The 2018 Taurus New Moon arrives just before revolutionary Uranus shifts signs for the first time in 8 years. The medicine amidst this transformative earthquake? Find stability in your beautiful body and create sustainable change, says Sandy Sitron

Woman thinking Taurus New Moon 2018 Sandy Sitron The Numinous
Photo: Hadis Safari

New Moon :: May 15 2018 :: 7:49 am ET :: 24 degrees Taurus

In subterranean gardens, crystals branch, bristle and grow. Layers ripple deep underneath the surface of the earth. Hidden away from light, the crystals are orderly, cool and safe. And it remains this way for many years.

When the earthquake hits, the gardens do the thing they were never meant to do. They move. And a new pattern of rock is formed. A new stability is attained.

Taurus is your stability, sustenance, and sustainability- the subterranean crystal garden within. Your inner knowing that with patience, trust and determination, you can create diamonds out of carbon.

Uranus, the Great Awakener planet, which finishes its 8 year cycle in Aries and moves into Taurus just after the New Moon, is the earthquake— the change that you were waiting for. Or the change that you didn’t anticipate. An awakening.

At this transformative New Moon, tectonic plates of your self-worth may be imperceptibly shifting. You have an opportunity to seed new visions for how you want to do Taurus. You might be readying yourself for a new way of thinking about how you want to live your life in a body.

Taurus reminds you that it’s your birthright to be safe in a body. Your self worth is inherent, natural, and fixed. It can be abundant if you trust in it. And knowing your worth will help you revel in the abundance of Mother Earth.

Set intentions for Uranus’ entry into Taurus. Let these intentions focus on changes that help your life become more sustainable, whatever that means to you. A revolutionary experience of your own self-worth. Breakthroughs around being present in your body and stimulated by your physical senses. Shocking yourself into slowing down and getting into receptive mode. A new way of viewing the energy of money.

Uranus in Taurus will shake you, prod you, and poke you until you welcome yourself home. Home to your body, home to your receptive nature and home to your self-worth.

Use this New Moon as a bridge to the other side of the crystalline chasm …


New Moon opposite Jupiter
The plant evolves.

A better philosophy can take you places. You can change the direction of your growth with some positive thinking. Nothing about this is easy. Sometimes evolution doesn’t leave any space for the old way. And the old growth has to fall away. Set intentions that will help you feel more free and more trusting. You’ll grow into it later, in the same way that the plant seeks out the sun.


New Moon trine Mars
A boat runs along an underwater track at Disney Land.

You’ve got somewhere to go and you can plan out the path. The more systematized you make it, the less friction you’ll find. Part of the plan involves crafting a sense of fluid stability. This is the kind of stability that can follow you. It doesn’t keep you stuck, but it helps you feel safe wherever you go.


New Moon trine Pluto
The snake is on the move.

Transformation is supported. Follow the snake and let it lead you toward the powerful next phase. When you put your ear to the ground and listen, what do the vibrations tell you? Get present in your body, slow down and notice what is ready to change.


The below journal prompts are designed to help you dive deeper into the energy of the Taurus New Moon. For the most accurate insight, find the reading for the House that holds 24 degrees Taurus in your birth chart. Don’t have that info? Do you chart for free HERE.

Aries // 2nd house
In what area can you root down to claim more of  your territory?

Taurus // 1st house
Write a list of all the things you’re good at and that only you can do.

Gemini // 12th house
Ask for a dream that will show you the path to abundance and journal about it in the morning.

Cancer // 11th house
Which of your friends are most inspiring you? List the reasons why.

Leo // 10th house
What have been your biggest career wins and what do you need to repeat them?

Virgo // 9th house
Describe the sights, sounds, tastes and smells of your next big adventure.

Libra // 8th house
Write a poem to a part of your body you would like to know more intimately.

Scorpio // 7th house
Which close relationship is most valuable to me? Why?

Sagittarius // 6th house
List 10 ways you can be of service with your work.

Capricorn // 5th house
Name five artists and the ways you are inspired by them and their work.

Aquarius // 4th house
What self-care practice make you feel most at home in your body?

Pisces // 3rd house
Write a 10-step action plan for the Big Idea that won’t leave you alone.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here. And check out our Numiversity digital course VENUS: YOUR TOTAL GUIDE TO THE PLANET OF LOVE with a special Venus guided hypnosis from Sandy, plus symbols and activations for each Venus sign. 


With game-changer Uranus primed to shift gears, the 2018 Aquarius Waning Moon wants us to lose the ego, work together, and boldly lead from our authentic core, says Jennifer Racioppi

jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world 2018 aquarius waning moon kyle loftus
Photo: Kyle Loftus

Waning Quarter Moon // May 7 2018 // 10:08pm // 17 degrees Aquarius 

We finds ourselves amidst massive change …

The Waning Quarter Moon is that sacred point in the lunar cycle when it’s time to let go. To surrender that which we no longer need.

Aquarius represents ingenuity, self-expression, freedom, creativity, progressive qualities, change, and the betterment of society.

Uranus, the planet of revolution and surprises that rules Aquarius, is getting ready to move into Taurus on May 15th (the same day as the Taurus New Moon). With Uranus in Aries for the last seven years, we’ve been living in an era defined by individualized innovation. In one week, we enter into a new paradigm that massively shifts the cosmic curriculum. We’re ready for enormous lessons around how to use our leadership capabilities fairly and justly, and in absolute alignment with what we value most.

Tuning in this Waning Quarter Moon will allow you to review your progress in all areas, and tune into self-care needs to navigate this transition with ease.

This Waning Moon wants you to stand in your authenticity … 


// The Cycle //
This Waning Quarter Moon brings to fruition seeds planted back at the Aquarius New Moon on February 8, 2016. Think back to over two years ago and consider what has ripened in your life since then. Can you remember intentions you set for this particular New Moon?

Review and discern; what’s come to fruition now that relates to goals set then? What feels complete? Take time to wrap up loose ends now. Then, prepare!


// The Transits // 
With the Sun opposing lucky, expansive Jupiter, there might be a tendency to overdo it. So be careful to set appropriate limits and boundaries.

Because Jupiter travels directly opposite the Sun at the time of the Quarter Moon, the Moon forms a fixed T-square with the Sun in Taurus and Jupiter in Scorpio. While this could feel like astrological gridlock, this aspect asks you to break free. The release point of this T-square, Leo, guides you to find the joy and play in the process.

With Uranus gearing up to leave Aries, we’re asked to integrate and assimilate the revolution of self. Use this to refine your capacity to emerge authentically as a leader, in spite of astro challenges!


// The Square //
With the Sun in grounded and stable Taurus, and the Moon in progressive Aquarius, this fixed square might highlight stubbornness.

Yet despite the grounded rootedness of the Taurus Sun, the revolutionary Aquarius Moon asks you not to clutch too tightly to the routine or to your ego. Instead, lean into the evolutionary and progressive qualities of the Moon, and ask the ego to step aside.

Leadership requires humility, and this square asks you to acknowledge what you don’t know in order to lean into becoming your best self.


// The Opportunity // 
With Uranus primed to exit Aries, look at what you need to learn as it relates to your online engagement, offline leadership, and the ability to wildly and boldly claim who you are and what you love. Now’s not the moment to hide, but rather to learn and emerge, but to do so with honest humility.

Release the rigidity of needing to be right. In the words of the Beatles, it’s time to “Come Together.” And the only way to do that is to engage a practice of listening and mindful curiosity while maintaining your center and core.

The upcoming New Moon starts a massive new astrological chapter! Get ready, Numi-babes. The world is readying itself for a revolution …

For more Moon wisdom, or to book a coaching session with Jennifer, visit


The 2018 Libra Full Moon asks us to reframe our storylines, look for creative solutions, and lovingly partner with others so we can really start fresh, says Sandy Sitron

caique silva sandy sitron sandra sitron ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world 2018 libra full moon moon club astrology
Photo: Caique Silva

Full Moon :: March 31 2018 :: 8:37 am ET :: 10 degrees Libra

A bowling ball crushes down the lane and makes contact. The pins teeter back and forth before falling.

Although Libra is the sign of balance, this Full Moon may be the bowling ball hitting the pins. Sometimes, you have to shake things up in order to find a better equilibrium.

We think of balance as quiet steadiness. But in fact, balance is in constant motion. It requires activated muscles to hold steady in a tree pose. You must constantly adjust the steering wheel to keep a car on the road.

This Full Moon forms a T-square to the Sun and Mercury retrograde in Aries, and Mars and Saturn in Capricorn. This is a force of tension that requires creative solutions. It’s highly motivating energy and, in the cardinal signs, this is the modality of new beginnings.

We are starting fresh, but we have to work with tension so that we can make it happen.

The Aries—Libra axis is about relationships. Who am I in relation to you? How do I take care of myself? How do I honor you in the process? The puzzle is to take others into account without becoming overly concerned about what other people think.

Get clear about what you need. But become curious about another person’s feelings and needs. Find a way to compromise. Air it out. Talk it through. Challenge yourself to be objective and fair.

The only cardinal sign that’s not activated in this T-square is Cancer. Nurturance is the antidote. Look at what you are criticizing about yourself and others. Can you infuse more gentleness?  Can you love up on yourself?

With Mercury in retrograde, review the past and come up with better solutions. Seek out reconciliation. Find ways to reframe what’s going on

Love Sandy’s readings? Register for one of her FREE upcoming Saturn Return webinars and learn how to navigate your cosmic rite of passage with grace and ease. Get the dates and sign up HERE.


Full Moon opposite Mercury
The butterfly balances in the wind. 
While this moon may feel like a problem that needs to be solved, approach it like a butterfly. The butterfly doesn’t grip too tightly. The butterfly has already gone through the painful shock of transformation and has made it to the other side. She understands the full spectrum of possibility. She has walked with many legs on land, and now she can fly. You can cultivate this level of objectivity and awareness and it will help you understand yourself and others.


Full Moon square Saturn and Mars
Surveying a wall. 
The T-square to Mars and Saturn in Capricorn is the most challenging part of this picture. Mars conjunct Saturn is currently asking us to find a better way. Do it fast and do it now. There’s not a lot of wiggle room here as we try to build a better structure that really works, without coming up against a wall.

This Moon is clueing you into patterns that have been tense for some time and urging you to find creative resolution. Think about an area of your life where you have felt stuck. Can you get support in this area? Is there more space, more time, or attention that you can apply here? You have to initiate a new pattern.

Collectively, this moon asks us to find a way through that works for everyone. We can take leadership roles while also being gracious and diplomatic. These cardinal energies are asking us to start something new, but we are still working with the structures of the past. Create change within the system.


The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2018 Libra Full Moon means for you. Use them as journal prompts. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 10 degrees Libra in your chart and use the question for that house.

New to your birth chart? Calculate your chart for free HERE

Aries or Full Moon in the 7th house
What would help a relationship you’re in to feel balanced?

Taurus or Full Moon in the 6th house 
What is something simple that would feel like self-care?

Gemini or Full Moon in the 5th house 
How would playfulness help you?

Cancer or Full Moon in the 4th house
What feeling needs to be expressed?

Leo or Full Moon in the 3rd house 
What do you need to communicate?

Virgo or Full Moon in the 2nd house
How can you feel more secure?

Libra or Full Moon in the 1st house 
How will balance change the way you think about yourself?

Scorpio or Full Moon in the 12th house 
What do you need to see that you’re not seeing?

Sagittarius or Full Moon in the 11th house
What can your friendships offer you now?

Capricorn or Full Moon in the 10th house 
What can you tell yourself to help you trust in your own success?

Aquarius or Full Moon in the 9th house 
What’s the most optimistic way to describe what’s happening now?

Pisces or Full Moon in the 8th house
What is ready to be released?

Love Sandy’s readings? Register for one of her FREE upcoming Saturn Return webinars and learn how to navigate your cosmic rite of passage with grace and ease. Get the dates and sign up HERE.


With some big fire energies lighting up the cosmos right now, the watery Cancer Waxing Moon asks us to temper the urge to act out by embracing humility and coming home to our own divinity, says Jennifer Racioppi

alia wilhelm jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world cancer waxing quarter moon
Photo: Alia Wilhelm

Waxing Quarter Moon // March 24 2018 // 11:35am EST // 3 degrees Cancer

With the Spring Equinox’s arrival, and a pack of Aries planets reigning in the cosmos right, the impulse towards new beginnings and fiery initiations is strong.

But before you burnout, tap into the waters of this Cancer Waxing Moon.

In sensitive, security-driven Cancer, it’s time to trust the invisible hand guiding your life without having to force a fresh start. With Mercury retrograde in the mix, patience goes a long way.

Embrace humility and trust that surrender and loving kindness are the absolute best medicine for this Waxing Moon …


// The Cycle //
This particular Waxing Moon harkens back to the last New Moon in Cancer, which happened on June 23, 2017.

So look back to see what you committed to at the time of the 2017 summer solstice: what’s blooming now based on intentions set then? Pause. Evaluate. Appreciate. As we step into this new season, remember seasons of the past. Everything is connected.


// Transits //
With four planets forming a stellium in Mars-ruled Aries, accentuating the need for change, momentum builds. Yet, with Mercury retrograde occurring in Aries until April 15th, temper this “me first” attitude.

With Venus squaring Pluto, and the Moon forming a cardinal T-square with Mars and the Sun, and soon to oppose Saturn, the universe serves up a whopping dose of tough love. Stay centered. 


// The Square //
This Waxing Quarter Moon’s cardinal T-square presents a challenging crossroads; like gridlock traffic, the desire to do “something” meets a cosmic roadblock preventing from forwarding momentum.

With the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Cancer, the need for action battles the need for security. Trust in the Divine, and your higher self, rather than catering to the needs of your ego. The release point of this T-Square is in Libra, the sign of equanimity, justice, and balance. Tuning into these values supports your inner strength now, as does paying attention to what feels beautiful.


// The Opportunity //
How can you cultivate presence and look for the beauty despite the ensuing challenges at hand?

With the Moon traveling through nurturing Cancer, accept the invitation to come home to yourself. Feel into your body and your presence, and feel your emotions.

Trust in humility, surrender your issue to a higher power, and let go of the addiction to knowing your answer to the problem at hand.

This too shall pass. And it’s not always up to you. Stay humble and allow the invisible hand that guides your life reveal to you what you most need to know.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And make sure to join her this Saturday, March 24th at Maha Rose for a Waxing Quarter Moon Ritual to celebrate rebirth & rejuvenation! 



This week’s Gemini Waxing Quarter Moon reminds us to identify our needs, honor our boundaries, and use our voice to draw the line, says Jennifer Racioppi …

jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world gemini waxing quarter moon club maria badasian
Photo: Maria Badasian

Waning Quarter Moon // February 23 2018 // 3:09am EST // 4 degrees Gemini

Pisces, a sign all about inclusivity, dreams, oneness, and transcendence, tends in the direction of empathy. At times, this can mean prioritizing the other at the expense of the self.

With the Sun, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, and Chiron all in the sign of the fish right now, the urge to step into another’s shoes and feel all their feelings may sweep over you like a giant wave.

But as this mystical Sun squares the Gemini Moon, now’s not the time to exclusively feel and take care of other’s needs.

As you find yourself surfing the sensitive Pisces waves, it’s essential to identify your needs, honor your boundaries, and use your voice to articulate them …


// The Cycle //
Following the recent Solar Eclipse in Aquarius, the Moon’s opening square wants us to notice any unforeseen obstacles on the path to creating the intentions you set then.

Consider what’s coming up now that relates to intentions set a week ago. Where do you need to set a boundary to honor your desired intentions? Where are you being called to speak your truth in an even bigger way as it relates to creating what you say you want? Doing so now will support your desires coming to fruition.

Want to go even deeper? Think back to the New Moon in Gemini on May 25, 2017, that happened at the same degree as this Moon. What seeds did you plant then that are coming to fruition now? How can you further cultivate those opportunities as they arrive? Where do you need to set a boundary to honor your hard work?


// The Transits //
With five planets in sensitive Pisces making a supportive angle to Saturn, you can make serious headway on your goals now. As Venus, Mercury and the Sun also partner with Jupiter over the next few weeks, your efforts become extra blessed, especially as the Moon waxes toward full.

At the same time, the Moon’s challenging angle to Saturn encourages us to eliminate what’s not working as we speak our boundaries into existence. While this may feel awkward, it’s all in service of a much bigger picture.


// The Square //
With the Sun in Pisces, it’s imperative to notice where you jump in to rescue others at your own expense. Gemini energy reminds us to use our voice to draw a line, even if doing so feels weird or bitchy. Get in touch with, and seek to fully understand, anything that holds you back from trusting and integrating your own, intuitive voice.


// The Opportunity //
How to balance your sensitivity with the need to establish clear boundaries? Stay on the lookout for these 3 patterns ….

Overdoing for others, to make you more lovable. You know, the voice that tells you, “If I give my all to others, I’ll finally be worthy to receive myself.” Ouch! Remember: we don’t earn our worth. It’s an inherent part of who we are.

Aligning with others to feel safe. Being agreeable to the point of dysfunction to stay loyal, friendly, keep up, and belong. This behavior is the kryptonite of authenticity and bravery in interpersonal relationships. And authenticity and bravery are actually key to intimacy and bonding—critical values of Pisces season!

The need to be liked. This stems from sourcing our worth from external validation rather than internal sources, and simultaneously avoiding conflict. Even with so much emphasis on oneness in the sky, fearing conflict may keep you from reaping the rewards available during this Gemini Waxing Quarter Moon.

Despite all the highly sensitive, empathetic vibes in the sky right now, identify your needs, articulate them, and risk drawing strong boundaries. Laying down your law will help you to stay true to your desires.

By working with this cycle, and leaning into conflict as a growth opportunity (rather than avoiding it out of fear), you stand to make incredible long-term gains.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers! 


Tap into your inner sorceress and work your spiritual superpowers with the Pisces Waxing Quarter Moon, says Jennifer Racioppi

pisces waxing quarter moon moon club the numinous material girl mystical world ruby warrington jennifer racioppi nsey benajah
Photo: Nsey Benajah

Waxing Quarter Moon :: November 26 2017 :: 12:02pm EST :: 4 degrees Pisces

Get ready for things to feel misty ..

With the Sun in the early degrees of freedom-driven fire sign Sagittarius squaring the Waxing Moon in Pisces, it’s a water-fire mixture that makes steam!

Ruled by Neptune (which is also currently in the sign of Pisces and just stationed direct on November 22nd), the Pisces Moon emphasizes emotional expansion and intuitive capacities. In a luscious trine to good luck Jupiter, this amplifies our spiritual superpowers even more.

With a minimal emphasis on earth and air (Pluto in Capricorn and Mars in Libra are our only major representatives right now), things might feel heavy and wet, rather than light and free.

How to leverage this to your advantage? Read on …


:: The Sun ::
With the Sun in the early degrees of Sagittarius, we may feel called to embrace the spirit of freedom and play. However, given that Mercury, also in Sagittarius, is in his retrograde shadow, and Saturn will be leaving Sagittarius on December 19th, stay cautious and sincere.

The next few weeks will signal massive integration of profound soul truths. You want to be ready to receive (and integrate) them with a sense of ease.

:: The Moon ::
With the Moon waxing toward the Gemini Full Moon on December 3rd, it’s essential to use this next week to make progress on goals.

With the Moon so close to Neptune, and Neptune trining Jupiter, manifestation powers are amplified. Stay focused on your intention and connected to your desires. Let your intuition lead you forward; yet, stay prudent, too.

You want to make clear, conscious decisions that you’ll feel right about in the upcoming weeks while Mercury travels retrograde. Come December, the winds of change blow hard.

:: The Square::
With the Sun in Sag and the Moon in Pisces, limits and boundaries may feel blurred.

Boundaryless passion is fantastic for developing your spiritual and intuitive intelligence. Yet with Mercury Retro just around the corner, and a dearth of air and earth in the sky, make sure not to get lost in the mist. Lead from your intuitive prowess.

:: The Message ::
This Waxing Quarter Moon screams magic. Yet, it’s not unencumbered magic. It’s essential to not only stay devoted to your dreams, desires, and manifestations, but to do so with a clear sense of grounding.

With Neptune direct trining Jupiter, and the Moon in Pisces, the cosmos is expanding our spiritual capacity. Embrace the steam, but stay mindful of the potential to lose yourself in the fog.

Let your inner sorcerous lead you forward, and trust your intuition, while planting your two feet solidly on the ground.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers! 


On our one year mooniversary of Moon Club, our Moon Club members are reflecting back at us what a loving, empowering, and fearless community we’ve created, says Ruby Warrington

Moon Club The Numinous Alexandra Roxo Ruby Warrington

When Alexandra Roxo and I launched Moon Club one year ago, we didn’t know what to expect. Our goal was to make mystical tools like astrology and ritual that we had easy access to in NYC and LA, available to people everywhere. We hoped that this would help others experience the same sense of Cosmic oneness and portal to self-healing that we had both benefitted from in our lives, our relationships, and our careers.

We also felt the value of community, sisterhood, and wanted to create a safe space where people could feel supported, seen, and held, as they embarked on their own journeys of self-discovery. Synching our program with the cycles of the Moon felt like a natural fit, and a way to feel connected beyond boarders and belief systems. Plus, y’know, who better as a figurehead than Mama Moon!

And here we are 12 months later, with hundreds of members in locations as far-flung as Beirut, Brazil, and Belfast. Members who consistently reflect back at us what a loving, empowering, and fearless community we’ve created. Some of whom have also gone on to become Moon Ambassadors, and are beginning to lead IRL meet-ups, rituals, and ceremonies in their own cities.

Over the past year, we’ve featured many of our members in a regular Mooners & Shakers feature. Below, a selection of our most active community members share what being part of Moon Club means to them!

PLUS to celebrate our 1 year mooniversary, we’re offering 50% off yearly memberships through Dec 3 2017! Click HERE to learn more and to sign up. 


“I used to be so afraid of the unknown, planning for everything, and so entangled with my own emotions. Through Moon Club, I’ve allowed myself the privilege to just be me. And being more mindful of the moon has connected me to my core—I’m letting my womb guide me towards what’s needed. This is the best medicine that I can give myself.” – Chantelle Brown

Moon Club The Numinous Alexandra Roxo Ruby Warrington Chantelle Brown


“You can literally say anything and there is no judgment. I think if you told some women that this exists, they would be skeptical. This summer, as I re-dedicated myself to abstaining from alcohol, I felt supported in the most unexplainable way. I think part of the reason I drank again was because being labeled as “woo woo” by those close to me made me dim my light. In Moon Club, I don’t need to hide that side of me.” – Megan Sweeten 

Moon Club The Numinous Alexandra Roxo Ruby Warrington Megan Sweeten


“Knowing there’s a group of women/ femmes who have my back, who are holding me accountable, who support and love me; it’s all I’ve ever wanted. I’ve learned that I’m not meant to do this alone.” – Gabriela Herstik

Moon Club The Numinous Alexandra Roxo Ruby Warrington Gabriela Herstik


“Being a part of Moon Club gives me a frequent reminder to breath, stop, and listen. It is also freaking awesome to have a squad of people who love witchy shit as much as me! [In my work] I love helping women understand how ace they are and Moon Club gives me the strength to do that. It’s like my own professional development course.” – Angela Meyer

Moon Club The Numinous Alexandra Roxo Ruby Warrington Angela Meyer


“Since joining Moon Club, I have experienced a boost in confidence that I am in fact on my true path. You can raise your vibration even higher when you are a part of a loving, kind, supportive community, and there is nothing more beautiful than remembering that we are all connected.” – Tanya Sakolsky 

Moon Club The Numinous Alexandra Roxo Ruby Warrington Tanya Sakolsky


“Through Moon Club, I’m truly living by the cycles of the moon and thus embracing nature itself: my real nature and all of my emotions. I’ve learnt that the tears and release of doing so are an important part of getting to know myself better. Instead of coming up against the same issues over and over again, this process enables real change and real growth.” – Bettina Mcilraith 

Moon Club The Numinous Alexandra Roxo Ruby Warrington Bettina Mcilraith


“As an entrepreneur and writer, I often feel like I have to do everything on my own. Moon Club has shown me the power in collaboration and connection, which is the only way forward in this new divine feminine rebirth. Moon Club makes you feel less alone on this sometimes lonely planet.” – Sahara Rose 

Moon Club The Numinous Alexandra Roxo Ruby Warrington Sahara Rose


“There are women I’ve met in Moon Club who are spiritual staples in my life now. It gives me hope for the change I wish to see occur in this world.  The love I want to expand. There is ENOUGH out there for everyone.” – Jennifer Robinson

Moon Club The Numinous Alexandra Roxo Ruby Warrington Jennifer Robinson


“Spiritual growth is continuous and just like yoga, meditation, and other modalities, it asks you to show up for yourself first so that you can show up for others. Through exercises like monthly journaling prompts, Moon Club reminds me to stay light and open to wonderment.” – Veronica Beltran 

Moon Club The Numinous Alexandra Roxo Ruby Warrington Veronica Beltran


“I’ve always been more of an optimist, but Moon Club has added an additional emotion through its realness. It’s assisted me with my voice and in believing that the world needs and wants to hear what I have to say. Through the push of Moon Club, I’ve learned that I’m ready. The time is now. Take the leap!” – Morgan Greenseth

Moon Club The Numinous Alexandra Roxo Ruby Warrington Morgan Greenseth

“Perhaps you’ve found yourself on a different path from your regular circle of friends/family and would like to have a space to connect with others on a similar journey. This is the place! Not that we are trading in old friendships for new ones, but expanding the circle of support so we can feel more fulfilled in our lives. I have the energy to respond to things I didn’t have the breadth to do before.” – Aba Gyepi-Garbrah

Moon Club The Numinous Alexandra Roxo Ruby Warrington Aba Gyepi-Garbrah

“I’ve learned that I am far more capable than I thought possible. This last year has been about bulldozing comfort zones in order to free fall into more expansive space internally. Pushing through fear, embracing and releasing it through action has been the most liberating experience of my life. Next stop, conquering the fear of snakes!” – Alma Groome 

moon club the numinous material girl mystical world ruby warrington alexandra roxo alma groome

To discover more about Moon Club and join our global community of spiritual change makers visit PLUS we’re offering 50% off annual memberships through December 3!


As we head towards the end of the year, the Aquarius Waxing Quarter Moon asks us to embrace our authenticity, be willing to take the radical lead, and get ready to unleash our vision, says Jennifer Racioppi

jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world aquarius waxing quarter moon 2017 seana gavin
Art: Seana Gavin
 Waxing Quarter Moon :: October 27 2017 :: 6:22pm EST :: 4 degrees Aquarius 

As October quickly comes to a close, it’s time to plume the depths of your psyche and unleash your authenticity. The Waxing Quarter Moon in Aquarius challenges you to embrace this individuality and take the lead in your life!

Use this Waxing Quarter Moon to do the work to develop yourself as a leader. As leadership expert Warren Bennis points out, “Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself.” Thankfully this lunar experience supports you to do just that!

This progressive Moon sign doesn’t get caught up in the convention. Preferring to go against the grain instead, Aquarius encourages rebellious action that has authentic resonance … 


:: The Sun ::
As the Sun moves through Scorpio—a water sign fiercely devoted to the truth—psychological insights abound! Since the Sun and good luck Jupiter are traveling close together (conjoining on 10/26), it’s time to bet high on yourself.

Connect with your intuition, and allow yourself to express your truth. Go for what you want. In doing so, you permit others to do the same.

:: The Moon ::
The Aquarius Moon makes a positive trine to Mars in Libra. This activation of air, an element connected to thoughts, ideas, and communication, inspires creativity and intellect.

So tap into evolutionary and progressive thinking. Let yourself lead. Don’t be afraid to express your views and opinions.

:: The Square ::
This Waxing Quarter Moon also refers us back to the New Moon that happened at 8 degrees of Aquarius on January 27, 2017.

Think back to late January, and see if you can remember what you desired then. Can you see how you’ve grown since then? What are some challenges you are encountering now in bringing that dream and desire to fruition?

If you were to take radical action now on behalf of the goal you set in motion then, what would this look like? Based on how far you’ve already come this year, what does leadership look like for you now?

:: The Message ::  
This Waxing Quarter Moon encourages you to own your voice and power, and recommit to the vision you set out to accomplish in January of 2017.

With the year quickly coming to a close, evaluate your progress and then own your leadership role in your own life. You can get a lot done right now with the progressive Aquarius vibes pushing you forward.

Unleash your vision, activate your authenticity, and take the lead. Place a bet on you, and then win!

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers! 


The 2017 Cancer Waning Quarter Moon asks us to tap into our intuition, activate our inner warrior, and fight for our right to come back home to ourselves, says Jennifer Racioppi

2017 cancer waning quarter moon jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world
Art: Seana Gavin

Waning Quarter Moon :: October 12 2017 :: 8:25am EST :: 19 degrees Cancer 

As the Moon makes her way back towards new again, the waning period is a time to let go, release what’s no longer working, and tap into your subconscious spiritual needs.

This particular Cancer Waning Quarter Moon occurs just days after Jupiter, the most massive planet in the solar system, moves from Libra into Scorpio, where he’ll stay until November 2018.

Jupiter in Scorpio assists with psychological and subconscious excavations, while Cancer is the sign ruling our subconscious emotional body. This is a week to allow yourself to feel all the feels. And then to use this Waning Quarter Moon to listen to your intuitive voice, and stand up for yourself and your heart’s desires!


:: The Moon ::
With the Moon in sensitive Cancer, now’s the time to come home to yourself, make peace with your emotions, and build internal security.

However, as the Moon opposes Pluto in Capricorn and squares the Sun in Libra, this process might feel tinged with anxiety. How to work with this energy? Read on …

:: The Sun ::
As the Sun sextiles the North Node in Leo, you are being supported to rise into the highest calling of your life. NBD, right?! With the Sun squaring both the Moon and Pluto, the path doesn’t feel straightforward. It might even feel contentious …

The solution? Remember that this is all cardinal energy, which initiates action, so don’t be shy! Despite the Sun being in peaceful Libra, it’s essential that you act right now in alignment with your own needs, and not of those of others.

:: The Square ::
The Sun/Moon square is helping you get clear about what needs to be released before the October 19 Libra New Moon.

Because of the Cardinal T-Square in the sky (involving the 3 cardinal signs of Libra, Capricorn, and Cancer) we can look to the 4th “missing” sign for answers: Aries encourages active movement and courageous leadership, so use these qualities to support you as you work with this contentious energy.

:: The Message ::
To deliver on the promise of this Cancer Waning Quarter Moon to come home to yourself, you must activate the Aries within. Call forth your inner warrior. Use this exercise of powering up to release any tension in your body.

Don’t be afraid to take a stand. On this Cardinal Waning Quarter Moon, you must!

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers! 


Finally! After the relentless work of retrograde season, the Leo Waxing Quarter Moon brings some positive mojo. Step up and step out dressed in pure joy and abundance, says Jennifer RacioppiArtwork: Seana Gavin 

jennifer racioppi leo waxing quarter moon the numinous ruby warrington waxing quarter moon collage seana gavin

Waxing Quarter Moon :: May 2 2017 :: 10:46pm EST :: 12 Degrees Leo 

On the heels of Beltane, a pagan holiday celebrating the earth’s fertility, the Leo Waxing Quarter Moon arrives to bring some serious positive mojo back to our game …

Finally … it’s time to conjure abundance! 

Loaded with retrograde activity, 2017 has brought massive reconfigurations of life. The year opened on Mercury retrograde. February ushered us into eclipse season– an intense time of change. And then just as we digested the eclipses, Venus stationed retrograde on March 4th (only recently turning direct on April 15th). On April 9th, Mercury stationed retrograde too (it will station direct on May 3rd, just following the Quarter Moon).

After all the hard work we’ve done this year, the Leo Waxing Quarter Moon signals a time when we can start to consider what’s next. We are spiritually ready to make good on what we’ve unearthed from within. And, fortunately, the time has come to execute!

Hell YES! 


:: The Sun ::  
Midway through steady, stable Taurus, the Sun sextiles Neptune in Pisces. A sextile suggests resources that are available to us, and this particular combo combines earth and water elements to deliver soothing healing qualities. Think of a luscious detoxifying mud bath that leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth. Allow yourself to sink deep into your skin and relish in feelings of spiritually aligned embodiment.

(Hint: Cosmically supported, feel-good vibes abound!)

:: The Moon :: 
The Moon in playful Leo signals a time to step up and step out in joy and abundance. Immediately after the Sun and Moon square, the Moon begins to move into an applying trine with Saturn and Uranus, creating a legendary grand trine in fire. And all of this is happening between a fertile New Moon (which happened on April 26th in Taurus), and May 10th’s Full Moon in Scorpio. This bewitching combo signals power, strength, and favorable blessings!

:: The Square :: 
Waxing Quarter Moons urge us to course correct, handle curve balls, and eloquently redirect our focus as needed. The Sun in Taurus squaring the Moon in Leo asks us to look at any friction between our desires for practicality and our needs for fun. This Waxing Quarter Moon also refers us back to intentions set on August 2, 2016, when the New Moon occurred at 10 degrees of Leo. We should see things sprouting now that are related to plans made and desires stated then. Keep on the lookout, and don’t be afraid to pivot if necessary!

:: The Message :: 
Keep going! So far, we’ve worked hard in 2017 to come to a genuine place of truth within ourselves. Our egos have had to shed misaligned notions so we can step forward into a deeper resonance with our truth. Given that this Waxing Quarter Moon occurs one day before Mercury stations direct, this potent lunar moment offers a compelling opportunity.

Get ready to embrace the upcoming influx of abundance ahead of us.  With the Sun waxing towards the summer solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s time to actively create, pursue our dreams, and conjure our desires.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of likeminded spiritual activists at Moon Club!


Let it all hang out…and allow “it” to spark your transformation, says Danielle Paige. PLUS a channelled angelic message for the Scorpio Full Moon by Jackie O’Shea


The need to feel. The need to destroy. The need to begin again, new, pure, hungry for something the makes your soul feel alive again. The need to hold on tight…and yet, to let go.

Welcome to this week’s Scorpio Full Moon. She will be exact on April 22 at 1:24am EST at 2 degrees of Scorpio.

A Full Moon shines a light on all things hidden. There is nowhere to hide now; it all comes out and usually in a dramatic way. Combine this with Scorpio energy, and we’ve entered a zone where we’re being asked to crack open and reveal the parts that might not be so pretty. Which, of course, is always subjective.

It may be pretty to cry – because it means you’re releasing old pain. It may be pretty to be a hot mess – because you’re feeling raw, untamed, and unapologetic, which in itself can be freeing and sexy!

A Full Moon is a powerful portal that help us tune into the Universal energy as we become moved by her gravitational pull. She dances over our soul. She plays with our heart. She lights us up. She brings our emotions to a head. She can keep us up at night, revealing questions that have been trapped in our subconscious for some time.

She taunts us….and when she’s in Scorpio, she does so in a transformative and healing way by going way, way below what’s happening up on the surface to get to the heart of the matter.

This Scorpio Full Moon may feel intense. But hold on to the awareness that she is here to show us the magic that’s hiding deep within. Scorpio energy doesn’t care what something looks like on the surface because it knows that underneath….inside….deep in the shadows….there is is a spark so bright it has the potential to transform into something more powerful than anything we’ve seen before.

This is where we are reborn, from this spark, from this light. But, first, something must be destroyed. That’s just how Scorpio works. Seductive and mysterious, Scorpio understands, as with everything in life, that we must let go of what has been order to breathe anew, to feel alive, and to move. Because when we move, when we transform and evolve, is when we truly live.


Here are a few tips to help you tap into the transformative powers of this Scorpio Full Moon:

1) Allow yourself to access places within yourself that you haven’t felt in a while. It’s okay, you’re safe. The holding onto the past is what’s keeping you stuck.
2) Release anything that no longer serves you. Energetically imagine sending it down into a vortex and clearing it out of your energy field. Cut cords, take a salt bath, anything that will help you let go of the old.
3) Magick! Break out the tarot cards, runes, candles, crystals etc. This is a perfect time to use your tools to help you activate your intuition and turn on your witchy vibe.
4) Observe. See the light in others and it will help you identify the light in yourself.
5) Cleanse your chakras to balance your energy field so that you can feel lighter and more open.
6) And last but not least…sex it up! Scorpio is all about passion and intimacy so bust out the black leather and/or lace lingerie and channel your inner Lilith!

Still want to go deeper and do some healing work? Danielle is hosting a virtual circle for the Scorpio Full Moon Friday April 22. Find more here.


There are many opportunities for you to work with the lunar energies. With so many planets currently in retrograde, this means allowing yourself to backtrack, embracing this time of review and reflection, and not get so caught up in the forward progress that you may desire. These are times of reflection, times of change, and times of embodiment.

Allow things to be as they are, for the tides to ebb and flow. Any roadblocks are here to help your highest vibrational destiny come into being. If barriers, false starts, and trials and tribulations appear, allow yourself the time to slow down and reflect on what no longer serves you that can now be transcended and released – even if this simply points to an emotional response pattern that is being triggered. Allow yourself to work with what IS, embracing that everything is happening for your highest destiny and evolution, even if it doesn’t appear so.

Begin to embody compassionate resonance during times of struggle and hardship as well as times of joy and transformation. You can help others more deeply by going into the depths of your own struggle and pain. And there is no need to worry about taking too much time to process the darkness, for time is infinite from the perspective of the soul.

Your lessons and evolution are far more significant that you may currently imagine, since you are embodying a place of learning where you can express into form all of the different facets of your multi-dimensional self, and be a full expression of infinity. The only limit you face now is in prohibiting yourself from embodying your truth, whatever that truth may be – a turbulent emotional state, a joyous state, or somewhere in between.

The current lunar energies are here to help you begin to embody your truth, whatever that looks like for you, and to express it into form without holding back. It is safe to fully feel every emotion, every sorrow, every hardship, and trial, allowing the density of your emotions to pass through your physical and energetic body. Allow the density to transcend and be transformed into higher light vibrations, creating the potential for newness.

You have the opportunity to begin to embody your highest path now and live the life that you desire to live. There is nothing holding you back in the time-space continuum but your own internal perceptions and barriers of consciousness. These have neurological ties to behavioral patterning encoded into your body hologram, but all of this CAN be loosened and transformed. All of this can change. You are being redefined in every moment, constantly creating new cells and patterns of behavior and embodiment.

We are proud of you for allowing all things and creation to be as they are. Now is a time to transcend time and space so that you can be everything that you are, recognizing yourself in all of the physical manifestations of the world. Enjoy the embodiment of this divinity, enjoy even the struggle and the heartbreak, so that you feel safe transcending the cycles of time that your mind has become entrapped by.

Allow yourself to grow with grace and transcend the old energetic limitations and boundaries that have held you back in the past from embodying your full divine higher self. You are an infinite creative immortal being and there is no reason to think of yourself as less than the divine embodiment that you are. We are proud of you every time you chose grace over struggle. We are proud of you every time you transcend an old karmic situation. We are proud of you every time you breath deep and take a moment to pause the breath. In higher consciousness you are infinite, all things are obtainable, and you are the infinity that you seek and desire.

Join Jackie O’Shea for an Embodying the Divine Feminine Full Moon Circle on Thursday, April 21st at 7pm PST available via live stream, recording, or in person in Los Angeles

Details and Tickets:


This lunar cycle, you might feel unstoppable. Master your energies during this Aquarius New Moon to set your intentions for the months ahead, says Hannah Ariel.

Aquarius new moon Feb 2016 on The Numinous

This is the New Moon that may have you feeling it’s now or never – and, it may as well be! The nature of an Aquarius New Moon is idiosyncratic – how it speaks to you will be different from how it speaks to another, and yet one message is clear: something has to change. Aquarius is revolutionary – this energy waits for no one, trusting its own clarity of mind to distinguish what needs to happen next for the future’s sake. Once a year the timing is just right to set intentions that you want to see have a ripple effect – the boundaries of time reach far into the future. Something’s gotta give and the time is NOW.

Sometimes, events set off by an Aquarius New Moon may appear to occur “out of the blue” – really, these events occur as an expression of the Sun being in Aquarius, energizing you with a liberating energy that allows you to recognize your right to experience your own personal freedom – to detach you from all that is keeping you from awakening to the truth that, at any given time, if something needs to be innovated, released, said, done, or acted upon IT CAN. It’s like the moment you restart your computer or refresh your browser; it doesn’t necessarily matter what you were up to just moments before because, in an instant, it’s going to be about how you use your energy, the technology, now. That’s how progressive this moon will be.

With a revitalizing boost from two major planetary forces, this Aquarius New Moon can make you unstoppable. You will be energized to make resolute shifts in both your perceptions and actions at once. Uranus in Aries urges; innovate NOW, open your mind to the prospect of what is possible for you personally. And Saturn in Sagittarius reminds; the dharma of these days is to create structures that will support your future’s expansion. With these two in trine with one another, and in a working sextile with the moon on February 8th, there is nothing and nobody standing in your way but potentially your own indifference. Otherwise, it is GO time.

In the background, Venus, Mercury and Pluto are all going direct in Capricorn, offering us profound realizations regarding our attachments and whether or not they are serving or detracting from the Plutonian soul-path we’re on. Since Capricorn does come before Aquarius think of this time as a “cleaning of the closet” – an opportunity to mentally get on board with the transformations you may be experiencing in relationships, as well as other Venus related matters. Venus in Capricorn speaks to your financial security and your ability to attract what you need by acknowledging your own authority and accountability.

Know that accountability, self-mastery, self-trust and inner resolve will indeed be major themes now, as this lunar cycle is also being driven by a square from Mars in Scorpio. Give deliberate attention to the Scorpio area of your personal chart as lessons here will have EXTENSIVE influence on how your intentions play out over the next few months, as Mars will be journeying in and out of Scorpio for quite some time.

To delve further, if you recall from 2012-2015, when Saturn cut through the constellation of Scorpio, we were taught some serious lessons around how we merge our energy with other people, places, resources, ideologies; you name it. These were transformative years where we learned the energetic power of boundaries. Life forced us to get real and see where we may have unconsciously been giving our power away, undermining our deeper desires and truths out of fear of losing control altogether; over these years, we were cracked open in order to understand what gives us LIFE.

Well, these lessons will come up again now, but this time, with Mars in the driving seat, we have an amazing opportunity to liberate and take conscious action to create more a more sophisticated intimacy with our vitality. We will be compelled to give these inner lessons shape in our external world. With Mars square the Aquarius New Moon there is an enormous amount of energy available now, before Mars goes retrograde in April, to choose what stays and what must go once and for all – may it be a lover, a destructive habit, an unhealthy belief about yourself – you can let it go now. It’s done. Refresh the page. Get something else going that will strengthen your will more than ever before.

The future is all that matters now. And not to forget, the most sincere and beautiful quality of Aquarian energy is that it is concerned with creating a future that is being created for the beneficial good of all. It is pure good will. So, whatever you begin, end, or claim in this lunar cycle will be most empowered if it contributes to the prosperity of the collective in the long run. Have a wild idea about where you belong? What to launch next? How you can help someone? Who you have the power to be? How your own story can inspire others? Give it a go. Free yourself, master your energies and you may, in a very Aquarian fashion, be shocked to find how much others needed you to do so.

For a personal reading with Hannah Ariel email: [email protected]