In her new weekly ASTRO ORACLE videos, Ruby Warrington pulls a card from the Numinous Astro Deck to deliver a group reading for the Numinous community. The series kicks off the week of the November 26 Sagittarius New Moon—which the North Node card tells us is a time to course correct and get back on track with fulfilling our karmic destiny.
Where have you been playing small this year? Afraid to take a risk on living your biggest, most fully expressed life? As we close out the year, let’s give ourselves permission to get messy and get real in the name of exponential growth!
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They’re baaacckkk! Eclipse Season 2017 kicks off with a pair of potent cosmic events on February 10th and 26th. Danielle Paige gives us the low-down…
February 2017 is the first of two pivotal months this year (August being the second) that will crack you wide open and bring sudden changes that realign you to your soul’s plan. Eclipse season 2017 is also doubly charged because 2017 is a “1” universal year in numerology, with a strong Uranus, Jupiter, and Saturn influence. The combination of all these elements is about sudden liberation and expansion in a karmic way.
Eclipses are game changers for the soul—they speed events up and re-route us if we are veering off track. This soul acceleration is equal parts exhilarating and challenging. They act as pendulums of fate and swing us in the right direction to keep us in line with our soul’s plan. The difficult part comes in because, as humans, we resist change (especially you lovelies with a lot of earth or fixed planets in your charts!) Eclipses have a tendency to touch on our tender spots, aka our pain points, because it often takes getting those tender places activated (again and again) for us to change our story.
Anything is possible during eclipse season 2017—a wildcard cosmic time—so remember that every soul’s story is different, and hang in there, no matter what you’re feeling! While some of us will experience rapid-fire change, others will experience a slower shift and unfolding over the next six months, which is when we enter a new energetic phase and a new round of eclipses in August.
Also, remember that this energy doesn’t have a precise on/off switch. Eclipse energy can start to boil up a month or more before the eclipse date, and the week leading up to an eclipse can be the peak emotional moment for some of us.
Most of all, don’t worry my dears—as an intuitive being, you’ve likely already got a sense of what’s coming. Which is where eclipses take care of business—they often come in and do the dirty work for us, because even if something feels confusing and scary right now, the cosmos knows these necessary changes are better for us in the long run. What you’re feeling is the shifting of your psyche’s tides. Remember that this energy, like all energy, shall pass!
Read on for some specifics about the two February events of eclipse season 2017—the February Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, and the February 26 Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse.
***PRO TIP: If you want to dive even deeper into the invitations below, look at your birth chart to see where 22 degrees of Leo and 8 degrees of Pisces fall. If you have a planet or angle within 5 degrees of this degree then that planet or angle will get “eclipsed.” When a planet gets “eclipsed “ it needs to start behaving differently—you can no longer continue to use it the way you were, and there is a new, evolved expression waiting to unfold.
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse :: February 10 2017 :: 22 degrees Leo
Eclipse season 2017 begins with a fiery Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo. No matter your personal astrology, this eclipse is reminding us all to create, live joyfully, be moved by our hearts, and express our creative gifts in a GRAND way! This is LEO we’re talking about, after all!
During a Lunar Eclipse, the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon and blocks the Sun’s light from reflecting on the Moon. The Moon rules our emotions, so when she’s eclipsed she temporarily has no mirror to reflect the Sun’s light. As energetic beings we are also synchronistically cut off from our “power supply” and reintroduced to our shadow side. The energy of a lunar eclipse can stir an internal crisis (that’s often brought about through external sources, especially relationships, which act as mirrors). This shadow work often brings confusion, doubt, and panic to its peak. Fear not: all of this is designed to spur a conclusion, culmination, ending, or decision about something in your life.
It’s a time to let your unconscious take center stage and tap into a side of yourself you’ve pushed down for some time—you’ll feel the shift with every ounce of your being, as if you’re being asked to find your way in the “dark.” Those suppressed emotions may come flooding back in a dramatic way because of the Leo energy. However, the saving grace for this eclipse is that with fire it comes in quickly, and then goes out just as fast!
New Moon Solar Eclipse :: February 26 2017 :: 8 degrees Pisces
New Moon Eclipses signal new beginnings, but because 2017’s eclipse happens in Pisces, we will be asked to let go of something as well. Pisces is a collective storage house of the past—old karma, old energy, old psychic junk that you’re carrying around in your energy field that is ready to be released with this New Moon.
This particular eclipse is a double whammy—Pisces is ruled by the emotional element of water and the eclipse adds an extra charge to this already sensitive situation. With one foot in the material world and one foot in the spiritual realm, Pisces feels it ALL! She pulls on our heartstrings and pain points like no other sign. Don’t be surprised if you’re feeling quite sensitive for about a week and half before this one as the energy builds.
The key to navigating this eclipse is to stay grounded in your body, no matter how much you feel like you want to escape. Pisces is a master escape artist but this will only compounds any problems later on. Focus on your root chakra and even your sacral—dance, do yoga, send down a grounding cord. Really commit to feeling the feels but letting it move through you without attachment. This will help you remain on the earth plane at all times.
This New Moon Solar Eclipse will act as both a release and the beginning of a new chapter in your soul’s story. You’re being given the opportunity to heal your past lives and psychic wounds so that you can move forward with a new perspective on life in 2017! Be sure to offer yourself as much compassion as you do to others during this intense transition.
I wish you all a beautiful adventure in 2017; one that’s filled with all the excitement and joy your heart can carry (Leo)—and one that connects you deeper to your true soul essence (Pisces).
With love and light, Danielle
For an invite to Danielle’s exclusive upcoming island retreat and to receive updates about all the energetic cycles, sign up for her newsletter here.
How do our past lives impact us today? Emma Whitehair embarks on some cosmic time travel…
“Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.”
This quote from Cloud Atlas gives me goosebumps all over, and has me questioning the millennial take on carpe diem—‘YOLO’. What if we don’t ‘Only Live Once,’ as many mystical traditions believe, and in fact experience many, many lives.
We all have our soul tribe. Those folk who instantly seem familiar, as if we’ve met before. Or those ‘right person, wrong lifetime’ relationships, where you have an undeniable soulful connection, yet it feels like you’re just not meant to be. This time round anyway.
I’ve also come to believe we attract challenges into our life that we choose before we are born. But what if we can ace our pre-birth plan? Make amends, complete unfinished business or heal ancestral wounds/limiting beliefs, without the need for a karmic car-crash to get our attention.
Although pain can be a great teacher, if you are already half-way though your soul syllabus, perhaps suffering is not necessary in order to evolve. And once our lessons are learnt, we can transcend these karmic loops, to a more advanced level, like a cosmic computer game.
So with the intention of going beyond karmic dramas, to better understand this journey, I did some spiritual time travel. And here’s some of what I unearthed along the way…
The feelings the soul may have departed a former life with, can show up in the present. But you hold onto your history at the expense of your destiny. Reliving and then releasing them however, can be game changing. Scott Murden is a Past Life Regression therapist whose clients often have seemingly unexplained fears, aversions and/or traits, which he believes to be linked to samskaras—imprints on our soul, from past lives.
In our session, I was transported to the Frontier, where I was a Native American Indian…with a white man cattle herder as my forbidden lover. As you might imagine, my wild west romance didn’t have a happy ending. Our plan to elope with a stolen herd, was foiled and I was the one captured, then hung. This grim death perhaps explaining the throat chakra restriction I wrote of here.
Scott invited me to connect with the positive emotions from this past life—love against all odds, passion and adventure. I also felt the urge to say goodbye to my cow-boyfriend, and to tell him that we would meet again, in another life. And with this, I felt my heart open.
I first encountered Astrological Counselling on The Arrigo Programme where I learnt that a snapshot of the universe at the exact moment and from the precise location we are born, creates a blueprint for our life story. We choose to be born when our karma is energetically matched with the stars, which provides our roadmap with its unique patterns and Jungian archetypal themes. And what I find most exciting about this idea, is that it reminds me that we are microscopic pieces of a incomprehensibly vast and interconnected reality—the Universe.
In my first reading I was shown that I’m an old soul learning advanced lessons. And my North Node (which identifies what one’s soul purpose in this lifetime) is in the fourth house —which is all about security and emotional stability. Sudden loss in previous lives also seemed to be triggering some fears.
Recently I was introduced to Sting’s personal astrological counsellor—Debra Silverman, who has a unique and fun approach combining soul-centered astrology with psychology. While on our call, Debra first asked what had happened in my life over years showing up as key “destiny lines”. She also saw that one of my soul missions in this life is to clear karma from my mother’s lineage. Apparently, the unhealthy feminine energy I had around me in childhood with, is now being healed with my new-found spirituality and joy. My story is being re-written. Hallelujah!
My natal chart shows that I’m coming into a period of great transformation, and although this is predestined, there are many routes to the same destination. We’ve all seen Sliding Doors, right? So, I wanted to know if there was any advice or red flags I should be aware of in order to reach my full potential within this fresh cycle.
Teresa Symes fuses the psychicwith the psyche and was once voted Britain’s #1 intuitive by ELLE magazine. As she reads for Jennifer Aniston, Kate Hudson and Kate Winslet, and is also near impossible to reach. When I finally persuaded her I wasn’t a tabloid hack, Teresa gave me a reading over the phone. Beginning by clarifying that the future is 70% free will, 30% destiny, she explained how people and situations are brought into our lives to get us on track, as long as we recognize and work with them.
To boost manifestation, Teresa also sent me this ‘Charming Positivity’ Rune Stone bracelet from her collaboration with Michelle Theodorou. Reaching into the velvet pouch is a process of divination, and a booklet with all the ancient meanings means I can get a window into my future while wearing the Runes that chose me for that week.
If we were all in a state of amnesia, having lived many previous lives that we don’t remember, how are some able to recall the past, or see into the future? The answer lies in The Akashic Records. An energetic resource library for each and every soul’s human existence, throughout time.
The theory goes that since long before recording devices were invented, our spirit guides have been indexing every multidimensional detail over potentially thousands of years, ready for us to access, without the help of an expert or having any psychic abilities. Becoming empowered to read your files is just a matter of raising one’s vibration, having a pure intention and being open. It’s also worth noting that you may get a clearer answer with open-ended questions that get to the heart of the matter, rather than those that just require a yes/no response or idle curiosity.
Drawn to her scientific approach to this mystical subject, I spoke to Akashic Records Consultant Jen Eramith who explained that all past and future life information come from the same source, whether in the form of regression work, psychic readings or even dreams. This means there are no rules and many routes to accessing this universal library of information.
With permission (this part is important), Jen has learnt how to file through someone else’s records, to feel for information relating to specific questions. “I know I have opened a person’s Akashic Records when even though I have never met and know nothing about them, it feels like I’m falling in love. And the more each of us has a sense of Love, the more easily we access Akashic information through everyday intuition,” she told me.
Although you can gain great insight from a reading with someone like Jen, the beauty of these records is that you can access them yourself. There are thousands of guided meditations online, but from the few I listened to, they mostly seem to suggest a temple and white-robed librarian. I prefer to imagine that the records are filed digitally, like cloud storage.
A movie I’m obsessed with, Interstellar, sums up what the Akashic Records boil down to—quantum physics and love. Two incredibly complex, destiny-steering forces. Watch this clip to see what I mean, and although our intention may not be to save the world, messages can still travel through time, when we illuminate the Love within.
The numerology of 10/10 brings a double dose of good karma—if we are brave enough to use it, says Felicia Bender…Artwork: Eandaru Kusumaatmaja
In Numerology, the number 10 is a Karmic number.
Yet while the other Karmic numbers (13, 14, 16, and 19) indicate that there is a debt to be paid, the Karmic number 10 offers something different.
This number actually offers a burst of “good” karma.
And with a double dose of this energy available to us on 10/10, comes a fabulous opportunity to do some work around completing certain things in your life that need closure. To be kaput. Done. Finito.
As such, the numerology of 10/10 offers us a portal for rebirth. For here is an opportunity to identify and act upon our sense of individuality and assert our independence in a healthy and dynamic way. It is challenging us to step into our authentic and unique gifts.
For with the numerology of 10/10, we’re also offered an energetic opening that links with the valuable energies of the number 1—which are leadership, independence, individuality, creativity, and a pioneering spirit.
And so, if we are willing and ready, here is an invitation to take action to finish what is DONE in our lives, and then turn our focus and our talents to new beginnings.
This said, the numerology of 10/10 will take considerable courage and initiation for optimal results.
And as if it weren’t powerful enough on its own, this year 10/10 is happening in the number 9 Universal Year (2016 is a 9 Universal Year). So this day offers some added punch—IF you’re ready to surrender, and to let go of what is no longer serving you and opening yourself to making room to change to enter your life.
The Universal energy of the 9 has been plying all of us all year long with intense energies related to change, transformation, and letting go.
And, now that we’re readying for 2017—a 1 Universal Year—this collision of the 9 and the date 10/10 becomes super-powered.
Don’t miss out on setting the stage for stepping into the next big thing in your life.
Rethink your own thinking. Can you step back and see the ways in which you have perhaps been living with an outdated operating system? Working within limited beliefs and worn out memories that continue to hold you hostage in an unfulfilling or off-track life?
No more excuses. This one is self-explanatory. It’s time to take responsibility for where you find yourself right now—the good, bad, and the ugly. Step into where you are and make a plan for the change you want to see, whether it’s one small step or a monumental shift.
Lighten up. All of this change, transitional and momentum can feel unsettling and can tip into overwhelm, and a feeling of being heavy and “too much.” If this is the case, try to shift perspective and pace yourself. Find humor when you least expect it.
Heal the instrument of your voice to not only speak but also live in your truth, says Emma Whitehair… Artwork: Dr Steve Hinkey
The throat is a physical bridge between our body and mind, while its chakra governs our communication and search for truth. It’s the most powerful but also the most vulnerable of all seven chakras, and with so many of us struggling express our true needs, a blocked throat chakra is more common than a cold these days (even if the “symptoms” could feel the same).
If this chakra does not have a healthy flow, not only will your relationships with others be difficult but you will not be receiving clear guidance from your intuition. On the other hand, however, once beautifully balanced, negative experiences are transformed into wisdom and ultimately you are open to a higher level of consciousness.
My business is PR and writing, and no one who knows me would think I had any blocks in the area of communication. However, what can’t be seen is that I’ve had a pretty much permanent, choked up feeling for, I don’t know, months, years…lifetimes! It’s hard to tell as I only properly noticed it early this year, when I started to really get tuned in to Self.
At its most intense, it’s an energetic constriction like a noose around my neck, but mostly it’s a lump in my throat, like I’m on the brink of tears—even when there’s no apparent reason for it.
After googling ‘throat cancer’ and ‘thyroid problems’ then giving myself the all-clear (with a deep sense of relief!), I found myself drawn to a chakra workshop with James French advertised at the Yoga Loft in London—I was ready to find out if this throat funk was a spiritual malady.
On this two-day course, I discovered that Vishuddha (the Sanskrit name for the throat chakra) has a developmental age of 7 to12. Probably no coincidence that this was when my parents divorced and I was packed off to a strange boarding school. I also learnt that the corresponding sense of this fifth chakra is hearing, giving me the excuse I was looking for to connect with sound healing practitioner, Ashera Hart, who I had met a few days before.
Ashera had hosted an incredibly powerful sonic breath + gong bath event, that had been listed by The Numinous, which had helped open my throat and started to stir things up in that area. Wondering if my unbalanced Vishuddha could be realigned further with the power of sound, I made the most of the opportunity to have a one-to-one session with Ashera in my home, while she was in London (rather than her usual base of Bali).
After this session, I met up with my healer, psychotherapist Fiona Arrigo to help me process what my body had shown me. She explained that traumas to the throat chakra are often connected to early childhood issues; when, if we experience emotional pain, we encounter separation. She commented that my adult vocal personality—which “on the surface is ballsy, clear and wise” is in juxtaposition to the inner child—who swallowed down her tears, and never expressed how she felt.
I asked by subconscious to say out loud the stories I may have been holding onto, and one resonated deeply: “no one is taking care of me…I’m alone.” And with that tears of relief fell down my cheeks. It all suddenly made sense—that part of me, the child, who had swallowed her sadness, was physically manifested like a bitter pill, stuck in my throat for over 30 years.
Fiona reminded me “to meet the understanding that we ARE alone in this life.” She also explained that the feeling I encountered during the sound healing, of being held, was the Universal holding, and in that moment, I had flipped my scratched record. Rather than archived pain, I had experienced something way more profound—a spiritual embrace so meaningful it had helped heal that source fracture.
My journey with this continues. Read on for 10 STEPS I’ve investigated to help with starting to CLEAR YOUR THROAT CHAKRA.
:: STEP BACK IN TIME :: What unexpressed emotion or story are you holding on to? Once that’s understood, then it’s important to try and change the record, in order to free yourself. Byron Katie’s The Work might do it for you. Alternatively, perhaps you story is more complex—could it be from a pre-verbal era, or another life?
I spoke to Sue Minns, who’s book ‘Bodies & Souls’ touches on the throat chakra (as well as the others) and she explained the following to me:
“Chakras are like micro-chips of soul information that are links to our past experiences on earth, and connection to where we came from. The throat chakra, if holding negative memories, will become a bottleneck, a block to our true Self expression. Many of us (especially as women) have had gruesome deaths as a result of speaking out, spreading the word, saying the spells.
The throat is the chakra of secrets and lies, whispers and screams—and of speaking your truth without fear. A historical ‘block’ will obstruct cosmic, divine energy coming through the Crown and Third Eye to reach the Heart. It will short circuit at the throat if it cannot pass through. The central column (Sushumna) needs to be an open conduit between heaven and earth so that we can remember both our source and our purpose on this earth.”
:: SOUL MANTRA :: “The 1st Law of Healing—all disease is inhibited Soul Life. The job of the healer is to lift the downcast eyes upward unto the Soul, and the Soul does the work” – Dr Steve Hinkey
So how do we allow the soul to work its magic? Mantras should allow the soul to take position naturally and Steve gave me these to use to unblock the throat chakra:
Because ‘I am…’ is so powerful, and soul infusion the ultimate achievement: “I am the soul infused throat”.
To use if starting to experience, or resist tension in the throat: “I am wanting to know my soul’s process, as it expresses itself through my throat chakra”
As no-one evolves without loving what they have, including dis-ease, this as a good all-rounder:
“I love myself as I am”
:: SOUND HEALING :: Ashera Hart hosts The Frequency Shift solfeggio journeys, which encourage a Theta brainwave state, through healing vibrations, helping you access intuition, transform limiting beliefs and most especially—clear energy blockages.
I attended one of her ‘Sonic Immersion’ events (at Kind Yoga in London) which was a blissfully relaxing 90-minute experience. With the Zobet (solfeggio) healing frequencies along with sounds of the ocean, the cosmos and nature, Ashera accompanied this with an ethereal vocal invocation, tuning forks, chimes, shamanic drum and percussion.
We were told we may have dreams that night, that might reveal what is unresolved and one of mine was quite interesting. The throat chakra’s traumas can include alcoholism and yelling—both themes which were visited while in an abstract and gentle dream featuring my much loved childhood pet dog…
:: CONSCIOUS COMMUNICATION :: Which means honoring your feelings, understanding your needs and kindly requesting that they are met. With authentic expression however, comes responsibility. There’s also a delicate balance between being honest and tactful, and on some occasions silence is golden.
Voicing irritations and raising one’s voice, for example, can pollute the throat chakra, as can gossiping, blaming, criticizing, or any other type of negative communication. If you start thinking in these terms, try to raise the vibration before saying anything. Also use this checklist:
Is what you are about to say true?
If so, is it necessary to be said, and does it need to be said by you?
If the answer is yes, ask yourself if what you are about to say is kind/compassionate/loving.
Hearing is the fifth chakra’s sense and therefore listening is one of its most important realms of communication. That means listening to both your inner voice, and the voice of others. I think I may have an overactive Vishuddha, as I speak super fast (often with no filter) and sometimes feel impatient while listening.
With this in mind, I have made a conscious effort to start listening more intently, giving the other person my full undivided attention, putting away any devices and waiting (patiently!) to hear the them out completely before jumping in. This helps me to read between the lines and decipher others’ real needs, in order to respond in the right way.
:: THE AH MANTRA :: To cleanse and purify any impure energy of speech, let the “AH” sound fill your throat for a few minutes.
One of the most powerful mantras on the planet, this sound is found in the name of most deities: Tara, Buddha, Krishna, Yah, Yeheshua, Saraswati, Wakantanka, Quan Yin, etc., along with many of the sacred words (Amen, Alleluia, AUM).
‘AH’ is also a sound related to the throat chakra, so it’s no coincidence that ‘AH HEM’—is the sound unconsciously made when a person clears his/her throat. While on a more conscious level, the Buddhist mantra ‘OM AH HUM’ is explained by my yoga guru Cat as “translating to body, speech and mind—speech being an integral part of having a harmonious co-existence with all living beings and speaking up for those who may lack a ‘voice’.”
:: USE YOUR VOICE :: As long as the intention is pure, ANY way that you use your voice will help draw fresh energy through your throat chakra. I touch on the benefits of singing in this story and you can also hum, whistle, groan, sigh—ask your body what sounds need to be released, and just go for it, dialing up the volume if need be.
:: TEAR JERKERS :: The throat is where I store my tears, and those that came with discovering my stuck story were beautifully cathartic. And as I know there are more to come, as part of my healing I chose my moments to indulge in deliberately triggering a little cry, with film.
When we watch weepies, it releases not only emotion, but also oxytocin, aka the love or cuddle hormone, which also regulates crying. A boost of oxytocin gives feelings of bonding, empathy, trust and maternal behavior, and it can’t differentiate between actual human beings and flickering images of them. If, like me, you have stuck emotion to release, this 10-minute supercut of tear jerking movie moments should have you sobbing in no time, letting those loving feelings wash over you. You’re welcome!
:: MUSIC :: As sound is Vishuddha’s sense, music can also be a powerful activator. Partly down to some of the lyrics, melody, story or my personal associations, these tracks seem to resonate with the emotions stored within my throat chakra, allowing me to feel and heal.
What would be on on your Vishuddha playlist?
:: YOGA :: Correcting one’s posture is key when re-aligning chakra’s, and these two yoga asanas, should help open up and/or activate the throat:
Fish (Matsyasana): Not only does this stretch the neck, it also strengthens the neck muscles needed to balance and stimulate the throat chakra.
Shoulder stand (Salamba Sarvangasana): considered the Queen of all yoga poses, because of its amazing healing abilities. Doing shoulder stands regularly is an excellent way to keep your thyroid healthy and helps sufferers of asthma (like me).
Two Pranayama exercises that also bring heat and stimulate the throat chakra are the Ujjayi and lion’s breath.
:: HEALING ROCKS :: You can re-balance Vishuddha by stimulating its reflex points in the feet and hands: the connection point of the big toe with the feet, and halfway down the thumb. I’m taking this a step further by wearing a memento mori, which I had made by Zoe & Morgan, that hits this point of my left thumb. A gold ring depicting a skull with diamond eyes on angel wings. A little reminder of both my mortal and immortal self—to help me be more conscious and stop sweating the small stuff!
Zoe & Morgan have also created this beautiful throat chakra ring. Featuring Aquamarine, the stone of the sea, which helps the throat chakra to open, and communication to flow like water.
Other stones that are good for rebalancing the throat chakra include: lapis lazuli, blue topaz, turquoise, chrysocolla, sodalite and my favourite—sapphires, which I wear on a necklace and ring. Try wearing these stones so they sit on your throat chakra for the full healing benefit.
:: TRUE BLUE BABY I LOVE YOU :: Considered a hue for health, blue’s calming effect helps restore balance to the throat chakra, and for me, my blue healing comes from connecting with the ocean. My happy is getting out under blue skies (ether—the throat’s element) whenever I can, and in the sea at least every few months. However, when that’s not possible a pool also does the trick. So treat yourself to a spa day, and the immersion in water as a kind of soul soothing, spiritual cleansing.
In the late summer of 1938 three young, French nationals, Genevieve and Bernard de Colmont and Antoine de Seynes, arrived in America to take their kayaks down the Green and Colorado Rivers (a feat that had never been attempted before). This French Trio brought with them state-of-the-art kayaks, cameras, camping gear and, because they didn’t trust American drinking water, all the beer they could carry. This was no small feat, as they would have to paddle down 900 miles of very rough water. Three months later they rowed into Lee’s Ferry, Arizona river-worn but transformed by the experience.
Saturn turned direct in Sagittarius on August 13. Do you feel a new sense momentum? Retrogrades often remind us to slow down, practice patience, to revise our to-do lists and check our supplies, twice. And with Saturn direct and moving again, warmed also by the energy of Mars in Sagittarius, the time is ripe to set sail on an adventure/venture that’s been some time in the planning. Like the French trio, the time has come to point our paddles downstream.
Saturn direct in Sagittarius is not however, about doing things fly-by-night. Preparation is extremely important, as Saturn wants to methodically build the right foundation, to make sound calculations, and to consider any and all costs involved. The French trio was well prepared for their journey; dear readers you must do the same.
Sagittarius housing both Saturn and Mars insists that the intention with any ventures put into motion now is to grow, expand, and learn. It’s time to take that class, to fly to Indonesia for a yoga teacher training, to learn a language, start a non-profit, activate a latent passion. But by all means ground each activity with common sense, a good plan, sturdy walking shoes, and plentiful supplies of your beverage of choice.
Below, a Saturn direct in Sagittarius reading for each sign…
The French trio, Genevieve and Bernard de Colmont and Antoine de Seynes, ready to set off on their trip
Aries: MOMENTUM and HIGHER GOALS How do I incarnate a dream? Master fantasy author J.R.R. Tolkein took the world he created so seriously he developed a language for its characters. Although you may not be creating a language you are encouraged to take your visions and dreams seriously enough to let them spill wondrously, and almost fully formed, out into reality.
Taurus: MOMENTUM and OTHERS (Intimacy) We know our Taurus friends to be enduring lovers. During this Sagittarius season take your love-style to the next level by considering this juicy word: interdependence. Blending with others in your life will have you smiling and learning in deep and beautiful ways.
Gemini: MOMENTUM and RELATIONSHIPS There is no truer test of the solidity of a relationship than when you travel together, especially internationally. Dearest Gemini, go there with your lovers and closest collaborators and take on the test of your commitment to each other. Hint: travel with books and b-line it to a beautiful body of water.
Cancer: MOMENTUM and WORK Focus, direction and goal setting at work make it much more enjoyable to meet friends after work for sweet down-time and sparkly conversation. And when you’re truly invested in ALL the things that contribute to your wellbeing, you’ll find yourself with boundless energy for being of service in the world.
Leo: MOMENTUM and CREATIVITY Think of food as the Muse dear Leo, and you as its apprentice. Dream up new recipes, seek out exotic cuisines, let your Muse take you to happy soul-inspired meals and even late night binges watching with Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown. All in the name of sheer, unbridled pleasure.
Virgo: MOMENTUM and HOME In The Wizard of Oz, a girl and her dog end the movie with your new mantra Virgo: “There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home.” Find a luscious pair of soft, ruby-colored slippers and dig deep into the magic of your private sphere—the secure bedrock of your grandest plans.
Libra: MOMENTUM and COMMUNICATION Learning what to say and when to say it is your daily practice right now, and has you craving good ole fashion conversation. Finding your voice is imperative and although it might be a little squeaky from underuse it’s a tool that gets stronger the more you use it!
Scorpio: MOMENTUM and MONEY Do I believe I have something valuable to contribute to the world? Yes I do! The world right now dear Scorpio being your vibrant, local community. The mantra think global, act local is yours for this transit. Your innate talents + manifestation gives you a successful glow.
Sagittarius: MOMENTUM and SELF-IMPROVEMENT What do you want dear Sag? There are an abundance of opportunities but I’d consider focusing on the long game. Dust off the passport; pull out your suitcase for you may be taking a solo, soul-searching trip in the next month or two. A much-needed check in with self is the right ticket.
Capricorn: MOMENTUM and SOUL You are ready to take your spiritual life to the next level. A died-in-the-wool pilgrimage is in order even if you never leave your home. Honing this numinous part of yourself, could also find you working your solid magic on or off the yoga mat. Write down your dreams.
Aquarius: MOMENTUM and COMMUNITY What is the sweet cause you are cheerleading and feel most passionate about? Use your innovative magic to whip a grassroots idea into shape and see it ride off into the sunset, banners waving. The disempowered are relying on you. It’s time to take your ideas to the streets!
Pisces: MOMENTUM and MY CALLING The big picture talent of Pisces comes out and takes its place as part and parcel of your life’s work. Finally your unique vision merges with what you consider to be your sacred calling. The details come into focus and you find yourself magically incarnating one solid brick at a time.
To book a session with Shari or for for more information please find her at
With Pluto, Saturn and Mars all retrograde, there’s rich opportunity now to transcend deep-seated patterns and re-vamp your sense of purpose. This week showed me how to use the retrogrades for healing…
Sub Rosa’s Michael Ventura
:: MONDAY (-WEDNESDAY) :: A healing session with Michael Ventura, who also happens to be CEO of design and branding agency Sub Rosa, which also happens to be the venue for some of NYC’s most high-vibe happenings (including our Club SÖDA NYC event in April with Biet Simkin). This is what I love about New York—everybody has a side project that’s at least as interesting as their day job. In Michael’s case, 10 years spent studying everything from Traditional Chinese Medicine to Native American shamanic healing (with Yogi Bhajan’s personal healer, no less).
“These retrogrades have stirred up all kinds of funky stuff,” I told him. “You know, like ‘who am I?’ and ‘how can my voice have real impact in the world?'” (um, anybody else feeling the existential crunch right now?) My treatment was a combination of hands-on healing and pressure-point release, with some crystals and some burning herbs, after which I practically levitated off the table, leaving with the instructions to send an update by email after two sleeps. By which time I was actually experiencing a disquieting sense of wanting to completely re-evaluate my message and my mission, in line with my personal needs.
And since I know I’m not alone in this right now, I share with you here Michael’s beautiful response:
“We all too often think of our lives across two spectrums—positive and negative. However, there is a third and powerful force—neutrality—which can serve you well in these times of reflection and integration. You don’t need to have the plan. At the same time, you don’t need to get down on yourself for not having a plan. Simply un-attaching and not identifying with an outcome will let things happen at their own pace. A flower doesn’t bloom by trying to bloom. It simply allows.”
:: WEDNESDAY NIGHT :: So I allowed the unease (WTF am I doing with my life? How is what I’m doing actually of service in the world?) to just be there. And now enter my third sleep of the week, during which I experienced the most incredible healing dream—facilitated (in my dream) by wonderful Alexandra Derby, who appeared in my mind’s eye and told me it was time to perform a ritual.
This involved an astral visitation with my ex—a man to whom I utterly subjugated my sense of self during my late teens and early twenties. Confronted with his same old, patronizing ways, I felt his words and gross, overbearing sexual energy bounce off me, like I’d developed a cosmic force-field. “You are an insect on the sole of my shoe, and I am more powerful than you will even know,” was basically the over-riding vibe. At which point I came semi-conscious to the sound of a series of “clicks” in my brain—as if a piece of code in my internal operating system had been re-written. By morning, I awoke feeling newly and fully empowered on my path. Existential crisis averted!
So…I’ve gone into way more detail here than I usually would in this column, but my this week has been an amazing opportunity to work with the current retrogrades for healing. Pluto and Saturn, in particular, are opening up deep karmic wounds, and since everywhere I look it seems people are experiencing a similar sense of having outgrown their own skin, or are having conflicting thoughts and feelings about where they’re “at” and what they really want, it felt appropriate to share.
And so, I believe this is a perfect time to:
– Seek assistance bringing any funky energy that’s being stirred up to the surface—ideally a session with a trusted energy worker (think reiki, acupuncture, sound healing—whatever works for you). – Allow all the weird shit you might be thinking and feeling to just be there. Don’t over-analyse it—just allow it move through you. Trust that it will find its own way out—in a dream like mine, perhaps. – Feel it to heal it. Which means resisting the temptation to numb out from it with drink, drugs, drama, shopping (*insert your preferred method of numbing here*). – Journal. I actually wrote a poem the morning after my healing dream, my favorite new way to purge the numinous un-namables that are screeching to be let out. Try it—I bet you like it!
:: THURSDAY :: Mainly processing the above. While also finally finishing my book manuscript (TF!)
:: FRIDAY :: A beautiful astanga class with Makeesha Hill of the Urban Yogis—a grass roots initiative bringing the tools of yoga and meditation to NYCs inner city communities, that we’re supporting with sales of our Designer Yogis sweatshirt collection. A fitting end to this week of self-enquiry, as one of the things that’s coming through loud and clear for me right now is that if my work (like, this platform) isn’t actively in service of helping people be happier humans, in a healthier, more harmonious society…then really, what’s the point? As the Yogis themselves would say: #peaceisalifestyle!
The Urban Yogis: a.k.a. (l-r) Raheem Lewis, Tyrell Carter, Jaytaun McMillan, Makeesha Hill, and Juquille Johnston
Natural highs, a witchy break upstate…and have we all got Eclipse Season sickness?
:: MONDAY :: Eclipse Season sickness, anyone? It seems like the current cosmic energies are manifesting in some serious purging – two juice dates cancelled yesterday down to people being sick, another friend’s evening ending with three hours in the bathroom, and today’s Skype date about a *very exciting upcoming collaboration (wooooooot!)* relegated to a regular phone call since she was feeling “under the weather” (as in – under the cosmic weather, right?!) My mom (witchy Pisces healer that she is) has always had a theory that colds or any kind of sickness involving mucus etc leaving the body is actually an emotional and energetic clearing. So if you’re feeling it too – social life on lockdown, lots of ginger tea, and just let it all out in the name of your Eclipse Season evolution, babe.
:: TUESDAY :: A mind-blowingly on point astrology reading with Danielle Paige, author of this excellent piece on the energies of the current Eclipse Season – who, like many astrologers before her, told me that in creating the Numinous I have absolutely stepped into alignment with my soul journey. The message being: if you have a similarly “out there” project burning a hole in your back pocket, DO NOT DELAY any longer in getting it underway. You’re being called! Danielle is also all about the South Node – the part of a birth chart that points to any past life karma you brought into this incarnation to be healed. Mine is in Taurus, sign of Earthly attachments and indulgence, and since the Pisces New Moon Eclipse of March 8 was activating this point, it makes total sense to me that the past two weeks have marked a tipping point in me un-tangling myself from a complicated relationship with alcohol that’s frankly wayyyyy past its sell-by date. LOTS more on this to come, as I see my journey with this particular issue being reflected all around me – and I’m even planning an event for the Aries New Moon of April 7 where we’ll be discussing ways to get high on our OWN supply (no cocktails required). Sign up for our newsletter by clicking the banner below and be the first to get the deets.
:: WEDNESDAY :: And….we are officially a .com! to be precise. (Oh and I lost a big old bunch of emails in the handover – so if you were trying to get in contact Weds afternoon, your message is floating somewhere in the cyber dimensions and will need resending. Thanks.)
:: THURSDAY :: In my old magazine editor job, my bathroom cabinet used to be CRAMMED with freebies – and ridiculous as it may sound, walking away from the constant stream of free products was actually one of the hardest things about leaving to go freelance / start The Numinous and step into my soul purpose (see: Taurus South Node problems). It showed how far I’ve come when a PR reached out recently offering some freebies from a brand she reps, and my first question was: “are they natural?” And an even BIGGER marker of my “progress” when I turned them down when she told me no! My reward from the Universe? She put me on to her colleague who looks after French hair care brand Christophe Robin, whose products are infused with “rare or ancestral natural ingredients” (and with no Parabens, sulphates and silicone – if not 100 % chemical free). The message? We get what we demand – and so, as consumers, let’s ALL demand less chemicals in our self-care products and watch the beauty industry at large recalibrate accordingly.
Christoph Robin Purifying Shampoo, $34
:: FRIDAY :: Upstate house for the Pisces’s (husband’s) birthday weekend! A) the Universe has been sending me almost daily reminders to connect with nature during this particular Eclipse Season portal (see also Madeline Giles’s Angel Message for March), and B) we managed to find a super witchy-looking abode (see below) on Airbnb, and I basically couldn’t check in fast enough.
The Full Moon in Cancer is inviting us to feel our way home…as we simultaneously step into brave new world, says Hannah Ariel.
“Like great works, deep feelings always mean more than they are conscious of saying. Great feelings take with them their own Universe, splendid or abject, they light up with their passion an exclusive world.” – Albert Camus
If you feel like you’re having an existential crisis – hang on a minute. If you feel like you’re feeling too much to put into words, that’s okay, be still inside and keep quiet for a while. If you feel like you are bursting at the seams to say something – maybe it’s time to say it!
And if you feel like you are opening up to feelings you’ve never felt before – say hello to a Full Moon in Cancer that began as a New Moon in Sagittarius. (And if you feel nothing, make sure you aren’t somewhere hiding in a corner, in total denial of what’s happening in your life right now!)
Astrologically, December has been a month of shifting our long-standing perceptions as a result of more expansive experiences in our lives; experiences that have re-defined our purpose here on Earth; experiences that shook us right off the branch we were clinging to for dear life; experiences that have left us here, now, with an opportunity to become more emotionally rooted in what is TRUE for us personally.
Just think for a moment – the constellation of Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which rules over how we experience our greatest, biggest FEELINGS, our deepest subconscious habituations. It is where we find our sense of belonging, our ability to be receptive, and our ability to establish a connection with our sensitivity.
Essentially the Moon is HOME, and in its full creative potential in Cancer – so even if it feels like you can’t recognize the territory this Sagittarius New Moon carved out for you, call on this energy now. It is time to let go of whatever is keeping you from feeling at home within your own life.
For a Full Moon in Cancer is pure maternal energy. This Full Moon is here to nurture our future development, by feeding us just what we need. Like the tide, she guides us with a subtle body of heavenly energy, helping us know how to act, when to re-act, and when to go with the flow with life.
Allow this to be a sweet and deep and personal experience, that may begin with a welling up of sentiments. Sentiments, perhaps, that you need to let go of. This may involve tears. It may involve laughter. It may involve silence. Whatever this Full Moon in Cancer brings forth in you as she rises to her full expression, feel the protective flow of energy the Universe is offering, and just a few days after Winter Solstice.
The Solstice is the exact moment where the Northern Hemisphere is tilted farthest from the Sun. It is the longest night of the year, and without awareness, it can potentially be a time where we feel as if we’ve lost our “truth north,” or guiding light. As the Earth turns now, we’re being pulled to a place where only karmic memory can remind us of our next move.
The Full Moon in Cancer IS karma. Its light is a reflection of the Sun in Capricorn, on its way to its annual death/rebirth date with Pluto in the same sign. We are being asked to let go of the old and birth something new. It is within this alchemy that destiny will do its best work. Feel this. Find whatever it is that brings a strong sense of being peacefully in the right place, at the right time, within yourself, ready to nurture your future.
No matter what kind of Sagittarian adventure you’ve been on the past two weeks, it’s time to come home to yourself and your inner journey, and experience true emotional re-calibration. Sure, we’ve had our eyes opened to fresh new visions. But how can we move into these realities without connecting to the reality of our… FEELINGS?
How can you be upfront with yourself when asked the question: “How does what I am currently experiencing make me feel?” Does the answer to this question serve your future? And how can you answer without grasping for the same old familial patterns you’re accustomed to leaning on for emotional stability?
It could be all too easy for this Full Moon in Cancer to trigger old habits, old instincts, and old patterns that used to make us feel safe and “at home,” especially at a time of year steeped in family traditions.
Perhaps Christmas always sees you revisit certain family members, and the accompanying emotional patterns – but whatever tradition you find yourself carrying on, know that astrologically it’s a brilliant time to experience yourself ANEW.
Tap into the energy of the Winter Solstice for this, and know that you are supported as you go further into exploring a new spiritual identity, shining like a beacon in the dark. Know that this is about feeling your way into a new reality. The Sun has just passed through the “galactic center” of the Universe – literally – a time in space that offers the opportunity to go way further into your cosmic self. So allow yourself to be re-wired. What if the Universe promised you that on this day, this year, you have the power to create a new tradition? A new space to experience yourself. Then what would you feel?
On December 25th, 2015, how about cozying up to a new enlightened idea of what makes you feel alive. The light you have longed to kindle all year is ready to be ignited now, ESPECIALLY as Uranus, retrograde since July 26, goes direct in Aries. When Uranus is retrograde we may doubt sudden new potentials as they present themselves. When Uranus goes direct, we are booted out of the status quo in order to re-boot something important about ourselves.
So acknowledge where you’re experiencing twists and turns in your destiny, FEEL how it makes you feel, upgrade to the new reality, and acclimate. Although you may feel like you’ve been supercharged with something otherworldly, unrecognizable, unacceptable, and out of bounds, this Full Moon in Cancer is not meant to shock so much as it is here to bring you to where you belong.
SURPRISE; this is how you now feel “at home.” SURPRISE; this is where you’re supposed to be in your life. Whatever you uncover, maybe you’re most surprised to find you’ve had it in you all along – what you need to move forward, and this ability to feel your way into the future. So be receptive to what has suddenly become true for you, and feel its existence with your whole heart.
“Women ourselves have bought into this idea of ‘feminine’ as meaning ‘weaker’…” Jo Becker‘s Marianne Williamson interview speaks to what it means to be woman and a spiritual activist.
Marianne Williamson is a powerhouse. The fierce voice of modern spirituality shares her love-driven ideas on how to heal America far and wide: she’s written four New York Times #1 bestsellers, chats with Oprah on the regular, and even ran for Congress in 2013. To me, she embodies the future of feminine leadership and spiritual activism.
I’m inspired by her eloquent commitment to heart-centered change. Years before I read her books, I heard her life-changing statement from A Return to Love, the quotation she is now famous for:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we’re liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
I caught up with her at an Institute of Noetic Sciences conference. Astronaut Edgar Mitchell founded IONS back in 1973 after experiencing samadhi during the flight back to earth. Since then, IONS has been devoted to bringing together science and spirituality. I see Marianne Williamson as similarly groundbreaking in her work: she joyfully and relentlessly marries political activism with spiritual awareness.
The Dalai Lama said, “The world does not need more successful people. The world desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of all kinds.” Personally, I think the world needs successful peacemakers, healers, and lovers; and numinous women like Marianne Williamson are shining examples.
A lot of people think that “spiritual activism” is a contradiction. What would you say to them? Spiritual activism is a change in thinking: from a mental filter of fear to a mental filter of love. Given that thought is the causal level of all experience, active thought and change of thought is the most powerful force in the Universe.
Earlier today, a scientist was talking about how information, as in data, is only 10% of what causes people to actually change their behavior. And we have the data. We know what climate change is doing, we know how dangerous nuclear power is. We have the data on what violence on television and video games is doing to young people’s brains, we have the data on the carcinogens that are in the air…So why is it that “knowing the data” isn’t enough to make us change?
What makes us change comes from a deeper place, and that’s what spiritual activism is. It’s when something of the spirit, of the heart, becomes active in our thinking, and our thinking gets lit up. Because the mind itself can be used for purposes of love or purposes of fear, so spiritual activism is when we seek to do whatever it is we do from a place of love and with the intention of love.
And I’m talking about the love with which the mother lion protects her cubs. The love with which the adult female [and some males] of any species that survives and thrives exhibits fierce behavior when she senses that her cubs are threatened. So the marginalization of spirituality, the minimization of love as force, is just part of the ego mind’s propaganda.
Do you resonate with what the Dalai Lama said: “the Western woman will save the world?” Of course I resonate with it, but with all due respect to the Dalai Lama, I don’t think we need any man’s verification. I have a bit of a problem with the fact that we’re quoting a man to affirm our own power. I have the same great respect and reverence for His Holiness as anyone, but come on girls! I think what’s most important is that you say it. And I say it. Because we are affirming what we are doing: that this world is changing because we say so. Because we say so.
You’re doing a lot of work right now with balancing masculine and feminine energies in women. Why is this important to you? It’s such a significant issue. I am a product of the 1970’s wave of feminism—obviously the women’s movement is a wonderful thing, obviously I consider myself a feminist. But there is what I think of as a flawed strain of feminism, through which we actually suppressed the feminine in the name of feminism. And we embodied in many cases the archetype of Athena. She goes out there, she goes into the world, she manifests, she makes things happen.
But we get to embody as many energies, i.e. goddesses, as we choose, and Aphrodite is important as well. She embodies romance and beauty and pleasure, and I think many women, myself included have had a lot of psychic scars from buying into the belief that cultivating the masculine side of ourselves was actually more important than cultivating the feminine side.
I also think a lot of women have come to a very confusing point in their lives, realizing ‘I made this happen’ or ‘I made that happen.’ ‘I had these professional goals—some of which I’ve manifested, some of which I haven’t.’ But when are the other areas of my life, which are just as important to me, going to occur? Old wise women don’t get pregnant.
I’ve seen a lot of young women particularly deeply saddened, even traumatized, by the fact that while they feel they’re on some track professionally, their relationships, and child-bearing and deeper issues of cultivation of the family and romance have become…it’s like women are standing there saying, ‘How did I become clueless in this area?’ And then not only ‘How did I become clueless?’ but ‘What are the clues?’ They’ve become lost.
Inviting in the Aphrodite energy of love, pleasure, beauty – what does that look like in a woman? The integration of the Aphrodite and the Athena in my own life has been so important. I think obviously we’re all masculine, we’re all feminine, but women are here to major in feminine. It’s part of honoring our incarnation not to sideline something so fundamental to our being. And women ourselves have bought into this idea of ‘feminine’ as meaning ‘weaker’ without knowing it. Not women as weaker, but feminine attributes as weaker. I think many of us are seeking to reclaim lost pieces of ourselves, scattered pieces of ourselves.
What advice do you have for young women? I think my biggest advice to young women would be, ‘enjoy it while you got it.’
And not try to be the ‘wise woman’ before your time? The decades of life are like different rooms in the house. I have a daughter, early childhood, junior high, tween, high school college, now she’s a woman on her own. None of those phases is more or less magnificent than any other. And being in your 20s is fantastic, so be in your 20s when you’re in your 20s. Being in your 50s is fantastic; being in your 60s is fantastic. With every phase you lose something and you gain something. Be where you are when you’re there.
Having said that, I think something good is happening among American women. We’re starting to catch up, and we need to. We’ve not been the most mature group compared to women in other societies. And we’ve acted like we’re clueless regarding the suffering of women around the world, particularly at the hands of our own government in too many cases. We decry the policies towards women of a place like Saudi Arabia and for good reason, but when we invade countries that didn’t do anything to hurt us, a lot of the people who are dying in such invasion are women and their children.
So this is not a time for women of any age to be ditzy. This is a time to be deep. But I see many women of all ages seeking greater depth and it’s inspiring.
How do you think we can start to wake up to the suffering of others without dismissing it as ‘other people’s karma’? Oh please! What a brilliant ego device that is. It might be that person’s karma to be starving, but it is my karma to give them food. Their karmic challenge might be that challenge; my karmic challenge is to help those who suffer that way. The ego is brilliant at coming up with excuses for not helping. There is no serious spiritual path, and there never has been, that gives any of us a pass at addressing the suffering of other sentient beings.
Now, get sucked in by it? Absolutely not. But there’s a difference between denial and transcendence. If you don’t even look at it, you’re not in transcendence. You’re in denial. But if you look at it and practice positive denial, which is: I deny the power of this phenomenon to continue. Why? Because I said so. Because I’m gonna do something about it. Because I know other people are gonna do something about it and we’re gonna make sure this ends. That’s positive denial.
Do you have a daily spiritual practice? I am a student of A Course in Miracles. The course is 365 days of lessons; mine today is, ‘I will be still an instant and go home.’ Yesterday was, ‘I trust my brothers who are one with me.’ It’s a specific curriculum for dismantling a thought system based on fear, and accepting instead a thought system based on love. So spiritual exercise becomes like physical exercise. You are rebuilding your body, but with spiritual exercise you are honing your attitudinal musculature, just like in yoga. You want the correct position in your attitude, just like in your body. With physical exercise, you are developing your physical muscles so you can be strong and run. In spiritual exercise you are developing your capacity to be still. Your capacity for impulse control.
What practical applications does this have? It means there is a greatly diminished probability that you will send the frickin’ text that you will regret for six months. It diminishes the possibility you will say or do something or push the send button that will so sabotage a relationship or work situation or whatever. It diminishes the possibility that you will be so distracted by the meaningless chaos of the world that you will not be able to show up fully as a fully actualized human. We wake up in the morning and we take a shower because we want yesterday’s dirt to be cleansed off our bodies, but if you don’t meditate or pray, you might not be cleaning yesterday’s dirt from your mind. So internal purification is as important as external purification.
Marianne Williamson’s The Aphrodite Training began October 23 2015 and will continue to be available via live stream through October 25 2015. Get all the details and sign up here.
Why this was the week I had to read Russell Brand’s birth chart, and I’m counting down to a big London launch…
I read Russell Brand’s birth chart. I kind of can’t get enough of him, and after watching the new documentary Brand: A Second Coming, which follows his personal evolution from addict to anti-establishment political commentator, I could no longer contain my curiosity about what kind of crazy-ass astrology the dude’s got going on.
And it’s all just SO there. With both his Sun and Mercury in Gemini, expressing himself with words is like breathing to Rus, and whether you agree with what he’s got to say or not, couldn’t you just listen all day long? Then, there’s his Moon, Mars, and Jupiter all in Aries. Oh man! This guy is massively passionate about ALL the things that turn him on. But yes, he needs sex, and lots of it, as well as total autonomy over his life.
Which doesn’t exactly peg him as marriage material – no surprises there – especially so when you also consider that both his Venus and Saturn are in Cancer. Yes, Russell loves (Venus) women (Cancer). Especially his mum (also Cancer), as the new documentary highlights. But perhaps his biggest karmic lesson (Saturn) is learning to express this in a way that works for both parties. With Uranus in Libra, he no doubt makes for a confusingly attentive/distant partner, and any long-term relationship will certainly be unconventional!
But most interesting to me, is Russell’s South-North Node journey, which falls on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis. Charting the path of Russell’s past life karma and cosmic destiny in this lifetime, the overarching theme is of a pure intellectual being. Russell’s Gemini South Node (past life karma) suggests somebody easily distracted with superficial things, spreading his many talents too thinly for them to have any impact. The Sagittarius North Node meanwhile (destiny point), is about finding a meaningful focus for his agile brain and unparalleled capacity for learning.
Since reading his book Revolution earlier this year, I’ve been thinking a lot about – well – “revolution” (which in turn, got me wanting to bust out this rad Isabel Marant sweatshirt from last year*). The standard dictionary definition is: “a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system,” which is a lot of what he talks about. But it strikes me that Russell’s focus on the concept of external revolution, is a reflection of the internal revolution he’s experienced in overcoming his ego-led addictions – to drugs, sex, and fame.
I see Russell’s journey this way, because since stepping onto my Numinous journey I’ve experienced a similar revolution inside myself. Different addictions, similar shift in worldview to incorporate a life that’s less about taking and accumulating, and more about sharing and being of service. Russell, thank you, you passionate, strange, addictive creature, for helping get the message to the masses.
*Yes, it it possible to live a more mindful life, and still get excited about fashion.
I’m counting down the days. Until the launch of a majorly exciting project I’ve been working on with Selfridges department store in the UK! For Christmas 2015 the team have created a mystical concept store the Astrolounge, featuring all kinds of cosmic gifting goodness. The Numinous has been on hand to help curate the product offer, as well as a super fun Shop by Star Sign selection for
It all goes live October 22 – which is also the date we’ll be launching THE coolest Numinous collaboration with on-demand t-shirt printing company YRStore. Keep watching our Instagram account for more teasers over the following week. You will NOT want to miss this!
10/10 bring a double dose of Karmic energy. How will you use it to wipe the Cosmic slate clean? By Felicia Bender.
Here comes October 10.
The Universe has been packing some punches lately, hasn’t it? Between all that “Moon” business – Blood Moon, Super Full Moons, Blue Moons – then the Eclipses, Retrogrades, and (need I go on?), we’re getting a big shake up and wake up.
And as with this kind of Cosmic activity, when we see repeating numbers there’s a message to be gleaned. When repeating numbers show up through dates, it’s a sign to pay attention to what the “code” reveals to you.
In Numerology, there are numbers indicating intensities related to karma – as in “you reap what you sow.”The number 10 is a Karmic number. And these numbers appear in our path, it’s an invitation to look at what you’re “paying back.” The art and science of Numerology is posited on the idea that we’re all souls in a human body, and that we’ve “come back” in human form to learn what we need in this lifetime.
Karmic numbers can point more clearly to why we might be experiencing more intense and recurring issues around certain matters in our lives. In turn, this can give us the courage to move through the issues rather than succumbing to more destructive tendencies we might have when it comes to these challenging themes.
There are numbers indicating Karmic Lessons and Karmic Debts – similar, but with a very different message.
The number 10 is the only Karmic number that indicates a release of karma. A new door opening. A clean slate. A rebirth.
As such, 10/10 is a day when we can all push the “reset” button if we so choose. It’s a day where the energy is aligned with new beginnings – free from the accumulated “debt” of the past. It’s a moment in time to forgive, release, make amends, and chart a brand new trajectory.
10/10 is an opening to focus on with positive optimism and – as Abraham-Hicks would say – by blasting clear “rockets of desire” into the Universe. And then we must consistently align with those desires and follow up with the action it takes to make it happen.
Destiny is indicated through the 10. It’s a starting point and a launching pad for us to tap into our individuality, independence, creativity, and leadership. The number 1 encompasses all these traits – plus self-confidence, innovation, and failing forward.
In Numerology, the 0 is the intensifier. Whatever the 0 is grouped with, it amplifies. So when we experience this 10/10 day, the energy of the number 1 is magnified. This is an invitation for us to take a stand, claim all aspects of ourselves, and boldly go forth into uncharted territory.
The 10 is considered lucky – or at least quite fortunate. It promises supportive energy toward everything new and forward thinking. It’s not an energy that enjoys hanging on to the past, nor does it thrive in taking the back seat. So even though the 10 promotes good fortune, it demands a certain amount of focused effort and stamina to achieve the end goal.
On a microcosmic level, this means committing fully to embracing our individual identity, and then living, breathing, and feeling it fully.
Brenè Brown asserts that “vulnerability is the best measure of courage.” 10/10 supports us in taking the leap into full-frontal vulnerability and opens the door to start with a clean slate.
Here are a few practical ways to take advantage of the “clean slate” energies of 10/10:
1. Write a list of your “transgressions” and go through a burning ritual to release and clear them. 2. Write a list of the significant people you feel have “transgressed” against you, and go through a burning ritual to release and clear them. 3. Start to rewire your brain by writing down – and thinking about – three specific things for which you’re grateful (three different things each day). Do this for a minimum of 30 days. You might love it so much you just add it to your daily routine. 4. Make a commitment to yourself to replace one “bad” habit with one “good” habit. Give it a minimum of 30 days to see results.
Understand that 10/10 isn’t like a magic wand that zaps you and “wa-la!” everything is done. It’s not a lightning bolt. But this is lovely because…have you ever met someone who was actually struck by lighting? Not a particularly subtle nor painless event, if you live to tell about it. Rather, 10/10 offers an energetic opening to those willing to step through the doorway. And once you make the decision, there’s no turning back. It’s like those photos you can’t “un-see” or the Truth that you can’t “un-know.”
10/10 can turbo-boost you on your spiritual path, IF you choose to take a ticket and pass through the turnstile.
Hit a bump in the road? Never fear, says Shaheen Miro. Your soul created a spiritual roadmap for you to follow in this life, here’s how to navigate yours…Images: Benoit Paillé via
Life is filled with twists and turns, some that take us deeper into our soul journey, others that lead us off-track for a while. I have found on my own path that we are never truly lost, but that there will be moments of feeling like we’re in the dark. Usually this happens when we’re ignoring our intuition, and not honoring our spirit.
But before you came to this wild and crazy world, you created a map for yourself – a charted path your soul is here to live out. Nope, this doesn’t mean that everything in your life is set in stone. Rather, your spiritual map is a blueprint that guides you towards opportunities for growth, and chances to explore the deeper regions of your soul.
These key co-ordinates on your map are points of power that help to ignite your spiritual fire, so you can paint the world with all your unique colors. To experience your own divinity, and to live out your creative purpose.
Bumps in the road Your map is filled with lessons and sacred moments. These may manifest as physical obstacles, dealing with health, safety, and security. You will also encounter moments of darkness, and depression. Maybe you will battle addiction, challenging relationships, a questioning of beliefs, upheavals, or fear.
At times you will even question your own soul purpose, and ask why the hell you embarked on this journey in the first place! But rest assured, you are here for a reason…and that reason is to simply dance, flow, and slow grind with the Universe.
Your map is also filled with strategically placed people, places and events. And like all geographic maps, you have created exit points, and alternate routes to help traverse any bumps in the road.
Now you’re probably thinking…damn, why would I make things so hard for myself? But you aren’t meant to struggle, simply to learn. The truth is you probably forgot you’re a total badass filled with enough light to outshine any darkness. Moments of opposition are here to remind you that you are living, learning, and that you are in control!
Navigating the Map The fastest way to get back on track if you feel you’ve veered off course, is usually to literally stopping what you are doing with your life, and move in a completely different direction. This will invariably activate your spirit and lead you closer to a feeling of wholeness.
I know there is at least one area of your life that could use a good change. So how about you override your current plan, chose to link into your spirit, and experience something else? Ask yourself this:
Does this current path feed or deplete my spirit?
Hmm, now this can be a tough question. You may need to meditate on it for awhile, so talk to Spirit, connect with your guides, and carve out some time for stillness.
What to Do When You are Lost Navigating back onto your soul path all starts with one small step in the right direction, but you must take action. Don’t just say: “I wish I could…” Begin to do it!
Fear is often the only hurdle. Fear that you will fail. Fear that you won’t be good enough. Fear that you might lose everything. Fear that you might actually succeed. Let me tell you a secret: fear is usually an indicator that you are getting close to something good.
So make love to your fear. Test your fear. Punch your fear in the face if you need to. The most brilliant adventures usually start off down a dark, ominous, strangely intimidating path. So take a few steps forward and see what happens. At which point feel free to say, “Hey Universe, give me a damn sign so I know where to go next!” – and just witness what shows up.
Know that it’s also okay to make a U-Turn. Maybe you went for something that felt right. Now it doesn’t. Say thank you for the experience, and move on.
Look for markers along your journey. Is there anyone, or anything that stands out on your adventure? Reoccurring events all bear significance…good and bad. Chronic situations are indicators that you aren’t paying attention. Anything that sends a tingle up your spine is an invitation to honor your spiritual artist.
How to Refuel on Your Adventure Being low on fuel feels like depression, opposition and discomfort. You will feel drained, mentally, emotionally, spiritually…and most often physically. So how do we refuel?
Stillness. Prayer. Meditation. Creativity. Spiritual Cleansing. At our core we are all sensitive, fluid beings, and being inundated with the chaotic voices of the outside world will drown out your own navigation system, and lead you further and further from your destination.
Commit to a daily meditation practice of at least 10 minutes. Learn to listen to your breath, as this is the beat of your soul. When you follow the rhythm of your breathing you release toxins, and purge the “ish,” so you can see more clearly.
Prayer is a way to express to the Universe and your own spirit what you want and need in life. Prayer is also a sacred moment to give gratitude for the things you have. Gratitude that will active good energy, and allow you to flow with your highest good.
Creativity isn’t just painting a picture, or singing a song. Creativity is about all kinds of expression. So ask: what does your inner artist want to experience? What form of expression makes you feel alive?
Spiritual cleansing is the literal act of clearing away the debris from your Aura. Using sacred ceremony to release these stuck energies will allow you to glide forward, unencumbered by the weight of any unnecessary baggage. Burn sage. Take a sea salt bath. Use the Gypsy’s Aura Elixir!
Off-Road Adventures If you take anything from this, let it be the affirmation that this is YOUR life, YOUR map, and YOUR adventure! Be a bitch if you have to. Say “no” to the things that wear you down. Say “no” to the relationships that are limiting you. Say “no” to the job that’s depleting you. Say “no” to the friends who aren’t vibing with you.
And then take this adventure off road. The destination isn’t the point, it’s all about the journey your spiritual map has in store for you.
Shaheen Miro is an Intuitive Consultant, Energy Worker, Artist, and Spiritual Nomad. Find out more about his work at and @ShaheenMiro
September 17 2015 is a QUADRUPLE 8 day. And 8888 numerology means time to step up and transform, says Felicia Bender.
Are you feeling the burn this year – and particularly this month – in pretty much every area of your life?
Numerologically, everyone on the planet is experiencing an 8 Universal Year.
You calculate it this way: 2015 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 8
The number 8 is the money and power number. The number 8 is an amplifier. Yet, here’s the rub. The energy of the 8 tests you in the realms of power. And not just some inconsequential quiz – this is like the comprehensive exams for your doctorate. And once you pass the exams, you must write your dissertation. Once you finish your dissertation, you must defend it in front of your committee. Once you defend it in front of your committee (and you pass), only then you get your degree. Ardous? Yes. Worth it? Damn right.
2015 is your year to develop and nurture everything related to money, power, control, and authority. There can be amazing gains, wonderful advancement, powerful achievement, and financial abundance. And there can also be losses, set backs, feelings of victimization, and financial slaps-in-the-face. The 8 is about resilience.
And since you’re a member of the Numinati, and pay attention to Astrology, you’ll also know that there have been – and will be – substantial planetary shifts and events taking place this year. Eclipses, Blood Moons, Blue Moons – need I go on?
And now here’s a “red letter” day in numerology: September 17, 2015 is a QUADRUPLE “8” day.
· 2015 is an 8 Universal Year (2+0+1+5=8) · September 2015 is an 8 Universal Month (9+2+0+1+5 =17; 1+7=8) · September 17 is an 8 Date (9+1+7=17: 1+7=8) · And 17 is an 8 Day (1+7=8)
What’s more, this particular 8888 numerology shows up between two powerful eclipses!
So how to bring this energy down to earth?
The whole point of this intense time is to bring us back to our roots – to the foundational, authentic you. Your soul is being revealed to you now in all its beautiful truth, and wherever we are not aligned with our soul path this will itself to us as a rather loud wake-up call. And one that can come in all forms – from pain to euphoria (and everything in between).
September 17 is also a “portal” of sorts – an energetic opening where manifestation energy is at an all-time high. Dramatic changes and transformations are happening all around us and within us. The keys to working with the energy of 8888 numerology are:
· To be open and receptive to rapid transformation. · To set your intentions with the utmost clarity around what you want (rather than what you don’t want). · To trust your truth and your intuition. · To take right action to manifest the next level in your life, whatever that might be to you. · To ready yourself to let go of old, old, old thoughts, habits, and programming.
Many people see the number 8 simply as the money number – personally think there’s more to it. Metaphorically, I see the 8 as a really difficult personal trainer. Think Plutonian vibes. Working with the energy of the 8 in any aspect of your life isn’t easy. It always brings substantial tests – and like a personal trainer, it’ll make you show up even when you’re hung over, and work your ass off until you can barely walk. Yet as you step up, you’ll become strong, disciplined, and ripped.
September 17, 2015 (8888) will bring challenges to those who’ve been in denial or slacking in the “life purpose” department, and a huge breakthrough to those who’ve been doing the work and are prepared to leap into their next magnificent phase. Get ready for the ch-ch-ch-changes…
How will you work with the 8888 numerology this week? Share in the comments below and connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!