The numerology of 11/11 is a time to get focused on what we truly want—and walk through the door to a world of new possibilities, says Felicia Bender …
In Numerology, the 11 is a Master Number.
So what does that mean? Master Numbers are repeating numbers (11, 22, 33, and so on). Master Numbers contain a higher spiritual vibration, for lack of a better term. A Master Number is a highly charged frequency made of energy that brings specific opportunities to us when it shows up.
So what’s the 11 all about?
First of all, the number 1 is all about new beginnings, independence, initiative, achievement, individuation, self-confidence, and innovative creativity. So when you see this repeating number—a double number one—remind yourself to focus on what you want in your life rather than what you don’t want.
The energy of the number 1 expands what we’re focused on. With this energy in our court, we’ll begin to manifest our thoughts and desires into reality with turbo-speed. It’s imperative to be disciplined and mindful about how we focus our thoughts and actions. If there’s any time to dive into your positive affirmation file, this is the time.
As Mother Teresa once said: “I’m not against war, I’m for peace.”
So rather than grid-locking our emotions around what we don’t like or what we don’t want, this is a portal to fully shift out of “I’m anti-[fill-in-the-blank]” and into “I’m for [Fill-In-The-Blank]. 11/11 is a doorway to significant expansion in the way we see ourselves and our place within the world—including within the current political landscape.
The 11 is also the higher level 2 energy. The number 2 is all about harmony, balance, cooperation, diplomacy, and love. Part of the challenge of the 11 is learning to align the personal will and sense of being with divine will or the higher realms.
As for the date 11/11, this can be seen as an opening—a doorway. If you look at the numbers, you can see this visual representation —since each 11 actually looks like a door. The two doors can be seen as an intersection between the physical world and the spiritual world.
And so, on this especially important 11/11, make sure to focus your thoughts, think of the bigger picture, and see what opportunities are opening up to you.
1/11 ushers in a Harry Potter-ish portal for magical transformation, says Felicia Bender. Get ready for lift-off!
Welcome to the New Year!
I’m getting feedback across the board that 2017 was a real equalizer for most of us. A friend of mine said it simply and eloquently:
“Goodbye 2017. There’s not one damn thing I’ll miss about you.”
And while I’m more than relieved to wave “Adieu” to the year TOO, I also know that the purpose behind all the intensity in 2017 was to ready us for significant and substantial change.
And the Universe chose to pave the way by pitching many of us hardballs all year long. There’s nothing like being roughed up a bit to get our priorities straight, right?
So now what?
Prepare yourself – and get ready to engage your portal for lift-off in an almost Harry Potter-ish sort of way. It’s as though 1/11 is the “Port Key” that Harry and his buddies use to get from one location to the other—magically and instantaneously.
Numerologically speaking, the numerology of 1/11 is a gateway for us to focus our intentions and put thought into action. This day is a launching pad and a conduit to manifesting whatever we’ve been working on during the entire year of 2017. And no, it won’t manifest in the wave of a wand—and yet we can work with the powerful numerology of 1/11 to our distinct advantage now that we know it exists.
Understand that the energy related to the number 1 is all about new beginnings, independence, initiative, achievement, individuation, self-confidence, and innovative creativity.
So, with the numerology of 1/11 it’s beneficial to remind ourselves to focus on what we want rather than what we don’t want, because the energy of the number 1 expands what we repeatedly and routinely think about. It’s indicating that a window of opportunity is being flung open for us—with this energy in our court, we’ll begin to manifest our thoughts and desires into reality with remarkable speed.
So the trick is to be disciplined and mindful about how we focus our thoughts—this is good advice for every day and yet imperative for the numerology of 1/11. If there’s any time to make a highly concerted effort to positively and boldly envision your present and your future, this is the moment. Don’t waste this valuable and high-powered energy lingering in the past, hovering in indecision, or grinding about how your ex is such a jerk!
Use this “Port Key” to unlock your wildest wants, most delicious desires, and purposeful passions. Step through the muck and into 2018 with the clear intention to throw caution to the wind. This goes for our personal lives and reaches out into the stratosphere of our geo-political world stage.
1/11 is the day to examine long-held beliefs that we may not be true for us anymore.
1/11 is the day to forgive ourselves (and others) and get on with it!
1/11 is the day to expansively begin the practical and magical path to creating a deeply enriching new phase of our lives.
“We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.”—Sirius Black in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
And let Ron’s advice keep you buoyant and focused during this transitional and transformational 2018: “Don’t let the Muggles get you down.”
Did you know a regular deck of playing cards holds the keys to your life path? Alexander Dunlop explains how the secret mystical history of playing cards also explains our fear of the number 13 … Images: Farhan Siddicq
Allow me to lead you down the Rabbit Hole for a few minutes …
What if I told you the ancient Book of Life was hidden in plain sight as, of all things, the classic deck of 52 playing cards? And that we can trace this Book all the way back to 5,000 BC.
Historically, it’s interwoven with the mystical traditions of Kabbalah and Hermetic philosophy. And remember, books didn’t have bindings back then. Written on scrolls and individual pieces of parchment, they were still called “books.”
Now consider this: There are 52 cards in the deck and 52 weeks in a year. 4 suits and 4 seasons. And, when we add up the face values of all the cards including the Jokers, we get exactly 365 1/4, which is our calendar year.
So, what we’ve actually got in a deck of playing cards is a little Book of symbols that represents the seasons and the cycles of our planet … a Book of our life here on Earth.
Now, here’s the deal (pun intended) with how this relates to YOU.
Based on the numbers of our date of birth, we each have 13 Personal Cards in a deck. We calculate these 13 Cards based on numerology and astrology, and each of these 13 Cards, plus a supporting Moon Card, represents different aspects of our life.
With this information, a simple deck of playing cards can reveal our Soul’s blueprint, or life journey. And when we know this Blueprint, it’s like having our own personal User’s Guide for how to win at life.
THE BLUEPRINT … (find a link to start looking up YOUR cards at the end of the post!)
0. Moon Card This is the energy that nurtures and supports us in life. For example, my Moon Card is the 3 of Spades. It means that creative artistic expression rejuvenates my spirits. And when I need a boost of energy, it’s a good idea for me to surround myself with great art.
1. Birth Card This is the light we shine in life. It’s kinda like our Sun Card. And when we know this Card, we know our Life Purpose. For example, someone born to play the Ace of Hearts, like Lebron James, is here to master the passions of their heart. And Lebron has definitely Aced the game he loves (basketball) and become a philanthropic Ace as well, giving back passionately to his community.
2. Mercury Card This Card reveals how your mind works, which is great. But most people over-identify with the energy represented by this Card. I know I did. I was very much stuck in my mind, until finding the Book of Life helped me consciously align myself to the Life Purpose indicated by my Birth Card.
3. Venus Card This is the Love Card. And if someone has this Card as their Birth Card, then you’ll have lovely chemistry between you. For example, my Venus Card is the 5 of Diamonds, and once I knew that, I consciously chose a woman as my romantic partner who has my Venus Card as her Birth Card. Score!
4. Mars Card This is your masculine side. And when someone else has this Card to play, it can mean that sparks fly between you. It might mean a challenging connection, but it could also mean you would have great sex together.
For example, in the movie Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot has both a Venus and a Mars connection with her co-star Chris Pine. So, the energy between them on screen was one of love but also sexual tension and competition, as they each energetically challenged the other to step up their game. That was good casting!
5. Jupiter Card This Card is an energy that expands you and brings you abundance in life. For example, Angelina Jolie has the Jack of Spades as her Jupiter Card. The Jack of Spades is, among other things, the Actor’s Card. And she has definitely found abundance in life as an actress.
Then too, someone who has your Jupiter Card as their Birth Card would be a good potential business partner for you. So, if Angelina Jolie wanted to start a business, someone born to play the Jack of Spades as their Birth Card would be a good business partner for her.
6. Saturn Card This Card represents how we learn our life lessons. And if we don’t heed the lessons of our Saturn Card, our health suffers.
Hillary Clinton has the 9 of Diamonds as her Saturn Card. This is the Card of loss. It doesn’t necessarily mean she would have lost the election because of it. But loss is her teacher in life. Her Soul’s Blueprint is written for her to experience loss. And for her personal growth, she must learn to let go of her attachment to whatever she lost, so she can grow from it, personally.
7. Uranus Card This Card reveals what kinds of unexpected and pivotal shifts will occur in our lives. It’s really good to know this Card, so we’re not blindsided by a shift that might appear tragic. Instead, we can welcome this shift when it occurs in our lives.
8. Neptune Card This is what we dream about in life. This Card is the subject of our recurring daydreams. For instance, if the Ace of Diamonds is your Neptune Card, it means you will fantasize about starting your own business.
9. Pluto Card This Card illuminates the shadow side of our psyche. It’s what we irrationally and unconsciously fear.
For example, Donald Trump has the 2 of Hearts as his Pluto Card. The 2 of Hearts is the Card of emotional connection and intimacy. It would mean that he is irrationally afraid of emotional intimacy. And we know from many interviews that he is a loner who doesn’t trust anyone.
And, in my coaching work too, I’ve seen that people who have the 2 of Hearts as their Pluto Card have this same issue of learning to open their heart to real intimacy.
10. Princess Card This Card reveals the reward we can expect in life for playing our cards right. It’s a gift that comes to us freely as a gift of grace.
For example, Warren Buffet has the Jack of Diamonds as his 10th Card. This is the Card of generating wealth. And he has certainly generated massive wealth. But what we may not realize is that his wealth came to him as a gift of grace. He seems to realize it, which may be why he’s decided to give it all away.
11. Prince Card This Card reveals exactly what we must take personal responsibility for in our lives. But it’s something that we may resist or avoid because we feel like it’s a burden.
12. Queen Card This Card reveals what we must embody to fulfill our lives. It’s the energy that we must perfect if we want to complete our Soul’s destiny.
13. King Card This is the 13th and final Card in our Life Path. And this Card reveals how we come to hold commanding authority in our lives.
For example, Oprah Winfrey has the Queen of Hearts as her 13th Card. And she clearly stepped into her power and authority as the Queen of daytime talk shows. She became the Queen of people’s hearts, and continues in that role philanthropically.
And so it is that we all have 13 Cards to play in life. But it’s the 13th Card that reveals how we wear the final crown of authority in our lives. It puts a new perspective on our collective fear of the number 13.
Our collective fear of the number 13 seems to represent an unconscious, irrational fear of being a fully empowered master of our own lives.
It reminds me of Marianne Willamson’s observation: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”
And that’s the hidden truth of our fear of the number 13: we fear our own extraordinary power.
But once we see our 13th Card clearly in the Book of Life, we can start to demystify our power, so we no longer fear it; instead, we can accept it and embrace it. It’s how we start to activate our Soul’s Blueprint, which is how we bring forth the best version of ourselves.
To learn more about Alexander and his work and to get started looking up your personal Cards for free click HERE. And to look up all 13 Cards in your Life Path, check out Alexander’s new book Play Your Cards Right: A Sacred Guide To Life On Earth.
Alexander Dunlop is a Self-Actualization Consultant. He empowers you to express your authentic Self, so you shine your brightest light and make your biggest impact. In his professional practice, he coaches clients worldwide, leads classes internationally, and provides professional certification training for students wishing to master the game of life. Alexander is a Harvard graduate and former Wall Street Consultant. He lives in Brooklyn with his soulmate and two children.
The numerology of 2/2 is a launchpad for love—but it also asks that we be patient, and put what “we” need first, says Felicia Bender…Artwork: Marietta Varga
Be careful what you wish for because the power resides in connection and there is no better time than now—the first few weeks of the Trump Presidency—to take advantage of the energy that 2/2 is throwing down for all of us.
The numerology of 2/2 can serve as an energetic launching pad for all things LOVE. On the microcosmic realm this includes friendships, partnerships, family love, and intimate partnerships. And on the macrocosmic realm this encompasses our relationship to each other on a Universal and soul level—through our connected consciousness and core desire to “love and be loved in return.”
As a repeating number, this holds particular resonance. On this day, if you choose (and often even if you don’t consciously choose!) to be open and receptive, the energy here supports the revealing, or establishment, of soul connections and/or “contracts” that are initiating and being played out.
This is also a message that we are supported by more than we can see or comprehend while here on terra firma. The numerology of 2/2 offers an opportunity to open the heart, discipline the emotions, and opt for diplomacy over a win-lose scenario.
Overall, the message for us on February 2 (in 2017 and every year) is a reassurance that even though it may look at though we’re all going to Hell in a handcart, the chaos is necessary for whatever restructuring is taking place. It is hard. It is uncomfortable. Some might say it’s devastating and appalling. Yet the energy here is all about patience and right timing. Be patient and the timing will reveal itself.
3 Ways To Keep Use The Numerology of 2/2 To Be A Compassionate Rebel
Remember there’s power in numbers. (And I don’t mean just Numerology!) If this election has taught us anything—no matter how you voted—it has put us on the fast track to understanding that we can’t exist as “an island.” We need each other. We are imminently more powerful when we work together for a common cause, no matter what that cause might be. This isn’t the time for the “lone wolf.” When two or more people meet for a common goal, the influence and power rises exponentially.
LOVE is love is love is love. Lin-Manuel Miranda sets the tone and the theme for 2/2 and beyond.
Patience, like it or not, is a virtue. The energy of the number 2 is all about right timing. It’s emotionally attuned. It’s far more concerned with what’s right for “us” versus “me.” Its energy supports mediation, diplomacy, and loving kindness. It allows and nurtures process. And while there is a certain “fire” burning politically throughout the world right now, the numerology of 2/2 reminds us there is much going on “behind the scenes,” so to speak.
The power resides in coming together and standing strong and peacefully in solidarity. The key is in taking concerted action in tandem with a diplomatic approach to formulating real solutions to the myriad issues at hand—with the clear understanding that these solutions and their implementation will take time, thought, diligence, and cooperation.
The numerology of 12/12 is a portal to cultivate awareness of how we show up in relationships, says Felicia Bender…Artwork: Giulia Bersani
In Numerology, when we experience repeating number patterns it brings meaning and influence. It sets up a certain “vibe” or portal of energy from which to operate on a more evolved and optimal level.
The date 12/12 is no exception.
This combination is an intriguing mix because the energy of the 1 is focused on you—your independence and individuality. While the energy of the 2 brings in the need and desire for partnership, connection, and unity.
The numerology of 12/12 offers the energy to contemplate and make solid changes with how you show up for your relationships. And even if you’re resistant to making changes in this area, this number combination will force your hand. Often a transformation will be driven by forces you consider outside of your immediate control.
The numerology of 12/12 also offers a new start in some sort of relationship—or relationships—in your life. Business, intimate, family, or friends. 12/12 is bringing a frequency of change that focuses on relationships.
The number 1 is all about understanding your sense of yourself as an independent entity and the number 2 focuses on your relationship both with yourself and with others—so the numerology of 12/12 also has walks the path between yin and yang, masculine and feminine. And the harmonizing of the two within yourself and within your world.
So while this day offers a portal of energy encouraging dynamic transformation within one or more of your key relationships, it also reminds us to define healthy boundaries while also asking for and accepting the loving support of others. It’s a delicate balance to be sure, and yet a vital and expansive opportunity for us if we’re open to starting something new and different in the relationship realm.
:: 3 Ways to Optimize the Vibe of 12/12 ::
Get Real. As Dr. Phil might say: “And how’s that workin’ for ya’?” Ask yourself this question about your key relationships and lay yourself bare in your openness to the answer.
Take Action. The number 1 is not about contemplation, it thrives with action. Don’t think about it for too long. Forgo analysis paralysis and do what needs to be done.
Expose Your Heart. The number 2 is all about love, diplomacy, and emotional acuity. The danger is in folding yourself into others’ expectations and losing yourself in the process. So do evaluate your next move with love and compassion. Both toward yourself and toward others.
The numerology of 10/10 brings a double dose of good karma—if we are brave enough to use it, says Felicia Bender…Artwork: Eandaru Kusumaatmaja
In Numerology, the number 10 is a Karmic number.
Yet while the other Karmic numbers (13, 14, 16, and 19) indicate that there is a debt to be paid, the Karmic number 10 offers something different.
This number actually offers a burst of “good” karma.
And with a double dose of this energy available to us on 10/10, comes a fabulous opportunity to do some work around completing certain things in your life that need closure. To be kaput. Done. Finito.
As such, the numerology of 10/10 offers us a portal for rebirth. For here is an opportunity to identify and act upon our sense of individuality and assert our independence in a healthy and dynamic way. It is challenging us to step into our authentic and unique gifts.
For with the numerology of 10/10, we’re also offered an energetic opening that links with the valuable energies of the number 1—which are leadership, independence, individuality, creativity, and a pioneering spirit.
And so, if we are willing and ready, here is an invitation to take action to finish what is DONE in our lives, and then turn our focus and our talents to new beginnings.
This said, the numerology of 10/10 will take considerable courage and initiation for optimal results.
And as if it weren’t powerful enough on its own, this year 10/10 is happening in the number 9 Universal Year (2016 is a 9 Universal Year). So this day offers some added punch—IF you’re ready to surrender, and to let go of what is no longer serving you and opening yourself to making room to change to enter your life.
The Universal energy of the 9 has been plying all of us all year long with intense energies related to change, transformation, and letting go.
And, now that we’re readying for 2017—a 1 Universal Year—this collision of the 9 and the date 10/10 becomes super-powered.
Don’t miss out on setting the stage for stepping into the next big thing in your life.
Rethink your own thinking. Can you step back and see the ways in which you have perhaps been living with an outdated operating system? Working within limited beliefs and worn out memories that continue to hold you hostage in an unfulfilling or off-track life?
No more excuses. This one is self-explanatory. It’s time to take responsibility for where you find yourself right now—the good, bad, and the ugly. Step into where you are and make a plan for the change you want to see, whether it’s one small step or a monumental shift.
Lighten up. All of this change, transitional and momentum can feel unsettling and can tip into overwhelm, and a feeling of being heavy and “too much.” If this is the case, try to shift perspective and pace yourself. Find humor when you least expect it.
The numerology of 999 is a powerful invitation to let go and move forward in our journey, says Felicia Bender. Artwork: Victor Moatti
Ah, sweet surrender.
September 9, 2016 breaks down to 9-9-9 (since “2016” = 2+0+1+6 = 9, making this a Universal 9 Year). The code is a message and also an energetic reality.
This day opens us to surrender on the highest realm. It is the end of a concerted struggle and a transition into wisdom or even a sense of rebirth.
Think about what has constituted your biggest or most consistent struggle—either in the past year, or even throughout your life. This is the time to put this issue (or issues) to center stage and into the spotlight. Now is the time to make some deep changes.
In Numerology, the number 9 is sacred and offers all of the lessons related to all the numbers 1-8. It challenges us to take the lead and embrace independence (1), to love and serve the needs of everyone (2), to express emotions in a healthy way and to be creative (3), to work hard and create stability (4), to use freedom constructively and have fun (5), to nurture and create a home (6), to live with a spiritual base and also ask questions (7), and to empower ourselves and to manifest in the material world (8).
The numerology of 999, day where there is a TRIPLE serving of 9 energy, it opens us—whether we “like” it or not—to our truth, in ways that we have been both searching for and avoiding. While we can say we want enlightenment, we often romanticize it, when the actuality is that enlightenment a painful process. It is a constant stripping away and revealing of Truth and also shines a light on how we must participate in creating what we want in the world.
There is true beauty in the transition opening on this special day. And given we also have two eclipses in September—which themselves are known to accelerate change in a big way—the numerology of 999 in this particular year presents an opportune time to unveil your deepest desires and visualize what it would look and feel like to step into your new reality.
So how to maximize the numerology of 999?
TAKE THE LEAP. Have you been hovering around a decision for so long you can’t remember a time when it hasn’t been eating at you? For example, I know people who have been thinking about getting a divorce for years and just continue to hover in the relationship. A friend of mine said it so well: If you’re constantly thinking about whether or not you should be in your marriage, you shouldn’t be in your marriage! If you’re meant to be there, thinking about whether or not you should stay or go is simply not on the radar.
BE REAL about your actions and participation—while forgiving yourself fully and completely. Do you keep beating yourself up about something you did or didn’t do in the past? Do you replay it over and over again? I think it’s Byron Katie who observes that often we have one traumatic experience and yet our mind relives it so often, it is if we experience the trauma every time we replay it. This is the time to find a way to truly forgive yourself and move on. It’s up to you to find your way to do it—Therapy? Energy work? Hypnosis? A “Release” ritual? Whatever speaks to you, try it it.
EXPAND YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS. Oh, sure. Sounds so cliché. Yet the energy of the 9 is optimized when we can truly live the Buddhist tenant of being Present—when we can live in the moment, let go of the past without resentment, and be open and curious about the future. If there’s ever a time to clear our slate of negativity, this is it. And this is made more challenging by the current conditions we’re experiencing in the world. There is so much tumultuous change, it can be disconcerting. Yet if we can be the eye in the center of the hurricane—even in the most intense times—the rest of it will become so simple.
With the lucky planet’s move into the sign of harmony, relationships and social justice, Jupiter in Libra will bring blessings for every sign, says Ash Bonelli… Artwork: Paula Duró
Jupiter, our cosmic Santa Claus, will enter the sign of Libra on September 9, 2016, and will stay here until October 10, 2017. Jupiter spends roughly a year in each sign creating a 12-year cycle. He basically vacations through each house of your natal chart giving you the opportunity to experience his qualities in each area of your life, and so each 12-year cycle signifies an all-encompassing period of growth. In astrology, each house also builds on and balances the one before it, bringing you experiences that help you gain knowledge and maturity with each passing phase.
Jupiter has been in the sign of its detriment, Virgo, for the last year. In non-astro speak, this means he’s been a bit uncomfortable. Jupiter wants to go BIG, and has the tendency to indulge if not kept in check. Virgo likes to look over each detail until everything is absolutely perfect no matter how long it takes. This past year these two opposing energies have made for strange bedfellows for sure! Jupiter has had to learn the art of pure focus and Virgo has had a chance to see the entire forest, not just the bark of each branch. Now that Jupiter is moving into the Libran area of your chart, life will run a bit more smoothly.
A reason to celebrate, since gratitude is the quickest way to usher in more gifts—which is what this planet is all about! Jupiter in Libra 2016 will highlight relationships of all kinds, which I will touch on below. Libra also likes elegance, balance, and fairness. Jupiter stands behind justice and equality. This transit will also highlight the other three cardinal signs, so you will also notice a boost to any area where you are Aries, Capricorn and Cancer.
This will be a welcome reprieve as the cardinal signs have been hit really hard over the last few years with the consciousness shifting Uranus/Pluto square. No matter where your planets reside you all have these signs in your chart so everyone will get a taste of Jupiter’s blessings! Listed below are some suggestions as to how Jupiter in Libra 2016 may express itself for your sign. If you have your chart, you can get a more accurate read of how Jupiter in Libra may impact your life by checking which house is ruled by Libra. Don’t have your chart? You can do it for free here—but you will need to know your exact time of birth to know which sign rules each house.
These are not rigid interpretations but rather some inspiration to get you thinking about that part of your life. Little jumping off points to help guide your free will and connect you to the flow of your path!
LIBRA :: LIBRA RISING (Jupiter in the 1st house) Jupiter in the 1st house is about to expand possibilities around how you put yourself out in the world. This transit can add a nice boost to your self-confidence and can give your aura an extra sparkle. Jupiter in Libra can help you express yourself in a more successful way which in turn can bring about more opportunities for healing and growth. You may notice that you desire to be seen and heard more, especially in your personal relationships. You could use this transit to get more in touch with what you need out of your relationships and really be mindful of how your energy is given.
The 1st house also rules our bodies so this would be a great time to kick start any healthy endeavors that have been lingering about at the end of the to do list. You could switch up your diet to include more greens, start meditating to connect more to your higher self or start exercising. Whatever you choose to embark on will grow and most likely at a faster rate than usual but keep in mind that Jupiter can blow up even the negative choices. So choose wisely about your body, health and relationships this year!
VIRGO :: VIRGO RISING (Jupiter in the 2nd house) This transit could amplify all 5 senses. You may feel the need to dive deeper into self-care and start a new routine around how you could love yourself more. The things in life that you value most could come up for review and this includes the relationship you have to yourself. Where and how you find pleasure will likely be more important in the year ahead. An emphasis could be placed upon your material world and how your possessions either make you feel more safe and secure or weighed down.
This transit can be a boost to your finances through a raise, promotion or career shift. This house usually doesn’t lend itself to quick abrupt changes though so the pace may move a bit slower than usual for Jupiter’s liking. Slow and steady wins the race though so enjoy the finer things in life without completely blowing through the extra funds you may find yourself having. Jupiter can blow things out of proportion so embrace what feels good while always keeping a foot planted on the grassy hills of reality. Also, enjoy the boost to your self-esteem and take time to figure out how you can create more stability in your life!
LEO :: LEO RISING (Jupiter in the 3rd house) Jupiter is about to have a year long conversation with you. As he glides through your house of communication you might notice yourself becoming a bit more chatty. You may become more involved in your community or social groups. Your relationship to your siblings might be more prominent at this time as well. The 3rd house symbolizes our ability to express through teaching, writing and engaging so you may go back to school to catapult at new career path. Simply learning a new skill either through a structured program or a DIY book could capture your interest.
If you ever wanted to become a better public speaker, write an article for a magazine you love, start a blog or get involved with a charity, this would be your year to do it. Jupiter riding side saddle here can bring blessings that make us more confident and open. People seem to receive us in a really positive way which just builds on that amped up self-esteem! So get out and connect. Be open to possibilities such as fun weekend mini-trips, learning opportunities and all around growth in how you express you!
CANCER :: CANCER RISING (Jupiter in the 4th house) Jupiter comes homes for you during this transit. The 4th house represents our family, our homes, our security and our roots. You may find yourself being more of a homebody than usual. Also, the desire to be more involved with your loved ones could grow stronger. This can also signify a time when a new member gets added to the family unit. Baby bells may be chiming! Home improvements or moving to a new residence could be in order. Jupiter wants room to grow and expand his independent intentions so you may need to work on creating more freedom within your family dynamics.
This could be a healing time for you, where you discover more about what you need to feel more secure and stable. Sometimes we have to grow past our comfort zones to really see what we are capable of and what we really need in our hearts. Elements of the past may come up for review as this house symbolizes our roots. You may discover more about your ancestry and get a better understanding of yourself via a new perspective and appreciation for the blood pulsing through your veins. Use this transit to connect deeper to someone in your family, blood or not and embrace what you need to feel more centered.
GEMINI :: GEMINI RISING (Jupiter in the 5th house) Welcome to the party! Jupiter likes to enjoy himself in this house. This is traditionally the house of Leo so all things playful, dramatic, creative and expressive are going to be highlighted this time around. This is also the house of falling in love and dating. It’s the house where we flirt and the first flutters of romance are in the air. With the jovial king here you may meet someone new and have a passionate love affair. Considering this is a Jupiter in Libra transit, the potential for all romantic relationships will be highlighted. A jolt of new sparks could fly for the longtime couples as well so never fear if you are already happily paired up.
This could also be a time of heightened artistic expression. Keep in mind you don’t have to be a traditional artist to be creative, although if you are this could be an amazing year for you. Any hobby or craft already in your life could really grow in importance or you may find a completely new creative passion. This is also the house of indulgence so to keep from going overboard be respectfully mindful of the fact that Jupiter also enjoys the act of going over the top. He will big up anything he touches. So with that in mind embrace the fun and enjoy life but remember to keep your head above the water!
TAURUS :: TAURUS RISING (Jupiter in the 6th house) Jupiter gets a new routine here. The 6th house governs over our bodies, our health, our need for perfection, our work routine and acts of service. Considering this transit is moving through Libra you may notice that you are paying more attention to the relationship you have with your body. This would be a great year to start eating more whole fresh foods, to start a new workout program and just be more aware of your mind/body connection. Another point of focus could be on your daily routines, (the little tasks that make life a bit dull) and how you could move through them with more efficiency.
The daily grind will either feel more fluid or you will recognize you need more freedom from certain routines. Now will be the time to correct your daily habits to better suit your needs. You may also see some success at work via a promotion or you may shift jobs entirely. Also, this could be a time where you get involved in some type of charity work that speaks to heart. Jupiter has faith in humanity and the universe so you may feel yourself naturally tap into that altruistic energy! Use this benefic presence to find perfection in the imperfections and to get healthier!
ARIES :: ARIES RISING (Jupiter in the 7th house) Ah, the house of love! With Libra ruling this house, relationships of all kinds may always be a big focus in your life but with Jupiter moving in for the next year, he will be kicking things into high gear. This could be the year that you take your romantic relationship from dating to co-nesting or a bigger option, (remember Jupey poo likes BIG) wedding bells! With that said if you are in an unhealthy relationship this could also be the time that you cut those toxic strings and work on the love affair with your own heart. The Jupiterian energy will be there helping you to make big leaps that you may have been too scared to make beforehand. Just trust your heart and forge ahead with your head held high!
On the less love focused front, you may meet someone who would make the perfect business partner giving you the spark you need to embark on bringing those indie business dreams to fruition. Collaboration of all kinds could be major themes for the year! Get social and connect because you never know who is coming onto your path to help you out! We can meet our earth angels anywhere.
PISCES :: PISCES RISING (Jupiter in the 8th house) Jupiter goes deep into the soul with this transit. This is the house of sex, death and taxes. The human shadow. Our spirit wounds. Our power and how we use it. You may find that you desire to have more control over your life in general and the positive energy now available with this transit is here to help you attain that goal. You may need to do some soul searching though because power is only a good thing when the intention behind it comes from a healthy and balanced place. You may start to see where you are out of balance when it comes to wanting to control certain people, situations or experiences in your life.
This is Scorpio’s house so stepping into the fire to come out anew is a dominant theme here. You may need to let go of an attitude, belief or person in order to overcome and heal. With the benefic energy here though you will have aid at your side. You will find the strength needed to evolve and grow past any self-imposed limits. This could also be a time of increased money in your pocket. This would most likely come from an inheritance, property sale, legal issues being solved or any situation where the finances come from someone else instead of your job. Use this good energy to move past any soul blocks and come out on the other side with a happier healthier spirit!
AQUARIUS :: AQUARIUS RISING (Jupiter in the 9th house) Jupiter loves the 9th house! This house governs all of his favorite subjects. Traveling, teaching, law, publishing, spirituality and philosophy. You may find yourself traveling or studying foreign cultures. Getting totally immersed in another language and lifestyle. Adventures are highly smiled upon during this transit. Also, education could be a big focus this year. You may go back and get the Master’s Degree that you’ve been dreaming about for years. This will probably be a year of thinking, understanding, learning, sharing and preparing. Like the 3rd house description above you may go to a traditional institution for your area of study or you may choose to teach yourself something new.
Either way, the amplified learning energy is there for the taking. Diving into a new spiritual practice or getting involved more intimately with your existing religious practices could be highlighted. Understanding your place in the world and understanding other people’s ways of life could provide valuable insights into your soul’s growth. Faith and optimism will be key features this year which you can apply to any section of your life for a boost of good energy. Use this auspicious time to learn more about yourself and your world! Learn a skill that you never thought you could before. Surprise yourself!
CAPRICORN :: CAPRICORN RISING (Jupiter in the 10th house) Jupiter meets the boss! The beautiful benefit will be bringing the blessings to your career house. Polish up your public persona because you may find that you are in social situations where you are the focal point more often than usual. This is a good time to make your mark and put yourself out there for the world to see your greatness. You may get a promotion or venture into a new career field. This can be a very exciting time because everything you’ve been learning via Jupiter’s previous transits can be put to good use in how you express yourself. Think about any valuable lessons you have learned over the past year while Jupiter was in Virgo.
Those lessons can be applied into action steps now. You can also find a great new mentor during this transit as the 1oth house rules elders/bosses/authority. This could be someone who can help you shape up your goals to reach the next level. Be open to any opportunities to get in front of people because you never know who you will meet next on the path that could change your life! Jupiter is here to help you be in charge of your life. So get your GirlBoss on and go after your best dreams!
SAGITTARIUS :: SAGITTARIUS RISING (Jupiter in the 11th house) Time to get social! This transit helps you expand your tribe. The people that you feel on a soul level really get you. All your unique traits are appreciated and even celebrated during this transit. You may have the desire to be way more social than usual. This always throws off the introverts, so never fear my little home dwellers, it’s only a year! Plus this isn’t the painful socializing we must do to “play the game.” This is fun, optimistic, heart opening experiences that make you fall in love with how awesome humans can be.
The 11th house is the home of hopes and wishes so it’s possible that your birthday wish could come true or something you worked very hard on over the past year while Jupiter was amping up your career house will come to fruition. You may also find a charity or cause that really speaks to your heart. You could find yourself giving back and discover a new way of being seen via really seeing others in an amazing, vulnerable way. Your attitude could also shift into more eccentric, unique and striking ways! Embrace your own quirky behaviors, have fun with your new friends and get connected with a cause that makes this a better world for us all!
SCORPIO :: SCORPIO RISING (Jupiter in the 12th house) Jupiter goes undercover. This is more of an internally felt transit. After a year of Jupiter being in your social 11th house you may want this year ahead to be more private. This has a very healing, lunar, yin energy to it. You can use this time to integrate all of the experiences good or bad that you’ve had via your previous 11 Jupiter transits. This is a great time to start a meditation practice to let go of any unwanted gunk that has built up in your psyche. Restorative Yoga or Tai Chi would also be good choices to help cleanse the energetic body. Jupiter can bless you with the positive energy to work on your relationship to self-love and help you create new healthy practices.
You can think of this next year as healing prep for the new cycle that will begin when Jupiter moves into your 1st house and touches on your Ascendant. Shedding old skin and parsing through your soul’s needs so you can move ahead fresh and ready for Jupiter’s next 12 year sojourn. There can also be a focus on any health issues that have been buried or ignored that need addressing. Use this time to deeply check-in with yourself, find something to revere and honor in your life and allow the time needed to emerge from this blessed chrysalis!
Felicia Bender explains how to use the powerful numerology of 8/8 to bring about your greatest manifestations…
A day to channel your inner Daenerys
Question: What could possibly be more exciting than Leo season?
Answer: Leo season and the magical manifestation energy of the number 8!
In Numerology, the number 8 brings energy related to manifestation in the material world. It’s all about money, power, and achievement. And don’t misread the 8 as relating to “money only.” This energy is all about personal empowerment, since we really can’t fully manifest in the material world without a strong sense of self—and a consistent ability to be resilient, ethical, and hard-working.
Still, the numerology of 8/8 offers a strong vortex of manifestation energy that’s there for the taking. This is a powerful day to take a long-term view of your goals. Are you happy with your financial situation? If so, keep doing that. If not-so-much, then using this day to sit down and take a deep look at where you are, how you got there, and perhaps where you want to be instead, is mandatory.
And as a passing thought en route to the grocery store won’t cut it. This requires some concerted soul-searching and a bit’o long-term planning. Because the energy of the 8 isn’t “light.” It’s not particularly easy-breezy or “lucky.” Rather, the 8 brings ideas and desires into the material world ONLY when there is a solid focus, a plan, organization, and some elbow grease.
And when the going gets tough, the 8 gets going!
This month, the double 8 of 8/8 is a platform from which to launch our practical dreams, whether it’s a desire for a healthy and passionate relationship, a new job or career more suited to our talents, and that offers more money. This isn’t about fly-by-night endeavors. So make a plan. Tap a more business-like attitude. And most importantly, take yourself seriously!
This may cause some real “OMG I’m just not good enough” feelings to bubble to the surface. Don’t avoid them—we actually benefit when we take a look at our perceived weaknesses. We get to investigate where they originated and get serious about how we can get past self-sabotage and into our empowerment. You are the embodiment of the Divine, hear you roar!
So get ready to rumble and take advantage of this powerful opportunity to launch your “what’s next” plan of action. Take the high road and don’t succumb to defeatism, victimization, or any other negative “ism.” The 8 amplifies all that we think about and act upon, so step up and make it count.
The number seven is the seer, the thinker, and the seeker of truth. Felicia Bender explains how to use the numerology of 7/7 to renew your trust in the Universe…Collage: Bethany Harper Walsh
Lucky number 7?
The numerology of 7/7 means the energy open for us today is indeed lucky. And yet more than this, it represents an open door to spiritual insight—and also a moment to contemplate the ways in which you place faith and trust in ourselves and in a “higher power.”
Ask yourself: do I anxiously push for things to? And if they don’t work out the way I think they should, do I find myself plummeting down a rabbit hole of despair, frustration, or cynicism?
Or am I willing slow down enough to listen to my intuitive voice, even when the direction it’s steering me might make no sense whatsoever? Or when it doesn’t give me the answer I think I want?
Well, the numerology of 7/7/ says today is the day to open up, to slow down, and to trust. To trust yourself and to trust that the Universe actually is on your side, even if it doesn’t quite feel like it. And if you feel like you’re already in this flow, then keep speeding down that open road!
It’s also the day to declare some gratitude. To be a little bit vulnerable. To analyze data and situations, and yet balance this with your heart and intuition. The energy of the number 7 supports analysis, research, questioning…and intuition.
In order to optimize the numerology of 7/7, allow yourself some time to get unplugged. To get outdoors. To meditate. To write. To read. To study. And to slow down enough to notice the magic of the Universe as it is revealed in even the smallest of synchronicities.
Yep, you get a free pass to go about contemplating your own navel today. And as you’ll discover, you can get some profound insights about yourself when you simply invite the voice of your higher self in—and are open to receiving the information.
We’re living through a time of intense political climate change, as reflected in the Cosmos. Five of our favorite mystics unpack the signs of the times…and weigh in on the way ahead. Artwork: Sammy Slabbinck
Here on The Numinous, astrology is not a tool for “predicting” future events, or explaining things away while abdicating our role in shaping how our lives play out—both individually, and as a society.
Rather, we see astrology as a language of symbols that speaks to our collective human experience on Earth, offering valuable perspective and allowing us to examine the bigger picture—especially useful at times when emotions are running high, clouding our judgement and making it difficult to choose the next right course of action.
As in the case of Britain’s recent referendum to leave the EU, the shock results of which have seen a nation spiral into panic and chaos. Made all the more vertigo-inducing against a backdrop of unrelenting terrorist attacks, and an emotionally fraught US election campaign.
Last month, in an eerie foreshadowing of the central issues to Brexit, New York magazine described the Clinton-Trump race as: “kind of a civil war. It’s a referendum on the country’s feelings about inclusion, about women, people of color, and their increasing influence…how it edges out the white men who have long held an exclusive grip on power.”
In short, it’s safe to say we are living through a period of intense political climate change—as written in the current movements of the celestial bodies. Skeptical? Since the political polls leading up to the Brexit referendum were woefully misleading (echoing the last general election in the UK), the wisdom offered by our resident astrologers below—including commentary on what will be needed of us moving forward—feels as relevent as anything the political scientists have got to say…
PLUTO IN CAPRICORN by Ash Bonelli We are in unstable times, and have been financially since 2008 when Pluto, the planet of wealth/power, moved into the structural sign of Capricorn—and the extent of financial corruption in the world began to come to light. We’re currently half way through this cycle—during which we have seen a growing divide between rich and poor with the emergence of a super-elite, as well as major differences in values between the generations. (NB. “Even eerier? The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was 1762-1778, the exact time when the U.S. was fighting for its independence from England. It was also during this transit that Thomas Jefferson sounded the rallying cry for “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” and helped author the U.S. Constitution.” – Ophira Edut)
SATURN SQUARE NEPTUNE by Ameila Quint The Saturn-Neptune square, currently occurring November 2015 through September 2016, is shifting cultural philosophies on a global scale. To give you the big picture, this alignment has caused ideological clashes for centuries in a looping cycle that goes back as far as the Salem Witch Trials and the Crusades!
Saturn is in Sagittarius, the sign of foreign affairs, expatriates, and immigration—all issues at the heart of the Brexit referendum. Sagittarius also rules expansion, so we’re being called to open our hearts and minds to new ways of relating and thinking. Unfortunately, this change won’t come easy with tough Saturn in play.
On the other hand, Neptune is in Pisces, his home sign. This magnifies the energies of compassion, healing, and spirituality. It’s a call from the Universe to ask, on a societal level, what you believe and why. The Brexit referendum did just that. It’s also interesting that Saturn and Neptune are both associated with karma in their own way, because the reverberations of this vote have certainly been karmic in scope.
JUPITER TRINE PLUTO by Ophira Edut The announcement of Brexit also coincided with the June 26 barrier-breaking Jupiter-Pluto trine, a rare meet-up between global connector Jupiter and powerhouse Pluto. Trines are generally positive and harmonious—but they can also cause things to move quickly, and this massive upheaval happened in the blink of an eye, or so it seemed.
Jupiter is an excitable, optimistic planet that can quickly overshoot its mark. The hopeful populists did not wake up the morning after Brexit economically or politically empowered, but rather, to a currency that plunged to its lowest value in 31 years overnight.
Jupiter is also the “armchair philosopher” of the cosmos, whose starry-eyed visions don’t necessarily translate into reality. Stateside, we hear echoes of Trump’s “Make America great again” slogan. Um, perspective please? If anything, Trump—with his Plutonian land grabs and abuses of power—is making America hate again. And that’s the last thing this world needs now.
MARS DIRECT by Hannah Ariel With warrior planet Mars about to go direct in controlling Scorpio (June 30th 2016) our urge to define, defend and protect boundaries is intensified to extremes. Mars in Scorpio demands that our actions reflect our integrity—and as it resumes direct motion, what we “yes” and “no” to becomes an act of personal empowerment.
This is a period of cutting ties, creating new bonds, and ultimately realizing from whence we draw our power—and what we must do with this power once we feel we have it. Scorpio rules creation and re-creation, so there is nothing being destroyed at this time that cannot be re-created.
THE UNIVERSAL 9 YEAR by Felicia Bender In numerology, 2016 is a Universal 9 year—the number of completion, of letting go, transition, and transformation. It is a year of surrender, in it’s truest sense—a positive, intuitive way of living, that grows we learn to develop trust.
Trust that’s needed in a time where old paradigms are crumbling, dissolving, going up in flames or coming up for serious review. We can see this everywhere, from Trumpmania, mass violence, and displaced refugees, to the spotlight on rape culture, and the Brexit referendum—to name just a few boiling points. Numerologically, this is right on time.
This is the end of a cycle, and we can’t move into the next phase without a sobering and stark look at what has been (since the cycle began in 2008—the last universal 1 year) and where we’re at. The task at hand is to then let go of all that’s no longer serving all of us. This isn’t easy. It’s terrifying. It incites anger and fear and every other possible emotion.
THE WAY AHEAD… “We can use this Saturn/Neptune square for the overall good. We must work on building a solid foundation (Saturn) that is created from a place of justice for all (Neptune). A place where everyone has their needs met. A society where equality becomes commonplace. But it will take time, patience, respect and dedication to achieve these Neptunian dreams.” – Ash Bonelli
“Saturn rules authorities while Neptune rules visionaries, and these groups were very much square to each other in the Brexit polling results. Still, the only way to make this transit work is to find a balance. In this case, this means steadying dogma with compassion, and laws meant to protect with laws that truly heal.” – Amelia Quint
“If anything, Brexit and Donald Trump’s shocking success is exposing an inconvenient truth: Despite the gains of social policies such as marriage equality, there’s a hate-filled Orlando shooter, a Brock Turner getting a tiny slap on the wrist in the Stanford rape case, millions of scared and small-minded people who would rather tank their economy than allow a Muslim or a Mexican to cross “their” (in some cases stolen) borders. We can’t sweep this under the rug or look the other way much longer…which, while also inconvenient, is a wakeup call we can’t ignore.” – Ophira Edut
“The key? Understand that what must fall away must do so without a net, leaving behind a liminal space—a gap. Understanding that we must make friends with this vortex of uncertainty while the old is cleared and the new is being created. And despite all of our impulses otherwise, we must enter into this space with optimism and a sense of excitement, because here is the opportunity of a lifetime to create something new on a massive scale. This process is not for wimps. It’s easier to criticize and despair. Yet it’s our challenge and our charge to visualize and create a now and a future that is more evolved and humanitarian across the board.” – Felicia Bender
“Stay tuned for how this plays out, as the Sun in Cancer will come into its yearly opposition to Pluto in Capricorn July 1st, reminding us that what brings us comfort can also at times hinder out ability to grow. No matter how much is perceived to be at stake these days, the astrology of the times reminds us that it’s all for the sake of transformation.” – Hannah Ariel
Turn your attention towards your relationships and utilize the numerology of 6/6, says Felicia Bender…
The numerology of 6/6 offers a dynamic gateway of energy centered on love and relationships.
In Numerology, the number 6 is the nurturer. Its energy is all about unconditional love, service, responsibility, justice, the home, and beauty.
On the flipside, the challenges this vibe brings can be unhealthy perfectionism, self-righteousness, and unyielding control.
So how do we maximize this portal of dynamic energy at our fingertips on 6/6?
It’s a day to consider our point of view about love. Does our version of love feel like Vance Joy’s in This Mess Is Mine—“When you think of love do you think of pain?” Or are you coming from a more of an “all you need is love” perspective?
This is to say: How does love show up for you, and how do you show up for love?
Through the numerology of 6/6 we can see ourselves more clearly in terms of what our responsibility is—and has been—in our relationships. It’s a moment where we can choose to relinquish all the “shoulds” that swim around in our heads: “I should be married by now,” or “He shouldn’t do it that way,” or “I should have known better.”
Any should that comes up in relation to love—it’s a day to rethink it. To reimagine it. And to change it, recalibrate it, and revise it. Also, to take off any distorting “rose colored” glasses and give ourselves—and others—a break.
All the number 6 wants is to love and be loved in return. Yet what stands in the way of this simple yet driving need? Unyielding judgment stands in the way. Unrealistic idealism stands in the way. The inability to forgive stands in the way.
The numerology of 6/6 brings a great day to energetically and actively intend to worry a bit less. Its energy bolsters your efforts to “let go and let love” in the truest, most unconditional sense. We might be moved to actively write a note of forgiveness to our ex (and to ourselves in the process), burn it, and let it go.
Or w might decide that we will never again bring up that time that s/hedid that horrendous, unforgiveable thing to our intimate partner whenever we get into a fight. We may decide to make a pact to tend to ourselves as diligently as we attend to others.
The numerology of 6/6 can act like a platform for self-realization when we allow ourselves to open the heart and witness our hurts spill out onto the floor—almost like the materials you might use to create a beautiful, textured, and colorful collage. Allow the energy of the day to support you in taking responsibility for yourself, your actions, and your responses within all relationships.
Freedom through self-discipline is the energy behind 5/5, says Felicia Bender…
The numerology of 5/5 offers a dynamic gateway turbo-charging the energy around any and all change we want to make in our lives.
“OUT with the old, IN with the new!”—is the siren song for this auspicious date.
In numerology, the number 5 is the freedom seeker. Its energy is all about progressive thought and action, fearlessness, and adventure.
On the flipside, the challenges this vibe brings can be fear, restriction, and self-sabotaging excess.
So when we have this portal of dynamic energy at our fingertips on 5/5, what do we want to do with it?
It’s a day to think about the constructive use of freedom—freedom through self-discipline. Anyone can run around doing anything they want whenever they want to, yet this isn’t true freedom—it’s myopic self-absorption.
In April we lost iconic and unorthodox artist Prince. In an interview he said that when he got into the music industry he was driven by the need for absolute freedom—freedom to say what he wanted, play all the instruments on his albums, and to have no constraints.
Yet he also said that he soon realized that undisciplined freedom led to decay—and that he knew that he needed a “spiritual mentor.” He suggested that everyone needs a spiritual mentor. He seemed to seek (after much “been there, done that”) the ultimate freedom only found by living and looking at life on this planet through a spiritual filter.
So what does freedom mean to you at this juncture in your life? What felt like freedom to you five years ago most likely doesn’t hold the same resonance now.
Do you want more money? More time? To get out of a non-productive relationship? To take your relationship to the next level of commitment? To take the plunge and change career or geography?
5/5 is a great day to energetically and actively commit to the change you want to become your new reality. And to then create a game plan. Visualize. See it—and more important than that, FEEL IT. If you don’t believe you can exist in your new reality, it can never materialize.
5/5 can be like an energetic elevator—yet you have to find the elevator, push the button, step inside the elevator, decide what floor you want to go to, push the button, and be ready to get off when you reach your floor. Oh, and the 5 is nothing if not fun, so make sure you find a way to enjoy the ride!
4-4 is a numerological power day, bringing the energy to learn something new and tackle your to-do list, says Felicia Bender.
In Numerology, repeating numbers are always significant.
They pack a punch, so to speak.
April is a number 4 month and when we line it up with the number 4 day, we get a double-dose of 4 energy.
The number 4 is all about foundations, systems-building, and hard work – just to name a few of its many attributes. It’s also an energy related to knowledge and holds the vibe of The Teacher.
April is a month to set time aside to learn something new. It encourages us to sign up for the class, pick up the book, or sign-on for a hands-on learning experience.
It’s also set up for reviewing our purpose in life and how we may or may not be tapping into it, focusing on it, and taking the practical and step-by-step actions to achieve it. And since we never “achieve” our purpose, a better way to think about it is to investigate how we are (or aren’t) taking actions and thinking thoughts that are in alignment with our purpose and our personal and spiritual evolution.
And since this is a double dose, the numerology of 4/4 makes it a great day to evaluate and take even the smallest step in this direction.
What to watch out for on today? Choose your words wisely and thoughtfully. We might respond to people and situations impulsively because we’re all feeling this energy, so everyone will be grappling with reining in whatever blunt and opinionated comments that might bubble to the surface without a filter. So step out of the debate, and especially out of any, “I don’t want to argue and yet let me tell you why I’m right,” mind-set.
Instead, ride the energy 4/4 offers by doing something to enhance and beautify your home, get out into nature, and make a punch-list of goals and aspirations – along with a sub-list of the steps you envision will be needed to get there.
Check out all the lightworkers moving to LA! Fern Olivia breaks down why life on the Left Coast is calling…Photography: Nicolas Jandrain
So what’s the real reason behind the mass exodus from cities like NYC to LA? You’ve noticed it, right? How the lightworker tribe are all feeling the call?
Well, it’s no coincidence that people are packing up their overpriced apartments, saying farewell to the brutal winters, and moving to the magical City of Angels. In fact, many of the Numinati made the move years ago, and now more of our tribe are arriving in waves.
When I heard the call of my soul to move to Los Angeles, I had no idea that I would be part of a major movement. I was not consciously aware that there was a deep reason for the work I was being called to do here, nor did I understand the energetic force by which it happened at this particular time in space.
It all makes sense to me now. If you, too, have been feeling a voice inside calling you West, what I’ve learned since my move may explain why – and in a radical way.
In April 2015, I was visiting my girlfriends in Malibu and I remember the precise moment, sitting on the beach, my soul clearly demanded: “Come home.” I had never lived in California, nor had I ever heard a voice inside as strong as this.
But I was not afraid. I listened.
The voice continued: “Move to Venice in the Fall.” So specific and commanding, right? I dared not question it, even though I had only been to Venice a few times for Kundalini classes at Ra Ma Institute with Guru Jagat, and for nourishment at Moon Juice and Cafe Gratitude.
But over the past several years, I have recognized my intuitive gifts and learned that in order to stay in alignment, I MUST TRUST this deep knowing.
And something inside me insisted that this was exactly where I needed to be. So I set about transitioning all my yoga classes and clients in New York, seamlessly found a friend to take over my lease, and effortlessly slipped out of my old life to plant myself in Venice Beach – the epicenter of the Now Age. And now that I’m here, I feel grounded and aligned.
So, back to why are we being called to LA, why should we trust the pull, and what’s next for us fearless souls who have listened to our spirit’s deepest longing.
Here are FOUR reasons that may help it all make it crystal clear.
1. We are being called to return to our Aphrodite – our pure, liberated Feminine.
New York City is literally on a grid – when you see the city from the air, the avenues and streets are angular and the buildings are close together. It’s tough to see the wide open sky unless you’re at the top of a skyscraper or in the middle of Central Park. We pound our feet on concrete and have little connection to the bare, soft, fertile earth. For most of the year, our feminine form is bundled in layers, and the sun has only a small window to kiss our bare skin.
Living in any city, we’re disconnected from the Earth, Air, Moon and tides – which in turn influence our moon cycles, our creativity, and manifestation capabilities.
When our creative expression is stifled, we become tight, rigid, stressed, and stagnation takes over our physical bodies. Living this way demands we’re dominated by our masculine energy – and it’s hard to keep up. Our adrenals burn out. We grow tired of being Wonder Woman – one of Dana James’ female archetypes – in the city that never sleeps. Rather, our hearts are longing to dance under the moonlight. We know we will rise in our true power when we feel grounded with the earth under our bare feet.
2. We got chewed up and spat out, and now our souls are strong enough to handle the work ahead.
Our souls brought us to cities like New York to do some major work on our karmic path. Our soul contracts had very specific lessons and experiences to learn in order to do the light work we were born in this incarnation to deliver.
New Yorkers have grit. New Yorkers are tough. We had to be, to get through the brutal winters, hurricanes, floods, terrorism, city noise, and commutes. And our souls had to practice becoming strong enough to do the major work that we are about to do in LA – influencing some of the brightest, most powerful, creative, receptive people in the world to step up to change the future of our planet.
So what is this work? Our world is suffering from the bankruptcy of love – we are living in a time of immense poverty, suffering, terrorism, abuse, and fear. It is our work to bring light to this planet through our creative leadership. We must be strong and clear in our own bodies otherwise, this difficult work can leave us feeling hopeless and depleted.
But first, we need some time to play. To retreat. To rest, rejuvenate, and restore. Once we have brought ourselves back into balance, we will have the clarity and vitality to do some major work as the next generation of visionaries on this planet.
3. We’re feeling the pull of the 33rd parallel (Allow me to explain…)
In heeding the call to LA, lightworkers are being called to congregate around the 33rd parallel – an energy vortex which happens to run through Venice Beach. You may know that in numerology, 33 is considered a Master Number and symbolizes the Christ Consciousness. The 33rd degree is highest publicly known degree for Freemasonry, and some say it signifies illumination and freedom from religious dogma. In Hinduism, Yoga Sutra 3:33 states: “Through keenly developed intuition, everything can be known.” And the Tibetan Book of the Dead speaks of the thirty-three heavens ruled over by Indra, and the thirty-three ruled over by Mara.
Furthermore, the latitude of the 33rd degree is shared with the ancient city of Babylon and by modern day Baghdad. The longest continually inhabited city in the world, Damascus, in Syria, is also on this line. The site of the first atomic bombing during WWII, in Nagasaki, Japan, also resides on the 33 parallel, and coincidently, so does the White Sands Testing Range in New Mexico, where the atom bomb was first tested. This geo-latitudinal line also passes through what is known as the “Bermuda Triangle” in the Atlantic Ocean.
So, clearly, there is something very powerful about the energy vortex around the 33rd parallel! And in essence, the quality of the 33rd parallel is that it shifts our energy more effectively and quickly. But looking at the history, it’s also clear that this has been utilized by some pretty dark forces – and now the lightworkers are moving to readdress the balance.
4. Our soul family is waiting for us.
To do the work we were born to, we need the support of our tribe. I’ve found there’s nothing more influential than a community of brilliant, grounded, strong, connected souls – our “soul clusters” as my dear friend Aimee Follette, chef and founder of Sun in Bloom, so perfectly calls it.
You know that feeling when you meet someone for the first time, but something inside you remembers them, as if you’ve known each other before? That feeling is real. Our souls have contracts with other souls – and we have these soul contracts with all the people we walk with, our parents, friends, business partners, lovers, and children.
The soul contracts of my New York life, including a controlling six-year relationship, showed me the work I needed to do: to heal deep-rooted karmic patterns of insecurity, self-doubt, and the inability to speak my truth. Many of us in New York experienced a similar struggle, freeing ourselves from lineages of insecurity, scarcity mindset, and fear of abandonment.
And having learned the lessons of city life, a tribe of stronger, fierce, liberated souls are reuniting together in Los Angeles.
Not feeling the call to move? That’s okay!
As explained by my teacher Harmonjot Kaur at Ra Ma Institute in Venice, it is important to understand that YOUR soul family will be found wherever you open your soul. “We are moving into a time where we stop looking outside for answers. Moving to LA to find one’s soul family simply because one identifies as a “lightworker” is a recipe for heartbreak I feel. Because wherever one is, that is where the soul family will show itself. And when we make expensive moves looking to satisfy from the outside what can only be satisfied from the inside, we really set ourselves up for great disappointment.”
There’s also a critical need for lightworkers to remain in New York City – since NYC is on an energetic grid that’s very powerful, meaning there’s an opportunity to amplify light work in the city.
And the truth is, we’re all designed to be more energized by different locations, explains Light Maker Cassandra Bodzak. “There are people whose energy field is actually more primed for NYC than LA, or vice versa, or for a different location such as Austin, Miami, or Boulder. You can even get a special astrology chart reading to determine which places on the earth will optimize your energy or deplete you.”
Another disclaimer from Harmonjot: The move to LA alone does not equal automatic self-discovery! “I’m reticent about encouraging people to move to Los Angeles because it’s touted as some kind of promised land. But many people have the illusion that their problems will be solved by coming out here. They likely won’t. Deep spiritual practice is what allows one to find the next step and the next place.”
So, my dears, wherever you feel the call, trust it. Trust your soul. Your soul family. Just as your future self is trusting YOU to heed the call. When you are living in alignment with your soul, you’ll feel home wherever you are. You’ll be in harmony with your body, and from this space of feeling healthy and in the flow, you will be your most creative self, and able to fully show up to do the work you were born to do.