In astrology, our North Node reveals the teachings we need to embrace for emotional evolution. With the collective North Node now shifting from Leo to Cancer, Rebecca Farrar says the time is ripe for going back to soul school …

ruby warrington rebecca farrar north node south node wild witch of the west material girl mystical world matheus ferrero
Photo: Matheus Ferrero

After a year and a half with the North Node in shiny, self-expressed Leo, it moves into emotionally motivated Cancer on November 6, 2018, where it will stay until May 5, 2020.

The Lunar Nodes are astronomical points where the Moon’s orbit intersects the Earth’s path around the Sun. They represent fundamental ideas of where we have been and where we are headed in our collective evolution.

This North Node’s sign change into Cancer implies a shared shift towards learning lessons in empathy and emotional intelligence. Our collective homework over the next 1.5 years includes fostering feelings and naming needs. 

Opposite Cancer on the zodiacal axis, the Capricorn South Node indicates our communal comfort zone of rules, regulations, and structures (a few of patriarchy’s favorite things). While both Cancer and Capricorn crave a sense of security and stability, they seek these in different ways. Cancer wants to nurture self or others as a way of establishing value, while Capricorn prefers self-containment or boundaries to maintain control.

Core themes for integration during this nodal axis shift are healthy boundaries, balancing internal self-care and self-parenting, and learning to express emotions in a healthy way.

If your North Node is in Cancer, you’ll have your Nodal Return, which occurs about every 18.5 years. But even if your North Node isn’t in Cancer, think back 18-19 years ago for insight into the coming phase.

PLUS read on for a guide to your own personal North Node … 


In the natal chart, the North Node is our “major” at Earth University. It’s what we came here to study intensely, while the South Node is where we have already had a crash course. For us to truly live a fulfilled existence, we need to intentionally move towards our North Node.

Calculate your natal North Node HERE and discover your soul’s lessons below. *Note, your “South Node” is automatically in the sign opposite the North, so you don’t need to calculate it. 


Focus learning on how to become more independent and self-reliant. Move away from codependent patterning, or relying heavily on others for satisfaction or approval.

Major evolution happens by focusing more time on your self-worth, and your desires for pleasure and connection. Focus less on inappropriate intensity or spending too much time in crisis mode.

Seek wisdom in situations where you get to see both sides or get to flex your curiosity muscle. Avoid places that activate self-righteousness or big picture thinking without openness to new ideas.

Your soul curriculum centers on your emotional field and home life. Focus as much as possible on giving up patterns of stoicism or overworking (especially during this next year and a half phase of your nodal return).

Embrace your individuality and the part of you that wants to take center stage, while leaning away from always focusing on your place in a community or waiting for others before doing what you want.

Life learning emphasizes day-to-day acts and routines, and bringing order to chaos. Rely less on tendencies towards confusion or escapism as a way of disassociating.

Cultivate cooperation and partnerships that harmonize justice and fairness. Leave behind inclinations of impulsiveness or self-centeredness that focus too much on individual identity.

Study shadow work and practice vulnerability in order to encounter your power, while becoming less attached to material items and the status quo.

Investigate your sense of adventure and discover more ways to trust yourself through traveling or direct communication. Become less dependent on seeking more information or having to always say the right thing.

Teachings take the form of self-respect and self-care that allows you to claim your authority. Release obsessing over the past, or becoming dependent on others.

Education occurs through actively participating in groups and community. Spend less effort on wanting approval or having melodramatic tendencies tied to an overemphasis on your own needs.

Keep reviewing practices that connect you to your spiritual self. Allow for compassion and surrender to a higher power without analyzing or worrying about doing something incorrectly.


How do our past lives impact us today? Emma Whitehair embarks on some cosmic time travel…

cosmic time travel split face past lives alien the numinous


“Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.”

This quote from Cloud Atlas gives me goosebumps all over, and has me questioning the millennial take on carpe diem—‘YOLO’. What if we don’t ‘Only Live Once,’ as many mystical traditions believe, and in fact experience many, many lives.

We all have our soul tribe. Those folk who instantly seem familiar, as if we’ve met before. Or those ‘right person, wrong lifetime’ relationships, where you have an undeniable soulful connection, yet it feels like you’re just not meant to be. This time round anyway.

I’ve also come to believe we attract challenges into our life that we choose before we are born. But what if we can ace our pre-birth plan? Make amends, complete unfinished business or heal ancestral wounds/limiting beliefs, without the need for a karmic car-crash to get our attention.

Although pain can be a great teacher, if you are already half-way though your soul syllabus, perhaps suffering is not necessary in order to evolve. And once our lessons are learnt, we can transcend these karmic loops, to a more advanced level, like a cosmic computer game.

So with the intention of going beyond karmic dramas, to better understand this journey, I did some spiritual time travel. And here’s some of what I unearthed along the way…


The feelings the soul may have departed a former life with, can show up in the present. But you hold onto your history at the expense of your destiny. Reliving and then releasing them however, can be game changing. Scott Murden is a Past Life Regression therapist whose clients often have seemingly unexplained fears, aversions and/or traits, which he believes to be linked to samskaras—imprints on our soul, from past lives.

In our session, I was transported to the Frontier, where I was a Native American Indian…with a white man cattle herder as my forbidden lover. As you might imagine, my wild west romance didn’t have a happy ending. Our plan to elope with a stolen herd, was foiled and I was the one captured, then hung. This grim death perhaps explaining the throat chakra restriction I wrote of here.

Scott invited me to connect with the positive emotions from this past life—love against all odds, passion and adventure. I also felt the urge to say goodbye to my cow-boyfriend, and to tell him that we would meet again, in another life. And with this, I felt my heart open.

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I first encountered Astrological Counselling on The Arrigo Programme where I learnt that a snapshot of the universe at the exact moment and from the precise location we are born, creates a blueprint for our life story. We choose to be born when our karma is energetically matched with the stars, which provides our roadmap with its unique patterns and Jungian archetypal themes. And what I find most exciting about this idea, is that it reminds me that we are microscopic pieces of a incomprehensibly vast and interconnected reality—the Universe.

In my first reading I was shown that I’m an old soul learning advanced lessons. And my North Node (which identifies what one’s soul purpose in this lifetime) is in the fourth house —which is all about security and emotional stability. Sudden loss in previous lives also seemed to be triggering some fears.

Recently I was introduced to Sting’s personal astrological counsellor—Debra Silverman, who has a unique and fun approach combining soul-centered astrology with psychology. While on our call, Debra first asked what had happened in my life over years showing up as key “destiny lines”. She also saw that one of my soul missions in this life is to clear karma from my mother’s lineage. Apparently, the unhealthy feminine energy I had around me in childhood with, is now being healed with my new-found spirituality and joy. My story is being re-written. Hallelujah!


My natal chart shows that I’m coming into a period of great transformation, and although this is predestined, there are many routes to the same destination. We’ve all seen Sliding Doors, right? So, I wanted to know if there was any advice or red flags I should be aware of in order to reach my full potential within this fresh cycle.

Teresa Symes fuses the psychic with the psyche and was once voted Britain’s #1 intuitive by ELLE magazine. As she reads for Jennifer Aniston, Kate Hudson and Kate Winslet, and is also near impossible to reach. When I finally persuaded her I wasn’t a tabloid hack, Teresa gave me a reading over the phone. Beginning by clarifying that the future is 70% free will, 30% destiny, she explained how people and situations are brought into our lives to get us on track, as long as we recognize and work with them.

To boost manifestation, Teresa also sent me this ‘Charming Positivity’ Rune Stone bracelet from her collaboration with Michelle Theodorou. Reaching into the velvet pouch is a process of divination, and a booklet with all the ancient meanings means I can get a window into my future while wearing the Runes that chose me for that week.

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If we were all in a state of amnesia, having lived many previous lives that we don’t remember, how are some able to recall the past, or see into the future? The answer lies in The Akashic Records. An energetic resource library for each and every soul’s human existence, throughout time.

The theory goes that since long before recording devices were invented, our spirit guides have been indexing every multidimensional detail over potentially thousands of years, ready for us to access, without the help of an expert or having any psychic abilities. Becoming empowered to read your files is just a matter of raising one’s vibration, having a pure intention and being open. It’s also worth noting that you may get a clearer answer with open-ended questions that get to the heart of the matter, rather than those that just require a yes/no response or idle curiosity.

Drawn to her scientific approach to this mystical subject, I spoke to Akashic Records Consultant Jen Eramith who explained that all past and future life information come from the same source, whether in the form of regression work, psychic readings or even dreams. This means there are no rules and many routes to accessing this universal library of information.

With permission (this part is important), Jen has learnt how to file through someone else’s records, to feel for information relating to specific questions. “I know I have opened a person’s Akashic Records when even though I have never met and know nothing about them, it feels like I’m falling in love. And the more each of us has a sense of Love, the more easily we access Akashic information through everyday intuition,” she told me.

Although you can gain great insight from a reading with someone like Jen, the beauty of these records is that you can access them yourself. There are thousands of guided meditations online, but from the few I listened to, they mostly seem to suggest a temple and white-robed librarian. I prefer to imagine that the records are filed digitally, like cloud storage.

A movie I’m obsessed with, Interstellar, sums up what the Akashic Records boil down to—quantum physics and love. Two incredibly complex, destiny-steering forces. Watch this clip to see what I mean, and although our intention may not be to save the world, messages can still travel through time, when we illuminate the Love within.


Sun in Cancer, Sag rising…and Chiron in Aries suggesting an ongoing healing around violence and anger issues. Amelia Quint breaks down the birth chart of the USA…


Happy Fourth of July everyone?

Given numerous painful events we’ve had to endure as a nation since our country’s last birthday, the mood at this year’s Independence Day festivities may be a little grim. Still, when Numinous founder Ruby invited me to look at the birth chart of the USA, the answer was an automatic yes! I was excited to look to the stars and see what answers they might hold about our national character, as well as America’s future.

The first thing I noticed was the Sun in Cancer with both traditional benefic planets – Venus and Jupiter – close by. That’s an amazing omen. Our founding fathers either had an incredible stroke of luck (or, some conspiracy theorists might say, some occult knowledge) working in their favor when they signed the Declaration of Independence.

Unfortunately, they also had Mercury retrograde in the same sign to contend with…

Cancer also rules heritage, something that’s deeply ingrained in the American way of life. As a nation of immigrants, we’re encouraged to always “remember where you came from,” with utmost respect for the family. And with family comes food, another inherently Cancerian realm – in particular comfort food, something our nation can do a little too well.

Cancer is also associated with hospitality, an American (especially Southern) speciality. With Venus and Jupiter here, it’s how we relate to and show our love to others, and it’s integral to our cultural philosophy. Mercury retrograde here in the USA birth chart means it might not always sound sincere, but when an American hopes you “have a nice day!” – we do generally mean it.

In contrast, Sagittarius rising gives America its “young, scrappy, and hungry” swagger.  Sagittarius ascendants are common among rebels, idealists, and philosophers – all archetypes embodied by the founding fathers. Competition comes naturally to this sign, as it has the United States, for better or for worse, at various periods during our nation’s history. Consider in particular the westward expansion, the early days of NASA, and the Cold War.

Saturn transited America’s ascendant from November to December last year, and will be hovering close by again throughout the summer of 2016. In close proximity to the ascendant, Saturn has changed and will continue to change we way we view ourselves as a nation.

What makes an American? Saturn is a difficult energy to contend with and, sadly, this conversation has taken a negative turn. It’s important to also remember that since Saturn rules karma, whatever we sow now, we will reap. If you are American, I invite you to work tireasly to invite more peace, acceptance, and openness into the American identity.

The United States also has Pluto in Capricorn, and will have a Pluto Return from 2022 to 2024. Because of his slow movement – it takes him 14 years to transit one sign! – it’s impossible for humans to have a Pluto transit at this point in time, but charts for events or countries can experience one. And since Pluto rules the cycle of death and rebirth, when he returns to his placement in the birth chart, an intensely potent transformational energy  is released. 2024 is an election year, so let’s hope the outlook then is much more positive than it is today!

Another important point in America’s chart is Chiron in Aries. Chiron is an asteroid named for the centaur that trained Hercules and other Greco-Roman heroes for their great battles. His presence points out an area that will return again and again for healing: in this case, that’s violence. Gun violence numbers in the United States wildly surpass those of other nations; yet, we can’t seem to let this go.

And so enter Chiron in Aries, making the Second Amendment the eternal dilemma our culture can’t seem to solve. Visionary Uranus transited the country’s Chiron in April and will do so again in December – so perhaps this will help us find a healing solution to the gun control debate.

In September meanwhile, Jupiter and the North Node in alignment with America’s Neptune and Midheaven in Virgo bring humanitarian efforts and the spiritual wellbeing of all people to center stage. If there were ever a time to see big victories for marginalized groups, this would be it!

Shortly thereafter, Jupiter moves into Libra –  creating an exceptionally lucky aspect called a Grand Air Trine, with the country’s Moon in Aquarius and Mars in Gemini. The element of Air rules communication and logic, so this should help everyone keep a clear head and healthy level of detachment throughout the rest of the election cycle.