Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous Weekly Horoscopes from Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology …
Libra :: Libra Rising Seated in meditation. The hardest thing to do right now is to be patient. But that is what you must do. You must be patient in your relationships. Be patient in your vision of yourself and who you are becoming. Incubate a feeling of serenity in your heart. This is important because you are in a moment primed for heartfelt explosions or ultimatums. An outburst might be cathartic, but it won’t help you align with your underlying goals. Let the feelings flow but practice patience in your reactions.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising The cue ball rolls slowly into the pocket of the pool table. Precision. Pacing. Pay attention to your health. Take simple and easy steps to invigorate physical balance. Get in tune with your intuition and it will lead you to the best physical practices that will support your health. Be persistent and just focus on today. Change your habits slowly and incrementally.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising Jumping in a moon bounce at a block party. When was the last time you really let loose? You’ve got to play. Everything will grind to a halt if you don’t let yourself have fun. Loosen up your grip, let go of control and let your childlike nature break free. It’s totally okay to be childlike— jump on the couch or giggle until you can’t breathe. Create mental space that will allow you to be carefree.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising Foraging for medicinal herbs in a field. Resources and support are all around you. The pathway to emotional healing is beckoning. The only question is, will you take the initiative to follow it? Take note of any workaholic tendencies. If that’s happening, is it keeping you from feeling your feelings? Are you trying to distract yourself? Look for the healing that is available to you, it’s right under your nose.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising A heron flying low. Looking for fish. You have plenty of energy to scoop them up. You’ve got to stay on the move and stay focused on your prize. Increase your curiosity. Keep looking for your next clue. Connect with your community and find the simple wisdom that will lead you to your goal. This is a time for learning and searching. Don’t stray too far from the course. This is no time for laziness, you must keep seeking.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising Layers of bedrock. It’s time for a focused and grounded ritual. Make mental space for an expanded sense of security. Use your magical tools— meditation, prayer, gratitude, visualization, music, creativity, etc. to invigorate your concept of your worth. It’s time to bolster your self-worth and your financial worth. Let the ideas “I deserve,” and “I am worthy,” become stable bedrock within your mind.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising A dancing flame. Let a smile play around the corner of your lips. You get to be here. You get to experience this body, this time, this incarnation. The simplicity of that fact can be enough, if you let it. Nothing ever has to be more complicated than this key phrase, “I am.” Of course, it often is more complicated than that because life is designed to be a maze of experience, learning and creative challenge. But for today, find vibrant satisfaction in the idea that you are here and that is good.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising Elephants walking in a line. Like a scene from the movie Fantasia, a kaleidoscope of symbols spiral and then morph into new shapes. The elephants walking in a line become birds flying overhead and the shapes of the birds pool into a ladle of water drawn from a well. Drink the magic visions and remember that there is more to this mysterious experience than what initially meets the eye. You must look into the symbolism of the patterns in your life right now and find deep emotional healing. Pay attention.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising A riddle. You might ask for help and then find that the assistance is offered comes in the form of a new puzzle. In every corner of your life you are being challenged to stretch your brain to accept new ideas. Take the challenge. Step toward it. You are ready to break free of the old mental constraints. Break out into a new level of learning. Enough with the plateau. It’s time to advance so that you’re ready for your future self.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising Polar bear. Maternal bear. What about your fierceness? What about your strength? When do you access your power? It’s always there and this is your moment to allow it to flow through your veins. It’s just not enough to play small anymore. It’s just not enough to hide your strength. Stand up— in your career, your vocation, your work. Do so by taking assertive action. Say “yes” to what you believe in.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising Holding the corners of the parachute. Dance. Laugh. Be jolly. Follow that playful spirit and see where excitement will take you. Maybe it will take you to the edge of a cliff and you’ll bring your parachute. You’ll take the leap and explore new territory. This is a sacred journey that can bring you closer to your own truth. Embark on the journey and don’t forget to bring joy with you.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising A ferris wheel. The wheel of life spins. It’s like a ferris wheel. Birth, sex, death, rebirth. On and on. Acknowledge the wheel. Acknowledge that part of playing the game of life is making a contract to create and a contract to release. Create your new world and release anything that is ready be forgiven. Set the intention and then enjoy the ride.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Happy turn around the sun, sweet Libra! This is a month of transformation and integration for your whole sign. It is a cosmic fresh start. Don’t let this card scare you—it’s bringing nothing but good tidings your way. There have been so many dark moments for you this year, Libra. Now, believe it or not, the sun is truly going to start shining on your life. Difficulties will begin to melt, old patterns will begin to shift and change. You’ve already done the work, loves. This month will be a beautiful new beginning, one that will prove to you how much you’ve transformed over the last year.
Ten of Swords Rx is much softer, much kinder, and much more positive than it’s upright sister. The upright energy of Ten of Swords indicates a moment in our lives when we need to simply do, not think. This card leaves us zero room for victimhood, rumination and indecision. The old way is done and gone—there is only forward, into the new and unknown. The reversal, Libra, is a signal that you’re about to reap the fruits of having gone through that intense journey. It is done; you made it, whether you knew it or not!
Each one of you, in a critical moment, chose what was necessary, instead of what was easy. You said yes to wherever your soul was calling for you to step up, despite the discomfort—and it is going to be paying off for you in spades. You’ve been warriors, and now it’s time to move into transformation and integration, taking all that you’ve learned and channeling it into wisdom that you can share with others. Bow to yourself, loves. Honor your work, honor your courage, celebrate your soul growth. You deserve it, and then some.
Queen of Swords is here to help you ground, Scorpio. To help you root back down into your communication, your truth, and your trust in life. Queen of Swords is ruled by water and air—she is a fierce archetype. She shows up when life feels a little too ungrounded, when our mind and heart can turn in on us, flooding us with confusion. If even a sliver of us is out of alignment, she is there with her sword, ready to slice through any BS that doesn’t serve us. She is the energy that arrives when both our thoughts and emotions are contractive and limiting.
We may feel that we don’t know what’s going on, that we can’t quite find our footing. Over and over again, Queen of Swords will show up in those moments and help us expand and trust in ourselves again. You are ready for this deep clearing, Scorpio. Many of you have been working through some very old, calcified belief systems in this recent Pluto Retrograde (which began April 20th and ended September 28th). It is time to both release the lessons, and the old karmic patterns that you were made aware of again — and it’s time to begin a new leaf around communication.
Confidence in speaking your vulnerable truth is really what Queen of Swords is here for this month. She is here to help you open your heart and your throat chakra so anything that blocks you from sharing in moments of contraction can be cleared. Even if you are a clear talker, Scorpio, that doesn’t always imply truthful, emotionally rooted communication. Why is this so important? So you can begin to receive more guidance in the difficult moments of your life, rather than holding everything in. Do the deep work, let your truth shine, feel the support all around you.
If you don’t like the way things are going in your life, Sagittarius, do something about it. I’m serious! This is the month to make a change. If you’ve been waiting, unsure, contracted and scared, this is the sign you’ve been waiting for to take a leap into something new. If you’ve been planning on that all along for this month, congratulations—you are right on! Now is a time to begin to embrace an exploration of self, to tune in with what doesn’t work, and stretch a hand out to whatever might make your soul sing.
You may not receive the kind of clarity of purpose that you are longing for right away, but you will have started a new chapter. Just by leaving what doesn’t serve you any longer, you’ll be half way there. Three of Crystals, or Pentacles, is a beautiful energy, one that usually shows up in a reading when we are doing exactly what we are meant to be doing with our lives. It usually feels like that, too! There is a true sense that we are working in a way that is in alignment with our soul purpose.
The reversal isn’t that things are out of alignment, necessarily, but they might feel funky. It might feel tough to pinpoint the source of the discomfort and unrest around our place in the world. It usually means that we are ready to expand to the next level, ready to upgrade—and with this reversal, it usually means that we must leave something behind in order to do so. So, my loves, don’t complicate it this month. If you need to end something, end it. If you need to speak your peace, speak it. If it’s time to quit, time to move, jump in and trust yourself. It’ll pay off in spades.
October is another profoundly transformative month in a series of many for you, Capricorn. You have definitely been riding out some major changes over the last year. I invite you to reflect for a moment: where were you last year at this time? Six months ago? One month ago? I guarantee that the evolutions that you have moved through are markedly profound, whether you were feeling them internally or externally.
How did this last year change your life? How did it change you? What did you have to do—or not do—to get where you are now? And, perhaps most importantly of all, what are you still being called to release, or surrender to? Where are you ready to bloom open in a whole new direction? It will be crucial for you to meditate on these inquiries in October, Capricorn—the Death card is here to help. Transformation, or the Death card, is nothing to fear, just like change and loss of control are nothing to fear. The ego hates the feeling of not being in the driver’s seat, but the soul is right at home in the unknown.
You’re beginning, slowly but surely, Capricorn, to value your intuition over your will. This is truly the crux of what The Universe has been guiding you through for the past year. It’s certainly not to say that your amazing discipline and work ethic won’t still be a foundational part of you. You’re just building in new gifts, getting a deep lesson in pausing and surrender before stepping into anything new. You are continuing your process of being cracked open again and again, all to drop you into deeper alignment with your intuition. Keep reflecting on how much you’ve changed—the Death card will only be furthering that transformation this month.
Sevens in the Tarot are invitations to do inner work around what feels like an external situation. Seven of Wands is specific to identification with a role, position or title, usually one that has shifted from under us, or that we have outgrown. Where in your life is it time to redefine yourself, Aquarius? October will be the month to find out.
Where in your life is your ego most identified? Take a moment and feel that question resonate through your body. Is it a name, a title, a position, or a role you play out in your life? Is it your sexuality, your economic status, or your job title? It is the need to be coupled with another, or defined by a relationship? Is it the need to have specific commitments, or no commitments at all? Do these identities feel freeing to you, or limiting?
If you are defending a position, or aligning with an identity that you’ve already outgrown, bow to it and honor it — no shame or judgement in that whatsoever. Just understand that Seven of Wands is here to offer a potent liberation in that area, a gentle homecoming to the infinite nature of our being. It is a reminder that it’s safe to let things go, to change our minds, to relax into something new. Identities are beautiful, but when they begin to limit us, we need to go down to the roots and investigate. October will be inviting you into just that kind of work, sweet Aquarius. Welcome it’s presence—you are the kind of spirits who cannot be tied down when it doesn’t feel right! It might be intense to let go of an old title, identity, or role that you cherished, loved, and found yourself in, but if it doesn’t resonate any longer, it’s time to shed it.
October is your month, Pisces! Ace of Wands is an incredibly expansive energy, one that feels like a rebirth of self. It is an artistic explosion, ripe with focus, clarity and inspiration around what we love, and most desire to create. You have been in some deep cocoons over the last few months. Now, you are fully out of your chrysalis, your beautiful new wings shimmering in the sunlight. Now is the time to make, to birth, to create and to spark the flow of your passions. Ace of Wands brings divine inspiration, huge new ideas and very exciting opportunities. You deserve them in spades, loves. Seize your flame and run with it.
The wild, raw, creative juices will be flowing—your job is to give them structure. If you are making music, block out time every day to play and record, whether you like what you’re doing or not. It’s the doing that matters, not necessarily how we feel about it. Over time, that discipline pays off! The same thing goes for anything that you are breathing creative life into. Don’t think about it too much, just let yourself get your hands dirty. Play, experiment, and let it be joyous. Be sure to intensely protect and defend your sacred creative time—when the work knocks, answer.
Ace of Wands in your month of October will really feel like you’re turning a new leaf. Your souls have been waiting for this moment, when your internal process can finally join hands with an external expansion. You are ready to birth something new and beautiful into the world, something that only you could bring. Celebrate the shit out of that, and enjoy every moment. If there was ever a time to feel the fear and do it anyway, this is it.
The entire month of October is a beautiful heart opener for you, Aries. Again and again, you will be flooded with opportunities to fall in love with your life—and yourself. Things have shifted for you since you moved through the Akashic Records card in September. Karmic patterns were totally shifted, new cycles were born, and the potential for expansion was, and still is, enormous. Those of you who said a courageous yes to those invitations have begun a transformation that will continue to unfold in the coming months. It begins here, in October, in the glorious energy of Ace of Cups.
Ace of Cups is a gentle and gorgeous invitation to open the heart to a new level of love and intimacy. It is a truly advanced level of emotional connectivity. Everything you touch this month will have the potential to be medicine for your heart chakra. You are changing, Aries—softening and blossoming, open to ease and grace in a way you’ve never been before. You moved through a mighty process this year, and things are truly beginning to shift in another direction for you. The old things that used to matter and control your life are largely processed. Now, what you’re left with is pure potential, and pure open heartedness.
Say yes, as often as you can, to anything that brings you into oneness with another, or with yourself. Drink of the cup that is the wellspring of your innate lovability and worthiness. Ace of Cups has a beautiful ability to connect us with experiences that expand us. Be open to sudden, random acts of kindness. Be open to meeting new people—perhaps deep new friends, or a beloved. But most of all, be open to embracing the wisest, fiercest, gentlest teacher on the planet: your own sacred heart.
Nine of Cups is such a delicious energy for you to be flowing in this month, Taurus. It is the perfect card for you, beautifully aligning with your earthy nature. This month might feel like an interesting mix of busy and dreamy, which is just the way you like it! Busy with what life will be asking of you in the day to day—dreamy with your hopes and desires for the future. Indeed, nines in the Tarot are always about wrapping up, clearing an old pattern while simultaneously preparing for a new cycle to emerge. That’s why October might feel like a funny blend of energies in moments, but I promise you’ll most likely enjoy every moment of it.
Nine of Cups is the wishing card. There’s an air of mystery and magic wrapped around the very essence of it. It’s true—when we flow through this card, it’s almost like moving through New Moon energy. The time becomes ripe to plant seeds of intention for the future. We are encouraged to dream big, to wish big, to let our hearts run wild with delight. Nine of Cups is rich in potential and possibility, so let this energy take you far! What will be asked of you this month, Taurus, is to seriously upgrade your wishes in this life.
You will be drawn strongly into upper limit issues, areas of sensitivity around money, love, and general ease and grace in your life, all to investigate where you’re being called to upgrade. This card, and this energy, is where we want to step out of our comfort zones, to dream bigger than we ever have, to ask for more than we ever have. It might feel scary and vulnerable, but that’s our work in the Nine of Cups: to identify discomfort, and let our wishes bloom accordingly.
Here you are in the energy of the mighty Tower again, Gemini—the second time in the last few months. That’s a lot of deep recentering and clearing! Fortunately for you, The Tower has shown up reversed for your monthly medicine, which is a much softer energy. Let’s drop into why that is, and what it’s bringing you. For starters, you are changing, Gemini, that much is clear. There are very, very big things at play, most of them happening in a very subterranean way right now. Think of tectonic plates shifting beneath the ocean, slow, powerful, and ultimately transformative.
It is absolutely time to ask some big questions. Is your life fulfilling you? Making you happy? Do you feel like you can release some of what holds you in places of overwork, exhaustion, or even burnout? In other words, Gemini, are there aspects of your life that you used to adore, and just don’t anymore? If so, that’s okay! Just admit it to yourself. That’s part of why The Tower is here, working with you this month—to help guide you through the slow process of waking up to what you’re truly, in your heart, ready to say goodbye to.
The Tower comes to free us from something we are no longer meant to walk with. The reversal is much softer, and lives firmly in the internal realm. In other words, Gemini, you will be experiencing the clearing of The Tower in a subconscious way this month. Pay attention to your dreams and feelings, look deeply at the structures of your life, and of your inner experience. Let the process flow on its own time; commit to being a quiet, curious observer of your internal landscape. There is much for you to see this month.
Where are you in your relationship to receiving right now, Cancer? October is presenting you with an important opportunity to pause for a moment and consider this. Are you burned out? Bored? Feeling overextended? Are you truly receiving as much as you give? Are you talking yourself out of being “ready” to be of highest service, feeling like you have nothing to give to others at this moment? To get clear on where the current energetic levels are in our lives, we have to ask these questions, and follow them down deeply.
We might not feel burned out, but we might be feeling anger. We might not be angry, but we might be feeling distracted in our work. No matter what, it shakes out to the same thing: there is an energetic balance in our lives with our giving and receiving. It may be profound or slight, but no matter what, it is important that we pay attention in order to correct it. Wherever you are in this moment is perfect, Cancer — even if it’s a tough, or highly unbalanced place, energetically speaking. It’s here to teach you something, and Six of Crystals, or Pentacles, is here to help facilitate a greater embracing of that balance, a sacred ebb and flow.
In Six of Pentacles, we receive by giving, and give by receiving. The healer gets a healing, and the person offering it gets filled up by serving another person. What this card truly offers us is the wisdom to know when to fill our well when we need it, and to only serve another when we are at an overflow. Begin this revolution with yourself, Cancer. How is your well? Whatever you need, giving or receiving, may you be overflowing and abundant this month and always.
Sacred balance is your medicine this month, sweet Leo. Everything you do in October will be in service of recalibrating your spirit, helping you to feel more deeply aligned with your life path, and your purpose. Part of this will be facilitated by leaning into the soul essence of the Knight of Cups, who invites us to live in as much ease and grace as possible, even through contraction.This archetype reminds us that even the toughest times can have a stroke of beauty in them. You have spent the last few years considering this idea, learning to trust goodness, letting yourself sink deeper and deeper into receiving.
It can feel scary to be willing to choose grace in difficult moments, to lean into our faith that things will recenter, even in darker times. And yet, slowly but surely, you have created a life where that is beginning to be the norm for you. Your nervous systems have really gone through a powerful upgrade; new neural pathways have been formed. Knights bring movement and messages, powerful invitations to embody their essence and infuse it into some part of our lives. Letting things be amazing without worrying about what’s coming next, or without panicking that it will all fall apart—that is your task for this month and beyond.
This is what is getting cemented in you this month, Leo—a rebalancing of heart and head, of mind and soul. Choosing to align yourself with grace and beauty, even in challenging moments. Root down into yourself and feel the fullness of the support all around you. Doing so will open you up powerfully to the realms of imagination, the mind, and the dream space. Let it be beautiful, and inspiration, abundance and new opportunities will flow into your life.
Ace of Swords is a perfect energy for you to be flowing in this month, Virgo. It’s got your name all over it: potential for inspiration, clear mindedness, powerful downloads, and massive opportunities to make great headway on any ideas that feel deeply exciting and aligned for you. It’s a wonderful blend of your natural sensibilities, and the organic potency of this card. Embrace it with all you’ve got; it’s bringing some wonderful things your way.
Put simply, loves, the presence of the Ace of Swords is a powerful indicator of new ideas and new projects on the horizon. It could present the opportunity to study, channeling new things, absorbing exciting knowledge from others. It is often an indicator of major ideas being ready to come through us. No matter what, it’s nothing but eureka moments and strokes of genius with this card. Expect to be intellectually stimulated, and to have many different sources of inspiration flow through you as the month goes on.
As with any Ace, this energy is a gift from Divine that we have to reach out and receive, rather than assume it will just be placed in front of us. Empower yourself to work with this energy in a really intentional way. Take time to inquire deeply, Virgo: what kind of life scenarios best facilitate clear thinking and powerful study for you? Whatever they are, wherever they are, say yes to them, and take the first step. We want to be focusing on the mind and the heart being as open as they can to these downloads. We are also encouraged to say a gentle no thank you to anything that distracts or does not serve us at this time. Ace energy is powerful and magical, loves. Let yourself be fully available for it.
Buckle up, divination divas. As we prepare to take on the dark side of the year, let these tarot cards for October 2017 help you face your fears and break on through, says Melinda Lee Holm.
As Fall brings a shift in the light, we are crossing through the veil into the collective and individual subconscious for some major breakthroughs.
October offers the opportunity to treat the dive into the dark side like a gift, as we expand our understanding, birth our passion projects, face our deepest fears, and learn to be better partners.
The energy this month is tailor-made to get you out of your comfort zone and into the fast lane. Buckle up!
:: 10/9 Indigenous People’s —9 of Pentacles ::
Many cities across the U.S. have transformed what was formerly Columbus Day into Indigenous People’s Day, and this shift is the result of decades of work to raise awareness of and appreciation for the history and experience of the indigenous people in the land we now call home.
The 9 of Pentacles helps deepen our awareness of this experience. This card represents an accomplishment in the Earthly world, a recognition of the fruits of our labor, and an understanding of how we have been transformed by our experiences. But with this knowledge comes an awareness that what we have learned demands that we learn even more. We are driven to push ahead towards an ever more profound understanding of our world and ourselves.
Calling in the 9 of Pentacles:
Use tea tree oil on your body or in your home – it clears confusion, in addition to being a great antiseptic
Read a work of non-fiction
Dress foods with mustard – mustard seed promotes the courage and perseverance needed to learn and integrate challenging information
Keep African violets in your home to attract grounded wisdom
:: 10/10 Jupiter Enters Scorpio—Queen of Cups ::
As Jupiter begins its transit through Scorpio, we’re in for 13 months of majorly deep dives into the desires we wish to expand. This is BIG DEAL energy for pushing hard to get passion projects up and running. The trick is, with the potential sting of Scorpio’s tail, we have to be sure that what we pursue is truly in alignment with our hearts.
The Queen of Cups has a masterful devotion to her passion. She knows her emotional self completely and is comfortable with all aspects of her emotional field. This makes her able to skillfully identify what is in perfect alignment with her heart and leaves her free to dive completely into that project and care for it as she would a child.
Choose wisely and give of yourself completely. This is a potent time.
Calling in the Queen of Cups:
Drink linden tea to fearlessly open the heart and follow its lead
Wear or carry Ruby to inspire passionate devotion to a goal or project
Eat legumes – plant the seeds of success in yourself via proverbial “magic beans”
Dress with intention – as the saying goes, fake it til you make it
:: 10/13 Friday the 13th—The Moon ::
Getting a Friday the 13th in October is truly a gift for fans of the spooky and macabre. Long considered an unlucky day in the U.S., it is embraced and celebrated by those with a flair for the dark side. Today, take a cue from the goths and learn to love what scares you.
The Moon card is a great ally for stepping out of the day to day and into the murky darkness of the subconscious. This card is all about major growth through facing fears, and trusting our intuition and instincts to lead us safely through the wild unknown. It’s time to be brave and embrace the monster in the closet once and for all.
Calling in The Moon:
Cook with Cumin to exorcise any superstitions holding you back
Watch a scary movie
Eat pomegranate seeds – they were Persephone’s key to thriving in the Underworld
Wear or carry Moonstone
:: 10/22 Mars Enters Libra—8 of Swords ::
Mars, planet of action, drive, and desire, enters the sign of partnership on the 22nd and stays until December 9th, putting a focus on harmony in all our relations with others. But with Mars’ fierce determination, there is a danger of becoming so fixated on harmony that we’re willing to bend the truth to get it.
Avoid sacrificing clarity for comfort with the 8 of Swords. This card brings a lesson in cutting out the chatter and getting grounded in what truly matters. This chatter can come from the opinions of others, societal norms, and internalized rules about how we should or should not think, feel, and behave. Get grounded, get clear, and be true to yourself in order to keep your relationships strong.
Calling in the 8 of Swords:
Wear or carry Fluorite to maintain clarity in your intentions
Season food or drinks with lime juice – lime promotes fidelity and peace
Write ‘morning pages’ daily (3 handwritten stream-of-consciousness pages) to clear the internal chatter before you start your days
Burn myrrh resin or incense to create a peaceful atmosphere
Want more tarot magic? Book a session with Melinda here, and make sure to follow her on Instagram and Facebook.
Power up, astro babes. The Capricorn Waxing Quarter Moon asks you to roll up your sleeves, shake off the past, and get ready to rumble, says Jennifer Racioppi.
:: Waxing Quarter Moon :: September 27 2017 :: 10:53pm EST :: 5 degrees Capricorn
I hope you’re rested, because this week’s energy shifts are tremendous …
This Capricorn Waxing Quarter Moon activates the energy of two cardinal signs, Libra and Capricorn. Cardinal energy initiates new seasons, brings a tenacity to get things done, and helps us take a deeper look at what needs reconciliation and completion.
Now is the time to honor your need for urgency. Take a look at what’s holding you back from moving forward with your goals and desires and get into action.
In addition to this square, the planet of luck and abundance, Jupiter, makes his final opposition to the planet of change, Uranus late night on the 27th. This opposition asks us to shake free anything that feels out of alignment with our truth. And, to make it all the more interesting, Pluto, the planet of power, stations direct on the afternoon of the 28th.
All of this together? Get ready to rumble …
:: The Sun :: As the Sun travels through the early degrees of Libra, it’s time to place our attention on justice. Libra, the sign of the scales asks us to rectify what feels out of balance and pushes things in the direction of fairness. So use the cardinal influence of the Sun in Libra to get right with yourself.
:: The Moon :: With the Waxing Moon at 5 degrees of stalwart Capricorn, ambition and drive take a turn at the wheel. When the Moon travels through Capricorn, emotional needs are met with hard work, diligence, and tried and true practices. Use this influence of ambition to activate your courage and tenacity.
:: The Square :: With the Moon waxing towards full, it’s essential to look at curveballs showing up in our life—especially as they pertain to the development and manifestation of goals. Use this Waxing Quarter Moon to evaluate where you don’t believe in your ability to achieve your desires, or where you are derailing your best efforts. Then, make a plan to overcome these potential setbacks.
:: The Message :: Honor your desires. Honor your efforts. Don’t be shy. Stay determined. This week unleashes tremendous energy and influence. So stick with it. Look at where you are holding yourself back and reconcile it.
Remember, your desires are holy and worthy of your love and attention. Let this Capricorn Waxing Quarter Moon help you move closer to your dreams—and your goals.
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar loving cosmic change makers!
Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous Weekly Horoscopes from Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology …
Libra :: Libra Rising Flying through the air on a small plane. How do you fly? You can fly with a clear sense of direction. If you have that ability, the trip will be focused and efficient. You can also fly with a sense of wonder. An appreciation of the magic and synchronicity of your life. You can fly with pride and self-confidence– trusting in yourself and your ability to make the right decisions. Decide how you want to fly and then realize that you are already in the air. All of these options— focus, appreciation and confidence, are available for you.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising A school of fish. Feel things out. Trust that you will make the right decision, when the time is perfectly right. In the meantime, you can simply be in the moment. You can let the moment wash over you. You are processing a lot of information on subconscious levels. The school of fish seem to intuitively know which direction to go. Once you give yourself enough time, you’ll also have an intuitive sense of the right moves to make.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising Blocks of stone carved out of the mountainside. You’re building something. Is your project big enough? Are you shooting high enough? Assess your plan and your foundation. It may be a good idea to reconnect with your vision and make sure it is perfectly in alignment. Get super clear about your desires so that you can build something great.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising Holding the strings of a bunch of balloons. Think positively. Focus on keeping your spirits light. In this moment, the career area of your chart is lit up. It’s a very expansive time for you in the areas of work, career and vocation. If you believe in the law of attraction, you might try to get yourself in the vibration of what you want. And maybe that is how to make your own luck. So tend to your vibration and align yourself with your desires to help your career lift off.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising Playing skee-ball. Take aim and shoot. Make everything into a game. Turn your ambition into something enjoyable. See yourself as a light-hearted explorer, following anything that is fun. Joyfulness is your winning ticket right now. If you are feeling very serious about something, take a step back and find some perspective. It may be that more fun is the answer.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising Leaves falling off a tree. This is your season for letting go. Clear space— emotionally, mentally and physically so that you can prepare for the beginning of a new cycle. Watch the leaves of the trees falling. Meditate on how natural it is to release. This can be your reality. Easily letting go. Easily finding forgiveness. Release. As your load lightens, notice that your energy soars.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising Hands outstretched. Our hands communicate so much. Do you reach out to make a connection? Relationships are of extra importance now. How can you communicate in a way that is perfectly clear and non-violent? Our cultural tendency is to protect ourselves when we are in an argument, which can result in the other person being on the defensive. And if both people are on the defensive, everybody loses. What if you were to communicate with the ultimate goal of reaching out to create harmony and clear communication? How would it feel to have more peace in your life?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising Connecting the dots. Each line that connects the dots is important. Step by step, you create an image. In the same way, it’s time for you to focus on the routines and habits that make up your day. Re-evaluate your systems or lack of systems. Get into the nitty gritty of your life— organize the junk drawer, clean the refrigerator, take a fresh look at your time management. It’s time to refine and improve the details of your life. Get to work.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising A drumbeat. Music can help you transcend. Focus on any of the following— art, music, creative expression, play, joy, fun. The benefit of self-expression, fun and playfulness is that it will help you reinvigorate yourself. And maybe it’s possible to even get some positive attention and recognition.Yes, you may be busy, but a small dose of lighthearted joy will help you find an entirely new perspective. Prioritize it.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising A nose. Use your senses to help you be in the moment. Feel into your body. Look closely at your surroundings. Smell the air. Be in the moment by practicing heightened sensory awareness. This will help you get out of your head. This is a mediation. Meditation is important for you right now because it’s time to get clear about your emotions. And being clear about your emotions requires the ability to be present.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising Wagon wheels moving down the road. Keep moving along. Your patient and persistent progress is what will pay off. Don’t evaluate where you are just yet. Simply keep moving. Practice patience. Persistence is definitely in your wheel house, and it may help to acknowledge that. It may help to hold yourself accountable to the track that you’re on and just keep going.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising Confetti falling through the air. A celebration. You’re worth it. Is your inherent worth something you are crystal-clear about? Do you believe it’s possible to increase your self-esteem? One of the ways to do that is to practice it. Find a way to consistently celebrate yourself. Do it in earnest. Do it with conviction. Do it because it can be the foundation that every other aspect of your life is built upon. Your sense of self-worth is a priority.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
While the past month’s cataclysmic cosmic shifts may have you wanting to plunge heart first into massive change, slow your roll says Jennifer Racioppi. The Gemini Waning Quarter Moon wants you to listen in for the lessons, check in with your direction, and honor the threshold before you step through the portal …
:: Waning Quarter Moon :: September 13 2017 :: 2:24am EST :: 20 degrees Gemini
Listen in closely … Ideas, energy, motivation, and creativity are brewing …
Having just completed Mercury Retrograde, we’ve seen shadows, witnessed truth, and digested reality from a multitude of differing perspectives. And while many of us are feeling the urge to jump into action and to start implementing all the lessons we’ve learned, it’s not quite time yet.
We are inching our way towards next week’s Fall Equinox, when the Sun will shift into Libra and the Earth will reach a point of equanimity, marking a balance between light and dark. But first, we have to ride out the last degrees of the Sun traveling through mutable Virgo, the Gemini Waning Quarter Moon, and a New Moon on the 19th, which ask us to assimilate the impact of the most recent cosmic events so we can launch our lives forward.
This turning point in the year marks a crucial point to check in and affirm our intended direction. And with the Gemini Waning Quarter Moon opposing Saturn, the message is to slow your roll and listen before plunging forward.
Come the next New moon and Equinox, you’ll have some clear, mature, and wise inner guidance to inform your next steps.
:: The Sun :: With the Sun at 20 degrees of Virgo squaring Saturn—the planet of lessons, maturity, and growth—the Gemini Waning Quarter Moon has the word “ouch” written all over it.
But, the truth is, Saturn’s position to the Sun offers us the potent medicine of seeing, reconciling, and integrating wisdom. Warning: this is not the time to push forward with an agenda driven by ego. Instead, digest, integrate, and listen to your truth so you can adjust your stance and evolve.
:: The Moon :: With the Moon in quick witted Gemini, the seduction of speed abounds. However, since this Waning Quarter Moon faces an opposition from serious Saturn, throw on the brakes. Rather than hastily moving forward, tune into Gemini’s secret superpower of *listening* instead.
:: The Square :: With the Sun in Virgo squaring the Moon in mutable Gemini, making a mutable T-square with Saturn, this Waning Quarter Moon brings up quite a bit to be reconciled.
The upside? Like a grain of sand transforming into an iridescent pearl inside of a mollusk, the pressure of Saturn forces you into your growth. **Pro tip: The more you lean into this, the easier it is.
:: The Message :: Pause. This Waning Quarter Moon asks that you take time for introspection. Slow down. Look within. Think about what you need to release before plunging forward into your goals.
With a new season around the corner, it’s essential to review where you’ve been. Now’s the time to go slow, and listen, so you don’t miss any of the wisdom coming your way. In another week you’ll be ready to move forward. Until then, do your best to see and hear as much as you can.
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar loving cosmic change makers!
Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous Weekly Horoscopes from Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology …
Virgo :: Virgo Rising A tiny mouse. Reconciliation and organization. Something seemingly small may need your attention. It may be something that needs to be reconciled within you before you can move on. Or maybe it’s something that needs to be organized— either in your mind or in your space. Pay attention to the details now, and notice every minor feeling. Be thorough and focused so that you clear up energy for bigger adventures ahead.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising Hang-gliding. Letting yourself float and explore. There is a time to be a go-getter, but right now you need to let yourself be a little more mellow. You’ll actually learn more right now by “being” instead of “doing.” Hang out and observe. Get outside your normal routine so that you can gain fresh inspiration. Or explore through your imagination and your personal symbolism.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising Eating dry, crumbly toast. Sustenance and nourishment. Finding satisfaction even when it’s challenging. Knowing there is enough. It’s time to truly appreciate the simple things in life. Do it as a meditation. Appreciation and gratitude will keep you thinking positively. It’s important to nourish yourself with positive thinking. But make sure it’s positive thinking that is grounded in gratitude. Why is gratitude so effective? It gives your subconscious mind actual proof of something positive. The subconscious mind loves to have proof. By expanding your sense of gratitude you will be able to create massive positive change in your life.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising Jigsaw puzzle depicting the sky. You are figuring out how to meet your goals. Putting the pieces together. Keep the faith that you have all the pieces of the puzzle and that you will be able to create a clear picture eventually. There may be some amount of trial and error, but keep at it! You are headed toward the summit of your desires.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising A foreign alphabet. This alphabet is hard to interpret and you may feel like you are stretching your brain to understand. Basically this mental “stretch” is about creating a new philosophy for yourself. Use your imagination and your intuition to help you create this philosophy. Something is shifting within you on deep subconscious levels and you need to change. Try to understand this deep, symbolic shift and create a new way of thinking about the world.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising A tractor in a field. Look at how quickly the tractor moves as it spreads the seeds throughout the field. It is efficient. It’s a funny thing to say, but maybe the tractor is “confident.” There’s no feeling or emotion blocking the tractor’s efficiency. It just does what it needs to do. It goes through the motions. You need to move into a rebirth so that you can be ready to operate on a higher level. What about this can you automate? How can you move through the steps with certainty so that you don’t get in your own way? What can you do to create more confidence within yourself?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising A beautiful rosebud. Opening your heart to love. You may even need to do this in your work and in your relationships. The rose bud doesn’t hide itself— it blooms. This is your time to bloom. Heart opening is something that we can do over and over again. The more we do it, the higher our vibration becomes. Open your heart with healthy boundaries intact. This action will help you in your relationships and in your career life as well.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising A pocket watch. Dignity. Carry yourself with dignity. Make sure you feel physically and intellectually “put together.” Only because it will help you feel dignified. And that’s important because in the next few months you will begin to reexamine yourself as a leader. Before you do this you want to have your personal ideals of dignity, confidence, and expertise thoroughly expressed within yourself.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising Horses in a field. This symbol represents your energy and drive to express your authentic self. That’s appropriate for you now as you need to be certain that you are meeting your need for giving and receiving attention. Can you express your true self and feel seen? Are there old wounds that need healing around being seen for who you are? Now is the time to heal those wounds so that you can be boisterous and joyful.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising A tornado. It’s time to shake things up. A sudden force knocks over the old, so that the new can be rebuilt. Do this in the areas of home/family or relationships. The symbol might sound destructive, but it doesn’t have to feel destructive. It’s simply time for some new habits or systems in these areas. Change it up.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising Pouring liquid through a funnel. Pouring, measuring, batching. Controlling the flow. Control the flow of information in your life. Take in information and then do something with it. Put it somewhere. Implement it. Keep learning, sorting and organizing. The challenge is to do so in a meaningful way. The news cycle or the scrolling motion of social media can quickly become overwhelming and mind numbing. You want anything you learn right now to help you feel like you are making important connections.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising A honeycomb. Remember that you have what you need. You have enough. You are enough. Settle into an experience of sweetness. Enjoy the sweetness of life. That will help you feel more safe and secure. Somehow, in this moment, enjoyment and security go hand in hand. The challenge may exist in knowing that you are worthy of both. Trust that it is so.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
As we slip into the subtle fall energies of Virgo Season, it’s time to assess our relationship to the earth element and to our core beliefs, says Melinda Lee Holm. Let a tarot practice steer your ship as you navigate September 2017.
A shift in seasons brings profound change this month, as we celebrate personal and community connections, mirror the balance of the cosmos in our earthbound lives, and call in a strong challenge to our beliefs about what is true and eternal.
Let your deck lead the way into fall …
:: 9/4 Labor Day- 10 of Pentacles ::
While many of us associate this day with one last beach weekend, it was created to honor the courageous men and women who organized labor. We owe our weekends, 8-hour work days, overtime laws, and restrictions on work done by children all to the Labor movement and its belief that a healthy and happy workforce is the cornerstone of a properous community.
The Tarot teaches us that the greatest form of earthly abundance is found not in a single wealthy figure, but in a wealthy society. The 10 of Pentacles represents the highest material aspirations of the minor arcana. We see a thriving community represented in three generations of citizens and two white dogs in a well-groomed city.
Only through valuing every member’s role and contribution can the health and wellbeing of all be maintained.
Calling in the 10 of Pentacles:
Eat maple syrup on pancakes, yogurt, or oatmeal – energetically it promotes wealth and longevity
Throw a block party or BBQ to connect with your neighbors and community
Shop local
Give Malachite as a gift – it’s a powerful stone of prosperity
:: 9/10 World Suicide Prevention Day- The Ace of Cups ::
The world can be a very tough place for many people, unbearably so for some. Today we actively send our love and compassion to those who are struggling and those who have been affected by suicide.
The Ace of Cups is the primal power of Water, the element of emotion. Love is the root of our human experience of emotion, and the centerpiece of the Divine gift of an emotional body. The Aces all represent the pure unadulterated state of their element, the most exalted sense of what they represent.
What could possibly be more exalted in the emotional realm than pure unconditional love for our fellow humans?
Calling in the Ace of Cups:
Wear or carry a Rhodonite, the stone of outward-directed love and compassion
Drink Rose tea to open and expand the heart
Donate gently used clothing to a shelter – or better yet, sign up to volunteer!
Check in with those you love and let them know you care
:: 9/22 Autumnal Equinox, Sun Enters Libra- Justice ::
As the days and nights equalize in length before the night begins to take over, this cosmic event triggers a shift from the productivity of summer to the harvest of fall, in preparation for the winter.
Justice teaches us that just as truth, fairness, and order, in society and law, require careful weighing of information, achieving fairness and order in the Universe requires a constant careful balancing of energies. To enjoy the long days of summer, we must survive the long nights of winter. To have stamina to be active, we must set aside time for rest.
Calling in Justice:
Carry Tiger Eye to promote energetic balance
Eat salty/sweet food combinations like prosciutto wrapped melon or potato chips and ice cream
Wear mixed metals – Wearing both the silver of the moon and gold of the sun connects us to the balance of the celestial bodies that influence us most
Jupiter opposition Uranus happens only once every 12 years and comes in pairs or trios due to apparent retrograde planetary motion. This is the second opposition in our series of two for 2016/17.
Expansive Jupiter in this aspect to rebellious Uranus brings periods of great change on an individual level, sometimes in sudden and uncomfortable ways. But this does not have to be a traumatic time. If we open ourselves up to radical change, we can make the most of this transit.
The Tower is generally seen as one of the most frightening cards in the deck – visually and energetically. It represents major change and teaches us to let go of ALL preconceived notions of the true nature and identity of ourselves and the world around us.
While it may be hard to see in the moment, these changes will always be in service of our highest good. We don’t usually think of The Tower as something we seek to call in intentionally, but with this transit, it is best to get ahead of the game and go with the flow of this potentially challenging aspect.
Calling in The Tower:
Drink coffee – coffee beans are used in spellwork to clear negative thinking and assist in breaking through internal barriers
Carry or wear Herkimer Diamond to connect to Divine wisdom and strength
Clean your space with pine-scented cleanser, or bring pine branches into your home to promote a clean break from past beliefs and a strong fresh start
Burn a black candle – black candles are very effective for clearing energetic blockages and can be a huge help in loosening your attachment to any of your own personal Towers that are ready to come down
Melinda Lee Holm’s Initiate Necklace in Herkimer Diamond Quartz on gold
Want more tarot magic? Book a session with Melinda here, and make sure to follow her on Instagram and Facebook.
In the aftermath of mega-transformative Eclipse Season, the Sagittarius Waxing Quarter Moon wants you to face the challenge, adapt to change, and persevere courageously, says Jennifer Racioppi.Artwork: Seana Gavin
:: Waxing Quarter Moon :: August 29 2017 :: 4:19am EST :: 6 degrees Sagittarius
The Great American Eclipse initiated one of the most powerful lunations of the year, and this week’s opening square wants you to evaluate your progress, reconcile any discomfort, and anchor into your most refreshed life vision …
Opening squares (aka Waxing Quarter Moons) happen at the halfway point between new and full moons and help you integrate (and deepen) intentions set at the time of the new moon.
This isn’t always easy, of course. Ideas and plans often don’t magically manifest without some massaging in between (especially when eclipses bring things up from the depths of the shadows, unleashing emotions and life scenarios that feel destabilizing).
This particular Waxing Quarter Moon presents an exceptional opportunity to courageously overcome challenges. Assess your conviction. Then, get grounded and brave so you can persevere and manifest.
:: The Sun :: With the Sun in the organized and disciplined sign of Virgo, its root word stemming from Virgin, you’re asked to return to yourself, and find your way back to humble service, clean eating, and robust self-care.
Over the next few days, the Sun in Virgo will oppose Neptune in Pisces, asking you to unleash your spiritual super powers and use them on behalf of your healing. Get organized and rooted because with even more change coming, you want to feel grounded and stable.
But most importantly, it’s a powerful time to heal …
:: The Moon :: The Moon in freedom loving Sagittarius trines Venus in Leo, activating fire’s courage, devotion to the truth, and ability to communicate bluntly and rawly.
Now is the time to ask yourself: if I were 5% braver, what would I do? What would I say? How would I approach my life?
While Mercury continues to travel retrograde, consider the difficult questions and begin to understand where you hold yourself back. Start to connect the dots so when Mercury stations retrograde on September 5th, you are ready to move forward with a well-strategized plan of attack.
:: The Square :: With the Sun in fastidious Virgo squaring the Moon in boisterous Sagittarius just one week after the most recent solar eclipse, all while Mercury continues to travel retrograde, it’s time for reconciliation and evaluation.
Both Sagittarius and Virgo are mutable signs that prepare you for change. In the midst of upheaval, use this conflict and halfway mark as a time to check in with how far you’ve come and recommit to your cause.
:: The Message :: Put your feet on the ground. Breathe deep into your core. Release the fear, the anxiety, the not knowing. Feel your heartbeat, the rhythm within.
Let the Sun in earth sign Virgo help you to root. Let the Moon in fire sign Sag assist you to find your courage. And then prepare. Come the Full Moon in Pisces (next week!) you’ll understand with so much more clarity where you want to head from here.
Trust that as the galaxies work through their cycles, you move through yours. As above so below. In this time of cosmic upheaval, trust that you are being guided towards a conscious decision that will indeed take you precisely where you are meant to go.
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar loving cosmic change makers!
As we move out of August’s deep transformations, the Page of Wands invites us to take a breath of fresh air, tie up loose threads, and bring our passion into alignment, says Lindsay Mack.
Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous Weekly Horoscopes from Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology …
Leo :: Leo Rising Giraffes moving across the plains. This is an active time for you. It may be time to stick your neck out for a cause. You may need to increase your movement and fluidity. Giraffe as a spirit animal brings medicine of far-reaching vision and psychic ability. Keep searching for a higher purpose or cause that can keep you moving forward. You currently have an opportunity to learn about who you are and where you are going. Look to your intuition to help you navigate as you move across the plains.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising A pot of rich, hearty stew. In a stew, everything is mixed together. Have you been shouldering too much responsibility? Have you been taking it all on? It may be time to separate out what is your responsibility and what is someone else’s. Meanwhile, find ways to nourish yourself— physically, intellectually, socially and spiritually. This is your chance to connect with your higher self, strengthen your intuition, and let go of limiting unconscious beliefs. Take good care of yourself so that you can do this important work. You’ll need to feel rested and energized as you move into the more active season that lies ahead.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising Handfuls of crystals. As you gather fragments of crystals you are symbolically gathering your sense of self. What is “self?” It may be time to ponder your image of your self, your concept of your higher self, and your vision for your future self. Another interpretation of crystals is that they can represent crystallized emotions or beliefs. As the New Moon occurs in your house of fixed beliefs, this may be an opportunity to reevaluate some of the concepts that you hold- maybe it’s time for new ideas or perspectives?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising A spiky hat. What are the spikes on this hat? Protection, maybe. Possibly a way to make yourself seem bigger, taller, fiercer. This New Moon occurs in your area of career and vocation. Do you need to set new boundaries in your work? Do you need to see yourself as a bigger force in your career? There is a lot of action on deck for you when it comes to work and career. Get ready to move into it with activated warrior energy.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising A game of “Hungry Hungry Hippos.” Remember that old board game “Hungry, Hungry Hippos?” The hippos pop forward to eat as many marbles as possible. They are ravenous. Where is your ravenous energy coming through right now? This is a time to reinvigorate how you search, hunt, and discover. Most of this devouring energy comes through in your search for a new philosophy and meaning. You may need to travel physically or explore mentally to create a new mission statement for your next season.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising The drawbridge is pulled up. A definitive end is arriving in some area of your life. This may be an end to an inefficient system or a chance to let go of an outdated belief. It may be time to let go of a relationship, habit, or behavior. Whatever it is that must be let go of, consciously step toward this opportunity for release. You are moving through a cycle and you must let go so that you can begin again. Allow yourself to fully feel all of the feelings that arise when letting go.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising Folding clothes. This New Moon occurs in your area of relationships. How can you pay more attention to caring for your relationships? Folding clothes is a routine thing, we all have a certain way we do it and it can be pretty much automatic. In your relationships, what do you do automatically? What are your unconscious actions and reactions? Are those working for you? Or is it time to reset some of these automations so that you can enjoy healthier relationships? Pay attention to every potential crease in your relationships and take some time to freshen any outdated behaviors.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising Trying to catch tadpoles. Scrambling. Chasing. Lots of activity. Tadpoles are a symbol of transformation. As you stretch yourself to try to get a grasp on things, remember to be patient. You’ve got a lot on your plate right now and the new development will come at the exact right moment. In the meantime, take good care of body, mind, and spirit, so that you are prepared for the next phase.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising Deep bowls of food in a buffet. Indulge. This New Moon offers you an opportunity to reassess how you experience joy. There is a banquet of experience available to you. You can sample different varieties of mirth, fun, creativity, and expression. Remain aware of pure, true, joy. Dip in to experience it. Why is this important? Because it feeds your soul.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising Tobogganing down a hill. Building momentum thanks to a reduction in friction. What are the forces that are propelling you forward? And do you feel like it’s possible to steer in the right direction? We all build momentum in one direction or another. How is your current direction feeling for you? This New Moon occurs in your area of home and family. These are important forces in our lives. Sense of family can either stabilize or confuse. Sense of home can be grounding or constricting. As an adult, you get to decide how you attend to the direction and momentum that these foundational forces are creating.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising The wingspan of a hawk. You are ready for a new span of conscious awareness. It’s time to learn. Seek meaning. Seek enlightenment. Look for meaning in the micro and the macro. Soar high above your everyday difficulties to get a glimpse of the bigger picture. Devote yourself to learning more about what the truth of your world is. It’s time to expand your mindset.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising Pulling cards out of a file. It may be time to sort and organize things in your life. Are you clear about how you are getting your basic needs met— food, water, shelter? If you have gone through an agitated or traumatic period in your life, this symbol can show that it is extra important to feel settled and stabilized. Take stock of what resources are available. Get the basics sorted and taken care of.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Supercharge your Eclipse Season transformation with a powerful virtual Astrology + Breathwork practice led by Sandra Sitron and Erin Telford. August 21 2017. Details + sign-up HERE.
Ready for a radical reset? The 2017 Leo Solar Eclipse wants you to drop the ego, fire up your heart space, and turn your true love into empowered action, says Sandra Sitron … Main Image: Spectra Art Space
New Moon Solar Eclipse :: August 21 2017 :: 2:30pm ET :: 28 degrees Leo
An eclipse is like a huge inhale. A complete exhale. And then stop. Hold your breath. At the next inhale it seems as if even your cells spin in a different direction.
At the next inhale everything will be different …
Eclipses are about reset. Something must be let go of. Something new must begin. The way that you recalibrate yourself now— both in your private inner world and outside in the public world, matters. The effects of this reset may not be fully felt for six more months. But the calibration is happening now.
During this Leo New Moon, the Sun and the Moon line up, as they do at every New Moon. But now they are also in direct line with the Earth. The Moon’s shadow falls over the Sun. The Sun appears darkened. The light of the core energy source is “extinguished.” In the void of light, new seeds can be planted. A new code can be written.
The Leo New Moon Solar Eclipse wants you to drop your ego and let true love shine out of your heart center.
Leo is the sign of fiery love. All fire signs take action- fire only exists in the activity of the dancing flame. Leo shows that it’s not enough to just love. It’s necessary to bring your love into action.
It’s time to put love in the driver’s seat. Go somewhere. Do something. Use ALL of the four elements to manifest change in the world. Use your words (Air element), use your action (Fire element), use your resources (Earth element), use love and prayer (Water element).
The path forward is not simple. A paradigm shift is never easy. The energy of this New Moon is high. There’s a shortage of patience and a high potential of being triggered.
You need a plan, so you can move in alignment with your intention. How do you want to act? How do you want to be? Decide how you will take care of yourself, how you will confront your beliefs, how you will take action in the coming months, and how you will follow through on this plan.
Let the calibration and reset that is available for you now be fully intentional.
New Moon conjunct Mars A bunny dives into a hole. Fight or flight. The bunny flees instinctually. What do you do instinctually to keep yourself safe? Do you hide out and keep silent? Are you a fighter?
Mars brings the energy of action and aggression to this Moon. At this time of heightened fire energy make sure to keep yourself safe, but don’t let that stop you from taking action. Meanwhile, make sure to monitor your aggression.
New Moon conjunct Mercury A tidal wave. We are thinking and communicating A LOT during this New Moon, and our thoughts have their own momentum, like a tidal wave. Break up the momentum by noticing the unconscious beliefs that fuel your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. It’s important to know which beliefs are running the show.
Ask yourself what belief is underneath an uncomfortable feeling. At what age did that belief get formed? Can you have compassion for the part of you that formed that belief? Can you replace the belief with a new one?
New Moon inconjunct Chiron Missing puzzle pieces. This New Moon will bring opportunities to confront old wounds. Notice where you get triggered. Notice where you need to heal. It may all seem futile.
How can you solve the puzzle if pieces are missing? With enough attention, effort, and creativity nothing is impossible. Keep coming at it from different directions and you may find the healing you are looking for.
New Moon in a Grand Trine with Uranus and Saturn The pillars of the temple. This aspect is the New Moon’s saving grace. We are staunchly supported by the Great Awakener Uranus who may introduce a new paradigm, and Saturn who may provide the structure to implement it.
The only danger is that too much harmony can result in complacency. Stay mindful of a tendency to think that someone else will “take care of it.” Say a prayer to invite forward positive change and deliberate integrity within yourself and within the world.
These potentials are activated. The only thing left to do is take action on them.
The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2017 Leo Solar Eclipse means for you. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 28 degrees of Leo in you chart and use the question for that house.
***New to your birth chart? Calculate yours for free HERE …
Aries or New Moon in the 5th house What new creative practices will you put into action now?
Taurus or New Moon in the 4th house Do you feel safe enough to be yourself? Why not? What do you need in order to experience more safety, comfort, and nurturing?
Gemini or New Moon in the 3rd house What do you need to be thinking about in a new way?
Cancer or New Moon in the 2nd house What will remind you of your self-worth?
Leo or New Moon in the 1st house What new changes are you inviting forward?
Virgo or New Moon in the 12th house How can you tune into your intuition this week?
Libra or New Moon in the 11th house What can you do to build your network? Challenge yourself to take some action steps.
Scorpio or New Moon in the 10th house What are new risks you can take in your career? What kind of expansion might taking these risks bring you?
Sagittarius or New Moon in the 9th house What is your mission statement?
Capricorn or New Moon in the 8th house What are you willing to release? Write it down. Burn the paper.
Aquarius or New Moon in the 7th house How can you be more diplomatic?
Pisces or New Moon in the 6th house What new healthy habits are you ready for?
Supercharge your eclipse season transformation with a powerful virtual Astrology + Breathwork practice led by Sandra Sitron and Erin Telford. August 21 2017. Details + sign-up HERE.