As we move towards Spring’s peak, it’s time to delight in the playfully creative energies of the Goddess Maia, says Rebecca Farrar …

From the flowers blooming (aka plant sex organs!) to the weather warming, May is a month for delight and desire …
Named after the Earth Goddess Maia, or Maja, who represents passion, wishes, and playfulness, the month of May brings a slow burn after Ostara’s April spark. With the same root as the word “majesty,” Goddess Maia represents the peak of spring’s fertility and blooming.
Throughout history, May has been a month of celebrations, and in Roman, Greek, and Celtic traditions, Goddess Maia has represented sexuality, creativity, and growth. In ancient Greece and Rome, the first and fifteenth days of the month were particularly sacred for honoring her. And in Celtic traditions, Beltane or May Day rituals focused on feeding the senses. During the holiday, unmarried men and women jumped over bonfires wishing for partners and fertility, and the Maypole was originally a tree tied with flowers and ribbons, which represented the wrapping of female energies around the phallus.
Goddess Maia also has an asteroid named after her. Astrologically, Maja is currently hanging out in tight conjunction with Neptune in Pisces. Making for a dreamy and romantic month ahead in May 2018 …
Tap into your own playful and sensuous Spring nature by finding Maia in your own chart. Wherever she’s placed, you’re invited to offer your wishes for more blossoming this month.
Below are questions to consider for reigniting creative sparks and growth with Maia’s help …
**To find Maia/Maja in your chart, go to, enter your birth information, choose “Extended Chart Selection,” scroll down to “Additional Asteroids,” and type in 66.
1st house// Where do I lack purpose or intention in my life? How can I become re-inspired?
2nd house// What makes my heart beat faster? Is it specific people, activities, being outside?
3rd house// Which books, media, or resources provoke or scintillate me? Conversely, which ones dull my senses or excitement?
4th house// How do my emotions put me into contact with my artistic process? How can I use them as fuel for my own fire?
5th house// Where and how do I experience my creative spark? What makes me shine and light up?
6th house// What habits or routines help me stimulate my imagination? How can I add them into my day-to-day rituals?
7th house// Have I been putting aside my own creativity because I’ve been focusing too much on others? Instead, can this relationship put me in touch with my own muse?
8th house// What kindling is missing from my inspiration fire? Do I need more nurturing, community, or time alone?
9th house// How can I re-create my own life vision and come more into alignment? Are there places I need to expand into or explore physically or emotionally?
10th house// Where have my passions been left behind in place of responsibility? How can I commit more to my own passion projects?
11th house// When and where do I come into contact with my creativity in the world? Is it through others or alone?
12th house// How can I move out of wishful thinking and fantasy around something I care about? What concrete actions can I take?

And no matter where the asteroid is in your chart, here are ways to connect to the seductive Spring goddess this May …
// Style // Show some skin, or your favorite body part- whatever makes you feel sexy
// Food //Sensual and decadent foods such as figs, truffles, or dark chocolate
// Workout // Think playful and sexy … pole dancing or Zumba
// Home // Add a romantic touch with flowers, soft colors, candles, or fairy lights
// Healing // Sacred sex practices alone or with a partner