As Mercury stations retro for the first time this year, savor the slow down with Rebecca Farrar‘s total guide to ALL the 2019 retrograde cycles …

hugo alexandre rebecca farrar ruby warrington the numinous total guide to the 2019 retrogrades
Photo: Hugo Alexandre

Ever wish you could enter a time machine for a do-over?

Every planet in our solar system—except for the Sun and Moon—spends time “in retrograde.” These periods each bring powerful opportunities for collective and individual slow down and renewal, calling us to bring awareness to situations we may have glossed over or rushed past.

Mercury Retrograde has gotten a pretty bad name! But rather than harbingers of doom and gloom, all retrograde transits are opportunities to choose free will over fear.

When a planet is retrograde, it appears to move backwards in the sky, an illusion caused by the Earth passing by these slower moving planets. As these shifts occur, it’s up to us to decide how we’ll handle the themes they reveal.

With awareness of a planet’s areas of influence, we can notice how those energies move through us and can uncover new ways of relating to them. For example, if we tend to be non-committal, a Saturn retrograde transit may help us understand where more effort and hard work is needed. If we over-identify with our intellect, Mercury retrograde can reconnect us to our intuition.

Since January 6, 2019 all of the major planets have been in their forward motion. This ends on March 5, when Mercury stations in the last degree of Pisces before retrograding for most of March. As retrograde season 2019 begins, use the guide below to embrace these times of deep transformation, growth, and healing …


Mercury // March 5—March 28 (retrograde in Pisces); July 7—July 31 (retrograde in Leo); October 31—November 20 (retrograde in Scorpio)
When the planet of communication and linear thinking moves backwards, our minds may feel a bit fuzzy, especially since this year’s first Mercury retro occurs in the imaginative and intuitive Pisces. Take this time to:

  • Complete old writing projects, revise your resume, reignite a journaling practice.
  • Edit and review emails more closely to make sure you are articulating what you want to say as clearly as possible.
  • Reorganize closets, drawers, and cabinets, as Mercury likes to keep things in order.


Ceres // April 9—July 17 (retrograde in Sagittarius)
When the largest asteroid in our solar system is in retrograde, we may become more familiar with all of the places we need to up our self-care regime. Ceres’ 2019 retrograde cycle helps us contact our inner nurturer and recover our self-parenting tools. Utilize this retrograde for revisiting what you need to feel your best, both emotionally and physically. Use Ceres retrograde to:

  • Try out new recipes or new healthy eating habits and take care of your own needs before helping others.
  • Focus on the many ways to practice self-care, from salt baths to voicing your emotions.
  • Read books on attachment theory and emotional support such as Attached by Amir Levine, David Richo’s How to be An Adult, and the work of Rachel Heller.


Jupiter // April 10—August 11 (retrograde in Sagittarius)
The largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter’s slow down often reveals new visions. This year, Jupiter will be stationing in its own sign of Sagittarius, and this backward motion may evoke a sense of contraction or constriction. Use this time to:

  • Plan a trip or mini-adventure somewhere you’ve never been or revisit a favorite place—Jupiter loves to travel.
  • Notice places of over-indulgence and how you can cut back on waste, perhaps bring your reusable cup to the coffee shop or carry around bamboo silverware.
  • Take an honest look at the vision for your life and values, and write it down this time to make it feel more real.


Pluto // April 24—October 3 (retrograde in Capricorn)
Pluto brings us closer to the domain of shadow and the underworld, asking us to take a closer look at the “un-pretty” aspects of ourselves and to confront discomfort. When in retrograde, it helps us uncover places where we haven’t gone deep enough before. This year’s retrograde occurs as Pluto moves through Capricorn, along with Saturn, and asks important questions about power structures. Use Pluto retrograde to:

  • Dive into shadow work with a therapist or guide, or take a long hard look at the things you are annoyed and angry about, as the shadow shows up the most in our projections.
  • Get caught up on taxes or get your will in order; Pluto wants to prepare for the inevitabilities of taxes or death, as well as topics that may be uncomfortable to talk about.
  • Read up on the occult and mystical traditions that intrigue you, or pull out the Tarot deck you haven’t used in a while.
 felix mittermeier rebecca farrar ruby warrington the numinous total guide to the 2019 retrogrades
Photo: Felix Mittermeier


Saturn // April 29—September 18 (retrograde in Capricorn)
Similar to Jupiter, Saturn spends a third of the year in retrograde and offers clues about where we may need to re-commit or become more disciplined. In 2019, Saturn retrogrades in Capricorn, alongside Pluto, and can help us reclaim our sense of authority and responsibility where we may have avoided it in the past. Saturn represents the longer cycles of time and existence and when in retrograde, it can take us back in time to clean up old pain. Use this transit to:

  • Look for places to slow down and practice more discipline, whether it be at work or in relationships.
  • Rethink your long-term goals from the standpoint of the legacy you want to leave, write a 10-year plan, or even 40-year plan.
  • Contemplate your priorities over the next several months and discern where and with whom to focus your energy.


Neptune // June 21—November 27 (retrograde in Pisces)
When dreamy Neptune moves into retrograde, it brings a time to examine our illusions and fantasies. This planet connects us to our spiritual side and the myriad ways to feel in tune with the divine essence of who we are. The 2019 Neptune retrograde cycle occurs with Neptune in its favorite sign of Pisces, so projections may be at an all-time high. Use this cycle to balance fantasy with reality.

  • Resume a creative project, especially if it is related to a flow state such as photography, film, or painting.
  • Start up a meditation practice, or restart an old one, as Neptune desires a connection to the divine.
  • Take a break from substances that contribute to altered states of consciousness or disassociation.


Chiron // July 8—December 12 (retrograde in Aries)
Chiron is a bridge between different parts of ourselves, and helps us identify what still needs healing. During its retrograde phase, we can rely on this planetary body to help us rewire or release old painful patterns, as well as help us regain our sense of wholeness. Chiron’s 2019 retrograde moves through Aries, allowing for old confrontations to be addressed and an inner understanding of our anger. Use this transit to:

  • Take a class or receive a session of reiki or massage therapy (Chiron comes from the word for “hand”) to understand the power of hands-on healing.
  • Boost your self-esteem by making a list of your strengths and keeping them nearby.
  • Reorient to yourself by making a list of situations where you put others first, or a list of your non-negotiable needs for relating.


Uranus // August 11—January 10, 2020 (retrograde in Taurus)
This year’s Uranus retrograde transitions us from 2019 into 2020 with opportunities to rethink our creativity and uncover new ways of doing things. As Uranus re-enters Taurus on March 7, the retrograde occurs in the same sign and may revisit themes from things that occurred in May 2018. Use Uranus retrograde to:

  • Join a new community (IRL preferably) or attend group events you may have thought were not for you, as Uranus encourages us to try new things and also meet new people.
  • Activate your inner activist by recommitting to causes that mean something to you.
  • Update your technology or reread your smart phone manual—Uranus loves the future and feels at home with technology.


Vesta // September 23—December 29 (retrograde in Taurus)
Baby planet Vesta bridges heaven and Earth through ritual and devotion to personal ceremonies, and brings magic to the mundane through feeding our sacred flame. During its retrograde cycle, we may find ourselves pulled more deeply into our sacred practices, and during this year’s Vesta retro in Taurus, we’re asked to cultivate the sacredness of pleasure. Use this cycle to:

  • Explore sacred sex rituals such as Tantra or Kama Sutra, or create your own sex magic ritual.
  • Take a human sexuality class or write a sexual autobiography to understand more of how this sexual flame moves through you.
  • Create a new ritual for the moon cycles or even in your own daily routine, as a reminder of the many ways to connect to the sacred in everyday life.


With Pluto stationing direct on September 30th, it’s time to meet your shadow self—and you can use your birth chart to come face-to-face with the skeletons in your own closet, say Ruby Warrington and Bess Matassa

the numinous ruby warrington use your birth chart to meet your shadow self material girl mystical world
Photo: Karl Saare

Ruler of Scorpio, the planet Pluto urges us to dive deep into the more Numinous realms of being—which can feel downright scary, depending on how comfortable we are with our more primal urges and shadowy desires.

Pluto governs the parts of ourselves we tend to keep buried under layers of social conditioning, but which are aching to be witnessed in all their gory glory.

But there’s no need to be afraid of these less fragrant parts of ourselves. And in fact, the more time we can spend acknowledging, loving, and socializing them, the less likely they are to leap out of the shadows and bite somebody’s head off. And our birth charts are a great place to begin.

There are several key placements in each and every chart that give clues to the more shadowy parts of our beings, giving us the opportunity to unlock our own secret basement rooms and hidden passages. Read on for 7 ways to use your birth chart to go behind the veil …

*If you don’t have your birth chart, you can do yours for free HERE.


The 7th House: Hello, shadow self
Known as the house of relationships and sitting opposite the 1st House of self and personal expression, the 7th House can also represent the parts of our nature where we’re in denial. Planets here can show aspects of ourselves that we’d rather not “see,” and which we project onto our life partners (in marriage, friendship, and business) instead. We may also seek relationships with people who embody these traits in order to “complete” us. For example, Mars in the 7th House could represent suppressed or unacknowledged anger, meaning we seek partners who either express their anger easily—or know how to push the right buttons to help us to express ours!


The 8th House: How we dance with our demons
Ruled by Scorpio herself, the wicked witch of the zodiac, the 8th House is where we walk the tightrope between the two worlds. In our earthly lives, planets in the 8th House can show how we access our psychic powers (for example, the Moon here suggests strong gut feelings, while an 8th House Mercury may mean we actually “hear” voices from the other side). The sign ruling the 8th House meanwhile (look for the sign it intersects at the bottom), shows our relationship to our shadow self. For example, Leo ruling the 8th House has no problem expressing its demons—while Cancer here may need to find a safe place to let it all hang out.


The 12th House: Let go and let God
Representing the most profound depths of the chart, this house is often described in vague terms such as “the house of self-undoing,” or “secret enemies,” and you can think of this zone as the underground cellar of your chart. Any planets living down there are sometimes kept under lock and key—while they may rise up and “possess” you from time to time. For example, Pluto or Mars here can lead to repressed anger and control impulses that suddenly break out of the cellar and threaten to smash all the china. Meanwhile, Venus here marks an invitation to notice where you deny yourself pleasure. If you’re a 12 house astro babe, your work is to embrace whatever planets hang in this basement, and invite them into the main house for a midnight snack.


Neptune: Your inner spiritual guru
Neptune is the planet ruling mystical Pisces, representing our spirituality and our connection to the higher realms of existence. The sign and house containing Neptune in our birth charts shows how and in what areas of life we experience this connection most strongly, and also where we may seek to “merge” with the Universal oneness—or lose our sense of “self.” The biggest emo of the zodiac, Neptune also shows our sensitivity, and where we may try to escape from the “real” world in search of something altogether softer and more forgiving. Any kind of mystical or dreamlike experience, from being guided into a Shamanic trance, to losing ourselves in music at a concert, will have Neptune at its helm.


South Node: Your soul’s old clothing
Have you ever slipped into some threads that feel oh so comfortable but just a little bit stretched out? Think of your South Node placement as your house clothes. Whatever sign and house its in represents an old way of being from another lifetime. This time around, channel your North Node placement for a soul upgrade. The North Node may feel itchy and challenging and take some breaking in. At first, you may not even recognize yourself when you embrace this behavioral pattern. But you’ve got to risk slipping into this new party frock and and heading out on the town to really fulfill your mission.


Chiron: Your secret superpower
Often called the “wounded healer,” you can think about this placement in your chart as a deeply painful spot that needs you to apply the energy of allowing. Dress that wound, love up on it, and let it break you open towards the human experience of tenderized acceptance. Along with Saturn, Chiron is all about something we think we never received and/or don’t deserve. By element it shows us what we perceive as our weakness (ex/Chiron in Earth, connection to the pragmatic, material realm; Chiron in water, fears around surrendering to our emotional tides). But unlike Saturn’s hard work energy, which compels us to apply effort to overcome this placement, Chiron doesn’t respond to “work.” Instead, we must move alongside and with this energy, and use it as a gateway to connecting with others. Sweetly attending to this touchy-feely place lets us tap into our empathetic superpowers.


Pluto: Where you glow in the dark
This planet of hardcore soul collisions and amped-up intensity, which rules the badass energy of Scorpio, shows us where we can practice grip and release. It gives the house it inhabits a glow-in-the-dark kind of light, where we illuminate our life and death battles, and what we’re willing to protect at all costs. Its gift is to reveal to us where we’re most carnal, and to help us mine this intensity for juicy gemstones. Can we learn to live with what lives inside of us, even the inkiest dark matter we’d rather discard? Harness this energy to fight for exactly what you desire, while noticing when your primal beasties can be slightly softened.


Pisces season 2018 invites us to succumb to the urge to merge, says Bess Matassa

Image: Magic & Madness

Cue the tropical house, turn on the fog machine, and get ready for a shellabration, mystic mermies. Pisces Season slip and slides us towards the end of the astrological year with a shimmering sense of sweet surrender.

Rather than effort and force this process of “letting go,” can you simply sink into a wider ocean, as you offer up your pain, your pleasure, and everything in between and set it out to drift? Prepare to take the plunge and become a dazzling speck in the big old blue.

So melt it down and let it come undone. Give it up and turn it loose. And know that in the letting, nothing is truly gone. Every loss is a find, astro babes. And you’ve already got the entire night sky’s stardust in every one of your precious cells.

The keyword: Melting.

The song lyrics: I saw the world crashing all around your face/Never really knowing it was always mesh and lace/I’ll stop the world and melt with you/The future’s open wide- Modern English, “I Melt With You”

Check out Bess’ Pisces Season Playlist, complete with yacht rock, spiritualized songstresses, and ethereal ambiance.

Awaveawake SS18

The color palette: aquatically artful, soft-lit shades. Think seafoam greens, shell pinks, opalescent creams, and iridescent mussel interiors.

The style: Kundalini kinetics meet Ibiza chic. Headwraps, bandeau bras, face sparkles, body stickers, strappy sandals, and diaphanous robes.

Photo: Brenda Godinez

The scents and flavors: evanescent aromas and subtle spirit lifters. Think kombucha, amethyst lattes, seaweed, cucumber salads, water lily, and CBD oil.

The healing: deliciously abstract and tenderly borderless. Think sensory deprivation tanks, stargazing, wilderness walkabouts, transcendental meditation, and cuddle parties.


// Sensuous Invitation of the Month: Surrender for Your Chiron Sign //

Pisces Season asks us to soften, as we allow the world to reach out and touch every part of our souls. Your Chiron sign reveals a tender spot of longing and mystical sensitivity, where you can empathetically dive in and embrace the full flower of your humanness. Bless it all and release it all with an invitation towards subtle surrender …

New to astrology? Discover your Chiron sign HERE.

Chiron in Aries
Pisces Season invites you to awaken to your sensitivities around self-assertion. // Your Surrender: Ghost-writing. Celebrate your selfhood without even having to sign your name.

Chiron in Taurus
Pisces Season invites you to face your material fears about not having enough. // Your Surrender: Zero-waste living. Experiment with a month-long exploration of of self-contained sensuality.

Chiron in Gemini
Pisces Season invites you to clear your throat chakra and release anxieties about being misunderstood. // Your Surrender: Singing in the shower. Let your private message intermingle with the waters.

Chiron in Cancer
Pisces Season invites you to reach out for the sweet caress of letting yourself be truly cared for. // Your Surrender: Breakfast in bed. Learn when to luxuriate in loved ones attending to your needs.

Chiron in Leo
Pisces Season invites you to explore any blocks around trusting the power of play. // Your Surrender: Trampoline gym. Fly through the air with a simplistically joyous focus.

Chiron in Virgo
Pisces Season invites you to treat your beautiful bod like a treasure trove. // Your Surrender: Full-body massage. Feel into every part of your precious physical form.

Chiron in Libra
Pisces Season invites you to release your fears of relationship rejection. // Your Surrender: Slow-dancing. Slip into the arms of another and let your pain go to the prom.

Chiron in Scorpio
Pisces Season invites you to ungrip your palms and feel into your perception of “powerlessness.” // Your Surrender: Blindfolded play. Let a lover take the luscious lead.

Chiron in Sagittarius
Pisces Season invites you to let spiritual “crisis” create the basis for brand new beliefs. // Your Surrender: Silent meditation retreat. Trust in your philosophical perspective and become your own guru.

Chiron in Capricorn
Pisces Season invites you to claim the keys to your castle without having to do battle. // Your Surrender: Hiring a driver. Turn the engine over and trust that you’re heading towards your place on the throne.

Chiron in Aquarius
Pisces Season invites you to slough off the status-quo and forge your own future. // Your Surrender: Bungee jumping. Lift-off and leap into the uncontrollable unknown.

Chiron in Pisces
Pisces Season invites you to honor your escapist urges with healthy retreat. // Your Surrender: Going off grid. Take a technology vacay and connect to your higher power.

Bess is available for private readings and astro-themed events. Connect with her at


The 2017 Scorpio New Moon asks us to risk the deepest dives so we can reap the reward of profound emotional truth, says Sandra Sitron.

sandra sitron 2017 scorpio new moon ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world
Photo: Jill Heyer

New Moon :: November 18 2017 :: 6:24 am ET :: 26 degrees Scorpio

A mountain is moving aside. It’s creaking and squealing on a hidden mechanism to reveal a dusty trapdoor leading into the depths of the earth.

Are you ready to take a risk and travel into the unknown region of your psyche? Are you willing to be vulnerable and face the challenges of the season?

The opening of this secret passageway is a rare occurrence. And if you venture forth, you’ll go deeper than you’ve ever gone before. It may be a frightening journey, but your guides are waiting.

Pause and consider how this metaphorical journey into the depths of your psyche is showing up in your life right now. However it’s happening, the overall message of this New Moon is to trust in transformation. 

These challenges may relate to emotional sharing and release, being truly seen for who you are, sexual healing, psychological transformation, forgiveness, and empowerment. Settle into a quiet place. Find a moment to set new intentions for these Scorpio themes.

If you want to go through the secret passageway beneath the mountain, you must let go of control.

And when you’ve completely faced your fear, you’ll find hidden resources of water— a thermal hot spring of emotional truth and intuitive trust … 


New Moon inconjunct Uranus
Removing a mask.
Remove a feeling of being separate. Accept yourself for all the ways that you are different. You don’t have to wear a mask anymore. Your true self — all the beautiful and gnarly parts — can be accepted by others.

Remove the mask and allow yourself the ability to get really close to another human without being afraid that you’ll lose a part of yourself.


New Moon trine Chiron
Watching water move.
Is there a place in your body where you need to relax? Imagine a rushing waterfall in that area of your body. For example, if it’s your jaw that’s tight try to spend a few moments imagining a sparkly, dancing, glittering flow of water and air just below the surface of your skin.

It sounds simple, but this kind of visualization can help you trigger somatic healing and emotional release. Let go of tension in your physical body and that may help you release old emotions. Lean into the process of letting go.


New Moon semi-sextile Saturn
Grafting a fruit tree.
Seek an unfamiliar way that you can support yourself in this transformational time. Maybe this new, unfamiliar way is as mundane as drinking more water. Maybe it’s something deeper, like letting yourself be wrong, or admitting that you don’t have all the answers.


The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2017 Scorpio New Moon means for you. Use them as journal prompts. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 26 degrees Scorpio in your chart and use the question for that house. Do yours for free HERE. 

Aries or New Moon in the 8th house 
What are you ready and willing to release?

Taurus or New Moon in the 7th house
When do you know that it’s safe to unfold and reveal yourself to a partner?

Gemini or New Moon in the 6th house 
Your body is a finely tuned receiving instrument. What signal is it emitting? Don’t answer this question with your mind, answer it with movement.

Cancer or New Moon in the 5th house 
What needs to change so that you are able to giggle more often?

Leo or New Moon in the 4th house 
How can you honor your need for privacy and self-reflection?

Virgo or New Moon in the 3rd house 
Where does your curiosity want you to go?

Libra or New Moon in the 2nd house 
What are the feelings that more money and resources would provide? Can you use your imagination to embody those feelings today?

Scorpio or New Moon in the 1st house
What do you need to tell yourself so that you have free rein to grow and transform in the exact way that you want to?

Sagittarius or New Moon in the 12th house 
What is your self-love philosophy? Do you think humans should love themselves? Why? How? When?

Capricorn or New Moon in the 11th house 
What have you built that needs a renovation? This may be a mental concept, ideal, business structure, plan or habit.

Aquarius or New Moon in the 10th house
What idea or attitude will help you meet your goals?

Pisces or New Moon in the 9th house
If you were going to take a journey on a philosophical search for truth, where would you begin? What attitude would you have to embody?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.


Settle into your cozy zone and wrap yourself in a cosmic hug. The 2017 Cancer New Moon wants you to harness the power of your feelings and know that you are worthy of some super sweet loving, says Sandra Sitron.

Photo: Benjamin Combs

New Moon :: June 23rd 2017 :: 10:32 pm ET ::  2 degrees Cancer

This New Moon wants you to learn that you have emotional stability—you can feel your feelings, express your feelings, process your feelings, and move on.

Just as the waves of the ocean keep on coming, you can let yourself ebb and flow. The ocean tumbles and moves but it is vast and powerful. Allowing yourself to process your feelings can give you power and security too. 

Carry a basket. Fill it with nostalgia. A glass jar filled with a dream. A fragment of a memory. The outline of a kiss. A love note and sticky lollipops and glitter that won’t go away. Devoted puppies, a collection of ribbons, and a foggy window. Put your love for others and your love for yourself into the basket. Put the basket on your alter as an offering to the Moon.

The Cancer New Moon has got you gathering up the memories of things that help you feel close, nurtured and taken care of. Cancer collects nostalgia because it feels like home. It feels like nurturance. The metaphorical basket holds proof for your subconscious mind that you are loved. 

Let this energy help you set intentions for loving yourself, nurturing your family relationships, and settling into your cozy home zone. Learn to nurture your inner child. By taking care of that little one, you build up real emotional security within yourself. Bring your inner child to work with you. Bring her to yoga. Take him grocery shopping. Remember a time when you needed nurturance and visit that baby version of yourself with a kind word and a hug.

Let this moon phase inspire you to wrap yourself in a bear hug and hold yourself tight. You are dear. You are darling. Find a way to believe that you are worthy of nurturance and love just because you are alive.

Affirm this truth for yourself and let the gossamer moonlight of it shine out of the cracks in your armor … 


New Moon conjunct Mercury
A spider writes words in a web.
The nurturing New Moon is drifting close to quick-witted Mercury. This aspect inspires us to communicate the message of our heart. Speak what you feel.

Charlotte the spider from Charlotte’s Web is a maternal friend who nurtures Wilber the pig and saves his life through quick wit and well-placed words. What part of yourself do you need to rescue with your words or thoughts? What matter of the heart do you need to speak aloud? What emotion could use a little logical reframing?


New Moon conjunct Mars
Riding a zip-line.
Momentum is building. At this Moon phase you get an opportunity to set intentions in motion. The conjunction of the Moon with Mars is going to put some serious fire behind these intentions. Craft them well.

Stay focused on your goal, just as if you are riding that zip-line. There is one route to take, so fly! Don’t get distracted by unnecessary aggression or self-flagellation. There is too much energy that can be used to plant new seeds and help them grow.


New Moon square Chiron
Handfuls of cotton swabs.
The cotton is clean and you are ready to tend to those old wounds. The New Moon is giving side-eye to the wounded-healer Chiron. Chiron reminds us of our old wounds, so that we’ll remember to heal them. The sensitive Moon may not appreciate Chiron’s relentless assertion that the past must be healed. But she’ll agree that this Moon-phase of fluid emotion is a good time to get those feelings moving.

Seek out cathartic release. Find the energetic, spiritual, mental, physical and emotional support that you need. Remember that most kinds of healing — whether it’s a bruised knee, a broken heart, or an ancestral wound — are like peeling the quintessential onion. Take steps and allow it to happen in its own time. Let the New Moon energy help you nurture yourself in the process.


Use the questions below to dive deeper into the lessons of the 2017 Cancer New Moon. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see which house holds 2 degrees Cancer …

Aries or New Moon in the 4th house
What thought needs to change for you to feel more at home in your body or in your space?

Taurus or New Moon in the 3rd house
How can you activate your curiosity? Write down three questions you would like to investigate the answers to.

Gemini or New Moon in the 2nd house
Is anything blocking you from developing your self-worth?

Cancer or New Moon in the 1st house
What are your goals for leadership this year?

Leo or New Moon in the 12th house
When do you need to get out of your own way? What blocks are you allowing to confuse things?

Virgo or New Moon in the 11th house
What are you ready to contribute? How are you feeling called to be of service?

Libra or New Moon in the 10th house
What structure do you need to create for yourself this week?

Scorpio or New Moon in the 9th house
Make a list of the books, quotes, authors, philosophers, teachers and resources that inspire you. Keep it as a reference.

Sagittarius or New Moon in the 8th house
What are you ready to release? Find a kundalini yoga kriya online to help you divine the answer.

Capricorn or New Moon in the 7th house
Is there a relationship in your life that could benefit from more balance? Would it be helpful to set a healthy boundary in this relationship?

Aquarius or New Moon in the 6th house
What healthy habits are you ready to begin with a view to committing to?

Pisces or New Moon in the 5th house
What can you pour the heart and soul of your creativity into today?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.


Since 2012, we’ve been in it for the cosmic long haul. The Pisces Waning Quarter Moon wants you to acknowledge the end of this cycle of soul-shaking change, and to courageously meet your life exactly where it is, says Jennifer Racioppi. Collage: Seana Gavin

Seana Gavin collage The Numinous pisces waning quarter moon


Waning Quarter Moon :: June 17 2017 :: 7:32 am EST :: 26 degrees Pisces

It’s been a tumultuous cosmic time, moon beams. And this latest lunation marks the culmination of some serious soul work …

In the midst of June 15’s Saturn-Sun opposition (a.k.a. one of the toughest days of the year), and just before Saturn’s June 18 opposition to Mercury (ouch o’rama), the Waning Quarter Moon in Pisces offers both a call to action, a clearing, and a point of culmination after a two-plus year cycle …  

Think back to March 20, 2015, when we experienced a solar eclipse at 29 degrees of Pisces—the last degree of the last sign of the zodiac. This eclipse occurred on the heels of the final of 7 exact squares between Uranus, who represents change and revolution, and Pluto, who represents power.

The Uranus-Pluto Square took place between 2012-2015, representing one of the most tumultuous astrological events of our entire generation.

These seven squares rocked life dramatically for all of us, regardless of our sign … 

And the final one of these squares happened just days before 2015’s Pisces Solar Eclipse, which opened up the Lunar Gestation Cycle that this current Waning Quarter Moon closes. The 7 Uranus-Pluto squares signify so much of what this decade represents: large-scale sociopolitical and religious change.

Now, this Pisces Waning Quarter Moon asks us to acknowledge the significance of this MASSIVE change on a global and personal level!

:: The Sun ::
With the Sun at 26 degrees of Gemini opposing Saturn in Sagittarius, and simultaneously squaring the Moon and Chiron (the wounded healers), our issues are up for examination.

In astrology, the Sun represents our identity and vitality. When the Sun opposes Saturn, as he did on June 15, we can expect to possibly feel under the weather, under pressure, or consequently extremely focused. When the Sun squares Chiron as he will on Monday June 19, our wound steps forward as a massive teaching!

Be bold. This is the time to meet life exactly as it is so that you can integrate and rise. If you do, you can make huge gains.

:: The Moon ::
Between now and the initiation into a new cycle that comes with the upcoming Cancer New Moon on June 23, we have some serious work to do.

Even though the Moon is in Pisces, a sign that loves to escape, it’s time to to conjure the courage to face everything and see it for what it is.

In doing so, you’ll reap the benefits of the seeds you planted in March 2015, and uncover new marching orders as they relate to your life purpose.

:: The Square ::
This Waning Quarter Moon packs a punch. It reveals both our wounding and our purpose, while simultaneously shining a light on karma set in place two-and-a-quarter years ago. Since this cycle corresponds with the ending of the Pluto square Uranus epoch, it’s been heavy to say the least! 

But here’s the good news: we also stand to reap massive rewards right now, as a very potent Lunar Gestation Cycle comes to a close. The karmic lessons of the past two years have strengthened us and shown us how to step into our power in radical new ways.

:: The Message ::
With pure chaos unfolding around the globe right now, many shades of sadness are present. Simultaneously, on an individual level we need to reconcile personal pain to step more fully into our power, passion, and purpose.

On this extremely potent Waning Quarter Moon don’t write anything off as coincidence. Instead, look backward and unravel the patterns unfolding in your life. Stand in your strength and commitment to the light. The world needs you more than ever, especially as our societal pain feels so razor sharp.

Don’t run and hide. Instead, be brave and look your pain in the eye. Next week, we move into an entirely new cycle. In the meanwhile, a new iteration of your life purpose reveals itself. Do NOT miss the significant power of this moment!

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of lunar lovers at Moon Club!


Use your imagination and go with the flow of the Universe – it is a Pisces New Moon, after all, says Hannah Ariel.

Pisces new moon 2016 write up on The Numinous

“You must conceive of possibilities beyond your present state if you are to be able to find the capacity to reach toward them” – Idries Shah

The Pisces New Moon of March 8 is not simply opening a door for our intentions – it will be a New Moon Solar Eclipse; a powerful moment of accelerated evolution. This one lands us in the deep deep sea of 19 degrees Pisces, just a few degrees away from the South Node at 21 degrees, also in Pisces. In Astrology, Eclipses always take place near the nodes of the moon – the elliptical plane where past and future storylines collide.

During a South Node Solar Eclipse, the moon meets up with the south node and experiences its lunar energy in reception to solar energy. From planet Earth, we experience this exchange as a powerful portal that transcends linear time, and orbits us right into our future potential – the story we long to step into.

A Solar eclipse is a magnificent and mysterious phenomenon that opens our psyche to a whole new paradigm. A solar eclipse in Pisces? This is an act of redemption.

Pisces is represented by two fish ever moving between worlds in an infinite conception of possibility. Yes, they go with the flow; yes, they fluidly embrace wherever the tide may take them. But the energy of Pisces can bring forth huge waves of creative potential from the depths of our unconscious experience.

Pisces season is always a time to take notice of what wordlessly surfaces from within you. What waves of consciousness are crashing now? What reality have you been subconsciously merged with for so long that you are finally swimming out of it? How are you becoming more aware of your own intuitive understanding of your life story, as if for the first time in ages?

Pisces is a compassionate ocean of deep revelation, and it is only by diving deep into its mysteries that we can know our own instinctual capacity to fully get in touch with the parts of us we long to know better.

During this Pisces New Moon Eclipse, we are karmically being called forth to release and work with what has been building up inside our psyche for goodness knows how long. It’s a portal for stepping boldly into the immensity of our imaginations; to see through the stories of the past that no longer feel right; to reflect, and then recreate our vision for the next six months. There will be a peculiar mysticism to the way this unfolds though, as Pisces ruling planet is Neptune.

It is Neptune’s job to reveal the reality behind the reality; it is dissolution; it is our own subjective processing of our experiences that is veiled even to ourselves. It is the experience we don’t realize we are experiencing until the curtain drops. For the next six months, life will have funny ways of revealing the waves we’ve been subconsciously riding, and how they are actually bringing us to where we need to be.

Jupiter, still in Virgo, will be opposite this moon reminding us that everything is manageable. We expand by taking things one day, one step at a time. The shadow side of Jupiter though can be blowing things out of proportion, so take care to cultivate compassion as you are finding your way. This is not the time to fall victim to circumstance or judge yourself or others for what they believe.

This IS a time to trust that there is a positive and practical way for you to take your experiences, and roll with their teachings in a way that makes sense to you. It may also be a time where we are tempted to self-sabotage – as the South Node can sometimes find us falling into old patterns. In Pisces, this would be old patterns of escaping reality – opposed to working with the deep swells of energy that are being subjectively experienced

Also on the south side of things, is Chiron. Astrologically, Chiron points to where we may feel like we don’t know what we’re doing. It is how we misjudge ourselves, believing we are in some way wounded – that we don’t have what it takes, or we don’t have “enough” in some areas of our lives. We believe – and fall victim to this belief – that we are at a disadvantage somehow.

In Pisces, this may lead us to feel that we are disconnected from the path of our spirit, due to a mistaken belief we are in the wrong place at the wrong time. The greatest shadow of this energy is thinking that we have no true purpose, are forever lost in an abyss of puzzling storylines we just can’t make sense of. So if you feel like you are just slipping through a foggy unreality, hold on!

For Chiron also shows us how we can effectively work to heal ourselves and others – by directly engaging with the very thing that we’re afraid will fail us in some way. So the more we work with what’s coming up, the more we take that positive and practical Jupiter energy and apply it, we have an opportunity to heal our lives beyond recognition. The reality of this Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse is that we have so much divine experience, having swum through these waters for lifetimes, that we have all the information we need to imagine a way through.

And this Pisces New Moon Eclipse is just the beginning of learning how to use it. So, allow yourself to step into what is coming up at this time in your life, no matter how foreign it feels, no matter how confused you think you are – and use your imagination. Let go of your fear, and like a fish kept safe in water, feel your way into a future storyline with a deep rolling wave of universal trust. Step into this beginning with the sense that everything is unfolding with perfect timing.

To book a personal reading with Hannah contact: [email protected]


The 11/11 New Moon in Scorpio brings an opportunity for regeneration at soul level, says Hannah Ariel

Reading for the new moon in scorpio by Hannah Ariel for The Numinous

Premonitions abound this time of year, as the Sun moves through the enigmatic waters of Scorpio. Perception is heightened. What we experience is essential. On 11/11 we’re in psychic New Moon territory where you can be sure to be guided by the far reaching depth of your desires.

Scorpio has a very sophisticated understanding of what it wants and why. There is an undeniable power to the way this sign manifests, through a mystical blend of intuition and intention – so imagine what a beautifully supernatural omen it is when we have a New Moon here!

With Scorpio, each new beginning speaks to the regeneration of an entire aspect of your life. An intention has the potential to be more than a goal for the foreseeable future, but a deeper commitment, an internal alliance with a truth you know in your gut to be the highest path for yourself.

New Moon seedlings planted in Scorpio will be transformative – and the deeper you go inside yourself to plant, the deeper the root can take hold. And the fiercer the intention will be, able to penetrate right through anything non-essential during the coming weeks. This is the power of Scorpionic manifestation.

Just before la Luna will fully renew herself though, she will make a connection with Mercury, also in Scorpio at 15 degrees. While all 29 degrees of each constellation have significance, the 15th degree is influential in that it represents the halfway point – a reflection point – a moment to go deep before going forward.

From when Mercury entered the first degree of Scorpio, we have been asked to consider the way our inner and outer worlds acknowledge one another through the medium of thought, for better or worse. Just before this New Moon, we have an opportunity to check in and observe if our Mercurial nature has been empowering or dysfunctional, in terms of helping us get what we really and truly want.

Mercury rules the way we perceive connections, and the winged messenger has been moving through Scorpio since November 2nd, directing our thoughts to the shadow side of things and exposing deep underlying truths like nobody’s business. Do not underestimate the power of privacy right now, and use it to pay close attention to what lies in your thoughts.

Look inward. Get as close as you can to the way your thoughts bring you to certain conclusions: what revelations can you gather about the way you maneuver when going after what you want? How have you encouraged or discouraged your intuition this past week? Something is looking to be validated, and there is a vital clue to be unearthed with this New Moon in Scorpio.

Look for the inklings that authenticate what is real for you. Seek out thoughts that focus you on moving in a positive direction, towards what is possible, what you know can hold true for you. The 15th degree is a place to transcend the valleys your thoughts have traversed. Find yourself a new starting point. You will be stronger for it, and the self-knowing behind your intention strengthened.

Chiron in Pisces will also trine Mercury and the New Moon – so whatever you uncover will be part of a healing process. Journal. Sing. Converse. Get the words out! To heal we have to hear ourselves. Verbalize our feelings. Chiron will make it easy for us to cut through negative threads of thought, and enable us to untangle whatever shadow fears and doubts we’ve got tangled up in.

Chiron in Pisces wants the waters to clear. Engaging with healing revelations can make the ritual of setting an intention a deep purification process. Again, what we experience at this time is essential. The more we can know and heal within ourselves, the more metamorphic this lunar cycle will prove itself to be.

Other astrological aspects include a sextile (creative energy that enhances and intensifies) with Jupiter in Virgo, and an in-conjunct (a call to reconciliation) with Uranus in Aries. Here is where this New Moon in Scorpio has the potential to be downright shamanic. Jupiter in Virgo is giving us room for something healing to take place in our physical reality; the landscape expands.

Uranus in Aries is simultaneously asking for us to innovate the context. Just as the shaman must experience multiple dimensions of time and space before seeing and understanding what is present, we have to look to the area where Aries is in our chart to see where else we are being asked to transform our perceptions with this New Moon in Scorpio.

Beyond looking to the house ruled by Scorpio in your natal chart, operate from where Aries is. Think back to the Full Moon Eclipse of September. The area of your life that was awakened then is calling you now, asking to be incorporated into your Scorpio New Moon intentions; adjust accordingly.

This New Moon wants you to manifest from the deepest well of understanding you can muster. It wants you to see results come from a place you don’t normally think to ask. It wants the whispers of your psyche to become evident every which way. The energies of Scorpio want to work with the parts you may often shy away from, for fear of their power.

To connect further with this energy, try simply lying down on the Earth and taking some deep breaths that come from the core. Also, Scorpio rules the colon; the way we eliminate what has been digested. Working with exercises to help unblock this process in the physical body will in turn help unlock your ability to connect more intimately with your power, to feel what’s intuitively going to work for you.

A simple but effective Kundalini yoga exercise: Sit in easy pose with your hands on your knees. Begin rotating the abdominal area in deep, slow, circular motions toward the right, and continue for three minutes. With so much being processed internally with Mercury in Scorpio, it is a time for letting go of all that is non-essential.