Following last week’s New Moon in Gemini, the Virgo Waxing Quarter Moon’s frictional challenges offer us fodder for luscious growth, says Jennifer Racioppi. Let the uphill climb propel you forward! Artwork: Seana Gavin.
Waxing Quarter Moon :: June 1 2017 :: 8:42 am EST :: 11 degrees Virgo
With the Summer Solstice just three weeks away, June kicks off the opening square to last week’s New Moon in Gemini. Unlike New Moons, which bring fertile and harmonious alignments for new beginnings, Quarter Moons ask us to handle curveballs with grace.
So use this moment in the lunar cycle to check in on any intentions you set at the New Moon last week and see what (if any) adjustments you need to make. Good news: Venus, who rules beauty trines Saturn, who governs structure, auspiciously supporting the realignment of goals. Boom!
:: The Sun :: The Gemini Sun in an applying trine to good luck Jupiter in Libra ushers in luscious growth. While the exact trine to Jupiter happens on the 3rd, we can feel the energy building during this quarter moon. (Trines support manifestation—massively!)
This aspect helps us feel exciting summer vibes as we engage the social energy of Gemini season, strengthening bonds with those we love while meeting new people too! Yet the Sun also squares Neptune and this Moon is in Virgo, so be careful for blind spots and see what information you might have missed- stay focused on the details and don’t let important matters slip by.
:: The Moon :: The Moon in Virgo squares the Sun and opposes Neptune, forming a mutable T-square in the sky. Given that the Moon represents our emotional needs, our inner world may feel a bit unsettled today—a mutable T-square can feel confusing, especially with Neptune in the mix.
However, if we surrender to the Virgo impulse to work dutifully on behalf of staying in integrity, we may just find that any disruptive feelings ultimately help us expedite our purpose and the fruition of our goals. Now is the time to use any friction on behalf of our growth …
:: The Square :: With the Sun in Gemini waxing to her zenith at the Summer Solstice, and simultaneously squaring the Moon in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces while forming an applying trine to Jupiter, we need to take a detail-oriented approach so we can grow into our full potential. Gemini, not always the most detailed-oriented sign, can overlook essential information for the big picture. Yet, the Virgo Moon answers the call of duty, bringing us back to basics. Thank the Goddess!
:: The Message :: The Moon’s call today guides you to check your blind spots, and to see any curveballs as an appropriate challenge that supports the manifestation of your New Moon intentions set last week. The detailed oriented, humble Virgo Moon asks you to stay responsible and engaged, even though things may feel tricky or uncomfortable. The good news is, with so much positivity brewing in the cosmos, sticking with it leads to rewards.
Do. Not. Give. Up. Instead, stay focused and let any friction become fodder for your growth!
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of lunar lovers at Moon Club!
The message of the 2017 Gemini New Moon is to turn it on, tune in, and let curiosity lead to inspired possibilities, says Sandra Sitron.
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New Moon :: May 25 2017 :: 3:46 pm ET :: 4 degrees Gemini
This New Moon brings you to the entrance of Curiosity’s sanctuary. You may be hovering just outside an idea, searching for an entry point. Make a pact with Curiosity and let her guide you into the diamond encrusted center of your next big innovation.
Follow the trail that Curiosity carves for you. She’s an effervescent leader. Blithe and animated, she’ll teach you all about Gemini New Moon magic. She’ll remind you that this is a time to learn. A time to sharpen your mind. A time to connect with those close to you. Siblings, friends, neighbors, co-workers, the community board, the local coven.
Gemini is the sign of the Twins and is responsible for two important Air element topics: mindset and social connections. It’s time to set new intentions in these areas of life. When it comes to mindset, how do you want to be curious? Where are you ready to learn? What is your next innovation? What inspires you? What beliefs will you expand, shift or invigorate in the coming year?
And in the area of social connections, how do you want your friendships to feel? Which relationships will you put fresh energy into and which ones will you let go? What conversations need to take place? What connections need attention? What kind of local community organizations do you want to participate in?
Turn your brain on and up. Get off the couch, turn off the TV. Go connect some synapses. Show up to the pot-luck. Bring Scrabble. Curiosity will help you meet and mingle. She’ll remind you that every question you ask brings you into closer connection with the people around you and the world you inhabit.
Curiosity has a Gemini twin sister, Inspiration. Curiosity leads you to the idea, and Inspiration takes it from there. Inspiration will stimulate your creativity. She brings gifts— ease, dedication, focus, and fun. She nurtures and guides you, helping you complete the creative work, live in your purpose, and invigorate your world.
The aspects to the New Moon signify transformation, connecting to the feminine, spiritual awakening, and buoyant expansion. The Gemini New Moon asks you to bring curiosity and inspiration to these arenas. Set intentions for lightness and learning. Let your winged feet and mercurial mind carry you forward.
New Moon trine Jupiter Balloons drifting high into the sky. Buoyant, bold, uplifting energy can help you reach for your dreams. Fill your balloons with positivity and watch them float to the zenith. This aspect removes limitations. With nothing in your way, what is possible?
The energy is harmonizing and expansive. It gives you the chance to open your world up to new realities.
New Moon square Neptune A crystal forms under the crust of the Earth. You are incubating pure magic. This aspect funnels enchanted and ethereal vibes. Channel the energy to get closer to your spiritual truths. Ask to be transported beyond everyday anxieties or fears. Find connection to crystalline source.
There is another facet to this energy which can create confusion or fogginess. Set intentions for clarity and spiritual connection.
New Moon semi-square Venus A rose blooms where no one ever goes. Consider your deep inner connection to your feminine nature. Is there anything that needs to be ironed out? Is there a subtle denial of the feminine that is impeding your ability to connect in the way you would like to? It may be time for a new mental pathway to be forged. A new altar to Venus could be created.
New Moon sesquiquadrate Pluto The blacksmith heats the horseshoe. The horse can’t walk on this shoe. A solution is necessary, so the blacksmith gets to work. Heat up your internal furnace. It’s time for a minor transformation. The adjustment needs to be made because of a frustration. Where are you frustrated and what do you need to change? It’s not possible to move forward without bringing through some changes. Get to work.
Use the questions below to dive deeper into the lessons of the 2017 Gemini New Moon. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see which house holds 4 degrees Gemini …
Aries or New Moon in the 3rd House The Gemini New Moon is in your area of communication and learning. What aspect of your life could benefit from a fresh dose of curiosity?
Taurus or New Moon in the 2nd House The Gemini New Moon is in your area of financial worth and self-worth. What new intentions will you set for your finances?
Gemini or New Moon in the 1st House The Gemini New Moon is in your area of identity. What is blocking you from thinking about yourself in a new way?
Cancer or New Moon in the 12th House The Gemini New Moon is in your area of intuition, compassion, and spirituality. How can you make your spirituality a bigger part of your everyday life?
Leo or New Moon in the 11th House The Gemini New Moon is in your area of friends, community, and the future. What social connections are you ready to invigorate?
Virgo or New Moon in the 10th House The Gemini New Moon is in your area of career and the public sphere. What ideas would you like to share with the world?
Libra or New Moon in the 9th House The Gemini New Moon is in your area of philosophy, beliefs, travel, and higher learning. What is your mission statement?
Scorpio or New Moon in the 8th House The Gemini New Moon is in your area of evolution and union. What are you ready to let go of?
Sagittarius or New Moon in the 7th House The Gemini New Moon is in your area of relationships. What conversation do you need to have with someone you are close to?
Capricorn or New Moon in the 6th House The Gemini New Moon is in your area of health and habits. What positive habit will you begin?
Aquarius or New Moon in the 5th House The Gemini New Moon is in your area of joy and self-expression. What inspires you?
Pisces or New Moon in the 4th House The Gemini New Moon is in your area of home and family. How can you make your home into a mentally and creatively stimulating place?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.
In preparation for the 25th’s New Moon, the Aquarius Waning Quarter Moon asks us to look back before we charge into the future. Revisit and restructure so you can get ready to radicalize, says Jennifer Racioppi. Artwork: Seana Gavin
Waning Quarter Moon :: May 18 2017 :: 10:46 pm EST :: 28 Degrees Aquarius
Marking the halfway point between the 10th’s Full Moon in Scorpio and the 25th’s New Moon in Gemini, the Aquarius Waning Quarter Moon reveals that it’s essential to look backward before charging forward.
Think back to February 2015’s Aquarius New Moon. This current Quarter Moon brings those past intentions and actions into greater focus. Try to decipher what’s culminating in your life now that relates to seeds planted then.
Simultaneously, on the day after the Aquarius Waning Quarter Moon, we will experience the second of three trines (a positive golden aspect) between Uranus, who represents revolution and freedom, and Saturn, who offers a heavy dose of structure and discipline. The first of these three trines happened on December 24, 2016, and the final will occur on November 11, 2017. This positive aspect suggests an innovative breakthrough in the structures of life. Use it to your advantage!
:: The Sun :: With the Sun at the tail end of steady, stable, sensual Taurus, and primed to enter quick witted and communicative Gemini on the 20th, we sit on the heels of change. As we take in the last moments of Taurus and prepare to switch zodiac signs, the Sun forms a T-square with the nodes of fate. This evolutionary configuration asks us to take stock of where we are in relation to our desires, goals, and dharma.
When the Sun moves into Gemini, it’ll be time to get into the flow of socializing, communicating, and networking. Right now, however, we have the opportunity to assess, systematize, and steadily focus our attention on where we are in relationship to our desired outcomes, and to make changes accordingly.
:: The Moon:: The future-oriented, humanitarian driven Aquarius Moon conjoins the South Node before moving into Pisces hours after this square. With the Moon in this delicate position, squaring the Sun and opposing the North Node of Destiny, forgiveness becomes paramount. As you assess your progress, have a forgiving heart. Tenderly release expectations that have not come to fruition. You need to make room for the bigger and better things just around the corner.
:: The Square :: The Sun in Taurus squaring the Moon in Aquarius asks us to look at any friction between our desires for practicality, and our needs for innovation and humanitarian drives. The Sun in Taurus favors the tried and true path of tradition. However, the Aquarius moon wants progress, change, and forward momentum.
Since this waning square also involves the North and South Nodes, it’s essential to lean more into Aquarius than Taurus. Remember, one day after this Quarter Moon, Uranus and Saturn trine, which promotes progress and innovation. Shortly afterward, the Sun moves into social Gemini. So let progress lead the way!
:: The Message ::
Revaluate. Plan. Innovate. Release. Surrender. Trust. With the Sun squaring the nodes of fate, and the Aquarius Moon directly conjoined to the South Node, this Quarter Moon drives us to evaluate how are doing so we can lean more fully into our progressive ideals.
This turning point of 2017 asks us to let go of what no longer serves us. Is there anything you need to release that stands in the way of receiving your intended goals? Are you ready to cultivate the prosperity and joy from all of your hard work? Under Taurus Sun’s influence, letting go is hard. But don’t let that stop you. Use this Waning Quarter Moon to make progressive adjustments.
Allow friction to propel you forward …
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of lunar lovers at Moon Club!