It’s time to upgrade your normative notions of Valentine’s Day date nights. Lucy North tells us why why February is the most feminist month … Art: Naro Pinosa
It may still feel cold outside—but Spring is coming! And this precious period of in-between is actually a key time of year to tap into the Divine Feminine through the ancient practice of co-creating with Gaia, the seasons, and nature.
While many of us have sold ourselves to the Monday-Friday lifestyle, the origins of these days actually connect us to Divine Feminine energy. After all, Monday is actually “Moonday” and Friday is dedicated to the Goddess Freyja. The Divine Feminine is both the beginning and the end, and a reminder of our power to break free and make time be whatever we want.
In response to the seven-day week of patriarchal DOING, here are seven reasons to reclaim February as the most powerfully feminist month …
1// V.Day Actually Celebrates Your Erotic Sovereignty Before it was renamed by the Roman Catholic Church, Valentine’s Day was originally known as “Freyja’s Day.” Freyja was the Pagan Goddess not of romantic, but of erotic love, and on February 14th women would hand out cards to as many men as they desired.
Transcending the gender stereotypes of today, women were seen not only the gateway to new life, they were considered at one with the desire, love, and sexual energy that runs through nature. Reclaiming this celebration of women as desire itself (rather than objects), realigns us with our ability to create anything we want.
2// 28 Days Means Lunar Power Before being scrapped by the Church, the year adhered to the Goddess calendar—meaning there were 13 months and not 12, which reflected the 28 day cycle of both the Moon and womb.
Being only 28 days long, February is the only month of the year that still respects the Goddess calendar, and honors how the seasons and year really flow. This month, treat your womb like a second heart (whether or not you have a literal or metaphorical space there). Listen … what does it want to birth?
3// Imbolc Challenges the Madonna-Whore Complex The pagan calendar marks February 1st as Imbolc—an important step towards March’s Spring Equinox. This is the time to release some of our 9-to-5 programming in favor of a kind of “land feminism” that lets us co-create with the upcoming Equinox’s tantric energy.
The Celtic Triple Goddess Brigid, synonymous with this day, is the Queen of the Underworld, the Mother of all beings, and the Mistress of the Elements. Whether it’s the sacred prostitute, the Divine Mother or the snake in the garden of Eden, the Divine Feminine holds and honors it all. Think of February as a time to break free from the pain of having to be “one type of woman”—and to exchange archetypal constraints for a wildish knowing.
4// Pisces Season Wants You to Wombifest As the Sun enters the final zodiac sign of Pisces on February 19th, right before the birth of the new astrological year, it’s time to create a nourishing, protective womb that will enable you to tap into the oceanic source of all life.
This means retreating from the “busy-ness” of everyday life, and setting some boundaries to re-connect with your soul. Just like a mother that needs to retreat for the last month of pregnancy, create a safe space for you as Divine Mother to meditate, breathe, make love, self pleasure, journal, paint, sing, do yoga, and eat well. Rest in the womb and let your Divine Child emerge!
5// Saturn in Capricorn Spells Sacred Union Time 2018’s sees the Goddess month of February with Saturn in the sign of Capricorn, spelling out the start of something huge for the Divine Feminine. Capricorn is technically a “yin,” or feminine sign, but it’s also cardinal, with a mountain-building, masculine energy that asks us to blend action and intuitive knowing.
The Divine Masculine can only come THROUGH the Divine Feminine. It will only come through an open heart and the womb of collective feeling—and, yes, as with any birth, through pain. Women and those who embrace the Divine Feminine have been socially okay’ed to feel more of this, so we must lead the way. This integration asks us to do what we love by taking action, and watch the fear fly away.
6// The Aquarius New Moon Catapults Us Into Fairy Territory When people are told they’re “away with the fairies,” it’s almost a derogatory comment. We say it’s time to celebrate our visits with the fairy realm!
With a New Moon in Aquarius on February 15th, it’s time for the Divine Feminine to swoop high, dream big—and to astro travel our dreams into the 3rd dimension. This New Moon also ends the longest complete lunar month of 2018 (the last New Moon was on January 16th, giving us 29 days, 18 hours, and 48 minutes). Mama Moon is giving you extra time to push on through, with a clear focus on new beginnings.
7// Mama’s Wide Open During Eclipse Season With January 31st’s Super-Blue-Blood Lunar Eclipse bonanza, and the upcoming Solar Eclipse on February 15th, the first two weeks of Feb see us in the middle of two incredibly catalytic aspects. It’s like the universe has its legs wide open in breach position providing a gateway though which we can birth projects, artistic endeavors, networks, and relationships that reflect our divine purpose.
Goddesses: F is for February, F is for Fertility, F is for the future. Reclaiming feminist February means pretty much get it on with the universe!
Lucy North is a writer, healer, and artist. She will be running a Goddess Healing Circle in honor of Freyja this Tuesday, February 13th, at The Alchemist’s Kitchen in New York. ClickHERE to reserve your spot. She will also be holding an “I’m Every Woman” Goddess Circle at RA MA New York on Sunday, 25th February. Find out more and reserve your space HERE.
Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous weekly horoscopes by Sandra Sitron …
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising Going down a waterslide. Build up momentum. There’s a force propelling you along. Hold your head up high as you slide through changes and adjustments. You need to be able to recognize your own value. As you pick up speed, make sure to receive recognition for your achievements. Land with a splash.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising A songbird sings. The bird is so small it could fit in your hand, but the song echoes. It cuts through the forest. It makes an impact. By connecting to your inner song, you’ll know exactly where to go and what to say. You must connect to your true self, then sing your truth. Break out of old patterns of trying to blend in.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising A monster truck crushes the course. Wheels are turning. Don’t deny that you are a force. Old systems must be destroyed. You are ready for a revolution. You might find out that your plans for the future have to be revised. Or maybe it’s your community that must be revamped. Destroy the old systems that are no longer working, but don’t break down your ego in the process.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising Sunlight cuts through clouds. Enlightenment streams through. The lesson is teaching you that it’s okay to stop shouldering too much responsibility. You can’t possibly take care of everything. Instead, focus in on what’s important so that you do less to achieve more. Overall, this process of discernment may feel like an aha-moment. Simplification is your friend.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising A raven flies high and then lands. This is an exciting moment because you can finally get some answers. Wisdom is shared. Your curiosity is piqued. Open up to new inspiration, even if it comes from unassuming sources. Could you use a little bit more perspective? This is your chance to get the bird’s eye view. Your friends may be key to helping you see the whole picture.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising A feather falls. Where can you access more lightness? Humor and laughter can help you process your emotions. It’s time to let go. Let anything you no longer need to be holding onto drift away. You can’t carry this weight forever. Make it light.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising A team of horses pulls a carriage. Working together. You have to understand how to cooperate. This is the gold that needs to be retrieved. The more people in the group, the more complicated it gets. Pay close attention to your ego, Honor yourself and what you need, but at the same time prioritize diplomacy and team work. It’s a subtle balance.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising A detailed black and white etching. Work your way into the details. This is a time for moderate thinking and practicality. You can apply yourself right now and get things organized. Pay attention to your health, organization, systems and workflows. Make it artful.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising Looking out the window. Where’s the fun? The playfulness? The party? Go out and find it. At the moment, you can be overly caught up in the plan. Get out of work mode and activate fun mode. That’s how you’ll succeed.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising A puff mushroom ripening in a dark corner of the forest. Soothe your emotions with some alone time and reflection. Internal seeking will help you feel creative and seek out new realms of in which to focus your energy. This is the time of going inward before you go out into the world and make it public.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising Teeth. All kinds of teeth; little ones, big ones, crooked ones, dentures. Teeth can symbolize verbalization or expression. How’s that going for you? Do you feel like you’re saying what you actually want to say? It might be time for a review, so that you can be in the highest integrity with your words. It’s important that you’re able to express yourself accurately.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising Hot air balloons. This can be a time of elevation. But it’s also a moment of review. Tend to your money systems so that you feel secure and abundant. Earthly security will help you feel like you can rise up to the tasks ahead. The hot air balloon starts on the ground before it begins to ascend.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Your Numinous Tarotscopes February 2018 are here, cast by Melinda Lee Holm using the Starchild Tarot …
AQUARIUS // AQUARIUS RISING Six of Swords Happy solar return, Aquarius! Following the great cosmic integration of January, the cards have a wonderful gift in store for you this month – the power of acute discernment. The sixes always indicate a shift, usually subtle or even invisible as seen from the outside, but profound and world-changing as experienced from the inside. You will not only be able to see clearly what your options are this month, but also to make decisions based on this information. Sixes correspond to sephiroth of Beauty on the Tree of Life, leading me to always consider – what is the true beauty of this suit? And the beauty of Swords, of Air, is that it allows us to consciously choose our path.
Take a moment to survey your surroundings this month in every situation. Get a good lay of the land. Draw on the wisdom you received in January. Were there any nuggets that were especially surprising? Challenging? Freeing? Did you discover something new about who you are and what your place is in this world? The Universe leaves us a trail of breadcrumbs as we feel our way along our life’s path. This month is one of those wonderful times when you come up over a crest and can trace the trail forks all the way down the hill. Which path will you take? Will you be alone or in a group? Will you be the leader or is there an elder guiding the way? What will you take with you and what will you leave behind? Most importantly, how can you make the most of this journey?
Your stone for February: Fluorite
PISCES // PISCES RISING Eight of Wands Well, Pisces, you have definitely come out of the energetic cave you resided in for January and are ready to create some structure! Now, being in the suit of Wands, this will be an evolving structure, a structure that moves and adapts with you and your environment. Wands represent Fire and Fire is a living, breathing entity after all. Think process docs and working methodolgies – structures that guide creation and allow it to unfold more effortlessly as oppossed to containing or limiting it. I know, I know, structure is not really your cup of tea. You prefer to go with the flow. But what if you had the ability to expand and strengthen your flow by using your instincts to guide and shape the canal? This month, you do!
Take time over the next 4 weeks to look at ways you can use restrictions and limitations to allow your beautiful creative spirit to flourish. Test out different methods, ask friends and colleagues what works for them, and keep track of the results of your experiments. Do you feel open? Are you more productive? Do you come up against feelings of rebelliousness or constriction? You are intuitive and compassionate by nature, Pisces, and these qualities will help you in this quest to find a structure that works well for your style. Be patient with yourself, be ready to stumble and even fall. This is incredibly important work that will help to kick your manifestation and productivity into high gear.
Your stone for February: Citrine
ARIES // ARIES RISING Page of Wands February has you playing with Fire in the best of ways, dear Aries, as the Page of Wands steps in to twirl you around the cosmic dance floor this month. When the Pages arrive in our lives, they come to reconnect us to our inner child to rediscover the power of their element as if for the first time. We forget what we know (or thought we knew) and feel our way through, discovering how the elemental power connects to who we are now at this moment in time. With the Page of Wands, this is a major reawakening and reinvigoration of the creative and intuitive power of Fire. The Pages may be the novices of the Court, but they supply us with immense opportunities for growth and refinement.
And with this novice energy coming in your native Fire element, this could very well be a chance to grow in ways that alter the very core of identity. How you create, what you create, for what purpose and based on what innate knowing are all up for reassessment this month. You could find yourself tapping into new esoteric practices for opening intuition or getting familiar with a new artistic medium. Identify strongly as a musician but always dreamed of painting? Always made a living working for someone else but had a hunch you’d be better off on your own? Ready to get serious about that weird thing you’ve always had where you know what your friends are about to say and see how far you can develop the gift? Now’s the time, Aries!
Your stone for February: Labradorite
TAURUS // TAURUS RISING Ten of Crystals Lucky you, Taurus! It looks like whatever collaboration you got into last month has really paid off in one way or another. The Ten of Crystals indicates you are about to have a February full of abundance, one of those months when things just seem to line up. When we speak of abundance in the metaphysical realm, of course, we are talking about the full spectrum – emotional, physical, and spiritual abundance. This is a profound feeling of “fullness” and, being in the realm of Earth, it should feel very comfortable to you indeed. Tens are the pinnacle of the numbered cards. In the tens, we reach the greatest development of the suit. But with that development comes a little nagging sensation in the back of our consciousness that it is time to look ahead to starting the journey again. The ten demands a return to the Ace.
So drink this in, dear Taurus. Your love of comfort will be indulged this month and you can feel free to lay back into it with no guilt – just make sure that you keep one eye focused on how you will use this newly unlocked level of your life as the new ground floor of the next phase of your mastery of Crystals. This is the suit most closely associated with the stuff of our daily lives, the currency we need to engage with to live in this material world. Stay cozy, but stay open to the approaching new lessons of the Ace of Crystals that the appearance of the Ten promises.
Your stone for February: Aventurine
GEMINI // GEMINI RISING Eight of Swords There are three eights in the mix this month, Gemini, but only one that lands in the sign’s native element. Congratulations, my Mutable Air babes, that’s you! The Eight of Swords is here to allow you to ruminate your way into a new mental framework of life. After the work you did last month to even out any imbalances in your day to day, this month is shaping up to be a welcome rest in the realm you are most comfortable in. It is time for some restructuring in your handling of Air. Structure in Air is a tricky concept. It can be difficult to even notice that it exists, but we all have subtle (and not so subtle) armatures built up that dictate the reaches of our thinking. February will illuminate these armatures and present an opportunity to re-shape them.
The most effective way to enact change in the structure of Air is to simply notice its workings. Let your mind wander, let the thoughts roll through, say what’s on your mind, and be sure to take note! Mental note is fine (this is a Swords month after all). The simple act of noticing your current thought and communicaton patterns is a huge step in making changes that can help to make the element of Air work for you instead of getting swept around by it. You don’t have to make any judgment calls on the patterns you see. Seeing patterns that have been invisible until now will provide all the clarification you need on how to best move forward. Sit back, watch your words and thoughts float by, and see the new structure taking form.
Your stone for February: Aquamarine
CANCER // CANCER RISING Four of Cups Sweet Cancer, your super power becomes your solace this month as you enter a period of stability in the emotional realm. As the cardinal Water sign, your innate comfort in the watery places is high, but sometimes it can seem as though you are being swept away by emotions instead of floating peacefully on their waves. February brings a welcome visit from the Four, the first chance at a solid three-dimensional shape in the numerological world, the comfy place to rest where you can kick up your feet without fear of falling over. This Four of Cups moment is especially sweet for you, Cancer, because it is reassuringly familiar. These moments of emotional comfort have visited you throughout your life and been your guiding light when the seas have been rough.
These periods of stability are a great time to take stock of what is going on in your emotional world to see if there is anything that requires adjusting, toning down, or amping up. We see more clearly when we’re on solid ground. We can make more grounded observations and decisions. You will be able to be less, well, emotional about your emotions, which is a particularly great gift given the pressure of romance this month brings. Romance gets the lion’s share of attention among emotional states, but you know better than most that the full spectrum is really where it’s at. Stick to your guns and avoid the hype. You can trust your heart’s ability to find True North.
Your stone for February: Rhodochrosite
LEO // LEO RISING Queen of Crystals Oooo, Leo! This is some exciting stuff right here. Queen of Crystals to follow Transformation last month? I envy you. And I hope you really dug deep to clear out all the dusty nooks and crannies and shook out all the rugs, because the more clearing you did last month, the more space you’ll have to grow your personal vision this month. That’s what the Queen of Crystals is here to help with – building your creation, the thing you’ve been nurturing and molding and privately willing to come to life. It might be that screenplay you’ve been working on for years, the home renovations you never quite get around to completing, the business you’ve been dreaming of starting. Whatever you see as your “baby” is The Thing.
This month, it is imperative that you carve out time to devote to The Thing. The Queen works alone, so you won’t have to deal with anyone else’s whims or schedules. Steal 10 minutes when you get up in the morning, take lunch alone, forego happy hour and use that time and energy to build something that is truly and uniquely yours. If this sounds exhausting, then you need to take a closer look at what The Thing is. When you find what is in true perfect alignment, what lights your heart on fire and will be a part of the better tomorrow you envision for yourself, the prospect of devoting so much time to it will not be daunting, it will be exhilerating.
Your stone for February: Carnelian
VIRGO // VIRGO RISING Oppression Well, Virgo, there is no sense in sugar-coating it – February will likely prove to be a challenging month for you. This is one of the “scariest” cards in the deck and it does earn its reputation in some respects. Oppression is no picnic. It indicates that we are being held down and back by forces that seek to limit our progress and our evolution, to dim our light and steal our hope. However, when this card appears it is actually a spark of promise. So often we move through life completely unaware of what is holding us back. This month, my dear Virgo, you will have the opportunity to stare it square in the face and take back your power from its grasp.
What is it that is oppressing you? Where is it coming from? What ideas about who you are and what you can be have you internalized that are limiting your development? It’s easy to spot things outside ourselves that seem to be standing in our way, it’s more difficult and much more effective to seek out the internal drains on our confidence and drive. What stories do you tell yourself about what you are and are not capable of? deserving of? entitled to? You have the power to release yourself from these boxes you’ve been living in. You have the power to clear your temple of all that would seek to destroy it. This is your story. All words are magic and you’re writing the narrative.
Your stone for February: Nuumite
LIBRA // LIBRA RISING Seven of Crystals There is a restlessness about the Sevens, a somewhat impatient asking of “what next?” after the accomplishment of the Six. You’ve done the work, Libra, so don’t stress. This month, the Seven of Crystals is here to soothe your worries and reassure you that what you are building is in fact growing and taking form. If you are having trouble identifying just what it is that you have begun building, take a look back at what insights you received with the Two of Swords last month. Did any decisions come to light? We create things every day in our lives, sometimes without even knowing what we’re up to. Your dedication to being a good partner can sometimes obscure your view of how powerful you are on your own.
So, what IS next, Libra? Where will you go from here? What new seeds do you want to plant? If you’re feeling impatient waiting for the last round to grow and bear fruit, why not plant another garden while you wait? Or, if you are eyeing what will soon come to fruition with trepidation, afraid you lack the talent, skill, or determination to follow through on what you’ve started, then take this month to rest, study up, and refine. Everything comes and goes in phases, Libra. The Moon shows us her phases clearly in the sky, waxing and waning as she calls to us to be patient with ourselves and our animal bodies. It’s happening. Let go and live your life.
Your stone for February: Green Calcite
SCORPIO // SCORPIO RISING Knight of Crystals It’s time to step up your work game, Scorpio! The Knight of Crystals, teen dream of the element of Earth, is here to give you the will and the drive to do just that. The suit of Crystals rules over the material world, the stuff that we live off of and on and from. Whether it be finance, home, career, or simply our day to day routines, this suit grounds us and makes it possible for us to live in these human bodies on this planet. It can seem like mundane, not-at-all-magical stuff, but our relationship with Earth has everything to do with the magic and mystery you hold so dear. Conjuring is the art of making the immaterial appear and exist in this three-dimensional world. The Knight of Crystals has the energy to help you push the boundaries of what you believe you can conjure.
The Knights are the Fire of their element. How can you embody the Fire of Earth, the imperative for form and function that these elements hold? What project or process in your material world requires your protection? This is not simply about getting more done, it is about improving the quality of the work, refining the method to make it more productive, seeing where that work energy can be best spent for the greatest rewards. Knights are prepared to put themselves at risk for what they serve. What will you risk yourself for? What great work will earn your youthful and heroic devotion?
Your stone for February: Black Onyx
SAGITTARIUS // SAGITTARIUS RISING Eight of Crystals How does that song go? Work work work work work? That’s you this month, Sagittarius! But don’t despair, you’ll love every minute of it. Or most, anyway. You had a wonderful dose of emotional cleansing last month, so you should be good and ready to put your nose to the grindstone. Be on the lookout for major insights into how to make your workflow more efficient and productive that leave you wondering how you could have possibly not seen it before. This newly streamlined methodology will allow you to reconnect to what you love about the work you do, why you began doing it in the first place. When I say “work” I am not necessarily talking about your job or work you do for money. Some people’s purpose is connected to how they make money, but these things may or may not be aligned for you. The Tarot is concerned with what is considered your Life’s Work.
February is all about getting your hands in the dirt. Release any tendency to procrastinate and any resentment about what type or how much work you have on your plate. Once you get started, the work will flow easily. When we are presented with energy of the suit of Crystals, we have great opportunities to make adjustments to the structure of our every day lives. This suit connects us deeply to the power of the Earth and our true nature as its animals. You’ll be surprised by what forms emerge when you dig in and start actively forming the clay of your life.
Your stone for February: Ruby
CAPRICORN // CAPRICORN RISING High Priestess Wow, Capricorn, you are on a roll with the deep, mystical vibes! Last month The Moon got you in touch with the deepest corners of your psyche. This month, the High Priestess arrives to empower you to step into your ancient Divine power and clean house in your temple. This energy should appeal greatly to your Earthy, independent nature. The High Priestess marches to the beat of her own drum. Or rather, she meditates, floats, downloads, and intuits. Her acute intuition allows her to be incredibly self-sufficient, relying only on her deep connection to her own inner knowing and to the Divine for guidance. One of the secrets to this connection is her impeccably maintained temple. The High Priestess teaches us that we must maintain our temple if we want to achieve higher states of consciusness.
How is your temple doing these days, Capricorn? When I ask that question what comes to mind? Is it a structure, a place in nature, your physical body? The first step to perfecting your temple is to identify it. No matter what your living situation, you can define a temple. It can be as big as a church or as small as a satchel in your pocket. What defines a temple is that it is an entity maintained by you that you feel safe within and use for devotional purposes. Incredible insights and rapid expansion of intuitive powers are available to you now. What will you discover? Could it be that the oracle you sought on your journey was inside of you all along?
Full Moon :: January 31 2018 :: 8:27 am EST :: 11 degrees Leo
A ancient beetle creeps slowly across the pavement. Its hard shell deflects predators and it goes mostly unnoticed. It moves along until it has crept completely out of sight.
Beetle medicine is potent and magical. The beetle is small but steady. It helps you understand your real power. Raw. Unabashed. Intimidating. Talented. Let those parts of yourself rise to the surface. Hold your boundaries, as if you have a hard beetle shell. Stand firm. Carry on. Know your power and wield it.
The message of the 2018 Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is wrapped up in beetle medicine: Don’t be afraid of your truth. Instead, step into it. even if it doesn’t seem important or it might be uncomfortable. At the end of the day, all you have is your integrity. When you’re aligned in integrity, then you have nothing to fear.
Leo and the beetle have a lot in common. In ancient Egypt, the beetle was mythically responsible for the divine manifestation of the morning Sun. Leo is the sign that’s associated with the Sun. Both Leo and the Sun teach us how to divinely manifest our essence onto the world.
With aspects to Venus and Jupiter, this Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is supporting you. As eclipses go, it’s a relatively easy one, but it’s still an eclipse. If you have planets in fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, you may be especially impacted. See your way through to full completion of the cycle that started with the Leo New Moon Solar EclipseAugust 7th. What have you been learning since then?
Stay the course until this is finished. You may need to conserve your resources so that you don’t burn out. Luckily, at this eclipse, the Sun and Moon form a T-square with focal planet Jupiter who can help us feel supported and optimistic. Laugh your way through this one. Remember that your goal is growth.
The beetle pushes the Sun out into the world with steady strength. Leo pushes you out into the world, saying, “ Get out there!” Get recognition for your accomplishments. Vulnerably share your talents. Share your fire. When you do, it’s inspirational. Take your everyday experiences and use them as a tool to inspire others.
Even if you feel like a regular old beetle, you can have an impact of mythical proportions, as long as you remain steady and bright …
Jupiter in T-square with Sun and Moon A 5-pointed star gleams brightly. Stay connected to the goal. If you can remember to be optimistic about the goal, you’ll feel connected to the path that you’re on now. This is such a helpful aspect. It’s a buffer, reminding you that you’re supported, all is well, and expansion is possible—no matter what else is going on.
Venus opposite Full Moon Flower petals drift on the breeze. Pull the softness close and rub scented petals underneath your nose. You get to enjoy yourself, is it possible to remember that? If you hold onto the affirmation, “I see beauty,” it will uplift your mindset. Make space for harmony and beauty because they can be good friends to have on your side at this Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. They’ll help you celebrate how far you’ve come.
The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2018 Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse means for you. Use them as journal prompts. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 11 degrees Leo in your chart and use the question for that house.
New to your birth chart? Calculate your chart for free HERE.
Aries or Lunar Eclipse in the 5th house When does fun inspire you?
Taurus or Lunar Eclipse in the 4th house What makes you feel emotionally secure?
Gemini or Lunar Eclipse in the 3rd house Who do you think of as your brothers and sisters?
Cancer or Lunar Eclipse in the 2nd house What will help you trust in abundance?
Leo or Lunar Eclipse in the 1st house It’s time to show up. What does that mean to you right now?
Virgo or Lunar Eclipse in the 12th house If you were to create a daily practice of love and compassion, what would it be?
Libra or Lunar Eclipse in the 11th house How can you honor your progress?
Scorpio or Lunar Eclipse in the 10th house What is the goal that you most desire? What does achieving that goal feel like?
Sagittarius or Lunar Eclipse in the 9th house What truth will you teach about today?
Capricorn or Lunar Eclipse in the 8th house What contract are you ready to get out of now?
Aquarius or Lunar Eclipse in the 7th house What do you want from partnership? How can you give that to yourself?
Pisces or Lunar Eclipse in the 6th house What habits and daily practices need to be refined?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.
Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous weekly horoscopes by Sandra Sitron …
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising An iridescent shell. Mother of pearl. Multi-colored and glossy. You are ready to spiral into a new unknown. Take beauty with you. Take harmony with you. Take gentleness. You’re stepping into a new phase of partnership and you’ll need to remember that pleasure and beauty belong to you. You deserve to create peaceful relationships. You are allowed to enjoy yourself. Let it be easy.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising The mother bird flies back to the nest with food for her baby. It’s time for a redo. You’ve got to retrace your steps so that you can take better care of yourself. Do a little review. What self-care is working? What perfectionism residue is blocking you? Become more diligent about your time management and make innovations. Take care of yourself with more appropriate daily practices.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising Running with sparklers. Feel fired up. That will revitalize you. Have fun, be playful and express your true self. You could find yourself on a creative streak this week, so make time for it. The important thing is to make sure that you honor who you really are. Then you’ll feel the full joy of this adventure.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising A mill on the river. Churning through water to create energy and make bread. It’s okay to slow down and become focused on the task at hand. Take care of the work. Make the bread tenderly and efficiently. While you do so, take care of yourself emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising Stomping down grass. Puppies like to turn and turn before they lay down to rest. Why? Maybe they are aligning with the magnetic field of the earth. Maybe they just like to spin in circles. The important thing to takeaway from this is that you’ve got unconscious internal operating systems that are fueling your every move. You’ve got habits that comfort you. Reevaluate why you do the things you do. Maybe your research will lead you to ideas that are as fresh as new grass.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising Eating flower petals. They just look so delicious. Embody sensuality. Embrace beauty. Express yourself through movement. Getting grounded right now will help you in every area of your life. Most of all it will help you find mental stillness, so that you can confidently express your true nature. Create a ritual of seeing the inherent beauty in your environment. This is a meditative practice. Start exactly where you are.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising A ship with many sails cuts across moonlit waters. Gather up your energy and drive forward. It’s time to sail. But remember that you can’t move forward without attending to your emotions. Make sure you are being honest with yourself about how you’re feeling. The ship represents your identity and the sails are your motivation. The moonlit waters symbolize your emotions. Work with the emotions so that you get where you want to go.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising A bowling ball and a butterfly. There’s always more than one way of going after what you want. Choose the method of your approach. Fast, heavy and direct? Or meandering, gentle and soft? Neither way is right or wrong. But you do need to make sure that the way that you choose is appropriate for you right now. Be intentional.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising Clothespins on the line. Hold together. Don’t do it alone. Form a group and increase your strength. Yes, this can be political. Take a moment to focus on how you will take action for the future you want to see. Get outside of yourself, get out of your head and take action. You need to inspire yourself.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising A train goes along the tracks. You build the tracks and then you follow the path. Creating the structure is what opens you up to new possibilities. Take advantage of an opening in your work to envision fresh possiblilities. You might be able to see exactly how you want to structure your work. Develop the plan.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising The barrel of gold at the end of the rainbow. There is magic all around you. Go seek it. Search for your truth, your freedom. Believe in the possibilities— even the most absurd option might hold a reward. Open your mind and begin a new exploration. An adventure.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising The clean line of the horizon. Your goal is to achieve a level of perspective so that the view ahead is spacious. Look all the way to the horizon. Create mental space by letting go of any stagnant emotion or outdated pattern. Clear and release so that you can look forward to the future. It’s a transformational process. Embrace it.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous weekly horoscopes by Sandra Sitron …
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising A row of flowers. Focus and bloom. Determine what needs to be done and make it happen. You know in your heart what you’re ready to bring into the world. If you prune your schedule and stick to your priorities you’ll be able to take action and then celebrate.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising A fountain of melted chocolate. Get in the flow. Dream, imagine, and emote. Connect to your spirituality. This practice is sweet. It can feel like a treat. You just have to make space for it. Find some quiet space where you can focus inward. Reflect and invigorate yourself through your imagination and emotions.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising Bowling. The ball has already been put in motion. The path is clear. Now you can let the situation build momentum and wait for the outcome. Hang tight and wait to see what happens. It’s a game. And regardless of the result, you’ll soon be able to take aim again.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising A buoy bobs on wavy waters. You are staying afloat. And not only that, you are secure. You’re not going anywhere. The waters may be rocky, but it actually isn’t affecting you. You have a job to do, so do it without overthinking anything.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising A magical being makes a path through a forest. You can take the usual and make it unusual. Trust in your imagination and find something that inspires you. If you are bored, remember that there are always new things to explore, no matter where you are. Invigorate your mindset and find the magic in your life.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising Opening a book. It’s a special moment when you are poised to enter into a new story. There can be a moment of anticipation. You have closed the old book and you’re opening a new one. Symbolically let go of an old emotional burden. Make a fresh start. Look for opportunities to change your story.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising Standing in a castle turret and letting down your hair. This is not a fairy tale. You wouldn’t want it to be anyway. Yes, be romantic and magnetic. But don’t get caught up in an outdated or dramatic relationship pattern. Say what you want and need. Communicate clearly. Listen well. This will help you keep yourself grounded in reality.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising Anteater. You’ve adapted so well to your surroundings. What do you need to do next? Maybe you need to refine your processes even more. Find out what could be organized or simplified so that you can maximize your efficiency.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising Cotton candy. Is it even food? What’s it made of? It actually doesn’t matter because it’s pure fun. Put reason and practicality aside for a little while and focus on enjoyment. You must brighten up your routine or else you’ll quickly become unbalanced. Fun and playfulness are in order.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising Emperor penguins march in a line. Tender and maternal animals that have adapted to extreme conditions. They’re here to teach you dedication. Take responsibility. Hold yourself accountable. You need to be able defend and protect what’s important to you. The process can be beautiful and loving. But at the root, the labor of love you have taken on is about dedication.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising Flags and streamers floating in the wind. You’ll show up in top condition if you feel excited about the cause. Pump yourself up with excitement. Get curious. Use that desire to learn as a motivating factor in your pursuit of excellence. The flags and banners are meant to remind you that this is a special time when you can compete at a hight level. Just remember that it’s your choice.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising Rowing a boat in the moat that surrounds your fortress. You can fortify the walls, but the truth is that security is an illusion. You’ll feel happiest when you trust yourself. As you row the boat around your fortress, revaluate how you’re trying to create security. Maybe your mindset is keeping you trapped. Find a practical way to set yourself free. Let security become a state of mind.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous weekly horoscopes by Sandra Sitron …
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising A lightening bolt flashes through the sky. You’ve had some time to ponder. Now you have a chance to know the answer. Get clear about what you need and where you want to go. Take some time to sit in solitude and reflect. What would make you feel perfectly happy? If you open up the space, an epiphany will come through like a lightening bolt.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising Looking out at the ocean, waiting for your ship to come in. Waiting can be uncomfortable. The discomfort can be dissolved if you stop waiting and start dreaming. Use your ability to daydream as a fountainhead for your creativity. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, try embodying the feelings you want to feel. This is how you use your imagination to get where you want to go.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising A butterfly lands on a branch. You are in a state of transformation. The butterfly reminds you that you’ve come a long way. You can never go back to what you were. Get to know the new you. What do you want and need now? You can’t go back to hanging out with your caterpillar friends. It’s time to build a community that understands you in your new form.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising A countertop in an industrial kitchen. Get ready to start prepping. There’s real work to do, customers to feed, and time is of the essence. So where will you begin? What’s your plan? The more clarity you can create around the steps and the process that needs to be executed, the easier this will be. And although it’s time for planning, it’s also time for action. So get to work.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising Taking aim in a game of pool, the ball goes right into the pocket. You can be exact. As long as you know what you’re shooting for, you’ll reach it. Take some time to get clear about your goals. Set intentions for yourself. What do you want to aim at? The most important question to ask is– why do you want it? What motivates you? The more inspired you feel, the better.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising Sitting on top of the mountain. Peacefulness, forgiveness and reflection. When you sit quietly at the top of the mountain, you have the best perspective. Take a moment to review and see if there’s anything that you’re now ready to let go of. Or maybe there’s someone that you can forgive? Let old pains die away, so that you can move forward with a lighter load.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising Using a spade to dig in the garden. Plant seeds for fulfilling relationships. Look within. Clearing aside any worries, fears, or resentments, what is the pure vision that you would like to grow? You have the chance to start fresh. As you move aside the dirt to plant your seed vision, forgive yourself for missteps taken in the past. You are exactly where you need to be.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising A bouncing ball. You can get into a rhythm. Have fun with it. Start to notice how you want your daily life to be. Set yourself up with health goals and make adjustments to your time management. This is your chance to restart your habits. Remember to be playful and enjoy yourself in the process. Anything that doesn’t feel like a game won’t last.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising Powder blue sky. Running in circles and then falling on soft grass to look up at the sky. Watching the clouds form imaginary animal shapes. What could it be like to be as playful as a child? Your worries might fade like passing clouds if you could just easily let your mind wander. Find a ritual that helps you connect with your playful spirit and watch your creativity magnify.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising Cutting fabric to sew a pillow. Use the materials at hand to create a pillowy support for yourself. Deep emotional issues may need clarification. Do you feel safe to be emotionally vulnerable? When will you truly feel at home? How can you ease the mother-wound? You have a light inside of yourself that can be a guiding light if you slow down. Meditate. All the guidance you need is inside of you. You just have to get silent so that you can hear it.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising Cleaning the whiteboard. Start fresh with a new equation. This is an exciting moment because you can truly reset your thought patterns. You just have to be very clear about what you want to believe instead. Use your mind waves to help you manifest what you want. Notice the old story line that’s been blocking you and choose a more appropriate one. It’s time for empowered new beginnings.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising A precious gem sparkles in the sunlight. It’s time to get grounded. Remember that you’re made of earth so you must take care of your earth body. By loving your unique form you’ll be able to cherish yourself. And from cherishing yourself you’ll build a new type of abundance in your life. This week is about setting intentions for abundance and also for hope. Begin by getting grounded in your body.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous weekly horoscopes by Sandra Sitron …
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising Rowing in a canoe.You are rowing the boat, steering through deep emotional waters. Pay attention to the wisdom of your heart. Let yourself be exactly where you are. Trust yourself. If you do these things, you’ll find the reserves of persistence and clarity that will help you navigate.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising A snowflake.The pristine and unique shape of the snowflake is a masterpiece of geometry. Let go of internal criticism. Let go of needing to be right. Drift gently along the wind. See yourself as inherently perfect already. There is nothing that you need to strive for externally right now. Use this time to gain internal clarity about your unique perfection.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising A field of flowers.You are more connected than you know. You have friends in many places. Lean on them for support. And use your creativity to its fullest. Don’t let anyone put you in a box. It’s easier to march to the beat of your own drummer if you remember that your community backs you up.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising A spotlight shines from the eaves of the theater.You’re on. It’s your moment to shine. What are you feeling called to bring into the world? How are you feeling called to serve? Show up. Act out your role. This is a chance for you to build stability in your career. You have what you need to do the work you are here to do.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising A seed from a tree floats to the ground like a helicopter.Free yourself.It’s time to spiral into a new way of thinking. There was a time for waiting, but now it’s over. Explore your surroundings. Travel. When you’ve gathered more information from your explorations you’ll know exactly where to plant yourself so that you can germinate. As long as you feel fired-up and passionate it will work just fine.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising Looking through binoculars down the road behind you.Follow through on the things that have been left undone. It’s time to tie up loose ends and move forward. When you let go of the weight that you are tired of carrying, you will feel clean and clear.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising A four-leaf clover. You can expect extra clarity around your relationships. Look for ways to communicate precisely about your wants and needs. Maybe the clover is lucky because it is balanced, two leaves on each side. Create more balance in your life. It will stabilize and support you.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising The butterfly in the flowers.Hold yourself to a higher standard. The beauty is in the details. When you are excelling in the practical detail work, you’ll have the confidence to go after what you want. It’s possible to transform, leaving old habits behind and embracing a healthier new way of being.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising Eating ice cream.Within a short time, you’ll have opened new creative channels. Begin by having fun and being playful. Enjoy yourself. Notice what you like. What makes you feel creative? It’s okay to lighten up and do these things. Fun and play are excellent avenues to feeling grounded.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising Diving into the water.Breaking into a new plane of experience. Splash– you’re underneath the surface. In the water you have to navigate by feeling your way through it. It’s time to tune into your emotions. It’s not a conscious practice, but more of an instinctive one. Let yourself be fully in the emotions, even if they aren’t controlled. You need to immerse yourself.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising Holding a beach ball over your head.Find a friend and start a game of catch. As the ball moves down the beach, the message moves as well. What new connections need to be made? Mental connections— new ideas, fresh curiosity and learning. And also social connections— aligning with neighbors and friends. Be open minded because there’s a lot to learn.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising A bright star.Hope. It’s a wild concept, but integral to the human experience. You need to build it within yourself. Help the symbol of hope shine brighter and brighter. Let it shine and you’ll see how irresistible it becomes.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Hello friends! I am so excited and honored to be handed the baton from Lindsay to bring you this monthly Tarot guidance. I have benefitted greatly from her wisdom and it fills my heart to be able to now step up to pay it forward. In addition to my work in Tarot, I have an extensive background in crystal energies, so I am adding a stone for each sign that can help you unlock the power of your card for each month. I hope that my take on the cards will continue to be source of inspiration and comfort for you! Happy New Year! xoM
CAPRICORN // CAPRICORN RISING The Moon Happy solar return, Carpicorn! With the Sun shinging bright in your sign, you are called to step into the darkness to get reacquainted with your inner voice. What parts of yourself have you been avoiding eye contact with? What distant voice beckons from deep within your psyche? How can you ready yourself to step forward into the role you have always known deep down you were born to play? The Moon not only calls on us to explore deeply our inner realms, she guides us in our quest, ever present in the darkest hours. There is an aspect of the Hero’s Journey in this card, a feeling that a uniquely personal task must be fulfilled, fear of the unknown overcome, the Hero returned changed, matured, better suited to serve as a member of the community.
If you have had a creative project taking form inside you, now is the time to confront it, to dive in and swim around in it, exploring options and angles. The Moon beckons. It does not demand immediate action, but it does demand the acknowledgement of the inevitable. This first month of 2018 is your time to lay low, dig deep, and accept the mission the Universe is presenting to you. You are important and the world needs what you have to offer. Pay especially close attention to messages you receive on the Full Moons (1st and 31st) and the New Moon (16th). Be prepared for major shifts to be clarified or solidified at the Blue Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 31st!
Your stone for January: Lapis Lazuli
AQUARIUS // AQUARIUS RISING Akashic Records January will be a time of tapping in to the great cosmic library for you, Aquarius, and with your famously dreamy nature, this should feel like absolute heaven. Keep in mind that being a part of the Cosmic whole – the past, present, and future – comes with a healthy dose of responsibility. If we’re all here as one massive living, breathing organism, then how we care for ourselves ripples out to effect every other part of the great Universal beast. Keep track of how your treatment of yourself forms your interations with others. The wisdom you download may propel you to make some changes in your self-care routine to put you in better alignment with the Divine Whole.
This is a great time to expand your meditation practice, spend more time in nature, gaze at the stars, and engage in any other activities that make you feel more connected to the eternal Collective. Let your mind wander and explore places – within and apart from yourself – and see what gems of knowledge you find along the way. Eternal wisdom lives in everything, so you may find yourself receiving profound enlightnement in seemingly unlikely places. The Akashic Records are not accessed through a single Great Teacher, they are aborbed through our energetic field and discovered through connection with the world around us. Stay open to learning from all beings great and small and consider keeping a journal of your experiences so you can go back and expand on any revelations at a later date. Something that seemed small may turn out to be life-changing.
Your stone for January: Amethyst
PISCES // PISCES RISING Serenity Following the busy social scene of the holiday season, you are called to take a pause to care for your own physical, mental, and spiritual health, dear Pisces. With your mystical sensibilites and tendency to take on the emotions of those around you, the holiday season can sometimes be especially taxing. Now you have the great gift of Serenity at your doorstep, urging you to cozy up and settle down. Don’t be arfraid to say no to social obligations or to have strong boundaries around deadlines. This is your time to care for you. Take full advantage and wrap yourself up in the warm embrace of purposeful solitude!
I repeat – this is a PURPOSEFUL solitude. The energy of the Serenity card is not about just vegging out or slacking on responsibilities. The invitation here is to get quiet and nourished in order to gather wisdom to bring back out to your fellow humans when you are ready to emerge from your cocoon. So, when you are thinking of ways to get cozy, think more “books, spa days, yoga retreats” than “Netflix and junk food binge”. Though by all means, if a certain show or movie is sparking your creative interest, watch away! We all need some couch time now and again. Just keep an eye on whether your downtime activites are truly nurturing or leaning toward escapism lest you come out of January feeling even more depleted than when you started.
Your stone for January: Iolite
ARIES // ARIES RISING The Emperor Rejoice, Aries! You’ll be right in your element this month with The Emperor at your side, stoking your firey nature. If you do not have a crystal clear vision of all you want to accomplish this year (complete with blueprints, color charts, a mood board, and detailed financial projections), now is the time to get focused and get all your ducks in a row. I do not see this being difficult for you. With your ruling planet of Mars in Scorpio for most of the month, you will have rare access to the deepest depths of your emotional self. Getting in touch with what truly makes you feel fulfilled will allow you to not only think but to feel out which long-term goals will best serve your master plan.
You know you have one. Aries always has a master plan and with The Emperor by your side, you can safely expand your scope, knowing you have the strategic prowess to execute your grand vision. What you put into play in January will set the tone and the foundation of all you can accomplish in 2018. This is a big month. But be mindful of stepping on toes. This is a LOT of bold energy, and both your cardinal Fire nature and The Emperor can have a tendency to overlook emotional concerns to get goals accomplished more quickly. Remember, it’s only January! Keep an eye on your long game and make sure to maintain relationships as well as you maintain strategic vision.
Your stone for January: Rhodonite
TAURUS // TAURUS RISING Three of Crystals Collaboration is the key word for you this month, Taurus, and perfectly rooted in your native element of Earth. This month brings opportunities to make great gains toward goals of the material world. These can be financially motivated or simply personal passion projects, but they will revolve around changin the physical workd around you in some way with the help of others. Be on the lookout for people, places, or situations that offer you unique perspectives and provide resources or skill sets that are complimentary to your own. You may need to soften your stubborn side a bit to get the most out of your partnerships. Remember that collaboration works best with people who have skills, experience, and perspectives different from your own, so their viewpoints may be challenging at times.
If you have active ongoing projects, reach out to people outside your discipline to get their insights. If you have an empty plate right now, it’s a great time to get together with a wide variety of friends and collegues to talk about what you’re intested in making or accomplishing and wait for sparks to fly. The Three of Crystals will ensure that the right people and situations cross your path. With your dedication and work ethic, and passion for quality, you are naturally someone others desire to work with. You can afford to be a bit choosy. Get grounded in want you want and what you have to offer and get ready to step into some unexpected magic.
Your stone for January: Garnet
GEMINI // GEMINI RISING Justice Striking a balance is imperative this month, Gemini, which may prove easy or incredibly difficult for you depending on the current status of your relationship with your inner twin. Make peace early in the month by forgiving yourself for any perceived missteps and move forward with a clean slate. Now is not a time to dwell on the merits of past behavior, but to take action to correct course. What this looks like will depend entirely on how your December played out. Over-imbibe over the holidays? Plan a month of clean eating and excercise. Been avoiding social engagements? Get out and mix it up to strengthen your social circle. You get the picture. Justice is by definition impartial. It seeks only the truth. Find the truth of your current patterns and balance the scales.
In your quest for the truth, make sure to refrain from judgment. The goal here is not to determine fault or guilt, but simply to see clearly and act accordingly. Sometimes what we find when we see the truth can make us uncomfortable. That is natural. What you’ll want to avoid is getting so bogged down in discomfort that you can no longer take impartial action. Fortunately, your Airey nature should help you to keep your reasoning clear and focused. Try to frame this as an intellectual more than an emotional process. If you do encounter discomfort, allow yourself to feel it and then allow it move on. Be extra kind with yourself and and be wary of taking too much advice from others. This is an inside job.
Your stone for January: Fluorite
CANCER // CANCER RISING Page of Wands You begin the year with a fresh take on how to make magic. Throw out any old rulebooks you have on how to play with the element of Fire. It’s a new day! Time to experiment with new ways of opening and trusting your intuition, acessing your animal instincts and taking action. This is the seed of personal magic. With the first Full Moon of the year coming us on the 1st in your sign, you’ll be able to start things off with a bang. You are ruled by the Moon, Cancer, and you feel her pull more than most. Take this opportunity to really dive into that connection. She has ancient tools for expanding intuition – a key element of Wands energy. You are a part of the Universe. Explore what it feels like to access this power.
Afte the hustle and bustle of the holidays, this personal exploration should be a welcome invitation for some solo play time. Working with Page energy requires solitude to allow time and space to strip away the old ways of operating and discover what new possibilities await. This doesn’t mean being alone on a mountaintop – that’s more in the realm of the Solitude card – but more engaging in life solo. Go to the movies by yourself, treat yourself to a nice solo dinner, go ice skating, take a walk, hear the voice that is uniquely yours guiding you to new possibilities. Give yourself permission to retreat into your shell to conjure a happy and prosperous 2018.
Your stone for January: Orange Calcite
LEO // LEO RISING Transformation Get ready for a lighter New Year, Leo. This month you will find all sorts of things that used to seem incredibly important are just not holding their value anymore. I am talking true emotional, spiritual, energetic value. The Big kind. Everything in the Universe has a life cycle. The old move on to make room for the new to grow. This month you have an opportunity to look through your own system of habits of action and thought to discover anything you are ready to let go of, any area of your life that you would like to see transformed. Are there ways in which you are holding yourself back that you’ve been wanting to release? If so, now is the time!
The Full Moon in Cancer on the 1st is a wonderful time to kickstart this process. The gentless of your sister sign can help to set the tone of this transformation as a nurturing one. Consider lighting a black that day and feeling the detrius loosen and drift away with the waning Moon or simply meditate and set your intentions. This is your transformation. You set the tone and the pace. The beauty of this energy is that it works with you to find what you are truly ready to shed in order to step forward into your new self. Pay attention to any insights that came up around the Winter Solstice. With the Sun as your ruling planet, that longest night of the year can hold particular significance.
Your stone for January: Black Obsidian
VIRGO // VIRGO RISING Four of Wands You reach a level of comfort and stability in the realm of Fire this month, Virgo, and with your Earthy nature, this is a great win! You worked so hard to stay on track in the roller coaster of 2017 and it paid off. With things moving so quickly, you had to get in touch with the fire of your intuition to guide you and your embrace of that flexibility has paid off. You should feel the urgency of action wane this month as you you settle in to a new, elevated pattern of manifestations that keeps you connected to your gut level instincts and able to pivot without straying off course. You can loosen your grip on the details, trusting that your instincts will keep you on the right path.
Your zodiacal ancestry as the caretaker of ancient temples plays into this energy this month as well, dear Virgo. Long before the Vestal Virgins of ancient Rome, women dedicated their lives to serving their Goddesses and Priestesses in temples. This required a great deal of attention to detail to execute all of the duties of the station properly, but this was always in the servie of a higher principle of honoring the Deity. This 4 of Wands is here to help you reconnect to that larger sense of purpose as a guiding force, leaveing you free to trust in yourself, not your set process or program. It’s a new year. What temple will you dedicate yourself to serving?
Your stone for January: Pyrite
LIBRA // LIBRA RISING Two of Swords What a gift, Libra! The wisdom of Air for the cardinal Air sign. Get ready to reach a higher level of mastery in your native element. This month will present a chance for you to unveil information about how you communicate – with yourself and with others – that will allow you to make some decisions about how you want to work with Air energy moving forward. Two energy is profound, but quiet and personal. It works to open us up at our deepest levels. After all, it’s only the very first step away from the primal energy of the Ace! You may encounter a decision that effects your entire mode of thought and communication or it may be a small shift that relates to your relationship with one particular person. The energy will go where you most need it.
Turn your attention to listening to your own internal and external voice as an impartial observer. What patterns do you notice? Are there things you say or words you use that are limiting you or blocking your communication in any way? Practice reframing the same idea in various ways to see what feels best. Maybe “I don’t like parties” becomes “I prefer one on one time with friends”. How do different framings of your words and thoughts change your emotional response or that of others? Discover and experiment early and often so you can be ready to make some decisions around your findings by the end of the month.
Your stone for January: Aquamarine
SCORPIO // SCORPIO RISING Strength Put that deep, instinctual nature to work for good this month connecting to your true inner Strength, Scorpio. You have an enviable natural ability to keep your eye on the prize and speak up for what you want. The Strength card is here to teach you that sometimes the greatest power comes from co-creation and collaboration rather than strategy and confrontation. Your comfort in this paradigm is directly related to how easily you can trust and see the best in others and yourself. Put down your stinger, rest your claws, and put on some rose colored glasses. It’s time for a new approach.
Your key concept for this month is “with” rather than “at”. When you feel the need to communicate something urgently, follow that impulse but be ready to listen to the other side. Your statement is the opener, not the conclusion. This is not to say that January wil be a month of compromising your goals or ideals, quite the opposite! You will find that when you fold the goals and views of others into your own, your vision actually expands. You are not giving up your power, you are growing it. Pay attention to situations that make your tail start to tingle. These challenge points are going to be your best opportunities to dig deep into the wisdom of the Strength card and greatly expand your toolbox for accomplishing long- and short-term goals. If you play your cards right, you could rejuvenate your entire plan for world domination.
Your stone for January: Ruby
SAGITTARIUS // SAGITTARIUS RISING Ace of Cups My loves. This is your heart’s month to shine! The Ace of Cups represents the primal energy of Water, the Divine source of our beautiful ability to FEEL. Melt away any ice that’s built up around your heart, Sagittarius, and let the love flow! You are being given a great gift to start your year, a fresh start to your whole emotional life, a chance to let these healing waters wash away any stagnant patterns so you can be truly prepared to welcome new relationships into your life. These may be romantic, platonic, or even familial. The message here is to carry an open heart. There is great strength in vulnerability. You have no need to be fearful when you open your eyes with your heart.
Being emotionally open means being willing to give and receive love and this month will provide ample opportunities for both. A side effect of the intensity and drama of the past year (and, for many, the holiday season) is that it has helped us to laser-focus on what truly feeds us emotionally, what makes us feel calm and loved and cared for. Tune in to what you can do to nurture yourself and those around you. Lend an ear to a friend who needs to talk. Don’t be afraid to speak up if you need a hug. Consider volunteering at a local food bank, soup kitchen, shelter, or LGBT center. You will find that the more love you give, the more you’ll feel returned to you.
As the New Year arrives, the 2018 Cancer Full Moon wants you to soften into your support system, celebrate how far you’ve come, and treat yourself even better, says Sandra Sitron …
Photo: Mickael Gresset
Full Moon :: January 1, 2018 :: 9:24pm ET :: 11 degrees Cancer
A sigh and a hug. A gentle embrace and Mother Moon nudges you off the edge of the cliff …
You land gently in sea of buttery white rose petals. Sink into softness. The petals morph into her craggy face of the Moon. A waterfall of emotion tumbles you gently into her mouth, and suddenly—you are inside her.
This Full Moon can help you feel contained. You are held in such a way that you can feel every feeling, while being reassured that you are completely supported. You are never alone. You are always seen, your needs always heard, and a gentle softness surrounds you.
In the sign of Cancer, the Moon is at home, and is opposite the Sun in structured Capricorn. This moment could help you blossom in your ability to be both Father and Mother to yourself. To nurture yourself gently, while also providing boundaries and practical support for yourself. You can learn how to both stand up for yourself and be more gentle with yourself.
Might it be emotional? Yes. But with support, there is never trauma. When you feel cared for, healing is easy. This Moon will take you into the depths of emotion. But it will feel oh-so-right.
This Full Moon wants you to treat yourself better, and the emphasis on cardinal signs can help you initiate a new pathway. Let the support of the Moon catapult you into a new wave of understanding.
Celebrate your personal development, and then step through the doorway towards your future self …
Grand trine between the Moon, Neptune, Mars, and Jupiter. A yellow fish swims in a school. This watery trine supports you in moving through the feelings in just the right way. You can nurture your own inner child. Take her on a walk. Show her what it’s really like to be an adult. Help her feel safe and seen.
The school of fish symbolizes swimming through your emotions and connecting with your intuition. This trine will stir up everything that needs to move, but the process is collective.
Meditate to activate your internal guidance system. Your emotional soul-searching will help you feel streamlined and connected, just like the school of fish.
Moon opposite Pluto, Venus, and Saturn An acrobat maneuvers on the tightrope. Jumping and diving gracefully, the acrobat lingers momentarily in midair before grasping a support. You are pushing yourself to go higher, faster, better. You are moving through into a new way of being. It requires skill and strength. But you make it look easy. There is a type of gracefulness in your every move.
As you move into the New Year, get very clear about the transformation that you’ve gone through. What have you learned? What has made you stronger? And now, what will be the structure that supports you moving forward? What is your plan? And finally, notice the inherent beauty that exists in your life. Enjoy this graceful dance in the sky.
These two aspects (above) form a larger kite pattern The kite shape of these two aspects wants to fly. It yearns for motivating action. You can take action by listening to your emotions and allowing yourself to be transformed. This takes courage and willingness to change. In this endeavor, your own emotional security will help you set better boundaries that teach people how to treat you.
And through the whole process, you can refresh yourself with the light of Venus. She reminds you to take pleasure in the moment and enjoy the beauty and diversity of this life on Earth. Something that could otherwise annoy you might seem quite beautiful if you look at it with fresh eyes and an appreciative heart.
The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2018 Cancer Full Moon means for you. Use them as journal prompts. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 11 degrees Cancer in your chart and use the question for that house.
New to your birth chart? Calculate your chart for free HERE.
Aries or Full Moon in the 4th house What helps you feel at home with yourself?
Taurus or Full Moon in the 3rd house What could you be thinking about in a new way?
Gemini or Full Moon in the 2nd house When will you let yourself feel safe?
Cancer or Full Moon in the 1st house What do you need to be honest with yourself about?
Leo or Full Moon in the 12th house How would some solid alone time benefit you?
Virgo or Full Moon in the 11th house What visions for the future are dancing through your mind? Gather these ideas.
Libra or Full Moon in the 10th house Hold yourself to a higher standard. What will this help you achieve?
Scorpio or Full Moon in the 9th house Shimmer new light on your beliefs. What do you most value now?
Sagittarius or Full Moon in the 8th house Paint a picture that shows you finding true forgiveness in every area of your life. In the ideal world, what doors would open?
Capricorn or Full Moon in the 7th house Solidify your partnership desires. What do you need in a partnership?
Aquarius or Full Moon in the 6th house What is the most simple way to structure your day?
Pisces or Full Moon in the 5th house Are you having enough fun to keep your inner child happy?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.
Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous weekly horoscopes by Sandra Sitron …
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising Observing the path ahead. And reflecting on the path behind. Take a moment to pause and be present. What have you learned? And where would you like to go from here? This is a moment to celebrate and to be intentional about your future.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising Blowing bubbles underwater. Dive deep down into the sea of your emotions. What feelings have you been denying? If you slow down long enough, you’ll be able to access those deeper currents that may be driving you unconsciously. Give yourself some time alone.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising Holding a single daisy up in the air. You have advanced in some way. Celebrate where you are now. Allow yourself a sense of jubilance. Now look beyond your own worries and concerns. Can you share what you’ve learned with others?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising Tying a bandana around your neck. Where will you go from here? Get on your horse and ride. Ride with a sense of adventure. Take to the trail with an air of wonder. If you begin to explore, you’ll discover new ways to move forward in your career.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising Washing off a whiteboard. Moving on and letting go of blame. Blame doesn’t do anything for you. Criticizing yourself doesn’t work either. Begin to clean. Clean, sort and organize everything you can, so that you’ll create an internal peacefulness. Make the act of cleansing into a ritual.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising Playing miniature golf. There will be times when you get tired of what you’re doing and your attention wanders. Discover your path forward on these occasions. Look for an opportunity to drive the ball through the moving blades of the windmill. It take skill and finesse to move through life’s obstacles. Take it step by step and don’t get overwhelmed by trying too hard to see the big picture.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising Making a figure out of clay. You can try to shape and change your partner or you can accept people for who they are. Avoid getting into the habit of trying to change someone. There is so much more joy in being delighted by someone’s true spirit. Allow others to be exactly as they are.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising A sponge soaking up water. Soak up the moment that you’re in. Savor the present. Be exactly where you are. Take good care of your body so that you feel grounded. Look for beauty in every tiny detail. There is so much comfort available to you right now. All you have to do is appreciate where you are.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising The markings on a horse’s face. Find your wild spirit. Break free. Play. Have fun. Gallop through fields. Take time out to enjoy yourself. Do it like it’s your job. Things can be more simple than they seem. You can feel free and playful.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising A tiny pea. Shower yourself with terms of endearment. You are cherished and loved. Take good care of your inner child. Make sure they feel safe and cared for. Talk to them every day. Give them lots of encouragement.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising Rowing down a river. What will you discover on your journey? Become very curious. Let what you encounter on your adventure expand your mind. You can leave behind outdated beliefs and become curious about new ways of thinking.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising A green lawn, stretching as far as the eye can see. Stop holding your breath. Your fortune is amassing. Your good luck is expanding. Let yourself feel grounded and whole. You have everything you need right in front of you. Trust. Things don’t need to be predictable as long as you yourself have confidence.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous weekly horoscopes by Sandra Sitron …
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising Tending to the garden. Scratching in the soil. Moving away debris. Pruning and watering. Assessing what needs to be done to prepare for a healthy crop. This is a time to go inward and reflect on what you need in order to grow. Spend quiet time alone in an attitude of non-judgement. Help yourself break through the soil and find the sun.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising A raccoon washes its food before it eats. A ritual of some kind will help you feel grounded, yet still connected to your intuition. This symbol is helping you become more comfortable in the realm of not-knowing. Stay connected to the facts and don’t fantasize about the outcome. But at the same time, allow yourself to dream. The seed of the dream is where your power lies. Not in the planning.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising A cow in a pasture. Your maternal nature is pinging you. We all have a maternal archetype within. Yours currently wants your attention. Funnel your maternal nature through your actions in your community. Bring love to your groups. Bring love to your big wide world. Channel it through the airwaves. You don’t have to let love sit small within you. Get a megaphone and announce it to everyone.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising A butterfly drifts by. You can be yourself. You are yourself. The transformations that you have gone through have dusted you with a new attitude. Let it shine out in your vocation. Trust that the work that you’re doing is memorable. Plant fresh intentions for your career.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising Hold your heart in your hands. When we talk about “heart” what does that mean? Your heart center is your core of love. It is also your spirit. Holding your heart in your hands is an action of cherishing your core self. Cradling self-love. Take this idea and turn it into your personal philosophy. Make it your mission to cherish your own heart. Not your ego, your heart.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising Blowing bubbles in water. Bring your attention inward. Get quiet for a moment. The symbol describes movement in the water. Water represents emotions. What old feeling is ready to transform? Move your emotions. Reassess. What are you ready to let go of? Invite in forgiveness, release and transformation.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising Jump up and down. It’s a new beginning in your area of relationships. What are your goals and dreams for your relationships? What would help you feel like you are ready to jump up and down for joy? How do you want to feel in a relationship? Feel the feeling you want to have and the experience that you desire will follow.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising A unicorn eats grass. Your unique and special nature is supported by your self-care. Don’t avoid the mundane requirements of existence. Don’t deny yourself the things that you need. It can be hard to discover what these things are. Stay focused on taking care of yourself and crafting healthy habits. The rest will follow.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising Playing the bagpipes. Find an unusual way to express yourself. Express your true feelings, your unique nature and your personal power. When you are having fun you become magnetic. That is the moment when your audience will appear. So play and be playful.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising A bread box. You need to nourish yourself. You need to create a container. The bread box is a safe space that holds nourishment. Do you have this in your own life? It could be a place where you journal about your feelings. It could be a trusted relationship or community. It could be your healing practices or self-care rituals. Define the people, places and things that help you feel supported and nurtured.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising Chamomile flowers. Soothe your mind with beauty. Beauty is a priority. Soaking in enough of it can help you feel centered and safe. Have you drunk in enough loveliness lately? This will help you clear your mind and relax.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising An arrow flies to the target. You have momentum. Trust in the process. Trust that what you desire, you already have. Even if you are in midair and don’t yet feel the safety of the target, your trajectory is already aligned. Allow yourself to feel secure. Feel the abundance of trusting.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
The 2017 Sagittarius New Moon wants you to clear the decks, assess what’s truly worth shooting for, and forge ahead with renewed purpose, says Sandra Sitron.
New Moon :: December 18, 2017 :: 1:31 am ET :: 26 degrees Sagittarius
Wipe the sweat from your brow. Look around. The fight is long and hard. Take a momentary break and reassess. What are you fighting for? What do you believe in?
As you take a step back, get grounded and quiet for a moment. It’s okay to push. But have you been fighting with yourself without quite knowing why? Pushing yourself without knowing what you even want to achieve?
Sagittarius is the archer, pointedly asking— “What are you shooting for?” With this Sagittarius New Moon, the message is clear: you must align with your purpose.
So what IS your mission? Start by thinking about your values. What do you believe is missing, or under-represented in the world? What gets you fired up inside? And what do you need to learn to bring those values into action? Who do you need on an emotional level to become to be the highest version of yourself?
Clarity around these issues won’t come unless you ask for it. And so the first step now is to get clear about your goal. You can’t make the plan until you know the goal.
Typically, Sagittarius is an easy-breezy sign. Bouncy like a beach ball. With Sagittarius, anything is possible. But this particular New Moon is conjunct Schoolteacher Saturn, just before he marches into Capricorn. Saturn has been in Sagittarius for about three years, and it’s been a wild ride that has pushed many people to redetermine their values. What have you learned about yourself and your world over the last three years? Let this inform you now.
A shift is about to happen and we are heading into a new cycle of growth. Decide where you want to shoot your arrow. Fan the spark of your passion and help it grow into the expanding flame of a whole new direction …
Moon conjunct Saturn A goat sits in a meadow. The goat is quiet and a little bit dreamy. But soon he will start to climb. And when he begins, nothing will stop him. Can you harness that desire to ascend? The goat always yearns to go higher. He does it without self-flagellation or self-pity. He just gets to work.
But for now, be still. Sit and ponder. Don’t be hard on yourself or get trapped in a mindset of perceived isolation or self-doubt. Find alignment with yourself. Notice an urge to plan and brush it off if you can. When the moment is right, you will know exactly what you need to do to climb the mountain.
Moon conjunct Venus Holding a feather. The feather is associated with ascension and spiritual evolution to a higher plane. Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Moon, and Saturn are currently all clustered in Sagittarius, the sign of higher awareness. Let your mind gently expand. Like a feather floating, you can sync into a higher state of being. Venus nudges you to receive. Receive a state of enlightenment through meditation and allowing yourself to feel all your feelings. Nurture yourself and let yourself drift toward greater clarity of mind, body and spirit.
Moon trine Uranus Creating a new equation. This is unexpected. An innovative equation that is surprising for its simplicity and accuracy. You need to be in just the right state of mind to allow it to crystalize.
Tend to your emotions so that you can feel mentally clear. A welcome surprise could manifest in a way that helps you feel emotionally supported. The more open you are to possibility, the more you will be in the flow. Let a bright and shiny idea drift your way.
The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2017 Sagittarius New Moon means for you. Use them as journal prompts. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 26 degrees Sagittarius in your chart and use the question for that house. Do your chart for free HERE.
Aries or New Moon in the 9th house What are you really shooting for? What is the wider impact you want to have on the world?
Taurus or New Moon in the 8th house What do you need to release? How can you get the emotional support you need to let go?
Gemini or New Moon in the 7th house What do you need to learn to be a better partner? What would your ideal partnership look like?
Cancer or New Moon in the 6th house What do you need to refine in your daily life? What unhealthy habits are you willing to reform?
Leo or New Moon in the 5th house How can you let yourself have more fun? What activities inspire your inner child?
Virgo or New Moon in the 4th house What age is the inner child within you who needs your love the most right now?
Libra or New Moon in the 3rd house How can you verbalize your goals? Who in your immediate community are you ready to share them with?
Scorpio or New Moon in the 2nd house What affirmation would help you know that you are inherently worthy? What do you value most about yourself?
Sagittarius or New Moon in the 1st house What lights you up? What cause or mission do you feel most aligned with personally?
Capricorn or New Moon in the 12th house What is your most cherished childhood memory? How can this memory help you feel compassion for yourself?
Aquarius or New Moon in the 11th house What do you need to do to begin fresh? Who are your fellow freedom fighters?
Pisces or New Moon in the 10th house It’s okay for you to shine in your career. What can you do to help yourself remember that?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.
Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous weekly horoscopes by Sandra Sitron …
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising A cluster of pinecones. The beauty of the seed is quiet and pure. The seed needs protection. Let yourself float gently through your day, without judgement or worrying. Focus on the central truth that you are sprouting and you don’t need to know exactly what direction that will take. Focus on hope and trust. You will meet your goals. Expect it.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising A car moves along the racetrack. It has a low center of gravity. This is a message for you to stay grounded and move confidently. You don’t have to question your worth, or second-guess yourself. Move instinctively. Follow your passion. As long as you stay centered, you’ll be able to take the turns with ease and speed.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising Pulling a cookie out of a box. Give yourself a treat. Let yourself enjoy. You don’t have to measure everything against reality. Being overly realistic can quickly turn into pessimism. Instead, raise your curiosity and creativity. What might be fun? What might bring people together? The answer is surprisingly simple.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising A horse is eating flowers. Bring your conscious attention to the bounty and strength that you’ve developed over the year. Your success will feel ephemeral until you define it. Only you can do that for yourself. This is your yearly review of your career, so take notice of everything that you’ve achieved. Celebrate it.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising A puffy cloud floats in the sky. The cloud changes shape and form and so do you. Adaptability is part of life. But the question you must ask yourself now is, “At my core, what am I made of?” At the core of the cloud, there is nothing. It is swept away by the wind. This is your chance to define your mission statement, so that you feel centered and clear about what you want.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising A beaver is felling trees. The beaver teaches that if you are clever, you can resolve what you need to resolve. This is your moment for reconciliation and resolution. Let it go, let the tree fall. Create the boundaries you need to create. Work with the emotions that are coming up so that you can heal.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising A rushing waterfall. What would it be like to be a “rushing waterfall” in your relationships? Here are some ideas that come to mind … emotionally open or emotionally swept away. Replenished or overwhelmed. Relaxed or losing control. There are many meanings and they can be interpreted in a positive or challenging way. What meaning does this image bring up for you? If you want to find more balance in your relationships, meditate on the positive meaning in this symbol.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising Washing your face in a spring. Purification. Create a ritual for renewal to practice before the New Year. What will help you feel fresh? What will inform your subconscious mind that you have pressed “reset” on all of your systems? You can find joy in a total overhaul of your daily routines. It’s time for new habits.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising Walking on stilts. It’s time to get taller. It’s time for you to lift yourself up off the ground. In which life area do you most desire “elevation?” Now is the moment. If you want to lift yourself up higher, focus on two things— fun and creativity. Let these two friends be your guides.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising Your heart center. Bring your mind and your heart together. Bring consciousness to your heart center. To do this, you may decide to ask yourself some deep questions about how you love: When has love felt like a strength? When has love felt like a weakness? Is love enough? Is love an emotion or a state of being? Do my answers to these questions bring me peacefulness and connection? Or do they bring me contraction and separation?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising A porcupine rolls into a ball. Are you playing dead? Are you needing a break? The key is to turn down the pace of your thoughts. Do what you can to slow it way down, so that you don’t have to hide out. Meditate. Breathe. Get out of your head and into your body. There is a benefit to taking a step back and seeking restoration, just do so in an empowered way.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising Pulling straws. You have choices to make. If you don’t have faith in yourself or trust in your future, you can make hasty decisions. Alternatively, you can make grounded decisions that come from a stable center. How will you choose? Trust is a state of mind that you have to create for yourself. The more trusting you are, the easier it will be to feel secure.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous weekly horoscopes by Sandra Sitron …
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising Handfuls of doughnuts. You can find yourself surrounded by sweetness. Or you can imagine that you’re trapped in a surreal ring of doughy binding. It’s your choice. If you want freedom look for the sweetness. Embrace kindness in yourself and others. If you want to feel trapped, you’ll find evidence to support that idea. Don’t let the monkey-mind take over. Slow down your thoughts. Seek out inspiring wisdom that feels supportive and true.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising A thermos filled with hot tea. You have strong reserves. You have the strength that you need. You know how to heal yourself. Your power is showing up in a currency that is less tangible and more emotional. Will you let yourself receive it? Will you let yourself believe in your strength and security, even if you can’t touch it, see it or taste it?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising Riding a skateboard. Steady yourself and stay focused on the concept of balance. You are in motion. There is progress. The trick is to skillfully stay balanced and upright as you move over all kinds of terrain. You can’t control the terrain. Don’t get caught up in politics, bureaucracy, or the status quo. Stay one step ahead by steadily and meditatively moving forward. Whatever situation you find yourself in— focus on possibility and progress.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising The teacher at the head of the class. It’s time to take a stand and put forward your opinions. This is not always the easiest position for you to take, but you must be vehement about what you believe in. Especially when it comes to your career. Evaluate and consider the path that you’ve taken. As you review, you may find information that helps you align yourself with your true potential. Stand up for yourself! Take up more space.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising The wings of an owl. You are wild and wise. Find the gust of wind that will take you higher. But don’t flail about. Be clear and determined. Use your wisdom as you make decisions. Don’t react. Choose wisely. You may take this time to get clear about what you are hunting for. Use all of your senses and get some perspective on the situation. Get the bird’s eye view.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising A trail through a field loops back around. You’ve been here before. Many of us have a tendency to repeat old patterns. But what’s different now? Something has changed. Challenge yourself to find the things that are different. You can change the patterns. You can react differently. You can heal the past. You can find forgiveness. If you change your expectations, a new pathway will reveal itself.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising Blowing bubbles. You want to make love expand. But if you fill the bubble up with too much air, it will burst. So tread carefully when it comes to relationships. Speak your clear truth in full integrity. Find someplace to safely release any extra “air,” without burdening your partners and collaborators. What do I mean by extra air? In this case it could be half-formed complaints, ungrounded gossip, or overly verbose explanations— you’ll know it when you see it because it’s the kind of thinking and speaking that actually saps your energy. At this time you are creating structure and alignment around mindset and communication. Meditation could be very helpful.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising A salamander. Stay grounded. Make adjustments. This is an important opportunity to tend to your routines, health, workflows and organization. Let yourself be adaptable. Any positive changes that you make in your routine will help you feel strengthened. The salamander shares ancient wisdom— live purely and stay connected to the earth. Clear your spaces, organize and manage your time so that you find grounded expansion.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising Beach ball. Show off with your most bouncy, effervescent self. What feels like work? Can you make it more fun? What feels like resistance? Can you open it up? Find spaciousness, find lightness, find expansion in the very moment that you are in. If it’s not fun, then what’s the point?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising Looking into a hole in the ground. Go inward and connect with your interior. Shine the light on yourself. What do you feel? What do you desire? What brings you pleasure? Nurture yourself with attention. Rebuild the structure of self-care that is the foundation of your life. Go inward to ask yourself— how do I know that I am nurtured?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising A pear and a daisy. Fruits and flowers prove that there is bounty. Your focus this week is on your mental bounty, aka your mindset of abundance. Train your brain to magnetically attract what you desire. Make a plan for how you will approach your mindset shift. Make a commitment to yourself and stay in integrity.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising A waterslide at an amusement park. It can be so fun! Just stay in motion. Don’t let yourself get stuck. This symbol is simple. If you are brave you will enjoy yourself. If you are fluid, you will enjoy yourself. If you have trust, you will enjoy yourself. Life can be pleasurable and you deserve to experience good things. Let yourself be in the flow.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.