This July 4, Colin Bedell and Bess Matassa take a look at at the U.S. birth chart, as well as the message of the country’s 2018 solar return and its forecast in the tarot …
Human beings aren’t the only subjects gifted with astrological birth charts. The moment the ink dried on the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia on July 4th, 1776, the astrology of The United States of America was sealed …
:: THE U.S. BIRTHCHART :: Rising: Sagittarius // Sun: Cancer // Moon: Aquarius // Mercury: Cancer // Venus: Cancer // Mars: Gemini
At her best, the U.S. embodies the highest expressions of Cancer energy: deep love and protection for the home, and reverence for the family. With a lucky, Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius Rising, American spirit can be kind, contagiously optimistic, and generously available.
Pair these with an independent Aquarius moon, and you’ve got streaks of intellectual liberation and equality-seeking. After all, it’s important to remember that in 1776, a government for the people and by the people was nothing short of a radical political experiment that repudiated the aristocratic and monarchic political paradigms! Her Mars in Gemini helps enshrine this self-government experiment in words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident …”
Of course, the highest expressions of these energies don’t always manifest. From the defensive, hypersensitive Cancerian nature, to her “admit no wrong, thou-must-not-disagree with me” Aquarius gone dogmatic Moon, it’s on us to recognize these blinds spots and work to elevate her potential.
Looking at the current political climate, it’s clear this shadow work is far from done. But the U.S. has always been a nation of dualities. When the Founding Fathers wrote, “All men are created equal” in the Constitution, they themselves were slave owners.
But this country has been working to actualize her enlightened principles since the very beginning. As she completes another turn around the Sun, may we remember and commit to follow in the example of those who fought for abolition, who fought for suffrage, who fought for civil rights, who fought for peace.
With Sagittarius Rising and an Aquarius Moon, idealism and humanitarianism pumps through the veins of the U.S. The work is to recognize that seeking higher ground necessitates moving forward with utmost integrity, humility, and grace.
U.S. Tarot Birth Cards: Temperance & The Hierophant
The divinatory blend of energies that makes up the U.S. foundation in the tarot conjures images of road-tripping, public libraries, and the wide-open capacity to truly free our minds and let the rest follow. These two cards show the country’s cosmic mission is to tow the line between ideological leadership and overblown zealotry, and to learn exactly when to turn hardened beliefs loose to let them mix and mingle with a higher law.
:: THE 2018 SOLAR RETURN CHART :: Rising: Cancer // Sun: Cancer // Moon: Aries // Mercury & Venus: Leo // Mars: Aquarius
It’s a glowing cosmic BBQ for the U.S. this year, with the country’s Solar Return Chart emphasizing sparky Aries and glittering Leo energies. The message? To come at the unknown with a generously unguarded heart, and to check any unconscious impulses to use muscle to get the solutions we want at the door.
These fire signs demand creative integration of the masculine principle, and with Mars currently retrograde in electrically innovative Aquarius, the medicine is to radically renovate our concept of the “yang” in all its flavors. When can a push become the first move towards a hug? What would shift if every action came from a place of giving rather than merely doing for doing’s sake?
As Cancer hits the collective Ascendent, we’re also being challenged to dissolve borders like never before, and invite in nurturing of the self and others in service of creating the sanctuary spaces we’ve long imagined.
U.S. Tarot Cards for 2018: The Fool & The Emperor
This year’s U.S. tarot forecast poses questions about proportionality, and how the country takes up space in the world at large. The Emperor wants us to remember that acting as majestic protectors is most glorious when there’s nothing to prove and no trace of self-righteousness. And The Fool enters the collective consciousness to spark 180s and diving board leaps into new ways of being. The country is called to recapture an innocent sensation of free-wheeling exploration, where curiously releasing the need to know it all can reignite our sense of adventure about what the world at large can teach us.
Colin is a literal Gemini Twin Astrologer from Long Island, New York, a passionate student of A Course in Miracles, and a graduate of Parsons School of Design. Discover more about his work at QueerCosmos and follow him on Instagram.
Bess is available for private readings and astro-themed events. Follow her on Instagram and connect with her at
Ready for a radical reset? The 2017 Leo Solar Eclipse wants you to drop the ego, fire up your heart space, and turn your true love into empowered action, says Sandra Sitron … Main Image: Spectra Art Space
New Moon Solar Eclipse :: August 21 2017 :: 2:30pm ET :: 28 degrees Leo
An eclipse is like a huge inhale. A complete exhale. And then stop. Hold your breath. At the next inhale it seems as if even your cells spin in a different direction.
At the next inhale everything will be different …
Eclipses are about reset. Something must be let go of. Something new must begin. The way that you recalibrate yourself now— both in your private inner world and outside in the public world, matters. The effects of this reset may not be fully felt for six more months. But the calibration is happening now.
During this Leo New Moon, the Sun and the Moon line up, as they do at every New Moon. But now they are also in direct line with the Earth. The Moon’s shadow falls over the Sun. The Sun appears darkened. The light of the core energy source is “extinguished.” In the void of light, new seeds can be planted. A new code can be written.
The Leo New Moon Solar Eclipse wants you to drop your ego and let true love shine out of your heart center.
Leo is the sign of fiery love. All fire signs take action- fire only exists in the activity of the dancing flame. Leo shows that it’s not enough to just love. It’s necessary to bring your love into action.
It’s time to put love in the driver’s seat. Go somewhere. Do something. Use ALL of the four elements to manifest change in the world. Use your words (Air element), use your action (Fire element), use your resources (Earth element), use love and prayer (Water element).
The path forward is not simple. A paradigm shift is never easy. The energy of this New Moon is high. There’s a shortage of patience and a high potential of being triggered.
You need a plan, so you can move in alignment with your intention. How do you want to act? How do you want to be? Decide how you will take care of yourself, how you will confront your beliefs, how you will take action in the coming months, and how you will follow through on this plan.
Let the calibration and reset that is available for you now be fully intentional.
New Moon conjunct Mars A bunny dives into a hole. Fight or flight. The bunny flees instinctually. What do you do instinctually to keep yourself safe? Do you hide out and keep silent? Are you a fighter?
Mars brings the energy of action and aggression to this Moon. At this time of heightened fire energy make sure to keep yourself safe, but don’t let that stop you from taking action. Meanwhile, make sure to monitor your aggression.
New Moon conjunct Mercury A tidal wave. We are thinking and communicating A LOT during this New Moon, and our thoughts have their own momentum, like a tidal wave. Break up the momentum by noticing the unconscious beliefs that fuel your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. It’s important to know which beliefs are running the show.
Ask yourself what belief is underneath an uncomfortable feeling. At what age did that belief get formed? Can you have compassion for the part of you that formed that belief? Can you replace the belief with a new one?
New Moon inconjunct Chiron Missing puzzle pieces. This New Moon will bring opportunities to confront old wounds. Notice where you get triggered. Notice where you need to heal. It may all seem futile.
How can you solve the puzzle if pieces are missing? With enough attention, effort, and creativity nothing is impossible. Keep coming at it from different directions and you may find the healing you are looking for.
New Moon in a Grand Trine with Uranus and Saturn The pillars of the temple. This aspect is the New Moon’s saving grace. We are staunchly supported by the Great Awakener Uranus who may introduce a new paradigm, and Saturn who may provide the structure to implement it.
The only danger is that too much harmony can result in complacency. Stay mindful of a tendency to think that someone else will “take care of it.” Say a prayer to invite forward positive change and deliberate integrity within yourself and within the world.
These potentials are activated. The only thing left to do is take action on them.
The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2017 Leo Solar Eclipse means for you. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 28 degrees of Leo in you chart and use the question for that house.
***New to your birth chart? Calculate yours for free HERE …
Aries or New Moon in the 5th house What new creative practices will you put into action now?
Taurus or New Moon in the 4th house Do you feel safe enough to be yourself? Why not? What do you need in order to experience more safety, comfort, and nurturing?
Gemini or New Moon in the 3rd house What do you need to be thinking about in a new way?
Cancer or New Moon in the 2nd house What will remind you of your self-worth?
Leo or New Moon in the 1st house What new changes are you inviting forward?
Virgo or New Moon in the 12th house How can you tune into your intuition this week?
Libra or New Moon in the 11th house What can you do to build your network? Challenge yourself to take some action steps.
Scorpio or New Moon in the 10th house What are new risks you can take in your career? What kind of expansion might taking these risks bring you?
Sagittarius or New Moon in the 9th house What is your mission statement?
Capricorn or New Moon in the 8th house What are you willing to release? Write it down. Burn the paper.
Aquarius or New Moon in the 7th house How can you be more diplomatic?
Pisces or New Moon in the 6th house What new healthy habits are you ready for?
Supercharge your eclipse season transformation with a powerful virtual Astrology + Breathwork practice led by Sandra Sitron and Erin Telford. August 21 2017. Details + sign-up HERE.
As Leo Season builds towards its fiery Eclipse finale, don’t wait another second to make an unapologetic leap into your power. How? Simply “Go first” says Mercedes Kiss …
The author’s Leo season collage
You see those mid-summer waves rising high in the distance and crashing to the shore, tenaciously, without apology? That’s Leo energy standing tall, asking you to meet her height, to match her show-stopping power.
If we channel Leo energy into a real-life lady goddess running through the surf, she’d look strikingly similar to the muse for this article: 90s pro vollyball phenom Gabrielle Reece. Despite practicing this ethos for a long while, the actual term “Go First” was brought to my attention most recently by Reece in her interview on The Tim Ferriss podcast.
“Go First” is a mantra to offer kindness (courageously) by harnessing our power of vulnerability (fearlessly).
Here are 7 ways to become lionesses of light, as we leap into fearless vulnerability and “Go First” …
1// Smile because they’re there. You see them coming from a block away … a person … walking their dog … towards you … on the same side of the street. The debate starts in your mind: Do I look away? Search my bag for a nonexistent chapstick? Fake frantically typing a text?
If it were 3,000 years ago and you were in that exact same spot, chances are strong you’d be scavenging for berries or bugs, and the sight of another human would be HALLELUJAH-RAISE-YOUR-HANDS-TO-THE-SKY glorious!
Go first instead! While you certainly shouldn’t risk your safety and maniacally pounce on said dog walker, you should certainly honor your shared humanity with eye-contact and a genuine smile, simply because they’re there.
2// Reach out and touch (somebody’s hand). According to research led by Apple, Americans access their smartphones 80+ times per day. But our ability to PHYSICALLY connect is fundamental to our sanity. So listen to the wise words of Diana Ross and “Reach out and touch somebody’s hand, and make this world a better place, if you can.”
Go first! At your next rooftop pool party, play a little game called “How Hard Can I Channel Miss Ross?” Stack on those sparkly bangles, slide into conversation like you’re on the Studio 54 dancefloor, and make your rounds. Reach your hand and yourself out there. Your moxie is what good parties are made of, and what people will remember.
3// Be attracted. Every morning we make a choice: put on the glasses with dark grey lenses that turn the world into a sad fog OR the glasses with rose-colored lenses that make the world look dayyyum fine (bonus points if they’re heart-shaped).
The latter turns us into love-machines: attracted to the spiraling Fibonacci pattern of a sunflower, the bursting-ripe tomatoes on a roadside stand, the sweat dripping down a frosty La Croix in the scorching sun, and certainly to the shy smirk of your cute waiter/waitress.
Go first! Whether you’re single (or not), extraverted (or not), share a heartfelt compliment by telling someone they have breathtaking eyes, wicked cool style, or a delightful aura. They will feel fantastic. You will feel fantastic. It’s a win-win-rocket to the karmic stratosphere!
4// Boo boos and tattoos. Remember when you were born? Guess what you weren’t wearing? Any makeup (much less clothing). And everyone thought you were perfect. Then, somewhere along the journey, we discovered creams and colors to shield other people from seeing us. Honestly seeing us. Joys and triumphs and hellish heartbreaks- such are the things that a full life is made of. And they are often written on our skin.
Go first! Revel in the stories your body tells. Wear the bathing-suit glimpsing at that scar; sport the sandals showing off those nine toes. Celebrate your patina in your own magical way.
Pick a day this week where you say into your mirror: “This is my face. This is my gorgeous face.” Then honor your face with some SPF, leave the rest bare, and depart. If anyone at work has the gall to ask, “Where’s the mascara?,” you’re equipped with the most powerful, two-sentence response.
Kiss’ “face, her gorgeous face.”
5// Do I want to live in the arena? In the words of Brené Brown, channeling Teddy Roosevelt’s “Man in the Arena” speech, “Dare greatly!”
This is no easy feat. We all feel the presence of critics in our lives- the loudest, of course, being our own internal judge. And we allow them the power to block us from our loftiest ambitions.
Go first! See the critic as nothing more than a beefed-up bouncer standing outside of the disco dance arena of your dreams. He might seem big and scary, but he’s simply a veil of smoke between you and your hottest hustle.
Throw him a polite smile as you strut on past, because the arena awaits you! Who cares if you get messy while you’re in there; you’re living loud and proud and having too much fun to hear his nonsense.
6// A lion-hearted love letter. Often, our deepest and truest feelings are the hardest to utter face-to-face. If we let them slip through the safe grasp of our inner world and out into the air, they have to face being accepted or rejected by someone else.
But acceptance and rejection are bi-products beyond our control! They shield us from granting our emotions full formation and clarity. Our lion heart yearns for expression above all else, and it grows stronger not through validation, but by purely being set free.
Go first!Let the cat out of the bag and put your purrs to paper. Write your truth in a lion-hearted love letter … let the pen roar without filter, suppression, or critique. It’s up to you, and not a measure of success, whether you sign, seal, and deliver this note to the object of your affection.
7// Pride #1 vs. Pride #2. The lioness is queen of her kingdom- capable of tackling any Saharan obstacle with her singular strength. Yet she travels, hunts, and lives in prides. She knows that her greatest victories will be won with help from her fellow felines.
Go first! Ask for help. What are you struggling with at the moment (extra gold star if it’s something you thought you’d already mastered)? Seek the guidance of friends and gurus (your Pride #1), stripped free of your armor (your Pride #2).
Vulnerability is often mistaken for weakness, but turn the tables and make it a catalyst for unleashing fiercer and fiercer layers of your self!
Mercedes Kiss is a Boston-based designer, writer, and holistic health coach. After rocking her 20s as an architect of fancy buildings, she jumped tracks and became an architect of the soul. Follow her on Instagram and discover more about A STAND OUT, her sparkly biz devoted to serving a growing tribe of babes through high-vibe articles, personalized wellness coaching, and a line of hand-crafted organic skincare.
How to find out what we truly desire, and what we think we should be going after? Rich Witch Lara-Rose Duong has 6 ways to get what you really want right NOW …
What do you truly want? What gets that fire in your belly roaring? What gets your heart thumping?
With Uranus in retrograde and the Lion’s Gate Portal open, we are being called to go deeper within and return to our truest “I AM” so that our more prosperous selves can shine.
A Rich Witch is prosperous when she lives out her truest “I AM” desires. But how to find out what we truly want? Hint: it may or may not be a f*cking Porsche.
When we move in sync with our desires, we are full of hope and vigor. We are alive. But temptation from the outside world can leave us feeling like we’ll never be enough until we have all of the toys with all the bells and whistles—whether it’s the latest iPhone, next season’s McQueen, or equating your value with numbers in the back on or social media.
As a Rich Witch, the quality of your life is measured by your own heart—and success is defined on your terms. Maybe you really do want a Porsche. Maybe you truly do want a closet full of McQueen and Louboutins. Or maybe you don’t want those things at all.
The beauty of living for your truest desires is that YOU get to decide what makes your life rich, full, and prosperous. It’s time to quit keeping up with the Joneses life and embrace your unique path as a Rich Witch.
Follow these simple steps to jump start your truest “I AM” desires and get what you really want RIGHT NOW!
1// Only say “YES” to what sets your soul on fire. If you’ve been giving your energy to people, events, and projects out of obligation, you’ve been voting “YES” for more of that to come your way. If you don’t get that instant “OH, YEAH!!” feeling, turn it down. It’s time to start voting for what you really want to grow in your life. It’s these little tweaks that spark huge change. For example, if you’re a creative soul, start saying “YES” to date nights that spark your creativity—rather than hitting the club, head to a paint + wine night. This will nurture your ability to listen to your TRUE desires, give them space to breathe, and spark huge change.
2// Block time off for pure joy. Get as good at booking time in your weekly schedule for as much FUN as obligatory “must dos.” You don’t have to know what you’re going to do with that time, but show up with an open mind and follow your impulse. You may have the urge to move it to accommodate another meeting. DON’T. Honor your fun time the same way you’d honor another commitment. You can start off with 1 hr a week and work your way up to a whole afternoon. Pretty soon, you’ll be so excited that you’ll know exactly how you want to use that time.
3// Rev up your manifesting mojo with a prosperity altar.Build a dedicated sacred space for your inner desires to come to life in the auspicious SE corner of your chosen room (ideally an office or living space rather than a bedroom or bathroom). Let it be as simple or extravagant as you desire. Add items that symbolize the elements. Use your imagination!
The basics of a prosperity altar include: —An abundance crystal like citrine or pyrite. —A “Magnetic Money Honey Jar.” Add a few select items that make you feel rich to an empty mason jar—like something made of gold. Adding cinnamon to this jar amps its potency. Activating it with the crystal magnetite will help you manifest your intentions. —The Goddess Lakshmi or your chosen abundance deity. You can also add Ganesha to help you remove any obstacles from your prosperity path. —A Money Tree Plant that you can watch grow like your prosperity.
Call your inner desires into your life by writing them on notes to place in your Money Honey Jar or at Lakshmi’s feet, and remember to refresh and tend to your altar regularly to keep the energy flowing.
4// Vote with your money, honey. Where you put your money honey is a “vote” that you want more of that in your life. Take some time to see how you’re voting with your Queen Cash. Are there regular expenses that you really don’t desire or require? Example: if you love to sweat it up through dancing, shift your monthly gym membership to the hottest dance studio in town.
PS: Make the payments feel extra juicy by placing your money on your prosperity altar at Lakshmi’s feet first.
5// Remember what you wanted as a kid. Not the same as the “What do you want to be when you grow up?” question. The focus is here is to remember what you valued when you were growing up. When you were a child, your main currency to give was your time and your presence. You would play with your whole heart. Laugh with your whole body. Take some time now to remember what experiences made you feel totally present in the moment—the moments where you didn’t want to be anywhere else in the world. This is your new barometer for what to say “YES” to in life.
6// And FINALLY … Don’t wait another second to start living your “I AM” desires. When you close your eyes and imagine your most prosperous life, how do you feel in that life? Let those feelings be your compass as you start taking action right now. This could mean anything from giving yourself permission to take more naps, to riding rollercoasters more often or wearing a daring shade of lipstick. This is the fastest way to make your life feel full and prosperous, RIGHT NOW.
Join the conversation with Lara-Rose Duong in the Rich Witch Circle on Facebook and follow her on Instagram.
August 7, 2017 :: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse :: 15 degrees Aquarius August 21, 2017 :: New Moon Solar Eclipse :: 28 degrees Leo August 25, 2017 :: Saturn stations direct August 12- September 5th, 2017 :: Mercury Retrograde
The only constant is change—and during the August 2017 cosmic craziness, massive change is upon us.
Mercury retro will only sweeten the Eclipse Season pot. While this retrograde often gets a bad name, it’s actually a critical time to slow down, and connect deeply with the internal, intuitive voice that supports our soul’s growth. It’s potent medicine for those of us who live in the frenzy of go-go-go!
Thankfully, the August 7 Full Moon Eclipse positively aspects Jupiter—the planet of good luck, fortune, and abundance. This combo suggests that while this period is unpredictable in nature, benevolence still abounds.
The August 21 New Moon Eclipse trines Uranus, and will be responsible for MAJOR breakthroughs and a shift in power. At the end of the month, we’ll find ourselves in very different circumstances on a personal, and maybe even political, level. Given how close the Sun will be traveling to Mars, things will move fast regardless of Mercury in retrograde.
So move forward fearlessly, but do so with a deep connection to your WHY, and your key personal values. Keep on open mind, and understand that the only constant is change.
Now’s not the time to hold the reins too tight or overreact to anything. Mind your thoughts, words, and actions. Stay centered and focused on what matters most. Let the rest go!
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with from Jennifer visit
Eclipses are like turning off the internet router and then restarting it. Few people understand why this makes the wifi work again—but it always does!
The focus of the August 2017 eclipse season “reset” is on your inner King or Queen archetype. Leo, king of the jungle, is on the hunt within you—helping you flush out your confidence, worth, and purpose. It’s time to refocus on the core principles that keep you balanced.
Begin with an in-depth review of the last 6 months.Look for the moments when you felt as if you gave your authority away. Notice the King’s shadow archetypes of the Tyrant and Weakling, and be very gentle with yourself if you notice fear, aggression, and insecurity coming up within you.
This review period will be supported by a number of other astrological events. Starting August 3rd, Uranus takes a review period to help you make changes internally. On August 12th, Mercury retrograde asks you to remember what you forgot. Saturn lurches forward again and inspires you to get to work on August 25th.
The king doesn’t have to prove himself. He’s born into it.What are you born into? What is your spiritual birthright? Where can you turn up the volume on confidence, worth, and purpose in your life? How can you survey your kingdom and shine brilliantly out into the world?
Want more wisdom? Check out Sandra’s SATURN RETURN WORKSHOP, a 7-week course for navigating your Saturn Return that’s available through midnight August 4 2017. You can also book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
With all the fire in the sky this month, it’s important to consider the two extreme expressions of Leo energy: as symbolized by the Thoth Tarot card “Lust,” and the Rider-Waite Tarot card “Strength.”
Both rule Leo, but one card has our passions so inflamed that we are naked with lust, riding a lion, not paying attention to where we are going. The strength card has us taming the same lion, and he’s calm and cool but ready to strike if needed.
To help contain the fire, we need the rich mineral soil of earth; Saturn direct helps us learn that we only have so much time and energy. The August 2017 eclipse season helps us harness this energy to break our own hearts open, burn off what’s no longer useful, and create space to feel deeper layers of authenticity and true innovation—using the rational, Aquarian energy that balances Leo season.
Working with both Saturn and Uranus during the August 2017 eclipse season time allows us to tap into a more holistic and effortlessly creative existence, so we can truly write our own story—andtransform from selfish savage to selfless hero. The more we can create from this place, whether through art, business, or our communities, the more we can empower both ourselves and those around us …
Danielle Paige “There is no good or bad. There is no fluff. You’ve signed up for these fated events …”
So, what’s an eclipse anyway?Eclipses mark a major shift in the electromagnetic field. And because we are all energetic beings, we will all feel … something. Whether it’s up, down, hyper, sad, emotional, ungrounded … these feelings will be accompanied by an urgency for change.
How can you tell if the major August 21st eclipse will affect your chart?Calculate your chart for free HERE and look to any planets or points within 3-4 degrees of 28 degrees of Leo, or in aspect to that degree (especially squares, oppositions, conjunctions, and trines). Thankfully, eclipses don’t directly aspect everyone’s charts because if they did, we’d be completely overwhelmed by major changes every 6 months! However, we all have Leo somewhere in our charts, so some kind of shift WILL occur …
Look at which house is ruled by Leo, for an indication as to the area of life most affected by the August 21 eclipse.
If there is a direct aspect to this eclipse in my chart, what’s going to happen to me? Whatever planet is involved with 28 degrees of Leo is getting “eclipsed,” which means it’s time to change how that planet’s energy is used. Sometimes it’s an obvious change like the end of a relationship or a work shift, but sometimes it’s less obvious inner work. Regardless, it’s your chance to move up the spiritual ladder.
The August 2017 eclipse season reminds us there is no good or bad. You’ve simply signed up for these fated events in order to move you along your spiritual path (a.k.a. your life!)
How long will this take? Is it just happening on the day of the eclipse? Give it time. There may have been a build-up to a decision made on this date, and / or events may unfold over the following 6 months. Sometimes it takes a year or more for the impact of an eclipse to be fully realized. Combined with Mercury retro, some of the events will likely be delayed until the end of September/beginning of October.
One thing is for sure: the August 2017 eclipse season is a big turning point for us all, individually and as a collective. Stay open to the excitement and know that there’s nothing to fear!
To find out more about how Danielle can use your personal birth chart to help you discover and heal your inner blocks, and find your purpose, follow her on Instagram, join her private Facebook Group, and book a reading HERE!
Art: Paul Tuccillo
Bess Matassa “Grit, glory, and the gamble of experience …”
Fire up your muscles, slip into your most aerodynamic leotard, and get ready to take your passion and make it happen.
With Mercury retro in earthy Virgo and Saturn stationing direct, the smoking hot Flashdance sensations of August’s celestial landscape are a very particular brand of Rust Belt fire. Think welding, forging, and sweating it out for the sweet steel work of finally birthing our dreams into physical form.
As our wildest visions incarnate into brick and mortar, it can feel like both a loss and a find.The hot tar of our individualistic Leonine souls has to adjust to the shape of the collective’s Aquarian road. We are asked to rise early woken by our individual will, pack our lunchboxes well, sharpen our tools, and step into the Olympic training gyms again, and again.
So sidle up to the starting block in your neon leg warmers and sparkling new sweat bands and flex muscles that have been lifetimes in the making. Feel deeply into the storehouse of your blood and your bones. And then crank up your silver-studded boombox, step into the floodlights, give it up, and turn it loose. All bets are off. And in a world made of equal parts steel and rhinestone, you’ve got nothing to lose.
August 2017 Eclipse Season Mantra: My heart is a muscle and it’s time to get to work. Theme Song: Irene Cara’s What a Feeling Style: Jazzercise meets boardroom bizness. Bodysuits paired with high-waisted pants, high ponytails, studded earrings, metallic statement pieces, and steely blue eye makeup. Flavors: Stripped down fortifiers that build good bones; tall glasses of coconut milk, dark leafy greens, and piping hot spicy stir-fry cooked in cast iron woks.
Want more juicy cosmic insights and sensory explorations? Arrange an astrology reading or private event with Bess here or follow her on Instagram.
With Eclipse Season just around the corner, the Scorpio Waxing Quarter Moon is a critical moment to take a hard look at your truth, trust your instincts, and harness your most authentic essence, says Jennifer Racioppi … Artwork: Bethany Harper Walsh
:: Waxing Quarter Moon :: July 30 2017 :: 11:23am EST :: 7 degrees Scorpio
Massive change is upon us …. This Waxing Quarter Moon in Scorpio is a critical checkpoint as we make our way into Eclipse season.
A time of transformation, change, and growth, eclipse season acts like massive broom in our lives—sweeping away what is no longer needed and ushering in new beginnings.
Because we’re now in the “shadow” period of two major eclipses occurring in August 2017, we’re already beginning to feel the impacts of these energetic harbingers. With eclipses slated for August 7th and 21st, and Mercury, the planet of communication, stationing retrograde on August 12th, issues surfacing now are part of a much larger story that’s unfolding.
Pay close attention—EVERYTHING right now has meaning!
:: The Sun :: With the Sun in the optimistic sign of Leo traveling closely to Mars, the spirit of Summer comes to a full roar, complete with courage, creativity, and play. Allow the presence of Mars to ignite your passion and purpose, and to encourage leadership and self-confidence.
Warning: The cosmic combo of the Sun and Mars may incite humorous uproars of laughter, dramatic and playful outfits, fun times at parties, and the ability to trust your leadership instincts.
:: The Moon :: The Moon in Scorpio supports deep, meaningful conversations, intense, healing sexual experiences, and the ability to see past the facade. A Scorpio Moon helps you to know the truth instinctively, and to use this knowledge to support you to make better decisions, encouraged by depth and intimacy.
Unlike the upbeat demeanor of Leo, Scorpio penetrates into the dark. Let the wisdom of this Moon connect you to your emotional truth. Explore your sexuality—even if it’s just by yourself.
Turn on your seductress. Don’t be afraid of darker emotions as you evaluate what’s real for YOU. Embrace it all!
:: The Square :: With the Moon in Scorpio squaring the Sun and Mars, the season’s sense of play and enthusiasm gives way to deeper emotions and intuitive truths.
In contrast to the lighthearted, high-vibe nature of Leo, the Moon traveling through intense Scorpio brings depth and grit. It asks us to look at our shadows, as well as the shadows of others. While this contrast may feel awkward, it’s a potent combination that calls forth the essence of authenticity.
:: The Message :: With the Sun and Mars squaring the Moon in Scorpio one week before the Lunar eclipse in Aquarius, the time is now to look deeply within and determine where you are (and aren’t) aligned with your truth.
Let the bold, brash Leo energy encourage bravery and fun, and the deep emotional waters of Scorpio identify where you are misaligned with your authenticity. Beyond that, let the playful vibes of Leo, and the mysterious demeanor of Scorpio inspire you!
Dress with provocative flair. Allow your inner seductress to lead you forward. Let your playful yet intense sexual side out. Trust yourself. Let the energy build.
Next week we approach a massive cosmic clearing. You ready?
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar loving cosmic change makers!
Finally! After the relentless work of retrograde season, the Leo Waxing Quarter Moon brings some positive mojo. Step up and step out dressed in pure joy and abundance, says Jennifer Racioppi. Artwork: Seana Gavin
Waxing Quarter Moon :: May 2 2017 :: 10:46pm EST :: 12 Degrees Leo
On the heels of Beltane, a pagan holiday celebrating the earth’s fertility, the Leo Waxing Quarter Moon arrives to bring some serious positive mojo back to our game …
Finally … it’s time to conjure abundance!
Loaded with retrograde activity, 2017 has brought massive reconfigurations of life. The year opened on Mercury retrograde. February ushered us into eclipse season– an intense time of change. And then just as we digested the eclipses, Venus stationed retrograde on March 4th (only recently turning direct on April 15th). On April 9th, Mercury stationed retrograde too (it will station direct on May 3rd, just following the Quarter Moon).
After all the hard work we’ve done this year, the Leo Waxing Quarter Moon signals a time when we can start to consider what’s next. We are spiritually ready to make good on what we’ve unearthed from within. And, fortunately, the time has come to execute!
Hell YES!
:: The Sun :: Midway through steady, stable Taurus, the Sun sextiles Neptune in Pisces. A sextile suggests resources that are available to us, and this particular combo combines earth and water elements to deliver soothing healing qualities. Think of a luscious detoxifying mud bath that leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth. Allow yourself to sink deep into your skin and relish in feelings of spiritually aligned embodiment.
:: The Moon :: The Moon in playful Leo signals a time to step up and step out in joy and abundance. Immediately after the Sun and Moon square, the Moon begins to move into an applying trine with Saturn and Uranus, creating a legendary grand trine in fire. And all of this is happening between a fertile New Moon (which happened on April 26th in Taurus), and May 10th’s Full Moon in Scorpio. This bewitching combo signals power, strength, and favorable blessings!
:: The Square :: Waxing Quarter Moons urge us to course correct, handle curve balls, and eloquently redirect our focus as needed. The Sun in Taurus squaring the Moon in Leo asks us to look at any friction between our desires for practicality and our needs for fun. This Waxing Quarter Moon also refers us back to intentions set on August 2, 2016, when the New Moon occurred at 10 degrees of Leo. We should see things sprouting now that are related to plans made and desires stated then. Keep on the lookout, and don’t be afraid to pivot if necessary!
:: The Message :: Keep going! So far, we’ve worked hard in 2017 to come to a genuine place of truth within ourselves. Our egos have had to shed misaligned notions so we can step forward into a deeper resonance with our truth. Given that this Waxing Quarter Moon occurs one day before Mercury stations direct, this potent lunar moment offers a compelling opportunity.
Get ready to embrace the upcoming influx of abundance ahead of us. With the Sun waxing towards the summer solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s time to actively create, pursue our dreams, and conjure our desires.
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of likeminded spiritual activists at Moon Club!
The waning quarter Sagittarius Moon is an opportunity for inner exploration, says Jennifer Racioppi…Collage: Seana Gavin
Waning Quarter Moon :: February 18 2017 :: 2.33pm EST :: 0 degrees Sagittarius
This waning quarter Sagittarius Moon emphasizes the reconciliation of our tender intuition with our blunt need for freedom. Punctuating two eclipses, the February 10 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo and the upcoming February 26 New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces, we are asked to shed what blocks us from fully hearing (and integrating) our intuition.
The Moon traveling through freedom seeking Sagittarius while squaring the sun in emotional Pisces assists the tectonic plates of our life to shift. Now’s the time to purge anything holding us back from our authentic truth, especially before the next New Moon Solar Eclipse.
:: THE SUN :: Are you ready to step through this cosmic transition led by your authentic guidance? With the Sun traveling through Pisces, the upcoming solar eclipse is poised to launch us into a new frontier. It also concludes the in-depth work begun in the sign of Pisces on March 20, 2015, when we had the first of four solar eclipses in the sign of the fish. Let the nostalgic qualities of the Sun in Pisces help you to reminisce and feel. Think back to March 25, 2015, and consider how your life has shifted since then? What has come to fruition since then? What do you still need to release?
:: THE MOON :: Unlike the soft and gentle feel of Pisces, Sagittarius represents blunt fire and a deep need for expansive freedom. The Moon in mutable Sagittarius pushes back on the more subtle aspects of Pisces. Sagittarius loves fun and freedom, and when the moon travels through this sign, we may want a party more than quiet reflection. With the moon squaring not just the Sun, but the nodes of fate as well, it behooves us to refrain from any heedless, or even reckless, activity. If we can, instead, allow the adventure seeking aspects of Sagittarius to take us on an inner journey of self-evaluation—we can use the bold aspects of Sag to speak our spiritual truth in a way that helps us integrate the wisdom of the eclipses, so we embody our greatest authenticity.
:: THE SQUARE :: With the Sun in Pisces squaring the Moon in Sagittarius, we may feel an intense desire to escape. Both Pisces and Sag have inclinations towards diversion and avoidance. With the moon squaring the sun, and the nodes of fate, we stand to make tremendous progress towards our desired outcome, assuming we stay with our process and allow lots of space for messiness.
:: THE MESSAGE :: Both Pisces and Sagittarius represent the mutable energy of the zodiac—mutable meaning, liable to change. So, as the eclipses sweep through our lives, this waning quarter Sagittarius Moon serves as a broom, clearing out the debris. Allow room for change. Both Pisces and Sagittarius can lead us to want to escape, yet, due to the proximity to the eclipses (and the connection to the nodes of fate), it’s incredibly important to do the inner work of staying with what feels uncomfortable. As we consciously grapple with the intensity of our emotions, and the deep spiritual work associated with our conscious evolution, it may be tempting to check out. I highly recommend staying with the process. This waning quarter Sagittarius Moon indicates a release of something that is either blocking us or holding us back—and if we stick with the process, even the uncomfortable parts, we’ll shed what we must; prepping us exactly as needed for the upcoming new moon solar eclipse. Stay awake.
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with from Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of likeminded spiritual activists at Moon Club!
As the start of a two-year series in the signs of Leo and Aquarius, the February 2017 lunar eclipse season lessons are about stepping into our personal creative power (Leo), and connecting with our community in new ways (Aquarius).
With all this fiery, high energy, there can be a tendency to spin into burn-out mode. Instead, reset your level of receptivity. We need to give ourselves space, and lots of gentle love. What feels like the most easy and pleasing thing to make right now? What feels like the nicest way to connect to your tribe? Find ways to pack in joy and community. Tune into your intuition before you take an action or make a decision.
The Pisces Solar Eclipse is blinking out the message in celestial morse code: “Love is the answer, love is the answer…” As a two-year series of eclipses in Pisces and Virgo comes to a close, we’re asked to finish a cycle of connecting with hope, compassion, and intuition (Pisces), and learning how to take care of ourselves and others in practical ways (Virgo).
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Without a lot of Earth energy in the sky, February’s eclipse season lessons focus on pacing ourselves and staying grounded in the midst of unexpected change.
The February 10 Full Moon Eclipse in Leo may find us feeling especially excited, even ballsy, as we make decisions that push us into the limelight. Eclipses always connote change and surprises, and this active full moon suggests that this is a change for the better. However, with the lack of earth emphasis, remember to also tread cautiously.
As we begin this new cycle of five regal Leo eclipses (the last on January 21, 2019), tune in closely to see how this first one is impacting your life—it will likely resonate with an aspect of your spiritual assignment for the next two years!
The February 26th New Moon Eclipse in Pisceshappens in close contact with Neptune, Pisces’ ruler, making it an excellent moment to set intentions on behalf of your dreams and desires. Bring on the moon circles, crystals, and incense! All eclipses lack predictability, but especially this one. Allow Neptune to help keep you focused on the artistic and the spiritual, and cultivate grounded discipline through exercise, nutrition, and meditation.
As the fifth and final eclipse in a Pisces cycle that began March 20 2015, consider how you’ve revolutionized your relationship with your spirituality and intuition over the last two years. Honor the gifts you’ve cultivated within and step forward into oneness with others.
** PRO TIP from Jennifer: The February 10 and 26 eclipses are part of Saros Series 114 and 140. The last time we had lunar and solar eclipses in these series was in 1999! We live our life forward to understand it backward—consider how the choices you made then are coming into full culmination in your life now.
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit
Bess Matassa What does a Leo/Pisces party look like? Think of this first phase of Eclipse Season 2017 as the zodiac’s Studio 54 …
You show up completely sequined and ready to shine in all your glorious distinction, but then you hit the floor and start to move in rhythm with all the pulsating bodies. You lose yourself amidst the strobe lights and find that you’ve really got nothing to lose at all; there’s nothing to prove and nothing more to become than the self you already are. You are pleasurably permeable—both letting yourself drink down every last sensation and generously flooding the world with a no-strings-attached love beam in return. You discover you can glow no matter what, even in the dark.
This February 2017 eclipse season lessons are all about the boundaries between self-expression and selflessness, grappling with fears about our own capacity to contribute, and learning to fully trust in our singular creative force, while also allowing the world to tenderize us.
Eclipse mantra: “I glow in the dark” Theme song: Men at Work’s “Down Under” Style: The Little Mermaid at the club—subtly sparkling highlighters and bronzers, glossy light pink lips, turquoise sequins, and waterproof plastic jellies for riding the emotional tide. Flavors: Aquatically playful—Swedish fish, Clams Casino, salt-rimmed cocktails, and foams and whipped creams that dissolve in your mouth.
Want more juicy cosmic insights and sensory explorations? Arrange an astrology reading or private event with Bess here or follow her on Instagram.
They’re baaacckkk! Eclipse Season 2017 kicks off with a pair of potent cosmic events on February 10th and 26th. Danielle Paige gives us the low-down…
February 2017 is the first of two pivotal months this year (August being the second) that will crack you wide open and bring sudden changes that realign you to your soul’s plan. Eclipse season 2017 is also doubly charged because 2017 is a “1” universal year in numerology, with a strong Uranus, Jupiter, and Saturn influence. The combination of all these elements is about sudden liberation and expansion in a karmic way.
Eclipses are game changers for the soul—they speed events up and re-route us if we are veering off track. This soul acceleration is equal parts exhilarating and challenging. They act as pendulums of fate and swing us in the right direction to keep us in line with our soul’s plan. The difficult part comes in because, as humans, we resist change (especially you lovelies with a lot of earth or fixed planets in your charts!) Eclipses have a tendency to touch on our tender spots, aka our pain points, because it often takes getting those tender places activated (again and again) for us to change our story.
Anything is possible during eclipse season 2017—a wildcard cosmic time—so remember that every soul’s story is different, and hang in there, no matter what you’re feeling! While some of us will experience rapid-fire change, others will experience a slower shift and unfolding over the next six months, which is when we enter a new energetic phase and a new round of eclipses in August.
Also, remember that this energy doesn’t have a precise on/off switch. Eclipse energy can start to boil up a month or more before the eclipse date, and the week leading up to an eclipse can be the peak emotional moment for some of us.
Most of all, don’t worry my dears—as an intuitive being, you’ve likely already got a sense of what’s coming. Which is where eclipses take care of business—they often come in and do the dirty work for us, because even if something feels confusing and scary right now, the cosmos knows these necessary changes are better for us in the long run. What you’re feeling is the shifting of your psyche’s tides. Remember that this energy, like all energy, shall pass!
Read on for some specifics about the two February events of eclipse season 2017—the February Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, and the February 26 Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse.
***PRO TIP: If you want to dive even deeper into the invitations below, look at your birth chart to see where 22 degrees of Leo and 8 degrees of Pisces fall. If you have a planet or angle within 5 degrees of this degree then that planet or angle will get “eclipsed.” When a planet gets “eclipsed “ it needs to start behaving differently—you can no longer continue to use it the way you were, and there is a new, evolved expression waiting to unfold.
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse :: February 10 2017 :: 22 degrees Leo
Eclipse season 2017 begins with a fiery Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo. No matter your personal astrology, this eclipse is reminding us all to create, live joyfully, be moved by our hearts, and express our creative gifts in a GRAND way! This is LEO we’re talking about, after all!
During a Lunar Eclipse, the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon and blocks the Sun’s light from reflecting on the Moon. The Moon rules our emotions, so when she’s eclipsed she temporarily has no mirror to reflect the Sun’s light. As energetic beings we are also synchronistically cut off from our “power supply” and reintroduced to our shadow side. The energy of a lunar eclipse can stir an internal crisis (that’s often brought about through external sources, especially relationships, which act as mirrors). This shadow work often brings confusion, doubt, and panic to its peak. Fear not: all of this is designed to spur a conclusion, culmination, ending, or decision about something in your life.
It’s a time to let your unconscious take center stage and tap into a side of yourself you’ve pushed down for some time—you’ll feel the shift with every ounce of your being, as if you’re being asked to find your way in the “dark.” Those suppressed emotions may come flooding back in a dramatic way because of the Leo energy. However, the saving grace for this eclipse is that with fire it comes in quickly, and then goes out just as fast!
New Moon Solar Eclipse :: February 26 2017 :: 8 degrees Pisces
New Moon Eclipses signal new beginnings, but because 2017’s eclipse happens in Pisces, we will be asked to let go of something as well. Pisces is a collective storage house of the past—old karma, old energy, old psychic junk that you’re carrying around in your energy field that is ready to be released with this New Moon.
This particular eclipse is a double whammy—Pisces is ruled by the emotional element of water and the eclipse adds an extra charge to this already sensitive situation. With one foot in the material world and one foot in the spiritual realm, Pisces feels it ALL! She pulls on our heartstrings and pain points like no other sign. Don’t be surprised if you’re feeling quite sensitive for about a week and half before this one as the energy builds.
The key to navigating this eclipse is to stay grounded in your body, no matter how much you feel like you want to escape. Pisces is a master escape artist but this will only compounds any problems later on. Focus on your root chakra and even your sacral—dance, do yoga, send down a grounding cord. Really commit to feeling the feels but letting it move through you without attachment. This will help you remain on the earth plane at all times.
This New Moon Solar Eclipse will act as both a release and the beginning of a new chapter in your soul’s story. You’re being given the opportunity to heal your past lives and psychic wounds so that you can move forward with a new perspective on life in 2017! Be sure to offer yourself as much compassion as you do to others during this intense transition.
I wish you all a beautiful adventure in 2017; one that’s filled with all the excitement and joy your heart can carry (Leo)—and one that connects you deeper to your true soul essence (Pisces).
With love and light, Danielle
For an invite to Danielle’s exclusive upcoming island retreat and to receive updates about all the energetic cycles, sign up for her newsletter here.
As a lifetime student of tarot, and a newer student of lunar cycles, I’ve started exploring the moon’s teachings by casting cards for each Moon phase. I call it Moon Tarot. For this workaholic Capricorn, connecting to the phases of the Moon has taught me that there are times to push forward and times to just chill out a little bit, and I seek the cards’ assistance in figuring out exactly how.
The Moon’s magical cycles invite us to sync our lives to universal rhythms. Through her expansions and contractions, each phase offers us a lesson to incorporate. Likewise, Tarot’s ability to tell stories, ask questions, illuminate answers, and bring fresh perspectives to challenges provides a concrete channel for adjusting to the moon’s timing.
Each spread below offers you the chance to explore challenges and lunar lessons and, like the moon, to incorporate times to push forward and times to reflect. Feel free to infuse your own rituals into these readings to create truly customized Moon Tarot magic!
*Editor’s note: Unsure when each Moon phase begins? We love the Luna Solaria app
New Moons :: New Beginnings
This phase is all about gathering our energy, strength, and willpower, and finding ways to recharge as we prepare for the coming cycle. It’s a moment to think carefully about what we’d like to accomplish. Use this simple 3-card spread to kickstart your lunar month!
Card 1: Where you have been Card 2: Where you are Card 3: Where you want to be
New Moon Spread
Waxing Crescent :: Setting Foundations
During this phase, we’re ready to develop clear foundations. To break out our notebooks, markers, and post-its as we sketch outlines and create strategies for achieving our dreams. This spread is built to help you identify and utilize all your resources.
Card 1: Your source of energy & willpower Card 2: Your talents Card 3: The environment Card 4: Your resources
Waxing Crescent Spread
First Quarter :: Actions & Obstacles
Armed with a vision, we’re ready to act with decisiveness and drive. This time is perfect for pushing forward with our plans and setting things in motion. As we shoot into the future, the First Quarter spread identifies any lingering doubts that might be holding us back.
Card 1: Your self-perception Card 2: Your obstacle Card 3: What will help you overcome Card 4: What holds you back
First Quarter Spread
Waxing Gibbous :: Pivot Point
To flow is to survive, to stay rigid is to break. After we’ve worked on our goals, this phase is a perfect time to take a more detailed look at our approach and to assess alternative pathways.
Card 1: The problem Card 2: Our expectation Card 3: The reality Card 4: Guidance
Waxing Gibbous Spread
The Full Moon :: Celebration!
The Full Moon is a time of harvest, self-love, and appreciation for all the things we’ve been given and have earned. Go hang with the people that make you happy and celebrate the joy with this spread!
Card 1: What gives you joy Card 2: Your gifts to world Card 3: Your unrecognized potential
Full Moon Spread
Waning Gibbous :: Turning Inward
The world is a reflection of our inner selves and so sometimes, our greatest challenge is ourselves. This phase of the lunar cycle asks us to look at our shadows, and challenge our beliefs about who we are. This spread is perfect for drawing at night, complete with an altar of mirrors and candles.
After we acknowledge the shadow self, we must also learn to confront it, embrace it, and let it go. Break out the smudge sticks, and imagine yourself banishing all that burdens you. Each puff of smoke that vanishes in the air represents a piece of your suffering that’s dissolving.
Card 1: What to accept Card 2: What to forgive Card 3: What to learn
Last Quarter Spread
Tina Gong is a self-taught illustrator, developer, and designer of both physical and digital things. She is also the creator of Labyrinthos Academy, an online tarot school taught by monsters and mythical creatures, as well as Golden Thread Tarot and Luminous Spirit Tarot. She resides in Bushwick, and in her own bizarre imagination, with her partner and several sassy stuffed alpacas.