there is nothing you have to control. These are tough lessons, but just play around with the idea of letting go. See how far you can coast. If you loosen your grip, you have more room for self-expression. The important pieces will still fall into place.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising An umbrella. Let’s link these ideas- protection, partnership, healing. There are a couple of possible combinations. Your self-protection allows you to form healthy partnership which leads to healing old relationship patterns. Or, allowing yourself to lean into the concept of partnership gives you the protection of “belonging” which can help you heal old fears. A third option is that knowing you are inherently safe leads to healing which can help you form or expand a conscious partnership. Maybe these options are not so different from each other. Take this time to play around with these different ideas and discover your next level of growth.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising A game of dominoes. Sliding the pieces into place. It’s time to get some of the basics sorted out. Cleaning your closet can lead to deep healing and growth. Scrubbing the bottom of the refrigerator can help your ancient wounds dissolve. But before we get too carried away, let’s remember that the symbol here describes a game. So make this fun! Create order and have a blast. Get grounded in practical daily habits and giggle about it. Let the details come into magnified view. Put everything into place and make room for your heart to expand.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising Dogs howling at the moon. Dogs bring the medicine of loyal friendship and service. These precious friends are vocally directing you to connect with your innermost emotions. Crack open your emotional flow with a howl of self-expression. Maybe your howl take the form of an artwork of some kind; song, dance painting, etc. Maybe your howl reminds you to play freely like a child and let go. Maybe your howl guides you to your ecstasy. Your healing self-expression can help you remember that you are worthy.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising Hot cocoa. It’s time to nestle in. Nurture and comfort yourself. Surround yourself with softness. Let your inner child come out and play. Find out what would make them most happy. You need to do some healing, so set yourself up with time, space and nurturance. Investigate your emotional security and bolster it up if need be. Any outer limitations are just reminding you to get steady inside. Your strong urge to take yourself very seriously can be tempered by giving your inner child some attention. Pick an age and ask that version of yourself how they are feeling right now. Give your inner child lots of room to express their feelings.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising Geodesic dome. Connect the dots to create a new kind of structure. Something next level. Your mind is busy right now and you have lots of variables to consider. Pump up your meditation practice so that your mind is more clear. Slow down the thoughts so that you can apply more structure. This heightened ability to think and dream mixed with just the right amount of structure may lead you to a stellar innovation. Make sure you consciously understand the problems you are trying to solve, then step back and let your subconscious mind do the majority of the processing.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising Handfuls of daisies. The bounty of the earth provides a lovely metaphor for you right now. You are rich. You are abundant. You can let your confidence bloom accordingly. Let yourself heal any old security fears by focusing on the moment. Love yourself now. There is nothing more important than your love for yourself. It’s the best security you will ever have. Give yourself handfuls of daisies to remind yourself that you are a child of the earth. In our world, it’s sometimes hard to believe in abundance. But remember this, activism is most effective when it’s rooted in self-love. It’s easiest to envision solutions when you feel that you are rich with possibility. As you work for progress you’ll find it’s easier to inspire others when you are rooted in abundance.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
The 2017 Virgo Full Moon beckons us to find the mystery & magic in the mundane, says Sandra Sitron...
Join a virtual ritual for the 2017 Virgo Full Moon on 3/12 when you sign up for Moon Club.
Full Moon :: March 12 2017 :: 10:54 am EST :: 22 degrees Virgo
Put your ear to the seashell and listen. Let your world expand beyond your current reality by noticing the magic in the details of life. To notice the details you have to be present in the moment. You have to harness the Now.
You may feel drawn to fantasy and escape, but keep bringing yourself back to the mundane. Keep watching yourself stir the soup. This is where you will find the real spaciousness. It exists in simple consciousness.
Sunday’s Virgo Full Moon is opposite the Sun in Pisces. Pisces and Virgo offer us two portals into spirituality. The Pisces portal is outside of the body—it’s “through the veil.” Pisces helps us move outside of boundaries and remember our “boundary-less” soul. We are light and universal love.
The Virgo portal is completely centered in the complexities of the body and life on Earth. To enter the world of spirit through the Virgo portal, one must go into the Now—into the moment. One must be present and centered. To create a stable foundation for this practice, it helps to refine the health of the body and mind.
The 2017 Virgo Full Moon has a lot to teach us. Because these are two mutable signs, we will be making adjustments to improve our experience. Contrast may cause you (or the people around you) to be more self-critical. There is a feeling of “I’ve got to get it right.” By navigating through these feelings of self-doubt and self-criticism, you can find your way to self-love. And you must. You must turn every critique into a declaration of love.
This requires you to listen to your thoughts. And it’s hard to listen to your thoughts if they are coming fast. So slow it down. A meditation practice will help with this. This process is gentle and gradual. Make tiny changes. Although the tone of this lunation is about small adjustments, don’t be surprised if you experience a major healing.
2017 Virgo Full Moon opposite Chiron and Mercury. Sanding down a piece of furniture. There is a lot of healing energy coming through as Chiron (the wounded-healer asteroid) joins the Sun (essence) and Mercury (mind). All three are opposite the Moon. Healing “Self” will be front and center. How does this happen? Look around for traces of your curriculum. If something pulls at your mind or emotions ask yourself, “is this my curriculum?” Ask yourself: “What is the deeper lesson here?” This may feel transformative, like sanding down an old chair. Small adjustments add up to big changes.
Moon trine Pluto A polished diamond. More healing. More adjustments. Polishing and polishing your inner diamond. Letting go. Letting go of control. Why do you need to control anyway? You are safe. You are well. It’s all okay. Let go and move on to a new level. You let go and you move away from ego. The inner diamond is the soul essence that is free from ego constraints.
Moon quincunx Uranus Indigestion. And there is a little hiccup here. Uranus (the Great Awakener) tugs at the Moon uncomfortably. The Moon is trying to hang in there and do some healing work and Uranus is pulling away saying, “F*ck it. Let’s get out of here! I don’t have time for this! This is too hard!” (Or frustrating, slow, uncomfortable, etc.) This is all fine. It can be kind of fun to laugh at the urge to hit the eject button.
Summary Get quiet. Guide your thoughts toward the present moment. Slow down the thoughts through meditation so that there is time to remember the point of all this: Love. Look for the lessons, let go of ego, and sit quietly through discomfort. Go through the portal.
Use the questions below to dive deeper into the lessons of the 2017 Virgo Full Moon. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see what house holds 22 degrees Virgo…
Aries or Moon in the 6th house If your body could write you a letter, what would it say?
Taurus or Moon in the 5th house What does the concept of “self-expression” mean to you?
Gemini or Moon in the 4th house How can you nurture yourself today? And every day?
Cancer or Moon in the 3rd house What’s your current vision of your community? How would you like it to be?
Leo or Moon in the 2nd house What’s one small adjustment you can make that will help you feel more grounded?
Virgo or Moon in the 1st house Where in your life are you feeling called to be a leader?
Libra or Moon in the 12th house Write a letter to your “Inner-Critic.” Offer your gratitude and make some gentle requests.
Scorpio or Moon in the 11th house Are you ready to make any adjustments to your vision for the future?
Sagittarius or Moon in the 10th house How do you best define your mission-statement for your career?
Capricorn or Moon in the 9th house Which archetype within you needs more freedom?
Aquarius or Moon in the 8th house What are you ready to let go of? Follow your feelings to work this out.
Pisces or Moon in the 7th house Can you get really clear about your needs? Can you do the same with a partner?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.