With game-changer Uranus primed to shift gears, the 2018 Aquarius Waning Moon wants us to lose the ego, work together, and boldly lead from our authentic core, says Jennifer Racioppi

jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world 2018 aquarius waning moon kyle loftus
Photo: Kyle Loftus

Waning Quarter Moon // May 7 2018 // 10:08pm // 17 degrees Aquarius 

We finds ourselves amidst massive change …

The Waning Quarter Moon is that sacred point in the lunar cycle when it’s time to let go. To surrender that which we no longer need.

Aquarius represents ingenuity, self-expression, freedom, creativity, progressive qualities, change, and the betterment of society.

Uranus, the planet of revolution and surprises that rules Aquarius, is getting ready to move into Taurus on May 15th (the same day as the Taurus New Moon). With Uranus in Aries for the last seven years, we’ve been living in an era defined by individualized innovation. In one week, we enter into a new paradigm that massively shifts the cosmic curriculum. We’re ready for enormous lessons around how to use our leadership capabilities fairly and justly, and in absolute alignment with what we value most.

Tuning in this Waning Quarter Moon will allow you to review your progress in all areas, and tune into self-care needs to navigate this transition with ease.

This Waning Moon wants you to stand in your authenticity … 


// The Cycle //
This Waning Quarter Moon brings to fruition seeds planted back at the Aquarius New Moon on February 8, 2016. Think back to over two years ago and consider what has ripened in your life since then. Can you remember intentions you set for this particular New Moon?

Review and discern; what’s come to fruition now that relates to goals set then? What feels complete? Take time to wrap up loose ends now. Then, prepare!


// The Transits // 
With the Sun opposing lucky, expansive Jupiter, there might be a tendency to overdo it. So be careful to set appropriate limits and boundaries.

Because Jupiter travels directly opposite the Sun at the time of the Quarter Moon, the Moon forms a fixed T-square with the Sun in Taurus and Jupiter in Scorpio. While this could feel like astrological gridlock, this aspect asks you to break free. The release point of this T-square, Leo, guides you to find the joy and play in the process.

With Uranus gearing up to leave Aries, we’re asked to integrate and assimilate the revolution of self. Use this to refine your capacity to emerge authentically as a leader, in spite of astro challenges!


// The Square //
With the Sun in grounded and stable Taurus, and the Moon in progressive Aquarius, this fixed square might highlight stubbornness.

Yet despite the grounded rootedness of the Taurus Sun, the revolutionary Aquarius Moon asks you not to clutch too tightly to the routine or to your ego. Instead, lean into the evolutionary and progressive qualities of the Moon, and ask the ego to step aside.

Leadership requires humility, and this square asks you to acknowledge what you don’t know in order to lean into becoming your best self.


// The Opportunity // 
With Uranus primed to exit Aries, look at what you need to learn as it relates to your online engagement, offline leadership, and the ability to wildly and boldly claim who you are and what you love. Now’s not the moment to hide, but rather to learn and emerge, but to do so with honest humility.

Release the rigidity of needing to be right. In the words of the Beatles, it’s time to “Come Together.” And the only way to do that is to engage a practice of listening and mindful curiosity while maintaining your center and core.

The upcoming New Moon starts a massive new astrological chapter! Get ready, Numi-babes. The world is readying itself for a revolution …

For more Moon wisdom, or to book a coaching session with Jennifer, visit


The 2018 Leo Waxing Moon reminds us to savor our juiciest pleasures, feel fully into our beautiful bods, and own it completely. Let the cosmic good times roll, says Jennifer Racioppi

Photo: Hybrid
Waxing Quarter Moon // April 22 2018 // 5:45pm EST // 2 degrees Leo 
With the first Mercury Retrograde of 2018 complete (phew!) and the Moon waxing towards full, the energizing momentum builds …
This Waxing Moon in Leo, the sign notorious for having a good time, asks us to boldly express our sass and sense of self, and have fun in the process!
Paired with the Sun in grounded and sensual Taurus, with love planet Venus also holding court here until the 24th, tune into what feels good—really good—and savor it … 
//The Cycle//
This Leo Waxing Moon harkens back to the summer of 2017, a summer with two new moons in Leo, the first one happening on July 23rd at zero degrees of Leo (pre Great American Eclipse.)

Think back to seeds planted then to see what’s blossoming in your life now. What decisions were made then that are beginning to bear fruit now? What became clear last summer in late July? Connect the dots between what was going on then, and what’s emerging now.

//The Transits//
As we move towards the upcoming Scorpio Full Moon, the relationship between the Leo Moon, Taurus Sun, and retrograde Saturn in Capricorn asks us to rely on grounding force to support our embodiment.

On the same day as this Waxing Quarter Moon, powerhouse Pluto also stations retrograde. The Pluto station has the potential to unearth shadow and amplify the need to own your power. And with Mars in Capricorn conjoining Pluto (exact on the 26th, but the energy can be tangibly felt right now), this combo fuels your desire to find and experience pleasure in your body.

//The Square//
With the fixed Taurus Sun squaring the fixed Leo Moon, the energy can potentially feel stubborn. The purpose of fixed signs is to stabilize a season, and their shadow is the potential for ridigity, the need to be right, and the unwillingness to change. With very little emphasis in air signs during this Waxing Quarter Moon, this may even feel truer.

The solution? Get out of your own way, drop the pretense, and open your mind to new perspectives. Embrace freedom (Leo) and pleasure (Taurus). It might not look how you want it to, but does that really matter?

And for the love of the Goddess—have a little fun! Breathe. Let go. Join in.
//The Opportunity//
If seized, the Waxing Quarter Moon presents the opportunity to sensually embody yourself. As Venus reaches the tail end of her journey through home base sign Taurus, connect to the pleasure of being in your body.

With Mars and retrograde Pluto conjoining, you may feel power erupting within like a geyser exploding. If so, embrace it. Follow the lead of the Leo moon and connect with what feels fun, sassy and uniquely you. Whatever it is, own it!

For more Moon wisdom, or to book a coaching session with Jennifer, visit


The sobering glow of the Capricorn Waning Moon asks us to befriend our shadow side, release addictive patterning, and align with our highest destiny, says Jennifer Racioppi

jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world club soda moon club capricorn waning moon 2018
Photo: Geo Martinez

Waning Quarter Moon // April 8 2018 // 3:17am EST // 18 degrees Capricorn 

Are you ready to take charge of your transformation? 

Next week’s New Moon in Aries offers tremendous potential to blast off in new directions. As we build towards this energy, the Capricorn Waning Moon asks us to release our shadow and get ready to open up to all this new potential.

First, we’ve got to assess what’s no longer needed. Conjoining Pluto, this Moon urges us to befriend denied aspects of Self and surrender the extra baggage.

With Mercury in the midst of his retrograde journey, use this Waning Moon to get clear on what no longer works for you! Release what stands in the way of creating what you desire.

Look for what’s coming to completion and make a choice … 


//The Cycle//
This Moon harkens all the way back to the New Moon in Capricorn on January 9, 2016. Think back to the intentions you set at the start of 2016. What’s culminating now that correlates with the beginning of the new year in 2016? What did you manifest then that you no longer need now?

Intentions often take an extended gestation period, and aspects of life coming to fruition now may correlate to this New Moon from over two years ago. Simultaneously, it’s essential to release what you no longer need (whether you consciously want to or not), to make room for a new level of maturity that’s emerging.


// The Transits //
With Saturn, Mars, the Moon, and Pluto all conjoined in Capricorn, this powerful combination puts pressure on you to befriend the truth and let go of addictions. Saturn represents purpose, Mars action, the Moon emotional needs, and Pluto represents shadow. Look at lies and addictions with clarity.

Luckily, Jupiter, the planet of growth and abundance forms a productive and supportive sextile to the Moon in Capricorn, signifying that good luck comes in the form of honesty!


// The Square //
With the Moon traveling through work-oriented and ambitious Capricorn while squaring the Sun in assertive Aries, now’s not the time to resist change.

This Capricorn Waning Moon has the power to not only reveal secrets but to also disintegrate shame in the process. With the Moon conjoining Pluto and squaring the Sun, the ego not only has to confront issues it’d prefer to avoid, but simultaneously needs to integrate learnings.

*Warning: this tough medicine requires you to participate in your transformation. The good news though is that Jupiter is there to support you!


// The Opportunity //
This Waning Moon offers up tough love, and asks us to release any blocks that hold us back from thoroughly enjoying our success.

Look to addictions and get honest about what you no longer need. Consciously think positive thoughts, get rip-roaring clear on what you need to release, and align your mind with your highest destiny! 

*Want to celebrate this Waning Moon’s clarity and consciousness, Numi style? Join us this Sunday, April 8th for Moonrise Kindom, a one-day urban retreat dedicated to deep connection and conscious un-cocktailing!  

And for more Moon wisdom, or to book a coaching session with Jennifer, visit


With some big fire energies lighting up the cosmos right now, the watery Cancer Waxing Moon asks us to temper the urge to act out by embracing humility and coming home to our own divinity, says Jennifer Racioppi

alia wilhelm jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world cancer waxing quarter moon
Photo: Alia Wilhelm

Waxing Quarter Moon // March 24 2018 // 11:35am EST // 3 degrees Cancer

With the Spring Equinox’s arrival, and a pack of Aries planets reigning in the cosmos right, the impulse towards new beginnings and fiery initiations is strong.

But before you burnout, tap into the waters of this Cancer Waxing Moon.

In sensitive, security-driven Cancer, it’s time to trust the invisible hand guiding your life without having to force a fresh start. With Mercury retrograde in the mix, patience goes a long way.

Embrace humility and trust that surrender and loving kindness are the absolute best medicine for this Waxing Moon …


// The Cycle //
This particular Waxing Moon harkens back to the last New Moon in Cancer, which happened on June 23, 2017.

So look back to see what you committed to at the time of the 2017 summer solstice: what’s blooming now based on intentions set then? Pause. Evaluate. Appreciate. As we step into this new season, remember seasons of the past. Everything is connected.


// Transits //
With four planets forming a stellium in Mars-ruled Aries, accentuating the need for change, momentum builds. Yet, with Mercury retrograde occurring in Aries until April 15th, temper this “me first” attitude.

With Venus squaring Pluto, and the Moon forming a cardinal T-square with Mars and the Sun, and soon to oppose Saturn, the universe serves up a whopping dose of tough love. Stay centered. 


// The Square //
This Waxing Quarter Moon’s cardinal T-square presents a challenging crossroads; like gridlock traffic, the desire to do “something” meets a cosmic roadblock preventing from forwarding momentum.

With the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Cancer, the need for action battles the need for security. Trust in the Divine, and your higher self, rather than catering to the needs of your ego. The release point of this T-Square is in Libra, the sign of equanimity, justice, and balance. Tuning into these values supports your inner strength now, as does paying attention to what feels beautiful.


// The Opportunity //
How can you cultivate presence and look for the beauty despite the ensuing challenges at hand?

With the Moon traveling through nurturing Cancer, accept the invitation to come home to yourself. Feel into your body and your presence, and feel your emotions.

Trust in humility, surrender your issue to a higher power, and let go of the addiction to knowing your answer to the problem at hand.

This too shall pass. And it’s not always up to you. Stay humble and allow the invisible hand that guides your life reveal to you what you most need to know.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And make sure to join her this Saturday, March 24th at Maha Rose for a Waxing Quarter Moon Ritual to celebrate rebirth & rejuvenation! 



As we prep for the Spring Equinox’s explosive fire, the Sagittarius Waning Quarter Moon wants us to sit with over-the-top emotions, and let the flames of feeling lead to powerful change, says Jennifer Racioppi

jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world moon club sagittarius waning quarter moon 2018
Photo: Bryan Fernandez

Waning Quarter Moon // March 9 2018 // 6:18am EST // 18 degrees Sagittarius

As the Moon wanes back to new, we find ourselves at the halfway point between the most recent Full Moon in mutable Virgo and the upcoming New Moon in mutable Pisces.

Mutable signs correlate with a seasonal shift; they help us transition from stable and steady, fixed influences, into new beginnings. So as we embrace the Waning Quarter Moon in mutable fire sign Sagittarius—and with less than two weeks before the upcoming Equinox—lean into the winds of transformation!

Let the power of fire purify your soul. Let go of what you don’t need and burn, baby, burn.


// The Cycle // 
The current Waning Quarter Moon harkens all the way back to December 11, 2015. This late 2015 Sagittarius New Moon seeded events coming to fruition now. What’s culminating in your life now based on intentions set or decisions made then?

Beyond the lunar cycle, Mercury and Jupiter’s retrograde cycles are at play right now too. On March 8, Jupiter, the planet of good luck and good fortune, begins his retrograde journey in Scorpio until July 10. Jupiter retrograde in Scorpio will expose lies, and superficial tendencies that serve ego at the expense of soul. 

Mercury, also in his retrograde shadow at this time, brings things to light that will require work and reevaluation during his upcoming retrograde journey in Aries from March 22—April 15. With Mercury soon to station retrograde, use this Waning Quarter Moon to really get clear on what you need to let go of! 


// The Transits //
As Mars in Sagittarius squares Chiron in Pisces, the masculine qualities of action come up against the influence of allowing. This may present as a healing crisis through which a wound becomes a teacher.

Yet with Mars in an angle of tremendous support to Uranus, breakthroughs abounds. Expect healing to redirect your path. And with Pluto sextile the Sun and Jupiter, this Sagittarius Waning Quarter Moon suggests that you can discern fact from fiction. Hear. Listen. Absorb. Integrate. And most importantly, trust yourself.


 // The Square// 
With the Moon traveling through go-big-or-go-home Sagittarius squaring the Sun in soft, sensitive Pisces, this Moon might come with over-the-top emotions.

While the Sun in dreamy Pisces might shy away from anything aggressive or assertive, the Sagittarius Moon is bold and blunt. This Waning Quarter Moon asks you to do two things: sit with uncomfortable emotions and then find an outlet for excess energy.

There’s power in those emotions. Letting energy move through you brings the magic you need. 


// The Opportunity //
As we approach the upcoming Equinox and first Mercury retrograde journey of 2018, this Sagittarius Waning Quarter Moon is a preparatory crossroads. Take in where you are. Stay conscious of what’s surfacing now, as it will likely play into the emerging Mercury retrograde curriculum.

Learning how to sit with emotions (Pisces) and simultaneously move through them (Sagittarius) will prep you for these cosmic transitions. Magic becomes possible as you treat this Quarter Moon crossing with the respect of a shamanic initiation.

Discern lies and shadow, and move through the illusions that limit your potential. You’ll emerge with clarity and readiness for the changes ahead.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers! 


This week’s Gemini Waxing Quarter Moon reminds us to identify our needs, honor our boundaries, and use our voice to draw the line, says Jennifer Racioppi …

jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world gemini waxing quarter moon club maria badasian
Photo: Maria Badasian

Waning Quarter Moon // February 23 2018 // 3:09am EST // 4 degrees Gemini

Pisces, a sign all about inclusivity, dreams, oneness, and transcendence, tends in the direction of empathy. At times, this can mean prioritizing the other at the expense of the self.

With the Sun, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, and Chiron all in the sign of the fish right now, the urge to step into another’s shoes and feel all their feelings may sweep over you like a giant wave.

But as this mystical Sun squares the Gemini Moon, now’s not the time to exclusively feel and take care of other’s needs.

As you find yourself surfing the sensitive Pisces waves, it’s essential to identify your needs, honor your boundaries, and use your voice to articulate them …


// The Cycle //
Following the recent Solar Eclipse in Aquarius, the Moon’s opening square wants us to notice any unforeseen obstacles on the path to creating the intentions you set then.

Consider what’s coming up now that relates to intentions set a week ago. Where do you need to set a boundary to honor your desired intentions? Where are you being called to speak your truth in an even bigger way as it relates to creating what you say you want? Doing so now will support your desires coming to fruition.

Want to go even deeper? Think back to the New Moon in Gemini on May 25, 2017, that happened at the same degree as this Moon. What seeds did you plant then that are coming to fruition now? How can you further cultivate those opportunities as they arrive? Where do you need to set a boundary to honor your hard work?


// The Transits //
With five planets in sensitive Pisces making a supportive angle to Saturn, you can make serious headway on your goals now. As Venus, Mercury and the Sun also partner with Jupiter over the next few weeks, your efforts become extra blessed, especially as the Moon waxes toward full.

At the same time, the Moon’s challenging angle to Saturn encourages us to eliminate what’s not working as we speak our boundaries into existence. While this may feel awkward, it’s all in service of a much bigger picture.


// The Square //
With the Sun in Pisces, it’s imperative to notice where you jump in to rescue others at your own expense. Gemini energy reminds us to use our voice to draw a line, even if doing so feels weird or bitchy. Get in touch with, and seek to fully understand, anything that holds you back from trusting and integrating your own, intuitive voice.


// The Opportunity //
How to balance your sensitivity with the need to establish clear boundaries? Stay on the lookout for these 3 patterns ….

Overdoing for others, to make you more lovable. You know, the voice that tells you, “If I give my all to others, I’ll finally be worthy to receive myself.” Ouch! Remember: we don’t earn our worth. It’s an inherent part of who we are.

Aligning with others to feel safe. Being agreeable to the point of dysfunction to stay loyal, friendly, keep up, and belong. This behavior is the kryptonite of authenticity and bravery in interpersonal relationships. And authenticity and bravery are actually key to intimacy and bonding—critical values of Pisces season!

The need to be liked. This stems from sourcing our worth from external validation rather than internal sources, and simultaneously avoiding conflict. Even with so much emphasis on oneness in the sky, fearing conflict may keep you from reaping the rewards available during this Gemini Waxing Quarter Moon.

Despite all the highly sensitive, empathetic vibes in the sky right now, identify your needs, articulate them, and risk drawing strong boundaries. Laying down your law will help you to stay true to your desires.

By working with this cycle, and leaning into conflict as a growth opportunity (rather than avoiding it out of fear), you stand to make incredible long-term gains.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers! 


Smack in the middle of Eclipse Season intensity, the Scorpio Waning Quarter Moon arrives to help us face the shadow, purge past patterns, and get ready to revolutionize our lives, says Jennifer Racioppi

scorpio waning quarter moon the numinous ruby warrington jennifer racioppi
Photo: Pablo Guerrero

Waning Quarter Moon :: February 7 2018 :: 10:53am EST :: 17 degrees Scorpio 

Coming off the intensity of the Jan 31 Total Lunar Supermoon Eclipse in Leo, and building towards the upcoming Solar Eclipse in Aquarius, this Waning Moon cycle asks you to surrender the old (big time!) so you can prepare to call in and conjure the new …

Now’s the time to go beneath the surface (in good ol’ Scorpio style), befriend your psychology, and release those limiting beliefs, fears, and negative patterns. Fortunately, this Moon happens right next to good luck Jupiter, helping us get clear about what’s holding us back.

Be courageous and let your subconscious reveal itself to you. Then ruthlessly let go of the old and outdated, and prepare to catapult your life in the direction of your dreams … 


// The Cycle //
February 2018, a month without a Full Moon, begins with a Waning Moon and ends with a Waxing Gibbous Moon. The first portion of the month cosmically asks you to clean up your past and tend to what the Total Lunar Supermoon Eclipse made so abundantly clear to you. What aha moment did you have then that you are still working through? In preparation for the upcoming Total Solar Eclipse—aka a New Moon on steroids!— now is the time to let go of and eliminate what’s not working.

Further, this Waning Quarter Moon harkens back to the Scorpio New Moon on November 11, 2015. Back then, Saturn, the planet of discipline and lord of karma was also in Scorpio, and was asking you to honor and commit to your truth. What vow or promise did you make then that’s up for reevaluation now?


// The Transits // 
With the Moon right next to Jupiter, the planet of good luck and abundance, and also aligned with powerhouse Pluto, this Scorpio Waning Quarter Moon comes with a side of fairy dust. With the Sun, Venus, and Mercury all in Aquarius, a rebellious spirit prevails. So let your freak flag fly!

Your anchor? To faithfully honor and pursue your truth as it stands today (not what you thought it was months, weeks, and years ago).


// The Square // 
As the Sun travels through intellectual and forward-thinking Aquarius, beckoning you to step into your leadership, the Scorpio Waning Quarter Moon squares the Sun, and asks you to dig deep into your subconscious and let go of the old stories. With one foot in the future and one foot in the past, you may feel caught between two worlds. How apropos for Eclipse Season!

Eclipses expedite growth. Think about it: during the recent Lunar Eclipse the Moon went from full to dark and red, back to fully illuminated again. As the Earth’s shadow covered the Moon, the Moon experienced a void, a blackout of light, and then returned to its position of receptivity (all within a brief period).

During that period, even though time seemed to pass as normal, cosmically things shifted, and a karmic cycle hastened. A portal opened. In another week, the second of this month’s pair of eclipses opens up a new portal of possibility. This expedition of karma and evolution may feel dizzying and confusing, yet it accelerates your growth massively.


// The Opportunity //
If you lean into your growth, and lead from a place of compassionate authenticity, February has the potential to revolutionize your life (I’m not exaggerating!).

Something in your life is coming to fruition, especially as it relates to where you were in November of 2015 (and intentions set then). Simultaneously, changes are seriously accelerated by Eclipse Season. It’s time to shed, release, and surrender the old, the outdated, what no longer works for you.

Don’t be shy. Now’s the time to be bold and brave. Step into your courage!

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers! 



As we prepare to catch some serious Eclipse Season crazies, the Taurus Waxing Quarter Moon wants us to root down, nourish our bodies, and get real, says Jennifer Racioppi

Photo: Autumn Goodman

Waxing Quarter Moon :: January 24 2018 :: 5:20pm EST :: 4 degrees Taurus 

As we build towards the first of this year’s eclipses on January 31st, we’ve officially entered the cosmic season of unpredicatability, rapid change, and energetic intensity …

Thankfully, the Waxing Quarter Moon in Taurus, a sign known for its stable, grounding principles, forms an earth trine with disciplinarian and lord of karma, Saturn, now firmly footed in Capricorn.

It’s time to steady ourselves before the storm as we deeply tune in to our most embodied, feminine wisdom …


:: The Cycle ::
As it makes its 29.5 day journey through the entire zodiac, the Moon cycles through four distinctive phases: new, waxing, full, and waning.

This cycle’s tone was set with the January 16 New Moon in Capricorn. Now, as we wax towards full, intensity is elevated and we’re asked to exert ourselves on behalf of the goals and intentions we set at the New Moon.

As your New Moon seeds begins to sprout, now’s the time to aggressively pursue your desires, and also watch out for any curveballs that will help you refine and course correct.


:: The Transits ::
With the Sun in revolutionary Aquarius right next to feminine Venus, this Taurus Waxing Quarter Moon exemplifies progressive impulses.

At the same time, Mercury, the planet of communication, meets up exactly with Pluto in Capricorn, deepening our ability to see, feel, and understand how we might deceive ourselves on our path of personal development. Use the nourishing, grounded energy of stable Taurus and Saturn to help root down.


:: The Square ::
With the Sun in Aquarius asking us for progressive changes, squaring the Moon in Taurus, a sign that resists change, we may feel gridlocked. And with the Mercury-Pluto combo revealing shadow tendencies, it’s possible to want to resist the truth that’s presenting itself.

That said, the best possible way to work with this Taurus Waxing Quarter Moon is to embrace radical honesty. Look towards the future (Aquarius influence) while staying nourished, in your body, and connected to the moment (hello, Taurus!)


:: The Opportunity ::
As we move beyond the first new moon of 2018 and straight into the eye of the eclipse season storm, it’s essential to digest the truths revealing themselves to us now.

The Jan 31 Leo New Moon Lunar Eclipse will further illuminate our soul’s direction, clearing away blocks, and opening up new doorways to potential. In the meantime, use this Taurus Waxing Quarter Moon to get comfortable with reality.

While it might not be what we want, we can’t deny the fact that we know what we know. Tap into innate feminine wisdom by slowing down. Accept the truth.

And then continue to steer full steam ahead in the direction of your desires …

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers! 


As we build towards the first New Moon of the year, the Libra Waning Quarter Moon wants you to awaken your ambition, embrace the intensity, and go after what you really want, says Jennifer Racioppi

jennifer racioppi libra waning quarter moon ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world
Photo: Sarah Diniz Outeiro

Waning Quarter Moon :: January 8 2018 :: 5:25pm EST :: 18 degrees Libra 

While Libra usually conjures images of balance and equanimity, the build toward the January 16 first New Moon of the year in Capricorn beckons us towards an attitude of focused extreme

With Venus, the Sun, Saturn, and Pluto (one of the most intense planets in the solar system) all conjoined in Capricorn, Mercury and the New Moon about to join the party, and Jupiter and action-packed Mars together in Scorpio, the scales are tipping towards depth.

Even though these are extremely aligned and auspicious combinations, they ask you to embrace drive, ambition, and that which you most desire!

So what to do with this Waning Quarter Moon? Embrace it. Let yourself get super aligned with the truth you are calling forth in your life right now.


:: The Sun ::
With the Sun, Venus, and powerhouse Pluto in Capricorn forming a perfect angle of support to Jupiter and Mars in Scorpio, the Waning Moon asks you to connect with your determination. Make peace with your ambition and decide what it is you want!

:: The Moon ::
With the Moon in cardinal Libra squaring the Sun in Capricorn, it’s time to surrender and release that which we no longer need. What is standing in the way of your goal and desires? Now’s the time to consciously surrender what no longer works.

:: The Square ::
As the Capricorn Sun squares the Libra Moon, the scales tip in the direction of ambition-drive Capricorn. But don’t forget to use your Libran values to determine what you actually want, and the best way to go after it.

:: The Message ::
As we move towards next week’s first New Moon of the new year, use this Quarter Moon to prepare. Set strong intentions, dig your heals in, and embrace the intensity.

With the Blue Moon Lunar Eclipse ending this month, you really don’t want to miss the opportunity to create the change you most desire in your life!

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers! 


With a pack of Capricorn planets by her side, the Aries Waxing Quarter Moon wants you to get fierce, take charge, and turn your crystal visions into smokin’ hot reality, says Jennifer Racioppi

jennifer racioppi aries waxing quarter moon 2017 ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world moon club oliver shou
Photo: Oliver Shou

Waxing Quarter Moon :: December 26 2017 :: 4:20am EST :: 4 degrees Aries

As the Aries Moon squares the Capricorn Sun, now’s the time to take charge of your life and move in the direction of your dreams … 

Cosmically speaking, we’ve been through so much over the last few weeks! Since the 18th’s Sagittarius New Moon, Saturn entered Capricorn, Mercury stationed direct, AND we experienced the Solstice.

We find ourselves amidst profound transformation, and with so much emphasis now in Capricorn, determination becomes a predominant theme. 

With Mercury still in his retrograde shadow until January 10th, it’s essential to decompress from the recent retrograde journey. And with Aries’ ruling planet, Mars, making a sweet trine to Neptune in Pisces, we are supported in accessing our dreams and channeling our intuition, which makes this even decompression even more possible. Yes!

As we reach the halfway point between the last New Moon and January 1st’s Full Moon in Cancer, this is a crucial time to check in with our intentions and see how we are processing the changes upon us. 


:: THE SUN ::
With the Capricorn Sun snuggled up next to taskmaster Saturn, Venus, and Pluto, we have a stellium (4 planets in the same sign) that emphasizes pragmatism and structure.

Earthy Capricorn asks us to get down to business. Since we are in the last week of the year, a time when we’re meant to dial back and not ramp up, direct your work ethic towards developing your goals for 2018. After all, it’s not just a new year; it’s a new Saturn cycle too.

:: THE MOON ::
With the Moon in cardinal fire sign Aries, you may feel like you have energy fit to burst– so channel it wisely. Take yourself to an exercise class or the gym. Put music on in your home and dance it out.

If anger rises to the surface give yourself space to express it–pound a pillow and rage behind a closed door if you need to. With Aries’ ruling planet, Mars, making a beautiful connection to Neptune in Pisces, there’s a significant amount of healing in the ethers. Tap into this. Then take the reins and step into leadership.

The Moon in Aries encourages you to assert your truth boldly, lay down boundaries, and initiate new beginnings. 

A cardinal square between an Aries Moon and Capricorn Sun accentuates a battle between passion (Aries) and pragmatism (Capricorn). This creative and ambitious square offers you a lot of energy and potential to take charge of your life (and your future) –so lean into it.

Both Aries and Capricorn embody massive leadership potential, so lead from within, and assert where you wish to take your life. We’re moving through a potent portal rich with the potential to claim our 2018 visions. So let this cardinal-get-it-done-energy motivate you to nail your vision for the next year!

Allow this Waxing Quarter Moon to support you to process where you’ve been and where you are going. Let the Aries influence encourage you to move your body and release that which you no longer need. Decompress the lessons, and integrate the wisdom gained. Shake off the stress of 2017.

Then take charge. This Waxing Quarter Moon grants you full permission to become the leader of your own life. 

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers! 


With taskmaster planet Saturn in Capricorn for the next 3 years, it’s time to align with your mission, commit to the climb, and get ready to werk, say Numi astro babes Danielle Paige, Rebecca Farrar, Jennifer Racioppi, and Bess Matassa

konstantin kopachinksy rebecca farrar danielle paige ruby warrington jennifer racioppi bess matassa saturn in capricorn 2017 the numinous material girl mystical world
Photo: Konstantin Kopachinsky

Saturn enters Capricorn :: December 19 2017 :: 11:49pm ET
Saturn enters Aquarius :: March 21 2020 :: 11:58pm ET

Danielle Paige 
“Feel it in your bones …” 

This energy means business—and as Saturn moves into Capricorn for the first time in 30 YEARS, you could literally be feeling it in your bones!

With the planet of responsibility, discipline, and structure shifting into its home sign, we’re doubling down on themes of sorting through, taking serious stock, restructuring, and rebuilding when it comes to the areas of our lives that could use a little grounding.

Both Saturn and Capricorn are connected to chronos, a.k.a time here on earth, so this is no time for quick fixes. As you slowly create new structures from the ground up, you’ll learn and mature. This energy is connected to karma and your deep lineage, so there can be some ancestral restructuring going on as well, even if it’s not obvious at first.

Look to see where Capricorn is in your chart to see which area of your life will be “under construction” and truly commit to building a solid foundation there. And look to where your natal Saturn is placed in your birth chart for the keys to your karmic responsibility in this lifetime (pro tip: this is one of my favorite planets to help clients understand their purpose!) **New to your birth chart? Create one HERE.

Saturn also rules your bones, teeth, and skin. It represents the shell of who we are. Saturn in Capricorn is a time to look at your body in a different way and learn to appreciate it for the ancient wisdom it carries, rather than comparing it to everyone else. This is how it goes with every Saturn transit—we learn to value the aging process and to understand that we only get better with time!

To find out more about how Saturn through Capricorn is directly influencing your personal cycles you can get a reading with Danielle here, follow her on Instagram, or join her women’s Facebook group!


Jennifer Racioppi 
“Prepare for the Fempire …” 

Since late December 2014, Saturn in Sagittarius has been asking us to clarify our vision, our values, and our mission. Now it’s time to build upon what we’ve learned, as the hard work, ambition, and drive of Capricorn seem sexier than ever—especially for any women busy build a Fempire.

Saturn can be tough medicine, but always brings massive gifts if we humble ourselves enough to take it. It’s less about brute force, and more about that aligned, prudent action that comes from the genuine, grounded guidance that we hopefully learned during Saturn’s transit through Sag (a.k.a. soul goals).

Ask yourself the hard questions first. Am I aligned with my truth? Am I doing this for the right reasons? Am I abusing privilege and power to accomplish my goals? Am I truly taking a stand for others or am I simply self-serving? Newsflash: self-serving ambition won’t fly over the next three years.

With Saturn joining Pluto (lord of the underworld) in Capricorn, we can expect the distorted underpinnings of power to be further exposed. No doubt we’ll experience a reinvention of the way we view hierarchy. May the patriarchy fall! May we find our truth from within! May we learn to honor and respect all of our cohabitants on this planet.

Here’s to soul-driven ambition, discipline, grit, tenacity, and resilience, and the goodness and grace to release our egos as we walk through this next chapter of history together on planet Earth.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit

Saturn in Capricorn 2017 The Numinous
Photo: Timothy Paul Smith

Rebecca Farrar 
“What legacy do you want to leave?” 

Saturn’s move into Capricorn signifies a reality check for the collective around what legacy we will leave for the next generation. And as we build towards Saturn’s meet-up with Pluto in 2020, we may be faced with the realities of what we have destroyed … mainly our planet.

While Saturn does have a reputation of being a bit of a killjoy, this is more about the willingness to collapse the structures that no longer work (both the Berlin Wall’s construction and destruction occurred when Saturn was in Capricorn).

Though it may involve some uncomfortable dismantling of outmoded power structures, Saturn’s movement into Capricorn reminds us to elevate the elders who have earned their seats. To take responsibility. To build new structures. And to make commitments for the future that will serve Earth and all her inhabitants.

For more cosmic musings, check out the “Wild Witch of the West” on Instagram and Facebook. 


Bess Matassa
“Luxurious labor & hard-won haute couture …” 

Pour the after-dinner liqueurs and settle into the supple, leathery sensation of hard-earned fireside chats, après-skiers. This year, the cosmos has truly saved the best for last …

In its home-base sign of Capricorn, Saturn unveils the laborious luxe of rough-hewn diamonds, fine wine grapes, and truffle butter, that are all the more decadent and delicious because of their sensuous struggle. Ruled by the Tarot’s Devil card, she connects us not only to the limits and boundaries of having a body, but also to the luscious sensations that we can feel deep down in our bones.

So lay out your silk dressing gown and lace up your steel-toed boots. The things worth having are worth fighting tooth and gel-tipped nail for. 

Saturn in Capricorn Mantra: If it’s worth it, you better work it.

Theme Song: “And now we’re standing face to face/Isn’t the world a crazy place?/Just when I thought our chance had passed/You go and save the best for last—Vanessa Williams, Save the Best for Last.

Style: Basic Instinct’s Sharon Stone meets Old Hollywood Marlene Dietrich on an alpine train. Impeccable tailoring, sharp stilettos, high-waisted mini skirts, silk scarves, slicked-back hair, snow white turtlenecks, and statement jewelry.

Flavors: Haute gastronomy and icy sweetness. Think high-end tasting menus, hard-earned honey, Kobe beef, crème brûlée, snow cones, saffron, and truffles.

Want more juicy cosmic insights and sensory explorations? Arrange an astrology reading or private event with Bess here and follow her on Instagram


As we get ready to leap into 2018, the Virgo Waning Quarter Moon asks us to check what’s no longer working, and prepare for an upgrade, says Jennifer Racioppi

joshua fuller jennifer racioppi ruby warrington virgo waning quarter moon 2017 the numinous material girl mystical world
Photo: Joshua Fuller

Waning Quarter Moon :: December 10 2017 :: 2:51am EST :: 18 degrees Virgo 

With Mercury Retrograde in full swing and Saturn, the planet of discipline, structure, and life purpose, getting ready to switch signs, we find ourselves between worlds.

Time is ticking as we count down the final days of 2017, and coming off the intensity of the Gemini Supermoon and straight into Mercury Retro, it can feel like a collective hangover. Yet while we may feel like we’re trapped inside of what Stranger Things’ fans refer to as “the upside down,” I assure you this is just how real life feels right now.

As we rest between what was and what will be, this Waning Quarter Moon provides a crucial checkpoint on the journey to becoming our future selves … 


:: THE SUN::
At 18 degrees of Sagittarius, the Sun makes an exact trine to the North Node of Fate in Leo, as Saturn also wraps up his nearly 3-year journey in Sag. Now’s the time to tune into the higher vision of your life. The message is to distill the lessons you’ve digested and learned over the past 3 years, and apply them to your overarching vision for your life and your journey going forward.

:: THE MOON ::
Girl … you got this! With the Moon traveling in Virgo and making an exact trine to Pluto, the planet of power, tap into your determination to go the distance with your goals. Get organized and in tune with yourself and your needs. Doing so will prepare you for the power and magic of the year-end New Moon in Sagittarius on December 18.

With the Moon in Virgo and the Sun in Sagittarius, our inner needs battle with demands from the external world. And in the final days of 2017 and Saturn in Sag, it’s time to reconcile the past.

Very soon we’ll shoot like a Tesla into the future, with no ability to turn back. Graciously, the Cosmos has provided us with a beautiful Mercury Retrograde before launching us forward. Lean into it and let yourself reconcile your recent history. Where are you at in your life? Where have you been? What’s worked? What hasn’t?

With five planets poised to enter the sign of the Archer for the December 18 New Moon in Sagittarius, we’re prepping for a crucial opportunity to claim our vision for 2018 and beyond.

On this Virgo Waning Quarter Moon, our job is to get crystal clear about what’s no longer working and surrender it to the divine. What are you ready to leave in the past as you look boldly to your future?

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers! 


Tap into your inner sorceress and work your spiritual superpowers with the Pisces Waxing Quarter Moon, says Jennifer Racioppi

pisces waxing quarter moon moon club the numinous material girl mystical world ruby warrington jennifer racioppi nsey benajah
Photo: Nsey Benajah

Waxing Quarter Moon :: November 26 2017 :: 12:02pm EST :: 4 degrees Pisces

Get ready for things to feel misty ..

With the Sun in the early degrees of freedom-driven fire sign Sagittarius squaring the Waxing Moon in Pisces, it’s a water-fire mixture that makes steam!

Ruled by Neptune (which is also currently in the sign of Pisces and just stationed direct on November 22nd), the Pisces Moon emphasizes emotional expansion and intuitive capacities. In a luscious trine to good luck Jupiter, this amplifies our spiritual superpowers even more.

With a minimal emphasis on earth and air (Pluto in Capricorn and Mars in Libra are our only major representatives right now), things might feel heavy and wet, rather than light and free.

How to leverage this to your advantage? Read on …


:: The Sun ::
With the Sun in the early degrees of Sagittarius, we may feel called to embrace the spirit of freedom and play. However, given that Mercury, also in Sagittarius, is in his retrograde shadow, and Saturn will be leaving Sagittarius on December 19th, stay cautious and sincere.

The next few weeks will signal massive integration of profound soul truths. You want to be ready to receive (and integrate) them with a sense of ease.

:: The Moon ::
With the Moon waxing toward the Gemini Full Moon on December 3rd, it’s essential to use this next week to make progress on goals.

With the Moon so close to Neptune, and Neptune trining Jupiter, manifestation powers are amplified. Stay focused on your intention and connected to your desires. Let your intuition lead you forward; yet, stay prudent, too.

You want to make clear, conscious decisions that you’ll feel right about in the upcoming weeks while Mercury travels retrograde. Come December, the winds of change blow hard.

:: The Square::
With the Sun in Sag and the Moon in Pisces, limits and boundaries may feel blurred.

Boundaryless passion is fantastic for developing your spiritual and intuitive intelligence. Yet with Mercury Retro just around the corner, and a dearth of air and earth in the sky, make sure not to get lost in the mist. Lead from your intuitive prowess.

:: The Message ::
This Waxing Quarter Moon screams magic. Yet, it’s not unencumbered magic. It’s essential to not only stay devoted to your dreams, desires, and manifestations, but to do so with a clear sense of grounding.

With Neptune direct trining Jupiter, and the Moon in Pisces, the cosmos is expanding our spiritual capacity. Embrace the steam, but stay mindful of the potential to lose yourself in the fog.

Let your inner sorcerous lead you forward, and trust your intuition, while planting your two feet solidly on the ground.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers! 


Before we can harness the full possibilities of the upcoming New Moon, the Leo Waning Quarter Moon asks us to clean out our closets, and get real to get radical, says Jennifer Racioppi  …

leo waning quarter moon jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous numinous material girl mystical world seana gavin
Art: Seana Gavin

Waning Quarter Moon :: November 10 2017 :: 3:36pm EST ::  18 degrees Leo 

Between now and the 18th’s Scorpio New Moon, innovative breakthroughs abound!

One day after this Waning Quarter Moon, disciplinarian Saturn forms a perfect trine to revolutionary Uranus. As these two planets meet up for the third and final time over this past year, real, serious change becomes possible.

This juicy aspect is then followed up on the 13th by Venus, the ruler of love and beauty, colliding with good luck Jupiter in Scorpio, initiating a new cycle around love and money.

So power up and work productively with this cycle of growth as you prep for the 18th’s radically change-making New Moon …


:: The Sun ::
With the Sun moving through penetrating Scorpio, now’s the time to explore what’s holding you back. Scorpio supports taking an in-depth look within.

As the Sun squares both the North and South Nodes, it’s essential to stay humble. Take a look at how you are showing up in the world to see how (and what) you can shift. Drop your defenses and get real.

:: The Moon :: 
The Moon in playful Leo asks you to find the levity and joy that surrounds you. This Waning Quarter Moon conjoins the North Node of fate and destiny, revealing that your emotional world holds the key to your most fulfilling future. So go there, take a look within, and then elevate.

News flash: you are cosmically supported to do just that! Don’t argue with the Universe. Stay humble and flexible.

:: The Square ::
As the Moon moves through this square, you may need to embrace struggle as a path to change. Given that the Sun is in a t-square with the nodes of fate, this might not necessarily feel easy. If you stick with it and get the lessons you need to receive, you’ll be ready to open up to more significant gifts on the New Moon, and even more immediately when Saturn and Uranus trine on the 11th, and Venus and Jupiter conjunct on the 13th.

:: The Message ::
Fiery Leo in a square to Scorpio signals a time to surrender that which you no longer need. As you step into the next frontier of your success, consider what stands between you and your desired outcome, and what needs to be shed.

Doing so ensures that you’ll be confidently primed to step into the next phase of growth on the New Moon, when radical change awaits you!

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers! 


As we head towards the end of the year, the Aquarius Waxing Quarter Moon asks us to embrace our authenticity, be willing to take the radical lead, and get ready to unleash our vision, says Jennifer Racioppi

jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world aquarius waxing quarter moon 2017 seana gavin
Art: Seana Gavin
 Waxing Quarter Moon :: October 27 2017 :: 6:22pm EST :: 4 degrees Aquarius 

As October quickly comes to a close, it’s time to plume the depths of your psyche and unleash your authenticity. The Waxing Quarter Moon in Aquarius challenges you to embrace this individuality and take the lead in your life!

Use this Waxing Quarter Moon to do the work to develop yourself as a leader. As leadership expert Warren Bennis points out, “Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself.” Thankfully this lunar experience supports you to do just that!

This progressive Moon sign doesn’t get caught up in the convention. Preferring to go against the grain instead, Aquarius encourages rebellious action that has authentic resonance … 


:: The Sun ::
As the Sun moves through Scorpio—a water sign fiercely devoted to the truth—psychological insights abound! Since the Sun and good luck Jupiter are traveling close together (conjoining on 10/26), it’s time to bet high on yourself.

Connect with your intuition, and allow yourself to express your truth. Go for what you want. In doing so, you permit others to do the same.

:: The Moon ::
The Aquarius Moon makes a positive trine to Mars in Libra. This activation of air, an element connected to thoughts, ideas, and communication, inspires creativity and intellect.

So tap into evolutionary and progressive thinking. Let yourself lead. Don’t be afraid to express your views and opinions.

:: The Square ::
This Waxing Quarter Moon also refers us back to the New Moon that happened at 8 degrees of Aquarius on January 27, 2017.

Think back to late January, and see if you can remember what you desired then. Can you see how you’ve grown since then? What are some challenges you are encountering now in bringing that dream and desire to fruition?

If you were to take radical action now on behalf of the goal you set in motion then, what would this look like? Based on how far you’ve already come this year, what does leadership look like for you now?

:: The Message ::  
This Waxing Quarter Moon encourages you to own your voice and power, and recommit to the vision you set out to accomplish in January of 2017.

With the year quickly coming to a close, evaluate your progress and then own your leadership role in your own life. You can get a lot done right now with the progressive Aquarius vibes pushing you forward.

Unleash your vision, activate your authenticity, and take the lead. Place a bet on you, and then win!

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers!