The 2018 Taurus New Moon arrives just before revolutionary Uranus shifts signs for the first time in 8 years. The medicine amidst this transformative earthquake? Find stability in your beautiful body and create sustainable change, says Sandy Sitron

Woman thinking Taurus New Moon 2018 Sandy Sitron The Numinous
Photo: Hadis Safari

New Moon :: May 15 2018 :: 7:49 am ET :: 24 degrees Taurus

In subterranean gardens, crystals branch, bristle and grow. Layers ripple deep underneath the surface of the earth. Hidden away from light, the crystals are orderly, cool and safe. And it remains this way for many years.

When the earthquake hits, the gardens do the thing they were never meant to do. They move. And a new pattern of rock is formed. A new stability is attained.

Taurus is your stability, sustenance, and sustainability- the subterranean crystal garden within. Your inner knowing that with patience, trust and determination, you can create diamonds out of carbon.

Uranus, the Great Awakener planet, which finishes its 8 year cycle in Aries and moves into Taurus just after the New Moon, is the earthquake— the change that you were waiting for. Or the change that you didn’t anticipate. An awakening.

At this transformative New Moon, tectonic plates of your self-worth may be imperceptibly shifting. You have an opportunity to seed new visions for how you want to do Taurus. You might be readying yourself for a new way of thinking about how you want to live your life in a body.

Taurus reminds you that it’s your birthright to be safe in a body. Your self worth is inherent, natural, and fixed. It can be abundant if you trust in it. And knowing your worth will help you revel in the abundance of Mother Earth.

Set intentions for Uranus’ entry into Taurus. Let these intentions focus on changes that help your life become more sustainable, whatever that means to you. A revolutionary experience of your own self-worth. Breakthroughs around being present in your body and stimulated by your physical senses. Shocking yourself into slowing down and getting into receptive mode. A new way of viewing the energy of money.

Uranus in Taurus will shake you, prod you, and poke you until you welcome yourself home. Home to your body, home to your receptive nature and home to your self-worth.

Use this New Moon as a bridge to the other side of the crystalline chasm …


New Moon opposite Jupiter
The plant evolves.

A better philosophy can take you places. You can change the direction of your growth with some positive thinking. Nothing about this is easy. Sometimes evolution doesn’t leave any space for the old way. And the old growth has to fall away. Set intentions that will help you feel more free and more trusting. You’ll grow into it later, in the same way that the plant seeks out the sun.


New Moon trine Mars
A boat runs along an underwater track at Disney Land.

You’ve got somewhere to go and you can plan out the path. The more systematized you make it, the less friction you’ll find. Part of the plan involves crafting a sense of fluid stability. This is the kind of stability that can follow you. It doesn’t keep you stuck, but it helps you feel safe wherever you go.


New Moon trine Pluto
The snake is on the move.

Transformation is supported. Follow the snake and let it lead you toward the powerful next phase. When you put your ear to the ground and listen, what do the vibrations tell you? Get present in your body, slow down and notice what is ready to change.


The below journal prompts are designed to help you dive deeper into the energy of the Taurus New Moon. For the most accurate insight, find the reading for the House that holds 24 degrees Taurus in your birth chart. Don’t have that info? Do you chart for free HERE.

Aries // 2nd house
In what area can you root down to claim more of  your territory?

Taurus // 1st house
Write a list of all the things you’re good at and that only you can do.

Gemini // 12th house
Ask for a dream that will show you the path to abundance and journal about it in the morning.

Cancer // 11th house
Which of your friends are most inspiring you? List the reasons why.

Leo // 10th house
What have been your biggest career wins and what do you need to repeat them?

Virgo // 9th house
Describe the sights, sounds, tastes and smells of your next big adventure.

Libra // 8th house
Write a poem to a part of your body you would like to know more intimately.

Scorpio // 7th house
Which close relationship is most valuable to me? Why?

Sagittarius // 6th house
List 10 ways you can be of service with your work.

Capricorn // 5th house
Name five artists and the ways you are inspired by them and their work.

Aquarius // 4th house
What self-care practice make you feel most at home in your body?

Pisces // 3rd house
Write a 10-step action plan for the Big Idea that won’t leave you alone.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here. And check out our Numiversity digital course VENUS: YOUR TOTAL GUIDE TO THE PLANET OF LOVE with a special Venus guided hypnosis from Sandy, plus symbols and activations for each Venus sign. 


With game-changer Uranus primed to shift gears, the 2018 Aquarius Waning Moon wants us to lose the ego, work together, and boldly lead from our authentic core, says Jennifer Racioppi

jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world 2018 aquarius waning moon kyle loftus
Photo: Kyle Loftus

Waning Quarter Moon // May 7 2018 // 10:08pm // 17 degrees Aquarius 

We finds ourselves amidst massive change …

The Waning Quarter Moon is that sacred point in the lunar cycle when it’s time to let go. To surrender that which we no longer need.

Aquarius represents ingenuity, self-expression, freedom, creativity, progressive qualities, change, and the betterment of society.

Uranus, the planet of revolution and surprises that rules Aquarius, is getting ready to move into Taurus on May 15th (the same day as the Taurus New Moon). With Uranus in Aries for the last seven years, we’ve been living in an era defined by individualized innovation. In one week, we enter into a new paradigm that massively shifts the cosmic curriculum. We’re ready for enormous lessons around how to use our leadership capabilities fairly and justly, and in absolute alignment with what we value most.

Tuning in this Waning Quarter Moon will allow you to review your progress in all areas, and tune into self-care needs to navigate this transition with ease.

This Waning Moon wants you to stand in your authenticity … 


// The Cycle //
This Waning Quarter Moon brings to fruition seeds planted back at the Aquarius New Moon on February 8, 2016. Think back to over two years ago and consider what has ripened in your life since then. Can you remember intentions you set for this particular New Moon?

Review and discern; what’s come to fruition now that relates to goals set then? What feels complete? Take time to wrap up loose ends now. Then, prepare!


// The Transits // 
With the Sun opposing lucky, expansive Jupiter, there might be a tendency to overdo it. So be careful to set appropriate limits and boundaries.

Because Jupiter travels directly opposite the Sun at the time of the Quarter Moon, the Moon forms a fixed T-square with the Sun in Taurus and Jupiter in Scorpio. While this could feel like astrological gridlock, this aspect asks you to break free. The release point of this T-square, Leo, guides you to find the joy and play in the process.

With Uranus gearing up to leave Aries, we’re asked to integrate and assimilate the revolution of self. Use this to refine your capacity to emerge authentically as a leader, in spite of astro challenges!


// The Square //
With the Sun in grounded and stable Taurus, and the Moon in progressive Aquarius, this fixed square might highlight stubbornness.

Yet despite the grounded rootedness of the Taurus Sun, the revolutionary Aquarius Moon asks you not to clutch too tightly to the routine or to your ego. Instead, lean into the evolutionary and progressive qualities of the Moon, and ask the ego to step aside.

Leadership requires humility, and this square asks you to acknowledge what you don’t know in order to lean into becoming your best self.


// The Opportunity // 
With Uranus primed to exit Aries, look at what you need to learn as it relates to your online engagement, offline leadership, and the ability to wildly and boldly claim who you are and what you love. Now’s not the moment to hide, but rather to learn and emerge, but to do so with honest humility.

Release the rigidity of needing to be right. In the words of the Beatles, it’s time to “Come Together.” And the only way to do that is to engage a practice of listening and mindful curiosity while maintaining your center and core.

The upcoming New Moon starts a massive new astrological chapter! Get ready, Numi-babes. The world is readying itself for a revolution …

For more Moon wisdom, or to book a coaching session with Jennifer, visit


The 2018 Scorpio Full Moon is priming us to dig deep into our process, slough off the old, and imagine a re-birth, says Sandy Sitron

2018 Scorpio Full Moon The Numinouc Sandy Sitron

Full Moon :: April 29th 2018 :: 8:59 pm EDT :: 9 degrees Scorpio

A branch scrapes against a window. Long twigs and budding leaves comb the air. The tree reaches through space to get your attention.

Come out and play. Leave the world that is safe and predictable and go out into the dark night, the tree says. Out here there is a hint of magic in the air and an opportunity for connection.

Embrace a world that is more raw and more real. Dance naked around the tree in the gentle rain. Feel alive.

On Sunday at 8:59pm EDT we are lit up by a Full Moon in Scorpio, opposite the Taurus sun. This Moon in Scorpio is helping you understand your true power. Power that is built like a tree. Rooted. Grounded. Ancient. Naked. Regenerating year after year.

To encounter this raw, rooted power it is necessary to venture toward the unknown. Be brave enough to get vulnerable.

What is vulnerability and why is it so important? Dr. Brené Brown defines vulnerability as, “uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure” and she says that “vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy courage, empathy and creativity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper or meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path.”

When I think of vulnerability, I think of Scorpio. Scorpio is the sign that yearns to merge with another person emotionally, sexually and spiritually. To truly connect with another person is often scary. So the less mature Scorpio tries to control the experience. However, the fully realized side of Scorpio urges you to build trust, and then challenge the knee-jerk reaction to try to stay in control. If you feel safe enough to do so, you can open up vulnerably so that you experience true connection.

The 2018 Scorpio Full Moon is the perfect time to stretch your tree branches to new levels of vulnerability. Go out into the dark of night and play. Scorpio urges you to merge and Taurus, the sign of self-worth and value, urges you to know your own strength. To be vulnerable you need to believe in your self-worth. As the Moon in Scorpio and the Sun in Taurus face off, this is a chance to get clear about your self-worth and stability so that you can let yourself be vulnerable. Be naked. Be real. Put in the effort to build trust with another person that you can share. And from there you experience true connection, transformation and healing.

Part of your power at this 2018 Scorpio Full Moon comes from letting the old patterns fall away to make room for new growth. This is about letting go on every level. Letting go of control and letting go of old patterns. Scorpio rules the life cycle. Transforming from birth to procreation to death to rebirth. Be brave enough to evaluate that which is no longer serving you and shed. Release.

Does the tree grieve when it loses it’s leaves? Does the tree understand that they will come back? Maybe the tree can feel the promise of new growth even as the old is dying away.

Help your systems refresh at this time. This Moon is high energy as all Full Moons are. Make space and time for getting grounded. Connect with your senses so that you feel present in your body and in the moment.

A watery 2018 Scorpio Full Moon can bring on the feelings! If you are feeling heightened emotions be brave enough to lean toward the shadow. Look at the feelings that you might try to avoid. Feel them fully so that they can slough off like dead leaves when the time is right. New growth is blossoming already.


Full Moon sextile Saturn
Nailing down a board.

This Full Moon is propped up by a force of stability. Saturn is sextile the Moon and trine the Sun. These aspects say, if you’re willing to do the work, you can build anything you want. It should be as simple as an inhale. This moon can deliver the outline of your next steps. Use your energy in ways that are practical, yet deeply meaningful.


Full Moon conjunct Jupiter
A fireworks display

This is big expansive energy. Show up for yourself. Give yourself a lot of love. This Full Moon will help healing happen at a faster rate. If you invigorate this energy by thinking positively and celebrating your accomplishments, fireworks will explode all around you. Sometimes, this kind expansion can be uncomfortable, a little bit like growing pains. Lean into it and see where it takes you.


Full Moon trine Neptune
Bunnies with cotton puff tails.

Where do they go when they disappear from sight? There’s a hint of magic in the air. A possibility of getting swept off into another dimension. Like Alice you can get curiouser and curiouser. Follow the white rabbit all the way down and connect with yourself in a new way.

The energy that is building up with this Full Moon helps you feel stabilized enough to be vulnerable, so that you can expand into healing. With a soothing trine to dreamy Neptune, you can do all of this while connecting to your heightened intuition. This Moon offers you an opportunity to see the world in a more magical way and maybe even dream of impossible things.


The below study questions are designed to help you dive deeper into the energy of the Scorpio Full Moon. For the most accurate insight ready for the House that holds 9 degrees Scorpio in your birth chart. Don’t have that info? Do you chart for free HERE.

Aries // 8th House
What old pattern or belief are you ready to let go of?

Taurus // 7th House
How can you safely bare your soul in an important partnership?

Gemini // 6th House
What are you ready to refine in your daily habits?

Cancer // 5th House
When you feel happy, what can you do to feel the positive feelings fully?

Leo // 4th House
How is your home a reflection of your well-being?

Virgo // 3rd House
What are you yearning to learn?

Libra // 2nd House
When will you let yourself feel rooted?

Scorpio // 1st House
What would help you trust in the process of transformation?

Sagittarius // 12th House
When do you get dreamtime and alone time?

Capricorn // 11th House
What friendships need to be invigorated?

Aquarius // 10th House
What are your goals for your sacred vocation?

Pisces // 9th House
What inspires you and keeps you thinking positively?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here. And check out our Numiversity digital course VENUS: YOUR TOTAL GUIDE TO THE PLANET OF LOVE with a special Venus guided hypnosis from Sandy, plus symbols and activations for each Venus sign. 


The sobering glow of the Capricorn Waning Moon asks us to befriend our shadow side, release addictive patterning, and align with our highest destiny, says Jennifer Racioppi

jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world club soda moon club capricorn waning moon 2018
Photo: Geo Martinez

Waning Quarter Moon // April 8 2018 // 3:17am EST // 18 degrees Capricorn 

Are you ready to take charge of your transformation? 

Next week’s New Moon in Aries offers tremendous potential to blast off in new directions. As we build towards this energy, the Capricorn Waning Moon asks us to release our shadow and get ready to open up to all this new potential.

First, we’ve got to assess what’s no longer needed. Conjoining Pluto, this Moon urges us to befriend denied aspects of Self and surrender the extra baggage.

With Mercury in the midst of his retrograde journey, use this Waning Moon to get clear on what no longer works for you! Release what stands in the way of creating what you desire.

Look for what’s coming to completion and make a choice … 


//The Cycle//
This Moon harkens all the way back to the New Moon in Capricorn on January 9, 2016. Think back to the intentions you set at the start of 2016. What’s culminating now that correlates with the beginning of the new year in 2016? What did you manifest then that you no longer need now?

Intentions often take an extended gestation period, and aspects of life coming to fruition now may correlate to this New Moon from over two years ago. Simultaneously, it’s essential to release what you no longer need (whether you consciously want to or not), to make room for a new level of maturity that’s emerging.


// The Transits //
With Saturn, Mars, the Moon, and Pluto all conjoined in Capricorn, this powerful combination puts pressure on you to befriend the truth and let go of addictions. Saturn represents purpose, Mars action, the Moon emotional needs, and Pluto represents shadow. Look at lies and addictions with clarity.

Luckily, Jupiter, the planet of growth and abundance forms a productive and supportive sextile to the Moon in Capricorn, signifying that good luck comes in the form of honesty!


// The Square //
With the Moon traveling through work-oriented and ambitious Capricorn while squaring the Sun in assertive Aries, now’s not the time to resist change.

This Capricorn Waning Moon has the power to not only reveal secrets but to also disintegrate shame in the process. With the Moon conjoining Pluto and squaring the Sun, the ego not only has to confront issues it’d prefer to avoid, but simultaneously needs to integrate learnings.

*Warning: this tough medicine requires you to participate in your transformation. The good news though is that Jupiter is there to support you!


// The Opportunity //
This Waning Moon offers up tough love, and asks us to release any blocks that hold us back from thoroughly enjoying our success.

Look to addictions and get honest about what you no longer need. Consciously think positive thoughts, get rip-roaring clear on what you need to release, and align your mind with your highest destiny! 

*Want to celebrate this Waning Moon’s clarity and consciousness, Numi style? Join us this Sunday, April 8th for Moonrise Kindom, a one-day urban retreat dedicated to deep connection and conscious un-cocktailing!  

And for more Moon wisdom, or to book a coaching session with Jennifer, visit


The 2018 Libra Full Moon asks us to reframe our storylines, look for creative solutions, and lovingly partner with others so we can really start fresh, says Sandy Sitron

caique silva sandy sitron sandra sitron ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world 2018 libra full moon moon club astrology
Photo: Caique Silva

Full Moon :: March 31 2018 :: 8:37 am ET :: 10 degrees Libra

A bowling ball crushes down the lane and makes contact. The pins teeter back and forth before falling.

Although Libra is the sign of balance, this Full Moon may be the bowling ball hitting the pins. Sometimes, you have to shake things up in order to find a better equilibrium.

We think of balance as quiet steadiness. But in fact, balance is in constant motion. It requires activated muscles to hold steady in a tree pose. You must constantly adjust the steering wheel to keep a car on the road.

This Full Moon forms a T-square to the Sun and Mercury retrograde in Aries, and Mars and Saturn in Capricorn. This is a force of tension that requires creative solutions. It’s highly motivating energy and, in the cardinal signs, this is the modality of new beginnings.

We are starting fresh, but we have to work with tension so that we can make it happen.

The Aries—Libra axis is about relationships. Who am I in relation to you? How do I take care of myself? How do I honor you in the process? The puzzle is to take others into account without becoming overly concerned about what other people think.

Get clear about what you need. But become curious about another person’s feelings and needs. Find a way to compromise. Air it out. Talk it through. Challenge yourself to be objective and fair.

The only cardinal sign that’s not activated in this T-square is Cancer. Nurturance is the antidote. Look at what you are criticizing about yourself and others. Can you infuse more gentleness?  Can you love up on yourself?

With Mercury in retrograde, review the past and come up with better solutions. Seek out reconciliation. Find ways to reframe what’s going on

Love Sandy’s readings? Register for one of her FREE upcoming Saturn Return webinars and learn how to navigate your cosmic rite of passage with grace and ease. Get the dates and sign up HERE.


Full Moon opposite Mercury
The butterfly balances in the wind. 
While this moon may feel like a problem that needs to be solved, approach it like a butterfly. The butterfly doesn’t grip too tightly. The butterfly has already gone through the painful shock of transformation and has made it to the other side. She understands the full spectrum of possibility. She has walked with many legs on land, and now she can fly. You can cultivate this level of objectivity and awareness and it will help you understand yourself and others.


Full Moon square Saturn and Mars
Surveying a wall. 
The T-square to Mars and Saturn in Capricorn is the most challenging part of this picture. Mars conjunct Saturn is currently asking us to find a better way. Do it fast and do it now. There’s not a lot of wiggle room here as we try to build a better structure that really works, without coming up against a wall.

This Moon is clueing you into patterns that have been tense for some time and urging you to find creative resolution. Think about an area of your life where you have felt stuck. Can you get support in this area? Is there more space, more time, or attention that you can apply here? You have to initiate a new pattern.

Collectively, this moon asks us to find a way through that works for everyone. We can take leadership roles while also being gracious and diplomatic. These cardinal energies are asking us to start something new, but we are still working with the structures of the past. Create change within the system.


The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2018 Libra Full Moon means for you. Use them as journal prompts. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 10 degrees Libra in your chart and use the question for that house.

New to your birth chart? Calculate your chart for free HERE

Aries or Full Moon in the 7th house
What would help a relationship you’re in to feel balanced?

Taurus or Full Moon in the 6th house 
What is something simple that would feel like self-care?

Gemini or Full Moon in the 5th house 
How would playfulness help you?

Cancer or Full Moon in the 4th house
What feeling needs to be expressed?

Leo or Full Moon in the 3rd house 
What do you need to communicate?

Virgo or Full Moon in the 2nd house
How can you feel more secure?

Libra or Full Moon in the 1st house 
How will balance change the way you think about yourself?

Scorpio or Full Moon in the 12th house 
What do you need to see that you’re not seeing?

Sagittarius or Full Moon in the 11th house
What can your friendships offer you now?

Capricorn or Full Moon in the 10th house 
What can you tell yourself to help you trust in your own success?

Aquarius or Full Moon in the 9th house 
What’s the most optimistic way to describe what’s happening now?

Pisces or Full Moon in the 8th house
What is ready to be released?

Love Sandy’s readings? Register for one of her FREE upcoming Saturn Return webinars and learn how to navigate your cosmic rite of passage with grace and ease. Get the dates and sign up HERE.


With some big fire energies lighting up the cosmos right now, the watery Cancer Waxing Moon asks us to temper the urge to act out by embracing humility and coming home to our own divinity, says Jennifer Racioppi

alia wilhelm jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world cancer waxing quarter moon
Photo: Alia Wilhelm

Waxing Quarter Moon // March 24 2018 // 11:35am EST // 3 degrees Cancer

With the Spring Equinox’s arrival, and a pack of Aries planets reigning in the cosmos right, the impulse towards new beginnings and fiery initiations is strong.

But before you burnout, tap into the waters of this Cancer Waxing Moon.

In sensitive, security-driven Cancer, it’s time to trust the invisible hand guiding your life without having to force a fresh start. With Mercury retrograde in the mix, patience goes a long way.

Embrace humility and trust that surrender and loving kindness are the absolute best medicine for this Waxing Moon …


// The Cycle //
This particular Waxing Moon harkens back to the last New Moon in Cancer, which happened on June 23, 2017.

So look back to see what you committed to at the time of the 2017 summer solstice: what’s blooming now based on intentions set then? Pause. Evaluate. Appreciate. As we step into this new season, remember seasons of the past. Everything is connected.


// Transits //
With four planets forming a stellium in Mars-ruled Aries, accentuating the need for change, momentum builds. Yet, with Mercury retrograde occurring in Aries until April 15th, temper this “me first” attitude.

With Venus squaring Pluto, and the Moon forming a cardinal T-square with Mars and the Sun, and soon to oppose Saturn, the universe serves up a whopping dose of tough love. Stay centered. 


// The Square //
This Waxing Quarter Moon’s cardinal T-square presents a challenging crossroads; like gridlock traffic, the desire to do “something” meets a cosmic roadblock preventing from forwarding momentum.

With the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Cancer, the need for action battles the need for security. Trust in the Divine, and your higher self, rather than catering to the needs of your ego. The release point of this T-Square is in Libra, the sign of equanimity, justice, and balance. Tuning into these values supports your inner strength now, as does paying attention to what feels beautiful.


// The Opportunity //
How can you cultivate presence and look for the beauty despite the ensuing challenges at hand?

With the Moon traveling through nurturing Cancer, accept the invitation to come home to yourself. Feel into your body and your presence, and feel your emotions.

Trust in humility, surrender your issue to a higher power, and let go of the addiction to knowing your answer to the problem at hand.

This too shall pass. And it’s not always up to you. Stay humble and allow the invisible hand that guides your life reveal to you what you most need to know.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And make sure to join her this Saturday, March 24th at Maha Rose for a Waxing Quarter Moon Ritual to celebrate rebirth & rejuvenation! 



The 2018 Pisces New Moon asks us to drift way beyond the rational, surrender to the mystery, and savor the last bit of sleep before the Spring Equinox awakening, says Sandy Sitron

Pisces New Moon 2018 The Numinous underwater sandy sitron
Photo: Jeremy Bishop

New Moon :: March 17 2018 :: 9:14 am ET :: 26 degrees Pisces

It’s hard to put everything this New Moon has to say into words, because this moon has gone beyond verbal.

There are images that float by to describe what this New Moon is offering you…

Focus on your lungs. Focus on the beating of your heart. Imagine the blood moving through your veins. These movements of body are the basics. The basics of your life force are important to remember now.

Submerge your head underwater and watch the sea fronds wave gently. There’s another way of living than the way you are living now. Get yourself into a different headspace to feel it.

Constellations light up the night sky. You are connected and you are never alone. Sometimes it’s easiest to remember that through quiet mediation.

A baited hook tempts the hungry fish. Release old patterns of entrapment … what does it feel like to be ensnared in a pattern of passive aggressive behavior? How do you make yourself into a victim? What needs to be said out loud? Now is the time to let go of outdated patterns. The Pisces New Moon urges you to be more loving with yourself.

Pisces is the glittering fish that darts just out of sight. The fish is hard to grasp above the surface of the conscious mind. It’s easier to commune with Pisces energy just below consciousness— through emotions, intuition, creative expression and spiritual connection.

Set intentions that help you connect with your soul. This is the part of you that isn’t necessarily expressed through doing, striving or building. Rather, it’s the part of you that just is. Connect with who you are. Learn more about yourself by honoring the flow of your feelings and asking yourself deeper questions.

Over the past month we swam in a lot of Pisces energy. What is your take-away from the last month of emotional, intuitive, magical Pisces energy? What seed are you ready to plant?

This New Moon is the last dream before waking up. Soon, we are moving into more activated spring energy. Take some time this weekend to have a subtle experience. Listen. Grow quiet. Trust that you know more than you realize. Slow down. Open up space for yourself to just be. Be with yourself the way that you are now. Let yourself daydream and do nothing.

During this last moment of sleep, take note of what you learned from the dream.


New Moon conjunct Chiron
Curled up in a ball with a lover.
Let yourself be quite vulnerable. Naked and exposed. And through this vulnerability there may be greater connection. That doesn’t mean that it’s always easy. The Pisces New Moon is dancing close to the wounded-healer asteroid Chiron, so we may be learning how to heal on deeper levels than we are used to. We have to make ourselves vulnerable in order to truly heal. We have walk toward the pain instead of away from it. This aspect is heightened by a nudge from change-agent Uranus and gently supported by expansive Jupiter.


New Moon semi-sextile Uranus
The dog pulls on the leash.
We can’t try to control everything. There is surprising energy in the mix and it has the potential to help you connect with yourself in new ways. Look for the action that you can take to access deeper levels of emotional awareness. Look for a new place or experience that will shock you into becoming more comfortable with yourself. Don’t be afraid to follow the dog as it pulls on the leash. Let it show you something new.


New Moon trine Jupiter
A new color is discovered.
Help yourself expand in some way that you didn’t know was possible. Once you encounter this new way of thinking about your world, it will seem crazy to imagine life without it. Follow the guidance of the Pisces New Moon: be quiet and inward. Listen to your heartbeat. Connect with your emotions, dream and recover. Through these quiet actions, something may heal. A new door may open. Supportive Jupiter can help you integrate it all in a way that may be familiar and exotic at the same time.


The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2018 Pisces New Moon means for you. Use them as journal prompts. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 26 degrees Pisces in your chart and use the question for that house.

New to your birth chart? Calculate your chart for free HERE

Aries or New Moon in the 12th house 
What will you do to honor your emotions even more?

Taurus or New Moon in the 11th house 
How can you feel supported by your friends?

Gemini or New Moon in the 10th house 
What makes you feel successful?

Cancer or New Moon in the 9th house 
How will you surprise yourself this week?

Leo or New Moon in the 8th house 
What is your favorite method for letting go?

Virgo or New Moon in the 7th house 
When do you feel most supported by another person?

Libra or New Moon in the 6th house 
What will you do to take care of your body?

Scorpio or New Moon in the 5th house 
When do you feel most creative?

Sagittarius or New Moon in the 4th house 
What age is the inner child who wants your attention now?

Capricorn or New Moon in the 3rd house 
What mindset shift are you ready for?

Aquarius or New Moon in the 2nd house 
How do you trust that you are secure?

Pisces or New Moon in the 1st house 
What helps you feel like yourself?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here.


As we prep for the Spring Equinox’s explosive fire, the Sagittarius Waning Quarter Moon wants us to sit with over-the-top emotions, and let the flames of feeling lead to powerful change, says Jennifer Racioppi

jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world moon club sagittarius waning quarter moon 2018
Photo: Bryan Fernandez

Waning Quarter Moon // March 9 2018 // 6:18am EST // 18 degrees Sagittarius

As the Moon wanes back to new, we find ourselves at the halfway point between the most recent Full Moon in mutable Virgo and the upcoming New Moon in mutable Pisces.

Mutable signs correlate with a seasonal shift; they help us transition from stable and steady, fixed influences, into new beginnings. So as we embrace the Waning Quarter Moon in mutable fire sign Sagittarius—and with less than two weeks before the upcoming Equinox—lean into the winds of transformation!

Let the power of fire purify your soul. Let go of what you don’t need and burn, baby, burn.


// The Cycle // 
The current Waning Quarter Moon harkens all the way back to December 11, 2015. This late 2015 Sagittarius New Moon seeded events coming to fruition now. What’s culminating in your life now based on intentions set or decisions made then?

Beyond the lunar cycle, Mercury and Jupiter’s retrograde cycles are at play right now too. On March 8, Jupiter, the planet of good luck and good fortune, begins his retrograde journey in Scorpio until July 10. Jupiter retrograde in Scorpio will expose lies, and superficial tendencies that serve ego at the expense of soul. 

Mercury, also in his retrograde shadow at this time, brings things to light that will require work and reevaluation during his upcoming retrograde journey in Aries from March 22—April 15. With Mercury soon to station retrograde, use this Waning Quarter Moon to really get clear on what you need to let go of! 


// The Transits //
As Mars in Sagittarius squares Chiron in Pisces, the masculine qualities of action come up against the influence of allowing. This may present as a healing crisis through which a wound becomes a teacher.

Yet with Mars in an angle of tremendous support to Uranus, breakthroughs abounds. Expect healing to redirect your path. And with Pluto sextile the Sun and Jupiter, this Sagittarius Waning Quarter Moon suggests that you can discern fact from fiction. Hear. Listen. Absorb. Integrate. And most importantly, trust yourself.


 // The Square// 
With the Moon traveling through go-big-or-go-home Sagittarius squaring the Sun in soft, sensitive Pisces, this Moon might come with over-the-top emotions.

While the Sun in dreamy Pisces might shy away from anything aggressive or assertive, the Sagittarius Moon is bold and blunt. This Waning Quarter Moon asks you to do two things: sit with uncomfortable emotions and then find an outlet for excess energy.

There’s power in those emotions. Letting energy move through you brings the magic you need. 


// The Opportunity //
As we approach the upcoming Equinox and first Mercury retrograde journey of 2018, this Sagittarius Waning Quarter Moon is a preparatory crossroads. Take in where you are. Stay conscious of what’s surfacing now, as it will likely play into the emerging Mercury retrograde curriculum.

Learning how to sit with emotions (Pisces) and simultaneously move through them (Sagittarius) will prep you for these cosmic transitions. Magic becomes possible as you treat this Quarter Moon crossing with the respect of a shamanic initiation.

Discern lies and shadow, and move through the illusions that limit your potential. You’ll emerge with clarity and readiness for the changes ahead.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers! 


The 2017 Gemini Full Moon wants you to move away from expectation, start asking questions, and embrace the wild unknown, says Sandra Sitron

ruby warrington sandra sitron 2017 full moon in gemini the numinous material girl mystical world joao victor xavier
Photo: João Victor Xavier

Full Moon :: December 3 2017 :: 10:48 am ET :: 11 degrees Gemini

It’s time to run a series of diagnostic tests. Get out the stethoscope and check your heartbeat. Press your tongue down and say “Ahhh.” Be scientific. Be logical. But most importantly, maintain a state of heightened curiosity.

The key is to loosen your mind. Move away from expectation and move toward curiosity. Melt a hardened state of mind and begin to explore new ways of thinking. Just start asking questions …

With the Sun in Sagittarius, we are working to define our truth. What are we shooting for? What is our philosophy? The Moon in Gemini asks us what basics we’ve missed? Is there a basic mindset shift that needs to happen so that we can grasp the higher philosophical concept?

Let go of what you think you know. The Gemini Full Moon challenges us to give up the PhD program (Sun in Sagittarius) and go back to elementary school (Gemini). Regain a fresh and innocent curiosity that allows us to delight in the world around us. Finger-paint and eat paste. Learn the words for colors and admire the shape of a feather. Get to know our neighbors.

Because this is a Full Moon, your “need to know” may get emotional. Notice if your mind is on overdrive. With Gemini’s ruling planet, Mercury, stationing retrograde, and gauzy Neptune adding a dose of confusing magic to the equation—the answers may not be clear right now.

But you can certainly ask the questions. Run your diagnostic tests and let go of the outcomes ….


Moon square Neptune
A moustache. A disguise.
The luminaries form a mutable T-square with Neptune as the focal point. Neptune is your dreamy third eye. Neptune is also fake news. Which will this aspect bring you—heightened intuition or foggy confusion? It’s up to you. Beware of things that aren’t as they seem. But also be on the lookout for magic in the mix.

Work with this aspect by taking pressure off of yourself to “know” the answers. Look inward to find your truth. Connect with your spiritual center and you will avoid brain fog. Meditate. Take time out for yourself. Rest and restore. Pay extra attention to messages in your dreams.


Moon inconjunct Jupiter
The last petal on a sunflower.
Is it time to eat the seeds? This is an an uncomfortable aspect that can convince you there is no bounty. The truth is that your rewards are hidden, so you’ll need to take an extra step to discover them. Be curious and do your research. Look a little bit closer. At first glance, the sunflower looks wilted. Don’t throw it away. It’s actually time for the harvest.


The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2017 Gemini Full Moon means for you. Use them as journal prompts. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 11 degrees Gemini in your chart and use the question for that house. Do yours for free HERE.

Aries or Full Moon in the 3rd house 
What do you need to do to invigorate your sense of community?

Taurus or Full Moon in the 2nd house 
What do you value most about yourself?

Gemini or Full Moon in the 1st house 
How will taking the lead in a situation make you feel?

Cancer or Full Moon in the 12th house 
What does your heart want you to know?

Leo or Full Moon in the 11th house 
What will help you start to believe in your future?

Virgo or Full Moon in the 10th house 
How can you shine just a little bit brighter in your career?

Libra or Full Moon in the 9th house 
What is your big mission statement?

Scorpio or Full Moon in the 8th house 
Forgiveness is a process. What are you ready to begin to forgive?

Sagittarius or Full Moon in the 7th house 
What are you needing most in a partnership? How can you give that to yourself first?

Capricorn or Full Moon in the 6th house 
What process or system in your life could be more efficient?

Aquarius or Full Moon in the 5th house 
What can you do to break free?

Pisces or Full Moon in the 4th house 
What game does your inner child want to play?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.


The 2017 Scorpio New Moon asks us to risk the deepest dives so we can reap the reward of profound emotional truth, says Sandra Sitron.

sandra sitron 2017 scorpio new moon ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world
Photo: Jill Heyer

New Moon :: November 18 2017 :: 6:24 am ET :: 26 degrees Scorpio

A mountain is moving aside. It’s creaking and squealing on a hidden mechanism to reveal a dusty trapdoor leading into the depths of the earth.

Are you ready to take a risk and travel into the unknown region of your psyche? Are you willing to be vulnerable and face the challenges of the season?

The opening of this secret passageway is a rare occurrence. And if you venture forth, you’ll go deeper than you’ve ever gone before. It may be a frightening journey, but your guides are waiting.

Pause and consider how this metaphorical journey into the depths of your psyche is showing up in your life right now. However it’s happening, the overall message of this New Moon is to trust in transformation. 

These challenges may relate to emotional sharing and release, being truly seen for who you are, sexual healing, psychological transformation, forgiveness, and empowerment. Settle into a quiet place. Find a moment to set new intentions for these Scorpio themes.

If you want to go through the secret passageway beneath the mountain, you must let go of control.

And when you’ve completely faced your fear, you’ll find hidden resources of water— a thermal hot spring of emotional truth and intuitive trust … 


New Moon inconjunct Uranus
Removing a mask.
Remove a feeling of being separate. Accept yourself for all the ways that you are different. You don’t have to wear a mask anymore. Your true self — all the beautiful and gnarly parts — can be accepted by others.

Remove the mask and allow yourself the ability to get really close to another human without being afraid that you’ll lose a part of yourself.


New Moon trine Chiron
Watching water move.
Is there a place in your body where you need to relax? Imagine a rushing waterfall in that area of your body. For example, if it’s your jaw that’s tight try to spend a few moments imagining a sparkly, dancing, glittering flow of water and air just below the surface of your skin.

It sounds simple, but this kind of visualization can help you trigger somatic healing and emotional release. Let go of tension in your physical body and that may help you release old emotions. Lean into the process of letting go.


New Moon semi-sextile Saturn
Grafting a fruit tree.
Seek an unfamiliar way that you can support yourself in this transformational time. Maybe this new, unfamiliar way is as mundane as drinking more water. Maybe it’s something deeper, like letting yourself be wrong, or admitting that you don’t have all the answers.


The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2017 Scorpio New Moon means for you. Use them as journal prompts. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 26 degrees Scorpio in your chart and use the question for that house. Do yours for free HERE. 

Aries or New Moon in the 8th house 
What are you ready and willing to release?

Taurus or New Moon in the 7th house
When do you know that it’s safe to unfold and reveal yourself to a partner?

Gemini or New Moon in the 6th house 
Your body is a finely tuned receiving instrument. What signal is it emitting? Don’t answer this question with your mind, answer it with movement.

Cancer or New Moon in the 5th house 
What needs to change so that you are able to giggle more often?

Leo or New Moon in the 4th house 
How can you honor your need for privacy and self-reflection?

Virgo or New Moon in the 3rd house 
Where does your curiosity want you to go?

Libra or New Moon in the 2nd house 
What are the feelings that more money and resources would provide? Can you use your imagination to embody those feelings today?

Scorpio or New Moon in the 1st house
What do you need to tell yourself so that you have free rein to grow and transform in the exact way that you want to?

Sagittarius or New Moon in the 12th house 
What is your self-love philosophy? Do you think humans should love themselves? Why? How? When?

Capricorn or New Moon in the 11th house 
What have you built that needs a renovation? This may be a mental concept, ideal, business structure, plan or habit.

Aquarius or New Moon in the 10th house
What idea or attitude will help you meet your goals?

Pisces or New Moon in the 9th house
If you were going to take a journey on a philosophical search for truth, where would you begin? What attitude would you have to embody?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.


When energy psychologist Alexia Traverse-Healy started her cycle one night, a flood of emotions came with it. She soon discovered what her period blood was actually trying to tell her …

christal yuen alexia traverse healy ruby warrington material girl mystical world the numinous period blood
Photo: Christal Yuen

Feeling a movement, a shift of tides, I tense a little and then spring up from the bed. My partner looks bewildered. Mid gallop to the bathroom I shout over my shoulder: “I’m bleeding.” He relaxes. Her period.

I run to the bathroom but we are out of loo paper upstairs. I turn back on my self to head to the downstairs bathroom, covering the light switch in menstrual blood as I flick it on, having tried to hold the blood in with my hand. I won’t make it down and back.

“I’ll get it,”says my boyfriend, coming from the bedroom. Gratefully, I sit on the loo upstairs, door open. And just as I am pulling my Mooncup out of my vagina, full of not just free-flowing red blood, but also strings of mucous and matter, he bounds back up and freezes for a moment. Hand outstretched but face away, he mutters something about “mystery” and walks off.

I recognise the wounded feeling straight away. Mystery? I know what he means. He means how I ask him not to poop with the door open or fart in our bed. “I know it’s not the same,”he has already muttered as he heads off back down the corridor, in preparation no doubt for what happens next. He knows me well.


Because it IS my mystery … 
Then comes my Leonine anger. The years of hearing “Are you having your period?” when I am fired up and passionate. I want him to understand what rages through me when my blood is denied or demands to be hidden, to be cleaner, to be prettier.

Because, to me, it IS my mystery. It is my essence and my strength, my sexiness, my womanhood, my core. The smell. The blood. The mess. It is me. And to be turned off by it, turned away from it, is painful and personal.

I didn’t always feel this way. After growing up learning to conceal and apologize for it, it has taken me until 38 years old to be proud of it. The Mooncup has been a big part of the transition. Now I handle my blood. There’s no hiding with a Mooncup.

I cut back to this moment and tune into the love I feel for this man.

His reaction is to the sight of the blood all over my hands, down the inside of my thighs, dripping from my vagina into the loo, pouring from the full Mooncup into the sink. It is slightly shocking, if it’s not yours. If it’s not beloved to you.


When your daughter wants to paint with it … 
But I want him to be fascinated by it. I want him to come over with wonder and be interested and slightly awed. Like my five-year-old daughter is: “Mummy can you not take your Mooncup out until I get back from school? I want to see.”

At first, her deep, deep interest freaked me out. What? Really? Is that even appropriate parenting? But she was insistent and so purely intrigued. It was her right, as a woman in the making. I’ve been raising her to question, to take interest, to be fearless – so why not here too? With minimal fuss or pomp, I showed her this everyday occurrence infused with a little wonderment. And she was joyful. Fascinated.

I wanted to give her the choice of always being easy with her body. A wild, artistic child, she’d ask if she could paint with it. Even I have my limits, but god I love her for wanting to.

alexia traverse healy ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world period blood


I will continue to worship my blood … 
My boyfriend is in the kitchen making us Sunday breakfast. And as I come down off my adrenaline high, I see what he means when he compares seeing me in full flow to farting in bed. Though to me, it’s not the same. With the blood of my monthly moon comes the possibilities of life and death, the magic of future and past, and I doubt anyone can say that about a fart.

But what he means is that, to him, it is a bodily function, and he sees them all the same. In a way, it may be his version of equality.

As I drop down from my orbit of emotions, I remember him falling asleep last night, with his cool hand on my too-hot belly, holding the pain for me and with me, asking me if I wanted an ice pack from the kitchen. And I feel grateful. I breathe. I’m here

If he holds me through the pain of my bleeding, then maybe for now I am happy to leave the blood paintings, the roars of grace and gut, the dancing and the revelry, to my sisters, my daughters, and to the mothers.

Every time we are triggered, it is an invitation to learn and to go deeper. To peel off an onion layer. I love that this morning’s little wounding helped me to deepen my trust for my partner, helped me to articulate silent shadow feelings that I’d never even thought to express.

I will continue to worship my blood, to feel proud and stand strong in my SHEness – but I won’t blame my man for running from it. It is powerful after all.

He asks me, before I send this in, to change “he bolts” to “he heads off down the corridor.” “I know it doesn’t sound as good,” he says, “but it’s more like what happened.”

I concede, erase, replace, and eat my delicious breakfast, bleeding quietly.

Alexia Traverse-Healy is a London-based energy psychologist who works with clients on anxiety, stress, phobias, sexual issues, relationship crisis, family, fertility, finances, patterns of stuck behavior, and existential questions. To book a free 20 minute phone consultation go to, where you can also find a free SHEness Audio visualisation.




In our Numinous Guide to Fertility, we explore the colorful history of witchy manifestation practices, and team up with DAO Labs to find out why Traditional Chinese Medicine is the ancient fertility frontrunner fit for the Now Age …

Photo: Felix Russell-Saw

Whether you’re birthing an actual human or your latest creative project, the word “manifestation” makes the Numiverse go round. And with over half of millennial women considering freezing their eggs according to a 2017 Healthline report, and more and more cosmic babes aligning their cycles with ancient Moon magic, it’s a back-to-the-future moment for mining mystical fertility traditions …

Want to up your juicy fruits according to the Kabbalah? Snack on actual Ruby gemstones for that inner sparkle and glow. While you’re at it, invite your vagina to brunch; inserting egg whites was once believed to help errant sperm find their way back home.

Looking for a sexy new spot for baby-making magic? Follow Pagan farming tradition and go for an actual roll in the hay by bedding down in a freshly ploughed field. And don’t forget to toss your panties onto the roof during the Waning Moon (to be retrieved during the next New Moon). According to The Congo’s Yansi people, your temporarily discarded thongs can lead to hormonally aligned magic.

Amidst all these wondrously witchy practices, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been the fertility frontrunner for over 2500 years. Centered around Daoist practices and the notion of “internal imbalance,” Chinese medicine’s approach offers us the opportunity to control our flow through diet, behavior, and traditional herbal therapies, rather than merely treating symptoms that leave us at the mercy of our cycles.

“When you think of many of the western medicines that we use, often times, they only have one life cycle of testing before launch,” comments Dr. Eric Karchmer, co-founder of TCM innovator DAO Labs, who offer a full line of sustainable herbal formulas that update this ancient wisdom for on-the-go Now Age babes. Health issues arise when our bodies are out of balance, and “Chinese medicine restores the balance, so you can feel everything working together in harmony,” says Karchmer.

Whether you’re regulating your menstruation, trying to get pregnant, or dealing with postpartum depression, the mind/body/soul connection is integral to feeling the fullness of feminine health.

Want to supercharge your approach to fertility? Here are 6 more Numinous paths towards fierce feminine alignment … 


1// Feng Shui Your Living Space To clear the entryway for fertility, make sure nothing blocks your front door on the inside or out, and never clean under your bed (except for the giant dust bunnies). Add open pomegranates and statues of trunk-down elephants as accents.

2// Keep Your Spice Cabinet Stocked: With high levels of vitamins A and D, Fenugreek boosts metabolism and sex drive.

3// Practice Crystal Conception: Pack Moonstone, Smoky Quartz, and Rose Quartz during a Full Moon to power up your womb, or get down and dirty with a Jade Egg Sex.

4// Throw a Pina Colada PartyEat an entire pineapple—the enzymes are reputed to help with implantation.

5// Take Your Vagina to the Sauna: Bring heat to your womb with a DIY vaginal steam bath. All you need is a crock pot, some herbs, and the willingness to sweat it out.

6// Superfood Your Smoothie: Mix in Maca, Spirulina, and Royal Jelly for some tastily potent new life production.

The proprietary Emotional Balance formula from DAO Labs features Chinese Angelica Root (aka The Female Ginseng) for nourishing and invigorating the blood, and their Women’s Formula contains White Peony Root, for tonifying and moving Qi. Perfect for cultivating emotional balance, stress management, strength, and regularity, you can get them both in DAO’s Women’s Monthly Kit —PLUS get 20% off using code: MOON20.


In the aftermath of mega-transformative Eclipse Season, the Sagittarius Waxing Quarter Moon wants you to face the challenge, adapt to change, and persevere courageously, says Jennifer Racioppi.  Artwork: Seana Gavin

jennifer racioppi sagittarius waxing quarter moon the numinous ruby warrington material girl mystical world seana gavin

:: Waxing Quarter Moon :: August 29 2017 :: 4:19am EST :: 6 degrees Sagittarius

The Great American Eclipse initiated one of the most powerful lunations of the year, and this week’s opening square wants you to evaluate your progress, reconcile any discomfort, and anchor into your most refreshed life vision …

Opening squares (aka Waxing Quarter Moons) happen at the halfway point between new and full moons and help you integrate (and deepen) intentions set at the time of the new moon.

This isn’t always easy, of course. Ideas and plans often don’t magically manifest without some massaging in between (especially when eclipses bring things up from the depths of the shadows, unleashing emotions and life scenarios that feel destabilizing).

This particular Waxing Quarter Moon presents an exceptional opportunity to courageously overcome challenges. Assess your conviction. Then, get grounded and brave so you can persevere and manifest. 


:: The Sun ::
With the Sun in the organized and disciplined sign of Virgo, its root word stemming from Virgin, you’re asked to return to yourself, and find your way back to humble service, clean eating, and robust self-care.

Over the next few days, the Sun in Virgo will oppose Neptune in Pisces, asking you to unleash your spiritual super powers and use them on behalf of your healing. Get organized and rooted because with even more change coming, you want to feel grounded and stable.

But most importantly, it’s a powerful time to heal … 

:: The Moon ::
The Moon in freedom loving Sagittarius trines Venus in Leo, activating fire’s courage, devotion to the truth, and ability to communicate bluntly and rawly.

Now is the time to ask yourself: if I were 5% braver, what would I do? What would I say? How would I approach my life? 

While Mercury continues to travel retrograde, consider the difficult questions and begin to understand where you hold yourself back. Start to connect the dots so when Mercury stations retrograde on September 5th, you are ready to move forward with a well-strategized plan of attack.

:: The Square ::
With the Sun in fastidious Virgo squaring the Moon in boisterous Sagittarius just one week after the most recent solar eclipse, all while Mercury continues to travel retrograde, it’s time for reconciliation and evaluation.

Both Sagittarius and Virgo are mutable signs that prepare you for change. In the midst of upheaval, use this conflict and halfway mark as a time to check in with how far you’ve come and recommit to your cause.

:: The Message ::
Put your feet on the ground. Breathe deep into your core. Release the fear, the anxiety, the not knowing. Feel your heartbeat, the rhythm within.

Let the Sun in earth sign Virgo help you to root. Let the Moon in fire sign Sag assist you to find your courage. And then prepare. Come the Full Moon in Pisces (next week!) you’ll understand with so much more clarity where you want to head from here.

Trust that as the galaxies work through their cycles, you move through yours. As above so below. In this time of cosmic upheaval, trust that you are being guided towards a conscious decision that will indeed take you precisely where you are meant to go.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar loving cosmic change makers! 



The message of the 2017 Gemini New Moon is to turn it on, tune in, and let curiosity lead to inspired possibilities, says Sandra Sitron.

2017 Gemini New Moon Ruby Warrington Sandra Sitron The Numinous Strong Eye Astrology
Get a brand new workbook for the coming Moon phase when you join Moon Club! Sign up here.

New Moon :: May 25 2017 :: 3:46 pm ET :: 4 degrees Gemini

This New Moon brings you to the entrance of Curiosity’s sanctuary. You may be hovering just outside an idea, searching for an entry point. Make a pact with Curiosity and let her guide you into the diamond encrusted center of your next big innovation.

Follow the trail that Curiosity carves for you. She’s an effervescent leader.  Blithe and animated, she’ll teach you all about Gemini New Moon magic. She’ll remind you that this is a time to learn. A time to sharpen your mind. A time to connect with those close to you. Siblings, friends, neighbors, co-workers, the community board, the local coven.

Gemini is the sign of the Twins and is responsible for two important Air element topics: mindset and social connections. It’s time to set new intentions in these areas of life. When it comes to mindset, how do you want to be curious? Where are you ready to learn? What is your next innovation? What inspires you? What beliefs will you expand, shift or invigorate in the coming year? 

And in the area of social connections, how do you want your friendships to feel? Which relationships will you put fresh energy into and which ones will you let go? What conversations need to take place? What connections need attention? What kind of local community organizations do you want to participate in?

Turn your brain on and up. Get off the couch, turn off the TV. Go connect some synapses. Show up to the pot-luck. Bring Scrabble. Curiosity will help you meet and mingle. She’ll remind you that every question you ask brings you into closer connection with the people around you and the world you inhabit. 

Curiosity has a Gemini twin sister, Inspiration. Curiosity leads you to the idea, and Inspiration takes it from there. Inspiration will stimulate your creativity. She brings gifts— ease, dedication, focus, and fun. She nurtures and guides you, helping you complete the creative work, live in your purpose, and invigorate your world. 

The aspects to the New Moon signify transformation, connecting to the feminine, spiritual awakening, and buoyant expansion. The Gemini New Moon asks you to bring curiosity and inspiration to these arenas. Set intentions for lightness and learning. Let your winged feet and mercurial mind carry you forward.


New Moon trine Jupiter
Balloons drifting high into the sky. 
Buoyant, bold, uplifting energy can help you reach for your dreams. Fill your balloons with positivity and watch them float to the zenith. This aspect removes limitations. With nothing in your way, what is possible?

The energy is harmonizing and expansive. It gives you the chance to open your world up to new realities.


New Moon square Neptune
A crystal forms under the crust of the Earth. 
You are incubating pure magic. This aspect funnels enchanted and ethereal vibes. Channel the energy to get closer to your spiritual truths. Ask to be transported beyond everyday anxieties or fears. Find connection to crystalline source.

There is another facet to this energy which can create confusion or fogginess. Set intentions for clarity and spiritual connection.


New Moon semi-square Venus
A rose blooms where no one ever goes. 
Consider your deep inner connection to your feminine nature. Is there anything that needs to be ironed out? Is there a subtle denial of the feminine that is impeding your ability to connect in the way you would like to? It may be time for a new mental pathway to be forged. A new altar to Venus could be created.


New Moon sesquiquadrate Pluto
The blacksmith heats the horseshoe.
The horse can’t walk on this shoe. A solution is necessary, so the blacksmith gets to work. Heat up your internal furnace. It’s time for a minor transformation. The adjustment needs to be made because of a frustration. Where are you frustrated and what do you need to change? It’s not possible to move forward without bringing through some changes. Get to work.


Use the questions below to dive deeper into the lessons of the 2017 Gemini New Moon. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see which house holds 4 degrees Gemini …

Aries or New Moon in the 3rd House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of communication and learning. What aspect of your life could benefit from a fresh dose of curiosity?

Taurus or New Moon in the 2nd House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of financial worth and self-worth. What new intentions will you set for your finances?

Gemini or New Moon in the 1st House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of identity. What is blocking you from thinking about yourself in a new way?

Cancer or New Moon in the 12th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of intuition, compassion, and spirituality. How can you make your spirituality a bigger part of your everyday life?

Leo or New Moon in the 11th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of friends, community, and the future. What social connections are you ready to invigorate?

Virgo or New Moon in the 10th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of career and the public sphere. What ideas would you like to share with the world?

Libra or New Moon in the 9th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of philosophy, beliefs, travel, and higher learning. What is your mission statement?

Scorpio or New Moon in the 8th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of evolution and union. What are you ready to let go of?

Sagittarius or New Moon in the 7th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of relationships. What conversation do you need to have with someone you are close to?

Capricorn or New Moon in the 6th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of health and habits. What positive habit will you begin?

Aquarius or New Moon in the 5th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of joy and self-expression. What inspires you?

Pisces or New Moon in the 4th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of home and family. How can you make your home into a mentally and creatively stimulating place?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.


Finally! After the relentless work of retrograde season, the Leo Waxing Quarter Moon brings some positive mojo. Step up and step out dressed in pure joy and abundance, says Jennifer RacioppiArtwork: Seana Gavin 

jennifer racioppi leo waxing quarter moon the numinous ruby warrington waxing quarter moon collage seana gavin

Waxing Quarter Moon :: May 2 2017 :: 10:46pm EST :: 12 Degrees Leo 

On the heels of Beltane, a pagan holiday celebrating the earth’s fertility, the Leo Waxing Quarter Moon arrives to bring some serious positive mojo back to our game …

Finally … it’s time to conjure abundance! 

Loaded with retrograde activity, 2017 has brought massive reconfigurations of life. The year opened on Mercury retrograde. February ushered us into eclipse season– an intense time of change. And then just as we digested the eclipses, Venus stationed retrograde on March 4th (only recently turning direct on April 15th). On April 9th, Mercury stationed retrograde too (it will station direct on May 3rd, just following the Quarter Moon).

After all the hard work we’ve done this year, the Leo Waxing Quarter Moon signals a time when we can start to consider what’s next. We are spiritually ready to make good on what we’ve unearthed from within. And, fortunately, the time has come to execute!

Hell YES! 


:: The Sun ::  
Midway through steady, stable Taurus, the Sun sextiles Neptune in Pisces. A sextile suggests resources that are available to us, and this particular combo combines earth and water elements to deliver soothing healing qualities. Think of a luscious detoxifying mud bath that leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth. Allow yourself to sink deep into your skin and relish in feelings of spiritually aligned embodiment.

(Hint: Cosmically supported, feel-good vibes abound!)

:: The Moon :: 
The Moon in playful Leo signals a time to step up and step out in joy and abundance. Immediately after the Sun and Moon square, the Moon begins to move into an applying trine with Saturn and Uranus, creating a legendary grand trine in fire. And all of this is happening between a fertile New Moon (which happened on April 26th in Taurus), and May 10th’s Full Moon in Scorpio. This bewitching combo signals power, strength, and favorable blessings!

:: The Square :: 
Waxing Quarter Moons urge us to course correct, handle curve balls, and eloquently redirect our focus as needed. The Sun in Taurus squaring the Moon in Leo asks us to look at any friction between our desires for practicality and our needs for fun. This Waxing Quarter Moon also refers us back to intentions set on August 2, 2016, when the New Moon occurred at 10 degrees of Leo. We should see things sprouting now that are related to plans made and desires stated then. Keep on the lookout, and don’t be afraid to pivot if necessary!

:: The Message :: 
Keep going! So far, we’ve worked hard in 2017 to come to a genuine place of truth within ourselves. Our egos have had to shed misaligned notions so we can step forward into a deeper resonance with our truth. Given that this Waxing Quarter Moon occurs one day before Mercury stations direct, this potent lunar moment offers a compelling opportunity.

Get ready to embrace the upcoming influx of abundance ahead of us.  With the Sun waxing towards the summer solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s time to actively create, pursue our dreams, and conjure our desires.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of likeminded spiritual activists at Moon Club!