Oh yeah, you can imagine how much we heart new fashion label Aries Arise, a line of casual separates from street wear designers Sofia Prantera and Fergus Purcell…Nuff said.

Oh yeah, you can imagine how much we heart new fashion label Aries Arise, a line of casual separates from street wear designers Sofia Prantera and Fergus Purcell…Nuff said.
Lululemon launched their London flagship store yesterday, their first outside America and Canada. And just to ensure it’s a huge success? The team created a New Moon ritual, of course.
“Is a ritual the right thing for launching a new market and making sure it’s a HUGE success?” was the question from Amanda Casgar, the main lady overseeing the lululemon London launch. This is a person who doesn’t do things by halves. The answer from custom ritual designer Emily Tepper, who Amanda employed to help her create the ritual, a resounding “YES”.
In her words; “Whenever you bring a bold new vision to the market or have a new vision for your life, ritual grounds the essence of your project and sings your desires to the world like a song.”
Add tomorrow’s auspicious Aries New Moon to the equation, a powerful harbinger of new beginnings and pioneer spirit, and the stage was all set.
Amanda describes the ritual itself below, and we invite you to borrow this process to usher in your own successes this New Moon season;
“We planted seeds for the new moon by creating an altar. Each person went down one by one, with a white flower around their neck so they felt supported by the group, and placed their “gift” on the altar. The gift was a symbol of the personal sparkle and energy they are bringing to the project.”
So who brought what to the altar?
Amanda; “A sassy pink lipstick and a crystal from one of my teachers and lululemon’s “director of possibility” Susanne Conrad. The lipstick because whenever I put on bold lips it brings out the sass and I want every one of our educators to feel that confidence in themselves. The crystal because of all I’ve learned in my five years at lululemon, which I want to create for this new team in London.”
Natalie (lululemon educator): “Florida state university yoga pants; Florida State university brought me to London through study abroad and that’s when I met my now husband. These are also really crappy yoga pants that I’m trading out for lululemon pants, and the culture and lifestyle in general that we spread throughout the world.”
Sasha (Director of brand and community for Europe): “Champagne; I think we should always take time to celebrate, and for me it’s also about remembering all the celebrations to come. If we’re not having fun, the guest isn’t having fun.”