Cast by Louise Androlia using the Wild Unknown Tarot Deck.

Wow – the end of the year already! How did this happen we ask ourselves, as if we aren’t constantly reminded of the cycles of time. Personally, I’ve been so excited about December as I finally get to bid farewell to my old pal Saturn, the taskmaster of the skies (my Saturn return in Libra followed by Saturn in my sign, Scorpio, ooof!) – and I’m totally planning a ritual to welcome the shift.

In this month’s ‘scopes, I’ll be touching on the things all of us might need to face up to and release in this last month of 2014, which, of course, is about clearing a nice clear for all that’s new and unexpected to show up. I’m also getting started on your 2015 Tarotscopes and artwork, which will be available to purchase from my site around Christmas time!

As always I love to chat with you about your ‘scopes, so find me as always via Twitter and Facebook.


Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising – Temperance

Consider this month a much needed clean up after the past four. You (and no you’re not alone, this feeling has been spreading like wildfire) have probably not only been more aware of the twists and turns in your life, but also of this creepy feeling spreading through your entire mind, body and spirit. A spot at the core of your being is demanding your attention, and for some of you this may be emerging as sparks of frustration, a lackluster vibe, or plain and simple boredom. You feel ready for something to expand, and now is exactly the right time as the start of your solar year is the perfect time to make heads and tails out of what’s going on inside.

If you’re feeling very sensitive right now, don’t panic. This is a given for the next few weeks – there may be tears and there may be tantrums. You aren’t always the first to reveal your emotions to others, often preferring to simply display them and hope/assume that everyone else will know exactly what you need. Of course, when they don’t decipher your secret Sag lingo straight away, it can be a massive disappointment. So one of the first things you can do right now, if you need it, is ASK FOR HELP!

Gasp, I know, really do you have to? Look, the art of being vulnerable is umm exactly that – an art. It takes practice and willingness. So surrender up any of your worries about being perceived as weak or stupid – they exist only in your own mind, and even the most unsuspecting of people might actually have some good advice to offer you. This is actually all about honesty, something you’re actually very good at. If attached, it’s also essential to let your partner in on your aches and pains, knowing that it’s safe to do so. Avoid playing the blame game though; this isn’t about finding something or someone to attack, simply about stretching out your safety net.

So as you allow your anxieties to flood out this month, know that you are making space to rebuild a more solid structure to live within. Even the most stubborn part of yourself that wants to hang on to an old betrayal or worn out way of thinking is ready to give in right now. Allow your moods to wash through you and over you and get ready for the bright sparks of clarity that will form as a result.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse
. And shop my new Zodiac Talisman Jewelry Collection here!


Capricorn / Capricorn Rising – The Daughter of Cups

Since September you’ve been tiptoeing into a much more vulnerable and softer place, have you noticed that? The second half of the year has been testing for you as you’ve gone head-to-head with all of your fears – and then some! Think of this time as having been a recalibration of sorts, a chance for you to embody all that’s been unearthed. The end game being that you gift yourself a second chance and a rebirth of sorts. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

This month will be a playful one, and I hope you could sense that building up over the last week in November as you felt the tugs of adventure nipping at your heels. Can you really, for real, let go of that internal pressure build up once and for all? Of course the answer is “yes”, and it’s actually essential you do so right NOW. If it causes a bit of panic within you to imagine life being completely out of your control, then I’m going to remind you of what that really means.
When you are clutching onto everything around you, you are actually suffocating your potential and strangling opportunity. Everything, you included, needs space to breathe. Ahhh…just saying that makes me feel better. You see, it’s okay to feel like a newborn, to have no idea what’s ahead – it’s enlightening and it’s childlike and that is hella good.

Take yourself to a space this month where you can view your life with fresh eyes. What would you like to bring into the world over the coming months? The best kind of manifesting is to get excited about the exploration of potential. I can see you stepping into unchartered space and it feels so good – yes, wobbly and a little unnerving, but so SO good. Remember that nervousness is not a sign of weakness. Showing up with all your worries and STILL going for it – now that is superhero behavior.
Finally, a little note on miracles. You know, just a side order of synchronicity. It’s rampant this month for you – so allow yourself to be completely guided by those weird feelings and strange guideposts as you see them clicking into place. Magic exists outside the constraints of control, and I know you want to experience it, even the most cynical of you. Clear out the trash and loosen your grip in order to make space to receive the unexpected. It’s there, ready and waiting.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse. And shop my new Zodiac Talisman Jewelry Collection here!


Aquarius / Aquarius Rising – The Eight of Swords

Recovery time ahead for you my friend. The last few months have been a to-and-fro from order and change to panic and excitement. Now its time for you to lay down – metaphorically and maybe even physically – and let the hard work sink in. You are due an awakening of sorts and you only get that when you stop to allow the process. As much as we would like to, we don’t get to just sit up and have everything suddenly be “fine” – it’s always a work in progress.

You may still feel trapped within the cages of anxiety and fear, the product of the recent events perhaps, but I feel that you are further out of the devil’s grip than you may feel. How can you calm your mind and body over the coming weeks? It’s time to put your hand to your heart and ask; “What do I need right now?” And then simply listen. More so than ever you have the gift of hindsight and are starting to see the web you’ve been weaving over the entire year. For some of you it will come with many “aha” moments, as you just about glimpse the purpose of the chaos.

For others, it may be that you’ve had to come face to face with some familiar and tired old habits. You can see the circles spinning and may not like it. However, this is the point in which you get to start a new story for yourself and stop leafing through the pages of the past. When I was designing artwork for you Aquarians I chose the symbol of a Thunderstorm because it’s what resonates with me most about your way of living and your abilities. You can be easily sucked into the dark clouds, and yet times of change throw you back out quicker than you ever imagine.

Your ideas and inspiration are like flashes of lightning, as are the unexpected surprises that await you. You have the ability to step up to look down at your life from a different angle now, and you can see the space around you from any vantage point you choose. Remember your choices this month, and empower them to remind you that you are co-creating with the changes in air pressure around you. The whole purpose of death and rebirth is to embrace a whole new you. Prepare for transformation.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse. And shop my new Zodiac Talisman Jewelry Collection here!


Pisces / Pisces Rising – Mother of Pentacles

Cast your eye back to February and March, as similar themes are likely to be served up over the next few weeks. I feel one of the things that’s going to be coming up for you is all about home and family life, and a desire to feel more stable and safe. You sometimes have to fight the urge to run from stability, which is funny as it’s the thing you seek the most. Remember that it’s all in your power to create the space you wish for, you don’t have to be trapped by or detached from people in order to be free. However, you will always feel that way if it’s the same story you replay over and over.

Now let’s change the channel for you. It’s time you allowed yourself to surrender and practice what things would be like if you just let them flow naturally – guided by your best intentions – with no self-imposed blocks. So what are your intentions? Is it that you feel finally ready to commit to a certain someone (you may not even know them yet but the idea still flies the same), or take a stab in the dark at committing to a permanent working contract of sorts?

For many of you your intention is going to need to be around something regarding your own well-being. How many of you are locked in some sort of self-deprecating or punishment routine? What old tricks are you playing on yourself or what dark corner do you keep creeping back into for safety? I want to challenge you to spin the tables and throw yourself into the light. Your highest and best self deserves a shot right now and self-forgiveness will play a part in that. Remember that forgiveness is a radical act of self-compassion; it frees you up to let life flow again.

It’s time to cut the ties to whatever situations are stopping you from feeling safe right now. You deserve to feel secure. Also, remember to care for yourself as much as you do for others, and see what a difference it makes to how you feel within.Finally, the reason I’m calling you back into the material world is that it’s a great month for career and friendship balance – if you keep your head up and eyes wide. Opportunities will continue to dance around you as long as you keep making space to receive them.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse
. And shop my new Zodiac Talisman Jewelry Collection here!


Aries / Aries Rising – Father of Swords

Now that you’ve had a chance to surrender and settle, it’s a fantastic month for you to fully reclaim all that personal power of yours my friend – and with a few added ingredients. I use the term “reclaim” to remind you that empowerment is constantly available to you – like a book on your shelf that you can go to any time. It is about owning your story and standing fully present within it; so, are you interested?

In which case, it’s time to wise up and get really truthful with where you want to stand right now. It’s terribly hard to feel that power if we are wavering or fighting against ourselves. Yes, I must warn you about self-sabotage this month, because it’s kind of like the lame friend that hangs in the shadows of your highest self. Every time you feel fully ready to really dive in and make that change, open that conversation, or send that email, here comes a distraction that appears like a puff of smoke from seemingly nowhere. Get to KNOW that smoke – it’s just a fear spray that’s dampening your spirit. I promise that you will feel 100% times better if you’re honest with yourself and just bring forth what feels important and intuitive to you. Yeah sure it IS scary to exist in your brightest self, but it’s also sooooo much fun. That super power feeling you’ve seen sparking around you recently? That could be a permanent fixture.

I’d also like you to bring through some poise and grace this month, a sense of solidarity within your own challenges. You are the wise owl, not the wilted wanderer. Do not perceive yourself to have weaknesses, quit that “Oh I’m not good enough at blah blah blah” story and try on a new perspective. How about remembering that everything that you’ve felt and experienced this year has lined itself up perfectly to create the moment you’re experiencing right now.

Every step on path is of equal value, and will give you the strength to stand up and do what you need to do. Your plans for the months ahead can be paved by the decisions you make in the next few weeks. Clarity will arrive via a combination of intuition and self-awareness that I feel that this will be very much heightened this month. Be aware that spiritual insight doesn’t always come in the form of the out there and unusual – it may be sitting right under your nose, in the most human of forms.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse
. And shop my new Zodiac Talisman Jewelry Collection here!


Taurus / Taurus Rising – The Four of Wands

Taurus! This is a month for celebration and pats on the back. The energy from last month continues to lighten. It’s not that you aren’t still super busy or even that you’re free of challenges, but you just have the ability now to connect to a simpler flow. Perhaps you recently just decided that you simply couldn’t be bothered to run your life by the threads of your adrenals anymore? Or perhaps some things shifted to give you a bigger sense of what’s truly important to you. Either way, the next few weeks are paved with opportunity for you to really embrace everything you’ve achieved this year.

I can hear some of you saying. “oh, but I haven’t done anything!” or “but I feel like I failed.” Achievement isn’t about someone else giving you validation, or you climbing up some sort of ladder. It’s found via a sense of compassion and admiration for the self. I want you really give yourself a shot at being the light over the coming weeks. I feel that opportunities are going to come dressed in a social format, so dress up and get out there. Okay, so you don’t have to leave the house but try to put yourself in a social and networking mindset.

I feel like there are tons of people out there right now that not only need your insight and ideas but also want to enjoy your time. It’s a good energy for romance – both new opportunities, and reconnections with a current partner. As long as you look outside of the box – this is no time for playing it safe or being boring. Think spontaneous engagements and sneaking into swimming pools at midnight. Remember to simply play and check in with what makes you feel alive.

With this bright energy around you, I hope that many of you will see results from projects and plans that you’ve been working on. It may be an obvious turn of events or even just a spark that reminds you that you’re on the right track. No need to always be looking for the “big” things, when your sense of safety may arrive in a one-word format. Your intuition is heightened when you stop trying so hard – you see, you don’t have to try and be intuitive, you just need to feel it. Practice being guided in the direction of those flickers of insight that pop up for you, follow that gentle tug and know that everything is okay.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse
. And shop my new Zodiac Talisman Jewelry Collection here!


Gemini / Gemini Rising – The World

As the year draws to a close you are perfectly poised to appreciate the journey you’ve taken this year. Last month I spoke to you about managing stress and anxiety, so keep living that way of thinking in order to rebalance your system as things keep shifting. No need to panic now, as this month you’ll notice how many answers are finally reveling themselves to you, particularly to do with projects and ideas you birthed around August time.

You are fully immersed and swirling in a point of personal change, to it’s essential to remember that feeling ungrounded and a little off course is only “normal” right now. With this knowledge in hand, you can release the pressure you’ve put on yourself to have it all “figured out”, and consider what the cycle ahead may hold for you. In fact, what do you want it to hold?

Be grateful, yes for the things you have, but most of all for the work you’ve done this year. You’ve been busy, really busy, with many ups and downs. It might be easy for you to look back at the year and go “eeeeek!” – so instead look try to see your path with wide eyes and go, “wow, isn’t it strange how that lead to that, and that loss created that space – and BOOM, suddenly I’m standing here.” Who knows what could happen next? When you finally jump off the spinning hamster wheel – and I say “jump” because to fully arrive into a new space we have to be willing – there is a sense of light at the end of the tunnel.

You will be aware of the final ties that need to be cut and the processes that you need to perform. You might be changing staff members, moving home, or committing to a more nurturing wellness regime. Prepare to step into a new alignment – one that works more for you than against you. It might be hard at first for some of you to shift yourself out of familiar self-punishing habits, even to really believe that things can be different. Trust that you can receive the changes you desire if you value your time and your self. Create spaces for new opportunities by clearing out old anger and resentments. A forgiveness practice is your best friend this month – know that it will free you.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse
. And shop my new Zodiac Talisman Jewelry Collection here!


Cancer / Cancer Rising – The Tower

An equally intense energy for this month as recent times you’ve been experiencing recently – you’ve had three months in a row where change, and maybe for some of you even chaos, has been the order of the day. You have questioned EVERYTHING in this latter half of the year. You’ve re-thought you career, relationships, and most of all your wellbeing. It’s now time to take final action to propel yourself forward and cut the ties that are tripping you at your ankles.

The nest few weeks are about shaking your foundations so that the Universe doesn’t step in and do it for you – we all know what that feels like! How can you be your own bolt of lightning? What needs a sharp edge cutting through, around, or up? There is rarely a time when we don’t have some aspect of self or life that we want to work with, so it’s a given that something’s on your mind. I feel that you have the opportunity to really break an old habit right now, something that you’ve replayed over and over – whether in the mental or the physical space. Is it really worth it anymore? Are the effects of this habit nurturing or positive? How can you release the pressure right NOW?

With intention, of course. Your mind is a powerful thing, and even if you’ve managed to convince yourself that it’s working against you, it’s still you in the control room, with the ability to completely rewrite the rulebook. Meanwhile, I want you to be wide eyed and open, expansive, and full of space, because I feel that it’s also a month to welcome unexpected surprises. Now, it’s easy to be scared of the what “could” happen, but please consider that this bolt from the blue can just as easily mean a new love affair, a job offer or a financial windfall.

The unexpected has the power to shift us into a new cycle in the flick of the switch – let that become a potentially exciting thought. Be the person who strikes the match to light up your own year ahead. Make your “will” bigger than your “won’t,” and let your excitement for all that’s new overshadow the fears that arrive alongside them. Never forget your own strength and personal power. Open your arms every morning and say “I’m ready, bring it on!” If you live in the expectation of change, it will no longer have the power to scare you.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse. And shop my new Zodiac Talisman Jewelry Collection here!


Leo / Leo Rising – Judgment

This is what the past two months have been building up to…a total rebirth. No big deal right…are you ready?! I feel that you are sensitive right now, maybe even a little touchy, and occasionally hovering over the “why me” switch. This is all okay; we have to breakdown to breakthrough, right? Yes I am right, and no you are not crazy –but you are also not a failure and you are not broken. You are a human having a genuine experience, feelings and all. I know this can be a bit of a disappointment when you were all sure that you were the bravest kid on the block and didn’t need help from anyone.

BUT, and yes of course there is a but, what if there were an army of people waiting to help you sail through all this? Waiting to give you the tools and hold your hand as you trialed and tested new pathways? After all, this is often what you do for other people, right? Well this month, it’s all about you. How can you rise from the ashes and feel lighter and brighter than you’ve felt all year? I wish I had the ability to flick the switch and bring forth all your hopes in an instant, but it doesn’t work like that. Magic requires patience and surrender.

I know you can see the new you approaching, hence the frustration. But “surrender” doesn’t mean you have to stop – you can still dive in! A prominent theme for you over the coming months will be to question your thought patterns and familiar fairytales. Is there a familiar negative phrase that you seem to have on repeat? In fact we all do, and it’s time to become conscious of yours. It might be regarding your self worth, or health. If might be about confidence or your abilities. Often it’s simply that we’ve been busy convincing ourselves “it’s just how I am”, or repeating that we are alone.

These patterns, if embodied, become the belief structures that hold us back. So I want you to unearth the black spots and rise up to an open and unknown space. Surrender to change itself, and forgive the past so that you can stand fully in your most awesome self. It’s safe to let go, it’s safe to be scared, and it’s safe to be vulnerable. Breathe like you’ve never breathed before.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse
. And shop my new Zodiac Talisman Jewelry Collection here!


Virgo / Virgo Rising – The Ten of Cups

You have book-ended the year with really similar themes, as this month you receive a wink from early February and the lifestyle you were leading then. You may see the rewards coming in from seeds you planted early in the year, and for many of you some much-needed closure may occur. Over the coming weeks, emotions run high and you may feel quite overwhelmed with many of them. This may really annoy you, as you’d much rather have a spreadsheet of feelings timed and dated so you knew what to expect! But life has other ideas, and now it’s pushing you to embrace love, gratitude, surprise, and the unexpected.

Even the most cynical of you should know that it’s never too late to try a sample from the positive attitude buffet.
You’ve been weaving a web and there is a sense of bouncing back and forth happening right now. Like your moods, the energy around you is sparking and buzzing. In many cases, it’s extremely exciting to experience a sense that things are finally maneuvering into a space you can work with, especially those of you who have been playing the waiting game recently. For many of you though it might feel a bit like catching flies. You can see the potential, you can see the opportunities, but oh jeez can they just be grounded and solidified already?

Know that a pattern IS going to emerge, and all this dizzy energy has an end game. Things will settle. Meanwhile, this is a beautifully social month for you, and one filled with love. If all else seems to be hitting the proverbial fan, just zone in on that one favorite person and simply enjoy their company. If you are feeling like the life and soul of the party then this is also a free pass to run around and light up the room. There will be plenty of people around you who could use some of your party spirit right now. Even if you don’t feel full of joy, practice imitating the mood you want to experience.

But finally, do give yourself time to just be. It is the simple things that will earth you and so make sure to allow that rather than keep scrabbling around for more, or trying to force situations. Work with what you’ve got and you might just discover that it’s enough.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse
. And shop my new Zodiac Talisman Jewelry Collection here!


Libra / Libra Rising – Ace of Wands

Hurrah! Action arrives, finally. The month of surrender you’ve just experienced has ushered in the energy of a brand new year one whole month early, and that’s exactly the right attitude to bring forth now. Creativity is key for you over the coming weeks, and a childlike eye will serve you well. There’s a sense of emerging from the gloom, a pull away from the dusty part of your soul. You’re ready to come back into the light and throw yourself fully into your experience.

This energy is all new, fresh, speedy and bright, and I want you to see how you can spark up your life this month. There’s an opportunity to play the part of the wizard, and brainstorm what you want to conjure up. I feel that you may find sudden moments of clarity, linking to days as far back as early 2013 – a chapter is well and truly closing and another opening up all at once. Spontaneity and fun are really important for you right now, especially if you’ve been having a hard time, so allow yourself to get into the holiday spirit. It doesn’t have to mean that you throw yourself into every party on the block (though if that sounds good then please do!) It may simply be that you allow yourself to wrap up in your own energy cocoon and listen to music, exercise or make art – anything that makes you feel alive.

What are your thoughts about the coming months and how can you make your attitude about them as positive as possible? Are there any areas of your life where you feel like you need a kick in the butt? If so, then see this as a prod from the Universe. Kick-start yourself into action by knowing and trusting that all change will evolve you to somewhere and that moving forward is essential.

Even if you foresee instability ahead, how can you care for yourself to ease the process? For those of you who are wavering when it comes to throwing yourself into the unknown, perhaps really putting yourself out that like never before, then this is your green light. It will never serve you badly to pursue a passion or twinkling idea. The only thing to do is remove your belief in the word “failure”; once that pressure is off, all that remains is the potential to truly bloom.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse. And shop my new Zodiac Talisman Jewelry Collection here!


Scorpio / Scorpio Rising – The Two of Wands

I feel like for many of you who have been in an up-and-down, in-and-out holding pattern recently, you’re finally going to be able to see a clear path ahead this month; much less guessing and lots more good, solid information. Even as you read this a few of you might feel a sigh of relief as you slot back into the present moment and your body. You have been pretty ungrounded recently, and as much as you love being up there playing with the spirits, you know full well that you need to be on the earth to work with it.

Getting back into your own fully-embodied experience requires you to really know that you are safe in your mind, body and your spirit. That it’s okay for you to trust the process and make decisions, even if you do still feel in “waiting” mode. Meanwhile this is also a month for major manifesting, whether you have a clear idea of where you’re going or not, you still have your free will, right? The will of a Scorpio is not to be taken lightly believe me – so where are you going to place yours? I feel like you are poking at the fire trying to light up an idea – keep working on it, it seems to me that you probably just need to shift some of the original formula to create that sudden “aha” moment!

Think of your ideas like jigsaw puzzles, and keep moving the pieces around until they fit. Don’t worry – you have everything you need, just trust that original soul recipe of yours. Reaching for the highest heights feels good to me, but don’t get drawn into that idea of “being successful”. Instead, reframe it as simply living in your most optimal self. Allow yourself to believe that your potential is limitless and remind yourself, as always, that comparison for others can be a redundant act. If you feel overwhelmed by what everyone else is doing, take a social media break and immerse yourself with your own creativity alone in order to reconnect to those burning desires.

Finally, a pre-Christmas break sounds nice. If you’ve got the opportunity to go and take a night in the middle of nowhere, do it! Create your own end of year Scorpio ritual – light candles, burn old stories, and look up at the sky to remind yourself of the infinite space that guides and compels you.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse
. And shop my new Zodiac Talisman Jewelry Collection here!


Is making the pilgrimage to Burning Man a spiritual game-changer, or can that change only occur within? The conscious party scene can be a portal for sure, but there’s no fast track to enlightenment, says David H. Wagner. Homepage image: Elena Kulikova via Behance.net 

Recently, I shared an email exchange with a young seeker in our community. She was considering making it to Burning Man this summer. I have to preface this whole thing by saying I have nothing against BM. I have dear friends and colleagues that go every year, I think it’s actually pretty cool. Overall, I’m glad it exists.

This could just as easily be written about a South American Shamanic Retreat, or a hot new weekend workshop, or someone signing up for a Yoga Teacher Training. It just so happens it’s about BM. That aside, I think there are valuable points in here about the cross pollination between yoga, spiritual disciplines, partying, and consciousness expanding drug use. Here’s a snippet from the email:

“As an elder in this spiritual scene I’ve seen so much of this over the years. I’m not against partying – and the kind of partying at Burning Man is probably a lot more positive than other party scenes you’ll find. But if you choose to go – just be clear what you’re getting into. Many people will talk about it like it’s a spiritually ‘game changing’ experience – but in many ways it’s just a slightly spiritualized party.

You might experience a little anarchy, or get naked in public, or take some E or some acid, or smoke some weed, or dance all night, or have ‘deep conversations’ with people while doing any of the above. And if you were TOTALLY closed before that, or TOTALLY uptight or TOTALLY un-awakened then it’s true that any of these experiences could be profound…”

True. If I could send my conservative Kentuckian cousins to Burning Man, they might come back transformed. But the young seeker I was writing to was already very open-minded and in the process of awakening, and looking for training and a deepening of her experience. Here’s some more:

“Anyone can FEEL free taking E and dancing naked at Burning Man. But feeling free and learning to BE free are two different things.

And…too much of the former actually can hinder the experience of awakening. In all my years working on a spiritual level with people, there have been only a handful of people I really couldn’t help. Among them the ones who’ve burned their neurotransmitters out on E, or built up a whole quasi-spiritual identity based on these external experiences. In my experience, getting high prevents people from learning to be high.

These sorts of experiences are good doorways – if the doors are stuck. But the idea is to then walk through them. You don’t hang around the doorway, or deify the door, or the openers. You move forward, you find your vision for life. You live your vision.

Ram Dass has awesome teachings about all this. Once he asked his guru Neem Karoli Baba about using drugs as a spiritual means. The Maharaji said; ‘You can use it to see Christ. But you can’t use it to become Christ’.”

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all into experiencing new things. The thing is, when people rave about the experience (pun intended), I think that’s more about the raver than the rave. People can have deep experiences even at super hokey things. It’s the same when people have been in the presence of great masters and have been exposed to great practices and teachings, but only a handful get the deep benefits. It’s what’s going on inside that counts.

More from the email:

“A sincere seeker will get benefit from even the stupidest bullshit. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. If you haven’t already, you’ll hear about ayahuasca, and Ecstasy, and all sorts of substances that people have found to be the key to their awakening. Or you’ll have people try to enroll you into some new coaching method, or a radical health approach they found to be the ‘answer.’ And often times you’ll hear about these things from really goodhearted people. And for them, in this snippet of time, it may have been the answer.

But over the years I’ve seen that things come and go. Even if, in the moment, they are THE THING for a group of people, like all things, they then move on. What remains, hopefully, are the seekers and their sincere intention to live in wisdom and freedom. All the long-term yogis and path-walkers I know have cycled through dozens of different ‘game-changers of the moment.’ And as we have, we’ve seen countless good people get swept up and lost in these things when they lost their sense of self and perspective.”

On the spiritual path, we need to know what we’re after. And know ourselves well enough to know whether or not we’re on the right track. It also helps to have some elders around. People who have some seasoning and can offer some perspective. Even after 26 years on the path, I feel like I barely qualify – but none the less, when someone like this person has a question, I feel it’s our duty to answer, even if I sound old and lame.

As a young seeker, your beauty, your sincerity and your light are all qualities that people are going to lust after. And not just in a sexual way, I mean organizations lusting after your enthusiasm and your brightness. I mean “scenes” lusting after your awesome energy and vitality. If you’re getting into all of this at a young age, you will likely have a lot of different ponds to swim in.

It’s all good. Swim in them.

But listen to your gut before you dive in, heart first. Just know there are a lot of blind people out there leading other blind people, and some straight up jackals too. So stay alert. Stay in touch with your heart. And you’ll be good.

Read more from David and learn about his work at Davidhwagner.com


MAY 2014: Cast by Louise Androlia using the Tarot of the Holy Light.

I can’t deny that I’m glad to send April 2014 happily on its way, how about you? It’s like the washing machine of life has been on a fast spin cycle and everyone has felt it. I hope many of you have made exciting leaps and bounds or navigated through your challenges, but if you feel that changes have been tough then I wrote a post with some ways that I keep on going when things seem uncertain – you can read it here.

Now the energy from the Cardinal Grand Cross is calming; hopefully we will all feel its grip loosen! Mars is still retrograde so nothing is about to happen at warp speed right away, giving us a nice chance to rebalance and take stock.

So begin this month with fresh eyes – no re-writing the past or dragging your dirty laundry to the party. This month’s tarotscopes show that new cycle and a new adventure is beginning, so open your arms to the unknown and trust in your journey. It loves you!

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Taurus / Taurus Rising – King of Cups
There is the need for a softening to come over you. Perhaps you’ve been being too hard on yourself recently, or struggling to gain control over something that you so desperately need to understand. But there comes a point when we need to let things wash through us so that we can recalibrate and feel our way back to a balance. It’s hard to feel better by just standing still and flapping our arms around.

Following on the advice from last month keep making self-care as a priority; you don’t always do that, do you? It can seem strange to think about putting your wellbeing ahead of something seemingly more important like work or helping others, but remember that you can’t build anything if you are in pieces.

You are seeking balance and that comes in all shapes and sizes for each of us. To start with you need to be in tune with when you are out of your natural state of equilibrium. Your mind-body-spirit should ideally all be aligned with each other, working like a perfect trio – your superpowers. If you feel like you have reached a standstill with your mind, with negative thoughts creeping in and out and old fears coming in – it’s okay. The regurgitating of old fears seems to be coming in swift and fast for many of us – but you in this moment are a different you, with the ability to meander into that headspace, wave hello to the anxiety and remind yourself that you can walk beyond it.

Aid an abundance of air (thoughts) energy by ushering in some creativity and passion – take a dance in the fire aisle and awaken your inner source of fun. Laughter might take you out of your worries, if but for a moment. Then – listen to your intuition, always. Never stop trying to hear and trust that loving voice.

Feelings – are you blocking them out or are they overwhelming? Perhaps the two go hand in hand. Even if you’re comfortable in the dependable and stoic mode, it’s good to crack open as and when you need. Let your moods wash over and under and get it out in the medium that suits you. Talk more, share often – ask for help if you need it. Writing, painting and inventing your own forms of therapy are going to work for you.

I feel that this month you can usher in a new sense of balance that works for you like never before. It’s exciting to me, to think that we are carving and curating our way to a form that stands us in our strongest empowered self. What you will find is that if you can register when you are balanced and embodied you will be able to make the best calls, judgments, decisions and moves – and that the main thing is to trust yourself to be present – now.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Gemini / Gemini Rising – The Four of Wands
This card only came up for you a couple of months ago and it’s a nice repeat – a continuing reminder of all that can be celebrated in your life. I want to approach the idea of how to find happiness in the face of uncertainty, change and fears. It may not be change that has affected you directly, perhaps you’ve been feeling well but have observed vast and chaotic changes around you? And are now wondering how can you possibly allow yourself to feel joy at this time, when others are at a loss?

It starts with valuing and nurturing your journey and your feelings as they flow in. If something feels unstable, whether it’s the ground you’re standing on or the space around you, it’s at this point that you dive in headfirst with compassion and kindness. It can be hard to have faith in anything sometimes, but you can always have faith in your story, and your own sense of moving onward.

There is one thread that can always be stable and be your guiding light, and it’s your ability to self-love and self care – two things that often get chucked out the window at points when we need them the most. If you need help or need to help others then start with number one, aka YOU. I will never stop returning to this point, of nurturing your mind, body and spirit (all.of.the.time.)

How do you begin weaving back this in? Get attuned to the everyday things. If you ask many people where they find joy it’s often in nature and the living world. I believe this to be true because it’s our fastest track to the present moment. Try practicing a walking meditation. Go outside purposefully or even next time you are walking from meeting to meeting, keep your phone in your pocket and observe. Look up and look down to the ground, feel the world you are standing on. What do you see? Examine leaves and branches, flowers and earth. Look at the people around you and connect to each one by noticing something about them. Notice how your body feels in response to what you are looking at.

By tuning in to your surroundings whilst moving you get gifted a very easy route to being embodied – and even better, it’s free and available any time. Whenever you feel stuck or blocked, grab your keys and just walk out side for a moment. It’s within this type of movement that you can create stillness.

This month joy surrounds you and there is much to celebrate – those things may be very obvious but you might also have to remind yourself of the tiny wonders. Rejoice in what you have and it will be enough.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Cancer / Cancer Rising – Four of Swords
You are again required to surrender to the moment this month. Perhaps you’ve been one of the ones feeling your way through change and chaos this last month, and are eager to see ahead to a place where things are a bit more predictable. You are after all at home when you know where you are and where you are going. However, your ability to evolve comes within a continuing practice of stillness. You will know where your rest needs to come in – perhaps it’s your body that needs you to stop punishing it or your mind that requires a break from anxious thoughts.

It may be that everyone around you has needed you so much that you actually need to close the door for a while. Everything is as it should be. Tune into your inner dialogue – are there a lot of “I should’s” happening? This is a surefire sign that you’ve jumped out of your energy sphere and are feeling overcome by the need to do things rather than a desire.

As a water sign, your element is the master of intuition and feelings, so I always say that if you aren’t working with them then you’re hiding from your super powers. Don’t be afraid of meditating in a way that works for you, don’t run from the idea of stillness because you’re afraid of what you might discover. It’s amazing how much less stressful your fears can be when you stop for a moment to introduce yourself to them, and then laugh at their small and restrictive ideas.

I like to think of you resting with intent this month, you aren’t giving up, but you are giving over. Spread out your worries on a platter and hand them over. To where? I like to hand mine over to the Universe, or to an energy I deem to be outside me and within me, but this is your story – perhaps you just give them to your adventure and allow the words to be written into your story inside of clutching and scratching at the sides of your mind.

There is a sun rising in the distance, for you, with a whole new world of opportunities. Life is full of infinite possibilities that are hidden within tiny moments, waiting for you to crack them open. This blooming land isn’t going anywhere, it’s just waiting for you to be ready, for you to step up and accept things in a different way. You will be okay if you edge away from the familiar worn down territory. It’s amazing how easy it is to be afraid of the good things; what if they get taken away? What if…your power is in this exact moment, for you to admire, love and work with. You’re all good.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Leo / Leo Rising – The Moon
You will find that the push and pull of your own mind is a continuing lesson, but the lessons wouldn’t be there if they weren’t an essential part of your story. You didn’t get served up as the king of the jungle for no reason you know! But it’s up to you how you play out the tale.

Following on from last month, the battle with the fear hoarding part of your mind might stay in full swing but you have the opportunity to tone it down now and move slower, after all you’ve got to grips with your own courage and super powers a bit more now, right? So how about having some fun in those shadows? I always think of the Sun as the front of the stage and the Moon as behind the scenes. It’s behind the curtain where all the work gets done and within your own theatre you can learn how the magic is made. You can of course also see the mistakes and the hiccups, but wouldn’t you rather look for the wonder? I’m just reminding you of how you get to choose the way you take in information and how you approach the tests and trials. I told you to avoid drama, so this month, admire wonder.

If you are in a time of high stress, it’s okay. It’s okay! You aren’t supposed to feel super chill and on cloud nine all the time, or expect to. It’s not how it is – it’s your job to get real and welcome in the entire spectrum of feelings and love them all, the weird and the wonderful.

Meanwhile be trusting of yourself but not suspicious of everyone else. When working with the shadows in our daily life it can be easy to assume the worst. The answer isn’t to assume the best, but instead to trust in your own decisions and movements. You don’t need to accuse anyone of having bad vibes but instead up your own good ones. If something around you feels a bit fishy, then go inwards and work it out for yourself. If somehow that YES isn’t coming out then trust that maybe the yes is a positive NO! You don’t have to sign yourself up for things that don’t feel right – yep feel.

The answer is in how your body reacts to everything, job offers, people, and places – if you tune in then it’s amazing how that powerful knowing inside you lurches to the surface and let’s you know what is going on. You might also feel like actually working with the Moon itself this month – the powerful Scorpio full moon on the 14th could be a great time to meditate on letting go of the old, filling up with gratitude for all that you have and setting your intention to connect in a new way to your inner soul system.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Virgo / Virgo Rising – The King of Swords
Time to stand up and into your own truth Virgo. This feels like a powerhouse month to me where you can really get s*** done! Woohoo, right? RIGHT. So how are you going to go about it? That truth I mentioned, well that’s just you standing fully in your own power and owning it. Sounds so great doesn’t it, but how often do we really do that? When you are fully connected to your mind, body and spirit you have everything you need to go about and get things done. So you can work on that connection by nurturing and empowering each part of yourself.

First up, the mind. The mastering of the air element can be tricky and you know exactly where you struggle and thrive. Did you know that you have the gift of being able to quickly serve yourself up a wonderful dose of clear and perfect clarity whenever you want? Yes, you just have to go there, and going there means dismissing the age-old obsessions and fears and embracing the shifts of change, and then you have it. Do this via journaling, meditating, desire mapping and nurturing your headspace. You always need to stretch your intellect so that it defeats any possibility of feeling boredom (a symptom of a mind that is craving expansion) – so dive in to new books, movies and documentaries to open your mind and feed those power cells.

Next, the body. This is about allowing your insides to thrive. Sometimes (ok, often) you can end up running on empty, trying to fill gaps and check off lists. Time to beat yourself at your own game by prepping for a busy month and making the necessary preventative moves NOW! So stocks up on your vitamins, make meal plans, create fun Pilates playlist and you’re all set. If you can avoid getting burned out then you have the golden ticket. What regime suits you and do you feel good on? Trust that your body will speak, just make time to listen.

Finally: Your spirit and your energetic self. Practice stillness as often as possible and mindfulness during whatever you are up to. Don’t have time? Don’t try that excuse with me, there’s always time to care for your inner guide, always. Often one breath is all it takes. Do you have time to inhale and exhale? Sure you do.

The thing that you don’t have time for in May is self-sabotage, so just keep moving, one step at a time. Face external stresses from others with the same holistic connection, breathe through it, don’t throw fireballs and treat any flashes of chaos with a double or triple scoop of self-love. You need to be on good form for all the adventures you’re going to be having, so saddle up and go and rule your kingdom!

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Libra / Libra Rising – The Ace of Pentacles
This month heralds the start of a new cycle in your life, which is something in itself to celebrate. The start of a new cycle doesn’t always come with a cheer though does it? If life is spun into a series of chapters, some longer than others, then there are often times when we don’t want to part ways with the words we’ve just read, and that’s okay. The wheels of change have been on overdrive over the last month and many of you may really feel those pages having been turned. Now it’s important to be still and allow the feelings you have to flow and settle. Every feeling is valid and it’s okay to not feel okay.

The gift you have here is to be able to accept the new cycle, and move forward even if something seems to be tugging you back. I feel that you might have been given a new sense of intuition, an all seeing eye that you hadn’t quite been aware of before. Now is the time to open it up and settle into a new energetic connection. Don’t be put off by what you might deem as too ‘new agey’ or you’ll miss the message – which is love and compassion. Allow yourself a healthy dose of nurturing over the next few weeks, as super fuel for the rest of the year.

Career wise you have opportunities knocking on your door, if you are keeping your eyes open to see them of course. Your Midas touch comes within realizing that you can say YES and NO as you choose. No need to accept every offer on the table – make your choices from what feels right for you, not what you think you should do. This extends beyond business too; make yourself prioritize that inner feeling. It might be that you are wondering who to spend your time with right now, so reach out to those who feel right – maybe they are your nearest and dearest, or maybe they’re just people you have a good feeling about for this moment. Be expansive and ready to grow, even if that seems scary – there are people around who want to boost you and help you out right now. I feel that you need a push of positivity or some meaning to the chaos, and it’s there for you.

Find your excitement and confidence in the moment; this is a beginning, so start small by thinking big. Your power lies in taking one step and just doing one thing, because you are paving and creating. If you jump too far ahead that’s where the anxiety sites lie, so instead just take a leap of faith in trusting the moment. The future contains bright skies and warm clouds, rainbows and shooting stars. Wrap up in a golden cloak and open the door.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Scorpio / Scorpio – The Page of Pentacles
Last month I was reminding you to check in on your faith in your journey and look for those little winks from the Universe. As May arrives you’re feeling intent on getting results from the material world and marching your dreams into reality. The frame of mind you need to get things going is formed again by faith and trust. Know that whatever is right for your adventure will be in play, and know that it isn’t always the plan you expected – often it’s way more interesting. Either way you are a tour de force right now, so make your posture strong and tall – there is work to be done.

Now I’m not suggesting that you’re about to suddenly be crazy busy and stressed – Mars is still retrograde so you’re probably not heading to the madhouse, it’s more your Intent that feels, well, intense! I feel that no one can stand in the way of you going out there and blazing your trail – the question is, are you ready? You had this card back in October last year so there might be a link to projects you were thinking of back then – perhaps reconnecting to or launching a new idea?

There is an air of education coming in so you might be prepping to start learning something new yourself or designing some sort of structure to share with others, it’s the right time to be expanding your knowledge to others – in whatever form feels right for you. The main thing is that the students and teachers and awaiting you. Try not to be overcome with the planning and stay as best you can in the present moment. The earth energy will suit you best this month, slow and stead and very importantly – GROUNDED. If you throw yourself too far ahead then it will be easy to get anxious. I keep a vision of just being reeled back into the moment I’m in and I’d like you to work with that. Whenever you find yourself hopping away from what you are working on or doing just say “reel it in” to snap yourself back to right NOW.

With a roar and a flutter you are on your way and it’s a fantastic month to be creating or re-creating your own manifesting practice. Say thank you for the things you desire and treat them as if they are already yours – then let the Universe catch up. On that note, up your gratitude practice. Hey you don’t even need to make a list, why not potter around your apartment speaking out those thanks as you go about your day.

The last month was quite a tough one and you may have been on high alert helping other people manage their energy – make sure to check in and clean yours up now. When you’re feeling truly aligned, those opportunities will come rushing in. Whoop!

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising – Page of Cups
Back to the water fountain for your Sagittarius! Last month came with a few (or a lot) of aches and pains and I want you to dive fully into managing your own flow of feelings. As a natural warrior you aren’t always one to let your guard down and be vulnerable but maybe it’s time to share it out a little? You will find comfort from any of your fears this month by opening that mouth and talking it out with a good friend, or a therapist if that feels right for you.

This is a month of rejoicing in the small wonders of life and this is exactly what you need to connect back to the present, I’m sure it will be a welcome gift. I feel that you are poised for a new journey – the last couple of months you were cracking open and piecing back together, maybe more times than you expected, and so it makes sense to start out on new footing, right? So how do you go about that? With a fresh set of eyes of course!

In the places where you feel jaded or afraid, fill up the gaps with gratitude and love. The month is housing a sincere dose of magic and miracles for you, so you may as well get attuned with what that might mean for you. Those moments of awe and wonder? They are closer than you think. We often search high and low for a bigger meaning to something, and often the lesson is just to be still and say thank you for what you see in front of you, after all that is the only thing that’s real, and precious.

Your relationship with your intuition is changing. Whether you’re just introducing yourself or you’re a hard practiced psychic, this is evolving into something more charged and clear. Your job is to welcome in your own wisdom and trust it, even if it feels a little odd at first, and to give the more loving voice a shot, especially in the face of the fears that shout out from your inner dialogue.

The energy around you is also very playful and childlike; if you are a mother then you might find those magical messages coming from your children. This is also a time to connect to your childlike self; sometimes I find the best advice comes from thinking what I might have done when I was age four! Everything about childhood is being powerful in the present, less “what ifs” and more just doing what feels right. What feels right to you?

Trust in yourself this month then you will have all the super powers that you need – it’s a nice thought, isn’t it? P.s If you need to clear your head, soothe yourself by the nearest body of water. A lake, river or even your bathtub will be your sanctuary this month.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Capricorn / Capricorn Rising – The Five of Cups
As you continue on this new journey of discovery and change it’s good to get accustomed to things coming and going – and how you perceive that. It’s not uncommon for you to get clutched by the idea of failure and swoop in to lessen yourself against others, but it’s time for that old trick to be put to bed. Remember all the talk of seeing your life as a journey? If you’re on an adventure then every single moment is exactly as it should be, it’s your book after all. I like to think in gardening terms here. If you plant a selection of seeds and they all flower apart from a few does that make your garden a failure? No, no it’s not – it’s still in bloom and so are you!

Crying over split milk and trying to rewrite the past or our mistakes is really a move that we want to avoid. “If I had only done this instead, then that would be different”. Maybe it would but we can’t unpick and re-stitch our story, as much as we want to, and time spent wishing is time that could be celebrating what we have or pausing to heal in the moment. Healing is essential to our journey, so even if you are feeling disappointment, sadness or loss right now, it’s not something that’s “your fault”. It’s your moment to allow your feelings to be valid and bring in compassion and forgiveness for yourself and others.

Remove the word failure from your dictionary. I’ve been thinking a lot about success recently and realize that like happiness it’s one of those things we’ll never find if we chase it, climb after it and scrabble for it. My friend Gabby Bernstein says that she bases her success on how much fun she’s having. Isn’t that an amazing way to rethink? Because if you’re having a good time you’re full up with joy, right? Try it.

Finally I want to make sure you aren’t giving too much of yourself away and neglecting (again) your self-care. This is a lesson you might see time and time again because of your ability to be everything for everyone and such a good caregiver and friend. Sometimes, when you spend a lot of energy helping others and don’t balance it out for yourself then you can suddenly feel apathetic towards others.

The last thing we ever want is to feel annoyed about being of service, so see where your balance lies. Take that Earth energy that you pass away and give some back to yourself, more of that embodiment that I mentioned last month. The Sun sets every day, but it always gets up. You have a lot to get up for – so embrace today.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Aquarius / Aquarius Rising – The Two of Wands
One of my all time favorite cards for you this month sweet water carrier. Things are still on the up, or at least the potential is right there for you if you seek it. There is a sense of duality, in perhaps a few areas of your life. Many of you have stepped into a new partnership, romantic and career wise – how is it going?

I want you to feel comfortable in your new adventures, even if they seem shiny and strange and unrecognizable. It’s important that you remember unfamiliar is very often, well – awesome! At least it’s a far cry from old, done over habits. If April was a bit of a chaos bringer then May reminds you of your ability to dust yourself off and keep on going, you are kind of a master of that you know. The world is your oyster – ahh what a sweet sigh of relief that reminder brings, doesn’t it? That you can shape the energy and view around you? This even speaks for the times when things seem at a loss and pretty down and out. The sun will rise again, after all it always does, and this is a strong message for us all this month.

You are feeling fiercely independent, and that’s not a bad thing. So what is the plan? You have an idea that’s on its way up and this is a great time to just finalize your trust in yourself before you get it out there. This is all about how you get your idea into reality – your problem is never the ideas themselves. So think about whom you might need to approach, send out those emails or call up those friends – there are avenues of help awaiting you, but you might need to go a-knocking.

Don’t worry about anyone butting in on your dreams though – you can welcome in advice and still make your final decisions. Trust is a big one here, in yourself – so remember your journey and have faith in that, if you’d rather not say hello to the Universe. But if you fancy it then say thanks for what you are working on and know that you are supported.

I have no doubt in your ability to plan so really these few weeks are just about the ground work and putting in a lot of positive fire energy. You feel pretty strong to me, even if you deem yourself as walking shakily, so charge yourself up with a lot of self care giving – plenty of sleep and ease off the sugar and processed foods. Energy givers not sappers are your body tools. Laugh at your fears and keep nurturing your intuition. Things are blooming – so keep tending to those dreams.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Pisces / Pisces Rising – The Hanged Man
Surrender! You know it, my favorite thing to teach. Letting go can sound like we’re spinning out of control so I’ve reclaimed it with a sweet “surrender” – so much easier to grasp, isn’t it? Okay no it’s still a tough practice and I know how you love to get obsessive about things and keep looking over that shoulder to try and rewrite the past. So how about what’s ahead? It’s a fine and beautiful place, waiting, just over there – see it?

Anyway no need to go there right now because May is a month of suspension, not the scary kind though, just the wait and see kind. Are you frustrated even thinking about that? Well it’s time to get comfortable with your stillness – again.You know I always bang on about your intuition being your super power? Last month I encouraged you to charge up and avoid dramatics and following on from that is about keeping yourself in that moment and resisting the urge to run back to old and tired habits. Right? Yes! Keep listening to the more loving voice in your inner dialogue, you’ll get there.

I love this card because it really teaches you to admire your surroundings. You are exactly where you’re supposed to be. This letting go may be required for the projects that you’ve been investing in recently, or the relationships – wherever your desire has been planted. It’s time to hand it over. The reason we “give it up” is to allow things to expand, as they should. If you pop a jar over a butterfly it’s never going to go anywhere, so you don’t have to hover over your wishes to try and forced them into action. So just step back, even a little, in order to get a better vision. In fact the more you loosen your grip, the easier it will be to see peace and sense within your story.

I’m very familiar with this card and I often find it also appears to let you know that you can’t know the outcome because it doesn’t exist yet. So aggravating, I know, but I like this because it reminds us that the present is the only real reality and the best place to work from. If you only had to deal with today wouldn’t things be less stressful? Try and reel yourself back in to the moment you’re in whenever you waft off in all directions, your body with be thankful, as will your mind and energy.

Meanwhile, in this continued wait, use it as a chance to prep for a new perspective and cycle. Need to clear out anything from the past few months? Use the Scorpio full moon on the 14th as a chance to welcome in a new personal cycle. Perhaps also connect with your Scorpio pals for an intuitive power pull – they get you, always. (And p.s…Surrender!)

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Aries / Aries Rising – The Seven of Pentacles
Like your Pisces pal this is a month of surrender. Yes that old trick. Are you tired of me telling you to slow down and create more space yet? I’m so sorry, but it’s all in the name of love and rebalancing so you are in your full power. Anyway this is surrendering with a purpose. You’ve been busy (as usual) changing the world and planning for the months ahead, and now you might have to wait a bit for things to bloom and burst. That’s okay though, right?

Because you know this system now, and if you’ve planned for something to happen soon you don’t need to babysit it. Get moving with something new, like maybe go and enjoy yourself, ideally partaking in something that doesn’t swoop in with a bunch of stress.

Your work is never in vain and you know it, because you don’t usually go for something unless you have a gut instinct that it’s a good idea. Even those leaps of faith have some action planning behind them. So this month take some time to be grateful for your journey so far – for all those adventures you’ve had because of the work you’ve put in. It will be a good reminder and confidence boost for your ability to keep moving on in the direction that you seek. If you feel very aware that you are “waiting” for something then this card is usually a reflection of the effort you’ve put in. So romantically – check in that the balance is equal. Are you expecting more but not giving your share? Or are you expecting someone else to open up and be vulnerable whilst you’re still hiding behind closed doors? It takes two to tango they say.

If you’ve been wondering if you are on the right path with an idea, relationship or a project then try tuning back into your original intention. Did you start something out with excitement and desire or was it a lack luster, “I should do this” kind of a deal? If something you didn’t really care much about doesn’t come to fruition then it will be no loss! Trust that what comes around is gonna be exactly what you needed, even if you didn’t know you did.

So, what else can you do over the next few weeks? Take stock of course! Maybe that’s going through your accounts or checking in with your health, you will know exactly where your balance isn’t aligned. Always make the goal to be that you feel embodied and empowered and you will never be walking on the wrong tracks. I also have faith in your ability to juggle, so don’t fear that you can’t do everything, only worry about whether you want to do everything. See the difference?

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse