Cast by Louise Androlia using the Rider Waite Deck.

I love to chat with you about your ‘scopes and how your month is going, so find me onTwitter and Instagram @louniverse and at Facebook/louiseandrolia

Virgo / Virgo Rising – The Eight of Pentacles

Happy Birthday! This is such a dream card for you as you’re probably in ‘back to school’ mode already, right? I also love the flow from last month’s Two of Wands, as I feel it’s a call for you to take action based on the dreams and ideas you’ve been cultivating.

I expect many of you are itching to get a personal project off the ground, get started with a new job – or perhaps leave an old one! It’s a great time to get into action mode, but don’t panic if things play out differently from your original plan. The way that things transpire will be exactly as they should. I know that’s not alway an easy concept for a perfectionist like you, but it really works quite beautifully. All it requires is a little releasing of pressure from yourself to allow things to flow more easily. It is an exercise in freedom.

The start of your solar year is like our own personal new year, so why not take time over the first few days of the month to check in with your own internal radar. What is coming and what is cycling out of your life as you transition into this new life phase?

If your friendships and romantic relationships need a little work then now is a great time to be willing to see them in a different way. Getting along with another person can be like learning a new language; instead of shouting over and over hoping they’ll understand, how about putting some compassion into really listening to them? Their viewpoint is also valuable, and sometimes it’s an amazing discovery to find that you disagree and that it is totally okay too. Allow your relationships to evolve, and surrender to what feels good for you – meaning what feels good for your soul, not your ego.

Be open to welcoming in and respecting the unknown this month. A good way to do this is to look back and practice gratitude for the past year and especially for your childhood. And if, like so many of us, are feeling the bumps of change right now, then please be easy on yourself. A time of change is not supposed to feel relaxed – in fact, it feels the total opposite! It is imperative that whatever you’re doing and wherever you’re at right now you make the intention to be kind to yourself. Judging yourself or your journey is what builds blocks in front of you. Allow your moods to guide you, one feeling to the next. Remember every feeling is of value and you are unique but not alone.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Libra / Libra Rising – The Five of Swords

This is a perfect card to guide you on from the last few weeks into a new and more empowered space. As things shift and change in your own environment you now have a chance to reconnect your mind, body and spirit. It is possible that you are feeling a little off balance, perhaps even physically unwell. It can be scary to feel so ungrounded, but know that this is normal when your life is moving into a new cycle.

I feel this month is all about you, you and more YOU! So if you’re used to hiding in the sidelines or just being everything for everyone else, then it’s time to come back home. You’re not here to just give out, you need to be able to receive too, and it starts with you realigning yourself with your feelings and intentions.

This is especially significant if you are emerging from a relationship and have that ‘just stepped off a battleground’ energy around you. Try not to split yourself into pieces by seeing different versions of yourself scattered in the past. You are all you and everything is of significance to take you forward. Instead think of this as a great time for detoxing the mind and body, and ,alongside that, simply having some fun.

So how can you care for yourself more effectively? To start with try and avoid fitting yourself into a box or following someone else’s life plan, especially where health and diet are concerned. Think about your body and what it needs, consider what feels right for you. This can be a trial and error process and that’s okay, just work with yourself and experiment with everything that resonates with you.

If you’re feeling anxious about the past and worrying about hard times repeating themselves, again, this is very normal, but know that you are always evolving and that it’s within your powers of perception that you can really trust in that. Allow time to just be you, be in you, be with you. It’s the safest place you can be. When you have reclaimed your personal power you may find that blocks dissolve and you feel a little more like putting an action plan in place.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Scorpio / Scorpio – The Four of Cups

I hope you’ve been working with the word ‘expansion’ this year, because it’s such a helpful tool for you. In any given experience or moment we can look at things through a small, restricted tube, or from a 360-degree viewpoint. So what’s your vision like today?

If you feel in ‘stuck’ mode, then begin to think of everything as being stretchy – life as lycra – remembering there is always a possibility that you perhaps haven’t seen yet. Not only is this a more positive place to start from, but it’s actually something we can work with. I often look at the closed sentences we create for ourselves and think to myself; ‘I don’t want to live in that kind of space, I want something to explore.’ So make this your mantra for the next month – ‘I am willing to explore.’

I want you to adventure within your own time frame, moving around your own puzzle pieces and creating and recreating all the time. Any moment you feel bored, it’s only a call for expansion. Any time you feel afraid, it’s just a call for freedom. You are in a time of wild and exciting opportunity, especially on a personal note, and there are many people who need you and appreciate you. There are also new romantic prospects perhaps closer than you realize – I’ll leave that one to you to investigate. So over the next month, allow yourself to open up to new contacts and to being a light for those who are in murky waters.

However, it’s also imperative that you up your energy protection skills. I just read that snails have a special type of slime that’s reserved for protection, how cool is that? Snails are totally my new spirit creatures! So how about visualizing your own version of this. Close your eyes and see a bight light within your heart centre, representing your highest and brightest inner light. Now see it expanding from your body, covering your whole being with an iridescent, protective second skin. This is your new power source, both for protection and to enhance your ability to feel comfortable in your own light. Let me know how it goes!

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising – Death

I feel that it’s these later months of the year where you’ll be navigating and noticing the most shifts in your life. It seems like you’ve been building up to something, and the next few weeks are where you can finally start taking action. If you are poised ready to or launch a new something or other (wait! have you been keeping something on the secretive down low?!), then this is the perfect time to embrace it fully and without obsession over perfection. Trust that if you are moving forward from an honest and passionate place, then everything is as it should be. Keep walking forwards instead of trying to rewrite the past, and avoid delaying yourself because of a fear of failure, which of course is just a fear of that unknown space ahead of us.

Remember that none of us are exempt from fears, so try and avoid judging your feelings as you’ll be the most supported when you stay present with any worries that come up and wrap your arms fully around your challenges. Know that during a time of change you’re not supposed to feel grounded or relaxed, so be easy on yourself and up your self care practice.

For some of you there may be some moments of clarity or personal epiphanies over the next few weeks as you fully connect with how your own personal stories have been weaving together. There may be moments where you need to stop and forgive yourself and other people – maybe linked to a few situations from the recent past. Remember that forgiveness is nothing to do with letting someone ‘off the hook,’ but rather it’s the act of freeing oneself from restrictions. As you practice this idea of freeing yourself you will find that it opens up a new space for opportunity and personal growth.

Finally, keep yourself aware of how you channel your fire energy. If you feel bored, frustrated or self-sabotaging, this is misplaced fire and a call for you to expand. It might be that you need to shift your outlook by being willing to see more options, or it might represent a need to pay attention to a passion that you’ve hidden away. Think of this month as an option to explore and take an adventure through your own psyche. Who knows what you may find!

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Capricorn / Capricorn Rising – The Two of Wands

This month you’re invited to step back into a more creative and adventurous place. It’s a month to retire to your manifestation station and get quite serious about redesigning your life. You’ve been quite hard on yourself recently, as well as managing a lot of external stress, so it’s time to reshuffle and realize that you do have some power in this process.

It’s so easy for us to feel like a victim, and imagine that things are happening to us. It’s equally easy to start restricting ourselves without even realizing it. How often recently have you been using closed statements like; ‘I can’t’? And external statements that start with the dreaded; ‘I should’? It is within your own ability to expand yourself so that more options are available. There will always appear to be a block in front of you if you are wearing blinkers. But what about the expanse around you? This is the space I want you to be willing to explore.

It just doesn’t cut it anymore to be unkind to yourself or pile the pressure up and up, so it’s time to get creative. Start from the bottom. How do you feel today, and how do you want to feel? Where is the block that is separating the two? Is it a fear centered around a ‘what if’, an ‘I should’ or an ‘I can’t?’ I believe that we must rewrite our own inner dictionaries so that we are no longer using words that aren’t stretchy or empowered. Replace all the above with an ‘I feel’ in order to see how you really resonate with what is going on around you. It is time to fall in love with yourself again.

You will benefit from working with your own inner spark this month and honouring your back burner ideas. What projects or plans have you sidelined and replaced with things you thought you ‘should’ do instead? It’s time to bring them to the forefront, with no pressure. Remember how as children we always just had hobbies? Where as when we are adults we often feel that everything has to have a point or an action plan attached, so that we forget about just being expressive or having fun. It’s time to go back to doing what simply makes you feel good. Okay?

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Aquarius / Aquarius Rising – The Emperor

The month ahead calls for some good old-fashioned order and planning, and this is probably just what you need if you’ve been feeling quite out of control recently. This isn’t however a call for control freak mode, instead showing you that well placed balance and order have the ability to set you free. This card brings in Mars energy, all about your drives and passions, posing the question of how you want to move forward and helping you be aware of what might be holding you back.

The themes of protection and preservation are present for you too, and I’d like you to reframe these phrases so that they sit in a positive light for you. Protect yourself not by cutting yourself off from the world or other people but by choosing company that uplifts your spirits rather than pulls on your fears. Preserve your energy by not placing it in any space that feels restricted. This might mean that you remember to pick and choose career choices to suit you rather than to please others, and that you work on getting more comfortable with the presence of your own fears.

With such a strong archetype in place I can’t avoid the possibility that there is a strong masculine energy in your life right now. This doesn’t have be a male, but the energy has a very powerful presence over you. I want you to address whether you feel consumed by someone, or even overpowered by a situation? If so, then here is your chance to take this energy for yourself and channel it back into your own life force – as opposed to feeling like you’ve been depleted.

This is where a sense of structure will help. Think about where you feel weakened and what you could do to support yourself more in this situation. It might be that you return to a wellness practice that has helped you before, take yourself on a holiday or put yourself fully into a work project or idea that has been on the sidelines. Either way this is a reminder that whilst the feelings of external pressure can be huge, there is always a part that you can play to shift your perspective and be kinder to yourself. Make falling in love with yourself a non-negotiable, and practice forgiveness for every block that you become aware of.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Pisces / Pisces Rising – The Three of Swords

An interesting reflection of last months card, here is another three which calls you to expand in a slightly different way. The last few weeks you may have been planning new career adventures or just checking in with that inner call to share or teach. I feel that this month is about releasing old pain and disappointments in order to be really present with what your soul desires.

Disappointment is one of the strangest human emotions and links very closely to a victim mentality. For someone as intuitive as you, it is easy for you to feel overwhelmed because you can often soak up everyone else’s emotions without even realizing it! This might recently have come in the forms of a fear that others behavior is to do with you, that you have done something wrong, and also feelings of self blame. It’s important to note these types of feelings quickly and shift them within the moment. Remember that you have personal power and your journey is yours to explore and co-create. Acknowledge where you feel let down but don’t judge yourself.

I feel that some of you might be stuck in repetitive romantic patterns, and again the key to unlock these is in reclaiming a sense of empowerment. Check in with how often you are externalizing your life to be about someone else and know that this is your experience, and that is actually quite exciting. By freeing yourself up from any expectations you have placed upon yourself, then liberation will appear in the form of a wide-open space to really get to know parts of yourself that you perhaps didn’t even know existed.

Try and work constantly with the term ‘I feel,’ so that you are always connecting mind and body and reforming a stronger internal confidence structure. This month is all about transcending pain in a new way, and I do believe that we can feel empowered within a challenge by claiming it for our own. Somewhere in your life right now there is a situation that is acting as a catalyst, ready to rocket you off to a fresh and more evolved space. Remember growing pains are normal, and you are writing your own life story; now imagine yourself as the hero, and ask how might you save yourself today.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Aries / Aries Rising – The Six of Cups

A nostalgic card for you this month Aries, and a call to check in with how you are currently viewing the past. The past is there to be appreciated but not re-written. You are someone that likes a task and likes to be productive, and I feel that these next few weeks aren’t about combing through the history books, but instead just being present with where the past might be having a negative effect on your plans.

What mean is, I feel you might be trying to delve through your archives to find out why something turned out as it did or perhaps even just trying to predict a possible outcome for the future. Slow down. I repeat, slow down and let the past be your mentor, a gentle energy that comes with solid advice and assurance. The best way for you to be nostalgic right now is to forgive and be compassionate to anything that has been difficult for you recently. I definitely feel that there is some emotional energy with you right now that is very strong, and may have caused you to feel much more out of balance than usual – even with your health. Keep being patient and kind to yourself. Your mind has to be a judgement free zone because then you can move forwards, knowing that your story is perfectly crafted just as it is.

Meanwhile, the benefits to the next few weeks are that you may have a push forward with a career project, something that needed space and is now ready to align with your time zone! There is also the possibility of using this energy to connect with old friends – and no, this does not mean texting ex lovers, rather reconnecting with those who you miss in your circle. I feel there could be a friend who needs some comforting words from you right now, so remember the art of helping if you feel a little helpless yourself.

I also love the idea that you can use this time to reconnect yourself to old hobbies and passions, perhaps picking up that paint brush or doing something that your inner child would approve of. Let the light and positive energy of your past guide you forward and be ready to hear the answers that old times bring forth in the present moment.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Taurus / Taurus Rising – The Three of Cups

This is such a shift from the energy of last month, where I was encouraging you to get really present with all of your fears. We now have a space for celebration and lighter joy. I feel it’s a pull to get you out of your comfort zone – have you been a bit of a home hermit recently? I think that there are people that would appreciate your company, and not to chat about work, just to relax and try and see the lighter side of life. If you’ve been in a very challenging space recently then this is a reminder that it’s okay to still laugh and smile, even if you feel dragged down by difficulties and sadness. Don’t however put any pressure on yourself to ‘have fun.’ It’s more about allowing yourself to tip-toe on over to something that feels good and might just plant a smile on your face.

Meanwhile, this is a card of congratulations so it could be that you finally release a project you have been working so hard on, and get to experience the elation that comes with giving birth to a new idea. It’s a good few weeks to take a mini break or holiday, and if you haven’t been out of town for a while relaxation is fully encouraged. I also feel that this marks a shift in perspective for you, as if perhaps last month helped you face up to some things that seemed so scary and you saw a way to cope with them or to change your thoughts to support you rather than attack you.

It is certainly the month to make the most of life – the phrase ‘life is short’ is important to contemplate because it can release us from silly judgments and worries and free us up to appreciate everything that is present, especially the people we love. Get in touch with some of your most supportive friends, feel free to share if you need to but make sure to honour the art of giving and receiving and check in that they are okay too. I feel that everyone needs a bit of a boost right now, and we can all play our part.

On a final note, take some time to sit and soak up how amazing you are. Sometimes you forget to do this, and now is a great time for personal gratitude. You are AWESOME, so deal with it!

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Gemini / Gemini Rising – The Chariot

Yep, you are still in a time of change! So release any pressure from yourself to be feeling super grounded and relaxed. It’s okay! Life is going ahead, it’s likely that this month brings together the results of things that you have been building up to or working on this year so far – and this is good news. It is only difficult if you lay back and forget to participate, so hold on and remember to fully engage. The lessons are all in the balance. If you can work out how to care for yourself and be respectful of your adventure then you will be just fine.

Last month things may have felt a little more out of control, so you’ll be pleased to know that this month some of the movement is based on your own will and power! At the forefront is a call for you to slow yourself down to a step-by-step process, so that the mists clear and things make more sense. I feel that there have been a lot of external opinions recently, advice from here, there and everywhere, and with that it’s easy to feel lost.

In order to emerge from this wind tunnel you have to be working with your ‘will’ and not your ‘won’t.’ This means it’s time to let go of the stubborn part of yourself that says you ‘can’t’ change or ‘things will always be like this.’ It is a call to be more expansive and allow yourself to evolve into a better stage of your life. Don’t be afraid because life is supposed to move forward, you are supposed to constantly shift, and now it’s time to go for it!

Think of all the ways you can be proactive this month. How can you take charge of your health and well being in new way? What bigger part can you play in wanting to feel good? What can you change about your inner dialogue to make your mind more manageable? What would you like to leave behind as you move onwards? It’s important to post yourself these kinds of questions often, but also to give them to yourself pressure free. This isn’t about restrictive disciplines, but about wanting to honour the life you have been given.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Cancer / Cancer Rising – The Page of Swords

You are navigating through the same waters as last month, which is all about your own personal power and inner truths. I feel some of you have probably seen things change already and are enjoying how much more empowered it feels to be making choices from a place that feels good. As you move through September, there is a call to really stay aligned to your own clarity and wisdom, especially with a lot of opinions from others forming around you. Stay true to yourself and try to not detour into fear or be swayed by trying to do things from an external ‘I should’ kind of space.

There may be lots of gossip in your midst, and so follow this simple rule: Drama doesn’t exist unless you participate in it. This is simple but it can be easy to be swayed, and again it is a call to stand in your own shoes. The reason it is so important to be embodied is that when you are fully connected to yourself you have the opportunity to see the lessons that the past is shouting out to you. I feel that you might have a few ‘ah-ha’ moments come riding in over the next few weeks, as you see how things link to each other and how you ended up standing right here.

I want you to also be proud of yourself this month as you move forwards, it feels like you are really stepping into a new cycle after a lot of ‘umming’ and ‘ahhing’ over the year so far. You are aware that you had lessons that needed to be learned and now you are ready to really play your own cards and continue to discover what is hidden within you. It can be difficult to stand fully in our own power – in fact it’s one of life’s lessons to really go for it and not be afraid of what others might say or what might happen if you really shine.

If you stay connected to your mind, body and spirit then you can always bring forth the highest part of yourself, and with that are then able to see the lightest and brightest path ahead. You are still evolving, so don’t expect yourself to ‘know everything’ – we are always supposed to be learning, teaching and sharing. So pat yourself on the back and keep on walking.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Leo / Leo Rising – The Ace of Pentacles

What a perfectly smooth transition from last month – that question of how you were going to further your own experience is perfectly complemented by this month’s card, which signals new beginnings and bright opportunities.

So I’d like to talk to you about how you decide which options to pick and how to make the decision that’s best for you. This is all about respecting a desire to feel good and experience joy – it’s not about beating others or being directed by your ego’s fears. Lucky you if you have a huge selection of options or ideas in front of you, but it can still be overwhelming. So scale yourself back to a pressure free zone and begin from considering what you desire right now. We are dealing with what you want to experience on this earthly plane, so yes we can cover career, but really this is more about your experience on earth itself and what you would like to learn and discover.

I feel over the next few weeks you are going to have the opportunity for many fresh starts, some of which may already have been creeping in like new relationships and friendships. This is an empowering energy and so I want you to be very active in directing yourself and exploring your own internal and external landscape. Think of every day as a clear canvas to start creating from. This is not a time to ignore your own ideas or sideline passion projects, in fact it’s actually a great time to bring back to the table an old idea that got left behind. Expect the unexpected and be open to taking what feel like unusual opportunities. Just know that if something feels right, then it could be just the opportunity you needed.

Finally, there is no need to be afraid of a fresh start. The unknown is merely something that you aren’t familiar with…yet. It is not a place to fear, and your perspective can be shifted by thinking of everything as potentially exciting, rather than fearful. Consider how the sun sets and rises every day but the light and patterns from the clouds in the sky are always slightly different: the scene is always the same, but different.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Cast by Louise Androlia using The Cosmic Tarot Deck

I love to chat with you about your ‘scopes and how your month is going, so find me on Twitter and Instagram @louniverse and at Facebook/louiseandrolia

Leo / Leo Rising – The Ten of Pentacles

Happy Birthday, sweet beast! So you’re about ready for a switch up. Something’s got to give, something’s got to go and you need to reshuffle yourself back into your home zone – it’s time to step it up. What does that mean to you? I’m talking about upping your game. Is there a wobble of anxiety or a fear of failure that comes with that idea, to go bigger, to be greater, to feel better? I want you to approach your nerves this month with a shift in perspective, and turn that wobble into a wave of excitement – an unapologetic urge to keep seeking what lights you up and ways to brighten your experience.

For those of you feeling stuck somewhere that you don’t want to be, then now is the time to believe in change and know that you are allowed to pull things apart and put them back together again. In fact, your inner soul is calling out for you to do exactly this. You aren’t here on this planet to be hiding from the things you feel the urge to dream up and pursue.

It’s human nature to find a comfortable seat in an uncomfortable space – and you know what that looks like, right? But when I talk about upping your game, it’s about stepping out of your comfort zone, knowing there is something more for you to reach for. So the message this month is simple – it’s time to honor that emotion. Change is good, and it’s even better when you bring it in yourself.

If you’ve been struggling against the tide and are feeling a little on the edge of a victim mentality, it’s okay. We all quite frequently want to wave our hands in the air and go, ‘wait ARE YOU SERIOUS?!’ So over the next few weeks, just check in with yourself, all the time. Maybe you’ll see where it feels like you’re erring slightly off course – and be able to ask yourself, have you been stopped in your tracks on purpose? Perhaps this is your chance to carve out a new space for yourself, a better space.

Finally, the art of sharing is important this month. Your story is what makes you unique, so yes, keep something for yourself. But also recognize that you might experience the most healing when you allow yourself to be vulnerable to the influence of others. Writing will be on your side too, so get up every day and journal, or ‘brain vomit’ as I like to call it! Let your subconscious spill onto the pages. You might just find the answers you’ve been looking for.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Virgo / Virgo Rising – The Two of Wands

Hey traveller. You really have been all over the place recently, physically and emotionally, quite the adventurer. You kind of get a kick out of it but there is definitely an inner yearning for some boring old peace and quite now! I can’t promise that, but I can remind you how to check in on your journey and how to thrive while moving at super speed.

Even when you’re up to your eyeballs with work and general overload it’s important to find a way to carve out a space to breathe. And yes, conscious breathing itself is an awesome practice, but when I say breathe I really mean just make some space for nothingness. Like full on nada, zilch, nothing at all. Lying on your carpet staring at the ceiling. You want to always have a corner of your internal white board sparkling clean and free. Why? Because otherwise how are you ever going to see your way out of a problem or expand yourself to your next power zone!

So yeah, let’s take a look at what you’re manifesting – that old trick, what does the word even mean to you? I feel it gets thrown around a little too casually these days, and we can harness it much more elegantly I think. You are filled with ideas, I know you are, so think what the patch of land you are building on looks like at the moment. Groundwork means literally securing a safe and impassioned space to build something from, so do a quick rec and check your balance. Are your actions fully aligned with your highest truth and best intentions? Which idea feels the best to you? Which idea holds the least amount of fear and ego driven ‘what ifs’?

It feels to me like you are about to shift into a new perspective around a career and passion project or situation. You may be letting something go (woo hoo) or feeling your way around a familiar scene and wondering how to pep it up. Try not to be too frantic for change; there is a sense of easing your way in that will help you over the coming weeks. Avoid panicking and remember to be grateful for having got yourself to this place. You are exactly where you should be, so stand proud and tall and just take one step.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Libra / Libra Rising – Five of Cups

Did you feel some changes or shifts last month? That Judgement card is such a calling to rise up that it can often bring in a wobble via the Universe, with the intent of shooting you off in a new direction. Unfortunately when that happens we often have no idea why we’ve been shoved over. You want to get up and march on, full of empowerment, but aren’t quite sure what the purpose of it all is.

So this month I want you to try and see where you feel like you’ve been let down or knocked about a bit. Is there a point right now, perhaps in a shift in career or relationship focus, where you feel a bit like ‘um, well what was the point of that?’ It’s easy to feel that life has tipped you up and wonder where the hope is.

But I want you to not feel like you’ve taken any steps backwards, or are slipping back into a role from the past you didn’t really like. Each day is always a new start, and the past is never a blueprint for your future. Feelings of loss and disappointment are supposed to feel uneasy, so make sure that if you are feeling a wobble that you sit down and feel those feelings. Or write it out to get out your anxieties out of your mind and body – you don’t need to be pacing round having debates with your own ego mind, so speak, shout, announce your fears, and they won’t seem nearly so overpowering.

Then it’s time to have a think about what the redirection might be. Usually when we feel a bit lost, it’s because a pause in energy is offering us a moment to recalibrate. In order to do that you must think about how you are connected right now and if something needs to be shifted, or maybe the ways in which you aren’t connected to your experience at all.

Take some time this month to try and align yourself with your spirit – which really just means giving time to your passions and remembering why you are you. What makes you feel ‘in your skin’? What projects have you hidden in the shadows because you think you ‘should’ do something else? How have you been holding your true spirit back in your relationships or friendships? Ask your soul self the questions and be brave enough to take steps from the answers that you hear.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Scorpio / Scorpio Rising – The Princess of Wands

You’re back on the manifesting train again, hopefully because you have some of your fire back now that Mars has moved into your sign. Do you feel ready to move? The great thing about the energy for you this month is that it’s a wonderful combination of desire and action. You know there’s no point in dallying around, and if you actually want to see things change and move onwards then you need to put in the work. I’m not so much cracking the whip here but more encouraging you to make plans and stick to them!

Everything that you want needs a space to grow from, so this month is the perfect time to be reshuffling and making space. If you are planning to move house then it’s time to get ready. Clean up in your current situation – what bills need paying, and what old belongings could you sell or donate? Get your energy ready to shift and then when the time comes, you’ll be ready. It’s essentially a process of making things easier for yourself. Instead of being so super active and quite the procrastinator, let’s go with the super powered Scorpio energy this month ok?

So think; what isn’t working right now? And how can you shake up your structure so that you regain a sense of flow? It can be easy to tune too much into the ‘I cant’s’ or ‘why is this happening’ moments, when what you need to do is at least embrace the option of expansion to see your way through a challenge. It might be as small as just saying to yourself; ‘I know there is a more expansive way of viewing this today.’ It’s time to see where you are in your own way, step back and take a look from a new viewpoint. From a different perspective, it may be obvious what you need to move in order to make space.

Over the next few weeks practice the ultimate manifesting practice. I believe it goes like this: Intention – What are you aiming for? What do you want to feel like? How can you honor your journey more? Then, Action – Make moves in the direction of your dreams, practical measures. Finally – Surrender rather than obsess. Keep everything in the day and work moment by moment and see how things suddenly seem to weave themselves together.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising – The Princess of Swords

In what ways are you not connected to your inner truth right now? I’m feeling as though you’ve allowed your own personal power to slip to the sidelines. This may have manifested in a variety of ways – a dip in confidence perhaps? Are you finding yourself more judgmental of yourself and others recently? Feeling neglected by life? There is a need for you to recalibrate your inner strength this month – and not in the way that you might usually go about it.

There is often a tendency to just ‘pull yourself together’, stand up put on a brave face and say you are fine. Sure that does work, but it’s not addressing what’s at the heart of the matter, and doesn’t really nurture your whole self. I want you to go within, big time! This is about upping your relationship with your inner soul system and choosing not to ignore your gut.

I’m often wary of using that word – ‘gut’ – because sometimes the ego likes to join that party. I want you to start to focus with on just checking in with how you feel and how your body feels. Notice what or whom you feel you are pulling away from and start to think about why. If you find yourself with all sorts of ideas and opinions about other people, remember that everyone is a mirror.

If you are speaking negatively about someone then it’s going to be pulling something out that you’re actually feeling about yourself. It’s a good month to do some autonomous writing; open up a notepad and just brain spill out on to the page. You might discover that it’s your own inner dialogue towards yourself that needs clarifying and brightening in order for the world to seem a little less cold.

So back to your own sense of empowerment; check in with how much you’ve been taking on that you haven’t really felt connected to or inspired by. Quite a few things maybe? Being spiritual means quite simply, ‘to honour your spirit.’ So how can you do that over the next few weeks? Go back to basics and connect to your passions and interests and allow that to boost your inner strength. With this in line it’s a lot easier to step into your power, own your experience, feel less threatened and ultimately, have more fun!

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Capricorn / Capricorn Rising – The Seven of Swords

Last month I encouraged you to allow some stillness and take some rest – with that, I feel that you may be facing up to some old fears surrounding issues of trust. I want to talk about how much you trust yourself right now and how much you have faith in your journey, because I feel that you could be feeling a little lost. It’s almost as if you don’t trust in your own viewpoint or knowledge, and that often comes in when we have disconnected from our mind and body.

You have had a busy stretch of year and a lot of climbing uphill, not to mention a lot of trying to please others going on. This is draining and it translates into a lack of confidence so easily. The thing is, you are no less brilliant than you have ever been, you haven’t lost your personal power but you may have left it on a shelf somewhere out of reach.

I’d like you to try to reconnect to your feelings of potential, remember what your hopes are, and remember what makes you feel good. Stop trying to be something for everyone else. If you are connected and aligned with your self fully then everything around you will sit better – work, friendships, health and relationships. It’s time to reclaim your power and your personality, no one can take these things from you but it’s easy to give them away or forget they are yours in the first place. You might be feeling wary of who to trust right now, or how to make a decision – perhaps you’re worried about making the wrong choice somewhere along the line? Again, this is only a reflection of the state your inner system is in, so consciously choosing to have faith in your own steps will help you to find your balance in the external world.

You’re not here to play small, hide behind yourself or to not participate in your adventure. Take note of anywhere you are sidelining and reel yourself back in. Have you been looking after your body? Have you been listening to your intuition? Have you been honoring your passions? Make some plans to get connected, sit still and listen to what is going on – if you are jittery and don’t want to be by yourself then keep sitting. Get comfortable in your own uncomfortable, it’s time to check back in.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Aquarius / Aquarius Rising – The Prince of Cups

How committed are you feeling right now? Across the board; what are you inching yourself away from? Where are you hiding? What are you missing? In order to experience the changes that you wish to see you must get present with the fears that these questions unearth within you. If you feel unable to commit to something or someone there is a need to go deeper and work out why, because it’s not about what’s happening externally – it’s all about you.

You are head first in your journey right now, which is why I want to make sure you are wide-awake. It’s easy to think that life is passing you by, but this only happens if you aren’t present for the experience, or aren’t actively invested in the adventure. Being a dreamer is wonderful, but you need some action in there too, otherwise it all gets a bit never-never land and you can feel let down and lost. So it’s time to really sink your teeth in and be ready to really feel everything, and maybe that will include having to feel the negative or sad feelings that you don’t want to. But it’s okay. You are on your way to a new sense of material and spiritual balance so you need to attend to both.

On the spiritual side, getting seriously connected to your spirit is easier than you think – it really just requires you to be respectful of your own passions and take note of your feelings. Try not to block yourself in with ‘I shoulds’ and ‘I cant’s’. Instead, remind yourself of your potential and of what you have overcome in the past. In the material world check in with how fulfilled you are at work and in your relationships. Is there a spark of excitement for something of someone that you haven’t really even addressed?

Romantically this is essential, to be honest with your own feelings and not be scared of failing, not hide in your shadows because of a fear of rejection. The more you are in your own body and truth the brighter you appear. Don’t be afraid of being vulnerable; shift your strength to an attitude of just trying. Life is happening, your life is happening, all you need to do is show up.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Pisces / Pisces Rising – The Three of Pentacles

Oh hey over there Pisces, rise and shine! You’ve been through the mill this year, but then again that’s often what being a Pisces is all about – you soak up everything and yet you know everything, so it’s a back and forth shift between feeling overwhelmed and super powered. Keep reaching for the latter.

So on we go. This month is all about the rotation of learning and teaching. You are talented, you have talents and you have passions, many more than many people, and it’s essential you recognize them now. I believe it is our duty to share our spirit with others, because it helps them get more spirited themselves, and we do this via sharing skills and sharing knowledge. You are being called to rise up and accept master status of your own life, okay?

Yep, that means hatching a new plan for the next few months, and you don’t have to do it alone. You see the great thing about being so creative or just having so many ideas is that you can let your energy be fuelled up in the positive way by collaborating with others and simply asking for help. It is essential for you to recharge alone, but you know there is a fine line between alone and lonely, or just plain isolation. When you’re home alone, it can feel like you aren’t being appreciated by the outside world, which in turn makes you want to retreat an hide. But it’s actually time to step out. So tame the ego part of the inner dialogue that wants to be recognized. Simply make it your intention to share, and it’s from here that you might receive the respect that you are hoping for.

You’re also in a fine position to be laying foundations for what’s to come – and lifting out of a bit of a low period. Actually we all are, it’s been an odd year so far. So allow yourself to shake it out and shake it off a little, and choose to believe in yourself and your potential to get up and do what you want to do. Just recognize that opportunities don’t always appear in the form that you want or expect them to, and that to receive the best you need to think and be as expansive as possible. Be wide-awake and ready.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Aries / Aries Rising – The Emperor

After last month’s spin of the wheel do you have a little more of a sense of direction when it comes to where you’re going or what you want? Either way, this month is going to crack the whip on you and get you further into the driving seat. Whenever this card comes up we really need to respect order, discipline and prepare to work with the divine masculine!

Whaaat, how do we do that? Okay, so this card is basically pure Mars energy. Your ruler, Mars is the planet that governs our impulses, passions, sex-drive, and all things action oriented; it’s your truest source of power. Mars has just moved into Scorpio, a sign it also has great affinity with, and so it’s likely that you (who is always at the forefront) have a bunch of things you just want to get done. Now.

So, have a think about how you can set the pace in a way which is a) Going to be productive and b) Not going to burn you out and blast you to the floor. I think you can channel this masculine Mars power into a force of protection for your material and spiritual health. It’s time to step up and be strict, but not in the boring overpowering (Saturn) way, but by doing what you do best – channeling your stubbornness into a super power. I know you can get behind this. So I want you to be hell bent on being good to yourself, on nurturing your journey and devoting time to what feels good. You are also going to tap yourself on the shoulder and say ‘get on with it’ and not listen to your fears and their limiting ideas.

Procrastination, after all is just a fear of change and the unknown, it’s a fear of failure and of success. The reason we hold back from pursuing what we want is because we sure as hell don’t know what it will look like when we get it. Scary! But you know what, maybe things will turn out even better than you hoped? Standing in the background just wishing or waiting won’t ever bring the results that you’ve come to desire and respect. So preserve and respect your life force by making the most of it. Get things in order, clear your office, clean up your inner dialogue and blast away any negative energy you’ve been carrying around. Get to it.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Taurus / Taurus Rising – The Devil

This card is moving through the zodiac in my readings here, and it’s easy to see and go ‘uh oh… what does THAT mean?’ But it only ever highlights something that we are completely and utterly aware of. Yes, The Devil brings in our fears and our temptations, but with that a great opportunity to face them. I like to laugh at my own fears and their tiny ideas. I like to hang out in their company and choose not listen to them. I like to walk up to them in the street and say ‘hey,’ but not stay to chat.

You see the thing with fear, it’s always around. It’s an everyday thing, but we tend to give too much energy to it. We use fear like a swimming pool and dive in and let it wash over and under us. It’s so easy to fall in the pool and it’s terribly difficult to climb out.

So this month I want you to practice just listening to what the fears that come up are, then sitting with them, not running in the opposite direction or trying to fight them, but just being present with them. Now have a look at what your go to temptations are. It might be certain thought patterns, a habit you repeat or something negative you indulge in. Look at any addictive or obsessive tendencies and be present with them and try and not judge yourself. To overcome the parts of us that we perceive to be the darkest we have to shine light on them and, actually, love them. None of us are without our demons.

The thing about our own Devil is that he gets in the way, distracts us from our better path and highest self and detours us towards fear. Your job this month is to note where you are switching direction and try and liberate yourself. Sit with the word ‘freedom’ and see what it means to you. What would be mean to be able to untie your own bound up self? Remind yourself that you aren’t a slave or a victim to yourself or anything and your intention to be well and kind to yourself is everything. Ultimately this month, be considerate to yourself, know that anxiety and stress are normal, you are not broken, and there is nothing ‘wrong’ with you. Allow yourself to feel free.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Gemini / Gemini Rising – The Wheel of Fortune

Like many of us you are in a period of change, and over the next few weeks you might get a little bit more in touch with where you cycle is spinning. You of all signs can often caught up in the whirlwind, and can either be flying high or feeling utterly overwhelmed. It’s time to make the choice to really balance out a bit. This can be done via feeling your way through life a little more. Instead of wanting to know what everything ‘means’ just focus on how you are feeling about every situation that is coming your way, the highs and the lows.

Last month I was encouraging you to expand yourself into a more magical state of mind, and this is an attitude you can hold onto as a permanent part of your mindset. Now, you are called to participate in your adventure even more so, and to really welcome in the change and shifts that you are a part of. I feel you’ve reached a turning point, and you will soon know exactly where you are at. This might relate to something obvious, like a new job opportunity or moving house, or something subtler like a shift within your mind or body. When the wheel starts spinning it is always stressful – so know that, and don’t expect yourself to be feeling relaxed and chilled out during these stops and starts. Be kind to yourself and just be present with it all.

On the empowerment side of things, where are you placing your energy? And where are you placing your will? Beware of sidelining and getting caught up in bells and whistles, false promises or your own ‘shoulds’ and ‘coulds.’ Remember that
Destiny is only your partner in crime, and that you do get a say in things. Try to not resist change, and remember that good change still feels strange because it still ushers in the unknown – and that this is okay too. We don’t want to stay wrapped up in situations that aren’t good for us, just because we’re comfortable and familiar with how they feel.

Finally, don’t fret if things aren’t moving at the speed that you’d like them to. Amp up your intentions and put in some actions, then allow the Universe to give a helping hand. It’s all feeling a little mysterious but clear skies and clarity are en route.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Cancer / Cancer Rising – The Ace of Swords

This month is all about clarity and pulling yourself together so that you can really feel good. It’s likely that the last month was quite active with ideas and creativity and now all that air activity is bringing forth the best your mind has got! I believe in the power of just one thought. Once we go beyond that we can dive into fear and anxiety territory – a.k.a. overwhelm. But sense of clarity that comes when you pair your intuition with your intelligence in one pure thought is empowering and exciting. Is that what you’re seeking right now?

To find these moments of empowerment we need to work on our own sense of trust. After all, how will you know when you know if you don’t trust yourself enough to believe the guidance that comes from within? I’d like you to set aside at least five minutes each day to sit and listen to your inner dialogue, to be quiet and to give yourself space. Yes, it’s what some people call meditation, but it’s also whatever you want it to be. You can’t do this wrong, but I can’t guarantee it will be comfortable. Sometimes our sharpest insights come from sitting and feeling fidgety and feeling uncomfortable. So sit down with questions and intentions.

What are the areas of your life that you need clarity on? I feel for some of you there are shifts in career and feelings of self worth, so you may need to sit down and summon some self-confidence in, to remind you that you can trust in the changes you are bringing in. For relationships it’s time to listen to your own truths. Are you on equal ground? Is there a proper balance happening? Do you feel you are giving some of your power away? Asking yourself questions is a powerful way to reclaim your present moment and the strength to make decisions.

Notice if you are using the dreaded ‘should’ word and experiment with shifting your dialogue to something more expansive, something that embraces possibility and opportunity. Keep connecting your thoughts with your feelings, and watch how your body always responds positively in a moment of truth. We often refer to epiphanies as only happening once in a while, but when you are truly aligned in your holistic self then all thoughts can be this powerful.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Cast by Louise Androlia using the The Rider Tarot Deck

And just like that Mercury is on the move again – so for any of you who’ve been waving your fists in the air, expect normal service to resume. I hope you don’t have too much cleaning up to do! In contrast, I feel that July will bring action, movement, force and vigor. The waiting and surrendering seems to be dissolving, the picture sharpening, as life gets just a little clearer. And so we prepare to gallop on ahead. I’m all in, are you?

I love to chat with you about your scopes and how your month is going so find me on Twitter and Instagram @louniverse


Cancer / Cancer Rising – King of Wands

Happy Birthday month, sweet Cancerian friends. July is waiting for you to take it by the hand and go off and adventure. You’ve been clearing space and there is now an almost overwhelming pull from within you to tap back into your own creative self. In recent months there may have been more material world ins and outs and ups and downs than your intuitive spirit could handle. Of course you could handle it, but you may have been feeling exhausted and off balance. It’s now time to reclaim your heartiest of hearts. Are you ready?

So, you’ve been letting go, surrendering and giving up what no longer works for you. Keep at it – we must remember that we are constantly in a cycle, preparing for the new and the better. In order to move forward you must have faith in your own ability to regenerate and step into you’re a-game. You know the place? The one where you have the wildest of ideas and the will to follow them through? That is where you’re moving your bags to, that room of wonder and weird and joy. It’s time to place some intentions and interest in doing what makes you feel good, what makes you feel inspired and alive. In fact, focus on that this month – FEELING ALIVE. What turns you on? Who lights you up? How do you tune into your own inner light? These aren’t always the easiest questions to answer but it’s fun trying.

Your ability to ‘have it all’ is boosted right now. So what does that mean to you? I like to think this means bathing in what we have while striving for what we feel is for our highest good. It’s not about piling everything back into this space you’ve created and then mirroring stress from times past – no, no, no. How about stepping into a newer and more confident you? Confidence is gained from feeling empowered. Empowerment is gained from being embodied. To get embodied you need to pay the upmost respect to your journey and your soul’s desire. Go in the direction of your biggest ideas, know that you can fulfill them, but don’t forget to balance the working hard with the feeling good. Self care can’t be put in the back seat any more, it must be prioritised in this day and age.

For inspiration, look to the dreamers and the entrepreneurs around you. Who do you know who is always stubborn about blazing their own path? These people are your guides this month and ultimately your mirrors too. When you see the stories that you want, know that they are also yours to claim. Finally, you will find love via lighting your own spark.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Leo / Leo Rising – The Five of Swords

As you approach your birthday, which is of course your own unique New Years day, it’s a good time to pull yourself together. I mean that in the kindest of ways – that it’s the right few weeks to revamp, re-camp and reset. I feel that you may have been a little energetically and emotionally scattered recently, perhaps from the push and pull of others’ opinions – words from all directions. It’s easy to kind of collapse into a less whole version of ourselves sometimes. However, your goal is to feel grounded and present within yourself, so it’s time to clean up!

When and where do you feel like a victim? Are you holding on to a circumstance and blaming someone or the Universe for ‘doing’ something to you? We all have these low points, where we feel so out of control that we kind of fall into the lap of our inner demons and let them start ruling the show. Your experience is yours to love and to embrace, to claim. This month, try to not be self-destructive just because it feels like an easy option. While a positive approach to a challenging situation can seem like impossibility, know that it’s a starting point for a miraculous change in perception.

If you’ve been suffering with low self esteem, again don’t be the victim or the bad guy in your own story – let this be your moment to foster a kinder approach to yourself. Speak to yourself with only your highest voice. You know that bashing yourself never leads to a great feeling of enlightenment so how about a gentle ‘It’s okay’, ‘you’re fine’ once in a while – fake it until you make it, as they say.

Remember that life isn’t a game of winning or losing; you don’t have to prove yourself to anyone or to yourself. Playing the game is about you feeling good, standing in your own shoes and embracing your own oddities and unique traits. Over the next few weeks sideline comparing yourself to others, or fighting to ‘be the best’ and focus on celebrating what makes you YOU. With this practice in place it will be easier to notice a sense of grounding and confidence coming back in, served with a smile, of course.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Virgo / Virgo Rising – The Five of Pentacles

Sometimes the Wheel of Fortune brings in shifts and changes, which is why I spoke with you last month about honoring the cycles of life and participating in your experience. Did you notice any shakeups? Often during a period of change it can be easy to get really locked into material world stressors in our day to day and veer away from nurturing our own downtime – which of course is exactly when we need it! Balance is no laughing matter. We need to place positive energy in all avenues of our adventure so that we feel the most empowered – and so that we can also laugh, because we are having so much fun!

With a fair amount of attention being placed on your career recently you may have dredged up a need for some serious spiritual downtime. There’s a fine line which often reveals itself during hectic busy times, when it’s easy to sometimes neglect your inner soul system because you’re feeling an external need to be ‘on top of everything’. Know that the finest practical moves come from having pure and clear clarity of thought – which is only achieved from being fully aligned with your highest self.

So this month honor your inner pilot light! It’s flickering and needing your attention – reconnect to your own divine self. How do you do that? This is a question only you can answer but I can tell you that it requires you to allow yourself some time to be still, reflect and just be. Even in the most hectic of days you can give yourself some moments. For a meditative journaling exercise, ask yourself; ‘In what areas do I feel like the alien or feel isolated? Are there are any parts of my highest good that I feel like I have abandoned?’

It may even be that you felt too emotional about a situation, and so cut yourself off from it. In these cases again, it’s about addressing the balance with some Earth energy, and celebrating your material world experience so that you can reconnect to your self-soothing spirit. As you respond to these inner calls you may notice that they reflect back some clarity into some of the challenges you see in the world around you. Repair within, thrive without.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Libra / Libra Rising – Judgement

I feel that you’ll notice the strongest shifts this month than you have for quite a while, and you’re ready. The energy that arrives for you is all about standing in your strongest self and highest source of light. I want to face the rest of the year in complete embodied empowerment. Wouldn’t you like to feel that too?

So where you do you see yourself? What are you walking towards? Where are you going? What are you feeling? Are you standing in your own shadow and playing small, or are you wide-eyed and open and ready? If parts of yourself feel uninspired or you notice in some situations that you aren’t quite ‘in it’, use these questions to help feel your way through anything else you need to let go of. When we move on from things that aren’t workable we just create new space for manifesting something better – and we all like the sound of that! I want to give you a nudge, because you may be wavering on the sidelines of a big decision or veering away from making a huge change because it seems scary. This is the time to stand up and be counted, and why not? You are good enough and you deserve to follow through with your biggest goals and dreams.

Instead of judging yourself with a negative perspective, try it from a positive viewpoint. This can be done by simply shifting your dialogue – for instance, if you hate your job, instead of getting down on your own abilities and losing self confidence the message may just be that it’s time to up your game and move to something that works for you. There is always a way to make an empowered move.

If your spirit feels like it’s flagging, then love it and love it and love it some more. Light yourself up in all the silliest ways that you know how. Write a letter to your life and ask for what you want, remembering that you are the co-creator of this amazing existence! Everything is aligning and you are always exactly where you are supposed to be. Choose to wear a pair of new lenses this month. Be willing to see everything in a new way and see what you can unearth.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Scorpio / Scorpio – The Nine of Cups

How do you feel about the term; ‘Be careful what you wish for?’ I don’t believe in bringing warnings into our daily practices but I do believe that we have strong energies within the words that we choose to use! And I use the word ‘choose’ here because being mindful of your voice is one of the fastest and most effective things you can use to change the experience that you’re having. This is a month for nurturing your words and your thoughts to not only to call in your dreams and desires, but also to honor and respect the decisions that you’ve been making. In a year of highs and lows and multiple surrenders, your highest self is now ready to celebrate YOU.

It’s also time to relax into this regenerated version of yourself in order for things to settle. To keep your energy clear, notice where you may be closing yourself in with your words, it’s easy to restrict our own flow sometimes purely by crowding ourselves out with a ‘can’t, won’t and what if’ mentality. Clean up your language inside and out to allow in limitless expansion.

Emotions and feelings are on the forefront over the next few weeks. You may be hovering between feeling overwhelmed and elated, so try to recognize that they are one and the same – a new rush of energy for you to direct as you like. Channel that downpour into your creative activities, whether they be exercise, art or a crazy wild passionate love affair. It feels to me like you’ve been restless and relentless waiting for something to move forwards, and it may just be that you’re pushing yourself out of habit. Know that a turn is coming and try not be mad that things aren’t always happening on your time frame – everything is actually exactly as it should be.

The word ‘glory’ is coming through for you right now, and so sit for a moment and have a ponder what that word means to you. I’d like you to be rejoicing in your own talents and achievements in equal measure, as well as being grateful for the opportunities you’ve been given and are about to receive. And so back to the phrase we began with. You are in a powerful month to see your biggest hopes play out in reality, so why not…make a wish?

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising – The Magician

Following on from last month where I encouraged you to set your adventurous sights high, you now are moving to a place where you must stand strong and claim this story that you’re writing. Consider the word ‘fate’ and what it means to you – personally, I feel we must empower the word by acknowledging and acting as though we have a hand in everything we see. I wrote in your 2014 Tarotscope a mantra for you; ‘Destiny is my partner in crime’. Take this on board as your ruling truth this month as you step into a new sense of inner power.

Now, at this point I want you to keep your ego in check! Remember that by succeeding in your career or making breakthroughs from your challenges you have made a personal victory. By all means be grateful and remember that these experiences are given to you to share and help you on your journey, not to place yourself on a pedestal. You may indeed find that others are looking to you for advice this month on how you got where you are – so here’s a little reminder to be the teacher not the preacher.

If you are looking for ways to expand your skillset, then consider how you might be able to share a little further and wider – Is there a book waiting to be written or a workshop you want to create? Explore your potential, with respect and kindness. If you’ve been feeling scattered, then here come a few weeks to call back in your core passions, a time to remind yourself who you really are. Let loose any comparisons or jealousies towards others and embrace what makes you tick. Your life force is powerful beyond what you may realize, and it’s waiting for you to come out and dance. It’s not the time to play in your shadows.

Last month I wanted you to manifest and plan, and now it’s action time. It’s the time to “just do it’ – and you know exactly what ‘it’ is! As one of the Five Sutras for the Aquarian Age, Yogi Bajan taught us; “When the time is on you, start, and the pressure will be off.” This is your calling for July – it’s time to take that first step, knowing that you have all the resources that you need within you. Allow it and the path will form.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Capricorn / Capricorn Rising – The Four of Swords

I wasn’t surprised to see this card turn for you, as it sums up the past few months and cements all the lessons your journey has bestowed upon you. Last month we talked about balance and priorities, and over the next few weeks I feel that you’ll be settling into some new ways of thinking and I’m excited about this. The emphasis is still upon rest and regroup though – it’s like you’re in a masterclass for the art of getting comfortable with space and stillness!

So more of it, but this is also the card that always shouts out to me ‘the calm before the storm’. In other words, by no means freak out if things aren’t going to your time frame (aka full speed ahead!) and enjoy the mellow road because swift moves are soon to be upon you. You are essentially perfectly placed to be gathering your strength for new projects, swift communications and heart bursting adventures.
Are you taking a vacation this summer? Even if you feel that you have ‘no time’ to, then remember that even one night away from home or out of your hectic comfort zone could be just the down time that you need. A lone retreat with your social media and computer switched firmly off can calm down the buzz and allow you to get some real sleep. Speaking of which, how is your sleep right now? That is the area I want you to nurture, so experiment with your pre-slumber routine and find out what suits you. I say this because I feel that any anxieties you have may be popping up at bedtime, or even in your dreams. Keep a notebook by your bed to jot down lingering thoughts and midnight epiphanies – those can be dealt with in the morning.

Now that we’re at the mid-year point you can also think of this month as time to look at your foundations. The ground you stand on, live on and walk on is your place for growth, comfort and grounding. How do you feel about where you stand? Always remind yourself of your journey and don’t waste your energy on anything less than the essentials. In areas where you just feel like giving up, consider, is ‘giving up’ actually just the surrender you need?

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Aquarius / Aquarius Rising – The Hermit

This is a fitting card for you to take on as a mentor, my Aquarian friends. How often do you choose to bash your self-confidence rather than acknowledge your own inner power? A few times recently, it feels. You’re a person of so much wisdom, and yet can hide from it or go easily against your own grain. Over the next few weeks it’s likely that you’ll be called upon to honor your highest self – a great lesson to learn and embody.

Independent confidence is benefitted from moments or periods of isolation, although it’s not about hiding away. Your right now is about appreciating the re-charge moments, and learning to love your own downtime because it can reconnect you to your inner guide and source energy. When you feel tired, you feel like you’ve been drained of life right? Your life source needs a recharge right now – but remember, the art of meditating, for instance, isn’t learning to block your thoughts it’s just opening up a space to stop and listen.

How can you alchemize the challenges that you are experiencing into wisdom to move forwards with? Try to not perceive everything as a block in front of you, even when, oh yes, it looks and feels like one. Is it simply a redirection towards a healing or a better experience? Often it is, but we have to have faith in that. So realign your belief in your journey, and how you want your story to play out. Then start with your inner dialogue – how are you speaking to and about yourself? Pep it up to the more empowered version – even if you feel like it’s a cheese fest write down some of the qualities that you love about yourself or what employers of partners may find attractive, then accept them as the truth. You are worth every moment of the experience you want to have.

Socially it might be that the next few weeks can teach you the power of the one-on-one and small group activities – you don’t always need to please and entertain everyone. A lesson in independence is to enjoy and thrive by yourself and with just that one person – for it is here that you can get comfortable with basking in your own light.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Pisces / Pisces Rising – The Devil

Oh boy, times of change just bring all the bubbles to the surface don’t they? The last four months have been a string of big events, full on wow experiences, ah ha moments and for some of you a feeling of crushing defeat. It’s like all the big guns have come to your party and this month it’s time to say hello to those that you didn’t invite!

The art of managing anxiety and fear is learning to get comfortable with your uncomfortable. I always say that fear should be treated like an acquaintance you see in the street – you must always say hello but not stop to chat. However it’s that saying hello part that’s the hardest, for it’s so much easier to run from the devil on your shoulder than allow him to sit beside you. Over the next few weeks start to practice welcoming your negative thoughts into your space and choose to learn to not be afraid of them. Think of fear as something that’s completely dissolvable and has no tangible roots. This is why, when you’re in a time of change (new job, new relationship, break up, house move, health issue and so on), fear rears up – because change also has no roots, you’re in the limbo zone. But hey guess what? It’s okay to not feel okay.

This is a time for action though – less of the hanging around and more of the full power ahead and I CAN DO IT attitude. If you feel stuck, then this is only highlighting where you feel restricted. These ties are like distractions, trying to lure you away from following your highest self and brightest path – so don’t fall for your own tricks. You know what they are.

You’ll feel so liberated the moment that you say ‘no more’, whether it’s to your limited mindset, a tendency to indulge in too much of what you don’t need, a decrepit old fear or an experience that isn’t serving you. It’s time to free yourself to do and be everything you’re afraid you can’t do or be. What if you can have everything you wish, and it’s just a matter of claiming and allowing it? Instead of overindulging in the old negative habits, use the positive aspect of your ego and stand in your own strength. Light up.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Aries / Aries Rising – The Wheel of Fortune

The perfect card for the mid-year point and the perfect card for you, the Astro leader. July throws you into a whole new cycle, are you ready? Um yeah of course you are, but I mean are you really on it? I say this with the nudge to honor the word new here – so how about this time you do things differently? Are you with me?

So, as you launch yourself into the next six months’ activitym then you at least want to start by feeling confident – so absolutely no playing the victim in your own adventure, okay? I feel you could find that you are very much becoming present with areas in your life where you like to play the saboteur – and let’s face it, we all do it. What are you not starting because you have placed a few too many ‘what ifs’ in the way? What limiting stories have you told yourself recently? Where do the ‘I cant’s’ lie for you? Do you feel like a part of you has been diluted somewhere and needs revving up? All of these questions are yours to sit with and choose to fuel your inner Fire. It’s you element after all.

I call on you to ask these questions because I feel that right now is the best time for you to be changing patterns; there is a sharp energy about you that brings with it the intent to shift! It’s sometimes easy you see to spin in our own circles and feel like that’s ‘just the way things are’, but who’s idea was that? Hell, who says you can’t just go out there and bring a new method to your very own personal brand of madness!

I love the idea that it’s your own life force and drive and desire that can spin your wheel to the next stage, bring in the change that you are ready for and help you shape the days ahead. I can never help but be cryptic with this card because I always see it kind of hovering above, just throwing questions at you and trying to force you to play your own game – a total tease in fact. So answer the questions you receive honestly, and just be ready, and above all, interested in the possibility of great fortunes ahead of you.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Taurus / Taurus Rising – The Queen of Cups

How was last month? Did you dive in and reclaim your life force? I hope so as July softens and brings forth more intuitive and emotional energy, and it’s time for you to get comfortable with that. The questions I want you to pose yourself for the next few weeks are; What needs to be nurtured? And where do I always put the most pressure on myself?

One of the quickest ways to check in with how you are speaking to and treating yourself is by checking whether you’d look after your nearest and dearest in the same way. I want you to nurture yourself the way that you would your most loved friend, your child or your partner. This is a self-soothing therapeutic practice for your soul – so go all in.

With all the connecting to your superpowers that’s been going on recently your intuition will be heightened, so take advantage of this by testing out your ‘going with your gut’ response – this is the quickest way to affirm that your actions are indeed on the money. I do have a feeling that you may be called up as a bit of a life coach for friends and family over the next few weeks, and perhaps this is why you want to be really in tune with your mind, body and spirit. If you’re not feeling up to scratch personally, then it will be easy to want to avoid others’ demands or get irritable when people ask for your time. You want to be able to be the sage advice giver and have equal time to yourself. If you feel at any point like you want everyone to just ‘go away’, it’s a swift kick in the backside from the Universe, to remind you to take some quiet time and support yourself first.

Career wise know that it’s okay to soften too, and let people know how you are feeling. Just because you know you’re good at what you do it doesn’t mean you have to manage it all by yourself. Being in touch with your emotions means getting comfortable with being vulnerable once in a while – and with that, there is wisdom to be gained. Show the real you, anxieties and all and you may suddenly receive exactly what you need.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Gemini / Gemini Rising – Page of Cups

Synchronicities and miracles, are you seeing them? This month I’d like you to continue on your journey of higher path exploration by merging your spiritual self with your material surroundings. It’s easy to believe they’re completely separate, but actually they’re one and the same. You are on a gentle adventure right about now, so try to avoid putting pressure on yourself to be anything but you and be anywhere but here. It’s a lovely few weeks to embrace all this is you and really practice following your own inner wisdom.

It can be quite a fun exercise to just see how easy it is to shape your own experience, especially when shifting your inner dialogue. Try and locate the areas where you are feeling stressed or anxious and decide now in this moment that you are going to be willing to perceive things in a new way. If you are truly ready to bring another option, idea or direction you will instantly open up to being able to really see it. I like to think of it as the spectacles that you choose to wear – so practice choosing to see through lenses crafted to reflect back your highest good. Do you see how with your own embodied choices in place, you can manage to feel full of personal power even when faced by a challenge?

Meanwhile, the energy around you is light and childlike. Remind yourself of what you loved to do when you were younger and carried less fear, and bring that into the now. You may want to retreat and spend time alone, working on sparking your own light, and that is great – any work that’s about nurturing your spirit and your wildest passions is time well spent.

And when you notice any weird moments or strange coincidences, then choose see them as a sign of you connecting to your highest self – then celebrate, and say thank you to your journey. Now choose to believe that it shouldn’t be unusual to connect to this place, in fact it should be the norm. Trusting your gut must be your first choice from now on. Allow your own feelings to be valid and important. Go within and listen, then take compassion-filled action – swoon on.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Cast by Louise Androlia using The Rider Waite Tarot

Mercury Retrograde begins almost as soon as the month does – but please don’t indulge in the ‘OMG IT’S MERCURY RETRO’ panic, and instead make it work for you. Be kinder, clearer, nicer, and sweeter. Astrologers always say be wary of signing contracts and plans changing during this time, but you can’t put life on hold. If you are busy (and you are, I know) just double check everything and don’t dive into things that don’t feel fully aligned with your highest self. You’re smart – you know what to do. I’ve included a tip for this astro energy within your scope and feel that it’s going to be quite a nice few weeks – hopefully with a few welcome surprises in store. The more you let go of what you ‘think’ you want, the more likely you will find what you need.

I love to chat with you about your ‘scopes and how your month is going, so find me on twitter and instagram @louniverse

Gemini / Gemini rising – Ten of Cups

Maybe you’re having a good run – or maybe you’ve just started to feel a little more at home with your own ability to shift your mindset. This is a shiny and bright card of hope and happiness. However, it’s not always that we pull out this card and feel like this light image we see – so I can’t sit here and assume that every one of you is beaming with joy. But I do have a feeling that there has been some renewed faith in your ability to actively participate in your life. You have at your fingertips a constant and bountiful gift – your journey. You’re always exactly where you should be and everything is aligned as it should be to further you in your storybook.

I feel that you will be able to make a shift up in your spiritual development over the next few weeks – and there is support for you that you might not even be aware of, especially I feel a connection to loved ones that have passed. Think of them like your own team cheering you on. There is great comfort from even just imagining that there’s an invisible force field surrounding you with support. On a material level, think of this time as offering you up a spark of light and a different outlook towards any challenge you have going on right now. You might feel ready to seek help and advice from books and friends that you’d normally dismiss from a fear of being vulnerable, and your deepening of senses will be achieved merely by giving more value to your present moments.

If you’ve been very distracted by a lot of work and material world dramas recently then it’s time to get back in check with right now – it is your birthday month after all – how about a pause in the programming? Embrace the side of you that can’t be bothered to indulge in stress and have some fun! One of the meanings for this card is the idea of heaven on earth – so where are the places that connect you most to a peaceful sense of joy?

This of course is a super charged card for L O V E and a wink to embrace whoever you have hold of, or open up to stepping out of your comfort zone. In other words, not a time to be operating on your lowest level – if things at the bottom of your gut feel wrong then trust in that, you are not here to be locked in a punishing roundabout. Value yourself and the world will appear to value you more. Work wise – you may find that people are seeking your advice and skills in a continuous loop – you are here to be of service so enjoy it, and make sure that you aren’t playing small. Be the rainbow.

Mercury Retrograde tip: Bathe in gratitude. All the small things that p*** you off are nothing in comparison to the positive energy you can absorb from everything that you are thankful for. Simple, right?

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Cancer / Cancer rising – Six of Cups

I feel that you might be emerging out of what has felt like a foggy cloud recently, and now it’s time to reclaim your place in the world. Family and home matters may have been a bit unstable recently and you didn’t really like feeling so out of control. I know it’s easy for you to just block things out or go and hide, but you may have noticed that this familiar way of dealing with stress just doesn’t really cut it any more. You no longer feel so comfortable hiding in the shadows from your own sweat and tears. Rather, there’s a nice sparkly clean space that seems much more appealing now, and it’s been created from a renewed interest in your future.

Nostalgia is a gift and a curse – it’s easy to go and dance in those ‘what if’s,’ right? I feel that you might be casting your eyes back over the last few years, maybe even further, to seek answers for how you’re feeling right now. And it is important to empower the present moment by realizing that it wouldn’t exist without the challenges that came before. In order to make the path ahead a little brighter it helps to shout ‘thank you’ back in to those nooks and crannies – cobwebs and all. After all you have a vision for what’s ahead, and wouldn’t it be nice to start the preparations?

So, polish your lenses for tomorrow. You have some big plans up ahead and it’s safe to get excited about them. As you usher in a new cycle of life remember that even if you have instigated it yourself, then change can still cause you to feel like you’re on shaky ground. During this time you can create your own roots, formed from self care and love for your journey. You always have time for a few moments of stillness – just turn off the technology and be quiet, like the days back when there wasn’t always an iPhone to steal your gaze. It is only your intention to expand that will enable you to notice a place of limitless possibilities at your fingertips. Try to avoid placing fears on your plans before you even start – looking through a small tube isn’t the vision you want – so just use the word ‘expand’ as a permanent mantra over this month. There is a sight to behold.

Mercury Retrograde tip: If you notice the next few weeks dredging up moments from the past, acknowledge them but don’t carry them into the present. If you want to bring something forward from the past, make it every piece of wonderful advice you’ve ever had, from friends, teachers and relatives, and feel charged up from happy memories instead of wrapping yourself up in the sad ones.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Leo / Leo Rising – The Page of Pentacles

It feels like the last few months you have been swimming deep in your ‘behind the scenes’ life, and now it’s time to emerge back out into the material world and get present and active. Sometimes it’s a distraction to focus on what other people are doing, whether they are ‘better’ or ‘worse’ than you, and get lost in that which you cannot control. Understand that everyone else also has their journey and it’s not your job to change people but to participate in your own adventure and leave them to theirs, and with compassion not judgment.

This month you may be launching a new project or getting involved with some fresh ideas. I feel you have some sparks at your fingertips and you are ready for a new phase – just try to not get ahead of yourself with feelings of wanting to know the outcome too soon. To stay in the present moment is a gift, because it’s there that you can take productive action. Be confident that things will happen, but release your hold on what you ‘think’ you need and just work with your intention and deeds. You have been gathering wisdom recently, whether it’s because you are gearing up to share more with others or just putting new thought patterns into play – and this is a ripe playground for positive growth in the material world.

I want you to have fun with whatever you’re working on – rather than get locked into the drama of stress. Keep stepping back and viewing your day-to-day as if you’re a fly on the wall, it’s always illuminating to step outside of what’s bugging you and gift yourself a new and better perspective.

So anyway, this is a planning period for a new cycle and being grounded will help. All of the things that you feel are sometimes a little dull, like the orderliness and process of things, are what you should think to embrace now – but make it fun of course! This would be a good time to get creative with a vision board, and then at the same time write down practical ways to move forward. If you’ve been considering studying something new or are ready for a job placement then now is also a great time to send out emails and applications, and with that, to trust and know that whatever comes to pass is exactly as it should be.

Mercury Retrograde tip: Try and stay shy of gossip and dramatics, you have more interesting things to do with your time. If people are creating chaos around you just let them be and go back to your own drawing board. Peace begins by you claiming your right to it, and choosing it.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Virgo / Virgo rising – Wheel of Fortune

And so the wheel beings to turn again. Are you feeling aware of a new cycle? After all, life is just a series of phases, with some last a few weeks and others years, but we are always moving and changing, and ultimately (and hopefully) evolving. I feel that you are probably pretty present with the wobble and shake of change right now, and it’s not a bad thing – when you’re shifting your life around a bit then it’s a good time to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. Anyway, I’m feeling kind of excited for you right now – well not kind of, I actually am! – as if there’s a fizz of energy coming your way, or maybe it’s already arrived and you realize even more than ever that you’re the star of your own show. It’s all about what works for you and not about squeezing yourself into a constricted and fear filled space.

The only rule I want to give you for the next few weeks is to hold on to those reins! When I see this card and think of how it brings in our response to the word ‘fate,’ I just want to shout “hold on!” as a reminder that you are the co-creator of your experience, and never the victim. Even though, granted, it can often feel like it. So let’s say you’re the ‘artistic director’ of your story – what are you going to put on the mood board for the month ahead? These next few weeks are unique to you, and for you to choose where you want to put your focus. For some of you it might be taking a renewed interest in your wellbeing – knowing that if you keep your wellbeing as a priority, you’ll always be empowered and able to find your balance.

If you’re prepping to launch a new career or work project then embrace this moment of newness and nurture it, but don’t hold on too tightly – allow yourself to move with your ideas and let them expand too. If something just doesn’t stick it’s not because you’ve failed, it’s just a chance to throw one of the other options (the right option) into the mix. You feel ready for a challenge that you are interested in, so I won’t be surprised if a few of you are chopping and changing what happens in your day-to-day in order to feel less stressed and more inspired.

Mercury Retrograde tip: On the romance front this is a good few weeks to not over analyze (paralysis of the analysis, remember) every word you hear from someone. Instead go inwards and just be aware of what you feel and be compassionate to that – no fireball throwing, okay?

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Libra / Libra rising – Nine of Wands

I feel that June might bring in a spot of relief for you, a stroke of luck or a peek of a new and better route forward. As a seeker of balance you can occasionally swing really far in either direction – feeling the highs and the lows – and the last few months may have come with some serious knocks and blows. You have hope though; at least you should do, because you can now emerge from the battleground feeling like you’re ready to absorb the knowledge that you’ve discovered from recent challenges.

When things are shifting and changing in a way that seems out of our control it can be hard to reflect on life, or even be bothered to consider what you might have learned. So don’t overload yourself with searching for a meaning from everything, but instead just feel your inner power stabilize and know that you have a stronger type of inner armor now in place.

When I think about strength I don’t associate it with weakness – I think that perceived personal weakness, like failure, is a redundant way of thinking, and instead we can think of strength only in terms of personal empowerment. You can feel empowered by your own daily dose of highs and lows, because they are yours and embedded within you to give you the tools to keep moving forward. This month, think about how you are going to put your new sense of personal empowerment into play. Where are you going to place your will?

Choose to move forward with excitement, desire and love – leave cynicism at the door and embrace each single moment. You may have been feeling overwhelmed with work recently – like there’s a bit too much on your plate – but that should calm down over the next few weeks, as you begin to feel a bit more connected with your creativity again. Be the spark of light rather than the forest fire and connect to what feels fun. Fun? Yes that old trick, please dive into some light hearted enjoyment in all the ways that you know –take a holiday or even just go and get a massage.

Now is your time to nurture your mind-body-spirit and it’s a personal thing. Pose yourself the questions of what feels good and give yourself permission to make that choice, go to that place or be around that person. Work with your highest energy rather than being sucked into what you know, well, just sucks.

Mercury Retrograde tip: Be the Phoenix. It doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing, don’t even consider entertaining drama and put all your focus into your own evolution.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Scorpio / Scorpio rising – The Hermit

This year is a process of dipping in and out, throwing your energy full force into the world and then retreating to plug yourself into the socket of your inner soul system. And in fact, this works for you. It may have been a long time arriving but you really do ‘get it’ now – that you don’t have to be on high alert and full force all the time.

Over the next few weeks you are continuing this cycle – there is a lot to do – but an easy way to cancel out stress is just by being present with it, Oh all those meetings and events to plan, yep it’s kind of a headlock sometimes, but it’s supposed to be! It’s amazing how you can make your own worries redundant when you stop to just allow things to be as they are. You’re aware that the months ahead are full of new surprises, and also it feels like there’ll be a host of new faces to meet and greet – the energy Is buzzing, a little like you are in an endless wait for Christmas morning. It’s coming so just enjoy the process.

On a deeper note I feel that this month might bring up anything you’ve been trying to hide from, yes you know what or who it is. It’s easy sometimes to just try and sideline a bothersome task or thought process or avoid healing something from the past. An unprocessed memory is like an unfiled piece of paper, it’s going to flap around and bat it’s edges against your subconscious until you grab it, take a look and put it in its rightful cabinet. If you have unanswered questions about fears that you’re avoiding try guiding yourself in a meditation to come face to face with what’s bothering you – we don’t always know what it is. Sit quietly and visualize yourself in a safe space – somewhere cozy and comfortable – it might be your own living room or a magical garden. As you sit there you notice a piece of paper being placed in your lap. As you look down you see words emerge from the paper – it might be one word or even a list of things.

These are what your subconscious wants you to attend to and file away. As you look at the words, feel at peace with your ability to embrace your challenges and transform them into seeds of empowerment. As you begin your day, know that instead of being bound by old habits or thoughts, instead, you are in charge of them simply like items on your shopping list. You are the master of the moment.

Mercury Retrograde tip: Even though the material world might be calling out for you to sign on the dotted line, take plans with a pinch of surrender. Know that even when things change back and forth it’s a waste of your highest energy to panic.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Sagittarius / Sagittarius rising – Three of Wands

Are you feeling like taking over the world? Or at least your world? Well, get to it because the Universe is your playground! It’s a nice way of looking at life right? As an adventure rather than a boring straight line from A-B. If you’ve been in the ‘no confidence’ zone recently, then this is your wake up call to get up and at em.

Sometimes a lack of confidence manifests itself in the form of procrastination. Why are you avoiding working on something you love so much? It’s so damn easy to stand in your own way isn’t it? Right there like a big block of lead – I know this feeling so well. I’ve found that the easiest way to get out of your own way is to realize that this isn’t about you – easy right? Wait, what? Okay, if you’re working on a project or an idea or a dream, it means that you’re sharing your talents with others, which means you are aligned in place to be of service. This is about realizing that you must operate at your highest level so that you light up those around you. It’s time to move in the direction of your desires because that’s what will feel best and bring the most success.

So the next few weeks is a great time to take action towards what you have planned for the rest of the year – you’re moving out of the contemplating and the visualization stage, and on to putting miracles into place, with intent. Begin with an expanded viewpoint – don’t limit yourself on the first step. Set about with the possibility that your plans can work – this way you have a clear mind and heart. Also – instead of thinking about how much you want to be successful, respected and admired, think about the knowledge that you want to gain. You’re always in a position of learning, even when you’re at ‘the top,’ and if you stay in that educating mindset then you align with a kind energy, but a kind energy that’s also a frickin’ powerhouse.

Travel plans? Start prepping for a holiday or an internal adventure, whether you’re hopping on the plane or launching that new website, everything is in place for movement. All the more reason to clean up any anxieties – to be ready to reap the results in the months ahead. Rejoice!

Mercury Retrograde tip: There is no time for you to step on your soapbox this month. If you’re feeling judgmental or jealous than sit back and search for a fear of your own that’s being drawn out. Why are you so annoyed? Sit with where you feel a lack and know that it’s okay. This is much more productive than getting cross communication by firing out an angry text.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Capricorn / Capricorn rising – Two of Pentacles

Balance? That old trick. You know how much I like to check in and remind you to look after yourself right? No exception here! But let us deepen the idea. You might like to try and get comfortable with the fact that you’re always in demand, whether it’s with constant work opportunities or being the solid rock for those around you. You are someone that’s always going to be able to be busy. So why not just get present with that, because now you can actually see the reasons why your own stillness and wellness are the priority.

You like to be needed you see, and that is a good thing, we need you too. So when talk of being of service comes in, remember that the need to help others can come at a price if you neglect the need to help yourself too. I operate with the simple idea that if I don’t make myself the top priority, then I’m useless when it comes to being a friend, therapist, daughter, lover, and, at the most base level, feeling sane. You need to nestle into some of your own space and embrace it with the same sense of love and vigor you do for a work project.

I’m pushing you to go there again and again because things aren’t going to let up – you will always have so many ideas and so many things you want to do. Don’t be afraid of that urgency. It’s weird you see, sometimes the more you slow down the more you see things taking shape. Sounds odd doesn’t it, but it seems to be because of the ability to allow yourself to expand that you see how your world opens up to greet you. You can juggle for as long as you like, but even the finest magician needs a lunch break.

Over the next few weeks I’d like you to embrace the idea of treading water and get comfortable with some slow back and forth, instead of the usual panic about it. When it’s time to get going again, you’ll know – so perhaps it’s just listening more to when your body says ‘action’ and when it says ‘cut.’ You might have some challenges of your own to deal with so it’s very much okay to shut the external and internal doors and take a retreat. If the possibility is there, head to the hills, the desert, the sea, and the stars. Embrace your internal adventure.

Mercury Retrograde tip: Learn to say ‘no,’ the kind of no that creates a yes. You don’t have to say yes to everything if you trust that all the things you do choose are exactly right for you. So if you turn something or someone down in order to give yourself more space, then perfect – you are always making the right choice. Feels good doesn’t it.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Aquarius / Aquarius rising – The Five of Cups

You’re familiar with the ups and the downs – perhaps being very able to divide days, weeks, months and life into the good bits and the bad. They can feel the same to you, no action or too much, and you’re not sure that you like either. Now is your chance to perceive things in the brightest way and for the highest version of yourself. If you feel that you’ve come face to face with a loss or massive sudden change, how are you going to look upon it? I think about change a lot, because we get it in so many forms, and the base way to cope has to be nurture for you and your journey. An understanding of personal expansion will help you.

When we’re blocked it’s often because we’re staring at life through a tube, unable to see anything but the wall in front of us, so of course it seems impossible to escape. With a 360-degree vision there’s always a way to help your situation and to get that view, you just need to look. What is freaking you out or saddening you right now? Listen to your body and inner soul system; is there a tiny whisper in the back saying ‘It’s okay’? There is.

When panic takes over we can’t hear the more peaceful option, or the reassurance that we can walk through our fears. Give yourself some practical perspective – there probably is more balance in your life than you think. Although one thing may be feeling out of alignment, perhaps there’s some stability elsewhere? Fear tends to hold hands with itself in the past, and like a little chain each worry we have gathers power from all the times we have felt it before. Just as when the heart feels broken it hooks on to the sadness it remembers from before and feels hopeless. Anxieties seek comfort from anxieties that have been felt before. Stress makes a nice pile up with chaos from times gone.

This is why the present moment is your superpower. You can release yourself from the strings in the past by checking in with yourself as to whether the problem you have right now is being worsened by a memory of something similar before. Is it? If so, then self-soothe – remind yourself that now is a different time. It doesn’t mean it’s not stressful but it may not be as hopeless as before. There is always a chance to feel empowered in the present moment, grab it!

Mercury Retrograde tip: Gratitude is your secret weapon this month. Instead of giving energy to what is lost, give strength to what is stable and being gained. Marcus Aurelius said, “When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.”

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Pisces / Pisces rising – Death

If last month was for surrender, this month is for change – the perfect follow-on in my opinion. We wait, we let go and then we move forwards. I have to confess Pisces, I think about you a lot. My moon is in Pisces and I embody and relate more to this sign than my own most of the time. I feel that having a dominant Pisces in your chart is a lesson on how to be okay with feeling like a weirdo. Right?

Anyway, I digress, and this is a big card and my favorite of course. Lucky number 13 brings the chance to evolve, step, or whimper towards your highest self. It’s your job to choose not to feel like the victim in your life, which is where the empowering of the weirdo comes in! To be okay with feeling overwhelmed by yourself and the world sometimes. The art of becoming comfortable within the uncomfortable is one of the finest tool in the box. Embodying the Death card is an exciting adventure – walking through the haze of fear and out the other side, over and over again until it’s a well-worn road.

So, it’s likely that you are prepped for a hectic few months, whether it’s a crammed work schedule or embracing some new ways of thinking. Keep your eyes wide open so that your perspective is always expansive – you can break through your own familiar blocks by taking off your favorite pair of blinkers. Whether you feel locked into familiar comfort habits or in the throws of a familiar procrastination, try not to hide from new experiences, especially with people. You never know, you see, and sometimes it takes a far-flung trip into the terrors of the unknown to be willing to let go of ‘what you think you know.’ You sometimes like to swim in the opposite direction to new possibilities – is it a fear of getting trapped or caught? The chances are you’re attracted to those who are like you, so know that you aren’t as alone as you think you are, and if the waters run deep they are filled with life and surprises.

Action is imperative this month, and in your highest energy you have the ability to shift yourself to another place entirely, a better place – even if it just means ditching one thought process that isn’t serving. Be willing to run wild with the unknown and the uncomfortable, and to be vulnerable. Get messy in all the good ways, growth is upon you. You can do it.

Mercury Retrograde tip: Remember the art of Surrender that you practiced last month? Bring it back into play every time you feel out of control, anxious, in a creative block or a romantic freak out. Breathe. It’s okay.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Aries / Aries rising – King of Cups

Are you losing your hard edges, Aries? Just kidding, but you have certainly made a shift into a little more of a squishy soft place – and it’s going to surprise you. Are you feeling the wild throws of a rekindled love affair or just finally feeling content sitting and embracing your own stillness? I hope something feels different and more full of flow, because it feels to me like the water element no longer feels to you like such an enemy.

When you are the action taker and maker there is often a fear that you’re going to be stamped out or trodden on. Is it a redundant or useless fear? Not really. But there is certainly a way to empower it rather than give in to an internal panic. This is your few weeks to own yourself like nobody’s business, and this is fuelled by a confidence about your own abilities. You see, this softening of the hard edges is what’s given you the edge, because you’re more embodied with all of your elements, mind-body and spirit, and so therefore sitting in your complete power. Don’t feel there just yet? No big deal – the simplest exercise is to honor every feeling equally as you start to blend into a whole, rather than rejecting parts of yourself. Inch your way there.

So as you move through your tasks this month don’t feel worried about ‘getting emotional’ because it’s perfectly possible to use your bang-on intuition and your charming business savvies to get what you want. Let your fire, drive and passion fuel you with the crazy and quirky ideas they bring, then check in with how they feels to you and only make your moves when it feels right. If you take on board my favorite trick in the book, the notion that failure doesn’t exist, then I pose the question; what have you got to lose?

Meanwhile, enjoy meeting new people this month. You may find yourself lining up with a new power posse as well as some soothing soul mates, like your support network is getting a little larger and more stable. This is possible because of your willing to be a bit more vulnerable and know that it’s okay, others will get it more than you think. The more you keep putting out the personality and work that you believe in, then the more others will swim in. You may find yourself feeling like celebrating by the end of the month. Remember there’s also no such thing as a small victory. Every moment has its place, so just allow it to be so.

Mercury Retrograde tip: Don’t feel tripped up if others don’t seem to be on your wave of super communication this month. Just make the effort to make your side of things as clear, kind and concise as possible then let others follow your lead.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Taurus / Taurus Rising – The Magician

Boom. It’s time. Don’t argue with me! I have serious business to talk to you about and it’s about getting swift with that project you’ve been working on. I know the one, so do you – we’ve talked about it before. That idea, that ‘in process’, that habit you’ve been trying to work your way out of. This is the start of what I’m going to call your Power Summer and so it’s time to align. The clock is ticking and you’re ready.

One hand to the heavens and one in the earth – my favorite way to work with this card is to again encourage you to keep hold of your balance. But this time, it’s not just for nurture, it’s for serious fire blazing empowerment. Connecting to your most primal force will give you healing and strength that you perhaps didn’t know were available. To do this, just be unapologetic about working towards your biggest passions, with no fear about what others might think. As soon as you let go of that detaching thought the more you have energy to be embodied and feel successful. To explore your potential is something that can be fun and productive.

If you’re hiding from or sitting on your own skills, what’s stopping you? Is it fear of failure or feelings that you don’t deserve to be big and bright? There’s no room for these worries any more, because after all they’re just thoughts causing you to feel unwell – and what’s the point? You’re not here to play a small game, but to share and teach and learn – on a loop. This is a time to embrace your ego in its finest form, by connecting to the life force and duality within you and using it to shine. It’s not about peacocking around and believing in your own hype – it’s being your own hype, in the best form. Shooting for the stars and landing on the moon, as they say.

Over the next few weeks if you feel stuck or switched off, work with the idea that you already have everything you need. I do believe we come installed with the perfect toolbox and we just need reminding as we go along our way. Half the battle of finding what we need is believing that we have it. Do you need to ask for help or advice? Do it. Do you need to take a break and let loose a little? Do it. Do you need to get out of your own way? Do it. You’re ready.

Mercury Retrograde tip: You may notice a lot of egos in battle all around you. Just step back and observe, rather than feeling the need to dive in and compete. Let others dance around you – you’re too busy to get involved in chaos.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


MAY 2014: Cast by Louise Androlia using the Tarot of the Holy Light.

I can’t deny that I’m glad to send April 2014 happily on its way, how about you? It’s like the washing machine of life has been on a fast spin cycle and everyone has felt it. I hope many of you have made exciting leaps and bounds or navigated through your challenges, but if you feel that changes have been tough then I wrote a post with some ways that I keep on going when things seem uncertain – you can read it here.

Now the energy from the Cardinal Grand Cross is calming; hopefully we will all feel its grip loosen! Mars is still retrograde so nothing is about to happen at warp speed right away, giving us a nice chance to rebalance and take stock.

So begin this month with fresh eyes – no re-writing the past or dragging your dirty laundry to the party. This month’s tarotscopes show that new cycle and a new adventure is beginning, so open your arms to the unknown and trust in your journey. It loves you!

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Taurus / Taurus Rising – King of Cups
There is the need for a softening to come over you. Perhaps you’ve been being too hard on yourself recently, or struggling to gain control over something that you so desperately need to understand. But there comes a point when we need to let things wash through us so that we can recalibrate and feel our way back to a balance. It’s hard to feel better by just standing still and flapping our arms around.

Following on the advice from last month keep making self-care as a priority; you don’t always do that, do you? It can seem strange to think about putting your wellbeing ahead of something seemingly more important like work or helping others, but remember that you can’t build anything if you are in pieces.

You are seeking balance and that comes in all shapes and sizes for each of us. To start with you need to be in tune with when you are out of your natural state of equilibrium. Your mind-body-spirit should ideally all be aligned with each other, working like a perfect trio – your superpowers. If you feel like you have reached a standstill with your mind, with negative thoughts creeping in and out and old fears coming in – it’s okay. The regurgitating of old fears seems to be coming in swift and fast for many of us – but you in this moment are a different you, with the ability to meander into that headspace, wave hello to the anxiety and remind yourself that you can walk beyond it.

Aid an abundance of air (thoughts) energy by ushering in some creativity and passion – take a dance in the fire aisle and awaken your inner source of fun. Laughter might take you out of your worries, if but for a moment. Then – listen to your intuition, always. Never stop trying to hear and trust that loving voice.

Feelings – are you blocking them out or are they overwhelming? Perhaps the two go hand in hand. Even if you’re comfortable in the dependable and stoic mode, it’s good to crack open as and when you need. Let your moods wash over and under and get it out in the medium that suits you. Talk more, share often – ask for help if you need it. Writing, painting and inventing your own forms of therapy are going to work for you.

I feel that this month you can usher in a new sense of balance that works for you like never before. It’s exciting to me, to think that we are carving and curating our way to a form that stands us in our strongest empowered self. What you will find is that if you can register when you are balanced and embodied you will be able to make the best calls, judgments, decisions and moves – and that the main thing is to trust yourself to be present – now.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Gemini / Gemini Rising – The Four of Wands
This card only came up for you a couple of months ago and it’s a nice repeat – a continuing reminder of all that can be celebrated in your life. I want to approach the idea of how to find happiness in the face of uncertainty, change and fears. It may not be change that has affected you directly, perhaps you’ve been feeling well but have observed vast and chaotic changes around you? And are now wondering how can you possibly allow yourself to feel joy at this time, when others are at a loss?

It starts with valuing and nurturing your journey and your feelings as they flow in. If something feels unstable, whether it’s the ground you’re standing on or the space around you, it’s at this point that you dive in headfirst with compassion and kindness. It can be hard to have faith in anything sometimes, but you can always have faith in your story, and your own sense of moving onward.

There is one thread that can always be stable and be your guiding light, and it’s your ability to self-love and self care – two things that often get chucked out the window at points when we need them the most. If you need help or need to help others then start with number one, aka YOU. I will never stop returning to this point, of nurturing your mind, body and spirit (all.of.the.time.)

How do you begin weaving back this in? Get attuned to the everyday things. If you ask many people where they find joy it’s often in nature and the living world. I believe this to be true because it’s our fastest track to the present moment. Try practicing a walking meditation. Go outside purposefully or even next time you are walking from meeting to meeting, keep your phone in your pocket and observe. Look up and look down to the ground, feel the world you are standing on. What do you see? Examine leaves and branches, flowers and earth. Look at the people around you and connect to each one by noticing something about them. Notice how your body feels in response to what you are looking at.

By tuning in to your surroundings whilst moving you get gifted a very easy route to being embodied – and even better, it’s free and available any time. Whenever you feel stuck or blocked, grab your keys and just walk out side for a moment. It’s within this type of movement that you can create stillness.

This month joy surrounds you and there is much to celebrate – those things may be very obvious but you might also have to remind yourself of the tiny wonders. Rejoice in what you have and it will be enough.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Cancer / Cancer Rising – Four of Swords
You are again required to surrender to the moment this month. Perhaps you’ve been one of the ones feeling your way through change and chaos this last month, and are eager to see ahead to a place where things are a bit more predictable. You are after all at home when you know where you are and where you are going. However, your ability to evolve comes within a continuing practice of stillness. You will know where your rest needs to come in – perhaps it’s your body that needs you to stop punishing it or your mind that requires a break from anxious thoughts.

It may be that everyone around you has needed you so much that you actually need to close the door for a while. Everything is as it should be. Tune into your inner dialogue – are there a lot of “I should’s” happening? This is a surefire sign that you’ve jumped out of your energy sphere and are feeling overcome by the need to do things rather than a desire.

As a water sign, your element is the master of intuition and feelings, so I always say that if you aren’t working with them then you’re hiding from your super powers. Don’t be afraid of meditating in a way that works for you, don’t run from the idea of stillness because you’re afraid of what you might discover. It’s amazing how much less stressful your fears can be when you stop for a moment to introduce yourself to them, and then laugh at their small and restrictive ideas.

I like to think of you resting with intent this month, you aren’t giving up, but you are giving over. Spread out your worries on a platter and hand them over. To where? I like to hand mine over to the Universe, or to an energy I deem to be outside me and within me, but this is your story – perhaps you just give them to your adventure and allow the words to be written into your story inside of clutching and scratching at the sides of your mind.

There is a sun rising in the distance, for you, with a whole new world of opportunities. Life is full of infinite possibilities that are hidden within tiny moments, waiting for you to crack them open. This blooming land isn’t going anywhere, it’s just waiting for you to be ready, for you to step up and accept things in a different way. You will be okay if you edge away from the familiar worn down territory. It’s amazing how easy it is to be afraid of the good things; what if they get taken away? What if…your power is in this exact moment, for you to admire, love and work with. You’re all good.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Leo / Leo Rising – The Moon
You will find that the push and pull of your own mind is a continuing lesson, but the lessons wouldn’t be there if they weren’t an essential part of your story. You didn’t get served up as the king of the jungle for no reason you know! But it’s up to you how you play out the tale.

Following on from last month, the battle with the fear hoarding part of your mind might stay in full swing but you have the opportunity to tone it down now and move slower, after all you’ve got to grips with your own courage and super powers a bit more now, right? So how about having some fun in those shadows? I always think of the Sun as the front of the stage and the Moon as behind the scenes. It’s behind the curtain where all the work gets done and within your own theatre you can learn how the magic is made. You can of course also see the mistakes and the hiccups, but wouldn’t you rather look for the wonder? I’m just reminding you of how you get to choose the way you take in information and how you approach the tests and trials. I told you to avoid drama, so this month, admire wonder.

If you are in a time of high stress, it’s okay. It’s okay! You aren’t supposed to feel super chill and on cloud nine all the time, or expect to. It’s not how it is – it’s your job to get real and welcome in the entire spectrum of feelings and love them all, the weird and the wonderful.

Meanwhile be trusting of yourself but not suspicious of everyone else. When working with the shadows in our daily life it can be easy to assume the worst. The answer isn’t to assume the best, but instead to trust in your own decisions and movements. You don’t need to accuse anyone of having bad vibes but instead up your own good ones. If something around you feels a bit fishy, then go inwards and work it out for yourself. If somehow that YES isn’t coming out then trust that maybe the yes is a positive NO! You don’t have to sign yourself up for things that don’t feel right – yep feel.

The answer is in how your body reacts to everything, job offers, people, and places – if you tune in then it’s amazing how that powerful knowing inside you lurches to the surface and let’s you know what is going on. You might also feel like actually working with the Moon itself this month – the powerful Scorpio full moon on the 14th could be a great time to meditate on letting go of the old, filling up with gratitude for all that you have and setting your intention to connect in a new way to your inner soul system.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Virgo / Virgo Rising – The King of Swords
Time to stand up and into your own truth Virgo. This feels like a powerhouse month to me where you can really get s*** done! Woohoo, right? RIGHT. So how are you going to go about it? That truth I mentioned, well that’s just you standing fully in your own power and owning it. Sounds so great doesn’t it, but how often do we really do that? When you are fully connected to your mind, body and spirit you have everything you need to go about and get things done. So you can work on that connection by nurturing and empowering each part of yourself.

First up, the mind. The mastering of the air element can be tricky and you know exactly where you struggle and thrive. Did you know that you have the gift of being able to quickly serve yourself up a wonderful dose of clear and perfect clarity whenever you want? Yes, you just have to go there, and going there means dismissing the age-old obsessions and fears and embracing the shifts of change, and then you have it. Do this via journaling, meditating, desire mapping and nurturing your headspace. You always need to stretch your intellect so that it defeats any possibility of feeling boredom (a symptom of a mind that is craving expansion) – so dive in to new books, movies and documentaries to open your mind and feed those power cells.

Next, the body. This is about allowing your insides to thrive. Sometimes (ok, often) you can end up running on empty, trying to fill gaps and check off lists. Time to beat yourself at your own game by prepping for a busy month and making the necessary preventative moves NOW! So stocks up on your vitamins, make meal plans, create fun Pilates playlist and you’re all set. If you can avoid getting burned out then you have the golden ticket. What regime suits you and do you feel good on? Trust that your body will speak, just make time to listen.

Finally: Your spirit and your energetic self. Practice stillness as often as possible and mindfulness during whatever you are up to. Don’t have time? Don’t try that excuse with me, there’s always time to care for your inner guide, always. Often one breath is all it takes. Do you have time to inhale and exhale? Sure you do.

The thing that you don’t have time for in May is self-sabotage, so just keep moving, one step at a time. Face external stresses from others with the same holistic connection, breathe through it, don’t throw fireballs and treat any flashes of chaos with a double or triple scoop of self-love. You need to be on good form for all the adventures you’re going to be having, so saddle up and go and rule your kingdom!

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Libra / Libra Rising – The Ace of Pentacles
This month heralds the start of a new cycle in your life, which is something in itself to celebrate. The start of a new cycle doesn’t always come with a cheer though does it? If life is spun into a series of chapters, some longer than others, then there are often times when we don’t want to part ways with the words we’ve just read, and that’s okay. The wheels of change have been on overdrive over the last month and many of you may really feel those pages having been turned. Now it’s important to be still and allow the feelings you have to flow and settle. Every feeling is valid and it’s okay to not feel okay.

The gift you have here is to be able to accept the new cycle, and move forward even if something seems to be tugging you back. I feel that you might have been given a new sense of intuition, an all seeing eye that you hadn’t quite been aware of before. Now is the time to open it up and settle into a new energetic connection. Don’t be put off by what you might deem as too ‘new agey’ or you’ll miss the message – which is love and compassion. Allow yourself a healthy dose of nurturing over the next few weeks, as super fuel for the rest of the year.

Career wise you have opportunities knocking on your door, if you are keeping your eyes open to see them of course. Your Midas touch comes within realizing that you can say YES and NO as you choose. No need to accept every offer on the table – make your choices from what feels right for you, not what you think you should do. This extends beyond business too; make yourself prioritize that inner feeling. It might be that you are wondering who to spend your time with right now, so reach out to those who feel right – maybe they are your nearest and dearest, or maybe they’re just people you have a good feeling about for this moment. Be expansive and ready to grow, even if that seems scary – there are people around who want to boost you and help you out right now. I feel that you need a push of positivity or some meaning to the chaos, and it’s there for you.

Find your excitement and confidence in the moment; this is a beginning, so start small by thinking big. Your power lies in taking one step and just doing one thing, because you are paving and creating. If you jump too far ahead that’s where the anxiety sites lie, so instead just take a leap of faith in trusting the moment. The future contains bright skies and warm clouds, rainbows and shooting stars. Wrap up in a golden cloak and open the door.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Scorpio / Scorpio – The Page of Pentacles
Last month I was reminding you to check in on your faith in your journey and look for those little winks from the Universe. As May arrives you’re feeling intent on getting results from the material world and marching your dreams into reality. The frame of mind you need to get things going is formed again by faith and trust. Know that whatever is right for your adventure will be in play, and know that it isn’t always the plan you expected – often it’s way more interesting. Either way you are a tour de force right now, so make your posture strong and tall – there is work to be done.

Now I’m not suggesting that you’re about to suddenly be crazy busy and stressed – Mars is still retrograde so you’re probably not heading to the madhouse, it’s more your Intent that feels, well, intense! I feel that no one can stand in the way of you going out there and blazing your trail – the question is, are you ready? You had this card back in October last year so there might be a link to projects you were thinking of back then – perhaps reconnecting to or launching a new idea?

There is an air of education coming in so you might be prepping to start learning something new yourself or designing some sort of structure to share with others, it’s the right time to be expanding your knowledge to others – in whatever form feels right for you. The main thing is that the students and teachers and awaiting you. Try not to be overcome with the planning and stay as best you can in the present moment. The earth energy will suit you best this month, slow and stead and very importantly – GROUNDED. If you throw yourself too far ahead then it will be easy to get anxious. I keep a vision of just being reeled back into the moment I’m in and I’d like you to work with that. Whenever you find yourself hopping away from what you are working on or doing just say “reel it in” to snap yourself back to right NOW.

With a roar and a flutter you are on your way and it’s a fantastic month to be creating or re-creating your own manifesting practice. Say thank you for the things you desire and treat them as if they are already yours – then let the Universe catch up. On that note, up your gratitude practice. Hey you don’t even need to make a list, why not potter around your apartment speaking out those thanks as you go about your day.

The last month was quite a tough one and you may have been on high alert helping other people manage their energy – make sure to check in and clean yours up now. When you’re feeling truly aligned, those opportunities will come rushing in. Whoop!

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising – Page of Cups
Back to the water fountain for your Sagittarius! Last month came with a few (or a lot) of aches and pains and I want you to dive fully into managing your own flow of feelings. As a natural warrior you aren’t always one to let your guard down and be vulnerable but maybe it’s time to share it out a little? You will find comfort from any of your fears this month by opening that mouth and talking it out with a good friend, or a therapist if that feels right for you.

This is a month of rejoicing in the small wonders of life and this is exactly what you need to connect back to the present, I’m sure it will be a welcome gift. I feel that you are poised for a new journey – the last couple of months you were cracking open and piecing back together, maybe more times than you expected, and so it makes sense to start out on new footing, right? So how do you go about that? With a fresh set of eyes of course!

In the places where you feel jaded or afraid, fill up the gaps with gratitude and love. The month is housing a sincere dose of magic and miracles for you, so you may as well get attuned with what that might mean for you. Those moments of awe and wonder? They are closer than you think. We often search high and low for a bigger meaning to something, and often the lesson is just to be still and say thank you for what you see in front of you, after all that is the only thing that’s real, and precious.

Your relationship with your intuition is changing. Whether you’re just introducing yourself or you’re a hard practiced psychic, this is evolving into something more charged and clear. Your job is to welcome in your own wisdom and trust it, even if it feels a little odd at first, and to give the more loving voice a shot, especially in the face of the fears that shout out from your inner dialogue.

The energy around you is also very playful and childlike; if you are a mother then you might find those magical messages coming from your children. This is also a time to connect to your childlike self; sometimes I find the best advice comes from thinking what I might have done when I was age four! Everything about childhood is being powerful in the present, less “what ifs” and more just doing what feels right. What feels right to you?

Trust in yourself this month then you will have all the super powers that you need – it’s a nice thought, isn’t it? P.s If you need to clear your head, soothe yourself by the nearest body of water. A lake, river or even your bathtub will be your sanctuary this month.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Capricorn / Capricorn Rising – The Five of Cups
As you continue on this new journey of discovery and change it’s good to get accustomed to things coming and going – and how you perceive that. It’s not uncommon for you to get clutched by the idea of failure and swoop in to lessen yourself against others, but it’s time for that old trick to be put to bed. Remember all the talk of seeing your life as a journey? If you’re on an adventure then every single moment is exactly as it should be, it’s your book after all. I like to think in gardening terms here. If you plant a selection of seeds and they all flower apart from a few does that make your garden a failure? No, no it’s not – it’s still in bloom and so are you!

Crying over split milk and trying to rewrite the past or our mistakes is really a move that we want to avoid. “If I had only done this instead, then that would be different”. Maybe it would but we can’t unpick and re-stitch our story, as much as we want to, and time spent wishing is time that could be celebrating what we have or pausing to heal in the moment. Healing is essential to our journey, so even if you are feeling disappointment, sadness or loss right now, it’s not something that’s “your fault”. It’s your moment to allow your feelings to be valid and bring in compassion and forgiveness for yourself and others.

Remove the word failure from your dictionary. I’ve been thinking a lot about success recently and realize that like happiness it’s one of those things we’ll never find if we chase it, climb after it and scrabble for it. My friend Gabby Bernstein says that she bases her success on how much fun she’s having. Isn’t that an amazing way to rethink? Because if you’re having a good time you’re full up with joy, right? Try it.

Finally I want to make sure you aren’t giving too much of yourself away and neglecting (again) your self-care. This is a lesson you might see time and time again because of your ability to be everything for everyone and such a good caregiver and friend. Sometimes, when you spend a lot of energy helping others and don’t balance it out for yourself then you can suddenly feel apathetic towards others.

The last thing we ever want is to feel annoyed about being of service, so see where your balance lies. Take that Earth energy that you pass away and give some back to yourself, more of that embodiment that I mentioned last month. The Sun sets every day, but it always gets up. You have a lot to get up for – so embrace today.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Aquarius / Aquarius Rising – The Two of Wands
One of my all time favorite cards for you this month sweet water carrier. Things are still on the up, or at least the potential is right there for you if you seek it. There is a sense of duality, in perhaps a few areas of your life. Many of you have stepped into a new partnership, romantic and career wise – how is it going?

I want you to feel comfortable in your new adventures, even if they seem shiny and strange and unrecognizable. It’s important that you remember unfamiliar is very often, well – awesome! At least it’s a far cry from old, done over habits. If April was a bit of a chaos bringer then May reminds you of your ability to dust yourself off and keep on going, you are kind of a master of that you know. The world is your oyster – ahh what a sweet sigh of relief that reminder brings, doesn’t it? That you can shape the energy and view around you? This even speaks for the times when things seem at a loss and pretty down and out. The sun will rise again, after all it always does, and this is a strong message for us all this month.

You are feeling fiercely independent, and that’s not a bad thing. So what is the plan? You have an idea that’s on its way up and this is a great time to just finalize your trust in yourself before you get it out there. This is all about how you get your idea into reality – your problem is never the ideas themselves. So think about whom you might need to approach, send out those emails or call up those friends – there are avenues of help awaiting you, but you might need to go a-knocking.

Don’t worry about anyone butting in on your dreams though – you can welcome in advice and still make your final decisions. Trust is a big one here, in yourself – so remember your journey and have faith in that, if you’d rather not say hello to the Universe. But if you fancy it then say thanks for what you are working on and know that you are supported.

I have no doubt in your ability to plan so really these few weeks are just about the ground work and putting in a lot of positive fire energy. You feel pretty strong to me, even if you deem yourself as walking shakily, so charge yourself up with a lot of self care giving – plenty of sleep and ease off the sugar and processed foods. Energy givers not sappers are your body tools. Laugh at your fears and keep nurturing your intuition. Things are blooming – so keep tending to those dreams.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Pisces / Pisces Rising – The Hanged Man
Surrender! You know it, my favorite thing to teach. Letting go can sound like we’re spinning out of control so I’ve reclaimed it with a sweet “surrender” – so much easier to grasp, isn’t it? Okay no it’s still a tough practice and I know how you love to get obsessive about things and keep looking over that shoulder to try and rewrite the past. So how about what’s ahead? It’s a fine and beautiful place, waiting, just over there – see it?

Anyway no need to go there right now because May is a month of suspension, not the scary kind though, just the wait and see kind. Are you frustrated even thinking about that? Well it’s time to get comfortable with your stillness – again.You know I always bang on about your intuition being your super power? Last month I encouraged you to charge up and avoid dramatics and following on from that is about keeping yourself in that moment and resisting the urge to run back to old and tired habits. Right? Yes! Keep listening to the more loving voice in your inner dialogue, you’ll get there.

I love this card because it really teaches you to admire your surroundings. You are exactly where you’re supposed to be. This letting go may be required for the projects that you’ve been investing in recently, or the relationships – wherever your desire has been planted. It’s time to hand it over. The reason we “give it up” is to allow things to expand, as they should. If you pop a jar over a butterfly it’s never going to go anywhere, so you don’t have to hover over your wishes to try and forced them into action. So just step back, even a little, in order to get a better vision. In fact the more you loosen your grip, the easier it will be to see peace and sense within your story.

I’m very familiar with this card and I often find it also appears to let you know that you can’t know the outcome because it doesn’t exist yet. So aggravating, I know, but I like this because it reminds us that the present is the only real reality and the best place to work from. If you only had to deal with today wouldn’t things be less stressful? Try and reel yourself back in to the moment you’re in whenever you waft off in all directions, your body with be thankful, as will your mind and energy.

Meanwhile, in this continued wait, use it as a chance to prep for a new perspective and cycle. Need to clear out anything from the past few months? Use the Scorpio full moon on the 14th as a chance to welcome in a new personal cycle. Perhaps also connect with your Scorpio pals for an intuitive power pull – they get you, always. (And p.s…Surrender!)

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Aries / Aries Rising – The Seven of Pentacles
Like your Pisces pal this is a month of surrender. Yes that old trick. Are you tired of me telling you to slow down and create more space yet? I’m so sorry, but it’s all in the name of love and rebalancing so you are in your full power. Anyway this is surrendering with a purpose. You’ve been busy (as usual) changing the world and planning for the months ahead, and now you might have to wait a bit for things to bloom and burst. That’s okay though, right?

Because you know this system now, and if you’ve planned for something to happen soon you don’t need to babysit it. Get moving with something new, like maybe go and enjoy yourself, ideally partaking in something that doesn’t swoop in with a bunch of stress.

Your work is never in vain and you know it, because you don’t usually go for something unless you have a gut instinct that it’s a good idea. Even those leaps of faith have some action planning behind them. So this month take some time to be grateful for your journey so far – for all those adventures you’ve had because of the work you’ve put in. It will be a good reminder and confidence boost for your ability to keep moving on in the direction that you seek. If you feel very aware that you are “waiting” for something then this card is usually a reflection of the effort you’ve put in. So romantically – check in that the balance is equal. Are you expecting more but not giving your share? Or are you expecting someone else to open up and be vulnerable whilst you’re still hiding behind closed doors? It takes two to tango they say.

If you’ve been wondering if you are on the right path with an idea, relationship or a project then try tuning back into your original intention. Did you start something out with excitement and desire or was it a lack luster, “I should do this” kind of a deal? If something you didn’t really care much about doesn’t come to fruition then it will be no loss! Trust that what comes around is gonna be exactly what you needed, even if you didn’t know you did.

So, what else can you do over the next few weeks? Take stock of course! Maybe that’s going through your accounts or checking in with your health, you will know exactly where your balance isn’t aligned. Always make the goal to be that you feel embodied and empowered and you will never be walking on the wrong tracks. I also have faith in your ability to juggle, so don’t fear that you can’t do everything, only worry about whether you want to do everything. See the difference?

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse



If you’re interested in these tarotscopes, chances are you’ve probably already clocked that astrologers have been speaking about the coming month for a long time. The Cardinal Grand Cross peaks around April 23rd, and the weeks leading up promise to be a pretty intense period to say the least. Imagine four people in a room, all with wildly different ideas and all trying to shape the world in their image.

When the Grand Cross forms the four planets involved will also all be at 13 degrees, and in the Tarot this is the number of the Death card, representing the sign of Scorpio. So think – change, transformation and reinvention. This energy has been building since December, and I for one have certainly been feeling it, have you?

You should know by now that I’m not one to embrace fear. I like the idea that if we try always to live in our highest and best energy, then we will always be exactly where we should be no matter what’s going on around us. I believe our struggles are in place to lead us to higher ground, and all we need to do is just keep walking. Life isn’t always going to be sparkles and unicorns, and if you are feeling less than 100% remember that we’re all in this together.

Through my coaching practice, I’ve come to discover that we all have the same fears packaged up in unique ways and yet we all feel totally alone some of the time. So share, love and support each other, or as I like to do when I’m feeling the winds of change – open up your arms wide and shout I’M READY!

P.S. If you know your full birth chart, this month read your sun and your rising sign tarotscopes for a double dose of guidance.

Cast by Louise Androlia using the Rider Waite Tarot Deck

Happy Birthday babe! It doesn’t surprise me to see an action card in place for you this month, because it’s not exactly news that you rarely stand still and just soak up the view. However this is definitely a time to really embrace some of the natural cycles of life, rather than try forcing the forward motion yourself. Get in tune with the flow and synchronicities of your life right now, make notes of how one thing leads to another, and you might just weave a web of action that gets you to the same desired outcome but with a few less puffs and pants.

Emotionally, you are perhaps going to be a bit more in touch with your watery side over the next few weeks, so if the tears start flowing, embrace them and think of yourself as having a birthday soul cleanse. It’s easy to get annoyed when your deepest feelings decide they want to make an appearance, but this is so a chance to dive in and swim around until you reach a deeper sense of personal embodiment. Think of yourself as having arrived at a blank page about to write the intro to your next awesome story, it needs some sentiment.

Externally I get a sense of commitment issues with this card and so I feel that if plans you are keen to see come to fruition get slowed right down it could be purely because you’re finding it hard to pin a certain someone down to the job. It’s amazing how frustrating it can be to feel like your fire-starting ideas are on hold because you’re having to simply wait it out. However every period of waiting can often just mean the space is being energetically held for you. Whenever that contract finally gets signed, then the time will be exactly right. It’s a more peaceful way to look at a limbo situation, right?

So try and embrace a sense of flow within action, after all if we know one thing for sure it’s that worry and anxiety only serve to thieve us of our peace, so don’t even invite those guys to your party!

In partnerships and romantically this is your chance to loosen your grip on any “all talk and no action” kind of connections. If you feel like you are constantly being emotionally let down, or sucked in by that knight in shining armor then it’s time to draw a line. You don’t need to suffer, even if you are locked in that familiar negative comfort zone. What would your biggest hero do right now? Well guess what, YOU are the hero, so bring in the change yourself and sweep out anything that isn’t working for you. Shake it off and treat yourself to a soul system spring clean – out with the old and in with the new. Keep walking, head high, heart open.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Take a trip back to this time last year. What was going on in your life? How were you feeling? I pulled this card for you last April, and I feel like you could be immersed in something that was just an idea all those months ago and that you can see how the cycle has passed through all its twists and turns to bring you to this stage. I spoke last month about embracing change and shaking up your foundations to work better for you, and this card follows on SO well from that, bringing in a totally butterfly energy for you. Transformation is such an awesome and empowering thing, it’s a wonder we can be so terrified of the unknown right?

This month I encourage you to celebrate and value your talents, your mind, your body and your spirit. How often do you just stop and pat yourself on the back? Or even look back and notice how things are clicking together. I know you can sometimes feel that you’re tumbling down a dark tube towards a goal, and so I want you to keep expanding your vision in order not to miss any opportunities that are headed your way. I have a sense that you need pushing into your own light and so I want to give you just a little nudge and say go and stand in that spotlight – or at least empower you enough to send an email to get the ball rolling. It’s time to embrace life in a way that works for you, yes you and only you.

Your conversation with the Universe, God, your inner self, Love or whatever energy you might feel connected to also needs a little revamp, and acting on behalf of the Universe, I’m telling you to remember to check back in with your mantras, prayers or gratitude practices. Why? Because those moments of nurture that you give yourself will reflect back on you and the world will feel like a brighter place. You will be able to see clearer and feel more solid, and that light of yours will be just that little bit more luminous.

Also, give yourself a break. Seriously. If there has been a lot of change in your sphere recently then you aren’t supposed to be feeling super stable and strong right now, and this is why it’s even more important to take a break and just be present in your own skin. This will recharge you and give you the energy boost you need in order to be able to withstand any shakeups to your foundations.

Anyway, this month is about Star powered energy, so wrap your arms around everything and everyone that you love. Fly, launch, shine, dream. Share your ideas, gifts, thoughts, talents, words, energy – get it out there in whichever form you feel like you thrive in. We need you!

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

A nice change of pace from last month, which felt a little riddled with “what ifs”, “buts” and moments of worry. I hope you have been recharging and getting more on board with some self-love? Well keep it up as a permanent practice, okay?

This month I am giving you a rather large dose of passion and movement, and a big old jab out of your comfort zone. It’s so easy to get locked into a habit, like watching TV for instance, at the expense of other creative hobbies, and granted all those shows are pretty awesome and sofa time is fully supported. But at the same time, know that there is a higher energy for you to be tapping in to. I love thinking elementally, and what you want to bring in over the next few weeks is a lick of Fire. To immerse yourself in something that pumps up your life force, and reminds you that inspiration is always around you, if you just reach out and grab it.

I have a feeling that a few shifts are coming in your direction that might shove you towards a more action oriented place, and so be ready to embrace them. If you’ve been putting energy into the manifestation process recently then some results may start to roll in (hurrah!) Remember that you don’t have to say “yes” to everything, so step back and think about what might be right for you. Not sure? Ask what FEELS right. Avoid making decisions based on what you “think” you should do and allow passion to rule the show. I dare you to give it a shot! Also remember to allow everything in your life it’s own sense of flow. Know that whatever blooms has it’s rightful place, as you don’t want to even think about wasting your energy crying over spilt milk or stamping your feet if you feel like you haven’t got “your way”.

You may also be experiencing a major case of itchy feet, a desire to travel or meet some new faces. No need to race off to the airport right this second, but planning an adventure for later in the year could certainly bring you in the right kind of expansive energy. Same goes for the people you hang out with, are you clinking glasses and locking lips with those who lift you up and support your A-game? If not then your ability to make a shift in your social circle is something to be aware of. While you don’t need to go ditching pals left right and center, it’s very important to make sure that you feel part of a community that supports you.

A final nugget to ponder – always take a moment to check in which direction you are walking. Are you charging towards your dreams and in the direction of Love, or tiptoeing backwards into old habits and denying yourself the blooming and bright experience that you deserve?

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

You’re on such a journey this year Cancer, as if you’re on a sailboat through the seas of change and the weather is a bit unpredictable. Sometimes it rains for days but then it’s bright and blooming! You have faith that there is a point to all this, right? Hold onto this truth, as it’s always what can comfort you when the winds rattle your bones.

So last month I was chatting to you about drama and theatrics and I’m sure you saw some of that in play. Was it around you externally or going on in your own mind? The next few weeks are a chance to really retreat from your own fears (and everyone else’s) and with a battery pack in tow just give yourself a break. It sounds simple and it kind of is, but I know it’s not always enough stop you panicking about when things are going to move forward or when the next job will come in.

Your goal now is to get embodied and empowered, and this means that you have to get clear on what you want the rest of the year and maybe even your life to look like. It’s so easy to just role with it, to feel a bit like life has got you in it’s clutches and you’re just waiting on other people to make decisions so that you can move forward. Granted, plenty of things do involve other people and their decisions but it doesn’t mean that you can’t be a part of it. Take some time this month to really go deep and connect to what might be right for you, not just as another a notch on your ladder or because it’s what you think you should do.

I just feel like laying low will suit you right now – ideally in a hammock, swaying your way through the day as you hone back into your zen zone. But um yeah, the real world…the real world requires subtle action and constant surrender. So keep moving but just in your own space. Be a little selfish, in the positive way, which means taking some time outs to work through annoyances. Sort through your internal life luggage and prepare a few old habits and ideas for the recycling bin, to exchange for a fresh approach.

You won’t get very far unless you start getting unapologetic about putting your own wellness and joy right at the very top of the list, shining bright. Dive into the little things that lift you up – the smile on your child’s face, the in-jokes with your BFF, the words on a page that always make you smile, the quirks of your pet. Mini moments of joy are what will propel you forwards so that instead of feeling lost at sea, you become the captain of the ship.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

This month is all about getting embodied and embracing the truth. The truth? It’s easy to be afraid of that word and want to run from it, scared of what it might mean – but it’s nothing to be afraid of. I want you to honor what feels right for you in every area of your life, and look at what might need shifting. It’s clear this is a month of spring-cleaning for everyone and as Leo is the sign that matches up to the Strength card, I feel that this is about you returning to your own source and getting really real.

So then, how are you going to dive in? I feel that for a start it’s worth checking in with your ego mind and its “ifs” and “buts” – have you accidentally on purpose been listening a little too much to those “I cant’s” recently? It’s easy to slip into the comforts of some of our favorite fears. I feel that the drama queen in your internal and external environment is a little on high alert right now. Have you noticed a lot of people in your sphere all caught up in idle gossip or low vibe conversation? If so then it’s imperative that you don’t join them, but at the same time it isn’t your job to call people out on their stuff, and definitely don’t lower your vibe to passive aggressive tweeting – such a waste of your time. Be the bright light and allow everyone to move on their own journey at their own speed.

Internally, don’t give the attention to the theatrics of the ego mind either. While the stage of your subconscious might look very exciting and inviting, is it all smoke and mirrors? How about giving peace a chance instead?

The thing is, inner work like this doesn’t have to be catastrophically boring, and it’s not like you have to wave your arms around and claim that you’re going to overhaul your known Universe either. It’s the small shifts we make that often bring about the biggest and brightest changes. Just say a few extra “yes’s” or maybe even a few more “no’s”, and take a moment to consider the direction you’re walking in, as you stop often to pause and breathe.

Remember that joy I asked you to look out for last month? Keep up this practice and know that gratitude will constantly expand your vision if you let it.

Above all, be gentle this month, and compassionate. You won’t overcome your challenges by shouting and screaming at them and punishing yourself when you feel like you’ve slipped up. Instead, operate in a constant state of surrender and forgiveness. The simplest advice for when you feel a little wobbly is to just operate at your highest level – which means your wellness and spiritual practice come first, compassion is a must, and there is no time to indulge drama. Got it?

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Set your intentions for the next few weeks with a lit candle and a positive prayer. The intention itself? Simple, make moves from a place of love for your sweet soul and avoid making your daily planner lists when in a fearful mindset. You’re never too far off your A-game, and if you are feeling swayed right now know that you’re part of a bigger picture and not alone. Call a friend and share some of your stress. Yes I know you’d prefer to always be the “strong” one, but seriously – time to give that game up. You’re awesome and awesome people sometimes feel crap too. It’s fine and it’s valid. Instead of everything to everyone, try just being your own savior – feels good, right?

In the romance zone you might be pondering the concept of soul mates and what that really means. If you have been locked in an unfulfilling (for you) love affair recently then maybe it’s time to sweep the sleep from your eyes, stand up and draw the line. It’s easy to glam up a sad story into something that’s “sooo romantic and dramatic” but actually, maybe it’s just not good for you? Imagine if you could up your game to where the real voodoo lives? Just a couple of energy levels higher into the arena of radical self-love and boundless joy. For those of you already in the swoon zone, then indulge in each other’s needs over the next few weeks, re-tune yourselves to a balanced place and remember not everything is about you – you’re a team, so work it.

I feel like there’s a huge amount of power in your perception this month, and in every given moment consider that you might be able to expand the situation to see it in a way that lifts you up to your highest vibe. It seems that you could be in a period of change – not so much the unexpected, more so that you’ll have to make a bunch of decisions. It’s amazing how complicated we humans make our own process sometimes, with so many fears tied up with the “what if’s”. And yet if we can grasp that we really are just on a journey, then bad choices cease to exist.

Allow yourself to move with confidence, even if it is slowly. Tiptoeing is certainly okay this month, you’ll still get there. Think of it as a gift that you can see the light and dark in each situation, it actually gives you a head start, okay? Just make sure you’re headed in the right direction, yes you know the one. I have no doubt that you will be fine, just try and not question yourself so much. Think about how inspiring and amazing you find all your heroes and mentors, and then remember that they are reflections of you. Bask in your superpowers.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

No, you’re not travelling back in time, but perhaps you’ve been feeling like you’ve had to do a lot of back and forth recently, and are a little tired of it? It’s been an odd couple of months – not bad, but there has been a lot of “thinking”, like ideally you’d be on a Caribbean vacation with a coconut cocktail now right. I pulled this card for you last July, so make a note of any familiarities between now and then, as feelings or situations now may be reflective or working together with what was going on then. For instance, you may be experiencing the revival of an old project, or treading familiar territory in a relationship.

You’ve been working on your balance in the last few months, something that comes naturally to you, but this month you’re ready to get head first into something new. I feel you’ve become a bit restless somewhere, that some of you are feeling bored while others are clamoring for change. A need to “expand” is the common ground, so it’s time to immerse yourself in developing or honing a new talent, or to discover something that’s perhaps a little bit out of your comfort zone. It’s amazing how quickly we can shift out of that place of stagnation by inviting something fresh into our lives. So take a scan across every area of your life, love, health, career, spirituality – where is in need of a revamp?

This is where you can do your best work this month. Make it exciting, change doesn’t have to be a hard slog; your aim is to feel enthusiastic about your life again, and to feel like you are working on something that you’re invested in. Can you get behind creating a life that you want to wake up and participate in?

Yes you might be having to comb over current details but while that’s going on, is there something you’ve been shoving to the back of your mind, worrying about whether you’re “good” enough or if it’s a fruitless idea? Give compassion to your desires and dreams, they don’t present themselves for no reason, so how can you honor them?

You are on this adventure right now – don’t ever forget that, even when it seems like a pain in the backside. It’s sometimes hard to accept that we are on a journey when we can’t see the final destination. This is why working with the idea that the present moment is the only thing that’s solid can really help us out. Work with each moment as it comes, and you will avoid a sense of overwhelm or a need to control. Consider yourself as building your pathway and allow yourself time and compassion. You don’t have to race ahead, this month is about nurturing your adventure and starting to carve out new experiences.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Faith. Where does yours lie, and in what form? Do you believe in an energy that’s bigger than you? Do you pray to a God or higher power? Are you connected to your own intuition? Do you believe you are the co-creator of your experience, or are you a victim of the Universe? I have no doubt that you can feel things shifting around you and within you right now, which is when it’s easy to be afraid and when old fears come up. But I want you to feel as though you are part of a bigger picture, but also something that resonates with you, that is unique and it’s personal. I can make much more sense of my own challenges when I realign with my belief that I’m on a journey, because I know that everything is a valid part of the puzzle that’s shuffling around to create my story.

This month you will be able to find your peace in the little signs and the tiny shifts, and your only job is to be open to seeing them. Use the word “expand” as a permanent mantra, and when ever you feel stuck or locked in a mindset or a situation make a request to your self or the Universe to open up and create space around you to be able to see your way through. You need every moment of calm that you can create, and I use “create” because it is your own job to support yourself over the next few weeks.

Miracles are circling you all of the time and the synchronicities are there, dancing around waiting for you to tune in. But that tune in will only get locked into place when you just stop and be still. Stillness is always our savior and don’t be overwhelmed by that idea. I‘m not suggesting you lock yourself away to be ‘”alone with your thoughts” for hours on end, how about just one minute breathing steadily with your eyes shut while you’re on the bus? Or a pause on your walk to look up to the sky and down to the earth. Connect.

You’re also still planting seeds that you’ve been scattering for the last few months, and now they are starting to bloom, totally in their own time though and in so many different ways than you expected, right? Choose to remain positive in the face any perceived blockages; perhaps they are in place to make you consider a more relevant and even better direction?

Finally, this week I bumped into an elderly gentleman in the park and we were chatting about his dogs. As I went to leave, he looked at me with a wide smile and said; “Do something exciting this weekend”. The idea of being in the present moment grabbed me. So keep your energy playful, childlike and bright and maybe you can just sail right into the dreams that you desire.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

I feel that all the inner work you’re doing at moment is about how you shape your environment. Over the next few weeks you may notice some restructuring going on in your social circle, and with the ways you react to other people. Are you typical of your Fire sign? Are you quick to spark an argument or rush to prove yourself “right”? There is a wonderful delight in learning to pick your battles, or perhaps not even battling at all.

All of our relationships serve as mirrors, and diving into this concept can be an awesome self-help tool. The person that you find so irritating or really struggle with? They’re probably pulling out some of your own fears, or perhaps even reminding you of an aspect of yourself that you don’t like so much. But when you are so quick to form a negative opinion about someone else, this is just the energy you’ve tuned in to, and in turn you may only then see that part of that person.

The easy option for us is to just snap at someone or talk about them behind their back, but does that ever make you feel great? Does it solve the problem or bring help in any way? Not usually. So take a moment and pose those kinds of questions to yourself; Will complaining about this situation help me? Could I extend peace towards these conflicts? This doesn’t mean “backing down” or you being “better than” someone else, it just means honoring that your precious energy is better spent elsewhere.

So, where exactly? In regaining your own personal power of course! When you’re caught up in what others might be thinking then you’ve distracted yourself from honoring your own feelings and journey. Spend as much time as possible in the coming weeks putting attention on the positive feelings you’d like to experience going forward. Remember to envelope yourself with those who uplift you, and also that friendships do shift and change over time. It’s been a busy few months for everyone, so offer your very nearest and dearest a little extra compassion right now. I bet there is one person around you that perhaps wouldn’t ask for help but really needs it – so tune in.

Finally, if you have been feeling a little scattered or worn down then try this visualization. Close your eyes and visualize your solar plexus (the energy center just above the navel and under the ribs) as a large magnet. As you breathe in imagine all of your lost energy being magnetized back to your centre and filling you with warmth. As you breathe out ask to release any energy that is not yours and see dust particles scatter away from you. Do this for as many breath cycles as you like and end with a visualization of a bright white bubble surrounding you. Energy reboot, affirmative!

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Let’s talk about the direction in which you’re headed. Your journey is so significant right now, and of course the balance of it. If every aspect of your life right now were the first brick in the foundation of a building, what kind of city would you be creating? Are the foundations solid or shaky? And most of all, would you want to live there?

You don’t always consider putting your own needs first, but I have a feeling that with a bit of practice you might rather like it. When the astro energy is a bit choppy like it is out there this month, you really will ride it out like a pro if you focus on this, even if feels a bit forced to start with. You’re looking at a few weeks that might seem to go quite fast, and it’s essential to grab the reins and steer in the direction that you would like. I feel that you are also aware from the last six months that when things aren’t right they kind of fizzle out pretty fast anyway, and what you are aiming to hone right now is the ability to beat this before it even happens.

If it feels like things are going too fast for you, check that you are feeling fully embodied in your life. I’ve noticed that when we’re experiencing blocks it’s because we have hopped out of our body a little, perhaps into the future or the past. So just stop and just be present with your surroundings. Try using walking as a meditation, put that phone back in your bag and just focus on what’s around you, each person, each object, what the air feels like, what the colors look like. This is such a quick and easy way to pull yourself back into your body and also a very strong exercise to remind yourself that you are part of a bigger picture. You are not alone in your challenges.

You’re maybe thinking a little more long term than usual too, and certainly exploring new territory. It’s easy to be afraid of the unknown, even if it’s feeling good, because we can never see exactly how things are going to end up, we only have our plans. But I encourage you to enjoy every step, because if it feels good and right then you are exactly where you’re supposed to be, and the rest will form as you go.

Finally, shake your own foundations and chuck out what isn’t working for you, because I know you have plenty of rather nice things to fill that space, right? Make room for the LOVE and the FUN and the JOY. Seriously, these are the things that matter, so move in their direction.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

If last month was about shaking up your foundations, then April is about choosing how you’re going to rebuild them. The chance to settle into new ways and habits can feel a bit odd at first, as it entails getting used to an exciting something/someone, or coping with something that is no longer present. But it’s okay, you’re doing the best job you can. So your whole attitude for this month has to be about staying on your highest energy plane and looking after yourself in an epically wonderful way. Are you ready for that? Of course you are.

First up, rediscover or create what your own miracle saving tactic can be when you feel stuck or stressed out. When I feel blocked when trying to work, I grab my keys and just charge out the door for a walk, even if it’s just around the block – yes this is total a perk of being freelance, but you will find your own way. Breath work, a moving meditation, a song on repeat, a moment of solitude or a mantra. It’s kind of awesome to have a go-to way to calm down, and to know that your “safe place” can be inside you and accessed any time, anywhere.

So now, how about your external environment? This is the place that we really can’t control, as we aren’t at liberty to know what others are going to do around us. But we can hone and help ourselves as much as possible. First up, your home – time to bring in a little feng shui, or just some fresh flowers? Make your bedroom somewhere that you are excited to fall to sleep and wake up! It sounds insanely simple, but there are plenty of us who push nurturing our space to the bottom of the list. The ideal comfort zone is having a precious place in your home where you can practice the above and get a double dose of grounding and reenergizing, all created by you!

I feel like the people around you, at work or in your family or social circle, might be a bit wobbly over the next few weeks, so remember how your energy can often create the scene you’re in. With this in mind, it’s time to bring the light and the encouraging talk to the room. I don’t feel that you need to be very adventurous this month, as it’s a time for really indulging in what you know feels right for you. For instance socially, make time to only hang out with the friends who give you that warm and fuzzy feeling inside and head to the places where you can glide into your favourite seat.

It’s likely that within your happy places, inside and out, you will find exciting guidance, whether your inner voice shouts out quite the epiphany or you spy a career breakthrough right under your nose. Just keep your eyes open.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

As above, so below. As within, so without. This is a month of plugging yourself in to your personal energy charger and sitting quietly and prepping for action. So take that pressure OFF, right now, seriously, you don’t have to do anything or have to be anywhere. Reshuffle your space so there is plenty of time to be still, even if it’s just a few seemingly tiny moments in what you see as a sea of chaos. Find them.

Your outer environment will mirror what’s inside, so of course you have to start rebuilding your inner soul system in order to rebalance what you see around you. If you are surrounded by drama and theatrics, maybe it’s your own inner push and pull that needs attending to. Does the space feel not quite safe around you? Then keep finding that safe place inside. Whatever you see around you, see if you can find the parallel within, and then commit to doing the work.

Remember your ability to flow and work it, you aren’t a fish for no reason! Dive, search, float – but don’t swim away. This is why the power of recharging is so epic, and you can think of the next few weeks as a period of evolution. Usually when these moments are required it’s because there’s a shift up ahead that will need you to be very present. I feel that any projects that you want to launch, people you want to woo or celebrations you are waiting for will be in your vision towards the end of the month, so you are just quietly prepping.

When faced with this card, it’s always useful to edge away from what you think “Hermit” means – you aren’t about to go and sit in a cave and have no friends for the next ten years (which is what people always think when they see this card!) In fact, you’re just making way for the new and improved you and you need to be silent now in order to shine forth in the months to come.

I always like to remind you of avoiding your own dramatics, especially with a card of retreat like this, so go swim in an expansive, adventurous space, not in your own tears. Got it? If you really tune into what’s around you right now you should be able to pick what can go and what should stay. Remember you are not the victim of the story, more so the master of it, and any situations that feel out of your control can be twisted around so that your personal power comes back into the picture. Sometimes we need to just go in and edit our story and make ourselves the hero, right? Time to remember that you ARE the hero, the good guys come out on top and that, yes, LOVE rules.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Cast by Louise Androlia using the Rider Waite Tarot Deck



Happy Birthday sweet swimmer! As the two bookends of the Zodiac, you and Aries both have the same cards come up as last month. To say February will merge it’s energy with March is obvious, but whatever you were working on last month will follow through too and I feel that much of the mood is a continuing search for stability.

It can be easy for you to swim against your own tide or, dare I even say it, flee from the idea of being ‘tied down’.

Yet you are always searching for something that feels like home. What does the steady flow that you desire look and feel like to you? It’s good to work with this to remind yourself that your journey isn’t a prescription laid out with no fluidity – instead it’s quite the opposite. If you desire a partnership but don’t want to feel like your wings have been clipped, then know that it’s completely possible to find someone who rides the same wave as you and gives you the space you want. Instead of running from people who express interest in you, allow everyone else the option to be unique and different – don’t try and label or pin people down to what you think they are. This will limit your opportunities to bring in the right kinds of friends, lovers, partners and work mates to expand your experience.

Along with this search for solid ground, know that there is a balance between the material and spiritual and that it’s ok to be in both worlds. I feel that this month you may be working with that balance and occasionally questioning which is the ‘right’ way to be. Remove this pressure and again, allow yourself to expand in all directions. There is no need in this day and age to separate the two. You can be practical with your intuition and be spiritual in your day to day.

This month allows you to stop and re-shuffle priorities, feelings and plans. The joy lies in your ability to create an environment that works for you. I feel that you may also be considering the ground you walk on; some of you feeling like putting down roots and committing to new homes, classes and jobs, while others are experiencing the opposite – purely because these foundation may not feel right. In this case, you will maybe even relocate.

The main thing I’d like you to work on though is a steadiness. The fact that this very earthy card has come up twice makes me want to let you know it’s okay to slow down. You don’t need to make hasty decisions and a little going over of matters and thoughts will not do you any harm. Maybe during last month’s Mercury retrograde it already felt like your brakes were being pulled (or plans thwarted) – so allow this and take time to go over plans. It’s so easy to be impatient, but what if the only thing you are really supposed to do this month is stop, look and learn?

Chat with Louise Androlia about how your month is going @louniverse



Like Pisces you have the same card come up as last month. I know you are always ready to race from the starting blocks and again this month there is still a cause for stillness. In February I mentioned decision-making, and how hard it can be when you feel impatient. You might notice that theme continuing over the next few weeks. Although Mercury is no longer retrograde, Mars (your ruler, planet of motivation) has taken over the retrograde throne so it’s perhaps still a point of slow down. Again, no need to fear this, but use it to your advantage.

When I look at the card this time around I feel quite a strong sense of peace. I feel that you know there is a lot of potential change around you and upcoming and that you are ok with it. It’s always more important to put your energy on being excited about the future and what it might bring, rather than the fear of what might happen. I love the idea of making your ‘will’ bigger in your mind than your ‘won’t’. So let this month ease you into the changes you have planned.

I feel a certain amount of the next few weeks might also be about succumbing to working with other people, something you love doing but which can easily stress you out when all decisions aren’t ‘yours’ to make. Any time you feel that your sense of personal control is tested this is a chance to grown and expand within your journey. Make the surrender practice your mantra this March – and know that maybe letting someone else lead you a little is like actually giving you space somewhere inside that melting pot of ideas to rest. The main thing though is just to allow flow, in as many ways as possible. That way, if things do become frustrating you will just laugh it off – knowing that you are ahead of the game and you love all the twists and turns your adventure brings.

I also feel that dreams might be significant for you this month (who knows, maybe you might give lucid dreaming a shot?) and possibly time to start up a journal to write out what your subconscious throws out – you may find some of the answers you seek are packaged up in unusual ways, so be on the look out for hidden messages and sly synchronicities.

What I feel you might discover is that right towards the end of the month you notice opportunities blooming and answers arriving in new forms. I feel that by April there also could be someone new arriving into your career space. It could be collaboration, business coach or even an awesome new accountant – either way, someone that might take your work life up a notch in your desired direction.

Chat with Louise Androlia about how your month is going @louniverse



Ch-ch-ch-ch-chaaanggeees. You know change is all around you, right? I feel quite confident that none of you reading this is unaware that plans are a-foot, things are a-coming and horizons are expanding. Right. The main question though is how are you approaching this? Are you full of fear or standing with arms wide open ready to embrace the new like a long lost BFF?

Last month I spoke about new work opportunities so this card may be bringing in your desire to get prepped for the launch of a new project. Don’t worry too much if the change you had already anticipated doesn’t swoop in as soon as you hoped, this month still has a sense of slowness to it. But remember slow and stead wins the race. This is the chance to elegantly move in the direction you desire, and not panic or obsess about when the outcome is coming. It IS coming, so just let yourself breathe. For instance if you are waiting for a few technical details to come through, it doesn’t mean you can’t still be out and about sharing your plans with others. Talking about the new is also an on the down low manifestation exercise. Talk as if it what you want is already happening and you bring in that energy. Before you know it BOOM – it has.

This month I also want you to keep working with the possibilities that life can bring when you move positively with a sense of flow. Admittedly you aren’t the first one to shake up your foundations, yet you’re often surprisingly (to yourself) good at coping when the ground shakes. I don’t feel this is a time of unexpected change, It feels too upbeat for that, I would rather you think of how you can invite change in to make your life better and brighter for you.

How to do this? Well an easy way is to give a scan of your environment and take note of anything that you feel needs a shake up. Perhaps you’re desperate to get out of a job that’s no longer working or even just revamp your schedule to make it work better for you. Maybe you have a relationship that needs to finally be kicked to the curb. OR, on the contrary, one that needs more love and nurture. Do you need a major mind-body-spirit reconnect?  Is it time to change your schedule so you have more time for yourself?

This month might not bring all the action, but it should bring in the ideas and certainly the intentions. So settle and make plans and baby steps. There are a million possibilities and you are the one with all the answers. I’m not going to tell you what you need to shift – you know exactly what it is babe. Arms open wide.

Chat with Louise Androlia about how your month is going @louniverse



What have you got to worry about? I feel a major sense of anxiety, but it doesn’t feel so present – did last month dredge up a bunch of old fears and niggling irritations? If you are feeling sleepless at night and restless in the day because of worries and too much chatter in your own mind – it’s okay. We all have times like these, and really it’s always a swift shout out for nurture and self-care. It is really easy to feel bound up by your own thoughts, especially as an Air sign, but it’s equally important to learn to sift through them and consider what is real and what is a fear based illusion.

I have a real sense that there is less to be stressed about than you think, and actually if you open your eyes and look around you it’s likely you will find that all those around you have been feeling the hard push recently too. While it’s not good to indulge in a ‘misery loves company’ vibe, it’s super important and essential that you know that you are not alone. Talk it out with your nearest and dearest, ask for help if you need it, check in with your therapist or coach for a boost of advice, and print out some of your favorite quotes. There are a myriad of resources around you that might just give you the pick me up that you need.

Also remember that your challenges are only ever in place to lead you to higher ground. Even that slightly annoying work colleague is an assignment for you to take on. Everything always makes a little more sense in retrospect so just keep moving.

Meanwhile make time to be kind to yourself this month. Even if you don’t feel you are held up with fears you could, like many of us, have just been really overworked recently and need to tap in to the slower moving astro energy that is around due to energizing Mars taking over the retrograde motion (thought Mercury is now direct woo-hoo!)

With this in mind, approach your own wellness with the kiss of kindness – this is not the time to set yourself a punishing regime, no way! Instead just think about raising your energy by nourishing your body with whole foods and gentle exercise. Get outside; there is something to be said for simply brushing off the cobwebs. If you feel stuck or frustrated, stop and take even just five minutes to march round the block – it’s amazing what that burst of movement and fresh air can do.

Of course you can also go the full on self-love route and book yourself in for spa treatments, blowouts and private meditation classes – do what you feel and feel what you do. Anything you do this month that is for your own sense of well-being will propel you out of any fear funks.

Chat with Louise Androlia about how your month is going @louniverse



Drama only exists if you participate in it. I live by these words as often as possible, even when tempted out of them by the bells and whistles of my ego or the world around me. Now I know that you aren’t the gossip of the group, so you are on a right footing, but what do you do when commotion is all around you? I’m diving right in here, but it may be that you know exactly what I’m on about. Family dramas, friends in blabbermouth mode or some major nitpicking happening in the workspace? Of course all you want to do is batten down the hatches and go underground, but of course it’s not always that easy.

The best thing you can do is not indulge any of these things that are rattling your inner being. Sure you might not be able to stop others waving their egos around the room, but you don’t have to join in or encourage it. It’s really okay to just stand back. I always press the idea of being the fly on the wall in your own life. There is an amazing clarity you can get when you stop to view your own situation as an outsider. Of course this is exactly why a life coach or therapist can be so helpful as they start out with a third person point of access. However it’s a great personal practice so get buzzing and fly to the corner of the room. What exactly is happening here? Is there a real drama or is it self-made? Is everyone actually fighting for the same cause? Maybe you might just need to leave everyone to it and stay in safe mode – you know that behaving in a way that isn’t true to yourself never gets you anywhere anyway.

Meanwhile as always make a point of being kind to yourself this month, especially if anything in your sphere feels chaotic – just enjoy your own time. There is a juice of fun creativity to be squeezed from this month if you manage to choose you time over theatrics. In fact, isn’t creativity your best therapeutic tool? Why not paint it all out, draw, dance, explore? Plan your adventures for the rest of the year, encourage and support your best self to bring in a boost of confidence.

Don’t pin yourself down to having to ‘achieve’ things this month, just set your intentions and tackle each day as it comes. You may also find that friends come running to you with their issues, after all you are one of the best empathetic advice givers they know! This is all and well, but just be sure not to let your energy take a dive in consequence. Recharge your inner soul system with taking a moment to check in with your inner guide – especially if you have been a little out of touch recently.

Chat with Louise Androlia about how your month is going @louniverse



A little nod back to October for you my lion, as again this card pops up. And as the Sun is your ruling planet too, of course it’s never a bad one to reacquaint yourself with. So what has been happening the last few months? It’s been a hard slog for many people recently, you too? Feels like you’ve been over working and under appreciating yourself. If that rings true then you know the answer already and with this card it’s pretty simple. Make some time for joy.

Why is this so hard sometimes? It is such a human mindset to believe in a ‘no pain, no gain’ mentality, to trudge up the hill and believe that there will be no let up until you are total beaten down. It really doesn’t have to be like that.

What does happiness mean to you? It’s a question that can stump us. Where is it? But happiness and joy are not destinations, which means you have to open up to seeing something good in any given moment. It can be a challenge but it’s actually a fun game to play. What is outside your front door tomorrow morning will be different depending on the way you perceive it. I really believe that positive energy is something that you can tune into and that you can tweak your sight to see things in a more expansive way.

So this month practice that tune in. Recognize that relief from stress might be found in five quiet minutes alone if you stop to be in the moment. If you find that your mind is running in all sorts of directions apart from the present then try a writing practice. Make a list of all the fears, thoughts, what if’s and plans that are on your mind. Then give them recognition and choose to focus on one thing that is in your present moment – it might be drinking from your glass, taking a bite of food, connecting with nature or reading from a book. Every time you feel a scatter of mind, try this and just go back to whatever is with you in the minute. Your energy will benefit from this and reboot your system to connect mind and body to a more conscious state.

Combine the above with a gratitude practice to up your state of positive awareness. You can write what you are grateful for down as an evening journaling practice or try a site like happyrambles.com that will email you at the time of your choosing asking ‘What are you grateful for?’ You have a free pass to take a break and enjoy life this month, and if you really must look to the future, make it be about the vacation you are planning!

Chat with Louise Androlia about how your month is going @louniverse



Raring to share? With this card in play you are no doubt feeling ready to get something out into the open and whether that is a personal announcement or a business launch the time feels right. I turned over a lot of strugglesome cards this month, as energetic Mars takes the retrograde flag from Mercury, but I have a feeling you are going to breeze through with a little fire on your side and in your heart.

This is a month of prepping for a new start, and you have the passion. This doesn’t feel like a boring, got to get things done kind of a vibe, more so that you can’t keep your new in. I feel one of our big missions in life is to share, in fact I’m sure it’s why we have all of our experiences – in order to help others with what we have learned. This is something to always keep in mind when you are having a challenge, to recognize that you are being lead to higher ground and that the moment has purpose, even if the reason is clouded in mist right now. So if now does happen to have a foggy overtone you will get to the clear skies by honing in on what you are passionate about and participating in it unapologetically!

Yes I did say that, you have a green light to go for your own gold. I know you are working hard and deserve some loving payback. So start by giving that love directly to the source, aka YOU.

Anyway, back to those ideas, I feel you have a cauldron bubbling up, in fact it’s likely you even feel overwhelmed with the potential you can see for the next few months or year and are wondering where to start. Back to the moment and just start by taking one step or making one move – by putting your faith in and taking the starting action you bring in trust that the direction will become clearer ahead. If you always send out your projects with solid integrity and love then it’s hard to go wrong and allow things to be different to what you perhaps expect. It could be that the big success this month is something you hadn’t put in the forefront – but surprises are awesome right?

I feel that you are also going to want to spend some time with fellow trail blazers, in fact you’ll probably feel high in the company of those who inspire you. It’s likely that some pals may need your advice over the next few weeks too and teamwork will be an all ‘round win. Anyway, I know you have it in the bag, just know that you are allowed to be confident in your ability to be out living your life and doing your do. There is no other you, remember?

Chat with Louise Androlia about how your month is going @louniverse



This is a month of getting things done and dusted and I feel participating in something system oriented will probably bring in some calm. The last few months may have flown by in a whirlwind of emotions and feelings and so stopping to check in and do some material world prep might rather suit you.

So what do you want to start with? Prepping early for your taxes? Some spring cleaning? I feel that it’s likely you are quite aware of where the balance has tipped and will know what to do. This isn’t about turning into a control freak and setting totally unmanageable targets though, quite the opposite. I want you to feel happy about just being present and getting through some tasks, there is no deadline here. I laugh saying that, because it’s easy to be unharmonious on purpose right? Always seeking grace yet ever so slyly tipping the barrel?

This is a slow moving energy and so don’t panic if you feel like you are waiting on results for something – this is why I say just focus on the clean up at your end. It’s easy to get really attached to the outcome of a project, an idea or a dream – we all do it. However you need to allow fluidity to what it is you are hoping for and the best way you can do that is just do one action based thing today. Some of you may even be dealing with legal matters, whether it’s committing to new work contracts or even just having to research into the system of something, and it could feel a little boring. Remind yourself that logistics and stuff that just ‘needs to be done’ is only in place to lead you to an easier road ahead and I know you’ll get a lot of satisfaction from a clean filing cabinet or a rearranged closet.

Meanwhile this energy can also be used for you to reshuffle and check in with your own list of do’s and don’ts. Feeling moralistic? Avoid going on a judgmental rampage and giving yourself permission to decide what you think about everyone else’s lives – this is just a form of procrastination. Instead hone in on how you are feeling right now in regards to your attitude and approach to life, maybe you need a little tune back in to the positive? It’s not as simple as an on/off switch but stepping up and deciding you would like to participate in your experience is a good start. Life is never happening at you, but it is happening with you.

Meanwhile for any of you having control issues, If you want to get focused about anything then get set on your own health and wellness, especially if you’ve neglected it recently. Turn over a new leaf and bring in some passion for a new system – whether it’s splashing out on the juicer you’ve been dying to get or signing up to a different type of yoga class – make it fun.

Chat with Louise Androlia about how your month is going @louniverse



It’s funny, because I feel that you have been under as much stress as everyone else recently, but you have your eyes on a prize and it’s keeping you afloat. Last month I spoke about making time to allow yourself some joy and I want you to keep honoring that as we move into the next few weeks. I feel that you are really looking ahead right now, and it’s not a bad thing – that carrot dangling in front of you is certainly appealing.

It’s important that you don’t step into fears of not knowing the outcome over the next few months. You might be launching a new project, at the start of a relationship or waiting on some important news and would kind of appreciate a look into the crystal ball right now. You know I’m not going to do that, but I feel that the answer is going to be in enjoying the anticipation – really? Yep. Make it fun. A forced surrender can actually be a pretty healing time. You are in place where your powers of manifestation are heightened – so throw your ideas out and trust that the return is going to be great. Maybe it will be different to your prediction, but it will be exactly as it should be.

I feel inspiration is also running high, while you have many new plans for your life waiting to get started you also have a million new light bulbs going off each moment. This is a good thing, but can also feel just as confusing as it can productive, so no need to get overwhelmed. Of course the answer is always going to be to try and stay in the moment. Treat each day as a possibility for something new to bloom that will be added to shape the experience ahead, who knows what might come into play in the next day let alone month.

I also feel travel is ahoy, or that you’re are planning it, because you do seem to have itchy feet. Satisfying the need to get out of town doesn’t have to mean booking an expensive around the world trip. Even just leaving the town you are in can give you a change of pace and attitude. There’s a lot to be said for exploring your own surroundings and your country. That said, if you are planning a move or big adventure then this month supports that and it might be fun getting creative with travel plans – vision board anyone?

Finally you are in a collaborative mood and following on from last month you still need to be connecting with those who support your cause and boost your soul system. So keep in touch – whether it be chatting via facetime or making some time for real face time. Oh and p.s. Learning a new skill could be a surprise success over the next few months so check out your local collages and get out of your comfort zone.

Chat with Louise Androlia about how your month is going @louniverse



A nod back to November this month as this card comes back in to play, so you may see a link to how you felt at the end of last year. Even better, look for any lessons you learned then and pull them out to be your super power over the next few weeks. Last month I spoke about getting a little more in tune with your life and participating in shaping your destiny. With Mercury now direct I feel you may have dredged up some old fears, habits and maybe even faces recently and are wondering what to do in the face of the new and the old combined.

Well the hot news is that our guidance is always a lot more simple than we expect it to be, and as this is a slow and steady month and your main task is just to carry on sitting at that wheel and allow things to play out. Of course the action is to put your eyes on the positive and not those spilt cups of milk. I feel that you’ve been whipped into a frenzy of busy busy busy recently and it’s all been good, but oh boy are you wiped out. It feels like you might have a combination of social and career tiredness. It’s not that you are having a bad time but you wouldn’t mind a time warp that allowed you to climb into a still space for a month and then return to your overloaded diary.

You can manage it all though, by making sure to put space in your diary for nothing. Yes, schedule in a big gap here and there and forbid yourself to fill it up with activity. If you get in the moment then even five minutes sat down and acknowledged can be enough to boost your system.

So what do you do about the dance of nostalgia that flared up? You like to analyze, but beware of its paralyzing effect on you, or your ego’s desire to come out on top. Maybe that person that you need to let go of can just be freed, there is no benefit to ‘having the last word’ – in fact it often remains as an energetic hook to keep you connected to the situation. Forgive and forget is kind of an annoying phrase, but it’s sentiment is strong. Sending love in the direction of your annoyances is surprisingly freeing and creates a nice space for new opportunities and connections to swoop in.

Finally I feel that you might notice any career craziness calm down into a schedule that actually makes sense. Any contacts and contracts that suddenly slip away are doing so in order to give space to what is really going to work for you, so don’t even bother entertaining any sense of perceived failure. If you give everything in your life room to breathe this month it will definitely work in your favor.

Chat with Louise Androlia about how your month is going @louniverse



Last month I encouraged you to reconnect with some of your passions and remind yourself that you get to shape your own experience. As March arrives you probably feel a little more connected to what you do and don’t want to have in your life. Of course this reshuffle can be frustrating when you are dying to get that dream life on the go – just rest assured that your intentions are enough of a good start.

Anyway, back to business. You do have a green light to make some moves – in fact you are one of the signs this month that is feeling less static. The key is in moving in the direction that you want and not rushing ahead like a wild fire. We all know that you can be a workaholic but spreading yourself too thin on projects that aren’t even your life and soul – what is the point? You have time to pick and choose what is going to work for you, but you also have to trust that it’s ok to be the boss of your own life. This is a great few weeks to stop and breakdown projects that you are working on and piece them together in a way that works for you.

You also have a good communicative energy this month and so let your talk give you your walk. You may in fact be bursting with pioneering ideas and so it’s good to share – even if it’s just in your journal for now.

Energetically, for an earthbound sign you could be feeling quite scattered over the next few weeks, possibly due to with your mind buzzing with so much information and ideas. When we’re ungrounded it can express via our health with feelings of anxiety or even dizziness. You know that feeling when you don’t feel quite connected, because you are thinking in too many places at once? To bring back in some of your earth energy try a perma visualization of strong roots growing out of your feet and into the earth – connecting you back to the present moment. Other great ways to get your earth on are stocking up on whole foods – eat items that you could grow yourself and stay away from too much sugar (a classic spacey brain inducing product).

You may notice that there is a touch of chaos in your external environment, maybe some age old dramas in your friendship group or people you know going through their own challenges. It’s likely that they will call on you for advice and opinions and while you love to be the support rod (and are a guardian angel to many) it can be a big energy sapper for you. Being of service doesn’t mean draining your own supply, so be on guard to make sure you are on the receiving end in equal measure. You know the drill… BE KIND TO YOURSELF!

Chat with Louise Androlia about how your month is going @louniverse



And lightning strikes! People often want to run a mile when they see this card but it carries a wealth of useful guidance and also, adventure. It’s likely that things have really shaken up recently, and in all sorts of weird and wild ways. I feel that this month may just be cementing that ‘out of the blue’ mood and it’s nothing to be afraid of. Have you been surprised by things that have happened recently? It could be in your external environment or even that you had a strange change of mind or opinion. There are shifts at play and I feel you might only be aware of the effects. I also think this could be a fun opportunity to embrace and new and unusual – and be less scared of it than you used to.

I kind of want you to embrace every possible positive approach to this card, are you up for it? Okay let’s go.

Accept people into your life that you perhaps would never have given a chance before – who knows what you might learn! Feel brave enough to say a final N.O. to something you’ve been dying to let go of for a long time. Feel brave enough to try everything and anything new. Shake up your own foundations in order to get ahead of the Universe – bring in any change you need, and welcome it with open arms. Be the support system for someone who has helped you in the past – they might not be asking for help but you may feel a silent call. Switch up your attitude to everything that fears you.

Is it money? Shock yourself by getting super passionate about your finances, because you deserve the abundant life you want you know. Is it relationship issues? Shock yourself into a new cycle by giving commitment a shot, sure you don’t know the outcome – we never do, but if it feels right then recognize it’s part of your journey. Give your body a boost too, by experimenting with eating for your symptoms and your unique self and enjoy a whole new mind-body connection. Take down your own ego by choosing to become BFFs with your intuition instead, it’s time to check back in and say ‘hello me’! Leave the job that you hate so much. Apply for the dream job that scares you.

Then write a letter to yourself aged 15 and tell them everything is going to be ok. Be the change you want to see in the world, right? Forget about obsessing over dramas, just shine as bright as you can and let others absorb that vibe. And don’t indulge chaos – if you don’t participate in theatrics then they rarely explode. Be the lover. Start that book, write that proposal, forgive yourself and be willing to forgive your challenges. Step up to the adventure that is your life and check yourself in.

Chat with Louise Androlia about how your month is going @louniverse

Cast by Louise using the Rider Waite Tarot Deck



There is a sense of subtle triumph around you this month, with some little victories due after notable points of stress. My message is to make sure to tune into them – you are quite capable of being a drama queen and focusing your energy on what’s twitching your nerves instead of the sun shining above. I feel that you are in a space of achievement and working your way towards or past a milestone, seeing some calm after the storm. You should be aware by now that you are the one who has created the success you see, and that participating in your life (rather than throwing your hands up and shouting at the Universe) is actually something that creates the change you desire. The mantra that I wrote for your year ahead Tarotscope is ‘Magic surrounds me’ and I feel this is really fitting for now – a call for you to delicately remain in the present moment. Wake up every morning and say this out loud to remind yourself that you are part of a bigger energy that is yours to work with. You love movement to be swift and it’s easy for you to get frustrated when things seem out of your control or, equally, when things feels static. You will always benefit from a ‘surrender’ mindset – purely so you can acknowledge the present moment. It being your birthday month also makes this the perfect time to express gratitude, and I know that you have much to be thankful for. However gratitude isn’t a practice that we should only bring up when we feel abundant, in fact the opposite is most relevant – take on a practice of being thankful when you are within a challenge. This might sound totally crazy, but by always being respectful of your journey you allow the flow to keep on flowing. You are smart enough to know that you will receive the knowledge you desire one day when you look back in retrospect – so do the same thing right now, knowing that any stress you feel is meaningful as part of your bigger journey. There are so many ways that RIGHT NOW can be your teacher. You might be facing a difficult relationship or friendship and thinking ‘who oh why? – and sometimes a person can be in your life just to show you what you won’t be seeking again. Or perhaps their actions has highlighted one of your own fears? Take it all in and continue your own healing from within rather than focusing on passing judgment on the other person. If you feel that your environment is testing you at work, shift your perception by lifting yourself upwards to view the situation as an outsider might. Mercury is soon to go retrograde for most of the month, so don’t sweat the little annoyances in communication breakdowns. Be proud of what you have achieved, and remember that sometimes you have to pat your own self on the back. You’re doing an awesome job, keep on keeping on. Happy Birthday babe.

Have you picked up your year ahead Tarotscope yet?


How are all the mind expanding experiences going? In January I wanted you to open up to the idea of the world being your own personal playground, but to fulfill our dreams we need to bring them back down to earth. This month, how can your merge the spiritual with the material? While it’s nice to live the among the unicorns and fairies, you are still in a human suit – so how about making the most of this adventure? This is a nurturing journey and I feel excited for you to begin to work in a different way. It might be as simple as taking on a new attitude around your finances – like one that doesn’t involve being afraid of money. We aren’t supposed to be marvelous at everything, so where you feel tested, ask for help. Surprisingly it’s more simple than struggling alone, and whether the advice comes in book or person form, make a shout out and be ready to receive. The beautiful energy surrounding you this month is actually all intuitive and warm, so use this to infuse compassion into every part of life. You have a finely tuned compass in your gut Pisces, so keep listening in and working from that place. A sense of service is always important to you as you like to feel loved and of use, but make sure you don’t over do it and drain that ‘mothering energy’ to the bone. Practice some grounding exercises and overdose a little on sleep. It’s not being lazy, you are recharging – you’ll need the extra energy for your exciting birthday month next month. Organization and a sense of diplomacy are also your best friends this February, and I don’t mean a ‘no pain no gain’ situation, you are purely making your life more awesome by dealing with the details. This isn’t a bore fest either, you are putting some serious L O V E into your life’s work, and you have to love every aspect of your plan for it to be fulfilled. Think SLOW AND STEADY, no need to race off into the wilderness. Even if you get one piece of paperwork filed this month that will be good enough. But do it before Mercury dives into a retrograde next week for most of the rest of this month. Once this happens, I like the idea that you going within. No need to dive into suspicions around others, you know that this kind of thought pattern just sends you to Luna town. How about maintaining that all is as it should be and simply allowing your life to flow. It is possible to take things with a pinch of salt whilst still being active in creating the life you want. Something to think about.

Have you picked up your year ahead Tarotscope yet?


With a super powered charge into the year you are possibly still caught up in the chaos of a mind that’s been working overtime, and now there’s a need for you to wind down a little in the coming weeks. I will always remind you about not feeling afraid of stillness Aries – you are so used to getting things done your way (i.e. the fast way) that whenever you have to wait for other people to catch up, you feel fire burning the soles of your feet. This month you may encounter a few crossroads, and so allowing yourself to release into the moment is going to really help you out. You may have recently been calling on help from many other people, doing a lot of networking or even starting a new relationship. It’s got to the point where you might be getting confused about which direction to go, or even just trying to work out what you ‘should’ prioritize in that bulging diary. Know that you never need to fear your own decision making process – if you respect that you are always moving forward on a journey, then there are no ‘wrong’ choices. Your only intention has to be to make your foundations as solid as possible so you know that you have a safe place to direct your life from. With Mercury the communicator going retrograde in a few days make sure that you don’t turn minor bumps in the road into a source of drama. If you don’t get a reply to your email instantly – chill! It doesn’t mean that your friend has suddenly ‘gone off’ you or someone hates your idea. Allow everyone – and mainly yourself – some space over the next few weeks and know that that’s okay. If you are feeling impatient with yourself then you must go within and find your unique calm place. You know how to get there, and yes it may be in a yoga class but it equally may be allowing yourself time for dinner with your best girlfriends. You can also look forward to enjoying some relaxation of the sleepy sort. I just have a feeling that all these decisions that seem SO stressful right now will untangle if you allow them to breathe. Step aside from your usual controlling attitude, and have some faith – things are always going to pan out differently than you think in the end. So instead of worrying about the what, why, who and where, get excited about what opportunities there might be outside the ecosystem that you have created. Someone may pleasantly surprise you, so be ready!

Have you picked up your year ahead Tarotscope yet?


All hands back on deck my love; you have big career moves to make this month! You may see some reflection back to October 2013, when you last had this card crop up. I feel the link might bring some action from an idea or intention you planted back then or some return on your investment. January may have been fairly un-eventful, with you shifting priorities and working out what your most pressing needs and desires actually are. Now you have your eyes on the prize you are eager to zoom off to the land of dreams (and money trees). Now, you are going to need to be a bit more flexible with your attitude, but don’t worry this is totally a good thing. If you picked up your 2014 Tarotscope I taught you a lesson on intention, action and surrender. The main point being that you must hand over all your ideas so the Universe can help you shape them. It’s brilliant to make a plan, but if we don’t allow it to expand we can actually be worse off. You have your own sense of flow, but so does everything else, including other people, places and projects. Mercury takes a few weeks of retrograde this month which essentially means that your finely tuned plan could suddenly be all upside down and inside out anyway. Your goal if this happens is to not freak out and instead be psyched about your potential. You have emerged into an energy where you actually know what is needed for you to feel more fulfilled, so trust that this is the truth and keep on moving. This retrograde may also bring you some second chances, which could be another shot at working with that one person you so wanted to, or even just finding an open space to share your ideas, and give them a second chance to take off. Timing is often everything and if there was something that got sidelined at the end of 2013, don’t be afraid of pulling it back out of the bag now. Meanwhile think of this month as a fresh start. You might have got on board with celebrating the Chinese New Year and making NOW the time to bring in change. This card always has a little of the Midas touch and I feel you are supported in more ways than you might realize. Stay at the drawing board, merge magic with the material and always leave space on that canvas for a surprise!

Have you picked up your year ahead Tarotscope yet?


A sharp contrast to last month where you may have been dealt a few harsh lessons from your ego or faced a few of your biggest fears – some in actual physical form. Now you can breathe a sigh of relief, as this month sees a very refreshing energy of expansion and celebration swooping in. Of course you have to go and participate in it though, fun doesn’t always come knocking on our front door (if only it was that easy!) You are feeling creative and will benefit from expressing all of your flitting energy via an artistic outlet, whether it’s actually putting paint to paper or doing some party planning, you’ll enjoy expressing your free spirit. It’s a great month for connecting with people and with Mercury retrograding for most of the month you may find that some of your socializing brings in faces from the past. When peeking behind you just be careful that you aren’t inviting the unhealthy aspects of the past onto your dance card – in contrast be uplifted by faces that you wish you saw a little more often. Same goes for lovers, it’s not time to delve back into a sad, trodden upon affair. Be smart. The energy of this card is carries a high and fresh vibe, and so your health will also benefit from a little shake up of your routine. But don’t try and put some strict, limiting schedule in place, be flexible. Looking after yourself shouldn’t be a source of self-punishment, it should be fun, and tailor made to suit your style. How about experimenting with some different types of exercise? No big deal if you don’t love all of them but it will at least pull you out of any static and restless energy. Same with your diet. Start loosening your grip on that winter carb fest and pull in some high vibe foods – if you’ve had your eye on a juicer for your kitchen at home, then now is the time to invest! The main advice is to just get out of that front door, as staying hidden away at home isn’t going to bring you the opportunities that you desire. This card is social so keep a sense of collaboration in mind – what idea have you got brewing that requires a team, or at least another opinion? Call in the troops and brainstorm it up – but then have a fun dinner together after, always maintaining a sense of balance. If you go into workaholic mode, you’ll burn out very quickly. A final thought – what isn’t working right now? And how can you get in there and bring back some order and balance? It is possible, promise.

Have you picked up your year ahead Tarotscope yet?


In January I asked you to click the reset button and get up and tackle your world with new eyes, and as we merge into a new month you are back to redressing the balance in your life. This could find you going back inwards for a little while, but with intention. I’m not championing that you hide away. Instead, use this time to regain a sense of order. The Justice card can be pretty stern and pull out all sorts of uncomfortable feelings from within, but don’t be afraid of your emotions – what comes up will be for you to release or heal from, and as a water sign you must learn to be at home with the element. Feelings and intuition are actually yours to use as your superpowers, if you wish. There is a little karmic vibe going on this month too – bearing in mind I like to use the word karma loosely. I feel it’s too often used as a way of being passive aggressive, as in ‘they’ll get what’s coming to them’ – instead think of it as a subtle balancing of the scales, a process you can actively participate in. Don’t be a victim – choose to address areas that feel lacking by remembering your own personal power and getting back in the driving seat. Occasionally the Universe can be a tough teacher, so never forget that your ride is taking you somewhere. You can also think of this energy as the time to plant positive seeds and I feel you have some master plans about ready to take off, so getting the paperwork in order is encouraged. Mercury goes retro on February 6th until the 28th so perhaps avoid any major moves in that time, but there’s no reason you can’t fluff up your feathers and get the show ready for the road right? How about making some plans that you can put into action come March? I feel that this is a positive month for you and that there’s plenty of strength is behind you, so don’t be afraid of perhaps a slightly unusual ‘ball busting’ energy coming in – it’s good for you to find your centre. It’s no time to go scuba diving into the depths of worry and anxiety, just take a subtle retreat into your shell any time that you need to tune back in. Of course when discussing balance it’s always worth checking in with your health and routines, and as much as you must make time to look after yourself it’s also worth checking that you have an equal amount of what I like to call ‘human fun’ – get out and be light, laugh, smile, love.

Have you picked up your year ahead Tarotscope yet?


Hold off on charging into the unknown just yet. Though you feel happy to have a little confidence back after a quiver at the start of the year, you will benefit from taking advice from your earth bound friends this month – step by step. Don’t get me wrong – I’m not questioning your action plan, it’s great! And this card is active, but there is a difference between being moving forward and being reckless. You might be so excited about sharing something that you just want to blurt it all out or press send like, right NOW. Take a breather and think about how much better it will be if you pause for a moment and actually do some constructive planning. Your ideas will also be so much more appreciated delivered with some extra depth. Mercury the communicator is retrograde starting on the 6th for a few weeks, so again it’s a time where signing contracts isn’t advised, mainly due to the chance for mistakes and changes needing to be made. Instead, use the finer aspects of this card to your advantage – it is gifting you the ability to reflect and gain insights. This may come up regarding our love life where you are trying to make sense of recent affairs or situations – what do they mean? You’re actually the one with the answers – never forget that – even if you do have to shove your ego into the background and face your loving intuition along with some home truths, in the best way of course. Take an honest look at yourself and see what works and doesn’t work for you, as well as how you want to better the tools you have. You have a healing energy at your fingertips this month so use it for some self development. It certainly wouldn’t be a bad time to have a coaching session or check in for a heart-to-heart with a trusted friend. It’s a thoughtful month ahead, and possibly quite intense, but I know you aren’t afraid of that. Feeling bored? Get that energy out in a positive way, rather than with a sense of chaos. Moving – running, boxing, dancing – always helps calm your nerves in a health boosting way, and even journaling might appeal to you this month. Try letting the contents of your mind flow out onto paper and see what comes up. It’s entirely possible that you might surprise yourself with a stream of unexpected insights – even more fuel to put into your passions. Finally, and only once you feel honed and tuned, you’ll know when it’s time to move ahead.

Have you picked up your year ahead Tarotscope yet?


Hey love bug, you can go all out on the gratitude this month as you are basically a walking Valentine to the Universe! I suggested you start off the year by easing your way in as I know it’s going to be a big one and you can still be chill this month – far from static though. Don’t worry, you can still focus, organize and do all that Virgo stuff you love to do. The aim of the game is to make LOVE be your biggest mentor, and the thing you call upon in any sticky situations. Mercury goes retrograde this week for most of the month and that’s an even bigger reason to be in the love zone rather than reverting to outdated dramatic thought processes. We really can’t complain with this card though, you might feel like you’re bursting with joy at times, so it’s always the right time to overflow on gratitude. You might feel that you only have one person in your life that makes the days less dull, but that’s enough – thank and celebrate them. Send sweet love notes to all your favourite friends – or even your dog or you cat! Sorry I’m on soppy love overdrive, you can be sweet in your own cool way of course 😉 It’s also a great month for dating, of course, and you may even find an old flame comes back and that this time it actually works out. Go with your gut though, a red flag is a red flag ok – you know what I mean! Even better get out and about and socialize, meet new people – but think high vibe interactions only! Also, while the Universe has got your back like this, dig out that huge list of wishes you crafted out for 2014. Now is the time to set sail to them, and then just get on with your day. With this backing from spirit you can also fall a little deeper into your spiritual practice. You might want to seek a coach or healer to help you break through an old habit that is so out of date that it’s become boring – just one more shift could be all it takes to excavate it forever. Or else let your friends be your healers, as you gather together for a release and strengthen ritual and think Power Posse. Finally thread all this advice into your health and wellness zone too, boost up on your super foods and vitamin regime, especially if you have any travelling coming up. It’s as simple as thinking ahead, and then feeling smug whilst riding high on a revamped energy buzz.

Have you picked up your year ahead Tarotscope yet?


I’m happy to let you lap up some water energy this month and hopefully enjoy the fruits of your recent labors. Widely known as the ‘wish card’ the Nine of Cups shows you in a prime spot for manifesting all you desire – so let’s get to it! The biggest tip I can give you is to not be controlling about your goals, you do not have to think up everything you want and then pop a jar over it and stand there staring. That’s like clipping the wings of a butterfly. You must allow fluidity into all that you wish for and accept that it will very likely arrive in a different form to what you expected. With this energy though, watch your thoughts and be careful what you wish for. Don’t fixate on wanting what someone else wants, which is a redundant way of thinking. Keep your eyes on your prize and avoid them turning green. What do you really want and what are your ultimate dreams? It’s okay to be thinking big this month (actually I always support big thinking) but think unique, celebrate all that is you and you alone. Your purpose will always be illuminated by celebrating your passion, so go ahead and dive in. With Mercury going retrograde for a few weeks this month you may see changes and what you perceive to be ‘blockages’ cropping up. However if you go with the fluidity I mentioned, this energy should totally work in your favour! Embrace the twists and turns and get excited about the unknown. In other words, dive deep. You also have a sweet support from loved ones this month, so if you don’t feel it then get out there and say hello to your tribe. No one will know that you need them if you don’t pop up and utter a little ‘help’ now and then. Grab some friends and work on your vision boards, then say a little prayer to give up your wishes to a bigger energy, handing it up to the stars above. Meanwhile, embrace this watery and intuitive vibe by going with the good times, think expansion and fun – get out into the world and enjoy it, especially anything that feels a little unusual for you. Don’t worry about creating a new routine, your destiny is yours to carve after all. Design your own energy in order to see the world through a filter that works to support your dreams. Run free, baby!

Have you picked up your year ahead Tarotscope yet?


Oh hey there roadrunner! You may actually be feeling run ragged from having all eyes on those stars, and it certainly wasn’t a bad start to the year – quite the opposite in fact – but oh boy, are you ready for a break. I loved turning over this card (and whispering a silent ‘yes’ to myself as if it was giving me the green light to a month long break in the Caribbean) because it’s such a swift kick in the ass from the Universe to say – “it’s okay to have some fun babe”. Seriously, this is the joy card, representing the mega burning bright shining inner child of love and sweetness. So give yourself a pat on the back for the fact you’ve done about three months work in three weeks…and pause. Remember that joy can be found within a single moment and, like happiness, is not a destination. So find your surrender in every moment, and remember  you don’t have to take an actual vacation to just breathe. You probably do have your eyes on the sun though, and all that is warm – especially if you are locked up in a freeze zone right now. For now though focus on the warmth that you can create yourself (and stock up on vitamin D as an added bonus). Gather with your nearest and dearest and celebrate your connection to those who always lift your spirits. If you are feeling a little burned out then it might just be one person that you need to call for a boost, even a simple ‘It’s ok, I love you’ will do the trick, and never forget that beyond the walls of chez Scorpio there is an army of support for you. Mercury is retrograde most of this month, and as much as I know you are above falling for it’s bells and whistles, as a tip, just remember not to be freaked out if plans insist on changing. Instead, embrace their flow and enjoy the surprising winks from the Universe. Since it’s not the greatest time for contract signing, just keep on with your planning and scheduling. How about taking meetings out of your office to your favourite restaurants or to a park you love? If you open up the physical space around your ideas, then your projects will have more energy to grow and expand. Finally, keep at it with your current health plan, or get tuned back into what your body needs if you aren’t feeling great. You know better than anyone what works for your mind-body-spirit, so keep honoring it and know that it is a unique journey. I love you.

Have you picked up your year ahead Tarotscope yet?


When I wrote the 2014 mantra for Sagittarius it was absolutely about everything that this card brings. “Destiny is your partner in crime” – in other words, your life is yours to work with, so don’t fall by the wayside. It’s always good for you to remember a surrender practice, especially this month with Mercury going retrograde and threatening to chop and change all of your precious plans. Oh what the heck, who cares, you love the ride! Dive in. The wheel is turning, and so you may as well join the party. Life may well go on without you, but yours may be a little gloomy if you don’t sidle up to the roulette table. So, what IS the plan? Well I feel that you really just need get involved and be curious with all that you have. To start with, a little bit of shuffling and rejigging of your own inner guidance system can’t serve you wrong. We all need a little retune now and again in order to be able to make that list of ‘what do I really want’. You may have found that the last couple of weeks felt quite speedy, and so it makes sense that there are things to pick apart. I don’t want to be all ‘mysterious’ with you, I just want you to be the one who decides which patterns you are going to break. If today – and every day – was the start of a new cycle, then what’s going and what’s staying? I want you to give yourself a boost of courage and self-confidence to realize that you can use your inner drama queen to craft you out a no-fail plan for success. You have the keys to the prize, where are they? Health wise it’s a great time for a cleanse and clean up, whether that’s a night in a swanky spa, a one day juice cleanse or even just being more mindful about what goes in your shopping basket. Be kind to your body. I spoke last month about how the Sag energy is still pretty watery, to be aware that a few added ‘feelings’ are probably always going to be in the background, and that it’s going to be a work in progress to dealing with them. With the Mercury retro in action just make sure to calm the fire-spitting – no need to throw out fireballs when you have a moment of sensitivity. It’s okay to be vulnerable. Oh yes, it February and I haven’t mentioned anything about love. Okay, one piece of advice – don’t turn that wheel of fortune backwards, old, overdone affairs are so last year. Onwards and upwards.

Have you picked up your year ahead Tarotscope yet?


I said you had some healing to do in January, but I bet you went and over worked didn’t you? At least this month’s energy is a little more mellow, so that hard taskmaster you’ve been dealing with can give you a break to stabilize a little. This month shouldn’t feel quite so much like climbing a hill with no grips on your soles. I don’t exactly want to tear you away from your desk, because you’re still on top form with all sorts to achieve, but I do want you to expand your thoughts and loosen your grip a little. It’s a prime time for collaborating and merging your ideas with another, so it could be a fun time to get creative and share some brainstorming or dream casting with a friend or trusted colleague. Remind yourself of your ‘ideal day’ and allow yourself to get back into manifestation mode. The energy is all about honing your passions, and with this month’s Mercury retrograde period perhaps you could use it to help you out, by setting sail to a project you abandoned during the chaos at the end of last year? I’d rather talk about the fun aspect of this month though, as this is a lovely energy for romance and friendship. You will benefit from going back to basics and enjoying your loved ones for the intelligent conversation you share and those things you have in common. Date nights should all be about expanding together, learning and sharing ideas, even getting out of your comfort zone – after all, isn’t this what the best relationships are about? This goes for friendships too – you want your energy to be uplifted by others not cramped, so make sure you do a shuffle and only hang out with those on your wavelength. It’s a waste to give your time to situations that turn you moody and make you feel static. Finally, this is a wonderfully energizing energy so get back to your favorite spin class or take regular hikes, you will definitely feel alive when in the outdoors or working up a sweat. Equally, it could be a great month for cleansing – think cayenne pepper and lemon juice to kick start your day. I want you to keep your attitude positive, even if you’re so tired from the last few months. It’s just a question of diligently tapping away to hone your life to how you want it to be. Contemplate, plan and surrender. Your positive mantra to work with this month – ‘My World is what I make it.’

Have you picked up your year ahead Tarotscope yet?

Cast by Louise Androlia using the Cosmic Tarot Deck.


We all have access to the sixth sense – so will this be the year you work on developing your intuition? Doing so could be key to creating a life that’s aligned with your highest purpose in 2014. Ruby Warrington reports on a growing trend.

When I interviewed Alexa Chung for the UK Sunday Times at the end of the summer last year, she told me a few stories about what she felt were her natural psychic abilities. Like the notebook she’d found recently in which she’d written, aged 16; “I’m going to be a TV presenter, but I don’t want to be.” About how when she first walked into her apartment in NYC’s East Village, a voice in her head told her; “I live here,” and how she often has to ask people what’s up “because I can feel all their shit, and it’s like ‘you have to tell me what’s going on because it’s killing my mind!’”

There was also a recurring pre-cognitive dream (where you dream something and then it happens) about escaping the 2006 Tsunami in Thailand. She described how, as events were unfolding, she thought she was having the dream again – only to realise that it was actually happening. A double Scorpio with Pisces ascendant, Alexa’s chart shows something of a natural mystic – but actually, haven’t we all had similar experiences? Isn’t everybody “psychic” to some extent?

Yes, says Louise Androlia, the gifted intuitive responsible for our monthly Tarotscopes. “The 6th sense is for us all – in fact we’re all very tuned in as kids. Having had an imaginary friend or pet as a child is a classic example of somebody just being very energetically sensitive. I think whether this carries on into adulthood just depends on the rate we forget.” Lisa Rosman, a Brooklyn based intuitive, agrees; “it’s our natural birth right to be able to tune in on deep levels to each other as well as what yogis call the ‘divine intelligence’ of the universe. But the less we have to communicate on that level, the less we do.”

She believes our reliance on modern devices – from computers to clocks – is partly to blame. “Rather than merely using cell phones or the Internet as shortcuts, we’ve been using them as a substitute to true communion with ourselves and each other. And yet in our dreams and disorders our deeper wisdom is still, always, clamoring to be heard.”

So will 2014 be the year you work on developing your psychic abilities? Betsy Cohen, a.k.a. Psychic Betsy, hopes so. This month she launches a six-week course titled Trust Yourself: Intuitive Development through Awareness, designed to “help you become your own psychic. The whole class is centered around the fact that your body is an instrument through which your soul speaks.” The goal, rather than learning how to read for other people; “is about learning to trust your own higher voice, because if you want to create anything – abundance, good health, relationships – it’s about bringing that awareness and taking action from the inside out.”

We’ve all said it a million times; I should have listened to my gut. When I attended a psychic development workshop last year, the tutor pointed out that; “often the only time we know our intuition was right is when we don’t listen to it and everything goes wrong.” And, as Lisa puts it; “Really, what I do is direct my clients to who they truly are – where they’ve been and where they’re going; what their natural strengths and challenges are – so they can step on a path that really works for them.”

With even the Mail Online reporting on the rebranding of psychics to “intuitive therapists,” the idea of tapping into our own inner knowing is very much in the zeitgeist. “The conversations about psychic ability now are all about healing ourselves and helping others,” says Louise. “The idea that it’s about predicting the future is very outmoded, and not at all productive because the future is totally fluid anyway.” The point of attending a class says Betsy, “is about getting confirmation in a group setting that what you think you’re hearing, seeing or feeling is valid. It’s about building your confidence, so that outside of class you’re more likely to trust yourself.” I had a taster of this when I attended the weekly Willamsburg Spirit Séance Betsy hosts each Thursday – where she explained to the group how messages from spirit might appear to us, and encouraged us to share anything that came through.

Louise studied Psychic Development and then Tarot at the College for Psychic Studies in London. Founded in 1884 to facilitate formal investigation into the psychic and mediumistic phenomena that were such a topic of debate in the Victoria era, far from a real life Hogwarts, she describes the collage and her fellow students as; “as ‘normal’ as it gets. People expect me to say that it was full of women in cloaks, but as a lingerie designer I was definitely the most ‘crazy’ person there.” Instead, she was surrounded by “teachers, social workers, GPs, accountants. A group of amazing people aged 25 to 75.”

That the idea we can all tune in to a higher power and affect each other’s energy with our minds alone should seem in any way weird, is baffling to Louise. “The fact we live on a gigantic living, breathing circular mass, in a totally infinite and pretty much unknown space surrounded by other planets and moons is actually the most ridiculous thing I can think of! The idea of being skeptical of ANYTHING is so odd to me, since the fact we even exist is so bonkers. So why not learn about the energy that’s around us and allow it to help us?”

Numinously put, but still, many people shy away from delving into their psychic or intuitive abilities – “mainly because they’re afraid to look inside themselves,” says Betsy. Alexa Chung even joked that; “if you spend enough time with me, it is creepy” – but that’s because, as Betsy points out; “We’re all afraid of dark places. I was scared of my abilities in the beginning, but going to classes myself was like getting headlights, so I could actually see the road I knew was in front of me. And driving in the dark is not a good idea!”

The idea of encountering ‘evil’ spirits or visions of horrific future events can also deter people from tuning in; “but it’s all about intention. Are there darker forces? Absolutely. But you’ll only attract them to you if you’re fearful of them. I always think about Cesar Millan, the dog whisperer, and how he can transform a dog’s energy with his energy, which is always calm and assertive. It’s about a shift in thinking towards; ‘I have the power’. Which, in the spirit world, we always do.”

And owning this power can be key to affecting positive change – both in your own life, and the wider world. “We can feel very helpless in the face of events that are seemingly out of our control, from the people we’re dating to the fact we can’t exactly write to President Obama and tell him to take all our troops out of Afghanistan,” says Betsy. “But by taking responsibility for our own lives, based on what we know is for our highest good, we’re automatically empowered and actually in a position to change the world in one of the only ways we can.”


Psychic Betsy’s six-week class, Trust Yourself: Intuitive Development through Awareness, begins January 11 in New York City. For more information click here.

Louise Androlia shares five ways your soul may already be speaking to you.

  • Smell – Have you ever suddenly had the scent of, for example, your grandmother’s perfume waft into a space? This is called “clairolfaction,” and is a way of connecting to people who have passed.
  • Knowing that someone is about to call before they do – This is you being tuned into the energy of friends and family, so you have just picked up their intention.
  • Collecting a mood or feeling from a person or a space – This is an example again of being tuned into a person’s energy, which is all a psychic ability is.  When you feel sad because your friend is, that’s a perfect example of ‘tapping in.’
  • The ‘gut’ feeling – This is your intuition, or your inner voice, at work. When you really know that you ‘know’ something, it’s the energy of the Universe that is outside of you and inside of you.
  • Songs – Often when you get a song in your head from nowhere, it’s a useful gift – making a point of listening to the lyrics often gives you a useful message that you needed.




Happy Birthday Capricorn! We kick off this new calendar year with a good old dose of healing. I feel that you might need it – in fact I’m encouraging you to prolong your holiday into January if at all possible, or at least stay with the theme of relaxation. The Strength card does bring you strength, yes, but it’s about the strength you have is within, which gives the ability to heal yourself and to calm your own ego. If you look at the imagery in the classic Rider Waite deck, you can see the angel slowly and gently closing the mouth of the Lion, who succumbs and allows this to happen. The scene is serene and the skies clear, giving a wonderful example of our ability to work on releasing our own fears. The infinity symbol above the angel’s head is mirrored in the Magician card, reminding us of our life force and that we have all the tools we need within. Now you aren’t always typically the ‘go within’ type, often choosing instead to thrash things out in your head or try and practically tackle your challenges like breaking a puzzle. This type of healing though really does require you to dive a little bit deeper. In order to tame your ego mind, first you must recognize it – so listen for the shouting voice that chatters in your headspace, the voice that will speak negatively and tell you that you can’t do things or aren’t good enough. It’s loud and probably very familiar. Your intuitive mind is more loving and nurturing, and is expressed as the voice that will tell you home truths without pulling you down. In simple terms, your intuition is Love and the ego is Fear. Your goal now is to let the voice of Love become louder, by choosing to channel your energy and thoughts from a positive mindset. It can be hard to do this when you feel drained, which I think some of you sure are, but know that it will lead you to a higher place. Start this year off with the intention to go beyond your fears. You don’t need to bring them with you, but you do need loving care. If you are able to have a little extra time to yourself this month then spend it giving to yourself and others, as you also have the ability to heal yourself via healing others. Recognize that every person is a mirror for you, and that perhaps the advice you like dishing out needs to come back home? Go and get a massage, try a new type of energy healer of even just spend a day on the sofa (with your laptop OFF, okay!) and think of January as a month to recalibrate so that you can return to your glorious powerful form in the months ahead.

I’ve just completed your in depth look at 2014 – Read your year ahead Tarotscope here!


I always see this card being like the game of pick up sticks – The Five of Swords represents a piecing back together of the self, a self that has been scattered. I suggested you went on a bit of a journey at the end of the year to really reshuffle your morals and beliefs and perhaps get some external guidance. Did you? It makes sense that this card follows on from that theme, as now you need to recalibrate and start out afresh with a new and clearer mindset. The Swords are the Air element, which of course is no stranger to you, but saying that, Air energy can be your help and your hindrance. I want to remind you that you are the one in charge of your thoughts – even though a situation or challenge can create a certain feeling within you – and it is still totally up to you how you choose to perceive it. Try not to see everything as an attack on you, step outside the situation and be realistic. This card will always advise you to pick your battles carefully and I feel that is important advice for you. Do you sometimes find yourself kicking off a conversation by moaning about something from your day? Think about the energy around you and make a big choice to focus on a positive aspect rather than go straight for the negative. It might be that there are a host of stress factors around you – possibly due to challenges in the workplace or a set of friends with a LOT to gossip about. I want you to weigh up and pros and cons of bothering to get involved or let it affect you. Sometimes it can really help to just remind ourselves that stress is a day-to-day occurrence and that it will always dissipate. We don’t need to jump into the fray and go to town with it. I would rather your focus go on getting your energy back in one piece as you to bring some kindness and grounding back into your life. With this card present you may feel very floaty and ‘lost in space’. Check in with the Earth element by eating foods that grow in the earth, as well as less sugar and more water. Go for a long walk or run and stamp your feet, visualizing roots coming out of you and anchoring you to the center of the earth. When dealing with situations that are making your head ache, you must work with compassion rather than anger. Yes it can be so easy to just want to shout back and throw fire balls at what’s bothering you, but it won’t help you in the long run. In fact it will cause you more stress! Try and be compassionate where you feel conflict, which I know can be hard but boy does it work. It’s time to check back in with your life and be present!

I’ve just completed your in depth look at 2014 – Read your year ahead Tarotscope here!


I feel so happy to draw one of my favorite cards in the deck for you my fishy friend, as I know you went on quite a journey last year. Now, the Three of Wands represents a different kind of expedition, one of adventure and positivity. I love this card because I see the figure looking out to the distance and the world is his oyster. The Threes speak of collaborating and expansion and paired with the Wands – our Fire element – this represents a massive boost for your creative talents. The Two of Wands before this shows you contemplating putting things out to the world and this is the moment when you start to see something coming back in. It might be that at the end of the year you started making plans, and that January is when you get to see some ships roll in. You still have to maintain focus though. You can be prone to shaking your fist at the Universe for giving you trouble whilst you sit back and refuse to participate in your own life. This card holds a very positive vision for the future, but it’s about how you choose to look at it. You want to be prepared for twists and turns in your plot and open to the fact that things will change, uncertainty is certain after all! The Three of Wands offers you the gift to receive more opportunities the more you can surrender to letting your life flow. There is a call for you to act fearlessly and see this month as a time of growth. If we go about our day-to-day lives with the knowledge that we are on a journey, then it all makes a lot more sense. You may be physically travelling this month – either back home after the holidays or setting off on a grand adventure. This is again your chance to look at your life as an educational experience, know that you are about to get schooled in a whole new set of possibilities. Think excitement and expansion of your horizons. Keeping yourself in a box is like putting on a blindfold. I want you to commit to change and a new attitude. Along the month you may have opportunities to collaborate creatively with others, and this is going to be really beneficial for you. Again keep your mind open because you may find help in extraordinary places. Swim freely Pisces.

I’ve just completed your in depth look at 2014 – Read your year ahead Tarotscope here!


Of course this card has come up for you Aries! You have probably been dying to get back to your office after the holidays because you have 101 ideas to bring action to. Okay fine, you can do it, because now you have an Ace of Pentacles in your hand – and the Universe is bestowing on you a whole host of new ideas and opportunities for your working month ahead. The Aces always represent the beginning of a new cycle, so you might be really figuring out how to step up a level and push your project a little bit more towards the golden glow of success. You totally have the ability to gain new insights this month and have a glimpse at future success whilst you’re at it. It is a positive month for you to throw something new into the pot. You might be blasting out some new articles on your blog or starting a new job. This is definitely a card for the independent characters among you as this it’s about solo success – so even if you are in a crowded office it’s your month to stick your foot in the door and be heard. I know you have no problem with that Aries. Everything is new and shiny in January and so it’s also a good time to just try out something new in all areas. It will certainly be a month that you might want to check in on your current health plan – this is a very energetic card so if you don’t feel particularly well right now then it’s your signal to tune in to your body and give it some serious respect and nurture. You should also be feeling pretty a-okay on the financial front, but remember that you don’t need to be rolling in cash to be grateful for what you’ve got. In fact practice some gratitude for everything you do have to give a nice wink to the Universe that you’re present and ready for more. Of course this is also an awesome card for manifesting. My method of ‘Intention – Action – Surrender’ is perfect for your January. First, get your intentions clear – what do you really want? How do you want to feel? Be unapologetic about the plans you have but be compassionate about your journey. Don’t set yourself tasks purely so you can punish yourself if you don’t fulfill them! Instead get excited about all the possibilities this year could bring, then, when you are ready – go get ‘em!

I’ve just completed your in depth look at 2014 – Read your year ahead Tarotscope here!


Did you notice the energy of that Tower card come in last month? Any dramatic changes or lightning bolt style moments of clarity? January arrives with The Six of Pentacles, which is usually a sign that things are on the up, so if you did have a hard time in December this is a spark of faith that you will pull through. This card holds generosity and I want you to explore what giving and receiving is present in your life. Firstly, it’s a good start to check in with your sense of balance, especially around other people and your day-to-day. If you’re feeling drained and unfulfilled, perhaps you’re giving too much of your energy out to those who aren’t reciprocating? A sure fire way to turn that around is to spend as much time as possible this month with the friends and colleagues who uplift you to bring a little positivity back in and remind yourself what it feels to be surrounded by like minded people, or even those who you just seem totally relaxed around. I have been making an effort to do this recently and I found that a few days spent with ‘my people’ really fast-tracked everything around me for the better – this might be apparent for you this month. This is a good card for work and finances and can often show you having an input of cash in an unexpected way – it might be that you’ve applied for a bank loan or are seeking a mentor, and this person may show up soon to be able to give you some sage advice. You’re also in a fine space to share your knowledge so if you had plans to start setting up a business or launch a new website then this card shows the Universe agrees you have a message to get out! Don’t feel shy about standing up and speaking about the types of experiences that have taught you along you way, others will love your practical and real advice, and your words could be the turning point of change for many others. Health wise, just remember to give some love back to your inner self, stopping to get a manicure or ever just allowing yourself some sofa time will get you back in check and enable you to be the super awesome being that you are!

I’ve just completed your in depth look at 2014 – Read your year ahead Tarotscope here!


I spoke with you in December about clearing your files, sorting through your stuff and taking it away to heal. Did you find that this reflected through your month? It might even be that you had a sudden onslaught in the last week of the year, as all your biggest fears reared their heads at once. I say this because now we have the man himself – The Devil – present at the start of the year. Now don’t run away screaming, for this card doesn’t signify the world falling apart! He is simply a manifestation of your ego as if this card is the devil on your shoulder showing you all the restrictions that are in place in your life. The message is that it’s your job to remove these setbacks – and this feeling you have of being totally out of control right now can be freed up by you accepting some flow back in and actively choosing to not listen to the ego voice of Fear. The Devil could also represent a person that you are struggling with in your life right now, someone who is pushing all your fearful buttons. This can be a serious challenge and your goal is to not let the fears have the power. If we feed our fears they will appear to grow bigger and bigger – instead, it is our job to acknowledge them, say hello, and keep on going about our business, paying more attention to love and compassion, particularly for ourselves. Know that while it’s entirely possible to feel restricted by someone else, you can’t change other people, so you have to just flip back again to you and not follow in their footsteps. Your fears can be very strong with this card and can be very much focused on the future outcome of a situation – what will happen? I can’t tell you that and you can’t know either, but don’t dismiss your inner capacity for joy because of any anxiety you’re experiencing. It’s very easy to feel let down by life sometimes, but try to only allow that to be a passing moment, purely because you know that energy is contagious and right now you need the strong support that a positive attitude brings. Fear is a battle for all of us, but working with the present moment more and more you will see the power that fear has over you diminish rapidly as you accept things as they are right now, instead of flinging your energy all over the place. January will be a big month for you and the year ahead is showing a real breakthrough in mental clarity, so hang in there!

I’ve just completed your in depth look at 2014 – Read your year ahead Tarotscope here!


Hello adventurer! I hope you had a creative and expansive end to the year, with perhaps some fun and games thrown in. We start the year off with quite a big strong and intense card and I feel the Universe is trying to catch your attention here. The imagery in the Judgement card shows an angel trumpeting from the heavens as a collection of figures climb out of the ground and come to the surface. The message is certainly one of rebirth, and a big push for you to stand up and be counted! This often comes if you feel like you’ve slid a little off your path or become a bit wishy-washy with your intentions – that blaring trumpet says ‘wake up!’ I have seen this card come up a lot for clients recently with the energy around us really signaling for us to be serious about our passions and accept our calling cards. Because of this element of rebirth you can expect to feel the winds of change during the month, some of them motivated by the actions you intend to take while others may be the Universe sweeping in and getting rid of what you don’t need, so trust that there is a method within any madness and that everything happens to get you to be where you should be. Now this isn’t a card of swift action, it represents the opening of your eyes and a period of evaluation before you make your moves. So don’t feel like you need to charge off your starting block – in fact it’s a good idea not to be hasty, but spend the beginning of the year really making some solid plans. There is also a sense of spiritual awakening here as the rebirth can be you stepping into a different energy space. You may have been researching and experimenting with some new ways of thinking recently, and found yourself having a bit more faith that you can bust through your blocks. So you may find yourself making a commitment to a period of healing, because you know that the future will benefit from you being at your finest. You might feel like joining some group therapy sessions to help understanding that others are experiencing similar fears and that you’re not as alone as you often think. This card is a positive sign that you can continue your journey and get to the bottom of those demons and shift them out, making way for all that is new, exciting and frankly much, much more interesting.

I’ve just completed your in depth look at 2014 – Read your year ahead Tarotscope here!


Happy New Year to you! I hope that you managed to indulge a little over the holiday season and get the rest you needed from a recent work slog. The Five of Pentacles is urging you to not sway off your highest path this month. The Fives always come up to teach us about the human experience and this card is a real mix of the material and spiritual worlds. It can show up when you suddenly feel a bit abandoned by the environment around you and so in turn you abandon the world within – when of course you need to do the total opposite! This feeling isn’t entirely accurate, as you may feel alone but in fact you have a wealth of support around when you need it – but you do have to check in and call it in! So if you suddenly feel really out of whack this month, ask for help! It might be that you check in with your closest friends or take yourself for a massage with your favorite therapist – either way you must allow yourself to be nurtured so that you can see the light again. Be careful not to get into the mood where you think that everyone ‘has it better’ than you – that can be you turning your fire element back on yourself and others, which can easily missfire leaving you angry at the Universe or the people around you. It’s not the time to start throwing out mysterious tweets that talk about you being ‘all you’ve got’ because it cultivates a judgmental attitude which is very negative and also closes you off to brighter thoughts. Your take home is that all is not lost, there is brightness ahead of any stressful moments that you may experience along the way. Change your tune so that you sync back into a positive mental attitude and avoid settling into a lack mentality. If you believe that you don’t have what you need then that’s what you will always see. Practice some gratitude for all the little blessings in your life right now – I bet there are so many – as this can be the start of you returning to a spiritual practice. Give it a shot, even simply closing your eyes and focusing on your breathing for a minute while you’re on the bus, you are committing to an investment in your wellbeing. You are worth the life that you dream of, so don’t hang around recycling your sadness because there are a million more awesome things round the corner for you.

I’ve just completed your in depth look at 2014 – Read your year ahead Tarotscope here!


Stay in the holiday groove Virgo, as you still need some rest. The Four of Swords feels to me like the calm before the storm – not a destructive one, but it might be that February and onwards is going to be all Go Go Go, so you want to sail the calm seas for as long as possible. The imagery of this card shows a figure lying in bed with these swords around him, and I used to think that this card was signalling some kind of anxiety. But the more I’ve worked with it, I’ve learned that it’s merely a reflection of recent anxiety and stress giving you the go ahead to slow down and rest up. It often arrives as a little warning to us that if we over work and over dramatize things, then our physical body may end up feeling the stress. If you felt rather beaten down in December, make January a month of good health. You don’t have to dive into a restrictive detox but be mindful that you want to feed yourself well so that you have energy for what’s ahead. You have a pretty action packed year ahead with all sorts of success, so please accept this moment of retreat. If you can take extra time off work then you could benefit from some time out in nature or away from the buzz of your laptop, somewhere you can find actual silence. If you can’t get out of town, meditation will be key – you might enjoy some guided meditations where you can jet yourself off to some golden fields in your mind and receive some divine healing. This is also a time of contemplation for the year ahead, a little bit of intention before you put in the action, so enjoy some daydreaming and visualizing. Be light and airy in the best possible way, and avoid using your down time to have a little dance party with your fears – we know how easy that can be! Let yourself have as much alone time as possible – there is positivity in solitude so don’t feel guilty about turning down any party invites, as your wellbeing is the priority. With all this in mind, don’t be afraid of the spaces that appear in your schedule or of a quieter financial month; remember the ebbs and flows of life. You know that it’s important for you to take this breather so stop arguing about it in your head. You aren’t being unproductive if you have a day off work – okay!

I’ve just completed your in depth look at 2014 – Read your year ahead Tarotscope here!


We’re back on the work train for you my little Libra. The Seven of Pentacles has a lot in common with The Hanged Man – both share elements of patience and surrender. Your mood is that of a gardener that has just planted all of his favorite flowers and is dying to see them bloom. But this isn’t a time for instant gratification and you must allow things to mature. Our ability to be patient and let our ships come in in their own time is very important, and an exercise in our own personal confidence. It can be easy to see periods of waiting as some sort of failure – but this is far from the case, in fact the signs all point to positive returns on your investment. So in the career and material world you may be waiting on emails, article approvals, or confirmation of a pay raise. You may even be waiting for legal matters to be sorted out. You won’t be waiting forever though, do not fear, you will probably see things moving along within a matter of weeks, so you can be calm in this surrender and, in fact, enjoy it. In another sense this card shows things coming back to you that you have put out, so if you took a bit of a wild adventure in the spirit of rhe holiday season then you could be feeling in need of a serious detox. No problem, you are totally up for the job! Just get on it fast so that you boost your energy levels for later in the month when you find yourself needing to put in some major work on all those opportunities that have suddenly come back around. It’s also important to allow things to have their flow and not freak out if something doesn’t work out how you planned. If one flower amongst seven doesn’t blossom then this is no major loss to have a hissy fit about – instead, see it as creating a space for something else to grow. Please take this mindset as gold dust as it can really free you up from causing yourself a lot of inner anguish. This way of thinking actually opens more doors and takes off the blinkers. Remember, life is good, so settle in and enjoy what you have right now. Be thankful for a new year and know that a bunch of magical opportunities await you.

I’ve just completed your in depth look at 2014 – Read your year ahead Tarotscope here!


You’re back on form this month Scorpio – more power to you! December carried a rush of healing along with a few ego flares, and as January comes in you’re really on top of it and ready to be the brightest and shiniest you! Please prepare to go for gold as The Star gives you the ability to rise above your challenges and rebirth any time that you need to. You have been caring for your health and so your energy is on the up, and if you haven’t then please don’t waste time punishing your body. You absolutely have to draw that line and respect yourself so that your outer world can reflect your inner being. Be loving to your body and your life will call in sunbeams. The Star is a beacon of positive energy and a pioneer for clicking yourself into a truly magical mindset. It’s also a serious shout out for you to keep at your spiritual practice – remember that it should be fun! The last thing we want is to punish ourselves about whether we’ve meditated long enough today. You know what works for you – just keep at it. You must not hide in the shadows this January; it is the right time to keep throwing ideas and projects out into the cosmos. Your wisdom must be shared and you will do yourself and the world an injustice if you hide away and are afraid to share what you know. This card gives you the ability to be a shining light for others, so never underestimate your ability to uplift someone with the tiniest of actions – even a smile. You also might want to check in with some of your own ‘star people.’ Whether this means friends who always uplift you or a new therapist or coach, seek any advice that you need to be able to hone your skills this month. Be grateful – be grateful for your past, your present and very much for your future. I like to thank the world for the joy I have ahead and acknowledge the faith I have that I am on the right path. Do this for yourself, and also recognize your talents! I always see the stars showering across this card like medals for all that you’ve achieved so far, so pat yourself on the back. The stars also reflect all the new projects and passions you have around and in store. The year is no doubt going to be a big one for you and so your only job is to be unapologetic about stepping into your super powers and enjoy the ride.

I’ve just completed your in depth look at 2014 – Read your year ahead Tarotscope here!


I am here to tell you that all that water energy from the last year…is here to stay! Welcome to a brand new you, as there’s no escaping your feelings or your intuition so you may as well embrace it, baby! I really love the transition from the King of Cups to the Queen this month, as you get to relax a little more as you familiarize yourself with a change in your energy. This is a much more feminine and divine source for you this January. I also feel this is a really positive card to kick off your year and, having just completed your year ahead forecast, it’s looking pretty celebratory. So let’s get started! The Queen of Cups gives you the ability to see the world through a lens of love, compassion, intuition and nurture. You will continue to practice thinking from your heart space and trusting that your gut has some gusto. This Queen is perfect to help you redefine any fiery moments that leap up this month, perhaps unexpectedly you know right away that you must treat fire with a big wet kiss of L.O.V.E. You also may find yourself the healer of the bunch this month as people seem to line up to ask you for help with their problems – and you delight in doing so. Make sure you watch your energy, and don’t forget your boundaries. Visualize a bright and shiny bubble around you so that you feel protected in your space. Make sure to balance this by spending time with your power posse – you need the support of your gang around you especially as you flow into this New Year. I’ve spoken to you a lot about self care over this past year, so keep it up. You have noticed it working and seen your body and mind respond well to a nice dose of good food and more sleep. You are sitting secure on your throne as you set off into this new year and you are right to be confident about your plans – just keep going at everything in your life from a heartfelt place. The moment that you start making decisions from fear, then you will notice a headfirst turn in the not so awesome direction. You now know from experience that that way of thinking just won’t cut it for you anymore – plus we all know that you are too intent on getting your own way to risk fear de-railing your success!

I’ve just completed your in depth look at 2014 – Read your year ahead Tarotscope here!

Cast using the Rider Waite Deck.




Happy Birthday Sagittarius! For a Fire sign this sure has been an emotional year, almost as though you’ve had your feelings thrown in your face over the last few months, which has sometimes brought great relief and sometimes felt more like having an uninvited houseguest. If you are very typical of your element, it isn’t always easy to simmer down when you really just want to expel hoards of trapped energy, to stand still when you feel an urge to run away. Alongside this, an abundance of emotion sometimes feels a bit odd. You aren’t always one for tears, and recently you’ve had moments of feeling like a real crybaby. Now, at the beginning of your solar year, the King of Cups brings in a balancing energy that will enable you to feel much more at home beneath those waterfalls. The Fire and Water elements of your chart can now sit side-by-side, no longer aliens but with a modest respect for each other’s power. I’d like you to think of this card as your mentor this month. The King has learned how to equilibrate between the elements, meaning emotions no longer make him feel weak and thoughts do not feel out of control. So how can you too move towards this type of balance? Kindness and respect is the bridge here, for yourself and for those around you. If you truly feel connected to your own compassion compass then it is much harder to feel out of control with your emotions. Remind yourself of your own boundaries. Treat all situations, whether at work or home, with patience. Give yourself an extra few minutes with your thoughts, digging in to a calm and centered place, a safe place. When we act from fear, or emotions such as anger or jealousy, we will never feel okay with the results, and a few extra moments to process your emotional impulses mean a higher chance of moving forward with positivity. And don’t neglect your superb intuition – not always the first place you reach for guidance, but the right place to go. December is always very social and this card may also find you being the mentor and mediator for friends and family this month. In this case, you can apply what you’ve been learning about your own self to pass the love on to others. There is a real sense of fairness to this card and I feel it nudging you to sit and be grateful for your journey, with all its twists and turns. You’ve done pretty darn well and the sweet satisfaction of self development is here too. Combine your strength with honest compassion and feel the waters calming.

Ready for a brand new year? Get your 2014 Tarotscope here!


Inspiration is abundant this December Capricorn, and you aren’t quite ready to curl up by the fire yet as your mind is buzzing with plans and ideas for adventure. It might be that your mind is already in 2014 as we arrive in the last month of the year. We are slowly shifting you out of a workaholic mindset and The Page of Wands widens your eyes and encourages you to set your spirits far and high. This card can be associated with new starts, and I would love you to take on a ‘leap of faith’ mentality. I know that’s not your usual style, but you will benefit by giving new horizons a chance this December. The Wands bring in a fearsome passion so you may be focused on one particular desire, be it a new career path, a building project or a certain someone. Your sights are definitely set, and the Universe will be supporting that vision. Now with this type of energy, it’s very easy to feel restless or completely impatient. With so many ideas raring to go, you want to act NOW. The best way to work with this is to celebrate and be grateful for these ideas, to communicate and collaborate. The Page can appear as a new friend or mentor, someone who shares your ideas and can keep you on your toes. There is a lovely youthfulness to your December, and it’s important that you shift out of your goat like routines and socialize. This childlike energy is perfect for this and totally supported by this card. If you read this and feel a bit lacking in this passion, then it’s time for you to reconnect to the simple joys of life. Take yourself on a few ‘me’ dates, remembering to check your attitude whilst out and about. If the spirit of Scrooge has possessed you, then crack yourself back into a lighter frame of mind. Be silly, where are your laughs? Time to go dig them out! You can see this card as a set of goals waiting to be made, who says you need to wait until January the 1st to make some changes? Start right now. The world is your playground, go and catch a break.

Ready for a brand new year? Get your 2014 Tarotscope here!


After a month with a few notes of apathy, December sends you on a journey to rebuild some of your own personal structures, morals and boundaries. You may have been feeling an imbalance in giving and receiving recently, and to regain an equilibrium you will benefit from seeking trusted advice, both from others and your inner guide. The Hierophant appears as a mentor bringing in a new type of outlook and guidance. It’s up to you how you choose to discover an altered perception, but be sure to keep your eyes wide open for the help around you. As you look back over this past year and think about what you’ve learned, you will note a few patterns and thought processes that you know just have to change. In fact, they’re probably quite fresh in your mind having asserted themselves in the last few weeks. Now is the time to get ready to shift out what you no longer find beneficial or healthy in your mind, body and spirit. Whilst you may look for guidance with a Life Coach or healer, you can also really gain from and enjoy community and group discussion now. Some of the meanings of this card revolve around religion and spiritual groups, reminding us of the gain we can receive from gathering like minds together for support and inspiration. Giving and receiving guidance is key for you right now and remember that sharing love will up your personal energy bank to call in higher vibes for you. As a sign that can often get lost in your thoughts volunteering your time to somewhere that you feel drawn to could get you out of your head and into your heart this December. Be mindful of balance within your life and remember that we should always be learning, teaching and healing. Whilst sharing your knowledge, make time to actually hear people out so that you keep learning too. Occasionally you are so eager to share your stories that you can forget the joy of sharing a two-sided conversation. Slow down. More feeling and less thinking can return you to the present moment. I see this card as a turning point for you Aquarius, there is a definite shift going on and I feel it will come with a choice – do you want to evolve away from your past? Are you ready to let go of old fears when they rear their heads? Take a chance on grace and have some faith this December. Expect miracles.

Ready for a brand new year? Get your 2014 Tarotscope here!


When I look back over the cards I have drawn for you this year Pisces, it’s impossible to not notice that you’ve been dealing with a serious amount of personal change. You may have seen relationships form or break, huge enthusiasm or total apathy for your career and a massive shove from the Universe pushing you to evolve and grow within your self. It has been a year of ups and downs, in all forms, and some of you will have been more aware of the highs and others only the lows. The thing is, none of these experiences are without meaning, and it’s your job to be aware that it’s all part of the journey. If you look at your perceived losses, you will probably find that they were essential moments of skin shedding. The Eight of Cups is the moment where you finally allow yourself to let go of everything that you don’t want to take forward with you into the years ahead. When I pick this card I sometimes feel so sad. Often it comes up to remind you that you need to cut final ties with an ex, or move on from a challenge that has been pushing and pulling at you. Over the years I’ve shifted this and grown to enjoy the message this card gives. It certainly fits well with the ‘out with the old and in with the new’ energy of December and January. Any card within the suit of Cups is very much about deep feelings. As a water sign you have probably been more affected by the skies of late as so many planets have been cruising through the water signs, creating an ‘ocean of emotion’ in 2013 as the Astro Twins’ Tali Edut wrote here. So feelings are by no means alien to you and nostalgia is certainly something you’re familiar with. Now it’s time to work on your own relationship with the past. It’s so important not to let it be a comfort blanket, to swoon around in ‘what if’s’ and ‘perfect moments’. Instead, let these experiences power you into the present, seeing the past as a useful bag of individual feelings, some that you want to replicate with new people and in different situations and others that you’d like to dissolve. The figure in this card is shown with his back turned, walking away from disappointments and on to a brighter future. The message is so simple, that if we keep moving forwards and leave what is not positive for us any more then our vision clears to see the light ahead.

Ready for a brand new year? Get your 2014 Tarotscope here!


The wonderful way that you manage your Fire element is that you are very very productive; you always have a project, an idea and a strong inner force to guide you. When you notice a quiet period then the internal jitters set in, rendering you restless (and I can feel you shuddering at the mere thought of the word). It’s because the Four of Cups can bring in feelings of ennui and apathy that I’m reminded of what you can get like when you feel a bit impatient. Last month I was encouraging you to realign yourself after taking on too much earlier in the year and as you put the pieces of the puzzle back together, I feel that you have been noticing the push and pull of letting go and moving forward. When we expand into a new cycle, even if it’s by our own choice, we can still have moments of feeling a little unsteady. It’s easy to feel like you’ve done the work and now what? When is the shift you’ve prepared for going to take place? This December, feel encouraged when there are spaces in your schedule, understand that it was you that’s cleared the way, ready for new opportunities to arise. I always use these ‘scopes to try and flip you from the darker side of the card that turns, so with this potential apathy, remember that if things aren’t moving to your swift standard the answer isn’t to go into a place of ‘I give up’. Keep doing your thing and trust that the Universe will catch up with you. Of course December is a super social month, and so The Four of Cups could bring in a bit of an annoyance about making seasonal arrangements, perhaps purely because schedules haven’t been set and you actually don’t know the plans yet. This is okay! There are a million surrender opportunities each month and this can be one of them. Instead, think of those people you just know you want and need to see over the coming weeks, and tune your thoughts merely to ask the Universe to align you with inspirational and joyful moments for the end of the year. Instead of fearing what may come up just return to some tried and tested happy places. I very much feel this is a calm before the storm card for you Aries and that January is going to see you zooming ahead with excited intent, just how you like it!

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I have seen this card pop up over and over again in the last few months, for myself and in clients readings. It’s kind of become my secret best friend of the deck and I no longer look at that destructive imagery with a sense of doom. The Tower is our catalyst for change…and we love change! If you feel like you are still afraid of the unknown then I’m sorry to have to tell you again Taurus, but that big bag of ‘what if’s’ could contain a bright spark of something totally awesome ahead. This card is like a bolt of lightning bringing in energy to shift your direction, and it can really come in all forms. The Tower shakes our foundations, if we are really doing our best to go against our own flow then we suddenly find ourselves being flung in such a new direction that we have no choice BUT to move. This is a pretty good card for the end of the year, as you’ve probably already started thinking about the calendar cycle starting afresh with your diary already filling up for January. Think of it like having a fresh schedule, and consider how you would like to spend your precious time. Do you really want to fill your calling card with someone who’s an unhealthy match for you? Or how about a job you’re dying to quit? Think of the areas in your life that you know need a spring clean, and get a head start. If you really do see this Tower effect in your life, then bring in kindness and forgiveness to your self during a challenging time. Remember that old theory about things falling apart so we can rebuild them better? That is happening in our lives all the time so try and bring in a retrospective vision to your present moment. Know that whatever you are going through is taking your somewhere, and that while you cannot know where yet, you are always growing and learning. I also want you to get into a magical mindset, because The Tower card can bring its unexpected news in the shape of a life changing love interest or an exciting job offer. You may move house or even start working with a new therapist. To enable ourselves to accept the positive aspects of change we need to be able to see them. Remember to use that divine personal power and in consequence you can be your own magician.

Ready for a brand new year? Get your 2014 Tarotscope here!


Last month I talked to you about your own trust issues and how you are feeling amongst others. I wanted you to reconnect back to your self, so that trust in the future would be much less of an issue. For December we follow on with that idea, and The Six of Swords suggests a very personal and solo journey. I want you to gather what you have experienced in the last few weeks into a bundle, like a pile of papers and you are going to sort and file. The energy for you at the end of the year is to prepare for the following months by really cleansing your mind from what you don’t need. This card can reflect physical travel but it is the idea of movement that is the inspiration for you. And even if you are off on a trip, remember your inner journey is also accompanying you! You must reflect in order to go forward but these needed shifts can come with a sense of sadness. There can be a fear of regret that comes with marching on, and you may feel a little waning of your spirit. If you find yourself a little confused right now then just remember how life twists and turns and how opportunities often appear suddenly with no warning. You must make the choice to keep participating in your life, not to throw your oar to the side or stop swimming. There is a sense of nurture that must accompany this message. A coziness that you can create for yourself, a safe, self-created space where you can recharge until you feel bright again. Remember that failure doesn’t exist and if you have fears about where the next year might take you, then remember your hidden powers. Combined with a push of your snappy intuition, any confusion can transform into an incredible rite of passage. I feel a sense of building strength for next year, you have a whole heap of dreams and ideas for the time ahead, and certainly the skills to achieve them. Put your energy towards reconnecting with that inner passion; remind yourself why you do what you do. If you feel like you aren’t on your right path, then be patient with yourself. Remember life is a schooling and that you must maintain focus on doing things for your highest and most loving intention. Hey presto, you are immediately back in the driving seat.

Ready for a brand new year? Get your 2014 Tarotscope here! 


The world is your oyster! I’ve turned one of my favorite cards in the deck for you sweet Cancer and it’s a perfectly positive inspiration for the last month of this year. The Three of Wands represents all of those ideas and passions you have bubbling up inside of you, and with this powerful preparation for a new year it feels like you certainly have your eyes on some big prizes. This month is all about thinking BIG, so big that I had to use capitals! There is a sense of adventure in your life, your eyes are wandering and travel is at the forefront of your mind. In a physical sense this card shows you as the explorer, with itchy feet making you want to go and see the world. It might be that you are wondering if you can take your talents to another place of residence, or even that you start collaborating and working with clients and friends further afield. The energy here has such a positive spin for expansion that if you are setting your eyes on an across the world jaunt then this is certainly a green light. You have the golden opportunity this month to see life through different eyes, and to really believe in your own possibility. This is not time to be spent feeling down on yourself or indulging in a pity party. You are bright and shiny and it’s time to take responsibility for it! Whilst it can be easy to fear what others are thinking of us, it is up to us to decide how we perceive those fears. I want you to approach life with a fierce confidence and not to waste your time on thoughts that are in any way restrictive. This energy is about just going for it and knowing that if you focus on your true passions you can never go wrong. Expansion will also come in the form of social events this month, as of course December is often a busy one. I’m encouraging you to choose to get together with those friends that truly uplift you, remembering that one person who brings you a sense of joy is better than a whole room full of energy vampires weighing you down. Team up and throw ideas around, as you sit and make plans for the year ahead. Armed with encouragement for each other you will find that friendships and relationships strengthen. On a final note, carry this vibe forward as your theme for 2014, I certainly am!

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This month sees you craving the comforts of home and the safety of your own throne. The Nine of Pentacles reflects the work you have done this year, encouraging you to be thankful for your gains and to allow yourself to enjoy some comforts in the material world. This is a very positive card for strengthening self-confidence and enjoying life. Your busy year may have found you in the office or at school much more than at home, and so now you’ll enjoy having a little more alone time. Your element really reflects that peaceful roaring Fire by the sofa this month, rather than a blazing push into the unknown. I love the idea that your end of year reflection comes from you learning to slow down and enjoy some quiet time. This is a very important time for your gratitude practice too; even if you have what you perceive to be only a little you still have much to be grateful for. Think about how you can serve others by being generous of spirit over the next few weeks; never underestimate how a kind word to a stranger could change the course of their day. Everything about your home is important right now and it’s essential that you create a safe space for yourself. You might want to experiment with some feng shui or redesign your room, anything that brings positivity to your environment. If you are currently moving house then this card reminds you to set your intentions on a place that will really reflect what you need from a home. Don’t get too caught up with exact dimensions and architecture, instead ask the Universe to guide you to the place that will be right for you. In December your social life is also much more likely to be around the home. Instead of flitting between bars, you will gain much more from gathering people together for a dinner party. Think about which friends of yours have never met, you might even end up being the matchmaker over the holiday season! Finally be encouraged in all that you are working on. The luxurious imagery of this card also contains a nod towards projects that you are currently involved in, suggesting that if you just keep working hard then you are likely to feel real joy from your hard work. There is much celebration to be had over the coming weeks, so use that as your guide. Choose not to weigh yourself down with fears and unnecessary anxieties, and put your focus on high vibe activities and people that strengthen your spirit!

Ready for a brand new year? Get your 2014 Tarotscope here!


Hello lovely. I have so many Virgo friends I’ve been especially enjoying seeing your journey this year, quite the adventure and so much to be thankful for. Now December sees you raring to go, chomping at the bit we could say! The Knights are our action cards and it’s likely that you have a few new projects, possibly cultivated in the last few weeks, and you are so, so excited that you just want to get them out there as quickly as possible! The air element in this card shows your head buzzing with possibilities, hopes, fears, dreams and destinations. In fact, I’m quite tired just thinking about it. So your message is to slowwwwww it down. I know your natural way is to buzz about and fulfil your lists, but this December it’s time to give yourself a break, in fact I kind of want you to allow at least a couple of days to be – dare I say it – lazy. One of the reasons I suggest this is that you need to slow down to actually get these dreams off the ground. The speed at which you’re travelling won’t make for such productive actions. Your manifestation powers are pretty great I must admit, but first I want you to speak out loud about these new plans. It feels like they need to be shared for you to be able to pick them apart and get a much more Virgo-like action plan ready. I know your ambition is positive though and everything points to continued success, just make sure you don’t cut corners trying to get to the finish post too soon. Now December is of course a social month, and we also have to note the coming and going of people in the next few weeks. The energy of these encounters may be very heady, and on the plus side this will bring in lots of thought provoking conversations helping your brain feel positively expanded. On the lower vibe side, if you find yourself feeling nitpicked or encountering any aggressive, over-opinionated energy, then visualize a mirror between you and the other person to help keep your energy clear. And… breathe. Rest, rejuvenate, and just keep doing your do.

Ready for a brand new year? Get your 2014 Tarotscope here!


Hurrah! Libra, finally I’ve turned over a card that isn’t all ‘work work work’ for you. In fact, this is the first card from the Cups suit that you’ve had all year. So let us usher in some EMOTION…welcome back feelings! Where have you been? What have you been up to? Let’s sit down with a nice cup of tea and celebrate the warm and incredible energy this means for you this month. The Queen of Cups sends you a powerful message of compassion, intuition and nurture for the end of the calendar year. It’s time to drop down from your head and think with your heart, get sentimental, get cozy and of course, a little bit magical. So for the following few weeks instead of a ‘practicality will get you everywhere’ attitude, your biggest gains will show up when you let your intuition be your guide. You are also now allowed to give thanks for all the hard work and settle down to enjoy a little of what you’ve achieved recently. Gut feelings are where it’s at, so the main thing is to try and fine-tune them so you know to trust what you feel. Remember that as an air sign it’s very easy to get whisked up into your head and let anxiety guide you. Working from a more intuitive place might feel a bit alien but this is a safe month to do so. You will also benefit from spending as much time as possible around those with a safe and warm positive energy. You might want to curl up under someone’s wing and this is okay too, the big theme this month is self nurture and I want you to get into the spirit of L.O.V.E. Planning social events? How about a new moon or full moon ritual? Get your favorite friends over and do some manifesting for the new year. Meanwhile, sharing your fears with others will allow them to be processed and escape. But be careful if you are already the person that everyone comes to with their problems. The only downside of this Queen’s energy is that she can forget her boundaries, so build yourself a glowing energy bubble and make sure the giving and receiving in your life is balanced. Instead of feeling that you have to fix everyone, make small acts of kindness rather giving so much that you feel weakened. A lovely way to round up the year is to give gratitude to yourself and what you have learned from the last months, so go inwards and give a silent thank you to the Universe for pushing you on with your journey. Then it’s time to get excited about the year to come!

Ready for a brand new year? Get your 2014 Tarotscope here!


So last month we had The Fool for you Scorpio, who makes us very aware of beginnings, endings and the whole cycle of life. This energy can be extremely exhilarating but very tiring as change is always abundant with twists and turns. Uncertainty is uncertain and you now know that you just want to be present and participate in life, and most importantly enjoy it. I feel that December is very much a surrender and release month for you. The Strength card has a very strong healing energy and it’s really a very inspiring card to have in December as you part ways with another solar year. It’s here to remind you that you are strong, and that you are way braver and more powerful than you often give yourself credit for, and I know for sure that you can overcome any battles that come your way. You must be willing to though. I feel with any Scorpio who is feeling unable to overcome something, there is a tiny part of you inside that’s afraid to let it go. There has to be a leap of faith for healing to occur, where you choose to believe that you will be supported if you move yourself out of unhealthy habits. The Strength card sees you taming your inner beast and with that you are making peace with your ego mind, a job that you will benefit from. This is the perfect card to meditate with, envisioning your Water element washing away your fears. This is a very common card to pull for the healers amongst us and reflects the balance that we seek to achieve within our lives. If you are noticing the road to be a little rocky then check that you haven’t given too much of yourself away lately. Recalibrate by visualizing your solar plexus as a magnet that pulls in any scattered energy. Turn the love you put out into the world back on yourself and allow it to sink in. The Scorpio energy is so strong that it’s very easy to build up a wall high enough that no one can even see you need help. Don’t be fooled into thinking weakness is real – your vulnerability is actually a building block to strength and super powers. Let December bestow love upon you and be grateful for challenges you have faced this year, know they have been in place to lead you to a moment of surrender and that this time has come. This card really feels like it works hand in hand with The Fool from last month, where you realize that to make space for the incredible dreams and potential you have, you must absolutely release the fears that are sucking up your time and energy. Your goals are right there, waiting for you to grab them, so go get ‘em.

Ready for a brand new year? Get your 2014 Tarotscope here!

Cast by Louise Androlia using the Rider Waite Deck


Louise Androlia (a.k.a. Louniverse) is the beautiful white witch behind our monthly Tarotscopes. Also a gifted psychic and holistic life-coach, she reveals the day-to-day details of a very mystical life.

I’m currently on a major energy clear out and recalibrating myself after moving house so I’ve been having all sorts of super intense dreams about ex-crushes and old fears. Everything that needs to be zapped is getting worked out via my dreams. So I’ve been waking up a little tired but feeling like I’m dissolving emotional weight.

I’m obsessed with breakfast. My ultimate favorite is cooked porridge oats with berries, cacao and chia seeds, aka chocolate porridge! Ideally I’ll eat it in the bath. That said I just got a juicer so I’m switching it up and currently dying everything in my house with beetroot juice.

“I SURRENDER” goes with me everywhere, I stand by it being the quickest way to shift obsessive thoughts or worries. It’s a way of asking for help from a bigger place, and it works.

I’m totally un-superstitious and have never in my life had “lucky” items but I often carry something to suit my mood, very often for me a black tourmaline crystal to help with grounding.

I adore Mike Dooley for his ‘Notes from the Universe.’ Mainly though, my gurus are my friends, who I can talk about everything with, who light up my ideas and work with me as we all better ourselves. Friendship is power!

Helping other people cope with stress is a passion and speciality of mine, and to do this I need to look after myself. This means taking my own advice and slowing down, eating well, resting and, most importantly, being present as opposed to overwhelmed by the bigger picture. This often means taking time out on my own just lying on the floor in my room, painting or taking a walk in one of my favorite parks.

Treating myself usually means indulging in some holistic therapies or good food. That said I’m definitely ready for some new winter clothes!

A vintage cream silk dress that I bought in LA a few years ago from Shareen’s Vintage in LA. It’s perfectly dreamy, and makes me feel good.

“I’m ready.”

To learn, heal and teach.

All the time! My favorite kind of magic is when I witness clients realizing a shift that they have been creating in their life. On a more mystical tip, on recent full moon trip to the Lake District I was up lucky enough to witness energy, lights and orbs dancing around while visiting the stone circle in the early evening. And I see magic every time I look at an animal.




Happy Birthday! It’s Scorpio hour. Did you know that Saturn is currently touring through Scorpio too? The planet in charge of ass-kicking, Saturn works its hardest to open our eyes to change so that we can align with our true path. The journey isn’t easy but the thing is, Saturn and Scorpio have much in common. I reminded you last month’s tarotscopes that as a Scorpio you are the Zodiac’s master of evolution and that change can be your very best friend, if you let it. Keep this duet in mind, for the next two years are your golden opportunity to grab life by the universal balls, as it were, and transform into the super you that I know you can be. Last month I talked about getting to grips with the material world a little more, and as a Scorpio myself I can say that October was pretty intense. I found myself having to cope with a lot of very ‘human stresses’ as I called them. How was it for you? The Fool is a bright guiding light for you Scorpio, an opportunity to welcome in a new cycle in your life. It is such a positive sign for the end of your year, so shiny! I know you are sometimes a little afraid of shining your brightest but this is your green light to push forward. This card assures us that there are no endings or beginnings, just a revolving door of moments in your timeline. So this of course heralds more change, in a positive way, and try and see all change as that, an opportunity to move ahead – every moment is taking you somewhere, and when you look back in retrospect it will make sense. You have so many things that you want to do, places to go, people to meet and teach. Don’t let this be an overwhelm, instead put some practical stepping stones in place as this month is all about stepping up a level, materially and spiritually. You are supported, friends and family in both realms are here to help, just remember to ask for help when you need it Scorpio. There is no such thing as failure or weakness, only opportunities to move to better things and top up your personal power. So be confident, even if you don’t feel it, work completely with your intuition this month and take the leaps of faith that your heart desperately wants you to. This month is your chance to make changes and heighten your earthbound experience. So allow fear to transform to faith and surrender. I have a feeling you have an epic twelve months ahead of you Scorps, life changing in fact, so stay awake so you don’t miss out.


How did last month go for you Sag? Manage to sweep away some of the cobwebs that were hiding your magnificence? I hope so, as a Fire sign it’s important that you direct your leading element in the right direction. We have a pretty deep card for you this month and I want to address that glow of yours and talk about perspective and perception. You always have your eye on the prize, something that’s very admirable about you, and you are very capable of getting what you want. What happens though when change swoops in and knocks your vision a little off balance? Sometimes it is easy for us to deem changes as failures or time wasted, and there may be a little foot stamping in line for you this November. I want you to be ahead of the game so that if you feel swung off track you know how to handle it. The simple message with the Five of Cups is to see your glass as half full, not empty, to not go off and have a big old pity party when something doesn’t go quite how you planned. However old we are, we’re all still capable of childlike tantrums, or a little fuming from within. The Cups hold the water element and as a Fire sign sometimes you get a little bit annoyed if you feel like your feelings are all up in your face, making you take a break in your schedule. Feelings however are your magical keycard this month, enabling you to go deeper with your questions about life, enhancing your fluidity beyond what’s written in black and white. I wonder if last month you unearthed some of things that can hold you back? When we come to a realization about why we have a certain habit or belief, it’s essential that we address that epiphany in the right way. It’s no use just saying; ‘Oh well that’s why I do this,’ and using that as your excuse to continue the habit. In November I want you to make a promise to yourself that you will not celebrate your losses. There are Five Cups in your eyes and three of them are overflowing with love, compassion and opportunities. Focus on the possibilities and not the past. Remind yourself of that Magician card from last month – you still have all the skills you need, so use them wisely, not against yourself. Keep up your gratitude practice and finally, on a health note, if this card finds you feeling a little energy zapped, especially with the seasons changing, keep up your self care and allow yourself a bit of blanket time!


After a string of months where the energy for you has been much more focused on work than “woohoo!” November holds the promise of a more fun fuelled time for you Capricorn. The Three of Cups is here to remind you about, let me whisper it…f.u.n. I feel  you’ve been pretty full on in career zone for the most of the second part of the year and I doubt there has even been much time to relax, but this month if you don’t see time then you must make time. As with last month you have the number three, which is a number of expansion and creativity. With the Pentacles I asked you to share work ideas with friends and spread your knowledge as a teacher, and this month, with the Cups, the number encourages you to expand socially and get out of your solo routine. I feel you may have been in a bit of a you bubble recently and you will benefit from opening up your inner conversation with others. On the subject of stress, it will help you to put the world to rights with your closest friends, whether that means joining forces for a night out or having a massive catch up with your nearest and dearest over Skype. Let this joyous sharing energy uplift you and bring in elements of self care too. It’s a great time to join a group yoga or meditation class to get a blast of community (mind body) spirit. Of course the cups are also about feelings and if you are coupled up then this month expand your routine to include double dates, introduce your partner to a friend of yours they’ve never met before and be open to sharing new experiences together. If you are single then “mingle” is the word for you. Ever thought that one of your best friends could be hiding the love of your life? Go out and be seen. With a theme like this the main thing is to be open to new opportunities. You know the surrender practice, so this month use it to surrender to positive social experiences. Finally let this card remind you to look on the bright side, avoid doomsday thought processes and give peace a chance.


You’re still on a personal development curve sweet Aquarius, and this November I want you to make sure you don’t shift to an apathetic frame of mind when you feel that things aren’t shifting as fast as you want them to. The point here is that you are ready for things to be different, and in a sense don’t want to be patient and surrender anymore! There is a little stubborn voice inside your head that sometimes says “well I may as well just give up just to avoid repeating a pattern again.” This card can pull you up on those moments when you head inwards, but in more of a punishing than productive way. Your message for this month is to just keep fighting the good fight, keep being open and celebrating all the great things you’ve got. As I was saying to Sagittarius, you must be viewing all ‘cups’ as half full, not half empty. It may be that you are entering a period of newness and it’s seems a little scary to you, feelings that could be a bit risky are making you want to take a step backwards to a ‘safe’ place. But sometimes that can be a negative space that has just become familiar. This is where it’s a good idea to view the unknown as something exciting, not fearful. Be careful of interpreting your own frustrations as an external negative energy. You may also have to practice patience a lot this month. This is only for your own good growth as you have plenty that you are working on and the stakes are high, with exciting times ahead. Focus on keeping your eyes on the prize and not giving up on your dreamiest dreams. Things can feel unpredictable around you with this card and again it’s about maintaining your own consistency so that others doings don’t shake you up. Focus on cultivating a steady flow within your life, and avoid other peoples drama queen moments because you are susceptible to joining in. Instead keep working on your own inner growth and you will get there. Health wise, nurture yourself and swot up on holistic thinking and how to bring about a mind, body, spirit balance. I feel you might be surprised at how quickly you take to this way of thinking. Your sign, although an Air sign has a lot of Water elements, and so healing on a deeper level will always be beneficial for you. Ground yourself by focusing on your highest intentions and a clearer mind will ensue.


This card with its feeling of overwhelm is a common one for the water signs among us, who are very capable of feeling overwhelmed in general, what with all those feelings to confront! The Ten of Wands can often appear just as you’ve realized you have maybe taken on too much, or put too much pressure on yourself, when things are a bit of a slog and you are definitely aware of trudging uphill. However, I’ve grown to kind of love this card as I turn it over so often for myself and always get its message; which is really a little hint to say, ‘hey  workaholic, remember what it’s like to just go and call up an old friend or allow yourself an evening sitting in the middle of your floor painting or singing or staring at the ceiling? You’re allowed.’ This November make some time for YOU – which means less thinking of what you ought to be doing, and more time actually doing the things that you know feel good. If you sit and watch movies all day but then berate yourself for being lazy you’ll counter the act of self love. The Tens always remind us of the cycles in life and again with this card you are at a tipping point, the top of the hill is just there and breakthroughs are abundant if you are open to them. I always like to give you the energy of the Ace along with a Ten, and the Ace of Wands is about new projects, creative enthusiasm, gifts of passion from the Universe, things that make you ‘pop.’ I feel you are much more on the abundant side of this 10/Ace balance, so now’s the time to get ahead of the game. Dilute feelings of overwhelm with self care so that you are ready to start the new cycle that’s just around the corner. You’ve been working to be more open to opportunities and different ways of thinking, so honor what you have started and keep at it. I feel like I keep reminding you to meditate, and I’m going to say it again. Mantras and meditation are the key to calming your mind when you get overwhelmed or over emotional. You need to release your stress rather than run away, no swimming backwards Pisces, only forward fishing from now on. Ask for help, share creatively with other people, so seek out art parties and winter study groups. Change should appear with a silver lining, be ready to say yes. You know the drill. I love you.


I’m seeing November as time for a little clear up after last month’s overwhelm. October was a bit of a wild one, hey? You have had a really complex year with a lot of change and a definite cycle of highs and lows. For you it’s been a series of great achievements with a spatter of healthy burnout, which you’re more aware than ever is just the cycle of life. So I see the Five of Swords as a piecing together of the self for you. November may still be a month of intensity, but instead of it feeling so jumbled, you have the opportunity to organize your chaos. Last month especially you became aware of where your thinking had become scattered, and now, with a clearer head, you want to collect yourself back together, but in a new and improved way. I’ve been waving the self care banner at you and this month we move on to you reclaiming your new and improved power pack. After a bit of a health wake up cal,l it’s likely that you might have reevaluated some aspects of your lifestyle so there is a sense of a ‘new’ you which might feel a bit strange to begin with, like reacquainting yourself with a part of you that has been swept under the carpet. Instead of feeling a bit defeated by life, use the Air energy of this card to get excited about expanding your thought processes, choosing to grab these Swords and use them to your advantage. It’s likely you might be in a position where suddenly everyone around you has an opinion about what you’re doing, some of which will be welcome and some very much the opposite. This card can give us a lesson in how we respond to tension in our environment and how to choose our battles wisely. I always will fly the flag for taking the high road, but that  doesn’t mean looking down on your ‘enemy’ and judging them, it’s more about staying aligned with your highest intention. Keep in tune with your intuition around other people and If you feel shaken by external energies in November, remember just that – focus inwards and examine your own potential reactions rather than throwing out whatever comes up first. I feel that you might surprise yourself this month by having a few ‘reactive’ breakthroughs where you suddenly realize that you’ve outgrown some of your negative habits. Now that’s what you call personal power.


More earthbound lessons in November Taurus. With the Four of Pentacles we take a look at your attitude to change within your material world, and how to overcome fears associated with your relationship with.. gasp.. money! You have been successful with work projects recently or at the very least you know you have some damn good ideas! And there is a very Taurean aspect to this card, in that it’s here to remind you of your own ability to get a little stuck, purely out of fear of taking the next step. One way to read this card can be about becoming a little too possessive over your material gains, as if you’ve worked hard to gather together some comforts and you are worried that they might be taken away from you. Without your permission! A fear of risk-taking may be present this November and so that is not too hard to work with, because again it’s just a reminder for you to at least try and open the door to change. It’s not always easy as an earth sign to be fluid, but as a Taurus you actually have secret access to flow which you may not have realized yet. You know that saying – ‘The more you give, the more you get’? I feel this is relevant for you as a mantra this month is to keep things in a giving and receiving energy. You will become less afraid of loss if you keep sharing positivity with the world, which is about making friends with the material rather than letting it worry you. Make gratitude your only attitude this month and celebrate your friends and their achievements. Be thankful for all that you have achieved and keep cracking yourself open to a new you. This would be a great time also to take some positive personal power over your finances, so get a new filing cabinet, set up an online accounting system, or organize in another way that works for you. Don’t be afraid that a recent milestone was just a ‘one off’, and think of it more as a doorway for a whole new season of success. In fact, be ready for a new attitude this month across the board. In relationships, the same applies, so consider this; if one way of communication isn’t working, all you need is a new direction


Ah November, November…the card I turned for you is full of many lessons and is so valuable for personal growth in the material world. The depth within this card is all about the energy of betrayal and what is hidden. On the surface it may be that you have recently been feeling let down by others, or discovered layers in situations that you had no idea existed leaving you faced with some unexpected changes. It’s important to remember you can use this as a time to reconnect inwards again, to hone your intuition so  you feel less unsure when you are taking on new projects or friends. If you have a feeling something just isn’t right for you then honor that. Within the realms of this hidden world you must also check in with yourself about your own motives for yourself and others. Have you been trying to take the easy road with a particular situation in your life, worrying about facing it head on? This procrastinating energy can be a way of pushing your fears to the back of the cupboard. Jut remember that covering up fears sometimes means they only end up coming back with more gusto. The concept of personal power is really the basis of the Tarot, and you must rise up and take charge of yourself again, don’t drift along with your own worries or other peoples’. We only feel a loss if somewhere we have allowed it, through a lack of self worth or a fear of moving ahead. This is an ideal time and place for you to work on your trust issues, and also ideas about how you view other people and yourself. Remember everyone is a mirror, so those people you feel free to judge or mistrust, what is it about them that is hitting a nerve with you? This can be a chance to practice forgiveness towards yourself in order to move forwards in a more loving way. Try not to refer to your skills or self with a sense of lack. Practice confidence by choosing to trust in yourself, and be your own cheerleader because this always heralds the start of new successes. Stay grounded, be practical but intuitive.


I feel a blast of good vibes coming through for you sweet Cancer! The nurturing energy from last month is still around, but this November it comes with a boost of inner strength. The Mother of Pentacles carries with her all the wonderful aspects of the Earth energy. You feel more on top of the world than you have in a while, so revel in that strength, step into your personal power and allow yourself to believe it. There is quite a celebratory energy for you this month Cancer, with a very strong hold over your Water element too. This card shows a really wonderful connection between the spiritual and material world, career strength as well as social comforts. You’ve been practicing a better handle over your feelings, so keep at it. I’m encouraging you to keep balancing out your emotions with practical steps, this will keep your feelings from overflowing and getting the better of you. In your work life, know that you now have a place  to ground your dreams and that the key is to keep balance in mind. This means that you must continue making a place for self care amongst a calendar that is filling up with social engagements and meetings. There is time and space for everything, and you have the power to build yourself quite the success schedule. There is an aspect of expansion for you also in the coming weeks, use that to shout up and out about what you are proud off. Your love and social life can also benefit from this energy and you need to make sure you are ready  to connect with others. Make way for some surprising new friends and potential lovers, a meeting of minds may be imminent. Finally always remember the elements you are working with. The Mother of Pentacles is Earthy, while you are all Water. If you feel stuck or stubborn or weighted down, let creativity be your guide, your Water feeding the Earth. Thrash your fears out with music or painting. Try some Feng Shui decorating tips to reconnect yourself to a grounding and flow filled energy. On the subject of your environment, you might also feel ready to make a move, to a home that more suits your new ways of thinking. As a Cancer your home life is so important, it will forever be your grounding tool, so make sure that your space is safe.


Now this card is really a lot less about actual ‘Lovers’ than the name suggests, and we have to go way deeper into the meaning of connection than simply predicting a new relationship. I feel this November is going to take on the bigger energy of this card for you Leo, which is about choices and decision making. What is the real meaning behind the term ‘soulmate’? if you think about it,  it’s all about depth of connection, something that makes you shift your way of thinking and opens your mind. So think of that energy and apply it to all aspects of life, and you’ll see how it’s as much about your own inner strength to make choices that will work for you in a positive way. You just don’t have time to be conducting your day to day life from a place of anything less than optimum energy. You have to make a choice right now to let go of any low level ways of thinking, as you’ll only end up spinning in circles, blinded  from participating in the fun of your own life. Love, love, love, love, is the most powerful way of thinking! When you craft every thought and action from a place of love, your energy is then pure. I also feel a sense of ‘flocking’ for you, inspired by the imagery from this deck, and you might be feeling that you actually need a physical change of environment in order to make a few shifts. Moving house might not be totally out of sight over the coming months. Find comfort in familiar friends and trusted loves, let them remind you what a meaningful connection is and try to apply that to meeting new people going forward. Most of all, this November is about digging deep and remembering who you are and what you want – which is easy to say and so much harder to do. But let your past be your teacher and your healer, enable nostalgia to accelerate your progress by showing you what definitely hasn’t worked. That is the only push you need to move forward. I feel very strongly that if you focus on your own self worth and connection to your highest light, you will be way ahead of the game and on board to tackle and welcome any changes that may arrive in the next few weeks.


Star light, shine bright. You are glowing with the energy of this card over the next few weeks Virgo and all because you survived the past few months. Well done! I see a big leap forward out from the darkness and so much possibility and opportunity around you. This is a very magical card with a real focus on self expression. Any worries or concerns this month, work them out in a creative way. Let ideas flow, have pens, paint, thread and music at the ready, get it all out and you will see how things shift. You are upping your game too, you’ve planted loads of seeds and seen them grow and now you want more of that same. You know that the art of manifestation works so keep going. You also have a voice so be social, which is not about over doing it – but you will want to find the times and the places to get out there and feel part of something, whether it’s teaching about some of your biggest passions or sitting amongst like minds with your thinking cap on. I feel it’s really important that you’re open to see the change that you’ve been trying to manifest, as in November the Universe may be sending you some heavy winks and nudges. You are allowed to be proud of the life you have built and the things you have worked so so hard for, so give yourself recognition and celebrate this magical life. If you’re reading all this thinking ‘this is SO not how I feel,’ then at least have a go at working with the energy of The Star. This card is about inspiration and beginnings. You are encouraged to have your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground. Know that even your biggest dreams are achievable by simply placing one foot in front of the other. I would love to you work on any struggles with your self esteem and know that you are worthy of the things you wish for. To regain your personal power you must allow yourself to have it! You know deep down that self punishment doesn’t get you anywhere, and it’s time to dust off that way of thinking and allow loving thoughts to flow through you. Keep practicing the positive and it will eventually outweigh the negative. You are the darling of the Tarot deck this month, so have faith.


Snap. Out of a whole deck I have turned the same card for you as last month, so together, let us expand on the energy you felt around October. I spoke to you before about the dominant energy of this card and how it might be reflecting the opinions of others around you. This month I would like to work on you channeling the power of this card for your own personal advantage and strength! As I said before, confidence is a key word with this card and I want you to think about what this Father represents. He holds all the power of the Earth element. This means that he has learned to make the material world work for him, which is really something to celebrate. This is your lesson for November, and it comes with a need to be willing to accept material success and celebrate it when you have it. A lot of us have issues surrounding money, and it can be so easy to take on a lack mentality; thinking, for instance, ‘I can’t afford that’, ‘I don’t have enough’ etc. You can see how this way of speaking only encourages negative energy and gives away your personal power. By doing that you also invite yourself to feel trapped and fearful of the material world. There are practical steps to help with this. Don’t be afraid of organization! If you feel totally overwhelmed by the idea of instigating order and structure in your affairs, then teach yourself a way that works for you. Procrastination can be overcome by practicality, as step by step little shifts enable you to move forward. This is especially important for those of you with a very creative mind, where order can be your biggest friend and help you gain the success you deserve. See this card as also showing a continuation of what you have been working on over the last few weeks, including a second chance with some particular struggles. Keep pushing on with the ideas you were cultivating back in the end of Summer, I know you have things that you want to see come to fruition and it’s likely by the end of the month you really notice some changes. This card can really signal new stability and the fact that it has come up twice makes me feel that you are in a truly transformational time regarding this earthly plane. Keep reminding yourself what it is that you want, have your abundant life in your mind’s eye so that you can shape it around yourself. I’m excited to see how things develop next month. Go Libra go!

Cast using The Wild Unknown deck.

Like what you’re reading? You can connect with Louise at [email protected] to discuss a private tarot session, or a reading for your event or party! More information about her coaching and holistic therapy sessions can also be found at www.louiseandrolia.com.



According to the Tarot, October promises a month of personal growth and renewed self-confidence for every sign. Resident reader Louise Androlia reveals what this means for you.

Libra – King of Pentacles

Happy Birthday to you. I’ve been talking frequently about work for you Libra, and sorry to be a bore but it seems like your professional life really has been the focus the last few months. I wonder if this has been leading up to events coming to a head now. It’s always nice to feel like your birthday month brings you an extra surge of power and October is going to be very much about summoning this personal strength and inner courage. This is your fourth Pentacle card in a row, again calling on you to channel the earth energy, especially when you are tempted to be pulled away by the clouds. The King Of Pentacles is a strong force and gives you another boost of confidence to really ask for what you want this month. This is a card of abundance and I feel another “GO” signal for any projects you’ve been working on this year. If you aren’t out there pushing your talents, then what are you waiting for? October offers an evolve or evaporate ultimatum. Which will you choose? The King of Pentacles also brings to me feelings of someone with a dominant energy around you. In business you may find yourself reaching out to a collaborator, someone that could inspire you with their mentoring approach. Alternatively, you may have been on a bit of a power trip lately or putting too much pressure on yourself. In which case, watch out for a burn out. To be blunt, CHILL OUT! Don’t let your health suffer…holistic massage alert! Because of the strength of this card please also be aware of anyone in your life that you feel has a negative dominant energy over you. This could be a lover or family member, and if you feel sometimes like you’re under the thumb then this is your chance to stand up for yourself and reclaim your voice. Try some meditations for the Throat Chakra. You may subconsciously be living out moments from your teenage years, where you felt like you weren’t ‘good’ enough or ‘smart’ enough. Remembering that your past is not a blueprint is so important. And nor is it a holiday destination! You know that you can choose how you view your life and path right? Channel some love to your inner child, say farewell to those ‘I’m not good enough’ thoughts, pack your bags and move forward.

October 21st Mercury Retrograde Tip – With dominant energy surrounding you, choose not to be intimidated by that certain someone. Rather, use this time to observe and learn.

Scorpio – Page of Pentacles

Change is in the air Scorpio. If this scares you then realign yourself with the fact that you are the master of regeneration, and that being afraid of change is really redundant for you, like packing your superhero cape in the closet and throwing away the key. No, no, no! Stand strong in the face of flux but be as fluid as possible. You were so busy last month, and things aren’t going to slow down in October. With the Page of Pentacles the entrepreneurial spirit of last month endures, and you certainly aren’t short of ideas. This is still Scorpio hour. What this October is really about though, is getting to grips with combining your elements. For a sign that’s so intuitive and deep you have been really aware of practicalities over the last few months, and have been feeling a new connection to the earth energy. Usually you are all ‘feelings’ and this earthy grip is good for you, encouraging you to make decisions that are going to work well for you long term, less emotional quick fixes. And you feel guided towards people and places that spell out F U T U R E for you. It might be in your nature to look for spontaneous love affairs, but right now, shock horror, the idea of a joint bank account doesn’t seem so terrible. If this doesn’t resonate, then have a think about your intentions. Are you complaining that the world is against you? Is your Facebook page filling up with ‘this terrible thing happened TO me’? Have you forgotten about your personal power? Begin shifting the way you see things, return to your gratitude practice, and GO! Meanwhile, back to those brilliant ideas. The Page of Pentacles is a dreamer, and October will find you aiming for the highest heights but this time you have an agenda. The imagery on the Rider Waite deck for this card speaks great volumes, and I see you clasping gently the pentacle in your hand, like you’re letting a Chinese lantern off into the sky, honouring all your biggest dreams before you set off on your mission…to do list firmly in hand.

October 21st Mercury Retrograde Tip – Don’t show off and don’t project aggression. Your voice is your expertise, so always use it with patience and kindness.

Sagittarius – The Magician

As soon as I picked this card I felt that October will be all about confidence for you, Sagittarius. It’s amazing how for someone who can be such a power house and a fiery force,  you sometimes have these little dips and start believing you have nothing to offer the world. They often come when changes mean you can’t necessarily see the way ahead, so you suddenly feel you could be failing somewhere. Good job I’m here to halt that thought and show you how to use this incredible card as motivation for the new season. The Magician is one of my favourite cards of the Major Arcana, helping you suddenly realise that you have absolutely everything you need to manifest your hopes and dreams, with all his mighty tricks at your disposal. Pretty cool, right? The Magician lays out the elements in front of him; mental strength, inspiration, feelings and practical skills. So what to do with your newfound toolbox? October brings a reconnection of the forces that drive you Sagittarius. You might find yourself digging back over the last ten years and making a ‘top ten’ list of the work projects you loved the most, or, linking to last months card, the times where you noticed the love around you the most. Writing yourself this kind of love letter is a great way to boost your self-esteem. Anyway, the reason you need this boost now, is that The Magician is a card that holds a strong force for success. Fame and success are very much in your energy sphere right now, which is why I don’t want you to miss out. Be social and communicative. This card shows you expressing your talents very well and really being heard. Anywhere you feel an imbalance then look to the elements and grab what you need. Feeling too emotional? Pull from the earth source and nourish your body with grounding root vegetables, or get outside for a run. Feeling burnt out? Pull from the water source and let a little of the hippie back in. You know your intuition is spot on when you tune in, and this could guide you back to your centre.

October 21st Mercury Retrograde Tip – The Magician is linked with Mercury so you can use this time to your advantage. Communicate kindly towards yourself and others, and practise your magic tricks ready to unleash them in your birthday month.

Capricorn – Three of Pentacles

You’re upping your game this month Capricorn, and I feel movement is finally coming your way. There have been a lot of stops and starts this year and something is about to click for you. The Three of Pentacles is an incredible card, with mastery and teaching being a key theme. I feel that you might need to be stretched a little, or a lot. You don’t work well if you aren’t occupied, you get bored easily and that can become a really negative space for you. And when you need a push, sometimes you have to push yourself. This card encourages you to step it up and always shows to me that the student is becoming the master. So I see you considering applying for a bigger role, or a promotion, somewhere with greater responsibilities that suits your specific talents better than recent times. There is a great teaching element to this card, and you may take on extra members of your team or employ some interns for your creative endeavours. Spreading your skills to a wider group will also give you a confidence boost that you might need. You often give off an air of complete fearlessness when inside you can feel totally directionless. So let others build you up. This card suggests that you should be open to receiving some mentoring yourself, who are your teachers? As they say a therapist always needs their own therapist, and this season it might be that you ask for some help to get you to where you want to go. The Threes are also always about expansion so socially this month you may find your best times are out with a gang of your closest friends, while sharing ideas and down time in a group setting will be very motivating. Collaborate with your nearest and dearest and you might be surprised with the awakenings that you have. And don’t dismiss anyone. The most unlikely person could be the key to unlocking an idea for you. In the love zone, more play dates! Think of your partner as your teammate and enjoy the feeling of duality. If you are single then meeting people in a group setting is likely to be a winner this October. Could be time to allow your friends to set you up on a blind date?

October 21st Mercury Retrograde Tip – Be open to letting people teach YOU, sometimes you take on the leadership role too strongly and don’t let anyone help you.

Aquarius – Nine of Wands

You were busy last month weren’t you? Run off your feet even. The Nine of Wands offers encouragement in the face of a long slog, and as much as I want to ask, ‘are you okay there?’ I don’t feel like things are terrible. You’ve just been all systems go – no rest for the wicked as they say. There have been so many opportunities for growth recently and this card is a reminder to just keep going. It’s here to alert you to your resilience and to remind you that you are almost through your current challenges. Think of this card as an army of cheerleaders pushing you towards the finish line. I want to talk more about your personal life, so in regards career, all I want you to take on board is that if you don’t look after your mind, body and spirit then you won’t be able to do the work you want. It’s a two way street, and if you totally burn out you’ll feel useless. So keep that at the forefront, and let balance be your mantra. Okay, so does it feel like the road to L O V E is paved with more stress than strength? Again, you are inching your way there, but it would be nice if you didn’t have to learn an army of lessons every date you go on. So often we don’t find out what we want until we see what we don’t, but how about you draw some serious lines in the sand. Keep attracting the same ‘wrong’ person? Redefine what might be right for you and grab your personal power back. Sometimes we sit and complain but haven’t taken the time to acknowledge what we really want. I feel like you will resonate with this, so how about a positive game plan? Energetically you can also boost yourself with the same tactic, shifting your focus onto only what is really important and necessary. Self love and consideration go a long, long way. When you are ploughing up a mountain you don’t want to involuntarily knock yourself back, so use ‘movement’ as your mantra. This is a positive month and rewards are coming. I believe that challenges are in place to move us to higher ground, so aim REALLY high Aquarius.

October 21st Mercury Retrograde Tip – You know all about Mercury and that old crossed-communication problem – so think straight talking, no games. They aren’t worth your time.

Pisces – Nine of Wands

The magic card for you this month Pisces! The Nine of Wands is often known as the ‘wish card’ and I’m happy to turn it over for you after what seems to have been a lot of ups and downs this year. A theme that keeps coming up for you Pisces is about the choices you make, and I want to keep pushing you towards understanding and really working with the knowledge that you get to and HAVE to participate in creating your own life. You can be swept away with feelings and your wonderfully intuitive nature means you sometimes get lost in dreamland – then find yourself getting upset about why nothing is happening the way you imagined…and blaming it all on the Universe. This card always comes up to let you know that you have power in your thoughts and actions and that the energy around you is very strong for getting what you want. Create some solid intentions, without them then we can float around a little. Manifesting is about making positive and practical daydreams and then surrendering them and getting on with acting on our ideas. So this October, really notice how you live your life day-to-day. Are you someone that focuses on the negative? Who weighs the ups and downs of every day so you can write off the day as good or bad? Try as an experiment to only give your energy to the good, no complaining about anything for a week. Actively switch out entertaining your negative thoughts with a daily gratitude practice. And let me know how you get on. Back to your card, which is a water card, and so made for you. Let a little magic in. If you’ve already been putting in all the above work, then this month is about you celebrating the effort you have made and actually stepping back and noticing the shifts, even the ones that seem tiny, and taking on this new mind-set as a permanent attribute. Surround yourself with those who uplift you, it’s a simple thing but how often do we act on it? Collect your nearest and dearest together and have a new season intentions hangout. Make mood boards or even just have dinner and support each other as you talk about your intentions for the next few months. Enjoy life.

October 21st Mercury Retrograde Tip – Take a meditation class to fine tune your thought processes. Even if it’s totally ‘not you,’ do it anyway and thank me later.

Aries – Ten of Wands

Aries, I feel you might have taken all the excitement of The Fool last month, done WAY too much and now feel like you are wilting at the wayside? The Ten of Wands in a word is ‘Overwhelmed’ and I always find this comes up at that point when you feel completely burned-out. So as a theme for the month, try to use it as a way to just be aware. Often when we get to overwhelm, it’s because somewhere along our journey we haven’t noticed ourselves getting stressed, and then all of a sudden BOOM we drop like flies. This month I want you to ask for help, and I mean that. Spread your tasks out in front of you, because this card is about delegating, even when you don’t really want to. You have a team on hand, and so it’s a case of loosening your grip and not being such a perfectionist. Trust those around you and know that they can be of assistance, even if it’s just letting some boring tasks be done by someone else it will free you up to get your energy back. What you don’t want is to end up resenting your work because you are too tired. I feel confidence issues have come up for everyone this month, and for you, Aries, as much as you know you’re brilliant, sometimes you suddenly flip and freak out. Caught in the act, sorry! Once you get your health in check you’ll be back on track. I feel it’s time you re-introduced yourself to the term ‘rest’ – and remember, real rest isn’t running ten times round the block, it’s silence. True, positive nothingness. The thing I love most about the Tens is that they are always the tipping point back to the Ace energy, so if we look ahead to the Ace of Wands, we find a massive boost of inspiration and energy that can be your motivation. To be able to continue on your amazing journey you need your wonderful spirit! You know that if you are too worn out then you can’t get on with these stupendous plans and we need you on top form, Aries. It’s almost like you need to look at yourself from the outside, as if you were your very, very best friend. I bet you’d be reaching out with a hug, a dinner invite, flowers and love. This can be such a good way to realise what we really need. Your mantra this month? Nurture.

October 21st Mercury Retrograde Tip – Seriously use this retrograde to climb to a safe place and get some energy healing, you deserve it.

Taurus – Ace of Pentacles

And back on with the action plan Taurus. I hope you used last month to recalibrate a little because The Ace of Pentacles is an amazing go-getting card, with efficiency at the forefront. This Earth card will give you new insight and inspiration into all earth bound areas. There is an emphasis for you on the home front, which means you may be moving, buying or selling, and if so this is a chance for you to align yourself with a new area or city that feels right for you at this point in your life. I feel a very strong sense of a ‘new you’ moment occurring this month! The Aces are very personal cards, encouraging you to really honor your self and leap back onto your path. If my hunch that September was a bit wobbly for you, you will welcome this chance to reconnect to your beloved Earth. Career wise, this could bring a new type of energy around your finances, a chance to get on top of your taxes or gain some new independence. If you are looking to start your own venture then this is the card with the green light as it shows that the Universe has your back. So be bold, get out there and start looking for investors and the right people to team up with. This is a positive action card, Taurus, and above all a chance to grow. Let the past be only a teacher, and be inspired by what lies ahead. You can occasionally get a little stagnant and stubborn so you have to be the person who pushes yourself forwards. Get some inspiration from your fire sign friends, how do they approach change? You have the amazing ability to get things done and maybe just need a confidence boost to believe it. Either way you are headed in a good direction, keep going. Please apply all of the above to your health too, as it might be time for a new direction with self care, which means finding something that resonates with you now instead of your familiar routine. If the Ace represents beginnings then we also have to honor what’s ending, and as we move into the new month you may have found yourself having to part ways with a long-standing cycle. Maybe you finally let go of that on-off relationship or left a job that was no longer serving you. If so then YAY, I’m proud of you. You will likely find things will suddenly move forward with a stronger velocity.

October 21st Mercury Retrograde Tip – In close relationships watch out for a judgmental attitude just so that you can feel on top. I guess what I’m trying to say is, don’t be a pain in the ass just for the sake of it 😉 Practice fluidity with your stubbornness.

Gemini – The High Priestess

I love the journey you’re on this year Gemini. I feel you have been more in tune with your self and your intuition than ever before, and this month will be no exception. The High Priestess holds so much energy in the Tarot deck, and she is an amazing character to resonate with. It’s likely that you have made some changes in the past months to do with really getting yourself ‘together.’ By that I mean that as a Gemini we all know you can switch from this to that, and from feeling to feeling quite easily, but lately you’ve been craving a oneness, something solid and familiar, an inner home and I feel you’ve been making progress here. With this card, October will mean some more work on the balance of your subconscious. Maybe in recent months you’ve felt a little more confident in your work and relationships and now you want to curl up and redefine your inner self. I’ve been touching on self-confidence issues for everyone this month, and for you this is about learning to trust your own decisions and intuition. You are the unexpected psychic gem of the zodiac in my opinion, and always have the correct ‘feelings’ about things, which sometimes comes as a surprise to you. This card can come up if you have wildly shifted in the wrong direction recently, so if you are reading this feeling completely off balance then you are being called back to yourself. Make sure you are surrounding yourself with those whose energy supports you. Don’t feel guilty for not wanting to spend time with people who you have come to recognise lower your mood, but at the same time acknowledge why those people exist. If we are all teachers for one another, why is it that that one person gets to you? This is the kind of work you can do with this card. She is the perfect mentor to meditate with, and meditate you must. Check out this simple breathing exercise – even a couple of minutes makes a difference, promise.

October 21st Mercury Retrograde Tip – Make sure you don’t use this energy to turn your self love switch off and start negatively judging yourself. Only good intentions for you sweet Gemini.

Cancer – The Empress

Hello lovely! We had this wonderful, nurturing card for you back in March, so you must flick your mind back to then and see if you are feeling a similar energy. There may be a lesson that still needs to be learned or a project that is completing. Last month I encouraged you to watch and wait and surrender a little. It’s likely you found some movement happening in the last couple of weeks especially, and The Empress is calling on you to remember to TAKE CARE! Now I know it’s not rude of me to say you are a fan of life beneath the duvet, and I feel right now you’d rather like to crawl there for the entire winter. Go for it! Well at least, a little. You need some TLC and The Empress brings this in, as well as balance. It’s okay to slow down a little. I know you have things to do, but you definitely feel change in the air, a recalibration even? And you know that for that to happen you need to calm the buzzing in your ear. So what to do when you feel like you can’t stop? Rest can happen in just a moments, if you let it. Know that you won’t be able to do anything at all if you get sick, stressed or overwhelmed, so a day off will actually pay for itself because of the energy boost you’ll get. This card will encourage you to find the balance everywhere, in relationships as well as in matters of work and health. Check in regularly and notice the highs and lows. Then think to yourself, who can be released, and what stresses don’t really deserve your attention? The Empress is the mother, the Earth mother, the spiritual mother, so may usher in something as simple turning the love you give to your own children (or friends) back to nurture yourself. Let others help you, surrender to moments of joy around you, and keep your eyes up with the sun and the stars. Beauty is with you and within you, so get lost in the moment, be present and believe in Love.

October 21st Mercury Retrograde Tip – Watch out for emotional retrograde, and don’t cry over spilt milk as they say. Use the energy to close doors that should have been shut a long time ago and welcome in the new.

Leo – The Sun

How did the surrender practice go? I feel like you learned some lessons last month Leo, and now you deserve a little celebration. This will likely arrive with a renewed sense of self-confidence, and I definitely feel that roar about ready to come out. The Sun is a card representing total joy and positivity, and you’re encouraged to take those new intentions you set in September and act on them. Speak out, using your voice to spread a positive message. The difficulties of your past can be your strength this Winter, and there really is a new wave of power coming through if you let yourself really connect to life. I also feel it could be an awesome month for a detox or cleanse, to remember how your body feels in it’s natural state. You are prone to over indulging of course, so get your addiction on in the form of a positive attitude. Get totally dizzy over moving forwards and be energised by the spirits of those around you who inspire you. The Sun card always carries a little of the midas touch, and so your gab may be gifted let’s say. Energy is high and you want to get out there. You may end up packing a case and seeking this card out for real – remember travel can be physical and metaphysical, so what sun-kissed journey might you go on? This card will always link back to the inner child too, reminding us of the pure joy we arrived on the planet with, and you might want to do some work on your past to clear yourself of moments where you didn’t feel so loved. This might mean a solo journey, or experimenting with a visit to a hypnotherapist. If you can’t feel this sun energy in your life, then I encourage you to hang out with the most positive people you know. Look at their attitude to life and how they make things work for them, and don’t be too proud to attempt a change of attitude. It’s incredibly brave to start out fresh and be willing to look at things in a different way, and it’s never to late. Healing is abundant.

October 21st Mercury Retrograde Tip – If your ‘gab is gifted’ try not to get burned out, which means balancing your work with some serious sofa time.

Virgo – Five of Wands

Another Five for you this month Virgo. This number teaches us many very ‘human’ lessons, and if last month you felt a lot of energy around financial worries then this month we are addressing your energetic and creative side. As with all the other signs, self-confidence is a factor too. I always look upon this card as a tangled up ball of wool with you in the middle pulling at all the strings, feeling it get tighter. The trick is being to step back and pause, surrender, then allow yourself to really ‘see.’ This is when you find that suddenly the space is clear. Remember this analogy if you feel this way this month. The Five of Wands brings about elements of competition and mixed messages, maybe not the perfect combination for a month with Mercury going retrograde, but I know you can keep on top of it. I feel it’s more likely that this mix up will be in your surroundings. It may feel like you’re shaking your head back and forth in the office and feeling frustrated with other people. You might be observing conflict amongst your friends or family and it could feel draining. There might be a few difficult conversations to be had, but don’t be afraid. I know that you can move forwards if you manage to articulate what is important for you. This card also brings in some change. Nothing crazy though, all you need is to be fluid and excited about something different, even if it’s a faux excitement at first! It’s time to recognising the power of your own voice, and speaking up rather than sitting back and knowing you what you have to say has value but not being quite sure how to acknowledge it. Having said that, there are elements of this month where it’s actually just going to be better for you to slither on out of there. You can sometimes put a lot of pressure on yourself Virgo and there’s really no need. It’s more a case of not paying attention to the thing that feels a bit ‘meh,’ as there are 500 positives surrounding it. Cozy up with your loved ones and enjoy your favourite season, but just remember keep moving forward, step-by-step.

October 21st Mercury Retrograde Tip – Don’t be tempted to get involved in other peoples dramas, you have better things to focus your energy on.

Cast using the Rider Waite Tarot Deck.


MORNING GLORY: I went to a rave at 7am…and I liked it

A new booze-free club morning in London is all about creating a high-vibe start to your day. Louise Androlia dons her dancing shoes with her PJs…

Was it coincidence that as my Tarot reader was suggesting I start my mornings off dancing, I received a text from my friend Nico inviting me to his new ‘pre work’ rave, Morning Glory? I don’t think so. Fast-forward a couple of weeks to a 6.30am start to go raving.

Morning Glory is the new clubbing experience from events producer Samantha Moyo and bodywork therapist Nico Thoemmes. The event is held slap bang in the middle of Shoreditch, London, at The Village Underground and currently runs once a month on a Wednesday, from 6.30 until 10.30am. The idea is that you ‘rave your way into the day’ in a positive way, so that, fuelled by a good dance and maybe a pre-work massage you can head to work energised and uplifted.

The idea of going raving is usually my worst nightmare. I rarely drink and let’s just I’m more of a kale than a ketamine kind of girl. So although I loved the premise of the event, as I walked into the Village Underground and heard music, loud loud music, I was a little nervous.

But within moments it was very obvious this would be different. The room was alive, but in totally the right way. There’s a cloakroom so you can arrive in whatever clothing you like (pyjamas encouraged) and then get ready for the office before you leave. By 7.30am I was clearly a late comer, the club was completely full. I was immediately in my people-watching element, as all around me people danced in business suits, gym clothes and nightwear, as well as plenty of festival gear – fancy dress, wigs and sequins.

No alcohol is served, this is a Wednesday morning after all, and it’s definitely not about staying up all night and ending up here. But there is a coffee cart, if you need your morning fix, as well as a detox enhancing smoothie bar and four massage therapists on hand to stretch you out before work. There’s also a space at the back of the room with yoga mats for you to practise your own morning routine. I lay down for a perfect ten-minute back massage with Gulie Ismail…and then I went and danced.

The atmosphere on the dance floor was welcoming, with no chance of anyone describing this scene as pretentious. I can’t help thinking that of course it’s going to become a dating hot spot, and it’s certainly a healthy place to meet someone. I came alone and so many people made conversation with me. Instead of a very often awkward sober social scene, people were chatting freely.

As I write this I still think…but I hate ‘clubbing’. The thing is though, it was so, well, nice.  Everyone was smiling, EVERYONE was smiling. The club was fully lit, so as I looked around I could see all the familiar sights, the wallflowers dancing in the corner, the extroverts on the stage, the couples in their own world, the socialites skipping round the venue. But there was no one crying, no fights, no one puking in the bathroom. Speaking of the bathroom, there was even a ‘Refresh Station’ table with Tea Tree body wipes, rose water and shea butter samples. No stinky clubbing toilets at this rave.

It felt like being at a really great house party when someone puts on Dancing in the Dark and it’s the best moment of your life, except with no hangover ahead. Pretty damn high vibe.

I caught up with Nico to hear more about his idea:

I have to dive in with this, because my first thought was WOW this is so a new dating scene. Have their been any ‘Morning Glory’ romances yet?
“Possibly! Probably! MG would be the perfect place to find a mate. One sober person resonating with another. Too often people meet in clubs when they are inebriated in one form or another. At morning glory you are ‘you’, not you + booze/drugs.”

Currently this is a monthly event, what are your plans for the future?
“Well we’re going to experiment with bi monthly events in London and then over the next six months expand into Brighton and Bristol, as well as taking Morning Glory into business conferences and seminars. Next year we want to fill Trafalgar Square or Battersea Power Station. We’re thinking big!”

I really felt a positive energy at the event (I can say that as an Energy Healer right!) Tell me some of your favourite moments so far?
“Morning Glory’s success is built on the unbelievable positive energy that manifests in the room. It’s so electric and has to be experienced to be believed. Our best moment was listening to a guest who told she had jaw ache from grinning so much.”

The next Morning Glory event will be held on September 25th. Tickets cost £10 and are available here. You can find out more about the event at their website, on twitter and on Facebook.
