The 2018 Gemini New Moon asks us to leave old mental patterns in the dust, and open wide to adventurous new connections and conclusions, says Sandy Sitron …

sandy sitron ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world 2018 gemini new moon sandra sitron hybrid
Photo: Hybrid

New Moon :: June 13 2018 :: 3:45 pm EST :: 22 degrees Gemini

Two strange visions. A small dusty switchboard is one option. The panel can make a finite number of connections. It looks outdated.

The other option is a vast field that stretches out to the horizon. Running across the field are a herd of horses. They spread out across the field. There is so much space to run. They are connected as a herd and they move in unison, but they do so instinctively.

The New Moon is the dark of the moon. A moment to embrace the unknown and open to entirely new potential. We can harness this energy by setting intentions. This New Moon presents some dramatic options. Will you stay in the old mental patterns like the circuits on the dusty switchboard? Or will you free yourself like the horses on the field?

Gemini is your mindset. The New Moon gives you the chance to come up with new additions and developments to your mental framework. If your brain is like a switchboard, the tendency is to run the same old connections. Right now the opportunity is to rewrite some of the code.

The message of this New Moon in Gemini is “strive to understand.”

When you strive to understand, you push yourself, you ask questions, you think about things from new perspectives. Maybe you find a teacher or a friend who can help you reframe a situation. You open yourself up curiously and you let go of an ego need to be right. Seeking understanding that roots down deeper than surface-level will help you break out of the old switchboard and create healthier new habits. This is the time.

Set intentions about how you want to think, communicate, listen and learn. This will help you experience mental freedom.

Put yourself on that vast field, no boundaries, thinking outside of the box. Come to adventurous new conclusions.


Moon inconjunct Pluto
An elephant in an English garden.

The New Moon its making an uncomfortable contact with the planet of transformation— Pluto. Think about which old program is ready for transformation. It could be quite obvious. Because the connection between the Sun-Moon conjunction and Pluto is a frustrating inconjunct aspect, it would be naive to expect the transformation to be simple or complete. At this time, the solution might not be forthcoming. Lean into the frustration of not being in control. It’s okay.


Moon square Neptune
Trying to siphon the ocean with a straw.

This symbol suggests that there is nowhere to put all of the emotion. You need time and patience. You may want a new perspective that offers emotional respite, but it has to sink in gradually.

With this New Moon square Neptune, your mental framework is shifting on conscious and subconscious levels. Give it time to happen.

Neptunian influence can be tiring. Remember that the message of this New Moon is to strive for understanding. The intentions are to find new ways of thinking. Let yourself be restful and not frantic in the process so that the transformation can sink in on all levels of mind. You don’t have to be in control, but you don’t have to swept away by your emotions either. Envision yourself in a state of spacious mental freedom. Connected with others like the herd of horses on the field, with room to move and exercise your mind.


The below journal prompts are designed to help you dive deeper into the energy of the Gemini New Moon. For the most accurate insight, find the reading for the House that holds 22 degrees Gemini in your birth chart. Don’t have that info? Do you chart for free HERE.

Aries // 3rd house
Start a text chat with somebody who always sparks new ideas in you.

Taurus // 2nd house
Make a self-worth shopping list of luxurious, free experiences you can gift yourself each day for a week.

Gemini // 1st house
Write an imaginary bio for your dream career collab.

Cancer // 12th house
Free write about something you’re in a healing process with …

Leo // 11th house
Write down the names of five people you would like to meet in the coming year and why.

Virgo // 10th house
The only thing standing in the way of my success is …

Libra // 9th house
Write a review of a book you plan to recommend to a friend.

Scorpio // 8th house
Write down a secret you have never told anyone, read it out loud, and burn it.

Sagittarius // 7th house
List all the qualities of your dream life partner, and why these things matter to you.

Capricorn // 6th house
Create a to-do list of all the unfinished tasks in your life and commit to doing them this month!

Aquarius // 5th house
Write a letter to your childhood best friend and tell them about your life.

Pisces // 4th house
Write a brief to an imaginary interior designer describing your ideal home.


A reading for the Gemini New Moon – PLUS the essential questions for each sign to journal with, to make the most of the cosmic energy…By Hannah Ariel

gemini new moon 2016 the numinous

“Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic between the two.”
–Octavio Paz

Gemini is easily misunderstood. We use words like “tricky” and “flighty” and “fickle” to explain this sign’s ability to weave in and out of worlds of ideas, concepts, and even illusions. But replace these words with ARTFUL, playful, adjustable, and you get a picture of the kind of magical thinking, the sheer ingenuous creativity that is Gemini.

With the moon in Gemini, we are naturally oriented to move between intellectual realities—and yet for all our mental processing, the conscious expression of this astrological placement would be to arrive at something that resembles a decision; a perspective; a point of reference.

This year’s Gemini New Moon (June 5th at 15 degrees) is an opportunity to get CLEAR about what to do next, particularly in regard to our personal CREATIVITY. Our relationship to our creativity and our relationships to the people who either bring the juiciness out or just suck the fun out of it will also be highlighted.

Prior to the Moon and the Sun joining forces, Venus will have been moving alongside the Sun in Gemini all week to clarify a connection between what we think we want, what kinds of interaction our personality craves, and if we are living this truth.

Venus in Gemini isn’t as sentimental as it is logical. Information is valued. Ideas are valued. The sensible application of the two is valued. At this time, it will seem like simple logic to do away with what no longer tickles your fancy. Seriously. If you’re not being stimulated, excited, and delighted, then it’s a time to think about why, and which part of your personality is being ignored.

This Gemini New Moon is also precipitated by a GRAND MUTABLE CROSS. What the heck is that? Why does it matter? What will it mean?! Well, to get technical about it, this cross is a squaring of energy—a confrontation so to speak—of four planets in all four mutable signs: Sun/Venus/Moon in Gemini in opposition to Saturn in Sagittarius meets Jupiter in Virgo in opposition to Neptune in Pisces. PHEW!

This configuration is not meant to confuse but to bring you closer to what is, what isn’t and what will continue to be true for you. A Grand Cross asks us to deal with conflicting realities head on to create one NEW one. Unsettling? Sure. Scary? No. Just be prepared to make BIG decisions this summer…decisions that will carry you into a whole new creative cycle.

In beginning this self-enquiry, included below are some questions to aid you in a journaling ritual this Gemini New Moon. Engage. Keep it real with yourself. And keep in mind, with Neptune about to go retrograde June 13, your answers may not appear logical to anyone but you—so simply follow your OWN intuition.

This your opportunity to clear the decks, to create as much clarity as possible, and make room for some brilliant breakthroughs.

*These are suggestions for your SUN SIGN. However, if you know which house in your chart the New Moon will take place in, take this into consideration too.

**As much as Gemini rules writing and self-reflective journaling it also rules conversation. Cerebral discussions, heart-to-hearts, and astrological and/or tarot consultations of all kinds are favored right now. The key is to make this energy work FOR you, so don’t get dragged around by the universe. Get in the middle of it. Think about it. DO something about it.

:: ARIES :: 
Where am I channeling my mental energy? Where am I getting lost in mindless chatter? How can I speak more of my truth? What mental myths need to be dismantled? How can I see the bigger picture, and why it is so important for me to trust my intuition right now?

:: TAURUS :: 
How am I spending my time? How can I re-organize my priorities to align with my values? To what extent am I aware of my financial reality, and do I recognize where I need to depend more on my own resourcefulness?

:: GEMINI :: 
Am I always tapping into ways of doing my own unique thing? Where am I shutting down in fear of being heard or seen? Who am I placing too much value in? With Sun/Moon/Venus in Gemini, it’s time to learn and love all of YOU.

:: CANCER :: 
What needs to be retrieved from my imagination? Where is my lack of faith? When did I stop believing in the impossible? Where am I living in a state of mistrust?

:: LEO :: 
Who truly inspires me? How can I be an inspiration to my friends? Where can I take the lead more, and when do I find myself blindly following along with others?

:: VIRGO :: 
Who am I finally and fully expanding into becoming? Do I see the beauty in the big changes and encounters that life has gifted me with? What am I taking for granted? Is it time to release my grip on something or someone?

:: LIBRA :: 
Where are the holes in my own belief system? How can I patch them up? What new lessons does my life want me to incorporate? Where do I stand on forgiveness?

:: SCORPIO :: 
When was the last time I let myself fall in love? Do I continue to value what the experience of love honestly offers me? When was the last time I gave myself permission to feel grounded and whole?

Am I living up to my word? What have I become responsible for? Where can I lighten up my load? With Saturn in Sagittarius you may be taking on more than you need to. Consider: what structures serve me and which can I release?

In what ways do I consider myself to be spiritual? Do I know how to take a time-out and spend time alone with myself? How does it feel to be in my body these days? Am I truly thriving and enjoying my day-to-day?

What can I use to express myself creatively? How can I update my personal toolbox? Do I trust myself enough to truly honor and express my unique gifts? Who invigorates the deepest parts of me? Where am I being drained?

:: PISCES :: 
How can I feel more securely connected to my roots? Am I allowing myself to fully let go of memories and people who haunt me? What takes up space in my heart—and what can I let go? How am I sacrificing myself to please others?

To book a reading with Hannah Ariel contact: [email protected]