The 2017 Libra New Moon asks us to clarify our awareness, witness what’s out of balance, and let ourselves fully see the illuminated path towards change, says Sandra Sitron.

sandra sitron ruby warrington 2017 libra new moon strongeye astrology the numinous material girl mystical world jon hernandez moon club
Photo: Jon Hernandez

New Moon :: October 19 2017 :: 3:12pm EST :: 26 degrees Libra

Crimson, vermillion, and pale pink. A flamingo stands in a marsh, deftly balanced on one leg. Soon, the bird dozes off, nestling into flame-colored feathers, becoming even more balanced as consciousness fades to sleep …

This Libra New Moon is a balancing act. As the only sign of the zodiac that is a machine (not an animal or person), Libra shows that when the scales are equally weighted, harmonious stillness is the automatic result.

In the focused silence of this moon, we find out what areas of our lives need calibration. The relationships that are off-kilter. The life areas that may spiral out of control if left untended.

This process may feel overwhelming. So slow it down for a second. Take a deep breath of relief. This New Moon is not trying to add another thing to your to-do list. This New Moon does not need you to “get it together.”

For those of us who are always working hard to stay balanced, this might seem strange. It’s the paradox of this New Moon, especially when the Moon’s opposition to Uranus, the Great Awakener, shows us where harmonious stillness does not abound.

But watch the flamingoes. Curiously, the birds are more secure in their stance when they are balanced on one leg. It’s a more stable position! The act of balancing requires less effort.

While balancing might seem like more work, once you have achieved it, everything becomes easier … 


New Moon opposite Uranus
A million leaves fall from the trees, dancing yellow shapes fluttering through the air.
The clear outlines of the trees are revealed in the autumn, the season of reflection and processing. Reflection results in clarity. Why do we need to have clarity now? Why can’t we continue in the dark?

Moon opposite Uranus tells us that there is no more time to not see. This is the time to break open into awareness. What needs to come into balance? What needs to change in the old systems? What are we ready to revolutionize?

Anything out of balance must fall away.


New Moon inconjunct Chiron
Peeling back the layers of the onion.
The revolution isn’t going to happen without digging up the old wounds. This aspect isn’t easy but hop to it anyway.

Let yourself be ready for change. Let yourself be ready for balance. Remember that you are on a journey and this is one phase. This is another moment to peel back the onion of personal and collective healing. Don’t stop now. The old way is no longer comfortable.


New Moon conjunct Mercury and Jupiter
A visit to the oracle.
Mercury is clarity and Jupiter is assistance. We are cosmically supported in our revolution towards greater balance and harmony.

Ask yourself, “What do I need to see that I’m not seeing?” If you have to face buried feelings, thoughts, and patterns that are holding you back from effortless balance, summon Jupiter’s support.

Engage in self-care practices like meditation, yoga, breathwork, EFT (tapping), self-hypnosis, art-making, journaling, and connecting with supportive advisors and friends.

Jupiter is bringing in boundless energetic support, so meet him halfway!


The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2017 Libra New Moon means for you. Use them as journal prompts. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 26 degrees Libra in your chart and use the question for that house. 

Aries or New Moon in the 7th house 
How can you be more giving AND ask for what you need in your relationships?

Taurus or New Moon in the 6th house
What is a quick and easy change you can make to create more balance in your health?

Gemini or New Moon in the 5th house 
If you could take a reading of your personal “laughter meter,” would it be Low, Medium, or High? If it’s too low, what can you do to bring more joy into your life?

Cancer or New Moon in the 4th house 
Imagine your most supportive friend. What insight would they give you about an issue in your life?

Leo or New Moon in the 3rd house 
Curiouser and curiouser. How can you be more intentionally curious? Instead of going down the internet rabbit hole of unintentional clicks, how can you actively learn in a way that is invigorating?

Virgo or New Moon in the 2nd house 
What affirmation will remind you that you are safe?

Libra or New Moon in the 1st house 
How does meditation help you find balance? What is the best form of meditation for you right now?

Scorpio or New Moon in the 12th house 
How can you practice connecting with your intuition this week?

Sagittarius or New Moon in the 11th house 
When was the last time you remember being very open to change? Is there something from that experience that can help you now?

Capricorn or New Moon in the 10th house 
What will it take for you to realize that your diligent work is amounting to something?

Aquarius or New Moon in the 9th house
What is your personal mission statement?

Pisces of New Moon in the 8th house 
What are you ready to clear from your life?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.


The 2017 Cancer Waning Quarter Moon asks us to tap into our intuition, activate our inner warrior, and fight for our right to come back home to ourselves, says Jennifer Racioppi

2017 cancer waning quarter moon jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world
Art: Seana Gavin

Waning Quarter Moon :: October 12 2017 :: 8:25am EST :: 19 degrees Cancer 

As the Moon makes her way back towards new again, the waning period is a time to let go, release what’s no longer working, and tap into your subconscious spiritual needs.

This particular Cancer Waning Quarter Moon occurs just days after Jupiter, the most massive planet in the solar system, moves from Libra into Scorpio, where he’ll stay until November 2018.

Jupiter in Scorpio assists with psychological and subconscious excavations, while Cancer is the sign ruling our subconscious emotional body. This is a week to allow yourself to feel all the feels. And then to use this Waning Quarter Moon to listen to your intuitive voice, and stand up for yourself and your heart’s desires!


:: The Moon ::
With the Moon in sensitive Cancer, now’s the time to come home to yourself, make peace with your emotions, and build internal security.

However, as the Moon opposes Pluto in Capricorn and squares the Sun in Libra, this process might feel tinged with anxiety. How to work with this energy? Read on …

:: The Sun ::
As the Sun sextiles the North Node in Leo, you are being supported to rise into the highest calling of your life. NBD, right?! With the Sun squaring both the Moon and Pluto, the path doesn’t feel straightforward. It might even feel contentious …

The solution? Remember that this is all cardinal energy, which initiates action, so don’t be shy! Despite the Sun being in peaceful Libra, it’s essential that you act right now in alignment with your own needs, and not of those of others.

:: The Square ::
The Sun/Moon square is helping you get clear about what needs to be released before the October 19 Libra New Moon.

Because of the Cardinal T-Square in the sky (involving the 3 cardinal signs of Libra, Capricorn, and Cancer) we can look to the 4th “missing” sign for answers: Aries encourages active movement and courageous leadership, so use these qualities to support you as you work with this contentious energy.

:: The Message ::
To deliver on the promise of this Cancer Waning Quarter Moon to come home to yourself, you must activate the Aries within. Call forth your inner warrior. Use this exercise of powering up to release any tension in your body.

Don’t be afraid to take a stand. On this Cardinal Waning Quarter Moon, you must!

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers! 


The 2017 Aries Full Moon asks us to gather our courage, make peace with our past, tap into our truest desires, and then leap into action, says Sandra Sitron

sharina mae agellon 2017 aries full moon the numinous sandra sitron ruby warrington material girl mystical world
Photo: Sharina Mae Agellon

Full Moon :: October 5th 2017 :: 2:41 pm EST :: 12 degrees Aries

Can you trust your own desire? Take a moment to deny the complicated context of the situation at hand. Forget about the pros and cons … What do you want? 

A Full Moon offers the potential for integrating two opposites; this current cycle is about integrating “balanced reason” (Libra) and from this state of mental harmony, taking “definitive and spontaneous action” (Aries).

So lift yourself out of whatever dilemma or decision is at hand. Step back. A pearl of clarity is available. A fresh and spontaneous perspective can be yours.

And then gather your courage, draw from your confidence, and from a stable and balanced center, make your move. This is a chance to drag yourself out of whatever mental game of ping-pong you’ve been playing and take action. To take action, you need to align with what you want. To decide. Lead. Choose. 

Full Moons bring a high-energetic release that may feel like a celebration, an outburst, or both. As this Moon, Sun, and Mercury also point towards Pluto, this formation triggers deep dives into the shadow of our psyche, cathartic healing, and transformation. 

Open space to feel some old emotions that may have been blocked; those feelings may still need to energetically move through your body before they can dissolve. Release the past and welcome the future so you can move through this Full Moon in a way that’s empowered and decisive instead of unconscious and reactive.

Above all, don’t worry about what anyone else needs. Cultivate a balanced Libran mind … so that you can make the decisions you need to step closer to yourself. This gives your Aries “I am” experience an opportunity to flourish.

Your point of power lies in your ability to courageously feel what needs to be felt and to define your vision.

By doing this you are already one step ahead. You are meeting up with your future self … 


Full Moon opposite Mercury
The lightning bolt makes contact.
Zeroing in. A lot may rise to consciousness right now. Sometimes that’s overwhelming … the influx of so much awareness all at once. ZAP.

Are you feeling awake now? Are you seeing what there is to see? Is it blinding you? We are experiencing a collective awakening and at the same time, just as many people are turning a blind eye. You can’t always control your own personal state of ignorance, but you sure as heck can try to see what you haven’t been seeing.

It’s time to raise your understanding. Allow this to happen even if it means you can’t ever be exactly the same as you were before you knew. Sometimes this is a really good thing.


Full Moon square Pluto
Dipping your head under the surface of the water.
It’s time to transform. Entirely. Move into a new element. This can be shocking. This can be enlivening. This can be necessary. This can be frightening.

We all have a certain need for predictability and when we go through a transformation, that need is compromised. So remind yourself that there is predictability to transformation. And that the end result will be growth. There are stages that you move through when you experience a change—denial, bargaining, anger, grief, and acceptance. Let yourself go through these stages.

Allow the emotional movement. Embrace the space and sweetness that comes from stretching your heart open to feel your feelings fully.


The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2017 Aries Full Moon means for you. Use them as journal prompts. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 12 degrees Aries in your chart and use the question for that house. 

Aries or Full Moon in the 1st house
If I am crystal clear about my desires, which people/projects/requests do I need to say yes to, and which ones do I need to say no to?

Taurus or Full Moon in the 12th House
What old pattern is ready to be healed?

Gemini or Full Moon in the 11th House
How much do I value the support of my friends?

Cancer or Full Moon in the 10th House
How can I take a clear, decisive step forward in my career goals?

Leo or Full Moon in the 9th House
Where will I go (physically or mentally) to explore and expand my horizons?

Virgo or Full Moon in the 8th House
What am I ready to release?

Libra or Full Moon in the 7th House
What would it mean to be truly diplomatic in my relationships?

Scorpio or Full Moon in the 6th House
What healthy new habits am I ready to create?

Sagittarius or Full Moon in the 5th House
What is a way that I can bring more joy into my life?

Capricorn or Full Moon in the 4th House
What will I do to help myself feel emotionally secure?

Aquarius or Full Moon in the 3rd House
Am I open to new ideas? How can I invigorate my mindset even more?

Pisces or Full Moon in the 2nd House
What do I need to do now to create a stronger base of financial security in my life?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.


Power up, astro babes. The Capricorn Waxing Quarter Moon asks you to roll up your sleeves, shake off the past, and get ready to rumble, says Jennifer Racioppi.

jennifer racioppi capricorn waxing quarter moon moon club the numinous ruby warrington material girl mystical world
Art: Seana Gavin

:: Waxing Quarter Moon :: September 27 2017 :: 10:53pm EST :: 5 degrees Capricorn 

I hope you’re rested, because this week’s energy shifts are tremendous …

This Capricorn Waxing Quarter Moon activates the energy of two cardinal signs, Libra and Capricorn. Cardinal energy initiates new seasons, brings a tenacity to get things done, and helps us take a deeper look at what needs reconciliation and completion.

Now is the time to honor your need for urgency. Take a look at what’s holding you back from moving forward with your goals and desires and get into action.

In addition to this square, the planet of luck and abundance, Jupiter, makes his final opposition to the planet of change, Uranus late night on the 27th. This opposition asks us to shake free anything that feels out of alignment with our truth. And, to make it all the more interesting, Pluto, the planet of power, stations direct on the afternoon of the 28th.

All of this together? Get ready to rumble …


:: The Sun :: As the Sun travels through the early degrees of Libra, it’s time to place our attention on justice. Libra, the sign of the scales asks us to rectify what feels out of balance and pushes things in the direction of fairness. So use the cardinal influence of the Sun in Libra to get right with yourself.

:: The Moon :: With the Waxing Moon at 5 degrees of stalwart Capricorn, ambition and drive take a turn at the wheel. When the Moon travels through Capricorn, emotional needs are met with hard work, diligence, and tried and true practices. Use this influence of ambition to activate your courage and tenacity.

:: The Square ::  With the Moon waxing towards full, it’s essential to look at curveballs showing up in our life—especially as they pertain to the development and manifestation of goals. Use this Waxing Quarter Moon to evaluate where you don’t believe in your ability to achieve your desires, or where you are derailing your best efforts. Then, make a plan to overcome these potential setbacks.

:: The Message ::  Honor your desires. Honor your efforts. Don’t be shy. Stay determined. This week unleashes tremendous energy and influence. So stick with it. Look at where you are holding yourself back and reconcile it.

Remember, your desires are holy and worthy of your love and attention. Let this Capricorn Waxing Quarter Moon help you move closer to your dreams—and your goals.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar loving cosmic change makers! 


The 2017 Virgo New Moon asks us to tune into the details, discern what’s truly important, and commit to a brand new upgrade, says Sandra Sitron

sandra sitron ruby warrington the numinous 2017 virgo new moon strongeye astrology material girl mystical world

:: New Moon :: September 20 2017 :: 1:30am ET :: 27 degrees Virgo 

The Virgo New Moon is the Goddess of the Harvest. Her power exists in her ability to discern. The farmers deliver the harvest in bushels and baskets at her feet. She appraises and sorts; good bean here, bad bean there. Through her effort, the bounty is made even more beautiful. Through her attention to detail, the fruits of labor are made even more perfect.

There’s a moving and adaptive energy to this New Moon. You may find yourself sorting. You may find your thoughts moving quickly, making appraisals. Making decisions. Making things better, but sometimes making yourself batty with the heightened need to find perfection.

Your salve is in the forest, at the beach, in the park. Get your feet and your body close to the Earth. Get yourself grounded in the undeniable perfection that exists in a blade of grass.

There are other ways you can get grounded too: drink enough water, eat nutritious meals, drink herbal tea, exercise outside. Listen. Observe. Chew your food slowly. Notice how many decisions you are making in a day. Try to have times of the day when you aren’t making decisions— less online shopping and more time spent listening to music or washing dishes.

Harness the power of this New Moon by taking the opportunity to refresh your habits and overhaul the operating system of your life.

Virgo energy can help you set new intentions around how you live your daily life. Sometimes focusing on Virgo topics means focusing on the most mundane things. How’s your digestion? How’s your overall health?

Avoid the urge to overthink and instead focus on the habits you want to change. Make a detailed plan. Decide which categories you want to improve— spiritual practices, sleep, nutrition, exercise, email management, money management, social-life, creative outlets, household efficiency, cleanliness, getting rid of clutter, workflows, volunteerism, activism …

This New Moon is involved in some terse aspects with no-nonsense planets. You may feel a depth of intensity that makes these life adjustments feel more intimidating or overwhelming than they need to be.

Stay grounded and notice when you are feeling triggered. Just observe yourself. Encourage yourself whenever you can. Reach out to your most giraffe-like friends for perspective. Once you’ve decided where you will put your energy, decide on which healthy habits you are ready to begin. Put systems in place to make it happen. Set your intentions and repeat them aloud over the next few weeks.

This Moon can help you make your improvements a reality … 


Moon opposite Chiron
A map of an unfamiliar territory. 
Here’s the roadmap to take a journey through the thorny terrain of our collective wounds. This is not an easy aspect. But it is a necessary one. This trip must be taken. So gear up. Make sure you are well outfitted. Bring your crinkly silver emergency blanket and your waterproof matches.

Be prepared to notice when you are being triggered and respond responsibly. Take care of yourself. If you see someone acting out, try to understand what they are getting triggered by. Yet at the same time, continue to protect yourself. This aspect can result in massive healing if approached with awareness. Dedicate yourself to observing your feelings and contemplating your unconscious wounds. Decide how you will navigate the terrain.

Moon inconjunct Uranus
Crossed wires.
This aspect combines emotional sensitivity, frustration, and rebellion. Yet these energies can be transmuted to receptivity, stretching yourself and innovation.

So, if you are feeling erratic “eject button” energy, tune in. Ask to receive a better feeling thought. Brainstorm solutions. Put things in perspective. Use the powers of gratitude and prayer to welcome in the “New Idea” that offers an innovative solution. Don’t let frustration squelch your search for a resolution.

Moon square Saturn
The diamond is beautiful but sharp.
A challenge: take responsibility for your emotions. What is emotional maturity? It may be that you are emotionally mature when you are willing to fully feel an emotion, give yourself empathy, and take responsibility for your reaction.

What does it mean to take responsibility for your reaction? Your reaction should give your emotion somewhere to go– an outlet. And when you react to your emotion, find a way to do so without laying blame for the emotion on someone else.

Gain awareness the emotion’s source and let it act as guidance system, teaching you how you can make your life more wonderful.

Make sure that you don’t isolate yourself during this Moon phase. Find your buddies who will empathize with you and help you feel grounded and secure.


The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2017 Virgo New Moon means for you. Use them as journal prompts. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 27 degrees Virgo in you chart and use the question for that house. 

Aries or New Moon in the 6th house
What healthy habits are you ready to create?

Taurus or New Moon in the 5th house
Are you meeting your need for fun and enjoyment? Do you honor this need?

Gemini or New Moon in the 4th house
What emotion is easiest for you to express and why? What emotion is most difficult for you to express and why?

Cancer or New Moon in the 3rd house
What mental pattern are you ready to change? What belief is at the root of this pattern? What new belief would you rather think?

Leo or New Moon in the 2nd house
What systems will you create improve your financial worth and what adjustments will you make to your understanding of your self-worth?

Virgo or New Moon in the 1st house
When are you proud of yourself? Name all the ways and journal about self-confidence.

Libra or New Moon in the 12th house
What do you need to see that you aren’t seeing?

Scorpio or New Moon in the 11th house
What do you need from your larger community?

Sagittarius or New Moon in the 10th house
What fresh intentions are ready to make when it comes to career?

Capricorn or New Moon in the 9th house
What is your “why?” (aka, your philosophy, your mission statement?)

Aquarius or New Moon in the 8th house
What are you ready to let go of?

Pisces or New Moon in the 7th house
When it comes to relationships, what are you grateful for?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.


While the past month’s cataclysmic cosmic shifts may have you wanting to plunge heart first into massive change, slow your roll says Jennifer Racioppi. The Gemini Waning Quarter Moon wants you to listen in for the lessons, check in with your direction, and honor the threshold before you step through the portal …

Art: Seana Gavin

:: Waning Quarter Moon :: September 13 2017 :: 2:24am EST :: 20 degrees Gemini

Listen in closely … Ideas, energy, motivation, and creativity are brewing … 

Having just completed Mercury Retrograde, we’ve seen shadows, witnessed truth, and digested reality from a multitude of differing perspectives. And while many of us are feeling the urge to jump into action and to start implementing all the lessons we’ve learned, it’s not quite time yet.

We are inching our way towards next week’s Fall Equinox, when the Sun will shift into Libra and the Earth will reach a point of equanimity, marking a balance between light and dark. But first, we have to ride out the last degrees of the Sun traveling through mutable Virgo, the Gemini Waning Quarter Moon, and a New Moon on the 19th, which ask us to assimilate the impact of the most recent cosmic events so we can launch our lives forward.

This turning point in the year marks a crucial point to check in and affirm our intended direction. And with the Gemini Waning Quarter Moon opposing Saturn, the message is to slow your roll and listen before plunging forward.

Come the next New moon and Equinox, you’ll have some clear, mature, and wise inner guidance to inform your next steps.


:: The Sun ::
With the Sun at 20 degrees of Virgo squaring Saturn—the planet of lessons, maturity, and growth—the Gemini Waning Quarter Moon has the word “ouch” written all over it.

But, the truth is, Saturn’s position to the Sun offers us the potent medicine of seeing, reconciling, and integrating wisdom. Warning: this is not the time to push forward with an agenda driven by ego. Instead, digest, integrate, and listen to your truth so you can adjust your stance and evolve.

:: The Moon ::
With the Moon in quick witted Gemini, the seduction of speed abounds. However, since this Waning Quarter Moon faces an opposition from serious Saturn, throw on the brakes. Rather than hastily moving forward, tune into Gemini’s secret superpower of *listening* instead.  

:: The Square ::
With the Sun in Virgo squaring the Moon in mutable Gemini, making a mutable T-square with Saturn, this Waning Quarter Moon brings up quite a bit to be reconciled.

The upside? Like a grain of sand transforming into an iridescent pearl inside of a mollusk, the pressure of Saturn forces you into your growth. **Pro tip: The more you lean into this, the easier it is.

:: The Message ::
Pause. This Waning Quarter Moon asks that you take time for introspection. Slow down. Look within. Think about what you need to release before plunging forward into your goals.

With a new season around the corner, it’s essential to review where you’ve been. Now’s the time to go slow, and listen, so you don’t miss any of the wisdom coming your way. In another week you’ll be ready to move forward. Until then, do your best to see and hear as much as you can.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar loving cosmic change makers! 


Laying out your crystals and setting intentions for the emo Pisces Full Moon? Supercharge your ceremonies and activate the magic of nature by adding essential oils for every Moon phase, says Amanda Maybroda. 

essential oils for every moon phase The Numinous
Image: Charlie Nolan

Using Essential Oils during the Moon cycle is like a triple shot of espresso (wake up call!!) to all your healthy cells. All without the jitters or any negative side effects …

Just like we place some of our crystals under the moonlight to clean and re-charge, the Moon’s energy gives oils a little extra mojo.

If we sync our oils with the cycle, we can use them to amplify and open our receptors to all the good ju ju that’s available to download and receive.  Combine the oils below or use alone … have fun with it!

**Note: Only ingest oils that are therapeutic grade and cleared for internal use. I recommend doTERRA.


:: NEW MOON ::
The New Moon is a Re-birth, new beginning, fresh start. It’s a great opportunity to manifest what we desire and allows us to cut the cords that no longer serve us. These oils help plant new seeds, literally and figuratively …

  • Hawaiian Sandalwood supports your sexual energy and, in turn, your creativity. As the Moon moves towards waxing, it’s time to get those juices flowing and open your mind to new opportunities and resources.
    Activate It: To help increase creative and sexual flow, apply to all lower chakras. You can also apply it to wrists, back of knees, cervical spine, feet, ankles and third eye- its grounding and manifesting ability may surprise you.
  • Patchouli is both an aphrodisiac, and a digester of toxic materials. Perfect for officially cutting the cord to any blocks or stagnation as you start fresh for the New Moon!
    Activate It: Take a drop in a veggie cap to release what no longer serves you. Or mix a drop of this oil into your Sandalwood as you apply to your lower chakras.
  • Holy Grail is a signature blend of mine that allows your soul to travel the cosmos and gather information and resources, and allows your body to create the grids needed to anchor into this dimension. Perfect for receiving all the new info available for download during the New Moon.
    Activate It: Try hand diffusing and then cupping your closed eyes for a few breaths. And make sure to have your journal handy for all the new ideas you’ll be receiving!

amanda maybroda ruby warrington i am elementals essential oils for every moon phase the numinous material girl mystical world


This is a phase of regeneration when our bodies are able to absorb most efficiently and easefully. It’s a time to fortify, strengthen, and replenish our bodies, souls, energetic fields, and resources.

  • Juniper Berry supports the nervous system, regeneration, and replenishment by bolstering feelings of love, peace, and wellbeing. As your body transforms into a balanced and harmonious vessel, your energy field literally begins to strengthen.
    Activate It: Do hand diffusions throughout the day, taking 6 good deep breaths. And throw this baby in the diffuser at night (that’s when we repair ourselves the most). Juniper Berry can also be applied to the front and back of the heart to help activate its replenishing properties.
  • Rosemary helps memory and our ability to trust the process. The Waxing Moon is a gestation period, during which we can’t always see the trajectory of our movement or the end result of our intentions. Rosemary supports the motivation and courage we need during this phase by boosting clarity, endorphins, and brain functioning. It’s an oil for breakthroughs!
    Activate It: Apply Rosemary to the base of neck, occipitals, and top of head to bring clarity. Apply it to the bottom of your feet to give the seeds you planted some extra love. And put some in your salad dressing or sprinkle on some red roasted potatoes- ingesting neutralizes stress and helps move stagnant energy.
  • Lavender supplies patience as we fortify during the Waxing Moon phase. Sometimes our outer worlds don’t catch up as quickly as we want, and this oil helps infuse the trust of Divine Timing into any type of preparation work.
    Activate It: Combine in with your favorite carrier oil (i.e. coconut or olive oil) and lather yourself generously, paying special attention to your ankles and hips. Diffuse Lavender by itself, or with Juniper Berry and Rosemary, to bring you into the present moment and back to the patience that is needed during this phase.


This part of the cycle is a yummy energetic time for experiencing amplified feelings and experiences. Our bodies go through a lot on this planet, and this phase asks us to open the heart chakras, get grounded, listen to our bodies, and amp up the self-love!

*Create a sacred space with these oils and have a release. Cry, kick, scream if you need too … and trust that they will literally help you transform it all.

  • Cedarwood’s luscious grounding and sedatitive abilities help us root deeper and feel beautiful. It’s also very cleansing and has a diuretic effect that helps with body release during the Full Moon.
    Activate It: Apply the Cedarwood to your feet, ankles, tailbone, and sternum. Step outside if you can and walk barefoot on our beautiful earth mama!
  • Yang Ylang softens that heart chakra, amplifies your sensuality, and deepens your connection to self.
    Activate It: Put a few drops in a salt bath and tell your body all the reasons you’re grateful for it and why you love it SO much!
  • Peppermint’s antiseptic and uplifting properties facilitate any physical or energetic cleaning out to create an environment for emotional and spiritual growth.
    Activate It: Try hand diffusing peppermint- inhale and apply to your energetic field. This is done by rubbing oils between palms and then dancing around and painting your field with it. (The dancing part isn’t mandatory but highly suggested for Full Moon party vibes!)

amanda maybroda ruby warrington i am elementals essential oils for every moon phase the numinous material girl mystical world


The waning gibbous moon brings about instinctual growth, subconscious enlightenment and an opportunity to clarify our values. This is a time of deep internal rest, meditation, self analysis, and reconnection to our cozy internal home as we prepare for the New Moon. This final stage of the process allows us to release, pivot, banish, and break unhealthy habits, relationships, behaviors, patterns, and thought forms as we prepare for rebirth.

  • Frankincense helps to re-pattern, re-generate and re-parent ourselves. I can confidently say this was one of the main oils I used in healing my own PTSD. Working intentionally with this oil can truly heal and release those negative habits, patterns, and thought forms.
    Activate It: To allow for your values to clearly present themselves, mix with a carrier oil of your choice and give your scalp some extra TLC with a massage. For instinctual growth and immunity stimulation, place a drop under your tongue.
  • Geranium allows the body to recuperate from all that deep work that has been done releasing and re-patterning during the entire Moon cycle. This oil is also an antidepressant and can help any heavy feelings associated with this deep phase of the Moon. Give yourself permission to really take some time to rest.
    Activate It: Take a salt bath with some Geranium and any flower petals you may have. Bathing is a perfect New Moon prep activity during the Waning Moon cycle because it allows every cell and system to relax so that we will be able to launch forward to receive during the next phase.
  • Holy Ghost (another of my signature blends) has the mother, father, purifier, and exciter of oils all in one, and balances your Divine Masculine and Feminine energies. As we prepare for the New Moon, this oil helps release any stress, worry, doubt or fear that may be associated with transition or rebirth.
    Activate It: Take a few drops under your tongue before meditation. Or use as a spray or through a diffusor to cleanse and shift the environmental energy towards openness, balance, and support.


Amanda Maybroda is an LA-based Intuitive Alchemist, Spiritual Wellness Coach, speaker, author, and founder of I AM Elementals. Known as the “go-to witch doctor” in her community, she uses high-vibe nature energies and elements to create custom blends, mantras, yoga practices, and meditations that support each client’s health, desired intentions, and frequencies.

**I AM Elementals is brand new to the IG game! Follow her HERE, and make sure to snag one of the final spots for her next private coaching sessions (starting October 1, 2017, and January 1, 2018) by emailing [email protected]


While Eclipse Season may have us feeling like we’ve caught a serious case of the cosmic crazies, the Taurus Waning Quarter Moon invites us to stay steady as we make space for the future to appear, says Jennifer Racioppi.  Artwork: Seana Gavin

Taurus Waning Quarter Moon The Numinous Seana Gavin Jennifer Racioppi

:: Waning Quarter Moon :: August 14 2017 :: 9:15pm EST :: 22 degrees Taurus 

As the cosmic wheel spins out of our control, we need to find our centers. The art is to lovingly let things be shaken up without any unnecessary drama.

With August 21st’s highly anticipated Leo New Moon Solar Eclipse on the horizon (which boasts the power of a New Moon times three), plus Mercury retro, it’s a trippy month that marks a moment of transformation we’ll all be referencing for some time to come.

Amidst all these shifts, we couldn’t ask for a better Waning Quarter Moon as the denouement of this lunar cycle.

This Taurus Waning Quarter Moon provides grounded stability. Perfection.

While Leo, a sign with ample dramatic flair, may love a big show, the Taurus Waning Quarter Moon asks us to stay humble and centered—so we can keep steady amidst the transformation that’s upon us. … 


:: The Sun :: 
With the Sun zooming through the fixed fire sign of Leo as it preps for the Solar Eclipse, it’s time to surrender your ego and your desires for the greater good. While it may seem ironic that the strongly self-possessed Leo Sun is pushing us to surrender our ego, the Quarter Moon cycle asks us to find our humility as we wrap up Leo season and prep for Virgo.

The trick? Don’t cling too tightly to anything right now, especially anything you’re attached to for its external value. Thankfully, the Sun and Saturn are perfecting aligned during this Taurus Waning Quarter Moon, supporting you to utilize the gift of surrender as a way back to stability.

:: The Moon :: 
The Moon, exalted in Taurus, asks you to put your feet on the ground, and connect with the earth. Literally! And while you’re at it, connect with your body too. Take time to nourish and nurture your skin. Try dry brushing, give yourself a luxurious foot massage.

Give yourself a chance to feel your presence on this earth in your body. And don’t forget about delicious savory meals too. Practice mindful self-care. And connect to the dependability and steadfastness of Taurus.

:: The Square :: 
Every Waning Quarter Moons help us wrap things up, so we can prepare for new beginnings right around the corner with the upcoming New Moon. And with the Great American Eclipse on the horizon, this closing square has a SERIOUS message. 

Let the practical sensibility of the Taurus moon take it slow and steady. Let it help you be methodical and realistic, as you sweep your life clean of anything holding you back from the new chapter about to emerge next week.

Create space in your life, and your heart, for your new future to appear. Surrender anything standing in your way at this point, especially your ego.

:: The Message :: 
Let this Taurus Waning Quarter Moon moon help you to feel grounded, connected to your center, and ready to ride the cosmic rollercoaster ahead.

Stand tall in your humility with both feet on the ground (preferably barefoot, in the grass!) From this place of presence, assess what truly does and does not feed your most abundant life, as you ready yourself for the potency of the upcoming eclipse.

Because, baby, things are about to shift … 

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar loving cosmic change makers! 


With Eclipse Season just around the corner, the Scorpio Waxing Quarter Moon is a critical moment to take a hard look at your truth, trust your instincts, and harness your most authentic essence, says Jennifer RacioppiArtwork: Bethany Harper Walsh

Scorpio Waxing Quarter Moon 2017 Jennifer Racioppi The Numinous

:: Waxing Quarter Moon :: July 30 2017 :: 11:23am EST :: 7 degrees Scorpio

Massive change is upon us …. This Waxing Quarter Moon in Scorpio is a critical checkpoint as we make our way into Eclipse season.

A time of transformation, change, and growth, eclipse season acts like massive broom in our lives—sweeping away what is no longer needed and ushering in new beginnings.

Because we’re now in the “shadow” period of two major eclipses occurring in August 2017, we’re already beginning to feel the impacts of these energetic harbingers. With eclipses slated for August 7th and 21st, and Mercury, the planet of communication, stationing retrograde on August 12th, issues surfacing now are part of a much larger story that’s unfolding.

Pay close attention—EVERYTHING right now has meaning!


:: The Sun ::
With the Sun in the optimistic sign of Leo traveling closely to Mars, the spirit of Summer comes to a full roar, complete with courage, creativity, and play. Allow the presence of Mars to ignite your passion and purpose, and to encourage leadership and self-confidence.

Warning: The cosmic combo of the Sun and Mars may incite humorous uproars of laughter, dramatic and playful outfits, fun times at parties, and the ability to trust your leadership instincts.

:: The Moon ::
The Moon in Scorpio supports deep, meaningful conversations, intense, healing sexual experiences, and the ability to see past the facade. A Scorpio Moon helps you to know the truth instinctively, and to use this knowledge to support you to make better decisions, encouraged by depth and intimacy.

Unlike the upbeat demeanor of Leo, Scorpio penetrates into the dark. Let the wisdom of this Moon connect you to your emotional truth. Explore your sexuality—even if it’s just by yourself.

Turn on your seductress. Don’t be afraid of darker emotions as you evaluate what’s real for YOU. Embrace it all!

:: The Square ::
With the Moon in Scorpio squaring the Sun and Mars, the season’s sense of play and enthusiasm gives way to deeper emotions and intuitive truths.

In contrast to the lighthearted, high-vibe nature of Leo, the Moon traveling through intense Scorpio brings depth and grit. It asks us to look at our shadows, as well as the shadows of others. While this contrast may feel awkward, it’s a potent combination that calls forth the essence of authenticity.

:: The Message ::
With the Sun and Mars squaring the Moon in Scorpio one week before the Lunar eclipse in Aquarius, the time is now to look deeply within and determine where you are (and aren’t) aligned with your truth.

Let the bold, brash Leo energy encourage bravery and fun, and the deep emotional waters of Scorpio identify where you are misaligned with your authenticity. Beyond that, let the playful vibes of Leo, and the mysterious demeanor of Scorpio inspire you!

Dress with provocative flair. Allow your inner seductress to lead you forward. Let your playful yet intense sexual side out. Trust yourself. Let the energy build.

Next week we approach a massive cosmic clearing. You ready?

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar loving cosmic change makers! 


Step into your fullest sparkle and share your wide open heart, no matter the risk. The 2017 Leo New Moon wants you to drop your defenses and shine the hell on, says Sandra Sitron

2017 Leo New Moon Sandra Sitron The Numinous


New Moon :: July 23 2017 :: 5:45am ET :: 0 degrees Leo 

Step into a shimmer vortex that offers you a chance to open your heart. For real. Heart opening is an art and a science. This moment demands that you do it for you. No one else.

Every New Moon offers us a chance to recreate ourselves. And right now, this refresh has to do with how you share your heart, and offer the world your unique spark of life. But how do you truly share your heart? What if it hurts? What if you lose something?

I asked for a message about this moon. I closed my eyes and ran my fingertips over my bookshelf. My hand grasped a worn copy of Pride and Prejudice. It seemed like a strange pick—at first. I had assumed that I would end up with one of the many witchy self-actualization books that fill my shelves.

But on further reflection, the message is so clear: Drop your pride and drop your prejudice. Yes, you need boundaries around your heart. You need to protect it. But when a scared inner child is no longer running the show, it’s possible to feel safe and to share open-hearted love at the same time.

“Opening” means allowing your heart to be soft and vulnerable. Not proud. Not prejudiced. No barbed-wire every time you get triggered. And you don’t have to be happy to have an open heart. You can open your heart when you are mad, or sad, or frustrated. Try it.

This Moon demands that you open your heart, because Leo teaches us about love. Leo begs us to let our unique spark of life force energy, of spirit, move out into the world. To beam out through our heart chakra and connect with others.

The connection can happen through an exchange of love, through creative expression, or through playfulness. Meditate on each of these modalities, and choose one that seems right for you to explore during this Moon phase.

As you move through the day notice when pride or prejudice take over, and give your tender ego a big dose of empathy. Visualize your heart opening even through challenging emotions.

The 2017 Leo New Moon is asking you to shine. Do this at the highest possible vibration by shining beams of gossamer honesty straight out of your heart. Think of this as a gift to yourself.


New Moon conjunct Mars
Eating a cheese sandwich.

The Moon is made of cheese. Mars wants to eat. Mars wants to take it on. Get it done. What are you ready to do, create, build, penetrate? What are you ready to engulf—mind, body, spirit, heart,all working together to shoot direct like an arrow out into the world? Yes, late summer is “vacation time.” But this aspect is not vacation. This is about putting your whole self into it. The push. All you have to do is focus your energy and then fly.


New Moon square Uranus
Reaching out to touch the sparkler.

You can’t always grasp and contain the things that are the most beautiful—you’ll get burned. With other things, if you try to own them, label them, contain them, they just dissolve. Because they were never meant to be owned. What made them so unique and alluring was the suddenness, the unexpectedness, the rush of freedom. You can’t plan your own surprise party. And if you try to trap the firefly in your hands for too long, the light goes out.

Instead, invite wildness, invention and genius in. Be a good host. Create space for Inspiration, make her feel comfortable. And let her leave when she’s ready. Build a solid relationship with change, innovation, and the wild unknown.


Use the questions below to dive deeper into the lessons of the 2017 Leo New Moon. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see which house holds 0 degrees Leo …

Aries or New Moon in the 5th house 
What situation in your life could use a dose of joy? What activities make you feel like a little kid?

Taurus or New Moon in the 4th house 
What needs to be reset when it comes to home and family? Who in your tribe needs some extra love?

Gemini or New Moon in the 3rd house 
How can you gently and easily request more recognition from your friends and community?

Cancer or New Moon in the 2nd house 
What intention can you create that would highlight abundance and security?

Leo or New Moon in the 1st house 
How can you express yourself more authentically this week? Where could excess pride be getting in the way?

Virgo or New Moon in the 12th house 
What is your plan for a heightened spiritual practice? Can creativity be a part of this?

Libra or New Moon in the 11th house 
How can you connect with a larger community? How can you have more fun with you tribe?

Scorpio or New Moon in the 10th house 
What are your intentions for your career over the coming cycle? What work feels more like fun?

Sagittarius or New Moon in the 9th house
What is your mission statement? Where in the world could this take you?

Capricorn or New Moon in the 8th house
What are you willing to let go of? What abundance would this make space for you to receive?

Aquarius or New Moon in the 7th house
What intentions can you create for more balanced partnerships?

Pisces or New Moon in the 6th house 
What healthy habits are you ready to implement? How could this bring more joy to your life?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.


Fitness becomes truly powerful when we also get our spiritual sweat on. Former NFL cheerleader turned conscious trainer Kayla Vernaglia shares her top tricks for how to have a magic workout …

kayla vernaglia ruby warrington the numinous workout magical

Let’s get real. It seems like everywhere we look these days there’s an ad to get “beach body” ready or “slim down for summer.” It’s no wonder we’re all running for our tarot decks and tubs of vegan matcha ice cream … 

There certainly isn’t anything wrong with honoring your bod, taking a sexy ass photo, and flaunting what your momma gave ya! But beyond the physical vessel fitness is a FEELING, and that’s where the magic lies and the change happens. When meeting our physical wellness goals is challenging, it’s often because there’s a mental, spiritual, or emotional weight behind it.

Which might sound like some heavy sh*t if it’s hard enough to find time to go for a run or get your down dog on.

Below are some of my pro tips for getting your spiritually conscious sweat on, and bringing an extra layer to your magic workout … 

kayla vernaglia ruby warrington the numinous workout magical


Clear the space and really set the intention! This is especially great for in-home workouts. If you’re using a mat, find sacred items that hold meaning to you and place them at the head or foot. Perhaps you line the mat with spell-infused candles or a freshly pulled tarot spread. Maybe you incorporate the four elements in some way.

Don’t have a mat to create the traditional vibe? Alternatives could include anything from practicing on a patch of grass or dirt in your backyard that calls to you, using your own body as a moving altar (with your outfit choices, for example), or mapping a route on your walk/run, starting North, and then hitting the other three magical directions.

You can make it as non-traditional or traditional as you’d like—it’s your space to connect to. Work with what you’ve got and if the intention is pure, you”ll always be able to harness the magic.


The mind is powerful AF. Truly, every choice we make, from the foods we eat to the words we say, start in the mind. If you are mid sweat and can’t stop thinking about how much you hate your thighs, well they’re probably not gonna respond with loving you back, sister. Flip the script and write a little love note to those puppies: “I love and appreciate my thighs for holding me up and keeping me strong.” Ah, doesn’t that just feel better?


Stay in your own lane and let go of comparisons. Whether you’re an avid fitness goer or a complete novice, you are right where you should be in your journey. Focus on what you CAN do, not what you can’t. Be kind to yourself, and give yourself some love for showing up and granting your soul the beautiful opportunity to move energy and connect to the core.

Words count for sure, but there are so many other magical ways to tell yourself yor’re worthy. Perhaps you put on your sauciest pair of skivvies and walk around all day like you’re carrying a sexy little secret, or wear sensual fabrics and colors that make you feel desirable. When was the last time you sent yourself flowers? Do it up and love yourself up cause you deserve it baby!

kayla vernaglia ruby warrington the numinous workout magical


We are different day to day, moment to moment—what might feel okay for you now might be different later. Have you ever had those days where you just feel sluggish or sad? Or maybe you feel really jazzed and inspired? Listen to those feelings and follow suit, literally. If something does not feel accessible for you, then modify or take that sacred pause. Modifying does not mean you’re doing less than, it means you’re honoring your body.


:: 5/GET DIRTY :: 
Get outside and do your workout barefoot! There is something incredibly magical about placing your feet into the earth and really grounding into her energy. Whether it’s by the ocean, in a garden, or beyond, taking our sweat sesh outside is a wonderful way to remind us that we are connected to something greater. With that sense of security, it may just allow you to reach new sweat levels you never dreamed possible.


Allow your workouts to follow the moon cycle. If the moon is waning, perhaps you go for a long run to help sweat out the toxins and release. If it’s waxing, you might work on strength building exercises such as lifting free weights to help connect to the idea of adding power to your life. If it’s summer and your workout lands around a Strawberry Full Moon, you may focus more on pelvic floor exercises for sexual liberation. Perhaps, it’s closer to the colder months, such as a Snow Moon, and you shift your focus to gentle stretching to enhance relaxation and yoke mind with body.

kayla vernaglia ruby warrington the numinous workout magical


Like for real … HAVE FUN! Working out doesn’t have to be a horrible experience. It might even be *GASP* enjoyable! If someone farts in yoga class, we’re all still gonna make it people. As adults, sometimes it’s like we need permission to play. Add the element of fun whenever you can—maybe mid gym sesh you pretend the floor is lava, or wear a tutu to yoga class. Get creative and release that little kid who just wants to experience the world through light and laughter.


And always remember: you are a strong ass warrior queen. A Wonder Woman. Next time you lace up your sneakers or slip into your leotard (do people still wear those—please say yes!), harness the power of thought, try a few magic tricks, and allow self-love to transform you from the inside out. Now go get ’em (cue Rocky theme music)!

Kayla Vernaglia has always allowed her love of music, fashion, performance, and fun to infiltrate her active lifestyle. She is a former team captain and NFL cheerleader for The New England Patriots. In 2010, she teamed up with her sister to create The Mind Body Barre Method® – a multi-level workout emphasizing body awareness, functional fitness, and spiritual connection. ​Her mentorship program lovingly displays her passion for helping people embrace their inner wild, connect to their core, and push past societal bullshit to uncover their own deep sacred truths. She currently resides in Boston with her 10lb fur baby, Lucy. 


The 2017 Aries Waning Quarter Moon asks us to step up our game, and prepare for some serious cosmic upleveling. Get invigorated. Get motivated. And be ready to get your world rocked, says Jennifer RacioppiArtwork: Bethany Harper-Walsh

waning aries quarter moon bethany haroer walsh collage The Numinous

:: Waning Quarter Moon :: July 16 2017 :: 3:25pm EST :: 24 degrees Aries

While the Waning Quarter Moon usually signals a time to take an inward glance, in the fiery sign of Aries, we’re asked to kick into high gear. This energy bestows vitality and motivation. Holler!

The first sign of the zodiac, Aries is ruled by Mars (the planet of action), and is famously known for its ability to initiate. Add Mars squaring Uranus to the mix, and we need to ready ourselves for change- perhaps even shocking and sudden change …

As we wrap up this current lunar cycle, and prep ourselves for a month with TWO Leo new moons ahead—including the August 21 legendary Great American Total Eclipse—we have a moment to unravel all that unfolds before our eyes, and simultaneously get ready for what’s to come.

Harkening back to the New Moon in Aries on April 18, 2015, we may see intentions set then coming to a full culmination now. Beautiful! Results that culminate now have been a long time coming. Stay grateful and on-point and you won’t be disappointed.


:: The Sun ::
With the Sun traveling through the third decant of security driven Cancer, connecting us to our home life, our family, and our deep emotions, it’s time to dig deep into our inner wellbeing and ultimate security.

Given that the Sun recently opposed Pluto, we just survived massive intensity. The Sun represents all that is light, our identity, and our vital force energy; Pluto is the dwarf King of darkness, holding close to him all things related to death and rebirth, transformation, and destruction. This transit likely brought about a crisis of self-esteem or self-identity, and may have felt entirely out of your control. But this energy also contained the essence of resilience, and the potential for positive growth and change, initiating you into a new way of being.

With this aspect no longer at play, we’re a bit more free. Yet the Sun and Mars now squares Uranus, the planet of revolution and change. Hold onto your hats, Numi babes—this abrupt roller coaster ride is a cosmic upleveling that may land you exactly where you need to be. But, not without a bit of wind in your hair …

:: The Moon ::
The Moon in Aries feels inspiring—especially given the hit from Uranus. And who doesn’t crave action and locomotion in their lives? With Saturn in a super supportive angle, we can move in the direction of reconciliation, despite the challenges at hand.

:: The Square ::
With the Sun at the tail end of Cancer having just opposed Pluto and on its way to square Uranus, the word “ouch” comes to mind. Cancer, a sign that represents family orientation and sensitivity, doesn’t particularly like this challenge much.

However, like it or not, the cosmic menu has served up a plate of emotions with a side dish of surprise. With the Moon in a cardinal sign squaring both the Sun and Mars, we’ll find ourselves needing to reconcile precisely where we are at as we prepare for the first of two new moons in Leo!

:: The Message ::
With the recent hits from Pluto, and next week’s Uranus square, life’s #noteasy. Yet with the Sun in Cancer, these transits help us understand and unearth our confidence and security. We can handle this!

With the moon in action-oriented Aries, I highly suggest making moves during this phase. Move things to completion. Effort appropriately on behalf of your goals. Get your ducks in a row. When the Moon squares Uranus the following day, you’ll want to be on your A game.

Get ready to handle anything, and you’ll be grateful you did (cause “anything” might just be coming!)

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of cosmic creatives and lunar lovers! 


Settle into your cozy zone and wrap yourself in a cosmic hug. The 2017 Cancer New Moon wants you to harness the power of your feelings and know that you are worthy of some super sweet loving, says Sandra Sitron.

Photo: Benjamin Combs

New Moon :: June 23rd 2017 :: 10:32 pm ET ::  2 degrees Cancer

This New Moon wants you to learn that you have emotional stability—you can feel your feelings, express your feelings, process your feelings, and move on.

Just as the waves of the ocean keep on coming, you can let yourself ebb and flow. The ocean tumbles and moves but it is vast and powerful. Allowing yourself to process your feelings can give you power and security too. 

Carry a basket. Fill it with nostalgia. A glass jar filled with a dream. A fragment of a memory. The outline of a kiss. A love note and sticky lollipops and glitter that won’t go away. Devoted puppies, a collection of ribbons, and a foggy window. Put your love for others and your love for yourself into the basket. Put the basket on your alter as an offering to the Moon.

The Cancer New Moon has got you gathering up the memories of things that help you feel close, nurtured and taken care of. Cancer collects nostalgia because it feels like home. It feels like nurturance. The metaphorical basket holds proof for your subconscious mind that you are loved. 

Let this energy help you set intentions for loving yourself, nurturing your family relationships, and settling into your cozy home zone. Learn to nurture your inner child. By taking care of that little one, you build up real emotional security within yourself. Bring your inner child to work with you. Bring her to yoga. Take him grocery shopping. Remember a time when you needed nurturance and visit that baby version of yourself with a kind word and a hug.

Let this moon phase inspire you to wrap yourself in a bear hug and hold yourself tight. You are dear. You are darling. Find a way to believe that you are worthy of nurturance and love just because you are alive.

Affirm this truth for yourself and let the gossamer moonlight of it shine out of the cracks in your armor … 


New Moon conjunct Mercury
A spider writes words in a web.
The nurturing New Moon is drifting close to quick-witted Mercury. This aspect inspires us to communicate the message of our heart. Speak what you feel.

Charlotte the spider from Charlotte’s Web is a maternal friend who nurtures Wilber the pig and saves his life through quick wit and well-placed words. What part of yourself do you need to rescue with your words or thoughts? What matter of the heart do you need to speak aloud? What emotion could use a little logical reframing?


New Moon conjunct Mars
Riding a zip-line.
Momentum is building. At this Moon phase you get an opportunity to set intentions in motion. The conjunction of the Moon with Mars is going to put some serious fire behind these intentions. Craft them well.

Stay focused on your goal, just as if you are riding that zip-line. There is one route to take, so fly! Don’t get distracted by unnecessary aggression or self-flagellation. There is too much energy that can be used to plant new seeds and help them grow.


New Moon square Chiron
Handfuls of cotton swabs.
The cotton is clean and you are ready to tend to those old wounds. The New Moon is giving side-eye to the wounded-healer Chiron. Chiron reminds us of our old wounds, so that we’ll remember to heal them. The sensitive Moon may not appreciate Chiron’s relentless assertion that the past must be healed. But she’ll agree that this Moon-phase of fluid emotion is a good time to get those feelings moving.

Seek out cathartic release. Find the energetic, spiritual, mental, physical and emotional support that you need. Remember that most kinds of healing — whether it’s a bruised knee, a broken heart, or an ancestral wound — are like peeling the quintessential onion. Take steps and allow it to happen in its own time. Let the New Moon energy help you nurture yourself in the process.


Use the questions below to dive deeper into the lessons of the 2017 Cancer New Moon. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see which house holds 2 degrees Cancer …

Aries or New Moon in the 4th house
What thought needs to change for you to feel more at home in your body or in your space?

Taurus or New Moon in the 3rd house
How can you activate your curiosity? Write down three questions you would like to investigate the answers to.

Gemini or New Moon in the 2nd house
Is anything blocking you from developing your self-worth?

Cancer or New Moon in the 1st house
What are your goals for leadership this year?

Leo or New Moon in the 12th house
When do you need to get out of your own way? What blocks are you allowing to confuse things?

Virgo or New Moon in the 11th house
What are you ready to contribute? How are you feeling called to be of service?

Libra or New Moon in the 10th house
What structure do you need to create for yourself this week?

Scorpio or New Moon in the 9th house
Make a list of the books, quotes, authors, philosophers, teachers and resources that inspire you. Keep it as a reference.

Sagittarius or New Moon in the 8th house
What are you ready to release? Find a kundalini yoga kriya online to help you divine the answer.

Capricorn or New Moon in the 7th house
Is there a relationship in your life that could benefit from more balance? Would it be helpful to set a healthy boundary in this relationship?

Aquarius or New Moon in the 6th house
What healthy habits are you ready to begin with a view to committing to?

Pisces or New Moon in the 5th house
What can you pour the heart and soul of your creativity into today?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.


Since 2012, we’ve been in it for the cosmic long haul. The Pisces Waning Quarter Moon wants you to acknowledge the end of this cycle of soul-shaking change, and to courageously meet your life exactly where it is, says Jennifer Racioppi. Collage: Seana Gavin

Seana Gavin collage The Numinous pisces waning quarter moon


Waning Quarter Moon :: June 17 2017 :: 7:32 am EST :: 26 degrees Pisces

It’s been a tumultuous cosmic time, moon beams. And this latest lunation marks the culmination of some serious soul work …

In the midst of June 15’s Saturn-Sun opposition (a.k.a. one of the toughest days of the year), and just before Saturn’s June 18 opposition to Mercury (ouch o’rama), the Waning Quarter Moon in Pisces offers both a call to action, a clearing, and a point of culmination after a two-plus year cycle …  

Think back to March 20, 2015, when we experienced a solar eclipse at 29 degrees of Pisces—the last degree of the last sign of the zodiac. This eclipse occurred on the heels of the final of 7 exact squares between Uranus, who represents change and revolution, and Pluto, who represents power.

The Uranus-Pluto Square took place between 2012-2015, representing one of the most tumultuous astrological events of our entire generation.

These seven squares rocked life dramatically for all of us, regardless of our sign … 

And the final one of these squares happened just days before 2015’s Pisces Solar Eclipse, which opened up the Lunar Gestation Cycle that this current Waning Quarter Moon closes. The 7 Uranus-Pluto squares signify so much of what this decade represents: large-scale sociopolitical and religious change.

Now, this Pisces Waning Quarter Moon asks us to acknowledge the significance of this MASSIVE change on a global and personal level!

:: The Sun ::
With the Sun at 26 degrees of Gemini opposing Saturn in Sagittarius, and simultaneously squaring the Moon and Chiron (the wounded healers), our issues are up for examination.

In astrology, the Sun represents our identity and vitality. When the Sun opposes Saturn, as he did on June 15, we can expect to possibly feel under the weather, under pressure, or consequently extremely focused. When the Sun squares Chiron as he will on Monday June 19, our wound steps forward as a massive teaching!

Be bold. This is the time to meet life exactly as it is so that you can integrate and rise. If you do, you can make huge gains.

:: The Moon ::
Between now and the initiation into a new cycle that comes with the upcoming Cancer New Moon on June 23, we have some serious work to do.

Even though the Moon is in Pisces, a sign that loves to escape, it’s time to to conjure the courage to face everything and see it for what it is.

In doing so, you’ll reap the benefits of the seeds you planted in March 2015, and uncover new marching orders as they relate to your life purpose.

:: The Square ::
This Waning Quarter Moon packs a punch. It reveals both our wounding and our purpose, while simultaneously shining a light on karma set in place two-and-a-quarter years ago. Since this cycle corresponds with the ending of the Pluto square Uranus epoch, it’s been heavy to say the least! 

But here’s the good news: we also stand to reap massive rewards right now, as a very potent Lunar Gestation Cycle comes to a close. The karmic lessons of the past two years have strengthened us and shown us how to step into our power in radical new ways.

:: The Message ::
With pure chaos unfolding around the globe right now, many shades of sadness are present. Simultaneously, on an individual level we need to reconcile personal pain to step more fully into our power, passion, and purpose.

On this extremely potent Waning Quarter Moon don’t write anything off as coincidence. Instead, look backward and unravel the patterns unfolding in your life. Stand in your strength and commitment to the light. The world needs you more than ever, especially as our societal pain feels so razor sharp.

Don’t run and hide. Instead, be brave and look your pain in the eye. Next week, we move into an entirely new cycle. In the meanwhile, a new iteration of your life purpose reveals itself. Do NOT miss the significant power of this moment!

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of lunar lovers at Moon Club!


The 2017 Virgo Full Moon beckons us to find the mystery & magic in the mundane, says Sandra Sitron...

2017 virgo full moon sandra sitron strong eye astrology the numinous ruby warrington moon club
Join a virtual ritual for the 2017 Virgo Full Moon on 3/12 when you sign up for Moon Club.

Full Moon :: March 12 2017 :: 10:54 am EST :: 22 degrees Virgo

Put your ear to the seashell and listen. Let your world expand beyond your current reality by noticing the magic in the details of life. To notice the details you have to be present in the moment. You have to harness the Now.

You may feel drawn to fantasy and escape, but keep bringing yourself back to the mundane. Keep watching yourself stir the soup. This is where you will find the real spaciousness. It exists in simple consciousness.

Sunday’s Virgo Full Moon is opposite the Sun in Pisces. Pisces and Virgo offer us two portals into spirituality. The Pisces portal is outside of the body—it’s “through the veil.” Pisces helps us move outside of boundaries and remember our “boundary-less” soul. We are light and universal love.

The Virgo portal is completely centered in the complexities of the body and life on Earth. To enter the world of spirit through the Virgo portal, one must go into the Now—into the moment. One must be present and centered. To create a stable foundation for this practice, it helps to refine the health of the body and mind.

The 2017 Virgo Full Moon has a lot to teach us. Because these are two mutable signs, we will be making adjustments to improve our experience. Contrast may cause you (or the people around you) to be more self-critical. There is a feeling of “I’ve got to get it right.” By navigating through these feelings of self-doubt and self-criticism, you can find your way to self-love. And you must. You must turn every critique into a declaration of love.

This requires you to listen to your thoughts. And it’s hard to listen to your thoughts if they are coming fast. So slow it down. A meditation practice will help with this. This process is gentle and gradual. Make tiny changes. Although the tone of this lunation is about small adjustments, don’t be surprised if you experience a major healing.


2017 Virgo Full Moon opposite Chiron and Mercury.
Sanding down a piece of furniture.
There is a lot of healing energy coming through as Chiron (the wounded-healer asteroid) joins the Sun (essence) and Mercury (mind). All three are opposite the Moon. Healing “Self” will be front and center. How does this happen? Look around for traces of your curriculum. If something pulls at your mind or emotions ask yourself, “is this my curriculum?” Ask yourself: “What is the deeper lesson here?” This may feel transformative, like sanding down an old chair. Small adjustments add up to big changes.

Moon trine Pluto
A polished diamond.
More healing. More adjustments. Polishing and polishing your inner diamond. Letting go. Letting go of control. Why do you need to control anyway? You are safe. You are well. It’s all okay. Let go and move on to a new level. You let go and you move away from ego. The inner diamond is the soul essence that is free from ego constraints.

Moon quincunx Uranus
And there is a little hiccup here. Uranus (the Great Awakener) tugs at the Moon uncomfortably. The Moon is trying to hang in there and do some healing work and Uranus is pulling away saying, “F*ck it. Let’s get out of here! I don’t have time for this! This is too hard!” (Or frustrating, slow, uncomfortable, etc.) This is all fine. It can be kind of fun to laugh at the urge to hit the eject button.

Get quiet. Guide your thoughts toward the present moment. Slow down the thoughts through meditation so that there is time to remember the point of all this: Love. Look for the lessons, let go of ego, and sit quietly through discomfort. Go through the portal.


Use the questions below to dive deeper into the lessons of the 2017 Virgo Full Moon. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see what house holds 22 degrees Virgo…

Aries or Moon in the 6th house 
If your body could write you a letter, what would it say?

Taurus or Moon in the 5th house
What does the concept of “self-expression” mean to you?

Gemini or Moon in the 4th house
How can you nurture yourself today? And every day?

Cancer or Moon in the 3rd house
What’s your current vision of your community? How would you like it to be?

Leo or Moon in the 2nd house
What’s one small adjustment you can make that will help you feel more grounded?

Virgo or Moon in the 1st house
Where in your life are you feeling called to be a leader?

Libra or Moon in the 12th house
Write a letter to your “Inner-Critic.” Offer your gratitude and make some gentle requests.

Scorpio or Moon in the 11th house
Are you ready to make any adjustments to your vision for the future?

Sagittarius or Moon in the 10th house
How do you best define your mission-statement for your career?

Capricorn or Moon in the 9th house
Which archetype within you needs more freedom?

Aquarius or Moon in the 8th house
What are you ready to let go of? Follow your feelings to work this out.

Pisces or Moon in the 7th house 
Can you get really clear about your needs? Can you do the same with a partner?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.