The 2019 Gemini New brings an opportunity to get really clear about where you’re at. Sandy Sitron explains how …

2019 Gemini New Moon The Numinous Sandy Sitron
Photo: Matt Palmer

Moon New Moon // June 3 2019 // 6:02am ET // 12 degrees Gemini

You flounder through a hazy field in early morning. Dewy grass folds under your bare feet. Your visibility is low. The smell of soil and flora overpowers. There isn’t anywhere you need to be. But you feel lost because there are no landmarks, just the sweet scent of the cloud that surrounds you.

This story symbolizes what it’s like to try to think clearly during the 2019 Gemini New Moon. In this image there’s no logical pathway that will save you from the mental fog. No breadcrumb trail of thoughts will lead you to a definite conclusion.

Your brain is very active. You may have many thoughts streaming, but they aren’t linear and logical. There is a sense that you need to figure something out, but you are surrounded by fog and indecision. The answers are just out of reach. There are no landmarks or decisions in your sightline.

But what you do have is a chance to change how you talk to yourself. This is a ripe opportunity to be with yourself and hear yourself. Instead of trying to get somewhere in the fog, ask some questions:

– What might help this overactive mind?

– What repeating thought is holding me back from finding a path forward?

– What am I ready to stop worrying about?

At it’s very best, Gemini represents clarity. But the 2019 Gemini New Moon is in a tricky t-square with foggy Neptune and a potentially overzealous Jupiter. So you might think you have a clear idea, only to find that you got carried away in the moment. Instead of rushing forward, slow down and set careful intentions instead. You might choose to set intentions around these Gemini themes:

– Self-awareness

– Curiosity + learning

– How you communicate with yourself

– How you communicate with others

If you are experiencing mental discomfort (aka too many thoughts swirling, lack of clarity), try to remember your values. What is the big picture purpose that can help guide you through the fog? If you are in a mental haze, try to connect with your intuition. Stop trying to “know” and just be. Meditate. It might be an active meditation with lots of ideas clamoring for your attention, but that’s okay.

The way to thrive is to listen to the cacophony of your thoughts without attachment. Enjoy the sensations of your present moment and accept where you are. Give yourself a new breadcrumb trail to follow. Set intentions that will help you think about yourself in a new way. When the fog lifts, you’ll find that you are more clear than you ever were before.


New Moon square Neptune
A gatekeeper who speaks in riddles.
Do you feel stumped by an unanswerable riddle? If so, take your time. If you wait long enough, you’ll find another way to achieve your goal. The riddle is a decoy. Soon, you’ll understand that it wasn’t that complicated. So just wait for the gatekeeper to take a bathroom beak, and then you can walk right past your confusion.


New Moon opposition Jupiter
A sundial.
A sundial can tell the time, but it doesn’t work in the fog. You are being asked to find your own inner guidance that will help you no matter what the external conditions are. To achieve this goal, you have to know your own truth and be motivated by your own values. If you find yourself relying on others for direction, you’ll feel like a sundial in the fog. But if you light up your own path, you’ll always find your way and know where you stand.


The 2019 Aries New Moon is turning the ignition on our most inspired intentions. Use it to spark up a whole new phase, says Sandy Sitron

2019 Aries New Moon Sandy Sitron The Numinous
Photo: Anderson Rian

New Moon // April 05 2019 // 4:52 am EDT // 15 degrees Aries

You can’t see this New Moon, but it will be your vehicle. It is as if you are turning the key in the ignition for the first time.

Now you get to hear the engine turn over.

You get a spark.

What do you want to spark in your life?

What are you ready to turn over?

What part of you is coming to life?

On Friday April 5th at 4:52 am EDT, we have a New Moon in Aries. At any New Moon, the Moon has retreated into the shadows. It doesn’t reflect light outwardly. This is a quiet time to retreat within and reflect on your internal process.

The Sun and Moon are lined up in the first sign of the zodiac. Aries is the sign of action and being. Aries energy is not aligned with thinking, reflecting, and analyzing. Aries wants to drive, to spark, to act, to express. Creativity and spontaneity are what feel good and work best during Aries season. 

So, at this is a quiet and inwardly reflective New Moon, how can you take all this promise of inspired action, and plant it like a seed within yourself?

This is the time to set intentions for how you want to be, act, and do. It is truly a fresh start. Begin this process in your imagination. Write down your new goals, commitments, and dreams and then give them to the Moon. How do you want to live? 

With the 2019 Aries New Moon making a square to Saturn, notice how you might tend to limit these dreams. Limiting your goals to what is “practical” is not going to help you ignite! A fire doesn’t analyze and plan as it burns. It simply consumes the material it has access to and dances as wildly as it can.

The energy of this New Moon feels a little irresponsible. But the square to Saturn says tells us that restraint is necessary. Integrate this contradiction is a way that works for you.

One way could be to set intentions that are based in the concepts of Love and Action. Let these tenets guide you, and you will be doing the best you can for yourself and others.

Because this is a fiery and action-oriented New Moon, it’s important to remember that the seeds of our intentions cannot only be planted in the mind. The mind is too dry to germinate to new life. Your intentions must take root in your heart. You have to feel your intentions, and hold them, and imagine yourself living them.

Warm them up and incubate them in the fires of this 2019 Aries New Moon.

Set intentions for how you want to live. 

Over the past weeks, you’ve had so much time to drift and dream. At times, with the Sun, Mercury, and Neptune in Pisces, you may even have felt as if you were trapped in a murky, muddy puddle, unable to truly move forward.

It could still feel like you are suspended in an extended sleep, but look more closely. Something is stirring. Like a baby waking up, this awakening may happen slowly. A shift of body weight. A stretch and a sneeze. Finally, once consciousness has fully arrived, a scream!

There you are, stretching, slowly awakening to this new beginning. Allow your own wild yell be a way to you remind yourself you are alive.

And now that you are awake, out all the energy you’ve cultivated during your slumber into getting this new phase going. Power up your being with intentions rooted in Love and Action. Turn the key in the ignition, then put your foot on the gas.


New Moon square Saturn

Dry crunchy cereal. The kind that cuts the roof of your mouth, just enough to be uncomfortable. But you keep eating anyway. You need to do something healthy for yourself. You need to figure out what is really going to work for your body, for your community and for your world.

You may be a little uncomfortable in the process. But that doesn’t mean you should avoid the task at hand. Find sweetness where you can, and keep chewing. Keep doing the work you need to do. Eventually you’ll see the positive changes take shape. And it will all be worth it.


The Wheel of Fortune is showing we’re exactly where we’re supposed to be—the perfect place from which to set our intentions for 2018, says Melinda Lee Holm


Nine of Cups is the “wishing card”, and it’s asking us to lean in to our intentions, says Lindsay Mack


The Virgo New Moon Eclipse is an invitation to refine and redesign your world from the inside out, says Sandra Sitron. Artwork: Anastasia Borowska

Virgo New Moon Eclipse 2016 illustration girl The Numinous

We have a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees Virgo on Thursday, September 1st at 5:03 am ET

The New Moon is a chance to start fresh. And THIS New Moon coincides with a Solar Eclipse, which also speaks to new beginnings. At the time of a Solar Eclipse, we collectively experience a massive reset. If we want to follow the flow of this energy, it is a time to be quiet and feel into where we are ready to make a fresh start.

Occurring in Virgo, the cosmos suggests that this fresh start may be in the area of Self-Improvement. Virgo refines, refines, and refines some more. And Virgo practices. With each new approach Virgo makes practical adaptations and adjustments. Because Virgo is an Earth sign, the focus here is on improving anything that is of the material world. Our health. The environment. The work that we do to sustain ourselves.

I have the sense that this Virgo New Moon Eclipse as being like the moment just before conception. No plans have been made. The DNA has not yet been arranged. We are in the space between breaths; a moment that is at once empty and full of promise. Virgo is so practical, so earthly, and so full of thoughts. This New Moon offers a chance for the thoughts to stop and a door to open. So where does the doorway lead?

As you ponder this question, allow yourself as much space as you need. Know that you can change everything or nothing. Give yourself the gift of agency and of vision. Start asking yourself questions and writing intentions. Know that anything is possible. When you write an intention, imagine how it would feel if that intention were actualized. Muster up this feeling with high-emotion and sit with it momentarily.

These questions may help prompt Virgo New Moon intentions…

– What adjustments do you want to make in your habits?
– What adjustments do you want to make in your schedule?
– What adjustments do you want to make in your work?

If your body could talk, what would IT say to you? What does your body need? Write a letter addressed from your body to yourself. And now ask…

– What is the smallest change you can make to improve your health?
– What would support you most in creating positive changes in your life?
– What is one thing you can easily shift to make your life more efficient?
– What is one thing taking up your time and energy that is not a priority? Can you change it?


The Stellium in Virgo
The concentric circles of a ripple in water.
The Moon joins the Sun, North Node, Jupiter and Mercury, all clustered in the sign of Virgo. A grouping of planets and points like this is called a Stellium. A Stellium creates a powerful focus of energy. This energy says: In this fresh start we reflect (Mercury Retrograde,) we expand (Jupiter) and we align with our purpose (North Node). Underlying all of this, we are making practical adjustments that bring us closer to our Earthly ideals (Virgo).

The symbol of the ripple in water shows us how powerful and focused this energy is. What intention caused the ripple in the water? How far will it reach? For there to be a ripple in water, the water must be still. Virgo energy is hardly ever still. Mutable Virgo energy is represented by the spiral—continuous adjustments to thoughts and actions. Part of Virgo medicine is the practice of mindfulness. Stilling the waves of the mind through meditation is a critical piece in the Virgo story. This stellium helps us create mindfulness and set focused new intentions for reflection, expansion and alignment with purpose. Then we can watch the ripples change our lives.


The New Moon is in a T-Square with Mars, Saturn and Neptune. A T-Square is an aspect pattern (two squares and an opposition), that looks like an arrow in the sky. It is tension that provokes action. By design, it helps us motivate. The stimulus to motivation is the challenge.

The New Moon Square Saturn and Mars
An arrow flies into the wind.
The arrow in flight is us being brought to emotional action. We can no longer deny our needs. We can no longer deny who we are. We must come to some sort of confrontation with the wind. We are moving through the wind and yet it pushes against us, restricting and blocking. Through the restriction we grow stronger. We need the restriction. We need the confrontation. We need to move through it so that we can finally see the truth.

The New Moon Opposite Neptune
A jigsaw puzzle falls to the floor.
We see the truth but then it vanishes. Or we create a picture of the truth and then realize that it was not real. We need to look and look again. We need to pick up the pieces and decide how they fit together. Maybe they create a different picture than the one we thought we saw. We need to do the work of fitting the pieces together one by one so that we can move toward the big picture that we desire.

This aspect tantalizes us with fantasy. Fantasy is how we manifest what we desire. Yet fantasy is also a construction of our subconscious. If we fantasize without practicing mindfulness, we will falter. If we create stories that are based on unexamined and outdated subconscious beliefs we will be continuously starting the puzzle from scratch.


So in the dark of this Virgo New Moon eclipse, sit and quiet your mind. Create a fantasy that reflects your truth. This will be your vision. Put it together piece by piece. Watch as the arrow gains strength and speed. Watch as the ripples of your intentions cause positive change. Pause in this moment before conception, practice stillness, and then use the below mantra for your sign to practice the art of refinement.

Aries :: Aries Rising
“My habits feel healthy and mindful. I enjoy efficiency in my daily life.”

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
“I am a conscious creator. I live a joyous and abundant existence.”

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
“I create a warm and loving nest. I nurture myself and I feel supported.”

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
“I am curious and playful.”

Leo :: Leo Rising
“I feel abundant and easeful. I believe in my inherent worth.”

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
“I fan the fire of my individuality. I am just as I need to be. All is well.”

Libra :: Libra Rising
“I am always connected because all of life is connected.”

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
“I encourage my hopes, dreams and aspirations. I envision a bright future for the collective.”

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
“I align easily with my purpose. I am moving forward.”

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
“I seek new philosophies.”

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
“I trust that I am safe to feel my feelings.”

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
“I am supported in relationship.”


The energy of Sagittarius Full Moon is here to encourage you to go out and have fun. So step outside of your comfort zone, and see what the Universe has in store for you, says Hannah Ariel

sagittarius full moon 2016 on The Numinous

With the Sagittarius Full Moon, we’re turned on and tuned in to our inner visionary; the archer that shoots beyond the Moon, the courageous voice that resides within, reminding us that we are always on a journey—and we that have what it takes even when we think we aren’t “getting it” or we are “missing the point.” When we feel challenged from all ends of the spectrum.

Sagittarius tells us to keep it up, keep going—because there’s something here for you. With the Sagittarius Full Moon, there is a heightened awareness of how we are experiencing (or lacking) the faith that is totally necessary for us to keep going, keep reaching. And it certainly hasn’t been an easy ride lately.

The energy of the May 6 Taurus New Moon dealt with the grounded, earthly facets of our lives. It inspired a manifestation process that has asked us to take it easy, one step at a time, and amid a myriad of retrograde energies that have thrown us emotional curveballs left and right. The sagittarius Full Moon is here to lift our spirits in the face of hard work, emotional work, and spiritual work.

It there’s one thing to know about the Sagittarius Full Moon, it’s that your your willingness to keep your head high and your eyes forward is required; that your confidence, your inspiration, and your vision is truly essential. This moon needs you to work yourself up to a state of full-fledged faith in whatever project you are currently involving your energy with.

Because chances are, with four planets still in retrograde, you may still be riddled with some doubts—doubts that are keeping you from fully giving yourself over to the manifestation process and getting what the Taurus New Moon in Taurus signified you truly want and need from this cycle of energy.

So here we are, May 21, just a day after the Sun enters Gemini, with the moon reaching its peak fullness on the very first degree of Sagittarius—making an EXACT conjunction with MARS also in Sag. This signals an awakening, since there is a “fighting spirit” to this degree. According to Dane Rudhyar, the first degree of Sagittarius reaffirms our capacity to remember previous achievements in the face of adversity, even achievements experienced by past generations. There is something seriously spiritually uplifting about this degree!

Just imagine, for a moment, that at this point in your journey you are being supported by the visions of your ancestors—all the people that came before you to help bring you to this point in time to do what you came here to do. This first degree of Sag, where the full moon and Mars retrograde will meet, “implies a special kind of fire that burns the now to build a greater tomorrow. It is future oriented—refers to the very power implied in the process of civilization—the perpetuation of the spirit of struggle,” writes Rudhyar.

If you feel like you’ve been struggling, know that you’re so not alone; and that you are about to be SO empowered by this Sagittarius Full Moon!

At this time, also keep in mind the power of being connected to other people. With the Sun in Gemini, we may be reminded how some of the most incredible opportunities arrive when we just get out there and mingle with the whims of the Universe, when we aren’t afraid to let go our way of doing things, when we step outside ourselves, and communicate our process and ideas with friends and neighbors.

The energy of this Sagittarius Full Moon feels like the friend who encourages you to go out to ‘the party’ with them, even when you’re not ‘in the mood’—only to go on ahead, and find exactly what you’ve been looking for to help you in your process. The invitation now is to experience opportunities seemingly MEANT for you that you’d never have stumbled across if you hadn’t listened to the voice that said: “c’mon, it’ll be fun!”

Also, as a reminder, lucky Jupiter went direct at the beginning of this cycle, another reason to get that bright-eyed optimism back online. Sure, Jupiter is also squaring Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius, confronting us with our capacity to remain optimistic even in the face of limitations. But you’ve got nothing to lose by staying positive. Jupiter goes forward as Saturn moves backward, so instead of looking to where things went wrong in the past, have faith and look to where things are going right.

If you’ve been honoring your Taurus New Moon intentions and have been carefully plodding away at a task, this could be your big breakthrough—or a reminder of how much others are there for you, whatever your manifestation mission may be. What began with a material outlook may very well reveal a whole new spiritual understanding of what you are capable of as a human being among other human beings.

Look for events around this Sagittarius Full Moon to show you where you need to give yourself an extra push forward, or find a friend to remind you: “c’mon it’ll be fun.” It’s Sagittarius, after all!

To book a personal reading with Hannah Ariel email: [email protected]


This lunar cycle, you might feel unstoppable. Master your energies during this Aquarius New Moon to set your intentions for the months ahead, says Hannah Ariel.

Aquarius new moon Feb 2016 on The Numinous

This is the New Moon that may have you feeling it’s now or never – and, it may as well be! The nature of an Aquarius New Moon is idiosyncratic – how it speaks to you will be different from how it speaks to another, and yet one message is clear: something has to change. Aquarius is revolutionary – this energy waits for no one, trusting its own clarity of mind to distinguish what needs to happen next for the future’s sake. Once a year the timing is just right to set intentions that you want to see have a ripple effect – the boundaries of time reach far into the future. Something’s gotta give and the time is NOW.

Sometimes, events set off by an Aquarius New Moon may appear to occur “out of the blue” – really, these events occur as an expression of the Sun being in Aquarius, energizing you with a liberating energy that allows you to recognize your right to experience your own personal freedom – to detach you from all that is keeping you from awakening to the truth that, at any given time, if something needs to be innovated, released, said, done, or acted upon IT CAN. It’s like the moment you restart your computer or refresh your browser; it doesn’t necessarily matter what you were up to just moments before because, in an instant, it’s going to be about how you use your energy, the technology, now. That’s how progressive this moon will be.

With a revitalizing boost from two major planetary forces, this Aquarius New Moon can make you unstoppable. You will be energized to make resolute shifts in both your perceptions and actions at once. Uranus in Aries urges; innovate NOW, open your mind to the prospect of what is possible for you personally. And Saturn in Sagittarius reminds; the dharma of these days is to create structures that will support your future’s expansion. With these two in trine with one another, and in a working sextile with the moon on February 8th, there is nothing and nobody standing in your way but potentially your own indifference. Otherwise, it is GO time.

In the background, Venus, Mercury and Pluto are all going direct in Capricorn, offering us profound realizations regarding our attachments and whether or not they are serving or detracting from the Plutonian soul-path we’re on. Since Capricorn does come before Aquarius think of this time as a “cleaning of the closet” – an opportunity to mentally get on board with the transformations you may be experiencing in relationships, as well as other Venus related matters. Venus in Capricorn speaks to your financial security and your ability to attract what you need by acknowledging your own authority and accountability.

Know that accountability, self-mastery, self-trust and inner resolve will indeed be major themes now, as this lunar cycle is also being driven by a square from Mars in Scorpio. Give deliberate attention to the Scorpio area of your personal chart as lessons here will have EXTENSIVE influence on how your intentions play out over the next few months, as Mars will be journeying in and out of Scorpio for quite some time.

To delve further, if you recall from 2012-2015, when Saturn cut through the constellation of Scorpio, we were taught some serious lessons around how we merge our energy with other people, places, resources, ideologies; you name it. These were transformative years where we learned the energetic power of boundaries. Life forced us to get real and see where we may have unconsciously been giving our power away, undermining our deeper desires and truths out of fear of losing control altogether; over these years, we were cracked open in order to understand what gives us LIFE.

Well, these lessons will come up again now, but this time, with Mars in the driving seat, we have an amazing opportunity to liberate and take conscious action to create more a more sophisticated intimacy with our vitality. We will be compelled to give these inner lessons shape in our external world. With Mars square the Aquarius New Moon there is an enormous amount of energy available now, before Mars goes retrograde in April, to choose what stays and what must go once and for all – may it be a lover, a destructive habit, an unhealthy belief about yourself – you can let it go now. It’s done. Refresh the page. Get something else going that will strengthen your will more than ever before.

The future is all that matters now. And not to forget, the most sincere and beautiful quality of Aquarian energy is that it is concerned with creating a future that is being created for the beneficial good of all. It is pure good will. So, whatever you begin, end, or claim in this lunar cycle will be most empowered if it contributes to the prosperity of the collective in the long run. Have a wild idea about where you belong? What to launch next? How you can help someone? Who you have the power to be? How your own story can inspire others? Give it a go. Free yourself, master your energies and you may, in a very Aquarian fashion, be shocked to find how much others needed you to do so.

For a personal reading with Hannah Ariel email: [email protected]


Daring greatly, a new favorite movie, some high-vibe gifts, a LOT of cosmic reading, and a 1/1 NYC tradition…

Ruby Warrington founder of The Numinous in her Yarnlight Collective healing scarf


:: MONDAY ::
In Berlin, celebrating Christmas #2 with my brother and his family (inc. my baby nephew Henry, see below!) Already deep into my internal review of 2015 – a majorly transitional year for me and pretty much everybody I know – I spent most of the time between swigs of gluhwein with my nose in Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly, which I have finally got around to reading since “daring greatly” is essentially what the lessons of 2015 have suggested I will be spending most of 2016 doing. A favorite take-away for you today – Brene’s definition of spirituality: “Not religiosity, but the deeply held belief that we are inextricably connected to one another by a force greater than ourselves – a force grounded in love and compassion.” So simple, so heart-shudderingly effective.

Me and Baby Henry
Me and Baby Henry

Bagged an actual bone fide upgrade into business on the flight back to NYC! But then I should have seen it coming – I’d been seeing angel numbers all day. We even departed from gate 22 at Heathrow, the number for manifesting your highest ideals and desires 😉 I had been planning to use the flight to get back on top of my email inbox, but decided to kick back and enjoy the hospitality instead. Which meant discovering The End of the Tour, a film telling the story of the five-day interview between Rolling Stone reporter David Lipsky (Jesse Eisenberg) and acclaimed novelist David Foster Wallace (Jason Segal). MUST SEE ALERT for some of the best quotes on celluloid about life, the Universe, and everything.

Returned home to some bonus holiday gifts in the mail, woot! From Numinous contributor Wolf Sister, a dark and mysterious chunk of Nuummite crystal (a personal power stone for accessing inner gifts, um hello daring greatly) and a vial of her signature Wolf Juice crystal tincture. And from Yarnlight Collective designer Adam Jones, a healing energy-infused meditation shawl from his latest collection (see main image). Just perfect since one of my other 2016 intentions is to finally learn TM.

With my mind on those intentions, I got stuck into the plethora of cosmic year-ahead reading material that had been landing in my inbox all week. Namely, Louise Androlia’s 2016 Tarotscopes; The Astro Twins 2016 Planetary Planner; Gala Darling’s Radical Self-Love Almanac; the new year ‘scopes from Chani Nicholas; Hannah Ariel’s new year mantra from our own weekly newsletter (sign-up in the side-bar); and Felicia Bender’s reading of 2016 as a Universal “9” year in numerology (check back here tomorrow to read her post). Phew that’s a LOT of information! And having crosschecked a lot of the info, for me so much of it comes back to one key theme – as summed up by my “Secret Soul Message” from Louise’s Tarotscopes: “It’s time to get super friendly with your fears” (a.k.a. daring greatly).

2016 tarotscopes by Louise Androlia on The Numinous

:: FRIDAY ::
That’s today, and here’s the plan: my husband (a.k.a. The Pisces) and I will be engaging in what’s become something of a 1/1 tradition since we moved to NYC four years ago – a four/five-hour mega-walk over the bridges and around the edges of Manhattan, talking out and writing down our intentions, hopes and fears for the new year and sending them into the Hudson river as we go. As well as the daring greatly, here are a few that have already come up for me this week:

Be the lynchpin in healing some of my family’s “stuff”
Get my US drivers license
Get coached
Forgive and accept my binge / purge personality
Go to Hawaii
Get back off sugar
Learn to take better selfies (see main pic)
Retrain my inner perfectionist to work for me instead of against me

How about you? For me, the new year isn’t about “wiping the slate clean” or a “new start,” but a man-made opportunity to check in with where I’m at on my journey and make any necessary adjustments to the co-ordinates. Happy sailing, tribe.


The Indian festival of Navaratri begins today, and is a nine-day opportunity to work with the Goddess Energy of the Divine Feminine to amplify your personal power. Anita Kaushal explains how…

navarati feature on The Numinous

Autumn signals colder, darker nights and this can leave many of us feeling physically and emotionally fatigued. At times of weakness we need to summon strength and this can take many forms. So it’s fortunate that Tuesday 13th October signals the start of Navaratri – the nine-day Indian festival devoted to Durga – the Goddess of Shakti, or power and strength.

Nava-ratri translates to ‘nav’ meaning nine, ‘ra’ meaning night and ‘tri’ meaning the three aspects of mind, body and soul. This festival happens twice a year – in spring to celebrate sowing seeds, and autumn, when we reap the harvest. The exact dates are determined by the lunar calendar and the celebrations pay homage to the three aspects of Goddess Durga – as Kali, Lakshmi and Saraswati. Together the three aspects of Durga represent the Divine Feminine energy that creates all that is. Here we share with you how you can tap into the Divine at this sacred time, and in doing so supercharge your inner strength to bring you greater fulfillment and peace.

:: October 13-15 ::
For the first three nights of Navaratri, meditate on the destructive aspect of Durga as Kali – a symbol of change, power, creation, preservation and back to destruction. Here we see Kali as the destroyer of ego, the mind-made personality that cultivates fear based thinking, leading to anger, greed and hatred. However, this is not a time to deny these aspects of your personality, as to deny is to strengthen. Instead use this time to reach a greater understanding of when and where these mind-made habits took form and how they are triggered in the present.

Cultivate the understanding that you are not these labels, and allow the feelings to come and then go. Thank these feelings for bringing you closer to the aspects you wish to cultivate, which represent your true nature. Let Kali guide you to turn anger into patience, greed into trust and hatred into love. Above all this is a time to simply surrender, knowing that nothing is permanent. Kali is often depicted with her tongue hanging out and you may know this stance from yoga – you exhale the negative and let it go.

:: October 16-18 ::
Spend the next three nights meditating upon the Divine Mother as Lakshmi – the Goddess of Abundance. Depicted with four arms, sitting resplendent on a full-bloomed lotus with gold coins cascading from her hands, Lakshmi represents the beauty and bounty of nature. Her four arms represent the four ends of human life: “dharma” or righteousness, “kama” or desire, “artha” or wealth, and “moksha” or liberation from the cycle of birth and death. This is the perfect time to connect to your heart space and get clear on what abundance means to you.

Trust that the abundance meant for you cannot be taken away, and is simply waiting until you are ready to receive the download and that can only happen when you get clear and free from free of fear. During these three days, give freely of all you would love to receive. Nurture yourself by creating sacred space for beautifying, balancing rituals, buy yourself something special and then wear it – special occasion or not! Savor good food, give compliments and be open to receiving them too – this is the time to feel abundant with all your being. And if you don’t do it already, now is the time to start a gratitude journal – fill it with all you already feel grateful for and watch it multiply.

:: October 19-21 ::
On the final three nights, meditate upon the Divine Feminine as the wisdom-bestowing aspect known as Saraswati. The Hindu goddess of knowledge, music, arts and wisdom, Saraswati brings the joy of learning and of self-realisation. This is an excellent time to sign up for a course, read inspiring articles, read a translated version of the Gayatri Mantra to further deepen your knowledge and create a mediate practice.

Equally, it is a time to create a ‘to don’t list’! Learning should be fun and if you have a long list that is not getting done, ask yourself if you ever really wanted to do it in the first place? Why set yourself up to fail? Who are you proving things to and for? Use this time to truly connect to what you want and give up everything else. Think about all the lessons you have learnt and give thanks for growing wisdom.

Throughout the nine days of Navaratri, focus on breathing as an opportunity to inhale the qualities you wish to nurture and exhale the qualities that no longer serve you. Traditionally, the 10th day concludes by offering nine girls from the local neighbourhood treats of some kind, be it sweets and clothing – to symbolize an offering to the Divine Goddesses. We offer gratitude to the Divine Mother and celebrate in a state of sat-chit-ananda, or truth-consciousness-bliss, and conclude with Vijayadasami (Vijay – victory, and dasami – tenth day), symbolizing the victory of the Goddess over all demonic forces. Think about the small but significiant victories you have made as you have focused on Durga, and give thanks for how far you have come.

Anita Kaushal is the founder of Ayurveda-inspired natural beauty line Mauli Rituals. Find out more about her and her journey at the link, and follow her @mauli_rituals.


This New Moon in Libra is gifting us the tools to fashion a beautiful and empowering reality, says Hannah Ariel Eckhaus. PLUS a Kundalini meditation to aid the process. Image: Mellisa Ristine

new moon in libra October 12 2015 post on The Numinous
Image: Mellisa Ristine

Monday October 12th we are being delivered an opportunity to get real clear, real fast! We are being gifted a liberating new moon at 19 degrees of Libra. What makes this New Moon particularly ripe with potential for intentions to fly is that it’s taking place in direct opposition to innovative Uranus in Aries! Uranus is THE liberator. Uranian energy is radically electric, vertical like lightening, offering us “ah-hah” moments like we’ve never had before.

Libra is an intellectual air sign so our conscious thoughts count big time right now. The New Moon in Libra appears to be asking not just for our intentions but our attention. Especially when it comes to seeing how our inner thoughts correlate and compose our external reality. After all, what is suggested to us in our thoughts defines all the actions we take in our waking life.

Post-eclipse season, this New Moon in Libra will ideally help us to fashion new, focused thought forms, that will in turn lead us into a new, focused reality! A reality that reflects a recently realized new ideal regards your identity – a part of yourself that perhaps you’ve compromised or forgotten over time in order to follow preconceived social graces. After all, Libra rules relationships, balance, posture – this sign is master in the art of appearances. The New Moon in Libra couldn’t be more happy to help liberate you, with the reminder that the way things appear absolutely depends on your direct participation.

There is always so much more going on beneath the surface. The key is to remain clear and calm enough in your reality so that your intentions can propel you forward into situations and relationships that will support what you have in mind for the future. What is being presented to you? And where do you really stand on this? If you don’t know, then how then how can you move forward in a way that will support you?

Now, through the astrological energy surrounding the New Moon itself, it’s as if the Universe is handing us the tools to answer these questions ever so quickly. Uranus, Pluto, Venus and Mercury are all here at work, to aid in the manifestation of a reality based on the genius, beautiful ideal within you! The opposition to Uranus is all about cracking open the code of what needs to happen next; the brilliant “oh my goodness!” moment, where the truth becomes strikingly clear.

At the same time, Pluto will be squaring this Moon. Pluto energy deals with subconscious patterns so ingrained, we can no longer remember when they became habitual. Pluto in aspect to this New Moon in Libra will be to our advantage, empowering us to break down deep rooted, re-occurring thought patterns that are, in all actuality, no longer serving our highest aspirations. Especially in regard to relationships. Especially in regard to what feels harmonious.

This may not feel as “nice” as Libra would like at first, but Pluto and Uranus absolutely will make sure that your New Moon intentions begin a process helps reorder our reality to illustrates a new ideal, one that you will be proud to look at from an objective point of view.

Along with these power players, Venus and Mercury are currently involved in what is called a “mutual reception” – when two planets are in one another’s signs of rulership. While Libra energy is ruled by Venus; Virgo energy is ruled by Mercury. Currently, Mercury is in Libra while Venus is in Virgo, ultimately activating the circuitry of our consciousness in a way that will assist our thoughts to better reflect our true values.

Also, Mercury will be conjunct the North Node at this time. Meaning, our destiny is in motion and it is utterly up to us to be clear in our thinking now, as it is the clarity and co-operation of our thoughts that will lead us forward. Prioritize and remain focused on what creates harmony – what sings to your inner self? What did you learn about yourself during that Aries Full moon eclipse? This is prime opportunity to put all your recent epiphanies to good use! Venus in Virgo is an earthbound energy that takes great satisfaction in arranging the details to serve a greater purpose. What details do you want to pay attention to?

Post eclipse season; post Mercury and Venus retrograde; it’s time to break on through to the other side of self-doubt and self-evasive compromise. Remain alert to your most beautiful ideal. Now, offer yourself a chance to see it through in reality.

A kundalini meditation designed to particularly detox the mind each morning is Sodarshan Chakra Kriya. In the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, Sodarshan Chakra Kriya is: “one of the greatest meditations you can practice. It has considerable transformative powers…giving the individual a new perspective on the Self. It retrains the mind…it can purify your past karma and subconscious impulses that may block you from fulfilling you…it balances mental projection…establishes inner happiness and a state of flow and ecstasy in life.”

What tools help keep your thoughts and intentions clear? Join the conversation in the comments below, and connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!