Cast and channeled by Lindsay Mack, using The Starchild Tarot

Ace of Swords, rx

Ace of Swords reversed might not be the sexiest card to kick the new year off with, but it is arguably the most valuable. You are moving through some deeply important shifts this month, Capricorn, ones that will have an effect on the remainder of your year. Ace of Swords reversed is inviting you to get clear on where you might be self sabotaging, resisting your expansion, or letting yourself be swayed by negative, low vibrational energy. You are on the verge of a HUGE expansion, loves, one that will powerfully transform your life for the better. You cannot really move forward into that expansion without inquiring about whether your thoughts and impulses are in alignment. Even if the untrue thoughts continue to swirl around, it’s okay—you will be clear, and that will make all the difference.

It is time for an intentional pause in your life, one that will enable you to truly take stock of any areas in which you are living in fear as opposed to truth. To do so will be tough, maybe intense, but the fear is worse than the reality. In other words, Capricorn, your brain is taking you for a little bit of a ride. It might be whispering stories of fear or dread to help keep you smaller, or throwing you off the trail with projects, endeavors and collaborations that are just a distraction for what you really want to do, or from the discomfort of the unknown. You might not be able to see it, or even identify it until you take that pause. If you can give yourself the gift of that, you will be able to get off that ride sooner than you think, opening your life to clarity and expansion.

Ace of Swords rx is one of those cards that can be flipped from reversed to right side up very easily, as long as we inquire. Once you take that step, Capricorn, the month’s energy will shift; what was confusing will become extremely clear, powerful and abundant. Ace of Swords is really a lightning rod for clear connection with Source, allowing us to manifest our brilliant ideas. It is a place of great power, which is why it’s so important for us to be clear when we are in this card. No more forcing, pushing or fear based actions. Take the time to get clear, Capricorn, and everything will start flowing.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Oppression/The Devil

Upon starting to write this Tarotscope for you, Aquarius, Spirit popped in my ear quite loudly and said, “They know what this means already.” So, there you go. I think all of you probably understand why The Devil has come to call on you this month. I think it is showing up for all of you differently at this time—some of you may in fact be lapsing into old addictions, some of you might be experiencing visits from your shadow self, some of you might be in a big cycle of brain chemistry contraction, locked in old thoughts, beliefs or anxieties. Either way, it’s not permanent; you are moving through a process of liberation.

The Devil doesn’t show up because we took a wrong turn, nor does it show up because we get sucked into a cycle of poor judgement and low vibe energy. Far from it. Even if you are engaged in some shadow behavior, there’s a root reason in there somewhere, a cry for that’s going unanswered. That cry might even be the desire to be free, to allow yourself to experience this shadow behavior without self judgement. You are going deep with The Devil this month, Aquarius. There’s nothing to fear—you will learn more about yourself, your brain, and the nature of your addictive cycles than you ever have before. Knowledge is power, so make sure you show up to class.

The Devil is a call to liberation, to free ourselves from the bonds of judgement, guilt, shame and self flagellation when we drift down an old path of addictive energy. The question isn’t, “How can I avoid this? How did I get back here?” The question is, can you let yourself be human? Can you answer the call of that cry within you? Can you forgive yourself? Can you honor the ebbs of flows of this human life, Aquarius? Can you let yourself be perfectly human? Can you allow yourself to be honest, raw, shining in all of your imperfection? If you can bow your head to the cycle that The Devil is highlighting for you, you are already free. The Devil is starting your year off with an incredibly powerful, soul level invitation to love, accept, and honor yourself as you are, Aquarius, however you are. Give yourself the support you need to move through any cycles of addiction, and cut the chain of identification.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Six of Cups

You are moving into the new year on such a beautiful, tender energy, Pisces. Six of Cups has the potential to deeply transform the whole flow of your year—it’s invitation to you is to open your heart, speak your truth, and express yourself vulnerably and courageously. You might be called to revisit old memories, flowing back into a time of nostalgia, whether painful or beautiful. Be willing to look at everything that arises, gently and kindly taking care of your inner child as you do so. There is the potential for much healing and emotional releasing this month, which is wonderful. It can enable us to become even more intimate with ourselves and our inner children, as well as to free up space within us to receive new experiences.

This great wave of expression, truth and experience will dictate the flow of your month, Pisces. You may swirl back and forth from the present moment to the past—there may even be moments where the two seem like they are getting confused with one another. If things become unclear, you can always come back to your heart, to the truth that resides there. If you tune in with that place, the truth of your current experience will always be clear to you. If you withdraw, the month will be more difficult for you. If you lean into your heart and your truth, so much love, support, and abundance will flow your way. Be the fish that you are; go for a deep swim, come back to the shores of your life, reporting on what you’ve seen there, then dive back in.

Six of Cups is an emotional rebirth, in many ways. It can take us back down memory lane, but it’s true invitation is to return to the purity of a child’s heart: free, open, unafraid. It is the place we all lived before we were burdened with heartbreak, sadness, trauma, or grief. For you Pisces, the nostalgia piece is important; there will be a great wisdom in the emotions and memories that flow back up to the surface. Rather than closing up or letting them take you completely under, feel them and tune into what medicine or messages they might have to offer your expansion at this time. Become a deep sea diver of your heart and soul, bringing back treasures to share with everyone in your life.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

The Wheel of Fortune, rx

Happy new year, Aries! What a powerful month you have ahead of you. Simply put, Wheel of Fortune reversed is inviting you to stay centered in the present moment, supporting you in creating the best possible foundation for your intentions to flourish. If you can shift your focus out of the future and into the here and now, you will set the tone for an incredibly abundant year. When delays or confusions arise, consider them little mindfulness bells, bearing messages from Source. Try to find a lightness and curiosity with those moments.

Ask yourself, what needs my attention now? Before you make that million dollars, do you need to open a business banking account? Before you meet your soulmate, do you need to work on receiving? Don’t limit this to romantic love with a partner. What about receiving compliments? Receiving help at work? This isn’t about getting what you want, but rather preparing you for what you have asked for. The more you drift into the future this month, Aries, the more banana peels Wheel of Fortune will slip under your feet to attempt to bring you back to the present moment. The banana peels don’t exist to screw with you—they exist to help you see things from a different perspective. We go from walking on two legs to flat on our back in a moment! There is a treasure here; it is the Universe trying to get your attention.

Your biggest invitation, Aries, is to not miss these signs. If we don’t consider the gift of the banana peel, we will continue to get caught in delay and distraction, not to mention victimhood and story. If we can honor the initial feelings that arise as we lay there, then actually find a way to laugh about it—we have succeeded in working with the moment! Then, perhaps, we might open our eyes and see a beautiful sunset that we weren’t noticing because we were lost in the future. We might even fold our hands behind our head, silently thanking the banana peel for the reminder that we need to rest, opening up to the fullness of the moment. In other words, Aries, your response to the present moment is dictating your future outcome, so be here now. If you can work with the complex energy of the Wheel of Fortune reversed, you will have a very bountiful year on your hands.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Knight of Wands

Damn, Taurus! What an crackling energy to set the tone of the new year! Knight of Wands is ruled by fire and air. This card’s electric energy brings with it a heart centered heat, leaving a trail of passion, sexuality and joy wherever it goes. This energy loves to be seen, to feel itself, to be front and center—to take action and look good doing it. Your invitation this month, Taurus, will be to plug into this frequency and allow it to permeate into your life. Knight of Wands energy could show up for you professionally, personally, and/or romantically. No matter what, don’t limit yourself.

Let this month be the alchemical shift it is meant to be for your whole sign’s expansion. Your only task, and it is a big one, is to blow past any fear or resistance to these energies and to courageously step up into your fullest expansion. No more playing small, being afraid to take up space, or dimming your light down for others. Blast off, Taurus—2017 is your year! Knight of Wands is a card of action, so no matter what area of your life this card shows up in, it is going to take you somewhere. USE this energy, Taurus. The medicine of the card showing up in the month of January is actually setting the tone for your whole year—it is important to embrace it’s power.

You can start by taking a gentle appraisal of all the ways that you keep yourself a little smaller, or in outdated patterns, whether consciously or unconsciously. It might be time for some big steps, might be time for small ones. Either way, expect some beautiful shifts to your life. Is it time to raise your rates, move across the country, or release certain people from your life? Is it time to launch the product, events or workshops you’ve been dreaming of? If so, do it fearlessly and joyfully. When and if discomfort or resistance arises, take it as a sign that you are on the right track—nothing aligned ever comes without contraction. Trust in that wise discomfort as you move forward this month, closer and closer to your dreams. Step forward, Taurus. Be willing to be seen in all your glory. It is time to shed the old layers that have so beautifully shielded you from shining in your fullness.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

The Empress, rx

The Empress reversed is getting real on you this month, Gemini. It is time for a change in the way you choose to move through the world on all levels—romantically, interpersonally, creatively, professionally, energetically and beyond. The Empress is divine feminine, divine Mother, divine receiving, the pure essence of Yin energy. She is comfortable, relaxed, dropped in with her sexuality, her creativity and her intuition. The Empress is also a Major Arcana energy, which is akin to a thunderstorm, or the curl of a wave; there is very little we can do to control these energies, and like the weather or the elements, it is best to bend with them, rather than against them. January’s invitation to you will be to surrender to this softer place within yourself.

It is time to evolve past the busy doing and over thinking that robs you of the wellspring of your vitality, and come back home to Empress energy. She has been calling to you for several months now, and I know a lot of you are feeling a lack of her in one way or another, whether physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. You will create and manifest a lot more through restoration and reconnection with your sense of play, receiving, and sensuality, Gemini. It is time to drop back into yourself, past the mind and into the body. The body is your refuge and your temple; you have to start treating it that way. 2017 is truly a year that isn’t going to let up on you until you are courageous enough to choose softness, rest, and a renewed sense of self care in the face of your mental contractions.

And by the way, this isn’t because you are doing anything wrong, or making mistakes. Far from it! The Empress reversed is here because you deserve better, and it is time to look at the old patterning and fear that keeps you from moving into this place of upgraded receiving. You can start by communicating your feelings, or moving into a willingness to accept help when it’s offered to you. You don’t have to be comfortable—you just have to be willing. Instead of getting swept away with your brain’s chatter, tune into what your body is communicating to you. A whole Universe of knowledge is contained within you, past the storm of your thoughts and patterning. Rest, listen deeply, come home to yourself.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Ten of Pentacles, rx

January is a month of limbo for you, Cancer, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It fact, it’s powerfully aligned. If you can flow with the unknown and move into quiet, focused inner work, much will be manifested out of this time. This period of your life is best served by looking inward, rather than to material or external gains. The time spent in review will aid you in refining your goals, preparing you beautifully for where the next few months are going to be leading you. It will be immensely important to take stock of your aspirations during this time. You have to be willing to honest with yourself, to shift your life if some aspect of your path is no longer in alignment. Don’t let this scare you—these changes will only yield more abundance, joy and clarity in your life.

Ten of Pentacles when not reversed is a pretty perfect card. It heralds a time of completion, harvest, abundance, rich rewards for hard work. It also can be a time when we are birthing something new into the world. The reversal is a little heads up that some aspect of our lives is out of alignment, and thus is keeping us from this harvest, from manifesting all that we desire. Your job this month, Cancer, will be to clarify just what that is. It’s a little like driving a car that’s making a noise. It could be that your oil needs a change, it could be that your transmission is failing. The most important step is to cultivate the courage to go to a mechanic and have it looked at.

Either way, there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Either your car will be good as few for a few bucks, or you could trade it in for a totally new car. The one thing you cannot do anymore is drive your car around while it’s making that noise. Muster up the bravery and come face to face with your truth. Hard as it might be to hear, it’s going to bring only better, not worse, to your life. Once you move through that, you are free to make the essential changes that can bring Ten of Pentacles out of a reversal and into it’s aligned place, flooding your life with the gifts that are hovering right above you, ready to flow into your life.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Page of Wands

You literally could not get a more powerful, positive card for the start of your 2017, Leo! Page of Wands is joyful evidence that sets the tone for a profound shift in your life, markedly moving you from a year of hatching to one where you are fully out of the cocoon. You are ready to go, and the energy of the month is going to take you to your dreams and beyond. 2016 was a year full of ass kickings for your whole sign—profound, transformative, and full of blessings to be sure, but most certainly a tough ride in moments. This has been important for many reasons: to temper ego, to help you to trust life, to slow you down a bit, to get you more centered on the foundation than the outcome, to reconnect you with your intuition.

All of it was important and vital—but it is done. Whether you were aware of it or not, you passed the big tests. You waited. You paused when it felt excruciating. You trusted life even when it felt impossible to do so. You did the work even when you didn’t know it. You let yourself be lost and confused. You were willing, even through discomfort, to evolve. Evolution is exactly what’s been happening to you, Leo—moving from caterpillar to butterfly. The simplicity and the power of that is enough to crack your whole heart open. The truly, truly hard stuff is over, and what it’s left within you is a readiness, an openness, a richness and a wisdom of spirit that is priceless.

The Universe has been waiting for you to be open enough to receive the blessings, gifts and invitations that it wants to grace you with—you were so busy in your own stories and agendas that you weren’t able to do this until now. Bow to yourselves; you have come through a full rebirth. Page of Wands is your guide for this new era of your lives, lighting the flame, bestowing upon you a kind of grounded, rooted confidence that will propel you through your year ahead. This card’s energy has wrapped up the past, has shifted the impulsive way they used to do things, and is now moving in a way that is tethered to reality, allowing much to be manifested along the way. This month is the beginning of BIG transformation for you, Leo. You are ready—so leap.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Five of Swords

You have choice this month, Virgo. With Five of Swords, there is always a choice. You can choose victimhood or empowerment, to get sucked into an old mental pattern, or to decline your brain’s invitation into contraction. You could go down the whirlpool of destruction, self sabotage, guilt, shame, rage or fury—or you could just recenter, calmly honoring the gifts of your situation and letting all of it unfold into a place of power and transformation. Five of Swords is a card that can have a sting to it, which is a part of it’s medicine. The sting helps to get our attention. This card is going to help you to see the ways in which you have locked yourself into a pattern or cycle of negativity or pain—once you see it, it will be possible for you to be liberated from it.

This is a month, Virgo, in which you are going to have to be on your toes with your brain chemistry. The fact that you’re in Five of Swords is a great thing and a good sign—the brain doesn’t really invite us here unless it knows that it is losing some measure of control over us. This is a month to practice extreme gentleness in the face of whatever arises—internally or externally. It is a time to go slowly, to make measured choices, and to drop any story we have about this cycle in our lives. If you are locked in a story about how you were wronged, or how life is unfair, drop it. Honor the feelings, and move into choice, into owning the truth of your situation. No more self flagellating or victimhood.

As foreboding as all this sounds, it will only hurt as much as you’re identified with your ego and victimhood. If that’s the case, you’re already in pain. You can only have more of what you’ve got, or to be liberated from the cycle. This freedom is exactly what’s possible for you this month, Virgo. To see yourself and the ways in which you’re staying locked in old, painful patterns, and rather than getting caught up in a story about that, to choose a recentering. If you are courageous enough to turn away from the brain’s invitation into victimhood and story, you will be clearer, wiser, freer and stronger than you’ve ever been.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Nine of Pentacles

January is a time of sweetness before a big transformation. You are getting ready for some major, major changes this year, Libra—all hugely expansive and abundant. You have been through some unbelievably intense cycles in the past year, moved through major resistance and fear, and evolved like your life depended on it. January is the start of a fresh time, a brand new path of growth, blessings, and gifts, all of which will be borne out of the hard work and self love you’ve been cultivating and nurturing. Nine of Pentacles is the sacred guide that will lead you toward all that you are prepared to receive with open arms. You are ready—now let it flow in.

Nine of Pentacles is a beautiful energy, a sweet culmination of a time of committed efforts, and of knowledge and blessings gained through those efforts. Look around you, Libra. Are you anywhere near where you were at this time last year? My hunch for most of you is no. Even if the physical, earthly aspects of your life have stayed the same, YOU are different. You are not the same. Bless yourself, bow to yourself, give thanks, love, and gratitude to yourself. 2016 was an extremely intense year that came with so many challenges, invitations and contractions for your whole sign—you moved through that beautifully, whether you were aware of it or not. Now, it is time to reap the rewards of that hard work, and to step forward into your next level of expansion from there.

There is a two fold invitation for you this month, Libra—to bask in the glow of the gifts, abundance and blessings in your life as a result of your committed growth, AND to prepare to step onto a new path of mastery. The master’s path is the only option you have now, Libra. It is time to step into that new place of purpose, and of creation, to shed any aspects of your life that are keeping you locked in struggle, pain or resistance. Take a BIG leap this month, and it will pay off. There is no rug to be ripped out from under you. You are out of the dark and fully in the light, Libra. Expect to be showered with blessings, opportunities and gratitude this month. Absorb, trust and receive them—then begin to get clear on your next steps.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Four of Wands

This is your second month in a row in Four of Wands, Scorpio! A first for these Tarotscopes! Whenever cards repeat themselves, especially in a setting like this, it is very special. Not only does it mean that there are still lessons to be learned, wisdom to be gained, and medicine to be absorbed from a card’s energy, it also means that your guides are trying hard to communicate with you. Some aspect of the Four of Wands is deeply important for you, Scorpio—it has to be to come up back to back. Beyond the channeled wisdom that I will go into here, I encourage you to go off book this month, and tune in with this card in a more personal way. Read everything you can about it, look at card imagery from lots of different decks, read about the numerology of the number 4, and consider what the energy of fire might have to bring to your lives. This is a beautiful practice to drop into whenever we get repeat cards. Something is trying to communicate with us, and it is lovely to open ourselves up to that in any way we can.

You are still moving through the beautiful invitation that Four of Wands brings, which is to celebrate and honor a cycle of completion in our lives. When we are in this card, it slices away seriousness, cools intensity and softens our focus. It transforms the tremendous fire exerted in the Wands, channeling it into joy and celebration. This card’s energy has come here for one of two reasons, Scorpio. See which one aligns most with you: 1) You have been actively ignoring the invitation of the card, plugging away at life on an empty tank, not truly taking the time to recharge and refill your well, or 2) You are taking the invitation of the card beautifully, and the continued recommendation is to keep moving through your life with that same sense of full hearted flow.

For those of you who find yourselves in choice one, it’s all good! Just drop into the energy of the Scorps who have been flowing in choice two—restore, realign, rejoice in your life. Blow off steam, laugh, honor the journey that’s led you to this point, and let the whole month be a celebration of all your work in the past year. You deserve it.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Three of Wands

What a beautiful start to your 2017, Sagittarius! Your sign on a whole is on fire, truly stepping up as the powerful leaders that you are. It has been amazing to see this expansion blossom in all of you over the last few months. The energy of the coming year is only going to bring you higher, deeper and more fully into your mastery, and Three of Wands is helping you to kick off the journey in a truly potent way. The time has come to get clear, Sagittarius. Clearer than you’ve ever been. What do you want? Where do you feel called to live? Who do you feel called to be around? It might be time for some of you with tighter grips to let go of control, moving into a willingness to receive in a way that will ask you to surrender.

If you’ve been in the same situation for a few years, the latter is important medicine for you. In order for you to step up into this place of mastery, you have to allow January to help you clear out the old and plant anew. Three of Wands is such a powerful, potent, special energy. It truly heralds a time of transformation, shifts, and new groundwork. Your journey of expansion isn’t over—but you have leveled up. It will be very wise for you to take an inventory of yourself, your life, and the people with whom you teach, raise, serve and spend your time. Ask yourself if these relationships feel deeply nourishing to you, and how you could bring this higher level to the table for all of your relationships. The same goes for your job, your romantic attachments, your goals and dreams.

January is truly the start of a very exciting time for you, one that will ask you to really come forward with all of the gifts, knowledge and wisdom you’ve been quietly gaining over the last year. People need your wisdom now more than ever; it is time to share it at this new level. This may also be a time when you find yourself drawn to explore new avenues of service, learning, or experience. If you’ve been hungering for that, dive in. Three of Wands energy is all about new journeys, experiences, growth and knowledge, both gained and shared. Let it flow through your life and see how it effortlessly releases what doesn’t serve and brings more abundance in.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.