Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous weekly horoscopes by Sandra Sitron …

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
A cluster of pinecones. The beauty of the seed is quiet and pure. The seed needs protection. Let yourself float gently through your day, without judgement or worrying.  Focus on the central truth that you are sprouting and you don’t need to know exactly what direction that will take. Focus on hope and trust. You will meet your goals. Expect it.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A car moves along the racetrack. It has a low center of gravity. This is a message for you to stay grounded and move confidently. You don’t have to question your worth, or second-guess yourself. Move instinctively. Follow your passion. As long as you stay centered, you’ll be able to take the turns with ease and speed.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Pulling a cookie out of a box. Give yourself a treat. Let yourself enjoy. You don’t have to measure everything against reality. Being overly realistic can quickly turn into pessimism. Instead, raise your curiosity and creativity. What might be fun? What might bring people together? The answer is surprisingly simple.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
A horse is eating flowers. Bring your conscious attention to the bounty and strength that you’ve developed over the year. Your success will feel ephemeral until you define it. Only you can do that for yourself. This is your yearly review of your career, so take notice of everything that you’ve achieved. Celebrate it.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
A puffy cloud floats in the sky. The cloud changes shape and form and so do you. Adaptability is part of life. But the question you must ask yourself now is, “At my core, what am I made of?” At the core of the cloud, there is nothing. It is swept away by the wind. This is your chance to define your mission statement, so that you feel centered and clear about what you want.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
A beaver is felling trees. The beaver teaches that if you are clever, you can resolve what you need to resolve. This is your moment for reconciliation and resolution. Let it go, let the tree fall. Create the boundaries you need to create. Work with the emotions that are coming up so that you can heal.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
A rushing waterfall. What would it be like to be a “rushing waterfall” in your relationships? Here are some ideas that come to mind … emotionally open or emotionally swept away. Replenished or overwhelmed. Relaxed or losing control. There are many meanings and they can be interpreted in a positive or challenging way. What meaning does this image bring up for you? If you want to find more balance in your relationships, meditate on the positive meaning in this symbol.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Washing your face in a spring. Purification. Create a ritual for renewal to practice before the New Year. What will help you feel fresh? What will inform your subconscious mind that you have pressed “reset” on all of your systems? You can find joy in a total overhaul of your daily routines. It’s time for new habits.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
Walking on stilts. It’s time to get taller. It’s time for you to lift yourself up off the ground. In which life area do you most desire “elevation?” Now is the moment. If you want to lift yourself up higher, focus on two things— fun and creativity. Let these two friends be your guides.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising 
Your heart center. Bring your mind and your heart together. Bring consciousness to your heart center. To do this, you may decide to ask yourself some deep questions about how you love: When has love felt like a strength? When has love felt like a weakness? Is love enough? Is love an emotion or a state of being? Do my answers to these questions bring me peacefulness and connection? Or do they bring me contraction and separation?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising 
A porcupine rolls into a ball. Are you playing dead? Are you needing a break? The key is to turn down the pace of your thoughts. Do what you can to slow it way down, so that you don’t have to hide out. Meditate. Breathe. Get out of your head and into your body. There is a benefit to taking a step back and seeking restoration, just do so in an empowered way.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Pulling straws. You have choices to make. If you don’t have faith in yourself or trust in your future, you can make hasty decisions. Alternatively, you can make grounded decisions that come from a stable center. How will you choose? Trust is a state of mind that you have to create for yourself. The more trusting you are, the easier it will be to feel secure.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous weekly horoscopes by Sandra Sitron …

sandra sitron ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world numinous weekly horoscopes


Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Handfuls of doughnuts. You can find yourself surrounded by sweetness. Or you can imagine that you’re trapped in a surreal ring of doughy binding. It’s your choice. If you want freedom look for the sweetness. Embrace kindness in yourself and others. If you want to feel trapped, you’ll find evidence to support that idea. Don’t let the monkey-mind take over. Slow down your thoughts. Seek out inspiring wisdom that feels supportive and true.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A thermos filled with hot tea. You have strong reserves. You have the strength that you need. You know how to heal yourself. Your power is showing up in a currency that is less tangible and more emotional. Will you let yourself receive it? Will you let yourself believe in your strength and security, even if you can’t touch it, see it or taste it?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Riding a skateboard. Steady yourself and stay focused on the concept of balance. You are in motion. There is progress. The trick is to skillfully stay balanced and upright as you move over all kinds of terrain. You can’t control the terrain. Don’t get caught up in politics, bureaucracy, or the status quo. Stay one step ahead by steadily and meditatively moving forward. Whatever situation you find yourself in— focus on possibility and progress.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
The teacher at the head of the class. It’s time to take a stand and put forward your opinions. This is not always the easiest position for you to take, but you must be vehement about what you believe in. Especially when it comes to your career. Evaluate and consider the path that you’ve taken. As you review, you may find information that helps you align yourself with your true potential. Stand up for yourself! Take up more space.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
The wings of an owl. You are wild and wise. Find the gust of wind that will take you higher. But don’t flail about. Be clear and determined. Use your wisdom as you make decisions. Don’t react. Choose wisely. You may take this time to get clear about what you are hunting for. Use all of your senses and get some perspective on the situation. Get the bird’s eye view.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
A trail through a field loops back around. You’ve been here before. Many of us have a tendency to repeat old patterns. But what’s different now? Something has changed. Challenge yourself to find the things that are different. You can change the patterns. You can react differently. You can heal the past. You can find forgiveness. If you change your expectations, a new pathway will reveal itself.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Blowing bubbles. You want to make love expand. But if you fill the bubble up with too much air, it will burst. So tread carefully when it comes to relationships. Speak your clear truth in full integrity. Find someplace to safely release any extra “air,” without burdening your partners and collaborators. What do I mean by extra air? In this case it could be half-formed complaints, ungrounded gossip, or overly verbose explanations— you’ll know it when you see it because it’s the kind of thinking and speaking that actually saps your energy. At this time you are creating structure and alignment around mindset and communication. Meditation could be very helpful.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
A salamander. Stay grounded. Make adjustments. This is an important opportunity to tend to your routines, health, workflows and organization. Let yourself be adaptable. Any positive changes that you make in your routine will help you feel strengthened. The salamander shares ancient wisdom— live purely and stay connected to the earth. Clear your spaces, organize and manage your time so that you find grounded expansion.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
Beach ball. Show off with your most bouncy, effervescent self. What feels like work? Can you make it more fun? What feels like resistance? Can you open it up? Find spaciousness, find lightness, find expansion in the very moment that you are in. If it’s not fun, then what’s the point?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Looking into a hole in the ground. Go inward and connect with your interior. Shine the light on yourself. What do you feel? What do you desire? What brings you pleasure? Nurture yourself with attention. Rebuild the structure of self-care that is the foundation of your life. Go inward to ask yourself— how do I know that I am nurtured?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
A pear and a daisy. Fruits and flowers prove that there is bounty. Your focus this week is on your mental bounty, aka your mindset of abundance. Train your brain to magnetically attract what you desire. Make a plan for how you will approach your mindset shift. Make a commitment to yourself and stay in integrity.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A waterslide at an amusement park. It can be so fun! Just stay in motion. Don’t let yourself get stuck. This symbol is simple. If you are brave you will enjoy yourself. If you are fluid, you will enjoy yourself. If you have trust, you will enjoy yourself. Life can be pleasurable and you deserve to experience good things. Let yourself be in the flow.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


Cast and channeled by Lindsay Mack for The Numinous, using The Starchild Tarot.

numinous tarotscopes december 2017 lindsay mack ruby warrington material girl mystical world

Six of Cups

Happy birthday, sweet Sagittarius! This cycle is all about expression for you, letting your thoughts, words, and heart be deeply known at any given moment. This energy could extend in many different directions for you, ranging from a new love to an expansion in teaching or activist work. No matter where this lands in your life, there will be an audience to receive the words you share, as this card is so much about the healing aspects of emotional exchange. Chance vulnerability, Sagittarius, and let your heart’s truth flow.

The world needs it, your heart needs it. It is a gift for everyone when you open up and let yourself be seen. December is the perfect time to do this on a whole new level. Six of Cups has a bit of an interesting reputation, and is often thought of as a card of nostalgia. We can sometimes swim far into the recesses of our old, happy memories in this card, propelled by the heartbreak of the Five of Cups, unable to be present in the here and now. It makes sense in certain cases, and definitely follows a known emotional pattern. But this is not your truth, Sagittarius. Six of Cups is showing up for you this month as a radical heart opener.

Its invitation to you will be to sustain that openness, that trust, that vulnerability, in spite of your past. In spite of the fact that you’ve been hurt, splintered, broken, and repaired many times. It is showing up for you this month as a beautiful nutritive to the heart, infusing you with the desire to express, to share, and to connect with the world around you, dropping your armor completely. There is something wonderful coming your way this month, loves. Stay open and soft; you won’t regret it.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Page of Cups

How can you play more this month, Capricorn? A somewhat silly inquiry for the hardest workers in the Zodiac, I know, and yet the invitation to consider the question is here in a very strong way. December is a potently important month for you. You are sewing many energetic seeds during this cycle, planting many intentions for the year ahead. How are you making room for play in 2018? Does it have a place of importance in your life? Sink into these questions deeply, looking at the patterning of your life, and the value placed on work versus play.

Page of Cups is your archetypal teacher for the month ahead, and it will be wise to bow over to this little one, listening deeply to what it has to whisper to you. This card invites us to value and emphasize imagination, magic, play, joy, and intuitive communion as much as we might value our earthly goals and worldly dreams. It is what the Lost Boys are to Peter in the movie, “Hook”: helping you to remember who you are. You are remembering the “Pan” in you this month, Capricorn, the magical essence at the core of your being. This part of you is precious and pure, and can get pushed aside very easily in daily life.

It is incredibly important to make room for play and receiving this month. It is softening you, helping to redefine your relationship to rigor and work. It is helping to work and nourish a different part of your brain. It is helping to shake some of the seriousness out of you. It is helping to get some light in the cracks. Don’t worry about what you will get from Page of Cups this month. Just make room for it, and you’ll have everything.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


The Moon

Let yourself be cradled by mystery this month, Aquarius. You are moving through The Moon card, a deep medicine in the Tarot, and the best thing to do is to flow with its rhythms. The Moon is a beautiful card, albeit a powerful one for what it asks of us: surrender in the face of what we can’t see. Indeed, this card can feel like deep ocean waves, or like velvety darkness, much like what we find in nature at night. To feel our way in the darkness, we must go slowly, heightening our other senses, letting our inner compass guide our way home. It requires us to keep a clear head and courageous heart as we walk in the darkness, afraid of what might lurk in the shadows.

To see by moonlight requires the perception of the third eye, a deeper vision and direction. This is getting flexed in you this month, loves, inviting you to trust these other senses within you, letting you walk through the world with them guiding your path. The Moon, which is ruled by Pisces, helps us to feel the fear of the unknown, and walk into it with intention and willingness. December will be a powerful month to look at your emotions in a whole new way. When we travel through this card, we must do so on feel and sense alone.

It offers us the opportunity to trust ourselves and our intuition like never before. This is a deep journey of the self for you this month, Aquarius. The psychic treasures of this kind of internal walkabout are amazing, so seek deeply, walk far, and dive into the fullness of the void. There is nothing but light on the other side of the journey, bringing wisdom, awareness, experience, hindsight, and a greater intimacy with yourself to you.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Eight of Swords

The moment you desire to be free, Pisces, any locked door in your being will swing open. This is the transformative power of Eight of Swords, as well as the magical potential it will be bringing to your whole sign this month. December is a very powerful transit for you, loves, one in which you can genuinely get “unstuck” from any place in your life that feels limited, including that of your own mind.

In this card, we can often feel that we are trapped and caught, usually in a prison of our own making, although it doesn’t always feel that way. That is the trick of this card: we may feel that an external source got us into this, and that we need a external source to get us out of it. Shattering that illusion is part of the liberation of the card. How we got behind those bars is of little consequence. Eight of Swords invites us to see beyond the mind’s projection, to begin to ask deeper questions of our perceptions. Are we trying to smash down a locked door without checking to see if the window is unlocked? Are we asking for help, clarity or awareness in moments when we don’t feel that we can see clearly? Are we pausing to listen to our inner wisdom?

When this card arises, it is a divine whisper in our ear, offering up the phrase: “ it can be easier if you allow it to be.” How easy can you allow your life to be, loves? How deeply are you willing to trust beyond what your mind is projecting to you? If you are ready to look deeper than what you can see, and what you may feel is imprisoning you, you will already be liberated.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


The Wheel of Fortune

Change is at your garden gate, sweet Aries. I highly encourage you to put on some tea, and welcome it in. Whenever we pull The Wheel of Fortune, we can be sure that a big life change is at hand. It may not show up today or tomorrow, but it is most definitely on its way. We don’t ever need to fear this card—Wheel of Fortune truly does not bring negative change. It is ruled by Jupiter, after all. Everything that this card wants to give to us, at the core of its essence, is beautiful.

Our job, as human beings, is to stay the hell out of the way so that Source can do its thing. The key to doing so with this card is to stay present in our lives. When we are firmly fixed in the mundanity of this moment, the wheel of life can turn freely because we are staying out of the future. It is truly that simple—at least when this card shows up. The Wheel of Fortune is a wildly spectacular card, one that holds within it so much mystery, medicine and wisdom, and yet when it shows up in a reading, it can often feel like nothing is happening.

It is made manifest by our willingness to take responsibility for the present moment, which is the crux of this card’s invitation to you this month, Aries. Look around you, loves. Look at all that you have control over, and all you don’t. Don’t worry about where you are going, or where these moments are taking you. If you are honoring this moment, working through everything that is arising — the pretty and the ugly — you will be ready when the Wheel of Fortune fully lands in your life. You are changing, Aries. Welcome it.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.



Temperance is such an incredible and mysterious card. In some ways, it’s almost tough to break it down for a monthly forecast — it rarely, if ever, unfolds within a month’s time. Ruled by Sagittarius, it represents the sacred rebirth after the Death card, and the end of the second line of the Major Arcana in the Tarot. Temperance is highly powerful, potent, magical and life changing, but again, it is really hard to zero in on in a thirty day period. What I will tell you, sweet Taurus, is that when the presence of Temperance touches a reading, it does so for many months, if not a full year. It is a blessing, a sweet omen, and a signal that you are in some for cellular level shifts.

Know that you might not feel this energy in your everyday life in December, but you can touch into it anytime you like—the more you do so, the better it will be for you. Temperance is a reordering of the body, mind and soul. It is a deep shift of our energetic makeup. Expect to get worked on this month, angelically speaking. Trust it, and let yourself explore whatever arises with curiosity. This card also, like Wheel of Fortune, heralds a massive, massive life change—always big and beautiful. The only way that this change can take place, however, is if we are willing to surrender it to Source.

Temperance shows us that the spectacular and impossible can unfold, if we are inviting in support and help. It is the shift from ego perception to soul possibilities. This doesn’t happen overnight—and it might not even happen in a month — but it does happen with time, persistence and the willingness to try a new way of working with the world around you. Surrender to the magic, and some amazing things will begin to take root in your life.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Five of Wands

I’m gonna say this bluntly (and with love), Gemini: watch your tongue this month. It’s not a warning, but a plea for those closest to you, a plea for those who rely on you. Five of Wands is a card that teaches us to have patience with big feelings. Whatever the holidays might bring out in you, be willing to take a breath and pause if tough moments arise. You may not be able to take back what you say in anger or frustration this month, so this is very important.

Mercury, your ruling planet, can be the most epically beautiful energy, gifting you the ability to be quick and ingenious with your words and ideas. It can also imbue you with the sharpest mouth in the Zodiac, which you largely have under control in your day to day. That may get tested this month in the fiery Five of Wands, so be willing to really lean into your practices, and give yourself (and your loved ones) the gift of fearless honesty and compassion in your communication. Rather than yelling, it would be better to take a breath and state that you’d like to yell, but are working on not doing so.

This differentiation is how we can elevate Five of Wands from a contractive energy to one of wisdom. It is also how you can work with the upcoming Mercury Retrograde in a way that brings about grace. Take responsibility for your inner realm, and be willing to communicate about it to the people around you. This is your medicine for the month ahead. Breathe through any big impulses, use your words kindly and thoughtfully, and you will move into the new year with a ton of gratitude and peace.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


The Empress

You are right at home with the energy of The Empress this month, sweet Cancer. The Empress represents the Sacred Mother. Ruled by Venus, this card imbues us with a flush of sensuality, and an invitation to reconnect with nature and our loving, sexual centers. It is definitely a beautiful energy to end a year in, and an equally beautiful one to guide you into a new cycle. The presence of The Empress is heralding a new flow for you, Cancer. It is a true shift to a more receptive way of moving through your life—a way that is second nature to you as a water sign, but perhaps not one that you regularly employ.

This is a rest and review time. It is a time to sleep a little later, to become a little quieter, to make things around you a little more beautiful. Orgasms, beautiful food, and long walks are all highly encouraged for the month ahead. If any feelings of discomfort arise around this level of lushness with your life, that is probably where The Empress is doing the most work for you. The greater the discomfort, the greater the potential for growth and evolution will be. We just need to say yes to the invitation.

Feel into the medicine of The Empress this month, Cancer—potential triggers and all. The Empress, for all her beauty, can bring up a lot of funky stuff. If being receptive makes you feel selfish, that’s where you will do some deep work this month. This work is important, not just for the month ahead, but for your year ahead. As you expand in 2018, there will be a need to become more comfortable with receptivity. Trust that and let it take you deeper.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Starseed, Rx

Sweet Leo, if one were to take a flying, courageous leap off of a cliff, would it be wise to attempt to spin around in midair and try to cling into the edge? The head might be saying yes, but your courageous heart most definitely says no. The intersection of the scared brain and fearless heart is where you will find yourself doing some deep work in December, all energized by the medicine of Starseed, or The Fool.

When we commit to a leap of faith, or a big decision, it is extremely important to watch any areas where we might be tempted to twist ourselves around out of fear or regret. It sends some very mixed messages, energetically speaking, which only creates more fluff and confusion for us as we expand in and on our path. Anytime that we take a leap of faith that is blessed by The Fool, it is larger than the decision itself. It is a commitment to ourselves, to our soul paths, to beginning a new cycle in our lives. It is totally fine to experience doubt and fear—it is when those feelings begin to bleed over into our words and actions that it becomes important to recenter, letting go of the edge of the cliff.

Trust yourself and your choices, sweet ones. Embrace the freefall. The Fool is here to support and gently remind you that you made the right choice, or will make the right choice, if that big leap is forthcoming for you. The reversal speaks to the fear that may be creating some stagnation at the top of the cliff. This is easily clarified by looking deeply at the root of whatever fear we are experiencing, rather than letting it stop us from moving forward. Trust yourself and your choices, you are exactly where you’re meant to be.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


The World

You are in The World this month, sweet Virgo, and it is glorious. This has been a year filled with change, new opportunities, and massive life shifts for you, much of which is going to give way to new blessings and expansions in 2018. It may not have felt like it, but in many ways you have gotten much of what you’ve wished for this year, which I encourage you to honor and celebrate. What you didn’t receive is well on it’s way to you, all in good time. Now, you get to ride 2017 out on the amazing wave of this card, ushered into 2018 on a whole new level. You couldn’t align the timing more perfectly.

The World card is the last card of the Major Arcana. It is ruled by Saturn, and represents the joyful and bittersweet end to an intense cycle, usually one of extreme lessons, and very hard work. When we reach The World, it means that we have done everything we said that we would do in that particular karmic phase. It also means that we are ready to move forward into something completely different, new and fresh, all borne from what we learned in the past year. When we receive The World card, whatever we are leaving behind is something we will never, ever revisit again. Ever. We are totally finished learning about whatever we moved through.

This can be both amazing and sad, as we grieve what we are leaving behind, even while we may walk forward with excitement. Take a moment and reflect, sweet Virgo: what old patterns have you had to repeat this past year? Whatever it was, you never have to touch on it again in quite the same way. There are new mountains to climb, and a whole new Fool’s Journey to move through. Bless what is leaving, and take the first step forward.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


King of Swords

Speak your truth, loves! You have so much to say, so share it openly, brazenly and freely. The world needs it, whether you are getting that direct feedback or not. King of Swords is a divine communicator, a leader who has a truth to speak that brings a deep transformation and change for everyone that their words touch. It is not always easy to speak the truth that King of Swords holds; it is a deep task, given to those who can deeply see injustice, imbalance or areas that need to be recentered.

Where you deliver these words this month remains to be seen, loves. Just keep an open heart. You might offer them to your clients, or the community that you work or live in; your sacred truth might be directed at your ex or current partner, it might be offered to your children, or it might need to be heard by your parent, or family or origin. No matter what, trust the words that are burning within your heart. December is the time to let them be channeled through the voice and throat, letting them touch everyone who is meant to hear them. Let this be a sign for you. If you’ve had a piece of writing within you, write it.

If you have a podcast, or want to start one, this would be a golden moment. You have the potential to really charge ahead into your new year, more confident and clear than ever before. This card is so powerful, in fact, it ripples out to our casual communication. Watch what you say this month. Let it be truthful and heart centered, even if it’s blunt. The world needs your word now and always, Libra. The timing is exactly right, so bring it forward.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


King of Pentacles

Plant your two feet on the ground beneath you, Scorpio. Trust that you are supported. You are exactly where you are meant to be, and your life is unfolding at exactly the right pace and timing. It’s perfect, and you are doing precisely what you should be doing. The other shoe isn’t going to drop—in fact, there’s never been another shoe. Everything in your life is serving some purpose in this moment, teaching you something powerful, even if it isn’t immediately clear to you. Don’t stress about whether you can sustain your current path, or whether you can trust your current path. Don’t stress about what will be.

Any moment that you place your profoundly powerful focus on the future, you’ve left the present. This moment is all there is; there is truly nothing we can place our trust in more than the here and now. King of Pentacles is very advanced medicine, and it is here to prove and support the above statements for you this month. I’ve always felt that King of Pentacles was, in a strange way, the last card in the deck. It brings a real master’s energy when it shows up in any reading.

For you, Scorpio, it’s bringing two big invitations: 1) to make room for greater abundance in your life going forward, and 2) to trust the path that you are walking at this moment in your life. King of Pentacles knows his dharma. He understands why he incarnated here, and he knows he is inherently worthy. Receiving this card in a reading means that he is working this magic in your life, helping you to understand why you are here, that you are worthy, too. This work is going to carry you into 2018 with so many expansions and gifts—let it in, starting with the present moment.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


This month’s cosmic shifts give us the opportunity to pause, prepare for expansion, and rediscover a sweet sense of hope, says Melinda Lee Holm. Set your sights on new horizons with this tarot journey through December 2017 …

melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world tarot cards for december 2017

The theme for December is HOPE. After the inner work and expansion of November, we open ourselves back up to the world around us. And with a major slow down courtesy of Mercury Retro to kick off the month, we’ll have plenty of psychic space to stop and appreciate beauty, realign with what truly matters, and set our sights on the new hope of longer days to come.

Prepare for expansion with this tarot journey through December 2017 … 


//12/3 Mercury Retrograde: 4 of Pentacles  
While it may sound crazy, the forced slow down of Mercury Retrograde (until 12/22) is exactly what many of us need this time of year. This cosmic downshift begs us to get crystal clear in our communications, methodical in our actions, and to give ourselves plenty of extra time to get things done.

Get grounded and prepared with the 4 of Pentacles. In the 4 we get our first taste of true, earthy stability and we’re not giving it up easily. Generally, I advise people to be mindful of hanging on too tight to finances when this card comes up, but with Mercury in Retrograde, I say clamp down! Keep your spending in check and stay slow and steady to avoid upsetting the delicate balance of the material world that is earned in the 4 of Pentacles.

Calling in the 4 of Pentacles: 

  • Wear or carry Garnet to help stay grounded in your body, the Earth, and reality
  • Eat mandarin oranges, symbols of abundance and good fortune
  • Be like Santa Claus – make a list of daily tasks and check it twice
  • Budget in cash – bring only as much money with you for the day as you can responsibly spend

melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world tarot cards for december 2017 4 of pentacles


//12/10 Human Rights Day: Knight of Swords 
Human Rights Day honors the anniversary of the United Nations’ adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. This document’s anniversary invites us all to get familiar with the rights our fellow humans are entitled to, and to be empowered to speak out and act when those rights are violated.

The Knight of Swords has the energy and the will to speak up and speak out. Wielding the power of intellectual and communicative Air, the Knight rides boldly into battle to defend his convictions. The red feather of passion streams from his helmet as he charges forward, no longer content to stand on the sidelines, ready to take action for what he believes in.

Calling in the Knight of Swords: 

  • Carry or wear Ruby to inspire passion to speak up for others
  • Donate to the Global Human Rights fund or any other charitible organization working to defend the rights of those in need of advocacy 
  • Drink peppermint tea to suport internalizing positive change
  • Go for a run to feel the wind through your hair and the power of your own speed

melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world tarot cards for december 2017 knight of swords


//12/13 Geminid Meteor Shower: Page of Cups 
Our annual show of racing lights, the Geminid Meteor Shower arrives on the 7th and peaks on the 13th. If you grew up wishing on “shooting stars,” this peak night is a beautiful time to reconnect to that childish sense of wonder and open your heart to the beauty, majesty, and magic of the Universe.

The Page of Cups provides just the right brand of unguarded emotional exuberance to help us fully enjoy and embrace the magic all around us. Not burdened by past woundings, regrets, or by any set of rules about how to handle the emotional element of Water, the Page is free to give and receive freely, unabashedly appreciating and loving the world around him.

Calling in the Page of Cups: 

  • Gaze up in wonder at the beauty and magic of the Geminids in the night sky!
  • Wear lace or fanciful patterns – clothing that expresses the romantic within
  • Express your love openly – let your friends know how you feel
  • Add a little brown sugar to your coffee or hot cereal to sweeten your outlook on the world

melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world tarot cards for december 2017 page of cups


//12/21 Winter Solstice: The Star 
As we reach the longest night of the year, it’s time to celebrate the coming light, to look forward with bright hope to the new year ahead, and to begin to set intentions for what we will grow come planting time.

A card traditionally associated with hope, the 8-pointed star seen on most versions of The Star was originally known as the star of The Goddess. As an ancient symbol of Divine Feminine Power, this calming and peaceful card is a reminder that The Goddess is always with us and within us, lighting the way.

Calling in The Star: 

  • Ingest or wear lavender for a calm, peaceful feeling, and to shield hope from negativity
  • Read Wonder Woman or Captain Marvel comics for inspiration – both superheros wear the 8-pointed star as their emblem
  • Treat yourself like the manifestation of the Divine Feminine you are with a trip to the spa or a home treatment
  • Make a list of all your hopes for the next 6 months so you can stay focused on actualizing them as the days grow longer

melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world tarot cards for december 2017 the star

Want more tarot magic? Book a session with Melinda here, and make sure to follow her on Instagram and Facebook.