The 2018 Sagittarius New Moon is an opportunity for inspired curiosity, as we set off in search of our “why” and recover our very reason to live, says Sandy Sitron

diego ph sandy sitron sandra sitron ruby warrington, the numinous material girl mystical world moon club 2018 sagittarius new moon
Photo: Diego PH

New Moon :: December 7 2018 :: 2:21 am EST :: 15 degrees Sagittarius

An explosion of light as two worlds collide and a portal opens. 

A portal is opening and that’s important. But let’s begin by understanding this symbolic explosion of light. In TV shows and movies there’s usually a flash of light when a portal opens up. Insight! Illumination! You see more clearly. There’s more to reality than one singular dimension.

On Friday, December 7th, there’s a New Moon in fiery Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the sign of truth-seeking. Bam! The centaur shoots a fire arrow to illuminate the target of truth. Yes, you are getting a flash of clarity. But it’s a little more complicated than that. This New Moon is a truth-seeking arrow that dissolves against the disappearing body of Mars and Neptune’s Cheshire cat.

Just like the mischievous and confusing Cheshire Cat, your clarity won’t take the form of answer. It takes the form of a question instead. You need to delineate a question and it has something to do with your values. Once you find your question, you can treat it like an egg in a nest. Just sit on it. Tend to it. Keep it warm and away from predators. Treat the question with the honor and respect that it deserves.

One thing that’s become clear during this year of many retrogrades: rushing forward because of emotional discomfort doesn’t get you anywhere. You can’t race through this process of sitting with the question.

But that doesn’t mean that you can’t be passionate, purposeful and exuberant while you hunt down your answers. You can. Raise your energetic vibration purposefully so that when you encounter the answer to your treasured embryonic question, you’ll be a vibrational match for the answer.

How do you change your vibration purposefully? Use your imagination. With Mars and Neptune square this Sagittarius New Moon, your imagination will take you to your target. Imagine a special control room in your mind that has a panel of dials. Visualize or notice a larger dial in the middle of the panel that says “Vibration.” Notice what level it is at now and ask your imagination if you need to turn up the dial. Then adjust it to the correct setting and remember you can always come back in the future and make more adjustments.

The Sagittarius New Moon is an opportunity to align yourself with the big question you need to be asking. When you have the right questions, then you can begin the wild hunt for the answers. When you are driven to understand “why” or “how,” you can raise your vibration up into a new dimension.

Sagittarius the explorer wants to find new worlds. Instead of being stuck in the pattern that already exists, you get above it to see the bigger picture. You can experience the “bam!” of illumination as you journey out of this world and into a mirror-image dimension.

The other dimension through the portal is exactly the same as this dimension, except for one thing; while our world is currently fueled by scarcity mentality, which causes greed and oppression, the driving force there is optimism and abundance.

If you can get through the portal, the mindset shift becomes: “There is enough, so what do I want teach, learn, explore? Not because I have to to survive, but because I am curious and alive.”


New Moon conjunct Jupiter
A car covered in flowers.
Imagine that you try to get into your car and it’s completely covered with loads of flowers! Not flower petals- entire flowers! It’s so much beauty and joy that the abundance almost becomes inconvenient. You would have to laugh and admire all the beauty while trying to clean off your car.

So much goodness. But is it in the right place? It all depends on how you look at the situation. Remember your gratitude practice and you’ll be able to accept the unexpected gifts that come your way.


New moon square Mars and Neptune
The Cheshire Cat.
This Cat has places to go and battles to disrupt. Along the way it creates quite the commotion. The world is confusing but we have try to go after what we want anyway. You have two choices with this aspect, Alice. Moon about in confusion and ask all the wrong people for advice. Or actively try to lift your vibration to experience your own unique sense of faith, purpose, and soul-level interconnectedness.


The 2018 Sagittarius Waxing Moon marks a powerful moment for reflecting on our truth and realigning ourselves with soul-centered growth, says Jennifer Racioppi

ruby warrington jennifer racioppi the numinous 2018 sagittarius waxing moon sydney altschuler
Photo: Sydney Altschuler

Waxing Quarter Moon / September 16 2018 / 7:14pm EST / 24 degrees Sagittarius 

As we quickly approach September 22nd’s Fall Equinox, the 2018 Sagittarius Waxing Moon asks us to explore our freedom and truth (without throwing in the towel on our goals).

This Waxing Quarter Moon boasts a mix between super friendly transits and those that midwife deep soul level truth. This halfway point between the Virgo New Moon and the upcoming Full Moon marks a potent moment to check in with ourselves.


//The Cycle//
This Waxing Quarter Moon brings our attention to intentions set with the Sagittarius New Moon back in December 18, 2017. Think back to the end of 2017; what heartfelt prayers did you solicit the divine to support you with? What soul-driven goals did you set for yourself? This Waxing Quarter Moon shines a light on the growth and progress you intended for yourself since the close of 2017. As we quickly approach the Autumnal Equinox, and the Sun’s entrance into Libra, let this Waxing Quarter moon support you in reflecting on how far you’ve come this year.


// The Transits //
At the time of the Waxing Quarter Moon, Jupiter, the ruling planet of Sagittarius, makes a sextile to both Mercury and Pluto. The bestower of good luck and growth, Jupiter imbues our minds and deeper psyches with illuminated thought— should we choose to listen. Score!

However, on the challenging side of things, Mars at 1 degree of Aquarius squares both Venus and Uranus who find themselves in a massive tug of war! Ouch. With Mars approaching an exact conjunction to the South Node of fate and destiny, old patterns get activated that attempt to derail your growth and progress. Be aware. Do not fall for fools’ goals. Watch out for digressions and backward slips, and keep evolving forward.


// The Square // 
With the Virgo Sun at 24 degrees squaring the Sagittarius Moon, the need to break free battles a sincere desire for order. Virgo season, after all, asks us to get our ducks in a row, and to imbue our life with a deep devotion to our dreams and deep sense of discipline. Yet with the lunar energy, which connects with our core emotional needs, traveling through the sign of freedom, it’s kind of like we want to give the middle finger to discipline and structure in the name of fun and freedom.

Remember, with Mars quickly approaching the South Node of past karmas, old patterns and behaviors reach out like an ex wanting to rekindle a romance in service of a good f*ck. Don’t get sucked in! 


// The Opportunity //
Use this Waxing Quarter Moon as a point of reflection. Look back to the December 2017 Sagittarius New Moon and check in on goals set then. How are you doing thus far in 2018? With the Equinox right around the corner, let this Waxing Quarter Moon support you to ready yourself for Fall. With Mars quickly approaching the South Node of past karma while squaring Venus (in her retrograde shadow) and Uranus in Taurus, now’s not the time to regress. Be free but don’t sabotage. Let your evolution lead you forward.

For more Moon wisdom, or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit


The waning quarter Sagittarius Moon is an opportunity for inner exploration, says Jennifer RacioppiCollage: Seana Gavin

Waning Sagittarius Quarter Moon Explorers geodesic dome forrest Seana Gavin The Numinous

Waning Quarter Moon :: February 18 2017 :: 2.33pm EST :: 0 degrees Sagittarius

This waning quarter Sagittarius Moon emphasizes the reconciliation of our tender intuition with our blunt need for freedom. Punctuating two eclipses, the February 10 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo and the upcoming February 26 New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces, we are asked to shed what blocks us from fully hearing (and integrating) our intuition.

The Moon traveling through freedom seeking Sagittarius while squaring the sun in emotional Pisces assists the tectonic plates of our life to shift. Now’s the time to purge anything holding us back from our authentic truth, especially before the next New Moon Solar Eclipse.


:: THE SUN ::
Are you ready to step through this cosmic transition led by your authentic guidance? With the Sun traveling through Pisces, the upcoming solar eclipse is poised to launch us into a new frontier. It also concludes the in-depth work begun in the sign of Pisces on March 20, 2015, when we had the first of four solar eclipses in the sign of the fish. Let the nostalgic qualities of the Sun in Pisces help you to reminisce and feel. Think back to March 25, 2015, and consider how your life has shifted since then? What has come to fruition since then? What do you still need to release?

:: THE MOON ::
Unlike the soft and gentle feel of Pisces, Sagittarius represents blunt fire and a deep need for expansive freedom. The Moon in mutable Sagittarius pushes back on the more subtle aspects of Pisces. Sagittarius loves fun and freedom, and when the moon travels through this sign, we may want a party more than quiet reflection. With the moon squaring not just the Sun, but the nodes of fate as well, it behooves us to refrain from any heedless, or even reckless, activity. If we can, instead, allow the adventure seeking aspects of Sagittarius to take us on an inner journey of self-evaluation—we can use the bold aspects of Sag to speak our spiritual truth in a way that helps us integrate the wisdom of the eclipses, so we embody our greatest authenticity.

With the Sun in Pisces squaring the Moon in Sagittarius, we may feel an intense desire to escape. Both Pisces and Sag have inclinations towards diversion and avoidance. With the moon squaring the sun, and the nodes of fate, we stand to make tremendous progress towards our desired outcome, assuming we stay with our process and allow lots of space for messiness.

Both Pisces and Sagittarius represent the mutable energy of the zodiac—mutable meaning, liable to change. So, as the eclipses sweep through our lives, this waning quarter Sagittarius Moon serves as a broom, clearing out the debris. Allow room for change. Both Pisces and Sagittarius can lead us to want to escape, yet, due to the proximity to the eclipses (and the connection to the nodes of fate), it’s incredibly important to do the inner work of staying with what feels uncomfortable. As we consciously grapple with the intensity of our emotions, and the deep spiritual work associated with our conscious evolution, it may be tempting to check out. I highly recommend staying with the process. This waning quarter Sagittarius Moon indicates a release of something that is either blocking us or holding us back—and if we stick with the process, even the uncomfortable parts, we’ll shed what we must; prepping us exactly as needed for the upcoming new moon solar eclipse. Stay awake.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with from Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of likeminded spiritual activists at Moon Club!


Jewelry designer, DJ and tarot maven, Natalia Benson is on a mission to create, express and inspire beauty. Discover her mystical world… Portraits: Justin Jordan

Natalia Benson on the Numinous

You woke up now age spirituality when you moved to LA: what triggered this in you?
This journey actually started around age 19,while I was still living in San Diego. I felt really disillusioned, confused and alone in my discrepancy with mass culture and the economic system. Frankly, my soul was exhausted and I had lost hope in life and I suppose that was when the Universe decided to intervene! Various books opened my consciousness and my heart, and I finally felt like I was getting in touch with what Truth actually felt like, and I had been yearning for that in a deep way. When I moved to LA around 21, I remember my first date with this tattooed Pisces dream boat was at a meditation in an old art gallery with a Japanese Sensei. I thought…“Wow, welcome to LA!!”

And why does the tarot resonate so strongly with you?
I became fascinated with the Tarot not long after moving to Los Angeles. Something about the imagery, colors and symbolism just fits with my psyche and my worldview. I remember when I was really little, I loved to draw and paint with every color I could get my little hands on. The Tarot is an extension of my fascination with beautiful visual aesthetics married with my other love, the esoteric.

What have been the most profound teachings of the tarot for you?
The Tarot has taught me that there is a deeper, more beautiful, more loving and way bigger Truth that lies beyond my fears, programming and ideas around how I think things “should” be. The Tarot has ignited a path for me around trusting my intuition and believing in the perfect imperfection of the life journey! To trust my internal guide and not take myself so seriously, that life is a game.

Natalia Benson on The Numinous

How did you wind up as The Nine of Crystals in The Starchild Tarot Deck, and what’s your reading of this card?
Danielle (of the Starchild Tarot) had been following each other on Instagram for a while and were always sending one another little love bombs via the comment sections. When she asked if I’d like to photograph for her next version of the deck, I was floored! One of my favorite photographers and dear friend, Tiffanie Byron, photographed me in the majestic Angeles Mountains just 20 minutes outside of the city. My reading of the Nine of Crystals is that in order to change the external, we must change the internal first. The way I appear on the card definitely denotes a trust in the magic of understanding and loving the power of the Self.

You also practice astrology. What do you think will be the astro theme of 2016?
For me the theme of 2016 is self-awareness, self-love, and taking action when we hear the call. Not delaying. If it calls to your heart, go for it! No more denying the soul’s voice. I think the Cosmos is ever asking us to become aware of who we are in a deep way, in a soul way, to take responsibility for our own self-work and internal transformation, and not to place blame on anyone outside of us.


My label
Anything from Principessa in Venice Beach

PRINCIPESSA on The Numinous

My shoes
Jeffrey Campbell and a good pair of Vans high tops

jeffrey campbell on The Numinous
Cromwell Boots, $175, Jeffrey Campbell

My fragrance
Santal 33 from Le Labo and doTerra Frankincense oil

Santal 33 on The Numinous
Santal 33, $160, Le Labo

My jewels
My Grandpa and Grandma’s Native American heirlooms

My pampering
A gel manicure and a foot massage, please!

My home
Candles, candles, candles, I love beautiful smells! And white Christmas lights, plants, and crystals.

Rose Quartz Pyramid on The Numinous
Rose Quartz Pyramid, $22, The Hoodwitch

My food
Erewhon is my home away from home kitchen and I love anything from Gjelina and Laurel Hardware (farm to table cooking is everywhere in LA!)

Gjelina on The Numinous
Cherry tomato, quash blossom + burrata pizza at Gjelina


My awakening
Morning visualizations on goals and visions, and Kundalini Meditations

My sign
Aries Sun, Capricorn Rising, Sagittarius Moon

Laura Lee Aries on The Numious
Aries pendant, £255, Laura Lee

My mantra
“I am love, I am beauty, I am power” AND “I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities, through multiple sources on a continuous basis”

My healer
Listening to Bashar and Yogi Bhajan on YouTube. Tarot readings with Clarissa Dolphin.

My reading
Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller – Now Revised and Updated for the 21st Century by Napoleon Hill & Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives by Michael Newton

My transformation
Learning to love/accept myself and “others.” Respecting that I don’t have to be perfect to be loved. Trusting the Universe that my path will always be illuminated.

My mission

To remind us that deep beauty and connection does exist in the world.

:: :: ::

Check out our upcoming LA event with Natalia Benson: The Numinous Presents: An Introduction to the Tarot. To register email: [email protected] 

the numinous presents an introduction to the tarot with natalia benson startchild tarot nine of crystals