The 2018 Libra Full Moon asks us to reframe our storylines, look for creative solutions, and lovingly partner with others so we can really start fresh, says Sandy Sitron

caique silva sandy sitron sandra sitron ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world 2018 libra full moon moon club astrology
Photo: Caique Silva

Full Moon :: March 31 2018 :: 8:37 am ET :: 10 degrees Libra

A bowling ball crushes down the lane and makes contact. The pins teeter back and forth before falling.

Although Libra is the sign of balance, this Full Moon may be the bowling ball hitting the pins. Sometimes, you have to shake things up in order to find a better equilibrium.

We think of balance as quiet steadiness. But in fact, balance is in constant motion. It requires activated muscles to hold steady in a tree pose. You must constantly adjust the steering wheel to keep a car on the road.

This Full Moon forms a T-square to the Sun and Mercury retrograde in Aries, and Mars and Saturn in Capricorn. This is a force of tension that requires creative solutions. It’s highly motivating energy and, in the cardinal signs, this is the modality of new beginnings.

We are starting fresh, but we have to work with tension so that we can make it happen.

The Aries—Libra axis is about relationships. Who am I in relation to you? How do I take care of myself? How do I honor you in the process? The puzzle is to take others into account without becoming overly concerned about what other people think.

Get clear about what you need. But become curious about another person’s feelings and needs. Find a way to compromise. Air it out. Talk it through. Challenge yourself to be objective and fair.

The only cardinal sign that’s not activated in this T-square is Cancer. Nurturance is the antidote. Look at what you are criticizing about yourself and others. Can you infuse more gentleness?  Can you love up on yourself?

With Mercury in retrograde, review the past and come up with better solutions. Seek out reconciliation. Find ways to reframe what’s going on

Love Sandy’s readings? Register for one of her FREE upcoming Saturn Return webinars and learn how to navigate your cosmic rite of passage with grace and ease. Get the dates and sign up HERE.


Full Moon opposite Mercury
The butterfly balances in the wind. 
While this moon may feel like a problem that needs to be solved, approach it like a butterfly. The butterfly doesn’t grip too tightly. The butterfly has already gone through the painful shock of transformation and has made it to the other side. She understands the full spectrum of possibility. She has walked with many legs on land, and now she can fly. You can cultivate this level of objectivity and awareness and it will help you understand yourself and others.


Full Moon square Saturn and Mars
Surveying a wall. 
The T-square to Mars and Saturn in Capricorn is the most challenging part of this picture. Mars conjunct Saturn is currently asking us to find a better way. Do it fast and do it now. There’s not a lot of wiggle room here as we try to build a better structure that really works, without coming up against a wall.

This Moon is clueing you into patterns that have been tense for some time and urging you to find creative resolution. Think about an area of your life where you have felt stuck. Can you get support in this area? Is there more space, more time, or attention that you can apply here? You have to initiate a new pattern.

Collectively, this moon asks us to find a way through that works for everyone. We can take leadership roles while also being gracious and diplomatic. These cardinal energies are asking us to start something new, but we are still working with the structures of the past. Create change within the system.


The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2018 Libra Full Moon means for you. Use them as journal prompts. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 10 degrees Libra in your chart and use the question for that house.

New to your birth chart? Calculate your chart for free HERE

Aries or Full Moon in the 7th house
What would help a relationship you’re in to feel balanced?

Taurus or Full Moon in the 6th house 
What is something simple that would feel like self-care?

Gemini or Full Moon in the 5th house 
How would playfulness help you?

Cancer or Full Moon in the 4th house
What feeling needs to be expressed?

Leo or Full Moon in the 3rd house 
What do you need to communicate?

Virgo or Full Moon in the 2nd house
How can you feel more secure?

Libra or Full Moon in the 1st house 
How will balance change the way you think about yourself?

Scorpio or Full Moon in the 12th house 
What do you need to see that you’re not seeing?

Sagittarius or Full Moon in the 11th house
What can your friendships offer you now?

Capricorn or Full Moon in the 10th house 
What can you tell yourself to help you trust in your own success?

Aquarius or Full Moon in the 9th house 
What’s the most optimistic way to describe what’s happening now?

Pisces or Full Moon in the 8th house
What is ready to be released?

Love Sandy’s readings? Register for one of her FREE upcoming Saturn Return webinars and learn how to navigate your cosmic rite of passage with grace and ease. Get the dates and sign up HERE.


The 2018 Pisces New Moon asks us to drift way beyond the rational, surrender to the mystery, and savor the last bit of sleep before the Spring Equinox awakening, says Sandy Sitron

Pisces New Moon 2018 The Numinous underwater sandy sitron
Photo: Jeremy Bishop

New Moon :: March 17 2018 :: 9:14 am ET :: 26 degrees Pisces

It’s hard to put everything this New Moon has to say into words, because this moon has gone beyond verbal.

There are images that float by to describe what this New Moon is offering you…

Focus on your lungs. Focus on the beating of your heart. Imagine the blood moving through your veins. These movements of body are the basics. The basics of your life force are important to remember now.

Submerge your head underwater and watch the sea fronds wave gently. There’s another way of living than the way you are living now. Get yourself into a different headspace to feel it.

Constellations light up the night sky. You are connected and you are never alone. Sometimes it’s easiest to remember that through quiet mediation.

A baited hook tempts the hungry fish. Release old patterns of entrapment … what does it feel like to be ensnared in a pattern of passive aggressive behavior? How do you make yourself into a victim? What needs to be said out loud? Now is the time to let go of outdated patterns. The Pisces New Moon urges you to be more loving with yourself.

Pisces is the glittering fish that darts just out of sight. The fish is hard to grasp above the surface of the conscious mind. It’s easier to commune with Pisces energy just below consciousness— through emotions, intuition, creative expression and spiritual connection.

Set intentions that help you connect with your soul. This is the part of you that isn’t necessarily expressed through doing, striving or building. Rather, it’s the part of you that just is. Connect with who you are. Learn more about yourself by honoring the flow of your feelings and asking yourself deeper questions.

Over the past month we swam in a lot of Pisces energy. What is your take-away from the last month of emotional, intuitive, magical Pisces energy? What seed are you ready to plant?

This New Moon is the last dream before waking up. Soon, we are moving into more activated spring energy. Take some time this weekend to have a subtle experience. Listen. Grow quiet. Trust that you know more than you realize. Slow down. Open up space for yourself to just be. Be with yourself the way that you are now. Let yourself daydream and do nothing.

During this last moment of sleep, take note of what you learned from the dream.


New Moon conjunct Chiron
Curled up in a ball with a lover.
Let yourself be quite vulnerable. Naked and exposed. And through this vulnerability there may be greater connection. That doesn’t mean that it’s always easy. The Pisces New Moon is dancing close to the wounded-healer asteroid Chiron, so we may be learning how to heal on deeper levels than we are used to. We have to make ourselves vulnerable in order to truly heal. We have walk toward the pain instead of away from it. This aspect is heightened by a nudge from change-agent Uranus and gently supported by expansive Jupiter.


New Moon semi-sextile Uranus
The dog pulls on the leash.
We can’t try to control everything. There is surprising energy in the mix and it has the potential to help you connect with yourself in new ways. Look for the action that you can take to access deeper levels of emotional awareness. Look for a new place or experience that will shock you into becoming more comfortable with yourself. Don’t be afraid to follow the dog as it pulls on the leash. Let it show you something new.


New Moon trine Jupiter
A new color is discovered.
Help yourself expand in some way that you didn’t know was possible. Once you encounter this new way of thinking about your world, it will seem crazy to imagine life without it. Follow the guidance of the Pisces New Moon: be quiet and inward. Listen to your heartbeat. Connect with your emotions, dream and recover. Through these quiet actions, something may heal. A new door may open. Supportive Jupiter can help you integrate it all in a way that may be familiar and exotic at the same time.


The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2018 Pisces New Moon means for you. Use them as journal prompts. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 26 degrees Pisces in your chart and use the question for that house.

New to your birth chart? Calculate your chart for free HERE

Aries or New Moon in the 12th house 
What will you do to honor your emotions even more?

Taurus or New Moon in the 11th house 
How can you feel supported by your friends?

Gemini or New Moon in the 10th house 
What makes you feel successful?

Cancer or New Moon in the 9th house 
How will you surprise yourself this week?

Leo or New Moon in the 8th house 
What is your favorite method for letting go?

Virgo or New Moon in the 7th house 
When do you feel most supported by another person?

Libra or New Moon in the 6th house 
What will you do to take care of your body?

Scorpio or New Moon in the 5th house 
When do you feel most creative?

Sagittarius or New Moon in the 4th house 
What age is the inner child who wants your attention now?

Capricorn or New Moon in the 3rd house 
What mindset shift are you ready for?

Aquarius or New Moon in the 2nd house 
How do you trust that you are secure?

Pisces or New Moon in the 1st house 
What helps you feel like yourself?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here.


Amidst the current Pisces planetary dream sea, the 2018 Virgo Full Moon cuts through the water and asks us to wake up to the practical supports in our lives. Build it better and you’ll be able to truly float, says Sandra Sitron

tiki giorgadze ruby warrington sandra sitron sandy sitron the numinous 2018 virgo full moon material girl mystical world
Photo: Tiko Giorgadze

Full Moon :: March 1 2018 :: 7:52 pm ET :: 11 degrees Virgo

Sliding gleefully down a waterslide. Full immersion when you reach the bottom. Once there, time stops. You sink and you soak. When you emerge you are exhilarated and joyful. You’ve taken the plunge. You have arrived and you are reconnected.

The watery plunge is a Pisces story of moving deep into a well of spiritual truth and self-discovery. It’s important to remember that none of it would be possible without the Virgo part of the symbol—the slide itself. 

Virgo is in charge of the mundane, every-day aspects of life that allow us to be of service to ourselves and others. Pisces is what happens when we expand beyond the earth realm and dissolve into our psychic sensitivity, intuition, emotions and imagination.

To build a slide for yourself, you have to pay attention to the details. You have to stand with both feet on the ground and decide step-by-step what you are willing to accomplish. If you are going to step up to the Virgo challenge, you create healthy habits that will propel you along with a force as strong as gravity.

If you don’t do these things, the structure will fall apart and you won’t get to ascend. You won’t get to plunge and dissolve. You won’t transcend.

Energy runs high and big on a Full Moon and it’s easy to get ahead of yourself with overreactions, big emotions and powerful expression. But this Virgo Moon urges you to go small. Go in. Go for the detailed look. Survey your craftsmanship. Have you been attending to your vessel? Are your calculations working? Are you maintaining the daily structure?

With a mashup of planets Pisces planets currently murmuring a lullaby that soothes us into a technicolor dream scene, it’s hard to get your feet on the ground. Yet this Full Moon cuts in like a quick plunge into cold water. She shakes you awake and says, attend! Attend to the mechanics in your life that support you. Do it so that you can go even deeper into your reverie, because you will emerge assured that your spiritual journey serves on an earthly level.

If you are attending to these supports, then this Moon invites you to take a ride on the Pisces exhale. Use your physical earth-world alignment to propel you into a Piscean sea of soul-truth.


Full Moon and a stellium of Pisces planets in a T-square with Mars
Sanding down a table.
You get an opportunity to mobilize yourself for some kind of improvement project. Put your effort in, but don’t expect the path to the finish line to be straight and easy. You may meander. You may make some progress and then take a step back to reassess. Keep plugging away.

Notice the moments when you’re working and your mind wanders. Hands busy, mind free to travel. There may be a special insight that comes through in these moments. Open your mind up to receiving new answers, but don’t just sit around and wait for them to float in. Keep busy and move yourself toward expansion.


Full Moon trine Saturn
Standing on a block of wood, waiting for your award.
You have worked to get where you are. Let the accolades come in. Can you receive an award if you aren’t present for the experience? You have to accept that you have done something deserving. You have to convince that voice in your head that you are worthy. The good news is that this should feel easy to do right now. Soak it all in. On some level, you have been learning lessons and applying them. Even if everything isn’t Virgo-standard perfect, applaud yourself for lessons learned and accept the rewards that are being delivered.


The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2018 Virgo Full Moon means for you. Use them as journal prompts. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 11 degrees Virgo in your chart and use the question for that house.

New to your birth chart? Calculate your chart for free HERE

Aries or Full Moon in the 6th house 
What area of your life needs a detailed overhaul?

Taurus or Full Moon in the 5th house 
How can you revel in your senses today?

Gemini or Full Moon in the 4th house 
What lesson does your past have to teach you?

Cancer or Full Moon in the 3rd house 
What do you need to communicate more clearly?

Leo or Full Moon in the 2nd house 
Where does true security come from?

Virgo or Full Moon in the 1st house 
What can you attend to that will help you feel the most like yourself?

Libra or Full Moon in the 12th house
What would Love have you believe?

Scorpio or Full Moon in the 11th house 
What helps you feel connected to your friends?

Sagittarius or Full Moon in the 10th house 
What’s your plan to reach your goals? Write it down.

Capricorn or Full Moon in the 9th house 
How do you need to be inspired right now?

Aquarius or Full Moon in the 8th house 
What are you ready to shed?

Pisces or Full Moon in the 7th house 
Which relationships require you to maintain better boundaries?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here.


As we build towards the first New Moon of the year, the Libra Waning Quarter Moon wants you to awaken your ambition, embrace the intensity, and go after what you really want, says Jennifer Racioppi

jennifer racioppi libra waning quarter moon ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world
Photo: Sarah Diniz Outeiro

Waning Quarter Moon :: January 8 2018 :: 5:25pm EST :: 18 degrees Libra 

While Libra usually conjures images of balance and equanimity, the build toward the January 16 first New Moon of the year in Capricorn beckons us towards an attitude of focused extreme

With Venus, the Sun, Saturn, and Pluto (one of the most intense planets in the solar system) all conjoined in Capricorn, Mercury and the New Moon about to join the party, and Jupiter and action-packed Mars together in Scorpio, the scales are tipping towards depth.

Even though these are extremely aligned and auspicious combinations, they ask you to embrace drive, ambition, and that which you most desire!

So what to do with this Waning Quarter Moon? Embrace it. Let yourself get super aligned with the truth you are calling forth in your life right now.


:: The Sun ::
With the Sun, Venus, and powerhouse Pluto in Capricorn forming a perfect angle of support to Jupiter and Mars in Scorpio, the Waning Moon asks you to connect with your determination. Make peace with your ambition and decide what it is you want!

:: The Moon ::
With the Moon in cardinal Libra squaring the Sun in Capricorn, it’s time to surrender and release that which we no longer need. What is standing in the way of your goal and desires? Now’s the time to consciously surrender what no longer works.

:: The Square ::
As the Capricorn Sun squares the Libra Moon, the scales tip in the direction of ambition-drive Capricorn. But don’t forget to use your Libran values to determine what you actually want, and the best way to go after it.

:: The Message ::
As we move towards next week’s first New Moon of the new year, use this Quarter Moon to prepare. Set strong intentions, dig your heals in, and embrace the intensity.

With the Blue Moon Lunar Eclipse ending this month, you really don’t want to miss the opportunity to create the change you most desire in your life!

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers! 


The 2017 Sagittarius New Moon wants you to clear the decks, assess what’s truly worth shooting for, and forge ahead with renewed purpose, says Sandra Sitron.

sagittarius new moon 2017 sandra sitron ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world moon club
Photo: Tiko Giorgadze

New Moon :: December 18, 2017 :: 1:31 am ET :: 26 degrees Sagittarius

Wipe the sweat from your brow. Look around. The fight is long and hard. Take a momentary break and reassess. What are you fighting for? What do you believe in?

As you take a step back, get grounded and quiet for a moment. It’s okay to push. But have you been fighting with yourself without quite knowing why? Pushing yourself without knowing what you even want to achieve?

Sagittarius is the archer, pointedly asking— “What are you shooting for?” With this Sagittarius New Moon, the message is clear: you must align with your purpose.

So what IS your mission? Start by thinking about your values. What do you believe is missing, or under-represented in the world? What gets you fired up inside? And what do you need to learn to bring those values into action? Who do you need on an emotional level to become to be the highest version of yourself?

Clarity around these issues won’t come unless you ask for it. And so the first step now is to get clear about your goal. You can’t make the plan until you know the goal.

Typically, Sagittarius is an easy-breezy sign. Bouncy like a beach ball. With Sagittarius, anything is possible. But this particular New Moon is conjunct Schoolteacher Saturn, just before he marches into Capricorn. Saturn has been in Sagittarius for about three years, and it’s been a wild ride that has pushed many people to redetermine their values. What have you learned about yourself and your world over the last three years? Let this inform you now.

A shift is about to happen and we are heading into a new cycle of growth. Decide where you want to shoot your arrow. Fan the spark of your passion and help it grow into the expanding flame of a whole new direction … 


Moon conjunct Saturn
A goat sits in a meadow. 
The goat is quiet and a little bit dreamy. But soon he will start to climb. And when he begins, nothing will stop him. Can you harness that desire to ascend? The goat always yearns to go higher. He does it without self-flagellation or self-pity. He just gets to work.

But for now, be still. Sit and ponder. Don’t be hard on yourself or get trapped in a mindset of perceived isolation or self-doubt. Find alignment with yourself. Notice an urge to plan and brush it off if you can. When the moment is right, you will know exactly what you need to do to climb the mountain.


Moon conjunct Venus
Holding a feather.
The feather is associated with ascension and spiritual evolution to a higher plane. Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Moon, and Saturn are currently all clustered in Sagittarius, the sign of higher awareness. Let your mind gently expand. Like a feather floating, you can sync into a higher state of being. Venus nudges you to receive. Receive a state of enlightenment through meditation and allowing yourself to feel all your feelings. Nurture yourself and let yourself drift toward greater clarity of mind, body and spirit.


Moon trine Uranus
Creating a new equation. 
This is unexpected. An innovative equation that is surprising for its simplicity and accuracy. You need to be in just the right state of mind to allow it to crystalize.

Tend to your emotions so that you can feel mentally clear. A welcome surprise could manifest in a way that helps you feel emotionally supported. The more open you are to possibility, the more you will be in the flow. Let a bright and shiny idea drift your way.


The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2017 Sagittarius New Moon means for you. Use them as journal prompts. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 26 degrees Sagittarius in your chart and use the question for that house. Do your chart for free HERE.

Aries or New Moon in the 9th house
What are you really shooting for? What is the wider impact you want to have on the world?

Taurus or New Moon in the 8th house
What do you need to release? How can you get the emotional support you need to let go?

Gemini or New Moon in the 7th house
What do you need to learn to be a better partner? What would your ideal partnership look like?

Cancer or New Moon in the 6th house
What do you need to refine in your daily life? What unhealthy habits are you willing to reform?

Leo or New Moon in the 5th house
How can you let yourself have more fun? What activities inspire your inner child?

Virgo or New Moon in the 4th house
What age is the inner child within you who needs your love the most right now?

Libra or New Moon in the 3rd house
How can you verbalize your goals? Who in your immediate community are you ready to share them with?

Scorpio or New Moon in the 2nd house
What affirmation would help you know that you are inherently worthy? What do you value most about yourself?

Sagittarius or New Moon in the 1st house
What lights you up? What cause or mission do you feel most aligned with personally?

Capricorn or New Moon in the 12th house
What is your most cherished childhood memory? How can this memory help you feel compassion for yourself?

Aquarius or New Moon in the 11th house
What do you need to do to begin fresh? Who are your fellow freedom fighters?

Pisces or New Moon in the 10th house
It’s okay for you to shine in your career. What can you do to help yourself remember that?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.


As we get ready to leap into 2018, the Virgo Waning Quarter Moon asks us to check what’s no longer working, and prepare for an upgrade, says Jennifer Racioppi

joshua fuller jennifer racioppi ruby warrington virgo waning quarter moon 2017 the numinous material girl mystical world
Photo: Joshua Fuller

Waning Quarter Moon :: December 10 2017 :: 2:51am EST :: 18 degrees Virgo 

With Mercury Retrograde in full swing and Saturn, the planet of discipline, structure, and life purpose, getting ready to switch signs, we find ourselves between worlds.

Time is ticking as we count down the final days of 2017, and coming off the intensity of the Gemini Supermoon and straight into Mercury Retro, it can feel like a collective hangover. Yet while we may feel like we’re trapped inside of what Stranger Things’ fans refer to as “the upside down,” I assure you this is just how real life feels right now.

As we rest between what was and what will be, this Waning Quarter Moon provides a crucial checkpoint on the journey to becoming our future selves … 


:: THE SUN::
At 18 degrees of Sagittarius, the Sun makes an exact trine to the North Node of Fate in Leo, as Saturn also wraps up his nearly 3-year journey in Sag. Now’s the time to tune into the higher vision of your life. The message is to distill the lessons you’ve digested and learned over the past 3 years, and apply them to your overarching vision for your life and your journey going forward.

:: THE MOON ::
Girl … you got this! With the Moon traveling in Virgo and making an exact trine to Pluto, the planet of power, tap into your determination to go the distance with your goals. Get organized and in tune with yourself and your needs. Doing so will prepare you for the power and magic of the year-end New Moon in Sagittarius on December 18.

With the Moon in Virgo and the Sun in Sagittarius, our inner needs battle with demands from the external world. And in the final days of 2017 and Saturn in Sag, it’s time to reconcile the past.

Very soon we’ll shoot like a Tesla into the future, with no ability to turn back. Graciously, the Cosmos has provided us with a beautiful Mercury Retrograde before launching us forward. Lean into it and let yourself reconcile your recent history. Where are you at in your life? Where have you been? What’s worked? What hasn’t?

With five planets poised to enter the sign of the Archer for the December 18 New Moon in Sagittarius, we’re prepping for a crucial opportunity to claim our vision for 2018 and beyond.

On this Virgo Waning Quarter Moon, our job is to get crystal clear about what’s no longer working and surrender it to the divine. What are you ready to leave in the past as you look boldly to your future?

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers! 


The 2017 Gemini Full Moon wants you to move away from expectation, start asking questions, and embrace the wild unknown, says Sandra Sitron

ruby warrington sandra sitron 2017 full moon in gemini the numinous material girl mystical world joao victor xavier
Photo: João Victor Xavier

Full Moon :: December 3 2017 :: 10:48 am ET :: 11 degrees Gemini

It’s time to run a series of diagnostic tests. Get out the stethoscope and check your heartbeat. Press your tongue down and say “Ahhh.” Be scientific. Be logical. But most importantly, maintain a state of heightened curiosity.

The key is to loosen your mind. Move away from expectation and move toward curiosity. Melt a hardened state of mind and begin to explore new ways of thinking. Just start asking questions …

With the Sun in Sagittarius, we are working to define our truth. What are we shooting for? What is our philosophy? The Moon in Gemini asks us what basics we’ve missed? Is there a basic mindset shift that needs to happen so that we can grasp the higher philosophical concept?

Let go of what you think you know. The Gemini Full Moon challenges us to give up the PhD program (Sun in Sagittarius) and go back to elementary school (Gemini). Regain a fresh and innocent curiosity that allows us to delight in the world around us. Finger-paint and eat paste. Learn the words for colors and admire the shape of a feather. Get to know our neighbors.

Because this is a Full Moon, your “need to know” may get emotional. Notice if your mind is on overdrive. With Gemini’s ruling planet, Mercury, stationing retrograde, and gauzy Neptune adding a dose of confusing magic to the equation—the answers may not be clear right now.

But you can certainly ask the questions. Run your diagnostic tests and let go of the outcomes ….


Moon square Neptune
A moustache. A disguise.
The luminaries form a mutable T-square with Neptune as the focal point. Neptune is your dreamy third eye. Neptune is also fake news. Which will this aspect bring you—heightened intuition or foggy confusion? It’s up to you. Beware of things that aren’t as they seem. But also be on the lookout for magic in the mix.

Work with this aspect by taking pressure off of yourself to “know” the answers. Look inward to find your truth. Connect with your spiritual center and you will avoid brain fog. Meditate. Take time out for yourself. Rest and restore. Pay extra attention to messages in your dreams.


Moon inconjunct Jupiter
The last petal on a sunflower.
Is it time to eat the seeds? This is an an uncomfortable aspect that can convince you there is no bounty. The truth is that your rewards are hidden, so you’ll need to take an extra step to discover them. Be curious and do your research. Look a little bit closer. At first glance, the sunflower looks wilted. Don’t throw it away. It’s actually time for the harvest.


The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2017 Gemini Full Moon means for you. Use them as journal prompts. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 11 degrees Gemini in your chart and use the question for that house. Do yours for free HERE.

Aries or Full Moon in the 3rd house 
What do you need to do to invigorate your sense of community?

Taurus or Full Moon in the 2nd house 
What do you value most about yourself?

Gemini or Full Moon in the 1st house 
How will taking the lead in a situation make you feel?

Cancer or Full Moon in the 12th house 
What does your heart want you to know?

Leo or Full Moon in the 11th house 
What will help you start to believe in your future?

Virgo or Full Moon in the 10th house 
How can you shine just a little bit brighter in your career?

Libra or Full Moon in the 9th house 
What is your big mission statement?

Scorpio or Full Moon in the 8th house 
Forgiveness is a process. What are you ready to begin to forgive?

Sagittarius or Full Moon in the 7th house 
What are you needing most in a partnership? How can you give that to yourself first?

Capricorn or Full Moon in the 6th house 
What process or system in your life could be more efficient?

Aquarius or Full Moon in the 5th house 
What can you do to break free?

Pisces or Full Moon in the 4th house 
What game does your inner child want to play?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.


Before we can harness the full possibilities of the upcoming New Moon, the Leo Waning Quarter Moon asks us to clean out our closets, and get real to get radical, says Jennifer Racioppi  …

leo waning quarter moon jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous numinous material girl mystical world seana gavin
Art: Seana Gavin

Waning Quarter Moon :: November 10 2017 :: 3:36pm EST ::  18 degrees Leo 

Between now and the 18th’s Scorpio New Moon, innovative breakthroughs abound!

One day after this Waning Quarter Moon, disciplinarian Saturn forms a perfect trine to revolutionary Uranus. As these two planets meet up for the third and final time over this past year, real, serious change becomes possible.

This juicy aspect is then followed up on the 13th by Venus, the ruler of love and beauty, colliding with good luck Jupiter in Scorpio, initiating a new cycle around love and money.

So power up and work productively with this cycle of growth as you prep for the 18th’s radically change-making New Moon …


:: The Sun ::
With the Sun moving through penetrating Scorpio, now’s the time to explore what’s holding you back. Scorpio supports taking an in-depth look within.

As the Sun squares both the North and South Nodes, it’s essential to stay humble. Take a look at how you are showing up in the world to see how (and what) you can shift. Drop your defenses and get real.

:: The Moon :: 
The Moon in playful Leo asks you to find the levity and joy that surrounds you. This Waning Quarter Moon conjoins the North Node of fate and destiny, revealing that your emotional world holds the key to your most fulfilling future. So go there, take a look within, and then elevate.

News flash: you are cosmically supported to do just that! Don’t argue with the Universe. Stay humble and flexible.

:: The Square ::
As the Moon moves through this square, you may need to embrace struggle as a path to change. Given that the Sun is in a t-square with the nodes of fate, this might not necessarily feel easy. If you stick with it and get the lessons you need to receive, you’ll be ready to open up to more significant gifts on the New Moon, and even more immediately when Saturn and Uranus trine on the 11th, and Venus and Jupiter conjunct on the 13th.

:: The Message ::
Fiery Leo in a square to Scorpio signals a time to surrender that which you no longer need. As you step into the next frontier of your success, consider what stands between you and your desired outcome, and what needs to be shed.

Doing so ensures that you’ll be confidently primed to step into the next phase of growth on the New Moon, when radical change awaits you!

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers! 


Laying out your crystals and setting intentions for the emo Pisces Full Moon? Supercharge your ceremonies and activate the magic of nature by adding essential oils for every Moon phase, says Amanda Maybroda. 

essential oils for every moon phase The Numinous
Image: Charlie Nolan

Using Essential Oils during the Moon cycle is like a triple shot of espresso (wake up call!!) to all your healthy cells. All without the jitters or any negative side effects …

Just like we place some of our crystals under the moonlight to clean and re-charge, the Moon’s energy gives oils a little extra mojo.

If we sync our oils with the cycle, we can use them to amplify and open our receptors to all the good ju ju that’s available to download and receive.  Combine the oils below or use alone … have fun with it!

**Note: Only ingest oils that are therapeutic grade and cleared for internal use. I recommend doTERRA.


:: NEW MOON ::
The New Moon is a Re-birth, new beginning, fresh start. It’s a great opportunity to manifest what we desire and allows us to cut the cords that no longer serve us. These oils help plant new seeds, literally and figuratively …

  • Hawaiian Sandalwood supports your sexual energy and, in turn, your creativity. As the Moon moves towards waxing, it’s time to get those juices flowing and open your mind to new opportunities and resources.
    Activate It: To help increase creative and sexual flow, apply to all lower chakras. You can also apply it to wrists, back of knees, cervical spine, feet, ankles and third eye- its grounding and manifesting ability may surprise you.
  • Patchouli is both an aphrodisiac, and a digester of toxic materials. Perfect for officially cutting the cord to any blocks or stagnation as you start fresh for the New Moon!
    Activate It: Take a drop in a veggie cap to release what no longer serves you. Or mix a drop of this oil into your Sandalwood as you apply to your lower chakras.
  • Holy Grail is a signature blend of mine that allows your soul to travel the cosmos and gather information and resources, and allows your body to create the grids needed to anchor into this dimension. Perfect for receiving all the new info available for download during the New Moon.
    Activate It: Try hand diffusing and then cupping your closed eyes for a few breaths. And make sure to have your journal handy for all the new ideas you’ll be receiving!

amanda maybroda ruby warrington i am elementals essential oils for every moon phase the numinous material girl mystical world


This is a phase of regeneration when our bodies are able to absorb most efficiently and easefully. It’s a time to fortify, strengthen, and replenish our bodies, souls, energetic fields, and resources.

  • Juniper Berry supports the nervous system, regeneration, and replenishment by bolstering feelings of love, peace, and wellbeing. As your body transforms into a balanced and harmonious vessel, your energy field literally begins to strengthen.
    Activate It: Do hand diffusions throughout the day, taking 6 good deep breaths. And throw this baby in the diffuser at night (that’s when we repair ourselves the most). Juniper Berry can also be applied to the front and back of the heart to help activate its replenishing properties.
  • Rosemary helps memory and our ability to trust the process. The Waxing Moon is a gestation period, during which we can’t always see the trajectory of our movement or the end result of our intentions. Rosemary supports the motivation and courage we need during this phase by boosting clarity, endorphins, and brain functioning. It’s an oil for breakthroughs!
    Activate It: Apply Rosemary to the base of neck, occipitals, and top of head to bring clarity. Apply it to the bottom of your feet to give the seeds you planted some extra love. And put some in your salad dressing or sprinkle on some red roasted potatoes- ingesting neutralizes stress and helps move stagnant energy.
  • Lavender supplies patience as we fortify during the Waxing Moon phase. Sometimes our outer worlds don’t catch up as quickly as we want, and this oil helps infuse the trust of Divine Timing into any type of preparation work.
    Activate It: Combine in with your favorite carrier oil (i.e. coconut or olive oil) and lather yourself generously, paying special attention to your ankles and hips. Diffuse Lavender by itself, or with Juniper Berry and Rosemary, to bring you into the present moment and back to the patience that is needed during this phase.


This part of the cycle is a yummy energetic time for experiencing amplified feelings and experiences. Our bodies go through a lot on this planet, and this phase asks us to open the heart chakras, get grounded, listen to our bodies, and amp up the self-love!

*Create a sacred space with these oils and have a release. Cry, kick, scream if you need too … and trust that they will literally help you transform it all.

  • Cedarwood’s luscious grounding and sedatitive abilities help us root deeper and feel beautiful. It’s also very cleansing and has a diuretic effect that helps with body release during the Full Moon.
    Activate It: Apply the Cedarwood to your feet, ankles, tailbone, and sternum. Step outside if you can and walk barefoot on our beautiful earth mama!
  • Yang Ylang softens that heart chakra, amplifies your sensuality, and deepens your connection to self.
    Activate It: Put a few drops in a salt bath and tell your body all the reasons you’re grateful for it and why you love it SO much!
  • Peppermint’s antiseptic and uplifting properties facilitate any physical or energetic cleaning out to create an environment for emotional and spiritual growth.
    Activate It: Try hand diffusing peppermint- inhale and apply to your energetic field. This is done by rubbing oils between palms and then dancing around and painting your field with it. (The dancing part isn’t mandatory but highly suggested for Full Moon party vibes!)

amanda maybroda ruby warrington i am elementals essential oils for every moon phase the numinous material girl mystical world


The waning gibbous moon brings about instinctual growth, subconscious enlightenment and an opportunity to clarify our values. This is a time of deep internal rest, meditation, self analysis, and reconnection to our cozy internal home as we prepare for the New Moon. This final stage of the process allows us to release, pivot, banish, and break unhealthy habits, relationships, behaviors, patterns, and thought forms as we prepare for rebirth.

  • Frankincense helps to re-pattern, re-generate and re-parent ourselves. I can confidently say this was one of the main oils I used in healing my own PTSD. Working intentionally with this oil can truly heal and release those negative habits, patterns, and thought forms.
    Activate It: To allow for your values to clearly present themselves, mix with a carrier oil of your choice and give your scalp some extra TLC with a massage. For instinctual growth and immunity stimulation, place a drop under your tongue.
  • Geranium allows the body to recuperate from all that deep work that has been done releasing and re-patterning during the entire Moon cycle. This oil is also an antidepressant and can help any heavy feelings associated with this deep phase of the Moon. Give yourself permission to really take some time to rest.
    Activate It: Take a salt bath with some Geranium and any flower petals you may have. Bathing is a perfect New Moon prep activity during the Waning Moon cycle because it allows every cell and system to relax so that we will be able to launch forward to receive during the next phase.
  • Holy Ghost (another of my signature blends) has the mother, father, purifier, and exciter of oils all in one, and balances your Divine Masculine and Feminine energies. As we prepare for the New Moon, this oil helps release any stress, worry, doubt or fear that may be associated with transition or rebirth.
    Activate It: Take a few drops under your tongue before meditation. Or use as a spray or through a diffusor to cleanse and shift the environmental energy towards openness, balance, and support.


Amanda Maybroda is an LA-based Intuitive Alchemist, Spiritual Wellness Coach, speaker, author, and founder of I AM Elementals. Known as the “go-to witch doctor” in her community, she uses high-vibe nature energies and elements to create custom blends, mantras, yoga practices, and meditations that support each client’s health, desired intentions, and frequencies.

**I AM Elementals is brand new to the IG game! Follow her HERE, and make sure to snag one of the final spots for her next private coaching sessions (starting October 1, 2017, and January 1, 2018) by emailing [email protected]


While Eclipse Season may have us feeling like we’ve caught a serious case of the cosmic crazies, the Taurus Waning Quarter Moon invites us to stay steady as we make space for the future to appear, says Jennifer Racioppi.  Artwork: Seana Gavin

Taurus Waning Quarter Moon The Numinous Seana Gavin Jennifer Racioppi

:: Waning Quarter Moon :: August 14 2017 :: 9:15pm EST :: 22 degrees Taurus 

As the cosmic wheel spins out of our control, we need to find our centers. The art is to lovingly let things be shaken up without any unnecessary drama.

With August 21st’s highly anticipated Leo New Moon Solar Eclipse on the horizon (which boasts the power of a New Moon times three), plus Mercury retro, it’s a trippy month that marks a moment of transformation we’ll all be referencing for some time to come.

Amidst all these shifts, we couldn’t ask for a better Waning Quarter Moon as the denouement of this lunar cycle.

This Taurus Waning Quarter Moon provides grounded stability. Perfection.

While Leo, a sign with ample dramatic flair, may love a big show, the Taurus Waning Quarter Moon asks us to stay humble and centered—so we can keep steady amidst the transformation that’s upon us. … 


:: The Sun :: 
With the Sun zooming through the fixed fire sign of Leo as it preps for the Solar Eclipse, it’s time to surrender your ego and your desires for the greater good. While it may seem ironic that the strongly self-possessed Leo Sun is pushing us to surrender our ego, the Quarter Moon cycle asks us to find our humility as we wrap up Leo season and prep for Virgo.

The trick? Don’t cling too tightly to anything right now, especially anything you’re attached to for its external value. Thankfully, the Sun and Saturn are perfecting aligned during this Taurus Waning Quarter Moon, supporting you to utilize the gift of surrender as a way back to stability.

:: The Moon :: 
The Moon, exalted in Taurus, asks you to put your feet on the ground, and connect with the earth. Literally! And while you’re at it, connect with your body too. Take time to nourish and nurture your skin. Try dry brushing, give yourself a luxurious foot massage.

Give yourself a chance to feel your presence on this earth in your body. And don’t forget about delicious savory meals too. Practice mindful self-care. And connect to the dependability and steadfastness of Taurus.

:: The Square :: 
Every Waning Quarter Moons help us wrap things up, so we can prepare for new beginnings right around the corner with the upcoming New Moon. And with the Great American Eclipse on the horizon, this closing square has a SERIOUS message. 

Let the practical sensibility of the Taurus moon take it slow and steady. Let it help you be methodical and realistic, as you sweep your life clean of anything holding you back from the new chapter about to emerge next week.

Create space in your life, and your heart, for your new future to appear. Surrender anything standing in your way at this point, especially your ego.

:: The Message :: 
Let this Taurus Waning Quarter Moon moon help you to feel grounded, connected to your center, and ready to ride the cosmic rollercoaster ahead.

Stand tall in your humility with both feet on the ground (preferably barefoot, in the grass!) From this place of presence, assess what truly does and does not feed your most abundant life, as you ready yourself for the potency of the upcoming eclipse.

Because, baby, things are about to shift … 

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar loving cosmic change makers! 


With Eclipse Season just around the corner, the Scorpio Waxing Quarter Moon is a critical moment to take a hard look at your truth, trust your instincts, and harness your most authentic essence, says Jennifer RacioppiArtwork: Bethany Harper Walsh

Scorpio Waxing Quarter Moon 2017 Jennifer Racioppi The Numinous

:: Waxing Quarter Moon :: July 30 2017 :: 11:23am EST :: 7 degrees Scorpio

Massive change is upon us …. This Waxing Quarter Moon in Scorpio is a critical checkpoint as we make our way into Eclipse season.

A time of transformation, change, and growth, eclipse season acts like massive broom in our lives—sweeping away what is no longer needed and ushering in new beginnings.

Because we’re now in the “shadow” period of two major eclipses occurring in August 2017, we’re already beginning to feel the impacts of these energetic harbingers. With eclipses slated for August 7th and 21st, and Mercury, the planet of communication, stationing retrograde on August 12th, issues surfacing now are part of a much larger story that’s unfolding.

Pay close attention—EVERYTHING right now has meaning!


:: The Sun ::
With the Sun in the optimistic sign of Leo traveling closely to Mars, the spirit of Summer comes to a full roar, complete with courage, creativity, and play. Allow the presence of Mars to ignite your passion and purpose, and to encourage leadership and self-confidence.

Warning: The cosmic combo of the Sun and Mars may incite humorous uproars of laughter, dramatic and playful outfits, fun times at parties, and the ability to trust your leadership instincts.

:: The Moon ::
The Moon in Scorpio supports deep, meaningful conversations, intense, healing sexual experiences, and the ability to see past the facade. A Scorpio Moon helps you to know the truth instinctively, and to use this knowledge to support you to make better decisions, encouraged by depth and intimacy.

Unlike the upbeat demeanor of Leo, Scorpio penetrates into the dark. Let the wisdom of this Moon connect you to your emotional truth. Explore your sexuality—even if it’s just by yourself.

Turn on your seductress. Don’t be afraid of darker emotions as you evaluate what’s real for YOU. Embrace it all!

:: The Square ::
With the Moon in Scorpio squaring the Sun and Mars, the season’s sense of play and enthusiasm gives way to deeper emotions and intuitive truths.

In contrast to the lighthearted, high-vibe nature of Leo, the Moon traveling through intense Scorpio brings depth and grit. It asks us to look at our shadows, as well as the shadows of others. While this contrast may feel awkward, it’s a potent combination that calls forth the essence of authenticity.

:: The Message ::
With the Sun and Mars squaring the Moon in Scorpio one week before the Lunar eclipse in Aquarius, the time is now to look deeply within and determine where you are (and aren’t) aligned with your truth.

Let the bold, brash Leo energy encourage bravery and fun, and the deep emotional waters of Scorpio identify where you are misaligned with your authenticity. Beyond that, let the playful vibes of Leo, and the mysterious demeanor of Scorpio inspire you!

Dress with provocative flair. Allow your inner seductress to lead you forward. Let your playful yet intense sexual side out. Trust yourself. Let the energy build.

Next week we approach a massive cosmic clearing. You ready?

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar loving cosmic change makers! 


The longest day of the cosmic year, Summer Solstice 2017 is your time to strip it down and skinny dip straight back to your roots, say our resident Numi astro babes Danielle Paige, Jennifer Racioppi, and Bess Matassa

summer solstice 2017 ruby warrington the numinous jennifer racioppi danielle paige bess matassa mojave rising
Photo: Jerry Kiesewetter

5 Ways to Activate the Summer Solstice 2017 Energy Right Now!
*And make sure to read on for our resident astro babes’ full breakdown of this cosmic event … 

1/Go Skinny Dipping: This Solstice asks us to get deliciously stripped down and dip into our private lives. Whether you choose to risk taking the plunge at midday with friends or go solo at midnight, celebrate slipping back into your own skin and connecting with your internal world.

2/Throw a Slumber Party: Celebrate the longest day of the year by pulling an old-school all nighter. Break out the hot rollers and face masks, and channel those nostalgic Cancer Season vibes with Old Hollywood classics, high school yearbooks, and prom pop.

3/Spend a Spa Day with Your Patron Saints: Ruled by the Moon, the Solstice asks us to connect to our feminine progenitors, whomever this means to you. Who has held you close? Who has tenderized your heart? Who have you bowed down at the altar of as a f-ing serious force of nature? Honor those people, whether it’s with an elaborate spa day or a simple, home-cooked brunch.

4/Become Your Own Summer Lover: Light the candles, let the R&B jams play, and deck yourself out in a luscious romper and sky-high wedges. Get nocturnal with yourself- figure out exactly what turns you on in your most private moments and romance yourself with that.

5/Refuel Your Fantasy Life with a Blockbuster: The Solstice marks the Sun’s entry into the sign of Cancer and this little mermaid’s energy is all about the creative force of our fantasies. Whether it’s Wonder Woman or a juicy, romantic beach read, celebrate the unbridled potential of your inner visions by getting whisked away by fantastically real tales of heroism.


Danielle Paige 
More light means more consciousness

The Solstice helps us to define time and get in touch with the sacred rhythm of the Universe. It marks a point of transition from one energetic phase to another and as this is the longest day of the year, more light means more consciousness.

You’ve spent the last 6 months (since the Winter Solstice) in a yin state … lots of rejuvenation, inward processing, and clearing. Now, it’s time to open up and shine your light!

Visualize a seed being planted at the Winter Solstice. After the fertilization process,  it grows into a beautiful flower and opens its petals …. THIS is the energy in the air …. Ahhh yes, well hello there!

Moving forward, honor the fullness and richness of life that is tangible to you right now. The more you can honor this, the more you move into your heart space, which is how you attract your desires to you.

To find out more about attracting your desires and working with your karmic energy to find your purpose, you can connect with Danielle here. 

summer solstice 2017 the numinous ruby warrington jennifer racioppi danielle paige mojave rising bess matassa
Photo: Pineapple Supply Co.


Jennifer Racioppi
Get grounded, connected, and clear

With Eclipse Season just around the corner in August, use the Solstice and Cancer season to get grounded, connected, and clear. The New Moon in Cancer will follow this the Solstice by just two days, and it’s time to initiate new intentions, have fun, and enjoy those summertime vibes! 

At the exact moment when the Sun enters Cancer, the Waning Crescent Balsamic Moon in Taurus connects with Venus in Taurus. This fortuitous and auspicious alignment in the Solstice chart indicates that the seasonal shift bestows gifts of bounty. The Moon rules Cancer, is exalted in Taurus, and Venus, Taurus’ ruler, is dignified in this position! To compliment this even more, the Moon forms an exact trine, a supportive angle of manifestation,  to powerhouse Pluto.

We can expect this piercing and luxurious alignment to ground us as the Sun reaches his zenith, and we prepare to enter the season of Cancer. Cancer, a sign that loves to connect deeply with those it loves, opens the doorway to nourishing our connection to close friends and family as we reach into our roots for more safety, security, and abundance.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit


Bess Matassa 
Skinny dip straight into your own heart

What does midnight feel like in your soul? This Summer Solstice, it’s time to dim all the lights, strip it down to bare, beautifully bio-luminescent skin, and take a naked plunge into your heart’s most private spaces  …

With Neptune Rx and the Sun and Mercury entering little mermy Cancer on the same day, this Solstice is a water queen’s dream. But this isn’t the treacherous undertow of Scorpionic and Plutonian storm surges. This salt-kissed Solstice is a homecoming invitation to wash gently, yet fiercely, back onto our own shores, to remember where we’ve been, and to let everything that’s lived in our heart-shaped lockets and treasure chests give us the strength to jet-ski into the future.

So burn out the bulbs and turn on the sea sparkles. Click your heels three times and bring it all the way back home. And trust that you carry your home on your back, nomadic hermit-crab style, because you belong absolutely everywhere and always, to yourself …

Summer Solstice Mantra: I bow at the altar of my most tender night moves.
Theme Song: The Commodores’ Nightshift
Style: Bond Girl Ursula Andress meets Dorothy on her way back to Kansas. Sweetheart necklined one-pieces, gingham print hot shorts, tan halters, stacked raffia wedges, coral and emeralds.
Flavors: Nocturnal snacks and homecoming helpings. Think nightshade fruits and veggies, cardamom-infused milks, and hearty, family-style pasta dishes.

Want more juicy cosmic insights and sensory explorations? Arrange an astrology reading or private event with Bess here or follow her on Instagram


Since 2012, we’ve been in it for the cosmic long haul. The Pisces Waning Quarter Moon wants you to acknowledge the end of this cycle of soul-shaking change, and to courageously meet your life exactly where it is, says Jennifer Racioppi. Collage: Seana Gavin

Seana Gavin collage The Numinous pisces waning quarter moon


Waning Quarter Moon :: June 17 2017 :: 7:32 am EST :: 26 degrees Pisces

It’s been a tumultuous cosmic time, moon beams. And this latest lunation marks the culmination of some serious soul work …

In the midst of June 15’s Saturn-Sun opposition (a.k.a. one of the toughest days of the year), and just before Saturn’s June 18 opposition to Mercury (ouch o’rama), the Waning Quarter Moon in Pisces offers both a call to action, a clearing, and a point of culmination after a two-plus year cycle …  

Think back to March 20, 2015, when we experienced a solar eclipse at 29 degrees of Pisces—the last degree of the last sign of the zodiac. This eclipse occurred on the heels of the final of 7 exact squares between Uranus, who represents change and revolution, and Pluto, who represents power.

The Uranus-Pluto Square took place between 2012-2015, representing one of the most tumultuous astrological events of our entire generation.

These seven squares rocked life dramatically for all of us, regardless of our sign … 

And the final one of these squares happened just days before 2015’s Pisces Solar Eclipse, which opened up the Lunar Gestation Cycle that this current Waning Quarter Moon closes. The 7 Uranus-Pluto squares signify so much of what this decade represents: large-scale sociopolitical and religious change.

Now, this Pisces Waning Quarter Moon asks us to acknowledge the significance of this MASSIVE change on a global and personal level!

:: The Sun ::
With the Sun at 26 degrees of Gemini opposing Saturn in Sagittarius, and simultaneously squaring the Moon and Chiron (the wounded healers), our issues are up for examination.

In astrology, the Sun represents our identity and vitality. When the Sun opposes Saturn, as he did on June 15, we can expect to possibly feel under the weather, under pressure, or consequently extremely focused. When the Sun squares Chiron as he will on Monday June 19, our wound steps forward as a massive teaching!

Be bold. This is the time to meet life exactly as it is so that you can integrate and rise. If you do, you can make huge gains.

:: The Moon ::
Between now and the initiation into a new cycle that comes with the upcoming Cancer New Moon on June 23, we have some serious work to do.

Even though the Moon is in Pisces, a sign that loves to escape, it’s time to to conjure the courage to face everything and see it for what it is.

In doing so, you’ll reap the benefits of the seeds you planted in March 2015, and uncover new marching orders as they relate to your life purpose.

:: The Square ::
This Waning Quarter Moon packs a punch. It reveals both our wounding and our purpose, while simultaneously shining a light on karma set in place two-and-a-quarter years ago. Since this cycle corresponds with the ending of the Pluto square Uranus epoch, it’s been heavy to say the least! 

But here’s the good news: we also stand to reap massive rewards right now, as a very potent Lunar Gestation Cycle comes to a close. The karmic lessons of the past two years have strengthened us and shown us how to step into our power in radical new ways.

:: The Message ::
With pure chaos unfolding around the globe right now, many shades of sadness are present. Simultaneously, on an individual level we need to reconcile personal pain to step more fully into our power, passion, and purpose.

On this extremely potent Waning Quarter Moon don’t write anything off as coincidence. Instead, look backward and unravel the patterns unfolding in your life. Stand in your strength and commitment to the light. The world needs you more than ever, especially as our societal pain feels so razor sharp.

Don’t run and hide. Instead, be brave and look your pain in the eye. Next week, we move into an entirely new cycle. In the meanwhile, a new iteration of your life purpose reveals itself. Do NOT miss the significant power of this moment!

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of lunar lovers at Moon Club!


Following last week’s New Moon in Gemini, the Virgo Waxing Quarter Moon’s frictional challenges offer us fodder for luscious growth, says Jennifer Racioppi. Let the uphill climb propel you forward! Artwork: Seana Gavin.

Waxing Quarter Moon :: June 1 2017 :: 8:42 am EST :: 11 degrees Virgo 

With the Summer Solstice just three weeks away, June kicks off the opening square to last week’s New Moon in Gemini. Unlike New Moons, which bring fertile and harmonious alignments for new beginnings, Quarter Moons ask us to handle curveballs with grace.

So use this moment in the lunar cycle to check in on any intentions you set at the New Moon last week and see what (if any) adjustments you need to make.  Good news: Venus, who rules beauty trines Saturn, who governs structure, auspiciously supporting the realignment of goals. Boom! 

:: The Sun ::
The Gemini Sun in an applying trine to good luck Jupiter in Libra ushers in luscious growth. While the exact trine to Jupiter happens on the 3rd, we can feel the energy building during this quarter moon. (Trines support manifestation—massively!)

This aspect helps us feel exciting summer vibes as we engage the social energy of Gemini season, strengthening bonds with those we love while meeting new people too! Yet the Sun also squares Neptune and this Moon is in Virgo, so be careful for blind spots and see what information you might have missed- stay focused on the details and don’t let important matters slip by.

:: The Moon ::
The Moon in Virgo squares the Sun and opposes Neptune, forming a mutable T-square in the sky. Given that the Moon represents our emotional needs, our inner world may feel a bit unsettled today—a mutable T-square can feel confusing, especially with Neptune in the mix.

However, if we surrender to the Virgo impulse to work dutifully on behalf of staying in integrity, we may just find that any disruptive feelings ultimately help us expedite our purpose and the fruition of our goals. Now is the time to use any friction on behalf of our growth …

:: The Square :: 
With the Sun in Gemini waxing to her zenith at the Summer Solstice, and simultaneously squaring the Moon in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces while forming an applying trine to Jupiter, we need to take a detail-oriented approach so we can grow into our full potential. Gemini, not always the most detailed-oriented sign, can overlook essential information for the big picture. Yet, the Virgo Moon answers the call of duty, bringing us back to basics. Thank the Goddess!

:: The Message :: 
The Moon’s call today guides you to check your blind spots, and to see any curveballs as an appropriate challenge that supports the manifestation of your New Moon intentions set last week. The detailed oriented, humble Virgo Moon asks you to stay responsible and engaged, even though things may feel tricky or uncomfortable. The good news is, with so much positivity brewing in the cosmos, sticking with it leads to rewards.

Do. Not. Give. Up. Instead, stay focused and let any friction become fodder for your growth! 

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of lunar lovers at Moon Club!


The message of the 2017 Gemini New Moon is to turn it on, tune in, and let curiosity lead to inspired possibilities, says Sandra Sitron.

2017 Gemini New Moon Ruby Warrington Sandra Sitron The Numinous Strong Eye Astrology
Get a brand new workbook for the coming Moon phase when you join Moon Club! Sign up here.

New Moon :: May 25 2017 :: 3:46 pm ET :: 4 degrees Gemini

This New Moon brings you to the entrance of Curiosity’s sanctuary. You may be hovering just outside an idea, searching for an entry point. Make a pact with Curiosity and let her guide you into the diamond encrusted center of your next big innovation.

Follow the trail that Curiosity carves for you. She’s an effervescent leader.  Blithe and animated, she’ll teach you all about Gemini New Moon magic. She’ll remind you that this is a time to learn. A time to sharpen your mind. A time to connect with those close to you. Siblings, friends, neighbors, co-workers, the community board, the local coven.

Gemini is the sign of the Twins and is responsible for two important Air element topics: mindset and social connections. It’s time to set new intentions in these areas of life. When it comes to mindset, how do you want to be curious? Where are you ready to learn? What is your next innovation? What inspires you? What beliefs will you expand, shift or invigorate in the coming year? 

And in the area of social connections, how do you want your friendships to feel? Which relationships will you put fresh energy into and which ones will you let go? What conversations need to take place? What connections need attention? What kind of local community organizations do you want to participate in?

Turn your brain on and up. Get off the couch, turn off the TV. Go connect some synapses. Show up to the pot-luck. Bring Scrabble. Curiosity will help you meet and mingle. She’ll remind you that every question you ask brings you into closer connection with the people around you and the world you inhabit. 

Curiosity has a Gemini twin sister, Inspiration. Curiosity leads you to the idea, and Inspiration takes it from there. Inspiration will stimulate your creativity. She brings gifts— ease, dedication, focus, and fun. She nurtures and guides you, helping you complete the creative work, live in your purpose, and invigorate your world. 

The aspects to the New Moon signify transformation, connecting to the feminine, spiritual awakening, and buoyant expansion. The Gemini New Moon asks you to bring curiosity and inspiration to these arenas. Set intentions for lightness and learning. Let your winged feet and mercurial mind carry you forward.


New Moon trine Jupiter
Balloons drifting high into the sky. 
Buoyant, bold, uplifting energy can help you reach for your dreams. Fill your balloons with positivity and watch them float to the zenith. This aspect removes limitations. With nothing in your way, what is possible?

The energy is harmonizing and expansive. It gives you the chance to open your world up to new realities.


New Moon square Neptune
A crystal forms under the crust of the Earth. 
You are incubating pure magic. This aspect funnels enchanted and ethereal vibes. Channel the energy to get closer to your spiritual truths. Ask to be transported beyond everyday anxieties or fears. Find connection to crystalline source.

There is another facet to this energy which can create confusion or fogginess. Set intentions for clarity and spiritual connection.


New Moon semi-square Venus
A rose blooms where no one ever goes. 
Consider your deep inner connection to your feminine nature. Is there anything that needs to be ironed out? Is there a subtle denial of the feminine that is impeding your ability to connect in the way you would like to? It may be time for a new mental pathway to be forged. A new altar to Venus could be created.


New Moon sesquiquadrate Pluto
The blacksmith heats the horseshoe.
The horse can’t walk on this shoe. A solution is necessary, so the blacksmith gets to work. Heat up your internal furnace. It’s time for a minor transformation. The adjustment needs to be made because of a frustration. Where are you frustrated and what do you need to change? It’s not possible to move forward without bringing through some changes. Get to work.


Use the questions below to dive deeper into the lessons of the 2017 Gemini New Moon. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see which house holds 4 degrees Gemini …

Aries or New Moon in the 3rd House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of communication and learning. What aspect of your life could benefit from a fresh dose of curiosity?

Taurus or New Moon in the 2nd House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of financial worth and self-worth. What new intentions will you set for your finances?

Gemini or New Moon in the 1st House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of identity. What is blocking you from thinking about yourself in a new way?

Cancer or New Moon in the 12th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of intuition, compassion, and spirituality. How can you make your spirituality a bigger part of your everyday life?

Leo or New Moon in the 11th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of friends, community, and the future. What social connections are you ready to invigorate?

Virgo or New Moon in the 10th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of career and the public sphere. What ideas would you like to share with the world?

Libra or New Moon in the 9th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of philosophy, beliefs, travel, and higher learning. What is your mission statement?

Scorpio or New Moon in the 8th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of evolution and union. What are you ready to let go of?

Sagittarius or New Moon in the 7th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of relationships. What conversation do you need to have with someone you are close to?

Capricorn or New Moon in the 6th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of health and habits. What positive habit will you begin?

Aquarius or New Moon in the 5th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of joy and self-expression. What inspires you?

Pisces or New Moon in the 4th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of home and family. How can you make your home into a mentally and creatively stimulating place?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.