Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with Sandy Sitron’s Numinous Weekly Horoscopes …
Photo: Carole Smile
Virgo // Virgo Rising Making a campfire. Put your body into the work. The more active you can be, the more you’ll ease your mind. Look at what you can build. A campfire symbolizes focused energy to nurture and sustain. Build something practical for yourself and others. Keep your hands busy. Focus on action.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra // Libra Rising A caterpillar makes its way across the forest floor. There are many moving parts. Before you can transform, you must spend time on the ground. Think of where you are as one leg of the journey. The goal is transformation. Soon you’ll become the butterfly. For now raise your awareness of yourself and keep putting one foot in front of the other.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio // Scorpio Rising A group of crystal points. You can be strong, you can be sharp and you can transcend. Become more clear and directed. You have friends who can help you see your true self. Surround yourself with people who lift you up. Put the pieces in place that will help you catch hold of your new vision. Capture the higher vibration.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising A large wave. Is it a tidal wave or is it all the momentum that you’ve been building? You can interpret the current energy as something that’s about to take you under, or exactly what you’ve wished for. It’s your choice. Let the waves flow. Welcome any adjustments that need to be made. Take the opportunity to feel like you’re on top of the world.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn // Capricorn Rising A rainbow stretches across the sky. There’s a new destination appearing. It’s not easy to map. It might be something that is more philosophical than real. It’s your pot of gold. The values and inspirations that keep you going, even when rain clouds gather. Stay focused on your highest ideals and everything else will fall into place.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius // Aquarius Rising A spear. You fly through the air like a spear and you land directly in the heart of the matter. You don’t want to miss your mark. You want to go into the center of what’s important. There’s no time for small talk. Drive straight into the heart, the center of emotion and love. Describe your real emotions so that you create intimacy.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces // Pisces Rising The shadow of giant wings. There is a glimmer of a higher perspective. It’s possible to take flight. Lift your mindset and arrive at a more logical, objective and diplomatic way of thinking. Alternatively, this symbol can also represent a feeling of being hunted. Are you giving your power away? You don’t have to be the prey, but you don’t have to be the hunter either. It’s time to work equally and together.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries // Aries Rising A horse and carriage racing at top speed. If you have a moment to catch your breath, pause and look at how much ground you’ve already covered. You’ve gotten a lot done. But now there are more details to attend to. Work and take action. Move quickly. Get the details all sorted out. The more you can achieve, the more you’ll feel like you’ve gotten ahead. Just make sure to take breaks and drink water.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus // Taurus Rising Looking through a telescope. You can examine yourself with an imaginary telescope. Focus and magnify. See yourself in the brightest possible light, taking up space. Shine bright. Be creative and have fun. You can share your grand vision with the world. Turn the dial of the telescope so that your image of yourself becomes bigger.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini // Gemini Rising Garden herbs. Sustenance and medicine all at once. Go into the garden of your soul and see what you’ve been cultivating. Do you have any medicine for yourself? Do you have any food for your inner child? Growing plants from seed takes time, attention and resources. Give yourself time, attention and resources. This is a moment for healing.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer // Cancer Rising Wearing a crown. It’s time to become informed. You can be the one who has the pertinent information. The leader must know what’s going on. You must have the overview so that you can make important decisions. Gather as much information as you can. Think about things from many different perspectives. Ask questions and decide.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo // Leo Rising Going into a hole in the ground. Go underground. Examine your roots. Find out what would help you feel stronger and more secure. From a solid footing, you can expand. Now is the time to examine your security and your support system. Remember your resources. Be practical. Connect with the Earth and get grounded.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
The 2018 Gemini Waning Moon asks us to cleanse, clarify, and use honest assessment to clear the decks for a new cycle, says Jennifer Racioppi …
Photo: Qi Bin
Waning Quarter Moon / September 2 2018 / 10:37pm EST / 10 degrees Gemini
As La Luna wanes back to new, she travels through Gemini and makes a 90-degree angle to the Virgo Sun. This point in the monthly lunar cycle asks us to check in and consider what’s served its purpose and is ready to be laid aside as we begin to train our sights on our next lunar manifestation.
With Mars now direct, and Saturn also about to station direct on September 6th, we currently find ourselves with exceptionally productive potential. And with the Gemini Waning Moon’s ruler, Mercury, now direct and finally clearing his shadow at the time of the Quarter Moon, we have the green light for communications of all kinds.
Following the cosmic challenges of the past eight weeks, this could feel like a welcome relief! The Gemini Waning Moon not only marks the halfway point between the Pisces Full Moon and the September 9 Virgo New Moon, but on a deeper level, it asks us to make sense of all the places we’ve been before we begin to move forward …
//The Cycle// While this Moon marks the halfway point between the recent Full and upcoming New Moons, it also marks a culminating moment going back over two years. Think back (or actually look in your cal or email inbox) to June 4, 2016, when we experienced a New Moon at 14 degrees Gemini. This New Moon seeded what we are seeing come to fruition in our lives now.
Choices made then have profoundly informed where we now find ourselves. Who was in your world? Where were you situated? What were you working on? And what intentions from June 2016 are coming to fruition now? What do you still want and need?Spend some time considering the connection between your present-day reality, and events of June of 2016. Acknowledge the chapter that’s closing, and the fresh beginning you are about to step into with September 9th’s Virgo New Moon.
//The Transits// With Mars and Mercury now direct, and Saturn about to station direct too, forward movement is upon us. However, Venus, the planet ruling love and beauty, stations retrograde on October 5th.So pay close attention to what’s emerging now, as the Gemini Waning Moon foreshadows the Venus Retrograde curriculum.
With Mercury currently in a sextile (supportive aspect) to Venus, and Neptune opposing the Sun and squaring the Gemini Waning Moon (more challenging energies), moments of discomfort could birth intuitive hits about the lessons in love and abundance that you’ll be gifted during the upcoming Venus Retrograde.
//The Square// Mercury rules both Virgo and Gemini, and these mutable signs tend to live in their heads so you could feel a wee bit mental during this Moon. But rather than living in your head, capitalize on the Gemini influence and journal. Think back to 2016, and consider what choices you made then that influence where you are now. If needed, make lists. Be mindful of rumination. Then get out of your head and into your heart.
//The Opportunity// The Gemini Waning Moon is closing an old chapter. So give yourself time and space to appreciate where past challenges have brought you to today, and let your head lead you back to your heart. Getting honest with yourself about your exact wants and desires now will also support you as we move toward next week’s Virgo New Moon. It’s a special one, so you want to be READY!
For more Moon wisdom, or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit
As a soul-shaking summer draws to a close, the 4 of Cups invites us to make gentle space for processing heavy emotions, says this month’s reader-in-residence, Mademoiselle Danielle … Cast using the Dark Days Tarot by Wren McCurdo
As practical earth energy meets deep emotional waters, the 2018 Pisces Full Moon invites us to let intuitive waves wash us onto solid, new shores, says Sandy Sitron …
Full Moon // August 26, 2018 // 7:56am EDT // 3 degrees Pisces
When a tidal wave washes onto the shore, it changes the landscape. Seashells and debris from the ocean floor are deposited, while the old familiar spaces are rearranged. Boundaries between land and water blur.
On Sunday, August 26th, the watery 2018 Pisces Full Moon strikes a pose opposite to the Sun in earthy Virgo. Earth and water meet. The result offers a choice.
Do we float out into the emotional stratosphere and avoid reality? Conversely, do we get so caught up in our practical needs and mundane existence that we repress our feelings—viewing them as only a hindrance to productivity? Or do we build our earthly lives in alignment with our feelings and intuition?
A Full Moon is an opposition. Two opposite signs are illuminated—Virgo, representing compartmentalizing and organizing, and Pisces, showing us how to dissolve the boundaries.
During Virgo season we have an opportunity to solidify our earthly base. To get grounded. Organize, cleanup, structure, and rearrange. We can streamline and refine our workflows. We are called to take care of our bodies, to connect with nature, and to appreciate the moment. We make ourselves of service. We get to work. We focus on the task at hand.
And yet this weekend there is an offer on the table. An invite has landed on your doorstep to take a ride on a tidal wave.
If you accept, you’ll have to let go and surrender to emotion, while trusting somewhere in the back of your mind that your Virgoan preparation has created a solid enough container for you to completely let go.
Taking an emotional journey can at moments feel like you are being tumbled under water. Butmaybe you can catch the wave just right and crest high above the horizon line like a surfer. The emotional wave can bring freedom. A new intuitive perspective is available. When we are guided by our intuition, we can break into surprising new territory. The grind begins to feel like flow.
However, it can be hard to go with the current if we feel inherently unsteady. While drifting in the Pisces sea of feeling, Virgo energy can help us stay rooted in the moment. The key is to stay attuned to the body. Pay attention to your physicality and your breath. Meditation is the ultimate tool for at this 2018 Pisces Full Moon. Through attention to the micro (breath and body) the part of you that is pure consciousness can flow into the macro Piscean realm of heightened awareness.
There’s a lot of momentum to this Moon, as it forms a kite with the Sun, Uranus, and Saturn. The energy of a kite takes the solid base of the current earth grand trine (Sun in Virgo, Saturn in Capricorn, and Uranus in Taurus, all at 2 degrees on 8/26) and pushes it into flight. The push is toward emotion and intuition. What have you been building? What are you refining? And now, how do you want it to feel?
This momentum can help us build lives that are fully in alignment with our feelings and intuition. Our empathetic understanding of ourselves as part of something greater. It doesn’t have to happen fast. Nature moves slow. But we can use the energy of this Full Moon to tune into our feelings.
What path will your intuition light up for you? Open yourself to the waves to find out …
Full Moon in a kite formation with the Sun, Uranus, and Saturn Walking along a snowy mountain path, close to the edge. You are going somewhere. The outlines of the journey aren’t crystal clear. There are moments when it’s hard to see the exact path, but you are still climbing. If you can look up, past trepidation, you might catch quite a view. Spiritual perspective is available, so nudge yourself toward it.
This perspective might filter in through fantasy and dreams. Ideas could drop in while you’re taking a shower or walking the dog. Let yourself be surprised. Because of Uranus’ influence, the path might take surprising turns. If you follow it without compulsively reaching for the map, you’ll open up space for creativity and change.
Saturn’s appearance in the kite formation is represented by the mountain. You’ve been building something all along. Yes, there are surprises and changes because of Uranus. But you are working with a solid base. The mountain is there. All you have to do is climb and trust your path.
Full Moons are a time to gather. Use the below conversation-starters to help you journey deeper into the 2018 Pisces Full Moon together. Look for the house containing 3 degrees Pisces in your chart for the most accurate insights. Don’t know your chart? You can enter your birth details HERE to calculate it for free.
Aries // Aries Rising // Full Moon in the 12th house “My last vivid dream was telling me …”
Taurus // Taurus Rising // Full Moon in the 11th house “The thing that excites me most about my future is …”
Gemini // Gemini Rising // Full Moon in the 10th house “I feel so proud of myself for …”
Cancer // Cancer Rising // Full Moon in the 9th house “The teacher who has had the greatest influence on me lately is …”
Leo // Leo Rising // Full Moon in the 8th house “The boundary that will allow me to let go fully is …”
Virgo // Virgo Rising // Full Moon in the 7th house “I feel compassion in relationships when I …”
Libra // Libra Rising // Full Moon in the 6th house “I am streamlining my life by …”
Scorpio // Scorpio Rising // Full Moon in the 5th house “Being seen feels good because …”
Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising // Full Moon in the 4th house “The self-care practice that makes me feel safe is …”
Capricorn // Capricorn Rising // Full Moon in the 3rd house “I am having lots of ideas about …”
Aquarius // Aquarius Rising // Full Moon in the 2nd house “The craving I am ready to satisfy is …”
Pisces // Pisces Rising // Full Moon in the 1st “Putting myself first would mean …”
As we dive into the measured medicine of Virgo season, the 6 of Crystals (Pentacles) invites us to find a balance between giving and receiving, says this month’s reader-in-residence, Lindsay Mack …
Lindsay’s Soul Tarot School is now open for enrollment too. An 8-week deep-dive into a lifetime’s Tarot wisdom, learn to read the cards for your own soul’s evolution an take your practice to the next level. Class begins October 4—check out all the details and reserve your space HERE!
Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with Sandy Sitron’s Numinous Weekly Horoscopes …
Photo: Falguni Vyas
Virgo // Virgo Rising Playing dice. You need to take a gamble. Think of it as a game. Allow yourself to have fun in the moment and just go for the option that feels best. You can’t control the outcome, but you can finesse the experience. So go with the roll and keep your mindset positive. After all, you’re here on Earth to play.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra // Libra Rising A puffy cloud of cotton candy. The world can become less real and more fantastical. Cotton candy is a little bit unreal— a fantasy food. How can you make your everyday experience more out-of-this world? Leave reality and drift into the star-scape. You don’t need to make such a big deal out of all the earthly details. Dream instead.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio // Scorpio Rising Following the scent. Follow your nose. Where does your trail end? Where does it lead? What are you looking for? Are you merely following the scent or are you also determining the destination? Why not do a little of both? Set your mind on the feeling you want to embody, and then follow your path as it lights up ahead of you. You’ll get there in good time.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising Pushing a path through tall grasses. Clear the way. You have come so far. You have journeyed long. You may not see the destination but you are in a position of leadership. Make the moves you need to make, especially when it comes to your career. This is an activating time so don’t hold back. You can meet your goals.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn // Capricorn Rising Ice skating. If you take away distractions and remove any friction, you can fly across the surface of the ice. This symbol represents speed and clarity. Move quickly and go after what you want. Be more philosophical so that you smooth out the mental pathway. This will help you stay on target. Have fun exploring your terrain. Push any nonsense out of the way and cut across the ice with a clear direction.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius // Aquarius Rising Sprouting seeds. Start fresh. This is a time for renewal. Let go of the past and offer yourself a rebirth. Maybe you do so through ritual or emotional release. Maybe you release the past with the help of therapy or energy work. Remember that starting fresh is an option when you are present in the moment. Every moment is new.
Pisces // Pisces Rising A flower blooms. An opening is available. Open your mind and heart to the potential of connection. You have more petals to peel back, more layers to release. Everything has a season and there’s no reason to force any of this. But if you can relax and trust, you’ll find that you’re more available in your relationships.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries // Aries Rising Sprinkling fish food into the pond. Tend to the details. When you take good care of yourself and others, every moment becomes more special. Don’t just go through the motions. Pay close attention to your movements and actions so that you’re operating with a sense of service instead of obligation. When you treasure each moment, everything that you do becomes an offering.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus // Taurus Rising Candy necklaces. It’s time for some sensuous decoration. Bedazzle yourself with jewels. Live larger than life. Every bite you take is like eating sweet diamonds. You sparkle inside and out, so revel in your royalty. Let your inner queen and king arise. There’s no time to play it small. Let the world know who you are.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini // Gemini Rising Baby blanket. What’s your snuggly quilt? What helps you feel comfortable and safe? It’s time to destress. To retreat into a safe and comfortable zone. Keeping a hard shell exterior takes energy, so go somewhere where you don’t need to be on the defensive. Let yourself melt. Let go of the struggle so that you can truly rest and restore.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer // Cancer Rising The noisy ecosystem of the marshlands. Croaks and chirps echo out into a cacophony of sound. You have a lot to say. Share your message. Find your own vibrant ecosystem. What kind of connection do you crave? What discussion would lighten your mood and help you shift your mindset? Connect with like-minds. Share your thoughts. Keep the vibration high while you do so.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo // Leo Rising A family heirloom. You have a legacy. We all do. You have history. We all do. Connect with your roots. Remember what you have. Meditate on how far you’ve come. You are stable and secure in deep and powerful ways. The ideas is to align with that depth. Visualize the root of your soul, the place that is unshakable. Your higher self holds a record of your true security.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
In the wake of a heavy-hitting Eclipse season, the 2018 Scorpio Waxing Moon beckons us back into our magic, and reminds us of the potent divinity in pure desire, says Jennifer Racioppi …
Photo: ActionVance
Waxing Quarter Moon / August 18 2018 / 3:48am EST / 25 degrees Scorpio
With some of the sweetest transits of the summer upon us, the 2018 Scorpio Waxing Quarter Moon brings a heavy dose of magic.
Ready to dig in? August 18th’s early morning opening square ushers in divinity, and reconnects us to the healing that happens when we embrace our deepest desires …
//The Cycle// This Waxing Quarter Moon comes on the heels of the August 11 partial Solar New Moon Eclipse of Leo. This eclipse asked us to launch a vision that will carry us through the next 19 years. NBD, right?!
Given the intensity of the summer transits thus far—3 eclipses and 6 major planets in retrograde—the universe has been priming us to leave old patterns in the past and to begin to reach out for something new. The most recent eclipse provided the perfect opportunity to plant the seeds for a fresh beginning. What was stirring for you last weekend? How can you keep watering the seeds?
//The Transits// With Jupiter, the planet of good luck and good fortune, in an exact trine to Neptune at the time of the Waxing Quarter Moon, truthfully, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.
One of the sweetest aspects of 2018, and which will last through August 23, Jupiter trine Neptune (a water trine) brings deep healing and mystical potential. Further, with Mercury simultaneously stationing direct after a multi-week retrograde cycle, be prepared for your intuition to feel vibrantly lucid. Tap in and listen.
To sweeten the pot even more, Mercury sextiles loving Venus at the same time. Put your mind towards what you want to create. Now is the time to attune yourself to your deepest desires.
//The Square// The Sun in fun-loving, fiery Leo, makes a challenging angle to the Moon in penetrative, watery Scorpio, both at 25 degrees. Yet, together, fire and water create steam.
While squares usually suggest curveballs and challenges, this one brings with it a deep sense of playful intimacy. Leo, after all, brings a heavy dose of fun, while Scorpio goes deep. Given the five-star aspects surrounding this waxing square, all signs point to this mash-up bringing a heightened creative and sexual tension that you can feel all the way to the bedroom—whether you’re playing solo or with a partner(s).
In terms of healing, this is also a potent time to dive into your shadow work. The Scorpio Moon won’t let you off the hook, while the Sun in Leo brings the courage to face any demons.
//The Opportunity// This Waxing Quarter Moon brings with it an aura of holiness. Use it to get clear on your vision and take time to really commit to your goals.
Sanctify your time in such a way that you have space to digest what it is you really want. Be mindful of your speech. Journal out your difficult emotions. Commit to shining a light into your darkest shadows.
Don’t back down. Take a stand. And with your stake firmly in the ground, have some fun with it! With the Sun in Leo, Mercury stationing direct and sextile Venus, and Jupiter trines Neptune, the weekend has the feel of an astrological holy day. Embrace the intensity and dare yourself to enjoy it!
If you’re in NYC this weekend, join Numinous founder Ruby Warrington for her Sober Curious Writer’s Group + Community Brunch at Divya’s Kitchen—safe and supportive space to journal and commune on the 2018 Scorpio Waxing Moon!
As Mercury prepares to station direct, the King of Swords urges us to speak a powerful truth that starts in the heart and rocks the world around us, says this month’s reader-in-residence, Lindsay Mack …
Lindsay’s Soul Tarot School is now open for enrollment too. An 8-week deep-dive into a lifetime’s Tarot wisdom, learn to read the cards for your own soul’s evolution an take your practice to the next level. Class begins October 4—check out all the details and reserve your space HERE!
Leo // Leo Rising Throwing a frisbee. Backyard games. What do you do that’s purely for enjoyment? This is a chance to be creative about how you have fun. So much from the past is getting dredged up, and there are many distractions. Fill your mind with games instead of details. Connect to body and breath. Playfulness can bring perspective.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo // Virgo Rising A swan floats on the river. Tell yourself it’s easy. That’s how you’ll float gracefully. Pushing doesn’t work. Letting yourself be intuitively guided is the key. So much of this is about how you anticipate. Do you anticipate things to be easy or a lot of work? Chill out more and you’ll float through it all.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra // Libra Rising An airplane flies just above the clouds. You have gathered tools that help you rise above. Are you using them? Some level of foresight and mental organization is necessary so that you don’t get caught in the storm. Envision how you want to feel. Visualize your future. Dedicate yourself to this practice.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio // Scorpio Rising Flipping pancakes. The idea is that you have a bunch of chances. Each decision turns out a little differently, but that doesn’t mean they’re inedible. You have to try. So much is changing in how you see yourself in the world. Your growth is monumental. So try out different approaches. This is how you’ll find your stride.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising Plucking daisy petals. Don’t get caught in the binary, “He loves me, he loves me not.” Whatever your question is, there are more shades of gray to the answer than you can imagine. Connect to your ethics, principles, and goals, and these will help you find your answers. What do you value? What do you care about? What’s the big picture?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn // Capricorn Rising A solitary tree in a meadow. It can feel so much easier to take care of yourself when you’re alone. You can keep things simple and you can focus on the work. It’s less messy. But the mess is where the learning happens. The mess can be magic. People should still love you, even when you’re a mess. So trust. Say what you need. Try to connect with others. You don’t need to feel alone.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius // Aquarius Rising A heartbeat. Bum-bump, bum-bump. Center yourself in your heart. Connect to your feelings and to your love. Love needs to be shared. You need to vouch for the importance of love in your life. There is a need for humans to love more fully, generously and unconditionally. Lead with your heart.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces // Pisces Rising A slinky. Find your momentum. It’s more effective to clear obstacles and let things flow than it is to force things that aren’t working. Take a nice walk to clear your mind, then do the busy work afterwards. Meditate before you have the tough conversation. Evaluate your workflows and notice where you can make things more holistic.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries // Aries Rising A piece of a pie. You are owed your share of enjoyment. Hold out for it. Fight for it. Look for it. Life is too short for scarcity. There is abundance and pleasure available everywhere. A life of more enjoyment is available to you at every turn. You may have to adjust your mindset so that you can see what’s already working.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus // Taurus Rising Playing maracas. Find your rhythm and find your footing. There’s always a feeling of belonging when you’re playing in time with the music. When we are synced up with the rhythm, it feels so good. You are being presented with more chances to march to the beat of your own drummer. If you start by being comfortable with who you are, you’ll feel comfortable everywhere you go.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini // Gemini Rising The Enneagram. Get to know your own psychology and personality. This is a highly educational time for you. Your new perspectives will help you save energy and make things work. There are many different methods you can use to study yourself. If you know yourself, you can see your opportunities and challenges more clearly. Pay attention to your mindset.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer // Cancer Rising Sturdy leather shoes. What is keeping you grounded? What helps you believe that you are secure? So much is unknown. Your mental comfort resides in your ability to trust your own resilience. There’s no need to know the future. Knowledge and understanding come exactly when you’re ready for them. So don’t play the “what if” game. Just settle in and find strength in what you already know.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
As we power up for the close of Eclipse Season, the 4 of Wands invites us to celebrate our rites of passage with pure joy, says this month’s reader-in-residence, Lindsay Mack …
Lindsay’s Soul Tarot School is now open for enrollment too. An 8-week deep-dive into a lifetime’s Tarot wisdom, learn to read the cards for your own soul’s evolution an take your practice to the next level. Class begins October 4—check out all the details and reserve your space HERE!
With the eclipse season crazies in full force, the 2018 Taurus Waning Moon offers a sweet opportunity to pave the road to the future with pure pleasure, says Jennifer Racioppi …
Photo: Caique Silva
Waning Quarter Moon / August 4 2018 / 2:17pm EST / 12 degrees Taurus
With the crazy summer vibes in full swing, the Taurus Waning Quarter Moon in Taurus asks us to embrace a little luxury. Ruled by Venus, this Moon encourages a deep connection to embodied pleasure.
As we find ourselves at the halfway point between the last Total Lunar Blood Moon Eclipse, and the upcoming Solar Eclipse in Leo, the intense cosmic dance invites a moment of grounded respite. Take it.
Now’s the time to sink your feet into the earth, and get good and grounded, so you can make sense of the changes at play …
// The Cycle // This ain’t no average Waning Quarter Moon. Given its eclipse season status, this waning moon cycle asks us to release that which we no longer need, and requires us to look back on our lives to really understand what that may be.
While this Taurus Waning Quarter Moon concludes a chapter that connects to May 2016’s Taurus New Moon, it also comes on the heels of an eclipse that closed a 19 year cycle. Pay attention to lessons, omens, and big changes happening in your life.
The upcoming New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo happens on the North Node of destiny and fate, inviting a new beginning, and initiating a brand new cycle. Let this waning moon cycle support you to surrender, so you can reach out for something new.
// The Transits // Coming off the recent square between retrograde Mars and Uranus, the transits surrounding this Taurus Waning Quarter Moon bring intensity. With five planets retrograde, six including Chiron, and Uranus about to station retrograde, the cosmic slow down is real. And with Venus (the ruler of this particular Moon) in an applying square to Saturn, things likely feel hard.
Yet, there are many gifts this Taurus Waning Quarter Moon brings too. Jupiter and Neptune find themselves both in water signs, making a beautiful connection to magic. Neptune sextiles the Moon, while Jupiter opposes it, creating an auspicious opportunity. Meanwhile, Saturn and Uranus make a trine also, adding extra support to this fixed earth Waning Quarter Moon.
As the moon travels through feminine Taurus, focus on what feels good. Use this time to care for yourself and ready yourself for the upcoming solar eclipse (it’s a game-changer!)
// The Square // With the Sun in Leo, a fixed fire sign, making a square to the Moon in Taurus, a fixed earth sign, this transit highlights the need for grounded joy. Leo encourages playfulness, and Taurus encourages embodied pleasure. With the luminaries creating a a closing square in two of the most pleasure driven signs, use it to your advantage. Remember that your body is your vehicle for fun!
// The Opportunity // Get out of your own way. The past is over. There’s no going back. Instead, set your sights on where you wish to head from here. What do you need to let go of, release, or surrender? How can you get present with what is?
Given that this Waning Quarter Moon occurs in pleasure-driven Taurus, in the middle of Leo season, lead with fun and embodied pleasure. Doing so will open up new potential and support you to feel grounded (this is especially potent amidst all of the recent cosmic change).
Eat delicious food with mindful attention. Get outside and play. Spend time with those you love, and if you can, walk barefoot on the earth. Bonus points for hugging a tree.
Let Mother Earth nurture and soothe. Then get ready for the upcoming Solar Eclipse to blow open new doors of potential …
For more Moon wisdom, or to book a coaching session with Jennifer, visit
The Star invites us to treat ourselves with the deepest kindness, and connect to the cooling touch of replenishment and renewal, says this month’s reader-in-residence, Lindsay Mack …
Lindsay’s Soul Tarot School is now open for enrollment too. An 8-week deep-dive into a lifetime’s Tarot wisdom, learn to read the cards for your own soul’s evolution an take your practice to the next level. Class begins October 4—check out all the details and reserve your space HERE!
Happy Solar Return, Leo! Now, I realize that if you’re familiar with the most popular image of this card (three swords piercing a red heart against a background of gray rainclouds) you are side eyeing me really hard right now. Stay with me. Three is the number of collaboration. Swords are the suit of Air, intellect and communication. Collboration in thinking and communicating is not an inherently bad thing. In fact, it’s generally quite positive. Bringing together different and even differing points of view can lead to some amazing breakthroughs for us as individuals and for our communities. The main things to remember are try not to take things personally and to check your ego – deeply related pursuits! With Mercury retrograde for the first part of the month, it could be easy to fall into patterns of feeling slighted or misunderstood.
This month, I want to invite you to invite some new conversation partners into your sphere. Big bonus points for folks with inherently different points of view – people who come from different backgrounds, have different levels of work experience and education, prioritize their lives differently than you do. As you branch out, you’ll find that your internal thoughts and communications start to shift around a bit as well. The collaboration that began externally makes its way inward and you have new patterns of thought to play with and to hold your beliefs up against. Your greatest birthday gift just might end up being a brand new view of your place in the world.
Leo stone for August: Selenite.Selenite purifies the energy of all that surrounds it by flooding it with bright Divine light and Universal wisdom. It never requires cleansing and clears other stones.
VIRGO // VIRGO RISING Seven of Wands
My dear Virgo, August is beckoning you to put that gorgeous Strength you integrated last month to work! And following the eclipse at the end of last month, you should have a much clearer idea of what projects and pursuits are worth the energy and which aren’t. If there was any emotional fallout from the revelations of that eclipse, spend the first part of the month running damage repair. Use the Fire energy of the Wands to intuit the most productive route back to your healthy self, then set your sights on creating. Communication with co-creators will need extra care until Mercury stations direct on the 18th. Allow more time that you think you need for all aspects of life outside of staying home and eating takeout in pajamas.
By the end of the month, you should really feel the Fire to fight for your place in the world. What is it that you’ve been longing to stake a claim on? Where do you feel you’ve not yet been recognized like you should be? What part of your life are you ready to push to the next level? Get ready to leave behind any doubt you’ve felt in the past about what you deserve, how your work is received, or the level of your abilities – especially your ability to lead. You had a great lesson last month in embodying Strength. Now you have the opportunity to prove to yourself how powerful you are when you choose to show it.
Virgo stone for August: Bloodstone.Bloodstone is a powerful ally for purification and health of the physical body and infusing all levels of being with grounded vitality and strength.
Well, Libra, your reign of awesome continues this month! Your string of powerful manifesting energies is so enviable that I keep re-checking my chart for more planets in your sign (still rocking only Pluto and the North Node). You are moving through the greatest hits of power brokers of the Tarot and this one is the all time master of executing a precise vision. I hope the last couple months got you VERY in touch with your inherent connection to the Earth and the Heavens and to the awesome power of Love to move mountains. You’re going to need that altruism to balance the laser focus and drive The Emperor brings to your door in August. The insensity of this energy burns so hot that I’m not even worried about any potential retrograde hazards. You’ll see them coming a mile away and adjust accordingly.
So, what’s it gonna be, Libra? Which hot topic gets your attention this month? Choose wisely. The Emperor brings a ferocious appetite for construction, but his focus is narrow. Pick one big thing and let the rest sit on the back burner for a minute. If you have trouble knowing what this is or which one you should choose, think back over the past few months and try to remember what you were dreaming about the most, what themes came in, which areas of your life they dealt with. The Emperor is great for work, but the energy is just as useful for other areas of your life.
Libra stone for August: Orange Calcite. Orange Calcite opens our inner fountain of playful creativity, allowing joyful productivity and problem solving to burst forth without judgment.
Oh, Scorpio, I’m so excited to see what you bring to this energy this month. The Seven of Cups asks us to clear away our doubts about what our heart truly wants, and with your incredible capacity for inward reflection, this could be a chance to open up to desires you never dreamed were hiding out inside you. Pay special attention to any messages that come through at the Solar Eclipse on the 11th. You may have gotten clues during the eclipses last month. Mercury in retrograde until the 18th is actually a huge boon to you – the planet of communication will be combing over the past 3 months for anything or anyone that requires your attention. Make sure you know whether it’s for reconnection or for closure.
Try to spend more time than usual this month in solitary self-reflection. Take inventory of situations, places, and people that bring you joy and contentment. Consider what they have in common and how they differ. This should feel good. If you start getting into a zone of judging yourself or falling into obsessing over what DOESN’T make you happy, gently pull your attention back to the project at hand and float gently on those sweet waves of love remembrance, peeling back the what and when and who to discover the why and the how. Keep an eye out for something shiny sparking way down deep beneath the surface. You’ll know when to take the dive and what to bring back up for keeps.
Scorpio stone for August: Peacock Ore.Peacock Ore balances all of the chakras, pulling them into alignment to provide a stable place for pure happiness and joy for life to grow and thrive.
Your work in July really paid off, Sagittarius! You shook off the shackles of doubt and are now ready to step forward into a month-long exercise in opening to new emotional experiences – both within and with others. The Pages invite us to forget everything we think we know about their element and to assess our surroundings and experiences with fresh perception. In the realm of Water, this often means letting go of the walls we’ve built up in reaction to past woundings so we can take people and situations for what they are, not for what we fear they might be. This doesn’t mean that we leave ourselves open to injury. Open hearts demand open eyes, unclouded by the past or the pressures of the present and future.
Find the power in vulnerability this month. Practice the art of radical self-acceptance and see how it changes your perspective of others and the power they hold. With Mercury retrograde until the 18th, I bet you’ll have plenty of opportunities to test out your new superpower with familiar faces from your past, back to hold up a newly polished energetic mirror to you. Let it be a game. Not in the sense of manipulation – I’d never suggest you “play games” with people in the colloquial sense – but in the sense of keeping it lighthearted. This work is about re-dedicating your heart to the service of bringing you joy and love. Self-judgment, dwelling in the past, and cold calculation have no place here.
Sagittarius stone for August: Rose Quartz. Rose Quartz opens and cleanses the heart to ease fear and blockages around both giving and receiving love from ourselves, others, and the Divine.
August has you feeling good enough about your patterns of thought and communication to settle in to some fine tuning, Capricorn, and it’s looking to be a great time for it. Between all the revelations that came to you last month with The Sun as your card, two eclipses bringing messages from the ether, and now Mercury dusting off your personal files from the past few months for review, there is a LOT to work with. Has it all been comfortable? Likely not. You don’t traditionally take well to change; eclipse season has been a bit nerve-wracking for most of us already and we’re not even finished. Start the month off with low-hanging fruit, tweaking patterns that are in obvious need of a slight adjustment, then move into more nuanced territory starting after the eclipse of the 11th and full on after Mercury stations direct on the 18th.
I’m using delicate language purposefully, Capricorn. The Sixes mark a moment of achievement, and with this achievement comes the opportunity to reflect and adjust. This is not the time for major overhauls. What you have been doing is serving you well. The project is to make it serve you a little better. Are there any statements you make to yourself or others on a regular basis that could be polished up to be just a little more open and supportive? Any mental frameworks that are just slightly obscuring your view of your full potential? Now is your time to polish them up and make them shine.
Capricorn stone for August: Moss Agate.Moss Agate is the stone of new beginnings. It inspires the strength needed to move forward with a clean slate, firmly grounded in the present, untethered from the past.
No retrograde or eclipse is gonna hold you back this month, Aquarius! The flame of Elemental Fire is here to ignite your passion and push you to the limits of what you thought it was possible to accomplish. If you’ve been avoiding doing some heavy lifting, this is the time. With your newly found stability in this realm, you’ve got a ground to stand on to move forward with things you’ve put off for some time. In this sense, the astrology this month is absolutely perfect for you. See if you can put this blast of productivity behind something that’s been neglected that comes back up at the start of the month, rather than putting it toward a brand new endeavor. Make a list of tasks and get to work.
These need not be conventional “work” tasks. Remember, Fire brings us the Divine gift of intuition as well as action. It is deeply related to magic, conjuring, and purifying. Mastery of this element at this level is more flexible in its use than it may seem at first. Take care to tune in to where you need it most. If the Lunar Eclipse at the end of last month didn’t make it perfectly clear, the solar one at the top of this month should. The Universe urges us to go where we can best be of service, where our actions can be most beneficial to ourselves and the collective. Don’t be afraid to let your idealism shine. Keep your eyes and your heart open and heed the call.
Aquarius stone for August: Citrine. Citrine lights up the Sun Center for a burst of confidence, feelings of well-being, and creative impulses, illuminating the way forward on the path of manifestation.
You are being rewarded greatly this month, Pisces! You’ve had about a six month cycle of lessons around independence, loss, trust, and partnership here in the Tarotscopes, and your report card comes in the form of a big juicy A for Ace of Cups, the Divine gift of universal love. Take a deep breath, exhale the past, and step forward into a new relationship with your individual and the collective emotional body. This month, I want you to try to check in every day with how you are feeling. See if you can get underneath the judgment and analysis that so often permeate our experience of our emotions, and simply revel in the glorious human experience of the heart. It may not always be pleasant, but it is always sacred.
The Aces all have an element of luck built in. It’s considered “good fortune” to get them in a reading. What will you do with this emotional luck? How will you use it? What risks will you take that you’d normally shy away from? This is an excellent opportunity not only to freely express your love and devotion to yourself and others, but to open your heart up to some darker places within that you’ve stayed away from out of fear. You’re safe, Pisces. Go ahead and dive in. This celestial flood of elemental Water will keep any murky pools from clouding your vision for long. Know you are buoyant and take plenty of breaks to come up for air.
Pisces stone for August: Amethyst.
Oh, Aries, I am truly so thrilled for you. To come out of the chaos of the Five and into the mastery of the King? Pure bliss. And in your native element of Fire! No matter where you live, August is cooking up to be a hot one and you’d do well to get all your ingredients prepped and your techniques sharpened early on so you’re ready to impress. With your natural leadership, having a team in place and knowing exactly how they can best support your visions is not a bad idea either. This is big time manifesting energy. And my guess is that there is something you were DYING to accomplish last month that was blocked by misfires at every attempt to move forward.
If all this has you a bit stressed about where exactly to put all this energy, take a deep breath and remember that Fire is the element of intuition as well as action. Clear your mind, listen to your gut instincts, and let the knowledge come to you. Intuiting your next moves may be your greatest achievement this month. If that’s the case, be sure to take some concrete steps toward making your goals reality, no matter how small. If you’re executing on a detailed project, pad your timelines and budgets to allow for any retrograde shenanigans. The cosmos has delivered an incredibly useful energy that is exceptionally well-suited to your natural inclinations right to your doorstep. Accept this gift graciously and show your gratitude by embodying it to your fullest potential.
Aries stone for August: Malachite. Malachite brings luck and good fortune, creating a general vibe of positivity and an awareness of and gratitude for the abundance existing in our lives.
It’s a new era, Taurus! Like I said last month, your entire year has been spent in the Major Arcana and your native element of Earth, and now we’ve come to the root of it all. Whenever I see so much work done in one area followed by an Ace, I get this wonderful expansive feeling like I’m looking out over a wide open landscape and can see for a thousand miles. This is your new base level. This is where you build from now. All of the work you’ve done has gotten you to a new level of understanding of your material world. The Aces come to us as gifts from the Universe. It’s our job to accept them with grace and use them to build a new path forward.
Where will your path take you, Taurus? What clues have come to you throughout the year so far? How have your teachers, family, and friends guided you? What have you already started building towards that you can now fully dedicate yourself to nurturing? Think big and think long-term. The stones you lay this month can lead to beauty you never dreamed possible if you ensure that the path you are building has the power to continue to light you up well into the future. The more care you put into it along the way, the more it will return to you by keeping the ground steady beneath your feet. Your future is stretched out before you and it all connects to now.
Taurus stone for August: Quartz Crystal.Quartz Crystal is the master crystal, working to amplify spiritual connection and the energies of all other stones. It is at once grounding and uplifting.
This month has a treasure of hard-won wisdom waiting for you, Gemini, and it’s all in your cozy zone of elemental Air! I am a big fan of the number nine. As the product of 3 x 3, it has major Divne lineage. I see the nines of the Tarot pips as symbolizing the highest level of wisdom of the suit (tens get to carry the mastery), one that only comes through lived experience. In the realm of Air, we get an earned wisdom around how we think and communicate, how we frame the world and conjure or banish possibilities from our lives with our thoughts and words. It’s powerful stuff! And with the planet of communication taking a little backwards stroll for the first part of the month, you’ll have the opportunity to do a nice deep review of how you’ve been operating.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again (and again and again) – ALL WORDS ARE MAGIC WORDS. What do you tell yourself that is limiting your experience of your life? How could you switch it up to use your words to expand your world? Who are you taking advice from and what are the intentions and motivations behind it and behind your willingness to accept it? When is enough enough? This is “zero f#cks” territory, Gemini. All August, you are taking your power back through shifts that will be nearly imperceptible from the outside, but make a profound difference in the quality of your life. Start early and keep it steady.
Gemini stone for August: Black Obsidian. Black Obsidian assists in clearing energetic sludge and heaviness, particularly emotional heaviness and opens pathways of communication with the spirit realm.
CANCER // CANCER RISING Page of Crystals
Time to rebuild, dear Cancer! What, you didn’t know there was anything missing? Not surprising. You have a tendency to hyper-focus on your immediate surroundings, preferring the security of shoring up your personal boundaries to that of building out a fortress, but the time has come. Fortunately, you’re going to get to do it a little differently than everyone else. Forget everything you’ve been told about how to build grounded stability, a home. Forget common wisdom and colloquialisms and folk sayings. There are no rules. This is purely about you exploring ALL of the options to find what is exactly right for you right here and right now. And you can’t explore every option if you’re cutting out everything that someone older or wiser or richer or more successful has told you won’t work.
Sometimes it takes an outsider to move the needle forward in a significant way, in fact it usually does. Major shifts hardly ever come from an established expert. This month, you are that outsider. You have the gift of clear, wide open vision to see how you can stabalize your material world in a way that will serve you now and into the future. This can be through creating new streams of revenue, refurbishing or even completely changing your living situation, revamping your budget, or simply determining what makes you feel at home and making sure you get enough of it to feel secure. Feet on the ground and eyes to the sky, Cancer! This can be a very fruitful month if you put in the work.
Cancer stone for August: Chlorite Phantom Quartz. Chlorite Phantom Quartz provides a profound connection with the heart of the Earth, awakening our innate animal insticts and connection to our home planet.
The Moonchild Tarot by Danielle Noel will be published September 2018. Pre-order your copy HERE.
Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with Sandy Sitron’s Numinous Weekly Horoscopes …
Photo: Casey Horner
Leo // Leo Rising The wings of a dragonfly sparkle in the sunlight. You’re ready for iridescence. What is standing in the way of your shimmer? What is blocking you from the light of the sun? You can fly forward at full speed. Get in the mood by working on your confidence. There are many different ways to enhance self-confidence. Affirmations, exercise, journaling about your achievements, hypnosis, and meditation are good places to start. Do a little research and pick a few techniques to enhance your sparkle.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo // Virgo Rising The river constantly flows. Let the feelings flow. You can’t control every part of your day. Release the urge to decide if a thought, event, or relationship is good or bad, wrong or right. Just be. Let the feelings swirl around and don’t qualify them. We’re all just doing the best with what we’ve got.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra // Libra Rising Mesmerized by the spinning pinwheel. Uplifted by your own thoughts. A positive mental framework can take you far into the world of possibility. Where do you want to journey? What do you want to dream up? Hypnotize yourself to belief that anything is possible. And zero in on what you want to manifest the most.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio // Scorpio Rising Putting your foot down. One day soon you’ll feel incredibly grounded in your stance. You are understanding your boundaries and getting more clear about how you want things to go. Learning what you want to say “yes” to and what you want to say “no” to is an ongoing process. Right now you’re making great strides in understanding your desires. That clarity is helping you trust in the future that you’re building.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising Unfurling a banner. You’re ready to announce your presence. Let the world know who you are. Present yourself. Don’t deny the world of your gifts. To do so, you might need a little motivation and you might need to augment your education. Choose a topic or area focus upon which to expand. This is an area that you will develop. You need to share your gifts with the world, so spring into action.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn // Capricorn Rising A giraffe. The giraffe has adapted well. You need to let go of one reality so that you can adapt to a new one. Something might need to change and for a while it could feel like you’re sticking your neck out. You’ve probably been getting this message from many sources: “Change is on the way.” Instead of trying to push it, just let it happen. See how it feels to let go.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius // Aquarius Rising Walking in a ravine. You’ve got a journey underway. Keep your destination in sight. It’s not that the terrain is impassable, it’s just a little unusual. Stay focused on how you want to show up, especially with an important relationship. A disagreement or complicated situation shouldn’t stop you from being the kind of person you want to be.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces // Pisces Rising A welcome basket. Start fresh. Look at your schedule or routine and decide where you need to turn over a new leaf. This is a great time to get organized. Gather your thoughts about what you want to change or implement in your daily routine. Put together the systems that will help you achieve it.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries // Aries Rising Holding court. You are activating your leadership skills. There are times to be quiet and introspective and there are times to be out in the world making things happen. This is a time for output. Create, lead, play, take risks, be spontaneous, shine. Take action. It might now always go perfectly, but at least you’ll be putting yourself out there.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus // Taurus Rising A wisp of cotton candy. Sweetness. Be sweet to yourself and to others. Be gentle, tender, and kind. This is important now because there are a lot of feelings coming up and you need a better buffer. Additionally, you’re doing some deep healing right now. So be tender, gentle and nurturing to yourself. Soft and sweet.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini // Gemini Rising Brain waves dance on the screen. You’re activating your mind. Things that you couldn’t focus on before are becoming more interesting. It’s time to make fresh mental connections. Welcome new knowledge. Get ready for important downloads. You might be awed by the information and clarity coming through.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer // Cancer Rising A large round stone. There’s a sense of resilience available to you now that isn’t always there. Take advantage of it. Memorize a feeing of security. Evoke this powerful feeling of security, even if it’s not logical to do so. You are secure. In your imagination connect to your future self— your image of yourself 6 or 12 months from now—and ask them to remind you that everything is alright.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandyhere or follow her on Instagram.
Use the energy and the tension of the 2018 Aquarius Full Moon Eclipse to walk the tightrope towards a whole new paradigm, says Sandy Sitron …
Photo: Karen Kayser
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse // July 27 2018 // 4:22 pm ET // 4 degrees Aquarius
Walking on a tightrope.
The voices of the audience echo from far below and the air is still. Every muscle quivers in anticipation of your next step. Will you fall? Will your training pay off? What is your goal? How can you remain level-headed in the midst of all this pressure?
Just like a tightrope, the current energy is highly strung. You might find yourself on edge, emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. But if you practice logical detachment and stay focused on your goal, you could actually enjoy the view from above.
On Friday, July 27 there is a Full Moon Eclipse at 4 degrees Aquarius. The Sun in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius align for a total eclipse of the Moon, visible in large parts of Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe, and South America.
A Full Moon is always a point of tension, as the Sun and the Moon settle in opposite signs. An eclipse raises the bar even higher. As the light of the moon is extinguished, we experience an emotional reset. Change is in the air. What are you ready to transform? What new vision would you like to make space for? This is an opportunity to envision a new future.
And yet there’s also a strong pull to the past. With Mars retrograde conjunct the Full Moon and South Node, plus Mercury retrograde, you may find yourself reenacting old behaviors. As you try to find your balance on the tightrope, you may need to step back and forth. Minor adjustments are necessary, but if you move too far backward, you’ll have to start again.
You may rediscover old talents, resolve past issues or remember why you started. On the other hand, you might notice yourself or others regressing in surprising ways. Be gentle with yourself. And remember that Aquarius energy is about hope for the future. The past is important, but what do you have your sights set on now? If you can dream of it, it is possible.
Aquarius rules envisioning and manifesting. Use the high energy portal of this full moon to dream up a new vision for the future. Harness the playful and celebratory energy of Leo season to raise your vibration so that you can manifest more quickly.
As you walk nervously across the tightrope of this Lunar phase, gather your most objective friends around you. The support of your community can help you keep moving forward. Discussion and reframing will help you navigate gracefully. Aquarius is a social and communicative air sign that networks with many people to understand the whole situation. The breathtaking joy of being on the tightrope of this eclipse is that you have a new vantage point—the aerial view.
This Aquarius Full Moon Eclipse offers you the potential to light up your vision and move toward the future. You’ll have to confront the past in the process. Take good care of yourself so that you can navigate any tension gracefully. This is a highly emotional time and change is in the air. Embrace the exhilaration of making it to the other side of the tightrope with a sense of accomplishment and a fresh perspective.
Full Moon conjunct Mars Reaching the top of the roller coaster. The rollercoaster tears through highs and lows. It’s exciting. Energizing. Your momentum has pushed you up to a zenith. This energy is fanning the fire of your feelings. Emotions are high and it would be hard not to act on those feelings. Action and emotion are linked at this Full Moon. Enjoy the ride taking care to buckle up and not do anything destructive.
Mars, Moon and Sun in a T-square with Uranus A red eject button. Something needs to change. This T-square offers the opportunity of an eject button. Your hand hovers over it, waiting … waiting. When you finally push the button it might feel impulsive. Proceed with caution: is this a great idea or an erratic impulse to escape? Innovative new ideas could emerge right now, as well as a whole new direction. Eject yourself into a brilliant future.
The Full Moon is a time to gather with your community and share where you are at with your internal process. Use the below conversation-starters for each sign, and look up which house holds 4 degrees of Aquarius in your birth chart for the most accurate way in. Don’t know your chart? You can enter your birth details and do it for free HERE.
Aries // Aries Rising // Full Moon Eclipse in the 11th House “The feedback I’m getting from my community is that …”
Taurus // Taurus Rising // Full Moon Eclipse in the 10th House “I am ready to take more responsibility for …”
Gemini // Gemini Rising // Full Moon Eclipse in the 9th House “What I am learning about the world is …”
Cancer // Cancer Rising // Full Moon Eclipse in the 8th House “I am leaning into the discomfort of …”
Leo // Leo Rising // Full Moon Eclipse in the 7th House “I am focussing on close relationships that …”
Virgo // Virgo Rising // Full Moon Eclipse in the 6th House “I am devoting my daily work to …”
Libra // Libra Rising // Full Moon Eclipse in the 5th House “What feels the most fun to me right now is …”
Scorpio // Scorpio Rising // Full Moon Eclipse in the 4th House “I am honoring my roots as I move forward by …”
Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising // Full Moon Eclipse in the 3rd House “The conversation I am ready to start having is …”
Capricorn // Capricorn Rising // Full Moon Eclipse in the 2nd House “I value myself most when I …”
Aquarius // Aquarius Rising // Full Moon Eclipse in the 1st House “My highest vision for my future self is …”
Pisces // Pisces Rising // Full Moon Eclipse in the 12th House “What I am learning on my own healing journey is …”