Meet cosmic creative Jayme Gray, one of the Moon Club members working the magic with her daily lunar updates on The Wild Moon Society

lunar updates lunar astrology ruby warrington jayme gray the wild moon society moon club the numinous alexandra roxo


“I think we can all agree that it’s time to do some Shadow work for ourselves and this planet.”

The Passion Project 
As far back as I can remember, I’ve been fascinated by the mysteries and energies of the Moon. Even at a young age, I was drawn to the unknown, subconscious, and shadow work. I found comfort in the night and felt as though the Moon’s presence resembled that of a grandmother’s hug.

I was raised by spiritually wise women who helped teach me the Ancient ways of Earth and the Cosmos. I had my natal chart read as a child, and have been seeing an astrologer ever since!  During my early 20s I studied my soul and dove deeper into astrology, spirituality, and the New Earth ascension process we are now experiencing. I was fascinated by the Aquarian Age that was making her way to the planet, and realized I had to help those around me.

Even though I studied and experienced many spokes of the Spirit Wheel, I saw the Moon as an opportunity to invite people back to themselves. This is what motivated me to start The Wild Moon Society! I wanted to get together with people on Full Moons, go live every week about the energy on the planet, and write helpful guides that folks could benefit from.

lunar updates lunar astrology ruby warrington jayme gray the wild moon society moon club the numinous alexandra roxo
Jayme’s Art for the Leo Moon

Unlocking the Ancient Calendar 
The Moon transits through the Zodiac Wheel every 28 day cycle, landing in each sign for about 2.5 days. This is the layout for the 13th Moon Calendar, which is how I view the year—and how we cycle on Moon Club. (I’m soo over the Gregorian calendar … anyone else? LOL!)

Like many folks, I was sick of feeling exhausted, out of control and downright crazy. Once I started to align my energy with the Moon, everything fell into place. I’ve used Lunar astrology for years to help me manage my energy levels and create abundance all around me.

The Lunar year helps us to unlock our hidden abilities, which empowers us to open up to the mysteries of the Universe. Doing this helps raise the vibration of the conscious collective, healing the planet as we go along. Working with the Lunar phases teaches us how to design our months for the best outcome of current life situations.

It’s time we bring back these Ancient calendars my friends! So get outside, look into the sky and absorb this cosmic wisdom …


What Everyone Should Know about Lunar Astrology 
In astrology, the Moon represents our subconscious, emotions, and shadows. These are foreign realms that are avoided by most people, including energy and light workers. I think we can all agree that it’s time to do some Shadow work for ourselves and this planet.

Regardless of what your Sun sign is, the Moon helps explain the surge of energy you’re subconsciously moving through and why you feel totally different than you did last week. After you get comfortable with a few Lunar cycles, you may start to notice patterns within each sign. That’s when the magic happens …

For example- I use Virgo and Capricorn moons to get organized and restructured. Pisces and Scorpio moons to get deep into emotions and feelings. I avoid arguments under Aries and Taurus moons, and instead wait for Libra to roll around. I cook up a storm on Cancer moons, use Gemini days to be social, and get dolled up on Leo nights!

lunar updates lunar astrology ruby warrington jayme gray the wild moon society moon club the numinous alexandra roxo
Jayme’s Lunar Art

The Moon Club Inspiration 
When I got the first email about Moon Club, I screamed and signed up immediately! Being part of Moon Club has offered me opportunities to listen to pioneers like Miki Agrawal, who have motivated my life. Not only was I feeling the need to be part of a community, but membership in the club also validated my energetic signals to start one here in Rhode Island.

In a world where we feel so disconnected and lonely, groups like this are changing everything. So find yourself a community that raises your vibration and inspires you to live your true authentic life.

Peace out Moon babes!


You can find Jayme’s Lunar writings, gatherings, and teachings at

Want to start working your own lunar magic? Read more about Moon Club here and join our community of cosmic creatives. 


The 2017 Virgo Full Moon beckons us to find the mystery & magic in the mundane, says Sandra Sitron...

2017 virgo full moon sandra sitron strong eye astrology the numinous ruby warrington moon club
Join a virtual ritual for the 2017 Virgo Full Moon on 3/12 when you sign up for Moon Club.

Full Moon :: March 12 2017 :: 10:54 am EST :: 22 degrees Virgo

Put your ear to the seashell and listen. Let your world expand beyond your current reality by noticing the magic in the details of life. To notice the details you have to be present in the moment. You have to harness the Now.

You may feel drawn to fantasy and escape, but keep bringing yourself back to the mundane. Keep watching yourself stir the soup. This is where you will find the real spaciousness. It exists in simple consciousness.

Sunday’s Virgo Full Moon is opposite the Sun in Pisces. Pisces and Virgo offer us two portals into spirituality. The Pisces portal is outside of the body—it’s “through the veil.” Pisces helps us move outside of boundaries and remember our “boundary-less” soul. We are light and universal love.

The Virgo portal is completely centered in the complexities of the body and life on Earth. To enter the world of spirit through the Virgo portal, one must go into the Now—into the moment. One must be present and centered. To create a stable foundation for this practice, it helps to refine the health of the body and mind.

The 2017 Virgo Full Moon has a lot to teach us. Because these are two mutable signs, we will be making adjustments to improve our experience. Contrast may cause you (or the people around you) to be more self-critical. There is a feeling of “I’ve got to get it right.” By navigating through these feelings of self-doubt and self-criticism, you can find your way to self-love. And you must. You must turn every critique into a declaration of love.

This requires you to listen to your thoughts. And it’s hard to listen to your thoughts if they are coming fast. So slow it down. A meditation practice will help with this. This process is gentle and gradual. Make tiny changes. Although the tone of this lunation is about small adjustments, don’t be surprised if you experience a major healing.


2017 Virgo Full Moon opposite Chiron and Mercury.
Sanding down a piece of furniture.
There is a lot of healing energy coming through as Chiron (the wounded-healer asteroid) joins the Sun (essence) and Mercury (mind). All three are opposite the Moon. Healing “Self” will be front and center. How does this happen? Look around for traces of your curriculum. If something pulls at your mind or emotions ask yourself, “is this my curriculum?” Ask yourself: “What is the deeper lesson here?” This may feel transformative, like sanding down an old chair. Small adjustments add up to big changes.

Moon trine Pluto
A polished diamond.
More healing. More adjustments. Polishing and polishing your inner diamond. Letting go. Letting go of control. Why do you need to control anyway? You are safe. You are well. It’s all okay. Let go and move on to a new level. You let go and you move away from ego. The inner diamond is the soul essence that is free from ego constraints.

Moon quincunx Uranus
And there is a little hiccup here. Uranus (the Great Awakener) tugs at the Moon uncomfortably. The Moon is trying to hang in there and do some healing work and Uranus is pulling away saying, “F*ck it. Let’s get out of here! I don’t have time for this! This is too hard!” (Or frustrating, slow, uncomfortable, etc.) This is all fine. It can be kind of fun to laugh at the urge to hit the eject button.

Get quiet. Guide your thoughts toward the present moment. Slow down the thoughts through meditation so that there is time to remember the point of all this: Love. Look for the lessons, let go of ego, and sit quietly through discomfort. Go through the portal.


Use the questions below to dive deeper into the lessons of the 2017 Virgo Full Moon. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see what house holds 22 degrees Virgo…

Aries or Moon in the 6th house 
If your body could write you a letter, what would it say?

Taurus or Moon in the 5th house
What does the concept of “self-expression” mean to you?

Gemini or Moon in the 4th house
How can you nurture yourself today? And every day?

Cancer or Moon in the 3rd house
What’s your current vision of your community? How would you like it to be?

Leo or Moon in the 2nd house
What’s one small adjustment you can make that will help you feel more grounded?

Virgo or Moon in the 1st house
Where in your life are you feeling called to be a leader?

Libra or Moon in the 12th house
Write a letter to your “Inner-Critic.” Offer your gratitude and make some gentle requests.

Scorpio or Moon in the 11th house
Are you ready to make any adjustments to your vision for the future?

Sagittarius or Moon in the 10th house
How do you best define your mission-statement for your career?

Capricorn or Moon in the 9th house
Which archetype within you needs more freedom?

Aquarius or Moon in the 8th house
What are you ready to let go of? Follow your feelings to work this out.

Pisces or Moon in the 7th house 
Can you get really clear about your needs? Can you do the same with a partner?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.


They’re baaacckkk! Eclipse Season 2017 kicks off with a pair of potent cosmic events on February 10th and 26th. Danielle Paige gives us the low-down…

Ecipse season 2017 Danielle Paige The Numinous


February 2017 is the first of two pivotal months this year (August being the second) that will crack you wide open and bring sudden changes that realign you to your soul’s plan. Eclipse season 2017 is also doubly charged because 2017 is a “1” universal year in numerology, with a strong Uranus, Jupiter, and Saturn influence. The combination of all these elements is about sudden liberation and expansion in a karmic way.

Eclipses are game changers for the soul—they speed events up and re-route us if we are veering off track. This soul acceleration is equal parts exhilarating and challenging. They act as pendulums of fate and swing us in the right direction to keep us in line with our soul’s plan. The difficult part comes in because, as humans, we resist change (especially you lovelies with a lot of earth or fixed planets in your charts!) Eclipses have a tendency to touch on our tender spots, aka our pain points, because it often takes getting those tender places activated (again and again) for us to change our story.

Anything is possible during eclipse season 2017—a wildcard cosmic time—so remember that every soul’s story is different, and hang in there, no matter what you’re feeling! While some of us will experience rapid-fire change, others will experience a slower shift and unfolding over the next six months, which is when we enter a new energetic phase and a new round of eclipses in August.

Also, remember that this energy doesn’t have a precise on/off switch. Eclipse energy can start to boil up a month or more before the eclipse date, and the week leading up to an eclipse can be the peak emotional moment for some of us.

Most of all, don’t worry my dears—as an intuitive being, you’ve likely already got a sense of what’s coming. Which is where eclipses take care of business—they often come in and do the dirty work for us, because even if something feels confusing and scary right now, the cosmos knows these necessary changes are better for us in the long run. What you’re feeling is the shifting of your psyche’s tides. Remember that this energy, like all energy, shall pass!

Read on for some specifics about the two February events of eclipse season 2017—the February Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, and the February 26 Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse.

***PRO TIP: If you want to dive even deeper into the invitations below, look at your birth chart to see where 22 degrees of Leo and 8 degrees of Pisces fall. If you have a planet or angle within 5 degrees of this degree then that planet or angle will get “eclipsed.” When a planet gets “eclipsed “ it needs to start behaving differently—you can no longer continue to use it the way you were, and there is a new, evolved expression waiting to unfold.

Felipe Posada, Danielle Paige, Danielle Paige Astrology, The Numinous, Eclipse Season 2017
Collage: Felipe Posada

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse :: February 10 2017 :: 22 degrees Leo 

Eclipse season 2017 begins with a fiery Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo. No matter your personal astrology, this eclipse is reminding us all to create, live joyfully, be moved by our hearts, and express our creative gifts in a GRAND way! This is LEO we’re talking about, after all!

During a Lunar Eclipse, the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon and blocks the Sun’s light from reflecting on the Moon. The Moon rules our emotions, so when she’s eclipsed she temporarily has no mirror to reflect the Sun’s light. As energetic beings we are also synchronistically cut off from our “power supply” and reintroduced to our shadow side. The energy of a lunar eclipse can stir an internal crisis (that’s often brought about through external sources, especially relationships, which act as mirrors). This shadow work often brings confusion, doubt, and panic to its peak. Fear not: all of this is designed to spur a conclusion, culmination, ending, or decision about something in your life.

It’s a time to let your unconscious take center stage and tap into a side of yourself you’ve pushed down for some time—you’ll feel the shift with every ounce of your being, as if you’re being asked to find your way in the “dark.” Those suppressed emotions may come flooding back in a dramatic way because of the Leo energy. However, the saving grace for this eclipse is that with fire it comes in quickly, and then goes out just as fast!



New Moon Solar Eclipse :: February 26 2017 :: 8 degrees Pisces 

New Moon Eclipses signal new beginnings, but because 2017’s eclipse happens in Pisces, we will be asked to let go of something as well. Pisces is a collective storage house of the past—old karma, old energy, old psychic junk that you’re carrying around in your energy field that is ready to be released with this New Moon.

This particular eclipse is a double whammy—Pisces is ruled by the emotional element of water and the eclipse adds an extra charge to this already sensitive situation. With one foot in the material world and one foot in the spiritual realm, Pisces feels it ALL! She pulls on our heartstrings and pain points like no other sign. Don’t be surprised if you’re feeling quite sensitive for about a week and half before this one as the energy builds.

The key to navigating this eclipse is to stay grounded in your body, no matter how much you feel like you want to escape. Pisces is a master escape artist but this will only compounds any problems later on. Focus on your root chakra and even your sacral—dance, do yoga, send down a grounding cord. Really commit to feeling the feels but letting it move through you without attachment. This will help you remain on the earth plane at all times.

This New Moon Solar Eclipse will act as both a release and the beginning of a new chapter in your soul’s story. You’re being given the opportunity to heal your past lives and psychic wounds so that you can move forward with a new perspective on life in 2017! Be sure to offer yourself as much compassion as you do to others during this intense transition.

I wish you all a beautiful adventure in 2017; one that’s filled with all the excitement and joy your heart can carry (Leo)—and one that connects you deeper to your true soul essence (Pisces).

With love and light,

Danielle Paige, Danielle Paige Astrology, The Numinous, Eclipse Season 2017

For an invite to Danielle’s exclusive upcoming island retreat and to receive updates about all the energetic cycles, sign up for her newsletter here.


Just in time for Eclipse Season 2017, we’ve got your Moon Tarot guide to navigating each Moon phase—with customized card spreads. By Tina Gong.

Labyrinthos Academy Online Tarot School Luminous Spirit Tarot Tina Gong The Numinous Moon Tarot Golden Thread Tarot
Tina’s Luminous Spirit Tarot Deck

As a lifetime student of tarot, and a newer student of lunar cycles, I’ve started exploring the moon’s teachings by casting cards for each Moon phase. I call it Moon Tarot. For this workaholic Capricorn, connecting to the phases of the Moon has taught me that there are times to push forward and times to just chill out a little bit, and I seek the cards’ assistance in figuring out exactly how.

The Moon’s magical cycles invite us to sync our lives to universal rhythms. Through her expansions and contractions, each phase offers us a lesson to incorporate. Likewise, Tarot’s ability to tell stories, ask questions, illuminate answers, and bring fresh perspectives to challenges provides a concrete channel for adjusting to the moon’s timing.

Each spread below offers you the chance to explore challenges and lunar lessons and, like the moon, to incorporate times to push forward and times to reflect. Feel free to infuse your own rituals into these readings to create truly customized Moon Tarot magic!

*Editor’s note: Unsure when each Moon phase begins? We love the Luna Solaria app


New Moons :: New Beginnings

This phase is all about gathering our energy, strength, and willpower, and finding ways to recharge as we prepare for the coming cycle. It’s a moment to think carefully about what we’d like to accomplish. Use this simple 3-card spread to kickstart your lunar month!

Card 1: Where you have been
Card 2: Where you are
Card 3: Where you want to be

Labyrinthos Academy Online Tarot School Luminous Spirit Tarot Tina Gong The Numinous Moon Tarot Golden Thread Tarot New Moon Tarot Spread
New Moon Spread


Waxing Crescent :: Setting Foundations

During this phase, we’re ready to develop clear foundations. To break out our notebooks, markers, and post-its as we sketch outlines and create strategies for achieving our dreams. This spread is built to help you identify and utilize all your resources.

Card 1: Your source of energy & willpower
Card 2: Your talents
Card 3: The environment
Card 4: Your resources

Labyrinthos Academy Online Tarot School Luminous Spirit Tarot Tina Gong The Numinous Moon Tarot Golden Thread Tarot Waxing Crescent Tarot Spread
Waxing Crescent Spread


First Quarter :: Actions & Obstacles

Armed with a vision, we’re ready to act with decisiveness and drive. This time is perfect for pushing forward with our plans and setting things in motion. As we shoot into the future, the First Quarter spread identifies any lingering doubts that might be holding us back.

Card 1: Your self-perception
Card 2: Your obstacle
Card 3: What will help you overcome
Card 4: What holds you back

Labyrinthos Academy Online Tarot School Luminous Spirit Tarot Tina Gong The Numinous Moon Tarot Golden Thread Tarot First Quarter Tarot Spread
First Quarter Spread


Waxing Gibbous :: Pivot Point

To flow is to survive, to stay rigid is to break. After we’ve worked on our goals, this phase is a perfect time to take a more detailed look at our approach and to assess alternative pathways.

Card 1: The problem
Card 2: Our expectation
Card 3: The reality
Card 4: Guidance

Labyrinthos Academy Online Tarot School Luminous Spirit Tarot Tina Gong The Numinous Moon Tarot Golden Thread Tarot Waxing Gibbous Tarot Spread
Waxing Gibbous Spread


The Full Moon :: Celebration!

The Full Moon is a time of harvest, self-love, and appreciation for all the things we’ve been given and have earned. Go hang with the people that make you happy and celebrate the joy with this spread!

Card 1: What gives you joy
Card 2: Your gifts to world
Card 3: Your unrecognized potential

Labyrinthos Academy Online Tarot School Luminous Spirit Tarot Tina Gong The Numinous Moon Tarot Golden Thread Tarot Full Moon Tarot Spread
Full Moon Spread


Waning Gibbous :: Turning Inward

The world is a reflection of our inner selves and so sometimes, our greatest challenge is ourselves. This phase of the lunar cycle asks us to look at our shadows, and challenge our beliefs about who we are. This spread is perfect for drawing at night, complete with an altar of mirrors and candles.

Card 1: Fears
Card 2: Secrets
Card 3: Lies
Card 4: Regrets

Labyrinthos Academy Online Tarot School Luminous Spirit Tarot Tina Gong The Numinous Moon Tarot Golden Thread Tarot Waning Gibbous Tarot Spread
Waning Gibbous Spread


Last Quarter :: Letting Go

After we acknowledge the shadow self, we must also learn to confront it, embrace it, and let it go. Break out the smudge sticks, and imagine yourself banishing all that burdens you. Each puff of smoke that vanishes in the air represents a piece of your suffering that’s dissolving.

Card 1: What to accept
Card 2: What to forgive
Card 3: What to learn

Labyrinthos Academy Online Tarot School Luminous Spirit Tarot Tina Gong The Numinous Moon Tarot Golden Thread Tarot Last Quarter Tarot Spread
Last Quarter Spread


Tina Gong is a self-taught illustrator, developer, and designer of both physical and digital things. She is also the creator of Labyrinthos Academy, an online tarot school taught by monsters and mythical creatures, as well as Golden Thread Tarot and Luminous Spirit Tarot. She resides in Bushwick, and in her own bizarre imagination, with her partner and several sassy stuffed alpacas.

Labyrinthos Academy Online Tarot School Luminous Spirit Tarot Tina Gong The Numinous Moon Tarot Golden Thread Tarot
Nina the Alpaca—Tina’s Alter Ego