As we slip into the subtle fall energies of Virgo Season, it’s time to assess our relationship to the earth element and to our core beliefs, says Melinda Lee Holm. Let a tarot practice steer your ship as you navigate September 2017.

tarot practice september 2017 melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world

A shift in seasons brings profound change this month, as we celebrate personal and community connections, mirror the balance of the cosmos in our earthbound lives, and call in a strong challenge to our beliefs about what is true and eternal.

Let your deck lead the way into fall … 


:: 9/4 Labor Day- 10 of Pentacles :: 

While many of us associate this day with one last beach weekend, it was created to honor the courageous men and women who organized labor. We owe our weekends, 8-hour work days, overtime laws, and restrictions on work done by children all to the Labor movement and its belief that a healthy and happy workforce is the cornerstone of a properous community.

The Tarot teaches us that the greatest form of earthly abundance is found not in a single wealthy figure, but in a wealthy society. The 10 of Pentacles represents the highest material aspirations of the minor arcana. We see a thriving community represented in three generations of citizens and two white dogs in a well-groomed city.

Only through valuing every member’s role and contribution can the health and wellbeing of all be maintained.

Calling in the 10 of Pentacles: 

  • Eat maple syrup on pancakes, yogurt, or oatmeal – energetically it promotes wealth and longevity
  • Throw a block party or BBQ to connect with your neighbors and community
  • Shop local
  • Give Malachite as a gift – it’s a powerful stone of prosperity

labor day tarot practice september 2017 melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world ten of pentacles

:: 9/10 World Suicide Prevention Day- The Ace of Cups :: 

The world can be a very tough place for many people, unbearably so for some. Today we actively send our love and compassion to those who are struggling and those who have been affected by suicide.

The Ace of Cups is the primal power of Water, the element of emotion. Love is the root of our human experience of emotion, and the centerpiece of the Divine gift of an emotional body. The Aces all represent the pure unadulterated state of their element, the most exalted sense of what they represent.

What could possibly be more exalted in the emotional realm than pure unconditional love for our fellow humans?

Calling in the Ace of Cups:

  • Wear or carry a Rhodonite, the stone of outward-directed love and compassion
  • Drink Rose tea to open and expand the heart
  • Donate gently used clothing to a shelter – or better yet, sign up to volunteer!
  • Check in with those you love and let them know you care

world suicide prevention day tarot practice september 2017 melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world ace of cups

:: 9/22 Autumnal Equinox, Sun Enters Libra- Justice :: 

As the days and nights equalize in length before the night begins to take over, this cosmic event triggers a shift from the productivity of summer to the harvest of fall, in preparation for the winter.

Justice teaches us that just as truth, fairness, and order, in society and law, require careful weighing of information, achieving fairness and order in the Universe requires a constant careful balancing of energies. To enjoy the long days of summer, we must survive the long nights of winter. To have stamina to be active, we must set aside time for rest.

Calling in Justice: 

  • Carry Tiger Eye to promote energetic balance
  • Eat salty/sweet food combinations like prosciutto wrapped melon or potato chips and ice cream
  • Wear mixed metals – Wearing both the silver of the moon and gold of the sun connects us to the balance of the celestial bodies that influence us most
  • Donate to the ACLU
tarot practice september 2017 melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world justice autumn equinox libra fall equinox
Melinda Lee Holm’s Sigil Collection Suspended Pendant in gold, Ancient Echoes Ring, and Reversible Diamond Band in silver

:: 9/28 Jupiter Opposition Uranus- The Tower :: 

Jupiter opposition Uranus happens only once every 12 years and comes in pairs or trios due to apparent retrograde planetary motion. This is the second opposition in our series of two for 2016/17.

Expansive Jupiter in this aspect to rebellious Uranus brings periods of great change on an individual level, sometimes in sudden and uncomfortable ways. But this does not have to be a traumatic time. If we open ourselves up to radical change, we can make the most of this transit.

The Tower is generally seen as one of the most frightening cards in the deck – visually and energetically. It represents major change and teaches us to let go of ALL preconceived notions of the true nature and identity of ourselves and the world around us.

While it may be hard to see in the moment, these changes will always be in service of our highest good. We don’t usually think of The Tower as something we seek to call in intentionally, but with this transit, it is best to get ahead of the game and go with the flow of this potentially challenging aspect.

Calling in The Tower: 

  • Drink coffee – coffee beans are used in spellwork to clear negative thinking and assist in breaking through internal barriers
  • Carry or wear Herkimer Diamond to connect to Divine wisdom and strength
  • Clean your space with pine-scented cleanser, or bring pine branches into your home to promote a clean break from past beliefs and a strong fresh start
  • Burn a black candle – black candles are very effective for clearing energetic blockages and can be a huge help in loosening your attachment to any of your own personal Towers that are ready to come down
tarot practice september 2017 melinda lee holm ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world the tower jupiter opposition uranus
Melinda Lee Holm’s Initiate Necklace in Herkimer Diamond Quartz on gold


Want more tarot magic? Book a session with Melinda here, and make sure to follow her on Instagram and Facebook. 


In the aftermath of mega-transformative Eclipse Season, the Sagittarius Waxing Quarter Moon wants you to face the challenge, adapt to change, and persevere courageously, says Jennifer Racioppi.  Artwork: Seana Gavin

jennifer racioppi sagittarius waxing quarter moon the numinous ruby warrington material girl mystical world seana gavin

:: Waxing Quarter Moon :: August 29 2017 :: 4:19am EST :: 6 degrees Sagittarius

The Great American Eclipse initiated one of the most powerful lunations of the year, and this week’s opening square wants you to evaluate your progress, reconcile any discomfort, and anchor into your most refreshed life vision …

Opening squares (aka Waxing Quarter Moons) happen at the halfway point between new and full moons and help you integrate (and deepen) intentions set at the time of the new moon.

This isn’t always easy, of course. Ideas and plans often don’t magically manifest without some massaging in between (especially when eclipses bring things up from the depths of the shadows, unleashing emotions and life scenarios that feel destabilizing).

This particular Waxing Quarter Moon presents an exceptional opportunity to courageously overcome challenges. Assess your conviction. Then, get grounded and brave so you can persevere and manifest. 


:: The Sun ::
With the Sun in the organized and disciplined sign of Virgo, its root word stemming from Virgin, you’re asked to return to yourself, and find your way back to humble service, clean eating, and robust self-care.

Over the next few days, the Sun in Virgo will oppose Neptune in Pisces, asking you to unleash your spiritual super powers and use them on behalf of your healing. Get organized and rooted because with even more change coming, you want to feel grounded and stable.

But most importantly, it’s a powerful time to heal … 

:: The Moon ::
The Moon in freedom loving Sagittarius trines Venus in Leo, activating fire’s courage, devotion to the truth, and ability to communicate bluntly and rawly.

Now is the time to ask yourself: if I were 5% braver, what would I do? What would I say? How would I approach my life? 

While Mercury continues to travel retrograde, consider the difficult questions and begin to understand where you hold yourself back. Start to connect the dots so when Mercury stations retrograde on September 5th, you are ready to move forward with a well-strategized plan of attack.

:: The Square ::
With the Sun in fastidious Virgo squaring the Moon in boisterous Sagittarius just one week after the most recent solar eclipse, all while Mercury continues to travel retrograde, it’s time for reconciliation and evaluation.

Both Sagittarius and Virgo are mutable signs that prepare you for change. In the midst of upheaval, use this conflict and halfway mark as a time to check in with how far you’ve come and recommit to your cause.

:: The Message ::
Put your feet on the ground. Breathe deep into your core. Release the fear, the anxiety, the not knowing. Feel your heartbeat, the rhythm within.

Let the Sun in earth sign Virgo help you to root. Let the Moon in fire sign Sag assist you to find your courage. And then prepare. Come the Full Moon in Pisces (next week!) you’ll understand with so much more clarity where you want to head from here.

Trust that as the galaxies work through their cycles, you move through yours. As above so below. In this time of cosmic upheaval, trust that you are being guided towards a conscious decision that will indeed take you precisely where you are meant to go.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit Jenniferracioppi.com. And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar loving cosmic change makers! 



Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous Weekly Horoscopes from Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

numinous weekly horoscopes august 28-september 3 2017 ruby warrington material girl mystical world sandra sitron strongeye astrology

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Bottles moving along a conveyer belt. Repetition. Through continuous practice, you have the ability to refine and improve your technique. Finding ways to improve is fun for you. If you can let yourself be very present in the moment, you will find that you are totally in sync with whatever it is you need to do right now. The repetition of your efforts becomes almost like a finely tuned dance. You can become so present that it may feel as if time stops. Stay focused, grounded, and clearly dedicated to the tasks ahead.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Elephants running in a herd. An unseen force is operating deep within you. Become very observant. Let yourself have the time and space you need to feel the depths of emotion pull at your heart. Allowing the unnoticed emotion to come up will temper it, so that you are supported by a rush of energy instead of being trampled in a stampede of emotions.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Clouds that look like flowers. You are searching for new ideas. Look for inspiration everywhere. Let one idea morph into another, just as the wind pulls a cloud into an entirely different shape. Don’t become too attached to any one idea right now. Let them flow. Watch as they change and develop right before your eyes. Feel the power of your mind as you allow the fresh stream of inspiration to drift in.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Dipping water out of a well. Understand what your resources are so that you can activate them in your career. Staying aware of your resources (whether those are social, intellectual, technological, financial, emotional, or spiritual) can help you feel optimistic as you make decisions. Take time to research and organize so that you have a solid foundation as you move forward in this moment of career expansion.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A pig roots around, looking for truffles. It’s time to do some searching and exploring. Truffles are an expensive delicacy. What high-value reward are you searching for? Before you begin to explore, decide on your desired outcome. What is your vision? Think about what you want to achieve and how you want to feel in the process. Once you have that goal decided upon, enjoy the process of learning and expanding as you look for different ways to achieve this outcome. Be playful.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Reaching for another person. You have an opportunity to create deep intimacy. Intimacy can feel vulnerable because we must really learn how to trust. But once established, intimacy can be an incredible relief. When you are truly intimate, you don’t have to worry about being judged. It’s a huge energy saver. It may be time to consider how you create intimacy and if you’re ready for more.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
The horizon line. A boundary. Depending on the weather, sometimes a horizon line is clearly defined, sometimes it’s hard to see. This is a moment for you to define your priorities and boundaries when it comes to relationships. Get clear. Depending on your emotional weather, this is not always the easiest thing to do. But healthy boundaries in relationships is what allows them to flourish without the hindrance of anxiety or resentment. Begin with the idea that it’s not up to you to carry emotional responsibility for anyone. Go from there.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
A pumpkin grows in the field. Because of its large size and many seeds, the pumpkin is a symbol of plenty. Abundance. But to help along the development of this massive vegetable, the farmer must take gentle care— monitoring the soil quality, pests, and weather. Likewise, your abundance currently comes from your ability to tend to the details. Pay attention to your sleep, nutrition, exercise, organization, time management, etc. Get all of the mundane systems of your life in order so that you can enjoy a delightful harvest later on.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
An alien language. You must translate something that’s far outside your field of experience. It’s time to get creative. Reach as far as you can. Expand your brain. The universal language that you can use as your Rosetta stone is Love. Begin by learning about love and you will be able to effectively translate anything that comes your way.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Lying on a raft, floating down a river. Surrendering to the flow of emotions. Surrendering to dreams and imagination. Who is your inner child who needs nurturance now? How old is that little one? Take them on an adventure in the river. Play games and tell stories. Listen. This is how you move the raft forward along the river of emotions.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Playing a game of jacks. An ancient game. Versions of it are played all around the world. Do you remember what it’s like to play just for the sheer joy of playing? In Ancient Greece, children’s games like this one used to be invented as offerings to the Gods. Elevate the act of play to a spiritual level. Make everything into a game. This practice will help you make new mental connections and lighten your mindset.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
The very top of the mountain. Set your sights on your earthly goals. Look for the path that will lead you up to the top of the mountain. There is hard work ahead. But the work you do will help you feel more stable. Look for ways to improve your finances and resources. It’s time to climb.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


As we move out of August’s deep transformations, the Page of Wands invites us to take a breath of fresh air, tie up loose threads, and bring our passion into alignment, says Lindsay Mack.


In the face of enormous political and social challenges to our bodies and souls, the time for period pride is right now, says Cora founder Molly Hayward. Here’s why your period is a feminist issue and how to harness the power of this change-making cycle … Main Image: Zoe Buckman 

molly hayward cora tampons period is a feminist issue ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world zoe buckman

Now, more than ever, the claim to our bodies in all their messy, beautiful, real complexity is imperative.

From debates over period product ads in the subway system, to parts of the world where girls are exiled from school due to lack of sanitary supplies, our monthly life-giving cycles are in the news. Which means the time for period pride is now.

And as we reclaim the Numinous parts of the menstrual experience (consider the sky-high rise of Moon circles and Moon magic), our generation is reigniting the conversation about what our periods mean, how they can bring us together, and why we must harness their full power.

To understand the potency and potential of this change-making cycle, we sat down with founder of organic tampon subscription service Cora, Molly Hayward. Her mission? To charge the experience of womanhood with respect and reverence for our periods. “We see a world where women can live fully-embodied,” says Molly. “Your period is an essential part of human life.”

Want to reclaim your period as a feminist issue? Read on for 8 reasons why bleeding is beautifully badass …

It’s in our blood.


1// Because moon power burns as brightly as solar power.
In a relentlessly solar-powered world with an emphasis on egocentric, “yang” action and force, the yin cycles of the Moon provide a subtle counterpoint that teaches us to value our internal processes, and our alignment with the natural world that surround us. “Our cycles are a practice in the wisdom of life/death/life,” says Hayward. “Women experience this truth every month in their bodies.”

This kind of wisdom allows us to understand how endings fuel unexpected beginnings, and how we are powerful participants in something much greater than ourselves. “[Through my cycle], I began to see myself, and all women, as the bearers of the wisdom that everything in life has a cycle,” notes Hayward. “Ideas, institutions, plants, animals, and humans, all have to die to allow for the birth of new ones. This is powerful wisdom for our society today.”


2// Because badass boss ladies bleed.
As we tune in to these rhythms that often fly in the face of the ceaseless cult of cutthroat corporatism, we can change the way work gets done from the inside out.

When we repress our cycles and “skip” periods (using birth control pills, for example) because we believe must “keep up” with the pace of masculine career achievement or avoid discomfort in some situation (during sex, on vacation), we are voting yes to a work environment and world which thrives on gender inequality and denies our internally-facing wisdom. Periods of retreat from “go” mode can actually inform and fuel our creative process in the world.

When we bring our full bodies to the boardroom table, we can change the way that work gets done.  


3// Because period exile is an education issue.
The statistics are startling. 300 million girls and women worldwide use rags, plastic, sand, and ash to manage their menstrual cycles. 1 in 4 girls in India drops out of school once she reaches puberty. “While I was traveling in Africa,” says Hayward, “I met girls who would stay home from school during their periods because they couldn’t afford period products and then learned that millions of girls around the world stay home from school during their periods because they don’t have a way to manage them.”

With a 90% decrease in dropout rates worldwide when girls have access to sanitary products, it’s imperative that we support girls and women worldwide to bleed with dignity, safety, and adequate supplies.

molly hayward cora tampons period is a feminist issue ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world lina scheynius
Art: Lina Scheynius via Cora’s Instagram


4// Because healthy bodies bleed.
Whether it’s deliberately augmenting or suppressing our cycles so we don’t have to deal with the “mess,” or obliterating our cycles entirely as the result of compromised eating habits or over-exercise, our bleeding bodies are barometers for our overall health.

“In addition to the way periods of have been negatively perceived, there are so many other aspects of women’s bodies that are shamed and stigmatized,” says Hayward. “Our mission is to bring women and society to a place of understanding, acceptance, and respect for the awesome power of our bodies.”

And as we commit to celebrating our healthy bodies, we also begin to question the harmful synthetics and chemicals that enter them through conventional sanitary products. “I hated the idea that so many women were unknowingly exposing themselves to these potentially harmful substances for several days every single month for decades of their lives,” Hayward comments.


5// Because period sex should not be taboo.
As we move through our monthly rhythm, we have the delicious chance to connect with all aspects of our desire and nature. Each of us responds to the distinctive phases of our cycles with different moods, cravings, and sexual needs.

We deserve to feel sexual pleasure when, where, and with whom (consensually of course) we damn well please. Each month, our periods are gateways to a shifting, sensual landscape. Get curious about exactly when you’re most turned on and claim this pleasure, no matter the time of the month. Partners who love you, should love your body in its entirety.

molly hayward cora tampons period is a feminist issue ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world homily alice walden
Art: Romily Alice Walden via Cora’s Instagram


6// Because periods are a rite of passage.
Periods connect us to a magical, matrilineal line. They are part of both our ancestral histories, and the history of our own lives. Remember when you had your first period? Maybe you felt shame or confusion. Maybe no one was around to help you make sense of this powerful rite of passage.

Puberty, maturity, aging, the mystery and magic of both fertility and menopause … as we pass through the seasons of our lives as women, we have every right to bow down at the altar of our beautiful bodies during their complex cycles of change.


7// Because there’s no shame in getting messy.
Ever been told that you’re “too much?” That your emotions take up too much space. That you’re unruly. That you’ve gone overboard. Our periods are part of our carnal bigness, and shame around their messiness keeps us from inhabiting our fullest range of emotions and potential.

“Periods are a natural biological fact of womanhood,” affirms Hayward. “Access to safe and healthy menstrual products is a matter of human dignity, in addition to being critical to girls’ and women’s ability to stay well, attend school, and participate in the formal economy. These things are in turn tied to our equal standing in society- not to mention being basic human rights.”

Quite simply, periods connect us to our humanness. And we deserve to be fully human.


8// Because there’s strength in synchronicity.
More than just a college co-ed curiosity, there’s scientific proof that when we assemble in close community, we often sync up our cycles. And while each one of us can tap into the particularities of our own rhythm and our wisdom, there is powerful medicine in communal cycling. As we share the experience of being in our bodies, we share the stories of how these bodies move through the world– our overlapping wants, needs, fears, and aspirations.

Women who bleed together can change the world together.

molly hayward cora tampons period is a feminist issue ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world
Cora founder Molly Hayward

We produced this post in partnership with Cora, a monthly subscription service for premium organic cotton tampons with BPA-free applicators that honor our bodies, while providing performance and convenience. For every subscription purchased, Cora also provides a month’s supply of sustainable pads to a girl in need in a developing country so she can stay in school during her period.


Virgo season 2017 is a time to lay claim to your most pristine values, and show up with utmost integrity says Bess Matassa. PLUS a solo wedding celebration for each Vesta sign … Homepage art: Lexi Kendall

Virgo Season 2017 The Numinous Beyonce

Lay out your laciest lingerie, private dancers. The zodiac’s mystic mami of self-possessed sexuality invites us to bow down at the altar of our beautiful bodies in all their intricate integrity, and to delight in the divine essence of our own, solitary unfolding.

This unmarried siren of self-containment lives with fierce fealty to her internal code, and simply will not give it away for free. As she sifts, assesses, and refines, the zodiac’s everyday alchemist moves in rhythm with the world that surrounds her, working her mettle to transform her metal into 24-karat gold.

It’s a season for deciding exactly what you will stand for, and what you won’t fall for anymore, vestal vixens. Descend into your very own witchy desert land, and marry yourself to the wind and the night and the shifting sand. Wed yourself to the wildest, untamable places inside yourself. Pledge allegiance for life.


The keyword: Integrity

The song lyrics: “I’m starting with the man in the mirror/I’m asking him to change his ways/If you want to make the world a better place/Take a look at yourself and then make a change”—Michael Jackson’s “Man in the Mirror”

Check out BessVirgo Season Playlist, complete with witchy women, singular anthems, and ladies of the canyon.

Virgo Season 2017 The Numinous
Erdem AW17

The color palette: 1970s land art and film noir: tumbled stone silvers, cameo creams, copper wheatfields, and herringbone patterns.

The style: Georgia O’Keefe’s open-air Santa Fe atelier meets Elizabethan regality—high ruffled necks, gilded patterning, buttons on sleeves, impeccable tailoring, open-toed sandals, and broad-brimmed hats.

Georgia O'Keefe Virgo Season 2017 The Numinous

The scents and flavors: careful concoctions, earth goddess essences, and sovereign tastes. Baguettes and subtly spiced soups, herbaceous pestos, harvest grains, dried apricots, frisée, strained labneh, and lavendar pillows.

The healing: everyday alchemy, considered corporeality, and self-governing sexuality. Food and beverage pairings, lingerie shopping, ayurveda, ritual baths, ant farms, and herb gardening.

Virgo Season 2017 The Numinous Lonely Lingerie
Image: Lonely Lingerie


Sensuous Invitation of the Month: Solo Wedding Ceremonies for Your Vesta Sign

The zodiac’s unwed woman is inherently tied to asteroid Vesta, whose streamlined acts of devotion teach us how to activate singular focus and creative containment.

This month, marry yourself to exactly what lives inside of you with a solo wedding ceremony fit for a badass bride …

New to your birthchart? Discover your Vesta sign by looking at your birth year and month HERE.

Vesta in Aries
Virgo season invites you to temper some of your usual no-holds-barred aggression with more calculated maneuvers. Wedding Party: Tossing the bouquet. Strategize your leaps as you catch petals with both ease and assessment. Wedding Anthem:You Shook Me All Night Long,” AC/DC.

Vesta in Taurus
Virgo season invites you to let your work in the world feel both pragmatic and pleasurable. Wedding Party: Cutting the cake. Let determining the contours of your feast fully fuel your self-sufficiency. Wedding Anthem: “Let’s Get it On,” Marvin Gaye.

Vesta in Gemini
Virgo season invites you to release into body knowledge and speak straight from your gut. Wedding Party: Toasting. Carefully planned words meet instinctual, emotive sharing of what lives in your heart. Wedding Anthem:Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I’m Yours),” Stevie Wonder.

Vesta in Cancer
Virgo season invites you to let your own past lives lead you home to your core beliefs. Wedding Party: Photo booth. Delight in candid, historical snaps that capture the nostalgia of this very moment. Wedding Anthem:December 1963 (Oh What a Night),” The Four Seasons.

Vesta in Leo
Virgo season invites you to assess your creative contribution so you can fully ignite your eternal flame. Wedding Party: Conga line. Hone some structured dance moves without losing one bit of the party. Wedding Anthem:Girls Just Want to Have Fun,” Cyndi Lauper.

Vesta in Virgo
Virgo season invites you to soften your inner-critic without surrendering your high-quality standards. Wedding Party: Tailoring the gown. Cloak yourself in careful couture that’s both intricately crafted and drop-dead gorgeous. Wedding Anthem:Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It),” Beyoncé.

Vesta in Libra
Virgo season invites you to romance yourself fully without needing a partner, and fall back in love with your private dreams. Wedding Party: The honeymoon. Re-up your faith in fairytale fantasies and endlessly unfolding beauty. Wedding Anthem:Wonderful Tonight,” Eric Clapton.

Vesta in Scorpio
Virgo season invites you to let your intensity inform your integrity as you unapologetically claim your power in the world. Wedding Party: Bachelorette Weekend. Channel the stripped-down wilding of a “don’t ask don’t tell” weekend in Vegas. Wedding Anthem:Lady in Red,” Chris De Burgh.

Vesta in Sagittarius
Virgo season invites you to wed yourself to pure wildness and channel your intrepid inner voyager who knows no bounds. Wedding Party: Destination wedding. Channel the wide-open spaces of solo tripping. Wedding Anthem:Footlose” Kenny Loggins.

Vesta in Capricorn
Virgo season invites you to unabashedly celebrate your desire for structures that endure. Wedding Party: White wedding. Channel long-standing traditions and regal ritual. Wedding Anthem:At Last,” Etta James.

Vesta in Aquarius
Virgo season invites you to crack open the status quo and re-envision what it means to be committed to your cause. Wedding Party: Civil ceremony. Draw clear boundaries between church and state as you birth your humanitarian visions into being. Wedding Anthem:Respect,” Aretha Franklin

Vesta in Pisces
Virgo season invites you to revel in your need for retreat as you get in touch with your own secret touchy-feelies. Wedding Party: Elopement. Pull a delicious disappearing act and relax into checking out. Wedding Anthem:I’ve Had the Time of My Life,” Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes.

Bess Matassa is available for private readings and astro-themed events. Connect with her at Mojaverising.com


Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous Weekly Horoscopes from Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

Numinous weekly horoscopes August 21 2017 Strong Eye Astrology giraffes sunset plain

Leo :: Leo Rising
Giraffes moving across the plains. This is an active time for you. It may be time to stick your neck out for a cause. You may need to increase your movement and fluidity. Giraffe as a spirit animal brings medicine of far-reaching vision and psychic ability. Keep searching for a higher purpose or cause that can keep you moving forward. You currently have an opportunity to learn about who you are and where you are going.  Look to your intuition to help you navigate as you move across the plains.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
A pot of rich, hearty stew. In a stew, everything is mixed together. Have you been shouldering too much responsibility? Have you been taking it all on? It may be time to separate out what is your responsibility and what is someone else’s. Meanwhile, find ways to nourish yourself— physically, intellectually, socially and spiritually. This is your chance to connect with your higher self, strengthen your intuition, and let go of limiting unconscious beliefs. Take good care of yourself so that you can do this important work. You’ll need to feel rested and energized as you move into the more active season that lies ahead.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Handfuls of crystals. As you gather fragments of crystals you are symbolically gathering your sense of self. What is “self?” It may be time to ponder your image of your self, your concept of your higher self, and your vision for your future self. Another interpretation of crystals is that they can represent crystallized emotions or beliefs. As the New Moon occurs in your house of fixed beliefs, this may be an opportunity to reevaluate some of the concepts that you hold- maybe it’s time for new ideas or perspectives?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A spiky hat. What are the spikes on this hat? Protection, maybe. Possibly a way to make yourself seem bigger, taller, fiercer. This New Moon occurs in your area of career and vocation. Do you need to set new boundaries in your work? Do you need to see yourself as a bigger force in your career? There is a lot of action on deck for you when it comes to work and career. Get ready to move into it with activated warrior energy.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
A game of “Hungry Hungry Hippos.” Remember that old board game “Hungry, Hungry Hippos?” The hippos pop forward to eat as many marbles as possible. They are ravenous. Where is your ravenous energy coming through right now? This is a time to reinvigorate how you search, hunt, and discover. Most of this devouring energy comes through in your search for a new philosophy and meaning. You may need to travel physically or explore mentally to create a new mission statement for your next season.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
The drawbridge is pulled up. A definitive end is arriving in some area of your life. This may be an end to an inefficient system or a chance to let go of an outdated belief. It may be time to let go of a relationship, habit, or behavior. Whatever it is that must be let go of, consciously step toward this opportunity for release. You are moving through a cycle and you must let go so that you can begin again. Allow yourself to fully feel all of the feelings that arise when letting go.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Folding clothes. This New Moon occurs in your area of relationships. How can you pay more attention to caring for your relationships? Folding clothes is a routine thing, we all have a certain way we do it and it can be pretty much automatic. In your relationships, what do you do automatically? What are your unconscious actions and reactions? Are those working for you? Or is it time to reset some of these automations so that you can enjoy healthier relationships? Pay attention to every potential crease in your relationships and take some time to freshen any outdated behaviors.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Trying to catch tadpoles. Scrambling. Chasing. Lots of activity. Tadpoles are a symbol of transformation. As you stretch yourself to try to get a grasp on things, remember to be patient. You’ve got a lot on your plate right now and the new development will come at the exact right moment. In the meantime, take good care of body, mind, and spirit, so that you are prepared for the next phase.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
Deep bowls of food in a buffet. Indulge. This New Moon offers you an opportunity to reassess how you experience joy. There is a banquet of experience available to you. You can sample different varieties of mirth, fun, creativity, and expression. Remain aware of pure, true, joy. Dip in to experience it. Why is this important? Because it feeds your soul.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Tobogganing down a hill. Building momentum thanks to a reduction in friction. What are the forces that are propelling you forward? And do you feel like it’s possible to steer in the right direction? We all build momentum in one direction or another. How is your current direction feeling for you? This New Moon occurs in your area of home and family. These are important forces in our lives. Sense of family can either stabilize or confuse. Sense of home can be grounding or constricting. As an adult, you get to decide how you attend to the direction and momentum that these foundational forces are creating.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
The wingspan of a hawk. You are ready for a new span of conscious awareness. It’s time to learn. Seek meaning. Seek enlightenment. Look for meaning in the micro and the macro. Soar high above your everyday difficulties to get a glimpse of the bigger picture. Devote yourself to learning more about what the truth of your world is. It’s time to expand your mindset.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Pulling cards out of a file. It may be time to sort and organize things in your life. Are you clear about how you are getting your basic needs met— food, water, shelter? If you have gone through an agitated or traumatic period in your life, this symbol can show that it is extra important to feel settled and stabilized. Take stock of what resources are available. Get the basics sorted and taken care of.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Supercharge your Eclipse Season transformation with a powerful virtual Astrology + Breathwork practice led by Sandra Sitron and Erin Telford. August 21 2017. Details + sign-up HERE.


Ready for a radical reset? The 2017 Leo Solar Eclipse wants you to drop the ego, fire up your heart space, and turn your true love into empowered action, says Sandra Sitron … Main Image: Spectra Art Space

Leo new moon eclipse 2017 the numinous Sandra sitron


New Moon Solar Eclipse :: August 21 2017 :: 2:30pm ET :: 28 degrees Leo 

An eclipse is like a huge inhale. A complete exhale. And then stop. Hold your breath. At the next inhale it seems as if even your cells spin in a different direction.

At the next inhale everything will be different …

Eclipses are about reset. Something must be let go of. Something new must begin. The way that you recalibrate yourself now— both in your private inner world and outside in the public world, matters. The effects of this reset may not be fully felt for six more months. But the calibration is happening now.

During this Leo New Moon, the Sun and the Moon line up, as they do at every New Moon. But now they are also in direct line with the Earth. The Moon’s shadow falls over the Sun. The Sun appears darkened. The light of the core energy source is “extinguished.” In the void of light, new seeds can be planted. A new code can be written.

The Leo New Moon Solar Eclipse wants you to drop your ego and let true love shine out of your heart center.

Leo is the sign of fiery love. All fire signs take action- fire only exists in the activity of the dancing flame. Leo shows that it’s not enough to just love. It’s necessary to bring your love into action.

It’s time to put love in the driver’s seat. Go somewhere. Do something. Use ALL of the four elements to manifest change in the world. Use your words (Air element), use your action (Fire element), use your resources (Earth element), use love and prayer (Water element).

The path forward is not simple. A paradigm shift is never easy. The energy of this New Moon is high. There’s a shortage of patience and a high potential of being triggered.

You need a plan, so you can move in alignment with your intention. How do you want to act? How do you want to be? Decide how you will take care of yourself, how you will confront your beliefs, how you will take action in the coming months, and how you will follow through on this plan.

Let the calibration and reset that is available for you now be fully intentional.


New Moon conjunct Mars
A bunny dives into a hole.
Fight or flight. The bunny flees instinctually. What do you do instinctually to keep yourself safe? Do you hide out and keep silent? Are you a fighter?

Mars brings the energy of action and aggression to this Moon. At this time of heightened fire energy make sure to keep yourself safe, but don’t let that stop you from taking action. Meanwhile, make sure to monitor your aggression.


New Moon conjunct Mercury
A tidal wave.
We are thinking and communicating A LOT during this New Moon, and our thoughts have their own momentum, like a tidal wave. Break up the momentum by noticing the unconscious beliefs that fuel your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. It’s important to know which beliefs are running the show.

Ask yourself what belief is underneath an uncomfortable feeling. At what age did that belief get formed? Can you have compassion for the part of you that formed that belief? Can you replace the belief with a new one?


New Moon inconjunct Chiron
Missing puzzle pieces.
This New Moon will bring opportunities to confront old wounds. Notice where you get triggered. Notice where you need to heal. It may all seem futile.

How can you solve the puzzle if pieces are missing? With enough attention, effort, and creativity nothing is impossible. Keep coming at it from different directions and you may find the healing you are looking for.


New Moon in a Grand Trine with Uranus and Saturn
The pillars of the temple.
This aspect is the New Moon’s saving grace. We are staunchly supported by the Great Awakener Uranus who may introduce a new paradigm, and Saturn who may provide the structure to implement it.

The only danger is that too much harmony can result in complacency. Stay mindful of a tendency to think that someone else will “take care of it.” Say a prayer to invite forward positive change and deliberate integrity within yourself and within the world.

These potentials are activated. The only thing left to do is take action on them.


The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2017 Leo Solar Eclipse means for you. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 28 degrees of Leo in you chart and use the question for that house. 

***New to your birth chart? Calculate yours for free HERE

Aries or New Moon in the 5th house
What new creative practices will you put into action now?

Taurus or New Moon in the 4th house
Do you feel safe enough to be yourself? Why not? What do you need in order to experience more safety, comfort, and nurturing?

Gemini or New Moon in the 3rd house 
What do you need to be thinking about in a new way?

Cancer or New Moon in the 2nd house 
What will remind you of your self-worth?

Leo or New Moon in the 1st house 
What new changes are you inviting forward?

Virgo or New Moon in the 12th house 
How can you tune into your intuition this week?

Libra or New Moon in the 11th house 
What can you do to build your network? Challenge yourself to take some action steps.

Scorpio or New Moon in the 10th house 
What are new risks you can take in your career? What kind of expansion might taking these risks bring you?

Sagittarius or New Moon in the 9th house 
What is your mission statement?

Capricorn or New Moon in the 8th house 
What are you willing to release? Write it down. Burn the paper.

Aquarius or New Moon in the 7th house 
How can you be more diplomatic?

Pisces or New Moon in the 6th house 
What new healthy habits are you ready for?

Supercharge your eclipse season transformation with a powerful virtual Astrology + Breathwork practice led by Sandra Sitron and Erin Telford. August 21 2017. Details + sign-up HERE.


After a lifetime of health challenges, Sahara Rose was ready to get healed. Little did she know, she’d become a healer herself. Meet the Moon Club member practicing ‘Now Age’ Ayurveda that blends ancient wisdom with up-to-the-minute innovation …

sahara rose now age ayurveda ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world

Health crisis as dharma discovery … 
“I suffered from chronic digestive issues and a hormonal imbalance, and no doctor could figure out the root cause. I was told it was something I would just have to deal with, and that I’d have to take multiple pharmaceutical pills to mask the symptoms.

Deciding to become my own investigator eventually brought me to Ayurveda. I became fascinated by this ancient science and ended up traveling to India to study alongside doctors and practitioners for over two years, which culminated in the publication of my first book, Idiot’s Guide to Ayurveda. Crazy! I realize now that my health issues were given to me to allow me to become a better healer.

I believe the purpose of obtaining health is so you can utilize that energy and strength to go out there and fulfill your dharma—your life’s purpose. My mission is to give people the tools they need to find their creative flow and blossom into the butterflies they already are.”


Ayurveda is the knowledge of life …
Originating in ancient India 5000 years ago, this sister science of yoga has truly passed the test of time- it isn’t another fad diet or trend. Ayurveda literally means “the knowledge of life” in Sanskrit because in order to have health, you must have full knowledge of your life- mind, body, and spirit.

In the West, we tend to just look at symptoms isolated from one another, like a stomachache or losing your period, without looking at the bigger picture.

So many people, like myself, have jumped from one diet to the next (I’ve been raw-vegan, paleo, keto and everything in between) and Ayurveda offers a solution: there is no one diet for all people or even just you because YOU are always changing—with the season, where you are in your cycle, your environment, your stress levels, your age …

Through Ayurveda, I’ve learned how deeply everything is interconnected. As a practitioner, I ask people just as much about their dreams as I do their digestion because the two go hand-in-hand. Did you know that dreams of fleeing and flying are related to bloating, gas and constipation? Seriously, it’s crazy.

The mind and body are interconnected, and every single part of us has its own intelligence.

sahara rose now age ayurveda ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world
Sahara leading a packed workshop at the Envision Festival in Costa Rica


When two worlds collide …
I feel like I have one foot in ancient India, one in modern Santa Monica—and I love it!

The ancient provides us with wisdom, insight, depth, and clarity. The modern provides us with technology, innovation, efficiency, and research. We need the two words to collide in order to move forward in this world with authenticity and understanding.

I’m currently working on a project with mentor Deepak Chopra to use scientific research to prove that the Ayurvedic practices like customized nutrition, yoga, and meditation are beneficial for your health. While we undoubtedly experience the benefits in our bodies, legitimizing the effects in this way can allow insurance companies to recognize them as a true source of healing.


Follow your “bliss” body …
In Ayurveda, we don’t have one body—we have five koshas: physical, energetic, mental, intuitive, and bliss bodies. Each body is equally important and we can’t access the next unless the one before it is balanced.

I see a lot of super “spiritual” people disassociate with the physical body but this is our first home! I’m all about enjoying my physical body—feeding myself good food, ecstatic dancing, tantra, yoga, movement.

Our pranamaya kosha is our energetic body—essentially the vibes we give off. It’s our responsibility to keep our vibes high because this is the energy we are putting out in the world as we co-create our reality!

Our mental, manomaya, bodies are our construct of who we think we are. It’s the ego-created self that keeps chattering, interacts with the world, and figures out how to pay our bills. A lot of people get stuck on this one.

Our intuitive, vijnanamaya, kosha gives us our ability to pick up on things before they happen. When magical coincidences keep on occurring, that’s when we are operating from this place.

Lastly, we have anandamaya kosha- bliss bodies. Because above all, we are supposed to enjoy our time here on this planet serving our missions and experiencing life, complete with all the cool oceans and trees and things to do and people to interact with.

Life is not meant to be hard. When you’re living in your dharma, you’re in a state of bliss—even when you are working. When we’ve reached anandamaya kosha, we realize that everything in the universe has a place and all is divinely timed. We are guided on our missions and all we have to do is silence the chatters of our minds to truly listen.

sahara rose now age ayurveda ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world


The Moon Club inspiration … 
I bought my year-long subscription literally knowing nothing about it—I just knew I had to be a part of it.

Through a mutual friend, I connected with moonie Sah D’Simone and felt like he was my twin brother in a past life. Months later, through that chance encounter, I ended up at a conference where I met Deepak Chopra—which truly changed the course of my whole life …

For me, Moon Club is about like-minded souls crossing paths so we can live out our karma together. The GREATEST resource we have is each other. Each person was brought here for a reason. Each of us has so much to offer.

Friend a random person; send someone a DM and tell them you love their style; start a conversation about the universe … I’m sure that person will dig it!

Synchronicities are awaiting each of us if we just connect with one another, and Moon Club is an incredible place to start.

Sahara Rose is the best-selling author of the Idiot’s Guide to Ayurveda, a wellness blogger and host of the Highest Self Podcast. Follow her on Instagram and discover your Ayurvedic mind-body type with her free quiz.  

**Want to start manifesting your own dreams? Sign up for Moon Club and join our tribe of cosmic change makers at Moonclub.co. Sahara will also be leading a virtual workshop for our Moon Club members on August 29.



As Leo Season builds towards its fiery Eclipse finale, don’t wait another second to make an unapologetic leap into your power.  How?  Simply “Go first” says Mercedes Kiss … 

mercedes kiss a stand out go first ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world
The author’s Leo season collage

You see those mid-summer waves rising high in the distance and crashing to the shore, tenaciously, without apology? That’s Leo energy standing tall, asking you to meet her height, to match her show-stopping power.

If we channel Leo energy into a real-life lady goddess running through the surf, she’d look strikingly similar to the muse for this article: 90s pro vollyball phenom Gabrielle Reece. Despite practicing this ethos for a long while, the actual term “Go First” was brought to my attention most recently by Reece in her interview on The Tim Ferriss podcast.

“Go First” is a mantra to offer kindness (courageously) by harnessing our power of vulnerability (fearlessly). 

Here are 7 ways to become lionesses of light, as we leap into fearless vulnerability and “Go First” …


1// Smile because they’re there.
You see them coming from a block away … a person … walking their dog … towards you … on the same side of the street. The debate starts in your mind: Do I look away? Search my bag for a nonexistent chapstick?  Fake frantically typing a text?

If it were 3,000 years ago and you were in that exact same spot, chances are strong you’d be scavenging for berries or bugs, and the sight of another human would be HALLELUJAH-RAISE-YOUR-HANDS-TO-THE-SKY glorious!

Go first instead! While you certainly shouldn’t risk your safety and maniacally pounce on said dog walker, you should certainly honor your shared humanity with eye-contact and a genuine smile, simply because they’re there.


2// Reach out and touch (somebody’s hand).
According to research led by Apple, Americans access their smartphones 80+ times per day. But our ability to PHYSICALLY connect is fundamental to our sanity. So listen to the wise words of Diana Ross and “Reach out and touch somebody’s hand, and make this world a better place, if you can.”

Go first! At your next rooftop pool party, play a little game called “How Hard Can I Channel Miss Ross?” Stack on those sparkly bangles, slide into conversation like you’re on the Studio 54 dancefloor, and make your rounds. Reach your hand and yourself out there. Your moxie is what good parties are made of, and what people will remember.


3// Be attracted.
Every morning we make a choice: put on the glasses with dark grey lenses that turn the world into a sad fog OR the glasses with rose-colored lenses that make the world look dayyyum fine (bonus points if they’re heart-shaped).

The latter turns us into love-machines: attracted to the spiraling Fibonacci pattern of a sunflower, the bursting-ripe tomatoes on a roadside stand, the sweat dripping down a frosty La Croix in the scorching sun, and certainly to the shy smirk of your cute waiter/waitress.

Go first! Whether you’re single (or not), extraverted (or not), share a heartfelt compliment by telling someone they have breathtaking eyes, wicked cool style, or a delightful aura. They will feel fantastic. You will feel fantastic. It’s a win-win-rocket to the karmic stratosphere!


4// Boo boos and tattoos. 
Remember when you were born? Guess what you weren’t wearing?  Any makeup (much less clothing).  And everyone thought you were perfect. Then, somewhere along the journey, we discovered creams and colors to shield other people from seeing us. Honestly seeing us. Joys and triumphs and hellish heartbreaks- such are the things that a full life is made of. And they are often written on our skin.

Go first! Revel in the stories your body tells. Wear the bathing-suit glimpsing at that scar; sport the sandals showing off those nine toes.  Celebrate your patina in your own magical way.

Pick a day this week where you say into your mirror: “This is my face.  This is my gorgeous face.” Then honor your face with some SPF, leave the rest bare, and depart. If anyone at work has the gall to ask, “Where’s the mascara?,” you’re equipped with the most powerful, two-sentence response.

mercedes kiss a stand out go first ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world
Kiss’ “face, her gorgeous face.”

5// Do I want to live in the arena?
In the words of Brené Brown, channeling Teddy Roosevelt’s “Man in the Arena” speech, “Dare greatly!”

This is no easy feat. We all feel the presence of critics in our lives- the loudest, of course, being our own internal judge. And we allow them the power to block us from our loftiest ambitions.  

Go first! See the critic as nothing more than a beefed-up bouncer standing outside of the disco dance arena of your dreams. He might seem big and scary, but he’s simply a veil of smoke between you and your hottest hustle.

Throw him a polite smile as you strut on past, because the arena awaits you! Who cares if you get messy while you’re in there; you’re living loud and proud and having too much fun to hear his nonsense.


6// A lion-hearted love letter.
Often, our deepest and truest feelings are the hardest to utter face-to-face. If we let them slip through the safe grasp of our inner world and out into the air, they have to face being accepted or rejected by someone else.

But acceptance and rejection are bi-products beyond our control!  They shield us from granting our emotions full formation and clarity.  Our lion heart yearns for expression above all else, and it grows stronger not through validation, but by purely being set free.  

Go first!  Let the cat out of the bag and put your purrs to paper.  Write your truth in a lion-hearted love letter … let the pen roar without filter, suppression, or critique. It’s up to you, and not a measure of success, whether you sign, seal, and deliver this note to the object of your affection.

mercedes kiss a stand out go first ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world
A Kiss collage

7// Pride #1 vs. Pride #2.
The lioness is queen of her kingdom- capable of tackling any Saharan obstacle with her singular strength. Yet she travels, hunts, and lives in prides. She knows that her greatest victories will be won with help from her fellow felines.

Go first! Ask for help. What are you struggling with at the moment (extra gold star if it’s something you thought you’d already mastered)?  Seek the guidance of friends and gurus (your Pride #1), stripped free of your armor (your Pride #2).

Vulnerability is often mistaken for weakness, but turn the tables and make it a catalyst for unleashing fiercer and fiercer layers of your self!


Mercedes Kiss is a Boston-based designer, writer, and holistic health coach. After rocking her 20s as an architect of fancy buildings, she jumped tracks and became an architect of the soul. Follow her on Instagram and discover more about A STAND OUT, her sparkly biz devoted to serving a growing tribe of babes through high-vibe articles, personalized wellness coaching, and a line of hand-crafted organic skincare.  


Channeling the Divine through the decadently bejeweled, artist and mystic Joy Smith is raising the mystical-material vibration ever higher with her transformational talismans.

joy smith communion by joy ruby warrington numinous material girl mystical world light sessions by joy

Sculptress and seer Joy Smith believes that adornment is an intimate conversation—between the creator, the wearer, and the Divine.

Inspired by nature’s potent mysteries, and the light of Divine beauty that resides in every being, the artist’s ethically sourced, recycled gold pieces spark an emotional exchange between the the universe and each of us.

For Smith, connection to the Divine is always available, and through our talismans we can bring our personal conversation with the heavens all the way down to Earth.

With her newly-launched Light Sessions, Smith is raising the material-mystical vibration even higher. During these custom experiences, she uses song, meditative chants, and Reiki to channel a one-of-a-kind talisman that supports your distinctive transformation and growth.

Spirit is absolutely everywhere. Why not dress her in radiant gold?

(Hint: Start decking out your Divine with some inspo from Joy’s jewel-drenched Instagram feed!)


Ruby Warrington: What are your own personal talismans?
Joy Smith: I wear pieces according to what I need—so I can beam my light out everywhere. I have different pieces that embody different feelings for me.

For example, I have a custom piece I made for myself that’s super special. In Milan, on a retreat with Deborah Hanekamp, we hiked to a pagan ritual place, where I found what looked like a piece of a ceramic vessel glinting in the grass. I could feel that it was infused with a spirit that wanted to help me with my healing work, and so I set it into a ring, which I wear when I’m creating pieces, and during my Light Sessions.

Even talking about it takes me back to that place. In the future, I’d like to go on pilgrimages to sacred sites to source similar pieces as part of my work.


my moon my light communion by joy joy smith light sessions by joy ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world
My Moon, My Light Necklace

RW: Your pieces have a strong spiritual essence. What’s your relationship to organized religion?
JS: The dogma of different religions can get messy, but the essence of spirit is what’s precious to me. I connect to the idea of the Holy Spirit, which I think of as our connection to the Divine—the spirit in us. My work is about activating that in others. I’m also super interested in world religions. I see the common thread and that’s fascinating to me. All the stories are the same, just different characters.

Having grown up Catholic, I still connect deeply to the iconography. I see the etchings in my designs as radiating light, and my goal is to elicit the idea of “heaven,” which I define simply as the place where great spirit lives … bliss.


guardian rustic shield ring joy smith communion by joy ruby warrington numinous material girl mystical world light sessions by joy
Guardian Rustic Shield Ring

RW: What do you see as the intersection between spirituality, craftsmanship, and art?
JS: I never thought I’d make jewelry. I knew I loved art history, and wanted to be a painter. I also connected to artists, as I felt they were connected to something spiritual with their work. I wanted that connection to come through in my work, too. I also love fashion because I see the spirit of the designer in it. It’s like art to me.

I fell into jewelry through the sculpture of making it. I initially wanted to be a fine painter, but didn’t think I was good enough and I couldn’t relay my message effectively at that time in that medium. Now, I express myself spiritually through my pieces as they relate to how I feel on the inside. I want them to be infused with feelings of beauty and light, and for this to be reflected in how I adorn myself on the outside.

I believe God, spirit, etc., created us as an expression of the beauty of the Divine. I make it a point to meditate and pray before I make my work. When we work in this way as creators, that’s spirituality to me.

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The artist at work

RW: What do the concepts of God and the Divine mean to you?  
JS: I believe God and the Divine are forms of the highest spirit, a spirit greater than ourselves that also lives within us and is part of us. That guides and protects us and loves us unconditionally. Neither are religious terms for me- I see them as a universal Spirit.

My own spiritual breakthrough came in my early twenties, when I had a very severe panic attack, and found myself debilitated by anxiety. My first teacher asked about my spiritual practice, and she gave me my first spiritual book, Marianne Williamson’s A Return to Prayer. I still read it every day. It helped me remember how to pray—how to connect to God—in a spiritual way.

joy smith communion by joy ruby warrington numinous material girl mystical world light sessions by joy

RW: “Light Language” is such a glorious phrase—tell us about learning to speak this language, and how clients experience it during your “Light Sessions.”  
JS: “Light Language” is how I describe my conversation with the divine, something that comes out in channeled melodies, or prayer. The term came to me via my guides during an Akashic records reading—and this really is how I feel about my conversations with God. The Light Language also comes through as automatic writing, which I carve into my talismans and artwork.

I came up with the Light Sessions since my work can be very solitary and I knew I wanted to connect with people on a deeper level. And my Light Language becomes vocal, as if I’m speaking in tongues, during one-to-one with my clients. I see it as the language of love, as expressed in my creations.

The Light Sessions are about channeling creations for transformation. We talk about stones and the style of the piece, and then my clients give me their intention and lay on my table, and I’ll either sing melodies of prayer or do Reiki and channel messages that come to me.

Afterwards, we create an intention candle together and they go home with their candle to pray / meditate with their intention in mind, and I go home and channel that energy while creating the piece for transformation. The plan is to also make this available to couples as a custom ring engagement ceremony.

joy smith communion by joy ruby warrington numinous material girl mystical world light sessions by joy

RW: Who is the “Communion Woman”? 
JS: Women who wear my jewelry have a strong sense of self. The common thread is that they have a connection to spirit, and that they’re all powerful in their own right. A lot of my clients have often been through a lot emotionally.

Having experienced challenges in their lives, they have been led to work on themselves spiritually, in order to connect more deeply to themselves and to the Divine. They’ve already found this connection, and want to explore more deeply what it means for their lives. A lot of their work is in service of the greater good. They have that depth.

Discover more about Communion by Joy’s sumptuously sacred jewels HERE, and book a custom Light Session with Smith in LA. 

joy smith ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world communion by joy light sessions by joy


Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous Weekly Horoscopes from Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

Numinous weekly horoscopes August 14 2017 Strong Eye Astrology unicorn donuts sprinkles

Leo :: Leo Rising
Donuts with sprinkles. This symbol is a reminder to bring sweetness into everything you do. Approach your work, your responsibilities, your relationships as if every aspect of them was a cause for celebration. It’s difficult to remember to be enthusiastic if you’re tired, hungry or lonely. So prioritize your basic needs. Then you’ll be able to bring the joy.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising 
A horseshoe hanging over a doorway. Look for your own brand of luck. What is luck anyway? Decide what “luck” means to you, then focus your attention on it. Luck is a vibration that is always available. You just have to take a step toward it by knowing what your vision is for how you want to feel. Do you want to feel like life flows easily? Like you are supported and connected? Feel your way there through appreciation and gratitude. That’s how you increase your luck.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising 
Scrolling through your contacts list. Remembering old friendships. Flip through old memories. Are there old hurts that are ready to be forgiven? This is your chance to reconcile the past. Make an inventory. By practicing forgiveness you’ll have much more energy for the future.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising 
Stargazing, learning the constellations. Keep things in perspective by remembering how small you are. Continue to look at the big picture, especially when it comes to relationships. It’s easier to let go and forgive when you have the distance of perspective.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising 
The frog on her lily pad. It’s time to transform. How do you take care of your body, mind and spirit? How do you take care of your home? Are you ready for some new systems? Spend a little time getting clear about how you want the mechanics of your life to develop.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising 
A cat sits on the windowsill and yawns. Be yourself. Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks. Stay centered and self-assured. Take good care of your body and defend your individuality. Be like the cat, affectionate, lively, silly, but always confident and determined.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising 
A line of dominoes falls. One thing will lead to the next. There is a certain progression. Once things get going, they tend to continue. Notice who is influencing you. Spend time with people who you admire so that you can be swayed in the direction you want to go.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising 
Clouds dusted pink by the sunset. Appreciation. It’s easy to get caught up in perfectionism. Instead, try appreciation. Incubate your creativity by being encouraging and appreciative instead of self-defeating. Shine a rose-gold light on every aspect of your life— body, work, relationships. Fill your heart with gratitude.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising 
Carrying baskets full of grain across the field. Taking responsibility for the harvest. Where can you take more responsibility for your well-being? For your personal abundance? Your security? Make an effort to feel secure and grounded. Take action.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising 
Adjusting the dials. Calibrating. There may be some adjustments that need to be made so that you can feel more like yourself. Do you need more sleep or a better diet? More social activity or more alone time? Pay attention to what your body is yearning for. Give yourself the time and space to tune in.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising 
Packed luggage. It’s time to play and explore. Get yourself out of the regular routine. Take some time to relax and unplug. Drift, float and dream. You can do this without even leaving home. You can take a mental journey through reading and dreaming. Or you can actually get out of town. Either way, let your mind wander into unknown territory.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising 
Artwork made from string. Many new mental connections can be made. This is an ultra-creative moment. A chance for an epiphany. Make room for new ideas. Keep a journal nearby and look for ways to be inspired. Become very curious about the world around you. That will fire up your brain and help you open up to the next big idea.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


While Eclipse Season may have us feeling like we’ve caught a serious case of the cosmic crazies, the Taurus Waning Quarter Moon invites us to stay steady as we make space for the future to appear, says Jennifer Racioppi.  Artwork: Seana Gavin

Taurus Waning Quarter Moon The Numinous Seana Gavin Jennifer Racioppi

:: Waning Quarter Moon :: August 14 2017 :: 9:15pm EST :: 22 degrees Taurus 

As the cosmic wheel spins out of our control, we need to find our centers. The art is to lovingly let things be shaken up without any unnecessary drama.

With August 21st’s highly anticipated Leo New Moon Solar Eclipse on the horizon (which boasts the power of a New Moon times three), plus Mercury retro, it’s a trippy month that marks a moment of transformation we’ll all be referencing for some time to come.

Amidst all these shifts, we couldn’t ask for a better Waning Quarter Moon as the denouement of this lunar cycle.

This Taurus Waning Quarter Moon provides grounded stability. Perfection.

While Leo, a sign with ample dramatic flair, may love a big show, the Taurus Waning Quarter Moon asks us to stay humble and centered—so we can keep steady amidst the transformation that’s upon us. … 


:: The Sun :: 
With the Sun zooming through the fixed fire sign of Leo as it preps for the Solar Eclipse, it’s time to surrender your ego and your desires for the greater good. While it may seem ironic that the strongly self-possessed Leo Sun is pushing us to surrender our ego, the Quarter Moon cycle asks us to find our humility as we wrap up Leo season and prep for Virgo.

The trick? Don’t cling too tightly to anything right now, especially anything you’re attached to for its external value. Thankfully, the Sun and Saturn are perfecting aligned during this Taurus Waning Quarter Moon, supporting you to utilize the gift of surrender as a way back to stability.

:: The Moon :: 
The Moon, exalted in Taurus, asks you to put your feet on the ground, and connect with the earth. Literally! And while you’re at it, connect with your body too. Take time to nourish and nurture your skin. Try dry brushing, give yourself a luxurious foot massage.

Give yourself a chance to feel your presence on this earth in your body. And don’t forget about delicious savory meals too. Practice mindful self-care. And connect to the dependability and steadfastness of Taurus.

:: The Square :: 
Every Waning Quarter Moons help us wrap things up, so we can prepare for new beginnings right around the corner with the upcoming New Moon. And with the Great American Eclipse on the horizon, this closing square has a SERIOUS message. 

Let the practical sensibility of the Taurus moon take it slow and steady. Let it help you be methodical and realistic, as you sweep your life clean of anything holding you back from the new chapter about to emerge next week.

Create space in your life, and your heart, for your new future to appear. Surrender anything standing in your way at this point, especially your ego.

:: The Message :: 
Let this Taurus Waning Quarter Moon moon help you to feel grounded, connected to your center, and ready to ride the cosmic rollercoaster ahead.

Stand tall in your humility with both feet on the ground (preferably barefoot, in the grass!) From this place of presence, assess what truly does and does not feed your most abundant life, as you ready yourself for the potency of the upcoming eclipse.

Because, baby, things are about to shift … 

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit Jenniferracioppi.com. And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar loving cosmic change makers! 


The Lovers is an invitation to show up for sweetness, to help us navigate the intensity of Eclipse season 2017, says Lindsay Mack



How to find out what we truly desire, and what we think we should be going after? Rich Witch Lara-Rose Duong has 6 ways to get what you really want right NOW …

Rich Witch lara rose duong the Numnous get what you really want


What do you truly want? What gets that fire in your belly roaring? What gets your heart thumping?

With Uranus in retrograde and the Lion’s Gate Portal open, we are being called to go deeper within and return to our truest “I AM” so that our more prosperous selves can shine.

A Rich Witch is prosperous when she lives out her truest “I AM” desires. But how to find out what we truly want? Hint: it may or may not be a f*cking Porsche.

When we move in sync with our desires, we are full of hope and vigor. We are alive. But temptation from the outside world can leave us feeling like we’ll never be enough until we have all of the toys with all the bells and whistles—whether it’s the latest iPhone, next season’s McQueen, or equating your value with numbers in the back on or social media.

As a Rich Witch, the quality of your life is measured by your own heart—and success is defined on your terms. Maybe you really do want a Porsche. Maybe you truly do want a closet full of McQueen and Louboutins. Or maybe you don’t want those things at all.

The beauty of living for your truest desires is that YOU get to decide what makes your life rich, full, and prosperous. It’s time to quit keeping up with the Joneses life and embrace your unique path as a Rich Witch.

Follow these simple steps to jump start your truest “I AM” desires and get what you really want RIGHT NOW! 


1// Only say “YES” to what sets your soul on fire. If you’ve been giving your energy to people, events, and projects out of obligation, you’ve been voting “YES” for more of that to come your way. If you don’t get that instant “OH, YEAH!!” feeling, turn it down. It’s time to start voting for what you really want to grow in your life. It’s these little tweaks that spark huge change. For example, if you’re a creative soul, start saying “YES” to date nights that spark your creativity—rather than hitting the club, head to a paint + wine night. This will nurture your ability to listen to your TRUE desires, give them space to breathe, and spark huge change.


2// Block time off for pure joy. Get as good at booking time in your weekly schedule for as much FUN as obligatory “must dos.” You don’t have to know what you’re going to do with that time, but show up with an open mind and follow your impulse. You may have the urge to move it to accommodate another meeting. DON’T. Honor your fun time the same way you’d honor another commitment. You can start off with 1 hr a week and work your way up to a whole afternoon. Pretty soon, you’ll be so excited that you’ll know exactly how you want to use that time.

lara-rose duong get what you really want money witch rich witch ruby warrington the numinous


3// Rev up your manifesting mojo with a prosperity altar. Build a dedicated sacred space for your inner desires to come to life in the auspicious SE corner of your chosen room (ideally an office or living space rather than a bedroom or bathroom). Let it be as simple or extravagant as you desire. Add items that symbolize the elements. Use your imagination!

The basics of a prosperity altar include:
—An abundance crystal like citrine or pyrite. 
—A “Magnetic Money Honey Jar.” Add a few select items that make you feel rich to an empty mason jar—like something made of gold. Adding cinnamon to this jar amps its potency. Activating it with the crystal magnetite will help you manifest your intentions.
—The Goddess Lakshmi or your chosen abundance deity. You can also add Ganesha to help you remove any obstacles from your prosperity path.
A Money Tree Plant that you can watch grow like your prosperity.

Call your inner desires into your life by writing them on notes to place in your Money Honey Jar or at Lakshmi’s feet, and remember to refresh and tend to your altar regularly to keep the energy flowing.


4// Vote with your money, honey. Where you put your money honey is a “vote” that you want more of that in your life. Take some time to see how you’re voting with your Queen Cash. Are there regular expenses that you really don’t desire or require? Example: if you love to sweat it up through dancing, shift your monthly gym membership to the hottest dance studio in town.

PS: Make the payments feel extra juicy by placing your money on your prosperity altar at Lakshmi’s feet first.


5// Remember what you wanted as a kid. Not the same as the “What do you want to be when you grow up?” question. The focus is here is to remember what you valued when you were growing up. When you were a child, your main currency to give was your time and your presence. You would play with your whole heart. Laugh with your whole body. Take some time now to remember what experiences made you feel totally present in the moment—the moments where you didn’t want to be anywhere else in the world. This is your new barometer for what to say “YES” to in life.


6// And FINALLY … Don’t wait another second to start living your “I AM” desires. When you close your eyes and imagine your most prosperous life, how do you feel in that life? Let those feelings be your compass as you start taking action right now. This could mean anything from giving yourself permission to take more naps, to riding rollercoasters more often or wearing a daring shade of lipstick. This is the fastest way to make your life feel full and prosperous, RIGHT NOW.

Join the conversation with Lara-Rose Duong in the Rich Witch Circle on Facebook and follow her on Instagram